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An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing in which you share your

viewpoint on a certain topic while using concrete evidence to explain

why you formed this opinion in the first place.

In other words, you will be given a question or assigned a specific topic

by your teacher, decide how you would answer that question or what
you believe about that topic in general, collect evidence to support your
opinion, and then write an essay so you can share all of this
information with your reader.

An opinion essay is a formal writing in which its author can express his
or her opinion on a specific topic. The idea is that you not only present
your point of view, but also argue your position, whether for or against,
with solid data to be able to generate a final conclusion. In addition to
presenting the arguments in favor, it is also important to present the
contrary view of our position.

1. Read the question carefully. Respond to all ideas in it or all parts
of it.
2. Plan your ideas first and then choose the best ones.
3. Introduce your essay by restating the question in your own words.
4. Show understanding of both sides of the argument.
5. Use linking words to connect your ideas.
6. Draw your conclusion from the main ideas in your essay. Don't
introduce new ideas at the end.

Structure for writing an opinion essay

Before starting to write an opinion essay you must know the correct structure, which is basically
divided into three points: introduction, body and conclusion.

In this preamble you must present the topic to be discussed and engage the reader. For this you
can help yourself with figures, data or real facts that are attractive and decisive. If your
introduction is not attractive enough you will have little chance of the reader continuing.

Some phrases that will work for you in your opinion essay:

It is generally agreed that En general se cree que

It is believed that Se cree que

According to De acuerdo a

It is widely known that Es ampliamente conocido que

There are definitely Definitivamente hay

It is a fact that Es un hecho que

For example Por ejemplo

According to this author Según este autor

Research has shown that La investigación ha demostrado que

Main body

Ideally, you should begin your first paragraph of the body of the essay with the strongest
argument, the one that supports your opinion. In the second paragraph you can present the
second most important argument and so on, explaining each argument in order of priority by

To make your paragraphs easy to read you must structure them well. Avoid long sentences and
complex paragraphs.

In my opinion En mi opinión

From my point of view Desde mi punto de vista

My personal view is that Mi punto de vista personal es que

As I see it A mi modo de ver

It seems to me that Me parece que

To my mind En mi opinión

In my view Desde mi punto de vista

In other words En otras palabras

To put it simply En pocas palabras

I personally feel that Personalmente siento que

With this in mind Teniendo esto en cuenta

As far I am concerned En lo que a mí respecta

I strongly believe that Creo firmemente que

I feel very strongly that Siento fuertemente que

I completely agree with Estoy completamente de acuerdo con

I completely disagree with Estoy completamente en desacuerdo con

I agree with the statement, because Estoy de acuerdo con la afirmación, porque

I disagree with the statement, because Estoy en desacuerdo con la afirmación, porque

I am sure that Estoy seguro que

I am convinced that Estoy convencido de que

I’m in favour of Estoy a favor de

I consider Yo considero

Honestly, I believe Honestamente, creo

I would like to add one more point Me gustaría agregar un punto más

What I mean is Lo que quiero decir es

The way I see it La manera en que lo veo

Personally, I have no doubt that Personalmente, no tengo dudas de

I’d like to make a point Me gustaría dejar claro

It could be argued that Se pudiera argumentar que

This suggest that Esto sugiere que

It would seem that Pareciera que

You must choose the most appropriate one depending on the case; as you can see, there are some
that are more formal and others that are more colloquial and direct.

Let's look at some examples to express opinion:

In my opinion, educator salaries need to be improved. / In my opinion, it is necessary to improve

the salaries of educators.

From my point of view, you have to regulate internet content. / From my point of view, internet
content must be regulated.

I disagree with current public policies. / I do not agree with current public policies.

In order to structure your paragraphs with meaning, use the famous connectors as we mentioned

Moreover Además

Additionally Adicionalmente
In reality En realidad

Indeed En efecto

In addition Además

Furthermore Además

Besides Además

In addition to this Además de esto

Above all Sobre todo

In the first place En primer lugar

However Sin embargo

Whereas Mientras que

Nevertheless Sin embargo

Although Aunque

Firstly Primeramente

Secondly En segundo lugar

Thirdly En tercer lugar

Finally Finalmente

Another point Otro punto

Lastly Finalmente
Last but not least (important) Por último, pero no menos importante

Even if Incluso si

Therefore Por lo tanto

On the other hand Por otra parte / Por otro lado

It’s very romantic, even if the language is a bit stilted. / Es muy romántico, incluso si el lenguaje es
un poco forzado.


In the last part of your opinion essay you must make a conclusion that concentrates the main
ideas of your writing and finishes reinforcing your opinion about it.

Here we leave you some useful phrases that will help you when indicating the conclusion of your
opinion essay:

In conclusion En conclusión

To sum up briefly Para resumir brevemente

To sum up Para resumir

To conclude Para concluir

In Short En resumen

All in all En términos generales

In other words En otras palabras

So, my conclusion is Entonces, mi conclusión es

It is evident that Es evidente que

As shown above Como se muestra arriba

As can be seen Como puede verse

This suggest that Esto sugiere que

As shown above Como se muestra arriba

Opinion Essay Structure

While opinion essays can certainly vary based on the essay requirements you have in class, all
opinion essays have a basic structure to them. This includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and
a conclusion. An example of how you can structure your opinion essay is as follows:

1. An introduction with a well-defined thesis statement

2. The first reason you agree or disagree (with evidence)

3. The second reason you agree or disagree (with evidence)

4. The third reason you agree or disagree (with evidence)

5. A conclusion that summarizes the essay and gives the reader closure

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