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Russian Formalism

New Criticsm
Members of group 2 :
1. Luh Sri Kusuma Dewi

2. Cici Cahyani (N1D222046)

3. Farhan Khaerus Sadiq


4. Hamdan Ardiansyah
Russian Formalism was a movement in
Russian literature of the early 20th
century that emphasized analysis of
formal aspects such as language and
structure, ignoring content and
historical context. Key figures include
Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson, and
Boris Eikhenbaum.
New Criticsm
New Criticism is an approach to
literary criticism that emerged in the
20th century, emphasizing the
analysis of literary texts internally,
focusing on elements such as
structure, style and imaginary
meaning, and ignoring the historical
context and life of the author.
Historical Development
Russian Formalism
Russian Formalism emerged
in the early 20th century in
Russia, a period marked by
profound political and social
upheavals, including the
Russian Revolution of 1917
Historical Development
New Criticsm
New Criticism emerged in the 1930s
and 1940s in Great Britain and the
United States. This period was
characterized by the aftermath of
World War I and the looming threat of
World War II. Amidst these turbulent
times, there was a growing interest in
literary analysis that prioritized close
reading and textual analysis
Russian Formalism and
New Criticism are both
influential literary theories
that emerged in the early
20th century. While they
have distinct
characteristics, they share
some fundamental
assumptions about the
nature of literature:
1.Literary Autonomy
2. Defamiliarization
3. Close Reading
4. Unity of Th e Text
5. Objective Analysis
6. The Significance of Literary Techniques
7. The Universality of Literari Experience
8. Critique of Authorial Contex-based
9. The Aesthetic Value of Literature
The methodologies of Russian
Formalism and New Criticism are
critical approaches that focus on the
analysis of literary texts:

Russian Formalism
1. Formal Approach
2. Defamiliarization
3. Structural Analysis
New Criticsm
1. Emphasis on Textualism
2. Close Reading
3. Unity, Complexity, Irony
Russian Formalism and New Criticism offer
valuable critical approaches that enrich our
understanding of literature. Russian Formalism
emphasizes the analysis of formal aspects of
literature such as language, structure, and
style, while New Criticism focuses on
interpreting literary texts internally, without
considering historical context or the author's
life. Despite their differing approaches, both
have made significant contributions to the
development of modern literary criticism and
have broadened readers' insights into literary
YOU :)

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