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E'°° UC oe 8 8 eet ee 1. When you go somewhere ford day, would Soe mace abel Ciplan what you wil do and when, just gor 2. Do you consider yourself to be Cimore of spontaneous person, (more of an organized person? 9. ya were acer, would you fact courses, or Cheourses invcving theory? 4 Are you usally EF. good mine” or Tater qulet and reserved? 5: Da you sly ge along beter imaginative people, oF realise people? 6. Do you more often let (Clyour heart rule your head, or your head rule your hear? 7. Do you prefer to do many things (Clon the spur of the moment, according to your plans? 8 Areyou easy to gett know, oF (Chard to get to know? 9. Does following a schedule appeal you, or cramp you? 10, When you havea special job todo, do outer onganize it carefully before you start, (ind ont what is necessary as you go along? 11, Im most instances, do you prefer to Cl go with the ox. (allow a schedule? 12, Would most people say you are Cis pate person Dia very open person? 13, Would you rather be considered is praca person, or Clam ingenious person? 14. Ima large group do you more often CG introduce others, oF Giger mteduced™ 15, Would you rather have asa fiend sameone who ‘Dis always coming up with new ideas, or ‘Dh both fet on the round? 16, Are you inclined 10 {Tivalue sentiment more than log, oF ‘Dvaluefogie more than sentiment? 17. Do you preter to (Diwait and see what happens and then ‘make plans, or (plan things Yar in advance? 18. Do you tend to spend alo of ime by yourset Giwith others? 19. Do you find being around a lt of people Cigives you more energy, oF Cis often “draining”? 20, Do you prefer to Clarrange dates, paris, ete, well n advance, {be free to do whatever looks like fun when the time comes? 21. In planning a trip would you prefer to | Btmost of the ime do whatever you feel like that day ot (D know ahead of me what youl be doing most days? 22, At parties, do you i sometimes get bore. always have fan? | 23, Do you usally [Cinninge well with others, or tend to keep more to yoursell” 24. Are you more attracted to Da person with a quick and brilliant mind, oF D4 practical person with alot of common Sense? 25. your daly work, do you {D father enjoy an emergency tht makes you ‘work agate time, oF [Ci sualy plan your work so you wont need to wrork der presure) 26, Would you say generally takes others Crater of time to get to knoe you, or Gaile ime to get to know you? Whi pal ‘mean, not about how they look or how they sound. fh word in each 27, O prvate 35, Daquiet Bopen CD owtging 28. Gacheduted | 36. Doystematic (panned eine 29, Dasara 31. Dtheory Dist Deenamy 30. D gentle 38, C semsiane Chim just 31, D dhiaking 38. D convincing feeling Dtowehing 32, Blass 40. D sarement Cideas eaneept 33, Cl ampulse 41, CI unconstaine Odeesion schedled 34. CD heary Gaui $2, Dresered 48. ew ends Dalat Dot ot ens $8, Dower 49. Dsystematie Deasgeng pontancous 44. Dides 50, D imaginative Discus DC materet tet 45. Cleompassion | 51, O warm Cforeiht Decne 46, C benets 52. Dobjecve i besings D pansonate 47. Gnononsense | 53. Ciba theoretical Dinwent is to you more! Think about what the words 54. Dauier CO pepaious 55. D theory Olaet 56, D compassionate Dilogiat 57. D anal seen 58. D sensible 1 fiscinaing Go on to \e next page. —p> i i i a oy ‘Which answer comes closest to describing how you usually feel or act? 99. When you start a big project that is due ina week, do you “take time to lst the separate things tobe done and the ‘order af doing them, Se plunge int 60. soil sation do you general nd cata and a neon wh aime €) tatoos people or lng pena of ne? 1, doing something tht any che pole So, dee it appeal to you more to | a" OMe People do ab Win the cepted way. Sinema nay four oa {2 Can the new people you mec tll what you are intrested in ‘right away, oF 2 “lonty ater they relly ge to know you? o Do you generally prefer courses that tach concepts and principles, ot tacts and figures? (64 Ista higher compliment tobe called a person of real feling. or Ja consistently reasonable person? 65. Do you find going by a schedule necessary at times bat generally unfavorable, helpful and favorable most ofthe time? 66, When you are witha group of people, would you usally rather tlk individually with people you know well or 15 join inthe talk ofthe group? 67. At parties do you ido much ofthe talking, oF let others do most of the talking? (68. Does the idea of making ist of what you should get done fvera weckend appeal to you, or Biteave you cold? 169, Which isa higher compliment, tobe called competent, or compassionate? 79, Dimapnaive | 83. D posses | 87. Covel realistic eas Seay known 80. Chbigheaned — | 4, Seendersas | 88. sympathize med strength OS anatse 88. song 81, Cifairminded | 85. CI practical ering 1 Seuimenal (endeared 82, O production — | 96, O make 90, 2 concrete create share fsign 70. Do you generally prefer to 1 make your social engagements some distance shea, Tis free todo things on the sp ofthe moment? 71 Overall, when working on a big assignment, do you tend to igure out what needs to he done as you go along, [begin by braking i dove io steps? ‘2, Can you keep a conversation going indefinitely [Crenly with people who share some interest of yours, (CD with most anyone? 73, Would you rather Clsuppon the established methods of doing good, oF Clanalyze what i sill wrong and attack unsolved problems? 74. In reading for pleasure, do you Denjoy ed or orginal ways of saying things, oF (Dike writers o say exacly what they mean? 75. Would you rather work unde a boss (or teacher) who is D good mained bt often inconsistent, oF (5 Sharp-tongued but always loge? 76. Would you prefer todo most things according to [Dihowever you fel that particular dy. Chatel scheduler 77. Can you Talento almost anyone fr 38 long 38 you have 0, oF| Allin To say only to certain people or ander certain smdiions? 78. When making a decision, ist more important to you to Biweigh the ets, or consider peoples ecings and opinions? ‘about what the words 91, D devoed D determined 93. D1 praca orate SNOILSIND 3HLT1V GaYaMSNV JAVH NOATILNN L3THOOS SHLN3dO LON OG MBT DIRECTIONS FOR SCORING 1, Read horizontally across each row: Count the number of X's in cach row and write the total in the shaded area at the end of that row, Do not count boxes that are blackened. For rows with no XS, write a “0° in the shaded area. 2. When all the shaded areas ar filled in, add down the eight vertical columns, Write the total raw points for each column at the bottom of the scare sheet. FORM M / SELF-S' Tip: You may want to use the perforated stub on the left de ofthis page to help you track down the columns as you add 3. Check your addition, then copy the total for each Teer into the corresponding box at right DIRECTIONS FOR DETERMINING TYPE The MBTI* instrument measures your preferences on four dichotomies: E-1, S-N, TF and J-P To determine your type, compare your points on each dichotomy. Your preference is the one with the higher number of points. For example, if your total points on the E-I dichotomy are 12 for Extraversion and 9 for Introversion, your preference is Extraversion, Write the letter of your preference on each dichotomy in the boxes at right. there isa tie on any dichotomy, follow the tie-breaking rule at right. DIRECTIONS FOR DETERMINING PREFERENCE CLARITY CATEGORY (OPTIONAL) The most important result of taking the MBTI" instrument is determining your four-letter type. You ean also determine how consistently you prefer one pole ofa dichotomy over the other by following these steps: 1. Refer to the “Raw Points” chart for your raw points on. each preference. 2, For each dichotomy, identify the higher nurnber, and then, inthe chart at right, circle the range with that number. 3, Identify the preference clarity category (“sight,” ‘moderate,” “clear” or “very clear") above the circled range of numbers, Note that the preference clarity category describes only hhow consistently you prefer one pole of a dichotomy over its opposite. The MBTI? instrument measures preferences, not abilities, maturity, or development. Tear off the first page of this booklet. Turn it over and write your name and reported type atthe top of the page. Complete the information on the following page and return the booklet to the person administering the MBTI* instrument. = > > > CORABLE EXAMPLE For rows with no X®, write a°0" in the shaded area, & RAW POINTS exrnaversion FE] rane Si) swoons BI [Bi rnovension Dy rumon (Breen Dhrercerne REPORTED TYPE, Eorl SorN TorF JorP ‘TE-BREAKING RULE L then write IN then write N F thenwrke F P thenwrie P PREFERENCE CLARITY CATEGORY Slight Moderate Clear_—_Very Clear RAW POINTS RANGES gq (Eort) te 02h Se o Z [SorN] ts te20 ee as-26 a as 2 # [Torr] ise ie Z © [lorP] ms te ae es Net yu itv ef he ens your wp odo snob er han owt og of bor own ne ar, {eis ur pre cee. SUMMARY Your PREFERENCE YOUR PREFERENCE CLARITY CATEGORY DO NOT OPEN THE BOOKLET UNTIL YOU HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTIONS, I ele “ —— . a z ra o ry . ae 2 cp | cocochc z olo ojo ojo ch wo o]o cp 2g z= ojo ojo ofo obo ojo ob ca By 3 dcop | | B= js ~ 4 ie 4 cbepe sz cocochcp #0/0 gf go co cb ch cp ofo ch ch 8 peepee az ~ a es = +e fount the nu in the sh a o e a a ojo TP bb dba Tb bP cbubddadbdbnch Fill in the following Name information ONLY after Years of School 1 Create you have finished scoring am__ Conte Cele ____S SSS your results. a ecupaion Each type, or combination ofp tends to be characterize diosa «st, value, and un Isa bit descrip lave pfs. On ths page mal each pe Find Jolt pone peanut lscripton fis you Inthe perc ho fdiered the MET" nro too can lp you ientlya beueeg yee Whatever your preteens, you may 2 se some behaviors tha ar chan ofcomrasing pence Fors me complete discussion af th sincee ees 4d applications suchas caer chose tclaonships, and problem salting se Inredcion to Type Sith Eto pes 1, 199, Mountain View CA: CPP te, Gifs Difering Myer 1B. wih gc PB, 1995, Mountain View CA Davey Black Publishing E_ Extraversion People who preter Exravesion tnd to focus ‘an the auter world of people and things. Reponed Type 1 Introversion People wt prefer Introvrson tend to focus nthe inner worl of ideas and impressions S$ Sensing People who preter Sensing tend to focus on te present and on concrete information gained tom ter senses. N Intuition Poopl who preter Intuition tend to focus on the future, wih a view toward patterns and possi, T Thinking People wo preter Thinking tend to base hair ‘ecsions primarily on ogi and on objective analysis of cause and fect. F Feeling People who peter Feeling tend to base their ecsions primarily on values and on subec tio evaluation of person-centered cancers. J Judging People wo preter Judging tend to tie a planned and organized approach ite and Prefer to have things sete P Perceiving People who prefer Pereenng tnt ie a fable and spontaneous approach tot and preter kep ter options ope. Characteristics Frequently Associated with Each Type CO 1st vet, serious, ear success by ‘oroghnes ana cepenaaiy Prcal mtrkt esd responsi Deceit Shou be done an wood Stat repardles of dracon. “ale please n making eerying vi, ie anita. Comte and Steady m mezing ther obigatons. “horauph. psaking, an acura, jal coset, rae andr member species about peel who are important othe, coneed Sea NFS wr y.responsble,and | Seek meaning and connecon in| Have orignal minds and gest ve ideas reatonships and materal__ | for impamening thi eas td ‘iat matvates peoge and ae passessons. Want to understand Insightful about eters. Conse aus ae commited otha fi values. Deeop a Gea vision about achieng thx goals. Guicky see paternsn external evens and reo pate con es Species When commited, organize {fab and cary trough. Skeptical ‘Tolerant and feb, quit observers unt prolem appears, ten act, uct to fd workable solutons ‘ale wat maka things werk and ‘edly get though large amounts ef aa fo sole the core of practical oblems. Interested in cause and {hor oun sp Cue, tien, sensie, and kind Enjoy he presen moment, whats (omg on around them. Lik one ther oun tne fame. Loyal and ‘commited to haves sd 0 beep wo are Important em. orderly and organzed—ter work, | wth hem ahr et Ste fo how betta serve ie common | and independent rave hgh strats the hore, ther fe, Value tadtons | createan ode and hamonaus | aod, Crganzed and dessve In| ofeamptence and performance and toy tmuronment at workand athone, | mplmaring ter son, forthensates and ches. ISTP ISFP NFP INT? ‘to peopl wo are potato them Want an eera’ fe that ce ant work wn delist, yal to tervals and ‘ongruedt wth haves, Curous, seh tbs Cate ‘atts fr implementing eas. Ste to understand people and to ‘Seek to develop logical explanations {or everthing tnatiterets ther is_| Theoret and abstract iterested mein ideas than in soil ne on Due conta eaten pale Have unusual aby 0 focisin depo salve probs in they want oat energetic to she ‘he problem, Focus on the here andnow, sponanecus, ey each moment hat hy canbe active with ‘her ry material enmors na dal reat ‘Bing commonsense anda eastic approach thelr wor, and make werk tun Fenble and Spotaneus, fone Lean best by eg tHe, organae facts using logcal | Disike disagreements andcofits, } help them fui te potenial. | theraeaoimerestSeepcal, princes, value efiengy donot farce her opins or values | Adaptable, fexble and accepting | sometimes eri, says on hers. unless a vl treatoned anayical ESTP ESFP. ENFP. ENT? sla tolerant they ake 2 Outgoing, tend and accepting. | Yi entusastc and imapatve. | Oui, ingenious, stimdatng, pragma porch focused on Enuberat ovr oft, peop. and | Sees ot possites Make | alert and outspoken Resoutell Inmodate resus, Theos ais mateal confor Enjoy working | comeconsbatves eves and | In sthing naw and chalengng Conceal exaratons bre them— | wih others to make thags tappen, | ‘narmatan very qu, and con- | problems Adegt gern ty See Wat a taf timation o new people and ‘exe, oten yon tee aly ‘ery rceed bse on hepa ‘rom aber, andrea gve appe- ‘eat an Support. Spotaneous and fonceptl posits and then ‘nalyang them strategic. Good tang oer people Bored by ‘outing, wil sldom do he save io | thing he sae way, pt tum fo Bosra: qty veo mpert srg Opie oad pt og ge doe ets on Seti reat ne mos etic ey gst crf one Gouin et pe rennet, ed ‘era, Wart harmony een sable Uk work wh aes to ‘lt tasks acura and ote, {Loyal alow tough evn in sma raters Note wat ober eed ‘Sj. Leam best tough dong, Trew sl wth eer people. ‘improvise ant te veral ancy. | one ew intrest ater another ESTS ESF ENF ENTS Practical, realste, materotfac. | Wamteate conscious and co- | War, empatete, responsive ad | Frank, dive, assume leadership response. High anes ote wih dzrminton | emotes, nots, and motos ‘ant help others ul up ak Maya salts rin ats, tail olan | te aya esta pe | lope wd cris Soa ast welea eng sandy er | Steatedestaio fers” | tite mpeaa twat | Bienen mipok | Inn rss nso implmerin theans Seatorntatbeycotias, | tspigtoesne” | Foc pessy fess ‘oer, Fe potent eveyone are greup growth, Loa resposie realy. Ouchy se Hogi and ine effet procedures and polices, ‘evlop and implement comprehen ien- | sh systems ta solve orgenzsbonal nul_| probes Enjoy lng-erm laning ‘nd gad Seting. Usa wa forme, Ss aeee oe Cr SNOILSIND JHLTIV GIYIMSNV FAVH NOATILNN 1371008 JHLN3dO LON Oa

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