Practical Geometry and Engineering Graphics - A Textbook For Engineering and Other Students (PDFDrive)

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by the same author
.. The Dimens ioning of Engineering Drawings"
.. Machine Drawing and Design"
.. Perspective", etc., etc.



C.M.G., O.B.E ., Ph .D., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E ., M.R.I.
Formerly Director of Studies, Federation of British
Industries and H .M. Staff Inspector of Engineering,
Ministry of Education

This book is available in Portuguese, from Editora Gertum Carneiro,

Rio de ] aneif'o

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Firsl Edil",n I929
Swmd Edilw.. I933
TlJi.d Edilw.. I939
Fouri" Edilw.. I946
FitI" Edilw.. I95I
Si.d" Edilw.. I956
Sevenl" Edilw.. I963
EigMIs Edilw.. (Pap.,bai;k) I97I
Reprinted I972
Reprinted I974
Reprinted I977 .

ISBN 978-0-216-89450-1 ISBN 978-94-017-2742-6 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-2742-6

Originally published by B1ackie & Son Limited in 1971.
C .M .G .. OB .E.. PhD .. B.Sc.. M .l .• M .R .I

First Allan Edition 1961

A Textbook of Intermediate Standard for Engineering Students
Eighth Edition

This is a companion volume to Machi~ Drawing mul Design and
deals panicuIarly with the application of tolerances.

A complete course for use in Secondary and TechnicaI Schools

A comprehensive wnrk for the architecr, artist and designer

S.B .N .216.8945 0 •6

Geometry for engineering students who have already received some
instruction in elementary plane geometry, graph plotting, and the use
of vectors. It also covers the requirements of Secondary School pupils
taking Practical Geometry at the Advanced Level.
The grouping adopted , in which Plane Geometry is dealt with in Part I, and
Solid or Descriptive Geometry in Part II, is artificial , and it is the intention that
the two parts should be read concurrently. The logical treatment of the subject
presents many difficulties and the sequence of the later chapters in both parts
is necessarily a compromise ; as an illustration, certain of the more easy inter-
sections and developments might with advantage be taken at an earlier stage
than that indicated.
In Part I considerable space has been devoted to Engineering Graphics,
particularly to the applications of graphical integration. The use of graphical
methods of computation is fully justified in most engineering problems of a
practical nature-especially where analytical methods would prove laborious
-the results obtained being as accurate as the data warrant.
The scope of the course in Descriptive Geometry has been designed to be in
keeping with the relative importance of the subject in an engineering curri-
culum ; for, although its educational and practical values have long been recog-
nized, the time allocated to its study is usually limited . The earlier chapters in
Part II have been arranged with special regard to the difficulties experienced
by students in dealing with three-dimensional geometry for the first time ; with
these difficulties in view the problems of the straight line and plane have been
dealt with after the orthographic and isometric projection of solids, the students
being then more accustomed to think in space. In the treatment of the various
solids, grouping has been based upon identity of principle rather than simi-
larity of form . A systematic use has been made of auxiliary projections in the
solution of problems, typical applications being given in Problems 220 , 242, and
323; this powerful method does not seem to have been developed to the extent
that it deserves, and by its use many standard problems become merely exer-
cises involving a knowledge of a few fundamental constructions. The numerous
pictorial views included are intended to aid visualization, and the student should
be encouraged to rely upon this kind of sketch rather than to resort to models.
The subject-matter on each page is self-contained, and arranged so that the
text and corresponding diagrams are always adjacent to each other. To facili-
tate cross reference a consistent notation has been used throughout and suffixes
only have been given to the lettering, thus obviating the difficulty of locating
a point a l ' among others marked a l and a' .
In preparing the work the author has been guided by the syllabuses and
past examination papers of the various university and other Examinations
Boards. The examples included have been limited to about six hundred, and
bear directly on the text ; most of them are original and of the appropriate
standard, and types having little but their difficulty to recommend them have
been excluded. The questions set by the examining bodies furnish therefore
a further supply from which the student may draw. Answers have been appended
to a large number of the examples ; in the geometry portion many of the answers
have been designed to serve simply as checks upon the accuracy of the con-
structions involved .
The author's thanks are due to Mr. A. S. Ritchie, B.Sc., for kindly under-
taking the reading of the draft and final proofs of the book, to Mr. F. F . P .
Bisacre, O.B .E ., M.A., B .Sc., for advice and guidance during the preparation
of the book and its passage through the press, and to many other friends for
useful criticism.
The author will be grateful to receive notification of any errors, ambiguities,
or obscurities which may have escaped notice.

Seventh Edition . New material on velocity and acceleration diagrams has

been included, and various small improvements made.
W .A.
19 63.

The following is a list of the abbreviations and symbols used herein :
St. line Straight line. 0" Circumference.
6 Triangle . Rad, Radius.
Parm Parallelogram. Diam. Diameter.
Pari Parallel. -l-ve Positive .
Perp. Perpendicular. -ve Negative.
Rt. L Right angle. Approx. Approximately.
and other obvious contractions.
The following Greek letters are used:
ex (alpha) , f3 (beta), y (gamma), 8 (delta), 8 (theta), 1:, a (sigma), '" (phi),
1T (pi), '" (psi), (II (omega).
This book is mainly concerned with Ex . I . Take numerical values from fig.
geometry, and the constructions given I; scales m = 4 , h = 2
are true regardless of un its . However, Ex. 2 . Take
the exercises do involve drawing to to 2040 60 80 100 120 140 seconds
scale and the student will want to do his so 22 98 241 402 536 634 707 metres
work in metric units. In the vast major- Ans. 4 '2 ra]«, - 0 '055 m /s 2
ity of examples the difficulty can be got Ex. 3, Take length as 2 m, moment
round by the following simple expedi- (M) given by M = 4[2 kN m
ent : Ex. 4. Take length as 4 m.
MkNm '3 2 '4 8 '2 19'4 38 '0 65 '9
Take I inch as 2 centimetres. lm '67 1'33 2 'oo 2.673 '334'00
All numerical data will then convert by
simply doubling the figure, and the Page 78
same will apply to the answers. The Ex. I . 6 em radius. Ans. 72 crrr', 254
drawings will be somewhat smaller em", 3 '59 ern
than the author intended. (Students Ex, 2. Data, P, bar, 10 9 8
who possess larger-than-average draw- V, m 3 /kg ' 194 ' 215 ' 24 3
ing-boards may convert at 3 centimetres P, 7 6 5 4 '5 4 '0 3 '5
to the inch.) V, '277 ' 323 '388 '430 '4 86 '555
The above general rule will be pre- P, 3 '0 2'5 2 '0
sumed and the exceptions to it are V, '648 '776 '970
listed as follows :
Page 6 Expansion from 10 bar to 2 bar. Ans,
Ex. 4 . Scale 100 mm »: 0 '2 mm 3 12, 200 J. Stage pressures 5 '90 and
Page 30 3"45 bar
Ex . 3. 2'00 m x 1'50 rn , scale 1:10 Ex . 3. Minor radius of cam 31 '7 mm,
major 4 I ' 3 mm; form of all accele ration
Page 50
- time graph correct. Ans. I '83 m]«,
Ex. 2. Pitch circles 288 mm and 384
mm dia., addendum 12 mm, dedendum 457 m /s 2
13 rnm, tooth numbers 24 and 32
Page 80
Page 56
Ex. 2. Read metres for feet, answers in
Ex. I to 6. Take 2 ern as the unit
seconds and metres
Page 60
Ex . 1. Amplitudes 4 '5 em and 3'5 em Page 82
Ex . 2. Amplitudes 3'5 em an d 2 '1 cm Ex. Ia. Accept data as given, convert to
Ex . 3. OQ =6 em, travel 9 em 51 units, give power in kilowatts. Ans.
Page 74 118o 1360 1380 II80 790.
Section 93 . Read centimetre for inch Ex . lb. Use actual data, but draw in SI
throughout units. Ans. 385 x 106J
Page 84 Ex . 5. Take form of loading as given,
Ex. 2. Work in inches span 10 m, ordinate scale I em = 10
kN /m, EI in N m", Ans. 3'35 X 1061
Page 86 EI m, '20 m right of centre
Problem 105. Initial velocity 120 ft ls
Ex. 5. Accept data as given and express Page 106
answers in SI units. Ans . I '02 X 10- 4 Ex. I. Take 3 ft . as I metre, ordinate
k m 2 /N, '49 X 10-4 scale I unit = 600 kN/m . Ans. 200 kN,
Ex . p. 80, NO.3 . Convert data exactly, 13'3 m, 2100 kN m, 21'7 m, 940 kNm
then work in metres Ex. 2. Dimensions 30 m X 12 m X 4'5
m, depth 3 m
Page 92
Ex. I. For pounds read newtons. Page 108
Ex. 2. Take 3 tons as 30 kN, 5 ft. as Ex . I. Read metres for feet, loads each
1'50 m , Ans. 49'1 and 59'8 kN. I kN
Ex . 2-3 . Any units
Page 94
Ex . I . For pounds read newtons, take Page IIO
I in. as 2 em. Ans . I I N, '21 N m Ex . I. Loads 40 kN and 20 kN, scale I
Ex. 2. Side 2 em, forces in N. Ans. em = 5 kN. Ans. 10 times given values
2'45N, +' 29 N m Ex . 2. Span 16 m, rise 0·64 m, loads in
Ex . 3. Side 6 em, forces In N. Ans. newtons. Scale I em = 200 N. Ans .
5,14 N, 3,6 em; 33'5 ° in newtons
Ex. 3. Take 3 ft. as I metre, loads 20
Page 96
and 30 kN. Assume supports free to
All forces in N, distances In m, nu-
move laterally. Ans . in kN, 10 times
merical answers unaffected
values given
Page 98 Ex. 4. Take loads as 3 and 5 kN
Ex. I and 2. Take I in. as 2 em
Ex. 3. Take feet as metres Page II2
Ex. 4. Convert all data at 3 ft. = I m, Ex. 1-4. Loads in kN. Ans. in kN.
I ton = 1000 kg, answers correspond . Page 114
Note, the answers given for the height Ex. I. Loads in N
of the c.g. are correct but must be Ex. 2. Span 13 m, rise 0'975 m
treated with caution. For some stability
calculations it is necessary to place the Page II6
load at the point of the jib, regardless Ex . 1-2. Read kN for tons
of its actual height Page II8
Page 100 Length 10 m, load 200 kN. Ans. 250
Ex . 1-4. Forces in newtons, distances kN m, 75 kN
in metres, numerical answers unaffected
Page 120
Page 102 Ex. I . Read kN for tons
Ex. 1-5 . Lengths in metres, loads in
kN, numerical answers are then correct Page 122
Ex. I. Take elongations as being in
Page 104 centimetres, draw diagram twenty times
Ex. 1-3. Any units full size
Ex. 4. Take form of loading graph as Ex. 2. Take data for SliP as being in
given, span 6 m, ordinate scale I GIll m/N X 10- 6 , load 40 kN.
5 kN/m, EI in N rn". Ans. 267,000 /EI m, Ans, x = '3 mm, Y = 1'3 mm. Hori-
0'1 m to right of centre zontal force = 68 kN, deflection -Sm rn
Page 124 Ex . 3. Take I inch as 2 cm . Ans. (I) D
Ex. I. Panel size 2 m , load 20 kN, f = 1,83, E '225 m/s. (2) D 2'26, E 1'13
80 MN/m 2 , E = 200 GN/m 2 • Ans. 13'6 (3) D 2'14 , E 3'28 m /s ; 9'92 rad/s
Page 146
Ex . 2. Panel size 3m, loads at 10 kN =
Ex . I . Take I inch as 2 ern . Ans, 47'3,
I tonf. Ans. 19'2 mm.
41 '52 , 26,64, 7 '68, -21 '12 , - 26 ,64,
Ex . 3. Panel size 3m, f top 80, bottom
- 28' 32, -28'32 m /s 2
100, vertical 60 , inclin ed 80 MN /m 2 •
Ex . 3. Take I inch as 2 ern , Ans. 36'72,
E = 200 GN/m 2 • Ans. 49 'S mm 26 ,88 m/s 2
Page 136 Page 184
Ex . 1-10. For ft . read metres, for tons
Ex. 2. Take 3 feet as I metre. Scale I:
read kN, answers correspond
100. Ans. 6'5 m
Page 138
Page 192
Ex. I. Work in centimetres, converting
Ex. 4. Take 3 feet as I metre. Scale I :
lengths at 2 em to I inch. Ans. tw ice
given values
Ex . 2. Initial steam speed 467 tti ]«, blade Page 194
speed ISO m /s . Ans. (a) 330 m is, 135 Ex. I. Take 3 feet as I m etre. Scal e 1:10
m/s Page 296
Ex . 3. D imensions OP 0'5 m., OQ I m. Example. Set off aerofoil shapes for
Ans . 25'4 m /s root and tip, taking chord lengths of
Page 140 3'55 and 1'14 m, and angles of incidence
Ex. I. Take I in ch as 2 em, velocity of of S° and 3° as in fig. 3. Determine the
Q 3 m /s. aerofoil shape on a plane three quarters
Ans . 3 '3 tn ]«, 55 rad /s, 23'4 rad/s. along tip to root
CHAP. Page
I. Introductory-Graphical Calculation-Triangles and Polygons 6
2. Circles and Lines in Contact-Approximate Constructions - 14
3. Conic Sections-Evolutes of Conics-Pascal's and Brianchon's
Theorems 22
4. Roulettes and Glissettes-Wheel Teeth 42
5. Spirals-Sine and Cosine Graphs-Simple Harmonic Motion 54
6. Loci of Points on Moving Mechanism-Cams 62
7. Graphical Differentiation and Integration-Planimeter, Inte-
grator-Applications 72
8. Graphical Statics and Influence Lines-Redundant Frames - 92
9. Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams-Applications to Linkages 138
10 . Harmonic Analysis - 150

I I. Orthographic Projection of Points, Lines, and Simple Solids 158
12. Sections of Solids 180
13 . Isometric Projection 192
14. The Straight Line and Plane - 200
15. Further Projections and Sections of Solids - - 250
16 . Intersections of Surfaces-Developments - - 274
17. Other Systems of Projection-oblique Parallel-Axometric-
Perspective-Horizontal 298
18. Solids in Contact-Tangent Planes - 320
19 . The Projection of Shadows - 336

Appendix : Treatment of irregular areas 343

Index - 347


la. Drawing Equipment.

The following is a suitable equip- type : set-squares, celluloid, 45° 6"
ment for the work in this book:- edge, 60° 10" edge : 5" compasses
drawing board, half imperial 23" X (needle-point) with lengthening bar:
16": tee square, 24" blade: scale, 12" 41" dividers, with fine adjustment:
long, bevelled edges----one graduated in pencil spring-bows : one or two French
inches and tenths, the other in inches curves: pencils H, 2H, 3H: rubber:
and eighths: protractor-semi-circular drawing pins, &c.

1b. Accuracy in Drawing.

Assuming perfect equipment, errors These in tum depend largely upon the
in a drawing arise from inaccuracies thickness of the lines used, and upon
in the lengths of the lines and the in- the inclinations of the lines to one
exact location of points of intersection. another.

(I) Draw two parallel lines i" apart and using set-squares complete the !:> ABC.
and, using a 2H pencil, draw between Measure BA accurately. Increase! the
them a succession of distinct parallel lines, length of Be by h' and repeat the con-
counting them as they are drawn . With struction. Note the increase in length of
care about 50 lines can be inserted. As- BA .
suming that the spaces and lines are Calculate the lengths of BA and compare
equal in width, the thickness of each line results.
is about vh', or '005'. BA Be )
(2) With lines similar to those used in ( sin 150° = sin 15°
Ex. I, 'draw the base Be, fig. I, 3' long,

From these exercises it will be seen nified error in the length of BA.
that the exact location of the point When the angle BAC is smaller still,
A requires great care, and that an errors in the position of A may be
error in the length of BC gives a mag- considerable without being obvious.

2. Diagonal Scales.
These are of use when the divisions Fi~. 3 shows a diagonal scale to
of an ordinary scale become minute, measure yards, feet, and inches to a
or when distances in three denomin- scale of~.
ations have to be represented. . Both drawings are self-explanatory;
Fi~. 2 shows a diagonal scale read- the exact widths (AB) of the scales
ing to eighths and sixty-fourths of an are immaterial.
inch. Only the overall length of the N ote. -These diagonal scales are worth-
scale should be transferred from a less if the subdivision is inaccurate, and
ruler, all subdivision being carried out they are included here mainly to serve as
geometrically. tests for accurate draughtsmanship.
(3) Using set-squares (not protractor) sure feet, inches, and quarters of an inch,
draw lines about ..' long radiating from to a scale of i. Mark on it 3'---91'.
a common point P at 15° to one another. (6)· The figure shows a deflection dia-
Draw a circle, centre P, rad . 3i'; compare gram fof a structure (see p.12S). Using
the lengths of the chords of the intercepted the diagonal scale of Ex. ..' construct the
arcs. figure and measure OA and AB.
(..) Construct a diagonal scale .."long to Non.-cem.truetion linN are either horizontal.
read to Th". Mark on it 2·87" and 3'..6". vertica11 or inclined at 45· . Start at 0; let off a and
(5) Construct a diagonal scale to mea- d and oDtain P; u let offu 6 and & and obtain Q; and 10
011. Ana. U·30 • I·ga •

.. A queatioa number in bold tnJe indicates that a correapondin& diacram it liven oppoaite.

~ - - ----- - ------- - -

Xfy -
8 ~-\--I---\--+--\--lr-+=---;;:...---::;-,
6 1t-t--t-+-1,..-t-+-'i---t"':::::...-f----H
4 t-t-t-+-+-tm--+--t-I""~---_=H
3 t-+-+-t-+--T+t--t--++"'~--:"l.",-"""r.'"'r--l\oH
2 H--t---'r--t--r---t-t---ttT!...2~~~
1 I-++-t--+-+-+-I----\hf-- c
8 7 6 .5 2 I 0 a

10'1-\-- - +-----\..---+- - -- ----\
9 t-+-------\---\---+-------; d
71--\..----\---+---+-------\ c
61---\--+---+--+--------\ a
41---\----+--'~-------\ Flc;URE
31---+-----\,..----,++-.---=-:,........,...--=------.----+'\. FOR
2 I---\---\----';;H'f-'=--'=--I-'''''''----'=-'':..c==--t-\ & .6.
3 2 I 0 1
ket y-ard.5
-Actual length AL /·2·
Lent~l b:
of sort
c _ .32"
lines d =.56"

3. Graphical Arithmetic.
I t is often convenient to adopt A X B Xl B C,
graphical methods of calculation, par- -- . - = -C' so that Xl = A X X
ticularly when these can be incor- in terms of the unit. Successive multi-
porated in the solution of a problem, plication requires further pairs of
e.g. as in the worked examples at the parallels, and the method will be clear
end of the book. Some of the com- from the figure.
moner constructions are therefore in- (d) Powers of Quantities (In-
cluded here. volution).-The construction shown in
(a) Multiplication.-Two lengths, .fig. 4 uses two axes at right angles.
A and B , are given at the top of the The length representing the given
page opposite. The length of the unit quantity A is marked off along one
used is also shown. We require the axis and the unit is marked off along
product of the numbers represented by the other. We require lengths repre-
A and B in terms of the unit. senting AI, AI, A4, etc.
MetJwd.-Draw any two inclined The lines in the construction are
lines and, from their intersection, mark successively at right angles, and the
off the distance A along one line, and lengths of the intercepts on the axes
the distances B and the unit along the give the required quantities. It will be
other. Draw the dotted line connecting seen that the similar 6 s give the equal
the ends of A and the unit, and draw
a line parallel to it through the end of ratios ~
and -Ax, so that X represents
B to give the intercept x, which A I in terms of the unit.·
represents the quantity A X B . An (e) Square Roots .-From a point a
alternative solution is given in fig. lb. in a straight line, fig ' 5, mark off in
From the similar 6s we have the opposite directions the given quantity
equal ratios ~ and -B (fig. Ia), or A and the unit. On the combined
umt length draw a semi-circle, and erect a
B x perp. at a. The length of this perp.
~tand-A (fig. Ib) . Hence x = A X B ,
unl represents V A, for , from the dotted
in terms of the unit.
(b) Division.-The method is shown 6S, wehave-- X
' = -A , so that x= ."Y/ A.t
unl t x
in fig. 2, which requires no explanation. By repeating the construction on the
(c) Continued Multiplication.- line representing V A, we get a new
The quantities represented by the four perp: having the value {I A. Clearly,
lines, A, B, C and D , fig. 3, are to be if the smaller circle is turned so that
multiplied successively. The solution the diameters coincide, a solution is
for A X B follows that in fig. I. The given in a better form for successive
next step, of multiplying (A x B) by operations.
C, is a repetition. The similar 6s give :

In questions I to 5, check the results of (6) Devise a graphical method of ob-
the graphical constructions by calculation.
(I) Multiply 4'75 by 3'5. (2) Divide taining the value of B CAD .
X X x .. .
5.85 by 2'75. (3) Find the volnme of a (This is a repetition of the method used
rectangular solid having edges 1'5 X in fig. 2.)
1'9 X 2'7. (4) Find the values of 1'4 2, (7) Draw a curve which will give the
1'4 1 and 1'4'. (5) Find the square roots values of the squares of quantities from
of 80 and 120. o to 4, taking !" as the unit.

• Very often A is large compared with the unit (or vice versa) and a poor construction wou ld result. Thi.
may be avoided by choosing another unit. t For example, if V 90 i. requited, the construction unit may be
25 X normal unit, i.e. 5' X unit. T hen V 90 = :!..

t----A-- .

f-- unit----l

r x=AxB---~ ,I



(,9 3


Tiul studeHtis adwed to apply Buclidean /»,oofs to tlul constructions

in this chapter
Problem 4. To construct a reaular Polyaon of n Sides on a a!ven
Base AB.
Let the polygon be a heptagon. Complete the construction as in figure.
Produce BA, and with A as centre
and AB as rad. draw a semi-circle. Special Construction for Pema,on . -
Divide the semi-circle, by' trial, into Bisect AB in C. Draw BD perp. and
equal to AB. With centre C and rad.
n equal parts-for the heptagon 7. CD mark off CE on AB produced. AE is
Join A to the second mark, 2 ; this the length of a diagonal of the pentagon.
gives a second side. Bisect each side The remainder of the construction is clear
at right angles and obtain 0 , the from the figure.
centre of the circumscribing circle.
Problem 5. To construct a Triangle aiven the Base AB, Vertical
Anale CIt, and the Altitude d.
Draw BAO inclined at (goO - CIt) to Draw a line pari to AB, distant d, to
AB to intersect in 0 a line bisecting intersect the segment in C. Join CA,
AB at right angles. With centre 0 CB-ABC is the required 1:::.. Clearly
and rad . OA describe the segment of there is a second position for C and a
a circle: any angle in this segment second 1:::..
has the value CIt (e.g. LADB = CIt) .
Problem 6. To construct a Triangle aiven the Perimeter I, Altitude d,
and Vertical Anale CIt.
Draw lines AF, AG enclosing an centre A, rad. d, describe a second arc.
angle c.. Mark off AD = AE = 1-:- 2. Draw BC, a common tangent to these
From D and E draw perps. to DA, arcs-ABC is the required 1:::.. There is
EA, intersecting in O. With centre 0 a second common tangent and a second
and rad, OD describe an arc ; with 1:::. .
Problem 7. To construct a Triangle given the Base AB, the ratio
a : b of the other Sides, and either (a) the Vertical Angle CIt, or
(b) the Altitude d.
Divide the base AB internally at C, of the segment and semi-circle, to
E in the ratio a : b. Produce AB to A and B-ABC is the required 1:::..
F making AF : BF as a : b. On FE (b) Draw a line pari to AB, and
draw a semi -circle . distant d, to intersect the semi-circle
(a) On AB draw the segment of a in D . Join DA, DB-ABD is the re-
circle containing an angle CIt, as in quired I:::.
Prob. 5. Join the point of intersection There are obviously other solutions.
Problem 8. To construct a Triangle given the Base AB, Altitude d,
and Perimeter 1.
Bisect AB in D and set off DE along AB, distant d, to cut the smaller arc
DA equal to (I - AB) -:- 2 . Draw DF in G. Join DG and produce it to H.
perp. to AB . With centre A and rad. Draw HC perp. to PQ. Join CA,
DE, cut DF in F . With centre D, radii CB-the I:::. ABC is one solution.
DE, DF, draw arcs. Draw PQ pari to
(1) Construct a regular pentagon, hep- (3) Perimeter 8', altitude 2', vertical
tagon , and nonagon ; sides 2', It', I' angle 45° .
respectively. , (4) Base 2', ratio of other sides 5: 3.
Construct triangles to the following (a) vertical angle 30° ; (b) altitude It'.
data. Measure the sides. (5) Base 3', altitude It', perimeter 8".
(2) Base 2', vertical angle 30°, altitude 21'.

PROBLEM 4 I--d"lagonal-----'

, /" J
a--; f


AE _AF a
BE- BF =7;

ED = --2


Problem 9. To construct a Triangle ABC similar to a given Triangle

abc, with its Vertex A at a given Point and its Vertices B and C
on given Lines PO and RS.
The following theorem forms the circular arc, and rad. arc RS: rad. arc
basis of the solution to this Problem. PQ :: AC : AB.
Refer to both figs. I and 2, in which Solution to Problem.-Two solu-
similar lettering has been used. tions are shown: (I) Fig. 3a, where
Theorem .-If any ~ A BC rotate in both PQ and RS are straight lines;
a plane about one vertex A, which {2} Fig: 3b, where PQ is a straight line
remains fixed, and if at the same t ime and RS is a circular arc. The con-
a second vertex B move along a fixed struction given applies to each figure .
line PQ, the sides of the ~ varying Take any point b, in PQ, join b,A,
proportionately to give a ,const ant and on b,A construct the ~ Ablc l
shape, then the path RS of the third (dotted) similar to the given ~ abc;
vertex C is a line similar to PQ but the angle at A is equal to a.. Through
turned through an angle equal to the c, draw a line MC, inclined to PQ at
vertex angle at A. an angle a., to intersect RS in C. Join
The linear dimensions of the figure AC and draw AB inclined at a. to AC
traced by the vertex C bear to the to intersect PQ in B. Join BC-ABC
dimensions of the original figure the is the required triangle.
ratio AC: AB. In fig. 2, PQ is a

10. Triangles in Perspective.

Two ~ s ABC, A,B,C, (fig. 4) are in AC, A,C,. It is a fundamental pro-
perspective when their verti ces can be perty of such ~ s that points of inter-
joined in pa irs by three concurr ent section of corresponding sides lie i n a
straight lines .· The vertices AA, are stra ight line : this property forms the
corresponding vertices, as are BB, and basis of the solution to the following
CC,; the sides AB, A,B, are corre- problem.
sponding sides, as are BC, B,C, and

Problem 11. To construct a Triangle whose Vertices shall each lie

in one of three concurrent Lines, and whose Sides shall pass each
through a given Point.
Let OA, OB , OC (fig. 4) be the con- and C,A, intersect in P , a point on the
current line s, and a, band c the given line ca. The required base CA now
points. Suppose the construction done, passes through two known points,
and let ABC be the ~. Draw any band P, and may be drawn . Finally,
~ A,B,C, to satisfy all the conditions joining a to A, and c to C the required
but one--the side A,C, does not con- ~ A BC is given.
tain b. The ~s ABC and A,B,C, an' This problem is of considerable im-
in perspective ; therefore the sides CA portance in Statics. See page 116 .

(1) Draw L'> s P, Q,R" similar to the vertex Q, on a circle centre Orad. 8'.
given L'> PQR, with vert ices situated as Measure the sides of the L'> s.
follows: (a) vertex P, at the point b. (2) Draw a L'> whose vertices shall lie
vert ex Q, on OA, and vertex R, on OX; on OX, OA, OB, and whose sides shall
(b) vertex P, at a. vertex R, on OX, and pass through a, band c. Measure its sides.
• The lines OA, OB, OC may meet in a point at infinity , i.e, they may be parallel.


Fia./. A\ ' L - J . . - - - - ?

b p

a c

PR OB LE M 9 s

- ------=:::::=::;;;7 0

12. The sequence of the following To describe a circle :
problems, fourteen in all, is settled by (I) to pass through a point and touch 2
their interdependence one upon the lines-Prob. 13;
other. This order, however, is not the (2) to pass through a point and touch I
most suitable in which to consider the line and I circle-Prob. 19;
roblems as a whole, and to obtain a (3) to pass through a point and touch 2
P circles-Prob. 21 ;
clear .idea of the ground covered the () h h . ts d t ch
student should rewrite them in out- 4 t>n~~o~~~~. 2 porn an ou I
line, as a preliminary, in the manner Add the others in the following order :
and order given opposite. Probs. 20, 18,22,14,23. IS , 16,24,251:1, 25b.
Problem 13. To describe a Circle to pass through a given Point P
and touch two given Lines AB and CD.
Fl~. I.-Produce the lines to meet given by joining FH and drawing the
in 0; draw OP and the bisector OE. parallel PN (dotted) .
Take any point F, on OE, as centre, Fl~. 2.-If AB and CD do not inter-
and describe a circle to touch the given sect conveniently, the corresponding
lines, intersecting OP produced in Glines OH and OE may be drawn as
and H . Join GF and through P draw shown. For OH, take any two paral-
PM pari to GF, intersecting OE in M. lels , ab and cd, and join Pa and Pb ;
M is the centre of one suitable circle, lines pari to Pa and Pb through c and
rad. MP; a second circle, centre N, is d give e, a second point on OH.
Problem 14. To describe a Circle to touch two given Lines AB and CD
and a given CircleE, rad. r,
Draw FG and HJ par' to AB and
CD, and distant r from them. By
I circle to pass through E and touch FG
and HJ . Join OE. 0 is the centre of
Prob. 13 determine 0 the centre of a the required circle , rad. OK.
Problem 15. To describe a Circle to touch a given Line AB in a given
Point P and a given Circle C, rad. r.
At P, and on the side of AB remote the centre of the required circle, rad.
from C, draw PD perp. to AB and OP. A second circle, centre 0 1 , is given
= 1'. Join DC and bisect it at rt. Ls by taking PE = r on the same side of
to intersect DP produced in O. 0 is AB as C (dotted lines).
Problem 16 (no figure). To describe a Circle to touch a given Circle
at a given Point P on its circumference, and a given Line AB.
Draw a tangent to the circle at P
and draw circles to touch the tangent,
I at P, and the line AB.
Problem 17. To describe a Circle to pass through two given Points
P and Q and touch a given Line AB.
Draw QP to intersect AB in C and a line bisecting PQ at rt. Ls. 0
produce it making CD = CP o On is the centre of the required circle
QD describe a semi-circle and at C and OF is its rad. A second circle,
draw the half-chord CE perp. to QD. centre 0 1• is given by marking off CG
Mark off CF (along CAl = CE, and (along CB) = CE , and proceeding as
erect a perp. FO to intersect in 0 above (dotted lines).
In each question measure the radii of P and the lines AB and CD.
the circles described. (3) Describe two circles to touch circle
(1) Describe two circles to pass through C and the line AB at P.
P and touch AB and CD. (4) Describe two circles to pass through
(2) Describe a circle l' rad. about P. P and Q and touch the line AB.
Then describe two circles to touch circle
C '\~

\ \

--.....--- \

PROBLEM r>====
11. H~\ -= PROBLEM 15. B

E__------ B
.... --_ ...... _---- PROBLEM 17.

Note.-The student will find that

extreme accuracy is necessary, par-
I intersection of lines, in these and other
similar constructions .
ticularly in registering the points of
Problem 18. To describe a Circle which shall pass through a given
Point P, touch a given Line AB, and have its Centre on a given
Line CD.
This problem may be converted the points P and Q, and touch the
into Prob. 17 as follows . From P draw given line AB. This is the required
PEQ perp. to CD and make QE = PE. circle.
Then determine a circle to pass through

Problem 19. To describe a Circle to pass through a given Point P,

touch a given Line AB, and touch a given Circle C.
Through C draw a line perp. to AB, tion to the problem. Another circle
cutting the given circle in D and F , can be drawn to pass through P and
and the given line in E . Describe a G and touch AB ; further, by drawing
circle to pass through the three po ints a construction circle to pass through
D, E and P : join PF, cutting this circle F, E and P , instead of D, E and P , and
in G. Now determine, as in Prob. 17, joining PD instead of PF, two other
a circle to contain the two points P circles may be drawn to satisfy the
and G, and touch the given line AB. conditions. One of these is shown by
This circle, centre Orad. OP, will also the dotted circle, centre 01'
touch the given circle, and is one solu-

Problem 20. To describe a Circle to pass through two given Points,

P and Q, and touch a given Circle A.
There are two solutions to the prob- tangents DE and DF from D to the
lem, and both are shown, one by full given circle , touching it at E and F .
lines and the other by dotted lines.
Draw any circle PQCB to pass
through P and Q and to cut the given
lines to intersect, in° °°
Join AE and FA and produce both
and 1, a line
GH .bisect ing PQ at rt. Ls. and
circle in Band C. Join PQ and BC 0 1 are the .centres of the required
and produce them to meet in D . Draw circles, their radii being OE and 01F.

Problem 21. To describe a Circle to pass through a given Point P,

and touch two given Circles A and B.
Join AB, intersecting the given (there are two such tangent circles,
circles in C and D (also H) . Draw an but only one is shown): this circle,
outside common tangent to the circles, centre 0 , will also touch the other
intersecting AB produced in E. De - given circle and is one solution to the
scribe a circle to pass through the three problem. Dotted lines only: by draw-
points P, C and D, and join PE to ing a circle to pass through P, C and
cut this circle in F. Using the con- H, and a crossed common tangent, a
struction of the previous problem, similar construction to that above
draw a circle to pass through P and F
and touch one of the given circles °
gives two other suitable circles, one
of which, centre 1, is shown.
In each question measure the radii of (2) Describe two circles each to pass
the circles described. through P and Q and touch the circle C.
(1) Describe two circles, each to pass (3) Describe two circles, corresponding
through P and touch both the line AB to those in the figure of Prob: 21, to pass
and the circle C. through P and touch the circles A and B.


c: ,




Problem 22. To describe a Circle to touch three given Circles,

A rad, r I , Brad. r 2 , C rad, r s'
With centre A and rad. h - 1'3) centre C. Join OB (or OA or OC):
describe a circle ; with centre Band o is the centre of one circle, rad. OD ,
rad. (r 2 - 1'3 ) des cr ibe a circle. Using which touches the t hree circles ex -
the construction of the previous prob- ternally. Seven other circles, in
lem, describe a circle centre 0 to touch gene ral, may be drawn to satisfy the
these two circles and pass through the conditions.

Problem 23 (no figure). To describe a Circle to touch two given

Circles and a given Line. .
By regarding the line as the circum- I m od ified to give t he required circle,
ference of a circle of infin itely large rad. , or ci rcles.
the above construction may be readily

Problem 24. To describe a Circle which shall touch a given line AC

at the Point C, and intercept a given length I on a given Line AB.
Draw OD perp . to AC at C, and AB in E. At E draw EO perp. to AB
make CD =!. With centre A and
to intersect pO in. O. 0 is the c.en~re
of the required ci rcle and OC 1S its
rad. AD describe an arc int ersecting rad . ; FG is the give n length I.

Problem 25. To determine the Locus of the centre of a Circle which

touches (a) two given Circles A and B, (b) a given Line AB and a
given Circle C.
(a) Fi~. I.-Join AB cutting the loci may be drawn for the circles
circles at D and E. B isect DE at F, shown , as the point F may be taken
and with centre F mark off an y equal in three other pos itions, vi z. the m id-
distances FI along AB on each side points of GH , GE and DH.
of F. With centres A and B and radii (b) Fi~. 2.-By regarding the line
AI and BI describe arcs as shown to AB as the circum ference of a circle of
intersect in the points I , I ; obtain other infinitely large radius the construction
points such as 2, 2 in the same way . given above may be applied, as shown
The curve drawn through these points in the figure. The locus is a parabola.
is the required locus. It is a hyperbola Another locus is given by taking F at
with foci at A and B. Four d ifferent the mid-point of EG.

Uses of Problems 25(a) and 25(b) .

The above loci may be used if it is For example (d ot t ed lines both
required to describe a circle to touch figures), if the required circle is to
(a) two given circles, or (b) a given have its centre 0 on a given line MN,
line and a given circle, and to satisfy o is given by the intersection of MN
some other condition. and the loci.

In each question measure the rad ii of line AB is inclined to it at 35°. Describe
the circles described . a circle to touch AC at C and to intercept
(1) Describe one circle, corresponding a length of Ii' along AB.
to that in the figure of Frob . 22, to touch (4) Describe a circle to tou ch circles C
the three given circles. and D and to have its centre on MN.
(1) Describe a circle to touch circles A (5) Describe a circle to touch AB and
and B and the line MN. the circle D and to have its centre on
(3) A line AC is 3' long and a second MN.


L "",EM

M Ex.llli2
Problem 26. To mark off along a given Straight Line a Length
equal to that of a given Circular Arc.
Refer to fig. I. Let AB be the given BD=lAB. With centre D and rad. DA
arc subtending an angle ot at its centre describe an arc to intersect the tangent
O. Draw a tangent to the arc at B . in E . The length of BE is equal to the
Join AB and produce it to D making length of the arc AB , approximately.
Problem 27. To mark off a given Length along a given Circular Arc.
Refer to fig. 2. Let AB be the given slightly less than AB by the fraction
arc. Draw a tangent to the arc at B, ott • •
and mark off along it a distance BE 1080 of AB (neglecting higher powers
equal to the given length. Take a of ot) . When ot = ~ (90°) the error is
point F on BE, such that BF = iBE, 2
and with F as centre and FE as rad. only '0056 of the length of AB.
describe an arc to intersect the given The construction used in Prob. 27 may
arc in A. The length of the arc AB is be deduc~d fro.m that of Frob . 26. Refer
equal to that of the line BE, approx. to fig. 3 m .which both figs. I and 2 have
Fig. 2 has been made similar to been combmed,. ~o a smaller scale. Sup-
fi . . pose DE to be joined and the angle EDA
g. I, to emphasize the ~onnexI?n bisected, the bisector meeting BE in F .
between the two constructions-s-dis- Then DE = DA = 3DB, and because
cussed below. DF bisects LEDB,
Note.-Both constructions are due EF : FB :: DE : DB (Euc. VI, 3);
to Rankine and are sufficiently ac- :. BF = lBE.
curate for graphical work. If IX is in Also, AF = EF, for if AF be joined it will
radians, the arc AB = OA . ot. It may be apparent that the l:> s AFD and EFD
IX' are similar ;
be shown that EB = OA . ot { I - -108-0 . an arc described with centre F and
_ higher powers of IX} so that EB is rad, FE will inters~t the arc BA in A
, sueh that arc BA = line BE.
Problem 28 . Given the Diameter of a Circle, to determine its Circum-
Let AB be the diam. of the given a rad. OC at 30° to AB. From C draw
circle. Draw a line perp. to AB at CD perp. to AB intersecting it at D .
B and mark off along it a distance Join DE : the length DE gives a close
BE = 3 . AB. On AB describe a approximation to the length of the
semi-circle, and from 0 its centre draw circumference. See Ex. 3.
Problem 29. Given the Circumference of a Circle, to determine its
Draw a line AB equal to the given an arc cutting AB in F . The length AF
0"", bisect it at C, and describe upon it is the diam. of the circle, approx. This
a semi-circle. Us ing the same rad. and construction gives Diam. = 0'317 Circ.;
with B as centre, describe an arc cutting · Circ. 8 C'IrC.
the 0.0 in D . Draw DE perp. to AB ; actua11y D lam. = -."- = o·31
with Eascentre, and ED as rad., describe
(I) Rectify the arc subtending 50° at and 28 : in the former take the circum-
the centre of a circle 4" rad . Calculate its ference in six parts. Also calculate the
length and compare with the result length which Prob , 28 should give-the
obtained graphically. formula for the length DE is
(2) Determine the angle subtended at •• • _ .
the centre of a circular arc, 4" rad ., by a .; 9d + id (I + cos 30 ) . where d - diam ,
circumferential length of 3'5". Check by (4) The circumference of a circle is
calculation. 6' 28" . Obtain its approx. diam. graphic-
(3) Find the length of the circumference ally and check by calculation.
of a circle, 3" diam ., using both Probs . 26




The Parabola, Ellipse, and Hy- ever, be defined first with reference to
perbola will be considered in this the right circular cone of which they are
chapter primarily as plane curves plane sections.* Sectioned models of
generated by a point moving under the cone should be examined if pos-
restricted conditions; they will, how- sible.
30. Conics regarded as Sections of the right circular Cone.
Refer first to the definition of the Now suppose a sphere inscribed to
cone given on page 170 the cone to touch the section plane
The pictorial views, figs. I , 2, and SP, as shown by the circles in figs. la,
3, show a right circular cone cut by 2a, 3a. The point of contact F be-
a section plane- ; in the corresponding tween the sphere and the plane of
views beneath, figs. la, 2a, 3a, the section is the focus of the conic, and
cone and section plane are represented the sphere is called the focal sphere.
by projections, the cone projecting as The cone and sphere touch in a circle,
an isosceles 8. , and the plane as a and a plane containing this circle of
straight line SP. contact, lettered PCC, is perp. to the
If the section plane SP is inclined to axis of the cone and intersects the
the axis of the cone and is par' to one section plane SP in a line DD which
generator, the section at the surface of is called the directrix of the conic.
the cone is a parabola ; if SP cuts all The axis of the conic is a line AA I
generators on one side of the apex, through the focus perp. to the direc-
the section is an ellipse ; and if SP trix; the vertex is the point V in
cuts both parts of the double cone which the curve intersects the axis.
on one side of the axis, the section is For any point on a conic the ratio
a hyperbola . The true shape of one distance from focus F .
half of each curve is shown in figs. la, distance from directrix DD IS a con -
2a, 3a-;-the de~ermination of which is stant called the eccentricity of the
fully discussed III Chap. 15 · conic ; in each figure VFIVA gives the
T~e pa~a~ola has only on.e branch, eccentricity. For the parabola the
and IS unlimited ; the ellipse IS a .closed eccentricity is 1 ; for the ellipse it is
curve, and the hyPerb?la co~slsts?f less than I ; and for the hyperbola it
two parts extending indefinitely m is greater than I.
opposite directions.
31. Conics regarded as plane Loci.
From the above, a conic may be de- depends the kind of curve traced.
fined as the locus of a point which Refer to fig. 4 : DD is the directrix, F
moves in a plane so that the ratio of the focus , and P the moving point.
its distances from a fixed point (the The conic is a parabola, ellipse, or hy-
focus) and a fixed line (the directrix), perbola according as the ratio PFjPD
in the plane, is constant. The ratio is respectively equal to, less than, or
is the eccentricity, and upon its value greater than unity.
Problem 32. To plot a Conic, given Focus, Directrix, Eccentricity.
The plotting of the conics shown in ellipse has an eccentricity of f, so that
fig. 4 is a simple matter involving only a point 2" from F must be 3" from
the location of a number of points DD , one I" from F, It" from DD, and
at known distances from F and DD . so on ; the hyperbola has an eccentricity
The student may invent a simple pro- of!, i.e . a point 3" from F is 2" from
portional scale for use in drawing the DD . For the parabola each point is
ellipse and hyperbola. In fig. 4 the equidistant from F and DD.

Taking a focus 2" from a directrix, (z) An ellipse, eccentricity j .
construct : (I) A parabola. (3) Two hyperbolas, eccentricities! & t.
• The curves were studied first as sections of the cone by the ancient Greeks. Long afterwards Pappus
discovered that they could be defined as plane loci.


~oo .

33. Terms used for all Conics.
In addition to those given on the diameter. A perp. from a point on
previous page, other terms used for the conic to the axis is called an
conics are shown in fig. 1. A straight ordinate, and if produced to meet the
line joining two points on a conic is conic again it is called a double
called a chord ; if the chord passes ordinate ; the double ordinate through
through the focus it is called a focal the focus is called the latus rectum.
chord. The mid-points of parallel A normal to a conic is a perp. to the
chords lie in a straight line called a tangent at the point of contact.

34. Properties common to all Conics.

The following exercises, to be worked and D1F, and show that these lines
out by the student, are designed to bisect the angles BFG and BFH, and
demonstrate by graphical construction that the angle DFD 1 is a rt. angle.
certain relations which are proved Hence: if two focal chords BC and GH
analytically in pure geometry. Any be drawn, lines joining the extremities
conic may be drawn to test the con- G and B, and C and H, also Hand B
structions; a suitable curve ' is given and C and G, will intersect on the
by taking the focus 2" from the direc- directrix, and that part of the directrix
trix and using an eccentricity of ~ . betweenthe points of intersection subtends
Where required, tangents may be a rt , angle at the fo cus.
drawn by trial with a ruler. Exercise 5, Fi~. 6.-Suppose the
Exercise I, Fi~. 2.-Draw a line points G and H, fig. 5, to move to-
intersecting the directrix in D and the wards Band C until they coincide
conic in Band C, Band C being well with Band C respectively. Repeat
apart. Join each point to F and pro- Ex. 4 ; i.e. draw tangents at Band C.
duce CF to an y point E . Measure the Show that these meet in D 1 on the
angles BFD, EFD-they should be directrix, and that D 1F is perp. to BC.
equal. Hence : if a straight lin e cut the Hence: tangents at the extremities of
directrix in D and the conic in Band a fo cal chord intersect on the directrix.
C, and if D, B and C be joined to the Draw other pairs of tangents from
focus, then DF bisects the exterior angle points on the directrix (dotted ), and
between BF and CF. (If Band Care show that the chords joining the points
on separate branches of the hyperbola, of contact are focal chords.
DF bisects the angle BFC). Note.-The results of Ex. 4 and 5
Exercise 2, Fi~. 3.-Take the may be deduced at once from those of
points Band C closer together and Ex. I and 3.
repeat Ex. I. Exercise 6, Fig . 7.-Take any
Exercise 3, Fi~. 4.-Let C coin- external point P and draw tangents
cide with B and draw the line BD, PB and PC. Join BF and CF and
which is now a tangent to the conic. show that the angles PFB and PFC
Join DF and BF. This is the limiting are equal. Hence: tangents drawn from
case of fig. 3, and DF is perp. to any point to a conic subtend equal
BF, because BF and FE now coincide. angles at the focus . At B draw the
Hence: the angle subtended at the focus normal BG meeting the axis at G.
by that part of the tangent intercepted
between the conic and the directrix is a Show that ;~ = the eccentricity of
right angle. the conic. Draw GE perp. to BF, and
Exercise 4, Fi~. 5.-Draw any show that BE = the semi -latus rectum.
two focal chords BC and GH. Join Exercise 7. No Figure.-Draw a
HB and CG, and produce them to number of par chords and show that
intersect in D: D should lie on the their mid-points lie on a straight line
directrix. Join GB and CH and pro- -a diameter. Then show that tangents
duce them to intersect in D 1 : D 1 at the extremities of a par focal chord
should lie on the directrix. Join DF intersect on the diameter.
a w


35. Properties of the Parabola.

Additional terms used for the para- Refer to Fi~. 2.-PB is perp. to
bola are gi ven in ft~. 1. If a tangent the directrix, P~I is the ordinate of p.
at P intersect the a xi s at T , and M and FC is perp. t o the tangent PT
is the foot of the ordinate at P , then from P . Then : -
TM is call ed the subtangent and is The tangent PT bisects t he L B PF.
bisected by the ver t ex; i.e . VT = VM. The perp. FC meets a tangent from
Further, if PN is the normal at p . then the vertex V at C on PT.
NM is called the sub-normal ; its The latus rectum LL I = 4. VF .
length is constant. and = 2VF. All The ordinate" = the pr oduct (lat us
d iams. are pari to the axis. That part rectum x abscissa ). i.e. P:Vl a = LL I. VM
of a diam. between its vertex and an = 4VF . VM.
ordinate is called an abscissa : V1\1 Fi~. 3.-PQ and PR are common
and VIM I are abscissre, and V I;\1 1 tangents from an external point P .
varies as PMl x RM I. * The focal chord Then: L PFQ = L PFR; i.e. tangents
bisected by a diam. is called the from the same po int subtend equal z,s
parameter of that diam . Tangents at the focus .
from the extremities of all focal chords The area enclosed between the curve,
intersect at rt. Ls on the directrix ; e.g. the axis, and the ordinate Q:\I = 5 (area
tangents from P and Q intersect at D. of rectangle QMVL).
Problem 36. To draw the Tangent and Normal to a Parabola from a
given Point P on the Curve.
Three methods may be used: (1) VT= VM ; PT is the required tangent.
Draw PB perp. to the directrix and (3) Join FP and draw FD perp. to FP
join PF ; the required tangent bisects to intersect the directrix in D; PD is
the an gle FPB. (2) Draw the ordinate the required tangent. The normal may
PM and mark off along the axis be drawn at P perp. to PD.
Problem 37. To draw Tangents and Normals to a Parabola from a
given Point P outside the Curve.
Join PF and on PF as diam . de- To determine Q, a point of contact,
scribe a circle cutting the tangent at produce the tangent CP to meet the
the vertex in Band C. Join PB and directrix in D. Join DF, and draw
PC, and produce them ; these are the FQ at rt. L s to F D . The normal may
required tangents. then be drawn at Q perp. to QP.
Problem 38 . To construct a Parabola, using measured Absclssee.
As stated above." a property of the in which the double ordinate is divided by
curve is that the abscissa is proporti onal 10 equall y spaced diameters, and the
to the produ ct of th e parts into which it abs cissse are made equal, to scale. to the
div ides the double ordinate. This leads products of the segments of the double
to the simple const ruction shown opposite, ordinate.
Problem 39. To inscribe a Parabola to a given Rectangle ABCD.
Bisect AD and Be and draw FE . Divide points on BE. The points PI' P, . . . lie on
AB and BE into the same number of equal the required parabola. The curve is the
parts, say 5. numbering them as in fig. trajectory of a stone thrown in the air
Join the points on AB to F. to int ersect in i.e. uniformly retarded and accelerated
PI' p, ... lines dravvn pari to EF from the motion ; see Problem 90 .
(1) Draw a parabola, focus 2" from the to the curve and normals at the points of
directrix: contact.
(a) Verify by construction the pro- (2) The sides of a rect o are 4" X 3".
perties given above . Inscribe two parabolas with axes perp . to
(b) A point P on the curve is 2!" from each other.
the directrix : draw th e tangent and (3) Tak ing the double ordinate = 4"
normal at P. and the length of axis = 3", dr aw a par-
(e) A point PI is l " from the axis and abola as in Prob. 38 and determine its
1" outside the directrix. Draw tangents focus and directrix.


/ 9
/6 4
2 8

3 7 2/

46 24

55 2

6 4 24

7 3
8 Z /6
9 I t-----=-~
B I 2 3 4 [ ' -- --V"
The ellipse cuts the axis in two minor axis (BB 1 ) . Circles described
points, and is called a Central Conic. about the axes as diams. are called
I t has two foci and two directrices. major and minor auxiliary circles.
That part of the axis within the curve All diams. pass through the centre
is called the major axis (VVI)' and and are bisected by it ; tangents at
a perp. to it at the centre C, ter- the extremity of any diam. are parallel.
minated by the curve, is called the
40. Principal properties of the Ellipse. Fig. ~.
I. The sum of the focal distances 5. A circle (dotted) containing the
PF and PF I, from a point P on the foci F and F I , and any point P on the
curve, is constant, and equal to the curve, cuts the minor axis in points
length of the major axis VV I. Hence T I arid N, which are the points of
FB = VC. intersection of the tangent and normal,
2 . The tangent PT and the normal at P, and the minor axis.
PN bisect the Ls between PF and PF I. 6. PM is the ordinate of P. Then
3. Tangents QR and QS, from an PMI: VM X VIM:: BO: VO. If MP
external point Q, are equaHy inclined be produced to meet the auxiliary
to the focal distances QF and QF I. circle in D, then DMI = VM X VIM
4. Perps. FT and FIT I to the tangent and the ratio may be written PM:
at any point P meet the tangent on the DM :: BC : VC.
auxiliary circle, and BO = FT X F IT 1•
Problem 41. To construct an Ellipse, given the major Axis WI' and
the Foci F, Fl'
This construction follows from (I) in points AI> AI, As, and A, . These
above. Take any point A on VV l' points lie on the required ellipse.
fig. 2. With centres F and F I and radii Take other points such as A and plot
VA and VIA describe arcs intersecting a succession of points on the curve.
Problem 42. To construct an Ellipse, using the Auxiliary Circles.
The ellipse and its auxiliary circles ellipse, such as P, draw any rad. DC
in fig. 1 have been partly redrawn in cutting the auxiliary circles in G and
fig. 3. P is any point on the curve, and D; through D draw DP pari to BC,
PM is its ordinate. Join DC, cutting and through G draw GP pari to VC-
the minor auxiliary circle in G. Join the lines intersect in P. Other points
PG. Then because GC = BC and obtained in this way are shown for the
VC = DC, the ratio PM: DM :: BC : lower half of the curve.
VC, from (6) above, may be writte.n NOTE.-Tangentstotheauxiliarycircles
PM : DM :: GC : DC ; therefore PG IS at D and G, and a tangent to the ellipse
par to MC. To obtain points on the at P, intersect on the axes at T z and T a.
Problem 43. To draw Tangents to an Ellipse (i) at a Point P on
the Curve (U) from a Point Q outside the Curve.
Let the axes VVI' BB 1, fig. 4, be describe an arc. With centre F 1 and
given. Determine the foci, using the rad. VV 1 describe an arc to intersect
property at (I) above. it in A and B. JoilJ AF 1, BF1 to inter-
(1) Draw the focal distances PF, sect the ellipse in Rand S: these are
PFI; the required tangent bisects the the points of contact between the
exterior angle between them. tangents and the ellipse, and QS and
(ii) With centre Q and rad. QF, QR are the required tangents.
(I) Draw any ellipse and verify the pro- ellipse are 5 and 4 Describe the elIipse

perties (I) to (6) given above. and determine its foci.

(2) The foci of an ellipse are 3t apart
(4) A point Pis 6 from one focus and

and the major axis is 5' long. Draw the 21' from the other, in Ex . 2. Draw
ellipse and measure the minor axis. tangents to the ellipse from P and measure
(3) The major and minor axes of an their intercepted lengths.
f----!...f---.dt"'---=-'=~f:=:~ f__--'-'-'-y~_1f_!'f_-_____1t - -


Problem 44. To construct an Ellipse by the Trammel Method.
If the axes are known the most con- Application of the Method. Fig. 2.
venient way of constructing an ellipse (a) The short trammel.-Draw
is by means of a trammel. the axes and mark off along the
Refer to fig. 1, This is a reproduc- straight edge of a strip of paper the
tion of fig. 3 from the previous page. distances PQ , equal to the semi-minor
DGC is a common radius to the aux- axis, and PR, equal to the semi-major
iliary circles, P is a point on the ellipse, axis, so that RQ is the difference be-
and PM is its ordinate. Draw PR pari tween their lengths. Apply the trammel
to DC, cutting the major axis in Q. so that R falls on the minor axis, and
Then because DM is pari to BC, and Q on the major, as shown-P is a point
PG is pari to MC, PR = DC = semi- on the ellipse. Plot the ellipse point by
major axis, and PQ = GC = semi- point by sliding the trammel so that
minor axis. The line PQR may be R moves along the minor axis and Q
regarded as a trammel by means of along the major.
which points on the curve may be (b) The long trammel.-Mark off
located, for the lengths of PR and PQ PR 1, equal to the semi-major axis,
are constant. Similarly if PQI be and P1QI equal to the semi-minor axis,
drawn through P so that the angles so that R1QI is the sum of the axes.
PQ1M and PQM are equal, and if Q1P The application of the trammel is
be produced to meet the minor axis clearly shown in the figure . This
produced in R v then PQI = PQ = trammel should always be used when
semi-minor axis, and PR1 = PR = the axes do not differ greatly in length.
semi-major axis. The line Q1PR 1 may
be regarded as an alternative trammel Elliptical Trammels. Practical
for locating points on the curve. Applications.
In practice the long trammel may
N ote.-In general, if a straight line be be a rod which is moved with its ends
moved so as to have two points along it in guides; only one guide is required
always in two fixed straight lines, one if the -rod is hinged at its mid-point to
point in each line, then the locus of any a radius bar. In fig. 3 AB is pin-
other point in the line will be either an
ellipse or a circle: it will be a circle when jointed at C to a radius bar OC
the third point is equidistant from the which turns about 0 . If A is con-
other two, and the fixed lines are at right strained to move in a straight line,
angles. passing through 0, any point P on
the rod will trace out an elliptical arc.

Problem 45. To construct an approximate Ellipse, using Arcs of

Refer to fig. 4. Complete the rect- ellipse is given by arcs radii GB and
angle VCBD . Bisect VD at E and join HV, described about centres G and
EB. Set off CB 1 = CB and join DB1, H . There are many similar methods.
intersecting EB in P . P lies on the By using a greater number of arcs a
true ellipse. Bisect PB and VP at closer approximation to the true form
rt. Ls and obtain G on BB1 produced is given.
and H on VC. The approximate

(I) The major and minor axes of an (3) An elliptical window has major and
ellipse are 5* and 31*. Draw the ellipse, minor axes of 8' 0* and 6' 0*. Determine
using a short trammel for the upper half the dimensions of AC, OC, and PC for a
and a long trammel for the lower half. trammel of the type shown in fig. 3. Draw
(2) Draw an approximate ellipse on the the locus. of P for half the ellipse. Scale:
same lines as axes (Ex. I) and compare 1* =1 foot.
the two curves.



kJ c




Conjugate Diameters.
Two diams. are conjugate if they are jugate, because PQ is pari to tangents
so situated that each is pari to the tan- at Rand S, or because RS is pari to
gents at the extremities of the other ; in tangents at P and Q. It may be proved
fig. I the diams. PQ and RS are con - that PO + SCI = VCI + BO.
Problem 46. Given a pair of Conjugate Diameters, PQ and RS, of an
Ellipse, to determine the major and minor Axes.
Refer to fig. 2. From P draw PD . No/e.- Because ~D is perp . to H<?, t.he
perp. to SC and equal to SC in length. line PD an~ the circle ceD;tre 0 WIll in-
Join DC and on it describe a circle tersect SC in the same ~~llnt H; also a
centre O. Join PO cutting the circle in perp. l?G fron: D to P9 will pass through
. ' . . the POint of intersection of PQ and the
~, and produce ~t t<;> cut th~ circle aga~n circle. The points Hand G, in which the
m F . The semJ-mmor a~ts JS. equal m circle cuts the conjugate diams ., may be
length to PE, and the semJ-maJor to PF. obtained therefore by drawing PD perp.
Join CE and CF; these give the diree- to SC and equal to SC, and by drawing
tions of the axes, and by marking off PE DG perp. to PQ. This simple construction
and PF along them from C, the required is required at 2 below.
axes are given by VCV 1 and BCB!'
Problem 47. Given a pair of Conjugate Diameters, PQ and RS, of an
Ellipse, to construct the Curve.
1. Determine the axes, as in Prob. 46, 3. Using circumscribing parallelo-
and then adopt any of the methods grams.
given on previous pages. (a) Fi~ . 5 . Through P , Q, R, and S
2 . Determine the points G and H draw the par> abed with sides par to
as described above; i.e. draw PD the given diams. Divide RC, SC, Ra
perp. to SC , fig. 3, and equal to SC. and Sd into the same number of equal
Draw DG perp. t o PQ . Join GH. The parts, say 6. Join P to the points along
b,. PGH constitutes a trammel by Ra and Sd , and draw lines from Q
means of wh ich po ints on the ellipse through the points along RS to inter-
are quickly located. To apply the sect the corresponding lines from P in
trammel, transfer the b,. PGH to a points on the curve. Obtain the other
piece of tracing paper, and move the half in the same way.
tracing paper over the conjugate (b) Fi~. 6. Draw the parm abed,
diams. so that G lies a lways in PQ and and on adjacent sides as diams. draw
H in RS; the locus of P is the required sem i-circles. Divide each semi-circle
ellipse. Fig. 4 shows the trammel in into six equal parts, drop perps. from
use, the arrows indicating the direc- the points to the sides, and from the
tions in which the points are moving feet of the perps. draw parallels to
at the instant. PQ and RS. These parallels intersect
in points on the required ellipse.

Problem 48. Given an Ellipse, to determine its Axes. (No figure.)
Draw any two pari chords , bisect the ellipse in four points. Join these
them, and draw a diam . through the points to C; the axes will bisect the four
points. Bisect the diam . at C, and with angles so formed .
C as centre describe any circle, cutting

(I) Conjugate diams . of an ellipse (2) The sides of a par m measure 5' and
measure 8' and 61' and include an angle 4' and the included angle 50°. Inscribe an
of 60°. Determine the lengths and direc- ellipse using both methods given above.
tions of the major and minor axes. Then (3) Det ermine the axes of the ellipse in
using the triangular trammel method of (2), using Prob. 48.
figs. 3 and 4 plot the ellipse.


~- -- - -

p R

PARALLELOGRAMS. b H---'~--f--=~--f~
49. The hyperbola is a central diagonals of the rectoLL1LL1 of which
conic and is similar to the ellipse in the axes are centre lines. The circle
many respects. The curve has two centre C diam, VV 1 is an auxiliary
branches, given by the sections of the circle . It intersects each directrix on
double cone, and two foci and direc- the asymptotes and a perp. from a
trices; each branch has the 'sam e eccen- focus to an asymptote meets the circle
tricity. The focus and directrix for one tangentially.
branch apply also to the other: i.e. Principal Properties.
. fig. I, VF
m VD = VIF
V D = eccent rici
. ity, or 1. The difference between the focal
1 distances of a point is constant and
~1~1 = ~1 = eccentricity. That part is equal to the transverse axis, i.e,
1 1 1 PF1 - PF = VV 1•
of the axis between the vertices VVI is 2 . The tangent at a point on the
called the transverse axis ; its mid- curve bisects the angle between the
PO int is the centre C. The conjugate foc al d IS
' t ances, i.e.
. PT'
axis BB I bisects VV 1 at rt. Ls, and its The length of a tangent intercepted
extremities BB I are located by describ- between the asymptotes is bisected at
ing an arc, rad. FC, centre V, to inter- the point of contact, i.e, GH = GJ.
sect the perp. in Band B I· St. lines 3. If Q is a point on the curve and
which approach the curves indefinitely QR and QS are drawn par to the
without actually touching them are asymptotes, then QR X QS = a con-
called asymptotes s : they fonn the stant.
Problem 50. To construct a Hyperbola, given the Foci. F and Fl' and
Transverse Axis VV l '
Refer to fig. I . -T ake any point A on required curve. The same radii give
the axis, outside the foci. With centre three other points on the curve, and
F 1 and rad. VIA describe an arc ; with a series of points may be plotted by
centre F and rad. VA describe a second taking other points such as A.
arc to intersect it in AI' a point on the
Problem 51. To construct a Hyperbola, given the Asymptotes CL. CLr
and a Point Q on the Curve.
Refer first to (3) above. Through the required curve. Obtain other points
Q, fig. 2, draw QS and QR pari to (2) , (3). (4), in the same way. When
CL, CL I. Draw any radial line from LC is perp. to CL I the curve is called a
C cutting QS in I and RQ produced in rectangular hyperbola-a curve common
II ; through these points draw lines in gas expansions and compressions.
par' to CL, CL I, to intersect in (I) on
Problem 52. To construct a Hyperbola, given the semi-transverse
Axis CVI and a Point 0 on the Curve, ordinate AO.
Complete the rectangle VIAOG, intersection (I) , (2) ... lie on the re-
fig. 3, divide GO and AO into the same quired curve, which is symmetrical
number of equal parts, and join these about VIA.
points to VIand V The points of
(I) Plot both branches of a hyperbola, (3) Take a few points such as Q, fig. I,
given eccentricity = i. and focus It" and confirm that QR x QS = constant.
from directrix. Mark the second directrix (4) Plot a rectangular hyperbola, given
and focus. Draw the asymptotes and that a point on the curve is I from one U

measure the angle between them . asymptote and 2" from the other.
Use the hyperbola in Ex. I for Exs. 2 (5) Take the following dimensions for
and 3. fig.u 3 and plot the complete curve . CV1 =
(2) Take any point P on one branch and 21 , VIA = 2", AO = 3t H

draw the tangent and normal to the curve.

• Refer to p.266 where the asymptotes are discussed in relation to the cone.




/,~3, , s,
Centre of Curvature and Evolute of any Curve.
Let a circle centre 0 be drawn curvature of the curve at P; the rad.
through three po ints P , Q. and R on a of the circle is called the rad, of
given curve. fig. I . and let Q and R curvature at P, and the centre 0
converge towards P until the points is the centre of curvature. The
are indefinitely close together. In the evolute of a curve is the locus of the
limit the circle becomes the circle of centre of curvature.
Problem 53. To determine the Centre of Curvature at a given Point
on any Conic.
The centre of curvature at any P ' V h . bec VF NF
point P on a conic. except when P 15at t e ratio omes VF = NFl ;
coincides with the vertex. may be de- and as 0 coincides with N when P is at
termined as follows : VF OF
Refer to Fill. 2. Join p. to the V. the ratio can be written VF = OF
focus F . At P draw the normal PNO (when P is at VI the ratio becomes
cutting the axis in N . At N draw NE V F OF)
perp. to NP to intersect in E the line VIIFI = OF' The required point 0
PF produced. At E draw EO perp .
to PE to intersect the normal in O. may therefore be determined by the
o is the centre of curvature of the following simple construction.
conic at the point P. Fig. 4: the Ellipse. - Draw any
As P approaches the vertex. the line FID = FIV. and produce it to E.
points N. 0 and E move towards one making DE = FV. Join EF and draw
another; the student should test this by DO par! to EF to intersect the axis in
taking P in several positions approach- O. 0 is the centre of curvature at the
ing V. When P is at V. the three points OF DE VF
N, 0 and E coincide on the axis. vertex V. for OF = DF = VF
For the Parabola, PF and FE are I I I'
equal. and when P is at V. fig. 3. the Fi~. 5: the Hyperbola . - Draw
centre of curvature is at 0 , such that any line FD = FV I and mark off along
FO = FV. DF a distance DE equal to FIV I.
For the Ellipse and Hyperbola, the Join EF I and draw DO par! to EF I
ratio of the focal distances of P is to intersect the axis in O. 0 is the
equal to the ratio of the focal dis- centre of curvature at the vertex VI'
tances 0 f N : i.e. PF = NFl' When or OF = DF = VIF'

Problem 54. To determine the Evolute of a Conic.

The evolute of a curve is the locus struction lines for po ints 0 1 and O.
of its centre of curvature. and its be ing shown. When CB is less than
construction consists in plotting the CF the po ints 0. and O, will fall out-
centres of curvature for a number of side the ellipse. The construction of
points on the curve and joining them the evolutes of the parabola and hyper-
by a fair curve. Fig. 6 shows the com - bola is left as an exercise for the
plete evolute for an ellipse, the con- student.
(I) The focal distance of the vertex of an ellipse is 4w and the minor axis is 21 w •
a parabola is lW. Construct that part of Construct the evolute to the ellipse.
its evolute which lies between the vertex (4) The asymptotes of a hyperbola
and a double ordinate whose abscissa is intersect at 70° and at a distance of liN
41'. from the vertices of the branches. Draw
(2) The major and minor axes of an that part of the evolute to one branch
ellipse are 5' and 4 • Construct its com- which lies between the vertex and a
plete evolute. double ordinate distant 41 w from the
(3) The distance between the foci of vertex.

AT A CIVEN POI NT P. O?- ---L-----'''f




54a. Pascal's and Brianchon's Theorems.

These theorems from Projective (b) Extra points defined by a tan-
Geometry provide constructions for gent point and three other points,
conic curves which are very useful in fig. 3.
practice, as will be shown . Suppose the point f , fig. I, to .move
(1) Pascal's Theorem.-Any six towards e until it coincides with e. The
points such as abe d e f on the conic line e(f)P would then be a tangent at
shown in fig. I can be joined to give e, as in fig. 3. Suppose we have also
the hexagon > abcfeda. The pairs of the points a , band d and that we re -
opposite sides are then ab, [e ; be, ed ; quire a point such as e.
cf, ad. These pairs intersect in the The construction follows from the
points P, Q and R respectively. earlier figures . Draw ab to intersect in
Pascal's Theorem states that P, Q and P the tangent from e. Draw ad.
R lie in a straight line. The hexagon Draw any convenient line PR to inter-
can be taken as abfedca ; and then sect ad in R . Draw ed to intersect
another straight line such as PQR PR in Q. Draw b Q to intersect eR
results. produced in e. This point c is another
A useful construction, used in Prob- point on the conic.
lem 54b on the next page, is that for a (2) Brianchon's Theorem.-The
conic required to pass through a given conic shown in fig. 4 has six tangents
point and to touch two tangents at which intersect. Brianchon's Theorem
given points. This construction will be states that lines joining opposite
approached by considering first the vertices of the hexagon pass through
construction for extra points on (a) a one point O.
conic defined by five points; and (b) Let us suppose that one tangent
a conic defined by a tangent point and moves until it is in line with an ad -
three points. jacent tangent; their intersection then
(a) Extra points on a conic defined becomes their common tangent point
by five points. on the curve. Imagine the tangent ab,
Suppose the five points a c d e f fig. 4, to be moved into the posi-
(fig. I) to be given, but not b. We tion alb l in fig. 5, a coinciding with
wish to obtain points such as b. a l • Lines joining opposite vertices st ill
The construction is shown in fig. 2 . intersect in 0 ; two, dotted, may be
Join ad and cf to obtain R , as before. drawn at once to give 0 ; and the
Draw any convenient straight line third, through c and 0, gives the
through R. Draw fe and ed to intersect position of a l •
this line in P and Q. Draw aP and This simple construction may be
Qe produced to intersect in bl ; bl is used to determine the tangent point
another point on the conic. for any tangent.

Draw an ellipse, axes 8" and 5". Mark
any six points and check Pascal's Theorem.
I any six tangents, as in fig. 4, and, after
checking Brianchon's Theorem , find the
Obtain other points on the curve . Draw positions of the tangent points , as in fig. 5.

• A hexagon js regarded as a figure given by joining six coplanar points no three of which lie in a
Itrlight line .


Problem 54b. Given points of contact on two tangents to a conic,

given also a third point through which the conic is to pass; to
draw the curve.
This construction follows that in pass through a given point-in practice
fig. 3 on the previous page if a and b often to enable the outline to clear
are assumed to coincide. Because the some feature.
construction is of importance, e.g . in In fig. I are shown two po ints a and
aircraft construction, where a fair out- e on lines ab and ef, and a point d ;
line is required to satisfy the specified other points are required to give a fair
conditions. it is described fully. curve which meets ab and ef tangen-
In conic lofting it is assumed that the tially at a and e and passes through d.
required boundary curves will be satis- The curve is shown dotted, and the
factory if they are curves of the second construction for points upon it is
degree, i.e , if they satisfy the general shown in fig. 2.
equation ax 2 + by 2 + exy + px + gy = The two tangents ab and ef intersect
const. All conic sections satisfy this in P . Draw ad and ed. Draw any line
equation, and all second-degree equa- PS through P , intersect ing ad in Rand
tions represent conic sections. ed produced in Q. Draw aQ to meet
The usu al requirements are that a n eR produced in e. This point e lies on
outline or boundary curve will meet the required curve . Other points may
lines tangentially at given points and be obtained by taking other lines
satisfy some other conditions : that through P such as PSI '
considere d her e is that the curve shall

Problem 54c. Given a conic curve and the tangent at a point upon it,
to draw the tangent at any other point in the conic.
The curve obtained by the con- produced in Q. Join HQ and produce
struction in fig. 2 has been repeated, it to intersect ab in P . A straight line
with one tangent ab, in fig. 3. A tan- from e through P is the required
gent is required at the point e. tangent. The similarity of fig. 4 to
Take any two points e and d on the fig. 2 wrll be noted.
conic, fig. 4. Draw lines ee and ed. The accuracy of the construction
From a draw ad to intersect ee in H depends upon the choice of position for
and draw ae produced to intersect ed e and d .

Problem 54d. To construct a conic given a point of contact on a tangent,

a point of contact on a given conic, and a third point through which
the curve is to pass.
Refer to fig. 5. The tangent point Obtain the tangent through c, as in
is e on the tangent ej ; the other po int Problem 54e ; the solution then re -
of contact is e on the given conic ae. solves itself into Problem 54b . The
The third point is d. required conic is shown dotted.


The positions of points on a half section Draw the conics and draw tangents at
are given by coordinates in fig. 6. The rand q. Complete the whole section by
three conics are tangential to the vertical drawing the other half. symmetrically
at p, and pass respectively through q, rand about the vertical. (Construction lines for
s, They meet the horizontals tangentially. two points are shown dotted.)

F'g I -------


hg 2

fig 3

x 0
y 10

x 0
'j 6

hg 6
55. Roulettes.
If one curve roll without sliding The locus of C, i.e, the original base
upon another curve, any point con- curve, is the evolute of the involute.
nected with the rolling or generating Cycloidal and Trochoidal Curves.
curve describes a roulette. The base -If the generating curve is a circle,
or directing curve is generally assumed the roulette of a point on the circum-
to be fixed . The locus of P, fig. I, as ference is called: (I) a cycloid. when
the curve rolls from one position to the base line is straight, fig. 3 ; (2) an
the other, is a roulette. epicycloid. when the base line is
Involute and Evolute.-If the circular and the generating circle rolls
generating line is straight, the roulette on the outside, fig. 4; (3) a hypo-
of a point in the line is called the cycloid, when the base curve is cir-
involute of the base curve. The locus cular and the generating circle rolls
of P, fig. 2, as the line AB rolls from on the inside , fig. 4. If the generating
one position to the other, is the in- point is not on the circumference of
volute of the base curve shown. The the rolling circle, the three curves
point of contact C is the instantaneous become : (La) a trochoid; (2a) an
centre of motion of P, and is therefore epitrochoid; (3a) a hypotrochoid
the centre of curvature of an in- -see later.
finitely short length of the involute.

56. Glissettes.
If a line , straight or curved, slides called a glissette. The locus of P,
between two other fixed lines (or fig. 5, on the line AB, which slides
between (I) two fixed points ; (2) one between the lines CD and EF, is a
fixed point and one fixed line), the glissette-an elliptical curve in this
locus of a point on the sliding line is case .

57. Tracing Paper or Trammel Solutions.

To draw any Roulette, fig. 6. Draw touches the fixed curve at B, as shown
the rolling curve on tracing paper and by the "chain " line . The point P
apply it over the base curve. Let P has now moved to Pl' Mark Pl> and
be the generating point and A the in the same way proceed to plot a
initial point of contact. Using a succession of points PIP• . ... A fair
pricker, i.e. a fine needle in a small curve through these points gives the
wooden handle, mark the position of P; required roulette.
then transfer the pricker to A, and To draw any Glissette. Draw the
allow the curve to roll about it until it sliding line on tracing paper and
overlaps the fixed curve by a small apply the trammel in a number of
amount, cutting it at B, as shown by suitable positions, pricking through
the dotted line . Transfer the pricker the position of the point in each.
to B, and revolve the curve until it

(Use a tracing -paper strip for the follow- until it is in contact with VI' Plot the
ing.) roulette of P.
(1) The parabola CD rolls on the line (3) A circle 11* dia. revolves once
AB. Plot the roulette of its focus F. (The around (a) the outside, (b) the inside, of
roulette is a catenary, the curve taken by a circular arc 3* rad. Plot the roulette of
a flexible cord hanging between horizontal a point on its circumference.
supports.) (4) The line AB moves so that one end
(2) The line AB touches the ellipse at always lies in DE and the other on the
the end C of its latus rectum , and rolls circle centre O. Plot the locus of C.




-- p'

)\ -- - _ ... "'"


/' FiB£

8-:"8 / '

Ex. I.
c F D

58. Fundamental Constructions. Figs. 1 and 2.

P and Q are points on a rolling circle, the cycloid.
centre 0, and P is in contact with a Fig. 2. When BB is a circular arc,
base line BB. Let the circle roll along centre C. Draw arcs 00 1 and QP1
this base line until Q lies in BB : to concentric with BB. Set off the arc
determine P lo the corresponding posi- PQl = arc PQ. Join CQl and produce
tion of P . it to intersect the arc 00 1 in 01' With
Fig. 1. When BB is a straight line. centre 0 1 draw an arc of the rolling
Draw 00 1 pari to BB and equal in circle to cut the arc QP1 in Pl' As Q
length to the arc PQ . With 0 1 as centre descends to Ql ' P ascends to Pl' This
draw an arc of the rolling circle to construction is required -for the epi-
intersect in PI a line through Q pari and hypocycloids. Fig. I is a special
to BB. As Q descends to Ql' P ascends case of fig. :2 when C is infinitely dis-
to Pi' This construction is required for tanto
Problem 59. To construct a Cycloid, given the Rolling Circle.
Refer to fig. 3. Let P be the gener- into twelve parts, and mark them as in
ating point on the rolling circle, centre figure. Take the points c1, ca, c3 • • • in
0, rad. 1', in the initial position. Using tum as centres, and with rad. I' de-
Problem 28, page 20 draw the base scribe arcs to intersect horizontals
line PB tangential to the circle, and through the corresponding points I, :2,
equal in length to its circumference. 3 . . . on the circle. The points of
Draw OOt par! to PB and equal to it intersection PI' Pa, P3 . . . lie on the
in length. Divide 00 1 and the circle required cycloid.
Problem 60. To determine the Tangent, Normal, and Centre of
Curvature at a given Point on a Cycloid.
One half of the above cycloid is the rolling circle in the position
shown in fig. 4. Let Q be the given (dotted) which it occupies when P is
point. Draw the rolling circle in its at Q : the normal QN passes through
initial position and draw QR pari to the point of contact N.
PB to meet the circumference in R. Produce QN to C and make CN =
Join R to Sand P, the extremities of NQ ; the point C is the centre of curva-
a diameter perp. to PB. Draw QT ture at Q, and the locus of C is the
pari to SR, and QN pari to RP ; QT evolute of the given cycloid--an equal
is the tangent, and QN the normal, to cyclo id
the cycloid at Q. Alternatively, draw
Problem 61. To construct a Trochoid,· given the Rolling Circle and
Tracing Point.
Let P, at rad. 1', be the tracing I, :2, 3 .... With centres c1 , ca, C3 • ••
point, on the rolling circle rad. R in tum and rad. I' describe arcs to cut
centre 0 : BB is the base line . Deter- these parallels at PI' Pa, P3 . .. , giving

cycloid. With centre °

mine points Cl ' ca, c3 • • • as for the
and rad. OP
describe a circle, and draw lines pari
points on the trochoid. This curve is
an inferior trochoid t : if Plies out-
side the rolling circle its locus is a
to BB through the 1:2 division points superior trochold.]

2."(I) Construct a cycloid, rolling circle

dia. Draw the tangent and normal
distance of tracing point from centre, I" .
(3) Construct a superior trochoid allow-
for a point on the curve It' from the base ing the circle to roll in each direction to
line . show the loop (refer to p~ 49. Diam. roll-
(2) Construct an inferior trochoid (as ing circle 21', distance of tracing point
in fig. 5). Diam. of rolling circle 21', from centre, It'·
• The Trochoid is of importance in Naval Architecture. Wave profiles approximate to trochoid. having
the inverted form of fig . S. t Or prolate cycloid. tOr curtate cycloid .

o \\
, I
, I
\ I

\ !Q


- ---;_ .

...- -
..--, -------'~_.~._-_ . _--



Problem 62. To construct an Epicycloid.
Let the circle at the left of fig. I , it to intersect in 0 1 an are, centre
centre 0, rad, r, be the rolling circle C, rad. CO. Divide both the rolling
and let the arc BB, centre C, be a circle and the arc 00 1 into 12 equal
portion of the base circle, rad . R. Let parts (00 1 is best divided by trial)
P, on OC, be the initial position of the and mark the points as in figure.
generating point. Mark off around the Describe concentric arcs, centre C,
base circle a length PP eq ual to the through points I, 2, 3 . . . , and with
circumference of the rolling circle- rad . r and points c1• c2 , ca .. . in tum
use first Prob, 28 and then Prob. 27; as centres describe arcs to intersect
or calculate the angle IX subtended at C, them in points PI' P2' Pa . . . . The
( IX = i .3 6 0 0) . Join CP and produce
required epicycloid is given by a fair
curve drawn through these points.

Problem 63. To construct a Hypocycloid.

This construction is similar to the the generating point in its initial
foregoing and the figure should be self- position. As the circle rolls on the
explanatory. A rolling circle of the interior of the base circle, P takes the
same diam. r has been taken , and is successive positions, PI' P2' P3 .
shown on the right, fig. I, P being determined as for the epicycloid.
Problem 64. To determine the Tangent, Normal, and Centre of
Curvature at a given Point P on a given Epicycloid.
A portion of the epicycloid plotted in intersect RC in C1 ; PN is the normal
fig . I is shown in fig. 2, and P is a to the curve at P, and C1 is the centre
point on the curve. Draw the rolling of curvature at P. The evolute, i.e . the
circle, centre 0 , in the position which locus of CI, is a similar» epicycloid,
it occupies when the generating point generated as follows. Draw CtE perp,
is at P, N being the point of contact to CIP to meet OC in E ; with centre
between the circles. Join CO and pro- C and rad. CE describe an arc and on
duce it to cut the circumference in T . NE as diam. describe a circle. If the
Join PT : this is the tangent to the circle NCtE roll on the are, rad. CE,
curve at P. Draw the diam. PR and the resulting epicycloid will coincide
join RC . Join PN and produce it to with the evolute.
Problem 65. To determine the Tangent, Normal, and Centre of

Curvature at a given Point on a Hypocycloid. (No figure.)
The construction is similar to that duced, and is left as an exercise for
above, except that CI falls on CR pro- the student.
66. Special Cases.
(1) Fj~ . 3. When the rad . of the rolling of P is the epicycloid shown, and this
circle is half the rad . of the base circle, the epicycloid is identical with that generated
hypocycloid is a straight line and is a by a point on the circumference of a circle
diam. of the base circle. C, the diam. of which is equal to the dif-
(2) Fj~. 4. The rolling circle, centre A, ference of the diams, given, rolling outside
is larger than the base circle, centre B, the base circle B.
and they have internal contact. The locus
(I) Describe an epicyc1oid, rolling circle draw its evolute.
liN rad ., base circle 4N rad , and draw its (3) A circle 5' diam . rolls with internal
evolute. contact around a circle 4' diam . Plot the
(2) Describe a hypocycloid, rolling locus of a point on the rolling circle and
circle Ii' rad ., base circle 5 rad ., andN
verify statement (2) above .
• T . loids imila h th 1'0 rolling circle r&d. of 1St ba.. circle r&d . of 1St
wo epicycror are sum rw en era' rollingcirderad.ofznd = ba.. circlerad.ofznd'

PROB L ~MS 6~ .~
A N.. _EJ=' I CY C L O I D

\.-U T E
~O ~
PROBLEM ~._~c'-f---.--.....
Problem 67. To construct an Epitrochoid.
An epitrochoid is the locus of a and rad. OP describe a circle and
point attached to a circle which rolls divide it also into 12 equal parts as
on the outside of a base circle. The shown. numbered I , 2, 3 ; with
locus is an infet'i01' or supet'iot' epitro- centre C and rad. CI. C2, C3 de-
choid according as the point is within scribe arcs. With rad. OP and points
or outside the circumference of the cl , c., C, • • • in tum as centres de-
rolling circle. One half of each com - scr ibe arcs to intersect the former arcs
plete curve is shown in the figure in points Pl. P•. P, .. . ; these points
opposite. lie on the required trochoid.
The following construction is simi- Normal and Centre of Curvature
lar to that already given for the epi - at a Point on the Epitrochoid.-
cycloid and applies to both inferior Let P. be the point, on the inferior
and superior curves. Let the circular curve. Draw the rolling circle in the
arc BB, centre C, rad. R , be a portion position that it would occupy when
of the base circle, and let P be the the generating point is at P•. and let
generating point in its initial position, N be the point of contact. Join P.N:
attached to the rolling circle, centre 0, this is the normal to the curve at P•.
rad. r, Join OC and set off from B Draw NR perp. to P.N to meet the
along the base circle the arc BB equal diam. Pcc. produced in R. Join RC
in length to the circumference of the and produce P.N to intersect RC in
rolling circle, i.e, = 2m'. Draw the Cl : C1 is the centre of curvature of the
arc 00, centre C, limited by the radii epitrochoid at P.. A similar construc-
CBO, and divide it into 12 equal parts, tion may be used for the superior
giving c1 , c•. c• . . . . With centre 0 epitrochoid.

Problem 68. To construct a Hypotrochoid.

A hypotrochoid is the locus of a Let Pc, on the inferior curve, be the
point attached to a circle wh ich rolls given point. Determine N, the point
on the inside of a base circle. The locus of contact between the rolling and base
is an inferior or swperior hypotrochoid, circles when the generating po int is
according as the point is within or at P., and join P.N. Draw NR perp.
outside the circumference of the rolling to P.N to meet in R the diam, P.c.
circle. produced. The point of intersection
The construction for these curves is C1 of the lines P.N and CR is the centre
similar to that described for the epi- of curvature at P.: in the figure C1 falls
trochoids, and should be clear from outside the limit of the paper.
the figure. Note. When the rad. of the rolling
Normal and Centre of Curvature circle = t the rad . of the base circle,
at a Point on the Hypocycloid.- the hypotrochoid is an ellipse.

(I) A circle 2' diam. rolls on the out- and OQ is II'. Plot the loci of P and Q
side of a base circle 6' diam. Two points for a complete revolution of the rolling
P and Q lie on a straight line through the circle.
centre 0 of the rolling circle. OP is I' (3) A circle A 4' diam. rolls along XY
and OQ is II'. Plot the loci of P and Q in the direction of the arrow. A circle B
for a complete revolution of the rolling 2' diam . rolls on the inside of A in the
circle. direct ion of the arrow. Both circles move
(2) A circle 21' diam. rolls on the inside with uniform velocity . When the point
of a base circle 8' diam. Two points P C reaches XY the circles are in contact
and Q lie on a straight line through the at C. Plot the locus of 0 , the centre of
centre 0 of the rolling circle. OP is I' the smaller circle.



1c, 1


Problem 69. To draw an Involute of a given Circle.
Determine graphically, as in Problem successively, lengths equal to n,
-h, h,
28, page 20. the length of the circum- . .. of the circumference, giving points
ference of the .given base circle, centre PI' Pt, Ps . .. on the required involute.
0, and divide it into, say, 12 equal parts. The normal to the involute at Q is
Divide the circumference into the given by the tangent QN to the base
same number of equal parts, I, 2, 3 . . ., circle ; QT drawn perp. to QN is the
and at these points draw tangents to tangent to the involute at Q.
the circle. Mark off along the tangents,

70. Toothed Gearing.

Two plain wheels. A and B, fig. 2, have contact at Q, and the locus of Q
are in contact and revolve . about coincides with the normal QN and
parallel axes, the motion of one being passes through P, the pitch point; the
transmitted to the other by friction involute base circles are tangential to
at the rubbing surfaces. To prevent QN and concentric with the pitch circles.
slipping at P when power is to be To draw Involute Teeth Profiles.
transmitted, grooves may be cut in -Let the two pitch circles be given,
the rubbing surfaces. and projecting fig. 5, P being the pitch point. The
strips added between the grooves- base circles of the involutes are ob-
forming the Itear teeth shown in fig. 3. tained as follows. Through P draw a
The imaginary circles in fig. 3 corre- line NN making an angle 6· with the
sponding to A and B are called the common tangent TT. Draw circles con-
pitch circles of the gear wheels, and centric with the pitch circles and tan-
the point P is called the pitch point. gential to NN : these are the base circles
The profiles of the teeth will be of the involutes and NN is the common
correct when the motion transmitted is normal at the point of contact Q.
the same as that given by the plain Using tracing paper, plot short
wheels in rolling contact; i.e, when portions of involute curves to the two
the angular velocity ratio is constant. base circles: these give the profiles
To produce this constant ratio it is of suitable wheel teeth .
necessary that the common normal to The part of a tooth beyond the
the teeth profiles at the point of con- pitch surface is called the addendum
tact should always pass through the (fig. 4), and that within, the dedendum
pitch point, and this condition is or root. Measured radially, the deden-
satisfied if the profiles are of involute dum is made a little greater than the
or cycloidal form. For practical addendum to give clearance. The
reasons the involute type is almost overall height and width of a tooth are
exclusively used at the present time. proportioned from considerations of
In involute forms the path of the strength .] The addendum and deden-
point of contact, called the line of dum circles give the limits of the in-
action, is a straight line passing through volute curve required. If the dedendum
the pitch point, and is tangential to the circle is smaller than the base circle,
base circles of the involutes forming the the outline of the tooth between them
teeth profiles: e.g. in fig. 5 the teeth is a straight radial line .
(I) Draw the involute of a circle 2' diam. = i', dedendum h', width along pitch
(2) The pitch circles of two gear wheels circle to [i.e, circular pitch = Ii') . Cut
are II' and IS" diam. If 6 = 17° deter- out the teeth in cardboard , using strips
mine the shape of a complete tooth for long enough to include the wheel centres,
each wheel, full size, taking addendum and plot the line of action .
• The anele of I4}O was at one time Ial'£ely used for but zoe is now the standard for a number of Irear-
tooth syatem•• When (J .. I4io interference occurs between pinions havinlr less than 31 teeth and a rack.
f For a full discussion refer to works on Machine Deailrn.



- I
708. Involute Tooth Contact.
The widespread use of involut e that the curves roll and slide upon each
curves in gearing justifies a fuller con - other except when Q is at P , when
sideration here of the relative motion there is rolling only, for the instant.
of two mating involutes. Now, with the teeth profiles touch-
The Base Circles of two gears are
shown in fig. 2 . Their centres are
and 0), radii ON and O)N). NN] is
° ing, mark an arrow on each sector
against anyone of the reference lines.
Note that with relative motion the
one common tangent to the base arrows fall on successive reference
circles ; the other is shown dotted . marks, indicating uniform motion.
They pass through the Pitch Point P The exception to this occurs when a
and are the Lines of A ction of the tooth is too long, as on the left, where
gears. The flanks of two teeth are the tip circle intersects N]N produced
shown, and arcs drawn from the tips in a. It will then be found that the
cut NN) in a and b. As the wheels turn arrows will coincide with successive
and the flanks approach each other reference lines only if the profiles are
they will make contact initially at a, allowed to overlap slightly ; and that
and finally at ~ ; ab is the length of the .. interference ... begins when the move-
path of contact. If a tooth is height- ment of the point of contact begins
ened so that a falls outside NN] (as to reverse direction. The effect is indi-
for the tooth on the left of fig. I) then cated on E on the tooth drawn on
the involute profiles will interfere with the right. The manufacturing process
each other. would normally remove this portion.
Use of a Model.-The study of Small though it is, its position effects
tooth contact is greatly helped by the motion over an appreciable are, as can
use of simple cardboard models, figs.1 be tested .
and la. The gears considered ha ve A straight-sided rack tooth, shown
centres at 0 and 0]0 base circle radii dotted, is also mounted on a cardboard
ON , O)N], and a 20 0 pressure an gle strip. If this is moved transversely,
gi ving a pitch point P . with the pitch line always along TT, it
Sectors of the base circles, cut from will engage satisfactorily with the
stout cardboard , turn about ' pins in-
serted at the centre positions and 0).
Stuck upon each sector is a correct
° involute curve-as might be inferred if
the rack is regarded as a wheel of in-
finitely large radius. A mating inv olut e
involute tooth, also of cardboard . can be obtained by drawing successive
The two sectors are placed in outlines of the rack on the swinging
position over a diagram corresponding sector, as the two move with the correct
to fig. 2 . Equal di stances have been displacements ; the effect is shown in
spaced off along the p itch circles and fig. Ib, which provides the envelope of
the common tangent, and radials the tooth form. Here again, inter-
drawn to give reference positions on the ference will occur if the projection of
base circles, as on the right of fig. I. the tip of the rack falls outside of N.

° Note that as the sectors swing about

and 0) the po int of contact Q always
lies on one of the lines of contact, and
The engagement of the rack indicates
a method of generating the tooth profile
which is actually used in manufacture.


Prepare cardboard models similar to heighten one tooth and demonstrate inter-
those opposite but twice as large, and ference. Repeat the experiment using the
examine the action of the tooth profiles rack tooth .
during engagement and recess. Then

• The interference, and undercutt ing at the root of the tooth, can be avoided b y the sim ple expedient of
increasing the distance 00. a little, adhering to the same base circles, and using the same rack profile as a
generator for the teeth.

If a line rotate in a plane about one between the moving point and the
of its ends, and if at the same time a pole is called the radius vector, and
point move continuously in one direc- the angle between the line and its
tion along the line, the locus of the initial position is called the vectorial
moving point is a spiral. The point an~le. The moving point traces out a
about which the line rotates is called convolution for each complete revo-
the pole or axis. That part of the line lution of the line.

Problem 71. To construct an Archimedian Spiral.

In this spiral, equal increases in the given by a fair curve drawn through
vectorial angle accompany equal move- these points.
ments of the point towards, or away The polar equation of the curve may
from, the pole. Let CP and CQ be the be written r = a + ca, where , is the
initial and final radius vectors for two radius vector for any vectorial angle a
convolutions of the spiral. Bisect PQ (radians), a is the initial radius vector,
and divide each half into 12 equal and c is a constant.
parts. Set out 12 equidistant radii Tangent and Normal at any point S on
the curve. -Join CS and set off CN perp.
from C, starting from CPo With centre to CS and equal in length to the constant
C and radii CI, C2, C3 ... , describe c in the above equation. Join NS: this
arcs to cut successive radii in points is the normal, and a perp. to it at 5 is the
I, 2, 3 . . . . The required spiral is tangent.

Problem 72. To construct a Logarlthmlc Spiral.

In this spiral the ratio of the lengths these lengths construct the curve, as
of consecutive radius vectors enclosing shown clearly in fig. 3.
equal angles is constant ; i.e. the values
of the lengths form a series in geomet- The polar equation to the curve may be
wci.tten, = as, where, is the radius vector,
rical progression. Let the length of
the shortest radius vector, CP, be
a the vectorial angle, and a is a constant.
Hence log, = 0 loga, i.e. 8 ce logr. When
given, and let the ratio of the lengths a = 0, log' = 0, and therefore, = I. In
of radius vectors enclosing an angle of the example given CP is taken as unity,
30° be as 9 : 8.
Draw lines CIB and CID, fig. 2, and when 0 = ~ radians, , = ~ X I. Sub-
enclosing 30°. Mark off along CID the stituting these values we have log ~ = ~
length CIP I of the given radius vector ; loga, i.e. loga = ; 10g~, and a is readily
mark off along CIB the distance
CIA = ~CIPI ' Join API' With centre A property of the logarithmic spiral is
C1 and rad. CIA mark the point 1 on that the angle ct which the tangent at any
CID and draw the line la pari to PIA ; point on the curve makes with the radius
with centre Cl and rad . Cia mark the vector at that point is constant-hence
point 2 on CID and draw the line the alternative name for the curve, the
zb pari to PIA. Repeat this operation, equiangular s-piral , The value tana is
and obtain the points I to 12 on CID : given by the ratio logloe -;- 10glOa, where
the distances CII, Cl2 . . . are the e = 2'718; in the example,
lengths of successive radius vectors at 6 9
tana = IOg102'7 18 -;- it 10gioS'
30° intervals, for CII = ~CIPl' Cl2 =
ICII, Cd = BCl2, and so on . Using i.e. tane = 4'45 and ct = 77° 20'.

(I) Draw two convolutions of an Archi- logarithmic spiral is 11*. The lengths of
median spiral, least rad, 1*, greatest rad. adjacent radius vectors enclosing 30° are in
31*. Draw the tangent and normal at a the ratio 9 : 10. Construct one convolution
point on the curve 2* from the pole. of the curve and determine the angle ct,
(2) The shortest radius vector in a fig. 3.


73. Graphs of Sine 8 and Cosine 8. Fig. 1.
Let a radius vector OP, radius To construct the curves y = sinO,
unity, revolve about 0 in an anti- y = cose. Set off any length along
clockwise direction, and take up suc- OX produced, 10 represent 360° or
cessive positions 01 ,02 . . . . The length 27t radians, and divide it into 12 equal
of the projection of OP on the y axis, parts; erect ordinates at the points.
i.e. OM, represents the value of sinfi, Set off from OX 12 equidistant posi-
where 0 is the angle between the initial tions of the radius vector. Number
and selected positions of OP, measured both ordinates and radius vectors con-
from OX in an anti-clockwise direc- secutively, as shown . Project par!
tion; its projection on the x axis, i.e, to OX from points I, 2, 3 . . . on the
ON, gives the value of cose. This is circle to intersect the ordinates from
id f . 0 PN OM OM the points I, 2, 3 . . . along OX . A
evi ent, or sm = OP = OP = I ; fair curve drawn through the points of
ON ON intersection gives the graph y = sinO.
and cosO = OP = I ' The stgn If OP = unit measure, the length IIp,
of the ratio is determined by the sign in terms of the unit, is equal to sinO
of OM or ON, the convention being numerically.
that OM is +ve if above OX , and The cos graph, dotted, is similar
-ve if below ; ON is +ve if to the to the sin graph, but lags 90° behind
right of OY, -ve if to the left. The it, for cose = sin(e + 90°). The cos
+ve direction of OP is anti-clockwise; ordinate for e = 0° is the same as the
the +ve direction (or way) along the sine ordinate for e = 90°; that for
radius vector is measured from 0 to o= 30° is the sine ordinate for e = 120° ;
P, -ve from 0 in the direction PO. and so on.

74. Graphs of Sin 28, Sin 16, 1 Sin 28. Fig. 2.

y = sin28. When a = 30°, Y = OX, corresponds to the position 01
sineo": i.e . the ordinate at I , along of the radius vector. Hence to plot
OX, corresponds to the position 02 of the curve from 0 = 0 to 27t project
the radius vector. To plot the curve from consecutive radius vectors to
for values of a from 0 to 27t project intersect every second ordinate.
from every second radius vector, going y = t
sin20 . Take the length of
twi~ around, to intersect consecutive . unit length
ordinates, the radius vector as and
y = siniG. When 0 = 60°, Y = d f . a 2
sinjo", i.e . the ordinate at 2, along procee as or y = smz .

75. Graph y = Sin28.

This graph lies wholly above OX, i.e. (AX)I = OX . A 1X, or (sin 60 °)
for (sinO)1 is +ve for all values of O. = A 1X . Swing A1X about X to give
Let the radius vector be in the position the point 21 on AX , and project from
02, e = 60°, fig. 3. Draw a line through 21 to intersect an ordinate at 2 in a
the point 2 par! to OX to intersect a point on the required graph. The con-
perp . at X in the point A. Then struction for sinl6 when e = 30° is also
AX = sineo". Join AO and draw shown. It should be noted that only
AA 1, perp. to AO to intersect the x the 1St quadrant of the radius vector
axis in AI' The distance A 1X = circle need be used.
(sin60°)I ; for AX : OX :: A 1X : AX, The graph of y = COSIO may be
plotted in a similar manner.

II from 0 to 27t taking l as the unit.


(I) Y = sinO; (2) Y = cosO ; (3) Y =

Plot the following graphs for values of (6) Y = 2 cosiO; (7) Y = -sinO ; show
that this is the same as the graph y =
sin(O + 180°); (8) Y = sin"6; (9) Y =
2 sin211 ; (4) Y = 2 COS20; (5) Y = 2 sini6; cos"6.



y o 30" 6ll
- -- _ .

C;RAPHS OF SIN 28. SIN i 9. ~ SIN 29.

y o 30' 60' 9d 120' ISO' J8d 21d 24d 270" JoO DO
- -,--

8 9 lOll
76. If a point move with uniform . lJlo IJl radians
velocity in a circle, its projection on the fraction 36 0 0 or '27'1:
any fixed diameter will have Simple
Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.) . In fig. I, Lead and La~.-Many problems in
OX and OY are horizontal and vertical S.H.M. are simplified by defining the posi-
diams. of a circle, centre 0 rad. C; tion of the representative crank by the
angle which it makes with some fixed
if P move with uniform velocity V, radius other than OX. As an example. in
1\1 and N , the feet of perps. from P on fig. I, OA is a fixed radius inclined at ex to
OY and OX, will have S.H.M. If the OX, and the representative crank OP, in
radius vector OP, called the repre- the position shown, is inclined at 6 to OA ;
sentatlve crank, has turned through the crank has therefore an initial phase
an angle IJl from the initial position angle of ex. When ex is +ve it is called the
along OX, the displacement of N from lead; when -ve, the lag , The equation
for the motion of M is therefore y = C
o is C cose, and of M from 0 , C sin? sin (6 ± ex) ,. where C and ex are constants.
The displacement-time graphs for M To plot the graph:>, = C sin(6 + ee),
and N are therefore Sine and Cosine divide the circle centre 0 rad. C into 12
Graphs, as illustrated on the previous equal parts, starting [rom A, and then pro-
page, and the conventions stated there ceed in the manner described fully on the
apply here also. The point M only will previous page : the construction is clearly
be considered in what follows . shown in fig. I.
Deftnltlons.-The periodic time Note : Graphs of the form
or. period T, is the interval of time y = C sin (6 ± ee)
elapsing between two successive pas- may be obtained by combining simple
sages of the point M through the same sine and cos. graphs having no initial
position and in the same direction, and phase . Let IX = 30° and C = i as in H

27tC fig. 1. Expanding y = C sin (6 + ee) gives

T = V. The frequency N , is the C (sine cosec + cos6 sin:x); substituting,
number of periods per second ; N = + Y = i( ~ sin6 + I cos6). By plotting
- 2~' The maximum displacement each of the graphs y = i . '1'3 sin6 and
oi M from 0, i ,e , rad. C, is the ampli- y = i . 1 cos6 on the same base , as shown
tude. The angle lP is called the phase dotted, and adding the ordinates algebraic-
an~ie: the phase at any instant is ally, the graphy = 1 sin (6 + 30°) is given.
77. Combinations of Harmonic Curves.
Two harmonic curves of the same is also a simple harmonic curve: it may
period are shown in fig. 2, plotted on be plotted independentiy by using OR,
the same base and to the same scale: the diagonal of the parw POQR, as the
one, y = ' 75 sin6, crank OQ; the other, representative crank.
y = 1'1 sin(6 + 60°), crank OP. To Two harmonic curves of unequal
combine the curves the ordinates are periods, y = 1'1 sin(6 + 60°) and
added, regard being given to sign: e.g. y = '75 sinzfl, are shown combined in
+ +
,. = p q and (in fig. 3) r = - p q. fig. 3 : the resulting curve is not simple
The combined graph, equation harmonic and is obtained by adding the
y = '75 sin6 + 1'1 sin(6 + 60°), various ordinates in the usual way.
(I) Plot the three graphs y=sin(6+6o) , resultant representative crank Measure
y = cosec . sin6, y = sineo . cos6 on the its length and initial phase angle .
same base and to the same scale and show (3) Combine the curvesy = sin(6 - 4S)
that the sum of the last two gives the and y = 1'25 sin(6 + 60). Specify the
first . equivalent resultant crank.
(2) Combine the curves y = sin6 and (4) Combine the curves (a) y = sin26
y = I'2ssin(6 + 60). Show that the com- andy = I·ssin(6 + 60) ; (b) Y = I'ssin26
bined graph may be plotted by means of a and y = ' 75 sin(6 - 30).
elf the aneular velocit y of P is wand I is the time taken, the equation may be written:
Displacement = C(sin wI 2;t 0)-
+ oj = C(sin +

o I 23456789/01/

1,"\ , ,

8 9 10 1/

xI I ,
--.!f= ." '7'5 .
Sin .
(J '" ,
---------.'1 = J.J sin ((J+ 60'
--J= ·75sin(J+ i-lsm (8+6"0:
7 ----.....-- 5cale half size. I

5 6 10 1/

-4 Q lOX

--------.':1 = l-lsin((h 6(})
_e.---- 8 -- -- J = ·75 sin 28 <,

--.!f=/'/sin(8 +6()") + ·75 sin 2(}.

scale half Size.


78. Composition of S.H.M.s at Right Angles to each other.
In the mechanism shown in fig. I tended, one passing over the other,
rotating cranks OP and OQ cause the a pencil R passing through both ex-
slotted links AB and CD to reciprocate, tended slots will have a motion com-
pins at P and Q entering the slots and pounded of two S.H.M.s at rt. Ls
sliding in them. Guides constrain the to each other. By varying the ampli-
links to move along straight lines, one tude, frequency, and phase of the two
horizontal and the other vertical. If S.H.M.s, a great variety of curves
the cranks rotate with uniform angular may be obtained. The forms of some
velocity, the links will move with of these the student will discover in
S.H.M. If each slotted link be ex- working out Ex. I.

Problem 79. To determine the Locus of a Point having Compound

Harmonic Motion, given the Components in Directions at right
angles to each other.
. (a) Equal Frequencies . Fig. I shows initial phase angles chosen are;-
the locus of R when the cranks OP P, i", 30° ; Q. tOP. 45°· The compo-
and OQ have equal angular velocities nent motions are given therefore by
and start from the positions OPo and the equations x = i
cos(6 + 30°), and
OQo. For the position of R shown, y =! sin(26 + 45). Twelve equi-
each crank has turned through 180°. distant points are taken on circle
To plot other points take the cranks OP, and six on circle OQ. both sets
through other equal angles and draw being numbered consecutively from
horizontal and vertical lines to inter- the zero positions, going twice ayound
sect. The locus of R is an ellipse. for the circle OQ . Points on the re-
(b) Unequal Frequencies. Fig. 2 quired locus lie at the intersections of
gives the solution when the crank OQ vertical and horizontal lines drawn
makes two revolutions while the crank from similarly numbered points, as
OP makes one. The amplitudes and shown clearly in the figure.
80. Parallel Harmonic Motions.
If one end of a rod is attached to a may be assumed to be simple hannonic.
crank rotating with uniform velocity. and A ny point in BD, 01' BD produced, has
the other end to a part which is free to S .H.M., and the equivalent crank for the
move in a straight line passing through point E may be obtained as in fig. 4. op
the centre of the crank circle. the part and oq are proportional in length to OP
will have a motion which is approximately and OQ and pari to them; r divides pq
simple harmonic : an infinitely long rod in the same ratio that E divides BD. and
would give the part true S.H.M. 01' gives the phase of an equivalent crank
The rod EF in fig. 3 is displaced in a and its length to scale. In other words,
horizontal direction by an oscillating link the motion given to EF by a crank OR,
·BD. The ends of BD are actuated by dotted. is very nearly the same as the
rods from the cranks OP and OQ, and resultant displacement given to it by the
the horizontal components of their motions cranks OP and OQ.
(I) Compound the following harmonic directions OX and OY are given by the
motions at rt. Ls as in figs. I and 2.
In each take the amplitude of the hori- equations x = 1'5 cos(6 + j)in. and
zontal S.H .M. = II' and of the vertical y = '9 sin ( 26 +
S.H.M. = Ii'. (a) Frequencies equal, ex =
in. Plot its locus.
90°. ~ = o. (b) Frequencies equal, ex and (3) In fig. 3 take OQ = 3', ~ = 60°,
~ = o. (c) Frequencies equal , ex = 30°, BE: ED :: 2 : 3. Determine the length
~ = 45°. (d) Frequencies OQ : OP :: 2 : I. and position of a crank OP such that EF
ex = 30°, ~ = 45°. (e) Frequencies will have a travel of 41' and be in the
OQ : OP:: 2 : 3, ex = 30°. ~ = 90°. extreme outward position when OQ is
(2) A point has a compound harmonic in the position shown. Then take 13 = 30°
motion and the components in the and ~ = 15° and repeat the construction.






The curves traced out by points on The mechanism, however, is frequently
moving mechanisms may be plotted, of such a type that the locus of a
point by point, from outline or skeleton point on it is more quickly determined
drawings of the mechanism in a series by the aid of a paper trammel : this
of positions. This is the method method will be discussed on the fol-
adopted for the problems on this page. lowing page.
Problem 81. A straight Line AB, of indefinite Length, revolves about a
fixed Point 0, in AB. Two Points P and Q move along AB so that
their Distances from a fixed Line CD, measured along AB, are
constant and of ~iven Length I. To determine the Loci of P ?nd Q.
Refer to fig. I. Let CD be distant d shown in fig. 3. The movable arm
from O. Set out a number of equi- OEP slides over the fixed piece CD ;
distant positions of the revolving line a fixed pin at 0 passes through a slot
and mark off along them distances in OEP, and a pin E carried by the
equal to I, from points in which they moving arm slides in the slot in CD.
intersect the fixed line CD . Fair As E moves up and down CD , OEP re-
curves drawn through each group of volves about, and slides over, 0 , while
points give the loci of P and Q. P traces out the conchoid. The rela-
Each curve has three forms accord- tive positions of P and 0 may be
ing as (I) 1 is > d , (2) 1 = d , and (3) varied.
1 is < d. (See Ex. I.) In the solution
given 1 is > d. The conchoid may be used to trisect
These curves are called conchoids; an angle . Let AOD, fig. 2, be the given
angle. Draw any line AD perp. to OD.
o is the pole, CD the directrix, and Describe a conchoid having 0 as pole,
1 the parameter. AD as directrix, and 2 . AO as parameter.
The conchoid may be drawn me- Draw AP pari to OD to meet the con-
chanically by the simple apparatus choid in P. Then PO trisects the LAOD.
Problem 82. Two Rods AB and BC are pin-jointed at B. The End A
moves around the Circumference of a fixed Circle while BC turns
about C. Determine the locus of the mid-Point of AB .
Divide the ace of the circle into a positions are indicated in fig. 4, the lines
number of equal parts and draw the 00 1 , III' 22 1, 331' representing AB . Bi-
positions which the rods take when the sect each of these lines : the points Po,
end A is situated at these points : four PI ' PI ' Pa are on the required locus.
(1) The pole 0 is I"from the directrix from the initial position shown in figure,
CD. Plot the conchoids traced by the so that the ratio of the velocities of the
points P, Q, PI ' Ql' PI ' QI for the para- point of intersection P along DC and BA
meters given . is as 3: 2 . Plot the locus of P, as DC
(2) In fig. 4 take a circle 21' diam . and swings into the horizontal.
let C lie on a tangent to the circle and 5t' (5) The line AB, 5'2" long, moves par!
from the point of contact. AB = BC = to itself and with its end B always in the
3.". AP = BP . Determine the locus of fixed line BD ; BD is perp . to AB. A
P for a complete revolution of A, if B is point P moves along AB in such a manner
initially below AC. that the sum of its distances from A and
(3) Two rods AB and CD are pivoted from a fixed point F is contant and equal
at their ends A and C to fixed points, to 5'. Plot the locus of P. * What is the
3" apart on a horizontal line. Starting curve?
from horizontal positions the rods swing (6) The line AB, 6' long, revolves
outwards about A and C, the rod CD about the fixed point B. A point P moves
rotating twice as quickly as the rod AB. along AB in such a manner that the sum
Plot the locus of the point of intersection of its distances from A and a fixed point
P as the rod CD turns through 90°. F is constant and equal to 5'. Plot the
(4) The rods AB and CD swing inwards , locus of P. * What is the curve?
• Hin, .-Dnw AB in any position . Mark off AC = S· . Join CF and dnw FP makinw with FC an anwle
equal to FCP. P is the position of the movinw point for the position of the line chosen.


---- Fi9~

,,'p "
\ / AB:5·2.
v' AP+PF=5
F Ex.5. \A
B= 6' •
Ex. 6.
As stated on the previous page, the trammel or template. This method
locus of a point attached to a moving is quicker and more flexible than
mechanism can usually be plotted that already described and should be
point by point by means of a paper adopted wherever it is possible.

Problem 83. A Crank OA revolves about O. One End of a Rod AB is

connected to the Crank at A, and the other End moves along a
straight Line passing through O. Determine the Locus of a Point
P on the Rod AB.
This mechanism is called the slider- sion of suitable positions and the point
crank pair, and is shown in fig. I. The P t pricked through. Alternatively the
point P has been taken midway be- distances may be set off along the edge
tween A and B. If the crank circle be of a strip of paper and the positions
drawn, centre O. rad. OA, and the dis- of P t marked in pencil on the diagram.
tance AB and the position of P be A fair curve joining the points gives
marked on a strip of tracing paper. the locus required-in this example
as shown by At. Pt. B t in figure, the the locus is an oval (not an ellipse).
trammel may be applied in a succes-

Problem 84. A Crank AO revolves about 0 and carries with it a Rod

PO pin-jointed to the Crank at A. The Rod is constrained to pass
through a fixed Point C. Determine the Loci of the Ends P and 0
of the Rod.
The two loci are easily plotted by that the line QIPI passes through C
means of a trammel on which the and the point At lies on the crank
points P, A and Q are marked as circle through A, any number of points
shown by P t, At, Qt in fig. 2. By ap- on the loci may be obtained.
plying the trammel in such a manner

(1) Take the following dimensions for move as far as possible in each direction.
the slider-crank pair in fig. I : OA, 2", This mechanism is the simple Watt
AB. 4i*. AP = PB. Plot the locus of P. parallel motion, and it will be found that
(2) Take the following dimensions for over a considerable part of its travel,
the mechanism in fig. 2: AO = Ii", C moves in a line which is approximately
PQ = si", QA = .(; C is 2t" to the left
of a vertical through ° and i" below a
horizontal through 0. Plot the loci of P
straight and vertical.
(5) Two cranks AO and B01 are each
and Q.
(3) The crank OA rotates about and
about centres °
I" long and rotate in opposite directions
and 01 which are 4"
apart. A and B are connected by a rod,
the rod AP, pin-jointed to the crank at 4" long. Plot the locus of a point P on
A, is constrained always to touch the the link, 11" from A, for a complete revo-
circle. centre C. Plot the locus of the end lution of the cranks.
P for a complete revolution of the crank. (6) Two cranks AO and B01 are 1'3"
(4) The two rods AO and B01 oscillate and 2* long respectively. The ends A and
about centres and 01' They are con- B are connected by a rod 3l" long and the
nected by the link AB, which is vertical cranks oscillate about fixed centres and
when both links are horizontal. A point 0t 2'1" apart. Plot the locus of a point
C divides AB in the ratio ~~ = ~~1. Plot P, I" from B on the link AB, throughout
the entire possible movement of the
the complete locus of C as the links mechanism.

p \ (~o ~ <>)

/W \
4~O"rad. . '------.--. Ex. B'--'/

OA: r.
o Ai P B
AR.7 .
'C\j ..............

<, J B 3'o'rodq
. . ) AC :CB ::3 :4. \. 0 \ j 1 )
\ j Ex. 4. "---:-\ /
, Ex.3. -- Ex.6. ', , - - .
A ~
66 CAMS Chap. 6

85. A cam is a rotating machine assuming that the cam remains fixed
part designed to communicate recip- while the follower moves around the
rocating or oscillating motion to an- cam axis in the opposite direction to
other machine part called a follower. that actually taken by the came. By
Cams may be divided into two main setting out the follower in several
groups, Disc or Radial Cams, and successive positions the profile of the
Cylindrical Cams; only the former cam may be drawn tangential to the
will be considered here. end of the follower. There is no need
Profiles of Disc or Radial Cams. actually to draw the entire follower:
The fundamental problem is to plot the outline of its end is sufficient. The
a curve which will transmit a given form of the end may be wedge-shaped,
motion to the follower when the cam fiat, or provided with a roller, as in
itself rotates with uniform velocity. figs. I, 3, and 2, respectively.
The construction is simplified by
Problem 86. To determine the Profile of a Cam which shall cause a
given Follower to reciprocate with uniform Velocity along a straight
Line passing through the Axis of the Cam, one Revolution of the
Cam giving one Rise and Fall to the Follower.
Let R = rad. of the spindle carry- (2) When the follower has a roller-
ing the cam; D = least distance from end . Fi~ . 5.
spindle to profile ; L = total travel of Let the rad . of the roller = r. De-
the follower in one direction. The termine points on a cam profile which
least rad. of the cam is therefore would give the centre of the roller
(R + D). the desired motion, i.e. take a rad .
(R + D + r) for the base circle and
(1) When the end of the follower is proceed as in (I). The points ob-
wedge-shaped. Fig. 4. tained, cl , c2 , c3 •• • , lie on the pitch
Let 0 be the cam axis and AOB the curve of the cam . About these points
path of the follower. W ith centre 0 describe circles of rad . r, representing
and rad. (R + D) describe a circle the roller,and draw a fair curve to touch
cutting OB in C. Set off from C a them tangentially. This curve is the
distance CB = L, and divide CB into, required working profile of the cam.
say, six equal parts, numbering them (3) When the follower has a flat
as in figure . With centre 0 and rad. end. Fi~. 6.
OB describe a circle, and set off on Obtain points PI' P2' P3 .. . as in
each side of AB six radii equally fig. 4 , and draw lines through them to
spaced. Swing the points I, 2, 3 . . . represent the fiat end of the follower-
on the line of stroke, about the centre shown here perp. to the various radii.
o to the corresponding radii 01, 02, A continuous curve drawn to touch
03 . .. , and draw the cam outline these lines gives the required profile.
through the points PI' P2' P3 . . . . The differences between the various
outlines should be noted.
In the following, take the rad . of roller-ended follower a continuous rise of
spindle = 1* and the least distance from 3* with uniform velocity for one revolu-
spindle to cam profile = 1*. Assume the tion of the cam and a sudden drop to the
line of stroke to pass through the axis of starting-point. Diam. of roller 11*.·
the cam . (3) The end of a follower is flat and
(I) Determine a cam profile to give a perp . to the line of stroke. Determine a
roller-ended follower a rise of 21* and fall cam profile to give the follower a rise of 38
of 21* with uniform velocity for one revolu- and fall of 3* with uniform velocity for one
tion of the cam. Diam . of roller 1*. revolution of the cam.
(2) Determine a cam profile to give a
• Nou.-A strict adherence to the construction of till'. 5 is not permissible ifthe full travel of)" is required.
It will be found that the roller circles inter/ere with one another where the sudden change in motion OCCUrl,
and that to give the roller its full lift the cam profile must be continued.

9 +---E-----+--~~~~-+_+-~r_1_+__,

B 6
68 CAMS Chap. 6
Problem 87. To detennine the Profile of a Cam which shall cause a
wedge-ended Follower s to move in a given manner along a
Straight Line which does not pass through the Cam Axis.
Let R = rad, of the spindle carry- stroke touching it at A. Starting with
ing the cam. OA draw twelve equidistant radii and
D = least distance from spindle set off tangents all, a12 , aa3 . . . at their
to profile . extremities, representing successive
Y = displacement of the line of positions of the line of stroke. With
stroke from the axis. centre 0 and rad. (R + D) describe
a circle cutting AB in C. From C
Let the relative movements of the mark off the displacement points
cam and follower be as under; I , 2, 3 . .. on the line of stroke. The
Cam 0°_180° : follower , rise distance first six divisions are equal, their sum
L with uniform velocity. being equal to L; points 7, 8, and 9
Cam 180°-270°; follower, remain coincide with 6 to give the 90° period
stationary. of rest ; and the last three divisions are
Cam 270°-360° ; follower, return to equal, their sum also being equal to
initial position with uniform velocity. L . With centre 0 and radii 01 , 02,
03 . . . , describe arcs to intersect
Let 0 be the cam axis and AB the tangents all, a12 , aa3 . . . in points
line of stroke. Let the cam rotate in an Pl, PI' Pa . ..-these points lie on the
anti-clockwise direction. With centre required profile.
o draw a tangent circle to the line of
Problem 88. To detennine the Profile of a Cam which shall cause a
given Follower to oscillate with uniform angular Velocity about
a fixed Centre, one Revolution of the Cam giving one Oscillation to
the Follower.
Let the end of the follower be fiat, as shown. With centre 0 and rad. 01,
in fig. 4, and let EC, fig. 5, be the lowest 02, 03 . . . describe arcs to cut the
position of the edge in contact with former arcs in points PI' PI' Pa . . . •
the cam, and 0 the relative position Join elPI, eaPa, eaPa . . .-these repre-
of the cam axis. Let e be the travel. sent successive positions of the edge
Divide the angle e into six equal Ee, and a fair curve drawn to touch
parts, giving the points I, 2 , 3 . .. these lines, produced if necessary,
on any suitable arc CB, rad. EC. With gives the profile of the required cam.
centre 0 and rad. OE describe a circle Note.-If the follower makes point
and set out around it from E twelve contact with the cam at C initially,
equidistant positions el , el , e, . . . . as indicated in fig. 3, the cam profile
With rad. EC and e l , el , e, ... in turn is given by the curve joining points
as centres, describe the twelve arcs PI' PI' PI ....

(I) A roller-ended follower is displaced I' ended follower, rad. 5'. Determine the
-to the left of the cam axis and is given the profile of a cam, centre 0, which in revolv-
following st. line motion. First 90° anti- ing once causes the follower to rise and
clockwise rotation of cam, rise Ii' with fall through 30. , about a mean horizontal
uniform velocity; next 90°, rise l' with uni- position, with uniform angular velocity.
fOrm velocity; nextIBo·, return to start- (3) If the follower in (2) were fiat and
ing-position with uniform velocity. Deter- indefinitely long, its lower edge coinciding
mine the profile of the cam . Least distance with the centre line through E and the
of axis to pronle It', diam . of roller I". roller, determine the profile of the cam
(2) The figure shows an oscillating roller- which would give it the same motion.
• In practice either a roller or flat end would be used in preference to a wedge; the modification in901ved
to the cam proft1e may be carried out as shown on the previoua page .

PROBLEM 87 Be Travel L


MOTION TO 6CP~~==~=;~~~~~~~
70 CAMS Chap. 6
The profile of a high speed cam is the simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.)
usually designed so that the velocity curve, and the curve of uniform ac -
of the follower is gradually diminished celeration and retardation (the double
before a reversal of motion. To effect parabola). These important cases are
this two curves are commonly used, discussed below.
Problem 89. To determine the Profile of a Cam which shall cause
a roller-ended Follower to move with S.H.M. along a straight
Line passing through the Axis of the Cam.
Let the relative movements be: to give points I to 12 and hence centres
Cam Follower C I to Cu. From the mean position, the
0°-180°. Rise C to B with S.H.M. displacement varies as sin6, the velocity
180°-240°. Remain stationary. ~ cose, and th~ accele~ation as -si~6.
240°-360°. Return to C with S.H.M. FIg. I shows lll~ear diagrams of ~IS­
If a point moving with uniform place~ent, velocity, and acce~eratlOn,
velocity on the circumference of a o~ a time base, for the first 180 . These
circle is projected on a diameter, then WIll be better understood after a study
the projection has S.H.M. (refer to of Chap. 7 and Art. 9 8: page 7~; fig. 1
page 58). In the figure, equidistant should be compared WIth the diagrams
points on the semi-circle are projected on page 75.
Problem 90. To .determine the Profile of a Cam which shall cause a
flat-ended Follower to move along a Line passing through the
Axis of the Cam with uniform Acceleration and Retardation.
The inclined foot touches at C the regarded as the parts of the path of a
circle of least radius ; CB is the projectile having a velocity v arying
travel. The displacement points are from a max. to zero. During its upward
projected from two similar parabolas movement the foot will have, first,
inscribed in the parts of the rect- uniform acceleration , and then uniform
angle EFGH, using the method of retardation. The velocity-time diagram
Frob. 39. FG = CB; EF is sub- will be triangular, and the acceleration-
divided equally. The parabolas may be time diagram rectangular.
90a. Comparison of Acceleration and Time diagrams for Cams giving
(a) S.H.M. and (b) uniformly accelerated and retarded motion.
These diagrams are shown in fig. 2(a) tion, are in the ratio,.1 : S, i.e. as 5 : 4 very
and (b), to the same scale, for equal lifts nearly. It would appear, however. that the
through 180°, a pause of 60°, and a return S.H.M. profile has the advantage over the
through 120°. They repay careful study. other in that the maximum value of the
They may be obtained as on page 75 or, abrupt change of acceleration is the
of course , from analytical considerations. smaller. in the ratio 5 : S. ,In any good
The student should show that the maxi- design , however, the changes would be
mum values of the respective accelerations, gradual, e.g. slightl y at the expense of the
as between S.H.M. and uniform accelera- .. rest" period . (Refer to Exs . 3 & 4. p 78.)
(I) Construct a cam profile to give a profile of the cam and determine the least
roller-ended follower the following straight possible length of foot .
line motion : First 140°, rise 21# with (3) Plot linear curves of displacement,
S.H.M.; 140°-200°, remain at rest; 200°_ velocity and acceleration, on a time base,
360°, drop 21# with S.H.M. Diam, of for Exs, (I) and (2) . Determine the scales,
roller 11#; least rad. of cam 2' ; line of as on page 75
stroke passes through the cam axis. (4) Determine the profile of the cam in
(2) A cam and follower are arranged as the figure which lifts the tappet TIl'
shown in Frob. go. For a half turn of the with S.H.M., and then lowers it 11* with
cam, the follower rises I 'S' with uniform S.H .M. in successive half revolutions. In
acceleration and retardation ; during the the figure T is in its highest position and
next half turn it falls I'S' with uniform the short arm CR of the double lever is
acceleration and retardation. Taking horizontal.
CO = I!· and x = 60° construct the
I I r,"_-u-
91. Slope of a Curve at a Point.
Let two quantities ~ and y be related Let ~ increase to (~+ 8x) while y
to each other so that changes in the increases to (y + 8y), 8~ and 8y being
value of one are accompanied by
changes in the value of the other: increments of ~ and y. The ratio ~
e.g, ~ may represent the temperature measures the aVe1'age rate at which y
of a body which is cooling, and y the changes for the increment 8~, at ~,
time; or ~ may be the speed of a ship
and y the H .P.-the quantifies ~ and and is represented by ~~. The limit
y may, or may not, be connected by a to which the average rate tends as 8~
simple algebraic formula. Let values
of ~ and y be plotted to the same scale approaches zero-written ~ -is the
on axes OX and OY, fig. I, giving the
curve y = f(~). rate of change of y with respect to s ,
At any point P on the curve (co- at s, and is represented by the slope of
ordinates ~ and y) the gradient or the tangent to the curve at P. In short,
slope of the graph is given by tanl/l,
where 1/1 is the inclination of the tan-
tanl/l = :~.
gent at P to the axis OX.
Problem 92. To construct the Derived Curve of a given Curve.
In fig. 2 values of tanl/l for a sue- used on the following page, with equi-
cession of points on y = f(~) have distant ordinates.
been plotted on a second pair of axes ; The construction of a znd derived
the resulting graph is called a derived curve, using the rst derived curve as
curve, Of' slope curve. the given or integral curve, is similar
Construction. Take any pole N l in every way to that described.
on XPI produced. Draw Nit pari to Scales and Units. If the given
PT, the tangent at P, to intersect the curve is drawn full size, i.e . I = I W

Y axis in t. Produce the ordinate at unit, and if N 101 = I then the derived

P to meet a horizontal from t, The curve is also full size. If the given
point of intersection p lies on the de- curve is drawn to scale, and the same
rived curve. The construction for a scale is used for abscissa! and ordinates,
second point q is also shown. By then the pole distance N PI is the unit
determining a sufficient number of for ordinates of the derived curve: e.g.
points, the curve y = f'(~) may be if NIO I = 2" then cp, measured in units
drawn. Ordinates
d of y = f'(~) give f" dy P
0 2 , = - ; or. c measur
i Inc
ed in . h es,
values of / . to a scale dependent on dy dx
x = 2 . -.
1he length of N 1°1' dx
If the given curve has no abrupt If the x and y scales are not the
change of slope. an~ ordinates are same the numerical value of ~ will
drawn through two pomts on the c u r v e ' d~
taken reasonably close together, the be ' b cp measured in y units .
tangent at the mid-ordinate point may given y N PI measured in x units'
~ ~sumed to. be pari .to the cho~d this more general case is discussed fully
Jommg the pomts: this method 18 on the next page.
(1) The figure shows a temperature- I) = 0 to I) = 271: and construct the
density graph for water. Draw the curve . . dy
three times the size given and construct denved curve. What 15 the value of iii-
the derived curve. when I) =~? Ans. '707.
(1) Draw the derived curve for the 2
graphs shown in figure. (4) Plot the graph F = ~ V3 for values
(J) Plot the graph y = sin~e from of V from 0 to 4 and construct the 1st and
and derived curves.


0, c x


"l .~ V
f- ~
~ II y
f-~ Ex.2.
fO L/

Ex.I. '-

-r I I

-, I 1- '- ~. c
5 10
93. Units and Scales.
To make practical use of the de- length of AB, i. e. the numb~r of inches
rived curves the student must be able in the true length of AB, BC -t he true
to determine with certainty their length of BC. and so on. -
units and scales. The following BC
method may be applied. generally, Then DE = AB when BC and AB
and should be carefully studied. In d
what follows all scales are referred to are small enough; i .e, DE = ; .
the inch, and all horizontal scales are BC x
assumed to be the same. :. AB. DE = I, a constant. no matter
Let the given curve be y = f(x), __
fig. I. the rst derived curve y = f'(x) . what pair of corresponding points are
fig. 2, and the 2nd derived curve chosen; and this relation holds good
y = rex), fig. 3. all over the curves. Now suppose the
Suppose the diagrams were drawn diagrams are drawn to the various
full size, i.e, suppose I" to represent scales shown : e.g . the scale I" = h[A]
1 unit on both axes for the three units may mean that I" = 5 [second]
curves, the distances NIDI' NIDI units; I" = m[B] units that I" = 10
being then = I". Let AB be the true [foot] units ; and so on .
Then BC inches x m[B] = BC } BC' h [B
. - . me es X m ]
AB fiches X heAl = AB .. 1 = AB inches X h[A] X DE inches X nrC]'
and DE inches X nrC] = DE
. [C BC ( ed i h) m[B]
" n 1= AB.DE measur m mc es X heAl'
This result gives nrC] in terms of the known IUustration.-The given curve, fig. I,
scales m[B] and "[A] and of the known is a space-time graph, vertical scale
measurements AB, Be, and DE made at I ' = 20 ft. , horizontal scale I ' = 10 secs.]
any pair of corresponding points. NIO I = 11'. Then the vertical scale of the
In the construction, by similar A s, t d . ed fi 2 ' , _ 20 feet

AB - N °-
BC _ 0IF _ DE .
N D '
1 1
IS env curve, g. . , 15 I - I x 10~.
= 1·6 feet per sec ., r .e, the rst denved
curve is a velocity-time graph.
. Be = _1_ = ! Similarly, the vertical scale of the znd
i .e, AB. DE NIDI d' derived curve is I' = 1·6 feet per sec.
. tn[B] t ~ 10 sees•
.. nrC] = d heAr
= '128 feet per sec. per sec., i.e. the sad
derived curve is an acceleration-time
By similar ~easoning the vertical scale of graph.
the znd derived curve, The distances NIO I, N,O, should be
i.e. o[D] units, is ~ • cho;;en to give a convenient scale for the
d l • h[A] denved curve.
(I) Plot a space-time curve taking that the Bending Moment (M) in foot-
values from fig. I, and from it obtain tons at any point is given by M = II + 5.
velocity-time and acceleration-time curves. where I is the distance in feet from the
(2) The relation between time t in sees. free end. Plot the Ml curve, construct the
and space s in ft., for a locomotive starting 1St and znd derived curves and state the
from rest, is as follows: units. How is the cantilever loaded? •
t, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 (4) Th~ followi~g ;able gives.M,1 val~es
s, 0 72 320 790 1320 1760 2080 23 20 for a cantilever 12 0 long; I bemg the dis-
Obtain velocity and acceleration-time tance from the free end.
curves for the first two minutes. State M, ft . tons,'1 ·8 2'7 6'4 12'5 21'"
the values of velocity and acceleration I. ft ., 2 4 6 8 10 12
after 2 min . Ans. 14 f.s., -'18 f.s.s,
(3) A cantilever 6' 0' long is loaded so Determine the shear and load curves.
Note.-An additional example (No.5) is given on p.86.
•d:;: gives the shnr. S. and 7: gives the load per foot.


8 -5
4· 8 I 12 16 i 20 I 24 I 28
1----t-- - r- .- -+- --f- --+---- --t-----.:::'"""""-

: I

:E: I

013 >- X,
Number of inches 1"= MAl nit:;
in N,o, = d

r= 0[0]
Scale '/j
unit:; A-----*

~ ~~+-=-=-=-=-=- =~- ~-5~c-a-le-t"-= -h-[-A-]

'!ii._.:;._t-._ -un-it5+
N~ ~

Q >
Number of inches In ~ q = d,
Problem 94. To construct the 1st and 2nd Integral Curves of a given
Erect ordinates BB t• CCt • EE t . . . to sect the rst ordinate in b 1 ; from b t
divide the given curve, fig. I, into seg- draw b 1' 1 pari to Ny , to intersect the
ments--they are shown equally spaced, znd ordinate in c1 ; in this way draw
but it is often best to arrange the widths a succession of lines, pari to the radial
to suit changes of curvature.· Produce lines from N. between the ordinates.
the ordinates downwards. Mark the These lines are chords of the required
mid-points Pt, PI' Ps . . . and project integral curve, which may be drawn
horizontally to give the points Y 1' YI, through ° 1, b1, ' I' e 1 . • • . Usually the
" •. .. on the axis OY (or any other actual curve need not be draum,
vertical line). Take any pole N on The znd integral curve. fig. 3. is the
XO produced, and join to Y1' YI' Ys . .. . integral curve of the rst integral curve,
Take a base line 0lXt' fig. 2, and constructed in the same way. Applica-
from 0 1 draw 0tbt pari to NYt to inter- tions of the curves are given on p . 78
95. Properties of Integral Curves. Figs. 1 and 2. (Refer also to page 78.)
The area of AOBB 1 (shaded), fig. I, measure of the area bounded by
= y. ax. very nearly, ax being the width the corresponding ordinate of the
of the strip. and Y the mean ordinate. given curve, the axes OX and OY,
The !:l. Ny 10. fig. I. is similar to the and the curve itself. The growth of
J::i 0lb1b, fig. 2. by construction; the ordinate of the integral curve is equal
to the growth of the area under the given
• 0Y1 _ bbt.· Y _ . bb1 curve . Areas beneath the axis OX are
. . NO - 0lb' i.e. NO - 8x ' -ve, and diminish the ordinates of the
Hencey.8x=bb 1 X NO=bb l X constant. integral curve. Refer to page 368.
In mathematical language the total area
The area AOBB t is represented to scale is the sum of all such strips as y . ax,
therefore by the length of the ordinate written :Ey . ax; in the limit, when ax is
bb l of the integral curve. Similarly the indefinitely small, the area is written
area B lBCCl is represented by 'tCl' and [Y. dx .
the area ClCEE l by e,.e1: the total area Unlike the derived curves, pages 72 and
AOEE t is represented by eel' 74 integral curves may be constructed
The length of the ordinate of the UJith a high degree of accurtUry, especially
integral curve at any point is a if the ordinates lJTe closely spaced.
96. Units and Scales.
Adopting the notation from the the integral curve is readily deduced.
previous page, the vertical scale for
bb t
bbt = apt X OB. :. - = I.
In the drawings: - - - aPl X OB
bbt = bbl i~ches X n[C] L. bb . . . nrC]
apt = ap1 Inches X m[B] J .. apt Xt OB (all m inches] X m[B] . heAl = I.
OB = OB inches X heAl
- :. nrC] = m[B] . heAl . Oyt b~ Ot
for apt = Oyt and OB = 0tb.

B Y similar mangIes Oy 0lb.,I.e.

NO = -bb . NO or d -_ 0Y1 bb
X °lb

t i l
Hence n[C] = m[B].h[A].d. and in like manner o(D] = n[C].h[A] .tit..
(I) Draw the line y = 'SX + 4 and one quadrant and integrating the curve.
construct the integral curve. Check by calculation. Area = 7t • a . b -;- 4-
(2) The major and minor axes, a and (3) Draw the graph y = 2 sin~ from
b. of an ellipse are 6" and 4' in length. 8=0 to 27t and construct the integral curve.
Determine its area graphically by plotting What is the mean value of y1 Ans. 1'273
o Refer to fica. 4 and S. P.8s



N x

Scale I
r; h fA] units
Number of
inches in N,q = d,

t; Scale
0[0] units
I F;~

J"= hfAJ units
97. Further Properties of Integral Curves.
Figs. 2 and 3 show rst and znd integral PM. and AB, are distant x and a from the
curves for the curve given In fig. I, con- Y axis. A,G, is a tangent to the curve
structed as described on P'76 The curves A,Q,P, at A,-and is therefore part to
are cut by common ordinates PM,. QN,. the radial from E I. QICI and PID I are
AB.. the distance dx between PM, and horizontals from PI and QI Then, using
QN, being regarded as indefinitely small; the appropriate scales for all figures:
Area of strip MQ = Area OQ - Area OP;
Le, y . dx = NIQI - MIPI = dYI' (I)
Similarly. Area of strip MIQI = yldx = dy,. (2)
Momenta about AB.
Moment of strip MQ about AB = Area MQ(a - x)
= Y . dx . (a - x) = (a - x) dYl •• . from (I)
= Area of strip P IC1 •
:. Moment of whole area OA about AB = sum of all such areas as PI~
= whole area 0lBIAI = AlB,.
Momenta about OY. In a similar divide A IB 1 into 6 equal parts, draw hori-
manner it may be shown that the moment zontals through the points to meet the rst
of the whole area OA about the y axis = integral curve ; ordinates drawn through
whole area 0lAIEl = OlGa' these points will divide the area OA into
Second Moments aboutAB. The znd 6 equal parts. In the figure AIH I =
moment of the whole area OA about AB = HIBI and the area OA is halved by the
2(whole area O,B,A.) = 2 . AaB, (not dotted ordinate. It should be noted that
shown). an ordinate from F. (fig. 3), the point of
Subdivision 01 Area OA. To divide intersection of the tangent A,G, and xy,
area OA into any number of equal parts, also divides equally the area OA.
say 6, by means of vertical ordinates,
98. Applications of the Curves.
Acceleration, Velocity, Space-Time . a s h ear curve, or dina t es tons
Curves. If fig. 1 is an acceleration-time fig. 2 15 feet
curve, or dinat es In
. sec
ft.." a bsci . sees.,
SC1SSa! In x feet. and fig. 3 is a bending moment
. tons
then fig. 2 is a velocity-time curve, or- curve. ordinates Tt x feet x feet. (Refer
to page 1 °4 ee
dinta es -ft.
- I x sec., an dfi g. 3 IS
' a space- Pressure-Volume Curves. If the
sec. ft ordinates of fig. I give pressures in lb .
time curve. ordinates --'I X sec. X sec. per sq . ft. and the abscissa! vols . in cub.
Load, Shear, and Bending Moment ft ., fig. 2 is a work curve and ordinates
Curves. If the ordinates of fig. 1 repre- . lb . f'"
sent the load on a beam in tons per give feet' x eer-.
foot, and the abscissa! measure feet, then
(I) Find the rst and znd moments of P. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
area of a quadrant of a circle, 3 rad., H
V. 4'4 4.89 5'47 6'2 7' 2 8'5 10'5 13'7
about .one of the two radii, ~nd measure (3) Some particulars are given of a
the distance ?f the centr<?ld5 from .th.e cam profile for a valve. These include an
centre. of the circle, Ans . 9 m , , 15'9 m .s, acceleration-time graph of the motion of
1'797 tn: the valve during the time from A to B.
. (2) Find the work done by the expan- Draw speed-time and displacement-time
sion of 1 lb . dry satu~ated steam fro~ a graphs for the motion and measure the
pressure of ISO ~b./sq. m. to 3 lb .jsq. tn: , maximum values of acceleration and speed.
from the following data. If the work 15 Set out double size the cam profile AB
to be ~ivided. e9':1 ally into three stages Ans. V~L 6 £t./sec. ;· Acc. 1500 ft ./sec.l . •
determine the initial pressures of the 2n~ (4) Taking the acc .-time curves in figs.
and 3 rd stages: Ans . 93. 600 ft . lb. , 2a and 2b, p. 71. construct veL-time and
89'5. 52 lb .jsq. m. space-time curves. Fig . 2a has two sine
P. lb . per sq. inch. 150 140 130 120 110 curves : CB/CA = CE/CD = 9/4; CD/CA
V. vol. in cu . ft. perlb. 3 3'22 3'45 3'73 4 = CE/CB = 415.
For further examples, see page 86
Problem 99. To construct the Reciprocal Curve of a given Curve, and
the Integral Curve of the Reciprocal.
Let Y = f(x). fig. I, be any given and draw the complete reciprocal
curve. The reciprocal of this curve is curve.
one which will give values of Ijy for To construct the integral curve of the
values of x, reciprocal. make use of the radials
Draw a succession of ordinates. pro- below OX, from the pole N. Begin-
duce them below OX. and mark the ning at 0 draw through each ordinate
mid-points on the curve. Consider the space a line par! to the corresponding
mid-point p. Draw pA par! to OX to radial. The construction is similar to
intersect OY in A. and join A to any that given on page 76
pole N, on XO produced. From N draw It will be seen that this integral curve
NB perp. to NA to intersect OY in B. may be drawn without first constructing
Draw BPI par! to OX to intersect in the reciprocal. the first segment of the
PI the mid-ordinate from p: PI is a integral curve. from O. being perp. to
point on the required reciprocal curve. the first radial, as indicated by the
Obtain other points in the same way dotted line ; and so on.
Scales. (1) Reciprocal Curve. Let the scales be as marked : to determine
nrC] in terms of heAl. m[B]. and d.
From the figure, po = AO and PIO = BO.
By similar .6s, AO : NO:: NO : BO. i.e, AO. BO = (NO)2 (I)
i.e . BO = :'0' (NO)' = :'0 ' constant.
Because ordinates of the reciprocal curve are to represent values of : . then
BO" . nrC] = AO" .1m[B] ; i.e. nrC] = AO" . B~" . m[Br y

Substituting from (I). n[C] = (NO..)~.m[B] ; i.e. nee) = dJ.~[B]

(2) Integral Curve. The ordinate scale for this curve, I" = oeD]. is
deduced as on page 76 and is I" = nrC] . h[A] . d = d l . :[B] . h[A] . d .

:. 0[D] = d h[A] .
. ,"[B]

100. Applications of the Integral Curve of the Reciprocal Curve.
Fig. 2 shows an acceleration-velocity below OX. The scale and units for ordin-
curve. the scales being marked . The in- ates of the integral curve. from the above
tegral curve of its reciprocal. drawn in the reasoning . are:
direct manner described above. is shown
I" = 20 feet -;- NO . '02 feet = . feet sees.1 = x .L seconds.
sees. (secs.}! '75 X '02 sees. feet 333.,
The integral curve is therefore a If the given curve is a velocity-space
velocity-time curve; a space-time curve curve (space along OX) the integral of the
may be obtained from it as on page78 . reciprocal will give a space-time curve.
(r) Plot the graph y = ·us + 3 from IX. ft ./sec.s·6 '55 '45 '34 '246 ' X9 'x6
x = 0 to 6. Scales: values of s , XU = I; v. ft ./sec. 0 ro 20 30 40 50 60
values o~ y. x" = 2.. Draw the,.reciprocal Plot the acceleration-velocity graph
curve usmg a pole distance of 2 . Deduce and obtain from it a velocity-time curve.
the scale and read off the v~lue of I/y when What times have elapsed when the body
;If = 3· Check by: calculation. has velocities of (a) 35 f.s., (b) 60 f.s.?
. (2) The following ta:ble shows the ~ela- Through what distance has the body
tIon between acc~leratIon :x: and velocity v moved when the velocity is 60 f.s.? Ans.
for a. body. starting from rest . (a) 80 sec., (b) 205 sec.: 7655 ft.
Note.-An additional example (No.3) is given on page 86


scale I = '20 !t/sec.

N to t5 20 25 30 35 X VELOCITY CURVE,
ordinate scale
j"=~ secs.

Problem 101. Given the Velocity-Space Curve for a Body, to construct

the Curve of Effective Work.
The curve of effective work is the nate PR and the normal PS ; RS, the
integral curve of the force-space curve: sub-normal, represents the acceleration
the latter is represented (to another at P (see below). If S falls to the
scale) by the acceleration-space curve, right of R the acceleration is +ve;
for force = mass X acceleration. The if to the left, -ve. Mark off the
initial step, therefore, is to obtain the lengths of the sub-normals along the
acceleration-space curve . ordinates and draw the acceleration-
(I) Acceleration - Space Curve. space curve.
Fig. 1. Let P be a point on the given Let the velocity-scale be I" = m
velocity-space curve. Draw the ordi- ft. /sec., and the space scale I" = h ft.
Then from figure, AB . m = av, PA. h = as, and RP . m = vel. v ;
i.e. AB = av/m , PA = Bslh, and RP = vim .
" 1 AB
B y simi ar lis PA = RP RS .
; i.e. as . m
av h
RS m
. v; av
or u , 85 =
RS m l
. h '

In the limit, when av and as approach zero, v . ~~ = RS. ml/h. (I)

But v . do lds = v . dold; . dtlds = duldt, : . v . dulds = dv/dt = acceleration. (2)
Substituting (2) in (I), Acceleration = RS. ~ = RS X constant.
The Iength RS represents there- space curve and the construction is
fore the acceleration at P, to the clearly shown in figs . 2 and 3. The
scale I" = nz2/h feet per sec,".
(2) Force-Space Curve. Fig. 2 .
For a mass of M lb . the force in lb.
ordinate scale is

" {ml M} {M I
= h ' Ii . h . d = m 2 • Ii . d ft . lb .
wt . at any point =~ X (acceleration), In all practical examples a resistance,
.g usually variable, has to be overcome before
and the acceleration-space cur~e be- motion can be given to a body. A resis-
comes the force-space curve If the tance curve on a space base is shown dotted
ordinate scale is taken as in fig. 2 . The total force.necessary at any
m2 Ml
- lb . wt.
point is the algebraic sum of the ordinates
I" =
(II ' of the force and resistance curves; the
g curve of total work is the integral of the
(3) Effective Work Curve. Fig. 3. total force curve.
This is the integral curve of the force-
Problem 102 . Given the Acceleration-Space Curve, to construct the
Velocity-Space Curve .
Fig. 4. Let OA be the initial velocity, cA as rad., describe the arc AB between
and let the acceleration-space curve be the first two ordinates. Then set off
that shown and similar to that obtained df = de, and describe the arc BC from f
in fig. I. Erect ordinates at reasonably as centre. Proceed in this way to draw
close intervals, and draw the mid-ordinates, the complete curve. The process is the
dotted. Consider the mid-ordinate abo reverse of that described above, and the
Set off ac = ab, and with c as centre and scales are as marked.
(Ia) A vessel of 6000 tons increases its 1 knot = 1'69 f.s. Ans. 1580, 1820, 1850,
speed from 10 to 18 knots, and the relation 1580, 1060.
between speed and total distance travelled (Ib) The resistance to motion of the
is as follows: vessel in I (a) varies with the speed, thus:
Speed , knots 10 12 14 16 18 Speed in knots 10 12 14 16 IS
Distance, feet 0 500 1170 2170 3800 Resistance in tons 6 '93 10 14 '1 19'5 27
Construct an acceleration-space curve Plot a curve showing total force, on a
and convert it to a force-space curve. space base, and estimate the total useful
Estimate the I.H.P . required to accelerate work done , in foot tons, in increasing speed
the vessel at each of the given speeds . from 10 to 18 knots. Ans. 127,300.

t'; m1eet

t= 'J!h fret-
per sec. per5l!t".
o x

_------::rANCe:--CURVE .
- -- ----------- -------- ----
l-l----+-..::::!!1001....._-- --- RE5 15
-_...--_...... - ------

1"= ~ feef

PRO LEM 101 .

\1.-0 -'?1r TH E CURVE OF
&2 '\'j..
~ WORK .


1"= fil.h.
fret per sec. Fig 4.
J:n ket per
A plane irregular figure , area A, such moments as 8A. Y and 8A. y2,
is shown in fig. I; 8A is an elemental written l:8A. y and l:~A. y2; i.e,
strip of the area. length z, width 8y , Ez . 8y . Y and Ez . 8y . y2. The znd
taken parl to an axis XX. The rst moment of area is called the Moment
moment of the strip about XX is of Inertia.
8A .. y ; the znd, 8A . y2. The Centroid C is distant y from
The 1st and 2nd Moments of area A XX such that A . Y = E8A . y , i .e .
about XX are given by the sum of all - l:~A. y
y = A .

103. Centroid and 1st and 2nd Moments of a given Area.

Fi~, 2. Let the largest area, A, be 0 on XX. These lines BO and DO
the given area, and let XX be a given intersect MN in M, and N,; from M,
axis. To determine y the d istance of and N, draw perps. M,B, and N,D,
the centroid from XX and the rst and to PQ, and join B10. D,O. cutting
end moments of the area A about XX. MN again in M 2 and N 2 • Take other
Construction, Take any line PQ lines par! to XX and obtain a sue-
outside the given area, pari to XX, and cession of points as M" M 2 , N" N 2 •
distant d from it. Draw any line MN using the same point O. Join them by
par! to XX, cutting the figure in M a fair curve and thus obtain the two
and N . Draw MB and ND perp. to smaller figures shown, areas A, and A 2 •
PQ and join Band D to any point
Then* :-Ist Moment of A about XX = Area A, . d; and y = A, . djA. }
znd Moment of A about XX, written I xx = Area AI ' d l •
Also , znd Moment of A about CG, written I CG = In - A(Y)I.
To locate the centroid take an axis To obtain the areas graphically first
inclined to XX and obtain a second line divide them by a number of par! ordi-
C,G, : the centroid is at the intersection of nates, mark off the intercepted lengths
CG and e,G,. The areas A. A, and A, may along corresponding ordinates from a
be obtained by graphical integration, or by straight line , and integrate graphically the
Simpson's Rules, or by using a Planimeter. resulting figures of equal area.
Problem 104. To determine the Centroid of a given Section and its
Moment of Inertia about a given Axis passing through the
A British Standard bull-head rail sec- half the figure need be drawn. The areas
tion, area A, is shown in fig. 3, approx. A, and A, may be readily obtained by
half size. The lines XX and PQ are perp. integration, as shown clearly in figs. 4
to the ax is of symmetry and the areas A, and 5, and as described on page 76. The
and A. have been plotted as described distances ON (~l*) and O,N, ('1") are
above; the construction lines for points marked off along the Y axes for conveni-
N, and N. are shown. In practice only ence, and the areas are as follows:
Area A = 2(AY. ON) = 2(1'96 X 2'5) sq. ins. = 9.8 sq. ins.
Area A, = 2(A,Y, . O,N,) = 2(1 '64 X 1'5) sq. ins. = 4'92 sq. ins.
Area AI is left for the student to determine as an exercise .
Then y = 4'92 X 6'5 -;- 9.8 = 3'26" from XX , and is on the centre line.
In = A,(6 ·5)·; ICG = A.(6 ·5)' - 9'8(3 '26)'.
(1) Refer to page 64, Ex. 2; plot the the rail section twice full size and deter-
locus of the point P and determine the mine : (a) the centroid; (b) In; (c) leo.
position of the centroid of the figure. Use your own judgment for radii not
(2) Taking dimensions from fig. 3 draw given.
• Proof.-Let the line MN be an elemental strip, width 6y, length z . Let M,N, = z, and MIN. = z.
,w,"y: "A. = ,w."y, and, by similar triangles, ~ = =:.. =!'; i.e, "A, = "A. =!';
8A = z , 8y: 6A, = •
z z, d 8A "A, d
A .
:. "I.e. DlA 1: A
,= y , 8 = ;j'
jd '''A .y = 1St moment of
d A about XX S· '1 I A I 6
. imnarry '=;p' A .y = xxI. I I tP

Further because y = ~~1' by defin ition, it follows that y = AA:d.

p Q
TOlal area A

)'1- - ~,

C '\ I
sum curve
sum curve
for area A {or areaA,
A/V, =1'·64"
I.e AY = 1-96"

I f$~

"4 , -
PROBLEM 104. ON=2"2" a 1=/f
OF A CIVEN SECTION . Figs. 3.4 &5 -half size
N ./lole
Additional Problems and Examples.
Problem 105.
A body weighing 322 lb . moves in I
a force which varies with the dis -
a straight line against a constant re - placement of the body according to
sistance of 300 lb ., under the action of the following table.
Displacement, feet 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Force, lb. wt. 600 520 460 405 355 300 255 215 200
The force remains constant at 200 lb . (b) the total time taken, (c) the velocity
onwards from 160 feet. Determine at points distant 60 feet and 120 feet
(a) the distance through which the from the starting position, and (d) the
body will move before coming to rest, total work done.
Problem 106
The diagram shows the speed of a Estimate the depth of the shaft and
mine cage during the time, in seconds, the indicated work done during the run.
that a load is being raised from the What time is required for the first 150
pit bottom to the surface. A curve is yards of the lift? When the cage is in
also given showing the indicated horse- this position, what percentage of the
power of the winding engine during indicated power is required to acceler-
this time. It will be noted that the ate the moving masses if their total
steam pressure is put against the piston weight is then 30 tons? Ans . 2II2 ft. ;
to assist in stopping the moving masses . 12,200 ft . tons; 18! sec .; 16'3%.
Problem 107
In a recent determination, by a where 0 is any point in the section,
graphical process, of the torsional ON a normal, OP a radius vector, and
stresses in a shaft the cross-section of u a certain function of the position of
which has any form, the two follow - P on the boundary, values of which
ing integrals occurred: for the given elliptic section are figured
at intervals. For a given point 0 find
f U dO and fs~n; .du or f ~~, the value of these two integrals from
A to B, OQ being measured in cms.s
Problem 108 .
The section of a strut is oval, con- Determine graphically (a) the area of
sisting of half an ellipse (taken through the section, (b) the position of the
the minor axis) and a semi-circle. The centroid, (c) the 2nd moment of area
semi-major axis of the ellipse is vertical of the section about a horizontal axis
and 4" long; the minor axis is 3" long, through the centroid, in the plane of
and is a diameter of the semi-circle. the section.
Page 74 Ex . 5.-Glapeyron's equation in lb. per sq. foot. From the following
for the specific volume of saturated steam values of t and p construct the TP curve
requires the value of ~. where T is the and state the value of dP dT
for pressures of
absolute temp . and P is the absolute press. 50 and 125 lb. per sq . in. Ans. '0088, '0042.
t, ordinary temperature in 0 F. 240 281 307 328 344 358 371
p, absolute pressure, lb. per sq. inch 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Page 80. Ex . 3.-Draw a space-velocity by the car in traversing the distance of
graph from the following table of rela- 120 yd. Ans. 12'53 sec.
t ive values for a motor-car. Construct a Space, yd. °
20 40 60 80 100 120
space-time curve and find the time taken Vel., ft ./sec. 15 19'5 26 33 39'5 45 48.
• Hint.-{I) Set off measured values of fJ as abscissae and corresponding values of" as ordinates. Draw
the fJ, " curve from A to B and integrate it to obtainI". dfJ. (a) Plot a curve ahowing measured values
of OQ as ordinates on a base giving values of " ; the intellral of the reciprocal curve lIives ~Q'
~~r lHP
75 3/25


<5 /6 24 32 40

r<') 10·

. /'
-- .» ' 9 0 ' "


Some consideration is given here to I' ment of area a nd moments of area.

the principles underlying the construe- The fundamental principles are im -
tion of instruments for the measure- portant and readily comprehended .

t08a. Planimeters *-Polar.

The mechanism in fig. I shows a In th e use of the actual instrument the
link AP free to turn about a fixed pole generating line returns to its original posi-
P. Hinged to AP at A is a link AB f
tion, so that d8 = o. The implication is
carrying a tracing point B and a small that the inte gral motion at rt. L s to I may
recording wheel W having its axis be measured at any point in I, say at D, for
along AB. When the point B is moved So - Sal = CD S8, or So = Sal + CD S8;
around an area, the wheel has a : . fda = f dOl + CD f d8 = f dOl'
motion which is in part rotary and in The recording wheel is often placed on BA
part sliding. The extent of the rotary produ ced.
motion resulting from the movement
of B once around the given area, is a Base Circle.-Consider the arrange-
measure of the area. One proof is as ment in fig. 3 : the pole P is at the
follows. centre of a circle, the plane of the
Two positions of the line AB and AIB I wheel passes through P, and B is on the
are shown in fig. 2. They interse ct in 0 and circumference of the circle. In these
enclose the small angle 88. Their mid-points circumstances the recording wheel will
are C and CI ; CM is an arc about O. not revolve ; it will have a motion of
The area ABBIA I translation only. The circle is called the
= b. OBB I - b. OAA I Base Circle and its area is constant for
= 10Ba8/1 - 10A28/1 anyone type of planimeter.
= HOB - OA) (OB + 0..\)8/1 One design of Polar Planimeter is
= (AB) (OC) S8 = AB x CM shown in fig. 5. The arm AB is adjust-
= length I x elementary dis- able for length and can be used on
placement of its mid-point at either side of AP. Movement of the
rt. L s to I wheel is read on a vernier scale and
= Ida . complete turns are recorded by a dial
The total area = f I do. geared to the spindle of the wheel.

108a1 • Planimeter-Linear.
These a re dealt with on the next page because of their use as integrators.

108b . Prytz's Planlmeter.j

TI-.s is a bent bar of constant length area, and A is pressed to mark the
having one end pointed and, at the paper. B is then moved along a radius,
other, a curved knife edge. As the around the curve and back along the
point B traces the curve, the edge A radius to the starting point. A is again
can move freely only along AB, which pressed. The area is given approxi-
is always tangential to the curve mately by the length I multiplied by
traced by B. B is taken initially at a the length of the a rc AA.
point near the centre of gravity of the

A simplified planimeter of the type in-lit will not give accurate results but it will
dicated in fig. I can readily be constructed demonstrate principl es. The wheel can be
from odd material including watch parts. calibrated by taking B around known areas.

• The names of Amsler and Coradi, of Switzerland, are inseparably connected with these instruments.
Amsler's first planimeter appeared in t854.
t Prytz of Copenhagen.

Fi g I

W: A -' 8
",- -'- --'
... . • . _- --- _. >"


lOSe. Mechanical Integrators.

The integrator described here is a Proof.-Refer to fig. 4. If one end A
development of the linear planimeter . of a bar AB of length I moves along a
One form of this is shown in fig. I . The straight line (the x axis of coordinates)
instrument is constrained to move in a while the other end B (x, y) describes
straight line by wheels in a groove. The a closed curve, the area bounded by
line XX corresponds to the circular the curve can be measured (as w) by a
path of the pole arm (dotted in fig. 1 wheel W on AB, as for the polar plani-
on previous page). In effect the linear meter.
planimeter is equivalent . to the polar The required area is f y dx or I f sin 6dx
planimeter with an infinitely long taken around the boundary, where 6 is
arm. the angle which AB makes with the
The axis of the recording wheel WI negative direction of OX, as in fig. 4.
is set radially in a toothed wheel, axis The required first moment of the
As, operated by an equal toothed wheel area about the x axis is If y' dx, or
centre A, integral with AB. AA 2 is lIS f sin' 6 dx, or - itt f sin (1,. - 26) dx,
always perpendicular to XX. The taken around the boundary.
wheel WI gives recordings similar to The required second moment of
those which would be given by a wheel area, or moment of inertia, about
such as W , dotted, on AB. the x axis is !fySdx, or l[3 fsin s6dx,
This design is taken a stage further or [3 - -h f sin 36 dx]. or
[if sin 6 dx
for the integrator, shown in figs. 2 and 3. il' [t Jsin 6 dx J
- II sin 36 dX] taken
Arcs of toothed wheels integral with around the boundary ; that is
AB have radii two and three times that
of discs geared with them and carrying it'w - J
1\1' [t sin 3tl dX]
the recording wheels WI and W 2' A taken around the boundary.
third wheel W is carried by the arm The integrals If sin (l,. - 26) dx and
AB. The centres A, Al and As are on If sin 36 dx can be read (as WI and W 2
a straight line perpendicular to XX respectively) from wheels WI and W 2 •
and are capable of motion only in the In an Amsler Integrator, the area
direction XX. The axes of WI and W s wa s represented by 2(.1), the first mo-
are set radially in the discs so that ment by 4(.1)1' and the second moment
when AB makes 6 with XX the axes as 32(.1) - 10(.1) 2 inch units.
make 1,.- 26 and 36 respectively with
it. As the point B moves around the Note.-An excellent collection of
given figure , wheel W gives a measure Instruments of Calculation is available
of its area, WI a measure of the first in the Mathematics Section of the
moment of the area about XX, and Science Museum, London. The student
W s a measure of the second moment interested in these instruments should
of area (or moment of inertia) about lose no opportunity of familiarizing
XX. himself with the examples displayed .


Fig I


109. Oemposltion of Forces.
A force is completely specified if If a system of concurrent forces be
the following are given: (a) its line represented in magnitude, direction,
of action, (b) its magnitude, (c) its and sense, by the sides of a closed
sense (i.e. whether it pushes or pulls), polygon taken in order, they are in
and (d) its po int of application. equilibrium. The forces may have any
Forces may be regarded mathemati- direction in space, hence the force
cally as localized vector quantities. polygon is not necessarily plane.
To obtain graphically the resultant of If a body is in equilibrium under the
two forces P and Q, fig. I, set out action of three forces, their lines of
vectors ab and. be representing P and action must be coplanar and either
Q; the vector sum ac gives the re- concurrent or parallel. For three con-
sultant R. current forces the following proposi-
. The process may be continued step tion, known as the Trian~le of
by step for any number of forces. The Forces, may be stated: If three
four concurrent forces P, Q, S, T, forces are in equilibrium and if any
fig. 2, are represented by the four triangle be drawn with its sides parallel
vectors ab, be, cd, de, and the resultant to the lines of action of the forces, the
R by the vector Qt . In other words the sides of the triangle taken in order
four given forces may be replaced by represent the magnitudes and senses of
a single force R. Consequently if the the corresponding forces.
system of forces is to be placed in a 109(a). Bow's Notation. This
state of equilibrium, a force equal and system was introduced for dealing
opposite to R must be supplied: this with reciprocal figures for frames, see
force is called the equilibrant. page .108 It consists in assigning letters
If the force polygon closes, the forces to the spaces between the forces, so
are in equilibrium, and the following that a force is referred to by the
general proposition, known as the letters astride it, and using similar
Polygon of Forces, may be stated: small letters in the vector diagram.

Problem HO.-Four Forces, two of which are specified completely,

act at a Point. The Lines of Action of the other Forces are given;
to determine these Forces completely.
Let P , Q, R. and S, fig. 3a, be the given passing from one iorce to another in a
forces; values P , 8 lb., and Q. 5 lb. clockwise direction. Draw ab and bc
Arrange the force diagram as in fig. 3b corresponding to AB and Be, and
so that the unknowns Rand S are close the polygon by cd and da drawn
adjacent : this is permissible since a parallel to CD and DA . The required
pull on one side may be represented forces are given by the vectors cd
by an equal push on the other. Adopt and da taken in the continuous direc-
Bow's notation, as in fig. 3b, and set tions indicated, as determined by the
out the vector polygon, fig. 3c, start- clockwise reading of the forces . In
ing with the force AB [i.e. P), and fig. 3b, S is a thrust and R is a pull.

(1) The point 0 is in equilibrium under bars and indicate the directions in which
the action of three forces as in figure, AB they act at O. Ans, Upper bar, 4'91 tons
acting vertically upwards. Determine the away from 0; lower bar, 5'98 tons to-
magnitudes and senses of BC and CA. wards O.
Ans. BC 9.66 lb . push ; CA 7'0 7 lb . pull. (3) The figure shows the directions of
(2) The two bars shown in figure are four concurrent forces referred to axes
connected by pin joints and form a OX and OY . Determine the equilibrant
simple frame. A load of 3 t ons is carried and give its sense and inclination to OX.
at the end O. Determine the forces in the Ans . 8'75 at 343 ° 9' to OX away from O.

R: b
! Fi~

d OF
/R Fig..2

c a

o y
5 lb.

111. Moment of a Force.
The moment of a force about a stitute a couple: the moment of a
point is the product of the force and couple is the product of either force
the perp. distance from the point to and the perpendicular distance between
the line of action of the force . In the forces. Moments having an anti-
fig. I the moment of the force F about clockwise tendency are taken as + ve :
the point P is F . d inch lb . If two in fig. I the moment of F about P is
equal and opposite forces F , fig. 2, - ve; in fig. 2 the moment of the
have parallel lines of action, they con- couple is +ve.
Problem 112. To determine the Equilibrant of any System of coplanar
non-concurrent Forces.
The magnitude, direction, and sense I, 2, 3, 4, 5 is called a funicular or
of the equilibrant are given by the link polygon.
closing side of the force polygon,. Explanatory Note. Replace each
drawn as described for concurrent force, fig. 3a, by its components along
forces on the previous page, and its the sides of the link polygon; i.e. re-
position, relative to the other forces place AB by BO and AO; BC by BO
in the system, is obtained by means of and CO, and so on-as shown by the
the funicular polygon, as follows. arrows. The magnitudes of these
Let AB, BC, CD, and DE, fig. 3a, be components are given by a corre-
four non-concurrent forces. Draw the sponding triangle in the vector dia-
vector diagram abode, fig. 3b; the gram. When all replacements are
closing vector ea represents the equlll- complete, each terminated side of the
brant in magnitude, direction, and funicular polygon is the line of action
sense: the resultant of the system of two equal and opposite forces which
is an equal and opposite force repre- neutralize each other, and only two
sented by the vector ae. uncompensated forces, AO and EO.
Take any pole 0 within the polygon remain: the equilibrant .of these is
and join oa, ob, oc, od, and oe. Take represented by ea and acts through the
any point I on the force AB, and draw point 5.
a line across the space B pari to bo N.B.-A system of forces is not
to meet the force BC in the point 2; necessarily in equilibrium although
the line may be called BO. From 2, on the force diagram closes. To illustrate
Be, draw CO pari to co to meet the this, let the force AE be transposed to
next force CD in the point 3. Simi- the right. its direction remaining un
larly from 3 draw DO pari to do to altered. as in fig. 3c; the same force
meet DE in the point 4. Finally, polygon applies. fig. 3b, but the first
from the points I and 4 draw lines and last sides of the funicular do not
AO and EO pari respectively to ao and coincide - the two uncompensated
eo to intersect in 5; this point is on the forces forming a couple. It is a con-
line of action of the required equilibrant, dition of equilibrium therefore that the
which may be drawn pari to ea-as funicular polygon should close.
shown dotted in fig. 3a. The polygon
(1) Three forces are located by means forces, and its moment about the centre
of the square shown. Determine the of the pentagon.] Ans, 2'45 lb.; +14'5
equilibrant and state its moment about in lb .
the centre of the square. Ans. 11 lb.; (3) Four forces act as shown in figure.
-10'5 in . lb . Draw the square, edge 3', and determine
(2) A regular pentagon is used to locate the equilibrant of the system. Measure
the four forces shown. Draw the penta- the perp, distance from B to its line of
gon , side I', and determine the magnitude action. and its inclination to AB.
of the equilibrant of the given system of Ans. 5'14 lb ., I'S', 33'5°.
• This is readily seen if the forces are combined in pain. the lines of action being produced as necessary
to intenect. t Accurate working ia essential in this question.

t b
A 5 a




B c
Problem 113. To determine the Equilibrant of a System of parallel
coplanar Forces,'
Consider the system represented by obtained by means of the funicular
the four parallel forces AB, BC, CD, polygon. Take any pole 0 and draw
and DE, shown in fig. la. The force oa, ob, .. . Draw the funicular poly-
polygon for this system consists of gon in the spaces between t he lines of
segments of the straight line abode, action of the various forces, starting
fig. Ib ; the vector ab represents the at a point on the force AB : the closing
force AB to scale, .bc represents BC to links AO and EO int ersect at P when
scale, and so on. The force diagram produced, and the line of action of the
.. closes" if the last vector ends at equilibrant passes through P. The
the starting point of the first, and the numerical value of the equilibrant is
equilibrant is therefore represented the algebraical sum of the loads
by ea and acts vertically upwards. (the resultant of the system is an
The position of the equilibrant is equal and opposite force at P).

Problem 114. To determine the Reactions at the Supports of a hori-

zontal Beam carrying vertical Loads.
This problem is equivalent to that of from 0 draw oe pari to nm to meet ad
finding two equilibrants along given in e. The magnitudes of the required
lines of action, to a system of parallel equilibrants, or .react ions, DE and
forces. Two examples will be con - EA, are represented to scale by the
sidered. vectors de and ea.
(1) When the lines of action of the (2) When the lines of action do
loads all fall within the supports. not all fall within the supports. For
Let the beam and its supports be as this type of problem a systematic use
shown in fig. 2a, loads AB, BC, and should be made of Bow's notation, as
CD: to determine the forces DE and illustrated by the lettering of fig. 3a.
EA at the supports. Draw the force The reactions to be determined are
diagram, fig. 2b, and join the several DE and EA .
points to any pole o, Draw the fun i- Proceed as in the former example,
cular polygon with sides pari to ao, and draw the force diagram, fig. 3b.
bo, co, do: to make the construction Draw the four links of the funicular
clear the sides of the funicular have polygon, OA, OB , OC. OD, respec-
been marked with corresponding tively parallel to oa, ob, oc, and od,
letters. e.g. the link in the space A is in the order given. Draw the closing
marked OA and is pari to oa; that in link OE, and draw oe par! to it to
the space B is marked OB and is par! meet ad in e. The reactions DE and
to ob, and so on. Let the links OA and EA are represented by the vectors de
OD meet the lines of action of the and ea.
equilibrants in m and n. Join nm and

All forces are in lb. wt . and distances (3) Determine the reactions at the sup-
in feet. ports for the given beam, which carries
(1) Determine the equilibrant of the two loads and is acted on by an upward
system of forces shown in the figure and force. Ans. L.H. 4'32; R.H. 3.68.
state 't he distance between its line of action (4) The beam shown is hinged to a
and that of the 5 lb . force . Ans . 23 lb .; fixed support and is propped at a given
6·61 ft. point so as to be horizontal. Determine
(2) Determine the reactions at the sup- the reactions at the supports for the given
ports for the given beam. Ans. L.H . system of loading. Ans, H inge 4'36; prop
692·6; R.H. 457'4 . 8'64 ·

A B 0 t:
C b

0 c
A E 0

p FigJl
A B c o
A E _____________________ n D
m -------- ------------ OE e --------- o


FiJ.2a. 0
e- .
-......... ~~


r J--t- 6----t-4 -i5 Ex.

5 7 .3
6 :; 5

J:± --±±ti- Ex.3.

115. Mass Centres or Centres of Gravity.
The forces of gravity acting on the pos itions if the rat ios of their masses .
various particles of a rigid body con- and the positions of their separate
stitute a system of parallel forces. the centres of gravity. are known . When
resultant of which acts through the the centres of gravity are coplanar.
centre of gravity. The position of the as in the examples given here. the
centre of gravity may be found by position of the mass centre is readily
giving the body two positions, rei a- determined by means of the funicular
tive to the earth, and obtaining the polygon. When the centres of gravity
point of int ersect ion of the· resultants are not coplanar the resultants of pa irs
of the parallel forces. of masses may themselves be taken in
The method may be applied to a pairs and the position of the mass
number of bodies having fixed relative centre obtained.

Problem 116. To determine the Centre of Gravity of a given System

of Masses.
Four masses having fixed relative centres of areas of plane figures. Fig . 2
positions are shown in fig. 1, the shows an angle-iron section. The figure
points indicating their centres of is divided into two rectangles. and the
gravity. The weights of the masses parallel vectors AB and BC are given
act along the lines AB , BC, CD. and magnitudes proportional to the areas
DE, and their magnitudes are repre- of the rectangles : the resultant is
sented by the vectors ab, be, cd, and de . obtained by means of a fun icular tri-
The position of the resultant AE is angle.
determined by the force diagram and The vectors are taken in two d irec-
funicular polygon, as shown clearly in tions. horizontally, and inclined at
figure : its line of action is a vertical 60° to the horizontal-the latter to
through m and passes through the avoid the small diagram that would
required centre of gravity G. result were the vectors taken verti-
Now suppose the mass system to be cally. The centre of area of the section
turned through any angle, for con - is at G, the point of intersection of the
venience one of 90°. Determine the two resultants.
line of action of a second resultant to The construction in fig. 1 is largely
intersect the first resultant in G. The employed in determining the centres
construction should be clear frorr the of gravity of symmetrical structures,
figure; horizontals PQ, QR, RS, and such as cranes, in which the centres
ST represent the four parallel forces , of gravity of the component parts lie
and the line of action of the resultant in one plane and can themselves be
passes through n . found either graphically or by calcu-
Practical Applications. The lation. Examples 3 and 4 are taken
method is suitable for determining the from practice and are typical.

(1) (1) Determine the centres of area 8 tons; (b) machinery, 2 tons ; (e) under
of the two given sections. carriage. 12 tons; (d) jib, I ton ; (e) load,
(3) The members of the given frame are 5 tons. The gauge of the rails may be taken
coplanar and of uniform density. The as 5' ow, the point e being on the centre
sectional areas of the diagonals are one line. Determine the position of the centre of
half those of the other members. Deter- gravity of the crane : (r) loaded. as shown,
mine the position of the centre of gravity and (2) unloaded: give the height above
of the frame . Ans. 3'73 feet from left-hand the track, and distance from the rail
end, 1'32 feet from bottom. remote from the load. What load would
(4) The positions of the centres of cause the crane to be on the point of over-
gravity of the principal component parts turning? Ans. (I) 5'404', 3'94' ; (2) 4'46',
of a crane are shown in figure, their 1'0' ; 7'36 tons .
weights being: (a) counter-we ight, &c.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V')



4' . - , 1C1t-l

3' 3 3
Shearing Force (S.F.) and Bend- braic sum of the forces on one side
ing Moment (BM.) Diagrams for of the section; and the Bending
Concentrated Loads. If the loads Moment is equal to the algebraic
and supporting forces applied to a sum' of the moments, about the sec-
beam act at right angles to the beam's tion, of all the forces applied exter-
length, then at any cross section the nally on one side of the section.
Shearing Force is equal to the alge-

Problem 117. To draw a.M. and S.F. Diagrams for a given Beam.
B.M. Diagram. Let the beam be S.F. Diagram. A horizontal
simply supported at its ends and through f in the force diagram is the
loaded vertically, as in fig. I . Draw base line of the S.F. diagram . Hori-
the force diagram abcde, beginning at zontals drawn through a, b, C, d , and e
the top with the force on th~ right. to the spaces A, B , C, D, and E give the
Join to a pole 0 on the right of this values of S.F. for the beam in those
line and draw the funicular polygon, spaces; e.g. the S.F. at Q is propor-
as in fig. 2; determine f by drawing tional to the ordinate q.
of parallel to the closing side (dotted) Conventions. There is little agree-
of the funicular. Vertical ordinates of ment as to which kind of shear or
the funicular polygon represent, to bending moment should be regarded
scale, values of the B.M. at corre- as +ve or -ve. The construction
sponding sections along the beam ; given opposite makes shear +ve when
e .g. the B.M . at P is proportional to the right-hand portion tends to move
the ordinate p. upwards relative to the left; and
Scale. If the beam diagram is bending moments +ve when they
drawn to a scale of IN = h feet and tend to make the beam sag. These
forces in the vector diagram to a scale conventions are usually adopted for
of IN = m lb ., the ordinate scale for Influence Lines in dealing with mov-
the B.M. diagram is IN ~ h . m . n ing loads, see page 126 They are de-
ft . lb. , where n is the perpendicular parted from occasionally herein for
distance in inches from 0 to the line ae. convenience, e.g. pp. 105 and 107

Problem 118. To determine the B.M. Diagram for a Beam in two

Parts, hinged together.
Girders requiring more than two and the side OE must therefore inter-
supports are sometimes made in por- sect OB at the point m, on the ordinate
tions hinged together. A simple ex- through the hinge. The closing side
ample is shown in fig. 4 ; the beam is OD may then be drawn. Draw oe
in two parts hinged at II, each part pari to OE and od pari to OD : the
carries a concentrated load, and three reactions CD, DE, and EA are given
supports are provided . by the vectors cd, de, and ea. The
Draw the force diagram abeo in the B.?lI. changes sign at two points, m
ordinary way, and then the links OA, and n . Values of B.M . are given by
OB, OC, of the funicular polygon. the lengths of vertical ordinates inter-
There can be no B.M . at the hinge II, cepted by the diagram.

Take loads in lb. wt, and distances in feet. feet from R.H. support.
(1) (2) Construct B.M. and S.F. dia- (4) Construct a B.M. diagram for the
grams for the beams shown. hinged beam shown. Measure the reactions
(3) Construct B.M. and S.F. diagrams at the supports and the distances from the
for the given beam. If the beam is to be central support of the sections at which
made in two parts hinged together deter- the B.M. is zero. Ans. Reactions L. to R.,
mine the position of the hinge. Ans. 1'26 9 '45 lb., 8'3 lb., 2'25 lb.; 1'65 feet, 7.8 feet.
t1 n

_ 5cale ,"=. h feet -

~p ~Q
~kace I. t c t
Diagram E !, i, . A
P I" L
+=_~.m. n
r. l'L

PROBLEM ~I . . i
CIVEN BEAM r=m lb.
'7 ------------- 0
r------J- - .- - .- -d n --l

2 5 2 3 5 6
Ex. I ~ tx.3. t--
3 6

2 5 2 3 4 V:> , 1..S" JO 6 "1 . -=t ~

Ex.2 2 2 2 2---l / Ex.4.f?+5±5llt3±5-1
. ~ A
~ ~ 3 '~
By means of the force and funi- the concentrated loads alreadv con-
cular polygons, diagrams of Shearing sidered. The following example illus-
Force and Bending Moment for hori- trates the method of dealing with a
zontal beams carrying distributed combination of concentrated and dis-
loads are as readily drawn as those for tributed loads.

Problem 119. To draw the B.M. and S.F. Diagrams for an irregularly
loaded Beam with overhanging Ends.
The beam shown, fig. I, carries a letters in fig. I~the limits of these
distributed load of 7 tons, and con- horizontals should be carefully noted.
centrated loads of 4 tons and 3 tons. Draw the appropriate vertical lines
The distributed load may be dealt and close the diagram. It will be seen
with by dividing it up into a number that the shear values change sign at
of small portions, and treating each the supports.
portion as a concentrated load; in Note.-It is usually possible to
the figure it is divided into seven draw the S.F. curve for a beam by
parts, each of I ton, but for greater inspection. The B.M . curve may
accuracy the division should be carried then be obtained by grapblcal
still further. Integration, as shown on the fol-
Letter the spaces between adjacent Iowlng page,
forces ; the spaces beneath the beam The stepped portion of the S.F.
to which the letters A, M and L apply curve is an approximation to the
are indicated by the arrow lines. correct form-shown dotted. Fig. 3
Draw the force diagram ab . . . kl, shows, to a smaller scale, the corrected
beginning at the top with the force S.F. curve with those parts of the
on the right, and join each point to diagram for the overhanging ends
a pole o. brought to the base line.
Starting at p, fig. 4. draw the various The B.M. curve has been redrawn
links of the B .M. diagram through the 011 a horizontal base in fig. 5, heights
several ordinate spaces, finishing at s ; on the same ordinate for both figures
then draw pq and sr, parallel to 10 and being equal. The scale for the dia-
oa respectively, to meet lines through gram is obtained as in Prob. II7.
the reactions in q and r, The line rq B .M. and S.F. diagrams are usually
is the closing side of the diagram, and required for the determination of
om drawn parallel to rq settles the maximum stress values, and although
position of the base line of the shear the forms of figs. 3 · and 5 are to be
diagram. preferred to those of figs. 2 and 4. the
To draw the shear diagram set off latter are sufficiently complete as they
horizontals from a, b. c . .. across the stand, for most purposes.
spaces covered by the corresponding

In each write down the values and (4) Draw B.M. and S.F. curves for the
positions of the maximum S.F . andB.M. given beam.
All loads are in tons. (5) Answer (4) if the distributed load
(1) (2) The two beams shown carry the is increased to 3 tons/ft.• other conditions
same total loads but in different ways . remaining the same .
Draw the B.M. and S.F. curves for both Ans. (I) S.F . 5'43. B.M. 6. (2) S.F.
and compare them. 4'07. B.M. 6. (3) S.F . II. B.M. 36. (4)
(3) Draw B.M. and S.F. curves for the S.F . 3'5. B.M. 3. (5) S.F. 6'5, at L.R.
cantilever shown. The z-ton and 3-ton support ; B.M. 3'56. 1'75 ft . within R.H.
loads are superposed on the distributed support.

3 Tons
B t

I. . . _j Fig-;=t==
1'""'7"'-'- - f' - -

---+-j-.- ·_ -S. F D IA~

~'.:1=-H----+---- ~ -t--.=i=
Problem 120. To construct Diagrams of Shear, Bending Moment,
Slope, and Deflection from the Load Curve of a given Beam.
A continuous load may be repre- diagram . Zero shear should lie on the
sented by a load diagram in wh ich same ordinate as maximum B .M.
ordinates give the load per unit length M
along the beam, and the area represents EI Diagram. Copy the B .M. dia-
the total load. From the load curve. gram on a new base AaBa, fig. 4. and
diagrams of shear, bending moment, alter the ordinate scale from IN = M
slope, and deflection may be easily M
obtained by successive lntegration.s to IN = EI radians per inch. E being
The load curve for a beam AB is
given in fig. I. ordinate scale IN = w lb . the value of Young's Modulus in lb .
. h cal f per sq . inch and I the moment of
per me , space s e ( or all diagrams) inertia in inch units. From this dia-
IN = h inches.
S.F. Diagram. Take a pole N, on gram the slope and deflection curves
BA produced. and construct the in- may be deduced.
tegral curve. fig. 2, as on page 76 : the Slope Diagram. Integrate the
position of the proper base line AIB M -:- EI curve. Ordinates of this curve.
has yet to be determined. When com- fig. 5, represent the slope of the beam
plete, ordinates of the curve give S.F. in radians. scale IN = ~ . h . d z = 6
values, scale IN = w . h . d lb . = Sib.
B.M. Diagram. Integrate the radians. The position of the base line
shear curve. taking the pole Nt t in of this diagram has yet to be de-
such a position that the line joining termined.
the ends of the integral curve is as Deflection Diagram. Choose a
little inclined to the horizontal as suitable pole N. and integrate the
possible--N would be taken on the slope curve. The resulting curve, fig. 6,
base line of the shear curve if its posi- is the deflection diagram for the beam
tiOD were known. The integral curve, and, since the ends of the beam have
fig. 3, represents the B.M. diagram. zero deflection, the chord A5B5 is the
Since it is known that the B.M.s at base line for the diagram. The ordinate
the supports are zero, the chord AzB z scale is IN = 6 . h . d. inches.
is the base line for the diagram. The Draw N.q par! to A5B5 and project
ordinate scale is IN = S . h . d l = M A.B. horizontally : this is the base
inch lb. Draw N tP par! to AzBa and line for the slope diagram and should
project AIB I horizontally from p; show zero slope at the ordinate of
AIB I is the base line for the shear maximum deflection.
(I) A beam of length L is supported at carries a total load W distributed in such
its ends and carries a. uniformly distri- a manner that the load varies uniformly
buted load W over Its whole length. from zero at the free end to a maximum
Show graphically that the maximum at the fixed end . Determine the deflection
. 5 WL8 f h '
defl ection 15 -8 . -EI • 0 t e free end m terms of EI. Ans. -I WLI
3 4 15 EI
(2) A horizontal cantilever, length L, (4) (5) Load .diagrams for two beams
carries a uniformly distributed load W are shown opposite, Assume the ordinate
over its whole length. Show that the value scale for each diagram to be IN = 100 lb.
of the B.M. at the fixed end is lWL, per ~nch run . I?etermine the points of
and that the deflection at the free end is maximum deflection and the values of the
I WL8 . deflections in terms of EI. Ans. E. in lb .jsq,
S' EI' Note: theB.M.15zeroatthefree in., I in (inch)! units: (4) 3'04 ft. from
end and the slope is zero at the fixed end. ~.R. support; 28,800 X 12 X 1'23 -:- EI,
ms. (5) 10'3 ft. from L.R. support;
(3) A horizontal cantilever, length L, 2,457,600 X 121 X 1'385 -:- EI, ins.
• The equations for these curves are: S = !w,dx, M = !S.d:Jt, 8= t.!M.d:Jt, "7"'!8 .d:Jt.
t The conventional B,M. diagram (see p. 100) is given by taldDll the pole Nt on the riebt, not the left.

s caJe
!A r= w Iblin .

NO = d inches


N, 0, = d, inches.

Scale I
--l:i ~_I'7-_I·=---:MA+-,,-r_a_ds..l...0+-n._ _+----===;=~----:~
NzOz = dz inches AJ
Q; ~ :}cale
N3 - -------___ A4 1= Mft:r h. dz,...:..,ra=d'7s."""-....-r>"""'""--'=-"'---;=----"~
9 f = Brags .
N303 = ~ inches
1'= 8.hd3 ins. 1 -l!jQ.
PROBLEM 120. ~(Ieetion Diagram
Problem 121. To draw the Shearing Force and Bending Moment
Curves for a Ship.
A sh ip may be regarded as a beam those points where the load curve has
in equilibrium under the acti on of a zero values, e.g . at p and q.
complex system of forces. The weights The determination of the Shear
of the hull, machinery, cargo, &c., and Bending Moment Curves from
are best exhibited by means of a the Load Curve is readily carried out
graph, called the Curve of Weights, by graphical Integration.s and is an
plotted on a base representing the application of the methods described
length of the ship. Ordinates of this fully on page 76. The curve of loads
curve are obtained by dividing the has been redrawn to a larger ordinate
length of the ship into sections, and scale in fig. 2, and rst and znd integral
regarding the sum of the weights in curves constructed in the usual way.
each section as a load uniformly dis- N L being the pole for the rst integral
tributed over the section : usually the or shear curve, and N s the pole for the
diagram is " stepped" znd integral or bending moment curve.
The fluid pressure upon the hull The ordinate scales for the various
varies along the ship. Its resultant for curves are marked. Both S.F. and
each section is equal to the weight of B .M. curves must end on the axis, for
water displaced by the section and the areas enclosed by the curves of
may be calculated from the volume . Load and Shear above and below the
immersed. By plotting these pressures axis are equal: this constitutes an
on a base representing the length of excellent check on the accuracy both
the ship, the Curve of Buoyancy is of the data and the construction.
obtained . The area under this curve When the ship floats among waves
represents the total weight of water the curve of buoyancy will vary con-
displaced by the ship, i.e , its di splace- siderably ; a wave crest may come
ment. amidships, as in fig. 3, or the ship may
Weight and Buoyancy curves for a rest across the trough of a wave, as in
ship in still water are shown in fig. I, fig. 4, the two conditions having the
plotted to the same scale and on the same effect on the sh ip as the loads
same base ; the overhang of the stern and supports have on the two simple
causes the curve of weights to extend beams shown, and causing hogging in
beyond the curve of buoyancy on the first and sagging in the second. By
the left.. The total areas under each assuming trochoidal wave forms ap-
curve are equal, and the centroids proximating to the extreme types that
of each area must lie on the same the vessel is likely to meet, the im-
ordinate. mersed volumes may be calculated. for
By plotting the differences between both conditions and curves of buoy-
corresponding ordinates of the two ancy plotted. For a full discussion of
curves, the Curve of Loads is ob- these problems the student is referred
tained. The ship is " water-borne " at to books on Naval Architecture.

(1) The curve of loads for a ship 220' ON angular crane lighter, 100 ft . X40 ft .x 15 ft .,
long is shown in figure, ordinates repre- is a parabola. The lighter is immersed
senting tons per foot run . Draw S.F . and to a depth of 10 ft . Draw the curves
B.M. curves and state the maximum of S.F . and B.M., and state the scales
values . Also give the value of the midship to which they are drawn.
B.M. Ans. Max. S.F., 20 tons, 40 ft . from Note: The buoyancy curve is a rect-
ends; max . B.M., 630 ft . tons, 65 ft . from angle . Refer to page 26 for the construc-
ends . Midship B.M., 282 ft. tons . tion of a parabola.
(2) The curve of weights for a rect-

• A mEChanical intesrator, pqe 90, is usually available in drawina oiIic:ea.


S c ale : 1'= h feet.


Ordinate Cur ve of Lo,!ds

5ECurve . 1..
r, m Ions/ft..
= m'~2d tons
Scales . { 8M-Curve. 1- m.rr.d.d, R: tons

I W/WJ ,
t Fig..4. f

Ex.\. f--- - -IOO-'- -- --I

Ex.2 .

122. Stress Diagrams for Framed Structures in Equilibrium.

The forces in the members of a (3) The members and the applied
simple frame may be determined by loads are coplanar.
applying the triangle or polygon of (4) The frames are " simply firm " -
forces to the various joints in succes- see fig. 1. Test : bars = (2 X joints)-· 3.
sion, taking them in a convenient
Under these conditions the members
order. This necessitates the construc-
are subjected to simple tensile or com-
tion of a number of disconnected vector
pressive forces in the directions of their
diagrams, and the force vector for lengths.
each member of the frame appears External and Internal Forces .
twice, In general, the various poly-
The forces acting en a structure may
gons can be fitted together into a
be d ivided into two groups :
single Stress Diagram, with con-
siderable simplification. The con- (I) External-the applied loads and
struction of the separate polygons will the reactions at the supports.
first be considered, then their as- (2) Internal-the forces exerted by
sembly in a complete stress diagram. the members on the joints.
The following assumptions are The structure as a whole is in
made: equilibrium under the action of the
(I) Members are secured together external forces ; any member, or com -
by pin joints.s bination of members, is in equili-
(2) Loads are applied at the joints brium under the action of the external
only. (Loads applied between the joints forces applied to it, together with the
can be apportioned to give the equiva- internal forces acting in the part
lent joint loading.) selected.

Problem 123. To construct the Stress Diagram for a given Framed

Fig. 2 shows a loaded structure forces, joints I and III may be dealt
lettered according to Bow's notation, with, for each member exerts equal
Draw the vector and funicular poly- and opposite forces on the joints at its
gons for the external forces and de - ends. The polygon for joint I serves
termine the reactions at the supports ; merely as a check.
reaction CD is represented by vector The five force diagrams may be
cd, and the reaction DA by da, fitted together into a single figure-
Draw a force polygon (or triangle) for the stress diagram, fig. 4. Arrow heads
each joint of the frame, beginning at a are unsuitable in the stress diagram,
joint which is determinate (joints I for each vector represents two equal
and III have each three unknowns); and opposite forces, and the directions
they are shown in the order II, III, of the vari ous forces are best deter-
IV, I, fig. 3. The f::" of forces for II mined from the sequence of the letter-
gives the vectors be and ea for the ing, as described fully on the following
forces in BE and EA ; knowing these page.

(1) Determine graphically the forces acting in each member . The triangles are
acting in the various members of the similar and the common base is vertical.
:frame shown without first obtaining the Ans·soo.
reactions at the supports. Draw the (3) Draw the stress diagram for the
complete stress diagram. Ans, Top, 1'73; simple roof truss shown, and state the
bottom, 2·6; sloping bars , left to right, force acting in each member . Obtain the
3'46, I, 5'2 . reactions graphically. Ans. Reading from
(2) Draw the stress diagram for the left to right, rafters, 9'07 , 7'07, 6'37 ;
simple girder shown and state the force horizontals, 7,85, 3'2 ; inner bars, 3'5, 5'83.
• Rigid joints require another treatment : refer to that by Hardy eros • •

D9JQ ~ ~

PROBl-EM 123.

1 4 F - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - -..
RfjZ D


a f



JC wT 5~w'" 1000/1,.

;.;~ Ex.l.
Stress Diagrams for Framed Structures (cont.).
124. Distinction between Struts and Ties.
If the forces which act at the jo ints diagram arrows as at (e) indicate that
at the ends of a member tend to the member is a strut. Conversely if
shorten it, the member is in compres- the forces at the joints tend to lengthen
s ion and is called a strut: the internal a member, the member is in tension,
forces oppose this tendency to shorten, and is called a tie . In fig. 2 the ex-
and the member itself exerts equal ternal forces at (a) produce the in-
and opposite forces at the joints. This ternal opposing forces at (b), and the
is illustrated in fig, I: the external arrows at (e) indicate in a diagram that
forces at (a) produce the internal op- the member is a t ie.
posing forces a,t (b), and in a force

124a. To determine the kind of Stress in a Member.

The frame discussed on the previous joint the bar is a strut ; if away from
page, together with its stress diagram, the joint, a tie.
is shown in fig. 3. Consider the force As an example consider the joint I,
diagram abed-it is convenient to re- the force polygon for which is thickened
gard it as a narrow rectangle, as shown in . The characteristic order around I
dotted. The order of vectors is ab, is clockwise ; i.e. the members must be
be, cd, da, corresponding to an order read as AE, EF, and FD (not as EA,
of external forces AB , BC, CD , DA- FE, or DF) ; the vector ae (i.e . the
i.e. a clockwise order around the d irection a ~ e) gives the wa y of the
frame . Take t he letters around all arrow head on AE at I ; the vector
the joints in the same or der and insert ef (i.e , from e ~ f ) settles the way of
arrow heads on each member in the the arrow on EF ; and so for FD.
d irection or way given by the corre- If the for ce diagram is drawn in the
sponding vector in the force diagram. reverse order , i.e . taking the external
The arrow gives the wa y of the force forces in an anti-clockwise or der, then
with which the bar in question acts on the characteristic or der for all joints
the joint. If the force is toward the mu st be anti-clockwise.

124b. Representation of Struts and Ties.

It is convenient to distinguish be-
tween the struts and ties in a frame
by using thick, thin , -and dotted lines
as follows :
St ru ts- t h ick lines} .
Ties-thin lines As shown In fig. 3 and Ex. I.
Members not stressed (see Ex. 4)-Dotted lines.

(1) The figure shows a Warren girder or ties . Ans, BH, EN, 3850 s.: CK, DM,
and its stress diagram for the given load- 3350 S. ; HK, MN. 870 S. ; KL, LM, 1470 to;
ing . Construct the stress diagram to a HG, NG, 3375 t.; LG. 2010 t .
scale of l ' = 1 ton, measure the forces (3) Draw the complete stress diagram
in the various members , and confirm that for the given structure and specify the
the struts and ties are as marked . Ans. various stresses . Assume the crossed
DE , DF, EF, 3.85; DH, DK , HK, 3'08; GF, members to be pinned at P. Ans. AE,
GH , '77; CE, 1'92 ; BG,3'46; AK, 1'55. 3'07 S.; BF, 2'2 S.; CG, 3'95 S.; EF, DG,
(2) Draw the given roof truss, scale 1'55 t .; ED , FG, 1'2 t .
I ' = 10' 0' ; the bars HK and MN bisect (4) Draw the complete stress diagram
the main rafters at right L s. Draw the for the bridge girder shown and specify
stress diagram, as shown, scale l ' = 500 lb.; the various stresses. Show that when the
measure the forces acting in the various loads are equal there is no stress in the
members and mark the members as struts diagonal member.

a a
--@::J:=I b I~ b
F'11.l 0 f c I 0 C
( 0




1000 , b
D 1000 EXAM PLE 2
n ..... , c

If there are not more than two un- up: in the roof truss shown in fig. I,
known forces acting at a joint in a the stress diagram cannot be started,
framed structure the polygon of forces there being more than two unknowns
may be applied and the unknowns at each joint. Several methods are
determined-as in the previous ex- available for overcoming this diffi-
amples. In many frames, however, this culty; one, probably the most common,
condition is not satisfied and the con- is given below, and another is dis-
struction of the stress diagram is held cussed on the following page.

125. The Method of Sections.-

It may' be shown that the algebraic of X and Z intersect in p, and Y is
sum of the moments of two forces in the determined by taking moments about
same plane about any point in the plane P; Y and Z intersect in q, and X is
is equal to the moment of their resul- determined by taking moments about
tant. t It follows that the algebraic q ; Z is given by taking moments
sum of the moments of a system of about 1'.
coplanar forces about any point is Regarding those moments as +ve
equal to the moment of the resultant; which tend to tum the structure in
if the system is in equilibrium there is an anti-clockwise direction about the
no resultant force, and the algebraic point considered, and clockwise mo-
sum of the moments must be zero . ments as - ve, the equation of mo-
This principle, usually called the ments about p becomes :
Principle of Moments, may be applied -Wz ·m+Y .n=o,
to determine the forces acting in the for WI ' R 1• X and Z have zero moments
members of a framed structure. about p. The distances m and n may
Suppose the roof truss in fig. I to be measured from an accurate scale-
be divided into two parts by a section drawing of the structure and the
plane SS cutting the bars a. b, and c. equation solved. From this equation
Suppose the right-hand part to be
removed and that external forces X, Y = (+)WI~: i.e, the moment of Y
Y, and Z are applied to the bars to n
balance the internal forces in them. about p is anti-clockwise, so that the
The left-hand part is then in equili- member b pulls on the joint d and is
brium under the action of six forces:- thus a tie. The determination of the
the loads WI and WI ' the reaction R 1, forces X and Z is left as an exercise
and the forces X . Y and Z, as shown in for the student.
fig. 2 . Each of the unknown forces The method of sections is of use
X, Y and Z may be determined by when the forces in a few members
taking moments about the point of only of a structure are required; it is
intersection of the lines of action of specially convenient for girders of
the other two. For example, the lines uniform depth, as in Exs. I and 4.

Assume that all loads are in tons. rollers at the lower end . Determine
Draw the figures about three times the completely the forces in the members a.
size given and check Exs . I , 2. and 3 by b. and c. Ans. a, 2'19 strut; b, '006 tie;
drawing stress diagrams. c, 2'49 tie .
(1) Determine completely the forces (3) (4) Determine completely the forces
acting in the members a, b, and c of the in the members a, b, c of the truss, and a.
Warren girder shown. Ans. a. 9'24 strut; b, c, and d of the N girder .
b, 2'89 tie ; c. 7'79 tie . Ans . (3) a, 6·62 strut; b, '053 strut; c,
(2) The girder shown is hinged at the 6'1 tie. (4) a, 0 ; b, 14'5 strut; c, 4 tie;
upper end to a fixed point and rests on d, I I ·66 tie .

• Aecribed to both Ritter and Rankine. t Varignon's theorem.


s /I'r

Problem 126. To draw the Stress Diagram for a glven Roof Truss
under a combination of Wind and Dead Loads.
The pressure of the wind upon a roof direction and position of the resultant
introduces a system of oblique load- of the applied forces by drawing the
ing. and one or both of the reactions force polygon abcde], fig. 3. and the
at the supports must have a hori- funicular polygon: 0 is the pole in
zontal component. Large roof trusses fig. 3. and the funicular polygon is
are usually anchored at one end and clearly shown in fig. 2. pr and qr being
allowed to move freely over rollers at the closing sides. The line of action
the other ; the reaction at the support sr of the resultant is parallel to af and
for the rollers is assumed to be vertical. intersects the line of action of the re -
For small trusses it is usual to allow action AG in s : this settles the direc-
freedom of movement at both ends tion of the reaction GF which must
and the reactions at the supports are pass through s. The magnitudes of
statically indeterminate unless certain FG and GA are determined by drawing
assumptions are made. the triangle of forces ts« i.e. by com -
Wind loads (which may be negative) pleting the force polygon for the whole
are superimposed on the dead loads. of the external forces .
first on one side of the roof and then on Stress Diagram. This may now be
the other. and the members propor- proceeded with in the usual way. and
tioned for the greater stress. is left as an exercise for the student.
Two sets of forces are shown acting Alternative Method .-Having de-
on the roof truss in fig. I , the oblique termined the resultant forces AB. BC.
forces being due to wind pressure on CD, and DE, fig. 2, the complete
one side of the roof . The truss is funicular polygon may be drawn at
anchored at F and is free to move over once. if a start is made at the point
a perfectly smooth horizontal surface of intersection of the known load EF
at A. and the unknown reaction FG.
Reactions at the Supports . The Special Case. The roof truss shown
whole of the applied loads may be in fig. 4 presents a difficulty in the
reduced to a single resultant. so that drawing of the stress diagram. The
the structure as a whole is in equili- vector figures are readily drawn for
brium under the action of this resul- the joints I, II. III. but there remain
tant load. the reaction at A-verti- more than two unknowns at the joints
cally upwards-and the reaction at F, IV and V. The method of sections may
unknown both in magnitude and direc- be employed, as on previous page. An
tion. These three forces must be con- alternative method is to substitute the
current and are therefore determinate, form of bracing shown in fig. 5, to
To simplify the construction. begin enable the force in AB to be deter-
by obtaining graphically the resultant mined, this force not being affected by
of the wind and dead loads at each the change . Once AB is known, the
joint. as shown in fig. 2. lettered AB , stress diagram for the original con-
BC. CD, and DE. Then obtain the figuration may be proceeded with.

Assume that all loads are in lb. wt . right-hand end and that the reaction at
(1) Determine completely the forces in I is vertical. Apply wind loads normal to
all the members of the roof truss shown the rafter first on the left side, as in fig. I.
in fig. I . Take the directions of the wind and secondly on the right side, of 700 lb.
forces perp . to the rafter. at each intermediate joint and 350 lb. at
(2) The truss in fig. 4 is symmetrical and the extremities. Draw the complete stress
the dead load system is the same for both diagram for both systems of loading and
sides. Assume the truss to be fixed at the tabulate the two forces for each member .




f-o=- ~-sp-a-n- ----r- 500

_... '" - .
Problem 127. To determine the Forces acting at the Joints of a given
Three-hinged Structure.
A three-hinged structure is a truss under the action of three forces, viz.
or girder in two parts, hinged to- a reaction at the hinge A. wh ich must
gether at a"common joint. and having now act along AC. the load Q. and a
the remote end of each part secured by reaction at the hinge B. The lines of
h inged joints to rigid supports. Three action of these three forces are shown
examples are shown opposite. dotted. and the triangle of forces Q.
The determination of the forces at III. IV. gives the magnitudes III and
the hinges is the primary d ifficulty IV of the reactions at B and A respec-
with this type of problem : once these tively (due to the load Q only) .
are known. the stress diagram for the When both loads are applied,
structure may be proceeded with the total reaction at A is given by
along orthodox lines. the vector sum or resultant of II and
Let the resultants of the various IV. shown by the vector R A at the
loads acting on the parts AC and BC hinge A ; and the total reaction at B
of the structure be represented by by the resultant of I and III, given
P = 10 tons and Q = 8 tons: Q is by R B at the hinge B.
shown acting vertically downwards. To obtain the total force at C, re-
and P acts normally to the top boom gard each part as a structure in equili-
and may be assumed to be the resul- brium under the action of three forces:
tant of the dead loads and wind forces the load P (or Q), the reaction R A
I. Suppose the load Q removed. (or R B ) , and the equal and opposite
The part BC is then in equilibrium reactions at the hinge C. A triangle of
under the action of two forces onl y, forces constructed for either part will
the reactions at the hinges Band C ; give Fe. the force at the hinge C. and
these must act along the st ra ight line both are shown clearly in the two
join ing Band C. and be equal and figures. The numerical value of Fe
opposite. The whole structure is now should of course be the same in each.
in equilibrium under the action of
three external forces--the reaction at Note. The problem may also be solved
by determining first the resultant of P
the support B, acting along BC, the and Q. and then a funicular A to satisfy
load P , and the reaction at A due to the following conditions :
the load P . These three forces must (I) To have its vertices in the lines of
be concurrent and their lines of action action of P, Q, and the resultant of P and
are shown meeting at O. The triangle Q.
of forces P, I . II drawn for the point (2) The sides of the A . produced where
o gives the magnitudes I and II of necessary. to pass through the points A,
B. and C.
the reactions at B and A respectively
The method is merely an application
(due to the load P only ). of Prob. II , page IZ : the student should
2. Suppose the load Q replaced refer to this problem and use it in working
and the load P removed. As before one' of the examples given.
the whole st ru ct ur e is in equilibrium

In each of the following, copy th e at the joint marked P.
figures twice the size given. (2) Thre e-hinged roof principal for
(1) Determine the shearing forces on a shed. For th e given wind loading
the three hinges of the given loaded un- determine and measure th e forces at the
symmetr ical braced arch. Draw the stress hinges and the forces in th e six bars which
diagra m for the left-hand porti on of radiate from the joint marked M.
t he frame and measure th e pulls or Caution. Do not waste time by copying
t hru sts in th e four members which meet more of th e diagram than is necessary.

ITon. on

omit dotted EXAMPL.E.2 .

members in
stress ana!ysis .


127a. Statically Indeterminate Beams and Structures.

Principle. of Area Moments : gram between P and Q ; and, (b), that
and lb. the distance d from P to the tangent
It may be shown, for any portion at Q • is equal to the moment about P
PQ of a bent beam, that (a) the angle 6 of the area of the ~ diagram; i.e ,
between tangents at P and Q is numeri-
d = area X I.
cally equal to the area of the ~ dia-

127b. To determine Bending Moment and Shearmg Force.

Diagrams for an Encastre Beam.- of one end from the tangent at the
The two principles stated above may other is finally zero , then (area
be used effectively in dealing with A 1 x Id = (area A 2 x 12 ) ; and hence
beams with built-in ends. The bending- I = I
moment diagram is a composite one, 1 2' .
shown in fig. zd , obtained by placing Thus the two B:M. dta~rams have the
the B.M. diagram for a .. free " beam, same area and their centroids on the same
without the end fixing moments, over vertical .
the B.M . diagram for the beam acted
on by the fixing moments only. Values of M L and MR.
The beam in fig. 2 has its ends fixed The problem now to be solved is that
horizontally and carries loads. of finding graphically the lengths of the
If the end moments, M L and :\I N , vertical sides of the trapezium in fig. 2b.
are supposed removed, so that the One solution is as follows , fig. 2C : draw
beam is simply supported, fig. 2a, the verticals at distances tt from each end ;
B.M. diagram may be readily drawn, the centroids of the constituent tri-
even in the general case in which the angles lie on these lines. Assuming the
loads are complex. If E and I are triangular areas to be represented by
constant along the beam then the B.M. vertical forces, we can use a force dia-
gram, as on the left. Draw pq = area A 1
diagram, to another scale, is the ~ of the B.M . diagram. Take a pole and °
diagram. For such a condition we have join po and qo. Draw P10 and q10,
parallel to po and qo, between the ver-
61 = area Al ticals through the centroids, and obtain
and d l = area Al x 11 , 1'1° and thus, r, Then pr = M L x / -;-' 2 .·

Now suppose the external loads are Hence M L = pr X 2

removed and that the moments M L I
and M B only are applied, giving the
conditions in fig. zb. Then and ,W = rq X 2
62 = area A 2
The true B.M . diagram is given by
and d 2 = area A 2 X 12 , superposing one diagram over the
Since, in the combined load and other, as in fig. zd,
moment condition, the final angle
between the tangents is zero, we may Shear Diagram (no figure) .
write: Area A 1 + area A 2 = 0 ; or, If the shear diagram is drawn for a
changing the sign of one diagram, freely supported beam under the given
loading, the effect of building-in the
area A 1 = area A 2' en dss 1S
I to Iower tease
h b I'me b y an
Similarly, because the displacement amount (M £ - M N) -;-. I.

A propped cantilever 10 ft . long carries Find the values of the max . B.M. and the
a uniformly distributed load of 20 tons . load on the prop . Ans. 25 ft . tons ; 71 tons .

• I n practice 8 is small and the distance d may be meaaured as shown without appreciable error.

Combmed BMD, ---_~~

Points of contra flexure .
127c. Pin-jointed Structures with one Redundant Member.
The number of redundant members the structure, proved in works on the
in a frame is the number in excess of Theory of Structures, may be stated
2n - 3 where n is the number of joints. thus:
In fig. I, n = 6, and 2n - 3 = 9. If unit force at any joint produces a
There are 10 bars and one (here RQ) force p in any bar, the movement of that
is redundant. joint in the direction of the unit force due
As the application of the method for to ANY change of length of the bar is
dealing with examples such as this is p times that change of length. This is
relatively simple, the procedure will illu strated in fig. 2.
first be described. The complete Let us suppose that the unknown
numerical working, for the structure force in the redundant member due to
shown opposite, is given on page 346 . the given loading is denoted by F .
There are two steps in the solution : We may regard the forces in the other
(I) first suppose the redundant members as the sum of two sets of
member RQ removed ; then find and forces : first, those produced by the
tabulate the forces (P) in the several given loads, with the redundant mem-
members, for the loading given : (2) ber removed-let us denote these by
now suppose the external loads re- P (fig. 3) ; second, those produced in
moved and ascertain the forces (P) in the bars by the force F acting alone at
the several members due to unit force Rand Q in the direction RQ. If unit
acting upon Rand Q, along RQ . force at Rand Q produces forces p in
We now require the addition of the bars, then force F at R and Q
quantities such as L X P X P for all produces forces F . P in the bars
bars except RQ, L being the length of (fig. 4).
the separate bars. This may be written The change of length caused in any
'.£L .P .p. bar by the combined forces is given by
We next require the addition of (P + F . P)L -;- AE, where L is the
quantities L X p2 for all bars including length, A the cross-sectional area, and
RQ. This may be written xz. .p2. E the Modulus of Elasticity.
Then the force in the redundant From the principle enunciated above,
member RQ is given by l;L . P. P -;- the total displacement of R in relation
l;L . p2. to Q is p times the change of length in
If the cross-sectional areas (A) of the the various bars
bars are unequal, and if the same
modulus of elasticity (E) does not = l;P(P + F . P)L -;- AE.
apply throughout, then we must write
But the change of length of RQ is
~ L . P . P . ~ L . p2 also given by - F . LRQ -;- AE. Equat-
F orce =,<.,J A . E -;-,<.,J A . E' ing these:
- F . LRQ = '.£L .P . P + '.£L . p 2 .p,
i. e, - F = '.£L .P. P-;- (LRQ + '.£L . Pi).
Explanation. - An important
principle connecting the change of The same arguments apply to the
length of any bar in a structure and the solution of frames with more than one
consequent movement of any joint in redundant member.

E X .... MPL E

Find the force in the horizontal tie of areas of the compression members . Ans.
the fram e in fig. 5 assum ing that th e ten- 5'56 tons.
sion members hav e half th e cross-sectional

II untf load
10 tons. at Qproduces
forces such
p as p:

~""h"" e
Q such a.s e
I due to
~ther loads
FI9 2 produce move-
ment at Q of
pxe In dlrect/o
of unit loa d".

t 10 tons
128. Deflection of Framed Structures,
The alteration in length produced where L = length of bar in inches,
when a bar is loaded in the direction E = modulus of elasticity in tons
of it s axis is given by the formula per square inch.
P L L The forces acting at the joints of a
d= X."E or d=/ 'E framed structure produce changes in
where d = alteration in length in inches, the lengths of the bars, and the struc-
P = total force applied to the bar ture changes form , The displacement
in tons, of one point relatively to another may
f = stress per square inch, in tom, be determined graphically when the
produced by P, deformation .. d " of each member,
A = total cross sect ional area of caused by the load applied, is known.
bar, in square inches,
128a. Deflection of a Simple Frame. Figs. 1 and 2.
Suppose that the effect of a load W the bars, and the arcs are sufficiently
applied at the joint C is to lengthen fiat to be regarded as straight lines
AC by the distance Ca, and to shorten perp. to the bars. The vector diagram,
BC by the distance Cb : the point C fig. 2, shows to a larger scale the
will drop to CI-the intersection of method of obtaining the displacement
arcs drawn from A and B, radii Aa of C : a comparison between the two
and Bb. Actually the changes in length figures CbCla should make the con-
are small in relation to the lengths of struction clear.

Problem 128b. To determine the Deflection of a given Cantilever.

The notation used in fig. 2 is not scale the amount by which it is
convenient in practice, and that shown shortened, i.e . its negative stretch ;
in fig. 3 is largely used, and will be draw a 2 par! to bar 2 representing its
adopted here. The jo ints are lettered stretch. Draw perps. Ie and 2C : ac
and the bars numbered ; correspond- represents the displacement of C. Now
ing numbers and letters are used in take the frame ACE . Set off C4 =
the vector diagram. shortening in bar 4, and a3 = stretch
Let the changes in the lengths of the in bar 3; draw the perps. 4e and 3e-
various bars be as marked in fig. 3, ae is the displacement of E . Finally
negative quantities indicating the set off C5 = shortening in bar 5, and
shortening of the struts. e6 = stretch in bar 6 ; perps. 5d and
Take the point ab as origin, fig. 4, 6d give the final point d. The dis-
representing the fixed po ints A and B. placement of D is represented by ad,
First deal with the frame ABC; set and its horizontal and vertical com-
off bI pari to bar I and representing to ponents are represented by od and ao .

(1) Draw the displacement diagram, tion of length per ton force in bar . Deter-
fig. 4, accurately to scale, and measure . Bx By Bx By .
ao. Then determine, from a stress dia- mme H.' H' W' W for the point A. That
gram , the forces, in tons, produced in the is, find the component deflections per ton
various members by a load of 1 ton at D. of horizontal and vertical load. Deduce
Take strut forces as -ve, tie forces +ve. the deflection at A due to a vertical load
Multiply each force by the corresponding of 4 tons . Ans. x = - '032", Y = '139".
change of length given, and add the six pro- Suppose the motion of the point A
ducts. How does the result compare with were constrained by a smooth vertical
the length of ao? Then refer to (b), page 124. guide, what would now be the deflection
(2) The figures written along the under the 4-ton load and what would be the
members of the braced cantilever are the force H on the guide? Ans. '083", 7,8 tons .
values of SliP or IlEA, giving inches altera-

, '.
: " . 0--
b -v
: ....~
.~ ....
i '-,::,~
• " '~-:>

~al . '(~
horlzonta/ ~ -.
&J components
of dlsp,/acement
OL...•........ ........•._..._._--

Fi9- 2 c


130. \


w Flq.4.
!i 0 =~;;;;;;l;=;;;;Ii
·OS .," "5 "
Ex.2. y t
! :

sca le,

d ~··~:~~:;~]t~
Problem 12Sc. To determine the Deflection of a Braced Girder under
a Distributed Load.
The N girder shown in fig. I carries (b) Deflection from the Principle
a distributed load of 80 tons on the of Work.
lower boom, 10 tons acting at each When a structure is in equilibrium
intermediate jo int and 5 tons at the under the action of external and in-
ends, giving resultant support re- ternal forces, the sum of the work done
actions of 35 tons. The deformations by all the forces is zero for any small
of the members, in inches, due to this displacement of the structure.
loading are stated in fig. 2 . The following method, based on this
(a) Vector Diagram Method. principle, enables the displacement of
any point in a structure, in any direc-
The construction is similar to that
tion, to be determined.
described on the .previous page. The
1 . Obtain the deformation (d) in
points A and B (fig. 2) are assumed to each bar due to the given loading.
be fixed and form the origin ab (fig. 4) 2. Assume unit load to act at the
of the diagram. The panel ABC is
point in question, and in the direc-
first dealt with, and ac, the displace- tion in which the displacement is
ment of C, obtained; then the panels required. Find the force (F) in each
BCD, CDE, DEF . . . are taken in
bar produced by this unit load, acting
succession. The displacements of
D, F, Hand L are represented by ad, alone. Take the ratio . -
F tons
- - ( or -lb
af, ah , and al, Then ao (or bo) = 1 '4I2~ I ton I.
is the total deflection of Labove B, as a multiplier (r) .
and 01 is the horizontal movement 3. Multiply the deformation (d) in
of L relative to B . each bar by the ratio (r) ; the sum
of the products gives the numerical
If the girder is not loaded symmetri- value of the required deflection-see
cally, AB may still be taken as fixed and Ex. I previous page.
the relative displacements of both L and Illustration. The forces produced
M found . The girder must then be rotated
about B to bring M and L into a horizontal in the various bars of the girder by a
line : the rotation necessary is easily load of I ton at B are shown in fig. 3.
calculated and a correction applied to the Tabulate as follows (labour may be
deflections of the various points. saved by grouping) :

Member Deformation Ratio : FT~ Product Sum of

No. (d) Ins . t Ton (<iT) Ins . Products

I -0'05 - 2 '0 0'10

2 0'07 0 '7 0 '049
3 -0'04 - 0'5 0 '02
4 0'06 I L5 0'09
and so on.
For half structure '7 0 6"

.. Total Deflection = 1·412",

Use both methods in working the fol- (3) The areas of the members of the
lowing examples. girder shown are such that [, in tons per
(1) The sectional areas of the members sq. in., has the following values : top
of the cantilever shown are such that /. members 5; bottom members 6; vertical
the stress per sq. in ., is 5 tons . Taking E members 4; inclined members 5. Deter-
= 13,000 tons per sq. in. determine the mine the vertical deflection at the centro .
deflection of the point A. Ans. '47~ . Take E = 12,000 tons per sq. in. Ans.
(2) Take values of E and / from (I) and 2 ·05~.
determine the vertical deflection at the (4) Obtain the areas of members in (I) ,
centre of the given girder . (2), and (3).
12 5


! horizonta l
r -aisplace'menf

fie I.




·5 0 16
I TON AT B. Fis- 4.
o ·05 ./ ·15 -2 -25 "
I l


I I 5~ale

~-'-----"---:--:~-4A 9
- ----oi 2 Tons.

5 c
Influence Lines are curves show- OCB (fig. 1) is the Rl\1. influence line
ing the variation of Bending l\1oment , for the point P on the beam OB, then
Shear, Reaction, Deflection, or other the ordinate y represents the value of
similar function, at one section of a the RM. at P , when load W is at A. An
beam (or member of a girder) for all influence line does not necessarily
positions along the beam of a moving indicate the maximum value of the
load, usually a unit load. If the line function for the beam as a whole.

129 . S.F. and B.M. Influence Lines for a section P of a beam supported
simply at its ends and carrying unit load w.
S.F. Influence Line. When w is B .M. Influence Line. When w is
at A (fig. 2a) distant x « a) from 0 , at A (fig. za) the B.M. at Pis ;r(l- a)/l.
the support reactions are (I - x)/l at This increases uniformly from zero to
o and x/I at B . Hence the S.F. at P is a(l - a)/l as w moves from 0 to P and
xjl : its value varies from zero to a/I is represented by the straight line OK
as w moves from 0 to P, as shown by in fig. zc. Similarly, for positions of w
the straight line OE (fig. zb). When between P and B, the B .M. is repre-
x is > a the S.F. at P is - (1 - x/I) ; sented by the line KB. Hence the
and its value varies from - (1 - a/I) to complete B.M. influence line is OKB.
zero as w moves from P to B. It is quickly drawn by setting off
The simple construction in fig. zb OH = a and BG = I - a, and joining
follows from the above. BC = OD = to Band O. The ordinate scale repre-
unit length, and EF is a vertical sents unit RM. : e.g. if BG is drawn
through P. Then the S.F. influence to a scale of 1 inch = 1 foot, then
line is OEFBO, ordinates being 1 inch on the ordinate represents
measured in terms of the unit length 1 foot X unit load .

129a. Illustration.
To determine the values of total SF. (or B.l\I.) at any section is given
S.F. and RM. at the section P of the by the algebraic sum of each of the
given beam OB (fig. 3) , due to a series products :
of concentrated loads W t , W z, »i; W. load X corresponding ordinate to
in the positions shown. S.F. (or Rl\I.) unit-load influence
Draw the influence lines for P, line for the given section.
J01' unit travelling load, as described
above. Draw ordinates from each load Note. If the load is taken over an
and let their intercepted lengths be as area, as must inevitably be the case,
marked. then the S.F. or Rl\I. value at the sec-
Then : tion is represented by the area under
the influence line and between extreme
S .F. at P due to the given load system
ordinates : e.g . in fig. 4. S.F. = (load
= W4.S4 + WaS a + WzS. - WtSt. per unit length) X (projected area) =
13.M. at P due to the given load system
= W 4M. + WaM a + WzMz + WJM t · v: X A. Distributed loads are dealt
In general. For any system of con- with on the next page.
centrated loads in a given pos ition the Examples. See page 136.

a -.....w.wlll.IWilllllilllffi
130. Maximum S.F. and B.M. values for a Beam carrying a series
of concentrated moving loads.
It may be proved that the maximum loads in the second position. Repeat
B.M. occurs under one of the heavy the process taking the other loads in
loads ; further, that this load and the tum. One of these results will be the
C.G. of the whole system of loads are value of the maximum B.M. for the
then equidistant from the centre of beam. In practice it is usually pos-
the beam. (provided that for this sible by inspection to reduce the
position none of the loads is off the number of trials to two, or at most
beam) . three.
Let the beam carry five concen- The +ve S.F. at any given point,
trated loads WI' W s, WI' W., Wi' as in say R, will be a maximum when WI is
fig. Ia. Find the vertical line G con- at Runless J:.W > W ILIII ; in that
taining the C.G. as in Prob. 116. case +S.F. max. will occur when WI
Mark the load lines and the C.G. line is at Runless J:.W > WaLlis : and so
on tracing paper and arrange this over on. Similarly, -S.F. max. will occur
the beam first so that WI and G are when W, is at Runless J:.W > W,L/I.;
equidistant from C, the centre of the in that case -S.F. max. is when W.
beam, as in fig. lb. Now draw the is at R unless J:.W > W.L/I3; and
B.M. influence line for P, the position so on.
of WI' and obtain the value of the The maximum -l-ve S.F. for the
B.M. at P when the loads are in this beam will usually occur at the end of
position, as indicat ed. Next arrange the span, when a heavy load is about
the lines so that W s and G are equidis- to leave ; and the maximum -ve
tant from C (fig. IC). Draw the B.M. S.F. will occur at the other end when
influence line for Q, the new position a heavy load has just entered the span.
of WI' From this diagram obtain the Their values are readily obtained by
value of the B.M. at Q for the five trial.

130a. Distributed Loads.

Let CD (fig. 2a) represent a load w the front of the load reaches P, and
per unit length moving along the beam when the back leaves P; the maximum
OB. The S.F. and B.M. influence lines S,F. for the beam occurs at the end
for a point P for unit concentrated load of the span when the load is about to
are given respectively by OEFBO leave or has just come completely on
(fig. 2b), and OKB (fig. 2C) drawn in the span. The forego ing conclusions
the manner already described. If now hold for loads longer than the span.
ordinates are drawn from the ends of The maximum B.M . at P occurs
the distributed load, then the S.F. and when the area ST UV is a maximum.
B.M. values, at P, due to the load This is evidently when the section P
CD are given respectively by divides the load in the same ratio as
(w X area LMNR) and (w X area it divides the span, as in fig. 2d ; any
STUV) using appropriate units. For movement of TU to right or left re-
the position C1D1 the S.F. at P is given duces the area of STUV. The maxi-
by the algebraic sum of the dotted mum B.M. for the beam is when the
areas. load is central (or, if longer than the
It will be seen from fig. 2b that the beam, when it covers it).
S.F. at P has maximum values when Examples. See page J36.

• Reier to T~ of S _ _a, Morley.


Fig 2a ~
';, B


130b. Influence Lines for Braced Girders with parallel Flanges.
For girders in which the loads are sections (including those for the joints
applied by cross girders placed at the B, D, F , H) the influence line requires
panel points the simple influence lines a slight modification. Consider e.g.
already considered require amend- the section P . Draw the influence lines
ment. The construction of S.F. and as if P were a point on a simple beam
B.M. influence lines for one typical (fig. 4), but break them at the or-
truss, a Warren girder (fig. I), is given dinates through E and G; thus al is
here: for a treatment of non-parallel the influence line for the portion AE of
trusses and other special cases, see the beam and km for the portion KG .
works on the Theory of Structures. For the intervening portion EG the
influence line is given by the straight
S.F. Influence Lines. Influence line lm, for the load is carried on the
lines for the joints (C, E and G) of the joints E and G and hence the B.M. at
loaded boom are drawn in the manner P varies uniformly with load move-
already described for a simple beam. ment from E to G (here lm happens to
For all sections between adjacent be horizontal) . The complete influence
loaded joints [i,e, for all sections in any line, for section P only, is almk .
one panel) the shearing force is the It is convenient in practice to show
same, for a given load position, for B.M. influence lines for all panel joints
the load is transmitted only to the on the one diagram. This has been
joints, not to any intermediate points. done in fig. 5 ; if the construction
Hence the same influence line applies shown in fig. 4 is applied by the
for all sections within the one panel. student to each joint he should have
The construction for the panel EG is no difficulty in interpreting fig. 5,
shown in fig. 2 : the usual S.F. in- which is merely an assembly of the
fluence lines ak t and atk terminate at seven separate influence lines. The
ordinates through the jo ints E and G, influence line for the section through
and the diagram (shaded) is completed the joint F is the line kgzCta, and for
by the line e"gz. Within a panel itself the given loading the total B.M. at
no part of the usual simple influence F is W.M t + WaM. + WzMz + WtM t.
line applies; for the panel AC, for
example, the influence line is ac"k. Forces in Members.
The whole of the S.F. influence lines From a knowledge of the S.F. and
for the truss can be incorporated in a B.M. values for any panel, the forces in
single diagram without confusion, as the members can readily be obtained
in fig. 3. The influence line for the by applying the method of sections ;
panel AC is ac"k; for CE, acte"k; for but with an appropriate scale, the S.F.
EG, ae"gzk; for GK, agtk. For the and B.M . Influence Lines may them-
section P, 01' 101' any other section selves represent forces in inclined and
lying between E and G, the S.F. for the parallel members respectively. An
four loads shown is given by alternative method is to allow a small
WtS t + WaS. + WzSz - WtSt. deformation to occur in a given mem-
ber and to determine the consequent
B.M. Influence Lines. For ver- deformation of the structure : this, to
tical sections passing through the scale, is the Influence Line for forces
joints of the loaded boom (C, E and G) in the member. (See Ex. 7. p. 136.)
the B.M. influence line is drawn as for
a simple beam. For all other vertical Examples. . 5" page 136.
13 1


A~breviations: D .I.L. ,. R .I.L.• S .F.I.L. , B.M.I.L.. are used for Deflection, Reaction.
Shearing Force, and Bending Moment Influence Lines.

131. Elastic Curves as Influence Lines.

This method involves the use of a scale The deflection line is also the R.I.L. for
model-in its simplest form, a flexible the point B; for if w is at C, then :
spline. No loads are applied to the model.
but it is subjected to a small displacement R B = ~ . Yo; Le. RB ex: Yo.
at the section under investigation. From
measurement of the resulting displace- It will obviously serve as a R.I.L. for
ment at the point of assumed loading. the the fixed end if ordinates, such as y. are
value of the actual loading at the section taken from a parallel axis through the
can be easily determined. The method end B.
is capable of wide application and can be The same curve can be used as an in-
used to advantage for statically indeter- fluence line for S.F. and B.M. at any
minate structures. section P. The applications are shown in
fig. 4. The student should reason these
It is necessary first to state briefly out, although such lines are fully dealt
Maxwell's reciprocal theorem. In with on the next page.
an elc:stic strvcture. the displacement pro-
duced at B (ftg. I) in direction [3 by a load at Continuous Beam. Fill . 5. The re-
A in direction oc is equal to the displacement · actions at the supports may be obtained
produced at A in direction oc by an equal as above. To obtain RB give the beam a
load applied at B in direction [3. The full displacement at B and obtain the elastic
implications of this will be seen later. line AB 1CDE. This is the R.LL. for B.
For a simple beam. however. loaded verti- If the beam carries the loads shown. then:
cally. the deflection at B due to a load W R B X YB = WtYl - WaY. + W,y. + W.y,.
at A = deflection at A due to an equal
load W at B. (I) The S.F.LL. and B.M.LL. are dealt
An important relationship is deduced with on the next page.
from the theorem : if a load is applied at
A. and displacement is prevented at B. Rillid Arch. Fill. 6. Maxwell's theorem
then : is equally applicable if the load is a
moment and not a direct force. Any
Constraint at B {Deflection at A moment applied at B through a small
Load a~ = ~betlection at B angle 6 (radians). producing the elastic
when any force acts at01U at B). . . (2) deformation shown. enables the fixing
These relationships will be better under- moment M for the given load system to be
stood from examples. found ; for Me = WtYl - WaY. - WaY••
When moments are applied care must be
Cantilever. Fig. 2. Let the dotted line taken in applying the scale-model dis-
be the deflection curve when unit load w placements to the full size structure.
is at A. Then this curve-is also the D.LL.
for the point A; for , by (r) above, at Note. For accurate work displace-
any point B. the ordinate there, YB. gives ments should be small . Microscopes may
the deflection at A when w is at B. be used for measurement. with models-
of celluloid ('1" thick) or cardboard
Propped Cantilever. Fig. 3. Let any ('05" thick). In many practical examples.
load be applied upwards at B. Then. by however, the displacements may be made
(2) above : sufficiently large for direct measurement
without appreciable error in the result.
Reaction at B = ~ . • _ S!'!' Ex ampl es q and 10 on page 136.
w(at A) YB' or RB.J.B -- WYA ·

Fi9s.1 f
flAB\ At~ ~
rf ~

load p

. Fig.4

~ ",
Abbreviations: D.IL . R .IL, S .F.I.L., B .M .I.L., are used for Defisction Reaction
Shearing Force, and Bending Moment Influence Lines. "

131a . Further Applications of Elastic Curves as Influence Lines.

Continuous Beam (Contd.)
Reaction Influence Lines. The
R .LL. for any support may be obtained = (:~ .A R ) - VR
by applying a displacement at that
support, as shown on previous page. = AR(VX _ VR . y ..)
E.g. the RLL. at A is shown in fig. 2: Y.. AR
it is the D.L L. obtained when A is AR AR
displaced Yol' while B, C and Dare = - (VX - VW) = - . WX.
Yol Yol
held. Then R ol = (Yr/Yol) X (unit load) Hence the B.M.LL. between A and B
for any position P of unit load.
is given by the area shaded (fig. 4b);
B.M . Influence Lines. the complete B.M .I.L. for R is shown
(a) For the support B. The D.LL. in fig. 4c.
of fig. 2 is drawn again in fig. 3a. For Alternative Method . The B.M.I.L.
all positions of unit load from B to D for B could equally well be obtained by
applying a moment at B producing a dis-
this curve is also the B.M.LL. for B . placement II radians (fig. 5) . Then if a
E .g. the B.M . at B when unit load is load W acts at Q. and M is the moment
at Q = R ol • AB = AB . YQ ; i.e. the produced at B, Mil = W . YQ.
Yol Built-in Beam. In applying Max-
B .M. oc ordinates such as J'Q' well's theorem care must be taken to
Now consider the load to be at any leave other constraints unchanged
point R between A and B. The B.M. when one constraint is displaced.
at B is now (I X RB) - (R. X AB) Consider e.g, the built-in beam (fig. 6) .
The R.LL. for a support will not be
=RB-~ .AB as given in fig. 3. p . 133. for there is a
Yol restraint at the ends to prevent rota-
tion as well as displacement: hence
= ~~ (~: · Y. - YB)' the displacement must be applied as in
fig. 6a. This curve is of course the
Join AlB and mark Sand T as in S.F.I.L. for B . Fig. 6b shows the
RB B.M.I.L. for B and is self-explanatory.
fig. 3b. Then AB . Y.. = RT. Hence
At a point C between the supports, the
beam (or spline) may be imagined cut
the B.M. B = AB (RT - YB) =
at and the two free ends either displaced
AB -to give the S.F.I.L. (fig. 6c)-or sub-
- . ST; and B.M. values at B for jected to a moment-to give the
Yol B.M.I.L. (fig. 6d); in the former the
load positions between A and Bare beam ends must remain parallel ; in
given to scale by intercepts such as the latter they should receive the same
ST. The complete B.M.LL. for B is vertical displacement.
shown by the shaded areas in fig. 3c. Braced Girder. The D.LL. for the
(b) For a point R between supports. boom of a truss is easily obtained graphi-
The D.LL. of fig. 2 is repeated in cally by projecting from a displacement
fig. 4a. For all positions of unit load diagram of the type shown on page 125;
between Rand D the B.M.LL. is given such an influence line has all the impli-
cat ions of those discussed above. If. for
by this curve, shown shaded in fig. 4a . example, unit load is applied at A (fig. 7),
When the load is at Q. the B.M. at the displacement of each point can be
R = (YQ/YA)AR obtained as on page 124; this displace-
Consider now unit load at V. be- ment diagram projected on ordinates
tween A and R (fig. 4b) . (which is 4a from the joints of the beam represents the
to a larger scale). Join AIR Then the D.I.L. as unit load moves along the boom.
B.M. at R = (R. X AR) - (I X VR) Examples. See page .136.

i 6a.
8' 6b. f6'
I / !
I /!
S.F./L for C I
Examples on Influence Lines
1. Draw the S.F.LL. and B.M.LL. for P 7. The force on any bar, say Dd, of the
on the given beam. Then: (a) Obtain S.F. given K truss, due to unit load at any
and B.M. values at P due to the four loads point, say c, is proportional to the deflec-
in the positions shown. (Ans . S.F. '7 tons, tion at c due to unit compression of Dd, all
B.M. 6<}'4 ft . tons.) other bars remaining unchanged in length.
(b) If the load system travels over the (i) By first drawing the deflection dia-
beam from left to right obtain the B.M. at gram for the truss due to unit compression
P as each load in turn passes over it ; show of Dd, all other bars remaining unchanged
that one of these is the maximum B.M. at in length, or otherwise, obtain the in-
P for an y position of the group. Also de- fluence line for the force on Dd as a load
termine S.F. values when an end load is of 1 ton travels across the span.
6' from the nearer end of the beam. (Ans . (ii) Hence construct the curve show-
6<}'9, 73,65'8 and 48 ft . tons; - '7 and 1'3 ing the variation of the force on D& as a
tons.) load of W tons, distributed uniformly over
2. A load of 8 tons is spread uniformly the length of two panels, travels over the
over a length of 10 feet and moves over a truss.
bridge AB 60 ft . long . Sketch the S.F. and [Transfer the displacement diagram due
B.M. influence lines for points D and C and to compression in Dd to a horizontal repre-
compute mentally S.F. and B.M. values senting the span. Integrate this curve. If
when the load is (a) just on the bridge, the difference between ordinates from the
(b) central. and (e) when the front is just ends of the distributed load be plotted
about to leave the bridge. (Ans . S.F. again on the ordinate through the front of
+J, -4, -J; +J, 0, -J tons ; B.M. 32, the load, this curve gives the rorce in Dd.)
48, 8; 20, IIO, 20 ft. tons.) 8. Using a wooden spline obtain the
3. (a) Find the position of the loads to values of the reactions at the supports for
give the maximum B.M. for the given the continuous beam loaded as in figure.
girder, and give the value of the B.M. Repeat for the case where the 20 and 10
Determine also the value of the maximum ton loads are spread uniformly over the
B.M. at the centre. first and last panels. (Ans. Reactions,
(b) F ind the value of maximum S.F. left to right: 6'78, 26'96, ' 3 1, 6'90 , and
(Ans. Max . B.M. 942'2 ft . tons under 4'06; 7'47, 25'3 , 1'91 , 5.87 and 4'44 tons.)
centre load when it is 0'59 ft. from centre. (Use thin xylonite for Q. 9 and 10. Cut
Max . B.M. at centre 942 ft . tons. Max. with a fret-saw and finish with file.)
S.F . 48'7 tons.) 9. The value of H in terms of W for. a
4. Draw S.F . and B.M. lines for all the portal frame of uniform section throughout
joints of the Warren and N Girders shown. with hinged ends is given by
Each girder is one of a pair forming a H = (3 W.a.b .) -:- 2(2h l + 3 h1).
bridge. A uniformly dist ributed load of 2 Plot values of Has W (=1) mo ves over
tons per ft . (longer than the girder) moves the span to give the RLL. for H .
over cross girders on the lower boom. De- Now take a model , place it over smooth
termine the maximum forces in AB, BC
and AD. paper, pin the two ends, and mark its out-
(Ans. Warren : 36'4 t and 2'3 e ; 5S'¥; line . Remove one pin and displace that
4 6 '2t tons ; N; 25'4 t and 2.8e ; 4 8e; 3 2t tons.) end, say i ' · Again mark the outline. From
5. The equations for the two parts of the displacements plo t the RLL. and
compare with the former curve.
the RLL. for the support A of the con- 10. Repeat Q. 9 for the two-pinned
t inpous beam ABC over two unequal circular arch rib. The corresponding
spans are : (a l + ab - bx - I'sa% + formula is :
'S%I/a ) -:- (aL); and - (b%1 - I 'S%11 +
'S%l' /b) -:- (aL) . H = W[2 cos6 coslp + 21p cos6 sinlp +
Plot the R .LL. when a = 'Sb, taking any 1 COS21p - 6 sin26 - 1 - t cosz6] -:-
suitable dimensions. From this obtain the [46 - 3 sin26 + 26 coszff].
RLL. for B and C. Using a thin spline Many similar problems may be quickly
obtain displacement curves for each sup- solved in this way, and the student should
port and compare the pairs of curves. test out some of the standard cases dealt
6. Using a wooden spline obtain dia- with analyticall y in works on structures.
grams as in fig. 4, p . 133, for the propped Refer also to Journal Inst . C. E ., 1936,
cantilever. Re-plot on a horizontal base Pippard and Sparkes, on " Simple Experi-
and compare with the diagrams in figs. 6c mental Solutions of Certain Structural
and 6d, p. 135. Design Problems ".


~-27 -'--

I- 10'--;1-8tons
- - -- - 60'
15 $551 • tB

132. Relative Position and Motion in a Plane.
The position of any point P, fig.r,
BA = ba, and the velocity of A rela-
can be defined with regard to some
e OA
arbitrary point 0 , chosen as an origin tive to 0 = -e-' It is evident that if
of reference, and an axis of reference
OX or OY. The d irected vector OP the vectors ob and ba are arranged
:fixes the position of P relative to O. in the manner shown in fig . 2C (left),
If P has motion, and successive the closing side oa of the triangle
positions are defined by the radius represents the velocity of A relative
vectors OP I, OP a • •• , the line joining to 0, for this triangle is similar and
P1P a •• • is the path of P . The velo- similarly situated to the triangle OBA.
city of P relative to 0 is defined as If the notation of fig. 2C (right) is
itli time rate of change of position with adopted arrow heads may be dis-
respect to 0 ; its velocity at PI is given pensed with. the order of the letters
therefore by the vector T'
giving the way or sense of the vector.
This important result may be sum-
PIP. represents an infinitely small marized thus:
displacement and t is the correspond- In words : The velocity of A rela-
ing increment of time. tive to 0 = the vector sum of the
Relative Velocity. Refer to fig. 2a. velocity of B relative to 0, and the
B is a point marked on a piece of velocity of A relative to B.
tracing paper ; it coincides- initially In vector symbols:
with an origin 0 on a sheet of paper oa=Ob +ba.
beneath it. Suppose a point A to travel
from B on the tracing paper with a Also Oii - ob = ba; i.e. the velocity of
velocity represented by the vector ba, A relative to B = the vector difference
and at the same time let the tracing of the velocity of A relative to O. and
paper itself move, without rotation, the velocit y of B relative to O.
with a velocity represented by the The words" relative to 0" may be
vector ob, After an interval of time t omitted for brevity, but the student
simultaneous positions of 0, B, and A should realize that they are necessary ;
are those shown in fig. 2b ;
= ob, position and velocity are always rela-
tive-never absolute.

(1) The isosceles /j, ABC moves over a and the blade exit angle is 28°. In passing
plane in the direction of the median DC through the blades the steam loses 25%
with a uniform velocity of 3 in ./sec. rela- of its velocity. Determine:
tive to the plane. At the sante time a (a) The velocity of the steam, relative
point at A moves once around the peri- to the blades . at entry.
meter in the direction ACBA with a (b) The velocity of the steam, relative
velocity of 2 in.!sec. relative to the /j,. to the nozzle. at exit.
Determine the velocity of the point rela-
tive to the plane, when traversing AC, CB, Aus. (a) 989 ft ./sec.; (b) 404 ft./sec.
and BA, and the total distance travelled (3) The crank OP rotates about 0 with
by the point over the plane . Ans, 4'92, a uniform speed of 10 revs./sec. and
.1'36, 3'61 in .jsec.; 12'06 in. causes a slotted link to oscillate about Q;
(2) In an impulse turbine steam issues o and Q are fixed to the sante frame.
horizontally from a nozzle at a velocity of Draw a graph showing the velocity of the
1400 ft ./sec., and impinges without shock crank pin, relative to the link, for twelve
on a series of blades which may be assumed equidistant positions of the crank. What
to move horizontally past the nozzle at a is its value when OP is inclined at 30° to
velocity of 450 ft ./sec. The nozzle is the vertical. in !he position shown? Ans.
inc lined at 20° to the path of the blades, 50'9 ft ./sec.

o - - - - - - - - - - - xx


/ Fig 2b.


1 1
b /
(under B) /

1 1
1 1
/ /
133. Relative Velocities of the Ends of a Link.
The words .. relative to Q .. may be Draw the vector oa (fig. Ib), repre-
implied, where they obtain, in what senting the velocity of A, and set off
follows. ob in the direction of the velocity of B.
The direction of the velocity of one From a draw ab perp. to AB to inter-
end of a rigid link relative to the other sect ob in b; ab represents the velocity
end must be perpendicular to the of B relative to A (and ba the velocity
length of the link-otherwise the dis- of A relative to B), and ob gives the
tance between the ends would vary. magnitude of the velocity of B.
Let both the magnitude and direc- .The angular velocity of AB is equal
tion of the velocity of the end A of
the link AB (fig. Ia) be known; let to ~ radians per sec. when ab repre-
the direction only of the velocity of sents It./sec. and AB the length of the
B be known-to determine Its magni- link in feet.
133a. Velocity of a Point attached to a Link.
The velocity of a po int C attached (fig. re), for the link AB, as above. Set
to the link AB may be determined in a off ac perp. to AC and be perp. to BC.
similar manner, for the direction of the These intersect in c, and oe represents
velocity of C relative to A must be the velocity of the point C.
perpendicular to the line joining C Evidently, when C is a point in the
and A, and the direction of the velocity link AB. e will divide ab so that
of C relative to B must be perpen- ac AC
dicular to CB. Cb = CB'
Draw the velocity diagram oab

134. Velocity Diagram for Slider Crank Mechanism.

One form of this mechanism is shown velocity of B is known therefore in
in fig. 2. The crank AB rotates about magnitude and direction. The velocity
A and causes the block C to reciprocate of C is known in direction and the
between fixed guides. In the form velocity diagram obe may be set out
shown the mechanism is often referred in the manner shown, for any position
to as the direct-acting engine me- of the mechanism.
chanism. The velocity of a point D on the
At any instant the velocity of B is connecting rod is represented by od,
tangential to the crank circle. Usually . bd . BD
AB rotates at a constant speed and the the ratio de being equal to DC'

(1) For the position of the four-bar points D and E in the mechanism shown
chain shown in figure, the point Q has a when the angle BAC has the values (I)
linear velocity of 10 ft ./sec. Determine 120°, (2) 90°, (3) 60°. (The point F is a
the linear velocity of R and the angular fixed fulcrum .) Also determine the angular
velocities of RS and QR. Ans, II '02 It ./sec.; velocity of the rod ED when the angle
RS , 44'1, QR, 18'72 rads ./sec. BAC is 120°. Take a crank speed of 120
(2) In the mechanism shown (Watt's revs.jtuu». clockwise. ADs. (I) D, 7,63,
simple straight line motion) the link BD E, '94; (2) D, 9'43, E, 4'7 1; (3) D, 8'95,
is vertical when the cranks AB and CD are E, 13.66 ft ./sec. ; 9 '92 rads./sec .
horizontal. If the link DC swings upwards (4) The Peaucellier straight line mechan-
through an angle of 60° from the posit ion ism is shown in figure. Q moves along a
given, show that the direct ion of the circular arc passing through R, and P
velocity of P is practically vertical. Take traces a straight line perp. to RN.
six equidistant positions of DC and D t . th ti vel. of P h 6h
assume any suitable velocity ~or D. e enmne e ra 10 vel. of Q w en as
(3) Determine the velocities of the values 0 and 30°. Ans. 1'92, 2'03.

O L . - - - - - - --



A8= If
CD= 2"
BD = 1·4"
Problem 135. Slidina Members. Velocity Diagrams.
Two cases are considered here, in both simple oscillating motion about the end B.
of which a sliding member operated by a A solution link by link gets us only as far
crank moves along a link which is thereby as the incomplete vector diagram in fig. 2a,
given an oscillating motion: (I) that shown where oa and ob are known only in direc-
in fig. I which is readily solved, link by tion. One method of overcoming the diffi-
link; and (2) the "floating link" mech- culty is by using an auxiliary point on the
anism shown in fig. 2 which calls for linkage such as C located by two perps.
special treatment. AC and PC; C is regarded as an extension
of the link AB.
Solution for the arrangmene in
ftt. 1. Here the crank OP revolving about Refer to fig. 2b.
o with constant angular velocity w, drives Vel. of crank pin P = w.OP, perp. to
the rocking arm AB by means of a sliding OP.
piece joined to P. Another sliding piece Direction of vel. of A is represented by
D, moved by the link AD, receives a slow the vector oa. ,
forward and a quick return motion : PI is Direction of vel. of PI relative to P is
a po int on AB coincident with P at any along AB I represented by PPI drawn par'
instant. to AB.
Direction of vel. of C relative to PI is
Refer to fig. la. perp to CPI' so c lies in PPI'
Vel. of crank pin P ( = vel. of slider) Direction of vel. of C relative to A is
= op, perp. to OP and = OP.w. perp. to CA, so c lies in oa; hence c is
Direction of vel. of PI relative to P is located.
along AB, represented by PPI pari to AB .
Direction of vel. of PI must be perp. to Refer to fig. 2C.
AB, i.e. along 0PI' Hence PI is obtained. Direction of vel. of B is along ob perp. to
Direction of vel. of A is perp, to AB, i.e. OIB .
along OPI' and oa = 0PI (BA -i- BPI)' Direction of vel. of C relative to B is
Direction of vel. of A relative to D is perp. to CB and is given by cb, thus
along ad perp. to AD. locating b.
Direction of vel. of D is along od, so that Direction of vel. of B relative to BA is
d is located. perp. to BA and is given by ba, thus
This completes the velocity d iagram. locating a.
PI lies in 00 and on pc produced. It will
Solution for "ftoatina link". Fla. 2. be found that PI divides ab in the ratio
If a second crank is introduced at B, as in that PI divides AB and that CPI is perp,
fig. 2, then AB becomes what is called a to 00 ; thus, figures cbPla and CSPIA are
" float ing link" which no longer has a similar.


(1) Using the inch dimensions in fig. 3 (2) Take th e follow ing inch dimensions
for the Walschaert valve gear, find the vel. for fig. 2 : 0IB 3, OP 6, 0 10 1 2, OAI IO} ,
of V when angle BAC is 60° ; crank speed AB 24 ; w = 200 r.p .m, Find the vel. of
200 r .p .rn . Ans . 7'S it. lsec , A when 6 = 60°. Ans. 16 it./sec .





F'9 3
136. Acceleration in a Plane.
Successive positions of a point A of a relative to 0; the acceleration of
with regard to an origin 0 are shown A may be defined therefore as the
in fig. I : the directed vectors represent velocity of a.
the velocity of A at each position.
These velocities are also represented Relative Acceleration. If the
by radius vectors oa .. . drawn from dotted line b......... is the hodograph
a common origin 0 (fig. 2). If all the (from the same origin 0) of a second
velocities of A are shown in this way. point B, a and b being simultaneous
the free end a of the radius vector oa positions on the hodographs, then ab
traces a curve called the Hodograph represents the velocity of B relative
of the motion of A with regard to O. to A. If now from an origin 0 1 (fig. 3)
Velocity is defined as the time rate vectors 0lal and 0lbl are drawn to
of change of position; acceleration as represent the velocities of a and b.
the time rate of change of velocity. these vectors also represent the acceler-
The rate of change of velocity of A, ations of A and B, and a 1b1 is the
relative to 0, is given by the velocity acceleration of B relative to A.

137. Acceleration of a Particle A moving in a Circular Path. radius,.,

with uniform Veloclty.
Figs. 4 and 5 are the counterparts of oa turns about 0 with an angular
figs. I and 2 for a particle moving in velocity w, being always 900 in advance
a circular path with uniform velocity. of OA. The velocity of a, which is the
Corresponding positions are shown of acceleration of A. is given therefore
the particle A and its velocity vector by CJlr • CJl = Wi,., and is directed at right
oa. OA revolves about 0 at a constant angles to oa, i.e, in the direction AO.
angular velocity w, so that the velocity If the velocity of A is V, then V = CJlf'
of A = Wf': hence oa = wr. The vector and the acceleration of A = CJla, = VI/f'.

138. Relative Accelerations of the Ends of a Link.

The directions of the velocities and vector sum of its components in direc-
accelerations of the ends of a link AB tions along and perpendicular to BA:
are shown in figs. 6a and 7a. Let the the component along BA is equal to
velocity and acceleration of the end A (vel. ab)1 -:- length AB, as being due to
be known both in magnitude and the relative rotation of B about A.
direction: let the velocity and ac- Hence set off a1bl = (ab)1 -:- AB, and
celeration of the end B be known only from b. draw babl perp. to AB to inter-
in direction-to determine their mag- sect 0lbl in b1; the magnitude of the ac-
nitudes. celeration of B is represented by oJb 1•
Draw the velocity ratio diagram If successive link positions at known
oab (fig. 6b) as described on page 140: time intervals are given (asin Ex. 1, p. 148)
ob is the velocity of B and ab the the hodograph method (§ 136) can be used
velocity of B relative to A. effectively.
Set off 0lal (fig. 7b) representing the The angular velocity and accelera-
acceleration of A, and 01bl in the tion of the link itself are readily ob-
direction of the acceleration of B. If tained from figs. 6b and 7b. The angular
the direction of a 1b1 were known, i.e. velocity is given by ab -:- AB ; and the
the direction of the acceleration of B angular acceleration is given by
relative to A, the position of b1 could b1b l -:- AB (i.e. the normal component
be determined. The vector represent- of acceleration of one end relative to
ing the acceleration of B relative to the other -:- length of link) .
A. however, may be represented as the Examples. See page 146.
o o

MOTIO N . HoaogrQ:ph
of the motion
of A relativ e to 0


0'---------- 0 '--- ' - - - - - - - -


la9ra m .
0 ' - - -- - - a
Problem 139. To determine the Acceleration of the Piston in the
direct-acting Engine Mechanism.
The velocity diagram, fig. tb, follows Produce CB to intersect AD in D;
from fig. 2 on page 141. For accelera- the liS ABD and abc are similar, the
tions. fig. IC, first draw 0lb l represent- sides of the one being perp. to the
ing the acceleration of B-magnitude sides of the other. Hence when AB
V:/AB, direction BA-and 0IC I in the represents V, the intercept AD re -
direction CA. Set off bib: part to CB presents the velocity of C. Describe
representing one component of the arcs one on BC as diameter and the
acceleration of C relative to B-its other about B as centre, radius BD.
magnitude is (bC)I/BC. Draw b:cI perp. The part EF of the common chord
to CB to meet 0IC I in cl . The accelera- (produced if necessary) intercepted
tion of C is represented by 0IC I, and between BC and AC completes the
the acceleration of C relative to B by figure ABEF. This figure and fig. IC
bici (and of B relative to C by clb l) . are similar: hence AF represents the
Klein's construction. acceleration of C to the same scale that
Draw AD perp. to the line of stroke. AB represents the acceleration of B.

139&. If the velocity of the crank is not it (i.e. in a tangential direction at B-

unifOt'm but the crank has an angular ac- magnitude ot . AB, due to angular accelera-
celeration ot (when its angular velocity is tion.) If these two components are added
(0), then fig. IC requires modification. The (as vectors) ,to replace 0lbl in fig. IC, then
acceleration of B is now the vector sum the remainder of the construction given
of two components : one, as before, in still applies. Usually the tangential com-
direction BA, magnitude 00 1 • AB due to ponent is relatively small.
circular motion ; and the other at rt, L s to

140. Acceleration of a Point C attached to a Link AB.

The acceleration of C (fig. 2a) is the for BC above) . From a l set off alc: par'
vector sum of the acceleration of A and to CA and equal to (CA -;- BA)alb: ;
the acceleration of C relative to A. from c: draw C2CI perp. to c:a l (or CAl
The latter may be regarded as the and equal to (CA -;- BA)b:b l . Join 0IC I.
vector sum of components normal The acceleration of C is represented by
and tangential to CA, each of which °ICI ,
bears the ratio CA/BA to the corre- It should be noted that the three
sponding components of the accelera- triangles ABC. abc, and albicI are similar
tion of B relative to A. and similarly situated. Hence the dia-
grams are referred to as velocity and
The coristruction is as follows. acceleration Images,
Draw the velocity diagram (fig. 2b) If C lies in AB, then C falls on ab and
as described on page 140. Draw the cion albl, each dividing the line in the
acceleration diagram olalb:b l for AB (as ratio that C divides AB.

(1) The crank AB (fig. Ia) is 12" long (2) Answer Ex . I by plotting the velo-
and turns about A with a uniform speed city of C on a displacement base and using
of 120 revs.fmin. The rod BC is .fS" long. the construction described on page S2, (I) .
Determine the acceleration of C when (I (3) A point D on the connecting-rod
has the values 0, 221° 45°, 671°, 1121°, BC (fig. Ia) is IS" from B. Determine its
135°. 1571°, ISOo. Ans. 197. 173, I II , 32, acceleration when (I = 30° and 60°. Ans,
-SS. - III, - lIS. -,.liS ft./sec .:. 153, 112 ft ./sec.l •
1 47

Acc~ of C Fig/b.
I VelocifY-
diagram for Be.
v2 L..-------'C
Fig.Ie. b,
diagram lorBC


B'-""'::::::::::::-: ~~

a diagram.


141. SUdin~ Members. Acceleration Dia~ram8.

N.B. In what follows these abbreviations are Similarly
used: Vel. is .. velocity of"; ace, is .. accelera- Ace. C = Ace. A + ace. C reI. A
tion of"; rei. is .. relative to"; Cor. Com. is
Coriolis component. = Ace. A + (ca)I/CA + vector in
direction AA I
CorioUs Component. = (ca)I/CA + combined vector in
If one member moves along a rotating direction AA I· (4)
arm, it is subjected to a transverse
acceleration, named after Corioliss, which Equating (3) and (4) gives :
has the value 2VCJ), v being the sliding and
w the rotating velocity. The directions of + (cPI)I/CPI
wl . OP - 2l PIP (baIB A )}
this acceleration are given in fig. 3. + vector direction BA = (ca)I/CA
SUding Member on Floating Link. + vector direction AA I
The quick-return mechanism in fig. I
and its velocity diagram in fig. 2 are This is set out in heavy lines in fig. 4 and
those dealt with on page 142 : PI is a gives ace. C = 0IC I (not drawn in) . Note
point on AB coincident with P on the the reversal of direction of the Coriolis
slider. We shall now obtain an accelera- component.
tion diagram, again using an auxiliary We can now complete the diagram. first
point C and recalling the principle that the obtaining bl by using the two equations :
acceleration of one end A of a rigid link
AB equals the acceleration of the other end Ace. B = Ace. C+acc. BreI. C
B plus the two components of the accelera- = Ace. C+ (bC)I/BC + vector
tion of A about B: centripetal (=(ab)11 perp. BC and
AB) and tangential (known in direction Ace. B = (Ob)I/OIB+vecto~ perp. 0IB
only). and finally using the equation
The early steps in the construction
result from the following: Ace. A = Ace. B+acc. A reI. B
Ace. P = WI. OP. in direction PO. = Ace . B+ (ab)I/AB+vector
perp. AB
Ace. P = Ace. PI + ace. P reI.
PI + Cor . Com. this giving a l on a horizontal through 01 ,
• . wl.OP = Ace . PI + vector in direc-
tion BA+2[PIP(baIBA)] (I) The acceleration of PI' 0IPI' is derived
Ace. C = Ace . PI + ace. C reI. PI from eqn. (I); the vector dotted gives PI'
which should divide alb I in the ratio that
= Ace . PI + (cPI)I/CP I + PI divides AB. Further. P, should lie on
vector in direction BA (2) a perp . from cI to alb l because a,b,c I is
Substituting in (2) the value of ace. PI the acceleration image for the linkage.
from (I) we have:
Ace. C = [wl.OP - vector in direction
Example. Taking data from Ex. 2,
BA - 2{PIP(baIBA)}J+ (cPI)11 page 142. and 0 = _60°, check by
CPI + vector in direction BA. measurement the dimensions in figs . I
i.e . and 2. Then find the acceleration of A
Ace. C = CJ)I.OP- 2{PIP(baIB4)}+ (cPI)11 whenO = _60 c and + 120° . ."os . :lQ i .ts.t«.
CPI + combined vector in direction and about 1100 £./s./s.
BA (3)

p ab =/3·5
ac = 5·6
cb = 9·05
bo = 7-8
cp =/0·37
PI? = /3 ·/
cp., = 2·75

AC= '813
80,= 15
CP= ·4




is'' I
I i ~ i I I I I I I I I
300 ft1SflC.2
o I I I

142. Compounding of Harmonic Curves.
Curves of the form Y = c sin(O + (X) frequent occurrence. and have the
are plotted and discussed on page 58. general form given below. in which the
Combinations of these curves are of C and ex t erms are constants.
JI = Co + C l sin(8 + (11) + C. sin(28 + mz) + C 3 sin(38 + (13) + .. ..
A harmonic curve of this kind is (X3 = 90°, and. to scale, Cl = 2, Cz = I,
shown in fig. I, obtained by adding C3 = J. The initial st eps in the plot-
(algebraically) corresponding ordinates t ing of the curves will be clear from
of the three curves Yl = Cl sin (0 + (Xl) ' fig. 3. If the x ax is be displaced a
Ys = CzSin(20 + (X.),Y, = C3sin(3 0 + (X3)' distance Co. to 0lX l, the equation of
e being taken from 0 to 211:. The con- the curve, referred to 0lX l, is
stants chosen are (Xl = 30°, ex, = 120°,
Y = Co + C1 sin(O + exl) + C, Sin(20 + CXz) + C, sin(30 + ex3)'
The complete curve consists of the part In fig. 2 the two odd harmonics
shown and repetitions of .it. . Yl = C1 sin(O + exl)
The rst term Yl = Cl S1O(0 + (Xl) . IS and Y = C sin(3 0 + (X )
called the fundamental harmonic: 3' 3
the frequencies of the znd and 3rd have been plotted and compounded.
terms are twice and three times respec- The ~esultan~ curve. po~sesses a sym-
tively that of the rst term. Odd metrical quality :W~lch IS a feature of
hannonics are those in which the all curves containing only odd har-
coefficient of 0 is odd even bar- monies. If the portion LMN to the
monics those in which the coefficient right of 180° be shifted to the left, each
of 0 is even. point moving parallel to OX, until L
lies on OY, the part LMN will be the
image of the part ABL.
143. Harmonic Analysis.
In the converse problem. the re- of any periodic curve may be repre-
sultant harmonic curve Y is given. and sented bv a series of sine curves, one
the components Yl . Yz, Y, ... are to be of which has the same frequency as
determined. The process of resolving the given curve and the other have
a harmonic curve into its components frequencies which are multiples of it.
is referred to as harmonic analysis. In other words. that any periodic
Fourier's Theorem. This impor- function of 0 can be represented by a
tant theorem states that the equation series of the form
Y= Co + C1 sin(O + (Xl) + C, sin(20 + (X.) + C, sin(30 + a:,) + ... ,
the period of the function being 360° The problem now to be con-
or 211: radians. If the period is 360°In sidered is, given any periodic curve,
or 211:ln radians, then 0 is replaced by nO. to determine its constituent series
In practical examples the ampli- of harmonic curves.
tudes C1, C.. C, . . . decrease rapidly As a preliminary example the curve
in value and harmonics higher than in fig. I will be analysed and its
the fifth are usually negligible. equation deduced.
Preliminary Step. Expand each term of the general equation and regroup:
Then y = Co + Ct sinexl cosO + CI sina:. cos26 + CI sinlXl cos30 + .
+ Cl COSIXI sinO + CI COSCXz Sin20 + CI COSCXI sin30 + .
Put a. = Cl sinal' as = CI sinoc. . . . ; and bl = Cl COSIX I• bl = CI cOSCXz ..••
The equation becomes y = Co + al cosO + as COS20 + a l cos36 + ...
a. as + bl sinO + b. sin20 + bl sin30 + .. _'.':. .,'- ;-.
and ~ = tancxl • b. = tana:. •.• ; Cl = ± Va.l + bll. C. = ± Va.l + bl• ..••
For Examples, see page 156 .
71 31f
90· 120· /50· /80· 2/0· 24 0· 2;t. 3D(/' '530·

C2 \ ,

ql-1_.l..--_-'--_...L-_-'-_-'-_--'-_---'-_----L._~_ ___l___:_-l.-.:--l...


Problem 144. To determine a Fourler's Series for a given Curve.

The curve plotted in fig . I on pre-/ Ct , C I , Ca, (Xt, (X.' (xs obtained. The
vions page, and repeated opposite, student is advised actually to W01'k
will be analysed, and the constants through the example as he reads the text.
As already shown, the general equation may be written in the form
Y = C. + IZt cosO + as COS20 + ~ COS30 + . . . } h a" = Cn smcc..,
+ bl sinO + b! sin20 + bs Sin30 + . . . were b" = C" cosec...
Hence tanccl = b' Ct =
± v IZtI + bl l , and so on .
Procedure. Take any base OX equation bl = CI CllSrlI or al = Cl sin«t.
clear of the curve. Divide the period ;seeause bl is +ve and COSlXl (i.e. cos 30°)
of the curve into 12 equal parts and IS +ve, then Ct must be +ve. The 1st
erect ordinates, numbering them 0 to Harmonic is therefore 2 sin(9 + 30").
II. Transfer the ordinates to a paper 2nd Harmonic. Fig.3. Number every
trammel-see fig. I, next page. second radius and mark off along the num-
Constant Co. Co = the average of bered radii the lengths of corresponding
the 12 ordinates. ordinates. Each radius used will now carry
two lengths. Determine the algebraic sums
r. Co = 5'22 + ... + 3'55 = 2.69. of the projections of the radial lengths on
the axes OX and OY, as before.
Here Xo + Xl + = 5'05:
1st Harmonic. Fig.2. Draw axes OX
and OY. Starting with OX set out 12 and Yo + Yt + = -3 '03·
radii at 30' intervals, and number them Hence a l = 5'05 7 6 = ·84;
0, 1,2 ... to II. Mark along consecutive and bl = -3'03 7 6 = -'505.
radii the lengths of corresponding ordi- :. tanctz = aI/b. = -'84/'505 = -1·66;
nates, transferring them from the trammel;
e.g. mark 5'22 along 00, 4'42 along 01, :. (XI = -59°·
and so OD. Determine the sums of the C!:, ± va.1 + bl l = ± '11'"""8"-4""'1-+"-'-50-5"'.
projections of the various radiallengthr on
OX and OY, taking sign into account.
=± V'96 =± '9 8.
This may be effected without separate In the equation b. = C. COSlX3> b. is -ve,
measurement by using a strip of stiff and COSctz is +ve; hence C! is -ve.
paper and determining The 2nd Harmonic is therefore
(xo + Xl + x 2 + x 11 + x I O) minus - ·98 sin(29 - 5~)
(x, + a'5 + X, + x 7 + X.) , = ·98 sin (29.-f- 121°)
and <3'1 + 312 + Y. + y, + 315) minus 3rd Harmonic. Fig. 4. Every thi,.d
(Y7 +y, + 31, + YtO + 3111)' radius is now taken and the above process
repeated. As the chosen radii coincide
Here, the sum of the X projections = 6'02. with the axes, a diagram is unnecessary.
This distance is = 6tZt, the coefficient
of a. or b" being always = number of x. + Xc ••• = 4'02; and 311 + 315 ••• = o,
ordinates -:- 2. The sum of the 31 projec- /l.a = 4'02 76= '67; 6bs = 0, Le, ha = o,
tions = 10'34 = 6b l • Tan CX; = CIa/bs = ce; :. cts = goo. <; = 67.
Hence IZt = 6'02 7 6 = 1'003; The 3rd Harmonic is therefore
·67 sin (39 + 90").
and b1 = 10'34 7 6= 1'72.
4th Harmonic. (No fig.) Number
:. TanOCt = lZt/bl = 1'003 7 1'7 2 = '58 ; every 4th radius and set off the ordinates
so that GEl c: 30° approx.
along them in sequence. The sums of the
<; = ± v IZt s + btl = ± '111'003 2 + 1'721 projections on OX and OY will be zero,
= ± 2 approx. there being no 4th harmonic. Similarly
for any further harmonics.
To obtain the sign of <; use either the The equation to the curve is therefore
31 = 2·69 + 2 sin(O + 30°) + -g8 sin(26 + 121°) + ·67 sin(J6 + goO).
This result was actually obtained sraphicaUy 8Dd shows the degree of .ccuracy th.t IIlaY be el<peCtecf.
FO'I' Extzmples, see pace 156.


¥s, Isf harmonic .
, 10 X


.... Fig.3.
2;"i- harmonic
. o- ,.
2+6+10 0 +4+8

j ~ 3'1 "jOniC
Problem 145. Given the Voltage Wave of an Alternator. To deter-
mine the Voltage v as the Sum of a Series of Sine Waves of the
Form Or sin (,.0 + Clr) and to illustrate the Result by a vector
Diagram. Assume that even Harmonics and those of Orders
higher than the 5th are negligible.
The actual lengths. to scale. of presents 250 volts. As the curve has
the various ordinates of the given the symmetrical form mentioned on
curve are marked in fig. 1 for the page 150, the Co term is zero and the
convenience of the student: 1 unit re- required series may be written
JI = VI sin(6 + Cll) + 0a sin(36 + CIa) + Vs sin(58 + CIa).
To determine the constants. VI' Va. Vs 1st Harmonic: Yl = VI sin (6 + OCt) .
and OCl' OCa. OCIi ' Fig. 2.
Draw the base line 0lX l, divide the Proceed as in Prob. 144. and obtain
period into 12 equal parts and erect the algebraic sums of the projections
ordinates. Transfer their lengths to a of the various radial lengths on OX
trammel and number them. and OY.
Summation along OX = -·84 ; hence a:t = -·84 -:- 6 = -'14.
Summation along OY = 9'16 ; hence b1 = 9'16 -:- 6 = 1'53 .
TanOCl = a:tlbl = -'14 -:- 1'53 = -'091; :. OCI = -So approx.
In the eqn. VI COSOCI = b1 , b1 is +ve, cos - 5° is +ve; hence VI is +ve.
VI = V 'I4~ + 1'53" = 1'54.
: . Ist Harmonic = I'54 sin(8 - 5°).
3rd Harmonic: Ya = Va sin(36 + oca)'
Sum the ordinates by spacing off from
I the trammel along straight lines. as
shown clearly in fig. 3.
Summation along OX (marked xJ = ·66; hence as = ·66 -:- 6 = ·II.
Summation along OY (marked Ys) = -·8; hence bs = - ·8 -:- 6 = -'133.
Tan oc. = a./b. = 'II -:- - '133 = - ·83; :. (X3 = -40°.
v. = V'II" + ' 1332 = ± ' 17.
Testing for sign, v3 is -yeo
: . 3rd Harmonic = -'I7 sin(38 - 40°) = 'I 7 sin(38 + I400).
5th Harmonic: Y = Vii sin(s6 + (Xli)' \ along them consecutively; each radius
Fig. 4. Number every fifth radius. carries only one ordinate but five cir-
starting from OX, and set off ordinates cuits are made in setting them off.
Summation of Projections along OX = '18; hence ali = ' 18 -:- 6 = '03.
Summation of Projections along OY = '18; hence bs = '03.
Tana, = ali/bli = I; :. OCs = 45°.
Vii = V'03" + '032 = '04. Testing for sign, Vs is -l-ve,
:. 5th Harmonic = '04 sin(5/J + 45°).
The complete equation is therefore
Y = 1'54 sin(6 - 5°) + '17 sin(36 + 140°) + '04 sin(56 + 45°) .
Since I unit represents 250 volts, the series required is
y = 385 sin(6 - 5°) + 42·5 sin(36 + 140°) + 10 sin(58 + 45°).
The student should have no difficulty in putting this in vector form.
Notes. (1) It will be evident that The method given II based on Mr. J. Harrison'c
labour may be saved by grouping the i:l""r which appeared in E7/6ifWmng. Vol. LXXXI,
radius vectors. (2) The number of 0. 94.
ordinates must not be less than twice
the largest multiple of 6. FO'I' Examples. see PQ{IIJ 156
I :i5


VOLT.5. ·--· ---· F'RO BLEM I ~ ·

2 X
90· 0,6
~ ~ 10
o.~ c\, c\, ,.:., 9

-2+6+10 0 0+4+8- X

~±I ===::::;:~====~1+ 1-
rt.... +4 8
X -10 - 6 - - -1--- - -2

FW~ ~5~-7~/~~==f~=~oil
'I' +5
JRJ> harmonic . ~

E:umplea for page 150.
(I) Plot the graphs

(a) y = 3 sin (6 + :.) + 1'5 sin (36 +~) + '75 sin (56 + ~:),
(b) y = 3 sin (6 + :.) + Z sin ( za + ~) + sin ( 46 + ~),
(z) Plot the graph

y = 3 sin (6 +~) - 1'5 sin(za +~) -'5 sin (36 + ~),

{Non : -sinO - cos(O + 90°) or sin(8 + ISo")},
(3) Plot the graph
y = z{sinz - i sinas + t sin3x - 1 sin4.\' + I sinsx},
Note that the ereater the number of terms taken the more closely does the papb approach the atraiaht
liney = .. ,

Examples for page 152 ,

(I) Work out completely the example above. Assume the equations to be
discussed in Prob. 144. unknown and obtain the terms,
(2) Take the curves in Ex. Ib and Ex. 2

Examples for page 154 .
(I) Obtain the series for Prob. 145 periodic functions. v. period 360°, for
using the data in fig. I , p . 155· values of 6 at intervals of 30°, Analyse
(2) The following are the values of two each curve into its harmonic components.

(a) 'z5 1'37 1'59 1'45 z'09 1'37 -'z5 -1'37 -1'59 -1 '45 -z'09 -1'37

ADs. Y = z sin6 + ' 5 sin(36 + 'Tt/6) + ' 12 sin(56 + 'Tt),

(b) '566 1'33 1'28 l'z3 '97 '58 1'34 -'43 - ,88 -1 '53 -z'07 -1'18

(3) The following are values of a periodic (4) Plot the curve y = 17 + ax - 4-"1
function y (period Z'Tt) for values of x at from x = 0 to x = 3. Determine a series
of sine curves to give this portion of the
intervals of ~ from 0 up to 'Tt; the value of curve. assuming that it is periodic, that
y for (Z'Tt - x) is the same as that for x, the period x = 0 to 3 represents 360°, and
but negative. Plot the curve to scale and that harmonics higher than the 5th are
determine the terms of a Fourier's series negligible.
which will give the curve. Harmonics
higher than the 3rd are negligible.
o 63'3 65 33'3 zI·6 ao 0
The increasing use of 3rd Quadrant, or 3rd Angle, Projection for
engineering drawings raises the question of the desirability of using
this system in descriptive geometry. There is no difficulty in applying
3rd angle projection to solutions, but for the kind of pictorial view used
herein, and strongly recommended as a preliminary to the solution of
problems, 3rd angle drawings compare unfavourably with those of
rst angle. This will be clear from the examples on page 175, 177, 201,
205 and 215. particularly the last. As the primary aim of this book is
the comprehension of solutions rather than their mechanical achieve-
ment. rst angle constructions predominate. Nevertheless, the. student
is advised to acquire facility in the 3rd angle system by using it in the
solution of problems.
146. Fundamental Principles of Projection.
Descriptive Geometry deals (a) problems involving three dimensional
with the representation on a plane space.
surface of points, lines, and figures in The axioms and theorems of Euclid XI
space of three dimensions, in such a are taken for granted in Descriptive
manner that their relative pos itions Geometry, which is more concerned with
can be accurately determined ; and ~hical demonstration and use than with
(b) with the graphical solution of rigorous mathematical proof.
146a. Projection.
Any object may be regarded as an perspective projection is the result.
aggregation of points. If straight If the projectors are parallel, and are
lines be taken from these points to normal to the plane, they give an
meet a plane, the object is said to be orthographic, i.e. right line, ortho-
projected on the plane, and the lines gonal or rectangular projection; if
are called projectors. If the pro- they are parallel but inclined to the
jectors converge to a point, radial or plane, they give an oblique projection.
146b. Planes of Reference.
Two principal planes are used in its orthographic projections on the
orthographic projection, one hori- H.P. and V.P., the views giving respec-
zontal and the other vertical, inter- tively its plan and elevation.· To
secting and dividing space up into show these views on a plane surface
four quadrants or dihedral angles, the H.P. and V.P. are opened out, or
numbered as in fig. I. These planes rabatted, about the xy line until they
are denoted here as the H.P. and coincide; the convention is that the sst
V .P. ; they are also called x and y quadrant must always be opened out. t
planes and their lines of intersection For projections in the znd, 3rd, and
the xy or ~round line. 4th quadrants the planes are assumed
In descriptive geometry the line Of to be transparent, and projections are
object is supposed to be situated in one drawn looking on the rabatted rst
of the quadrants. It is represented by quadrant.
146c. Projections of a Point.
Refer to fig. I, in which P is a point 1. The line jommg the plan and
in the rst quadrant. The projections elevation of a point (also called a pro-
P and PI are giver. by the projectors iector) is perp. to xy.
Pp and PPlo perp. to HP and VP . 2. A point is above or below the
respectively. When the rst quadrant H.P. according as its elevation is above
is opened out the projections p and or below xy.
PI lie in one plane and appear as in 3. A point is in front or behind the
fig. 2. V.P. according as its plan is below or
Figs. 3, 4, and 5 illustrate the ortho- above xy.
graphic projections of points in the 4. The distance of P from the H.P.
znd, 3rd, and 4th quadrants respec- = the distance of its elevation from
tively. Only the 3rd is important. xy.
Note. The following may be in- 5. The distance of P from the V.P.
ferred from the figures given: = the distance of its plan from xy,
(x) Draw the projections of the follow- V.P.;F,2#belowH.P.,inV.P.;G,2"infront
ing points: A, 2" above H.P., 2l" in front V.P., in H.P.; H, 2#behind V.P., in H.P.
V.P. ; B, 2#above H.P., 21#behind V.P .; C, (2) The projections of a point coincide
2#below H.P., 2!# behind V.P. ; D, 2#below and both fall below xy. In which quadrant
H.P., 21" in front V.P.; E, 2" above H.P., in is the point situated?
• This Iystem was invented by Gaspard Monge ('746-,8,8).
t It il convenient for blackbosrd demonstration to sup~e the H .P. to swinSlbout :ty until it coincides
with the V.P.; the student may, however, prefer to reprd the H.P. as fixed snd the V.P. as movable.




.-s~ t"r;h RABAT ALWAYS

P"i --'--_ 1ST QUADRANT
7~ <,
I.. '.p
o '"I"
i '

<, :




rf> VP VP.
.x.- i 1./ x II


147. Projections of a Strail1ht Line in the 1st Quadrant.

The projections of a straight line the H.P. and pari to xy; (5) lying
are straight lines joining the projec- in xy ; (6) pari to both the H.P. and
tions of its ends. Fig. I shows a line the V.P.; (7) pari to the H .P. and
AB in the rst quadrant, its projections inclined to the V.P.; (8) pari to the
being ab and alb l . After rabatment, V.P. and iIic1ined to the H.P.; (9)
the v orthographic projections .appear inclined to, and with ends in, both
as m fig. 2 : "oal and bob l give the the H.P. and the V.P.; (10) inclined
respective heights of A and B above to both the H .P. and the V.P., one
the H .P., and "oa, bob their distances end in xy; (II) perp. to xy.
from the V.P. Note. It is helpful tc regard pro-
It should be noted that neither pro- jected views in the following manner.
jection gives the true length of the For Elevations : regard the xy line
line AB. This will only be given by a as an edge view of the H .P. from the
projection when the line itself is pari front; i.e. suppose the planes of
to the plane on which it is projected. reference to be lifted to eye-level, so
The projections of a line in various that the H.P. appears as a line.
positions in the rst quadrant are For Plans : regard the xy line as an
shown in fig. 5. They are : (I) perp. edge view of the V.P. from above.
to the H.P. ; (2) perp. to the V.P. ; The student should test the method
(3) in the V.P. and pari to xy; (4) in on fig. 4.

148. Traces of a Line.

These are the points in which the H.T. Through the point of intersection
line, produced if necessary, intersects of the plan (or plan produced) and xy,
the H.P. and the V.P.; the trace on draw a perp. to meet the elevation (or
the H.P. is called the horizontal trace elevation produced): this gives the
(H .T.), that on the V.P. the vertical vertical trace, V.T.
trace (V.T .). From fig. 4 it will be seen that
Construction. Figs. 2 and 4. Through although a line is situated in the rst
the point of intersection of the elevation quadrant its V.T. may be below xy;
(or elevation produced) and sy, draw similarly the H.T. may be above xy.
a perp. to meet the plan (or plan pro- The constructions are clearly shown
duced): this gives the horizontal trace, in the pictorial views, figs. I and 3.

149. Given the Traces of a Line, to determine its Projections.

Refer to figs. 2 and 4. Project from It will' be seen that the traces of a
the H.T. to meet xy in c; join c to the line define its direction only, and give
V.T.-this gives the direction of the no indication of its length or position.
elevation of the line. Project from the Problems on the traces and true lengths
V.T. to meet xy in d; join d to the of lines are discussed more fully on pages
H .T.-this gives the direction of the 200 and 202.
plan of the line.

(I) Make freehand orthographic views and 21' in front of the V.P.: B is II' above
of the projections of all the lines in fig. 5, the H .P. and I ' in front of the V.P. A and
inserting appropriate letters. State which B are the ends of a line situated in the
I?rojections give the true lengths of the ISt quadrant. Draw its projections and
lines. determine its traces . Measure the distance
(2) The projectors of two points A and of each trace from xy. Ans. H.T. 3'52',
B are Ii" apart. A is 1" above the H.P. V.T.2·1",






I i i I'

I i, i 6 !,

x" , I :' ,:, ' '
" 5
• l

' I


F/:J. 5,

150. Representation of Planes.

A plane is usually represented by the vertical trace. The abbreviations
lines in which it meets the planes of H.T. and V.T. will be used here .
reference. These lines are called its The traces of a plane are not always
traces ; the line in which the plane accessible, and examples will be given
meets the H.P. is the horizontal trace, later in which the plane is represented
that in which it meets the V.P. is the by the projections of points or lines
contained by it.

1508. Types of Planes.

It is convenient to divide planes Oblique planes, figs. 6 to II , are
into two groups, perpendicular and inclined to both planes of reference.
oblique. Perpendicular planes, figs. Neither trace gives an edge view of the
I to 5. are perp. to one or both of the plane. In fig. 8 both traces coincide
planes of reference. They may be sub- with xy. and to define the plane an
divided into three types, horizontal, additional trace on an auxiliary plane
vertical, and inclined, as illustrated. is necessary. In fig. 9 two oblique
An inclined plane, fig. 5. is perp. to planes intersect the planes of reference
the V.P. and inclined to t he H.P. A in other quadrants as well as the first ;
feature common to all perpendicular the projections of their traces, fig. 10,
planes is that one trace represents an should be noted.
edge view of the plane.

150b. Important Principles.

A study of the diagrams will make 5. The angle between the traces in
clear the following important principles : or.e quadrant is the supplement of
1. Unless the traces of a plane the angle between them in an adjacent
are pari to xy they will. produced it quadrant. Fig. 11 shows an oblique
necessary, intersect in xy . See fig. 9. plane in the rst quadrant continued
2. If a plane is pari to one plane of into the remaining quadrants; the
reference it will have no trace on that sum of adjacent angles between the
plane--figs. 1 and 2. traces = 180° .
3. A plane pari to xy but inclined 6. If a line is contained by a plane
to both planes of reference will have its traces lie in the traces of the plane.
traces pari to xy- fig. 7. The lines AB . CD, and EF. fig. II , are
4. (a) When the V.T. is perp. to contained by the given plane ; their
.%y, the inclinat ion 01 the plane to the traces, indicated by dots. lie in the
V .P. is given by the angle between traces of the plane.
H.T. and xy-fig. 4. 7. Horizontal lines contained by a
(b) When the H.T. is perp. to xy , plane are pari to the H .T. of the plane
the inclination of the plane to the ~ .g. the line CD, fig. 1 I. Similarly,
H .P. is given by the angle between line s pari to the V.P. are pari to the
V.T. and xy-fig. 5. V.T. of the plan~.g. the line EF.
(c) In all the other cases the angle fig. 1 I.
between a trace and xy is not a measure
of the inclination of the plane.

Copy, freehand. all the figures opposite suitable angles of inclination for the
except fig. 8, and make an orthographic planes. In fig. II show the projections of
drawing adjacent to each showing the the traces in each quadrant.
positions of the traces of the plane. Choose

~_ ' I-"X"----- ---:7-i


Fig. II.

151. Projections on Auxiliary Planes.

These are necessary in technical more difficult projections of an object
drawings to give inform ation that can- to be drawn.
not be shown in the ordinary views of An auxiliary elevation is a pro-
plan and elevation; they are required jection on any auxiliary vertical plane
in descriptive geometry to facilitate (A.V.P .) not pari to the V.P.; and an
the solution of problems and to enable auxiliary plan is a projection on any
auxiliary inclined plane (A.I.P.).
151a. Projection of a Point on an A.V.P. perp. to xy.
Refer to fig. 1. Let P be the point, with the V.P., as in fig. 3. The first
AVP the plane, and xv'! the trace of construction is usual in descriptive
AVP on the H .P. The projections of geometry, and the second is that
the point on the planes of reference adopted in technical drawings-in
are given by P and PI> and its projec- which it is convenient to have all
tion on the A.V.P. by PI ' elevations upright and in alignment.
This auxiliary projection PI may be Referring to fig. 2, it will be ap-
shown orthographically in two ways: parent that the projection is given by
the A.V.P. may be rabatted about drawing PPI perp. to XJYI and making
oXV'1 until it coincides with the H .P., the distance of PI from XJYI equal to
as in fig. 2; or it may be rabatted about that of PI from xy. PI is called an
its trace on the V.P. until it coincides auxiliary elevation.

above and figs. 4 and 5 should be self-

151b. Projection of a Point on an A.V.P. inclined to the V.P.
The same procedure is adopted as ing the construction is that given in
fig. 6-no other lines are necessary.
explanatory. The usual way of show -
151e. Projection of a Point on an A.I.P.
The pictorial view, fig. 7, shows the Note. If the inclination to the hori-
A .I.P., and the point P with its three zont~ of the A.I.P: in. fig. 7 be in~reased
projections. The rabatment of the to go. and the proJectl.on PI obtained ~
plane about xJY results in the projec- described, the result .as shown m
. . . IT ' fig. 3. For purposes of projection therefore
tron PI gIven In fig. 8. . he actual hn~s an end view may be regarded as an aux-
necessary are shown In fig. 9. PI ss iliary plan.
called an aux iliary plan.
151d. Projections of a Line on an Auxiliary Plane.
The plan ab and the elevation alb l projections alb l and a.b l (i.e. ignoring
of a line are shown in fig. 10. Apply- ab), an auxiliary elevation projected
ing the foregoing methods, an auxiliary on xsY. perp. to asb. results in a point
plan on XJYI pari to alb l is given by a 3ba: i.e, this projection gives a view
azbol' This projection alb. gives the along the line . These 1nanipulations
actual length of the line, as will be areofll"eati1nportanceandshould
shown later. Considering only the be carefully studied.
ISle. Rules for Auxiliary Projections.
1. The projections of a point are (or plans) of the same point from
on a strai~ht line perp. to the the correspondtng ~round lines are
~round line. equal.
2. The distances of all elevations

given in figure. Determine auxiliary

(1) The projections of a line ab, ~bl are I
elevations on xt.Ya and X,",' Measure the
length of each projection: check by
plans on XI"1 and X3"3 ' and auxiliary calculation. Ans, 3'47", I", 3'47", I·S".
~l r: 1-.-

I Fi92.
Fifo Jo!
Fie u

I ~
:..:::: or F;g.3
pL-.~ \-.- .-#-.-
p! Alternartve
HP p-osition .

Projections of Plane Areas. To points on its outline, as illustrated in

project any plane area. the principles the following examples.
of projection are applied to selected
Problem 152. From the Projections of a Triangle to determine its
True Shape.
The true shape of any plane area is &c.). The auxiliary jwojection of the
given by its projection on a plane t:,. is now a line. (If one projection of
which is parallel to its own plane. the t:,. is given as a line, this step is
Refer to both pictorial and ortho- unnecessary.)
graphic views . Let ABC be the given Take a ground line xtY. pari to the
t:,.. and abc. albici its projections. line a,fJ'h. and project an auxiliary
Draw the projections of any hori- plan a.baca (i.e, project from alb,pl
zontal line lying in the t:,.; ald l is perp. to X,YI. making the distance of
pari to xy and is therefore horizontal aa from XzY2 = the distance of a from
and its plan is given by ad. Take an XlYlo &c.). The resulting 6. aabaca gives
A.V.P.• with its ground line XlYl perp. the required true shape: no other
to ad. and project an auxiliary ele- projection will give as large a t:,. as
vation aa!JsCl from the plan (i.e. pro- aabaca' The inclination of the t:,. to the
ject at rt. Ls to XlYl from a. b. and H.P. is given by 6. the angle between
c, making the distance of a l from alb,pl and XIYI-thiS is discussed later
XlYl = the distance of a l from xy,

Problem 153. To determine the Projection of a Circle on a Plane

inclined at an angle f.P to its own Plane.
Draw the simple plan and elevation auxiliary elevations, as mi' The fair
of the circle shown in figure, and draw curve joining points such as m l is the
XlYl inclined at <p to xy : XlYl repre- required projection. The result is an
sents an A.V.P. inclined at <p to the ellipse . and its construction is more
plane of the circle. Take a number of easily carried out by locating its axes,
points such as m, ml and obtain their as will be shown on page 178 .
Problem 154. To obtain the True Shape of the plane Section of a
Let the plan and elevation of a as P. PI projected in the usual way
moulding be given by the line and give points such as PIon the required
figure shown opposite. Its true shape view. The construction should be
is given by a projection on XlYl taken clear from the figure .
pari to the plan. Selected points such
155. NOTATION. To avoid confusion, a definite notation is essential
in projection. That adopted herein is as follows:
Actual Lines (e.g. in pictorial views) Ground Lines-i-xy, XlYl. XsY2. &c.
-capitals. AB, CD, &c. If necessary the points of intersection
First Plans-small letters. ab, cd, &c. between projectors and ground lines
First Elevations-small letters with can be lettered agbo or hk. hlk l• hzkl. &c.
suffix added, alb l• cld l , &c. Angles-Inclinations to H.P.. 6
Auxiliary Projections-small letters (theta); inclinations to V.P.• <p (phi);
with suffix added, aa!JI' a.b•• &c.• the other angles, ex (alpha), ~ (beta),
number of the suffix indicating the y (gamma).
sequence of the projection.
(1) Determine the true shape of the A 60° to the H.P. Determine its plan.
given by the dimensioned projections in (3) A moulding section, at rt. Ls to
the figure opposite. Measure the sides. the length. is shown in figure. Determine
Ans. 3'71', 3'37', 2'96'. the shape of the section as it will appear
(2) A 3' diarn. circle is inclined at in a mitred joint, angle 45°.

eleva /ion .

I -Y
. I
I .
.~ I
""-p, plan
PR~LEM 154.

X' ' ' "V


156. The Projection of Solids.

For practical purposes the rst and to be transparent. Any aunliary
3rd quadrants only are used for pro- planes used are also regarded as being
jections ; in the znd and 4th quadrants transparent, and projections on them
the views overlap and cause confusion. are viewed through the planes. The
Projection in the rst quadrant is tradi- student may imagine that the trans-
tional and was at one time universal. parent planes, fig. 3, are hinged at H,
It is still current in Europe and to a and that after drawing on the planes
large extent in Great Britain, but what is seen by looking through them,
3rd quadrant projection is used in the H .P. and A.V.P. are opened out
North America, and increasingly in to coincide with the V.P. The result-
Britain. The British Standards In- ing arrangement of views is that given
stitution (Report No . 308) permits both in fig. 4, in which the elevation is
systems as British standards. beneath the plan, and the end view is
adjacent to the end that it describes.
The drawings opposite show an
object situated in both quadrants, It should be noted that a third view
with projected views on the horizontal can be obtained mechanically from two
and vertical planes of reference and others, by applying the principles dis-
also on an auxiliary vertical plane.
cussed on page 164 , as indicated oppo-
site for one point .

1st Quadrant Projection. Figs.

1 and 2 . The projections on the H .P.,
Comparison between Projec-
tions in the 1st and 3rd Quadrants.
V.P., and A.V.P., fig. I, are obtained
The views in figs. 2 or 4 will , when
by applying the principles of projec-
dimensioned, . describe the object
tion for points on the outline of the
completely. One system has no
object. When the rst quadrant is
opened out until the planes coincide, natural advantage over the other. If,
the views take the positions shown in however, two views only are used to
fig . 2. Each view appears on the side describe an object which is unsym-
of the object remote from the face that metrical, confusion may arise unless
it portrays; i.e. a top view or plan is the system of projection used is stated,
placed beneath the elevation; an end or the views are labelled.
view looking from the left is placed on First quadrant pictorial views, as
the right; and so on. used extensively in this book to clarify
solutions, are much to be preferred to
Clearly, the end view may have
3rd quadrant views, as will be clear
another rabatted position, as shown
dotted. from page 215 .
.A.lthoughfor this reason 1st quad-
rant solutions predcnninate in this
3rd Quadrant Projection. Figs. book, the student should realize that
3 and 4. Here the planes of reference both systems are used, and he
come between the observer and the should be able to use either for his
object, and are therefore assumed solutions.

Ex. 1. Sketch views corresponding to those in figs . 2 and 4 of the bracket



i -,
r-,-- 1 I


L I _
---l I


r--- --------~-
I r--r--"

I ~ --~I II
I L __ L_J


I1 I


~~ f
'- ~
Ex .1. t· . X .1. !.:
22 . T2

The principal solids discussed in

this book are illustrated opposite and
I into two groups: polyhedra,
solids of revolution.
defined below. They may be divided

A polyhedron is a solid bounded by 2. The cube (or regular hexahedron) :
plane faces; it is regular if each face six equal faces, each a square.
is a regular polygon, and if the angles 3. The regular octahedron : eight
formed between the faces are equal. equal faces, each an equilateral t:. .
There are only five regular poly-
hedra --refer to Euc. XlII-some- 4· The regular dodecahedron:
times called the Platonic Solids. They twelve equal faces, each a regular
are: pentagon.
I. The regular tetrahedron : four 5. The regular icosahedron : twenty
equal faces, each an equilateral t:. . equal faces, each an equilateral t:..
All the above may be inscribed in a sphere.
A prism has pari ends comprised common vertex and the sides of the
of equal and similarly arranged poly- polygon for their bases.
gons, joined by side faces which are Ri~ht regular prism and pyra-
par"". A parallelepiped is a prism mid. These are regular if the end
having par"'" as ends. polygons are regular, and right if the
A pyramid has a polygon as base; axis is perp. to the ends or base. If
its side faces are triangles having a the solid is not right it is oblique.


A sphere is generated by a semi- by the revolution of a rt. Ld 6 about
circle revolving about its diam. which a side containing the rt. L.
remains fixed. Curves of contact between a Sphere and
A cylinder is generated by a straight an enveloping Cyl inder Of' Cone. If a right
line moving in contact with a fixed circular cylinder envelop a sphere, its
closed curve and always remaining axis passes through the centre of the
pari to a fixed straight line. If the sphere, and the curve of contact is a great
closed curve is a circle, the solid is a circle of the sphere . If a right circular
circular cylinder; and if the plane of cone envelop a sphere, its axis passes
through the centre of the sphere and the
the circle is perp. to the fixed straight curve of contact is a lesser circle of the
line, the cylinder is a right circular sphere .
A cone is generated by a straight An anchor rin~ or tore is generated
line moving in contact with a fixed by a sphere, the centre of which re-
closed curve and passing through a volves in a plane circular path-refer
fixed point. If the closed curve is a to page 272.
circle, the cone is a circular cone; and A spheroid (no figure) is generated
if the plane of the circle is perp. to a by the rotation of an ellipse about one
line from its centre to the fixed point, of its axes : if about the major axis,
the cone is a right circular cone. Sur- the spheroid is prolate; if about the
faces which are generated by straight minor axis, the spheroid is oblate.
lines are ruled surfaces. Note. When a solid is referred to
Particular Definitions. A right circular herein simply as a prism, pyramid, cylin-
cylinder is generated by the revolution of der, or cone, the words .. right regular"
a rectangle about a side which remains or .. right circular .. are implied. Oblique
fixed. A right circular cone is generated and irregular solids will be so named.
• The Archimedian solids, 13 in number, have all the faces bounded by regular polyllOl1s which are not
all congruent to each other ; all the polyhedral &JIlIles are convex and congruent to each ether, A large
Dumber of other interesting ahapes occur in crystallography, and there are large numbers of semi-regular
priuns and prismoids.







The orthographic Projection of Solids in simple Positions.

The two examples given opposite plan and elevation so obtained other
show projections of a cube and right projections are readily determined by
pyramid. The projections of these applying the principles discussed on
solids are most easily drawn when a page 164 The method will be illus-
face of the cube and the base of the trated in the following and other
pyramid lie in, or are par! to, one of subsequent examples.
the planes of reference. From a simple

Problem 159. A given Cube has a Face in the H.P. and an Edge in-
clined at (I to xy; determine its Projections. Also project an
auxiliary Elevation on a ground line making ~ with xy. and an
auxiliary Plan on a ground line making y with xy.
The pictorial view shows the cube a, a l and b, bt , and in the auxiliary
in position, also the planes on which elevation by as and bs•
auxiliary projections are required. The auxiliary plan is given by draw-
The plan is a square having one edge ing xzYz inclined at y to xy and pro-
inclined at ex to xy, and the projection jecting from the elevation, bearing in
of the elevation from it will be readily mind that the distances from XzYs of
seen from the figure. points in the auxiliary plan are equal
To obtain the auxiliary elevation, to the distances of corresponding
draw XtYl inclined at ~ to xy, and pro- points in the original plan from xy.
ject at It. Ls to it from points in The construction for points as and bs
the plan. The corners A and B are is indicated in the figure .
represented in plan and elevation by

Problem 160. A given right pentagonal Pyramid stands with its

Base on the H .P. with an Edge parallel to xy; draw its Pro-
jections. Determine also an auxiliary Plan of the Pyramid on a
ground line making y with xy.
The pyramid and plane are shown straightforward and needs no explana-
in the required position in the pictorial tion. Draw XtYl at y to xy and project
view. the aUlfiliary plan from the elevation,
First drawn the plan of the pyramid, taking distances of all points from the
a regular pentagon with one side par! original plan: e.g, consider the point
to xy. Lines from the centre to the A on the base, projections a and al;
corners represent the slant edges . the corresponding point in the auxiliary
The projection of the elevation is plan is as'

(I) In Problem 159 assume a cube It" (3) A right hexagonal prism stands
edge and that ex = 30°, ~ = 45°, Y = 60°. with its base on the V.P., an edge of
Draw the views given opposite. the base making 30° with sy, Draw its
(2) In Problem 160 assume a penta- projections, and also an auxiliary eleva-
gonal pyramid, edge of base It", height tion on a ground line at 45° to xy. Edge
3", and thaty = 60°. Draw the projections of base It", height 3t".
given opposite. In addition, from the (4) Refer to Ex. I on page 168. Draw
auxiliary plan determine an auxiliary three views as in fig. 2, page 169, and
elevation on a ground line making 45° project (a) an auxiliary elevation on
with x 1Yt. (Ignore the original plan; pro- X1Yl making . 45° with xy, and (b) an
ject from the auxiliary plan taking dis- auxiliary plan on: xtY. making 30° with xy.
tances from the elevation to xtYt.)



161. 'I'o determine the Plan of a Solid (a) when a given Line in the
Solid is vertical, (b) when a given Face of the Solid is horizontal
(see also P.176).
(a) When a given Line is vertical. simplified by placing the solid in such
A projection .of the solid is required a position that the line in question is
in which the given line appears as a par! to one plane of reference. Then
point. This is given by taking a ground only one auxiliary projection is re-
line first part, say, to the elevation of quired-as illustrated opposite.
the line , and projecting an auxiliary (b) When a given Face is bori-
plan of the solid. A projection on a zontal. The solid can usually be ar-
second ground line perp. to the auxili- ranged so that a simple projection
ary plan of the line now shows the shows the given face as a line. A pro-
line as a point, and hence gives a pro- jection on a ground line par! to this
jection of the solid when the line is line gives the required plan. If the
vertical. Refer to fig. 10, page 1°5. solid cannot be so arranged, two projec-
The construction may usually be tions are necessary-see following page.
Problem 162. To determine the Plan of a Tetrahedron with one Edge
Using a 60° set-square, draw the described about cl as centre, rad. C(J;
plan of the tetrahedron as in figure, a projector from b gives the elevation
the edge ab being par! to xy, To draw bl of the apex.
the elevation, suppose the shaded To determine the required plan
face to be raised from the H .P . into draw XtYl perp. to bla l• and project in
position, about the edge perp. to xy. the usual way ; in this view the edge
The apex will traverse the arc shown, ab alb l appears as the point a,/Ja'
Problem 163. To determine the Plan of a Cube with a Diagonal of
the Solid vertical.
Draw the projections of the cube in plan on XIYI taken perp. to alb l : this
the simple position shown; the pro- gives the required view, in outline
jections elf a diagonal are ab alb l , ab a regular hexagon . Refer to Art .
being par! to xy. Project an auxiliary I 9 I.

Problem 164. To determine the Projection of an Octahedron on a

Plane parallel to a . Face of the Solid.
Two solutions are shown: one in BCD, projections bed, blcldl, appears
rst angle, and the other in 3rd angle, in elevation as the line blcldl , and the
projection. Each pictorial view shows required view is obtained by taking
the solid with one of its three equal XtYl parallel to bl cld1 and projecting
axes vertical, and with faces perpen- an auxiliary projection in the usual
dicular to the V.P. manner. The outline is a regular
The plan is a square with diagonals, hexagon.
the edge of the square being the edge
of the solid ; the length of alb l is equal The differences between the rst and
to a diagonal of the square. One face 3rd angle views should be noted.
(I) A tetrahedron, cube, and octane- (3) A right square pyramid is suspended
dron have edges 3', II", and 2 " long freely from a comer of its base.- Draw
respectively. Draw projections of each its plan. Edge of base II', height 31"·
corresponding to those shown opposite.
(2) Draw the plan of a Tight hexagonal (4) Two views of a voussoir for an arch
pyramid with a slant edge vertical. Edge are given on p. 177 . Draw them and pro-
of base 11', height 3". Use 3rd Angle Pro- ject (a) an auxiliary elevation on XIYl, and
jection. (b) a plan when the line ab alb l, is vertical.
• The C.G. of a pyramid is 1 the distance along the axis from the base. A line from the comer 01
auspension through the C.G. will be vertical .

q ~'-..--,.,...----,





Problem 165. To determine the Plan of a ~ven Solid when a ~ven
Face is horizontal.
A simple solid can usually be solid showing the projections abc and
arranged so that either the plan or albic i of the face ABC. Take any
elevation will show the given face as horizontal line in the face (if necessary
a single line. In the example con- draw one), and project an auxiliary
sidered here, however, this is not easy elevation on a ground line perp. to
to arrange. the plan of this line; in the figure
Suppose the rectangular solid in the cb c1bl is a horizontal line and XlYl is
small pictorial view to be cut by a perp. to cb. In the projected view the
plane passing through the comers given face appears as a straight line,
A, B and C, and let the pyramidal and an auxiliary plan projected on a
portion be removed. The solid re- ground line par! to it is the required
maining is shown in the lower sketch: projection. In the drawing XzYz is
to determine the plan of this solid par! to a,!Jae, and the required plan is
when the face ABC is horizontal. shown in thick lines.
Draw any two simple views of the
166. To determine the Projection of a Solid having a ~ven Edge in
one Plane of Reference and making a ~ven Angle with xy, and a

Face containing that Edge inclined at a given Angle to the same
Plane of Reference.
Two examples are given to illustrate obtained from the most simple plan
methods of dealing with this type of and elevation.
problem. The required projections are
Problem 167. To determine the Elevation of a ~ven hexagonal Prism
arranged with the Edge of one of its Faces in the H.P. and inclined
at ep to xy, the Face containing the Edge being inclined at e to the
H .P.
The plan of the prism is unaltered in figure-in which ab a1b 1 are the
whatever value is taken for ,. When projections of the edge in the H.P.
, is goO the projections of the prism An auxiliary elevation projected from
arranged with a face inclined at 0 to the plan, on XlYl inclined at ep to ab
the H .P. are readily drawn, as shown produced, gives the required view .
Problem 168. To determine the Elevation of a ~ven hexagonal Pyra-
mid baving an Edge of the Base in the H.P. and inclined at ep to
%;y, and the Face containing that Edge inclined at e to the H .P.
As in the former Problem the value elevation on xaY. inclined at ep to
of <p makes no difference to the plan, a"b. ; this gives the required eleva-
and from the plan-which is readily tion.
obtained from simple projections-
the required elevation may be pro-
jected. Begin with the simple views Note. A line ",n, pari to XJYl' has been
b th . ti used for taking measurements for the
s h own; ab a 1 1 are e projec IOns final elevation; e.g. the distance of 0.
of the edge in question and oab 0la1b 1 from XaY, = that of 01 from ",n (not
those of the face. Project an auxiliary XJYl) ' This is frequently necessary to
plan on XlYl inclined at 0 to 0la1bl' give a compact drawing and obviously has
From this plan project an auxiliary no bearing on the shape of the projection.
Using the following data, draw the (3) Frob. 168: edge of base I', altitude
views required in the above problems. 3",0 = 50°, ep = 45°.
(1) Frob. 165: take dimensions from (4) A regular tetrahedron 3' edge has
the pictorial view. a face inclined at 40° to the V.P., an edge
(2) Frob. 167: all edges Il', 6 = 35°, of that face lying in the V.P. and making
, = 45°. 35° witll tty. Draw its plan.

/' I

3 RD.

169. Projections of the ri~t circular Cone and Cylinder.
Auxiliary projections of these solids base, such as P, Pt, giving Pa in the
may be obtained from simple plans projection, as described in Prob. 153,
and elevations in the same way as for page 166. and shown for the cone
the solids already dealt with. opposite; it is best constructed, how-
For the cone, obtain projections of ever, by obtaining either the circum-
the circle forming the base , and of the scribing parallelogram or the two axes,
apex; tangents from the apex to the and using the standard methods for
base complete the view. drawing the ellipse.
For the cylinder, outside pari tan- Note. The major axis of the ellipse
gents have to be drawn to the pro- is always equal to the diam. of the
jections of the two circular ends. base (or end), and the axis of the solid
If the base of the cone or the end bisects the major axis at rt. Ls. The
of the cylinder does not appear as a major and minor axes of the ellipse
circle or a straight line, it will be given bisect each other at rt. Ls, and the
by an ellipse . The ellipse may be length of the minor axis is determined
drawn by taking selected points on the by projection.
Problem 170. For a ~ven Cone, to determine (a) its Plan when a
Generator is horizontal, (b) its Elevation when a Generator is
horizontal and inclined at a given Angle cp to the V.P.
(a) Draw the simple plan and ele- (b) The required elevation may be
vation shown and project the re- obtained from the auxiliary plan by
quired plan on xtYt taken pari to the taking xzYa inclined at <p to the gener-
elevation of the generator ab atbt. The ator aaba, and projecting in the usual
circumscribing square to the base pro- way . The circumscribing rectangle
jects into a rectangle, the sides of which projects into a parm and the inscribed
give the axes of the ellipse for the base. ellipse may be drawn as in fig. 6,
The generator is given by aaba. page 33 .
Problem 171. For a ~ven Cylinder, to determiae (a) the Plan when
its Axis is inclined at a given angle e to the H.P., (b) from (a) an
auxiliary Elevation on a given ground line.
(a) From the simple plan and eleva- once from the auxiliary plan, and the
tion shown , the required plan is ob- following construction (shown dotted)
tained by projecting on xtYt inclined at should be adopted.
an angle a to the axis atb t. The axis in Draw xaYa pari to aaba and project
the auxiliary plan is given by aaba, a new plan of the axis, a,b,; the dis-
at rt Ls to which may be drawn tances of a, and b, from xaYa = the
the major axes of the ellipses , each distances of aa and ba from XzY2 ' As
equal to D in length. The minor axes the new plan is projected on a plane
are obtained by projection, as indi- pari to the axis aaba, the projection of
cated. the cylinder will be rectangular in
(b) Let xaY, be the new ground line, form and may be constructed about
inclined at ~ to XtYt. Project first the the axis a,b,. The minor axes may now
axis aab., and draw the major axes of be projected and the view completed
the ellipses at rt. Ls to it. The in a manner similar to that adopted
minor axes cannot be determined at for the auxiliary plan.
(1) A right cone has a base, 3" diam., (3) A right cylinder is 21' diam . and 3'
and a height of 31". Draw its plan and long . Project (a) a plan when the axis is
elevation when a generator lies in the H .P. inclined at 30° to the H .P., and (b) an
and makes 45° with xy, the apex of the elevation on a ground line inclined at 45°
cone being towards tty. to the plan of the axis in (a).
(2) For the cone in (I) project a plan
when a generator is vertical.

X .'--....


172. Sectional views are largely The true shape of the section is
employed in technical drawings to given in one projection, i.e. either in
show the form and proportions of plan or elevation, if the section plane
hidden or internal parts. To obtain is par! to that plane of projection; if
a sectional view the object is supposed the section plane is not par! to one
to be cut through by a suitable plane, plane of reference, an auxiliary pro-
and the portion lying between the plane jection is necessary-e-on a plane par!
and the observer removed. The projec- to the section plane.
tion of the part actually cut by the plane The material cut by the plane is
is called a section, but if the exterior of usually shown shaded by thin lines,
the solid remaining is projected, as well called section lines, drawn at 45° to
as the section, the projection is called xy and evenly spaced.
a secticmal plan or sectional elevation.
173. Sections by Planes parallel to one Plane of Reference.
One projection of the section will intersection between this line and the
be a line coinciding with the trace of various edges of the given solid, and
the plane. The required section is joining them in the proper order.
obtained by projecting the points of
Problem 174. A given right hexagonal Prism has a Face in the H.P.
and an Edge of the Base inclined at cp to xy. To determine a
Sectional Elevation by a given auxiliary Plane which is parallel
to the V.P. (Note.-ThU is equivalent to finding the shape of the section
given by a plane making an angle of (90° -lfl) with the axis of the prism.)
Draw the plan of the prism in the of the points of intersection between
given position, as shown, and project the edges of the solid and the plane.
the complete elevation, including in it Letter the points in each view (letters
all hidden lines. An end view of the have been omitted deliberately in the
prism, i.e. a regular hexagon, is neces- figures opposite) ; lines joining the
sary for the construction of these points, in order, give the outline of the
views: the part shown in plan is required section. Complete the sec-
sufficient. Draw the trace of the tional elevation as shown in figure.
A.V.P. and determine the elevations Refer to Ex. I below.
Problem 175. A given square Pyramid has a Face in the H.P. and an
Edge of the Base at right angles to xy. Determine II Sectional
Plan by a given auxiliary horizontal Plane.
The solution of this problem is
similar to that above, and should be
I clear from the drawings given. Refer
to Ex. 2 below.
(I) Solve Frob. 174, using the following stands on the H.P. and an edge makes 60°
data. Edge of base of prism I ' (i.e. R = with xy. Determine the sectional elevation
I"), length of axis 21', cp = 60°. The by the given plane, which is pari to the
prism touches the V.P. and the A.V.P. is V.P. and passes through a comer of the
1'9' from the V.P. cube.
(2) Solve Prob. 175. using the following (5) An elevation of the bracket shown
data. Edge of base of pyramid 2', length on page 16Q is given opposite, the base
of axis 3'; the A.H.P. is ·6' from the H.P. making 30° with the H.P. Determine a
(3) A right hexagonal pyramid, edge of sectional plan by an A.H.P. passing
base r", height 3'. stands on the H.P. with through a comer. as shown.
an edge of the base at 45° to xy , Deter- (6) The figure shows the plan of a
mine a sectional elevation by a plane regular octahedron Ii' edge. Determine
par! to the V.P. and containing the apex . the sectional elevation given by the
(4) A cube, 2' edge. is pierced centrally A. V.P.
by x' square holes, as shown. The cube



176. Sections by Planes inclined to one Plane of Reference.

The sections considered here differ elevations. To determine them it is
from those on the previous page in necessary to obtain projections on
that their true shapes are not given auxiliary planes which are parallel to
by the ordinary sectional plans and the plane of the section.

Problem 177. A given Cube has a Face in the H.P. and an Edge inclined
at cp to xy. It is cut by an inclined Plane making 8 with the H.P.
To determine the Sectional Plan and True Shape of the Section;
also to project a Sectional Auxiliary Elevation on a Plane perpen-
dicular to xy.
The plan and elevation of the cube distance from xy in the elevation.
are readily drawn, as shown. The V.T . (Note : the same view could be pro-
of the plane gives an elevation of jected from the elevation; it would
the section, from which the sectional then be treated as a .. sectional aux-
plan is obtained by projection. From iliary plan " , but called a "sectional
these views any other sectional pro- end view " .)
jection may be obtained by applying To determine the true shape of the
the fundamental rules of projection section, take xzYz par! to V.T. and
for auxiliary planes. project an auxiliary plan of the section
To determine the sectional auxiliary only, making the distance of each
elevation, take X1Yl perp. to xy, and point from xzYz = its distance from
project from the plan, making the xy in the sectional plan.
distance of each point from XtYl = its

Problem 178. A given hexagonal Pyramid has a Face in the H.P.

and its Axis parallel to the V.P. It is cut by an auxiliary V.P.
inclined at cp to the V.P. To determine the Sectional Elevation of
the Pyramid and the True Shape of the Section.
In this example the projections of original elevation, the two projections
the solid in the required position (i.e, the required. The original plan and xy
position shown in the pictorial view) line may now be disregarded entirely,
may not be readily obtained, and the and XtYl taken as the normal ground
student should begin by drawing the line. Draw the plane VTH, and
simplest possible projections, then from the intersection of the H.T. with
obtaining those required by using a the edges of the plan project the
new ground line. points on the sectional elevation.
Draw the simple plan and elevation The projection of the true shape
shown, and take XtYl coincident with follows the method of the former
the elevation of the slant face . An problem.
auxiliary plan on XtYl gives, with the

(I) Solve Prob . 177, using the following of an A.V.P. Project a sectional elevation
data. Edge of cube 2', 6 = ljl = 30°; H.T. and determine the true shape of the
of plane is '8' from edge of cube. section.
(2) Solve Prob. 178, using the following (4) The solid shown in figure has a
data. Edge of base I', vertical height 3.', square base, an equilateral triangular top
ep = 30°. The plane bisects the axis of the pari to the base, and sloping triangular
pyramid. faces. Project the sectional plan given by
(3) The figure shows the plan of a pen- the A.I.P. shown and determine the true
tagonal pyramid 3' high, and the trace shape of the section.


Sections by planes inclined to one plane of reference (cont.).

If the projections of an edge of a versa: an auxiliary view is required
solid are both perp. to xy. the plan of to give the projection, as employed
a point on that edge cannot be directly in the following problem.
projected from its elevation, and vice

Problem 179. A given hexagonal Prism stands with its Base in the
H.P., and with an Edge of the Base parallel to xy and at a given
distance D from it. It is tilted about that Edge until the opposite
upper Edge touches the V.P. To determine its Projections, also
a Sectional Plan by a given inclined Plane.
The prism is shown in position in distances from XU'I in (3)-this is
the pictorial view, and the first step facilitated by projecting up to :ry
will be to obtain its projection on the from (3) and swinging the projectors
A.V.P. The numbers (in brackets) in around 0 as shown.
the drawing give the sequence of the Draw the trace of the inclined
steps in the construction. plane and proceed as follows to
Commence by drawing plan (I) of obtain the section. Consider the
the prism standing on its base, and edges cd and cId l ; the plane int ersect s
project elevation (2) on XJYI' These cid l in mI ' By projecting backwards.
views are shown by broken lines. the corresponding point in (3) is given,
Draw xy perp. to XJYI and at a dis- viz . tn l on C,pl' and the required plan
tance D from the point a l ; rotate m on cd is obtained by projecting
elevation (2) of the prism about a l from mI ' For this particular example,
until the edge a,p3 is at a,pl' bl lying one other point must be projected in
in xy. From elevation (3) and plan this manner; the other points on the
(I}, project the required plan (4). section are obtained from (5) by
From plan (4) project the required direct projection. The outline of the
elevation (5). making the distances section is shown dotted in (4) to leave
of all points from xy in (5) = their the projection clear.

Problem 180. To determine the Intersection of a given Line with a

~ven Polyhedron.

Let the given solid be the irregular the sectional elevation of the solid by
pyramid OABC and let MN be the an auxiliary V.P., the H .T. of which
line. Suppose the solid to be cut by coincides with mn, the plan of the line.
an auxiliary V.P. containing the line : This section is shown shaded. The
the trace of this plane will coincide elevations of the points of intersection,
with the plan of the line. The section PI and qI' are given by the intersection
given will contain the points of inter- of the elevation of the line and the
section of the line and the solid, and figure representing the section, and
these may be easily determined. their plans, P and q, by projecting from
CcmsWuction. By projection obtain PI and ql'
(I) Solve Prob. 179, using the following at 30° and 60° to the ground. A pipe enters
data: edge of hexagon It", height 21", the embankment half-way up the short side
D = 2" ; trace of inclined plane makes and passes through to the long side . The
30° with "y and passes through the centre plan of the pipe makes 30° with a long edge
of the upper hexagonal end. and the pipe rises at 5° to the ground. Find
(2) An embankment, 30' high , is in the where it emerges and its height at this
form of a triangular prism, the sides sloping point. Scale : I" = 10'. Ans . 19' 6".



Problem 181. To detennine the Section of a Sphere by a given inclined

All plane sections of the sphere are from XIYl = the distance of the centre
circles ; if the projection of a section of the plan from xy. Project the
is neither a straight line nor a circle, sectional plan from the true shape by
it will be an ellipse. means of selected points; e.g. alb l in
Draw circles representing the plan elevation gives a, Q 2 and b, b2 , and the
and elevation of the sphere, fig. 2, and distance of a from xy = the distance of
draw the trace of the section plane. a2 from xIYt; and so on .
Take XtYI pari to the inclined plane Alternatively the ellipse may be
and project the true shape of the drawn at once from its axes: the
section. It will be a circle, diam. major axis = cld l, and the minor axis
cld l, and the distance of its centre = cd ,

Problem 182. Given one Projection of a Point on a given Sphere, to

detennine the other Projection.
Let the plan P of a point on the horizontal trace pari to xy and pass-
surface of the sphere be given (fig. 2) : ing through p. Project the elevation
to determine the elevation of p. of the section-a circle of rad. r, an
Any section of the sphere contain- arc of which is shown. A projector
ing P will be a circle having p on its from p intersects the circle in Pl. the
circumference. Choose a V.P. with its elevation required.

Problem 183. To detennine the Intersection of a straight Line with

a given Sphere.
Let the projections of the centre of Project an auxiliary sectional eleva-
the sphere be given by 0, 0 1 and of the tion on xIYt taken pari to ab, and pro-
line byab, alb l . Suppose a V.P., con- ject ~b2' the auxiliary elevation of the
taining the line, to cut the sphere. line. The line a 2b2 cuts the section in
The trace of a V.P. containing the P2 and q2 ; project P and q, then PI
line will coincide with the plan of the and qt, in the usual way. These give
line; ab therefore may be regarded the projections of the points of inter-
as the trace of a vertical section plane. section of the line and the sphere.

Problem 184. Projection of a given Lone of a Sphere.

A zone is that portion of a sphere part of the circumference and two
lying between two parallel planes; radii, as in the elevation of fig. 5.
that portion lying between two planes The curved outlines in the plan are
containing the same axis is called a semi-ellipses both having R, the radius
lune. Refer to fig. 3. of the sphere, as semi-major axes, and
One view of a lune is given by a semi-minor axes oa and ob.

(x) A sphere 2i" diam. rests on the H .P. Hint.-Taie .¥IYI perp. to a,h.and project an aux-
and is cut by a plane inclined at 60° to iliary plan. The iiven line will appear aa a JIO!nt,
and the required hne will be a point on the circle.
H.P., distance of centre of sphere from
plane '4". Draw the sectional plan. (3) A lune of a sphere, 2' rad., is given
(2) Scale the projections of the sphere by planes containing a diam. and in-
and line from fig. 4 and draw them twice clined at 30° to each other. The straight
full size. Determine the projections of the edge of the lune rests on the liP. and a
nearest line, pari to the given line, which plane face is inclined at (a) 20°, (b) 60° to
will touch the sphere; measure its dis- the H.P. Draw the two plans.
tance from the given line.
minor aXIS,
PROBLE:M 5/81 lIt 182.1
SURFACE OF A 5PH ERE .~~.;..::/~-p~~,L
..\. June
', -.


Sections of the rii1ht circular sections are elliptical in shape, the

Cylinder taken normal to the axis ellipses having minor axes equal in
are circles; sections taken parallel to length to the diam. of the cylinder.
the axis are rectangles; and all other

Problem 185. To determine Sections of a right circular Cylinder by

a given Plane.
Let the plane VTH be inclined to take xzYtpari to V.T., and by projection
the axis, cutting the given cylinder as obtain points such as a3 and b.-the
shown in fig. I. A pictorial view of the distance of a3 from xzYt = the distance
resulting section is shown in fig. 2. of a from xy, and so on .
The projection of the sectional plan Symmetrical curves of this kind are
will be clear from the figure. best drawn by marking off ordinates
Two projections of all points on the on each side of a centre-line, as shown
section are given by the elevation and for the true shape. It will be seen that
sectional plan, and by applying funda- the transfer of distances such as d
mental principles their projections on from the plan to the centre-line CL,
any other plane may be determined. gives points similar to those plotted
Consider the point a 1 on V.T.; a is by auxiliary projections.
its plan. To draw a sectional end view Refer to ftl1. 3. Here the cylinder
take XU'l perp. to xy and obtain at by is shown with a generator lying in the
projection from ai' making the distance H.P. The auxiliary vertical plane
of at from XU'1 = the distance of a VTH cuts all generators, and the sec-
from xy. at is one point on the sec- tion is a complete ellipse. The pro-
tional end view and others, such as jection of the true shape should be
b z, may be obtained in the same way. clear from the figure.
To draw the true shape of the section

Problem 186. Projection of Points on the Surface of a Cylinder.

Refer to fig. 3. Let d be the plan of a and point. The cylinder will be repre-
point on the cylinder ; to determine sented by a circle and the point d l will
its elevation d 1• lie on its circumference along a pro-
Take XU'1 perp. to xy, and project jector from d : the height of d 1 above
an auxiliary elevation of the cylinder xy = the distance of d. from XU'I'

Problem 187. To determine the Intersection of a straight Line with a

Let the projections of the cylinder Project this view, and also an auxiliary
and line be those given in fig. 3. The elevation albl. of the line. The line
horizontal trace of an A.V.P. contain- albl cuts the circle in CI and d l , and
ing the line will coincide with ab, the the required points of intersection c, c1
plan of the line ; further, a section and d, d 1 are obtained by projection,
given by this plane will appear in an as shown in the figure.
auxiliary elevation on XU'1 as a circle.

(I) A cylinder 21" diam . 21' long is cut (3) The plan of a cylinder is given in
by a plane as in fig.!. The H .T. of the figure. It is cut by the vertical plane
plane is 1" outside of the cylinder and the shown. Determine the sectional elevation.
V.T. is inclined at 60° to xy. Determine The plans of two lines ab and ac are shown :
the sectional end view and true shape of a is in the H .P ., c is 3', and b is 2' above
the section. the H .P . Determine the projections of
(2) Take the cylinder of Ex. I and pro- the points of intersection of the lines and
ject the true shape of the section given by the cylinder.
a plane inclined at 45° to the axis.
x; Fiq'

PROBLEMS '86~ 187
Fig 3.

Sections of the ril1ht circular The construction will be better under-

Cone. One section only will be dealt stood if the projections of a point on
with here-that given by a plane pari the surface of the cone are considered
to the axis of the cone.· first .

Problem 188. Given one Projection of a Point on the curved Surface

of a Cone, to determine the other Projection. (See also p. 250.)
Let the projections of the cone be taining b, and project its elevation
those given in fig. 2, and let b be the 0lal' The required elevation of the
plan of a point on its surface : to de- point must lie on 0la l and on a pro-
termine bl the elevation of the point. jector from b, and is therefore given
Draw the plan oa of the generator con- by bl •

Problem 189. To determine the Section of a Cone by a Plane parallel

to the Axis of the Cone.
Refer to figs. 1 and 2 which show number of points on the section and
the given cone and the section plane complete the drawing as in the figure .
VTH-the traces of VTH are perp. Note : The sectional view could be
to xy. The projections of all points on projected from the plan instead of the
the section lie along VT in elevation, and elevation, as in problem 190.
HT in plan ; further, the elevation of Objections to tlfe method. The angle
the point b is given by bl , and as these between 0la l and VT may be too acute
projections are on VTH they represent for the accurate determination of the
a point on the outline of the section. point bl , and this generator method
Project an end view on X1YI' drawn should be used only when the section
pari to VT, regarding it as an auxiliary plane is inclined to the axis, as on
plan; the distance from X1YI of b. on page 263 The method of taking hori-
the curve = the distance of b from zontal sections given there is suitable
;&y, and so on. Determine a sufficient for the above example.

Problem 190. To determine the Intersection of a straight Line with

a right Circular Cone.
Let the projections of the cone be in ' P. and q., the auxiliary projections
those given in fig. 3, and let ab, alb t of the required points. The projection
be the projections of the line. Regard of P, q and PI' qt from P., q. should be
ab as the H.T. of an auxiliary V.P, clear from the drawing.
A V.P. which contains the plan of the
line must contain the line itself; hence Alternative CODStruCtiOD - doUetl
a section of the cone by this plane will lines. Project the cone and line on xaY.
also contain the line. taken perp. to a.b. . In this view the line
Take a ground line XtYI pari to ab, appears as a point aab., and the two
generators o.ea and o.da on which it lies
and project an auxiliary sectional ele- must contain the points of intersection.
vation, employing the method of the Project these generators back to the
former problem. An auxiliary ele- original views: their intersections with
vation a,p, of the line cuts the section ab, alb l give the required points.

(I) A cone 3" diam. base, 31" high , is B is 2" above H .P. and 3" from V.P.; A is
cut by a plane pari to and t.. from the axis . iN from each plane of reference. The pro·
Determine the true shape of the section. jectors of A are 11" from those of the
(2) The cone in Ex. 1 has its base axis of the cone . Determine the points of
on the H.P. and touching the V.P. The intersection of the line and cone, using
projectors of a line AB are 31" apart; both the methods shown in fig. 3.
• The aec:tion Biven it • hyperbola. ThiI aection and othen are fully diacuaoed on pp. 262 and 266.
q - _ ._X1_ _ . 1

Ftg 2
PROBLEMS 188&;189
OSs) SECT I ON OF - A - -




\) ~~~~;:;~~~~-~-?l
/>/-0C' ,l}/ / ---- 1--,

/ ". / ' .....

/ /
/ I
An object is more readily visualized orthographic projection, viz . that the
from a pictorial view than from its views can be quickly drawn and may be
orthographic projections. A system of used as scale drawings. Other systems
pictorial projection. called Isometric are dealt with on pages 298-305. The
Projection, will now be considered : term Axonometric Projection has been
it has the principal advantages of applied to all these systems.

191. Principles of Isometric Projection.

Fig. 1 shows the plan of a cube when Any plane pari to two of the isometric
a diagonal of the solid is vertical (refer axes is called an isometric plane.
to Frob. 163). All faces of the cube are It should be noted that only lines
equally inclined to the H .P., each of which are pari to the axes can be scaled
the upper three faces being par! to from the drawing : the difference in
one of the lower three ; further, the length between the projections of the
three edges meeting at the upper and equal diagonals OD and BC. fig. I, is
lower corners are equally inclined to considerable ; compare also the lengths
the H .P. (although at another angle of AB and CD in fig. 2.
than that of the faces), and are Although the system is used to best
therefore shortened in plan to the advantage in the projection of rectangular.
same extent. Lines pari to these solids, solids with curved surfaces may
equally inclined edges will have the also be projected isometrically, as will be
lengths of their projections to the same shown later.
scale. The advantages of isometric projec-
Any rectangular solid may be pro- tion are illustrated in fig. 2 : the column
base is completel y described in one view.
jected in this way, and its dimensions Refer to Ex .' 5-the isometric view of the
scaled from the drawing. Three con- timber joint shows its form more clearly
current edges such as OA, OB , and than the corresponding orthographic pro-
OC are taken as axes, and their pro- jections. The disadvantages of iso-
jections (which are inclined to each metric projection are that the drawings
other at 120°) drawn by means of a take longer to prepare than orthographic
tee-square and 30° set-square. Lengths views; that an element of apparent dis-
may be marked off along them directly tortion is introduced. - which often makes
the projection unattractive; and that the
and the other edges of the solid drawn drawings are not always easily dimen-
par! to these lines. sioned.

192. Isometric Projections of Solids not wholly rectangular.

The projection of the hexagonal point equal in length to the corre-
prism, fig. 3, illustrates the general sponding heights of the corners of
method to be adopted in simple cases. the hexagon. Set off the sides of the
Draw the hexagon bchgfe, produce be prism. also inclined at 30°. and com-
and draw perps. to it from e, f . g, and plete the v iew as in the figure .
lJ. Draw.a1b1c1d1 at 30° to ~ horizontal, Note. In this problem actual lengths
transferring the actual distances ab, are marked off along the axes and this
be, and cd, and erect perps. at each should be done in working the examples.

Draw isometric views of each of the groove, as shown in elevation. Full size.
figures shown opposite and described (") A flight of steps . shown in plan .
below. Scale 1* = r foot . A is r' 0* high and
(1) Frustum of a square pyramid, the each step rises by the same amount to
plan of which is given. Full size. E.
(1) A square pyramid, standing on two (5) The timber joint shown by two
square plinths. Full size. dimensioned views. Scale. half size.
(3) A rectangular block with a vee Arrange the views as shown in the solut ion.
• An isometric view.,r a St. Andrew'. cross will illwtrate this point .




A:C'!.l 1

193. The Isometric Scale.
Although it is convenient to mark of the cube is par! to the H.P.; the
off actual distances along the iso- projection given represents therefore
metric axes so that a natural scale the true length of this line . Draw AE
may be used, the practice is not and CE at 45° to AC. The ~AEC
always permissible, For example, in represents the true shape of the ~ ADC,
a full-size drawing an object would and either AE or EC gives the actual
appear larger than it is actually, in length of the edges AD or DC. This is
the ratio ~3 to v/2"-compare the two the basis of the isometric scale. All
views in fig. 3 on the previous page; distances set off along the axes OA,
many of the drawings in this book are OB, and OC should be made shorter
comparative, an isometric projection than the actual lengths in the ratio
illustrating an orthographic solution, AD V2
and the use of a scale is necessary to AE = v3'
give the correct proportion between
them. Further, all projections of a Refer to ft~. 2 . Set off AE at 45°
sphere are the same, whether ortho- and AD at 30° to a base line AC.
graphic or isometric, and in a corn- Graduate AE in inches (or cms.) to
posite solid of which a sphere is part cover the dimensions of the drawing,
(see Ex. I) some correction is necessary and from each point along AE draw
to give the various parts their relative perps. to AC, thus dividing AD in a
proportions: this correction is given similar way. The divisions along AD
by using the isometric scale. give dimensions to an isometric scale,
Construction of the Scale. Refer and distances along the isometric
to fig . 1. The diagonal AC of a face axes should be set off to this scale.

194. Projection of any given Plane Figure on an Isometric Plane.

Let the given figure be the cross- Ob . • • to the scale and obtain their
section of moulding shown in fig. 3 : isometric lengths; set these off along
to draw its isometric projection when OB in fig. 4, giving Oat, Obt . . . .
the edge hk is par! to an isometric axis. From these points draw lines par! to
Draw two axes OB and OC, fig. 3, OC and using the isometric scale,
par! and perp. respectively to hk. Set transfer the lengths em, dn...
off the corresponding isometric axes giving mt. n t . . . on the required
OB and OC, fig. 4. curve. Complete the figure as shown.
From a sufficient number of points
on the outline, such as m, n, 0, p, k, Note. Circles may be dealt with
draw lines par! to OC to meet OB in in this manner but the methods given
C, d, e, f, g. Transfer the distances Oa, on the following page are preferable.

Use an isometric scale for the following: an isometric projection of the box fitted
(1) The figure shows the elevation of a with the curved cover shown, and open
square gate pillar surmounted by a sphere. at 120°.
The dimensions are in feet. Draw an (3) Draw an isometric projection of a
isometric view of the pillar, scale I ' = short length of the moulding given by
I foot. (Locate the centre of the sphere the cross-section in figure. Show it as in
and draw a circle e" diam. about the- fig. 4.
point.) (4) The figure shows the plan of a pyra-
(2) (a) The sectional view shows a box midal stack of four equal spheres resting
divided into four similar compartments. on a fiat base, i' thick. Draw an isometric
All parts are '2' thick . Draw an isometric view of the group. (Note : the centres of
projection of the box with the lid open the spheres lie at the comers of a regular
at 90°. tetrahedron, Ii' side.]
(b) As a more difficult exercise draw

A F/g.2

h c

d l-----l

e f----~
j --=-.,-
91--- ---L..U,

195. The Projection of Circles lying in Isometric Planes.
The isometric planes have been 0 , as shown in plane Y . The length
lettered X , Y, and Z for purposes of of the minor axis' is given by com-
reference. Let it be required to pro- pleting the square, as in plane Z.·
ject a circle. actual rad. R, isometric Both axes and the ellipse are shown
scale rad. r, on the planes X, Y, and in plane X .
Z, having its centre at O. Method (2). With rad. r describe a
. semi-circle, fig. za. Divide it into, say,
Usmg the Isometric Scale. 6 equal parts and project the division
Method (1). The isometric projec- points on to the diam . Through 0 on
tion of a circle is always an ellipse. the planes, fig. 2, draw lines pari to the
The principal axes of the ellipse are isometric axes and mark off the rad. ,.
readily found as follows and the curve along them from 0, thus obtaining the
plotted by means Of a trammel. points a, b, c, d. Obtain further points
The major and minor axes are on the curve by transferring the
diagonals of a square inscribed to the ordinates of the semi-circle to the
given circle, fig. la, and projected to diameters bd on the isometric planes
scale isometrically, fig. I-the sides -as shown.
of the square being pari to the iso-
metric axes. Hence the inclinations Without the Isometric Scale.
of the axes may be determined by Method (1). Proceed as in method (I)
inspection : in plane X the major above but transfer the inscribed square,
axis is horizontal, and in planes fig. la, to the isometric planes without
Y and Z it is inclined at 60 0 to the reduction . The diagonals of the square
horizontal. The major and minor give the axes of the ellipse-the major
axes bisect each other at rt, Ls. axis being now greater than the diam,
of the given circle.
The length of the major axis = the Method (2). Use the full rad, R for
diam. of the given circle, i.e. = z • R ; the semi-circle in fig. 2a and then proceed
it may be marked off at once about as in method (2) above .
196. Isometric Projection of the Frustum of a Cone.
This is clearly shown in fig. 3. The base
has been taken in plane Y and the pro-
I fore
ject ion of the axis of the frustum is there-
inclined at to the horizontal.

197. Isometric Projection of a Hemisphere.

Fig. 4 should be self-explanatory. The
rad. of the outline is equal to the semi-
I full
major axis of the ellipse, i.e. is equal to the
radius of the given hemisphere .
198. Projection of a circular Arc not lying in an Isometric Plane.
The general method is to locate a At a erect a perp. = aOa 1 ; this gives
sufficient number of points on the the point a 1 on the curve. Repeat the
arc by means of perps. from the iso- process for other points and complete
metric planes, taking the lengths of the projection as in fig. 6.
the perps. from orthographic projec- . . .
tions of the solid. Consider the bracket Note. Either the ~rthographlc Views
" . . . . ' may be drawn to the isometnc scale and
fig". 5 and 6. F irst draw Its pro)ect~ons, distances transferred directly ; or they
fig. 5, and transfer selected POl~tS, may be drawn to a natural scale and dis-
such as a, from the plan to the IS0- tances transferred first to the isometric
metric plane, using axes OA and OB. scale and then to the drawing.
Construct isometric projections of the base in plane X. (4) A frustum of a cone,
following solids, using an isometric scale. as in fig. 3. R = lr, r = i', height = 2'.
(I) A cube 2t' edge showing circles (5) A hemisphere, 2t' diam ., base in
inscribed in each face. (2) A cylinder, plane Y. (6) The given bearing. (7) The
21' diam. , height 3', base in plane Z. given bracket. (8) The bracket shown in
(3) A cone, base 21' diam ., height 3', figs. 5 and 6. (9) The given bracket.
• Length of minor axis ~ '58 (diameter of lliven circle).


Further applications of Isometric Projection.
199. Isometric Projection of a Wedge cut from a Cylinder.
Suppose a cylinder, of equal dia- scale--the elevation being an equila-
meter and length, to have two parts teral t::. . Divide the base into, say, 12
cut from it by section planes which equal parts, and obtain the lengths of
include the same diam. at one end the perps. from these points to the
and touch the base tangentially at the outline of the section. Draw the
other. The part remaining isa wedge- isometric projection of the base, and
shaped solid which may be projected divide this ellipse to correspond with
as a square, an equilateral triangle, or the divisions in fig. I , as indicated in
a circle. To draw an isometric pro- the drawing. Erect perps. from the
jection of this solid . points in fig. 2 and transfer ordinates
Draw the plan and elevation of the from fig. I. Complete the projection
solid shown in fig. I , using an isometric in the manner shown.

200. Isometric Projection of a Plane Figure, or Solid, from its Plan

and Elevation.
Any solid may be projected iso- both views to isometric planes, using
metrically from its plan and elevation the isometric scale: the lettering of the
by the method illustrated in figs. 5 and projections in fig. 4 corresponds with
6 on the previous page : the two axes that in fig. 3, and the construction is
OA and OB may be taken in any self-explanatory. By drawing projec-
position as long as they are mutually tors to intersect, pari to the isometric
at rt. Ls, and any points such as al axes, from corresponding points in
may be located on the outline of the these transferred projections, points on
isometric view from these axes. It is the required isometric view are readily
advantageous to choose the axes so obtained. The isometric planes used
that the majority of the edges of the represent the horizontal and vertical
solid are par! to them. One axis is planes of reference, and the xy line is
usually chosen to coincide with the one isomet ric axis.
~y line ; when this is so, the isometric Note. In dealing with examples
view may be projected from the plan in the following chapter, freehand
and elevation transferred to the iso- isometric views of the kind shown
metric planes. A simple example to in fig. 4 should be drawn at every
illustrate the method is shown in fig. 4, opportunity. The student will find
in which a given t::. is projected iso- that solutions are frequently self-
metrically. evident as soon as problems are set
Let abc, alblcl' fig. 3, be the ortho- out, no matter how roughly, in the
graphic projections of the t::.. Transfer pictorial manner discussed here.

(Furllief' examples are given on pages 274 antl276.)
Draw isometric views of the following : in Ex . 3, page 241, draw an isometric
the use of an isometric scale is optional. view corresponding to that shown in fig.
(I) A wedge-shaped solid as in fig. 2; 2 on that page .
diam. and height 3 M
• (5) Draw, full size, an isometric pro-
(2) One of the four quarters of a hollow jection of the grooved cylinder shown in
sphere contained between two perp. the figure opposite.
p1anes passing through a diam . External (6) The figure shows one half of a stone
diam. 4M , thickness 1M • arch 3' OM deep . Draw the complete arch
(3) Using the orthographic views given in isometric projection. Scale I em. =-
in Ex. I, page 167, draw an isometric I foot.
projection of the' t::.; as in fig. 4. (7) Draw, full size, an isometric pro-
(4) Using the orthographic views given jection of the bracket shown.


FiJ- Z

Problem 201. Given the Projections of a Line, to determine (a) its
True Length, (b) its Traces. and (c) its Inclination to the borizontal
and vertical planes of reference.
Unless a line is pari either to the (b) Produce .a 1b 1 to meet xy in 11
H .P. or V.P.• neither its true length and project from h to intersect ab,
nor its inclinations can be measured produced if necessary ; the point of
directly from its projections. They intersection H.T. gives the horizontal
may, however, be determined : - trace of the line .
(i) by projecting on auxiliary planes Similarly, obtain the vertical trace by
pari to the line (see fig. 10, page 165 ), producing the plan ba to meet xy in v,
(ii) by rabatting the line about its and projecting from v to intersect the
projections in turn, until it lies in the elevation b1a1 produced in V.T.
H .P. and V.P. (see below) , and (c) The inclination of a line to II
(iii) by regarding the line as the gene- plane is the angle between the line ana
rator of a conical surface (see following its /Wojection on the plane.
page). The inclination of the line to the
The drawings give solutions in both V.P. is given by cp, the angle between
rst angle and 3rd angle projection. BaA. and b1a 1 ; the inclination to the
The constructions are shown in both H .P. by 6, the angle between AlB!
orthographic and isometric projection, and abo
and because the latter aids visualiza-
tion, the student is advised actually to Isometric Construction.
draw the isometric solutions in the
manner discussed on page 198 and
Set oft the two planes of reference by
drawing verticals and lines inclined at
described here. 30° to the horizontal. Proceed to trans-
In both drawings the given line is fer the projections of the line. First
AB. In all views we have: projections, mark oft a,po•• and obtain ab and albl.
tab in plan and alb l in elevation; true Then set oft projectors to give the
length. L; horizontal trace, H.T.; position of the line itself, AB.
vertical trace, V.T.; inclination to Obtain the traces H.T. and V.T .
H.P., 6; inclination to V.P., cpo The precisely as described at (b), and
description below applies to both pro- demonstrate that the real line AB pro-
jections. duced passes through the same points.
Orthograpblc Construction. Now determine the rabatted posi-
Fi~. 2. (a) At each end of the tions of the shaded figures. To do this
elevation a l b1, set oft perps. and mark transfer points AI' BI,A.and B. :to locate
oft alA. = aa o and biBs = bbo' Join AI (upper figures) transfer aom, and
A;B. ; this line A.B. gives the true from m set oft mAl' Locate B 1, A. and
lmgth of the line. Similarly. in plan, B. in the same way. (Note: right
set oft aA I and bB I at rt. Ls to ab, angles such as A 1ab will not usually
making aA I = a laO and bB I = b1bo. appear as right angles in the isometric
Join A 1B1 ; this also gives the true view.)
lmgtlJ of the line.

(BefOf'. a1lSw"ing refer to pace 304)
(1) (2) and (3) Determine the true (4) The plan of a line, 3' long. is shown
lengths. traces, and inclinations of each in Ex. 4. The elevation of one end is at
of the lines shown in the figures opposite. hi : complete the elevation and measure
The solution to Ex. 3 is indicated by dotted the inclinations of the line. Ans, 6 =
lines. Ans. (I) L = 3'13', 6 = 18'5°, 41'5°, lp = 19'5°.
ep = 31°. (2) L = 2·87', 6 = 20°, lp = 20°. (5) Repeat Exs. (I) , (2), (4) in 3rd angle
(3) L = 2'5', 6 = 18'5°, cp = 31°. projection,bothorthographicandisometric.
• The isometric acale need not be used, a1tbouah the newt ahown haft been drawn 10 lIC&Ie.

_ _- T


Problem 202. Given the Projections of a Line, to determine its True
Length and Inclinations to the planes of reference (alternative
The constructions given opposite length of AB , and 6 is the inclination
are sometimes more convenient to use of AB to the H .P.
than those given on the previous page. Construction. With b as centre
The line is regarded as the generator and ba as radius, describe an arc to
of a right circular cone having its base intersect be drawn through b and pari
parallel to one of the planes of reference to xy . Project from C and obtain ct
and the problem is solved by obtaining on a horizontal through a l . Join btct;
the true length of this generator and blc t is the true length of the line and 6
the base angle of the cone. is the required inclination.
To determine et the inclination To determine CPt the inclination
to the H .P. Fig. 1. If a line is pari to the V.P. Fi~. 2. The solution is
to the V.P., the true length of the line similar to the foregoing and the pic-
is given by its projection on the V.P., torial view is self-explanatory. The
and its inclination to the H .P. by shaded area ABbla l is turned about
the angle between the projection and Bb l until it is pari to the H .P.; the
xy. projection of BC gives the true length
Consider first the pictorial view; of the line, and the inclination to
AB is the line, and ab alb t are its the V.P., cp, may be measured, as
projections. If the plane figure ABba indicated.
(shaded) turn about Bb as axis until Uses of Conical Surfaces. The
it is pari to the V.P., i.e, in the position conception of a line in space as the
BCcb, the projection of BC on the V.P. generator of an imaginary cone is very
will give the true length, blCt, of the useful, and enables solutions to be
line. As the figure revolves about Bb, visualized readily. The above methods
the line AB traces out a con ical sur- will be adopted frequently in dealing
face; the length of the generator of with problems herein and the student
the cone is given by blc t , and the base should apply them as often as possible
angle of the cone by 6; blc l is the true in working out examples.

Before answering refer to the following (4) With radius If', a circle is drawn
page . on the curved surface of a cylinder 4'
(I) Solve examples I, 2, and 3 on the diam. Determine an elevation of the
previous page by the method discussed curve struck out by the compasses.
above. The problem resolves itself into the
(2) The elevation of a line AB is given following: given the plan of a line and
by albl and the plan of the end B by b. its true length, determine its elevation.
The line is inclined at 30° to H.P. Com- The plan is ab, and its length will vary
plete the plan and measure the distances from 0 to If', always being a chord of
of 11 from ;ty. Ans. -I", 6'. the circle representing the plan of the
(3) Each edge of a pyramid VABC is cylinder. Select a number of positions
31' long. Points P, Q. and R are taken on for ab, and obtain the corresponding
VA, AB, and VC respectively so that elevations, such as albl; a fair curve
VP = I', BQ = f', VR = 2i". Deter- drawn through points bl gives the re-
mine the true shape of the tJ.PQR, quired elevation.
measure the lengths of its sides, and (5) Refer to the figure for Ex. 4. p. 182 .
measure the angle PQR. Determine the true lengths and inclina-
Ans. PR = t '9S', RQ = 2·8', QP = tions to the H.P . of each of the sloping
2,62', angle PQR = 43°. edges of the given solid.


2l- I.


- btJ-

203. The Solution of Problems in Descriptive Geometry.

The student should use and develop Question 1. The projectors of the
at an early stage methods of con- ends A and B of a line AB are 2i"
struction which show the solution of apart; A is 1" above H .P. and Ii"
a problem in the clearest possible behind V.P., B is 2" above the H .P.
manner; further, he should be able to and 2" in front of the V.P. Determine
explain briefly the various steps taken, the true length, traces, and inclina-
not necessarily giving a mathematical tions of the line, also the distance
proof of their accuracy. from xy of a point I" along the line
Two specimen examples are given from B.
below, and the manner in which their
solutions are presented opposite should Question 2. The projectors of two
be adopted for answering questions points, A and B, are 3" apart; A is
generally. 11" above the H .P. and Ii" from V.P.,
B is 2" above H .P. and Ii" from V.P.
Kinds of Lines.-In order of thick- A third point is 2" from A, 3" from B,
ness. and lies in the V.P. Determine its
(i) Construction Lines, thin and position in the V.P. and measure its
continuous. (ii) Hidden Lines, thin height above xy. If its distance from
and dotted. (iii) Projectors, thin and A (2") is fixed and the point remains
broken (i.e... chain "lines). (iv) Data, in the V.P., what is its least possible
e.g, projections, traces, &c., bold lines. distance from B?
(v) Solutions, bold lines. Given Points
to be shown boldly ; points in a solution Hint . There are two solutions to the
to be .. ringed " . problem, given by p and q. Imagine the
rt. Ld f:> s shaded to tum about Bb 1 and
Pictorial Views . Unless the prob- Aa1 until their vertices coincide; i.e, re-
lem is of a standard type and the gard the lines from A and B to the points
solution obvious, the first step is to as being generators of right cones with
make a freehand pictorial (or isometric) apices at A and B. (The least distance (D)
is the length of a generator of a cone with
view. Many solutions are immediately a tangent base circle.)
apparent when the data are presented
in this manner, and such views take Answer the following questions in
the place of models. The pictorial the same manner.
views included in this chapter are all
(3) Regard the two points A and Bin
scale isometric drawings illustrating Ex . 2 as being the ends of the side of an
the solutions adjacent to them. equilateral f:> with its vertex in the H .P .
Draw its plan and elevation and deter-
mine its side. (Ans . 3'12") .
SPECIMEN QUESTIONS AND (4) The projections of a line AB are
SOLUTIONS shown in fig. A second line CD has its
ends in H .P. and V.P., the position of one
The descriptions of the construc- end C being given. CD intersects AB in
tions required for the following two a point Ii" from B. Determine the posi-
tion of D, in the V.P. , and the true length
questions have been omitted inten- of CD. (Ans. 4 '68").
tionally : it is left as an exercise for the Note. If two lines intersect, the inter-
student to arrive at the steps in each sections of their plans and elevations must
solution from a study of the diagrams lie on the same projector.
opposite. (5) The projections of two lines AB
and CD are given in figure, AB being
Solve each question in the perp. to xy . Determine whether the two
manner shown, appending a brief lines intersect, and measure the true
statement of the construction used. length and inclinations of AB. (Answer
not given .)
Note. The pictorial views are to be Hint . Choose a new ground line perp,
drawn freehand and need not be tv to xy and project an auxiliary elevation
scale. of both lines.

AB = 4 ·62" D = 2 "
e = 22° <1>= 49°

QUEs.2 b
-48 " s, 2043~

Problem 204. Given the Inclinations of a Line to each plane of reference,

to determine its Projections.
The inclination of a line to a plane describe an are, cutting xy in a l •
detennines the length of the projection Draw the projector ala to intersect the
of the line upon the plane. semi-circle in a. Join ab, albl: these are
Let a line of length L be inclined at the required projections of the line.
8 to the H.P. and <P to the V.P.: the There is more than one solution,
lengths of its projections are given by and fig. 4 gives the complete solution
rt. Ld triangles, drawn as in fig. I. for the first quadrant of projection
Refer now to the pictorial view, (assuming the ends of the lines to lie
fig . 2. A half-cone, slant height L in the planes of reference). Alter-
and base angle 8 is shown with its native plans are shown by broken
base on the H .P. Anyone of the lines and reference to the pictorial
generators of this half-cone will give view, fig. 5, will explain the reason for
the required plan, of length PQ , but these alternatives: the two lines shown
only two particular generators will give in fig. 5 are diagonals of a rectangular
the required elevation. To solve the solid, and although their elevations
problem, then, it is necessary to select and inclinations to the H .P. are the
generators having elevations equal in same, their plans are unlike.
length to PR; these generators will When one end of the line does
represent the required lines. not lie in a plane of reference, and
The solution may also be obtained is given by its projections, the apex of
by employing a half-cone of base the semi-cone may be taken as coin-
angle cp, with its base in the V.P. ciding with the given point. The pic-
Construction. Fi~. 3. Set off the torial solution to Ex. 4, shown opposite,
given line Pb l of length L inclined at illustrates the method in this case, and
6 to xy, Draw the projector bIb, and is self-explanatory.
with b as centre and bP as rad., de- Note. The sum of the inclinations 6
scribe a semi-circle. Take the length and ~ cannot exceed 90 0 • When (6 + cp)
of the elevation of the line, i.e. PR = 90 the projections are both perp. to
(fig. I), as rad., and with centre b l xy .

(I) A line 3' long, is inclined at 55 0 to the ends of the line. Also measure the
the H.P. and 300 to the V.P. Draw its inclinations of the line to the H.P. and
projections, as in fig. 4. V.P . Ans. 1'72' 330 each.
(z) Solve Ex . 1 by regarding the line A pictorial view of the solution is shown
as the generator of a cone with its axis opposite.
horizontal and its base in the V.P. (5) The projectors of a line AB are
(3) A line is 3' long, its plan measures 1'5' apart ; the end A of the line is '5'
1'9' and its elevation z ·7'. One end is above H.P. and ' 75' from V.P.; the other
'4' from the V.P. and '7' above the H.P. end is I ' from both planes of reference.
Draw the projections of the line and AB is the side of a AABC; C lies in the
determine its traces. H .P. and the sides AC and BC are 1'5'
(4) A line is z'75' long; one end is z' and 1'75" long respectively. Determine
above H .P. and 1'5' from V.P., the other the projections of the A. and measure
end is in the V.P. and l' above the H.P. the distance of C from the V.P. Ans,
Determine its projections and measure 2'1'.
the distance between the projectors of

~ !
\QJ{\~ PO = leng.)/' of plan
\/ Pi? =length of elev"
p e incl'! to HPQ R
(:/>= incl" to VP
~ .

~7e~ I
f}g~ y.~): I

F(q. 3. -, I //
_p-a r{f;;f SOlution . . _. ~t-: -.
Fig. 4

to illustra te
complete 5olution .

Problem 205. To determine the Trace of an Oblique Plane on an

Auxiliary Vertical Plane.
A pictorial view only has been given Join b J to T I• the intersection of HT
to show the solution of this problem: with xlYl--bIT I is the required trace.
the student should have no difficulty If T I is inaccessible a second point
in translating it into the usual ortho- similar to bl may be determined in the
graphic projections. same manner. and VITI drawn through
The planes of reference and the given them .
oblique plane VTH are marked in Note. Use has been made of the
fig . I. It is required to determine fac t that the plan of a horizontal
the trace of the oblique plane on the line ly ing in the plane is pari to the
auxiliary vertical plane shown. H .T . of the plane (refer to fig. II,
At any point a in xy draw aa l perp. page 163). Because ab is pari to HT.
to xy to intersect the V.T. in al' Draw and because bb l = aa l• then bl lies in
ab pari to HT to intersect XlYI' the the oblique plane-for ab is the plan
new ground line. in b. Draw bb l perp. of a horizontal line. Hence b l lies in
to ' XlYI and equal in length to aa l ; both planes and is therefore a point
the point b l is on the required trace. on the required trace.

Problem 206. To convert an Oblique Plane into an Incllned Plane

by means of an Auxiliary Vertical Plane.
The oblique plane is shown by its Construction. Fil1. 3. Take any
traces VTH in fig. 2. It will be seen point T , on HT. and draw XlYI perp.
that if an auxiliary vertical plane to HT to inters ect xy in a. At a draw
(A.V .P.) be introduced with its hori- perps, to both xy and XlYI. the former
zontal trace at rt, Ls to HT, then cutting VT in al' Make aaa = aa l and
referred to this A.V.P. the oblique join aaT,. The traces of the required
plane is sinlply an inclined plane. plane are gi ven by aaTIH. i.e, VITIH.
This inlportant problem is
merely a special case of the fore- Inclination of the oblique plane to
110inl1 problem, with cp = 900. By ~. )H.P . (Refer also to Frob. z33. page
its use many problems involvinl1 The angle between two planes is tlse angle
the oblique plane may be con- between two straiglst line s. one i n e(J(;1s plane.
verted into inclined plane problems drawn from a point on tlse line of inter-
and solved more easily. It is given section of tlse planes and al rt, Ls to tlsis
here in order that standard construe- line.
tions for both inclined and oblique It will be seen' that 6. the angle between
planes may be treated together in the aaT, and sLY" gives the true angle between
following pages. the oblique plane and the H.P., for both
aaT, and aT, are perp . to the H .T. at T l.
Refer first to fig. I. If XlYl had been
chosen to int ers ect xy in a. the con- Special Construction.-When the
struction would have been simplified, real angle between the traces is obtuse,
for b would then have coincided with a. the construction takes the form shown
This has been arranged in fig. 2 and in fig. 4; XlYI is drawn at rt. Ls to
the construction is theretore as follows. HT produced.

(I) The H .T. and V.T. of a plane make Determine the inclination of the plane
angles of 45° and 60° respectively with to the H.P. ADs. ZIo.
"y. Determine the traces of a corre- (3) The H .T. of a plane is inclined at
sponding inclined plane and measure its 65° to :tty. The true inclination of the
inclination to the H.P. Ans. 68". plane to the H .P. is 35°. Determine the
(z) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane make V.T. and measure the angle between V.T.
angles of 70° and 160° respectively with "y. and "y. Ans. 3Zo.
Fig 3.


Fig 4.

Problem 207. To determine the Perpendicular from a glven Point to

a ~iven Plane.
If a straight line is perp. to a plane, into the former type by using the
the projections of the line are perp. to construction given on the previous
the traces of the plane. This theorem page. The solution is shown opposite
underlies the following constructions, in two stages.
and should be kept in mind by the Construction, Fig. za. Let p , PI be
student. the projections of the point and let
Not e. The foot of t he perp. is the VTH be the plane. Con ve rt the
projection of the point upon the given oblique plane into the corresponding
plane. inclined plane VITIH, as in Prob. 2 0 6 ,
(a) For an Inclined Plane. Refer and project a new elevation P2 of the
to the pictorial view. Let P be the point: PP2 is perp. to XtYl and the
given point and VTH the plane. An height of P2 above XtYl = the height
elevation will show an edge view of of PI above xy . The problem is now
the plane, i.e. the plane will be repre- precisely sim ilar to that in (a) above,
sented in elevation by its V.T. As all and to show the similarity corre-
points in the plane have their eleva- sponding lines have been thickened-
tions in VT, this line determines the in. The complete solution is shown
position of the foot of the perp. on the right, fig . zb; draw P2a2 at rt.
Construction. Fig. I. Draw Pial Ls to VITI and determine a by pro-
perp. to VT intersecting it in ai' and jection. To obtain a l project ver tically
project from a l to intersect pa , drawn from a to meet a line from PI drawn at
at rt. Ls to HT, in a. The pro- rt. Ls to VT-as a check t h is should
jections of the required perp. are pa, make the height of a l above xy = the
Pial: its true length is given by Pial' height of a2 above XtYl'
and the projections of the point P on The projections of the required
the plane VTH are given by a, al' perp. are pa Pial: its true length is
(b) For an Oblique Plane. The given by P2a2, and a, a l are the pro-
problem may be at once converted jections of the point on the plane.

(1) The figure shows the projections of from it; a given point is 21" from VP and
a point P , and a plane VTH. Determine 21' above HP. Determine the length and
the perp. from the point to the plane and the projections of the perp. from the point
measure its true length. Ans. 1'7'" to the plane. Ans , 1'92".
(1) Draw the plan and elevation of the (5) Two oblique planes VTH and
projection of the given line AB on the VITIH I are inclined towards each other
plane VTH. From these views determine and their traces make the following angles
the true length of the projection. (Obtain with xy: -HT 45°, VT 60°, HIT I 55°, VITI
the projections of each end, as in (I), 45°. The distance TTl' along xy, is 5". A
and join.) Ans. 2'1". point P in xy is 2' from T . Determine
(3) Draw the projections of a sphere to the lengths of perps. from P to the planes.
touch the plane VTH, and to have the and the projections of' their feet . It
point P, PI as centre. Measure its radius. VITIH I is moved pari to itself until it is
Ans. rad. = 1'05". (Note: the radius of equidistant with VTH from P, through
the sphere will be equal to the true length what distance will T I travel along xy?
of the perp. from the point to the plane.) Ans. Perp. to VTH 1'3''', perp. to V1T~Hl
(4) The traces of a plane, HT and VT, 1'9'; distance '93~
are pari to xy and 11" and 3" respectively



Problem 208. Given the Traces of a Plane and one Projection of a
Point in the Plane, to detennine the other Projection.
The required projection can always alb l through PI intersecting VT and
be obtained by converting the oblique xy. Draw the plan of this line : b will
plane into the corresponding inclined lie in xy and a in HT. Project from PI
plane. The auxiliary elevation of the to intersect ab in p ; P is the required
point must then lie on the new vertical plan.
trace. (b) The plan of a horizontal line
An altema~ve and more con- lying in the plane, will be pari to the
venient method is to use the pro- H .T. of the plane. Draw eld l pari to
jections of a line lying in the plane xy through Pl' By projection obtain
and passing through the point. The c, on xy, and draw cd pari to H .T.
line chosen may be (a) inclined to Project from PI to intersect cd in p :
both H.P. and V.P., (b) pari to H.P., P is the required plan.
(c) pari to V.P. In the solution given, (c) No figure . If a line is pari to the
both (a) and (b) are used, (a) in full V.P. and lies in the plane, its elevation
and (b) in dotted lines. will be pari to the V.T. of the plane.
Let the elevation PI be given; to The construction is similar to that of
determine the plan. (b) and should need no further explana-
Construction . (a) Draw any line tion.
Problem 209. Given one Trace of a Plane and both Projections of a
Point in the plane, to detennine the other Trace.
The solution of this important on the required trace. If the point of
problem should be clear from the intersection of the traces is inacces-
foregoing, of which it is the converse : sible, it is necessary to determine two
the same figures apply. Any of the points on the required trace. This con-
lines at (a) , (b) , or (c) will give a point struction will be required frequently.
Problem 210. To detennine the Point of Intersection of a given Line
and Plane.
(a) Solution for Inclined Plane. an auxiliary elevation alb. of the line,
(No figure .) The elevation of the on A.V.P.; its intersection with the
required point is given by the inter- trace VITI gives PI the point of inter-
section of the elevation of the line and section in the auxiliary elevation.
the V.T. of the plane. The plan of Obtain p, the required plan, by pro-
the point is determined by projection jecting from PI perp. to XlYI ' Then
from the elevation. project from P vertically to intersect
(b) Solution for Oblique Plane. alb l in PI ; PI is the required elevation.
Let AB (ab alb l) be the line and VTH An alternative method, involving
the plane. Convert the oblique plane the construction for the line of inter-
into an inclined plane by means of section of two planes, will be discussed
an A.V.P. as in Prob. 206. Project later; see Problem 236, page 238.
(I) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane make from the projectors of the point. Deter-
35° and 60° resp. with xy. A point P, 2'" mine the V.T. of the plane and measure
above H.P. and I'" from V.P. , lies in the the angle between VT and xy. Ans.
plane. Determine its projections and 671°.
measure the distance of the projectors (4) The H.T . and V.T. of a plane make
from T. Ans. 2,6"'. 60° and 45° resp. with xy. The projectors
(2) As a check assume your elevation of a line AB are 2'" apart and T falls on
in (I) to be correct and confirm the posi- the projectors of A. The end A is 2'" from
tion of the plan by the three methods H.P. and 21'" from V.P.; B is 1'" from H.P .
given above. and 11'" from V.P. Determine the point
(3) A point is II'" above H.P. and I l'" of intersection and measure its real dis-
from V.P. The H.T. of a plane containing tance from A. AnS.2·25"'.
it makes 40° with xy and meets xy 21'"
71 3

I d
, -i-----


PR06LEM 208


PROBLEM 210. ·x,
Problem 211. To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall contain
a aiven Point and be perpendicular to a given Line.·
This problem may be solved by d a line drawn from Xl perp. to xy.
using an A.V.P., taken par! to the Join dT: this line is the V.T. of the
line; its H.T. will be par! to the plan required plane.
of the given line. A plane perp. to It should be noted that VT and
the line, referred to this A.V .P., will HT are perp. respectively to alb l
be simply an inclined plane. and ab, and if T is inaccessible VT
Construction. Figs. 1 and 2 . Let may be drawn perp. to alb l•
ab, alb l, and P, PI be the projections of Alternative Construction. Be-
the given line and point: (alb l is not cause VT and HT are perp. to alb l
shown in the pictorial view to prevent and ab, an easy solution results. Refer
confusion). Draw X1Yl pari to ab, to the dotted lines in fig. 2. Through
cutting xy in Xl Determine the pro- P draw pm perp. to ab to meet xy in
jections, alb: of the line, and PI of m. Draw PIn pari to xy to meet a
the point, on the A.V.P. represented projector from m; n, the point of
by X1Yl ' Through PI draw p~ perp. to intersection, is in the V.T. of the
aaba to intersect .t'1Yl in e; this line is required plane, for pm and PIn are
the trace of the required plane on the the projections of a horizontal line
A.V.P. Through e draw HT perp. lying in the plane. Through n draw
to X1Yl' giving the H.T. of the required VT perp. to alb l and from T draw
plane. TH perp. to abo Alternatively a line
It is now necessary to reverse the lying in the plane, and par! to the
construction of Prob. 206. At Xl draw V.P., may be used.
.t'ld a perp. to X1Yl to intersect epa Should the point m fall outside the
produced in d a• With centre Xl and limits of the paper the more general
rad. xld t describe an arc to meet in method given above must be used.

Problem 212. From a given Point to draw a Perpendicular to a aIven

The solution follows from the fore- by PaCa ; obtain c and '1
by projection
going problem, for the plane perp. to and join pc and PIC I-these give the
the line and containing the point projections of the required perp.
must contain the perp. from the point Alternative Method (1). Join the
to the line: further, the line joining point to the ends of the line and use
the given point to the point of inter- auxiliary projections as in Problem 152.
section of the line and the plane will Alternative Method (2). Refer to
be the required perp. Prob, 220, page 224. Determine the
Construction. As in Prob. 211 plane containing the point and the
determine aaba and Pae, and the point line. Rabat into the H.P. and drop a
of intersection ca' The auxiliary pro- perp. from the point to the line. Then
jection of the required perp. is given raise into the inclined position again.

(1) Using the data given in figure, (2) Solve (I) if the projectors 01 B are
determine a plane to contain the point moved towards those of A until the

PPI and to be perp. to the line ab al b1 ; dimension I ' is reduced to 1', all other
also determine the perp. from the point dimensions reI!l.aining the same. Deter-
to the line. Measure the distance PoT mine the traces and the distance poT on
and the length of the perp. Ans..3'85', the assumption that T is inaccessible.
1'07'· Ans. 23'75 '69'.

• Thi. problem, lind Problem 2n, may be found difficult at a lint -dina. If 10, the ,Ndy of them may
be deferred.
21 5


2/1 IX 212



Problem 213. To detennine the Projection, Trace, and Inclination of

a given Line, referred to a given Plane.
Let AB be the given line, projec- not as complicated as it appears; the
tions ab alb l, and VTH the given plane. student is recommended actuallv to
Solution for Inclined Plane. Fl~s. draw the given line and plane, ii'g. 5.
1,2, and 3. no new principle and to work through the construction
involved in this construction, and by step by step.
referring to both pictorial and ortho- Construction. First draw the
graphic views the student should have corresponding inclined plane V 1T IH :
no difficulty in following the solution, T I has been chosen on HT produced,
Construction. Produce alb l to meet so that X1YI and the auxiliary con-
VT in PI ; project from PI to meet ab struction are taken clear of the main
produced in p: P, P1 are the projections figure-the method should be carefully
of the trace of the line on the plane. noted. Determine the auxiliary eleva-
The projections of the ends of the tion alb l of the line. projecting at rt.
line on the plane VTH are determined Ls to X1YI' Produce azbz to intersect
as in Prob. 207, page 210. Draw a 1c I VITI in Pl' Project from P., at rt.
and bld l perp. to VT. Project from Ls to X1Y1' to intersect ab produced
c 1 and d l to intersect lines from a and in p. Thence project from p at rt.
b drawn at rt. Ls to HT. Join the Ls to xy and determine Pion alb l
points of intersection c and d: cd, cld l produced: p, PI are the projections of
are the plan and elevation of the re- the trace of the line on VTH.
quired projection of the line. The projection of the line ab a.b.
The inclination ex of the line with on the plane VITIH is similar to the
the plane, is the angle between the first construction: after obtaining the
line and its projection on that plane. plan cd, project from alb l at rt. Ls to
Determine the true length of CD. and VT to meet verticals from c and d in
set out the true shape of the AAPC, c i and d l. cd, cld l are the plan and
fig. 2, giving Clt the required inclination: elevation of the required projection.
(fig. 2 may be incorporated in fig. 3) . To obtain ex. find the true length of
Solution for Oblique Plane. Fl~s, CD, the projection of the line on the
" and S•• By converting the oblique plane, and set off perps. at the ends
plane into the corresponding inclined equal in length to alc. and bzda. Hence
plane, the problem resolves itself into obtain the true shape of the A APC:
the foregoing. The solution, fig. 4. is in the figure this is shown dotted .

(I) Solve Prob. ZI3 applying the fol- tively. The projections of a line are
lowing dimensions to fig. 3. VTy = 30°, perp. to xy. The end nearer xy is Ii' from
GoTr= 'z', aobo = 3', 0.00.1 = 3', 0.00. = both H.P. and V.P.; the other end is
'75', bob1 = Z'5', bob = 3'. Measure ex and 21' from H .P. and 31' from V.P. Deter-
the true length of the projection of the mine the trace, projection, and inclination
line. Ans. 30'5°, 3·Z5'. of the line, referred to the plane. (Draw
(2) Use the data given in fig. 5 to solve first an end view with the planes of
Prob. ZI3. Measure ex and the true length reference open at 90°.)
of the projection of the line. Ans. 43°, (4) Answer question (3) if the line is
1·82"'. not perp. to xy, the distance between its
(3) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane are projectors being 3'.
pari to xy and distant 31' and 2t' respec-

• For the determination of II only Bee Problem za8, p. zz8

21 7

Fig 2.

PROBLeM 213.

TRACE. AND INCLINATION OF" -x+t<T.::....--+------+-+--+----:'f




Problem 214. To determine the Projections of a Line of given Length

L, lying in a given Plane VI'H, and (a) inclined at 8 to the H.P.,
(b) inclined atcp to the V.P., (c) inclined ate to the H.P., and with
one-End at a given Point in the given Plane.
This problem is used when deter- (b) Inclined at cp to V.P. Fig. 2.
mining the projections of a plane This construction is similar to that of
figure, given the plane in which it lies (a), except that the line L is set off
and the inclination of one edge. below xy at an angle <p to xy, and the
The solution is as follows . Suppose base of the cone drawn above xy . Here
the line to be the generator of a right also another solution obtains, in the
circular cone, having a base angle = 4th quadrant.
the inclination of the line, and situated (c) Inclined at 9 to the H.P. and
with its apex in the plane and its base with one end at a, a 1 in the given
(a) in the H .P. : (b) in the V.P. A line plane . Fig. 3. Draw the elevation
lies wholly in a plane if its ends lie alB of a line of length L pari to the
in the plane; if then a generator is V.P., inclined at 6 to H .P., and having
selected, the base end of which lies one end at a l. Produce this line to the
in the plane, this generator represents H.P., and project its plan ac, With
the required line. centre a and rad, ac describe an arc
Construction. (a) Inclined at 9 cutting HT in Cz and ca' Join ac z and
to H.P. Fig. 1. (i) Full lines only. aca. These are the plans of two
Draw a line alc, of length L , above xy suitable lines ; it only remains to
and inclined at 6 to xy . Through a l mark off the given length along them
draw the traces VTH of the plane. and determine the projections of the
Determine a on xy , the projection of part. The construction should be
(11' and with centre a and ac as rad. clear from the figure; ab alb l are the
describe an arc cutting TH in b. Pro- required projections, and the alter-
ject from b and obtain b l on xy. Join native plan is shown dotted (the alter-
ba, b1al . The point a l, a is in the V.T. native elevation has been omitted as
of the plane, and b1, b is in the H .T .; it practically coincides with alB).
the line ab alb1lies wholly in the plane ; Another' method is as follows. Draw the
it is inclined at 6 to the H.P., and is ' projections of a line of length L, exactly
therefore a solution to the problem. as in (a) above, and draw equal and parallel
(ii) Dotted lines only. Another solu- projections through the given point. These
tion, of little practical value, will are the required projections.
be given by continuing the conical LiIniting Value. It should be
surface into the znd quadrant to cut noted that if the line is to lie in the
the plane produced. plane, its inclination cannot be greater
than the inclination of the plane.

The H.T. and V.T. of a plane make the distances of the other end of the line
angles of 45° and 60° respectively with xy. from H.P . and V.P. Ans. 1'; 31'.
Determine the projections of a line 3' long: (4) which is pari to the plane, inclined
(I) lying in the plane and inclined at at 35° to H.P., and has one end in a point
30° to H .P. Measure its inclination to 2' above H .P . and l' from V.P., the
V.P. ADs. 47°. projectors of the point being I ' from T .
(2) lying in the plane and inclined at Measure the distances of the other end of
40° to V.P. Measure its inclination to the line from H.P . and V.P. Ans. 1'·
H .P. Ans. 47°. 2·67'. (Hint. Draw any line 3' long, in
(3) lying in the plane, inclined at 30° the plane and inclined at 35° and through
to H.P., and having one end in a point the given point draw equal pari pro-
2' above H .P. and I' from V.P. Measure jections.)
21 9

a Y

x PROBLEM 214.
Problem 215. To rabats a given Plane, or any Point in the Plane, into
the Horizontal.
This problem and its converse, Ld D. PpaP, of which it is the hypo-
Prob. 216, are important because of tenuse.
the frequency with which they occur This D. is drawn in fig. 3 : the
in other constructions. length of the perp. Pp is taken from the
Construction-for Inclined Plane. elevation (=PtPo) . With pz as centre
Fig. 1. Let VTH be the given plane and PzP, the hypotenuse, as rad.,
and p, PI the projections of a point in describe an arc to intersect PP. pro-
the plane. With T as centre and TPI duced in Pa; Pa is the rabatment of P.
as rad. describe the arc PtPz; this is Note. The angle PPaP (6) = in-
the elevation of the path of the point clination ofVTH to HP.
during the rabatment of the plane, and (b) Rabatment of the plane. Take
P. is the elevation of its rabatted any point in VT, projections a, al'
position. Through P draw PPa perp. Draw aag perp. to HT and produce it.
to HT, and project from Pa to intersect With centre T and rad. Tal' describe
it in Pa; PPa is the plan of the arc, and an arc to intersect in a z the produced
Pa is the plan of the rabatment of line aao. Join Ta z and produce it: the
the point. Obviously there is another rabatted plane is given by VzTH .
solution to the left of H.T. Note. The angle VzTH (ot) is the true
Construction-for Oblique Plane. angle between the traces of the plane .
Figs. 2 and 3 . Alternative Construction for
(a) For a point P in the plane. Oblique Plane. Fig. 4 . Convert the
Refer to fig. 2 . As VTH is rabatted oblique plane into an inclined plane,
into the H .P., the plan P will move to by using an A.V.P. , and solve the
Pa along a line at rt, Ls to HT, and problem as in fig. I. The construction
PaPa = Ppz . The distance Ppz can is shown clearly in fig. 4, and is self-
be obtained by constructing the rtf explanatory.

Problem 216. Given the Traces of a Plane and the rabatted position
of a Point in the Plane, to determine the Projections of the Point
when raised into the Plane.
Adopt the construction in fig. 4, and given Pa, but as this involves .the
by working backwards from Pa, the direct determination of 6, the method
given rabatment, obtain P, Pl' indicated in fig. 4 is preferable where
An obvious alternative is the re- only one point is concerned.
construction of D. PzPP in fig. 3,

In the following, assume an oblique Ans. 1'38', '95". (First obtain the point
plane, the H.T. making 45° and the V.T. in the rabatted plane.)
60° with xy, (3) A point C is 3" above H.P. and 2'
(I) A point A in the plane is 2" above from V.P. and lies in the plane. Draw a
H.P. and I ' from V.P. Rabat the point line from C making 60° with H.T., and
and plane into the H.P. and measure, regard this line as the base of an isosceles
(a) the angle between the traces and (b) t:. . altitude Ii", lying in the plane.
the distance of A from T. Ans. 70°, Determine the projections of the t:. and
3'1'. measure the height of the 3rd comer
(2) A point B in the plane is It" from above H .P. Ans. (two solutions) 2'2',
V.T. and I!" from H.T. Determine its
projections and measure (a) its height
-s-.(4) Solve (I) by rabatting into the V.P.
above H.P., (b) its distance from V.P. Check the answers.
• A term taken from Mongean geometry.

/ '- -------.. -
Solution for
inCl"if1eCi 7!lane

ci - true angle
PROBLEM 2/5. between VT g,- HT
TO RABAT A GIVEN x 't:----d,I.~ _ _-I-

.~ H
.'----- ~. £ig.3.
Solution for oblique
_Elane. -
Projections of Plane Figures. (See also page 226 .)
Problem 217. To determine the Projections of any plane rectillnear
Figure, given the Inclinations of its Plane and of one of its Sides.
Let the given figure be an equi- part of ab 2 construct the given 6. ,
lateral 6., and let 6 be the inclination erl.e2' Raise each of the points e-Pzez
of its plane, and « the inclination of into VTH, and project their plans
a side, both to the H.P. Draw the cde-the construction for one point
traces VTH, fig. 1, of an inclined d s is as follows: project do from d 2 ,
plane making 6 with H .P. Place a and with centre a l and rad. aldo,
line, inclined at « to the H .P., in the describe an arc intersecting VT in
plane VTH, a:s in Prob. 214; ab alb l , d l ; project from d l to meet in d a line
are the projections of the line. Rabat from d 2 drawn pari to xy. The 6. ede
bl into the H.P., as in Prob. ~15, and is the required plan. Fig. 2 shows a
draw ab z, the rabatted line. On any pictorial view of the construction.
Problem 218. A given Parallelogram represents the Plan of a Square;
to determine the Side of the Square and the Inclination of the
Plane of the Square to H.P.
Let abed, fig. 3, be the given parm • Draw the bisectors ggl and PP'I'
The major axis of the principal inscribed intersecting in n. Draw pm perp. to
ellipse to this parm is equal to the side ad and equal to pd. Join mn, and on
of the required square, for the ellipse is mn as diarn., describe a circle, centre o,
the projection of a circle inscribed to the Join po, and produce it to meet the
square. The inclination of the plane circle in 1': pr = the semi-major axis,
of the ellipse is the angle which the and pq = the semi-minor axis. The
major axis (or diam, of circle) must side of the square is given by 2 . pr.
make with the H.P. for the length of At q draw qk perp. to pr, and with
its plan to equal the minor axis. The cerrtre p and rad. pI', draw an arc
construction for obtaining the axes to intersect qk in k. Join pk: the
is given on page 32 , and is repeated angle qpk (6) is the inclination of the
here. plane of the square to the H .P.
Problem 219. A Triangle ABC is similar to a given Triangle AlBlC l,
and its Plan is given by abc: to determine ABC, and its Inclin-
ation to the H.P.
On be, fig. 6, construct (dotted) the' Be of the required 6. , and lying in
6. beal , similar to the given 6. BICIA I• the same plane. Determine the side
fig. 5, and (full lines) the square bcfe . of the square, and the inclination of
Join aJ and aa l • Draw agh through the plane of the square as in Prob. 218.
g to meet f/r. drawn pari to aa l : i.e. The side of the square = 2pr. On
make hg: ga ::f g : gal ' Join he and BC (fig. 4) as base (and equal to
complete the parm behk: this is the 2 • pI') draw a 6. ABC similar to AIBIC I:
plan of a square attached to the side this is the required 6..

(I) An isosceles 6 has a base 2'5" and (4) The plan of a square is a par lU, sides
sides 3'. The 6 lies in a plane inclined 3" and 41"', included angle 45°. Determine
at 50° to H .P., and a long side is inclined the side of the square and the inclination
at 30° to H.P.Project the plan . of its plane to the H .P. Ans. 5"', 68°.
(2) The plane of a square, 2.' side. is (5) The sides of the plan of an equilateral
inclined at 60° to H.P., and one diagonal 6 are 3', 2.', and It" long. Determine
is inclined at 30° to H.P. Project its plan . the side of the 6 and the inclination of
(3) The square in (2) is the base of a the 6 to the H.P. Ans. 3'IN, 58° (check
cube. Project the plan of the cube. the answer by applying Prob. 217) .



bL..- "*-_----=>...~-I--~ ~ Figd



Be = 2.jJr. c
Problem 220. Given two intersecting Straight Lines, to determine
(8) the Plane containing them, and (b) the True Angle between
the Lines.
Alternatively, 3 points not in the section p, PJ into the H.P., at PI' as
same straight line may be given; or in Frob. 215, and join PI to ht and htt] ;
else a line, and a point not contained the angle ex included between these
by the line. Either may be converted lines is the true angle between AB and
into this problem, the one by joining CD .
the points, and the other by joining The inclination of the plane of the
the point and the ends of the line. lines to the H .P. is given by the angle
Many problems in Descriptive Geo- 0, fig. 2 .
metry reduce to this problem, and a
number of them will be considered on Note. If the trace of either of the
the following page. two given intersecting lines is incon-
veniently situated, take another line
(a) To detennine the Plane intersecting both the given lines, the
containing the given Lines. Let trace of which is more accessible.
AB and CD, fig. I, be the two in- If one line is pari to both HP and
tersecting straight lines, shown by VP then the traces of the plane are
their projections ab ~bt, cd c]d], in pari to xy, and one po int on each,
fig. 2. It should be noted that as the given by the traces of the other line,
lines intersect, the plan and elevation is sufficient to determine them.
of the point of intersection p, p] must lie
on the same projector. Determine the Alternative Method. Fig. 3.
horizontal and vertical traces of the ex and 0 may also be obtained by
lines, ht htt], and vt vItI' as in Frob. means of auxiliary projections. Re-
201. The traces of the plane contain- gard the two lines as being adjacent
ing the lines must contain the traces sides of a f:" , and find its true shape
of the lines, and they are given at and _inclination in precisely the same
once by joining ht htt] and vt vJt]. way as in Frob. 152 , page 166 . In
These lines should intersect in xy, as the figure, the construction has been
in fig. II , page 163 . shortened somewhat by taking the
horizontal line ae ale] as the third
(b) To detennine the Angle be- side of the f:,, : i.e. the point d, d] is
tween the Lines. If the plane and not projected.
lines be rabatted into the H .P., the This method is important, and fre-
true angle between the lines may be quently gives an easier solution than
measured. Rabat the point of inter- that in fig. 2 .

Three points A, B, and C are situated Also draw the projections of a line CD
as follows: 2' long bisecting the angle ACB.
Distances above H .P., Ai', B 2', C 1': (3) A point D is 21' above H.P. and
distances from V.P., A I', B i', C 2'. The I ' from V.P., and its projections are I '
projectors of B are I ' to the right of those to the right of those of B. Ignore the
of A; of C, 2' to the right of those of B. point C. Through D draw a line DE of
Join AB and BC and regard them as two any length par' to AB. Determine the
intersecting straight lines. plane containing AB and DE ; measure
(I) Determine the traces of the plane the angle between its traces and the true
containing AB and BC and measure its distance between AB and DE . ADs. 60°,
inclination to H .P. and the angle ABC. '9 1 ' .
ADs. 61io, 83°. (If two lines are pari their projections
(2) Join AC, and adopting the alter- are par'. Obtain the traces of the lines
native method, find the true shape of the and rabat into the H .P. to obtain the
Ll ABC and check the answers to (I) . distance between them.)


j,~ P,
fi rtzonlal

\ Fig~
Alternative method
\ using a(/xi!iary
cc Jroe angle
between lines . \
8 =inclination of
plane to HP
Problem 221. Given the Inclinations of two intersecting straight
Lines, and the Angle between them; to determine the Projections
of the Lines and the Plane containing them.
This problem is required in obtain- sect the arc in a l. As Ao moves to
ing the projections of a plane figure, a l in elevation, the plan moves along
given the inclinations of two of its Aa perp. to BC, meeting a projector
sides and the angle between them. from a l in a. Join aB and aC; these
Let the lines contain an angle cp and are the required projections of the
be inclined at angles ex and ~ to the H.P. lines, for it will be seen that if one end
Construction. Fi~. 1. Draw any of both AB and AC (fig. I) is raised a
two lines AB and AC, inclined at ex distance = AD, measured vertically,
and ~, and intersecting at A. Draw the lines must be inclined at ex and ~
AQ. perp. to any horizontal line BCD. to the H .P. Join Tal and produce it;
Fi~. 3. Taking their lengths from VTH is the plane containing the lines
fig. I, set off, in any position, AB and and II is its inclination.
AC , including an angle cp. Join CB Llmltlng Values. The sum ex ~ +
and draw xy perp. to it at T. Regard + cp cannot exceed 180°: when it has
ABC as a A rabatted about BC into this value the plane containing the
the H .P. Raise the vertex A until its lines is perp. to H.P.
height above the H.P. = AD (fig. I). Lines of ~iven Iength, Proceed
To do this project from A to Ao on as above with lines of any length,
xy, and with centre T and rad. TAo, mark off the given lengths along them
describe an arc; draw a line pari to in the rabatted view, and raise into
xy, and distant AD from it, to inter- position.

222. Plane Figures.

Refer to figs. ~ and 4. Let ADEF be often occurs. The plane may be re-
a given plane figure; let cp be known and garded as extending below xy and
let the inclinations to the H .P. of AD revolving about TC as shown; or it
and AF be ex and (3. To determine the may be translated to the left to
plan of ADEF and the inclination to include the whole of the figure. The
the H.P. of the plane of the figure. plan of ADEF in the raised position
Obtain the plane of the figure by is given by adef and the construction
using any two lines AB and AC, as should be clear from the drawing.
above. Mark off AD and AF along It should be noted that although the
AB and AC and complete the quadri- data are sufficient to fix a plan they
lateral, as shown in fig. 4; it has been permit of any number of elevations.
chosen to overlap BC, as this case

(I) Lines z' and II' long contain an plan and elevation. (First draw the plan,
angle of 60° and are inclined respectively as in fig. 4 ; this plan satisfies the question.
at 30° and 45° to H .P . They are adjacent If one side is to be inclined at 30° with
sides of a parm ; determine the plan of the H .P. and 60° with V.P., it must be perp. to
parm and the inclination of the plane con- xy. Determine then an auxiliary elevation
taining it. (Ans. 47°.) on a new xy line perp. to one side .)
(z) Draw the plan of a regular hexagon, (4) A rectangle 3# X 4# revolves about
side Ii', adjacent edges inclined at zoo a diagonal, which is horizontal, until the
and 30° to H.P. and determine the in- angles opposite the diagonal are 120° in
clination of the plane containing it. (Ans. the plan. Draw the plan of the rectangle
571°·) and determine its inclination to the H.P.
(3) The adjacent sides of a z' square (Take the diagonal perp. to V.P. Use
are inclined at 30° to H.P. If one edge Frob. 5, page ro) (Ans. 55°.)
also makes 60° with V.P., determine its


Fig 2

\ !:f


Exercises on Problem 220.

The following are six exercises on duced. Those illustrated opposite
Frob. 220. to which they may be re- should be worked out by the student.
Problem 223 (Fig. 1). To determine the Projections of a Line which
shall pass through a given Point PPI and meet a given Line ab a 1b 1
at a given Angle, say 30°. (When the angle is flJo refer to Problem 212.)
(Measure the length of the line. also figure . Draw P2C2 at rt. Ls to b2a2
the length of the perp. from the point produced; this gives the required
to the line. produced if necessary .) perp. Draw PrJ2 at 30° to b2a2 and
Construction. Join pa PIal' and raise d 2 into position. Join pd pld l;
determine the plane containing pa these give the projections of the re-
PIal and ab alb l. Rabat both the quired line . Ans. Length of line
line ab alb l• and the point p . PI into 4'4~ ; length of perp., 2 ·2~.
the H .P.. given by a 2b2 and P2 in
Problem 224 (Fig. 2). To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall
contain one given Line, cd c 1d1 • and be parallel to another given
Line ab a 1b 1 • Also to determine the Distance of the second Line
ab a 1b1 from the Plane. (This problem is used on the following page.)
Construction. Draw the projec- plane. VITI' and project an auxiliary
tions of any line ef eJI intersecting elevation a tb2 of abo This elevation
cd cld l and pari to ab alb l . Deter- atb t should be pari to VtT I, and the
mine the plane containing cd ctd t and distance D is the required distance
ef eJt; this is the required plane. between the line ab alb t and the
Convert this plane into an inclined plane. Ans. D = · 59~ .
Problem 225 (no figure). To determine the Traces of a Plane which

shall contain a given Point and be parallel to two given Lines.
Method. This problem is similar the given lines and determine the
to the previous problem. Through traces of the plane containing them.
the point draw lines pari to each of
Problem 226 (Fig. 3). To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall
contain a given Line ab a 1b 1 and be perpendicular to a given Plane
Construction. Draw the projec- lie on a common projector. Deter-
tions cd c1d l of any line to intersect mine the traces of the plane containing
the given line and be perp. to the ab alb l and cd cld l ; this is the re-
given plane : cd will be perp. to HT, quired plane. (Measure the inclination
and ctd l to VT. and the intersections of this plane to HP.) Ans. 62°.
of ab and cd, and of alb l and cld t will
Problem 227 (no figure). To determine the Traces of a Plane which
shall contain a given Point and be perpendicular to two given
Method. Through the point draw and determine the traces of the plane
lines perp. to each of the given planes containing the lines.
Problem 228 (no figure). To determine the Angle between a given
Plane and a given Line.
Method. Draw a line at rt. Ls to is an alternative to that given for one
the plane and intersecting the given part of Prob. 213 . page 216. Solve
line; determine the angle between the by this method Ex. 2 , page 216,
two lines. This angle is the comple- obtaining at only-use the method of
ment of the angle between the given auxiliary projections, fig. 3. page 225 .
line and the plane. This construction




Problem 229. To determine the Length and Projections of the Line

giving the Sht'rtest Distance between two given Straight Lines
which neither intersect nor are parallel.
It is proved in pure geometry that projections of the common perp. PQ
if two straight lines neither intersect at the point of intersection P.
itor are pari then : Construction. (The student is
I . There is one straight line which advised to draw the figure as he reads
is perp. to both of the given lines. the text using the lines shown in fig. 2
2 . The length of this common perp, -to which both figs. I and 3 refer.)
is the shortest distance between the The projections of the given lines
lines. (fig. 3) are ab alb l, and cd Cldl" Draw
Refer to the pictorial view, fig. I, any line ef edl pari to cd 'Idl and
in which AB and CD are the given intersecting ab albl-the points of
lines. The following are the steps in intersection in plan and elevation
the construction: must lie on the same projector. Obtain
(a) Draw the line EF pari to CD, the traces, V.T. and H .T., of the
intersecting AB. plane containing ab alb l, and ef edl'
(b) Determine the traces of the Convert this plane into an inclined
plane containing AB and EF-Prob. plane VITI' by using an auxiliary
vertical plane, ground line Xt.Yl. Pro-
(c) Determine the distance between ject c,{ia, the auxiliary elevation of cd
CD and the plane, i.e. between CD on Xt.Yl--c,{is should prove to be pari
and its projection on the plane, by to VIT 1. The distance L between c,{is
using an A.V.P. and converting the and VIT 1 is the shortest distance
plane into an inclined plane. between the two lines, and is the
length of the common perpendicular.
(Steps (4) (b) and (c) occur in Prob. Project cd c,{is on the inclined
224 on previous page ; they are re- plane VITI and obtain the plan cria'
peated here to make the construction From p, the point of intersection of
clear.) ab and cada, draw pq pari to dri; obtain
If now CD be projected on the plane, its elevation Plql by projection. The
and a perp. to the plane be drawn from projections of the common perp. are
P, the point of intersection of AB and given by pq Plql. (If the line cd be
the projection cria of CD, this perp. regarded as a succession of points it
will intersect CD in Q, and PQ will be will be seen that we have merely
perp. to both AB and CD. PQ is the selected the particular projector that
required line. Hence ' falls upon ab ; this projector is perp.
(d) Determine the projection, cria, of to the line cd cld l, and also to the line
CD on the plane (Prob. 213) and the ab alb l which lies in the plane.)

(1) Fig. 2 shows the projections of two Referred to the projectors of C. those
lines. Determine the length and projec- of B, D, and A are displaced I', 4', and
tions of the common perpendicular. Ans. 7' to the right, respectively. Join AB and
L = 1·05'. CD.
(2) Four points are disposed as follows: (a) Determine the length of the com-
mon perp. to AB and CD. Ans. 1·82'; or,
Distance above H.P.: (b) Regard AB and CD as the axes of two
A, I'; B,4'; C, 0; D, 11'. cylindrical shafts, the diarn . of one being
twice that of the other. Determine their
Distance from V.P.: greatest possible diameters-to the nearest
A, 31'; B, 0; C, 4'; D, o. tenth of an inch. Ans. 1'2', 2'4'.
23 1

PQ is the
L = shortest distance common
-V-~een AB
I and cD.
to AB l!t CD.

Fig 3.

Problem 230. To determine the Least Distance between two Parallel
Oblique Planes.
If two oblique planes are pari, their is the converted plane. Draw VItI par!
traces are also par', but the distance to VITI; the distance D is the required
between the traces does not give the distance between the two par! planes.
true distance between the planes. The Alternative Method. Fi~. 3. At
least distance is given by the inter- any point a in xy, draw afg perp. to
cepted length of a common perp. to xy to meet the vertical traces in f and
the planes. To draw a common perp. g. Regard this line as the common
convert the oblique planes into inclined axis of two right circular semi-cones.
planes, by means of an A.V.P. , shown With centre a draw tangent arcs to
pictorially in fig. 2, and measure the the horizontal traces, meeting xy in e
intercepted length of a perp. to the and d. Join ge and fd . The distance
vertical traces. D is the required distance between
Construction. Fi~. 1. Let VTH the planes. (The angle fda or gea gives
and vth be the traces. Draw XtYl perp. the inclination of the planes to the
to HT and ht, and convert either of the H.P.-see next page.)
J?lanes into an inclined plane ; VITIH
Problem 231. To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall contain
a given Point and be Parallel to a given Plane.
Let vth be the traces of the plane quired plane par! to ht. Complete by
and p, PI the projections of the point, drawing the V.T. from T pari to vt.
fig. 4. Two methods are shown, one Method 2. Dotted lines. Through
in full lines and the other dotted. the plan P of the point, draw a line
Construction. Method 1. Full pari to ht. At its point of intersection
lines . Convert the oblique plane vth with xy erect a perp , to meet a hori-
into an inclined plane Vltlh, and project zontal through Pl' The point of
an auxiliary elevation PI of the point intersection is in the vertical trace of
on X1YI' Through PI draw VITI pari the required plane, which ma.y be
to vItI; at the intersection of VITI drawn pari to vt. Complete by draw-
with X1YI draw the H .T. of the re- ing the H.T. from T pari to ht.
Problem 232. To determine the Projections of a Line to pass throuah
a given Point, to be inclined at a given Angle to the H.P., and to
be parallel to a given Plane. (No figure.)
Determine a plane to contain the be inclined at the given angle, and to
point and to be pari to the given lie in the plane containing the point,
plane, as in Prop. 231; then deter- as in Prob. 214.
mine a line to pass through the point,
(I) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane are above the H.P. and 2" from the V.P.
inclined at 4So and 60° resp . to :JlY. The Draw the traces of a plane to contain the
traces of a par! plane intersect xy Ii" given point and to be pari to the given
from T and outside the angle VTH . plane. Determine the true distance be-
Determine the least distance between tween the planes and show that it is the
the planes. Draw the traces of another same as the length of a perp . from the
parI plane on the opposite side of the point to the given plane. Ans. ·S' .
given plane and distant II' from it. Ans. (4) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane are
'98'. parI to :Jly and distant 3' and 21' resp.
(2) Solve Frob. 231 using the data A point is z" from the H.P. and V.P.
given in the figure. Determine the projections of a line, ~
(3) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane make to the plane. passing through the point,
Ls of 120° and 30° resp. with :JlY. The and inclined at 30° to H.P. Measure the
projectors of a point are i' from T and inclination of the line to t.he ·V.P. Ans.
outside the angle VTH; the point is It" I 351°.




Problem 233. Given the Traces of a Plane, to determine its Inclination

to each of the planes of reference.
Method 1. By the use of auxiliary at C. By similar reasoning, the base
planes. Figs. 1 and 2. angle of this cone gives the inclination
This method has already been cp of the plane to the V.P.
referred to in Prob. 206. By convert- Construction. Fig. 5. VTH is the
ing the oblique plane into (a) an given plane. Draw aod perp. to xy,
inclined plane, (b) a perp. plane, its and ob and oc perp. to HT and VT
inclinations respectively to the H .P. respectively. With centre 0 and radii
and V.P. are obtained. The construc- ob and oc describe arcs intersecting xy
tions are shown separately in figs. I in e and f respectively. Join ae and
and 2, which are self-explanatory, fd; the angle aeo gives the inclination
VTH being the plane, and 6 and cp its 6 to the H.P., and the angle dfo the
inclinations. inclination cp to the V.P.
Method 2. ),By the use of semi- From the construction it will be
cones. Figs.~, 4, and 5. evident that a plane is determined if one
(a) Inclination to H.P.; angle 8. trace and one angle of inclination art!
Fig. 3. Consider a vertical semi-cone given.
axis AO, arranged with its apex A in Note. (6 + cp) must lie between 90°
the V.T. of the given plane VTH, and +
and 180° ; when (6 cp) = 90°, both
with its base in the H.P. and touching traces are pari to xy; when (6 + cp) =
the H.T. of the plane at B. The- plane 180°, both traces are perp. t.o sy,
will touch the cone along the generator
Special Cases.
AB, for A and B lie in the traces of the
plane. As TH is tangential to the base (I) When the traces are par l to xy, a pro-
circle of the cone, the radius OB and jection on an auxiliary plane perp. to xy
will give a rt. Ld A, the acute angles of
the generator AB are each perp. to which give the required inclinations.
TH, and the angle ABO (i.e. the base (2) When the real angle between 1M
angle of the cone) gives therefore the traces exceeds goo, the semi-cones will nol
true inclination of the plane to the be situated in the 1st quadrant. The con-
H.P. In effect the rt. Ld 6. AOB is struction follows the usual method but
rotated about AO until it lies in the the arcs are drawn tangential to the
V.P., in which position the angle traces produud. Fig. 6 shows the solution
AEO may be measured. for the plane VTH; the plan and eleva-
(b) Inclination to V .P., angle cpo tion of the cone giving 6 are both above
xy , and the cone is in the znd quadrant;
Fi~. 4 . Consider a semi-cone with its the cone giving cp is in the 4th quadrant.
axis OD horizontal, its apex D in the They may, however, both be situated in
H.T. of the plane and its base in the the same quadrant as indicated by the
V.P., touching the V.T. of the plane dotted lines.

In Ex. I, 2, and 3 determine the in- (3) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane make
clinations of each plane to the H.P . and angles of 45° and 120° resp. with xy.
V.P. Ans. 6 = 671°, ep = 49°·
(I) The H .T. and V.T. of a plane make (4) A plane is inclined at 50° to the H.P.
angles of 45°.and 60° resp. with xy . Ans. and its V.T. makes 40° with xy. Deter-
a = 671°, cp = 49°. mine its H.T. and measure the angle be-
(2) The H.T. and V.T. of a plane are tween xy and H.T. AnS.45°.
pari to xy and distant 3' and 21' from it (5) Solve question (4) reading V.P . for
resp. Ans. 6 ., 40°, cp = 50°. H .P. AnS.37·5°.


usin,g auxiliary- ~/anes

Note : both semi - cones

may he Ia.ken In Ihe
\ same '1vadrant

Problem 234. Given the Inclinations of a Plane to the Planes of refer-

ence, to determine its Traces.
Method 1. If a line is perp. to a angle lp, and with axis in the H .P.
plane, its projections are perp. to the enveloping a sphere having its centre
traces of the plane; further, the angles in xy; the sphere and cone touch along
between such a line and the planes of MN. Fig. 4 shows a semi-cone of base
reference are the complements of those angle 6, and with axis in the V.P., en-
between the plane and the planes of veloping the same sphere and touching
reference. it along PQ. The two figures are com-
Let the plane be inclined at 6 to bined in fig. 5, in which MN and PQ
the H.P. and lp to the V.P.; its traces intersect in two points, only one of
may be readily obtained from the pro- which, E , will be considered. A plane
jections of a line inclined at (900 - 6) containing the two intersecting gener-
to the H .P. and (900 - lp) to the V.P. ators AB and CD will satisfy the con-
Construction. As in Prob. 204, ditions. The traces of the plane are
determine the projections of any line given by joining AC and DB, which
inclined at (900 - 6) to the H.P. and should intersect in xy, In the actual
(900 - lp) to the V.P.: the construction construction it is only necessary to
has been repeated in fig. 1. Take the draw tangents to the base circles,
alternative plan alb l (refer to fig. 5. from A and D, as these tangents will
page 207). The required projections of include Band C.
the lin e have been drawn again in fig.l . Construction. Draw the projec-
To complete the construction, at any tions of any sphere with its centre
point in alb l draw the perp. VT to o in xy, and draw AOD perp. to xy .
meet xy in T, and at T draw TH perp. Regard AO and OD as the axes of two
to alb l • VTH are the traces of one enveloping semi-cones; draw their
plane which satisfies the conditions part projections, i.e. Ab inclined at 6,
Method 2. This is the converse of and Dc inclined at cp, to xy , and the
~e method given on the previous page. semi-circles with centre O. Tangents
If the axes of the horizontal and from A and D to these semi-circles will
vertical semi-cones intersect in xy , intersect in xy and give the traces
the two cones may have a common VTH of a plane inclined at 6 and cp
tangent plane if they envelop a to the H.P. and V.P. respectively.
common sphere, as will be apparent Not« . Other solutions are given by
from fig. 5 opposite. The tangent taking the enveloping cones in other
plane to these semi-eones is the plane quadrants--eompare the answers to ques-
required. tions J and 3 on previous page.
Fig. 3 shows a semi-eone of base

(I) A plane is inclined at 35° to H .P. and the real angle between them. Then
and 700 to V.P. Draw its traces and draw the projections of the intersecting
measure the real angle between them, generators and show that the angle be-
assuming it to be acute. Ans.59·5°. tween them is = the real angle between
(2) If the real angle between the traces the traces. Ans. 55°.
in (I) is obtuse, determine the traces and (4) A plane Is inclined at 40° to H .P.
measure the angle. Ans. 120'5°. and 70° to V.P. Determine its traces and
(Assume both semi-cones to be either measure the real angle between them.
in the and or 4th quadrants; refer to fig. Measure the length of a line which lies
II . page 163, and to fig. 6 on previous in the plane, has its ends in H.P . and
page .) V.P .. is inclined at 35° to H .P., and passes
(3) A plane is inclined at 60° to the H.P. through a point which is 1* from each
and 45° to the V.P. Determine its traces plane of reference. Ans. 64°, 3'05*·
2 37

Method I. ""
Refer to Problem 204.

X-f----..I;o;-f----l-k-y T
Problem 235. To determine the Intersection of Two given Planes.
Refer to fig. 2. Let VlTlH l and therefore meet at infinity . The plan
VzTzH z be the given planes. The ab, drawn from b on xy to this infinitely
traces of the line of intersection, a and distant point, must be par! to the
b l , are given by the intersections of the traces, and it s elevation alb l is par-
traces of the planes. Because b l is in to xy . (The elevation may be a point.)
the V.P., b will lie in xy; similarly, (d) When all the traces meet at a
because a is in the H .P., a l will lie in point in xy. F ig. Q.
xyalso. Obtain band a l and jo in alb l (e) When all the traces are parallel
and ab; these are the projections of the to xy . Fig. 7.
required line-given by AB in fig. I. Draw the traces LMN of a third
Other Examples. In each, the plane which is perp. either to HP or
given planes are lettered VIT lH l and VP ; in the figs. a vertical plane is
VzTzH z. shown, LM being perp. to "*:y. Deter-
(a) When the traces of one plane are mine the lines of intersection of LMN
parI to xy. Fig. 3. with VlTlH l and VzTzH z: these lines
(b) When the traces of one plane are intersect in PI' from which P is pro-
perp. to xy. Fig . 4. jected, This point p, PI is common to
The construction given above ap- the three planes and is therefore on
plies to both of these figures. the required line of intersection. Draw
(c) When only one pair ' of traces lines through p, PI' for fig. 6 to the
intersect. Fig. 5. point of intersection of the traces, and
Let the vertical traces intersect. for fig. 7 par! to xy. These are the re-
The horizontal traces are par! and quired projections.
Problem 236 (alternative to Problem ZIO, p, ZIZ). To determine the Point
of Intersection of a ~ven Line ab a l b l and a ~ven Plane VTH.
Fig. 8. Draw the traces of a vertical points p and PI in which ab and alb l
plane LMN to contain the line : MN meet the projections of the line of
will coincide with abo Determine the intersection of the planes are the pro-
intersection of LMN and VTH. The jections of the required point.
Problem 237. To determine a Line which shall pass through a ~ven

of the planes. Through the given

Point and be parallel to Two ~iven Planes. (No figure.)
Determine the line of intersection po int draw a line par! to this line;
this is the required line. See Ex. 5.
Problem 238. To determine a Line which shall lie in a ~iven Plane,
VzTJIz' and be parallel to and at a given distance D from
another ~iven Plane VlTlH l• (No figure.)
Determine a plane VaTaH a par! to The intersection of VaTaHa and VzT aHz
V1T1Hl and at a distance D from it. is the required line. See Ex. 6.
In (I) and (z) determine the projections not intersect within the paper. Measure
and length of that part of the line of in- the distances along xy of the projectors
tersection lying in the rst quadrant:- of the ends of the line from T l. Ans. Z'05',
(I) For two planes arranged as in fig. Z·55'.
I. Their V.T.'s make 30° and 60° with (5) Determine the projections of a line
xyand corresponding H.T.'s 50° and 30°. to pass through the point P, PI and be
TIT. = 4'. Ans. z·87'. pari to the planes V1TIHI, V.T.H•.
(z) For two planes arranged as in fig. 4. Measure the length of that part of the
V.T. makes 60°, and H.T. zoo, with xy, line in the rstquadrant. Ans. 4·OZ'.
T. is Il' from T I. Ans . ~ ·65'. (6) Determine the projections of a line
(3) Solve Ex . 4, page ZI2, using the to lie in the plane V.T.H. and to be l'
method illustrated in fig. 8. from and pari to the plane VIT1HI .
(4) Determine the intersection of the Measure the length of that part of the
given planes assuming that the traces do line in the rst quadrant. 'Ans. 3'68',

x 7i

Problem 239. To determine the Intersection of Two ~ven Triangles
(or other plane areas).
It is not always convenient to ob- parI to ~y, and project its plan bd ; on
tain the traces of the planes containing ~tYl' taken perp. to bd, project auxi-
the given triangles, or other plane liary elevations of both As ; A abc
areas, and thence to apply the con- becomes the line albzC., and A pqr is
structions on the previous page. The given by p.q.r.. The line a.blc. inter-
linl1 of intersection may, however, sects the A re«« in m.n.. Project
be obtained at once by means of the corresponding lines mn and »Ilnl;
auxiliary projections. The solution these represent the intersection of
for two triangular areas is shown in planes containing the A s, and that
fig. I. part of each line which is conunon to
Construction. Let abc atbtc t and both As gives the projections of their
pqr ptqlr l be the projections of two line of intersection.
Intersecting triangles. As in Prob. Any two given planes, or plane
152, page 166, obtain an auxiliary areas, may be treated in this manner
elevation to give an edge view of the by selecting points in them and de-
A abc albIcl:-draw bId!, in A albIc l, termining the line of intersection.

Problem 240. To determine the Intersection of Three ~ven Planes.

(No figure.)
Unless three planes have a conunon
line of intersection, they will intersect
ing (a) the intersection of two of the
planes, and (b) the point of inter-
in a point; the point is given by find- section of this line and the third plane.

Problem 241. To determine the Projections of a Line which shall

pass through a glven Point and intersect two aiven Straight Lines.
Refer to fig. 2. Let P be the given the projections of the required line.
point and AB and CD the given lines. They should intersect ab alb l in rand
Join the ends of each line to the point, "1 such that r and 1'1 lie on a common
thus forming the As PAB and PCD. projector.
The required line must lie in the plane
of each A and is given, therefore, by Alternative Methods. (No figure .)
the line of intersection PR, produced I. Determine the line of intersection
to Q. of two planes, one of which contains one
line and the point, and the other the
Construction. Fig. 3. Join p to second line and the point. The line of
a, b, c, and d, and PI to aI' bl , cl , and intersection is the required line. The
d 1• Draw Plel par! to ~y and project e. method is often rendered difficult by the
Choose ~tYI perp. to pe produced, and inaccessibility of the traces .
project an auxiliary elevation of both II. Take an A.V.P. containing CD.
From P draw lines through any two points
As. One, apb, appears as a line, a.p.b z, in AB to meet the A.V.P . in points M
and intersects the other, C.P'IflI' in P. and N. The line joining M and N will
and ql' Obtain q and ql by projection intersect CD in Q, and PQ is the line
from q.. Join pq and Plqt; these are required .

(1) Determine the line of intersection distances from H .P. and V.P. Ans . '9',
of the .e.s shown in figure and measure its '73'·
true length . Ans . 2,85'. (3) Obtain the projections of a line
(2) Suppose the two planes in Ex . I , passing through the given point and in-
previous page, to be intersected by a tersecting both the given lines, in figure.
third plane with traces parI to xy, H.T. Measure the least possible length of the
I' in front , V.T. 2' below xy . Determine line. Ans . 3'57'.
the point of intersection and measure its
24 1

PROe.L EM 239.


X~...4- --L_-4 --+---- ;-_


Problem 242. To determine the Angle between Two given Planes.

The dihedral angle between two Method 2. Conceive the planes in
planes is measured by the angle be- fig. I to be so arranged that they may
tween two straight lines, one in each be viewed along the line AB, this line
plane, which meet in, and are per- appearing as a point. Each plane will
pendicular to, the line of intersection appear as a line, not as an area. and
of the planes. (See also Frob. 206 .) the angle between these lines, or edge
views of the planes, is the required
Method ·1. Refer to fig. I . Let angle between the planes.
VITIH I and VaTaH a be the two given If, therefore, an auxiliary projection
planes, and let ab be the plan of their be obtained of one point in each plane,
line of intersection AB. Suppose a and of the line AB, such that AB is a
plane, perp. to the line of intersection point, then lines joining these selected
AB, to cut the given planes ' along cf points to AB will include «, the
and df ; the angle cfd (<<) is the required required angle. It is convenient to
angle. It should be noted that this choose both points in the horizontal
intersecting plane will cut the H .P. traces of the planes, such as c and d;
along cd; that cd will be perp. to ab, then the /:::,. formed is the /:::,. cdf, pro-
intersecting it at e; and that a line jected on a plane par! to itself.
joining e and f will be perp. to AB.
The problem is solved by the con- Construction. Fig. 3. Obtain ab
struction of the real /:::,. cdf and the alb) the projections of the line of
measurement of the angle cjd. intersection, and take any line cd
Construction: Fig. 2. Obtain ab, perp. to abo Draw X1YI par! to ab and
the plan of the line of intersection. . obtain, in the usual way, the auxiliary
Draw any line cd perp. to ab and in- elevations of po ints a, b, c, and d,
tersecting it in e. With centre band given by aa, bl • CI' and d l • Now take
radii be and ba describe arcs to inter- xaYa perp. to bsal and project an
sect xy in e2 and aa respectively. Join auxiliary plan; the line AB appears
a~l and draw etla perp. to it. The as the po int aJJs' and the positions of
/:::,.cdf (fig. I) may now be drawn, for c and d are given by ca and d s' The
its base, cd, and its altitude at e, etla angle oc gives the reqnired angle be-
are known. Complete the construction tween the planes.
in the plan by making efl = ed«: join Special Case. Fig. 4. This shows the
flC and fld . The required angie be- application of Method 2 for the solution
tween the planes is given by «. of the type of example discussed on page
When the real angle between the 239 fig. 6, in which all the traces meet
traces of one plane is obtuse, the con- at a point in sy, The solution is similar
struction takes the form given in fig. to that for fig. 3, and the construction
2 on the following page.
given above for fig. 3 applies here also.
Method 3. (No figure.) Draw the
Note . 0 = the inclination to the H .P. projections of two intersecting straight
of the line of intersection. lines perp . to the planes . Determine the
f3 = the inclination to the H.P. of the angle between these lines: this is the
intersecting plane . required angle.

Note. Give the acute angles between (4) The traces of two planes meet in
the planes. not the obtuse. xy as in fig. 4. The V.T.'s make angles of
(I), (2). (3) Three pairs of planes are 60° and 30°. and the corresponding H.T.'s
shown by their traces. Determine the angles of 30° and 60° with xy. Determine
angle between each pair. Ans. (I) 78", the angle between the planes. Ans, 46°.
(2) 221°, (3) 49°·

/ \
/ \
~\ /

~ ! .

Further .
Of ·Method 2 .

Problem 243. To determine the Angle between Two glven Trfangles.

The angle between two given plane is the required dihedral angle between
triangular (or other) areas may be the two 1I s.
readily determined by projecting an Construction. Fig. 1. Let abc
auxiliary view of each of the given a.b.c., and pqr p.q.r l be the projections
triangles on a plane perp . to their line of two intersecting bS . As in Prob.
of intersection . This method is fre- l3(1 determine mn III I"., the line of
quently more convenient than that of intersection . Obtain an auxiliary
obtaining the traces of the planes projection of each t>. along this line .
containing the triangles. To do this, first project auxiliary
In any auxiliary projection along a elevations on xl.". pari to 11111 : these
line which lies in a plane , the plane give a t b2ct and Ptqtrt for the LIs and
will appear as a line , and the line as a m tn 2 for the line . Then project auxiliary
point. Similarly in an auxiliary pro- plar,s on X2."t perp. to mtn t : these
jection along the line of intersection give the lines a,b,c 3 and Pol/3r3, "'3n3
of two liS, i.e. a projection on a plane being now a point. The angle at is the
perp. to the line of intersection, each required angle between the ~s .
6 will appear as a line, and the line A (Curate construction is essential in
of intersection as a point. The point this problem and the alignment of the
will of course lie on the intersection points and the position of 11/ 3 113 provide
of the two lines representing the L s, excellent tests of this .
and the angle between the two lines

Problem 244. To determine the Angle between an Oblique Section of

a Rectangular Prism and its Sides.
This is an exercise on Prob, 24l and is Construction.
dealt with separately hecause of its It will he clear that an edge view along
common occurrence in engineering prac- EF will show EF as a point and will show
tice. The prism in fig. 2 represents the end the planes 0 and I' as lines the angle
of a cutting tool in which an oblique between which ts the required angle. The
section 0 gives .. rake " to the cutting construction is set out in fig. ~, in which
edge. 0 is defined hy the angles at and (3 x.Y. is taken perp. to ed., so that EF pro-
and it is required to find the true angle jects as a point ed.. The required angle is
between the surfaces 0 and P : i.e. the Y,. Obviously the angle Y is 90 -Y r-
angle YI between the clotted lines in fig. z , The angle between surface 0 and the side
each dotted line being perp. to the edge opposite to P is given by Y. = 90° y.+

(1) Determine tho angle between the (3) Find the angle between the planes
two triangles in Ex. Ion' pag(' l41. Ans. o and Q, fig. 2. .\ns. 'I !l·So.
79'5 °·
(2) Taking .\ 8 , fig . i , as z", Be as lr, (4) Estahlish the relationship tan y =
tan f:l cos 0( .
0( = 30° and (3 = 20 °, lind the angle between
the planes 0 and 1'. Ans. 72'5°.


Problem 245. To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall con-
tain a aiven Line and be inclined at a aiven Angle to one plane
of projection.
It is assumed here that the traces choose cones with axes horizontal and
of the given line are inaccessible. bases in the V.P.
Should they fall within the paper the Construction. Fif.2. Let ab alb l
construction may be simplified some- be the projections 0 the given line.
what.- Set off alCo and bldo inclined at 6 to
Refer to Fig. I. Let AB be the xy, and with centres a and b and
given line and 6 the inclination of the radii aoco and bodo respectively, de-
required plane to the H.P. Regard scribe circles. Draw outside tangents
each end of the line AB as the apex to the circles ; these represent the
of a right cone of base angle 6, with axis H.T.s of the required plane.
vertical, and with base in the H .P.; To determine the V.T.s: draw any
the H.T. of the required plane will be line mn through a, m being in the H .T.
tangential to the base circles of these of the plane and n in xy. Project ml
cones. Determine the V.T. by apply- and draw mla l produced; the inter-
ing the methods given in Prob. 209 . section of this line with a projector
Two planes satisfy the conditions, from n gives n l , a point on the V.T.
their H.T.s being given by the two A similar point ql on the second V.T.
outside tangents common to both is given by the lines pq and Plql' One
circles--the cross tangents cannot be other point on each trace, similarly
taken. If the inclination to the V.P. determined, enables the traces to be
be given, instead of to the H.P. drawn.

Problem 246. To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall contain

a I1lven Line and be inclined at a aiven Angle to a lliven Plane
which does not contain the Line.
This is an exercise on the foregoing V.T. and regard these lines as axes of
problem, and a solution is shown in right cones, base angle ~, having their
fig. 3. In this, the given plane is bases on VTH. Determine the rabatted
assumed to be an inclined plane-to plans of the bases and draw cd. tan-
which an oblique plane, if given, can gential to them. Raise cd. into the
be converted. plane VTH, as given by cd and 'ld l•
Construction. Let VTH be the The plane containing the two lines
given plane, ab alb l the projections ab alb l and cd cld l is the required
of the given line, and let ~ be the given plane: the last step in the construction
angle. Draw alm l and bInI perp. to has been omitted to avoid confusion.

(I) The projectors of a line AB are 2i" their H.T.s being on opposite sides of
apart; A is 1'3' above H.P. and 1'5' from the plan of AB. Determine two suitable
V.P., B is 1·6' above H.P. and 3' from planes and measure the angle between
V.P. Determine planes containing AB them. Ans. 73° (or 107°).
and inclined at 45° to H .P. Measure the (3) The projectors of a line AB are Ii'
inclinations of the traces to xy. Ans . apart; A is Ii' above H .P. and I' from
H .T.I 31°. V.T.I 36'5°; H.T.2 25°, V.T.2 V.P.. B is I' above H .P. and 2' from V.P.
22io (below xy) . The lower end of the line touches an in-
(2) The projectors of a line AB are Ii' clined plane making 30° with H.P. Deter-
apart; A is 3' above H.P . and '5' from mine the traces of planes containing the
V.P., B is t' above H.P. and 21' from line and inclined at 60° to the given plane.
V.P . AB is in the line of intersection of Measure the apparent angle between each
two planes inclined at 60° and 45° to H.P., pair of traces . Ans. 84°. 148'5°.
• The tracell of the plane contain the tracell of the line. and when the latter are aCcellliblethe projectioas
of _ cone only are required: WIfleDUmay then be drawn to iu hue cirde from the H. T . of the line.
AN CLE TOO N E ;;.. , -l'-'.. ;:~" -l.: : :+'--F-"+=----:fL--=---L----+"""---f!<---tr

I. '~
. \ J

~ .' . \
i \. I .
)l!R""------+--+---------'-f-- L.-'j

Problem 247. To detennine the Traces of a Plane which shall contain
a given Point, be inclined at a given angle to the H.P., and be
inclined at a given Angle to a given Plane.
Note. This problem will be better that of A will be a circle, that of B an
understood after the chapter on Tan- ellipse. Several methods of drawing
l1ent Planes has been taken; it is the ellipse are given on page 264 and
included here in order that further are shown in fig. 2 . The major axis =
projections of solids, in volving these ab; to obtain the minor axis bisect
constructions, may be proceeded with. ab at rt. Ls, and at c, on xy , draw
Prob. 265 , page 26.j. may with advantage dee perp. to dPI' the axis of cone B.
be taken now. With centre d and rad. de describe an
Refer to Fi~. 1. Let P be the given are, and draw cf perp. to de to cut the
point and VTH the given plane, arc in I: cf is the length of the semi-
assumed inclined; to determine the minor axis.
traces of all planes inclined at 6 to Draw the four common tangents to
H.P., and I) to VTH. (P may, of course, the ellipse and to the base circle of
lie in VTH-it is thus required in cone A, these giving the required
Probs. 257 and 258.) H.T.s. Determine the V.T.s by
Let two right cones have their means of Prob. 209 ; only two are
apices at P: A, base angle 6, with shown, the other two being inaccessible.
axis vertical and base in H.P. ; B, Note . The construction of the
base angle I), with base in, and axis elliptical trace may be avoided by
normal to, VTH. Tangent planes to the following device. Draw the eleva-
both cones will satisfy the conditions tion of a sphere inscribed in cone B (in
given, and their H .T.s will be common the figure the focal sphere has been
tangents to the horizontal traces of the used) and draw the outlines of two right
two cones. Four H.T.s may be drawn cones C and D, one upright and the
in the example shown,· given by out- other inverted, having base angles 6
side and crossed tangents, and repre- and with axes vertical, circumscribing
senting four suitable planes, one in the sphere. In the pictorial view cone
front and one behind, and two crossing C only is shown. Draw the circles
between the cones. Only two H.T.s representing the traces of these cones
are shown in fig. 1. on the H.P., as marked in figure,
Construction. Fill. 2. Let p, PI be Common tangents to either of these
the given point and VTH the plane. circles and to the base circle of cone
Draw the projections of cones A and A will give the required traces. The
B, having base angles II and Ii, and principles und erlying this construction
determine their traces on the H.P.: are fully discussed in Chap . 18.

Problem 248 (no figure). To detennine the Traces of a Plane which

shall be perpendicular to a given Plane and have a given Inclination
to one plane of reference, say the H.P.
This is merely a particular case of
the above and cone B will become a
I of the required plane will pass through
the H .T. of this line and touch the
straight line perp. to VTH. The H .T. base of cone A (refer to p. 256) .

Using the data given in figure opposite, V.T .H.; measure the apparent angle
determine the traces of a plane: between both traces. Ans . 65'5°, 156'5°.
(1) Making 70° with both H .P. and (3) Making 70° with H.P. and 60° with
V.T .H.; measure the apparent angle V.T.H.; measure the apparent angle be-
between traces corresponding to V.T .3 tween the more accessible pair of traces.
and H.T.3. Ans. 131°. Ans . 156'5°.
(2) Making 70° with H.P. and perp. to
• The number pouible obviously depend' upon the relative poIitiona of the ellipae and· the circle.


H 6-..>-
Problem 249. Given the Vertical Angle and the Projections of the
Axis of a right circular Cone, to determine the Projections of the
Only when the axis of a cone is elevation. At a z set off a~z and a'lflz,
par! to the plane on which it is pro- on each side of azb z, to include an
jected does the angle included between
the generators in the projection equal angle~. Draw any circle, centre 0z, to
the real vertical angle of the cone. touch a:e: and a'lflz. Regard this circle
When the axis is inclined to both as the au xiliary elevation of an in-
planes of projection neither view scribed sphere to the cone , and project
gives the vertical angle of the cone . the plan and elevation of the sphere,
Let the projections of the axis be centres a and 0 1, Tangents to these
ab alb l• as in figure, and let the ver- circles, from a and aI' give the pro-
tical angle of the cone be ex. Take jections of the required cone.
X1YI par! to ab and project an auxiliary Note. It is usual to show the cone
elevation azbz of the axis . Because (or cylinder) broken at the base in
ab is par! to X1Y1' the real vertical angle such examples, as shown opposite.
of the cone will be given in this auxiliary
Problem 250. Given one Projection of a Point on the Surface of a
Cone, to detennine the other Projection (sec also page I90 ) .
This is readily obtained by using an will be revealed by a section plane
inscribed sphere, and determining its cutting the sphere and containing the
section by either a vertical or horizontal generator. In the auxiliary elevation,
plane which contains both the given then, the generator will be a line
point and the apex of the cone . drawn from a z tangential to the circle,
Let the projections of the given ' centre oJ. Draw this tangent and
cone be those shown in figure, and let obtain pz by projecting from p to
the plan p of a point on its surface be intersect the generator. The elevation
given. Draw the plan of any inscribed PI of the point is given by projecting
sphere to the cone , centre o. Join ap, from P and making the distance of
and regard this generator as the hori- PI from xy = the distance of pz from
zontal trace of a vertical section plane. X1Y1' An alternative position for PI
Take X1Y1 par to ap and project an is given by using the second tangent
auxiliary elevation of the apex and of generator, shown dotted.
the section of the sphere given by the If PI is given , and not P, regard
plane; this will be a circle, centre a: a 1P1 as the vertical trace. of a hori-
and radius r . zontal plane and project an auxiliary
As the generator ap must touch the plan on X1Y1 drawn par! to alP1'
inscribed sphere, the point of contact
Problem 251. Given one Projection of a Point on the Surface of a

with its apex infinitely remote, this

Cylinder, to determine the other projection.
By regarding the cylinder as a cone struction described above. The solu-
tion given opposite should be self-
problem may be solved by the con- explanatory.
(I) The projectors of two points A and plan of the apex and 1· from the plan at
B are 21· apart. B is 2· from the H .P. the axis. Determine its elevation and
and 11· from V.P .; A is in H .P. and 31· measure its height above H.P. Ans.I·65·.
from V.P . AB is the axis of a cone, apex (3) Regard AB in (I) as the axis of a
A, having a vertical angle of 30°. Deter- cylinder rj" diam , The elevation of a point
mine its projections. on its upper surface is on a generator '4·
(2) The plan of a point on the upper from the elevation of the axis. Deter-
surface of the cone in (I) is 2· from the mine the plan of the point.
PR08LEM 249.

""---:::=4=--+-- - + -- !J


252. The projection of a poly- II. (a) The inclinations of two lines
hedron on a plane of reference is in the solid and the angle between the
definite if one of the following sets of lines, or (b) the relative heights of
conditions is given: - three points connected with the solid.
I. (a) The inclination of a face and III. The inclinations of two faces
that of a line in the face , or (b) the and the value of the dihedral angle
inclination of a face and that of a -line between them.
in the solid, not in the plane of the
face. They will be dealt with in this order.

I. Given the Inclination of a Face and that of a Line in the Face.

Note.-The inclination of the line cannot exceed that of the face.
Problem 253. To determine the Plan of a given hexagonal Pyramid
when the Base, and an Edge of the Base, have given Inclinations
to the H.P.
Let the base be inclined at 6, and follows : project from c. to xy , giving
the edge at lX, to the H.P. Refer to co, and with rad. a lcO obtain cion VT;
fig. 1 . Draw the traces VTH of an project from c1 to intersect in c a line
inclined plane making 6 with HP, and from c. perp. to TH, c and Cl are
in this plane place a line, ab a 1b1 , of the projections of one corner of the
any length, inclined at lX to the H.P., hexagon. Obtain the projections of
using Problem 214. Rabat the plane the other corners in the same way,
and line into the H.P., the line taking also the projections a and 0 1 of the
the position ab. . Mark off c,p. along centre of the base 0 • •
lib. = the edge of the base, and draw Refer to fig. 2 . Erect a perp. to
the hexagon representing the rabatted VT from 0 1 = the altitude of the
plan of the base. Raise the plane into pyramid and obtain the projections
the original position and determine of the apex. Complete the views as
the projections of the hexagon as shown in the drawing.

Problem 254. To determine the Plan of a given Cube when the Plane
of two Diagonals of the Solid, and one of these Diagonals, have
given Inclinations to the H.P.
Fig. 3 shows a cube cut in halves to of a line inclined at lX and lying in the
expose the plane of two diagonals plane. Mark off DB along this line,
AC and BD of the solid : each half is and draw the figure ABCD. Raise
a triangular prism. Let the surface this figure into the plane and draw its
ABCD be inclined at 6, and the line projections, abed and a 1b 1c 1d 1• Draw
DB at lX, to the H.P. the elevation of the half prism above
It will be helpful to consider one VT and project its plan in the usual
triangular prism only at first. Deter- way : the construction is shown clearly
mine the length of DB as in fig. 4. in fig. 5. Draw a similar prism below
Draw VTH, fig. 5, the traces of an VT and project the complete cube;
inclined plane making 6 with HP, this is left as an exercise for the student.
and determine the rabatted position

(I) A pentagonal prism, edge of base (3) A tetrahedron, 3.' edge, has a face
11', height 3', has its base inclined at 60°, inclined at 60°, and an edge in the face
and a diagonaI'of the base inclined at 50°, at 40°, to the H .P. Determine its plan,
to H.P. Draw its plan . and draw an elevation on an A.V.P. the
(2) Solve Prob. 254 for a cube, 2' edge, H.T . of which makes an angle of 35° with
taking 6 = 60° and lX = 42°. the plan of the given edge.


D f1
II. Given the Inclinations of two Lines in the Solid and the An~e
between the Lines.
Note.-The sum of the three angles cannot exceed 180°.
In each of the following problems H.P. and to draw the complete plan
it is necessary first to determine the of the given solid; and finally to raise
projections of the plane figure contain- the figure and the solid into the re-
ing the lines, as in Prob. 221, page 226 ; quired position.
then to rabat the plane figure into the
Problem 255. To determine the Plan and one Elevation of a Cube,
given the Inclinations to the H.P. of two adjacent Edges,
Let the given inclinations be or; and square ABCD . Raise this into the
~. Determine first the traces of an plane VTH and complete the elevation
inclined plane containing two lines of the cube. Obtain the plan by pro-
mutually at rt. Ls, and inclined at jecting perp. to xy from the elevation,
ex and ~ to the H .P., as in Prob. 221 . and perp. to TH from the rabatted
The construction should be clear from plan, as in fig. 2 .
figs. 1 and 2: VTH is the plane, and Note: the data given are sufficient
AF and AE are the lines. to fix the plan only; any number of
Mark off AB and AD each = the elevations may be drawn.
edge of the cube, and complete the
Problem 256. Given the Lengths of the Edges of a Tetrahedron and
the relative Heights of three Comers: to determine its Plan and
one Elevation.
The solution is best explained by by the intersection of VlV and V,V,
means of a numerical example. Let drawn perp. to AB and AC. (The
ABC be the base of a tetrahedron, and altitude of the tetrahedron is given by
V the apex ; let AB = Ir", AC = 21- 6
the perp. of the rt. Ld /::,. having V lG

BC = 2!-", AV = 2!-", BV = 21-''', for hypotenuse and VG as base.)

CV = 21" . Determine its plan when Now determine the projections abc
the heights of A and Bare 2 and I" al b 1c l of the base of the tetrahedron in

respectively above C. The solution the required position: produce AC

given is drawn approximately half size . and AB to E and D, making AE and
Obtain the inclinations to the H.P. AD (fig. 4) = AE and AD (fig. 3) . Join
of the edges AB and AC by construct- DE, and at M on DE produced, draw
ing the rt. Ld /::,.s in fig. 3. Produce xy perp. to it. Raise A until its height
AB and AC and draw any horizontal above the H.P. = the distance AF
DEF to intersect them . from fig. 3 (its elevation is given by
Draw the plan of the solid with its a 1 ) , and determine the plane LMN.
base in the H.P. in any position, as The problem now cons ists in deter-
follows : first draw the base ABC, mining the projections of the tetra-
fig. 4, and determine the apex V by hedron VABC on the base abc alblcl;
drawing the rabatted plans VlAB and reference to the construction in fig. 4
VaAC of adjacent slant faces , and should render any further explana-
raising them until their vertices coin- tion unnecessary.
cide; the plan of the apex V is given
(I) Two adjacent edges of a cube, z' pyramid, edge of base Ii', 3' high, when
long, are inclined at zoo and 600 to the three comers of the base are 0', I', and
H.P. Determine its plan. Ii' from the V.P.
(2) Solve Prob. 256 using the data (5) A hexagonal prism, edge of base
given. I', 3' long , has a long edge inclined at
(3) Draw the plan of a cube, 2i' edge , 500 to H .P. and an edge of the base meet-
when three comers of the same face are ing it inclined at 350 to H.P. Determine
1", 11", and z' above the H .P. the plan of the prism.
(4) Draw the elevation of a pentagonal


m. Given the Inclinations of the Planes of Two Faces of a soUd,
and the Value of the dihedral Angle between them.
Note.-The sum of the three angles cannot be less than 180° 0'1' more than 360°.

(a) WheJi the faces are at right angles to each other.

Problem 257. To determine the Plan of a given Cube, when the Planes
of two adjacent Faces have given IncUnations to the H.P.
Let the inclinations of the planes of line is the plan of the line of inter-
the faces be Gt and O. Refer to Probs. section of the planes (note: although
247 and 248, page 248, and determine V.T. is shown in figure, there is no
the traces of a plane inclined at 0 to the need to draw this to obtain cad).
H.P. which shall be perp. to a given If the cube be placed with a face
inclined plane making Gt with the H .P. on VITIH I, and an edge in the line of
The construction is briefly as follow: intersection of the planes, it will
(fig. I), draw VITIH I, with VITI satisfy the conditions of the problem.
making Gt with .%'y. Take any point A In the corresponding pictorial view,
(a, all in this plane, and regard it fig. 2, the cube is shown in this posi-
(I) as the apex of a cone with axis tion, with the face PQRS in VITIH 1
vertical and base angle 0, and (2) as and the edge PQ in CD.
one end of a line perp. to VITIH I. Rabat the plane VITIH I into the
Obtain the horizontal traces of the line H.P., and draw the base of the cube,
(b, bl ) and the cone, and draw the hori- PQRS, with an edge in the rabatted
zontal trace H.T. of the required plane line of intersection cd.. Raise the
through the point b and tangential to plane and cube into its original posi-
the circle, intersecting HITI in c. tion and project the plan of the cube
join ca and produce it to d : this -as shown clearly in fig. I.

(b) When the faces are not at right angles to each other.
Problem 258. To determine the Plan of a given square Pyramid, when
the Base and a Face have given IncUnations to the H.P.
Let the base be inclined at Gt and a taken as lying in the given plane.
face at 0 to the H.P. Only the horizontal trace is required
First determine the dihedral angle and this is given by H.T.. The plan
between the base and a side face: let of the line of intersection is given by
it be B. Then determine the traces of cad, as in the previous problem.
a plane which is inclined at 6 to the Proceed to draw the square base of
H.P. , and which makes an angle ~ the pyramid with one edge in cd.,
with a plane VITIH I inclined at Gt to the rabatment of the line of intersec-
the H.P. This construction is given tion, and complete the plan. Then
fully on page 248. and is shown clearly raise the inclined plane into the re-
in fig. 3 : iii this example the given quired position and complete the
point referred to in Prob. 247 may be views precisely as in the last problem

(x) Determine the plan of a cube, zi" of side face fo H.P. 75°.
edge, when adjacent faces are inclined at (3) Determine the projection of a
40° and 65° to the H.P. regular tetrahedron, 2i" edge, which has
(2) Determine the plan of a s~uare two faces inclined at 60° and 70° to the
pyramid, edge of base 2', height 3 , in- H.P.
clination of base to H.P. 50°, inclination

/ ~
/ _ Fig~
I .- Ii PROBLEM 257
- t \
f3 = angle between base
I and face of pyramid.
259. Helices and Screw Threads.
If a point move around the surface and wound around the cylinder until
of a right circular cylinder and at the the points Band C coincided, the
same time advance axially, the ratio hypotenuse AB would become a helix.
of the two speeds being constant, the To obtain the projection AIB I of the
locus of the point is a helix. The helix, divide the hypotenuse AB, and
axial advance of the point per revolu- the circular plan of the cylinder. into
tion is called the pitch. The develop- a similar number of equal parts. say
ment of a helix is a straight line oblique 12; number the points as in figure.
to the generators of the cylinder. and draw horizontals from points on
Refer to Fii1. 1 . If the rt. Ld fj, AB to meet verticals from correspond-
ABC, base BC = OC" of cylinder. ing points on the plan. Join these
perp. AC = pitch, were cut from paper po ints with a fair curve.
Problem 260. To project a Helix of given Diameter and Pitch.
The construction given above may divisions, i.e. 12, drawing horizontals
be modified as in fig. 2. Draw a semi- through the points. Number the points
circle, centre 0, of the given diam., and lines as in fig., project from
and on a vertical centre line mark off points in the plan to lines having
the given pitch. Divide the semi- corresponding numbers in the eleva-
circle into six equal parts. and divide tion, and draw the complete curve
the pitch into twice this number of through the points.
Problem 261. To project a Helical Spring of square section.
A helical or screw surface is generated and lower helical surfaces of the spring.
by a straight line which makes a To project the spring, draw helices of
constant angle with a fixed axis. and the given pitch from the four comers
moves around and along the axis with a, b. c, and d, and thicken in only
speeds which bear a constant ratio to those lines which will be seen. The
each other. divisions of the pitch distance should
. The lines ab and cd, fig. 3, the sides be chosen to divide equally the side
of a section of the spring. may be of the square; the same division lines
supposed to move around and along then serve for the upper and lower
the axis. thus generating the upper pairs of helices.
Problem 262. To project a Multiple-threaded Screw.-
The pitch of a screw is defined as the threads running parallel to each other.
distance measured along a line parallel The axial advance per revolution in
to the axis of the screw between corre- multiple-threaded screws is called the
sponding points on adjacent thread lead.
forms in the same axial plane. For a A double-threaded right-handed
single-threaded screw, the greater the screw of square section is shown in
pitch the smaller is the diameter at the fig. 4. One helical square thread should
bottom of the thread, and the weaker be projected completely, first. and then
the screw. When large axial move- the second thread drawn, arranged
ments are required. therefore. it is midway between the turns of the first.
usual to provide two or more similar
(I) Plot two complete turns of a helix 31-'. is of circular section. 1" diam. Pro-
4" diam., 2' pitch. Using the same axis ject one complete tum. (Regard the
a sphere, 1"
helix 2."
and pitch, plot, within the first, a second
(2) A spring, outside diam , 5", pitch
spring as the envelope of
diam ., the centre of which
the helical centre line.)
moves along
4", is of square section, I ' side. Project (4) A double-threaded right-handed
one complete tum of the spring. screw, 4" diam. , lead 3", is of square
(3) A spring. outside diam , 4". pitch section. Project a 4" length of the screw.
• The &<:rewed or .. threaded .. part of an ordinary bolt should be examined by the atudent.

1--7- -t-- -jr-- ---+---,--H 12

1-+--'-- --1f -- -+---b,...<:; /1
1-+----.- -jr---=--+-'9--H 10
1-+- -t---::=-1i-""'::....--t--t-+--I !t"
}----J-----:::;...+-='-----''-----,--+-+-i a
b1-=--t-- -if-- - -t-...:.......j 7
H-- -t-- -jf - - +-e-+--I 6
~s:1~=:jf:==:j~=t::1 ~
1-+- -t---==--1i'--;;::::---=--,...:-...:.......j 3
1---T---+-- --1f--=""+-cd-+-i 2
t-t---+----1f---+--P"+<-i 1


263. The Hyperboloid of Revolu- shown by the added dotted lines in
tion (of one sheet-see next col.v) is fig. 2 . An idea of the formation of the
a ruled surface, am: is generated by a surface is given by drawing successive
straight line which re volves about an positions for the line bd bld l , as in
axis not in the same plane with it. fig. 3, in which 12 positions are shown;
Refer to fig. 1. Let the axis 00 be the envelope is a hyperboloid.
vertical, and let AB be the generating
line in its initial position. The upper Alternative Method of Generation.
If a hyperbola revolve about its con-
and lower limits to the surface will be jugate axis, fig. 4, each branch describes
horizontal circles, radii OA and OB. the same surface ; this surface is similar
The outline of the elevation of the to that discussed above and is called a
surface between these circles will be hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet.
given by the projection of the meridian'] (If the two branches revolve about the
pari to the V.P., determined as follows: transverse axis, fig. 5, they describe
Construction. Fig. 2. Let ab separate similar surfaces, the two forming
alb] be the generator and 00 1 the axis. the hyperboloid of revolution of two
sheets ; this is not a ruled surface.)
Draw MN through a pari to xy. Take If the asymptotes, as well as the
any point c, cion the generator ab alb l. branches of the hyperbola, revolve about
As the line revolves about 00 1 the the conjugate axis, fig. 4, they generate a
point C moves around the circum- cone which is asymptotic to the hyper-
ference of a horizontal circle, centre 0, boloid.
rad. OC, which intersects MN in Cz Notes.-I . Through any point on the
and c.. Project from Cz and c. to meet surface, two st raight lines can be drawn
a horizontal through c] in ca and c5 ; which are wholly contained by the sur-
ca and c5 are points on the required face.
II. A tangent plane to the surface at
outline. Determine other points in any point is the plane that contains the
the same way and draw the complete two generators passing through that
curves-which are hyperbolas. The point; it cuts the surface along these
same surface would be generated by a generators and touches the surface at the
straight line ae ale] (broken lines) point only.
which has the same inclination to the III. All sections of the hyperboloid and
axis as ab alb l but in the opposite its asymptotic cone by the same plane,
direction. or by pari planes , are of the same kind;
e.g. a plane cutting the cone in an ellipse,
The asymptotes to the hyperbolas also cuts the hyperboloid in an ellipse.
are given by the projections aIel alb].
The smallest circular section, i.e. the Applications. A second hyper-
circle rad. oa, is called the throat of boloid may be generated by the same
the surface. line revolving about a second axis
The generating line may extend inclined to 00 and not intersecting
indefinitely in either direction. Sup- it. Two such surfaces may rotate
pose the line to extend in the direc- about their axes and touch along a
tion BA, fig. I, until A is a mid-point. line. Skew bevel wheels are formed
The surface generated by the complete with hyperboloids as pitch surfaces;
line-bld] in elevation, fig. 2-will be the teeth engage with line contact at
symmetrical about the throat, as the imaginary pitch surface.
(1) The figure shows the projections of ab a]bl about both axes, in the manner
a vertical axis 0 , ai' and a generator ab shown in fig. 2 . (Hint. For the surface
"tbl inclined at 60° to H.P. and pari to about qlql first take a new ground line
V.P. Project the line in 12 equidistant perp. to qlql ') The two projections show
positions as it revolves about 001, as in hyperboloids in contact along a generator.
fig. 3, and sketch in the envelope . (3) A cube 21" edge revolves about a
(2) A second axis q, q], inclined at 30° to long diagonal, which is vertical. Pro ject
H.P. and pari to V.P., is also shown in the outline of the surface of revolution
figure. Project the elevations of the generated by an edge which does not meet
hyperboloids traced by the generator the diagonal.
t Meridian sections are sections by planes containing the axis.

of two sheets.

Conic Sections.-Refer also to the figures on p. 23.

Problem 264. To determine an Elliptical Section of a right circular

This section is given by a plane To obtain the sectional end view
which cuts all generators of the cone take XtYl perp. to xy and project in side of the apex. the usual way: the distance of bz
The drawings opposite show the from XtYl is equal to the distance of
projections of a right circular cone, b from xy, and so on. One half only of
with its base in the H .P., and the this view is shown.
traces. VTH of an inclined plane mak- To obtain the true shape of the
ing an angle 6 with the H.P. Sectional section project on a plane pari to VT.
views may be obtained by the method In the figure xzYz is par! to VT and
described in Prob. 189, page 19o-in the distance of bs from XzY2 is equal to
which selected generators of the cone the distance of b from xy, and so on .
were used: the following method is Note. As the sections are symmetri-
an alternative. cal about a centre-lin e or axis , it is pre-
Construction. Refer to the pic- ferable to transfer semi-ordinates from
torial view. Suppose the cone to be the plan, marking off the various pairs
truncated by a horizontal plane. The of points on each side of CL by means
plan of the section given by this plane of dividers-as shown for the true
is a circle, and the inclined plane will shape.
cut this circle in a line AB. The points The true shape represents the trace
A and B are on the elliptical section of the cone upon the section plane.
and may be located by drawing the This elliptical true shape is required
circle in plan and projecting the frequently in problems in Descriptive
particular line of intersection. Geometry (refer to Prob. 281, page
To obtain the sectional plan. 281), and various direct methods for
Draw any horizontal line hp, repre- determining its shape are given on
senting an edge view of a horizontal the following page. Wherever possible
plane, and project the circular section it is best to obtain the principal axes
of the cone. Project from alb l , the of the ellipse and then to use a trammel
point of intersection of hp and VT , for plotting points on the ourve-as
and obtain points a and b on the circle. described on page 30. The major
These points lie on the outline of the axis is that part of VT lying between
section required. Take other similar the two generators in the elevation;
planes, such as the one through cld l • the minor axis bisects the major axis
and obtain further points c, d . . . on at its mid-point e, and its length is
the section. Complete the sectional found by taking a horizontal section
view as in the figure. through e and proceeding as above.

(1) A plane inclined at 30° to the base (3) A section is cut from a right cir-
cuts the given cone and bisects its axis. cular cone, base 4", height 5", by two
Determine the sectional plan, end view, planes inclined at 10° and 60° to the base.
and true shape of section . The planes intersect in a tangent to the
(2) The given cone is cut by two in- base circle. The part cut from the cone
clined planes which intersect on the axis. rests with its lower section in the H .P.
The planes make angles of 30° and 60° Project a plan of the solid and an end
with the base, and the 30° plane touches elevation. State the areas of the elliptical
the base circle tangentially. Determine ends. (Area = re . a . b.)
the sectional plan, end view, and true
shape of section .
. I enaView
I ' (half on'Y- shown)
I I'Y, P~OBLEM 264.

Ex , I. EX .2.
Horizontal Traces of the ri~t Circular Cone and Cylinder.
It will be assumed here that the finitely distant; its trace also is an
H.P. intersects all generators on one ellipse. Several ways of drawing the
side of the apex of the cone. giving an ellipses are given below in their order
elliptical trace. The cylinder may be of usefulness.
regarded as a cone with its apex in-

Problem 265. To detennine the horizontal Trace of a given Cone.

The axis of the cone is assumed to chord glhl wh ich is the half-ordinate
be pari to the V.P. ; if it is inclined to gh of the ellipse. Any number of
the V.P. an auxiliary elevation should points may be determined by this
be used. projected on a ground line method, which is merely that of
taken pari to the plan of the axis, Prob. 264 on the previous page: it
The outline of the cone in elevation. is of value when the ellipse is so
alblcl. and the projections of its axis. elongated that the end C1 is inacces-
are readily determined. Three methods sible.
of drawing the ellipse are as follows : Method 3. By obtatnlng the
Method 1. By obtamlng the major axis and foci. Inscribe a
major and minor axes. The pro- circle to the tJ. a 1b 1c1 and regard it as
jections of the major axis are given by the elevation of the focal sphere to
be, blcl. The axes bisect each other at the cone, with reference to the H .P.
rt, .l.s at a. the mid-point of be. Its point of contact /1 with xy is the
To obtain the minor axis. suppose the elevation of one focus and / is its plan.
cone to be cut at al by a plane normal The distance of the second focus from
to the axis. The width of the hori- c is equal to fb , Prob. 41 , page 28.
zontal chord of the "circular section at may then be applied and the ellipse
al gives the length of the minor axis. drawn.
At ai' then. draw a diam. perp. to the Note. Another focal sphere may
axis and describe as much of the circle be drawn below xy to give the second
as is necessary; the half-chord d 1el • focus, as shown opposite.
drawn perp. to the diam.• gives the The directrices are obtained as
length de of the semi-minor axis. follows: draw t he traces of the two
Method 2 . By obtaining points planes containing the circles of contact
on the curve. The construction of between the focal spheres and the
Method I may be applied to deter- cone : they will be inclined planes and
mine other points. For example. a their horizontal traces give the direc-
normal section at gl gives the half- trices.

similar to that for the cone and should

Problem 266. To determine the horizontal Trace of a Cylinder.
The solution to this problem is struction is simplified somewhat as
the minor axis of the ellipse is equal
be clear from the drawing. The con- to the diam. of the cylinder.

(r) The vertical angle of a cone is 40° the axis of a cylinder 21" diam. are distant
and its apex is 21" above the H.P . Deter- respectively 4i" and 4" from xy, The
mine its horizontal trace when the axis ends of the cylinder are bounded by the
is inclined at 35° to the H .P. Use one of H .P. and V.P. , and the plan of its axis
the methods given and test the other measures 6". Draw the plan and elevation
two. What is the value of the eccentricity of the cylinder.
of the ellipse? (4) A sphere 2" diam . rests on the H.P.
(2) The axis of a cylinder 21" diam . is A point of light is situated 3" above the
inclined at 30° to the H .P. Determine the H .P. and 21" from the centre of the sphere.
horizontal trace of the cylinder. Determine the outline of the shadow cast
(3) The traces on the H.P. and V.P. of by the sphere on the H.P.



Conic Sections (cunt.}-RBJer also to th8figures onp. 23.
Problem 267. To determine B Parabolic Section of a right clrcutar
This section is given by a plane by a horizontal section plane. The
which is .inclined to the axis and focal sphere is represented in elevation
parallel to a generator of the cone; in by a circle drawn to touch the trace
other words, by a plane which is of the section plane and the generators
parallel to a tangent plane to the of the 'cone. The point of contact II
cone . between the focal sphere and section
1. By Projection. The construction plane is the focus of the parabola.
is sunilar to that described on page The ' plane of the circle of contact
262 for the elliptical section, and fig. between the sphere and the cone
I should be self-explanatory. Sections intersects the section plane in a
of the cone by horizontal planes are straight line through d. ; this line is
taken to give points on the sectional the directrix of the parabola. The
plan, from which the true shape is vertex is given by VI' and it will be
determined: the construction for points found that v1d 1 = v.Ir-
II, a., 112 is indicated in the figure . By projecting the plans of the
2. By obtaining the Focus and directrix did, the axis, the vertex e,
Directrix. Fig. 2 shows a cone with and the focus I, the parabola may be
its axis pari to the V.P . and its upper plotted as a plane curve in the manner
generator horizontal. The cone is cut described on page 24.

Problem 268. To determine a Hyperbolic Section of a right circular

When the plane of section cuts both foci f, f1 are obtained by drawing the
parts of the double cone on the same elevations of focal spheres and deter-
side of the axis, the section given is a mining the intersections of the planes
hyperbola. of the circles of contact with the
1. By ProJection. The construc-
tion follows that already described for section plane. The eccentricity = ~.
the ellipse on page 262. Horizontal The hyperbola may be plotted as in
section planes are used and points Prob. 50 by using the transverse axis
determined on the sectional plan; the vv and the foci f, f.
true shape of the hyperbolic section The asymptotes may be drawn
is obtained by an auxiliary projection as follows : take a horizontal plane
in the usual way-as shown clearly in through the apex ai' and project the
fig. 3. outline of the section given, dotted
2. By determlnlng the Foci and lines. (Note: the section of a cone by
Transverse AxIs. The double cone a plane passing through the apex is a
shown in fig. 4 has its axis pari to the triangle.) Through c, the mid-point of
V.P. and is cut by a horizontal section vv, draw lines pari to the outline of
plane. As in the case of the ellipse the the section : these lines are the asymp-
projections of the directrices dd 1 and totes.

In each of the following examples take shape (for one part only), sectional plan
cones 5' diam. base, altitude 4!-', axes and sectional end view given by a plane
vertical , and assume that the horizontal inclined at 85° to the base.
trace of the section plane is IN from the (3) Obtain the parabola and hyperbola.
centre of the base circle. in Exs, (x) and (z) by using the foci,
(r) Determine the parabolic true shape, axes, and directrices, as in figs. z and 4.
sectional plan and sectional end view. Refer to Probs. 3Z and 50.
(2) Determine the hyperbolic true


PRO BLEM 268 .

Sections of Polyhedra by Oblique Planes.
Two methods of detennining these In the second, vertical planes are
are described below. In the first, the chosen to contain each edge of the
oblique plane is converted to an in - solid; the lines of intersection of these
clined plane, an auxiliary projection planes with the given section plane
of the solid drawn, and the sectional cut the edges of the solid in the
views determined as in Chap. 12. required points of section.

Problem 269. To determine the Section of a given hexagonal Pyramid

by a given Oblique Plane.
1st Method. Fig. 1 . Let the traces may be rabatted into the H .P., as in
of the plane, VTH, and the projections fig. 2 .
of the solid, be those shown opposite. 2nd Method. Fig. 2. Consider the
Draw the corresponding inclined plane edges vc, VICI and vf, vIII' The traces
V 1T1H, with the ground line X1Y1 taken of a vertical plane containing them are
clear of the figure, using Prob, 206. given by t lth, and the projections of
the line of intersection between this
(With X1Yl in the position shown, the plane and the section plane are given
perps. to xy and X1YI determining VITIH by t lh l and tho The points in which
are too short for accurate working, and
a second line xaY. is taken so that longer this line cuts the edges vf, vIII and ve,
lines may be used and the direction of V ICI are points on the required section:
VIT1H obtained.) t l nl intersects vIII and V IC I in 1'1 and 0 1,
and from these l' and 0 in plan may be
Project the auxiliary elevation of projected. The construction may be
the pyramid on X1Yl and determine the repeated for other edges, but as one
sectional plan from it by projection. of the traces may be inaccessible the
It will be apparent that points nand following method is of use. The plane
fJ in the plan cannot be projected with t lth also contains the axis, and there-
accuracy from n. and fJ. in the ordinary fore contains Sl-the point in wh ich
way, but the lengths of the plans of VTH cuts the axis. Vertical planes
v.n. and vsl/. may be readily deter- containing the rema ining edges will
mined by means of the auxiliary part intersect VTH in lines through Sl' and
elevation shown : n and fJ are given by it is necessary to determine only one
marking off vn and vfJ equal to the other point in these lines of intersec-
distances of n. and fJa from the axis. tion : e.g. a V.P. containing the edges
Project the sectional elevation from va and vd gives w on H .T., and WIS.
the sectional plan; e.g. m 1 is projected may be drawn at once ; also, a V.P.
from m, and so on . containing vb and ve gives %IS1 '
The true shape is given by projecting To determine the true shape, rabat
on xaYa taken pari to VITI as in former the section mnopqr into the H.P.
problems. In the figure distances are about H.T., point by point, as in
measured from XV-I' e.g. the distance, ob, 215; the rabatment for n is
of m a from XsYa = the-distanceofm clearly shown.
from xzy~. Alternatively the section

(I) Using the dimensions given in fig. 2 shape of the section given by V.T.H.,
determine the sectional views and true using Method I.
shape of section, using both the above (3) The plan of a hexagonal prism is
methods. given, a face of the prism being in the
(2) The plan of a right pentagonal H .P . Determine by rabatment into the
pyramid is given. Determine the true H.P. (as in fig. 2) the true shape of the
section given by the plane VTH.
~ ~
F;.9.) ;:p"'-"'-
PROBLEM 269. ~.


Ex. 3.

edge o~.
base 14 •
height :r
Sections of the Cone, CyUnder, and Sphere by Oblique Planes.
Problem 270. To determine the Section of a glvea Cone· by a given
Oblique Plane.
Let the projections of the cone and the auxiliary elevation: e.g. the dis-
the traces of the plane be those given tance of a l from xy = the d istance of
in figure. Take a new ground line at from X1Yl' Inscribe an ellipse to
~JYl perp. to the H.T. of the plane, the parm alblcld l, using Frob. 47.
convert the oblique plane into an and complete the view as shown.
inclined plane, project an auxiliary As an alternati ve, the znd method
elevation of the cone, and proceed as on the previous page may be applied
in Frob. 264 to determine the sectional if the cone is regarded as a pyramid.
'plan and true shape. This part of the Vertical planes containing selected
construction should be clear from the generators will gi ve the required
figure. points on the section.
To determine the sectional elevation,
project first the circumscribing parm If the cone is given with a generator
in the H.P., obtain the section curves by
to the ellipse. In plan this will be the plotting the points in which various
rectangle abed, with edges par! and generators are cut by the oblique section
perp. to H .T . Project alblcld l from plane, first converting the oblique plane
abed, taking heights above xy from into an inclined plane.
Problem 271. To determine the Section of a Cylinder of indefinite
Length, in a given Position, by a given Oblique Plane.
The section is an ellipse, and the a horizontal through fl ' giving points.
ends of the conjugate diams. in each d and c. The ellipses inscribed in
view are given by the projections of parms having sides pari to these con-
the points of intersection of four jugate diams. are the required sections.
selected generators with the plane The true .shap e is given by the
VTH, namely the highest, the lowest, rabatment into the H.P., about H.T.
and the two intermedia te generators. of the sectional plan abed . Rabat
By the use of horizontal li nes lying points a, b, c, and d (the construction
in the plane, the plans of which will for a is indicated) and draw the
be par! to the H.T. of the plane, the ellipse in the parm asbsc,p,s.
points of intersection are quickly
determined. For example, the upper Alternatively, the cylinder may be
generator intersects VTH in a hori- enveloped by a square prism having a
zontal through e l , given in plan by ea face in the H .P. The sections of the
drawn par! to H .T. ; the intersection prism by the plane are the parma shown,
of ea with the plan of the upper genera- in which the elliptical sections may be
tor gives the point a. Similarly [de is
Problem 272. To determine the Section of a Sphere by a given Oblique
Plane. (No figure.)
By changing the ground line and
converting the problem into the in-
I dined plane type, the sections may
be obtained as in Prob. 181.

(I), (2), (3) The figure shows the plan (4), (5) The figure shows the plan of the
of (I) a cone 3 high , (2) a cylinder 3
axis of (4) a cylinder 2 diam. with a gene-
6 6

high, (3) a sphere, each resting on the H .P., rator in the H.P. , (5) a hexagonal prism,
and also the traces of a plane . Obtain the 1 edge, with a face in the H .P. Determine

sectional plan , sectional elevation, and true the true shapes of the sections given by
shape of section for each. Use the znd the plane VTH .
Method of Prob. 269 for (1).
• A cylinder ltandin& with an end in the H .P. may be treated in the lame way by regardinlr it as a cone
with ita apex at infinity.

T,--1t; PROBLEM 270


";--- '{-¥...L-.-_ !f


Sections of an Anchor Ring.
The Anchor Ring or Tcre s is a circular path-refer to page 171.
solid or surface of revolution, generated All sections by planes containing
by a circle revolving about an ex- the axis are circles equal in diam.
ternal axis in its own plane; consider to the diam. d of the generating circle
a rectangle to rotate about an edge, or sphere. Sections by planes perp. to
which remains fixed-a circle drawn the axis are rings formed by concentric
on the rectangle generates an anchor circles, and varying in width from 0 to
ring as it revolves. It is helpful also to d . From these considerations other
regard the surface as that swept out sections are readily determined .
by a sphere in traversing a plane

Problem 273. To determine the Section of an Anchor Ring by a Plane

parallel to its Axis.
A side view of a ring is shown in length of the chord through a, perp. to
figure, D being its mean diam., d the YO, is the width, measured horizontally.
diam. of a section: let VT be a plane of the section at a. Draw an end view
pari to the axis. of the complete ring and insert the
Take any radius or intersecting centre line CL. Project from a and
VT in a, and on YC as diam. describe mark off the ordinates alb l equal to abo
a circle. Regard this circle as a sec- Similarly obtain other points on the
tion of the ring by a plane cutting it curve of section. join them by a fair
along YO and containing the axis : the curve, and complete the view as shown.

Problem 274. To determine the Section of an Anchor Ring by a given

Plane inclined to its Axis.
The figure shows a simple plan and line of intersection between alcldlb l
elevation of an anchor ring, and a and the section plane cuts these
section plane dividing the solid sym- circles in e, f. g, and h, giving points
metrically. Project the plans of se- on the curve of section. Other points
lected sections of the ring given by may be plotted in the same way.
planes normal to its axis, and obtain The sectional end view is obtained
points on the sectional plan by pro- by projecting on XIYI drawn perp. to
jecting the line of intersection between ~y: the distance of e2 from X1YI = the
the plane and the section. As an distance of e from xy, and so on . To
example consider the plane a lcld1bl, determine the true shape. project on
which cuts the ring in an annulus and a plane pari to the section plane.
gives the circles ab and cd in plan; the
In Ex. (I) to (4) take an anchor ring (6) Refer to Ex . r, page 260. The
of the dimensions given in figure. hyperboloid of revolution generated by
(I) Detennineasectionbyaplaneparlto the given line ab alb I is cut by a plane
the axis and (a) X'2' from it, (b) x' from it. which is tangential to the throat circle
(2) Determine a sectional plan by plane and pari to the axis. Determine the true
(I) . shape of the section.
(3) Determine a sectional plan by plane (7) More difficult question. Project a
(2). plan of the anchor ring used in Ex . r to 4.
(4) Determine a sectional plan and arranged with the section given by plane
sectional end view by plane (3). (2) in the H .P .
(5) A prolate spheroid is generated by H int. Project the mean diam , and
an ellipse, major axis 31', minor axis 21'. draw spheres with centres on the mean
Detennine the true shape of a section diam. The envelope of the spheres gives
given by a plane bisecting the major axis the outline of the ring.
and inclined to it at 60°.
• In mathematics a tore is a aurface or solid generated by the revolution of mry tonk about an axis in its

ANCHOR RING BY sectional

.- t~
- y.=f-.

sectional end View.


275. General Method.

If two solids with curved surfaces Usually, after certain " key" points
penetrate each other, the line of have been located only a few other
intersection is in general a curve points are required to fix the curve.
which is not contained by one plane, It is better to locate accurately a
i.e. a tortuous curve: it is determined few well-chosen /Joints than to
by plotting the projections of points /Jlot a large number inaccurately.
which are common to both surfaces. The determination of the points is a
The general method is to take a repetition process, and it will be suffici-
series of plane sections, chosen to cut ent to indicate the construction for one
both surfaoes in lines which are easily or two points only.
drawn; i.e, sections are taken to give In working out examples the various
straight lines or circles in the projec- section planes should be numbered
tions. The points of intersection of the and corresponding numbers given to
pairs of lines given by each section the points obtained from them .
plane are points on the required curve.

Problem 276. To determine the Line of Intersection of two given

Fig. 2 shows the projections of two tain P1 and q1' the elevations of two
intersecting cylinders ; the axes do not points on the required curve.
intersect and are at right angles to It will be evident that points 1'1 and
each other, one being vertical and the S1 may be obtained from the same pro-
other horizontal. jectors by taking a second plane in a
Project the circle giving an end view corresponding position on the other
of the branch. Draw any line VTI side of the axis, and these points may
par! to xy, representing the vertical therefore be marked off at once by
trace of a horizontal section plane. considerations of symmetry.
This plane cuts the surface of the Take a second plane VT2 and in a
vertical cylinder in a circle, and the similar manner obtain the points 2 and
surface of the liorizontal cvlinder 21 , " Key " points are a, a1 and b, b1•
along two generators-the pictorial Obtain further points by choosing
view, fig. I , should make this clear. other similar planes and draw a fair
Transfer the distance D to the plan. freehand curve through them, as in
and draw the plans of the generators- the figure.
to intersect the circle in p and q. Note. Vertical section planes could
Project from p and q to VTI and ob- also be used in this example.

(1), (2), (3) Determine the projections (5) Tum the plan of the cylinders in
of the lines of intersection of the pairs of Ex. (3) through an angle,of 30° outwards
cylinders shown. The axes are at right and determine the projections of the line
angles to each other and are parallel to of intersection.
the V.P.
Further example in Isometric Pro-
(4) Determine the projections of the jection :-
line of intersection of the two given
cylinders . Hint: use inclined section (6) Make an isometric drawing showing
planes, taken parallel to the axis of the the curve of intersection of the cylinders
branch cylinder. in Ex. (2).
Nou.-These curves of intersection.!.together with the developments of the surfaces (deslt with fA
Chapter 17) are of importance in Plate Metal work,


Ex. I. Ex.2. & .4.


Problem 277. To determine the Line of Intersection of a ~iven Cone

and Cylinder, the Axes of which intersect at ri~t angles,
The general me/hod of determining should be almost self-explanatory. A
the line of intersection of a cone and horizontal section plane VT gives, in
cylinder is to locate points on the plan, a circle for the section of the cone
curve by means of section planes and a rectangle for the section of the
which are parallel to the axis of the cylinder. These intersect in points
cylinder and which contain the apex p, q, r, and s, which are on the plan of the
of the cone . These planes will cut the curves of intersection; the elevations
surfaces of the cone and cylinder in are obtained from them by projection.
straight lines, as will be seen later. Key points are given (a) by projecting
Although this general method may the points of intersection between the
be applied to the simple examples outline of the cone and the upper
considered below, horizontal section and lower generators of the cylinder;
planes give an easier construction and and (b) by taking a section plane
will therefore be used. through men e• the point of nearest
The form of the line of intersection approach of the circle and the 6. in
depends upon the relative dimensions the end elevation, this giving the points
and positions of the two solids . The m, mt . and n, n t . A part of each curve
cone may envelop the cylinder, or the will be hidden, in plan.
cylinder envelop the cone, or both
solids may envelop a common sphere. II. When the cone and cylinder,
The resulting curves are dissimilar, envelop a common sphere. The
and as a knowledge of their shape is solution is shown partly in fig. 2.
of great assistance in plotting them, In elevation, the line of intersection is
a projection along the axis of the straight, and in plan (not shown), it
cylinder, Le. an end elevation, should is elliptical.
always be drawn; this view shows III. When the cylinder envelops
clearly into which class the curve will the cone. The solution is shown in
fall. fig. 3. The key points are readily
In the figures opposite the end ele- determined, m, mt and n, n t being ob-
vation has been drawn separately for tained by projection from the end
clearness of reference. It will be seen, elevation.
however, that in solving examples the
circle representing the end view of the Note. Although letters have been
cylinder may be drawn within the 6. used for the points in the figures
giving the elevation of the cone. opposite for purposes of reference, it
is preferable to use numbers in working
I. VVhen the cone env~ops the out examples. Number the section
cylinder, i.e. when the cylinder planes in order, and give each point
completely penetrates the cone. (or pair of points), the same number
The solution is shown in fig. I, and as the plane on which it is situated.

(I) A cylinder Il' diam., axis hori- its axis is ii' in front of that of the cone,
zontal, rests on the H.P. and penetrates and determine the line of intersection.
a cone, height"~l', base 2!' diarn., resting (.) The projections of a cone and
on the H.P. The axis of the cone is cylinder are shown in fig. Determine the
vertical and intersects that of the cylinder line of intersection.
at right angles . Determine the line of Further example in Isometric Pro-
intersection. jection: -
(2) Increase the diam . of the cylinder (5) Make an isometric drawing showing
in (I) to 11' and solve problem. the curve of intersection for one branch
(J) Displace the cylinder ' in (I) until in Ex. (I).



Although horizontal section planes I planes have been chosen for the solu-
would be suitable, vertical section I tion of the following problems.

Problem 278. To determine the Line of Intersection of a given Cone

and Cylinder, the Axes of which are vertical.
Let the projections of the cone and This plane cuts the cone along the
cylinder be those given opposite, the generators be ble l . and bf btl! ; it also
axes being ab alb! , and cd cld l re - cuts the cylinder along generators
spectively. Vertical planes passing through P and q. The generators
through the apex of the cone will intersect at P, PI and q, ql' and these are
intersect both cone and cylinder along points on the required curve. Take
generators, and the intersection of further planes passing through ab
these lines will give points on the re- and obtain other points on the curve.
quired curve. The highest and lowest points are
Take any vertical plane. jrepresented given by a plane so chosen that its
by its trace HT, passing through abo H.T. passes through ab and cd,

Problem 279. To determine the Line of Intersection of a given Sphere

and Cylinder.
Let the sphere, centre 0, 0 1, envelop and diam. 'ef, and project from P and
the cylinder, axis cd clell . Vertical q to intersect this circle in Pl. r l and
section planes pari to the V.P. will be ql ' 51' These are four points on the
suitable; these will intersect the elevation of the required curves.
cylinder along generators, and the To obtain the highest and lowest
sections of the sphere will be circles points, draw a diam. through 0 and
in elevation. ' cd to intersect the plan of the cylinder
Let H.T. be the trace of a vertical in m and n; vertical planes through
plane. Draw the circle et!l' centre 01 m and n will give these" key " points.

Problem 286. To determine the Line of Intersection of a given Sphere

and vertical Prism.
Let the given sphere, centre 0, 0 1, be and q to intersect this circle in PI and
supported centrally by a square prism, ql' These are two points on the re-
as shown in figure. Vertical section quired curve. The four edges of the
planes pari to the V.P. will cut the prism prism meet the surface of the sphere
along vertical lines, and will give circles in points lying in the same horizontal
in elevation for the sections of the plane and give the highest points on
sphere. Let HT be the trace of a ver- the curve of intersection. To obtain
tical section plane cutting the sphere in the lowest points take HT through the
points e and f, and the prism in P and mid-points of the sides of the prism
q. With centre 01 describe a circle, in plan.
diam. ef, and project verticals from P

Use vertical section planes in each of the cylinder is inclined at 45° to both H.P.
the following: and V.P. Determine the line of inter-
(I) A cylinder ~ diam ., axis vertical, section. (First draw an end elevation.)
penetrates a vertical cone, vertical angle (3) The fig. is the plan of a sphere and
55°, altitude 4". 'gThe axes are ~"apart a regular triangular prism . Project an
and lie in a plane inclined at 30° to the elevation, in the direction of the arrow,
V.P. Determine the line of intersection. of the curve of intersection.
(2) A cylinder, z" diam ., axis horizontal, (4) An elevation of a cone and sphere
is enveloped by a sphere 31' diam, The is shown in figure, the axis of the cone
centre of the sphere is ' 6' from the axis and the centre of the sphere being equi-
of the cylinder, and the plane containing distant from the V.P. Determine the
the centre of the sphere and the axis of curve of intersection.

~e _


AND VERTICAL PRISM. ~1L-~!.---+--...!fJ<~---11=--
Problem 281. To determine the Line of Intersection of a given Cone
and Cylinder. the Axes of which are inclined to each other.
In the two examples considered II. When both axes are inclined
here, one simple and one more ad- to the H.P. and V.P. Fi~. 3. Let
vanced, section planes are employed ab alb l be the axis of the cone, and cd
which contain the apex of the cone cid l that of the cylinder : the axes do
and are par! to the axis of the cylinder. not intersect. Determine the horizontal
I. When the axis of the cone is traces of the cone and cylinder (Probs.
vertical. Fi~s. 1 and 2. Let ab alb I 265 and 266) , and also of a line from the
be the axis of the cone, and cd cld l apex of the cone par! to the axis of the
that of the cylinder, the latter being cylinder. Section planes will intersect
par! to the V.P. Determine the hori- the cone and cylinder along generators
zontal trace, ht, of a line through the if they contain the apex of the cone and
apex of the cone pari to the axis of the if their horizontal traces contain bt,
cylinder. Any section plane containing Draw any line HTI through ht,
the apex. and with its H.T. passing intersecting the elliptical traces in
through ht, wiil intersect both cone e, I. g. and h. Project eo. 10. go. and ho
and cylinder along generators ; fig. 2 and draw three generators. two par!
shows the generators in the section to cid l • and one from go to ai-the
intersecting in points P and Q on the generator alh o would be required if
required curve. (Note: the second the cylinder passed through the cone.
generator AH would be used if the These lines intersect in PI and ql . and
cylinder passed completely through give the elevations of two points on
the cone.) the curve. Other points may be ob-
Determine the elliptical trace of the tained in the same way. The limiting
cylinder, as in Prob. 266. Draw any point "I is given by the tangent. HT2,
line HTI through ht intersecting the to the trace of the cylinder at j , which
ellipse in e and f. and the circle in g cuts the trace of the cone at k and 1:
and h. Project eolo and go and draw a similar point on the dotted curve is
the generators through eo and 10 par! given by a tangent line (not drawn)
to cid l • for the cylinder, and from go at the back of the plan.
to a l for the cone. These intersect in The plan of the curve of intersec-
PI and qI. and give two points on the tion is omitted in fig. 3, and its deter-
elevation of the required curve. Ob- mination is left as an excercise for the
tain their plans, P and q. by projecting student.
to intersect the generator gab. Other
points may be determined in a similar Note I.-Because the tangent line HTz
to the cylinder intersects the elliptical
manner. and the complete curve drawn trace of the cone in k and I. it may be in-
as in fig. I. The plan is symmetrical ferred that the cone envelops the cylinder;
about cd, and may be completed from conversely. if a tangent to the elliptical
the half which is plotted. The" key " trace of the cone were to cut the trace of
point 1', "I is given by HT2, taken tan- the cylinder. the cylinder would envelop
gential to the elliptical trace of the the cone. A clear conception of this is
cylinder. essential for the correct projection of the
Note.-This example could also be solved Note 2.-1£ the H.T. of the cylinder is
by using spherical sections-taking the inaccessible it may be more convenient
centre of the sphere at the intersection of to use the V.T. Prob. 282 on the following
the axes. page will make the method clear .

(1) Determine the curve of intersection (2) Taking dimensions from fig. 3,

for the cylinder and frustum of cone given determine the elevation and plan of the
in figure. The axes intersect and the plane line of intersection of the given cone and
containing them is pari to V.P. cylinder.
Problem 282. To determine the Line of Intersection of two given
The general method is to use section The point 4, 41 is given by taking VT2
planes containing the apex of each to pass through k: and proceeding as
cone. These planes will cut the sur- above ; this section plane also gives
face of each cone along generators, the point 3. 31' derived from I z in the
and the intersections of the generators auxiliary projection.
give points on the required curve of If the traces HT, and vr, do not meet within
intersection. the lim its of the paper, Problem :l09. page 2 1:l ,
Obviously. if all section planes are should be used.
to contain the-apex of each cone. their The smaller curve of intersection
traces will contain the traces of the may be plotted in the same way by
line joining the apices of the cones. using other generators in which the
I. When the axes intersect at section planes cut the cones. e.g. those
rl~ht angles. Fi~. 1. Let the pro- from points m and n .
jectiOns of the cones be those given
in figure, axes ab a l bl vertical. and Not<!.-This eumple could also be solved by
Ulling spherical sections.
cd cldl horizontal. A difficulty arises
in this case, for the line joining the II. When the cones envelop a
apices is par! to the V.P. and therefore common sphere. Fi~ . 2. In this
bas no vertical trace. The problem is case the elevations of the curves of
readily solved, however, by taking intersection are given by two straight
an auxiliary V.P. perp. to each plane lines. and the plans by two ellipses.
of reference. Take X1Yl perp. to sy, III. When the axes are inclined to
to coincide with the base of the hori- each other. Fi~. 3. Let the t wo cones
zontal cone, and determine the traces be those shown in fig. 3. with axes
lit and vt, as shown clearly in figure. ab a l b l and cd c l d 1 (not int ersect ing),
Project the auxiliary view of the and having circular traces on the planes
horizontal cone only, i.e, draw the of reference. Determine he and ut, the
circle. centre crIz. Draw any line HTI traces of the line jo ining the apices.
through ht, cutting the base circle of Take any plane HTI, VTI, the traces of
the vertical cone in e and m; draw which pass through ht and ut and meet
the corresponding line VTI through in xy. HTI intersects one circular
vt, cutting the other base circle in f, trace in m and n, and gives the section
and gz. Transfer f: and g, to the generators ma and na; their elevations
original elevation, giving fl and gl. m 1a l and n l a l are easily projected,
and join CJl and clgl • Project el from VTI intersects the other circular trace
e and join aIel' The intersection of the in "1 and Sl' and gives the generators
generator aIel with the generators "lCl and SlCl' their plans being 1'C and
CtBl and ·cJl gives the points II and 21 SC. These generators intersect each
on the elevation of the required curve. other in four points lying on the curve
The plans of the points. I and 2, are of intersection and denoted by the
obtained by projecting from their number I in plan and 11 in elevation.
elevations to intersect the generator Other points on the curves may be
ae. in plan. Points 5 and 6 are readily obtained by taking a succession of
projected from 51 and 6 1 in elevation. planes such as HTI, VTI.·
(1) Two cones intersect each other as cone. Determine the curve of intersection.
in fig. I. The vertical cone has a base (2) Using the data given opposite,

diam . and altitude of 21'; the horizontal determine the curve of intersection for
cone has a base diam . of and altitude the two cones shown in fig. 3. The axes
of 2'6'. The axes intersect in a point 1'1' are ab ~bl' cd Cl~' and the traces are
from the apex of the horizontal cone, circular.
and 1'4' from the apex of the vertical
• Note.-Examplcc of this type are very confusioa' and the points must be plotted syrtematica1ly &Dd
numbered consecutively if the correct solut1Ol1 is to be obtained. Extreme accuracy in drawing is essential
PROBLEM . 282 X,

-.:;. a,

. i
• ';f-

Intersections of Prisms, Pyramids, etc.
The intersections of polyhedra with simple. the solutions may be very
one another are straight lines. since complicated owing to the large number
their faces are plane figures, and their of construction lines employed. Frob-
projections may be determined by lems must therefore be treated sys-
the application of Probs. 235 or 239. tematically, and a scheme of lettenng
Although the basic constructions are or numbering adopted at the outset.
Problem 283. To determine the Line of Intersection of two ~ven
square Prisms.
This problem is relatively simple prism. By transfer, obtain the corre-
when presented in the manner shown sponding points ai' bl • el , d l • el • Ain the
in fig. I. in which the axis of one prism original elevation.
is vertical and the other horizontal. The various points have now to be
The line of intersection is contained by joined in the right order. as in fig. t,
that part of the square, in the plan, and a decision made as to which lines
within the outline of the horizontal are seen and which hidden. The
prism. pictorial view, fig. 2 . should make the
The plans of the points in which construction clear.
the edges of the horizontal prism meet
the faces of the vertical prism are Practical Examples.
given immediately by g. h, i. k, 1. and In engineering practice. abrupt junc-
m, and their elevations gl. hi' j l' k l • 11' tions of solids. such as those already
ml are obtained by projection. considered. are of less frequent occurrence
Take X1Yl perp. to the axis of the than those in which the solids merge
horizontal prism and project an auxil- gradually into one another by means of
iary elevation. By projection from the circular radii or fillets. These junctions
plan determine the points a 2 • b2 • e!. d! . produce some interesting curves of inter-
section. such as those shown pictorially
el' f2. in which the edges of the vertical in fig. 4 and Ex . 4 opposite.
prism meet the faces of the horizontal
Problem 284. To determine the Line of Intersection of a rectangular
Rod joining a cylindrical End in a Radius or FiIlet.
Let the projections of the rod-end rad. 0lal' and this arc will terminate
be those given in fig. 3; it is required at the contour of the vertical sides of
to determine the line of intersection the rectangular part, i.e. at p. The
represented by AB in fig. 4. elevation PI of this point is one point
Take any horizontal section plane. on the required curve of intersection.
represented by VT. The plan of the By obtaining other points in a similar
contour of the cylindrical end, at the way, the complete curve may be
radius, will be an arc, centre °
and drawn, as in- fig. 3.
(1) Solve Frob. 283 using the data determine the curve of intersection shown.
given in fig. 2 ~ The horizontal prism has (4) Determine the curve of intersection
an edge in the H.P. inclined at 30° to xy , for the tee-end of the rod shown in figure.
and a face inclined at 60° to H.P . Both A pictorial view of the required curve is
prisms touch the V.P.• and the comer in shown, also a dimensioned sketch of one
contact is 1'3" from the edge in contact. half of the rod.
(1) The plans of a square pyramid (full (5) The figure shows a dimensioned
lines) and a prism (dotted) are shown in half-plan of the forked-end for a 2" diam.
figure; the ends of the prism are equi- rod . The contour from C to D is " turned "
lateral lls. The pyramid has its base in by rotation about AB as axis ; the part
H .P.; the prism has a face in H.P., and from E to F is vertical ; and the upper and
its length and position are referred to the lower sides are horizontal. The thickness
plan of the pyramid. Determine the line of the material is 2". Determine the curve
of intersection of the two solids. of intersection between the curved con-
(3) Using the 'dimensions given in fig. 3, tour and the flat sides.
Chap. 16
When a surface can be laid out on In dealing with the developments of
a plane it is said to be developable prisms, pyramids, cones and cylinders,
and the figure obtained is called its the ends or bases will not be con-
development. sidered.
Problem 285. To determine the Development 01
of a right regular Prism.
A pentagonal prism is shown in spond with the edges in the projections.
figure with a circular hole passing The shortest distance between any
centrally through it. The develop- two points on a surface is given by the
ment of the surface oonsists
Consists of five line joining their positions in the devel-
similar rectangles in contact and opment ; they may usually be joined in
their dimensions may be taken from twodirections
two directions (ormore)
(or more) and thatgiving
that giving
the plan and elevation. One One hole in the shortest distance must be taken.
the development is circular; the other Consider the two points 1', "1 and 55,, 51'
r, 1'1 51 '
tlie solid)
(that containing an edge of tli.e Transfer the distances 1'4 ;'4 and SI51 from
may be obtained by plotting a few the plan to the development, giving
points on the curve-e.g. the distance 1'04
"04 and Sol, and obtain Rand S by
Po0 2 in the development is equal to P2 projection. The line joining Rand S
in plan,
plan. and P on the curve is obtained is the shortest distance between the
by projection from PI'Pl' two points "1 and 5,5 1, The construc-
1', 1'1
The various edges in the develop- tion for the elevation of this line is
ment should be numbered to corre- given in the figure.

Problem 286. To determine the Development 01

of an oblique Prism.
The figure shows the projections of development. From these points draw
an oblique prism with regular hexa- lines pari to the axis and equal in
gonal ends, length of edge D. The length to the slant edge, and complete
development consists of six equal- as shown. The construction for the
parms. Number the corners
sided parma. comers and projections of a line giving the shortest
from each draw a line perp. to the distance between the points 1', r, 1'1
"i and
axis. With dividers set to the distance 5, 51 is shown clearly in figure.
D step off the points I,
I. 6,
6. 5 ...
.. . in ·the

Problem 287. To determine the Development 01

of a right regular
The projections of a square pyramid To obtain the development draw the
and the V.T. of an inclined section four similar isosceles 6. AI4, A43,
t.:,. s A14, A43.
plane are given. AZI, each base being equal to the
A32, A2I,
Produce the base line and mark off edge of the base of the pyramid.
EF = al.
aI. Erect a perp. EA equal to The method of projecting the lines
the altitude of the pyramid. JJoin
oin AF
AF;; in which the section plane cuts the
.slant edge.
AF is the true length of a .slant faces is clearly indicated in the figure.

(I) Draw the development of an oblique Scale: II'' = 20
the plan of its path. Scale: zo feet.
prism on a regular pentagonal base. (4) A flue
flue is in the form of the frustum
Edge. of base Il*,
Edge. II', length ofaxis z', in- of a pyramid, the plan of which is given.
of axis 2',
clination ofaxis
of axis 45°. A lightning conductor is taken from A
(2) A cube 2'
(z) z* edge has a circular hole to B around the outside.
outside . Determine its
XU diam. drilled centrally through opposite
1" shortest length and draw the plan of its
edges. Develop the complete surface.
surface . path. Scale: 1* I ' = 6 feet.
feet .
(3) A workshop consists of three (5) Taking dimensions from Prob. Frob . z87,
similar" figure. An determine the development of the
similar .. bays ".. as shown in figure. the pyra-
electric cable is taken, along the wall and midal surface beneath the section plane
roof, from A to B and then from B to C. C. V.T.
Determine its shortest length and draw
I"E. HI)
Problem 288. To determine the Development of a right circular
The curved surface of a cylinder representing the plan of the section
develops into a rectangle, the sides of into a number of equal parts, say 12,
which are equal respectively to the number the points and project them
axis of the cylinder and the circum- in elevation. From point I, in eleva-
ference of the end. t ion, set off a horizontal line equal in
Consider a cylinder cut by a plane length to the circumference of the
inclined to its axis, as illustrated in circle; divide it also into 12 equal parts
the plan and elevation opposite. The and number the points. Erect or-
developed surface is bounded by a dinates at these points to intersect
curve which may be plotted by de- horizontals from corresponding points
termining the points of intersection in the elevation, and draw a fair curve
between the plane and selected genera- through the points of intersection.
tors of the cylinder. Divide the circle Complete the development as in figure .

Problem 289. To determine the Development of an oblique circular

By regarding the cylinder as an their elevations set off lines perp. to
oblique prism having a large number the axis of the cylinder. Starting at
of sides, the problem may be solved point I, in the development, and with
in precisely the same way as Frob. 286. dividers set to the chord D of the
Let the projections of the oblique divisions in plan, step off the points
cylinder be those given: the xy line is 12, II, 10, 9 ... and draw a fair curve
shown inclined to the horizontal to save through them. The upper curve may
space. Divide the base into 12 equal be drawn in the same way.
parts, numbering the points, and from

Problem 290. To determine the Development of a cylindrical Branch.

By making use of the curves of circle into 12 equal parts and draw
intersection, obtained as described on generators through them to intersect
page 274, the developed shapes of the curve. Set out a horizontal line
branch cylinders are readily obtained. equal in length to the circumference of
A typical example of this important the branch and draw 12 equidistant
group will be considered. vertical ordinates. Horizontals from
Let the axes of two given cylinders points on the curve intersect corres-
be at rt. Ls without intersecting, ponding ordinates in points on the re-
as in figure. Determine the complete quired development : the construction
curve of intersection (Prob. 276). is clearly shown in the drawing.
Divide the circumference of the branch

(1) The pictorial view in Prob. 288 the cylinder. Draw the development of
opposite shows a vertical cylindrical the surface.
funnel, 24' diam., intersecting a flat roof (3) Draw the development of the oblique
inclined at 45° to its axis. The least dis- circular cylinder which connects the right
tance from the top of the funnel to the circular cylinders in the given figure.
roof is 18', Draw the development of the (4) Two views of a cylindrical branch
funnel. Scale: I' = I foot. pipe are shown, Draw the development
(2) The elevation of a right circular of the branch at the junction, and deter-
cylinder is given. The upper part of the mine the developed shape of the hole in
cylinder is cut off by a plane inclined at the main pipe. Scale: It" = t foot.
30°, and a hole passes centrally through
1--- - - - 7f. D - - - - - - ----t

10987 654

/2 /I /0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I
7r. D +--+---+---i

. . .

Problem 291. To determine the Development of a right circular Cone.
The developed form of the curved The point Pt is the elevation of two
surface is a sector of a circle; the points on the section, lying one -on
rad. of the sector and the length of each of the generators a15 and a t9; to
the atc are equal respectively to the obtain their positions on the develop-
slant height of the cone and the cir- ment (PI and P z) draw an arc with
cumference of its base. centre at and radius aIPz to cut the
Let the projections of the cone be generators a 15 and a 19. Locate other
those shown in figure, apex a, aI' slant points in a similar manner, as indi-
height L . The development alBC may cated, and draw a fair curve through
be drawn by setting off the circum- them.
ference graphically around an arc of The shortest distance between two
rad. L, using Probs. 28 and 27, or by points on the surface is given by the
calculating 6, the angle included in the straight line joining their positions on
sector. the development. The straight line
Points on the surface may be located BC represents the shortest line from a
readily by means of generators. Let point on the circumference of the base,
VT be an inclined section plane: to taken around the cone and returning
determine the outline of the section to the same point. The construction
on the development of the cone. for one point 1'1 on the elevation of this
Divide both the base of the cone and line is shown in the figure: describe an
the arc BC into 12 equal parts; draw are, rad. alR l (or alR z) to meet the
the elevations of generators to these generator all in 1'z, and project hori-
points, also the corresponding gener- zontally to intersect a 14.
ators all, a 12, &c., in the development.
Problem 292. To determine the Development of an oblique circular
The curved surface may be divided describe arcs. With dividers set to
up by generators into triangles which one of the base divisions, e.g. the dis-
are approximately plane; the complete tance 1-2, in plan, space off the points
development is obtained by arranging 12, II, 10 . .. on the development,
these triangles about a common vertex starting at I and spanning from arc to
with corresponding edges coincident. arc. Join the points by a fair curve
The construction is conveniently and complete as in figure. The l:!.
set out thus: Divide the base into 12 azI, 12 (sectioned) is the approximate
equal parts, number the points, and true shape of the surface included
join them to the apex a. Draw a between the generators aI, all, and
vertical line azaa = altitude of cone, aI2, a lI2, and the complete develop-
and set out a horizontal from aa' ment is a summation of such triangles.
Mark off aaI, aaI2, aslI . . . = the The same construction may be applied
respective plans aI, aI2, all .. . of to any oblique cone, whatever the base
the generators. Join azI and with curve; also, of course, to any pyramid.
centre a z and radii azI, a zI2, azlI ...
In (I) and (2) assume a right circular (3) The figure shows a cone with a
cone, base diam , 3', altitude 3l". cylindrical branch on one side only; the
(I) Develop the curved surface and shortest generator of the branch is Ii".
determine the length and projections of Develop the branch and cone.
the shortest line passing around the cone (4) The figure shows the plan of a cone
from a point on the circumference of the and the traces HT and HIT I of two
base and returning to the same point. vertical planes. Develop that part of the
(2) Develop that part of the surface surface, shown sectioned, lying between
included between two planes inclined at the planes.
10° and 50° to the base, which intersect (5) Develop the oblique frustum A
in a tangent to the base circle. shown in figure.

Any surface of revolution may be sum of the developed surfaces bears
divided into either zones or lunes * to the given surface. In the construc-
and an approximate development of tions given below, relatively large
these obtained. The more numerous parts of the surfaces will be dealt with
the parts chosen the closer will be the to avoid a confusion of lines.
degree of approximation which the

Problem 293. To detennine the approximate Development of a Sphere.

(a) In Zones. Fig. 1 shows a part lune representing one-twelfth of the
elevation of a sphere with its upper total surface of the sphere is shown
hemispherical surface divided into three (shaded) in fig. 2 ; its end elevation
zones, A, B, and C, the distance between is given by the thickened semi-circle.
the points 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, being equal. By Divide this semi-circle into six equal
joining the points, zones A and B parts, number them, and project
become the projections of frusta of points a and c in elevation . With
right circular cones; and the spherical centre 0 draw the arcs ab and cd.
cap C becomes a cone of small altitude. Rectify the semi-circle, using Prob.
A surface approximating to that of 26, mark off its length along a centre
the hemisphere will be given by the line CL, and divide the line into six
curved surfaces of these frusta and equal parts. Erect ordinates at the
the cone, developed as in Prob. 291. points of division and transfer to them
In fig. 1 only one half of each developed the distances ab, cd, and ef from the
surface is shown to save space; the elevation, giving a1bv c1d 1 , and eJl'
strips Al and B 1 , and the sector C1 &c. The figure given by joining these
give the development of one half the points represents an approximate
surfaces of A, B , and C, and conse- development of the selected lune, and
quently represent one-fourth the total twelve of these figures will enable the
development of the whole sphere. spherical surface to be built up.
(b) In Lunes. The elevation of a
Problem 294. To determine the approximate Development of a Tore
or Anchor Ring.
(a) In Lunes. Fig. 3 shows the part numbering them as in figure. Transfer
projections of a given ring. Consider distances such as ab to the respective
a lune contained between planes ordinates, giving points b 1 and b2 on
inclined to each other at 30°, as shown the outline of the curve, and complete
in the plan. Divide the circular section the development in the manner shown.
into twelve equal parts, drop projectors (b) In Zones. The surface may be
from the points into the plan, and divided into zones and the parts
describe tangent concentric arcs with treated as frusta of cones, as for the
centre o. Set off a centre line CL, sphere. The part elevations of two
equal in length to the circumference su ch frusta are shown dotted in fig. 3,
of the circular section, divide it into and their development should need
twelve equal parts and erect ordinates, no further explanation.

(I) Develop, in zones, one-fourth of the plan of which is represented by six equally
surface of a sphere 3 h diam. spaced radii to a 12* diam , circle. The
(2) The mean diam. of an anchor ring shade is covered with silk, all horizontal
is 5* and the diam . of the section is 11*. sections being regular hexagons . Draw
Develop, in Iunes, one-twelfth of its sur- the projections of the shade, one-quarter
face. full size, and develop, half size, one of
(3) Three semi-circular hoops are used the six curved surfaces.
to form the frame of a lampshade, the
• A Zone is the surface included between two planes perp. to the axis; • Lune that included betweeD two
planes which contain the axis.

strips A,~~, ~ sector <:;.

tve the apprOXimate
development of ~
the surface of
the sphere.


opproximate development of t 1.~--!a.~--j(;,----t ,,-----7'9'r-- --t------:3i't-L

112 the surface of the sphere
e f 1'-'_ _=---_---""'---=--->,.;-~--=_+_-L::--~

deVa ion - -' fig). 1- - ena.~JeW·-r:7.
L.---~"F=====-' (6) IN LUNES .


7(0 - - - - , - - - - - -
. (
..J;L-!:--H.- . ~
part plan
approximate development
of 1;2 the surface of the ring -&;..3.
Problem 295. To determine the Projections and Development of an
Expanding Bend, made up entirely of Flat Plates, to connect two
given Square Ducts, unequal in Area•. The Axes of the ~ven Duets
and the Centre Line of the Bend lie in the same Plane.
Let A and B, fig. I, be the positions are parallel to each other. Further,
in elevation of the given ducts, and if two straight lines intersect, the pro-
let C be the centre of tbe arc forming jectionsof the point of intersection must
the centre-line of the required bend. lie on the same projector. Consider
The rate of reduction in area depends the quadrilateral MNPO, figs. I and 2
on the purpose of the duct and it will (fig. 2 is an isometric view of the com-
be assumed here that the areas at four plete bend): the edges OP and MN are
sections D, E, F. and G, on equidistant not pari and, as will be evident from
radial lines from C. are given. a plan, they do not intersect. MNPO
Suppose the bend at the points D, cannot therefore be constructed from
E, F, and G to be of square section. a fiat plate (unless it is permissible
the planes of the squares coinciding for the plate to be bent along a dia-
with the radial lines CD. CEo CF, and gonal) , The quadrilaterals forming
CG. Set off the edge of each square the upper and lower surfaces of the
along a radius, symmetrically about bend satisfy the above condition and
the centre-line; then complete the are each plane. The developments of
outline as in fig. I . the various figures are easily drawn
It is important to note that a quad- after the true lengths of the edges have
rllateral cannot be plane unless its been determined from their projec-
opposite sides either intersect or tions.

Problem 296. To determine the Development of a Connecting Piece

between two given Ducts, one Cylindrical and the other Square
in Section.
Let the projections of the ducts be any number of equal parts-here 12;
P and R in fig. 3. To determine the number the points and project their
true shape of a fiat plate which, when elevations. Draw lines from these
bent. will form one half of the connect- points. in the plan to b or c, and in the
ing piece Q. the halves being sym- elevation to b1 or c1• Find the true
metrical about the centre line afde . An length of b7. b17. and of each other such
isometric view of the halves is given in line; the construction for b4. b14 , is
fig. -t o shown.
There are several ways of solving this To obtain the development, fig. 5,
problem. The method given here makes draw the rt. Ld 6. FAB; AB = ab and
use of conical and plane triangular AF = ad1 • Set off the succession of A 8
surfaces. The conical surfaces are de- such as BI:Z, taking the l~ngths of I:Z.
veloped by dividing them into small 23. 34. etc.• as one-twelfth the semi-
triangular strips. a method of .. tri- circle fge. and making B2 = true
angulation" of wide application in length of b2. b12 . etc. The:final 6. CDE
metal plate work. is again right-angled.
Divide the semi-circle fge. fig. 3. into

(1) Take the following dimensions for I ' = I foot. Develop the upper and
:fig. I : sides of ducts A and B, I ' 6' and lower surfaces. and one side surface.
3' 0"; rad. CB, 4' 0"; sides of squares at (2) Obtain the development of one
D, E, F, and G, z'6', 2·Z' . 1'9', 1'65' respec- half of the connecting piece Q in f;g. 3.
tively. Dxawan elevation. plan. and end Scale: Ii" = I foot. A dimensioned
view (looking from right to left). Scale: figure is given on the right.

PROBLEM 2 95 .
BETWEEN TWO C;IVEN ' '-.-----. A
- -- --


tru e
of Ime

J.. "a,b,-
I -_ _-1 c.d,


lIla. Aerofoil Surfaces.

The methods used for the definition Construction of Win~ Sections.
and development of aerofoil wing In the example shown, incomplete, in
surfaces will be briefly considered figs. 2 and 3, the length of the Root
because of their general interest and Chord has been taken as 120'" and that
possible use for other surfaces. of the Tip Chord as 40"'. The 35% line
The proportions of many aerofoil is common to both. Multiplying the
shapes have been standardized, and values in the Table by 120'" and 40'"
values from one example are given on gives the lengths of the ordinates and
page 342 and used opposite. The these, set off to scale , give the shapes
Chord Line is sub-divided by ordinates shown. It is customary to use ordi-
drawn at percentage distances along its nates perp. to the wing reference line,
length. The values of the ordinates through the % points on the chord.
above and below the- chord line are Straight lines joining corresponding
obtained by multiplying the figures in points on the root and tip profiles
the Table by the Chord Length. The define the ruled surface of the wing.
curve at the Leading Edge is a circular The surface shaded is bounded by two
arc struck from a defined point; fig. 3, straight lines and two curves, and the
the arc extending slightly beyond what development of any area on the wing
is defined as the leading edge. The presents no great difficulty, as we have
line through the mid-points of ordinates the positions of any boundary point in
is called the Mean Line. two views.
The numerals describing standard The incidence of the wing tip section
aerofoils define the shapes. The first may differ from that of the root
figure (2) in NACA .23021 gives the section, as in fig. 3 where the angles
Camber as 2% of the chord; the next are 3° and 5°. Again, the aerofoil at the
two figures (30) imply that the maxi- tip usually differs from that at the root,
mum camber is at an ordinate one half for aerodynamical reasons. It is then
of 30% from the leading edge; and the necessary to determine the shapes of
last two figures (21) give the maximum intermediate aerofoils. This requires
thickness, 21% of the chord. A st. line the sub-division of each of the per-
inclined to the chord at an angle, fig. I, centage Jines in the ratio that the
here passing through the 35% point, is station divides the wing length. The
the Wing Reference Line or Plane, dotted curve drawn through points one
wh ich is parallel to the normal direc- third along each percentage line gives
tion of flight. Fig. 2 shows, to a larger the aerofoil shape one third of the wing
scale, the outline in fig. 1 turned about length from the tip.
the 35% point until the wing reference
plane is horizontal.

The Table on page 342 relates to 3°, as in fig. 3. Determine the aerofoil
NACA.2302I. Set off aerofoil shapes for shape on a plane three quarters along tip
root and tip, taking chord lengths of 140'" to root.
and 45"', and angles of incidence of 5° and
95 100

AEROFOIL NO 2302 1 (N .s ;C.A)

297. Oblique Parallel Projection.
In this special case ofaxonometric Cavalier Projection . The projection of
projection, the projectors are taken the par face on the plane is an equal
from points on the contour of an object figure , and lines perp. to the face have
to meet the plane of projection their projections equal to the lengths of
obliquely . the lines themselves. Before considering
In that considered here the solid is the actual construction of the oblique
arranged with one of its principal projection, which under these con-
faces pari to . the plane of projection, ditions is very simple, the principles
and the projectors are inclined at 45° underlying the construction will first
to this plane ; a particular case called be investigated.

297a. Principles of Oblique Parallel Projection.

Refer to figs. I and 2. Let the ortho- at 30° to xy. Join the various points
graphic projections of a right-angled and obtain the complete projection of
bracket be given: to determine its the bracket. It should be noted that
oblique parallel projection on the V.P., the face ABEFDC is the same as
by projectors inclined at 45° to the alblet!vJlct in elevation, and that CG,
V .P. the width, is equal to the true length
In order to show the upper surface of the edge of which it is the projec-
of the bracket as an area, and not as a tion. From these considerations it will
line, the oblique projectors must also be seen that the oblique projection
be inclined to the H.P. Assume the may be drawn at once without first
apparent inclination of the projectors constructing the orthographic vi ews.
to the H.P.-Le. the inclination to xy Fig. 4 shows a sim ple bracket : the
of the elevation of a projector-to be view is constructed by drawing first
30°; this is the angle commonly used. the principal face, and .setting off along
The apparent inclination of the pro- lines inclined at 30° (or any other
jectors to the V.P.-Le. the inclina- angle) the true width of the bracket.
tions to xy of their plans-will not be Fig. 6-shows the oblique projection of
45° but a smaller angle ~, determined a semi-circular bearing, the plan of
as follows. which is shown in fig. 5. In both of
Let pa Plat, fig. 3, be the plan these examples the faces on which
and elevation of a projector inclined circles appear have been taken pari
at 45° to V.P. and pari to H.P. to the V.P. This is one of the principal
Imagine it to tum about PPI as advantages of the system, namely, that
axis until its elevation Plaa makes an it is frequently possible to show the
angle Ot = 30° with xy; the projected projections of circular parts as circles,
plan a,p gives the inclination ~ to and not as ellipses-as in isometric
~y. Refer if necessary to Prob. 202, projection-(this is not possible in
page 202. Ex. 3 below). To avoid the distorted
Now project obliquely from the appearance and exaggerated length-
comers of the orthographic projec- see fig. 6-a smaller scale may be used
tions, fig. I; draw lines inclined at ~ for lines lying in planes perp, to the
to xy from a, b, &c., to meet xy in ao, bo, front face: a scale of one-half is suit-
&c., and project from these points to able and is commonly used . This
intersect lines from ai' bt , &c., drawn system is called Cabinet Projection .
(1) and (2) Draw, full size. the oblique full size, with the circular disc to the front.
projections of the bracket and half bearing Determine the outline of the side arcs by
shown in figs. 4. 5. and 6. Also draw plotting points.
fig. 6 using a half-size scale for the length . (4) Draw, full size, an oblique projection
(3) Two views of a bracket are given. of the overhung crank and disc shown.
Draw an oblique projection of the bracket,
,...-----"71 P,

to VP-4S·
fjg3 .
In the isometric system of projection projection, with the result that a
discussed in Chap. 13. three lines taken special scale is necessary for each axis :
at rt. z.s to tone another to represent projection is, however, orthographic,
the three principal directions (one not oblique.- When the scales for two
vertical and two horizontal) , were axes are the same the term dimetric
given equal inclinations to the plane of projection may be used .
projection. Equal lengths along each The appearance of isometric pro-
line , or axis, gave equal projections jections leaves much to be desired ,
on the plane, and the same scale was and the improvement given by the use
used for measurements in the direction of the trimetric system (compare figs.
of each axis. 4 and 5) compensates for the additional
In trimetric projection the axes labour involved in constructing and
are not equally inclined to the plane of using the scales.
298. Given the Axes, to determine the Trimetric Scales.
The directions of the projections of draw a semi-circle. The elevation 01
the three concurrent axes may be of the point 0 must lie on the semi-
decided arbitrarily; the choice of circle, for the axis oc is perp. to the
direction is discussed fully on the next f::" oab, and in elevation these project
page. In this construction they are as the sides of a rt. Ld f::". Project
taken as shown in fig. 2, OA being ver- 0 1 and join 0IC I • The angle e, 01Clbl' is
tical. Having decided on the directions the inclination of the axis OC to the
of the axes, it is necessary to determine plane of projection. With centre ,0 ,
their inclinations to the plane of pro- and radii ob and oa, describe arcs! 't o
jection and thence to obtain the scale intersect oc produced in b. and a••
which must be used for each axis. The Project aa and ba and join to 0 1, The
problem is, then: Given the orthographic angles at and ~ are the respective in-
projections of three concurrent lines clinations of the axes OA and OB to the
whick are perpendicular to eack othe«, plane of projection.
to determine their inclinations to tke To construct the Scales. Fig. 3.
plane. From any point p set off three lines
Construction. Fig. I. Draw the inclined at ex, ~, and e, to a horizontal.
projections oa, ob, oc of the three axes. With p as centre, and with unit radius,
Take any point a, on oa, and regard it describe an arc to intersect each line.
as the horizontal trace of that axis. Project p and the points of intersec-
From a draw lines perp. to co and bo, tion to the horizontal line. The lengths
both produced, to intersect the other on the horizontal line are the projec-
axes in b and c. The lines ab and ac are tions, on the plane, of unit lengths
the horizontal traces of the f::"s oab and along the axes, and the three scales
oac: for the axis oc is perp. to the may be constructed as in figure with
plane of the other two axes, and the these projections as the unit. In
trace ab of this plane must be perp. making drawings with the axes as in
to the projection oc of the axis; simi- fig. 2, scale A will be used for distances
larly because the axis ob is perp. to along axis OA, scale B for axis OB, and
the plane of the other two axes, the scale C for axis OC. To project a circle
trace ac of this plane must be perp. on an axometric plane first project the
to the projection ob of the axis. circumscribing square-represented by
Take xy pari to co and project b1 a parlD-and draw the inscribed ellipse
and c1 from b and c. On b1c1 as diam., to this parm (as in Prob. 47).
Make axometric projections of the objects used for the examples on page 193, taking
axes as shown in fig. 2 .
- Note.-It should be clearly understood that if oblique instead of orthographic projection is used, the
directions of the axes and the ratios of the scales may be chosen quite arbitrarily. Although a true projection
of an object will result, this projection may appear very distorted unless the angles and scaJei are kept within
raaonable limits. Moreover, the absolute scale will have to be determined.

Scale for axis OC - C ' 2

Scale for axis OB_B~/=::=::~~~~~~~~~~~
Scale for axis OA -Alli

298a. Choice of Direction of Axes in Trimetric Projection.
The choice of axes is arbitrary and mates to the isometric (in which a.
offers scope for a great variety of pro- diagonal of the solid projects as a.
jections. Yet only a limited range of point). The difference is barely suffi-
projections is acceptable to the eye. cient to justify the variation. In the
Fig. 1 opposite shows five trimetric other four projections the effect is to
projections of a unit cube, and marked lengthen the diagonal (tid in fig. Ib) and
on them are the values which have to change its inclination. The pro-
been used for the apparent angles jection in fig. 2 on page 301 lies between
between concurrent edges. those in fig. IC and fig. ui opposite.
The projection in fig. Ia approxi-

298b. Axes to suit selected scales.

The true inclinations of t he a xes to of the ratio in the construction rather
the plan e of projection can in each case than the angle gives greater accuracy.
be obta ined as described on page 2 82 . It will be clear that the sum of II and ~
It will be obvious that the greater the must be less than 90°, so that, given
angle BOe, fig. re, the more nearly does the scale for one axis, the scale for the
the scale for the axis OA approach other has an upper limit.
unity. In (e), the error introduced by Draw any line b20 c parallel to bIc!.
marking actual, instead of scale. dis- and through b1, 01 and ci draw perps.
tances off along OA is very small indeed. intersecting b 20 c in b2, 0, and c. With
The foregoing leads to a consider- °
centre and rad. 02bS describe an arc
ation of the possibility of selecting cutting the perp. through b 1 in b. Join
simple scales for the axes OB and oe boo produce it, and draw through c a
and of determining LAOB and LAOe. line perp. to it to meet the perp.
This is virtually a reversal of the con- through b in a point a (not shown).
struction of fig. I on page gor . Join ao.
Let the scale for the axis OC be t, The angles aob and aoc give the
and that for the axis OB , t. these scales values of the required angles AOB and
being easily constructed and used. As AOe which are, very nearly, 94° and
will be seen later, the selection of a 103° (accurate calculation gives the
scale for one axis imposes a limiting values as 94° and 102° 37').
value on the scale for the other (in Fig. 3 shows a unit cube constructed
orthographic projection). to these values; OB: oe :: t : 1; OA
The construction is as follows, the is taken as I; the angles AOB and
lettering of fig. 2 opposite being that AOe are 94° and 103°. The appearance
of fig. I, page 30r. of the cube is to be preferred to an
On a horizontal line, draw any semi- isometric projection.
circle b10 1C1• In this semi-circle set off The trimetric projection of solids of
CI01 at angle IIto c1b 1 such that cosll = t; more complicated shapes is not difficult,
Le, II = 60°. Through 01 draw 0lbS at and fig. 4 shows a partly completed
angle f) to c1b1 such that cosf) = t; projection of a regular dodecahedron-
although ($ = 29°, very nearly, the use (see Ex. 3). See also page 304.
(I) Draw a projection of the bearing of as tilted about the edges of an inscribed
Ex. 6, page 197, taking axes as in fig. rc. cube; e.g. the shaded face in fig. 4 touches
Repeat the construction using axes as in the inscribed cube along abo Using the
fig. re, Express your preference. axes and scales of fig. 3. complete the pro-
(2) Using the axes and scales of fig. 3. jection of a regular dodecahedron having
draw a projection of the bracket shown in edges It' long.
fig. 6, page 197· (4) Repeat the construction of Ex. (3),
(3) A regular dodecahedron is shown but using irregular pentagons in which
partly projected in fig. 4. The easy con- the lengths of the edges parallel to the
struction indicated makes use of the fact faces of the inscribed cube are I~N, and
that the pentagonal faces may be regarded of the other edges 1'146.

--- -"-


----------- - ft- ---

-b·++--- - c
2 A

Fig.4 .
298c. Projection conventions for the dra~ of crystals.
One important use of trimetric pro- because of the small value of LBOX,
jection (called clinometric or clino- fig. I. The construction of fig. 1, page
graphic projection) lies in the drawings 301 is repeated in fig. 4 with a little
of crystals, the structures of which are more compactness.
of interest not only to mineralogists The values of the angles 6, ~ and oc
but to engineers. The identification and may be calculated thus:
portrayal of nature's architectural forms If oc is taken as unity, ad = cos 20°
are dealt with fully in works on crystal- 33*' = '93631 ; oa = od -:- cos 87° 52!',
lographyand the subject can be touched so that oa = 25'2513; similarly,
upon only lightly here. oe = 7'98446, and ob = 8'5276. The
The standard selected position for a perp. 00 1 = ..roe = 2.82566. Hence
crystal shows it rotated some ISO to the tan6 = 2.82566 tan(3 = '33136 tane
left, from a position where a main face = '1119, so th~t 6 = 70° 30l', ~ = 18°
would be pa:ran.el to the p~ane of re- 20', at = 6° 23t'. Careful graphical
ferenoe, and Inclined about 9 forwards. work will confirm these values. The
In making the projection, the axes of scales for the three axes are repre-
th~ crystal are drawn first, the method sented by cose, coss, and cose, which
bemg . sho~ clearly in .fig. . I. Here are respectively '33367, '94924 and
XXI IS honzontal and IS bisected at '99378. In order to make a comparison
rt, Ls at 0 by AA l. The distance with the scales of the standard con-
XlCI = XlO -:- 3, i.e. LCIOX I = 18° struction we may express the ratios
26', and CIO produced gives the direc- of the scales as :
ti~ of the front to .back ho~izontal OA : OB : OC:: 2'9783: 2'Q448: r,
axis, The length ClC IS determined by Th . .
verticals through the middle third of e scale~ used In th~ const:uctlOn
XXI' The distance XB = OX -:- 27, of fig. I are In the following ratio :
Le, LBOX = 2° 71' and BOB I is the OA : OB : OC :: ViO :
right to left horizo~tal axis, bounded . (3 -:- cos 2°7t'): (I -:- cos 18°26').
by verticals through X and Xl' The i.e. OA: OB: OC ::3 : 2.848 : T.
vertical axis AOA I is given by making It will be seen therefore that the
OA I = OA = OCI. simple construction in fig. I, adopted in
Fig. 2 shows a cube arranged with crystallography, gives axes and scales
the three axes AA l, BB I and CCI of closely in agreement with the true values
fig. I as its axes. The edges OA, OB and in the trimetric system. Where an axis
OC will be inclined to each other at the construction is convenient and edge
angles given, and it is of interest to de- measurement is not required, the sys-
tennine the "trimetric ' scales for OA, tem has much in its favour. The draw-
OB and OC (Prob. 298) and to compare ing in fig. 3 of a regular octahedron is
these with the proportions given in given by lines joining the ends of the
fig. I. Accuracy in working is essential axes.
298d. DraW..n~8 of Crystals.
Spa<'<C does not permit more than a tersects the axial plane in lines repre-
brief mention of this, and the student sented by DEFG, the faces intersect in
is referred to standard works. The easy pairs at the corners D, E, F and G. The
example shown in fig. 5 is that of a edges of the faces are parallel in pairs.
rhombic dodecahedron, every face The construction of the icositetra-
being a regular rhombus. The circum- hedron (crystal of garnet) will be
scribing parm DEFG has sides parallel clear from fig. 6 if it is stated that the
to the axes AA l and BB I , and as each axes are produced and doubled to give
of the four front faces meeting at C1 in- the outer construction points.
Draw the crystal fonn shown in fig. 6,
ta.king C<; equal to 11": Complete the
hidden faces. Showthat these are like those
at the front, but inverted .
figure by showing, in dotted lines, the


cit ', X__


. -- ..
0 t -, I B

an 27 ,I I


.-- - -'
In perspective or conical projection is called the eye point or the point of
the projectors from an object converge si~ht. The intersection of the picture
to a point, and the projected v iew re- plane with the ground plane is called
presents the object as it would appear the ~round line or base line. The
to the eye of an observer placed at the orthographic projection of the point
point of convergence. of sight upon the picture plane is
As marked in the pictorial view called the centre of vision, C; hori-
opposite, the plane interposed be- zontal and vertical lines through C,
tween the spectator and the object is lying in the picture plane, are the
called the picture plane, and the horizontal line and the vertical line
point of convergence is called the respectively. A perp. plane containing
station point, S; alternatively S C and S is called the vertical plane.
299. Direct Method of drawing a Perspective Projection of a Cube.
Let the orthographic projections of is the perspective projection of the
the cube be those shown. Let 001 be edge chosen. Project the other edges
the picture plane, and s, 51 the ortho- of the cube in the same way and com-
graphic projections of the point of plete the perspective view, as shown.
sight. Consider the edge ab a l b l of The construction is, essentially, (i)
the cube. Draw a15 1, 6 15 1 , the eleva- the determination of edge views of
tions of the projectors from the comers, the required perspective picture, and
intersecting the picture plane in a. and (ii) the rabatment of an edge view
b,. Draw abs, the plan of the projectors, and the projection of the true shape.
intersecting the picture plane in a/J2 ' The determination of c, Cl, the projec-
Draw any line aC2 pari to xy, and with tions of the centre of vision, and of C.
centre 0 and rad. oa/J2 describe an arc its position on the picture plane, is
giving a:/Ja' Project vertically from shown clearly in the figure. A hori-
aab. to meet horizontals from a, and zontal through C is the horizontal line
b. in A and B. The straight line AB referred to above.
299a. Alternative Methods.
The direct method described above I. Perspective projections of vertical
may be applied to any object in any lines are vertical.
position. Labour may be saved, how- II. Perspective projections of horizontal
ever, by using certain rules summarized lines which are pari to the picture plane
in the next column. One of these, No. are horizontal.
III. Perspective projections of par! lines
IV, is illustrated by the dotted lines in which are also par! to the picture plane are
the figure opposite, which show four themselves pari.
pari edges converging to a vanlshtng IV . Perspective projections of parI
point on the horizontal line. Space horizontal lines converge to vanishing
will not permit of a full investigation of points on the horizontal line.
these constructions, but the rules may V. Perspective projections of par' lines
be applied whenever the occasion which are par ' to the vertical plane converge
arises, and labour saved. An example to a vanishing point on the vertical line.
VI. Perspective projections of lines
of a simplified construction is given on perp. to the picture plane converge to the
the next page. centre of vision.
(1) The fig. shows the plan of a cube (3) Solve (I) using the same data but
and the positions of the picture plane regarding the given plan as the base of
P .P . and the vertical plane V.P. Draw the the gate pillar in Ex . 1, page 195.
perspective projection of the cube taking (4) The figure shows the plan of the
the point of sight 4" from P.P and 4" bracket illustrated on page 169. and the
above the ground. positions of the 'pict ure and vertical
(2) Solve (I) using the same data but planes . Draw the perspective projection
regarding the given plan as the base of for a point of sight 5' from P .P and 3"
the frustum of a square pyramid, height above the ground . Take dimensions of
31', upper edge 11', surmounted by a the bracket from Ex . I, page 169.
pyramidal top, I ' high.

ExA p

vanishin oint c


..... ..- :

199b. Perspective Projection simplified.
An inspection ofthe" direct method" " measure" line, i.e. a line lying in
described on page 306 shows that sim- the picture plane, which shows its true
plifications in the construction are pos- length in perspective. Refer to fig. I.
sible. One results from a rearrangement The vanishing point V be is found by
of views, with the plan, fig. 2, above taking a ray through S (shown dotted)
the elevation, fig. 4. These show a parallel to the edge Be of the solid.
rectangular block ABeD, arranged as Any line through the observer's eye taken
in fig. I with respect to the picture parallel to a line, or system of parallel
plane and the station point S, projec- lines, pierces the picture plane in a.
tions 5, 51' By drawing rays from s to vanishing point for this line, or system.;
a, b, c and'd in fig. 2 , and projecting the and for a system of horizontal lines, the
points of intersection of these rays with vanishing point lies in the horizontal
the picture plane to meet the rays from line. Hence, fig. 3, sV be is parallel to
51 to alblcldl and et!lglhl in fig. 4, the be, and sV.b parallel to ab, Before
comers of the perspective view are these points can be used it is necessary
readily obtained. Only one projector to have a measure line. Suppose the
is shown, from bo, in the trace of the face ABFE of the solid is produced to
picture plane in fig. 2, intersecting Slbl intersect the picture plane. It will cut
in b, fig. 4, and St!1 inf, thus giving the it in a line which will give the true
edge bf. length of BF. Hence project ab, fig. 2,
A further simplification is to dis- to intersect the picture plane in m and
pense with the elevation, fig. 4. drop a perp. to meet the base line in F.
Imagine that the elevation of the Mark off FB equal to the true length of
station point SI' the horizontal through the edge FE. If F and B are joined
it, and the base line, all in fig. 4, are to V. b , the intercepts on the projectors
lifted up into the position shown in give the points a, b, e and f. The re-
fig. 3, where SI and the horizontal maining corners can now be found,
lie in the picture plane, and the base using Vbe, and the perspective view
line assumes its new position. The completed. This combination of plan,
vanishing points V.b and V be must vanishing points, and measure lines is
now be found together with a commonly used.
299c. Perspective Projection of curves.
These are usually drawn freehand, re- By using an auxiliary semi-circle, and
ferring to enclosing rectangles, or by the the measure line BF, points are quickly
location of a few key points. An ex- located on projectors from the edge abo
ample of the latter is shown in figs. 2 It will be noted that the half-chord pq
and 3. It is supposed that a circle is to is marked off on each side of the mid-
be shown centrally on the face ABFE. po int of BF.
299d. Apparent Distortion in Perspective Projection.
The plan and, below, the elevation, represented spheres, the perspective
of two columns, are shown in fig. 5. view would show these as spheroids.
The station point S is given by its In fig. 5 the station point has been
projections 5, 51' Perspective draw- taken over-close to the columns ; but
mgs of these columns on the given if the perspective drawing is viewed with
picture plane show a disparity in size one eye placed at S, the obliquity of the
between them, the one more distant line of vision serves as a corrective and
from S being the larger. That this will the columns appear in their true propor-
be so is clear from a comparison of the tions. To avoid exaggerated effects the
lengths of the intercepts A and B. position of S should be central and not
Similarly, if the circles in the plan nearer than about the width of the view.

Refer to Ex . I, page 194. Draw per-

point 5 ft . high. 6 ft . in front, (a) centrally
spective views of the pillar from a station placed , (b) displaced 4 ft. to the left.







Perspective Projection in Eni1ineerini1.
The use of perspective projection in projection-particularly when undue
engineering has increased greatly in distortion is avoided. It is this use of
zecent years. Neither isometric nor perspective projection as a normal
axometric projection gives as effective drawing office method, and the mecha-
an interpretation of, for example, an nical aids employed with it, which
aircraft layout, as does perspective are now discussed.

29ge. Axes and Vanishing Points.

It is convenient first to consider the tangular solid requires as many vanish-
choice of position of a cube which will ing points as there are adjacent faces
give a satisfying perspective view show- to be shown.
ing three adjacent faces, correspond- Note. The position taken for the cube in
ing to those in isometric projection. fig. 3, in which the elevation of fig. 2 is
In architecture it is customary to tilted 300, is of course quite arbitrary.-
use a vertical picture plane, so that ver- The point of sight 5 , 51 is taken centrally
tical lines are vertical in perspective. opposite and above the cube, and has
This convention requires two vanishing been brought over-near the picture plane
points (sometimes one only, as in in order that the vanishing points shall
fig. 'I ). The views so given are dis- fall within the page; normally, 5, 51
torted when the viewpoint is appreci- would be taken farther away , giving a more
attractive projection-see fig. I, page 313.
ably above or below the object, as in
fig. 2 . If, however, the position of the It will be seen, then. that the kind of
cube is such that all edges are inclined perspective view likely to be useful in
to the picture plane. as in fig. 3, a engineering is the one most laborious
more natural perspective view results, to construct by ordinary methods. To
involving a third vanishing point, V J.. lessen this labour it is convenient to
for the edges usually vertical. The adopt a limited number of standard
construction should be clear from the positions for the perspective axes and
figure opposite. In general, it may be to make use of scales along them, as
said that a perspective view of a rec- will be shown.
2991. Perspective Scales.
In dealing with the isometric pro- Part of the construction of fig. 3 is
jection of a cube, page 194, concurrent repeated in fig. 5 to twice the size, for
edges were taken as isometric axes. and clarity. On the left. the axes alaI and
equal distances could be scaled along blb l are subdivided (and the divisions
them. It will be seen from fig. 3 that extended) to give the bases for the
the concurrent edges in a perspective perspective scales; alaI is clearly a true
view are differently inclined. so that length line. The projections of two
a common scale is inapplicable. Hence poinfs only, p and q, are given, and
consideration will be given to the three all must be similarly dealt with. The
concurrent axes, A, B, and C. shown axis CICI likewise must be subdivided
dotted in fig. 3, joining the centres of and projected. The three graduated
opposite faces. They are projected in axes A, B, and C so obtained (with the
the usual way from aa, alaI, &c. Fig. vanishing points VA' VB and Vol are
4 shows the axes and vanishing points sufficient for the direct construction of
of fig. 3 separately. We have now to perspective views, as is discussed on
find the scales for these axes. page 312.
(1) Taking a 21" edge cube in the posi- (2) Repeat Ex. (I) making ;r = 71',
tion of fig. 3, and !It = 5", " = 5", obtain s > 4". See fig. I. page 313. (q, = 61°;
the axes . vanishing points and scales . fJ = 50°; OVA = II", OVB = 9'2", OVo
Check with figs. 4 and 5. = 12'.)
., lDatead of tiltina the cube 30' the picture plane could be inclined 30', eiTlDc the _ e rault.

o~ =6-75'
C OVe= 7""
Otic =8 ·65'

Perspective Projection in Engineerfng (Oontd.)
299~. Perspective Axes and Scales.
It will be clear from the discussion mentally the perspective axes resulting
on page 3io that, because there is no from the positions of cube and point
limit to the number of positions of the of sight given in Ex. 2 , on page 310 ;
basic cube, the arrangements of per- these axes are shown in fig. I , and give
spective axes and scales are likewise a very acceptable projection of the
innumerable. If therefore labour is to cube.
be saved, a number of standard posi- It may well be that for some articles,
tions must be agreed upon, and the perspective views with only two vanish-
corresponding axes, vanishing points ing points would suffice ; and for these
and scales then determined for use in one of the scales would be uniform.
making routine perspective drawings. There is no need, of course, for any
The selection of the most appropriate particular axis to be the vertical one;
position and viewpoint is dependent the student should tum fig. I and
upon what the drawing is required to assess the appearances of the six views
show. The student may accept experi- as each axis in turn points towards him.

299h. Makin~ a Perspective Drawing,

The bracket shown in fig. 6 on page perspective axes in fig. 3, and the point
197 is taken here as an example, is located by projection lines drawn in
because it contains a circular arc lying perspective. The operation should be
in an inclined plane. Orthographic clear from the drawing. The method
views of the bracket are given in fig. 2 . is less tedious than it may appear to
The process consists in locating a be , particularly after practice.
number of key points on the outline. The choice of position for the object
I t is necessary first to choose a posi- demands consideration. For this
tion for the point of intersection of the bracket, the view in fig. 4 is to be
three imaginary axes. These are shown preferred to that in fig. 3. The same
dotted in fig. 2, intersecting at a construction applies and projectors for
point 0 arranged centrally. the twin points P are shown.
The curved edges are drawn in per-
spective by locating a number of
points such as P, figs. 3 and 4 (projec- Note. The axes and scales used in figs.
3, 4 and 5 are those obtained on page 311.
tionsp, p1infig. 2), and drawing a free- With more space at his disposal the stu-
hand curve through them. The dis- dent should adopt those of fig. I opposite,
tances a:, ~ and y for the point P, for which the vanishing points are more
fig. 2, are set off to scale along the remote.

299i. Mechanical Aids.

The use of distant vanishing points is square may be used, as outlined in fig. 6.
not always convenient, and time can be The stock is in two pieces hinged to the
saved by using a drawing board cut along blade for adjustment before fixing. The
arcs struck from the vanishing points, as stock is kept always against two pegs P
in fig. 5, and by using a tee square having pushed into the drawing board. Lines
a stock giving two-point contact on the drawn with the edge marked, pass through
arc. For a standardized system, the use the vanishing point V. The student should
of a specially made board has obvious settle the constructional features himself
advantages. and make the apparatus.
Alternatively, a special form of tee

(1) Takinf.! the axes as in fig. I (see I
(2) Solve Ex. 6, page 198, using the
Ex. 2, page 310), draw a perspective view axes of fig. I .
of the bracket as in fig. 4.
..._ '-........

\ II/
. ',;.)
\ '';
300. Representation of Points and Lines.
In Horizontal Projection, elevations (or more usually bu ) ; A is 4 units below
are dispensed with and points and the H.P. and is denoted by a_4; and Cis
lines are shown by their indexed, or in the H .P. The conventional way of
figured, plans. Fig. I shows a pictorial marking these points should be noted.
view of a triangle and fig. 2 its corre- To describe a curved line, the
sponding figured plan; B is 12 units figured plans of a succession of points
above the H .P. and is denoted by b+lI along the curve must be given.
301. Representation of Planes.
Planes are shown by their scales of another thicker line drawn par! to it
slope. Fig. 3 shows a plane VTH, and and on the left of the line ascending
a line AB drawn on the plane perp. to the slope; this thick line has no other
H.T. The figured plan of a line such significance than to show that the
as AB represents the scale of greatest adjacent par! line ss represents a
slope and completely fixes the plane. plane. The unit for the vertical scale
It is always shown, as in fig. 4, with must be stated.
Solution of Problems by Horizontal Projection.
The system of horizontal projection construction ultimately amounts to
may be applied to solve most of the a solution by plan and elevation. A
problems on the straight line and few typical problems will be dealt with
plane. although in many cases the to illustrate the methods used.
Problem 302. To determine the True Length and Inclination of a
Let the figured plan of the line be
/lab.. Erect perps. to ab at a and b of
this gives the true length of the line.
The angle 6 is the inclination between
5 and 2 units respectively and join : the given and .. true length .. lines.
Problem 303. To determine the Intersection of a Line and a Plane.
Let the plane be given by its scale TH perp. to xy. VTH is the inclined
of slope ss, and the line by its figured plane represented by SSe Project cd,
plan tIt,b.. Draw xy par! to ss and the elevation of ab: the point o,f inter-
erect ordinates of 5 and 10 units. section e is the required point and
Join these points by VT and draw its figured plan is Paos.
Problem 304. To determine the Perpendicular from a Point to a Plane.
Let all be the point and ss the Plane'l VT and project its plan aq (dotted
Draw VTH as in Prob. 303 and deter- lines). The figured plan of the foot is qs-s,
mine the position of C. Draw cf perp~ to the index being taken from the scale.
Problem 305. To determine a Plane to contain three given Points.
Let the figured plans of the points and a line joining ClO and dl O will be
be a l ?, b•• clO' Regarding anb. as an horizontal and will also lie in the
xy line determine c and e. the eleva- plane containing the three points.
tiona of a and b, and draw fg par! to The scale of slope ss is therefore perp.
ab and distant 10 units-the index of to d l o CIO and the scale itself is given by
c. Project diO' This point is on the projecting from an and CIO' as shown
same level as ClO, the third given point. clearly in the figure.
In the following take ' 1' for both plane, and ~b. the indexed plan of a
horizontal and vertical units. line. Determine the index of the point
(I) The figured plan of a line is given of intersection of the line and plane.
by ~b-a. 2·81.' long. Determine its true (3) Three points are shown in the
length and inclination . figure by their indexed plans. Deter-
(2) The figure shows the relative mine the scale of slope of the plane COD-
positions of 55, the scale of slope of a taming them.



e: mclmalion <fAA
to HP 4;' .) as c

< ~O-"Y\(}
() i~V PROBLEM 302
S e
&5 ~

~b'o ~ ~o
/-120· / ';

.Aon ~ ~~


~~~~;;;~Ago::::bTHREE POINTS
plane -
Ex. 2.
a020 '4 Ex.3.
Problem 306. To Place a Line having a given Inclination in a given
Plane, the Line to contain a given Point in the Plane.
Let 55 be the scale of slope of the and cd = x5 units. Set out the rt.
plane, PZl> the given point in the plane, Ld l::. Ppe, making Pp = x5 un its, and
and 6 the inclination of the line, fig. r. the angle Pep = 6. With centre p
Draw two horizontal lines lying in the and rad. pe, i.e . R, describe an arc to
plane, one ab through the given point intersect cd in q and r, Lines drawn
Pu, and the other cd through lev el ro, to p from these points will be inclined
say : the difference in the levels of ab at 6 and will lie in the plane.
Problem 307. To determine the Distance between two Parallel Planes.
Parallel planes will have pari scales 5 and 20 on 55, making aoa = 5 and
of slope graduated to the same scale. bob = 20; then project c and d from
Let two pari planes be represented by units x5 and 30 on 5 1St • making cCo =
ss and Stsl> fig. 2 . Determine the IS and dd o = 30. The distance D
traces of these planes on a V.P. pari between ab and cd is the required
to the scales of slope: i.e. draw xy distance between the planes.
pari to 55, project a and b from units
Problem 308. To determine the Intersection of two given Planes.
I. When the scales of slope are intersection of horizontal lines at the
parallel . Fig. 3 . Let 55, 5 151 be the two same level in each plane. Let 55, S1S1
scales of slope. Determine the traces be the scales of slope. Draw perps. to
ab, cd of the planes on a V.P. pari to each scale from levels 0 and 300; these
the scales of slope, as in Prob. 307. lines intersect in a and b, and the line
These traces intersect in I, and the aaoobQ is the line of intersection.
planes intersect in a horizontal line III. When the scales of slope aTB
LL projected from I, index x6. Obvi- nearly parallel. No figure. Take any
ously the line LL is a common perp. third plane, preferably a V.P., not
to 55, 5 151 passing through similar pari to either of the given planes and
readings on each scale. determine its line of intersection with
II . When the scales of slope are not each of them. These two lines will
parallel. Fig . 4. The line of int er- intersect in a point on the line of
section is the line joining two po ints, intersection required. A second V.P.
each of which lies in both planes. must then be taken to give a second
These points are readily given by the point on the required line.
Problem 309. To determine the Shortest Line lying in two given
Planes, between two given Points, one in each Plane.
Refer to fig. 4. Let Po be a point in pc and equal in length to the difference,
plane 5 151, and ql0 a point in 55. Sup- 240 units, between the indices of P
pose the planes to be opened out about and c, to scale. Join ceo Produce cp
their line of intersection ab until they and mark off ce along it, giving cm;
lie in a common plane: the shortest m is the plan of p when the plane is
distance between the points p and q raised about ab until horizontal. Obtain
will then be given by a straight line n , for the point q, in the same way, and
joining them. join mn, intersecting ab in o. Join po
Draw pc perp. to ab and determine and qo: these give the shortest line
the index of o, 240. Set off pe perp. to between p and q.
EXAMPLES (vertical unit for (r) and (3), o-r")
(1) Place lines inclined at zoo to pass (3) Determine the intersection of the
through P17 and to lie in the given plane. two given planes and measure its inclina-
(2) Two planes are inclined at 30° and tion.
60°. Find their intersection when the (4) The scales of slope for two hill faces
scales of slope are : (i) pari; (ii) inclined are given in figure. Determine the shortest
at 45° to each other. path between the points P and q.
3 17


c £(gL


d 2oo


5 'f Fi9-4 .
Problem 310. Given the Indexed Plans of three Points in a plane.
Strata, obtained by borings from level ground. to determine the
Outcrop and Dip of the Strata.
Let a-e:p_15Oe_2OS be the indexed strata is called its dip. To determine
plans of the points. Join ba and ca 6, draw any line of d ip mn perp. to
and determine eo and lo-the con- loCo ; set off from mn , to scale along a
struction for eo is indicated by dotted line of strike through one of the boring
lines. Draw a line through eo/o: this points, say e_206 , an ordinate = 205.
is the outcrop, i.e, the line in which giving p; join pm. The angle pmn =
the strata intersects the surface of 6, the dip. If the apparent thickness
level ground. Any horizontal line in of the strata or seam, measured
the strata is called the strike, and will vertically, is L, its actual thickness.
be par! to loeo. The inclination to the D, is = L cose,
horizontal, 6, of the plane of the

Problem 311. To determine the Angle between two given Planes.

Let 55, 5 151 be the scales of slope of (i.e. lines perp. to 55 and 5 15 1 ) in e and
the given planes. Determine ab, the f With centre T and rad. Td, describe
indexed plan of the intersection of the an arc to cut ab in g. Join ge and gf.
planes, as in Prob. 308. Project an The angle egf (6) is the required angle
auxiliary elevation, cb, of the line of between the planes.
intersection, on ab as ground line. The method adopted is similar to that
Draw VT perp. to be, cutting be in described on page 242 . The 6. egf is the
d and ab in T, and draw TH perp. to rabatment of a 6. formed by the lines
ab; VT and TH represent the traces in which a plane perp. to ab cuts the
of an inclined plane perp. to the line two given planes and the horizontal:
of intersection of the planes. Produce an edge view of this D. is given by the
TH to meet horizontals through b line dT.

~roblem 312. To determine a Point which shall lie in a given Plane

and be at given Distances from two given Points.
Let 55 be the scale of slope of the dl1 and eel perp. to VT. Obtain the
given plane and let ~&, baa be the given rabatment of these circles: i.e, with
points. To determine a point which centre 0 and rad. oe1 describe an arc
shall lie in the plane and be distant, intersecting 55 in eo; draw eoe perp.
say, 12 units from a and 15 units from to 55 to intersect ae, drawn par! to 55.
b. in 8. Obtain I in the same way. About
On 55 as ground line draw VT, an these centres describe the rabatted
edge view of the plane, and project circles, which intersect in two points:
auxiliary elevations o and d of the only one point g will be considered.
given points. With centres o and d, Raise g into the plane VT, by re-
and respective radii 12 and 15 units, versing the above construction, and
draw circles representing the elevations obtain gl and P12-the distance of gl
of spheres. These spheres intersect the from 55 gives the index of p, 12, and
plane in two circles, the centres of Pll is one of the two points which
which II and 8 1 are given by drawing satisfy the question.

EXAMPLES (vertical unit for (I). 0'05", for (2) and (3),0'1")
(1) The figure represents the indexed (2) Determine the angle between the
plan of three borings from level ground two given planes, 55 and 5151, Ans. 124°.
to a mineral vein. Determine the direc- (3) Determine the indexed plans of two
tion of strike, the angle of dip, and the points distant 15 units from a, 18 units
thickness per foot of apparent thickness. from b, and lying in the given plane.
" a_ti2
,, /~\.,
c "r-'
\ V
PROBLEM 310.\ \
g DIP OF T H E ST ~ATA . /~~\
/tl~ PROBLEM 31, .
\, r:/ 'l:
=::5~. ~30


- \CIj

i IS , f o r 25

~ta20 ~I
l.~h .30
Spheres in contact.
If two spheres touch one another,
either externally or internally, the
I point of contact and the centres of the
spheres are in the same straight line.
Problem 313. To determine the Projections of a Sphere of given Radius
which shall touch, externally, a given Sphere at a given Point.
Let a, a l be the projections of the a tangent circle to the auxiliary ele-
centre of the given sphere, and let the vation of the sphere at the point Pa;
plan P of the point of contact be its centre bl will lie on alPI produced.
given. Join ap and on X1YI drawn pari By simple projection obtain the
to ap project an auxiliary elevation, centres band bl in the plan and eleva-
thus obtaining a l the centre of the tion, and describe circles about them,
sphere, and PI the auxiliary elevation radius R, to give the required pro-
of the point (pz must lie on the circum- jections. The elevation of the point of
[erence of the circle, centre a l • in this contact, PI' is readily projected.
view) . With the given radius (R) draw
Problem 314. To determine the Projections of a Sphere to touch a
given sphere, externally, at a given Point and to rest on the H.P.
This may be solved by a .construe- the point of contact, on the circum-
tion similar to that used in the fore - ference of the circle, centre ai' and
going problem. join azpz . With centre bl • on alPI pro-
Let a, a l be the projections of the duced, draw a circle to touch XIYI and
centre of the given sphere, and let P, the circle centre a l ; this circle is the
the plan of the point of contact. be auxiliary elevation of the required.
given. Join ap and draw an auxiliary sphere. By projection obtain b in
elevation on XIYI taken pari to ap. plan. and bl and PI in elevation, and
Project PI' the auxiliary elevation of complete the views as shown.
Problem 315. To determine the Projections of three given Spheres
which touch one another and rest on the H.P.
The spheres will be referred to by it also touches R I • In plan its centre
their radii R 1 , R I , and R s. Let them moves along the arc drawn with
be so arranged that they are in con - centre b and radius boco' The final
tact, resting on the H.P.• with the position of R, is now determined, for
three centres in a straight line pari the plan of its centre must be at c,
to the V.P. the point of intersection of the two
Suppose the sphere R a, at the left arcs, and the elevation of its centre
of the group, to move around the is at cl • obtained by projection.
adjacent sphere R I , in contact with The projections of the two points of
R I and the H .P., until it also touches contact lie on the lines joining the
sphere R.. In plan its centre will centres of the circles, and may be
traverse the arc shown, described determined in elevation by drawing
about centre a. with radius aoco' Now horizontals from PI and ql to intersect
suppose the same sphere R a to be on aIel and bici in PI and ql respectively.
the right of the group. and to move The plans P and q are given by pro-
into position in contact with R. until jection from PI and ql'
(I) A sphere 3' diam. is in contact with from the plan of the centre. Determine
both H.P. and V.P. Determine the pro- the diam. of a sphere which will touch the
jections of a sphere, 2' diam.• which shall sphere at the given point and rest on the
touch it at a point, the plan of which is H .P.
z!" from the V.P. and Ii' from the plan (3) Three spheres 4', 21'. and 11'diam.
of the centre of the 3' sphere . rest on the H .P. and touch one another.
(2) A sphere 3' diam. is in contact with Determine the projections of the spheres
both H.P. and V.P. The plan of a point and of their points of contact.
on its surface is 2' from the V.P . and 1'4'
32 1



/ 9 F'

·------"A N D REST ON THE H.P
'''-- - "
The Sphere in contact with the Cone and Cylinder.
Two surfaces in contact will have a contact and the centre of the sphere
common tangent plane and a common will be perp. to the generator of the
normal at the point of contact. If a cone or cylinder passing through the
sphere is in contact with a cone or point of contact.
cylinder, the line joining the point of
Problem 316. To determine the Projections of a given Sphere which
shall touch a given vertical Cone at a given Point.
Let the projections of the apex of ator a2P2 at P2' This is the auxiliary
the cone be a, a1 and let P be the plan elevation of the required sphere. By
of the point of contact. Join ap , and projection obtain c. on ap produced,
on X1Yl pari to ap project an auxiliary and cJ ; draw circles centres C and c1
elevation of the cone. The auxiliary representing the required projections
elevation P2 of the point falls on the of the sphere. Determine the eleva-
outer generator a2P2' With rad. equal tion PI of the point of contact by pro-
to that of the given sphere describe jection.
a circle, centre c2 , to touch the gener-
Problem 317. To determine the Projections of a given Sphere which
shall touch a given Cylinder at a given Point.
Let the axis of the cylinder be in- This tangent circle is the auxiliary
clined to both H .P. and V.P., projec- plan of the required sphere. Project
tions aa and alaI' Let the plan P of a P2 from P and Pa' Through P2 draw
point on the surface be given, and let P2C2 perp. to a2a2 and project C2 from
R be the rad. of the given sphere. Ca' Determine centres C and c 1' in the
Take X1Yl pari to aa and project an original plan and elevation, by pro-
auxiliary elevation of the cylinder- jection. Describe circles with rad. R
axis a2a2• Then take X2Y2 perp. to a2a2• and centres C and Cv giving the re -
and project an auxiliary plan; the quired projections of the sphere. The
axis is now given by as. and the point elevation PI of the point of contact is
lies on the circumference at Pa, distant readily projected from P; its height
" d " from X2Y2' With centre Ca on above xy = the distance of P2 from
asps produced, and rad. R, describe a X1Yl'
circle to touch the circle centre aa'
Problem 318. To determine the Projections of a given Sphere which
shall touch a given Cone at a given Point, the Axis of the Cone
being inclined to both H.P. and V.P. (No figure.)
If the plan only of the point is given, perp. to the axis in the auxiliary
obtain its elevation by means of Prob. elevation. In the auxiliary views the
250, page 250. Then project an auxi- problem is similar to that for a vertical
liary elevation on a ground line pari cone; the required projections are
to the plan of the axis and, secondly, easily obtained by projecting back-
an auxiliary plan on a ground line wards, as in Prob. 317.
(1) The given figure shows the plan of 21''' diam. to touch the cylinder at the
a cone. axis vertical , and the plan of a given point.
point on its surface. Draw the projections (3) Regard b, bl as the apex of a cone
of a sphere 2'" diam. to touch the cone at which envelops a sphere 21* diam., centre
the given point. a, al ' Let p be the plan of a point on the
(2) In the given figure ab alb l are the surface of the cone. Draw the projections
projections of the axis of a cylinder It' of a sphere zl* diam , to touch the cone at
diam., and p is the plan of a point on its the given point.
surface. Draw the projections of a sphere

X'~ ~::::j::::::::-:tt::::::1=::;t=--j--lIr



.. 45

~1 1
. 2" '''11'1" PROJECTIONS OF A
Ex.2x3. - I .
Problem 319. To determine the Projections of a given Cylinder which
shall rest with a Generator in the H.P. and touch a given vertical
Cone at a point on a given Generator.
Let a, a l and ac aic i be the respective duced in b. A line perp. to ab at b is
projections of the apex and particular the plan of the axis of the cylinder.
generator of the given cone; let the Draw the projections of the cylinder
rad. of the cylinder be R. as in figure.
With roo. R, describe a circle, centre The projections P, PI of the point of
bI, to touch xy and the outline of the contact are given by drawing PtPi
cone; P. and bo are the points of con- par! to xy to intersect aic i in PI' and
tact. With rad. aobo and centre a, by projecting from PI to intersect ae
describe an arc to intersect ac pro- in p.
Problem 320. To determine the Projections of a given Cone, Sphere,
and Cylinder which rest on the H.P. in mutual contact.
Let the given cone be vertical with centres a and b and radii aoco and boco
its base in the H.P., and let the cylinder describe arcs, and draw the common
lie with a generator in the H.P. Draw tangent cc: this is the plan of the
the projections shown, of the cone axis of the cylinder.
and sphere in contact. Draw circles, The constructions for obtaining the
centres c. and radii = rad. of given projections of the three points of
cylinder, to touch both xy and the contact are clearly shown in figure:
elevations of the cone and sphere. r is the point of intersection of be,
The distances of the plan of the axis drawn perp. to cc, and an arc, centre
of the cylinder from a and b are given band rad. boTo; 1'1 is obtained by pro-
respectively by aoCo and boeo. With jection.
Problem 321. To determine the Projections of two given Cones which
rest on the H.P. and have contact along a common Generator.
The cones will be referred to by their from xy and lying on BIb I drawn perp.
vertical angles IX and (3. It should be to aic i . Tangents from a l to a circle,
noted that their apices must coincide rad. T, centre bI, give the elevation of
if the cones are to have line con tact cone (3. To determine the plan of cone
and also rest on the H .P. (3, draw XtYi perp. to aIc I• and obtain
Draw the projections of cone IX with auxiliary projections B. and a~2 of
its axis par! to xy. Draw the elevation B I and aici' With centre a 2c. and rad,
of cone ~ above that of tt, both axes (a2c2 )B •• describe an arc to intersect
lying in the same V.P. Draw circles, in b2 a projector from bl • Project b
radii Rand T, representing the eleva- from bI> making its distance from xy =
tions of inscribed spheres in contact, the distance of b2 from XtYl' Tangents
centres B I and cI, the larger circle from a to a circle centre b and rad. r
touching xy in co' Project c from ci. give the plan of cone ~.
Join aIB I, alc I, Bic i. Conceive cone Join be, Join P2CO and bIcl, inter-
~ to roll over cone IX until it lies in the secting in Pl ' Project from PI to inter-
H.P.: the n aIBIc I will tum about sect be in p: P. PI are the projections of
aic i until it takes up the position points on the common generator-
alblc I, the point bi being distant T given by ap alPl (not shown).

(1) Determine the projections of a sphere 21' diam. , and cylinder IN diam,
cylinder 2' diam. resting with a generator rest on the H .P. in mutual contact. Draw
in the H.P. and touching the generator therr projections.
Db of the cone given by its plan in the (3) Two cones, vertical angles 40° and
figure. 20°. have line contact and rest on the H .P.
(2) A cone, base 21° diam., height 3', Determine their projections.
PRoaLEM 320.


H two or more curves are drawn on drawn upon a curved surface to pass
any curved surface to pass through a through the point, the tangent plane
point on the surface, a plane contain- at the point will contain the line.
ing the tangents to all the curves at Other theorems concerning tangent
the given point is a tangent plane to planes will be enunciated in this chap-
the surface. H a straight line can be ter as they are required.
Problem 322. To determine the Tangent Plane to a given Sphere at
a Point on its Surface, given one Projection of the Point.
Let 0, °1 be the projections of the point P, PI lies in the plane-Prob. 209;
centre of the sphere and let P be the Le, draw PIal pari to VT and pa par!
plan of a point on its upper surface. to xy, and project from a l to intersect
Determine PI the elevation .of the pa in a: a is on the HT and VTH is
point as in Prob. 182, page 'I~6. Join the required plane.
0IPl' and project an auxiliary plan on 322a. Note: VT and HT are perp.
SlYI taken par! to 0IP.: in this view respectively to 0IPI and op ; for a tan-
P. is on the circumference of the circle gent plane to a sphere is perp. to the
representing the sphere, centre 1, ° rad. passing through the point of con-
and an edge view of the tangent plane tact. A simple solution, based upon
at the point will be given. At P2 draw this, is shown dotted in figure. Draw
a tangent P.V, and draw VT perp. to Pb perp. to po, and Plb l par! to xy;
~IYl ; P.VT is the required plane, project from b to intersect plb l in bl •
'Jelen-ell to XIYI' Consider VT only and This gives a point on VT, and VTH
determine HT from the fact that the may be drawn at once.
Problem 323. To determine a Plane to contain a given Line and to
touch a given Sphere.
(a) When the given line is parallel (b) When the given line is in-
to one plane of projection. Fig. 2. clined to bothH.P . and V.P. Fig. 3.
Let the line be par- to the V.P., The traces of the tangent planes will
projections ab alb l; let 0, 1 be the pro- pass through ht and ut, the traces of
jections of the centre of the sphere. the given line ab alb l. Determine an
There are two tangent planes and the auxiliary projection in which the line
H .T. of each will contain ht, the hori- appears as a point: first take xlYl
zontal trace of the line. pari to ab and project a2b2 and 0.;
Determine an auxiliary plan on then project an auxiliary plan on xlY.
~lYl drawn perp. to albl-(a~2 repre- perp. to a 2bl • In this the point ~b.
sents the line). Edge views of the represents the line, and o. the centre of
tangent planes are given by lines h1t l the sphere; the planes are given by
and hsl., drawn through aab. tangential hlt l, VItI' and hltl' vsl l . The trace VIti
to the circle centre 0 •• Draw V;Tl and intersects XIYl in HI' and a line through
VITI perp. to XIYI to intersect xy in HI and hi gives HIT I the horizontal
T. and T 1, and from these points draw trace of one plane. VITI is drawn to
Tali.. and T IHI passing through bt , pass through vt and T I. A similar
The required traces are given by construction (not shown) is necessary
V 1TIH I and V.Tali•. for vsl l , hstl'
(I) A sphere 2i' diam. touches both its centre are II' from those of B. Deter-
H.P. and V.P. A point P on its surface mine the traces of planes tangent to the
is 2!' from H.P. and 11' from V.P. sphere and containing AB.
Determine the traces of a tangent plane (3) Take the following dimensions for
at P. fig. 3. Distances from xy : 0, '7'; °1, 1'3':
(2) A line AB, 2' long, is inclined at a, I'; a l • ·S'; b, 1'6'; b1, 1'75'. ~ is
60° to the H .P., and is pari to the V.P. '7' from 0°1, and bbl is 1·6' from~. The
and I ' from it. The higher end B is 2' sphere centre 001 is 1.2' in diam. Deter-
above the H.P. A sphere 2' diam. touches mine the traces of planes tangent to the
both H .P. and V.P. and the projectors of sphere and containing the line.

. / i POINT .

Vql .
' v-.r-.
: .
. i

CONTAIN A C;IVEN LINE AND X :--,.,:::,-------,;('--:->r"'-----1l---'--------+--;'f-

.&~ a -
fbJLine inclined. to
fa) Lin~ barallel to H. both •Manes of ..prolection .
one tJ ane of broiechon.
• ~ C>
A tangent plane touches a cylinder plane of projection, are also tangential.
along a generator, and the plane con- If a cylinder envelop a sphere,
taining the generator and the axis of tangent planes to the cylinder are also
the cylinder is perp. to the tangent tangent planes to the sphere, and the
plane. The traces of a cylindrical sur- points of contact lie in the circle of
face and a tangent plane, upon any contact of the cylinder and sphere.

Problem 324. To detennine the Tangent Plane to a given Cylinder

to contain a Point on its Surface.
(a) When the axis of the cylinder given point; the construction for
is pari to one plane of reference determining the point of contact is
and inclined to the other. Fig. 1. similar to that in Prob. 251:-
Let the projections of the axis of the Take XtYl pari to aa and project an
cylinder be aa a 1a1 and let P be the auxiliary elevation of the cylinder and
plan of the point. Take XJY1 perp. to sphere . Regard the plan of the generator
aa and determine an auxiliary eleva- containing p as the H.T. of a vertical
tion of the cylinder and point; PI section plane, cutting the sphere and
must lie on the circle, centre a 2 • The cylinder. and project on XtY1 the circle,
elevation P1 of the point may now be centre 02' rad . 1', representing the section
obtained, for the distance of P1 from of the sphere by this plane. Draw P.q2
pari to the axis of the cylinder and tan-
sy = the distance of P2 from XJY1' gential to the circle, centre °2 : this line is
Draw v 1t1 through P2 tangential to the auxiliary elevation of the generator,
the circle: v 1t1 represents an edge and q2 is the projection of the point of
view of the required tangent plane contact. Determine q and q1 by projec-
referred to SJY1' and H 1T1 drawn tion.
through t 1 perp. to XJY1 gives the hori- By applying Prob. 322a determine
zontal trace of the plane. Determine V 1T1H1 , the traces of the plane tan-
ot, the vertical trace of the generator gential to the sphere at the point, q, qt;
containing p, P1' and draw V 1T1 from qb and qlbl are the construction lines.
T 1 to pass through vt. V 1T1H1 is the V1T1Hl is the required plane.
required tangent plane.. (If T 1 is Alternative construction (dotted).
inaccessible, make use of Prob. 209.) Determine P1 by projection, its he ight
(b) When the axis of the cylinder above xy being equal to the distance
is inclined to both planes of refer- of P2 from XtY1' Take X2Y2 perp. to the
ence. Fig. 2. Let the projections of axis a~a2 and project an auxiliary
the axis of the cylinder be aa a1a 1 and plan. The generator through P2 is
let P be the plan of the point. Draw represented by Pa. a point on the
the projections of any inscribed sphere circle centre 03' and a tangent plane,
to the cylinder--circles centres °
and referred to X2Y2. is given by h 1t 1, V1tt.
Produce v 1t 1 to intersect XJY1 in H 1.
01' The required plane is a tangent
plane to the inscribed sphere. contain- Determine the traces of the generator,
ing the point of contact between the vt and ht; draw H 1T1 through H 1 and
sphere and that generator of the ht, and V1T1 through T 1 and ut, The
cylinder which passes through the construction is similar to that in Prob,
323 on previous page.

(I) The axis of a cylinder, 21' diam ., is (2) A cylinder is 21' in dlam .: the plan
pari to and 11' from the V.P. and inclined and elevation of its axis are inclined at
at 30° to the H .P. Determine the traces 30° and 40° respectively to xy , Deter-
of a tangent plane to contain a point on mine the traces of a tangent plane to
the surface of the cylinder, the plan of contain a generator. the plan of which is
which is II' from the plan of the axis, l' from the plan of the axis-measured
measured away from xy. away from xy.

x T,

. ..... .....
-'---... _--......
< ,

Alternative ! , \. ~
construction \ I " ~ ,: ~ /

S~~~ %t~~~~~~~'_':tr-::~:~~; (:'

!3 -c '

.. .. , ...... / .. 0

PROBLEM 324. 90-, " ~

-=--=--==....:...=.:....:.:....:.:..:.::..:.=~~ ,
,/ 11.(-'-
AXIS inclined to bot.
7/anes of reference.
A tangent plane to a cone touches [ection, are also tangential.
it along a generator, and the plane If a cone envelop a sphere, tangent
containing the generator and the axis planes to the cone are also tangent
is perp. to the tangent plane. The planes to the sphere, and the po ints
traces of a conical surface and a tan- of contact lie in the circle of contact
gent plane, upon any plane of pro- of the cone and sphere.
Problem 325. To determine a Tangent Plane to a given Cone, to
contain a given Point on its Surface.
(a) When the axis of the cone is of any inscribed sphere, centre 0, 01'
vertical. Fi~. 1. Let the projec- Determine the point of contact q, ql
tions of the cone and the elevation PI between the generator and the sphere:
of a point on its surface be as given this construction is similar to that in
in figure. Determine P and draw ac Prob. 250, page 250, and is as follows:-
and aic i through P an.d Pl' The tan- Regard ap as the H.T. of a vertical
gent plane ~ust contaJ!1 the genera~or section plane, cutting the cone along the
ac alc l, and l~S H .T. will be tangential generator ap and the sphere in a circle,
to the base CIrcle at c. At c draw HT rad, r, take X tYl pari to ap and project
perp. to ac and determine VT by the apex az, and the circle centre o. rad, r.
means of Prob. 20g. VTH is the re- The generator containin.g the p.oin! of
quired plane contact must be tangential to this circle
(b) Whe~ the axis of the cone is :m d is given br alP z touching the circle
inclined to both H.P. and V.P. 1D q•. Then project q and ql'

Fi~. 2. Let the vertical angle of the A tangent plane to the sphere at
cone be given, together with the pro- q, ql will contain the generator passing
jections of the axis and the plan P of through P and will therefore be tan-
a point on the surface of the cone. gential to the cone at p. Determine
Determine the projections of the cone, this plane VT, HT by the simple
as in Frob. 249, page 250, Draw the method given in Prob. 322a on page
plan ap of the generator passing 326 and indicated by the lines qb
through the point, also the projections qltJl in fig. 2 .
Problem 326. To detennine a Tangent Plane to a given Cone,· to
contain a given external Point.
(a) When the axis of the cone is base circle, passing through lit , give the
perp. to one plane of reference. horizontal traces of two suitable tangent
Fi~s. 3 and 4. Let the projections of planes. VITI and V 2T2 are readily de-
the cone, and of the external point termined as in former problems.
p, PI' be those given in figure . The
required plane will contain the apex (b) When the axis of the cone is in-
a, a l and the point p, Pl' and its traces elined tobothH .P.andV.P. (Noftgure.)
Inscribe any sphere to the cone. Join
will therefore contain the traces of the the given point to the apex of the cone.
line ap atPl' Determine ht and ut, the Determine planes to contain this line and
traces of this line; only bt is shown in to touch the inscribed sphere, as in Prob.
figure. Tangents HIT I and H.T. to the 323 : these are the required planes.
(I) A cone, base 21" diam., height 3", traces of tangent planes to the cone which
stands with its base on the H .P. and contain the given point.
touching the V.P. A point on its surface (3) Apply the following dimensions to
is I" above the H .P. and II' from the fig. 2. Distances from xy : p, I'S' ; 0 , 1'6'1
V.P. Determine the traces of a tangent 0 1 , 1'25'; a, 2' 5'; a l • 2' 7'. The projector
plane to the cone, to contain the point. 001 is ·65' to the right of PP1 ' aal is 1'5"
(2) Use the same cone as in Ex . I . A to the right of 0 0 1 , The vertical angle of
point is I' from both H .P. and V.P., and cone = 30°. Determine the traces of a
Its projections are Ii' from the projectors tangent plane to the cone to contain the
of the axis of the cone. Determine the given point.
• A cylinder may be treated as a COIle with ita apex inlimtelY distant.
33 1


rad.r :/
Axis incline d
to bof@hVP

As stated on the previous page, if
a cone envelop a sphere, a tangent
I plane to the cone is also a tangent
plane to the sphere.

Problem 327. To determine a Tangent Plane common to a given

Cone and Sphere.
Refer to fig. 1. Let the axis of the two will touch the given cone and
cone be vertical, apex a, aI' and let 0, 0 1 the upright enveloping cone , their
be the projections of the centre of the horizontal traces, HTI and HTz, being
sphere. Envelop the given sphere by common external tangents to the base
a cone similar to the given cone and circles; and two will cross between the
with axis vertical: there will be two given cone and the inverted envelop-
such cones, one upright and the other ing cone, their traces being the crossed
inverted. A tangent plane to the tangents, HT3 and HT4, to the traces
given cone may be arranged to be of the cones.
tangential to one of the enveloping The vertical traces (one only, VT4,
cones, and will then touch the given is shown in figure) may be obtained
sphere. Determine the traces of the as in Prob. z09, page 212, for each of
enveloping cones on the H .P., given the tangent planes must contain the
by the concentric circles, centre o. apex a, a l .
There will be four suitable planes:

Problem 328. To determine a Tangent Plane common to two given

Spheres. the Plane to have a given Inclination to the H.P.
Let the projections of the centres of HTI, HTz, HT3 and HT4, to the four
the spheres be given by P, PI and q, ql' circular traces of the cones. In fig. 3.
figs. 2 and 3, and let the required plane the enveloping cones are taken up-
be inclined at an angle 6 to the H.P. right for one sphere and inverted for
Let the spheres be each enveloped by the other, and then vice versa, as
a vertical cone, base angle 6. The shown by the full and dotted lines;
enveloping cones may be either up- the horizontal traces of the tangent
right or inverted, and, from the four planes are given by the crossed tan-
combinations of these, eight suitable gents, HTS, HT6, HT7, and HT8, to
tangent planes are given. the circular traces.
In fig. z, the enveloping cones are The vertical traces may be ob-
either both upright (full lines), or both tained as in Prob. 209, page 212, for
inverted (dotted lines), and the hori- each tangent plane will contain the
zontal traces of the tangent planes are apex of one of the enveloping cones.
given by the outside common tangents,

(I) The projectors of two points A and the centres of two spheres II'" and 11"
B are 3' apart. A is 3' from the V.P. and diam. respectively. Determine the traces
2!' from the H.P.1 B is 11' from both of all common tangent planes to the
H.P. and V.P. A is the apex of a cone, spheres, having an inclination of 70° to
centre of a sphere I."
base angle 70°, axis perp. to V.P. B is the
diam. Determine
the traces of all common tangent planes
the H.P.
(3) A sphere 21' diam. has its centre in
xy. Another sphere 2* diam. rests on the
to the cone and sphere. H.P. and touches the V.P., and their
(2) The projectors of two points P and centres are 3* apart. Determine the
Q are 2i' apart. P is I" from the H .P. traces of a common tangent plane to the
and 2'" from the V.P.1 Q is In from the spheres having an inclination of 60° to
H .P. and It'" from the V.P. P and Q are theH.P.

enveloping cones
d similar to
PROBLEM 327 I BIVen cone .

x'-{----+----;---+--f ~-+-~f+_----+--.!J

PROB l.:.~~ 328.

Problem 329. To determine the Traces of a Tangent Plane common
to two Spheres, to contain a given Point.
(a) If the spheres are unequal to one of the given spheres, as in Prob.
In diameter. Fig. 1. Let the pro- 323. These are the required planes.
jec.tions of the give? spheres and (b) If the spheres are equal In
point ~ t~ose shown In fig. I. Dr~w diameter. Fi~. 2 . The spheres may
the projections of the ~wo envelopmg be enveloped by a cone with its apex be-
co,?,es to th~ spher~s, apices a, ai' b, ~I' tween them, or by a cylinder as in fig. 2.
Jom the given point to each apex m Regard the cylinder as a cone with its apex
turn and determine planes which infinitely distant and proceed as at (a).
shall contain this line and be tangential
Problem 330. To determine the Traces of a Tangent Plane common
to three unequal Spheres.
Let the projections of the spheres be Then determine a plane to contain the
those given in fig. 3. Determine the line ab alb l and to touch anyone of
apices a, ai' b, blof the enveloping cones the spheres, as in Prob. 323. This is
common to two pairs of spheres. one suitable tangent plane.
Problem 331. To determine the Traces of a Plane which shall have
a given Inclination to one Plane of Reference, and which shall
be tangential to a given Cone the Axis of which is inclined to both
Planes of Reference.
Let the plane be inclined at 6 to D may be tangential to cone B, and
the H.P. and let P, PI be the projections may also touch cone A, which has an
of the apex of the given cone B. Draw apex common with cone B. The H .T.s
the projections of a vertical cone A, of suitable planes are given by the (a)
apex at P, PI' base angle 6. The re- open, (b) crossed, tangents common to
quired plane is a tangent plane common the circular traces of (a) cones A and C,
to cones A and B. (b) cones A and D-as in fig. 4. The
Tangents common to the base circle V.T.s may be obtained by the appli-
of cone A and the elliptical trace of cone cation of Prob. 209. Four planes are
B give the horizontal traces of the re- possible.
quired tangent planes. The construc-
tion of the ellipse may, however, be The figure of Prob. 247, page 249, in
avoided, by inscribing any sphere to which this construction is used, may be
referred to with ad vantage.
cone B, and enveloping the sphere by N ote. The inclination 6 must be greater
vertical cones similar to cone A ; these than that of the least inclined generator
are marked cones C and D in figure. of cone B. When the inclination of the
A tangent plane to either cone C or cone latter = 6 there is only one tangent plane.
Problem 332. To determine a Plane which shall have a given Inclina-
tion to one Plane of Reference, say ti'k H.P., and which shall be
tangential to a given Cylinder. (No figure.)-
Inscribe two spheres to the CYlinder" given inclination of the plane. Tan-
envelop the spheres by two vertical gent planes to these cones are the re-
cones having base angles equal to the quired planes-four are possible.
(1) Points A and B are the centres of (3) A point P is 31' from H.P. and 2"
spheres xl' and l' diam. respectively. from V.P. P is the apex of a cone which
Determine a tangent plane to these envelops a sphere xl' diarn., the centre
spheres which shall contain the point C. of which is x' above H .P., and 3' from
(2) Three spheres, diams, 2', r", and V.P .; the projectors of the centre of the
. ', have their respective centres at P, Q, sphere and the apex of the cone are 2'
and R. Determine a tangent plane com- apart. Determine a plane inclined at 70°
men to the spheres. to H .P. to touch this cone tangentially.
• The inclination of the plane cannot be Iaa than that of the axis of the cylinder.

x 3
fl~l 2 i
2/!.heres ~ral

329 .
~ ..


I If


I '
I~ I

~r-~=.-1. - ;.
f~ bLl
:- .l

c /y ,
.r'R~ I' r,?'2 K1 3 . ."" "- - '-> '

Lf..l 2" ••y PROBLEM 331.
z !I


333. The shadow cast by an object The line of separation between the
on a plane may be determined by portions of a surface in light and shade
applying the theorems of Descriptive plays an important part in the pro-
Geometry. for light is propagated in jection of the shadow. for the outline
straight lines. The rays of light may of the shadow is the projection of this
be regarded as projectors. the shadow line of separation. The imaginary
being the outline of the projection of bounding surface to the shadow is
the object. The source of light will called the shadow surface; it is a
be assumed here to be so remote that ruled surface, and the shadow may be
the rays which fall on the object are looked upon as a section of a cylinder
parI; hence the projection of the (or cone)-in the widest interpretation
shadow is an exercise in oblique (or, if of the definition. The various terms
the plane of projection is normal to the are illustrated in fig. I.
rays. orthographic) projection.
Problem 334. To determine the Shadow cast by a Point on a Plane.
Draw the projections of a line pass- zontal trace of a line through a. aI'
ing through the given point and par! pari to the projected directions R. R 1
to the direction of the rays. The trace of the rays. gives a, the shadow of the
of this line on the given plane is the point on the H.P. In fig. 3, a, is the
required shadow. In fig. 2 the hori- shadow of a. a1 on the V.P.
Problem 335. To determine the Shadow cast by a Straight Line.
(a) When the shadow lies wholly ends a. a1 and b. b1 of the line. Join
on the H.P. Fig. 2. Determine the azb,: if the V.P. were transparent this
shadows a, and b, cast by the ends a. a1 would be the required shadow. Ac-
and b. b1 of the given line on the H .P. tually, however. the shadow on the
Join a, and b:; a,b, is the required H.P. will stop at c. on xy. and the re-
shadow. mainder will fall on the V.P. Deter-
(b) When the shadow falls on mine a" the trace on the V.P. of a ray
both H.P. and V.P. Fig. 3. De- through a. a1. and join a,e. The re-
termine a. and b" the traces on the quired shadow is given by a,eb,.
H.P. of rays passing through the
Problem 336. To determine the Shadow cast on one Plane by a Prism.
Consider a pentagonal prism situated represented in plan by band e. Project
as in fig. 4. From the plan it will be the upper comers b1• C1. d 1• and ~ on
seen that two of the vertical faces are the H .P. and join, as shown in figure.
illuminated; the line of separation is Section-line that part of the surface
made up of the upper edges b1c1• c1d 1 • of the solid in shade. also the shadow
and d 1e1• and the vertical edges itself. by fine lines.
Problem 337. To determine the Shadow cast on one Plane by a given
Consider a hexagonal pyramid situ- the plan. The shadow surface is con-
ated as in fig. 5. Project the apex tained by two planes each par! to the
a. a1 on the H.P. by a ray par! to the rays. containing the apex and touching
direction R, R 1• and obtain a,.
From the edges ab and ad; the horizontal
a, draw straight lines a,b and ap to traces of these planes, a,b and ap,
touch the extreme angular points in give the cast shadow.
(x) The projectors of the ends of a line (2) A cube 21' edge rests with a face
AB are X'4' apart; A is x' above the in the H .P. One edge of this face makes
H .P. and 3' from the V.P.-, B is 21' above 50° with xy and the nearer end of this
the H.P. and '9' from the V.P. Deter- edge is x' from xy. Determine the shadow
mine the shadow of the line cast on H .P. cast by the cube on H.P. and V.P. by
and V.P. by pari rays which in both plan pari rays which in plan and elevation
and elevation make 30° with xy and are make 45° with xy and are directed towards
directed towards xy. xy.

~-;];;.eetlOn of rays
of light.


Problem 338. To determine the Shadow cast by a Circle on both
Planes of Reference.
Let the circle be pari to the H.P., The segment abc casts a shadow on
as in figure. Its shadow on the H.P. the V.P. To determine this shadow
will be a segment of an equal circle, -an elliptical curve on the V.P.-
centre 0.; o. is the horizontal trace of take a number of points on the are
a ray through the centre of the circle. abc, such as P. Pl' and project their
From a. and b., in which the shadow shadows on the V.P .-e.g. P.. The
circle meets xy, draw a.a and b.b pari tangent ray, r, in plan is an important
to R to intersect the plan in a and b. one.

Problem 339. To determine the Shadow cast by a Cylinder on one

With 0..
the shadow of the centre
of the upper end, as centre, and rad.
centre o, These give the outline of the
shadow; the generators through a
equal to the rad. of the cylinder, and b, together with the upper semi-
describe an arc. Draw the tangents circle acb, constitute the line of
common to this arc and to the circle . separation.

Problem 340. To determine the Shadow cast by a Cone on both

Planes of Reference.
Assume the V.P. to be transparent, Determine a•• the shadow of the apex
and determine the shadow of the cone on the V.P. Join a.b. and a.e.: these
on the H.P. by obtaining the shadow are the shadow outlines on the V.P.
of the apex, a., and drawing tangents The lines of separation and the surface
to the base circle. These tangents of the solid in shadow are shown
intersect xy in b. and c., which mark clearly in the figure .
-the limit of the shadow on the H.P.

Problem 341. To determine the Shadow of a Sphere on one Plane.

Tangent rays to the sphere will and project an auxiliary elevation of
form a circular cylinder as the shadow the sphere. Using this view determine
is the required shadow. Determine 0..
surface. and the H .T. of this cylinder
-the trace of a ray through the centre
the elliptical trace of the cylinder,
as indicated in the figure . The line of
separation is the circle of contact
of the sphere. Take XlYl pari to 00. between the sphere and the cylinder.

Problem 341. To determine the Shadow cast by a Cylinder on both

Planes of Reference.
Let the axis of the cylinder, ab alb l The latter are the shadows of the
be p?JI to the H.P. and perp. to the generators cd eld l, and ef eJl' given
V.P. Suppose the planes to be trans- by the tangent rays "I and ".. To
parent in turn, thus permitting a full obtain the elliptical arcs plot the
shadow to fall on each. shadows of points on the circumfer-
To determine the shadow on the ences of the ends of the cylinder: it
V.P. obtain a. and b,. the shadows of should be noted that the part d,h. is
the centres of the ends. Describe arcs the shadow of the circular arc dh dlh 1
about these centres with radii = the and that e,k~. is the shadow of the
radius of the cylinder, and draw the semi -circle eke elkle l.
outline shown. The shadow on the The line of separation consists of
H.P. will consist of two elliptical arcs the generators CD and EF and the
and two straight lines, e.ds and e,!•. semi-circles CKE and DHF.
EXAMPLES. See pace 340


PROBLEM ~. ___


x !f,
PROBLEM 340. l
THE SHADOW CAST '~ __~.'- r:
PLA~ OF REFERENCE41 R ~ ""l--::lr--4



I~,, !
, I

~ ~~
< ,
c glJ,:-!
Problem 343. To determine the Shadow cast by a given Solid of
(a) When the rays are parallel. this line and alb l, is the elevation of
Let the given solid be formed by the the point of contact of a tangent ray
revolution of the circular arc LM and the surface of revolution; for
about 'the axis La, To determine the evidently a ray through PI touches
shadow cast on the H .P. by rays the sphere, and because PI is on alb l it
which are pari to the V.P. and in- must also touch the surface of revolu-
clined to the H .P. , as indicated by the tion. PI therefore is a point on the line
arrows R, R l . of separation. Its plan P is cbtained
The projections of the line of sepa- by projecting from PI to intersect the
ration must first be obtained. Take circle abo Other spheres may be taken
any point a, al lying on a central and a succession of points such as
section of the surface of re.volution p, PI determined in the same manner.
taken pari to the V.P. A normal to The projections of the line of separ-
the surface at this point will pass ation are represented by a fair curve
through cl ' the centre of the arc LM, drawn through these points.
and will intersect the axis in 01' With The outline of the cast shadow is
centre 01 and rad, 0la l draw the circle given by a curve joining the shadows
representing the inscribed sphere to of a number of selected points on the
the surface of revolution. The line of line of separation; the construction
contact is a horizontal circle, given in for P. and for three other important
elevation by the straight line alb l• points is shown clearly in the figure.
Now consider the sphere to be envel- (b) When the rays proceed from
oped by a cylinder, the axis of which a point. (No figure.) The construc-
is pari to R, R l : the elevation of the tion is similar to that given above but
circle of contact between the sphere the point PI is located by the inter-
and the cylinder will be a straight line section of alb l with the line of contact
passing through 01 and perp. to R l . of an enveloping cone and the sphere.
The point of intersection PI' between

(I) Solve Prob. 343 completely assum- cast by the cone on the cylinder, which
ing that R l is inclined at 450 to xy. Take is sufficiently long to receive the shadow.
Ct 1'65' from LO and 1'3' from xy, and Assume the projections of the rays to
the radii CI~ and clb l as 3'. (Note. The make 300 with xy and to slope towards
line of separation will not reach the point xy.
L.) (4) Taking dimensions from Ex. (I),
(2) Determine the shadow cast on the determine the shadow cast, also the line
H.P. by the vase shown in figure, by rays of separation, assuming that the rays
paxl to V.P. and inclined at 450 to H.P. emanate from a point P, situated 5' above
(3) The figure shows the elevation of a the H.P., the plan of P being on ba pro-
cone and cylinder. Determine the shadow duced and 2' from the plan of the axis.


In thB following assume that the r.ojec- (3) Determine the shadow and line of
tions of the rays are inclined at 45 to xy separation of a cone, base 2i'" diam.,
tlnd slope towardsxy. altitude 3.... The base is in the H.P. and
(I) Determine the shadow of a hori- the apex is 2' from V.P.
zontal circle 2i' diam., I' above H.P., (4) Determine the shadow on a H.P.,
centre Ii'" from V.P. also the line of separation, of a sphere
(2) Determine the shadow of a hori- 2" diam. resting on the H.P.
zontal ellipse, I'" above H.P. ; major axis (5) Solve Prob. 342 for a cylinder 21"
3" long, pari to and Ii'" from V.P.; minor diam., axis It" long, nearest face I" from
axis a", V.P., and axis Ii" from H.P.
34 1


/~p ~~
I~\\\' I
~ > al--- · ~
If» q
R ~
~ .

-, ~-
~-- - ~

+-==-- - -
. -------- 8;'
The following Table rela t es to the Aerofoil Surfaces dealt wit h on page 296,
It gives Stations and Ordinates in % of aerofoil chord, for N,A,C ,A,· 23021.

Upper Lower Upper Lower

Station Surface Surface Station Surface Surface
1'25 4,87 2'08 40 11'49 8,83
2'5 6'14 3'14 50 10'4 0 8'14
5'0 7'93 4'5 2 60 8'9 0 7'07
7'5 9'13 5'55 70 7'09 5'7 2
10 10'03 6'3 2 80 5'05 4'13
15 11'19 7'5 1 90 2'7 6 2'3 0
20 11,80 8'3 0 95 1'53 1'3 0
25 12'05 8'7 6 100 0' 22 0'22
30 12,06 8'95
Leading edge radius 4.85
Slope of radius tan- 1 0'305

• National AclviooryCounci l for Aeronautica (U.S.A.).



• 7

Two methods are shown above, one accurate but lengthy, the other rough
but speedy and often sufficiently accurate.
The area within A in fig. 1 is subdivided by ordinates and the intercepts are
transferred to give curve B. This is then integrated as on page 77. The area is
given by OP x CD; and for the example shown was 3 x 7'04. i.e. 21 ' r 2 sq . in .
In the approximate method, fig. 2 , we draw verticals freehand at the limits of
the area . Bisect the distance d between them by ey e, and then bisect the halves
and quarters, again by eye and freehand . Eight strips of nearly equal widths
are thus obtained . Do not draw the mid-ordinates but sum these using the edge
of a st r ip of paper, as shown on the left; giving a total length I. Then the required
area is 1 X d --:- 8. Surprisingly close results can be obtained with a little care
and some practice . In the example d was 7'2 and 1 24'3. giving an area of 20·87
sq . in .
The Numbers refer to pages
Acceleration, ends of a link, 144, 146. Cone, parabolic section, 266 .
Acceleration, in a circle, 144. Cone, projections, &c., '162, 174, 178, 190,
Acceleration, relative, 144. 234, 250 , 254, 270 .
Acceleration-space graph, 82. Cone , traces on H .P., 264.
Acceleration-time graph, 71, 74, 78. Cones, intersecting, 282 .
Acceleration-velocity graph, 80. Cones, intersecting cylinders, 276, 278, 280.
Aerofoil Surface, 296 . Conic lofting, 40.
Amplitude, 58. Conic sections, 22-41.
Amsler, 88 . Conjugate diameters to ellipse, 32.
Analysis, harmonic, 150--5. Convolution. of spiral, 54 .
Anchor ring, definition, 170. Coriolis , G. G., 148.
Anchor ring, development, 292. Cosine curves, 56 .
Anchor ring, sections, 272 . Couple, 94 .
Angle between two lines, 224. Crank, representative, 58 .
Angle between two planes, 242. Crystallography, 304.
Angle between two triangles, 244. Cube, definition, 170.
Approximate constructions, 20. Cube, projections, &c., 172, 174, 182, 252,
Arch , three-hinged, 116. 254, 256, 3°2 , 304 , 306, 308.
Archimedean solids, 170. Curtate cycloid, 44.
Archimedean spiral, 54 . Curvature, centre of, 36.
Area of irregular figure , 3~'! Cycloidal curve, 4 2 , 44.
Asymptotes to hyberbola, 34, 266 . Cylinder, definition, 170 .
Auxiliary circles, 28. Cylinder, development, 288.
Auxiliary planes, 164. Cylinder, projection, &c., 178, 188, 270.
Axes of ellipse, 28. Cylinder, trace of, 264 .
Axis of conic, 22 . Cylinders, intersecting, 274.
Axonometric projection, 192, 298. Deflection , diagram for beam, 104.
Deflection, framed structures, 122, 124.
Bend, expanding, development, 294. Derived curve, 72.
Bending moment curves, 78 , 100, 102, 104, Development, anchor ring, 292 .
106. Development, cone, 290 .
Bow's notation, 92 . Development cylinder, 288.
Brianchon 's theorem, 38, 40 . Development, prism, 286 .
Buoyancy, curve of, for ship, 106. Development, pyramid , 286 .
Development, sphere, 292 .
Cabinet projection, 298. Diagonal scales, 6.
Cavalier projection, 298 . Differentiation, graphical, 72, 74.
Cams, 66, 68, 70, Dihedral angles, 158.
Centre of gravity, 98 , Directrix, 22.
Centroid, 84. Division , graphical, 8.
Chord, of conic, 24. Dodecahedron, regular, 170 .
Circle, projection of, 166. Dodecahedron, rhombic, 304.
Circles, auxiliary, to ellipse, 28.
Circles, drawn to given data, 14, 16, 18. Eccentricity, of conic, 22 .
Clapeyron's equation, 86 . Ellipse, 22, 28-32 .
Compound harmonic motion, 60. Elliptical section of cone, 262 .
Conchoid, 62. Encastre beam, 118.
Cone, definition, 170. Epicycloid , 42, 46 .
Cone, development, 290 . Epitrochoid, 42, 48.
Cone, elliptical section, 262. Equiangular spiral, 54.
Cone , hyperbolic section, 266. Equilibrant, 92, 94 .
Equipment, drawing, 6. Lead and lag, S.H.M., 58.
Evolute, of an y curve, 42. Lin e, st., true length of. &c.• 200. 202.
Evolute, of conic, 36. Linkwork, accelerations of, 144, 146.
Linkwork, velocities of. 140.
Floating link, 142. 148, Lissajous' curves, 61.
Focal sphere, 22. 264, 266. Loads. curve of, 106.
Focus of conic, 22. Lobban. Prof., 132.
Followers, cam, 66, 68, 70. Loci of points on mechanisms. 62. 64.
Force-space curve. 82. Lofting. conic. 40.
Fourier's series, 15D-5. Logarithmic spiral, 54.
Framed structures, 108-24. Lune of a sphere, 186, 292.
Frequency, S.H.M.• 58.
Funicular polygon, 94 . Mass centres, 98.
Maxwell, reciprocal theorem, 132.
Glissettes, 42. Mechanisms, moving, 62, 64,
Graphical arithmetic, 8. Meridian section, 260.
Graphical differentiation, 72, 74. Method of sections, 112.
Graphical integration. 76-86. Moment of a force , 94 .
Graphical statics, 92-136, Moment of inertia, 84.
Gravity. centre of, 98 . Moments of area, 78, 84.
Monge, Gaspard, 158.
Harmonic analysis, 15D-6. Moulding section, 166.
Harmonic motion, 58, 60. Multiplication, graphical. 8.
Harrison, ] .• 154.
Helices, 258. Normal to a conic, 24.
Hodograph, 144. Notation for lin es, &c.• 166.
Horizontal projection, 314-18.
Hyperbola, 22, 34 , 266. Oblique parallel projection. 158, 298.
H yp erbola, rectangular. 34. Oblique plane, conversion of. 208.
Hyperbolic section of cone. 266 . Octahedron, definition, 170.
H yperboloid of revolution , 260·. Octahedron, projections of, 174, 304.
Hypocycloid, 42. 46. Ord inate of a con ic, 24.
Hypotrochoid, 42, 48. Orthogonal projection, 158.
Orthographic projection, 158.
Icosahedron, 170.
Iccsitetrahedron, 304 . Parabola, 22, 26.
Inclination of plane to H.P. or V.P.• 234. Parabolic section of cone, 266.
236. Parallel forces , equilibrant, 96.
Indeterminate structures. 118. "120. Parallel planes, 232.
Inertia. moment of. 84. Parallelepiped, 170.
Influence lines, 126-37. Parameter of conchoid, 62.
Influence lines. examples, 136. Pascal's Theorem, 38, 40.
Influence lines for braced girders. 130. Pentagon, 10.
Influence lines for simple beams. 126--9. Periodic time, 58 .
Influence lines from elastic curves. 132-5, Perspective projection, 306-12.
Instruments, of calculation, 88, 90. Perspective triangles, 12, II6.
Integration, graphical, 76-86. Phase angle, 58.
Integration, graphical miscellaneous ex- Pitch curve, cams, 66.
amples, 78, 86. Planes, perp. and oblique, 162.
Integrator. 90. Planes, representation of, 162.
Interference, wheel teeth, 52 . Planimeter, 88.
Intersecting lines. 224, 226. Platonic solids, 170.
Intersecting planes, 238. Polygon, funicular, 94.
Intersecting triangles, 240 . Polygon of forces, 92.
Intersections of surfaces. 274- 84. Polygon of n sides, 10.
Involute of circle, 50. Pol yhedra, definition, 170.
Involute of curve, 42. Polyhedra, intersecting, 284.
Involute wheel teeth , 50. 52. Pol yhedra, sections of, 268.
Involution, 8. Principle of work, 124.
Isometric projection, 192-98. Prism and sphere intersecting, 278.
Isometric scale, 194. Prism, definition, 170.
Prism, development of, 286.
Klein 's construction, 147. Prism , projection of, 176, 18o, 184.
Projection, auxiliary , 164. Sphere, definition, 170.
Projection, axonornetric, 192, 298. Sphere, development, 292.
Projection, cabinet, 298. Sphere, sections of, &c., 186, 270.
Projection, cavalier, 298. Spheroid, 170.
Projection, clinographic, 304. Spiral, archimedean, 54.
Projection, clinometric, 304. Spiral, logarithmic, 54.
Projection, horizontal, 314-19. Square root, 8.
Projection in 1St and 3rd quadrants, 157, Statically indeterminate structures, 118,
168,200. 120.
Projection, isometric, 192-8. Statics, graphical, 92-136, .
Projection, oblique, 158, 298. Stress diagrams, 108-14.
Projection, orthogonal, 158. Struts and ties, 110.
Projection, orthographic, 158.
Projection, perspective, 158, 306-12. Tangent planes, 326-35.
Projection, radial, 158. Tangents to cycloid, 44.
Projection, trimetric, 300-4. Tangents to Ellipse, 28.
Prolate cycloid, 44. Tangents to epicycloid, 46.
Pyramid, definition, 170. Tangents to hyperbola, 34.
Pyramid, development, 286. Tangents to hypocycloid, 46.
Pyramid, projections of, 172, 176, 18o, 182, Tangents to parabola, 26.
252, 256, 268. Teeth of wheels, involute, 50.
Tetrahedron, definition, ~70 '
Quadrants, for projection, 158, 168. Tetrahedron, projections of, 174, 254.
Quick-return mechanism, 142, 148, Three-hinged arch, 116.
Ties and struts, 110.
Rabatment of a point, 220. Tore, definition, 170.
Rabatment of planes, 158, 220. Tore, sections, 272.
Rake, of tool, 244. Traces of cone, 264.
Rankine, 20, 112. Traces of cylinder, 264.
Reactions, beam supports, 96. Traces of a line , 160, 200, 216.
Reciprocal curve, 80. Traces of planes, 162, 212.
Reciprocal theorem, Maxwell, 132. Trammel method for ellipse, 30.
Rectification of circular are, 20. Trammel solutions, 42, 64.
Relative acceleration, 144. Triangle of forces , 92.
Relative velocity, 138. Triangle, projection of, 166.
Representative crank, 58. Triangles, construction of, 10, 12.
Resultant force , 92, 94. Triangles in perspective, 12.
Ritter, 112. Trimetric projection, 300-4.
Roof truss, 114. Trochoid, inferior. 44.
Roulettes, 42. Trochoid, superior, 44.
Ruled surfaces, 170. Trochoidal curves, 46.
Truss, roof , 114,
Scales, diagonal, 6.
Scales of slope, 314. Vanishing point, 306-13.
Screw threads, 258. Varignon's theorem, 112.
Sectional views. 18o. Vectorial angle, 54.
Sections, method of, 112. Velocity, relative, 138.
Shadows, cast, 336-41. Velocity-acceleration graph, 80.
Shear curves, 78. Velocity-space graph, 80, 82, 86,
Shearing force diagrams, 78, 100-6. Velocity-time graph, 74, 78.
Shortest dist, between two st. lines, 230. Vertex of conic, 22.
Simple harmonic motion, 58.
Sine curves, 56. Walschaert valve gear, 142.
Slider-crank, 140. Watt st. line motion, 64.
Slope curve, 72. Wave profiles, 44.
Slope diagram for beam, 104. Wheel teeth, 50-3.
Solids in contact, 320-5. Wing section, 296.
Space-time graph, 74, 78. Work curves, 82.
Sphere and cylinder intersecting, 278.
Sphere and prism intersecting, 278. Zone of sphere, 186, 292.

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