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Creative and visionary imagination is a powerful mental

capacity that enables an individual to conceive ideas,

concepts, or images that go beyond immediate reality. It is
the ability to form original and innovative mental
representations, often by combining existing elements in
new and unexpected ways. This dossier features three the
first one is an extract from the book named the bloody
chamber writted Angela Carter in 1979, the second
document is a photography named the fallen princesses
took by Dina Goldstein in 2009 and finally the last
document is a video named Poisoned Apples: Poems for
You, My Pretty by Christine Hepperman How do marriage,
power dynamics, gender roles, and familial
responsibilities evolve across different stories, from
classics to modern portrayals? To answer to this
queestion we will first analyse the themes of marriage and
wealth, then the consequences of promises made under
duress, and to finish the portrayal of gender roles and
responsibilities within a family.
The opulent portrayal of marriage in the first document serves as a stark contrast to the
humble beginnings of the protagonist, reminiscent of the Miller's Daughter in the second
document. Both women find themselves thrust into worlds of wealth and privilege,
where their identities and futures are intertwined with promises made under duress or
societal pressure. The ruby choker worn by the protagonist symbolizes both the wealth
and the constraints of her marriage, echoing the consequences faced by the Miller's
Daughter when she must surrender her possessions and future child to fulfill her
father's reckless boast. These narratives underscore the transactional nature of
relationships within certain societal circles, where power dynamics and material wealth
play significant roles in shaping individuals' lives and identities.
Consequences of Promises Made Under Duress:
The consequences of promises made under duress are evident in both the second and
third documents, albeit in different contexts. In the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, the Miller's
Daughter is compelled to make a deal with dire consequences due to her father's boast,
highlighting the vulnerability of individuals when faced with external pressures and
societal expectations. Similarly, the overwhelmed mother in the third document finds
herself burdened with the responsibilities of childcare, while the father remains passive
and indifferent, reflecting the consequences of societal norms and expectations
regarding gender roles within families. These narratives emphasize the importance of
agency and the need to challenge societal constraints that limit individuals' autonomy
and choices.
Portrayal of Gender Roles and Responsibility Within a Family:
The portrayal of gender roles and responsibilities within families is a recurring theme
across all three documents. While the first document focuses on the power dynamics
within marriage and the commodification of identity, the second and third documents
delve into the unequal distribution of domestic responsibilities between genders. The
Miller's Daughter and the overwhelmed mother are both depicted as shouldering the
burden of familial duties, while the men in their lives remain passive or detached. These
narratives highlight the pervasive nature of gender inequality and the societal
expectations that shape individuals' roles within the family unit. By drawing parallels
between these narratives, we are prompted to reflect on the broader implications of
gender norms and the ongoing struggle for equality within both personal relationships
and societal structures.
To conclude we can say that the interconnected themes of marriage, power dynamics,
gender roles, and familial responsibilities, the three documents offer profound insights
into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms. By exploring these
themes across different contexts, from classical tales to contemporary scenarios, we are
challenged to confront the inherent inequalities and constraints that shape individuals'
lives and choices. Ultimately, these narratives serve as powerful reminders of the need
to challenge societal norms and strive towards greater equality and autonomy for all
individuals, regardless of gender or social status.

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