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Chapter 33

"Beneath His Desk: A Surrender to Desire"

Roop’s POV
"Beneath His Desk: A Surrender to Desire"

Roop's POV

In the depths of my soul, an overwhelming sense of gratitude envelops me as

I reflect upon the extraordinary events that unfolded, weaving the tapestry of
my love story with Parth. I am left awestruck by the sheer magnitude of what

transpired—our union, like that of Harihara, the divine merging of Lord

Omkara and Blessed Kalki.

It is as if the celestial beings themselves conspired to grant us this sacred

blessing, intertwining our lives in a way that transcends mortal
comprehension. I am filled with a deep sense of reverence, knowing that our
love has been touched by the divine, and that the heavens have bestowed
upon us a rare and extraordinary bond.

Parth's persuasive prowess is truly unparalleled. He not only managed to

convince my revered father, the venerable Sage Anant, to accept our
connection, but he also succeeded in persuading him to prolong his stay in
this mortal realm. This act of selflessness on Parth's part fills my heart with
gratitude and astonishment. It is a testament to the depth of his love, his
unwavering commitment to bringing happiness to not just me, but to my
parents as well.

The memory of our union as the Harihara's Maha Shivaroop lingers in my

mind, a profound reminder of the divine forces at play. How did it come to
pass? I am left in awe, humbled by the immense power and beauty that
blossomed between us. It is a miracle that I will forever hold close to my heart,
a reminder of the extraordinary nature of our love.

Today, I stand firm in the certainty that Parth is the man my mother spoke
of—an extraordinary soul destined to ignite the flames of love within me. In his
arms, I find solace, serenity, and a love that knows no bounds. As I navigate
this ethereal dance of love with him, I am forever grateful for the divine
intervention that has gifted me with his presence in my life.

As the sun ascended to its zenith, casting its radiant glow upon the bustling
city streets, I set out on a mission to bring lunch to Parth at his office. He had
grown quite concerned about my well-being, fearing that I might faint again or
get involved in an accident while walking on the busy streets.

An incident not long ago had shaken him to his core. Fearful of the perils that
befell me, he issued a decree: I was to traverse the city by means of his other
carriage, accompanied by his loyal driver, who would ensure my safe arrival at
any destination my heart desired.

I could not help but chuckle at Parth's fervent protectiveness, his possessive
nature revealed through such gestures. In his eyes, my welfare took
precedence over all else. I admit, there is a certain charm in his concern,
although I am well aware that his motivations occasionally extend beyond the
realm of genuine apprehension.

There were moments when he would rush into the bathroom while I was
showering, claiming to have heard unfamiliar noises that threatened my
well-being. Oh, how I chuckled at his mischievous desires veiled beneath the
guise of genuine worry! But alas, I played along, for I found solace in his
affectionate antics.

With a smile on my face and a light-heartedness in my steps, I arrived at

Parth's office. The impressive building stood tall, a testament to his hard work
and dedication. It was a place where he poured his heart and soul into his
work, and I admired his passion.

As I walked through the doors, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude.
Parth had convinced my father to stay in the New World for a few more days
so that we could spend time together, showing respect and love to my
parents. It touched me deeply that he went to such lengths to make my family
feel valued.

As I strolled through the bustling lobby of the office, I caught sight of my dear
friend Niyon and Vivek. A warm smile spread across my face as I greeted
them with a friendly "Hi!" Niyon's eyes lit up with joy, and without any
hesitation, he pulled me into a tight embrace, causing me to burst into

"Hey, Roop! Finally, you're here!" Niyon exclaimed, his voice filled with
enthusiasm. "I've missed you, buddy. How have you been?"

Returning his hug with a smile, I replied, "I've been good, Niyon. It's great to
see you too. How's everything with you?"

However, Niyon's expression quickly shifted from joy to concern and curiosity
as he scrutinized me closely. "Where were you lost for so long? Did the Big
Boss not allow you to make any calls? Why didn't you reach out to me? Is it
because the Big Boss is scarier at your house? Did he... beat you?" Niyon's
rapid-fire questions tumbled out, his worry evident in his voice.

I blinked in surprise at Niyon's rapid onslaught of inquiries. It took me a

moment to collect myself before bursting into laughter. "Whoa, slow down,
Niyon! No, no, the Big Boss didn't lay a finger on me. Everything's perfectly
fine at home. I just got caught up with some things, that's all."

Vivek, who had been silently observing our interaction, couldn't help but
interject with a mischievous smirk. "Yeah, Niyon, why would the Big Boss beat
Roop? Don't you know he's the Big Boss's favorite employee?"

Niyon's eyes widened, and he playfully nudged Vivek. "Oh, so that's how it is?
Roop's the golden child of the Big Boss, huh? No wonder he disappeared
without a trace. He must be on some top-secret mission!"

Laughter filled the air as we continued our light-hearted banter, grateful for the
camaraderie that had once made my every day at the office feel like a joyful
adventure. I leaned in closer to them, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Alright,
guys, I have some news for you. But promise me, you won't get too surprised
or do anything crazy."

Niyon raised an eyebrow, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Oh, Roop, now
you've piqued our curiosity. We promise we'll try our best to contain ourselves.
So, spill the beans already!"

I took a deep breath, feeling a rush of nerves mixed with joy. With a shy smile,
I whispered in their ears, "Parth and I are in love. He's my boyfriend now."

Niyon's eyes widened, his jaw-dropping so dramatically that he almost

stumbled backward. Luckily, Vivek was quick to react, swiftly catching Niyon
before he could embarrass himself further. Vivek's face mirrored a mixture of
surprise and amusement.

"Wait, what? You and Parth sir, the BIG BOSS? Y- Your Boyfriend?!" Niyon
exclaimed, his voice filled with incredulity. "I... I never saw that coming. Are
you serious, Roop?"

I nodded, unable to contain my smile any longer. "Absolutely serious, Niyon.

Parth and I have discovered a beautiful connection, and we're incredibly
happy together."

Niyon couldn't contain his curiosity and blurted out a series of questions.
"Roop, my dear buddy, spill the beans! How did this epic love story kick-off?
How did you and Parth fall in love? And, um, did you two... indulge in more
than just mere kisses?" Niyon asked with wide-eyed anticipation, his words
tumbling out in a rush.

Feeling my face flush with embarrassment, I quickly glanced around the office,
making sure no one else could hear us. "Niyon, my dear friend, "I appreciate
your enthusiasm, but let's not turn this into a scandalous tell-all session, shall
we? Our love story is a sacred bond between Parth and me, meant to be
cherished and kept private."

Niyon's eyes sparkled mischievously as he leaned in closer, unable to contain

his curiosity. "Come on, Roop! You can't leave us hanging like that. We want

all the juicy details! Did sparks fly the moment your eyes met? Did you have a
romantic rendezvous under the moonlight? And, um, did you two share more
than just innocent kisses?"

Vivek, always the voice of reason, stepped in to calm Niyon's frantic

excitement. He affectionately pecked Niyon on the cheek and said, "Niyon, my
love, let's not bombard Roop with questions right now. We need to respect
their privacy. Besides, Roop has just shared something beautiful with us, and
we should focus on celebrating their love."

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Vivek's intervention. "Thank you, Vivek. I
knew I could count on your wisdom. Niyon, my dear friend, rest assured that
Parth and I have a beautiful love story filled with special moments. But some
things are better left to the imagination."

Niyon pouted playfully, but then a mischievous grin spread across his face.
"Alright, Roop, I'll let it slide this time. But remember, I'm always here for the
scandalous stories whenever you're ready to spill the tea!"

We all burst into laughter, the lighthearted banter bringing a sense of joy and
camaraderie. Vivek chuckled, giving Niyon a friendly pat on the back. "Well,
Niyon, I think we need to come to terms with the fact that love can bloom
unexpectedly. Congratulations, Roop! This calls for a celebration!"

With a gleam in my eyes, I revealed the true purpose of my visit. "Actually, my

dear friends, that's precisely why I'm here. Tonight, there's going to be a grand
celebration, a Uja, at Omkar Mansion—Parth Sir's house. And guess what?
You both are cordially invited!"

Niyon and Vivek exchanged surprised glances, their eyes widening in

excitement at the double revelation. "A party at Parth Sir's house? Are you
serious, Roop?" Niyon exclaimed, disbelief and excitement dancing in his

Vivek's eyebrows shot up, his face lighting up with anticipation. "I never
thought I'd see the day when Parth Sir would host a party. Count us in, Roop!
We wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Niyon leaned closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, Roop, I've
noticed a change in Parth Sir lately. He's been so much happier and less
inclined to scold us. Now I understand the reason behind his newfound joy!"
he teased, winking at me.

Vivek chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, Roop, you must be doing

something right to put that boss of ours in such a good mood. We were all
wondering what was going on, and now it all makes sense!"

Blushing slightly, I acknowledged their observations. "Well, I can't deny that

Parth's been a lot happier these days. I'm glad I can contribute to that in some
way. He's truly a remarkable person, and I feel blessed to have him in my life."

Just as we were reveling in the joyous atmosphere, my phone rang,

interrupting our conversation. I checked the caller ID, and a smile spread
across my face. It was Parth calling.

Excusing myself, I stepped aside to answer the call. "Hello, Parth," I greeted,
my voice filled with anticipation.

"Roop, my dear," Parth's authoritative and manly voice came from the other
line, teasingly. "Here you are, in my office surrounded by your friends, but you

haven't found a moment to spare for your crazy lover. I must say, I'm feeling
quite neglected."

Heat rushed to my cheeks, and my heart skipped a beat at the sound of his
voice. I could practically feel his playful smirk through the phone. "Parth, I...

I'm sorry. I got caught up in the excitement. But I'm on my way now, I

Parth chuckled softly, his voice dripping with amusement. "Oh, I know you'll
make it up to me, Roop. Hurry up and get here. I've been waiting for you."

Unable to contain my excitement, I quickly bid farewell to Niyon and Vivek,

their laughter echoing in the background as they teased me about the
imminent rendezvous. Blushing and feeling my heart race, I rushed towards
Parth's office, eager to be in his presence once again.

As I entered Parth's office, the scent of his cologne enveloped me, and my
heart danced with delight. With each step, my excitement grew, like a
symphony building up to a crescendo. The door closed behind me, shutting
out the world and cocooning us in an intimate space.

As Parth approached me, the sunlight filtering through the office windows
seemed to illuminate his presence. Dressed impeccably in his office attire, he
exuded an aura of sophistication and power. My heart skipped a beat as his
eyes met mine, and a smile graced his lips.

"Good afternoon, Roop," he greeted, his voice a velvety melody that sent
shivers down my spine. With each step he took, the tension between us grew,
filling the air with anticipation and desire.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, closing my eyes in anticipation of the coming
kiss. My mind filled with thoughts of his intoxicating presence and the
electricity that coursed through our connection.

In that suspended moment, I could feel my breath hitching, my senses

heightened, and my body longing for the touch of his lips against mine. But to
my surprise, instead of a passionate embrace, Parth simply took the lunch
bag from my hand, a playful glint in his eyes.

"How could I resist the temptation of your deliciously cooked food, Roop?"
Parth exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine eagerness. He made his way
over to the couch, settling comfortably as he opened the bag, revealing the
enticing aroma that filled the air.

I stood there, dumbfounded, my anticipation evaporating into thin air. Parth,

fully aware of what I had expected, couldn't help but tease me with a
mischievous smile dancing on his lips. It was as if he reveled in keeping me
on my toes, forever guessing his next move.

"Oh, my dear Roop," he chuckled, savoring a mouthful of the delectable meal.

"You were expecting something else, weren't you? My appetite for your
cooking surpasses any other hunger."

I couldn't help but blush at his playful banter, my mind swirling with a mix of
relief, amusement, and a lingering desire. Parth had a way of keeping me
captivated, even when things didn't go as I had imagined. His ability to
surprise me at every turn only added to the allure of our connection.

Joining him on the couch, I couldn't help but appreciate the way he relished
every bite, praising my culinary skills with each mouthful. It was a testament to
our unique bond, where even the simplest moments became infused with a
touch of magic and laughter.

As I sat next to Parth on the couch, my mind struggled to focus on the

conversation at hand. The aroma of his lunch filled the air, mingling with the
tension that crackled between us. Parth, effortlessly cool and collected, took a
bite of his food, his lips glistening with the flavors.

"Roop, my dear boy," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "Tell me,
what attire shall you grace us with tonight?"

His question caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but be intimidated by the
way he licked his lips sensually, deliberately drawing my attention. It was a
dangerous distraction, one that made it challenging to form coherent thoughts.

Parth was well aware of his effect on me and relished in teasing me. He
continued to ask questions, deliberately dragging out the conversation, his
eyes twinkling mischievously. With each passing moment, the desire to taste
his lips grew stronger within me.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I whispered his name amidst my

yearning, and without hesitation, I leaned in, crashing my lips onto his. In that
electrifying moment, I surrendered myself to the kiss, aching to be dominated
by him.

Parth, true to his nature, responded with authority, his lips molding perfectly
against mine. It was a dance of passion and control, a meeting of souls
entangled in a whirlwind of desire. In that brief exchange, he satisfied my
longing, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

As we pulled apart, our gazes locked, a playful smile tugging at the corners of
Parth's lips. He knew the effect he had on me, how he could unravel me with a
simple touch or a lingering look. It was both thrilling and maddening, a game
we played with each other's hearts.

I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, trying to subtly distance myself from

Parth's captivating presence. But much to my surprise, he reached out and
stopped me in my tracks. His lips brushed against my earlobe, sending a
shiver down my spine, as he whispered, "Roop baby, you have danced with
fire, and now you must bear the consequences."

My heart raced in my chest as fear and excitement mingled within me. I hadn't
expected the intensity to escalate further, not in the confines of the office.
"Parth, please," I whispered, trying to pull away. But he stopped me, his hands
gripping my hips tightly. "You can't do this here. It's your office."

He chuckled darkly, his breath hot against my skin. "My office is soundproof,
Roop. No one will hear us. And you've played with fire, my boy. You must bear
the consequences."

I gulped, feeling a surge of fear mixed with excitement. I didn't expect him to
go further, but the look in his eyes made it clear that he had other ideas. "Now,
Roop, you owe me this," he said, his voice dripping with authority. "You have
to do it. You have to show me just how much you want it."

I couldn't resist him anymore. His words had left me with no choice but to give
in to him. My body was on fire, and I knew I had to satisfy his every desire. I
grew excited at the prospect of what was to come, and I could feel myself
falling deeper under his spell.

I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest as Parth gently took my hand

and guided me away from the couch. The room seemed to spin around us as
we walked towards his majestic desk, its polished surface gleaming under the
warm glow of the office lights.

My nervousness intensified as Parth's presence loomed over me, his powerful

aura commanding my attention. I could feel the heat emanating from his body,
drawing me closer to him. His touch sent shivers down my spine, igniting a
fiery desire within me.

As we reached the desk, Parth gracefully sat down on his swivel chair, a hint
of mischief in his eyes. I stood there, my body trembling with a mixture of
excitement and trepidation. His commanding presence made it clear that he
was in control, and I was at his mercy.

Parth's deep voice broke the silence, his words dripping with anticipation.
"Roop, show me what you can do," he commanded, his tone both
authoritative and enticing. I could feel his eyes on me, burning with desire and

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. With shaky hands, I
knelt down between his legs, my eyes fixed on his well-tailored pants. My
fingers fumbled as I unbuttoned his pants and loosened his belt, the sound of

each release echoing through the room. Parth's low groan of pleasure filled
the air, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before me.

As I freed his massive member from its confines, my breath caught in my

throat. It was a sight to behold, so dark and imposing, an embodiment of his
raw masculinity. The size of it was almost intimidating, and I marveled at how
such a man could possess such an impressive attribute. His balls, too, were
equally mesmerizing, their size making my hands appear small in comparison.

His member throbbed with anticipation, seemingly with a life of its own, and I
couldn't resist the urge to explore it further. I ran my tongue along the
prominent veins that traced its length, eliciting guttural moans and curses from
Parth. The taste of him, the heat that radiated from his flesh, fueled my own
desire, and I reveled in the power I had over him.

As my lips made contact with his throbbing flesh, Parth groaned and cursed,
his pleasure mingling with the intoxicating sounds filling the room. His praise
for my actions fueled my own desire, igniting a fire within me that burned
hotter with each passing moment.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as I focused solely on satisfying him, my

movements guided by his reactions and desires. Parth's powerful presence
enveloped me, and I willingly surrendered to his authority, eager to please and
fulfill his every wish.

In that moment, I realized the extent of my allure, the hold I had over him. I
was both captivated and liberated by this knowledge. The power dynamics
had shifted, and I had willingly succumbed to his desires, finding my own
pleasure in the process.

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