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Beginner’s class 8

Unit 28 (word order)

and sentence structure
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- Unit 28: word order

- Tasks

30.01.2024 class no.8

→ regularly every tuesday at 8pm CET

→ level: beginner

→ materials can be found in the #germanresources

Word order German (verbs)
In German the most important rule is

→ finite verb is at the second position of the sentence.

e.g. Ich gehe in die Schule.
Mittags mache ich meine Hausaufgaben.

→ if there are 2 verbs it is sent to the end of the sentence.

e.g. Ich gehe meine Hausaufgaben machen.

→ in subordinate clauses the finite verb is in the end of the clause.

e.g. Ich gehe in die Schule, da ich gerne lerne.
main subordinate
Word order German (time-manner- place)
→ in German (similar to English) time comes before manner and before place
e.g. Ich gehe in zwei Stunden zum Lernen nach Hause.

→ you can put either in the beginning

e.g. Gestern bin ich in die Schule gegangen.

→ In this case you’ll have to use inversion (aka switching verb and noun)
e.g. Ich bin → bin ich

In die Bibliothek gehe ich immer um zu Lesen.

(Da ich viel lese, gehe ich in die Bibliothek)

Let’s practise these
Think of sentences including the words…
Dankeschön für deine Teilnahme!
Thank you for your attendance in today’s class!

Are there any remaining questions?

Anything you’d like to tell/recommend me still? Feedback?
If not, have a nice evening and I’ll see you next week!

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