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Zenande Okhethiweyo by Zenande
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"Ewe mama ndiRight"(Yes mom I'm okay),I assure my overly concerned

"Uziphathe kakuhle Nande,sizawuthetha xa ndigqiba apha emsebenzini.
Ndiyak'thanda sana lwam."(Take care of yourself,we will talk when I am done
at work. I love you my baby.),my mom says.
"I love you too mama bye."(mom) as I hang up and roll my eyes. This is my
third call from her and it's only midday imagine! I swear that woman doesn't
deserve to be sold airtime. Although she is dramatic at times I still love her a
lot,my over protective mother hen. I'm blessed to have her in my life,she is the
reason I am where I'm at today and she is my motivation to do even more.

I get up from the bed,put my phone on my study desk,grab my towel,take off

all my clothes and wrap it around me and take my toiletry bag,I really need a
shower before I dive into these assignments, university is hard. "I wonder
uRea uphi"(where Rea is) I lowly say to myself as I lock the door to our room.
I make my way to the bathrooms,to my luck not a lot of people are here just
one girl,I greet her and give her a smile as I get into the shower,i take out all
the things I will need from the toiletry bag and put it on the chair. I don't like
bathing with luke warm or cold water,it never helps my body relax. Oh yes! I
shower with my flip flops on you can never trust these public spaces with

When I'm done I make my way to my room,i unlock the door,get in and lock
from the inside safety at all times ladies! Especially in the kind of country we
are living in. I remove my shower cap,lotion my body and wear my purple
onesie and pink socks. I head to my study desk and plan to ace these
assignments because I just have to be the best in my class. I think my
coursemates know that by now,I'm always the top achiever,if it ain't number
one then I don't want it.

Here I am getting carried away I haven't even introduced myself. I am

Zenande Karina Nododile a third year Medicine student at the University of
Pretoria,I'm a 20 year old virgin Mary,my friends say I'm boring but whatever!
In my defence I'm really preoccupied by my academics,I don't want to lose
sight of my dreams,I have a detailed plan and paying attention to boyfriends
will just make me fumble.
I'm from eLusikisiki but currently based in Pretoria, I have an older sister that
is going to send my mom into an early grave and a beautiful 6 year old
niece,that I dearly miss. I don't know my father but that's life I guess and I
know I'm not the only one, I was raised by my single mom and she did her
very best,that's why I love her so much I have seen her fall but she still stood
up everytime,as they say for my mama I have to be the best that ever did it.
I'm a biracial baby,my mom is Xhosa and she tells me me that my dad is white
but heyyy you can also tell from my appearance.

I am light skinned,I have huge brown curly hair,a big forehead,big brown
eyes,long thick lashes,an English nose so they say,pouty pinkish lips and the
most beautiful smile because of my perfect teeth if I may say,my best feature
besides my honey brown eyes. Rea says they light up when I'm in the light
becoming like sun beams but as that comes from my best friend,I don't
believe it she is good at exaggerations,very good.

I have small boobs you would swear I'm 12 years,I was last on God's list when
he was handing out boobs. I have a small waist,a flat tummy and small curves
that fit my body perfectly. Not to brag but I look like a Victoria's Secret model,
the proof is in all the guys that hit on me daily and the girls that hate me for no
reason at all.

"Aowa mosadi ke Saturday hle,you can't be buried in books."(No woman it's a

Saturday),Reabetswe my roommate and best friend says as she throws
herself on her bed.
"Welcome back home long lost sister",I say without removing my eyes from
the text book.
Rea:"Yes sister! Some of us are fully aware that we only live once.",she says
as she goes through my wardrobe. She is probably up to no good right now.
Me:"I hope you are gonna fold those clothes nicely when you are done
vandalizing my wardrobe",as I close my books and laptop.Luckily she walked
in when I was already done.
Rea:"Yes Mom!",She says as she rolls her eyes and we both laugh. "Alright
here is your outfit get dressed and I'm not taking no for an answer." Exactly
what I thought,it's either she is taking me to some restaurant or some club full
of people she calls her friends,which I don't know of by the way. She instructs
me as she walks to her side of the room to probably also get ready,it's no use
arguing with Reabetswe because she does what she wants regardless of
what you say. So much for a peaceful night in.

I take off my onesie put on the the short black body hugging,spaghetti strap
dress she picked out for me. It sticks to my body like a second skin,showing
off my long and well toned legs. As I'm about to reach for my Jordan sneakers
she says "Hell no you ain't wearing those,not to the place I'm taking you. Put
on your best heels moghel."she winks at me and goes back to whatever she
was doing.
The queen has spoken! I take out my dusty pink with little fluffy feathers on
the front block heel and slip it on,I'm not that tall just average height so that's
why I love heels so much,I get a height boost. I put on earrings,an infinity
necklace,my shiny lip gloss to accentuate the colour of my lips,I comb my afro
and tie it into a neat ponytail letting the curls fall,I do my edges,put on
mascara to give life to my already long lashes. I'm not a huge fan of make-up
but I do put it on sometimes just not today.

I spritz and step through my Carolina Herrera Good Girl Eau de Parfum, it
turns heads before I do. I take my dusty pink handbag put in my
phone,lipgloss,purse and a pad just for in case. As I'm about to walk over to
Rea's side of the room she shows up wearing the biggest smile on her face
"you clean up well Madame." We both laugh out loud ,one of our professors
who I guess is British always adds "Madame" to her sentences.

Rea is wearing a white bob tube and a matching body hugging skirt that goes
below her knees paired with black stilleto pumps and a black LV handbag. Her
32 Inch Peruvian weave freely flowing on her back,my friend is truly beautiful
"Okay let's go before you think of those books",she says a she takes my hand
and we both walk out laughing. We share a huge room that has two beds,a
mini kitchen at the corner,two small study tables on either side of each bed
and each side is divided by a wardrobe and a book shelf. We lock up and
head to our waiting Uber ride. I wonder what the night has in store for us...

My guess was correct,as we get dropped off at a restaurant. I start praying

that I don't have to deal with people I don't know,because that would ruin this
evening for me.

The restaurant looks really expensive,the entire left wall is made out of glass
which makes the place come alive the little lights and chandelier make you
feel like royalty from the moment you step in,the tables all have white table
cloths with red roses for decoration,it's written "The Eatery" in shining lights.

Not a lot of the tables are occupied just a few people and a group of guys at
the back. Thanks God Rea told me not to wear those sneakers yoh! Because I
would have looked like a hobbo right now. We head over to a table where
Buhle,a friend I met through Rea is already seated. I thank my lucky stars and
plaster on a huge smile. We hug for greetings and Buhle insists we take
pictures for the Gram because as she says we look "sexy",after the mini shoot
we sit down and go through the menu. Buhle and Reabetswe are your typical
slay queens,sometimes I even wonder why we get along like a house on fire
because I'm an introvert and they are both really outgoing. Buhle is a third
year Psychology student and Reabetswe is doing Medicine her third year
also, they might love having fun but they are both dedicated to their studies
and that's what I love about them I guess.

As we are discussing the menu,the group of guys at the back keep on talking
and laughing out loud,I think they are already drunk.
Buhle:"Argggh..these niggas are getting on my nerves."she waves the waiter
over .
Rea:"Just because you have problems it doesn't mean everybody else also
Me:"Yeah let the poor guys have fun it's a free country Madame" I wink at her
and we all laugh. The waiter takes our order and leaves.

Buhle: "I really cannot stand the other gender at the moment,all they know is
telling lies."
There it goes,I don't how many boys did this very same thing to her and yet
she doesn't stop.
Me:"Mngani just have fun and forget about that scumbag okay?"(Friend)
Rea:"Jah free your mind Buhle. The guys at the back are really cute though
and they smell like money."
Me:"How did you even smell them from this far?"i say popping my eyes out to
show that I'm asking.
Rea:"Can't you smell it?" She raises her head and sniffs the air like a dog
"Awww! Money!"she says rubbing her hands together and we all laugh out
loud,trust Rea to size up people's pockets.

The waiter comes back with our food and drinks and we all dig in over small
talk,I didn't realize how hungry I was until now,the food is yummy compliments
to chef I say to myself,Rea keeps on taking videos of us as we eat.

She screams a bit as her eyes stare behind me and Buhle. "Don't turn one of
the guys is heading this way."she says excitedly. Oh brother and I thought this
was gonna be a peaceful night with my girls,now I even feel full,i push the
plate away and grab my phone.
Guy: "Sanibonani bantu abahle"(Hello beautiful people),he says with a deep
velvety voice. I look up and see a dark skinned Greek God with smooth like
chocolate skin,okay let me look away before he gets the wrong idea,I fake a
grin and continue scrolling through my Insta feed.
Rea:"Sawubona le wena abuti"(Hello to you too brother) she says looking him
up and down when he leaves we are definetly gonna hear about all the things
she would allow him to do to her in bed ayi!
Buhle:"Heyyy" she says with a huge smile that goes to her eyes,so much for
not liking the other gender at the moment,I inwardly roll my eyes.
Guy:"I'm Siphephelo Zulu" he introduces himself as he takes each of our
hands and kisses the back,how cheesy this guy thinks we are in the movies

Buhle gasps after digesting his intro and the guy just chuckles,okay that is odd
uyaphambana lo.(She is crazy)
Rea:"Reabetswe Maake but everybody calls me Rea"she smiles.
Buhle:"I am Buhle Ngema"she says softly and bows her head,what the hell is
wrong with this girl?
Siphephelo:"And wena Miss Instagram igama ubani?"(And you Miss
Instagram what is your name) he says looking at me curiously. Wrong girl
brother,wrong girl!

I look up to him and say "None-Of-Your-Business Nododile", flash my perfect

teeth and continue with my scrolling. Buhle pinches my thigh and I say "Ouch"
out loud,which causes Siphephelo to laugh. He looks at me and says "Feisty!"
with his eyes dancing,he seems entertained I will show him entertainment!
Sphephelo:"Okay what's your Insta handle ke?" As I was about to tell him
where to get off Rea jumps in and tells him that it's "Zee underscore N" with a
smile,now she wants people to stalk me at least my account is private.

Siphephelo thanks her and heads back to their table chuckling,these girls
begin lecturing me on how I'm so rude I seriously need to get laid nonsense
imagine. I turn back and look at Siphephelo he is seated saying something
that makes everyone laugh except one guy and my eyes immediately land on

He has the most beautiful eyes ever I think I can hear angels singing,he is
staring at me with those bedroom eyes,he has a straight English nose,a well
defined jawline,soft juicy lips I wouldn't mind tasting. He has a clean haircut, a
broad chest and muscular but not too muscular arms you can see through his
rolled up shirt,he looks like chocolate,dark and smooth skin.

He is wearing a white shirt with two buttons undone and right now he is
looking at me like he hasn't seen civilization in ages,he puts his whiskey glass
down and leans back on his chair.I feel butterflies in my tummy fighting to
break free,my mouth goes dry,my palms start getting sweaty and I feel my
heart somersaulting out of my body. Oh my word my body is going crazy here
somebody send help!

Oblivious to what is happening to me,the girls continue with their conversation

talking about how Im always rude to guys that approach me.

He stands up,takes his phone from the table and slowly strides in our
direction putting his long legs into full view man this guy looks like heaven,I
can feel my jaw dropping and the guys all go quiet looking at him. He is still
looking at me with those bewitchingly beautiful eyes,I'm starting to feel hot all
over my body,I think the air conditioner in this place is also affected by him,I
mean he is just that hot.

His phone must have been ringing because he answers it

"Baby.... Jah ngiyeza....ngithe ngiyeza!"
and walks past our table without even looking back. I feel like I'm suffocating,I
start to hyperventilate and I can't see clearly,I feel a huge lump in my throat
fighting to be let out,I get up from my chair and run towards the door,Rea and
Buhle closely run after me as I get out of the door I hear Siphephelo shouting
Buhle's name.

When the wind hits my face I realize that it's also hot I feel like I'm a chicken
being roasted, I start crying balancing my hands on my knees,Rea keeps
rubbing my back in smooth circles,after a minute or two I feel a bit better and
stand up straight,anybody who is watching from afar would swear I just got
Rea:"What happened?"
Me:"I...I..." my throat is dry and my chest is on fire "I don't know" I manage to
say and massage my forehead with my fingertips. Buhle comes out carrying a
glass of water "Thatha it will help"(take) she says as she gives me the glass,I
gulp half of it down and slowly exhale as I feel the cold water extinguishing
whatever fire that was in my chest.
Buhle:"Let me request an Uber,we gotta go back it's getting late anyway" she
says as she taps on her phone.
Rea:"I will get our stuff and settle the bill" she takes the glass from me and
goes back inside.

"Buhle who are those people?",i ask. I turn to look at her,I have been
concentrating on the wall,if only eyes could dig then that wall would now have
a hole in it.
Buhle:"King Mbhekiseni's two sons and their friends" she says giving me a
weak smile.

The only kings I know are overseas,that can't be right these guys look like
ordinary people shouldn't they have crowns or body guards or something that
yells royalty?
"Intoni? Do kings even exist in this day and age?"(What?) I say faking a laugh
that comes out forced.
Buhle chuckles "Yep they still do very much exist back home,they are referred
to as Chiefs they still rule over their villages and take care of their people's
Me:"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Buhle:"Hhayibo Zee! Was I supposed to say oh by the way guys I come from
a village,Inkosi uBab' Zulu uneyiNkosana ezimbili uSiphephelo noZanothando
kanye neNkosazana uMinenhle during my introduction?"(...King Zulu he has
two princes, Siphephelo and Zanothando and one princess named Minenhle)
she asks popping her eyes out and looking pissed,okay that was a dumb
question but what just happened in there?

Maybe books are finally driving me crazy. Rea comes back just as our ride
arrives,we all get into the backseat I guess they just want to make sure I don't
feel alone. As the restaurant slowly disappears from sight I realize how much I
really miss home,I wish I was in my mother's arms right now she would make
me understand what just happened. Maybe my body recognises that they are
royalty or something.

When we get to the flat I just throw myself on the bed,Buhle grabs a chair
from my study desk and Rea sits on the corner of the bed.
Rea:"What happened in there Zee do you perhaps know that guy from
somewhere?" she says looking at me softly like she doesn't want to scare
me,He is a Prince! How can I know him maybe I have high blood pressure I
should go to the clinic tomorrow and get checked out.
Me:"Nah I don't know him I didn't even know his name or that he is some
prince until Buhle told me."I say shrugging
Rea:"Prince?"she says looking at Buhle totally confused.
Buhle:"Jah Prince Siphephelo who she rudely spoke to",she says pointing at
me "and Prince Zanothando the one who made her give us a scare" she
chuckles. Wow I'm glad that this is amusing apha kuye.(To her)
Rea:"Oh! I have heard of Zano,Mr CEO at NoZulu Tradings and owner of
multiple restaurants and clubs,my cousin once did an internship there,I just
didn't know that beautiful face of his."she says shrugging. Seems like
everybody knows him except me maybe I'm living under a rock,I must have
been deep in my thoughts because I hear Rea say "So are you gonna tell
us?"looking impatient she must have been asking for a while now.
Me:"Jonga neh andazi kwenzeke ntoni but I remember ndijonga emva ndifuna
ubona uSiphephelo ukba wenza ntoni then my eyes landed on that guy and
then everything froze in hell. It was like I'm on fire and after he passed our
table it was only then that I realized I'm burning."(Honestly I don't know what
happened but I remember looking back to check on Siphephelo...) I say and
loudly exhale,now I feel better getting this madness out of my head.
Both of them:"Huh! YOU HAVE A CRUSH" they say while giggling,If it is a
crush I would know,it doesn't mean I'm that dumb,this feels different.I feel
crazy maybe the guys think I'm a freak of some sort.
Buhle:"Goodnight lovies and wena dream about that snack of yours."she says
winking at me and we laugh trust her to classify people as snacks,I guess
maybe it's not that serious. Rea locks the door "Goodnight babe,get some
rest" she says sweetly and switches off the lights.

Maybe they are right it's just a silly crush on a handsome man I don't
know,maybe he uses uVelebahleke(Vodoo to lure girls) you can never trust
these Zulu guys and maybe it worked on me and triggered side effects in the
process, because if it was a crush then I would know,I have had plenty of
crushes on celebrities. I let my thoughts usher me into sleep and hope that
tomorrow this entire thing will at least make sense.

It's been a hectic week since that night at The Eatery,so for a breather me and
Rea decided to go down the road,there is a new café that just opened and I
heard my lab partner complimenting their pastries a lot. It's a bit chilly today so
I'm wearing my black NASA oversized hoodie,grey trackpants and my back
and white Jordan sneakers. I didn't tie my hair up I love feeling the wind in my
hair,I probably look crazy but I don't care. This place is simple yet
sophisticated at the same time.
Rea:"Chocolate cake for you" as she places my plate on the table "and one
blueberry cupcake for me."as she sits,I really don't get why people starve
themselves all because of wanting their body to be a certain way.Could never
be me,andizi mtkbw!

We talk about our study plans and maybe getting part time jobs as we dig in.
When I look up I see Siphephelo and Zanothando walking in looking dapper in
their black suits,white shirts and black ties. You would swear they are twins
they look so much alike. Zanothando is wearing a black beanie and a black
coat that's losely hanging. "Nanku uBanana 1 noBanana 2,Rea
khawujonge."(Here comes Banana 1 and Banana 2,Rea look.) I say as I sip
my tea,I don't like coffee but I don't judge anybody that likes it eyyy. Rea looks
at them and we laugh.
Rea:"Aowa marn banna babangwe baphela,look at your man looking like that
chocolate cake slice you just devoured" she says laughing,I burst out laughing
this girl is surely crazy. Ever since that night they keep on referring to him as
"My man" it has a nice ring to it though,if only he wasn't in a relationship. Rea
pushes her chair back with her legs and walks over to them at the
counter,they are probably buying something. Hawu this girl has forgotten her
manners,the audacity to just stand up and leave me hanging like that ayi
shame oRea bazenza izinto.

I busy myself with taking selfies and posting on my socials,when I look up Rea
is walking back to our table,Siphephelo and Zanothando look deep in a
serious conversation,the younger brother looks irritated but he is not looking
at his brother he is looking directly at me,I look at my teacup I seriously don't
want a repeat of the last time.
Rea:"The last time we went to The Eatery your man settled our bill so I went
to thank him in person."she says looking at me. I roll my eyes "Well I would
have ordered something even more expensive If I knew that we eat for
mahala there"(free),I say she laughs out and I giggle shaking my head.
Me:"So why did he settle it?" I ask curiously.
Rea:"I don't know what happens in that beautiful head of his eyyy. Did you
know that he owns that place?"she asks,I didn't even know who he is
ndazelaphi ukba uyiOwner pha.
Me:"And how DO YOU know that? He is rich he can buy anything and
everything that he wants,that doesn't even surprise me."
Rea:"They just told me" she bites her bottom lip "Actually i overheard them
talking about it apparently the kitchen burnt and luckily nobody got hurt."she
says leaning back on her chair. No wonder Zanothando looks pissed I'm sure
he fired everyone who works in that kitchen,he looks heartless.

I stand up,take my purse and phone from the table.

Me:"I'm heading back you coming?" I ask as I push the chair back in.
Rea:"Nope. Thabang is coming to fetch me,le wena wabona chomi gore kedi
weather tsa teng."she winks at me and smiles,I just roll my eyes and head
over to the counter to pay,when I look up from my phone Zanothando is at the
Great seems like I'm gonna have an awful afternoon. "Uhm...I would like to
pay",I hand him the card without even looking at him."Sawubona nawe",he
says with a smirk,I have been avoiding to look him in the eye since he got
here and right now that's exactly what I'm looking at,I feel like the ground
below has been moved and I'm falling. He smiles genuinely and I think I can't
breathe. "Ngicela ufake iPin ntombenhle."(please enter your pin beautiful
lady),he says as he hands me the speed point. God why did you forsake
Me,why couldn't a regular person be at the till? I enter my pin and hand it
back,he gives me back my card,our hands touch a bit,it's like a jolt of
electricity has been sent up my spine,I gasp and quickly take it and turn to
leave. "Uright nkosazana?",he asks with that velvety layered voice of his that
makes feel things I have never felt,I don't have enough strength to reply so I
just not and leave without turning back.

When I get to the flat,I throw myself on the bed. I mean what kind of muthi is
this guy using? He is really going to be the death of me,I don't normally bath
with cold water but right now I need a cold shower because volcano Zano just
erupted. I check my phone and no messages,I throw it on the bed,take off my
clothes and wrap myself with a towel. I take my toiletry bag,slide my flip flops
on and lock the door. I wonder why there isn't anything about him on the
internet the entire fam dololo sestrenji! Jah I know what you are thinking,I did
Google him one can never be too sure eyyy.

I take a quick shower and head back to my room,I get in and lock the door. It's
now dark outside so I switch on the lights,take out my winter pyjamas and
wear them paired with my white socks. I can't sleep without socks,people
always say they can't sleep with socks but I'm the opposite they are just
comfortable. I put on my slippers,take my phone and head over to the kitchen.
I need something to keep me warm so I fill up the kettle and switch on. I need
me a cup of tea. As I wait for the water to boil I log in to Instagram I have a
follow request from "@phephelo_z" it must be a fake account why would he
want to follow a nobody like me? I go through his pictures and to my surprise
it is him with a verification and all,I click on the accept button,log out and make
my tea singing "Brown eyes by Destiny's Child" softly. I walk over to my desk
open my laptop,switch it on,take out my textbooks and study.

After a while my brain decides it can't take it anymore so I pack away my

textbooks,take my laptop and go to YouTube. I'm bored so I just play all the
highlights,I'm busy texting Buhle on App when I hear the reporter say "NoZulu
Tradings office in Johannesburg CBD burnt to the ground". What? Zano is he
okay oh Lord what if something happened to him and his employees such a
terrible way to lose people "Luckily no lives were lost,Mr Zungu the Zulu family
spokesperson....-" I zone out,I'm so glad nobody got hurt especially him but
what the hell is up with this guy and fire?

I'm walking through a forest,it's so beautiful and peaceful. As I walk I see a fire
engulfing the trees,I can't feel the heat so I move closer to
see what's happening. There is a little boy he looks trapped
"NANA IZAPHA KUM!"i shout out,he turns to look at me and his right leg is
burnt,he can't move. I into the fire and quickly but cautiously carry him out.
"LWANDLE! LWANDLE!" a woman's voice shouts through the forest,I carry
the passed out boy and follow the woman's voice.

I see a beautiful dark woman,she is petite and her dark skin is glowing. She is
wearing Imvunulo(Zulu traditional attire),as I walk closer to her the boy starts
to burn me like fire,I can't take it anymore and I drop the boy on the ground
when I look at my arms they are burnt.

My alarm is louder than usual today,I switch it off and just lay on my bed,it
feels like tranquility before a storm. That dream wasn't my imagination
something is wrong but who am I to say maybe I'm just exaggerating. I check
the time it 07:00am I better get up and get ready,my first class is at 09:00am.
My body feels sore as I get out of bed,it must be that cold shower I took last
night. I take off my pyjamas,wrap my towel around i should do my laundry this
weekend I think to myself. I wear my flops,take my toiletry bag and head for
the door. I bump into Rea as I walk through the corridor.
Rea:"Morning babe! Breakfast is on me go shower quickly because I'm
starving."she says joyfully with a Mc Donald brown bag in her hand.
Me:"Finally she is home!"i say giggling,she playfully slaps my shoulder and
goes to our room.

There is nothing like a hot steamy shower to make your day,I know what you
are thinking and nope that's not it. When I get to our room Rea has changed
into a navy blue tracksuit with her weave tied back and sneakers.
Me:"Uhlambile kodwa?",I ask as I search for something to wear.
Rea:"Ewe ke thlapile ankerr aketswe segweng",she shouts from the kitchen. I
put on my black jeans,a black tank top and white Nike hoodie. I take off my
shower cap,comb my hair to the back and wear a black Nike beanie. I finish
off the look with my white Airforce sneakers. I pack all of my books into my
bag,grab my phone and head to the kitchen. Rea is already eating,I put my
bag on the table and eat,through out the meal she keeps on telling me about
all the things Thabang did to her last night. Imagine being told about
pornography while you are eating yerrr this girl! When we are done I rinse our
cups and plates then we leave.

Campus is about 15 minutes away so we continue with small talk.

Rea:"Wait! Did you see the news last night?",she asks while stopping to walk.
Me:"We are gonna be late",i push her to start walking "Yeah and I had a
nightmare about it I think" I say massaging the side of my head with my
Rea:"What? Did you dream of him touching that spaghetti body of yours?"she
says giggling,trust her to think of something dirty at a time like this.
Me:"He wishes."I roll my eyes. I wish he could touch my body in real life not in
a dream,those long fingers all over my body and that beautiful mouth.
"Then tell me",Rea says. I tell her about it and when I'm done we are already
in the hall.
Rea:"Maybe you were just worried about the fire hence you dreamt of it." She
says as we take our seats and the professor commences the lesson.

After three long classes I'm finally done for the day,I don't even bother
checking where Rea is because I know she is somewhere catching up with
who-knows-who. I just Uber to the flat. I get in and lock the door I take off my
sneakers and get under the covers with my clothes on and immediately when
my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.
I'm woken up by somebody shaking me and screaming my name,maybe there
is an earthquake. When I open my eyes it's Buhle,Rea is undressing me.
What is she doing ke lona? Buhle gives me a glass of water and places a wet
towel on my forehead,oooh that is so cooling.
Rea:"Is it the dream again?",she asks. Oh! I must be overheating again. I
drink the water and nod.
Buhle:"Your temperature is still too high let me fetch some ice cubes" she
says putting the thermometer on the table.
Me:"Nah it will cool down in a few minutes." I say as I go stand by the window.
Rea:"I think you should call your mom and tell her about it. Maybe we should
also go to the doctor." I slowly nod my head,go to my bag and take out my
phone. Both my friends walk out to give me privacy. I'm in only my underwear
but I feel like I'm boiling in water,maybe I'm catching a flu after this call I'm
definetly going to the doctor.

Mama picks up her phone on the second ring.

"Nande ka mama",she says
Me:"Molo mama unjani?"
Mom:"Ayi Akhonto sana lwam,ktheni uvakala ingathi awukho right?",she is
now worried you can hear it in her voice. I tell her about the dream I have
been repeatedly having,when it started and everything that happens to my
Mom:"Oh!sana lwam nizawuvala nini eskolweni? Ndicinga kba uzawuvisisa
kakhle xa ndikuxelela ndikujonge ezinhlamvini zamehlo." Now that sounds like
a serious conversation,this dream is deep.
Me:"Is it that serious mama? I can skip classes tomorrow and come back
Mom:"No bhabha don't worry. I think it can wait until the holidays." She tells
me about Asemahle my niece,how naughty she is now and my sister
Nolunwabo still being the same old her. We catch up for and hour and then
my airtime runs out.

I have been feeling under the weather for this entire week. The dream is
keeping me awake at night. Maybe I'm losing my mind. I'm like a zombie now.

I haven't been eating or sleeping like my usual self,I have even lost weight.
Buhle decided that we should go out to cheer me up. I really don't feel like
going anywhere to be honest but what can I say they are trying their best and
Rea will never let me be.

I have already showered so I lotion my body,go to my wardrobe,take out a

over the knee pencil skirt,a white body suit and toss them on the bed. I
remove my shower cap,comb my hair,plait it four lines on my left hand side
and let the rest of my afro just be. I put on make-up because I look like hell so
I cover these eyebags up. I get dressed and I finish off the look with black
gladiator sandals. At least now I don't look like the way I feel I say to myself
looking at my reflection in the mirror. I take my bag put in my phone,purse,lip
gloss and a pad just for in case. I get out and lock the door,I'm gonna meet
the girls downstairs then we will walk to the café.

As I walk down the stairs these idiots start screaming! "That's my girl!" Rea
says waving her hands side to side in the air while Buhle is caught up on
snapping pictures of me. When I get to the last step we group group hug and
head out.

Along the way I tell them that I got approached by the best modeling agency
in Gauteng and they want me to come in for an interview. Rea says I'm the
next Tyra Banks and Buhle says we are gonna rub shoulders with the rich and
famous,we continue discussing my outfit to the interview.

When we get to the café we find Phephelo,Zano a friend sitted next to the only
unoccupied table,we head over to their table and greet them. Introductions go
around and their friend is introduced as Muzi,he seems to like Buhle. When I
look at Zano he looks like hell not his charming self. He is wearing a white
long sleeve t-shirt,black jeans and slides. He looks like he hasn't been
sleeping for ages,maybe all the fires happening are getting to him. Imagine
trying to fix THIS and THAT breaks yerrr I feel for him.
"Are you okay?" I hear myself say,damn me and my big mouth now he will
think I love sticking my nose into people's business.
Zano:"Nothing I can't handle and how are you? You look beautiful by the
way." He says as I was turning to leave. Well he just made my year with that
Me:"Thanks I'm also alright" as I blush and look down to my shoes.
Rea:"Okay bye guys" she says pulling me to her.
Phephelo:"Why don't you grab chairs and join us?"
Buhle:"Oh!we really don't --.." Rea cuts in with a "Of course we will" as she
grabs a chair from the other table and takes a sit.
Muzi:"Khululekani we don't bite."he says giving Buhle a smug smile. Buhle
also goes to take a chair and I'm still standing there smiling to myself like a
retard. Zano gets up and offers me his seat "Hlala I don't bite." He winks and
we all laugh,he walks to the other table and comes back with a chair and sits
next to me. He smells so good!
Rea:"Can we please have three slices of chocolate cake" she says to waiter
because the guys have already ordered coffee. "Don't you have champagne?"
We all look at her and laugh. "Okay we will celebrate with tea then". Phephelo
asks what what we are celebrating Buhle gladly informs them a string of
congratulations come from the guys. Zano says everything is on him,it is his
café anyway so who can say no. He says he is proud of me and I feel
butterflies flutter in my stomach,I have the most biggest smile nothing is going
to ruin my day today.
After eating my cake I look through the window as I push the plate away,the
gang is talking about their plans for the upcoming festive season. I see the
woman from my dream she silently says "Lwandle."and walks away.
Me:"Lwandle?"i ask out loud looking behind me maybe she was talking to
somebody else. The gang goes quiet and they look at me. I start feeling too
hot and the room starts spinning.
Buhle:"Who is that?" She asks as she looks around to see the person. Zano
and Phephelo look like they have just swallowed poison by mistake. I get up
and run after the woman,I need answers.
Rea:"Wa kae?" She yells. I hear chairs scratching the floor,they are coming
after me. I see her about to cross the street so I run even faster. I can't
breathe my lungs are slowly shutting down "MAMA!" I yell and everybody on
the sidewalk looks at me. I'm running but I can't feel my legs anymore,I see
everything go blurry "UPHI ULWANDLE?" I shout out loud with my last bit of
strength,then I feel my body hit the cold pavement and everything goes black.

Zano:"Phephelo landa imoto!"he shouts running to a collapsed Zee.
"I can't feel her pulse!"a worried Rea says. Phephelo parks the car after a
minute and gets out. Zano picks her up,she weighs like a feather and carefully
places her in the backseat of the car.Rea quickly gets in and places Zee's
head on her lap. Buhle rushes to her with both Rea and Zee's bags and hands
them over to her "Call me Okay?" She hugs her and closes the door to stand
by a not so shocked Muzi.
Zano:"Shayela ubaba ucingo umazise ukuthi sisendleleni."
Rea:"Ndleleni yagoya kae? Aren't we taking her to the hospital? Or wa lona ke
Doctor?"she asks confused. Zano gets in the driver's seat and drives off.
Zano:"Siya eKZN there is nothing a hospital can do for her."
Rea:"And how do you know that?"
Zano:"You will just have to gamble with your trust. I won't let anything happen
to her,it's my fault she is in this state."he says leaving no room for arguments
Rea pops out her eyes and claps once "Retla bona Superman."
Bab' Zulu:"Ndodana kwenzenjani?" He says over the phone
Phephelo:"Sisendleleni baba uZenande leya ntombazane engakutshela ngayo
Bab' Zulu:" Indlela niyikhombe kwaCele sizohlangana lapho,nihamba
Phephelo:"Nomngani wakhe baba."
Bab' Zulu:"Ngizatshela uMa alungise amagumbi wokulala,nishayele kahle."
Phephelo:"Yebo Mageba sizoyenza njalo." He hangs up and sighs.
Phephelo:"Usayikhumbula indlela yakwa Bab' Cele?" He asks Zano. He nods
slowly looking deep in thought.
Rea texts Buhle and tells her that they are going to KZN. Buhle is shocked
and wonders if the rumours she has heard about the Prince having a chosen
wife is true,they exchange texts and after a while when Rea looks up from her
phone she sees a board written "Welcome To KZN" after a few minutes they
turn into a gravel road,after a short while Zano drives in to a yard that has a
beautiful 6 room house and a rondavel on the side. He parks next to a white

Zano quickly gets out,opens the door for Rea and carries Zee into the
rondavel. He takes his slides off when he gets to the door. Rea gets
approached by a curvy dark skinned woman who gives her a red head wrap.
"Sawubona I'm Duduzile soon to be Mrs Zulu" she says smiling and sticking
out her hand for a handshake. Did she really have to include the Mrs Zulu
part,does she think I want any of these men? Rea thinks to herself.
Rea:"Reabetswe Maake" she says while walking away and tying the head
wrap on her head. She seems full of herself thinking marriage into the Zulu
family makes her queen of the world,Rea thinks to herself.
Phephelo:"Asingene."he says while taking off his shoes and walking in,Rea
does the same also. Zano and Bab' Zulu are kneeling on a grass mat.
Zenande is lying on a grass mat next to the healer. Phephelo kneels on the
one next to Bab' Zulu and Rea sits down with her legs straightened. Bab' Cele
burns impepho(incense) and starts shaking like he has seizures
"HHEYYYIIII!" he repeatedly screams looking like he is deep in sleep.

He takes powder from a black plastic bag and puts it Zee's mouth and rubs
her wrists and feet it. He takes impepho and moves it all over her body while
saying all of the Nododile clan names. After a minute or two Are starts
coughing but she doesn't open her eyes.
Bab' Cele:"Abaphansi bathukuthele."
Bab' Zulu:"Kwenzenjani Cele?"
Bab' Cele:"Lo mfana wakho uphikisana nalokhu abakushoyo,kudala
watshelwa ukuthi kunentombi ekhethiweyo ukuthi ibe ngumkakho kodwa
wena awukuvumi loko."he says looking at Zano. "Konke kuzoshabalala
kusencane loku okwenzekayo,ngebhadi ufaka nengane yabantu obishini
lwakho,manje uMa wakho usehlupha yena ngoba wena awulaleli."
Zano:"Kodwa baba ngiyamthanda uDuduzile ngifuna kube uyena umkami
angeke sikwazi ukucela kwabaphansi?"
Bab' Cele:"Vula inhliziyo mfana! Uyabona nawe kuningi okumoshekayo
empilweni yakho kodwa usaqinisa ikhanda. Kumele uthathe le ntombazane
njengomfazi wakho ukuze impilo yakho ibuyele esimeni nekusasa lenu
njengomndeni wakaZulu likhanye."
Zano:"UDuduzile yena?"
Bab' Zulu:"Uzomthatha njengomfazi wesibili akuqali ukwenza loko."
Phephelo:"Angeke avume loyo phela naye ikhanda limtshela okwakhe."he
says to his father.
Bab' Cele:"Uma ningayenzingendlela efanele lowo mshado angeke wenzeke
futhi wena(he points to Zano) uzowushiya lo mhlaba kanye le ntombazane
angeke isakwazi ukuhamba impilo yakhe yonke."
Bab' Zulu:"Kwenzeke njani manje Cele?"
Bab' Zulu:"Kumele ngibageze emfuleni ukuze konke loku okubalandelayo
kuhambe kodwa sekwenziwa njalo kuyosho ukuthi umfano wakho uvumile
ukulalela abadala futhi angeke kusabhekwa emuva." He says while standing
up "Ulele nizam' vusa uma nihamba, sengizaphuza ngawe mfana" he says
leaving. Rea:"Yoh kuHectic!"she says as she goes over to wake Zee up.
"Chomi tsoga hle mosadi." She says while shaking her,Rea opens her eyes
and hands while looking around shocked.


Me:"Where am I?"
Rea:"Aowa chomi don't make a big deal out of it,I'm here with you ankerr."She
says brushing my back.
When did we even get here because I feel I have been sleeping for five
minutes. I get up from the grass and walk outside with Rea who is now
wearing a head wrap. We are in the villages as I look at the houses.
Zano,Phephelo and an old men that walks like he owns the world walk after
us and they seem to be discussing something serious.
Zano:"Zenande ngicela nime lapho." We stop walking and wait for them to
catch up with us.
Phephelo:"Zenande and Reabetswe meet our father King Mbhekiseni Zulu."
I don't know whether to curtsy or shake his hand and Rea seems to be also
lost like me.
Bab' Zulu:"You can call me Mr Zulu,Baba or Bab' Zulu whichever you prefer.
I'm pleased to meet you two although it is under such circumstances."He says
hugging me tight then does the same to Rea.
Rea:"It is such an honour to meet you Mr Zulu" she says.
I don't know what to say so I just nod and how my head,him seems strict I
don't want to step on his toes.

After talking with us for a bit Bab' Zulu heads over to his car and Phephelo
tells Rea that they should also go with him,we will head home when we are
done here. After assuring her that I'm okay she finally left with them.
Me:"What am I doing here?"I ask still confused.
Zano:"Well yindaba ende leyo kodwa manje sewuzoba right angeke usagula
namaphupho lawa akuhluphayo azohamba." He says looking at the road.
Me:"What do you mean?"now I'm really confused and he is not telling me
anything that helps clear out the confusion.

Zano:"Okay I guess at some point I do have to tell you but let's go sit in the
car,I'm tired."He says walking me over to his black Mercedes Benz A45.
He opens the passenger side for me and I get in,he walks to the driver's side
and gets in. He starts the car and switches on the air conditioner.

After a lot of fumbling with his keys doing God knows what. Which makes me
think he is trying to calm his nerves.
Zano:"The dreams you have been having that's my mother's doing,I haven't
been listening to her. I have ignored what she wishes me to do so that's why
my life is a mess at the moment and since I was too stubborn to listen her
best bet to get my full attention was you."he deeply breathes in and slowly
breathes out.
Why me? What does his mother want from me and where do I enter if he is
"Why me?" I hear myself say.
Zano:"Uyintombi engayikhethelwa abaphansi. Bayenza konke loku ngoba
angikunakile noma sebekusondeze phambi kwami."he says looking at me with
a look that is sincere.
I love his eyes they have depth you can never stop falling once you look him
in the eye.
Me:"For how long did you know because you look too calm for somebody who
is being thrown into an arranged marriage by the ancestors." I say massaging
my neck with my one hand.
His ancestors must have been comedians what the hell are they trying to do?

He laughs and I giggle because I love it when he laughs because of me,I'm

not a funny person but I always want to make him laugh.
Zano:"Bab' Cele the healer who lives here(he says pointing to the house ) told
me when I turned 18 years and then when I met Duduzile I thought she was
the one because everything that they said I would feel,i felt it. I was wrong
because we found it isn't her a few weeks back when my uncles were
supposed to pay lobola." So he is in a relationship.
Why does that hurt so bad? He loves her and I am just a thing that gets
thrown in his way. I feel tears fill my eyes,he looks blurry and when I look
down to my skirt tears drop. Why am I crying kanti?Maybe the fact that life is
unfair! Do his ancestors hate me that much? Where are MY ancestors while
his bully me like this?

"Hey ungakhali come here." He says softly while carrying me over to his lap
and I go willingly,now I'm full on sobbing not the silent lady cry,the I don't want
to go to school baby cry.
He rests his chin on my head and let's me cry into the crook of his neck while
he gently rubs my back with one hand and the other is holding onto the small
of my back. After a few minutes I finally calm down but I don't move and he
also doesn't. I just want to enjoy being in his arms while it lasts.
Zano:"Ngiyaxolisa Nande" he says still rubbing my back.
I love the fact that he calls me the way mama always calls me.
Me:"You didn't ask for this also. So what happens now?"
Zano:"Now ngiyasivuma isinqumo sikaMa,kusho ukuthi kusasa ekuseni
kumele sihambe noCele ayosigeza emfuleni."He says while pulling me by my
chin so I can look at him "Sigeza ini? Kuhamba mina nawe kuphela or your
wife also?"I say feeling a pang of jealousy as I say the last three words.
He smiles "Sigeza konke lobumnyama engisifake phakathi kwako meaning
you won't have bad dreams and those hot flushes anymore nami my life will
stop being a tornado."
Me:"Oh okay ndiyavisisa."
Zano:"And to answer your other question cha uDudu uzobe angekho kuzobe
kuyimina nawe kphela MaZulu." He says with a smug smile.
Those words mean more than what he says and I feel a shiver go down my
spine to my ladybits. I blush and look away from him.
Zano:"Okay sesingahamba manje or kukhona okunye ofuna ukukwazi?" I
shake my head and slide back to my seat. He carefully drives out and we
head off.


As we drive through the gate there are guards,they greet Zano and they make
small talk about soccer but my eyes drift to this beautiful home. Along the
driveway there are two 4 room houses painted in white not too far from the
mansion. The main house looks like a double if not triple storey,it is also
painted in white with black tiles on the roof and a beautiful veranda decorated
with flowers on the side there is two double door garages,the garage doors
look like they are made of a mirror. You would swear this is not in the village.

"Uright ntombenhle?" He asks while parking on the driveway,I blush and

Me:"Yeah this place is beautiful."i say trying but failing to keep my mouth
closed,he laughs out loud while he gets out of the car.
Zano:"Yeah my mom was a show off so she went all out,sizobona owethu
uzabe unjani."he says with a smug smile. I choke on my own saliva bahlali! As
I cough and gently beat my chest to allow inhalation,he burst out laughing. I
almost died and he is laughing yoh Farrah Gawd can you give me another
husband! Since he seems so happy I also join in.
Zano:"Ayi! Niyazenza izinto MaZulu." I giggle while blushing. I must look like a
tomato,then I remember that I haven't told my mom about any of this,she is
going to freak out.
Zano:"Yini indaba manje?"he says looking concerned.
Me:"I just remembered that I haven't told my mom about any of this." I say
biting my nails.
Zano:"You are so cute when you do that."he smiles and looks away,this guy
and making me blush! "You will call her after settling in then asambe."he says
placing his hand on my smaller back and we walk to the door. I could get used
to being like this with him.
When we into the house I'm met by a black and white double staircase,a table
with a huge black vase with white roses. A gold chandelier is hanging from a
gold and white ceiling. This place looks huge,they must have maids because
the white tiles are spotless.

Zano:"I'm sure ugogo usekhishini. Ulambile?"He asks as he leads me to the

kitchen. I shake my head when he looks at me with that "Answer me" look.
The kitchen is also white and gold. The cupboards are all white with gold
handles,an island has a built in black stove that matches the black double
fridge. These people are rich who am I kidding thinking I will fit in here?
"Kungani ungasasho ukuthi senifikile?",says an old woman walking towards
us,it must be Gogo but she doesn't look a day over fifty with her silk cream
white pants and matching blouse. She has straight grey hair that is neatly
combed back to show her beautiful face. She gives me a tight hug that lasts
for a minute and I feel like it's going be alright.

After hugging me she leads me to the other ladies in the kitchen they are
sitting around the island.
Rea:"Chomi!"She says squeezing the life out of me. A beautiful teenage girl
also hugs me,she looks like the girl version of Zano but with braids and
dimples. "Sisi" she says softly hugging me tight and I squeeze her back. Rea
introduces her as Enhle short for Minenhle,just like I thought she is Zano's
little sister. Rea introduces the other ladies as Nokuzotha,Phephelo's wife. I
didn't even think that he was married but what do I know my own life is also a
mystery. She is so kind and welcoming I like her already. The other one is
Anele,Zano's cousin she doesn't seem to like me much but I don't care. Enhle
makes jokes and we laugh. I feel eyes on me so I look behind me and Zano is
standing by the doorway looking deep in thought. He smiles when I look at
him and my heart skips a beat. Then he walks away.
Apparently Nokuzotha and Phephelo have 3 kids imagine! Enhle is still in
grade 11 and Gogo is not Bab' Zulu's biological mother,she is the
youngest(uMamncane). Anele just walks out. Gogo tells me that she is 23 with
four kids from different fathers and she dropped out of school,Enhle calls her
the rotten tomato of the family. Zotha says I shouldn't mind her she is rude to
everyone who she feels is better than her. After a while I remember that I
have to call my mom,I tell Gogo and she walks me to my room while having
small talk about my plans for the future.

"Rea went shopping with Enhle since you two didn't bring any clothes." She
says pointing to the shopping bags on the bed. "You can take a bath,call your
mom and pass my greetings to her. Dinner will be ready soon." She says
smiling warmly,squeezes my shoulder and walks out. I love this woman,She is
my knew favourite person. The bedroom looks like it was cut out of a
magazine. It's painted in white,white floor to ceiling closet,black side tables on
either side of the bed with grey lamps. The bedding is all white with grey
continental pillows and a grey throw. The curtains are grey,there is a huge
mirror and a white door at the corner,probably the en-suite bathroom.

I look through the shopping bags and these girls shopped like I'm permanently
moving here. I find toiletries,take out a white night gown,pink slippers and a
pair of white socks. I grab my things and head to the bathroom. The bathroom
has white tiles,a small window with grey blinds and a grey laundry basket.
Grey and white must be the theme I say to myself. I take a nice long hot
shower,grab a towel and head to the mirror in the bathroom. I look like hell
with these eyebags and red puffy eyes. I dry my hair with a towel and plait it
into four straight to back lines putting my forehead on show. I lotion my
body,brush my teeth and get dressed. I grab a grey robe hanging at the back
of the bathroom door. I go to the bedroom take my phone out of my handbag
and dial my mother's number.
Mom:"Sana lwam" she says warmly and I feel a lump in my throat.
Me:"Ma...Mama"i say struggling to keep my tears back.
Mom:"Yintoni kengoku thetha nam." She says softly. I tell her everything that
has happened from the beginning until now and when I'm done I feel like a
huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I walk over to the window.
Mom:"When are you going back to Pretoria?"
Me:"Probably ngeCawa because of the cleansing tomorrow. "
Mom:"Okay ngoMvulo ndizofika kusasa. I will explain everything to you and it
will all make sense. You are very special and your purpose is greater than you
realize. So open your heart and mind to new things. Our lives are all different
and this is the one that is chosen for you. Give it a try and see where it leads
andithi bhabha?" She sounds like she knew something all along. And judging
from her little speech I have no choice but to accept all of this. We talk for s
few more minutes until I hear a knock on my door.
Me:"Mama I will call you tomorrow goodnight."
Mom:"Vula inhliziyo Zenande. Goodnight bhabha ndiyakthanda yeva?"
Me:"I love you too." Then I hang up.


I put my phone on the bed and go attend to the door.

"Madam uGogo uthe ngikubize."a woman probably my mother's age says.
She is wearing a dark green uniform she is probably part of the help.
Me:"Please call me Zenande." I say sticking out my hand and she shakes it.
"Nice to meet you I'm Thandiwe."
Me:"Nice to meet you too Ma." I say and she smiles,she has a beautiful smile.
Me:"Can you show me the way? This place is confusing." We both giggle and
she leads the way. As we walk she tells me about how different I am from
Duduzile and Anele. They are mean so I gather they abuse the hired help.
When we turn a corner I hear Zano and woman arguing,I can't help it so I
stand in the doorway and listen to their conversation. It looks like a study or a
home office.
Duduzile:"Angimfuni lana Zanothando,buka kwamanje wonke umndeni
ujabule kangakanani ukuthi ulana ngathi kuze uQueen
Elizabeth,sebakhohliwe ngamaLobola wami."she says yelling at him.
Zano:"Okokuqala ungakhulumi nami ngathi udilika esihlahleni! Okwesibili
ukuthi awumfuni yindaba yakho leyo. You knew from the beginning that there
was a girl out there chosen to be my wife,the entire village knows that. I'm
going to marry her and everything will go back to normal for us,all I'm asking
for is your support and patience." He says cupping her face." Bheka angiyazi
le ntombazane kodwa ngiyazi ukuthi ngiyakthanda Mrs Me." He says kissing
her and then hugs her with his knees bent because she is shorter than him.
So that is what I am a simple solution to their premarital problems then the
Prince and Princess live happily ever after. I feel tears go down my cheeks.
Zano turns his head and sees me he walks to the door and opens his mouth
to speak but I quickly run from there before he utters a single word.
I quickly make my way down the stairs and head to the dining room.
Everybody is sitted except for me,Zano and Duduzile. Or should I say Zano
and his girlfriend's,one he chose and one he is forced to have. Rea waves at
me and pats the chair next to her,I go and sit down. The Prince and Princess
finally grace us with their presence and walk in,they sit next to each other
across me and Rea. Zano keeps looking at me and I don't even give him the
satisfaction of looking back at him. I just want to do whatever is expected of
me and get out of his damned life.
Bab' Zulu:"Namhlanje usuku olukhethekile kakhulu because we are joined by
our future Makoti uZenande,we have been waiting for this day for so many
years and here it is today." He says joyfully. Everybody smiles except Anele
and Duduzile,if looks could kill then I would be six feet underground.Zano is
looking at me but he seems his deep in thought.
Bab' Zulu:"Welcome home ngane yami." He says with a genuine smile. Zano
also smiles like a retard and I look down so they don't see my blushing
face,Rea squeezes my shoulder and smiles. Everybody makes small talk as
they eat and I just sit there and quietly push around the food on my plate. I
don't belong here I think to myself. Rea asks if I'm okay I give her fake smile
and nod. Zano keeps stealing glances at me while talking to Gogo. Anele and
Dudu seem to be talking about me with nasty looks on their faces. I thought
Zano liked me but after what I heard I realize I was fooling myself. I can't get
the picture of them kissing out of my head,this won't work how can I share him
with the woman he loves out of all people,my life is a joke, I feel tears fill my
eyes. I can't cry in front of them.
Me:"Can I please be excused baba." I say not looking at him,it seems fitting to
ask him because he is King and the head of this family. He looks at me for a
minute and probably sees my glassy eyes as I turn to look at him then he
Bab' Zulu:"Okay ulale kahle." He says with concern,I nod and stand up.
Everybody turns to look at me but I look down to my shoes and run to my

I run in throw myself on the bed not bothering to close the door. I curl into a
ball and silently let my tears fall into the pillow. After a few minutes I hear a
knock and foot steps walking in and I see Gogo sit next to me. She rubs my
Gogo:"An arranged alliance is never easy especially if there is a woman who
is already the landlady." Zano must have told her about earlier I think to
"It's hard in the beginning but it gets easier with time as you all get to know
each other better."she continues to say.
Me:"I don't think I will be able to watch him love her like that knowing very well
that he will never love me the same way." I exhale "Why did his mom hate me
so much that she decided to play God and hurt me like this?" She chuckles.
Gogo:" He loves you more than what you think. He loved you the day he was
told about you,he was always praying to run in to you somewhere. He loves
his mom a lot so finding out that his mom chose a girl that she likes to be his
life long companion made it better to deal with the grief of losing her in that car
accident. Umakoti would never hate you even if she was still alive,she loves
you and trusts you with her heart because she loved that boy so much." She
turns to look at me. "This is not easy on him also he never imagined that he
will be in this situation one day. He waited for so long to be with you but you
never showed,he opened his heart to love and he got Duduzile. When he
thought that this was it you show up and he now has to find a way to keep the
two women he loves happy. Give him a chance that's what we all ask for." I
can't help but cry. She chose me for a reason and I will not her down. I will
take care of her son and I will love him until the day I close my eyes forever. I
will open my heart,give him a chance and see where it all goes. I don't think I
will ever feel this way about somebody ever again so it's only fair that I explore
this new world that we are pushed into with him. Gogo continues rubbing my
back humming and I trail off to sleep.


When I open my eyes it's still dark,I search for my phone on the bed and I
check the time to my relief it shows 05:00am. I get up,go to the bathroom and
do my business. I make the bed and open the windows. I take a towel and
head to the shower,when I'm done I lotion and my teeth. I wrap the towel
around and go back to the bedroom to look for clothes. Somebody knocks
maybe it's Gogo checking up on me I yell "Come in!" With my back turned to
the door and I'm over these shopping bags on the side table. I should ask
Gogo if I should put these clothes in the closet I say to myself. "Mhm-
hhm..."and I jump. Farrah Gawd what does he want in my bedroom?Farrah
please lead me from temptation I silently pray as I hold on to my towel and
look at this handsome man. He is wearing grey over the knee shorts that
show off his hairy legs,a black t-shirt and his slides. He walks slowly towards
me and my heart rate increases. He looks me straight in the eyes like he is
trying to see something,he bites his lower lip and leans in slowly until our tips
touch. Thanks Gawd I have brushed my teeth! I close my eyes and slightly
open my mouth,my heart is beating like a drum. I can feel his breath on my
neck and I get goosebumps all over.
Zano:"Get ready we are leaving in 30 minutes." Then he plants a few wet
kisses on my neck, he pulls me by my waist and I feel uMageba poking me. I
bend my neck to the side to give him more space. Luckily I'm not wearing any
panties,I would have to change them because this man right here just
released a flood. He steps back and chuckles. What the hell? He puts his
hands in his pockets,looks at me and leaves. The door was open what if
somebody saw us?

I stand there for a few minutes catching my breath,yes I have dated before but
no guy has ever made me feel like that,it's like I was high on something. I take
out underwear,a white maxi dress and put them on. I wear my black gladiator
sandals and wrap a grey head wrap I got in the bags. I take my phone and
head downstairs while texting Buhle on Whatsapp. As I walk to the kitchen
Zano and Dudu walk in through the front door holding hands. Zano sees me
and let's go of her hand,she looks at me with a blank look. I shake my head.
Me:"Sthuli seNdaba sizohamba skhathi sini?" He blushes and covers it with a
full on smile that shows his white teeth. Dudu looks at me with a death stare
and I couldn't even care less.
Zano:"Ngicela uyodla MaNyawuza sizohamba uCele makafika." Now it's my
turn to blush.
Me:"Wena udlile?"
"Mxxxxm sies!" Dudu says and storms out the room. I laugh out loud and
slowly walk to the kitchen,Zano chuckles and goes after "Sophia The First".
Two can play this game,I will make her regret the day she had a nasty though
about me. Nokuzotha is still preparing breakfast so I grab 2 chocolate chip
cupcakes,pour some juice and seat down to eat. I'm sure you are wondering
why I'm not helping out with the cooking,in my family you don't play the wifey
role if awukathathwa(you are not married). Zotha tells me more about herself
and the family as I eat,she is a nurse and the fact that the men in this family
don't force you to give up on your dreams when you get married made me
smile. Zano walks in as I finish my first cupcake.He stands behind me and
snakes his arms around my waist,his chin resting on my shoulder and I close
my eyes. I can feel his breath on my neck and it's driving my body crazy.
Zano:"Ukbiza ngokudla loku?"He asks softly.
Me:"Angisho awufuni ukudla nami." I intended so say it out loud but it comes
out as a hoarse whisper.
Zano:"Ufikile uBab' Cele" he says squeezing my butt ,kisses the back of my
neck and walks to the door with a smug smile on his face. I stand up and
notice that Zotha left I cover my face with my hands this is embarrassing Zano
ain't playing fair. I quickly follow him,greet Bab' Cele. We walk to the
garage,get into a white Range Rover and drive off to our destination.

When we get there Bab' Cele lights a few candles and speaks into the water.
He gives me a white cloth to wrap around as I take my dress off,Zano takes
off his shirt and remains in his shorts. He tells us to walk in hand-in-hand,the
water is knee deep and it's so calming. When I look at Zano he also looks like
he doesn't want this moment to end. Bab' Cele takes a bucket mixes powders
and water from the river. He pours the bucket all over us as he says the Zulu
clan names. After a few minutes he smiles and tells us that it was a success.
He told us that he is not going back with us because he has a few herbs to go
dig. He packed up his things and left while I was still changing into my dress.
Zano:"Ngicela iHug."he says with a mischevious smile.
Me:" Catch me if you can." And I run towards the car as I'm about to open the
passenger door two strong arms grab me and spin me around,I giggle like a
little while bending my knees. "Ndiyeke!" I say while giggling and after a few
minutes he puts me down, I lean against the cold car door and look at him still
smiling,he looks happy then he suddenly hugs me and I hug him back.
Zano:" Thank you for not letting this break your spirit." He says softly. He
slowly removes his head from my neck,looks me in my eyes and leans in for a
kiss,I want to say something but I go silent when I feel his cold soft lips on
mine. He kisses me slowly and passionately like he doesn't want this moment
to end,the river cleanse must have calmed him down just like it did to me. He
slowly moves his hands from my back to my butt and slowly squeezes it,I
instantly go wet. I move my hands from the back of his to his shoulders and I
slowly break the kiss,just to be on the safe side because my body seems to
have a mind of its own when he is around.


We drive to the mall while I tell him all about myself. He says I haven't eaten in
days,imagine! I like the fact that he cares. He buys me a burger,fries and a
huge chocolate shake from Steers and buys himself water. He has known me
for a minute and already knows that I live to eat chocolate or something with
chocolate,this man is for keeps. He gives me his phone and says I should
stream music I want to play on our drive back,I immediately search Nasty
C,click and then Particular plays softly.
Zano:"Kunini ngayigcina le ngoma." He smiles while moving his head to the
beat and focusing on the road,I smile and bite into my burger. Yep and he was
right! I am starving I think to myself as I take more bites. He places his hand
on my thigh and smiles,with his right hand on the steering wheel. I blush and
look out the window this guy lives for making me turn red.
"I like girl,in particula
You in particula
Said I like your waist in particula,ah ha eh
Come,come,give me the love girl
Give me the love girl,give me the love girl." He sings along while looking at. I
blush and I don't even try to hide it. I love this side of him and I hope this lasts
forever. I feed him fries as he drives and also tells me about himself on the
drive back to his house. Apparently he studied Business Management at
Harvad University and his company NoZulu Tradings exports gold and
diamonds. He also has a string of restaurants,hotels and clubs all over South
Africa and now he is looking to expand internationally. This man has goals
bahlali and I love it! Makes me want him even more,thanks to the
underground gang for this opportunity.

I'm not ready to share him yet I wish we could stay like this forever but who
am I kidding. He parks in the garage and turns to look at me.
Zano:"Ngiyabonga ngosuku lwanamhlanje. It was nice getting to you MaZulu
to be." I blush.
Me:"Kubonga mina Ndabezitha,I really needed this." I say sipping on my
shake,he looks down probably blushing,he cups my face and pecks my lips
with a huge smile.
Zano:"Ngicela usho loko futhi sthandwa sami ."
Me:"Ngiyabonga Zulu,Ndabezitha,Magna,Sthuli seNdaba." I say as I kiss him
on his cheek. He smiles and looks in my eyes.
Zano:"Ngiyak'thatha wena ungowami nabaphansi sebavumile." He says
smiling like an idiot. Zulu men and being praised!

We walk into the house,I go the lounge and he walks upstairs. I find Gogo and
Rea watching TV,they both look up at me and smile as I take a sit next to
Gogo:"Konke kuhambe kahle? Buka umomotheka kanjani." She says giving
me a huge smile,I slightly blush.
Me:"Yebo Gogo noBab' Cele ubukeke ejabulile."
Gogo:" Sekushoda aboMalume bathumele incwadi." She says looking
serious. I choke on my saliva and cough. They both laugh. I know being
Okhethiweyo(the chosen one) means marrying into the family but I didn't
expect it so soon,I don't think I'm ready. How will they do this because
Duduzile also has to be negotiated for. Zano comes down the stairs wearing
grey sweats,a white muscle vest and white sneakers. He smells so good. He
comes over to us and hugs me from behind.
Zano:"Ngiyabuya manje akukho okudingayo?" I shake my head and smile. He
kisses me on my cheek and leaves. Did he really have to do that in front of
Gogo now I'm left feeling embarrassed because we should respect our elders
and I feel like doing these lovey dovey things in front of them is pure
Gogo:"I'm so happy to see you both like this,it is my everyday prayer to see
you both happy like this." She says smiling at me,Rea is also smiling like an
idiot. I ask Gogo If I can leave some of my stuff behind and she says I should
feel free to do whatever that I want because that's my room from now on
nobody will ever use it. I don't know why hearing that makes me so happy.

Rea helps Gogo with the cooking while I peel potatoes for them. He is with her
I suddenly think to myself. I ask to be excused and go upstairs to my room
and take a nice long bubble bath. It's not like he is cheating I know about her,I
should stop just stop these negative thoughts away. When I'm done I clean up
the bath tub after I lotion and tidy up the bathroom. I wear my tank top and
short pyjama pants. I fold some of the clothes into the closet and I hang those
that need to hung up. Since I still have energy to burn,I set up a timer and
take pictures with the window appearing on the background. They look
beautiful I must say. I upload them to all my socials. Zano instantly replies on
WhatsApp "Umuntu aze abe muhle noma eyolala bakithi!" This guy!
Me:"Angisho angilona iphara njengawe" he sends a ton of laughing stickers
and as I am about to reply he calls.
Me:"Uhlushwa yiAirtime neh?"
Zano:"Ayi suka!uGogo uthi Dinner is ready!" He says mimicking the way she
speaks and I giggle. Uzoshayiwa lo!
Zano:"I love that sound,I want to hear it for the rest of my life and knowing that
I'm the cause of that cute giggle gives makes me feel like I am on cloud 9." I
blush and giggle a bit,I tell him that I'm on my way then we hang up.

I put on my robe and head out,I see Duduzile along the way,I walk past her
without even looking twice in her direction.
Duduzile:"Zenande!" I turn and look her with that "What" look.
Dudu:"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything,I shouldn't have welcomed
you like that. As Zano's senior wife I should have conducted myself better
than how I did,our family is blessed to have you. Can we please stop the
bickering and try to get along for Zano's sake at least." Thatha senior wife! So
this is the card that's gonna be thrown at me every time? This girl is so full of
herself. Let me just go with the flow for Zano's sake because this is not easy
on him either.
Me:"Im also sorry,I know it's not easy having to share the man you love with
another woman. I'm not holding onto the past let's forget about it. Asambe
ugogo uthi ukudla sekulungile." I say waiting for her to catch up and we walk


Duduzile shows me a funny video as we enter the dining room and we both
laugh. Everybody looks at us like we grew horns including "Our" man. I
chuckle and sit next to Rea. The guys make jokes and there is laughter
through out dinner. When we are done I walk upstairs with Rea.
Rea:"You know I'm not buying the "You and Dudu" friendship right?" I laugh.
Me:"I know you don't. I'm just trying to be civil with her,she did apologize after
all so it's only fair that I give it a try. No use trying to delay the inevitable."
Rea:"So you are going ahead with this?You are gonna marry him?"She asks
excitedly,I just nod my head and giggle. She squeals and hugs me. We talk
for a bit then bid each other goodnight and walk into our rooms. I immediately
take oft the robe and put it on a chair. Somebody knocks as I'm applying my
night cream.
Me:"Ngena!" I say. Zano peeks in "Ngicela ukukhuluma nawe." He says
walking in.
Me:"Ayeye! Nothing good ever comes from that line." I say giggling and sitting
on the bed over my one leg and the other is on touching the carpet. He sits
next me and chuckles.
Zano:"I know we are supposed to leave together tomorrow but I can't anymore
something came up at work and it needs my attention before I go deal with the
building mess in Joburg."He says looking for some of reaction in my eyes.

He is staying behind for her,he wants to make up for lost time. It's fine no use
crying over that I have exams to prepare for and I don't need distractions.
Me:"It's fine I understand,I also have exams that need my full attention. I can't
afford to produce average results." He smiles at me.
Zano:"I love how passionate you are. It's sexy." I blush. He holds both my
hands and and rubs them with his thumbs.
Zano:"Ngiyabonga ngakho konke,for giving this relationship a chance. I
promise you I won't do wrong by you. Thank you for working things out with
Dudu,it means a lot to me. I know this is not an ideal relationship but I love
you Zenande." He said love bahlali! My heart skips a beat. "I loved you before
even knowing who you are and I intend to spend the rest of my life showing
you that. I don't want you to ever feel like I was forced into this,yes the
ancestors might have nudged us a bit but always know that I stayed because
you stole my heart the very first day I saw you in my restaurant." He says
deep into my eyes.

He means it. Each and every word,I can see it in his eyes,I feel it around us.
Hell let's get married tomorrow! I have been waiting for so long for him to
finally say this. I want to tell him how I feel about him but I'm speechless,I
can't even think of a single thing to say. So I move closer to him,straddle him
and hug him tight with has head on my smallanyana boobs. He holds on to my
waist as I peck his lower lip. He smiles and pulls my face to him. He kisses me
passionately as his hands move to squeeze my butt. This kiss is a seal he
doesn't want me to ever forget what he just told me and at this moment I feel
complete like I have found my missing piece. He pulls away and I look down
to hide my flushed face.
Zano:"Goodnight sthandwa sami." He says kissing my forehead,He putts me
down gently on the bed and walks to the door.
Me:"Ungakhohlwa ukuthumela aboMalume Ndabezitha. Close the door
behind you." He stands there for a minute smiling like an idiot and I giggle. He
nods,walks out and closes the door behind him. I get under the covers and
drift to sleep with a content heart.

I wake up early in the morning because Rea said she wants to make breakfast
as a token of appreciation to the family for their hospitality over the weekend. I
take a shower,brush my teeth and lotion my body. I unplait my
hair,moisturize,comb it and let it just fall freely. I wear my white body and blue
faded jeans. I fold them at the bottom and put on my black gladiator sandals. I
make the bed and tidy up the room. I check the time and shove my phone into
my handbag and head downstairs.

Rea is already in the kitchen doing her thing.

Me:"Morning babe." I say cheerfully.
Rea:"Morning,you seem in high spirits today I wonder what went down last
night." She winks at me "You look great I love the outfit by the way."
Me:"Nothing happened we just talked dirty girl and you look like a proper
makoti with that apron on."
Rea:"Ketla reng because makoti wabona is not allowed to do this yet,I have to
step in since she is my best friend." We both giggle. I love this girl,I'm blessed
to have a friend like her. I set up the table as she prepares the food,we look
fresh and energetic you would swear we didn't wake up at 04:00am. I totally
blame the Medicine students in us. When I'm done with the table I go back to
the kitchen.

Mam' Thandiwe walks in as Rea finishes up.

Mam' Thandiwe:"Sanibonani."
Us:"Yebo Ma!"we say cheerfully,she smiles and asks us if we need any
help,we assure her that we have everything covered and she walks away
smiling to herself. Everybody makes their way downstairs as we put the food
on the table.
Gogo:"Awu!Zingane zami you didn't have to do all of this."
Rea:"Gogo this is the least we can do,you welcomed us with open arms
without knowing who we are."
Gogo:"We are family now." She says hugging us both. Zano walks in laughing
and looking happy with Duduzile. I freeze on the spot and stare at them.
Enhle:"She didn't sleep in his room she also has a separate room,if that's
what you are thinking of."She says hugging me. That's a relief! I hug her back
and smile at her she takes a seat. Zano strides over to me to smiling
"Sawubona sthandwa sami."he says cupping my face with his hands.
Me:"Sawubona Mageba." I say moving past him because knowing him we
won't even remember that there are people in this room.

I take a seat and he sits next to me chuckling,I just roll my eyes. Baba blesses
the food with a little prayer and we all dig in over little chatter.
Phephelo:"Why nihamba early kangaka wenzeni uZano?"we laugh .
Zano:"Hhayibo! Bafo mina futhi?" He asks laughing.
Me:"We have to study,make up for the lost time since exams commence
tomorrow." Zano looks at me and smiles.
Nokuzotha:"I can't wait to work with the two of you,hurry up and graduate
already." She says giggling.
Rea:"Watseba! Sizobe silapho skeem." And we laugh.
Baba:"Always know that this is also your home,you can come here or call us
at anytime uyezwa? Zano uthumele umakoti izinombolo zethu sonke zocingo."
Zano nods.
Me:"Ngiyabonga baba." I say smiling back.
Anele:"Sies! Lamaqanda ahlaza." She says pushing her plate away. Rea
wants to clapback but I tell her not to with my eyes. After breakfast everybody
compliments Rea on her delicious food. Zano quickly runs upstairs to change
because he insists on driving us to the airport although he has a meeting with
his father.
He comes back laughing with Rea and holding her duffel bag. This makes me
smile. I say my goodbyes to everyone,we walk to the garage and get into a
Mercedes Benz A45 and Zano drives to the airport. He parks the car and
walks us to the entrance,his phone beeps,he looks at it and says he has to go.
It must be his dad. Rea says thanks and takes her from him and walks away
from us. He cups my face and kisses me briefly.
Zano:"Ngiyak'thanda yezwa?" He asks looking all serious and I nod with a
smile. He hugs me and walks back to his car and I walk to the entrance with
Rea. Rea took pictures of us while we were talking and she sends them to
me,you can't see my face clear because of the rising sun but you can see
Zano perfectly. I love it,it's perfect a memory to hold on to.

When we get to the flat we grab our backpacks and head straight to the
library. We find Buhle already there,we greet her and study.

When I check the time on my laptop it's now 21:15pm,I pack up my things
whilst yawning and the girls do the same. We fill Buhle in on everything as we
walk to the flat.
Buhle:"Wow this is great." She squeals. "I remember when my mom told me
about this I actually thought it was a cover for the Prince being gay." She says
and we all burst into laughter,imagine MY man being gay. Since exams begin
tomorrow the street is buzzing with students walking back to their respective
accommodation. When we get to our building we hug Buhle goodnight,she
lives a floor below us then we head to our room. We get in and I lock the door.
I'm really tired.
Rea:"You hungry?" She asks while taking out two plates and bread. I nod as I
switch on my phone since I switched it off because I didn't want any
disturbances while studying. I immediately get four missed call notifications
from Zano,he must be missing me and that thought alone makes me smile.
There is one from Gogo,I'm sure it was a checkup kind of call,I can't call her
back she must be asleep. There is a text from my mom saying she will be
here early in the morning. I text her back and decide to call my baby,it rings
for a while he is probably asleep I mean it's 22:00pm as I'm about to hang up
he answers.
Zano:"MaNyawuza ngikwenzeni na?" He says with a sad and tired tone. Oh
my poor baby,he thinks I'm upset.
Me:"Uxolo I was at the library with the girls. We just got back to the flat."
Zano:"Just got back? Nande do you know that these streets aren't safe
especially for three beautiful girls walking alone at night?"he now sounds
serious. Why does this turn me on? There is something about a man that
wants you to be safe at all times.
Me:"Relax babe we walked back as a group."
Zano:"Mmmhm..." he doesn't sound convinced. "Ugogo wakho kunini wabuza
Me:"Please tell her that we arrived safely and that I will call her tomorrow. "
Zano:"Alright bengithi vele usilahle sonke,awufuni ukuzwa lutho."
Me:"That's a really good idea nina bakwaZulu ngathi nizoba yinkinga,kumele
ngibaleke." I say giggling.
Zano:"Ngizokuthola noma ungayaphi sthandwa sami kungcono ungazami
nokuzama." He sounds serious and I don't know why that makes my heart
skip a beat,he will never let me go. I love this man. Rea gives me my
sandwich and I say while talking to Zano. When we hang up I check the time
it's 01:00am,I rinse my plate,change into my pyjamas and get into bed. Rea is
already I lala land.

After 3 hours of sleep my alarm rings. I get up,take off my pyjamas,wrap a

towel around and take my toiletry bag. Rea is still sleeping so I lock the door
and head to the bathroom. Not many people are awake so the bathroom is
empty. I take a quick shower,lotion and brush my teeth. When I walk back to
my room I bump into my mom in the corridor.
Me:"Mama!"I say throwing myself in her arms,I'm so happy to see her. I
missed her so much.
Mom:"Nande ka mama." She says squeezing me with one hand because the
other is carrying a plastic bag. I assume it's food because she always
complains about us not eating enough. We walk into my room and Rea was
just about to head to the bathroom. She is holding her towel and toiletry bag.
Rea:"Molo Mama!" She says excitedly hugging my mom. My hugs her and
pulls back.
Molo:"Molo bhabha go shower and I will start making breakfast because I'm
sure you two were not planning to have any." We both look down,guilty as
charged. But we were gonna grap a cupcake each and some tea down at the
café at least that's also food. Rea walks out and I quickly get dressed in my
black leggings,black oversized t-shirt and white Airfoce sneakers. I moisturize
and comb my hair then tie it into a high bun and go to my mom in the kitchen.

Me:"So mama kwenzekala ntoni?"i ask as I sit on the barstool at the kitchen
Mom:"Do you remember that your grandfather had a spiritual gift?" I nod
listening attentively. "I found out when you were 6 years old."She says looking
down. "You were not like a normal 6 year old,you couldn't talk not even utter a
single word or sound. We thought that you were mute then your grandfather
had a vision he said a young Zulu man told him to take you to the river and
bath you with the water. He said that you will be able to talk after that because
you are not mute. He also told my father that if we do as he says then you will
marry into his family,a royal family. I was hesitant at first but eventually we did
it,after bathing you in the river you went to sleep and the next day you woke
up talking like a normal child,you could say words perfectly,ngathi
besiphupha." She exhaled like she just freed herself from something that was
holding her back. I don't even know what to say,I mean it does make sense in
a crazy way but I will just never understand fully. And I don't even remember
that time in my life but I guess it's true since all of this is now happening. She
dishes up the food,cover Rea's plate and sits down next to me. I start eating
and she smiles. She must have thought that I'm angry well I'm not I'm just
tired of all of this,no use crying over spilled milk.
Mom:"Before your grandfather died he told me it was time for the family to
come. I kept on expecting them to knock on my door any day but nobody ever
came so I thought maybe the was off until now."She says shrugging. I laugh.
Me:"Ngebhadi they were waiting for the perfect time to cause havoc in our
lives." She shakes her head. "I accept it all Mama,ngiyavuma,it is such an
honour to be the one who gets specifically chosen to spend the rest of my life
with such an amazing man."
Mom:"Yintoni ingxaki?" She asks sensing my worry.
Me:"Unomntu amthandayo Mama,kuzawuthiwani ngoZenande kule
relationship?I feel like I will always be second place,I don't know why but I do
have feelings for him also. Uthi uyandithanda but he could be just saying that
Mom:"Just focus on you and him forget about the other woman,yes he might
love her but your souls are tied together by the ancestors. You will never be
second place to him,he is not just saying he loves you for the fun of it he
honestly does you are his missing piece. And you also love him the same way
because your souls are one." Rea walks in as we are chatting ,she gets
dressed and joins us. She tells my mom about everything that has happened
and about the Zulu family,my mom seems impressed by their kindness. When
we are done my mom washes the dishes and cleans up while me and Rea go
over a few things we might have missed last night.

When we are done we all head out and lock the door. Mama tells me that she
is going back home and wishes me good luck on my exams,we hug then she
leaves. Rea asks if she cleared everything out for me and I tell her everything
my mom said. When we get to campus she goes over to some girls,probably
to be filled in on the latest gossip. I sit on the bench,take out my phone and go
to WhatsApp I have a lot of messages so I just reply to all of them. Duduzile
sent me a text that says "Hi muntu kaBae.",I roll my eyes and chuckle. If she
wasn't full of herself we would get along really well. I quickly reply with "Molo
mama wasendlini". I view status updates and to my surprise Zano posted one
of the pictures I sent to him,he captioned it "Intombi edalelwe mina ngedwa." I
reply with a sticker,I know I could be the only one seeing this but it truly made
my day. My phone rings and it's my baby.

Me:"Ndabezitha" I say smiling like he can see me.

Zano:"Sthandwa sami unjani kodwa?"he sounds like he is driving.
Me:"I'm alright baby. Umama was here she told me everything at least now I
understand how this came about."
Zano:"Ngiyajabula ukuzwa loko Sthandwa Sami."
Me:"Are you driving?"
Zano:"Yebo I'm heading to the office,I have a board meeting to attend."
Me:"Husband to be we will talk later have a great day."
Zano:"You just made my entire year." I giggle. "Ngiyak'thanda MaNyawuza
and good luck on those exams although you don't need it,you got this." I can't
help but smile after going back and forth on who should hang up first he finally
hangs up and I walk to the hall with a stupid smile on my face.

One week later

It's been one hectic and stressful week. Me and my girls are always at the
library,the party girls are gone and forgotten for now. I haven't been talking to
Zano that much,Just a call on Thursday to check if I'm okay,I think he is giving
me space so I can focus on my exams. I'm sure Dudu is thrilled about
that,honestly I miss him so much. I have been feeling like there is somebody
watching me lately everywhere I go but since there is nothing suspicious I'm
keeping it to myself I don't want people thinking I'm losing my mind. Maybe it's
stress messing with my head,no need to freak people out.

Me and Buhle are at the grocery store stocking up on food. I'm wearing a
white crop top,high waisted black shorts and my Jordan sneakers. My model
body is out there for the world to see. I tied my straight up into a bun.
Buhle:"Should we also buy coffee?"She says not waiting for me to respond
and walks to the isle that has coffee and I follow closely behind pushing the
trolley. Buhle is a disaster when it comes to grocery shopping,she buys things
that she doesn't even need. I feel eyes on me,my heart starts beating like a
drum and my palms start sweating. I slowly look behind me. There is not even
one person there,the isle is spooky empty like a ghost town,I can't shake of
this feeling my entire body feels cold. I can't do this anymore I'm even
shaking,I need to go home. South Africa is not safe for women maybe some
twisted pervert is looking at me like I'm his next meal because that's what they
do,they rape and then blame it on the clothes that we wear. Mxm these bloody

Buhle:"Hhayibo Zee are you okay?"She says putting the things she was
holding in the trolley.
Me:"Can we please leave. I'm sure we have everything we need." I say while
looking around to see who is looking at us.
Buhle:"Zee!" She says tapping my shoulder and I jump. She raises her
eyebrows. "You look like a drug addict right now what's wrong?"
Me:"Buhle ndicela sphume apha ktheni na!" I say as I walk past her and push
the trolley to the till,she will come back on her own if she wants to continue
with her shopping.
Buhle:"Yoh! Let me request a ride."she says walking to the till. I didn't mean to
snap at her,she was just not understanding me and that got to my nerves. We
pay for our groceries and head to our awaiting ride.

We have been both silent for the entire drive back. I feel bad for talking to her
like that.
Me:"Chomi bendicela uxolo for the way ndithethe ngayo." I say as we walk to
my room with plastic bags on either side.
Buhle:"It's okay mngani,I know you were missing your books." She says
giggling,I force a smile and just shake my head. "I hope you know that you
can tell us about anything and everything that bothers you,we are always here
for you."She says with a sincere look. I nod,I feel like she can see right
through me so I change the subject.
Me:"So tell me how is Muzi?" She blushes and I giggle. This girl has it bad.
Remember Zano's friend? Him and Buhle are now in relationship. Apparently
he is a big shot lawyer who also studied at Harvard along Zano.He is a
tall,dark skinned and well built Adonis but honestly speaking my man will
forever be the hottest.

Rea:"I can't do this anymore. I need a break!" She says throwing her text book
on the bed and walking to the kitchen.
Buhle:"A break? Maybe you should cook." She says laughing,we all know that
when Rea says a break she means hitting the club.
Rea:"Aowa wena ke tlogetse mma ko Limpopo so cook for what?" We all
laugh. "Wena Zee bothata keng because you look like a stray cat. Is it Prince
Charming?" She says resting her hands on her small waist. Me and Buhle
laugh,this girl mara.
Me:"Nothing I just need a nap that's all." I say getting up from the chair and
walking to my bed. Rea knows me like the back of her hand if I stay here a
minute longer she is gonna drill it out of me.

I throw myself on the bed and rest my head on my hands facing the ceiling. I
miss Zano right now,I miss his warm and safe hugs,his voice and his horrible
jokes. I miss looking into his eyes and fall every time like it's the first time,that
man has me whipped. I take out my phone from my back pocket and dial his
numbers,which are saved as Husband with a heart. His phone sends me
straight to voicemail and I feel my heart crack. Maybe he doesn't want this
anymore,he realized that Dudu is the only person he wants in his life. If he
doesn't want me anymore how will I live with myself knowing that I love him
and he loves someone else? I feel tears coming out,I turn and face the
window. I silently cry myself to sleep. I can't lose him,if he leaves me then that
would break me real bad.

When I wake up it's already dark outside,I must have slept for an hour or two.
I get up and close the window followed by the curtains. I take my phone and
go through my socials,no posts from Zano. Maybe he is busy,I will go with that
because the other hurts. I mean rebuilding the burnt buildings must be taking
up much of his time but there is a little voice at the back of my head telling to
stop lying to myself. Buhle walks in.
Buhle:"Ah!uvukile!" She says leaning against my wardrobe and smiling. This
girl must be high on food or maybe she is seeing Muzi's face instead of mine.
Me:"Since Im not Muzi why are you smiling like that?" She giggles.
Buhle:"Somebody is here to see you." She says walking out.
Me:'Who?" I shout after her. I'm definetly not in the mood to be entertaining
guests more especially uninvited guests.

I get up and lazily head to the kitchen mind you I slept with my clothes and
shoes on,I'm becoming a phara little by little next thing I won't be bathing. As I
walk I see him holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and his car keys in
the other. He is wearing black dress pants,a black shirt with two buttons
undone and the sleeves are folded up. He is looking at me with the biggest
smile on his face,my heart forgets it's job for a minute. Damn this Man!
"BABYYY!!!!" I scream as I jump into his arms,he catches me with ease and
laughs softly. He smells so good! I missed his smell it's so intoxicating no I
actually missed this man,my man.
Zano:"Hawu Sthandwa Sami you are squashing the flowers." He says pulling
back. "Ngithi ngiba romantic wena uyakuziba loko,kuyacaca ukuthi
awukujwayele loku." He says pouting and I can't help but laugh out loud. The
nerve of this guy!
Zano:"Yabona manje my heart is at ease,I missed that laugh." I blush and I'm
rendered speechless. "I bought these for you,ngithe umangizibona ngavele
ngacabanga wena mbali yami." He says while handing me a dozen red
roses,they are so beautiful. I smell them and smile. This wasn't a spare of the
moment thing you can actually tell from his the way he is looking at me that he
thought of this gift.

Me:"Ngiyabonga baby,I love them." I say hugging him and making sure not to
squash the roses.
Zano:"I missed you." He says cupping my face and the butterflies in my
tummy flap their wings.
Me:"Kangakanani?" I say blushing but looking him in the eye. He smirks,leans
in and kisses the life out of me. His kisses make me feel alive,I kiss him back
with the same force and hunger to show him that I missed him also.
Rea:"Mhhhhhhm hhhhmmmm! We are still here you know." Oh dear I forgot
that these two are here. I look down in embarrassment and Zano laughs. I
give him the What Are You Laughing At look but he laughs even harder. This

Buhle:"You can join us for dinner there is plenty to go around." She says while
taking out the plates and I put the roses on the kitchen counter. I still can't get
over the respect Buhle gives to him,every time she speaks to him she slightly
bows her head and she never looks him in the eye.
Zano:"No thank you,I just wanted to see my girl." He says winking at me. I
walk to him and he holds both my hands with each of his.
Me:"Uyahamba?" I ask feeling like a kid that is being denied candy.
Zano:"Yeah I have to drive to Midrand and I don't like driving at night
especially when I'm this tired."
Me:"Ngicela ukuhamba nawe." That just came out of my mouth but I also don't
want him to leave me,I missed him. He raises his eyebrow. "I don't have an
exam tomorrow and I already studied for the day." I say giving him my puppy
eyes,I feel like I'm reasoning with my mom right now.
Zano:"Okay if you are sure then let's go."
Me:"Give me 5 minutes to get my stuff,I will be back."I excitedly say leaving a
peck on his lips as I run to my "bedroom". I quickly take out a sleepover
bag,shove in my toiletry bag,underwear,pyjamas and a change of clothes. I
take my laptop and my backpack,in case I want to study. I grab my phone
from the bed and head back to the kitchen.

Me:"I'm done let's go." He takes the bags from me. I walk over to my friends.
"Guys I will be back tomorrow so we can prepare for the interview on
Wednesday." I'm meeting up with the modeling agent,I'm nervous about that.
Rea:"No need to explain yourself to us,go enjoy your man baby even if you
come back next month we won't mind." She says hugging me and we all
Buhle:"Don't do anything you are not comfortable with okay? Okhethiweyo or
not it's still your choice." Jah thanks for reminding me that I'm a virgin geez but
I appreciate her being concerned.
Me:"Yes mom." We group hug and then I walk back to Zano who is now
standing by the door.
Rea:"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She says as I close the door. This girl
and her big mouth! Zano chuckles,I just laugh at my best friend's tactics. He is
holding my hand as we walk to where he parked,he leads me to a black
Mercedes Benz G63. Hol' Up! I stop walking.
Me:"This right here is the ride of my dreams,look at this beauty." I say
screaming a bit,I walk to the car admiring it and I attempt to whistle but only
air comes out. Bummer! Because this car right here deserves one. Zano
laughs as he opens the passenger's side for me.
Zano:"Ave uneDrama mkami." He says still laughing and I join him,his laugh is
infectious. He closes the door and walks to the driver's side.
Me:"Buying this baby is definetly on my wishlist."
Zano:"Usho ukuthi le motor ithandwa ukudlula Mina? Ize ibizwa ngoBaby
kodwa Mina ngibizwa ngegama ngathi ngiyiLastborn yakho." He says shaking
his head and pulls in to the busy road.

Me:"Cha Ndabezitha it comes after you." I say in between laughs. This guy
and his theatrics. He smiles and holds my hand while the other is on the
steering wheel.
Zano:"You look like you were crying kwenzenjani?" He asks looking at Me for
a second and then back to the road. My face must be pink and my eyes red. I
look down contemplating if I should tell him.
"Nande khuluma nami how is our relationship supposed to work without
communication?" He asks looking at me and squeezes my hand. This guy is
good at convincing people. He is right we are working on a relationship that is
quickly leading to marriage,we should be able to communicate without
barriers. I retract my hand and release the breath I have been holding in
Me:"I tried calling you but your phone was off,I missed you I mean we haven't
been talking that much this past week." He smiles a bit probably at the fact
that I missed him,he nods his head encouraging me to continue. "I thought
you have finally realized that I'm not worth complicating your marriage with
Dudu,I thought it was your way of dumping me." I say looking down to my
hands. I feel a lump in my throat but I try to push it back. He remains silent
focusing straight ahead on the road. He probably thinks I'm insecure.

Zano:"Maybe me telling you that I love you is not enough,I'm failing to show
you that you mean the world to me ngiyaxolisa kuleyo ndawo Sthandwa sami.
This relationship isn't easy on you.... who am I kidding on all of us. You think
that because I have known Dudu from childhood and I have been with her for
so long that I would turn on you any day. You are now a part of my life that I
can't even imagine losing,my love for you grows with each passing day. I don't
want to lose you I would probably go crazy living without that beautiful smile
before my ancestors kill me." He chuckles,I automatically smile at the
mention of my smile. He looks at me and holds my hand.
"If I could go back in time and meet you before her then I gladly would. And
Dudu is not my wife yet,I have to marry you before her so stop talking like you
are my sidechick and get every negative thing out of that pretty head of
yours." I giggle. Marry me first? Does Dudu know about this?
Me:"Why do you have to marry me first but you have been with her the
longest?" I ask frowning,he squeezes my hand.
Zano:"Technically our relationship is the longest because you were mine
before you were even born and same for me." He says smiling and I can't help
but smile back.
"As my chose and soulmate I have to marry you first before I marry who I
have chosen because if I don't do it that way then me and Dudu will never get
married,I will be disrespecting the ancestors and you." Oh! Now I get it,these
ancestors are gonna make Dudu hate me because they are constantly putting
me before her. We stop by McDonald's and get some food then we drive to
his house. Making small talk along the way.

When he said Midrand I didn't he meant Theee Waterfall Estates but who am I
kidding this place suits him perfectly. The place is beautiful,it has a woman's
touch I'm sure Dudu did everything.
Me:"Who did the interior designing?" He looks at me and continues walking up
the stairs.
Zano:"Duduzile. This is her house after getting married she will live here and
then I will build one for you in this neighborhood. You will design it the way
you want." He says smiling. So I'm in another woman's house with her
boyfriend? Wow the things you do Zenande. At least I'm not gonna be forced
to live here,I wouldn't survive living with Sophia in the same house. The
bedroom is dull and boring,grey with gold is the theme.
Zano:"I'm going to shower make yourself feel at home." At home in another
woman's home? That's funny. He kisses my forehead and walks to the en-
suite bathroom. Since I showered earlier I change into my pyjama shorts and
tank top. I neatly fold my clothes and put them on the couch,I walk to the
window and just admire the view. Maybe this marriage will work if we haven't
different houses I mean I won't have to see her with him,because that is what
hurts sharing. When he is not with me I will just imagine that he is on a
business trip or something.
"Penny for your thoughts." He says looking at me. He is in his Calvin Klein
briefs only bahlali! I can't help but look at him and drool,this man right here
was carefully sculpted by God himself. Judging from that bulge down there he
is truly gifted,at that though I squeeze thighs together and blush.

He looks at my thighs and smiles. He slowly walks to where I'm standing biting
his lower lip. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me. His hands slowly move
towards my butt,I understand why,He wants to see if I'm comfortable with it. I
want this,I put my hands on his shoulders and continue kissing him. He
squeezes my butt and I giggle in his mouth,he smiles. He holds both my
"Ucabangani?" He asks with our lips still touching,Farrrah Gawd your son sure
knows how to ask a question.
Me:"I was just admiring the view." I say with a hoarse voice. He slowly pushes
me towards the wall.
Zano:"Are you sure that's all?"
Me:"Yebo Sthandwa sami." My voice is back to normal,he closes his eyes and
smiles for a second then he looks at me with pride,love and something else I
cannot really understand. I look back to make sure that I don't trip on anything.
Zano:"Wenzani?" He says looking serious.
Me:"Just making sure that I don't fall."
Zano:"Angeke kwenzeke lutho kuwe mina ngisaphila uyezwa?" He sounds
serious we are no longer talking about me falling,I look into his eyes and nod.
His eyes are beautiful and right now there is something dancing in them. I feel
the cold wall on my back,he raises both my hands above my head,pressing
them to wall. I feel a tingle go down my spine and my skin gets goosebumps
all over. He looks at me,smiles and slowly leans in to kiss me. I close my eyes
and tilt my head up but he shifts and kisses the side of my lips,he leaves a
trail of wet kisses from the corner of my lips to my neck,it's hot in here and my
heart rate increases. I bend my neck to the side to give him more working
space,he let's go of my hands and I let them fall to my sides. He kisses my
shoulder and goes down with it. I shut my eyes,the only thing I can hear is the
sound of my heartbeat. After kissing my wrists he pauses I open one eye and
he is looking at me. He smiles and I look away blushing. He kisses my left
upper thigh and i gasp for air,he plants wet kisses all over my thigh when he
gets to my shorts he squeezes my butt and pauses,I'm now panting and my
clit is throbbing. I look at him he kisses my right upper thigh and laughs while
shaking his head then quickly gets up from his crouching position.

He walks to the door and looks back.

"Let's go eat." You should be eating me!
Me:"I need a shower first." He laughs and I giggle.
Zano:"Okay you will find me in the dining room." He walks out and closes the
door. I slowly move from the wall because my knees feel like jelly,I take out
my toiletry bag and underwear because cyclone Zano happened. I quickly
take a cold shower,wrap a towel,wash my panties and hang them. I brush my
teeth and lotion then head back to the bedroom and get dressed.

"BABY?!" I yell out when I get to the bottom of the stairs.

Zano:"Ngingapha!" He says,I follow his voice to the dining room. He puts his
phone down,looks at me from top to bottom and smiles. I giggle and sit down.
I take out my burger,fries and shake from the bag. I bite into my burger and
slightly close my eyes this right here tastes like heaven,I see light flashing and
I turn to look at him,this idiot is taking pictures of me eating nogal! I pout my
lips and end up laughing because he doesn't stop. He tells me more about his
mom as we eat,she sounds like she was an amazing woman. When we are
done eating I tidy up the table and wash the glass and plate Zano used then
we head upstairs holding hands and I'm laughing at his silly jokes. When we
get to the bedroom I remove extra pillows from the bed and neatly put them
on the couch while Zano is busy with his phone,I think he is talking to Dudu. I
open the covers and I get it. Zano gets in facing me,he pulls me closer to him
and kisses my forehead. His body is warm,his arms are my safe place.
Zano:"Ngiyak'thanda." I blush and bury my head in his broad chest. I missed
him so much you would I haven't seen him in years.

I'm woken up by kisses all over my face.

Me:"Baaaabbbbyyyyy...." I say with my sleepy voice while giggling. I open my
eyes and I met by this beautiful man's face,yes he is not handsome he is way
past that,this man right here is beautiful,only a few men reach this ranking.
Zano:"I can't wait to wake up next to your beautiful face for the rest of my life."
I blush and smile,I just woke up but he is already turning me into a tomato.
Me:"You seem happy today." I say giggling.
Zano:"You also would be if you woke up next to an angel." I laugh.
He kisses my forehead and gets up from the bed. He is wearing a maroon suit
that fits his body perfectly,a black shirt and a maroon tie.
Me:"Uyaphi early kangaka?" I say getting out of bed and walking to him.
Zano:"I have a meeting with a client for NoZulu Tradings." He says pulling me
by my waist into his warm arms.
Me:"Okay I will just request a ride back to the flat."
Zano:"Would it be selfish of me if I ask you not to leave today?" I jerk my head
up to look at him.
Me:"You want me to stay here all alone while you are at work?" This guy
cannot be serious.
Zano:"I will be back before lunch time I promise,I just want to spend more time
with you before I go to Germany." What?????
Me:"Ini? What are you going to do there and when are you leaving?" When
was he planning to tell me? The day before he leaves? I wouldn't be surprised
if he says he is leaving tomorrow.
Zano:"We are opening a club and restaurant in Berlin so I have to finalize
everything myself. I'm leaving on Monday that is why I want to spend my
entire week with you Sthandwa sami. He says cupping my face.
I missed him and I also want to be with him,my mom would freak out about
this but I hear myself say "Okay but what am I gonna do while you are at

He kisses me and squeezes my butt,I giggle and pull away,I mean I haven't
even brushed my teeth and this guy is already shoving his tongue down my
throat maybe he should shove something else mmmhm.....Okay Zee down
girl! Zano gives me his card and says I should go shopping or study while he
is at work. He tells me that a person named Sipho will drive me wherever I
want to go. He goes downstairs so I take my toiletry bag and go shower so I
can join him for breakfast before he leaves for work.

After showering I wear my black jeans,a black off the shoulder top and my
sneakers. I remove my shower cap and let my straight up lose. I put on my
stud earrings and go downstairs.
I'm welcomed by the smell of bacon and my stomach immediately
grumbles,talking about no manners whatsoever. Zano is already seated at the
kitchen counter eating. There is an old woman washing dishes,I guess she is
the helper.
Me:"Sanibonani!" I say cheerfully.
Zano:"Baby this is MaNkosi she is the one who helps around here,anything
you need just ask her." I smile at her.
"Ma lona uZenande soon to be Mrs Me." She smiles and greets me then
hands me a plate of food and disappears to the TV area. She doesn't even
look surprised that Zano brought another woman to the house other than
Duduzile,it makes me wonder if he does this all the time.
"Why doesn't she seem surprised about this?" My mouth snitches on me,leli
Me:"She knows that Dudu is your fiancée so why isn't she shocked that you
are introducing another woman as your future wife?" I say putting down my
fork and facing him. He chuckles.
Zano:"She knows that you are my chosen,everybody back home knows so
why act shocked when you already know? He says raising his brows.
"Oh!" That shuts me up what was I even thinking. I dig into my delicious
breakfast. After a few minutes Zano stands up,puts his plate and cup in the
sink and walks to me. He comes to stand between my legs,He cups my face
so that I look at him.
"MaNkosi only knows you and Dudu. I won't cheat on you.Yes I might have
been a player or whatever you call it when i was younger but I outgrew that
stage,I'm a man not the boy I once was. Don't let your mind run away with
you. You and Dudu are the only women in my life besides Gogo and
Enhle."He laughs and I giggle.
He loves her very much but I will get used to this with time. He is perfect I'm
lucky to have a man like him,he understands me better than anyone. Oh my
mom is an exception apho. He kisses me passionately and my entire body
heats up when he squeezes my butt then he pulls away and tells me he will
see me later. What a way to start my day,I can't wait to marry this man and
have his babies. I gulp down my orange juice and blow out air while laughing
at what I just thought of.

When I'm done eating I wash the dishes and head upstairs,I put on my
earpods and call Rea while making the bed. MaNkosi is hired to help not to do
everything by herself.
Rea:"Why are you calling so early in the morning?Is his snoring that bad?"
She says sounding sleepy. I laugh my lungs out and tell her that my man
doesn't snore. She tells me that he is probably a woman he us acting like
Mama Jack,I laugh so hard that my tummy hurts,I tell her that Zano gave me
his card to go shopping as I catch my breath from all that laughing. She
screams my eardrums out and makes noise she is probably dancing for about
10 minutes straight then she tells me that she will be ready by 08:00am. Yep
she was dancing because if she was still in bed we would go shopping around
13:00pm. I tell her that I will pick her up since Zano has a driver then we will
head to the mall together,she screams even louder I had to remove my
earpods for a minute. We talk for a minute or two longer then she hangs up to
go get ready.

It's 06:30am I am done with everything so I take my backpack,laptop and

phone. I go in search for the studyroom after a few minutes of going back and
forth I find it. I don't like big houses all this extra space is unnecessary. This
room is huge you would swear it's an office,luckily the desk is neat and tidy so
I make my way to the chair,sit down and take out my books.
"I need a pencil" I say to myself.
I search for it in my bag and there is nothing,Buhle must have "Borrowed"
it,she likes doing that. Zano must have one here,I mean it's a study after all. I
check in first drawer no luck,I check in the second one and also no luck. What
kind of a study is this? Let me try my luck on the third one,I cross my fingers
so that I can find it in there patiently waiting for me. I pull the drawer it seems
jammed so I pull even harder and it opens. I jump out of fright,I have only
seen these things in movies and I bet they are never even real,Zano has a
gun. What does he do with it? Is he a killer? Maybe he is an assassin I mean
where does he get all this wealth from? The other part of my brain reminds me
that I shouldn't conclude bad things only. I mean he is a rich and young
businessman who wouldn't he have a firearm for protection? There are plenty
of chancers he is only protecting himself. I take a seat and take it out,it's
cooling to my sweaty hands and right then a thought comes to me I would
look good holding a gun against someone. I push that thought out my head
and focus my eyes on this weapon. My phone rings and I jump. You see why I
don't like guns everything now sounds like a gunshot,I thought I pulled the
trigger by mistake. I quickly put back the gun and close the drawer.
"Hello" I say without checking the caller ID.
"Sthandwa sami" he says,my breath hitches I forget that I have to breathe.
I feel like he knows what I just found. My body remembers that it's being
denied oxygen and I breathe in then slowly out.
"Yini ngathi bayakubhebha lapho?uSipho ngiyamazi unamanga kakhulu." I
burst out laughing.
This guy has few lose screws.
Me:"I was just studying but I'm done now."
Zano:" Okay have fun. I will see you later." I hear people talking in the
background,it seems like he is in a meeting. Must be nice being the boss you
just call your girlfriend when you feel like it. I pack up my books and go to his
bedroom,I put them on the couch,take my purse and go downstairs.

"Ma I'm going to the mall can Is there something that you need?" I ask
MaNkosi who is busy cleaning the TV area.
MaNkosi:"Yes there are a few things that Mr Zulu forgot to buy,let me get the
list for you." She says walking to the kitchen,I follow behind her. I love the
respect they give each other,he is old enough to be her last born child but she
refers to him as "Mr" thata nice. She hands me a grocery list. Damn! This is a
long list what exactly did Zano buy?
Me:"Ngiyabonga Ma I will get everything." She gives me a warm smile and I
MaNkosi:"Sipho is waiting for you in the car." I tell her that I will see her later
then walk out the door. I see a black BMW X6 parked in the driveway,I guess
that's my ride. Zano surely has a thing for black German cars. I get in the
backseat and greet him. I just think it will be weird if I ride shotgun I'm better
back here. He nods in greeting and asks for our destination. I give him Rea's
location and tell him that after that we will head to mall,he nods then starts the
ignition. We pick up a bubbly Rea,who immediately fills the car with laughter
and drive to Sandton City. When we get there he tells us that he will wait for
us,I let him know that we are gonna take long so we will call him when we are
done but he still insists on waiting for us. I guess that's what his boss pays him
to do,who am I to argue with that.

We shop for a bit and the things already cost five thousand so I decide to call
Zano and check if I overspent or not.
"Sthandwa Sami." I smile. I love it when he calls me that.
Me:"Baby did I overspend?"
Zano:"Oh! Namhlanje nginguBaby because you are out shopping? Ayi
abafazi!" I laugh out loud. This guy though. "Nande the amount you just used
is change,I thought you bought chewing gum." Arrogant much. I giggle at the
thought of a five thousand rand chewing gum.
Me:" Mr Zulu you are one of a kind." He laughs.
Zano:'Sthandwa Sami buy whatever you want don't even check the price tag,I
make more than you can even imagine in a day. You can even spend a million
that won't make a difference,I just want you to spend your man's money." I
shake my head and smile,he is a Zulu man.
Me:"Okay baby let me spend your money." I say giggling.
Zano:"It will soon be ours." I blush. I almost forgot about us getting married,I
giggle and hang up and Rea looks expectantly at me. This girl loves shopping
no cap.
Rea:"So?" She says popping her eyes.
Me:"He said I can even spend a million if I want to,he just wants me to spend
his money." She screams and jumps around,causing people to look at us they
probably think we are crazy.
Rea:"My friend now THAT is a man! I told you that five thousand is peanuts he
is a prominent businessman what did you expect? You owe me shoes and a
bag" I laugh at her tactics.
Me:"I think he is a gangster." I blurt it out without even thinking. Rea laughs.
She probably thinks I'm joking.
Rea:"You and your wild imagination." She says playfully hitting my shoulder.
Me:"Seriously I found a gun in his study." There is nobody I trust like Rea I
know she won't tell anyone. She looks at me with that So What's The Big
Deal look.
Rea:"Rich people own guns all the time,for safety reasons even though they
have guards." She says shrugging. "I mean they also keep Tigers as pets so
these people are just in a league of their own. He is not the first person to
own a gun and I'm sure he has a license for it." I giggle.
Me:"I know I also thought so but my gut tells me it's way more than that."
Rea:"Look even if he is a gangster there is nothing you could do,you
overreacting will just make him not to tell you,just play it cool and see where
this leads." She has always been my voice of reason.
Me:"But what if something happens to him I mean this is dangerous."
Rea:" Let him worry about that wena just focus on being the best wife to him
that's all,if he is one then it means he knows how to protect himself otherwise
he wouldn't be alive today." Now that I think about it she is right,I shouldn't act
holier than thou my mama taught me better than that. We up from the bench
and shop til we drop.

We go to The Eatery Sandton and have lunch when we are done we go to

Woolies so I can buy the groceries that MaNkosi told me to. We buy the things
on the list,some flour and other ingredients I will need I feel like taking over
the kitchen today. As we head to the car I feel eyes on me,I turn and look
around. There is nobody there.
"What's wrong you seem spooked." Rea says.
"I feel like somebody is watching Me,I have been having this feeling for about
a week or two now." She also looks around copying my move.
"Did you tell Zano about this?" She asks.
"No I just don't want to burden him with my wild thoughts what if it's nothing
and he gets all worried?"
"Well if it has you spooked like this it means it's serious,he is going to be your
life long partner you should start trusting him with things." She says pushing
the trolley.
"I guess you are right." I know she is right but since I saw that gun I'm hesitant
on telling him,what if he does something he will regret later.
Sipho shows up and asks if we are okay. I guess we look "spooked" like Rea
"We are fine,just tired shopping is a major job." I say giving him my best smile.
He nods and pushes the trolley to the car. He helps us unpack and load all the
shopping bags in the car. Me and Rea get into the backseat and Sipho drives
off. We firstly drop off Rea and some of the things I bought then we head to
Zano's house. I don't want to have many bags when I go back to the flat that
is why I'm dropping some of my stuff now. Sipho parks the car and helps me
offload everything,we then carry the bags into the house little by little.
MaNkosi takes the groceries to the kitchen and I take my things upstairs. I
decide that I should leave my things in the guestroom,I go get my books and
everything that belongs to me in the main bedroom. I neatly pack my things in
the wardrobe,it's the least I can do. This is Duduzile's house we might share
a man due to circumstances beyond our control but that doesn't mean we
should share a bed. I should respect her and Zano's like I'm hoping she would
do the same to me,I feel guilty for not refusing to sleep in that room last night
when I got here. I just didn't understand how this works but now I know that
I'm going to follow how I feel,my gut will lead me in this triangle.

I quickly take a shower,wear my grey jogger pants and a white tank top. I slip
on my newly bought pink slippers and head downstairs. I hope MaNkosi let's
me cook today,I would really appreciate it. When I get to the kitchen MaNkosi
is finishing up packing the groceries.
"Ma what time do you knock off?" I ask as I stand by the kitchen counter.
"Around 17:00pm"
"Where do you live?"
"Olievenhoutbosch" this poor woman I'm sure she gets home late and tired
everyday. She is here early and leaves late,this is not how a person should be
"Who do you live with?"
"My two grandchildren,the girl is 11 and the boy is 5 years old." Ayibo! I
wonder when she gets time to cook bancinci labantana athetha ngabo.
"Do you get weekends off?"
"Yebo mtanami."
"Okay Ma I wanted to ask you if I could cook today. You can finish up
whatever you were left to do so you can leave early,when you are done Sipho
will take you home."
"You can go ahead and cook there is no need to ask me,Mr Zulu's house is
also yours too. Ngiyabonga ngane yami let me go finish up." She says with a
huge smile,I smile back and nod. Then she disappears to God knows where in
this massive house. This reminds of how mama raised us,this kind of job puts
food on the table,I wouldn't like anybody mistreating my mom so I'm definetly
not going to mistreat another person's mom.

I start cooking,I'm making my famous beef stew and dumpling. Funny thing is
that I once dreamt of the ingredients I add in the stew,it's not a family recipe or
anything just my wild imagination. I hope Zano likes it. There are many other
dishes I have dreamt of and when I make them everybody definetly asks for
second helpings,I swear my ancestors are professional chefs. I decide to bake
cupcakes also so that MaNkosi and Sipho can take some home.

MaNkosi shows up while I'm wading all the dishes I have used while cooking
and baking. I'm done with everything I'm left with the dumpling but at least it's
on the stove.
MaNkosi:"Kwaze kwanuka kamnandi." She says smiling.
"Ma I made sandwiches for lunch please sit down and eat before you go." She
walks over to the counter and stands beside me. I give her a container filled
with cupcakes. She looks at me confused.
Me:"I baked a lot of these so it's only fair that you take some for your
grandchildren. Me and Zano won't be able to eat them all they would go to
waste. Ndakhuliswa umama ethi ukutya akulahlwa." She hugs me
unexpectedly with tears in her eyes.
MaNkosi:"Inkosi ikubusise ntombazane yami,the Zulu kingdom is blessed to
have you as a princess." I squeeze her back. Then she lets go to make tea.
"Nami ngicela iHug." He says leaning by the door with his signature look,two
buttons of his undone and his tie losely hanging. MaNkosi laughs and I giggle
shaking my head.
"No hugs for you." I say walking over to him. He looks at me fakes a pout,I
laugh and just hug him,even after a long day he still smells like heaven.
Me:" You are late" I say as I pull out of the hug.
Sipho walks in as Zano opens his mouth to speak.
Sipho:"Boss" he says in greeting to Zano,he nods in acknowledgement.
"Sister boss I'm about to knock off kukhona okudingayo?" I nod my head.
"Yes please join us for a late lunch before you leave. I made some
sandwiches." He looks surprised but manages to cover it with a smile,he looks
at Zano as if asking for permission,Zano chuckles and nods. Sipho joins
MaNkosi at the counter.
"Stop being a bully." I say to Zano while playfully hitting his shoulder,he

"I made cupcakes you can take home." I say putting a container I packed for
him in front of him.
Sipho:"Ngiyabonga Sister Boss." He says finishing off his food. I prefer him to
call me by name but I guess that won't happen since he addresses Zano as
boss. When I look over my shoulder Zano is standing at the door looking at
me like he is seeing me for the first time. He had disappeared for a few
minutes,maybe he was calling Sophia The First. I just smile at him and shake
my head at my thoughts.
"Sipho could you please also drop off MaNkosi where she lives." I say giving
him my puppy eyes. Zano laughs and grabs a sandwich from my plate.
"Ngisayogeza Sthandwa sami." He kisses my forehead and strides up the
stairs while munching on his sandwich. I look down out of embarrassment he
didn't have to do that in front of my guests.
MaNkosi:"You are very good for him,I haven't seen him like this with anyone
since his mother died." She says while clearing the dishes on the counter.
Wait! So he is never like this with Dudu? How does she know about how he
was before his mom died?
Sipho:" Ma uzongithola emotweni. Sister Boss tha." He says taking his
container and walking out.
"It's a pleasure,drive safe." Then he leaves the room. "Ma so you have known
him from childhood?"
"Yes my sister works there so I used to spend most of my time there helping
out because it was always boring sitting around at home." I don't want to hear
more of what she said earlier so I just say
"I'm glad he is his usual self Ma." She nods while picking up her container and
bag. She smiles and bids me goodbye,I do the same. I then check on my
dumpling and it's ready so I switch off the stove and decide to go check on
Zano maybe he drowned in the bathtub he has been gone for long.

I head upstairs. I open the main bedroom door and I peek my head in. He is
busy typing on his laptop,he is now wearing a white and grey cargo shorts
with his dark blue slippers.
"Aren't you hungry?" I ask as I walk to him. "You have been in here for a few
hours what's wrong?" He puts his laptop on the bed when u get to him and
makes me sit on his lap,my new favorite chair.
Zano:"Why did you move your things to one of the guestrooms?Did I do
something wrong?" So that's why he is sulking and he has locked himself in
"Cha baby you did nothing wrong. I just feel like I'm disrespecting Dudu by
sleeping in her that's all." I say brushing his hand that is sitting on thighs with
both my thumbs.
"Okay that's understandable " he keeps quiet,this is not like him something
else is bothering him.
"Baby I don't know how our marriage will work but one thing I want to have is
boundaries. In her house I'm a guest and same goes for her in my house." He
nods his head and gives me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
"Thank you for this. I expected you to be the one causing me a headache
since you are not used to this but here you are making my life easier while the
one I expected to understand because she grew up in a polygamous home is
making my life a living hell." He says holding on to the small of my back. My
poor baby,I hope Dudu realizes how badly her tantrums are affecting her man.
"She is just hurt at the moment,she will come around. She loves you and that
will motivate her to work on this trust me that's why I'm also trying to
understand everything and how it works." He gives me a genuine smile that
reaches his eyes,this man right here is beautiful. I can't help but smile back.
Then he loudly exhales.
"Zenande there are things you don't know about me that I'm afraid will make
you run for the hills when you find out." Hawu! Now we are using government
names,this must be serious. The gun pops into my head and my heart skips a
few beats. I slowly release my held breath. This guy is going through a lot this
is all not easy on him and it's starting to show.
"I'm about to be your wife,you have to trust me. No matter how bad or how
scary things I want you to be able to share them with me because that is what
a wife does,she is your support system,the one you share your troubles with
so that the weight on your shoulders becomes less." He gives me a weak
smile and remains silent for a while. He does this when he is deeply in

I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"I'm a bad person. I have done some terrible things I don't think you will ever
be able to accept." He keeps quiet. This just confirms my suspicions,this guy
right here is involved in illegal stuff. Is that what he is trying to tell me about?
Am I really ready to know all about his dirty dealings? Honestly I don't think I
am all of this is what I have seen in movies I never thought a day in my life
that I will live out that movie.
"I'm not good for you actually I don't deserve you. You deserve better than
this." I abruptly remove my head from his shoulder and sit up straight on his
lap looking at him straight in the eyes,he looks down. What the hell is he trying
to say? So now I'm going to be pushed away just because he has skeletons in
his closet yoh ayi shame amadoda!
"What do you mean?" I softly say to him although a storm is brewing inside of
me. I didn't take him for a coward.
"I mean that you are such a good person,what you did earlier for Siphoband
MaNkosi nobody would have done that. You are like an angel you share love
wherever you turn and I just don't want to taint that. I love you the way you are
and I want you to remain who you are." He says still not looking at me. I cup
his face with both my hands.
"Look at me." I say to him. He does so it must be because that came out so
"I'm not perfect either,I just try my best to make another person's day a little
better. Stop that I'm gonna run every time I find out something about you. And
I hope this is the last time you ever make these excuses you hear me?
Zanothando Lwandle Zulu I love you and you won't get rid of me that
easily,I'm here for life hamba uyobuzisisa nabaphansi. So whatever you have
in your closet doesn't even scare me." He nods giving me his genuine smile
that makes my heart skip a beat. And I realize that I just told him how I really
feel about him,I just shake my head and smile back. It's true I do love him a lot
but my love for him scares me sometimes. He is looking at me with so much
love and pride that It makes me blush and look down.
"Ngiyabonga Sthandwa sami for everything that you are,I'm blessed to have
you in my life la kuwe idlozi lami lingithande ngempela." I blush. My man is
"Asambe siyodla Mageba." I say getting up and pulling him up by his hand.

I quickly dish up no need to heat it up,it's still warm. I take him warm water in a
dish and a dry dishcloth. He washes his hands while I place the juice jug on
the table and our glasses on either side then I come back with both our
plates,I place his in front of him,he pops his eyes out and digs in. I wonder
what that was all about I mask it with a giggle and then shake my head. I take
a seat across him and I dig over comfortable silence.
"Where did you learn to cook it like this?" He says after a few minutes with
glassy eyes. Thixo waseGeorge! He doesn't like it. I quickly stand up and pour
him a glass of water,I sit next to him and him the glass.
"I promise I won't make it ever again. Let's order pizza." I say reaching for my
phone,he stops me and chuckles.
"You made it exactly the way my mom used to make it. For a moment there I
thought I was 14 years old because that's the last time I had this. Nobody ever
cooks this at home anymore I guess it's just a painful reminder of her."

"I'm so sorry babe I didn't know. The recipe just came to me that's all." Maybe
his mom was giving me tips so that I don't starve her child. I giggle at the
thought of this and look back at Zano.
"She used to always tell us that one day she wants aboMakoti she will share
her recipes with so that we stop making her cook. You would have loved her
and she would have loved you." He says looking down. I hug him him tight. I
really appreciate it when he shares his feelings especially about his
mother,her death hurt him badly. I let go of him when I feel like he is okay. He
continues eating,I look at him since I lost my appetite and he is really enjoying
it. He looks like a little boy that's happy because his mom cooked him his
favourite meal.
"Dear mother-in-law is this what you wanted to see? I hope you find joy in this
moment and continue looking out for your family. Please help me heal these
broken hearts." I say to myself as I wipe away tears I didn't feel coming out.
Zano is looking at me with worry written all over his face,he must have been
looking at Me for a while without me noticing.
Me:"I'm okay I was just thinking about how much my ancestors love me,I'm
grateful for you." I say giggling.
"You are a blessing to our family and people. They chose you because it's like
they gave you the power to heal all these broken hearts. I mean the kingdom
is rejoicing because they heard rumours that I found you,we haven't even said
anything yet. The last time our people where that happy is after Minenhle's
birth. You were born to be a Zulu princess I see that now." He says coming
over to me and hugging me tight. This makes my heart smile.
"Ngiyak'thanda MaNododile." He says.
"Uthandwa ndim baby." I say hugging him even tighter.

He washes the dishes while I dry and pack them away. He tells me about his
childhood and definetly some stories are made up that make me laugh my
lungs out. When we are done he locks the doors and switches off the
lights,we head up to our room. He takes off his clothes and puts them neatly
on the couch and sits on the bed while texting on his phone. I think he is
texting Dudu. I quickly grab my black silk night dress and head to the
bathroom. I do my business then wash my face. I brush my teeth and apply
night cream then tie a doek around my head. I head back to the bedroom,he
is already under the covers focused on his phone. I get under the covers and
he smiles.He puts his phone on the bedside table and lays down. He pulls me
closer to him so that we are spooning,he kisses my forehead.
"I have been feeling like somebody is following me these past couple of days."
I say looking at him,I know it's a bad time but I just had to get it out there.
"I have just become aware of it,I will deal with them don't worry." Oh Gawd
why does that make my blood go cold,is he going to do what I'm thinking?
"Don't kill them." My mouth betrays me. I cover it in shock,I should learn to
keep my mouth shut.
"I don't go around killing people for the fun of it,angazi why ucabanga njalo.
Goodnight Sthandwa sami before this goes further and ruins our beautiful
night." He says kissing my forehead and facing the other side. Now I feel
bad,he probably thinks I'm judging him. I think he knows who the person is but
he just docents want to tell me. I leave soft kisses on his shoulder blades and
face the other side.

When I wake up Zano is not in bed. Maybe he is downstairs eating but I don't
seem to believe that. I go to the main bedroom and check,he is not there. Oh
well! He would have woken me up if he wanted to talk to me so I'm willing to
bet that this means he doesn't want to. I wonder how he knew that somebody
was following me,maybe he is also keeping tabs on me. I just realized that I
don't really know the real him,I know the Zano he sells to the world.
Something tells me that he knows the person that was following me he just
doesn't want to tell me even though I assured him that he can trust me with
anything. Maybe he will better believe this when I have a ring on my finger,will
that be too late for me to get out if the water boils?

I check the time it's 07:00am my interview is at 09:00am so I better get ready.
I take a nice and long bubble bath. Just to calm my nerves and relax my body.
I lotion my body and brush my teeth. I wash my panties and the bathtub then
head to the bedroom. I apply minimal make-up just to define my features,I do
my edges and moisturize my straight up,letting the tail lose. I should unplait it
before I go home. I slip on my underwear and wear my white suit with a black
bralette underneath. I look like I mean business which I surely do. I put on my
16 inch black stilettos,today I'm definetly feeling myself because of these
babies. I grab my Louis Vuitton handbag and put in my phone,purse,some
gum and my portfolio. I put on my stud earrings and nude lipstick then spritz
my Carolina Herrera Good Girl perfume. I take my sunglasses and just admire
this beauty in the mirror for a second. I wonder how my dad looked like
because I don't look anything like my mom. Oh well! No use beating myself up
over that,I have things to do and important people to see.

"Good morning Ma." I say to MaNkosi as I take out a bottle of water from the
fridge. She looks at me from head to toe and drops her jaw. She looks like she
is seeing me for the first time,I love this reaction this is how I want people to
react. She quickly recovers and smiles. "Waze wamuhle ngane yami awufuni
ngikuthathe iyithombe? Phela ngiyanazi nina yingane zesimanje manje." She
says and I join her in giggling. I love this woman! "Ngiyabonga Ma I would
really like that please." I say handing her my phone.

She takes a few snaps on the stairs,on the patio and in the garden. I thank her
and head out to the driveway,I don't want to be late. Holy Molly!!!! The black
G63 is parked there. Now if this is my ride then it means today I'm queen of
the world. I put on my sunglasses and strut to the backseat of the car,I only
ride shotgun with Zano.
"Morning Sipho" I say cheerfully.
"Awu! Sister Boss uyaphi umuhle kangaka?" He asks with his eyes dancing. I
"Ngine interview eRosebank."
"Ayi! Ngiyabazelwa labo bantu." He says pulling out the driveway. I laugh at
his remark. I check my Whatsapp and I have messages from
Rea,Buhle,Nokuzotha and even Phephelo wishing me all the best on my
interview. I thank them and post the pictures taken by MaNkosi on all my
socials. I put my phone on my thighs and look out the window smiling. Zano
did this on purpose he knew that driving to my interview in my dream car
would boost my work ethic and confidence. I'm so going to nail this interview
sorry to the other girls but this one is mine. My phone vibrates and I smile
looking at the caller ID.
"Baby" I say cheerfully.
"MaNododile ukahle?" He sounds concerned.
"You know I'm far from that I feel like I can take on the world,I'm not even
nervous just excited." I say giggling.
"Ayi! Cha le moto uyithanda ngempela. I'm glad that you are so excited and
I'm proud of you for chasing your dreams." I blush and he chuckles. He
probably knows I'm blushing right now. I giggle at that thought.
"Good luck Sthandwa sami on your interview,go show them what you are
made off ntombenhle. I have to go." He hangs up without me replying,how
strange he never does that. Oh well! At least he made my day even brighter.

The interview went perfectly well,the lady was very nice but I think I won her
over when I showed her my portfolio. I worked hard on it so it was only fair
that she was speechless. She told me that I will get a response in a week
because that's when the selection process ends then she rushed off to a
meeting. I'm now enjoying my delicious breakfast while waiting for Sipho,he
had a few errands to run so he left after dropping me off. I view status updates
on WhatsApp as I eat. To my surprise my man posted one photo after the
other of me today,he must have stolen them from my status update. The last
one is a video of me putting on my sunglasses and confidently strutting
towards the camera. I laugh because Sipho must be responsible for this.
Imagine being told "take a video of my girlfriend as she walks to the car",Zano
is extra. His caption reads The Queen of my heart,my wildest dream. I reply
with a sticker. This is so sweet he really wants me to explode with
happiness I think to myself.
"Hello beautiful " when I look up it's a guy dressed in jeans and a polo shirt,he
gives me a bright smile. I'm not in the mood for small talk with strangers.
"Hi how can I help you?" I say with the most fake smile.
"I'm Vukile. Can I take a seat? I'm just waiting for my order as you can see
there is no space." I look around and he is right. I'm the only one sitting alone
and I mean this place isn't that big,it only has a few tables.
"No problem. I'm Zenande." I say taking my bag from the chair and putting it
on the table beside me. I hope he zips his mouth because I'm definetly not in
the mood for small chitchats with a person I don't even want to know.
"So why is a beautiful lady like you eating alone?" He asks. I guess I spoke
too soon.
"I had a meeting so I decided to remain behind for a moment to myself ."
Hopefully he gets the hint.
"So what do you do?" He is obviously dumb to hints. Since I can't be rude to
save my life I answer with a smile.
"I'm a Medical Student at the University of Pretoria." I just had to throw it in
there because I feel like he was going to ask me as a followup question.
"My friend works there may-..." he gets cut off by my ringing phone. I smile
hearing Fortune Teller by Blxckie.
"Sthandwa sami" I say smiling. Vukile looks defeated,serves him right!
"Tshele leyo mfana isuke lapho kuwe." He sounds pissed. I look back since
I'm sitting by the glass window and I see a black G-Wagon with plates written
Zulu1 in the sunny parking lot. I giggle.
"Don't be rude Baby,ngiyeza let me gather my stuff. Don't miss me too much."
I say laughing. I hang up before he replies because I know he is going to
complain about the guy sitting here and make fun of him.
"Sorry I have to go,it was nice chatting with you. Enjoy your breakfast." I say
picking up my bag and putting two R200 notes on the table. If I don't hurry
Zano will come here just to intimidate the guy. I put on my sunglasses and
walk out the restaurant to the car.

"I thought you were at work." I say to Zano as we drive to his house. He said i
have to change because he is taking me out,it's a surprise.
"I was then I just thought that I should just go see my beautiful future wife not
knowing I'm going to save her from frogs." I laugh. The poor guy is now a frog.
"I don't like your manners Mr Zulu." I say between laughs. "I'm sure you
walked out of a meeting just to come bother me." I say.
"How did you know?" He asks acting shocked. I burst out with laughter.
"Big Baby!" I say trying to hold back my laugh.
"Uzokhala" he says trying to intimidate me but he fails and ends up laughing
also. Pelo Yaka by Cici plays on the radio,I turn up the volume a bit and sing
"Kunje njena nguwe dali ×4
Kunje njena nguwe dali ×8
Nhliziyo yami ifuna wena
Nhliziyo ijayivela wena
Nhliziyo yami ifuna wena
Nhliziyo ijayivela wena
Pelo yaka e batla wena
Pelo yaka e jayivela wena
Pelo yaka e batla wena
Pelo yaka e jayivela wena
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo ×4

Dali dali dali dali

Ngzoba nawe kuzek'fik ekgcineni
Ngzoba nawe kuzek'fik ekgcineni
Ngzo ngena nawe egalile
Dali dali dali dali
Ngzoba nawe kuzek'fik ekgcineni
Ngzoba nawe kuzek'fik ekgcineni
Ngzo ngena nawe egalile
Imoto yanokusho ngzokthengela
Ikhay elfudumele ngzokwakhela
Inkos impela dali ngzokwakhela
Dali wam dali wam

Nhliziyo yami ifuna wena

Nhliziyo ijayivela wena
Nhliziyo yami ifuna wena
Nhliziyo ijayivela wena
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo

Wen uzkhethel
UThwala mtimande jiviakaz engena mpondo
Umukhetha Mina
You'll never ever be alone
Ngithi biza omalume bazokhipha ilobolo
Noma kune mvula mina ngzokmela
Nay impilo yami Mina ngzoy'dela
Inkosi impela dali Mina ngzokfela (dali wami dali)
Noma kune mvula ngzokmela
Nay impilo yami mina ngzoyidela
Inkosi impela dali mina ngzokfela (Dali wami dali)
Nhliziyo yami ifuna wena
Nhliziyo ijayivela wena
Nhliziyo yami ifuna wena
Nhliziyo ijayivela wena
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo
Nhliziyo yam Nhliziyo. "

As the song began he kept on stealing glances at me so I just closed my eyes

and sang along. Did i tell y'all that I can sing? Now you know! As the song
comes to an end I open my eyes and look at him,he has his phone in his one
hand. This guy is taking a video of me! I laugh and cover my face. I'm definetly
Zano's favorite hobby without a doubt.
"You sing like an angel." He says putting his hand on my thigh. I giggle.
"Ngiyabonga Mageba" I say smiling at him. He blushes a bit, bites his lower lip
and focuses on the road.

I enjoyed spending time with Zano. He surprised me with a romantic picnic

date,it was so beautiful I was even speechless. The following day we went out
to the movies,we acted like teenagers in love. We were in our own bubble at
the back. On Friday we went go-kart racing,it was nice showing him who is
boss although he doesn't want to admit that I won. Later on we went to one of
his clubs and let me tell you it was so nice I could get used to clubbing like
that. I also met some of his friends. Yesterday we went to Gold Reef
City,seeing him relaxed and carefree like that made me fall in love with a lot
more. All this time we have spent together has made me fall for Zano deeply
and I think the same is for him,now I don't even doubt that he loves me
because I can see it in the ways he states,the way he talks and the way he
carries himself. I'm enough. It was truly a fun week.
Zano went out to sort a few work things out,I took that opportunity so I can
study,I'm now done and he is not yet back it must be a huge problem then that
came up. I'm buying my plane ticket which Zano insisted I should. I normally
take the bus home but Zano wouldn't hear it so what can I say what the boo
wants the boo gets. After paying for my ticket I head downstairs in my Angel
oversized white t-shirt,black biker shorts,my white socks and pink slippers.
Zano helped me unplait my hair last night,he washed it himself and dried it.
Now I know for sure that he will make a great dad to our daughter one day.
My hair is tied in a neat puffy bun. I get busy in the kitchen listening to Logan
by Emtee. I bake some scones then when I'm done I make spaghetti and
mince for dinner. Tomorrow my man leaves for Berlin and after my last paper
I'm going home. The honeymoon is over we have to go back to reality.

I check the time, it's 20:30 and Zano is not back yet. I guess I'm eating alone
tonight,I dish up and put his food in the microwave. I eat while chatting to my
girls on WhatsApp well mostly Rea because Buhle said she is with Muzi,i
guess that's why she takes long to reply. When I'm done eating I wash the
dishes and clean the kitchen while listening to 11:11 I love his voice,it's
soothing. When I'm done i go back upstairs to the guestroom. I take a nice
and long bubble bath. I then dry myself and lotion my body. I brush my
teeth,apply my night cream and go to the bedroom after washing the bathtub.
I wear my pyjamas,slip on my socks and get into bed. When I check the time
it's about 23:30,maybe I should call and check on him. After debating with
myself for a few minutes I quickly send him a text "Hey baby everything
okay?",it ticks once and now I'm sure he must be busy or his battery died
because he never switches off his data. I switch between social media apps
until I fall asleep.

I was in Freeland until I felt him. He plants wet kisses on my neck and my
body responds. Zano knows that he holds the remote to my body. He slides
his hand under my tank top and he softly plays with my boobs. He turns my
body so I lay on my back since I was facing the side and he gets on top of me.
He takes off my pyjama tank top and continues planting kisses on my chest
that make me get goose bumps all over,he pays more attention to my boobs.
I'm half naked and it feels weird. My body temperature is rising in 20s and I'm
so damn wet. He comes back up and kisses me passionately while pinning
both my hands above my head on the bed,I don't even try moving them my
body is in Wonderland. He breaks the kiss while biting his lower lip and then
he smiles. Not now Zano come on! I say to myself in my head. I feel like
kicking him right now but I can't because he has the remote to it all. He slowly
kisses me down to my navel and I let out a gasp still keeping my hands above
my head.
"Sthandwa sami relax." He says with the most sexiest voice. I don't know
what's happening but I trust Zano completely,he won't hurt me. I slowly
breathe out and let go of my worries.
"Good girl" he says as he kisses the top of my underwear down to my
thighs,he pushes my legs apart and kisses my inner thighs. I shut my eyes for
a second and then he pulls off my underwear together with my shorts. I gasp.
Now I'm totally naked in a guys bed,this is a first. He lays on the bed with his
stomach. My heart starts skipping beats and my body is on fire. He puts my
legs on his shoulders,I flush out of embarrassment. He opens my legs wider.
"Ba....Ahhh!" As I was about to complain and I feel his warm tongue on my
opening,He licks it upwards twice and inserts his tongue inside. My heart is
beating in my ears. He keeps moving it in and out,as I get used to that he puts
his finger on my clit,he moves it in circular motion with his wet and warm
tongue in my cookie. I'm a moaning mess right now. He moans and says "You
taste so good" like he is eating something out of this world. I feel a foreign
feeling building up until it explodes into a thousand beautiful pieces,I hold on
the duvet with my hands for dear life. My entire body is shaking and vibrating.
I feel like I'm way above earth right now. He comes back up and kisses me
with a smile on his face. He falls off me to his side of the bed,he hugs me from
behind and kisses the back of my neck. He is still in his brief,what a wow! I
want more.
"Babyyyyy" I say with a hoarse voice. He must gave me known what I want to
say because he just says
"You are not ready Sthandwa sami ngithembe." No use arguing with a pro so I
close my eyes and drift to sleep with a smile.

I can't help thinking about last and smile. I have never let any guy go that far
but with Zano it just feels right. Zano is in the shower,I'm done getting ready
because I woke up around 3am to study. I'm packing his clothes into his
suitcase. Jah I know little missy is acting like wifey but I can't help it I just want
to take care of him,this man means more to me than he can ever imagine and
to justify my actions by tradition it's already set in stone that I'm his wife. I'm
wearing a black tank top with my dusty pink umbrella skirt and black gladiator
sandals. I tied my hair into a neat puffy bun. I'm done packing Zano's stuff and
he is still in the shower so I decide to take my bags downstairs,he will take his
since he has to put in his toiletry bag.

"Morning Ma!" I greet MaNkosi as I put my bags down by the door to the
"Morning,breakfast is almost ready." I nod and to leave. "I see Mr Zulu is still
asleep. " she says with a silly grin plastered on her face.
I laugh out loud. Oh! I know what she is thinking,this woman has an overactive
"Cha Ma he will be down in a few minutes." I say smiling and she nods her
This woman right here just gave me an idea. I walk back upstairs with a smirk
on my face,Zano won't know what hit him. I walk in to the bedroom he is out of
the shower,he has a grey towel wrapped around his waist with his bare chest
out there for me to drool over. Le ndoda is well built bazalwane!
"What time does your flight leave?" I say strutting to him. He is sitting on the
bed busy typing away on his phone. He looks up from his phone with his
eyebrows raised.
"Around 08:00am ucabangani MaNododile?" He asks giving me a naughty
smile. I giggle.
"Okay. We still have time." I say straddling him and he throws his phone to the
center of the bed. He squeezes my butt,smiling like an idiot. Huh! He thinks
I'm going to let him do as he pleases,well his got another thing coming. It's my
turn to enjoy him. I might not know anything about penetration but I do know
everything else.

I slowly put my lips on his and we briefly kiss. The kiss turns passionate in a
minute and he squeezes my butt forcefully. I cam feel his erection growing
because I'm sitting on Ndabezitha . I slowly push him onto the bed,I unwrap
his towel and he looks at me like I'm going to murder him,I feel like laughing
but I push it back to where it came from. I kneel down on both my knees.
"Sthandwa sami you don't have to do that." He says balancing himself on his
"But I want to. Pretty please." I say pouting my lips. He chuckles.
"I'm all yours baby." I blush then he lays back on the bed. I remove the towel
and Ndabezitha springs out. Somebody is happy to see me. I hold his shaft
and trace my tongue upwards. I take the tip into my mouth and circle it with
my tongue. I then spit on Ndabezitha for lubrication and move my hand up
and down. My mouth is doing the very same on the fore length. He moans
and tries to get up but I push him back. "My turn baby" I think to myself. My
other hand is playing with his balls. After a while he starts groaning.
"I'm going to cum baby." He says.
"Yes please!" I say to myself. I deep throat him and I feel his muscles
spasming. He releases into my mouth. After he is done I get up from the floor.
He pulls me to him so I lay on top of him. He is trying to catch his breath with
his eyes closed. He squeezes my butt and I giggle. I peck his lips and he
smiles. After a minute or two his breathing goes back to normal.
"Where did you learn that?"

I slept through the entire flight. I quickly catch a taxi because it's getting dark. I
can't request a ride because there is no such here just plain old taxies. I put
on my earpods and listen to some RnB music. The guy sitting next to me is
busy looking at me,I bet he wants to say something. I increase the volume
and bob my head back and forth.

After 20 minutes of being squashed in a taxi. I see my street,I stop the

music,remove my earpods and put them in my backpack.
"Short left" I say to the driver,he nods and pulls over.
"Uxolo bhuti" I say to the brother who was stealing glances at me as I take my
heavy bags out. He gets off with one suitcase then closes the door,the taxi
heads off,I didn't think this was also his stop. He better not bother me. I along
my backpack and laptop bag over my shoulder. I place my duffel bag on top of
one of my two suitcases and pull them as I walk.
"I see you are still your stubborn self." He says.
I look at him trying to figure out where he knows me from. He must see the
look on my face because he chuckles and takes the duffel bag and suitcase
out of my hand. He sings the duffel bag over his shoulder.
"Damn this is heavy uthwele amatshe?" He asks. I laugh shaking my head.
"You really don't remember do you?" He asks looking hurt. I shake my head.
"I'm Asenathi Gcinisa,Ayabulela's little brother." I pop my eyes out. I
remember him now. He has changed so much from the boy I knew.
"Ayi wena ktheni wakhula kangaka Ase?" I ask giggling out of
embarrassment. How can I not remember my own friend? I used to date his
brother back in high school,we drove anyone crazy,the boys were jealous of
him and the girls wished I was dead. Asenathi was Aya's message boy and
when his brother had rugby practice or afternoon classes he would walk me
home that's how we got to be friends.
"Kuyakhulwa ke sisi apha." I laugh.
"Where did you disappear to because the last time I ever saw you was in
grade 10." I say.
"You know umama notata were never around so after Aya left they sent me to
boarding school." True they were always by themselves,Aya was two grades
ahead of us after Matric he went to study law in London and that's the last I
ever heard of him or Ase.
"Oh okay,you don't have to walk me home I can manage from here." I say as
we pass by his street. My street is a block away.
"Old habits die hard I guess." He says and we both laugh. They really do. "So
where did you disappear to because when I came back you were gone,I
thought I would see you during holidays but khange kwenzeke oko and then I
asked Vuylelwa where you were since she was your best friend she just said
you are at school that's all." I shake my head,He doesn't know that me and
Vuyelwa are now practically strangers,she doesn't know anything about
me,she was probably guessing when she told him I'm in school. We continue
catching up and I tell him about myself until we arrive at my house.
Asemahle,my niece comes running to hug me. I lift her up and kiss her all
over her face.
"I missed you so much Nande!" She says as I walk to the house with her in
my arms.

Asenathi bids me goodbye after putting my bags on the stoep and I thank him.
"Bewukhumbulwe ndim" I say giving her kisses and she giggles.
"Awusawathandi amakhwenkwe Zenande awunayinhloni." Nolunwabo says
clapping her hands once behind me.
I put Mahle down and tell her to take my backpack and laptop bag to my
room. She quickly does as I say but she also pulls a suitcase with her,I laugh
this child never listens. I turn and look at Holy,same old her I'm sure she is
drunk or has a massive hangover.
"And awusemuncu you seriously need to get laid." I say walking in to the
house with my bags leaving her outside.
I take my bags to my room and I check on what Mahle is doing,she is very
naughty so you have to be sure at all times. She is watching TV so I head
over to the kitchen since there is a delicious aroma filling the house. It means
mama is in the kitchen.
"Molo mama" I say hugging her from behind.
She smiles and squeezes my arms.
"Oh sanalwam!" She sounds down.
"Uright mama?" I ask pulling away and looking at her.
"NdiRight bhabha ndikhathele qha" she says walking to the fridge. "Awufuni
"Ayibo mama this is also my home I will pour it myself when I want it." I say
walking over to the pots while she laughs.
I open the lid and I'm greeted by steaming hot Ulusu(tripe). I take a spoon and
have a taste,delicious!
"Ayi Zenande hhambo hlamba! Stop vandalizing my pots,I swear Asemahle
gets her naughtiness from you awusemdala ngeloxesha!" She shouts pushing
me out of the kitchen.
"Ayi mama andisalambe,andifuni nokok'hlamba ndinqwenela ukutya mama" I
say sulking.
KARINA!" She shouts at me,I'm sure the entire neighborhood heard her. I
laugh and go to my room. There is definetly nothing wrong with her,she
misses you when you are out of sight and when you are close to her she gets
irritated. I text Zano and the girls letting them know that I arrived safely. The
girls reply instantly and we chat for a bit,Rea is still on a wild search for my so
called Look Alike. She claims that he is her soulmate,I laugh out loud and put
my phone on the bed. I put my clothes into the wardrobe then I take my
toiletry bag and go to the family bathroom. I take a nice and long hot bath.
When the water gets cold I get out and brush my teeth. I lotion,wear my
pyjamas and wash the bathtub,I don't want to give mama any reason to start
shouting although she always finds something. I go back to my room. As I put
my toiletries on the chest of drawers,Fortune Teller by Blxckie fills the
room(my personalised ringtone for Zano) I smile and say hello as I throw
myself on the bed. Mama would overreact if she saw me doing this,telling me
about how I don't want to see her having beautiful things in life. IDrama bahlali
ibuzwa kuThandiwe Joyce Nododile!
"Sthandwa sami kunjani emaXhoseni?" I laugh.
" It's okay. I missed being home nokungxola kwamama." He laughs.
"She missed you kalokhu" we both laugh.
"Jah Germany is good for you must be something in the air." I say giggling.
"Ngikukhumbulile mama."
"Big baby" I say slightly blushing.
There is something about that Mama that makes me imagine babies by this
man,I quickly shake my head.
"Did your mom tell you what she wanted to talk about?" He asks.
"Nope maybe she will when she is done cooking."
"Okay whatever it is just keep an open mind Sthandwa senhliziyo yami."
Why do I feel like he knows something that I don't? But that's not possible him
and my mom don't even talk. Maybe it's something about this Chosen drama.
"I promise baby."
We end up talking about babies and naming them.
"Seriously Mama names should have a strong meaning." He says.
"I get it but those names? Ayi it's too much. I'm sure you are also part of the
population that thinks twins should have matching names like Summer and
Autumn." He laughs.
And tells me that is exactly what he thinks. I really don't understand why
people do that,I mean these two individuals might have been conceived at the
same time but they are two different people.
"You are a lost cause." I say yawning and laying on my side. He tells me
about the new club,restaurant,Germany and NoZulu Tradings. I love listening
to him talk about what sets his soul on fire.

I don't know how or when I fell asleep but the first thing I hear is mama.
"Andiyazi intombi elala ide ibethwe yilanga eyimpundu!" She shouts while
opening the curtains and windows.
"Ayibo mama I was jetlagged bethuna."
"Sundiqhela Zenande ktheni ndithetha nawe uthetha? If you feel like you are a
grown woman then go and build your own house. There can never be two
bulls in one kraal soze!"
Eh! This woman so early in the morning though? What did I even do? I just
keep quiet and look at her,she can't be serious.
"Uthulele ntoni? Awusakwazi ukthetha ngoku?"
Eh! Ndavelelwa ksasa. I get up from the bed,grab my toiletries and leave her
in there. One thing I have learnt in my years of living is to just let her be
because when you answer it turns into another one sided argument. I love my
mom but living with her is hell that's why I chose to move far from here,I might
as well go back to Pretoria next week,Radio Mama is too much.

When I walk in to my room I find it all squeaky clean and the bed is made. My
mom really loves a clean place,I guess that's why I'm also a neat freak. My
mom walks in as I lotion my body,with a towel wrapped around.
"Unxibe something decent we have visitors coming." I nod.
"Mama yintoni lento ubufuna ukundixelela?" She looks down,she seems
She looks back at me and tears fall from her eyes. My mom never cries
something must be really wrong. I quickly get up from my chair and go sit
beside her on the bed. I pull her into my arms and give her a hug.
"Mama kwenzeka ntoni? Uright?" She shakes her head like she is having a
battle with her inner self,the head shake is not for me but for herself. She
looks at me and As she was about to say something.
"Nguwe ingxaki apha awuboni?" Nolu voices her 2 cents leaning on the door
This one knows how to get on my nerves.
"Yeah right like you are the solution." I say rolling my eyes.
"Hhayi Nolunwabo khawuziphathe. You are getting on my last nerve!" My
mom says looking at my sister like she is about to strangle the sense back
into her head.
"You always take her side why? Is it because she is light skinned? Because
she finished Matric,she is about to get married and she doesn't have a bastard
child?" Nolu asks my mom.
How great! She always does this,gets on mama's bad side and when she gets
reprimanded for it,she compares herself to me.
"It's never about sides or who did what or who is going to do what. I love you
both equally you are both my children. I carried you for nine and I brought you
into this world,I raised you both hoping and praying that you become better
than me in life. I put myself second from the day that you were born
Nolunwabo,i make sure that you are never in need of anything even to this
day no matter how grown up you are. But you never see that Nolunwabo,you
always blame Nande for that excuse of a man who decided to walk out freely
on us when you were just a little girl,you blame her for everything that goes
wrong in your life even if you are the one who does,you even blamed her for
ukumitha kwakho even nguwe wavula leyo milenze. Then you sit there and
wonder why things aren't going your way it's because awunqweneli omnye
umntu okuhle. Ukhohlakele mtaka Noganta!" She says with tears in her eyes.
"At least you know who my father is mxm. Not lonto yakho wayilanda
emakhishini." She says turning to leave.
Nolunwabo has already left,probably going to get herself drunk with some
man's money and paying for it by being a one night stand.
This is how I grew up. If I got higher marks than her she would say mama
chooses me over her,when I passed Matric she said it's because mama only
supports me and when she heard I'm about to get married she said I love
men,I even drove her father away.
Mama gets up and tells me to get dressed then walks out. Sometimes I think
that maybe my father raped her that's why she never talks about him,I mean
mama is a domestic worker so that is possible. There are very cruel men out
there that take advantage of vulnerable women,my heart breaks at that
I wear a knee length polka dotted dress and my gladiator sandals. I moisturize
my shoulder length curly hair and comb it. Combing my afro always makes me
cringe if it's not moisturized properly. I decide to leave it lose,I love my hair no
lie. This is my crown. I grab my phone and go to the,I'm hungry.

"Uphi Asemahle?" I ask my mom,who is cleaning the cupboards.

"Utatakhe umthethe."
"Oh okay andisalambe" I say checking what's in the cupboards.
"Sundiqhela Nande awuboni ndiyazivasa eziCupboards? Andithanga ungatyi
man phezolo nxn."
Yoh! I walk out of the kitchen.
"Hhambo thenga isonka ndibeke imali kwiRoomdivider!" She yells from the

I take the money and walk to the shop,it's a bit far so I keep myself busy with
texting my girls,Buhle tells us that Muzi also a Zulu and there I was thinking
that they are friends. Ayi! Assumptions will kill us.
I buy bread and a lollipop,yes mama is going to shout all day because of a
mere one rand but I'm hungry so I will stick it out. As I head back home I bump
into Vuyelwa,my former best friend. We were best friends from primary
school,we did everything together and then she decided to open her legs for
Ayabulela knowing very well that he is with me. Luckily Aya left for London so
I was only left with Vuyelwa and her betrayal. I never got close to anybody,I
didn't want friends until I met Rea when I was doing my first year. The part
that hurt the most is that she never even apologized or told me why she did it.
"Zenande!" She says looking like she is seeing a ghost.
"Vuyelwa" I say with no emotion whatsoever. "How have you been it's been
long" she says. "Bye Vuyelwa" The nerve that she has is not sold in any South
African butchery honestly. I leave her there with her mouth open.

Along the way I bump into neighbours that are surprised to see me,they stop
me to ask questions about my life. They want to sip tea over my name,I don't
give them anything tangible. They act like I have been gone for 30 years not a
year honestly.

When I get to my house there is a white Mercedes-Benz G63 parked in the

yard next to a black Jeep Wrangler,I let out a whistle. Now this right here is
beauty I say to myself,these must be really important people right here. I walk
in to the house and I start feeling uneasy. I walk to the kitchen and I find my
mom setting juice,scones and glasses on a tray then she tells me to follow
her. She looks really nervous. Are the Zulus here? Zano would have warned
me,I know him. I drink water and slowly breathe in and out to cone my nerves.
"Hey baby you didn't send some special visitors and forget to tell me right?" I
quickly hit send. He is probably in a meeting right now. As I walk to the lounge
I feel my stomach turn and my heart beats like a drum. I think I'm shaking
also,I must it must be hunger but I really don't think I can stomach food right

There are three men and one woman excluding my mom. There is a chair
next to my mom,I guess that's my seat since the visitors are occupying all the

"Dio Mio!"(Oh my God!).The woman gasps.

She stands up and covers her mouth with both her hands. Everybody turns to
look at me and they all have shock and surprise written all over their faces
and I can see a bit of relief in their eyes,now I wonder who they really are
because they are not in any way related to the Zulus. The young man looks at
me and smiles with glassy eyes,he looks like me you would swear we are cut
from the same cloth and the fact that I'm looking at the mirror behind him is
making matters worse. He has short and straight brown hair,where else I have
long and curly brown hair. He has a straight and brown eyes,just like me. The
only difference is that I'm biracial and he is monoracial. Could this be my
father's family? I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I
realize that I'm still standing by the door,maybe I should make a run for it but
that would be selfish of me by the looks of it my mom needs me right now.
With that made up in my head,I gather all my strength and put one foot in front
of the other and take a seat beside my mother who is a crying mess right now.
I look at her with that Are You Okay look,she nods and smiles through her

"Karina" the older man says softly.

I abruptly turn my head to look at my mom,how does this man know my
name? Mama must see the look on my face she laughs softly shaking her
head. I guess she must have told them. The man has an accent I think he
must be Spanish or something like that. I look at him.
"I'm Flavio Rosso and this is my brother Leonardo." He says pointing to the
man beside him.
I look at the man and he seems like he was crying his eyes are red but his
face is unreadable. He is bald,has a straight nose and brown eyes. He looks
like the older version of the young man.
I nod my head in acknowledgement of what he just said.
"Over there that's my wife Charia and my nephew Diego."
I nod my head again.
All these people have brown eyes except the woman she has blue eyes and
blonde hair. She looks like she is in her late 50s.
"Okay nice to meet you all,as you all know I'm Zenande Karina Nododile.
Since we are done with the introductions how can we help you?" I ask looking
at Flavio.

My mom slaps my thigh and everybody else laughs. How nice at least some
of us are able to laugh
"I didn't raise you like that Zenande!" She says sternly.
At least she ditched the tears. I apologize to everyone and look down to my
"I'm sure you are wondering why these people are here" my mom says.
Obviously! I inwardly roll my eyes,like she also wouldn't be curious.
I nod my head looking at her.
"I never really got the chance to tell you about your paternal side" she says
looking down at the coffee table.
Not that she never got the chance,she never wanted to talk about it,she
always got angry whenever I brought it up so I learnt to never ask.
"Are they from father's side mama?" I ask.
She just nods her head without saying anything.
This is unbelievable! I never thought I would ever meet any of them,I had
already made peace with that.
"I'm your uncle" Flavio says with a smile.
"I'm your brother and this is your aunt." Diego says pointing to Charia.
I pop my eyes out. Did he just say brother?
"I have a brother?" The question comes out as a whisper instead.
I guess he heard me because he gives me a genuine smile and nods his head
indicating a yes. He has a warm smile,that makes me feel like I don't need to
worry about anything. I like him already. They all have this dark aura but
underneath all of that he seems like somebody I could quickly get used to.
I smile back at him and involuntarily tears fall.
"Is our father still alive?" I ask with a cracking voice.
I would have really loved to meet him,I have a lot of questions only he can
answer. Diego nods with twinkling eyes. As I'm about to ask where he is.
"I'm your father." A deep voice says.
I turn to it and it's Leonardo. He is my father? I mean yes it's possible he looks
like Diego meaning I also look like him but how because he smells of
money,you can tell that they are all loaded from the Armani suits they are

My head goes blank,it's like my mom brain just got frozen. I sit there with my
mouth wide open,looking at this man who claims to be my dad.
"I met Adriano... I mean Leonardo 22 years ago,I was his maid." Mama says.
Farrah Gawd no! Is my thinking true? Did this man take advantage of her? Am
I a product of rape?
I shake my head multiple times and the flood gates open up. It can't be true!
I'm just thinking a lot right?
My mom sits closer to me and pulls me into her arms.
"Did he rape you?" I ask sobbing.
"No no no... He would never do such. We were in a relationship."
I pull out of her embrace and sit up straight looking her straight in the eye.
"You cheated on Nolunwabo's dad?" I ask.
Then it means I deserve Nolu's fury then,I did break her parents up,I'm the
proof of mama's affair no man can ever stay after that.
"It happened when me and him were separated. He had started drinking and
not paying any attention to me or Nolunwabo,he no longer supported us
financially and I wasn't working. So I took Nolu to my mother and went to
Gqebherha,to look for work so I can be able to support her. I lived with my
aunt for a couple of months without finding anything and that was heavy on
me honestly,here I was with a 5 year old daughter that needed me but I was
failing her. Then one day when I was walking home because I had no money
to take a taxi,this man right there stopped and asked to take me home since it
was dark." She says smiling looking Leonardo.
I turn my head to look at him and he is looking at me. I wonder what's on his

"As I drove her home she told me about how she has been job hunting for
months without any luck,you could tell how she desperately needed a job from
how she spoke about her daughter back home. As a parent myself I felt sorry
for her,having a little girl and no means of financial support would also give
me sleepless nights. I offered her her a job to help around the house since I
had just moved to South Africa and I was living alone." Leonardo says looking
all serious. This man is scary! He must be a principal I'm sure.

"I accepted the offer right then and there. I ended up living there to save
transport money so I can send more money home. We had a great working
relationship and we also became friends. He told me about how rough his
divorce was,his child and a lot of other things and I also did the same. One
day one thing led to another and that's how our relationship started. It was all
good Adriano is a wonderful man. One day Noganta came to the house and
asked me to go back with him for a weekend because he wanted to pay
damages for Nolu and since my family didn't like him one bit he asked me to
go talk to them so that they don't turn his family away. Since I couldn't deny
him the right to his child I agreed. I planned on telling Adri...- I mean Leonardo
but he never came back for the entire two days,so on Friday after I knocked
off I came back home to sort everything out." She says then drinks her water.

"Work was really hectic those few days because I was starting a new business
in a foreign country I had a lot to do. I was always at the office day in and day
out. On that very Friday I got a call from my mother telling me that my ex wife
tried killing herself and my son. After that phone call I went to the house and
Joyce wasn't there. I asked the security guards where she went and they told
me that she went back home,I tried calling her but her phone was off. So I
went back to Italy without hearing from her or telling her. That's the last time I
ever saw her." Leonardo says looking down to the floor.
He must be hurt but his demeanour won't let him show it.

"I spoke to my parents and let them know that the Noganta family was coming
to pay damages the following weekend. My parents really despised him so my
insisted that I take a week off from work and prepare everything myself. I tried
contacting Leonardo to let him know but I never succeeded. I did as I was told
and when the weekend came neither Noganta or his family ever showed up. I
went to our house and the devil wasn't there,he had moved and sold me the
house." She says taking a sip of water.

She really seems hurt,I guess she loved Leonardo but life just got in the way
of their love.

"I went back to work but when I got there got there nobody was at he house
including the guards. I asked the neighbors what was happening and they told
me that the house was sold two days ago. Luckily I knew where one of the
guards lived so I went there and unfortunately he confirmed what I was told.
He gave me money and told me that Leonardo had paid us for the entire year
including bonuses." She says chuckling.
My poor mom,she looks sad. I look at Leonardo and he has a straight face but
his eyes tell a different story. You can tell that he blames himself for her
"I came back home and I bought this house with that money and took Nolu to
school. It was a lot of money so it covered a lot of things and then I saved up
the money that was left. After a month or two I found out I was pregnant with
you,I decided right then and there that I would give you two my all,you
wouldn't need a father. You are a symbol of our love." She says smiling with
glassy eyes.
"You did a great job mama" I say hugging her.
"The day before you were born my mother passed away before she passed
she said that your name is Zenande because that's her last wish for the family
to grow. And that's what you did sanalwam you added to our happiness and
"You named me Karina?" She nods.
She is a typical Xhosa woman so I expected her to be the one that named me
but where does the other name come from? Maybe Karina was a favourite
actress or singer.
"Leonardo had always told me about how he wished to have a daughter one
day but all those dreams were shattered because of his divorce. He once told
me that he would name her after a few names but I remembered Karina from
the list because I also loved it. So I decided to name you after that since you
are his dream come true." She says gulping down the rest of her water.
Wow! That's one beautiful story,I know I won't get that but I wish to see them
as a couple they must have been the cutest.
"How did you find us?" I ask Leonardo.

"We do business with NoZulu Tradings so this other day I saw Zanothando's
status update on WhatsApp,you looked like our aunt who has passed on
whom I was also told I look like her,she was dad's twin sister. I thought that
maybe you are her daughter and the family never knew about you so I did
some digging on you. When I found out about your mother that's when I
headed to our father with the information and that led us to being here today."
Diego says.
"You had me followed" I state instead of asking.
"I'm sorry I did that I really am but I had to get everything I can about you and
that was the only way I could do that." He says looking remorseful.
I can't believe all of this. I mean yes I hate the fact that he followed me around
that made me feel like I was going crazy but right now I can't even be angry at
him because yesterday I didn't even know any of them and today by the grace
of God I have met them. I'm truly happy and it feels like a dream.
"So what happens now?" I ask.
I hope we can be able to build a relationship but I will totally understand if they
don't want me as part of their family even though it would break my heart but it
will be alright eventually at least I know them.
"I never got the chance to be there for you when you were born until now so I
would like to have that chance. I know I can't erase all those years without me
but I want to be here for you for the rest of my life,like your mom said you are
my dream come whenever in a day have I ever thought I would have a
beautiful baby girl like you." Leonardo says looking at me with glassy eyes.
This man has this strong aura but here he is showing me this sensitive side
that I'm sure the world doesn't know. I stand up without thinking and my feet
carry me to Leonardo. I sit on his lap like a little girl,I rest my head on his
shoulder and cry my eyes out. I'm not crying because I'm sad but because I'm
happy I never thought that this day would come,I'm really over the moon. He
rests his chin on head and rubs my back until I stop being a crybaby. I feel
safe in his arms,I feel loved and it feels like home. I look at my uncle and this
big man is crying and that's the same for everybody else except Diego and

I remove my head from Leonardo's shoulder and squeeze myself between

him and my uncle. I hold each of their hands in mine.
"Okay we are ditching the tears now." I say giggling and they chuckle.
"I'm more than happy to have you guys in my life,Dad this was also my dream
right here to sit next to you one day,for you to hold me like you just did and
now I have that." I say.
He looks at me smiling from ear to ear he then hugs me. I guess it's because I
called him dad.
"Your mom has already explained everything that we have to do traditionally
in honour of the Nododile family since they have raised you but that's if you
want to be a part of our family. We wouldn't blame you if you wanted nothing
to do with us." My uncle says looking serious.
"When and I we do It? I can't wait uncle don't stress." I say giggling and
squeezing his hand to reassure him. We all plan on when the Rosso family
will come pay Inhlawulo(damages) and all that is required for the ceremony.
My dad insists that everything should be done before Christmas because he
wants me to he his little girl officially. My mom and aunt cook while we catch
up,Diego asks me how I know Zano. I tell him that he is my boyfriend and he
tells me that Zano's girlfriend is Duduzile Buthelezi from what he knows. I
explain to them that me and Zano have a soul tie and that I'm the woman
chosen by his ancestors for him. My dad really doesn't understand this.
"He once told me about that but I thought he was going crazy" Diego says
while laughing. Me and mom try to make them understand me and Zano's
situation all through lunch. In the afternoon they decide to take their leave
after I hijacked them into a mini family shoot. I walk them out and wave until I
can no longer see their cars from view. I finally feel at peace.

I find my mom sitting in the kitchen with her phone in her hands. She looks
"Ktheni mama? Yintoni?" I ask her.
"Awundiqumbelanga?" She asks with a sad face.
"Asoze" I say giggling and she laughs.
She calls my uncle Mandla while I make diner,my uncle's assures her that
they will be here on Thursday to prepare everything for Saturday.
I dish up for us,I made Umphokoqo namasi,my favourite. Since it's only mama
and me,it means more for me. Nolunwabo is probably at some shebeen
drinking some man's money and Asemahleis at her dad's house.
After eating my mom washes the dishes while I take a bath.

After wearing my pyjamas I check my phone,I didn't get a chance to look at it

the entire day. There are 6 missed calls from Zano and one from an unknown
number,well if they were serious they would have called again so it must be a
wrong number. I call Zano.
"Themba lami" he says sounding sleepy.
"Hi baby did I wake you?"
"Cha mama ngikhathele nje,I need a massage from a certain special set of
hands." I giggle.
This man has a way with words.
"Shesha ubuye so I can give it to you Mr Special." He laughs softly.
Gawd his laugh is so soothing and calming. I wouldn't mind hearing it for the
rest of my days.
"Konke kuhambe kahle namhlanje?" He sounds nervous.
"You knew didn't you?"
I'm sure he is the one who gave Diego information about me.
"Hhayibo mama sengaba yiGoogle mina?" I laugh out loud.
"Ihaba baby! Diego told me about me followed and I know that you found out
when you confronted the guy who was following me that's when my brother
told you everything." I say sounding so sure you would swear I was there
when this happened.He laughs out loud.
"Why ungavele ube yiPrivate Investigator sthandwa sami? Phela your talent is
going to waste kwiMedicine." He says and it's my turn to laugh.
"Yes Diego told me but it wasn't my place to say anything this is an issue for
the Rosso and Nododile family I didn't want to mess it all up and involve
myself. I trust Diego so I helped him where I can and I knew you be okay with
him around,he cares about you they all do." He says.
I don't know why my heart started dancing after his last sentence,I smile and
we chat for a while until he tells me he has paperwork to finish off.
"Ulale kahle ntombenhle" I blush.
"Thank you for coming into my life Zulu,without you my family wouldn't have
found me. You continue showering me with happiness Mageba and it's so
surreal. You were a stranger a month ago but now you are the highlight of my
life. Ngiyabonga Ndabezitha."
He remains silent for a while and I know he is digesting everything I just said.
"Akukho okungeke ngikwenze for wena Sthandwa Sami injabulo yakho yiko
okusemqoka kumina. Yimina onenhlanhla ngokubusiswa ngomuntu
onjengawe MaNyawuza."
He sounds so sincere that I feel my eyes water up,I sniff and he laughs.
"Ncese Sthandwa ungakhali." I giggle.
"Mina? Khala? Asoze!" We both laugh.
"Iyak'thanda indoda uyezwa?"
"Ithandwa ndim uyixelele." I say giggling.
"Zenande ngithe iyak'thanda indoda uyezwa?" I laugh.
"Yebo ngiyezwa Zulu"
"Good girl ubogeza izindlebe" I laugh and then hang up. This clown.
I go join my mom in the lounge,we watch a movie while munching on
popcorn,some good old mother and daughter time.

These past 3 weeks have been the most hectic and best days of my life. The
Rosso family paid the damages and we went to change my surname. I'm now
officially Zenande Karina Rosso. We went to my dad's house in Venice for a
weekend so I could meet my other family members,they were all so warm and
welcoming I never even felt like the long lost child even for a second. My
nonna(grandmother) insists that I learn Italian. I'm having difficulty under that
department honestly! I promised to visit them again during the winter
holidays,since they are a really big family I came back with a lot of gifts and
money. It's surreal I went from being a girl that saves up so that she can get
certain things to a girl that is showered money upon,I have never had this
amount of money that is in my bank account before but I'm honestly not
complaining,it's the life!

Rea and Buhle were shocked when I told them about all of this and for backup
I also sent them pictures because my girls never believe anything without
seeing any kind of proof that's the way they are,apparently my brother is
Rea's so called "Soulmate". She has been pestering me on hooking them up
before the streets snatch him away from her,just imagine she doesn't even
know the guy! But I'm just super excited for the girls to meet my dad and
Diego since they are the ones that are always in the country.

The Zulu family sent a letter requesting for a date for the lobola negotiations
and yesterday my uncle's replied. I'm happy and nervous at the same time.
Am I ready to be a wife? Better yet am I ready to be in a polygamous
marriage? I knew that this whole thing ends up in marriage but I never thought
that this would happen so soon. To be honest I'm having doubts I mean Dudu
is now giving me attitude since she found out that I'm supposed to be the first
wife,meaning that I'm going to get married before and she has to wait. I
couldn't careless about rankings but she seems to hate me for that,and I don't
think that's how it should be. Things between me and Zano are great! I don't
even doubt for a second that I want him in my life,he is a blessing to me. I
found my family because of him,he is the reason for my happiness and I also
want to be the reason for his. He came to visit me when he came back from
Berlin and yes he stayed at a hotel for that entire week. We still haven't done
anything,I appreciate the fact that he respects my decision of taking things
slowly it shows that he also respects me. He is a great boyfriend but I can't
help but wonder what kind of husband he will be. I mean it's one thing dating a
man that has another girlfriend and it's a completely different story being
married to a man that has another wife. I can't help but feel that once he puts
that ring on my finger everything will change.

My dad bought me a super beautiful 3 bedroom apartment for school

purposes so bye bye to student accommodation,I'm so not going to miss it!
Gauteng Top Models replied and you guessed it! I'm now one of their models!
I'm so excited about all of this honestly,this has always been a dream of mine
since I was a little girl and now I get the chance to make it a reality. Now I see
what Bab' Cele meant when he said that once we accept our soul tie then
things will be better in our lives. Dad booked out a restaurant just for us so
that we can celebrate my signing,one thing I have noticed about Papi(daddy)
is that he spoils me rotten I think it's his way of making up for all the years he
wasn't around. Who am I kidding actually the entire Rosso family is big on
splurging money,it's not a problem to them.

I just finished packing my suitcase. I'm going to Pretoria tomorrow so that I

can spend time with Diego and dad. Dad is coming later on,he is still in
Venice. On the 17th I have to come back here because on the 19th it's the
Lobola negotiations. I just packed one suitcase,Diego has moved all of my
stuff from the flat to my apartment so I'm sorted with clothing and I'm only
packing to come back again so it's less work taking one suitcase.

I head out to the kitchen,I need something to drink. I find my mom cooking
samp and oxtail.
"It smells nice in here" I say sniffing the air while I open the fridge.
"Who else can make it smell nice because nibaleka izimbiza Zenande?" She
asks placing the lid on the pot.
Oh yes! She is back to her normal self. I close the fridge disappointed,there is
no juice.
"Hhayibo! Mama andiziwoyiki izimbiza,I was still packing my stuff."
"Jah! Ndizawuthini andithi owami utata wasweleka nanku umtaka Rossi
aqonda ukba ndiyiSlave samaTalian mna" she complains while walking to the
I follow her laughing quietly behind her,so much drama. If she even sees that
I'm laughing then I'm a dead person walking.
"Mama ndikphathele ntoni ndiya eShop" I ask my dramatic mother.
"Uyandinyoba ngoku because ndithethe inyani,ngoku you want to buy my
silence" she say switching on the TV.
Mama should have tried acting shame! We would have been rich because I'm
sure she would win awards.
"Okay" I say.
I walk to my room,take a R200 note from my purse and put it on the back of
my phone.
"UNDIPHATHELE I-AIRTIME YER50!" She shouts as I walk out of the house.

I find Bahle playing with her friends on the street,when she notices me she
runs to me. I pick her dusty self-up and plant kisses all over her cute face. She
giggles,her giggles are like music to my ears I always want her to be happy. I
vowed to protect her and make sure she never feels unloved the day
Nolunwabo came back from the hospital.
"Ndicela uhhamba nawe evenkileni" she says giving me puppy eyes.
I'm definetly not walking the entire Lusikisiki with a little phara(hobbo).
"Tell you what how about you go home ,take a bath and wear your pyjamas
then I will buy you whatever you want from the shop"
She nods furiously,I laugh at her she is really the cutest 6 year old I know. I
put her down and she says her goodbyes to her friends. Her equally dirty
friends don't bother going back to their respective homes they just continue
playing,how I wish to put them all in a bath tub and bathe them.
"Ndikphathele ntoni ke nana?"
I ask as I walk her to the gate. I know Its not necessary but I have to for
safety reasons,there are cruel people out there.
"Ndicela undiphathele iBiscuits neIce-cream"
I nod my head acknowledging that I hear her and I kiss her head. She runs
the house,I watch her until she gets inside then I close the gate and head to
the shop. Boys start whistling as I turn the corner. Yes! I said Boys because
no man does this childish act. I'm wearing my denim highwaist shorts,a lime
green backless crop top and my Jordan sneakers. My hair is braided into long
Box braids that reach below my butt and I have met them lose. I look good
that I definetly know,these insecure girls from my hood are definetly not gonna
like me for this. I get busy on my phone to pass time.
I hear my name being shouted out. I turn and it's Vuyelwa. I wonder what she
wants,this girl doesn't want to get the fact that we are no longer friends into
her head. She quickly jogs over to me.
"Thanks for waiting for me" she says trying to catch her breath.
I nod my head in acknowledgement and continue walking.
"Uhm Zee bengithi I'm so sorry for everything I did,I was young and stupid. I
let jealousy control me and now I see how much o have hurt you" she says
looking down to the ground.
Finally! She decides to apologize,how the mighty have fallen.
"Look Vuyelwa I forgave you a long time ago. I needed to do that my for
myself in order to move on. We don't have any bad blood I assure you but
what I want you to know is that we are not friends and we will never ever be
such" I say.
She looks sad sad,well serves her right I don't need more friends than I
already have and to be honest busy bodies like her are one thing I want to
stay clear of. I hear Fortune Teller and I smile to myself. My Prince charming
has saved me from this boring conversation.
"My love" I say as I answer the phone.
Vuyelwa looks shocked,I'm sure she is going to gossip about this. I laugh to
myself as I imagine her telling people that I'm actually not studying but I live
with a Blesser. Honestly I don't care she can tell lies all she wants,I cared
about it all when I was still young now I don't even bother. People will talk no
matter what you do.

"Ntombenhle awu kodwa ubuya nini indoda iyakukhumbula manje" I giggle.

He doesn't know that I'm heading back tomorrow.
"Bekezela Love ngiyeza kusasa loku okusayo"
Vuyelwa abruptly turns her head to look at me. I wonder what's wrong with
"Usheshe ufike ngikhathele ubhuti wakho sekangiphendule intombi yakhe" I
I love their relationship,they are like blood brothers and it makes me happy. I
want all the men in my life to get along.
"Hhayibo Zulu! Ubhuti ungishaye ngestina?" I ask between laughs.
He bursts out in laughter. Music to my ears,I feel happy when I make him
smile or laugh.
"Uzokhala" he says laughing.
He complains about anything and everything under the sun until I reach the
"Love I have to go we will talk later. I love you" I say to him.
"Uziphathe kahle mama. Indoda iyakuthanda" I blush for a bit then hang up.
"So Nolunwabo was right" Vuyelwa says while paying for her stuff.
"About?" I ask as I also pay for my goods.
"Bendicela neAirtime yeR50" I say to the shopkeeper.
He smiles hands me over my change and airtime and also the things I have
bought in a plastic bag. I thank him then we walk back home.
"She said you are getting married to a Zulu man" Vuyelwa says after a while.
Honestly I expected this that's why I never wanted her to be told who exactly
I'm getting married to and why. Luckily my family agreed with me without any
arguments. The entire Lusikisiki by now just knows that I'm getting married to
a Zulu man that's it.
"Yeah you can say so" she nods.
"So you are leaving tomorrow?" She asks.
I just nod my head again,no need to say anything.
"Ayabulela is coming back home tomorrow he would be really happy to see
you" she says looking at me with sadness written all over her face.
My heart stops beating for a second. That's the only guy I loved,he knew me
better than anyone. I wonder what he looks likes after all these years. Is he
still the same person who was so gentle with me and his brother yet tough
and rough to the world. Well I hope he is a better man now,he takes
responsibility for his actions.
"Good for him. What Ayabulela and I had ended years ago. We both lead
different lives and we have grown as people. I don't have any bad blood with
him or you for that matter but we will never go back to what we were once,we
are not friends and we will never be. Enjoy spending time with YOUR friend
and I kindly ask of you to leave my name out of your dirty mouths while you do
that." I say as I leave her there and walk to my house by myself.

Asemahle is an angel. I think to myself as I brush her little face while she is
asleep. Last night she threw tantrums not wanting to sleep alone so I had to
sleep with her in mine. What I love about this little girl is that she is never
bothered whether her mother is around or not,she is used to having only
mama and me around,We basically raised her.

I just finished doing my morning routine,I get up from the bed and look for
something to wear. After a few minutes of looking trough my wardrobe I
decide on a white below the knee curve hugging skirt with a split on the thigh
and it's matching spaghetti strap crop top that shows off my flat stomach. I get
dressed then tie my braids into a lazy bun. I lay my edges,Mahle wakes up as
I put on minimal make-up.
"Uyahhamba Nande?" She asks rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
I turn away from the mirror to face her. She is even more cute when she
wakes up,you would swear she is not the one that causes chaos in this house.
"Ewe bhabha ndizobuya though,uthe ndikzele nantoni kanene?" I ask her as I
lotion my hands.
"Unodoli nezilokhwe zakhe" she says excitedly.
Honestly her dad has bought her so much of those dolls but she keeps on
misplacing them one after the other,and yet she keeps on asking for them.
Talk about determination.
"Okay baby hhambo hlamba ubuso uxubhe namazinyo sizokwazi ukuyotya
iBreakfast andithi?"
She nods and quickly runs out of my room,just like her aunt she loves food a
lot,I'm surprised why we are both still so skinny. I go pick out clothes she will
wear because if I let her do that then I will get a scolding from mama because
her granddaughter always creates a mess. When she is done I help her put
on her clothes,I know I'm over doing it she can dressed by herself but I just
can't help it. When we are both satisfied with what we see in the mirror we go
have breakfast.

After eating a huge delicious breakfast if I might say and helping my mom with
the dishes,I go back to my room,take off my slippers and put on my black
wedges. I put on nude lipstick and then I put it and everything that I need in
my bag. I sling my bag over my shoulder and roll my suitcase out.
Mom and Mahle walk me to the gate because mom is complaining about not
feeling well,which she isn't it's just a coy so that I don't leave. After hugging
and kissing them I put on my earpods and press play Family Values by Riky
Rick. This man was a giant in the entertainment industry and also South
African hip-hop,it's a shame that we lost him so soon but he surely will live on
forever through his great music. As I walk down the busy street I realize that I
forgot my sunglasses,oh well! I just hope mama locks up my room before Nolu
sells all of my stuff,because I know she will. If no man pays attention to her or
offers to buy her alcohol at least she has the decency to hustle for that drink
but unfortunately it means stealing from me,only me. Sometimes I wish that
we could have a normal sister relationship but how can you have that with
somebody who hates your guts for something you also don't know about. A
car pulls up as I'm lost in my thoughts,I'm really not in the mood to be hitted
on by old man so I keep on walking.
"Need a lift to the airport Nododile?"
I look curiously to the drivers side and to my relief it's Asenathi.
"Come on" he says getting out of the car.
"Are you sure it won't be a problem though?"I ask as he puts my suitcase in
the boot.
"Asoze" he says while winking.
We both laugh at that because "Asoze" was always my answer for everything
back in high school. He opens the passenger door for me,which I call
the Stupid Seat because of how many guys that actually lose their manners
when riding shortgun in their friends' car. I get in and he closes the door for
me. He has really grown up I say to myself as he gets in on the driver's side.
He starts the ignition while looking at me,it's not sexual or anything it's like he
is trying to see the girl he knew in me. I laugh at this and he just shakes his
head while driving off.
"Let me guess really hard Vuyelwa told you right?" I ask sarcastically.
He chuckles and then nods meaning yes.
That girl's head is messed up real bad,it's like all she does for a living is
gossip,she should consider doing Journalism.
"Mxm! So where are you off to?" I ask.
"I'm going to fetch Aya from the airport" he says looking at me.
"Okay" I say and look out the window.
When someone says Aya's name in my presence they always expect me to
have some sort of reaction and it's really irritating. I cried all I could,I forgave
where I should and I put the past where it belongs. People should just grow up
as I have. After a while my phone rings,it's Diego.
"Puffo"(Smurf) I say giggling.
"Pufetta"(Smurfette) I smile.
As you all have guessed the nicknames were inspired by the Smurf,We
watched the movie together and after that Diego started calling me Pufetta
which is Italian and I followed suit.
"So who is gonna fetch me?"
"Either me or fratello just tell us when you land because now we are still busy
with work"(brother).
"Okay. I love you"
"I love you too little sis" then he hangs up.
"The boyfriend?" Asenathi asks as he parks the car.
"Nope the brother" I say getting out of the car.
He helps me with my suitcase as I reapply my lipstick.
"Don't you want to wait for Aya? I'm sure he will be here any minute now" the
smile on my face disappears.
My turn to flee,I'm not up for this,I have a plane to catch.
"Nope he ain't a celebrity. Bye Are thanks for the ride!" I say as I walk through
the doors leaving him laughing his lungs out.

As I walk out of the entrance I see Diego's Jeep Wrangler. I quickly walk to
him and we hug as he spins me around and I giggle like a little girl.
"Nami ngicela iHug" I turn my head.
My love is standing there looking all sorts of yummy in his black suit and white
shirt. He hands a bottle of water to my brother and Gawd he looks beautiful. I
smile and jump into his arms,he catches me while laughing. After breathing
him in he puts me down and gives me a deep kiss. I'm home,this right here is
where I belong. His hands move to his favourite place and he squeezes my
butt. I giggle in his mouth,He is so readable. He smiles.
"You two better get a room,we don't want to be exposed to pornographic
content" Diego says as he starts the ignition.
I look down in embarrassment,I totally forgot that we are in a public space the
people passing by must think that I don't have any morals. Zano laughs while
leading me to the backseat,I get in while he loads my suitcase in the trunk. He
gets in on the passenger side and we drive off as they talk about
business,merchandise,negotiating,proposals,deals and all things related to
their work the entire drive to my apartment.

Dad surely went all out with my apartment,it looks beautiful like a cut out from
a magazine,it looks out of this world and it looks expensive. Who am I kidding
I know that it's expensive,it's in the most expensive side of Pretoria. After a
few minutes I realize that my jaw is hanging,I quickly close my mouth while
Zano and my brother laugh at my reaction,idiots! I shake my head smiling at
their stupidness.
"Stand like that,I want to take a picture of you two" Diego says while taking out
his phone.
He is definitely similar to Rea,maybe I should give in to Rea and introduce
them to each other. We do a mini shoot courtesy of myself. After that Zano
takes my suitcase to my bedroom,he knows this place well thanks to helping
Diego with my stuff. He asks if he could take a shower,I tell him that he
doesn't even have to ask because this is also his home.
I cook while my brother keeps me company.
"Puffo why don't you have a girlfriend?" He laughs.
"Who said I don't?" He asks with a smirk after laughing his lungs out for a
"You know you don't. You wouldn't be working so much if you did have one" I
While putting the lasagne in the oven and adding the final touches to my
creamed spinach.
"I just haven't found the right girl yet. The girls I have found just love me for
the money and for just bragging about being with me,they never challenge me
or anything so I decided to let go of relationships and just have fun" he says
winking at me.
I laugh,I knew it he is a player this one. Friends of a feather flock
together,that's why he and Zano are so close. He leaves me to go freshen up
and I go to my bedroom to check up on Zano.

I open the door and slowly close it with my back. He was in the shower. He
has a towel wrapped around his waist and he is dabbling himself dry with
another. Le ndoda works out bahlali,he looks yummy right now and chocolate
is my favourite.
"Lo-ve" I manage to say.
He places the towel on the bed and walks towards me. My heart starts beating
like a drum. I bite my lower lip so I don't blush,even though it's totally useless
because I'm sure I have turned red. He stands in front of me,holds my hand
and smothers his entire body against mine. I close my eyes at the contact and
look to the side. I can feel his warm skin against mine. My skirt in this case
isn't doing me any justice.
"Aowa mosadi not hate keng?" He asks mimicking Rea in his broken Sepedi. I
can't help but laugh although my vocal chords decide to deliver it in
pieces,making it totally obvious that I'm nervous. He continues locking his
burning beautiful eyes into mine. I close my eyes as his lips slowly approach
mine. He pecks my lips softly and sucks on my lower lip. I do the same still
balancing by the closed door. His hands move smoothly to my butt and he
squeezes both cheeks,I giggle. He smiles. His right hand moves to the door
handle and he locks it. He kisses my neck and lifts me up by my thighs. I wrap
my legs around his waist and he pins both my hands together above my head
with his one hand,the other travels to my breast. A moan escapes my lips,I
want this,I want all of him. He licks and sucks on my neck.
"Fratello we have to get going hurry up" Diego says while knocking on the
My poor brother doesn't know what's behind this door,his sister is like a
chicken waiting to be roasted. Zano puts his forehead against mine,We both
purse our lips to stop ourselves from laughing.
"And Karina your kitchen is burning" he says as he walks away.
Damn! I slide my way out of Zano's hold and fix myself feeling embarrassed
and a bit disappointed. This made me forget that I'm cooking. Zano can't stop
laughing,so I hit him lightly on his chest. I unlock the door and attempt to
leave,He pulls me against him by the waist. I can feel his erection against my
"Uyaphi Karina?" He asks with a smug smile.
Damn you Diego Leornado Rosso! I roll my eyes and chuckle.
""To my burning kitchen since my brother just caught us -" he bursts out in
I give him a deadly stare but end up giggling.
"There is plenty of time for that Sthandwa Sami,you are all mine ungakhali" he
says laughing. I hit his chest against and leave him there laughing like the
idiot he is.

I dish up for us and we eat over light conversations mostly the guys talking
about business,come to think of it their world is not so boring. When we are
they watch soccer highlights while I wash the dishes,on a normal day I would
give them a piece of my mind,I mean I cooked a delicious meal for them and
now they expect me to wash the dishes soze! But since it's my first time in my
own kitchen and they helped me out by moving everything here I will just keep
my mouth shut. After a while they head out telling me about meeting up with
the boys,I would also meet up with my girls if they were here unfortunately
they are coming back on Monday.

I unpack my suitcase and tidy up my closet while talking to mama and

Asemahle over the phone,mama is back to being the sweet angel that misses
her daughter since I'm out of sight. She tells me how naughty Mahle has
become in just a matter of hours and that makes me laugh.

When I'm done I go to the lounge area and catch up on The Wife,I managed
to watch only one episode so this is my chance before my life becomes hectic
because that's just how it is. I mean I'm going to be a fourth year medicine
student that is married to a polygamous prince and business tycoon,it's going
to be really hectic how nice! I got my results a week back and your girl passed
all her modules with As,I'm really proud of myself if I add.

Diego is going back straight to his house while Zano said he is coming back
here,talk about a man on a mission. I'm definetly not waiting up for him,he
gave himself a key of his own so I lock up and switch off the lights.

I take a nice and long bubble bath that relaxes my body,when the water starts
getting uncomfortably cold I get out and do my night routine. I head to the
bedroom and get into bed after cleaning up the bathroom. I text my dad
goodnight and check my socials. My accounts are now public a demand by
the agency. I have a message requests on Instagram,I quickly check them out
and find one that stands out. Ayabulela_G . My heart knows it's him but my
head won't believe it so I check his profile. It is him! He is living the life he
always wanted but what can I say perks of having rich parents. He has not
changed a bit,still the same handsome boy that slept with my best friend. He
has pictures with multiple women so I assume he is still the same womanizer
he was back then. Rea sends a text on WhatsApp,interrupting my stalking. I
quickly respond to her complaining about being home and go back to my
Instagram. Zano just posted a picture of him,my brother,Muzi and two other
guys they are in the VIP area of his club. I must say they all look good.
Without thinking I go to Zano's profile. Damn! This guy is a celebrity! He has a
million followers,imagine. His posts are mostly business related like him being
at some conference or launching a new club. There are also other pictures
like the one he just posted with his friends and family,mostly Phephelo but
there are no pictures of Dudu or anything relating to his love life. I don't why
but that makes me happy,really happy. I'm feeling sleepy so I check the time
and it's already past midnight so I say a little prayer and get back into bed.
Zano walks in as I put my phone on the bedside table.

He walks to the bed,takes off his shoes and gets under the covers,pulling me
to him. His hands are cold and I smell alcohol from his breath.
"Are you drunk?" I ask.
"I'm not sure" he replies.
I laugh and roll my eyes. He is certainly drunk.
"Uthini kanti Love?" I ask while laughing.
"Let's see if ngidakiwe ke" he says as he kisses my shoulder,taking my
pyjama top off.
He kisses my lips and gets on top of me. He carasses my now hard
breasts,tenderly stroking and rubbing them. He kisses my neck and I take off
his t-shirt by instinct. He continues kissing my neck as he inserts his middle
finger into me. I let out a moan that seems to encourage him. He goes
down,kissing my boobs,chest,upper stomach,navel and this makes my body
beg for more. What is he doing to me? He takes off my shorts and pushes my
legs wide open. My heart does a young somersault while my cheeks flush. He
continues gently kissing my thighs. I'm a moaning mess,My skin has
goosebumps and my body is on fire. His hands are now even warm. He takes
off my underwear and positions himself. He puts his finger on my clit and rubs
it in circular motion while his other hand has it's finger buried in my cookie. He
continues with this until I feel hot flushes begging me to surrender. He sees
this and stops. He gives me a smug smile and lowers himself putting his
tongue deep into my cookie. Farrah Gawd your son! He is licking,tongue-
fucking and sucking on my labia. I involuntarily arch my back,my body jerks up
and my legs begin to shake.
"Baby...Sth-andwa...Ma...Mageba" it all comes out in a voice I cannot even
recognize as mine.
He doesn't stop no matter how much I beg,although I don't want him to stop.
"Ahhhh!" I scream as my body gives in. He repeats this four times and by now
I'm sure that I'm the one who is drunk not him.

He licks me clean and comes back up to kiss me. I'm crying for only Lord
knows what and I have no strength left in me. My mouth is even dry but his
kiss brings my body back to life again. He unbuckles his belt and takes off his
jeans. I bite my lower lip stopping myself from drooling over this well sculpted
man. I can't help but think am I really ready for this? Who am I kidding I have
been ready for this since the day I saw him look at me in his restaurant,I can't
get how he looked at me out of my mind even now thinking about it makes me
press my legs together.He looks at me and gives me a smug smile. I can't
help but feel nervous and a bit embarrassed,he is used to having girls that
know their way around and here I am as clueless as they get.
He takes off his underwear,He kisses my neck and passionately kisses me.
He turns my face so I look at him and he wipes my tears.
"Sthandwa sami are you sure about this?" He asks.
This is one of the things I love about this man, he is always concerned about
me or how I feel. I nod my head in agreement.
"I need words baby" he says with a smug smile.
"Yes... Ngicela ungangilimazi" my voice comes out hoarse.
I heard stories about your first time hurting,I really don't want that. I'm most
certainly afraid of pain.
"I will be gentle" he whispers in a voice that sends tingles down my spine to
my ladybits.
My clit is burning and throbbing at the same time. He pushes my legs widely
apart and rubs Ndabezitha against my screaming clit.
"Ba... Baby" I beg in a voice I can't recognize.
He kisses my thighs and positions himself on my entrance. He feels warm. He
comes back to kiss me on my lips and asks if I'm ready. I nod my head
quickly. He pushes into me,the more he does,the more he clenched his teeth.
I start feeling increasing pressure and then a bit of pain. I put my hands on his
chest and try pushing him away. He asks if he should stop,I appreciate this
about him although my mind and my body are at war with each other,I shake
my head and tell him "No" out loud. I want this especially with him. He kisses
my lips,pushes and pins my hands over my head. I can't move them. He
pushes himself even further into me,I feel like something is ripping and tearing
apart,i scream.
"Ngiyaxolisa " he whispers into my ear.
As clichè it might sound,it makes me feel a bit better. He continues thrusting
and moving his hips. The pain mixes with pleasure and I find myself moaning
out his name. He does this for a few minutes and then empties himself into
me. Luckily I started on contraceptives a week ago but I have to discuss this
with him,I make a mental note of it. He collapses on top of me. After regaining
his strength,he slowly kisses me and asks if I'm alright. I smile and tell him I'm
fine. I'm lying my vagina is on fire. He pulls out and I wince at the loss of him.
He gets up and walks to the bathroom. He comes back with a towel and wipes
me clean,I can't move my body is drained,I force myself to lay on my side. He
wipes himself then throws the towel on the floor. He gets into bed,pulls the
covers and hugs me to sleep as I dream of him chasing me playfully in a
beautiful garden with beautiful flowers all around.

I'm woken up by an overwhelming need to pee. I detangle myself from a

sleeping Zano and slowly walk to the bathroom naked. I sit on the toilet and
jump a bit because of the burn I get when I pee but it goes away. When I'm
done I get into a hot shower to relax my body after such a beautiful night.
I look into the mirror as I brush my teeth and I can't help but feel that I look
different,there is a glow to my skin and my body looks different but still the
same. I also feel different. I feel like a woman no longer a little girl. I laugh at
my stupidness and lotion my body and tie my braids into a bun. I wrap a towel
around and go to the bedroom. Zano is sitting on the bed with the duvet and
pillows on the floor.
"Love what's going on?" I ask walking to him.
"I wanted to change the sheets where do you keep them?" He asks giving me
a smile that makes my knees weak.
So this wants to change the sheets? I burst out with laughter and he lightly
hits me with a pillow. I direct him to where the bedding is as I laugh my lungs
out. I decide to help him because I'm sure he will make a mess of it,as we
remove the sheet I notice a bit of blood on the white sheet,the only proof that
remains of me giving my virginity to this wonderful man. When I look up from
the sheet,Zano is looking at me. I blush and look down out of embarrassment.
He comes over to my side in a jiffy,he cups my face and makes me look at
"Are you okay?" He asks.
By the way he looks,he thinks I regret what happened last night and that tugs
at my heart,how can he think that?
"I'm more than okay Mageba. For your information I don't regret anything. I'm
so happy that I got to share that moment and many others with you. I love you
Zulu" I say holding his hands that are still on my face.
He smiles and looks down then looks at me,I see nothing but love in his eyes.
I don't even doubt for a second that he loves me because his eyes say it out
loud. He kisses me gently while his hands move my butt and he squeezes,the
kiss takes a sudden turn as our tongues battle for dominance.A tingle goes
down to my ladybits. He unwaraps my towel and throws it on the floor and lifts
me up by my thighs.

After our steamy morning,oh yeah he had me on the bed and again in the
shower,I think he gets a kick out of me moaning his name. I fell asleep after
our shower while he caught up on work,this man is a workaholic no doubt.

I'm in the kitchen making us lunch. Later we are going over Diego's for dinner
my dad is back from Venice,I missed him a lot. He is such a big teddy bear
not the cold person he appears to be to the world. I'm limping because it hurts
down there,this man had his way with me. Im praying that it gets better before
going over to Diego's.

Zano walks walks in and sits on the high chair,I look at him and smile while I
continue chopping my onions.
"Uphekani?" He asks looking at me like I'm on TV.
"Pap,grilled sausages and tomato relish. I can't feed you takeouts now can I?"
I say looking at him with my brow raised.
I put the onions into the frying pan as he laughs. He looks beautiful right now
with his bare chest and his beautiful laugh,he really looks like a 25 year old
that he is.
"Im taking you out tomorrow so I will be feeding myself takeaways." I laugh.
"Okay where are we going?"
"That's for me to know and for you to find me out" he says winking at me and
getting off the high chair.
"But how will I know what to wear?" I ask pouting.
"Don't worry about that it's sorted" he says laughing at my acting.
"Ha! So you asked uMaButhelezi to buy me an outfit?" I ask wiping my hands
with a dishcloth.
At the mention of Dudu I see something flash in his eyes and his smile fades.
Which makes me instantly regret mentioning her name,me and my stupid
"I bought it myself,that body is as goid as mine" he says winking at me.
"Zulu!" I say throwing the dishcloth at him.
He laughs and goes to the lounge probably to watch Business News or

After dishing up for us,I take a bowl with warm water and a bit of dishwashing
liquid and a dry dishcloth to Zano. My mom would disown me for this if she
was here,I'm not yet his wife but I'm performing wifely duties. He smiles at me
and washes his hands. I place the bowl on the coffee table and I go fetch our
plates with cranberry juice on a tray. I hand him a plate and put his juice on
the coffee table. I'm sure he is complaining to himself about having to drink
juice but he won't dare say it out loud. I laugh at that and dig in. He chuckles
after a minute.
"What's amusing Mageba?" I ask as I bite into the sausage.
"I thought you were going to use a fork" he says motioning to my hand that is
still holding the sausage.
"I'm not a slay queen" I say and we both laugh.
This in my opinion doesn't require a fork. I mean it's Pap,you just use your
hands. No matter how classy you are,we were brought up this way.

He explains how the Corona Virus has affected different kinds of businesses
all over the world as discussed on Business News. You can tell from the way
that he is speaking that he really loves what he does. We eat over him telling
me more about the business world which now seems appealing to me,I would
love to be a part of it.
After our meal he insists on washing the dishes,which is really good. He didn't
even touch the juice,this big baby.I put my feet up on the couch and decide to
carry on watching The Wife. After a while he comes back with a bowl of
chocolate ice-cream and hands it to me while he lifts my feet,takes a seat and
places them on his lap.
"Why uzele mina ngedwa?" I ask as he massages my feet.
"Uwena othanda ushukela hhayi mina" he says focusing on the TV.
I laugh at how serious he looks and he chuckles probably noticing.
"Yini loku?" He asks with his eyes still glued to the TV.
I explain to him what the telenovela is about and mention that it's derived from
the Hlomu series written by Dudu Busani-Dube.
"Duduzile can't write to even save her life" I burst into laughter,He didn't even
hear me or he did it on purpose.
"Busani-Dube not Buthelezi" I say giggling.
He chuckles and shakes his head. I tell him about how I love Mqhele and
Hlomu's traditional wedding and that there are some ideas I want to
incorporate into our own wedding so that is has that magic about it. When I
look up from my bowl he is looking at me smiling like an idiot.
"Buka iTV Mageba not mina" I say blushing.
He watches with me until the last Season 1 episode. I need a nap before
getting ready I'm honestly tired.
"I wouldn't marry a gangster shame asoze" I say as I switch off the TV and get
up from the couch.
"Why not?" He asks as we walk to the kitchen area.
"Didn't you see all that? Guns and people dying that's exactly why. If he
doesn't die then the people close to do,no thanks andizi" he nods his head
seeming deep in thought.
He disappears in to the bedroom and comes back wearing his t-shirt with his
bag. I stand there motionless looking at him,I thought we were going to get
ready together or has he changed his mind about meeting my dad? He kisses
me on the cheek and grabs his keys from the counter. I grab his arm as he is
about to walk to the door he turns and tells me that he will meet me at my
dad's house. Then he leaves without saying another word. What did I do? I
ask myself as I wash the bowl and dry it. Maybe he got offended because he
has a gun,I really didn't say anything insensitive so that must be the only
explanation. I go to my bedroom and check my phone for a message from him
maybe explaining what be just did,I get nothing so I put it on the bedside table
and go to the en-suite bathroom. I decide to take a bubble bath with some
salts so that I can ease the limping then when I'm done I take a nap,I'm tired
from drilling my head about what just happened.

I wear my black bralette,black skinny jeans with my Jordan sneakers. I quickly

pull on my biker jacket,grab my phone and keys and run out.
I'm already late,I mean 30 minutes late. I have 5 missed calls from Diego and
2 from dad so I'm really in trouble,It's a matter of time before they send out a
search party.

When I get downstairs I see Diego's driver and I rush to the car. I get in,greet
him and he drives off. Benefits of having a long lost rich father is that I no
longer use taxies,I get driven around like a queen by Diego's driver. You
would swear he hired him especially for me because he drives himself all the

I tie my hair into a high ponytail as Kwanele parks the car. I thank him and
quickly make my way into the house. I bump into Mam Martha,Diego's helper
in the foyer.
"Ayibo Zenande uzongiwisa!" She says as she takes a step back to balance
herself because I literally bumped into her.
"Uxolo i wasn't lookong" I apologize while catching my breath.
"Baphi? Undiqumbele ubhuti neh?"
She chuckles. ""BaseDining room. Pho nawe i30 minutes yonke?" She laughs
as she walks to the kitchen.
My phone is ringing and it's Diego. No use answering since we are in the
same house. I make my way to the dining room. Immediately when I get there
Diego is on my case,Kwamele must have told him that I have already arrived
"If you wanted to be fashionably late you should have at least called Karina
and told us! We agreed that dinner is at 18:30pm what was more important
than familia?"(family) he asks looking pissed.
Diego would kill you over food! I feel like a little kid that stayed out way past
curfew and missed dinner,now my "Father" is calling me to order. It's funny
because he looks like dad but I wouldn't dare laugh right now.
"Puffo mi dispiace"(I'm sorry) I say giving him puppy eyes.
He smiles and then pouts remembering that he is supposed to be angry at
me. I laugh at this,he looks cute.
"Stop being negligent Karina,we were worried about you" he says giving me a
"It won't happen ever again Puffo I promise" I hug him even tighter.

"Stop bothering my daughter Diego!" Dad says with a big smile plastered on
his face.
"Papi!" I scream as I jump into his already open arms.
He laughs and kisses my forehead as he puts me down causing me to giggle.
"Princessipesa"(princess) he says putting his one over my shoulders,pulling
me closer to him and leads me to the table.
"Are you guys done? Can we eat now?" Diego asks while taking a seat.
We all laugh at his tantrum. I hear a familiar laughter. I know that laugh even
in my dreams. I look back back over dad's shoulder and there he is by the
stairs. He came! I look at my dad,asking for permission. He let's out a soft
laugh and nods. I literally run to Zano and give him a really tight hug. He
smells so good. His arms are so warm,this is home.
"I missed you" I say into his chest.
I step back and just look at my man. He is wearing black dress pants,a black
shirt with two buttons from the top undone,black formal shoes and he has his
signature watch on. I don't know if it's me only but I love a man that wears a
watch,they become even more sexy with that time piece.
"Ngabe uvele wabhalela iKhumbul' Ekhaya yabona?" He says as he leads me
to the table.
I laugh. I missed his goofy self,I was worried of how he left earlier on. To be
honest I thought that he no longer wanted me.

Dad is sitting at the head of the table with Diego on his left and me on his right
with Zano next to me. We eat our dinner over small talk.
"Puffo do you work with Papi?" They all stop eating and look at me.
Okay! This is odd it's like I just told them that I poisoned their food.
"What? I'm just asking we are familia but I have no idea of what you do" I say
shrugging and pouting my lips.
It has the effect that I wanted on them and they laugh. They scare me when
they become serious you would swear they are assassins.
"Yeah we work together but Papi is more behind the scenes and I'm the face
of the company. We combined what the company originally did before I joined
which is construction and my love for architecture." He says with a smile.
You can tell he really loves what he does and judging from dad's face you can
tell that he is proud of his son. I wonder if he was a part of my life would have I
also went down the family business path? I mean I would have grown up
knowing the tricks on how to run a business.
"When you have time can you show me the projects you worked on?" Dad
Judging from how the NoZulu Tradings buildings look then I can most proudly
say that my family is the best in the game. I'm really keen on seeing more of
what they do.
"Of course he will my baby" I nod.
They tell me about how they met Zano through working on the NoZulu
buildings and the other projects Zano has.
I knew that the company's buildings were built by my family but I didn't know
that he trusted them with every other building he has. It means that all the
clubs,cafes and restaurants were built by my papi and Puffo,wow this man!
They surely have known each other for a long time now. I can't help but smile.
It's every girl's dream for their family to get along with her boyfriend and it's
safe to say that my boyfriend is considered as familia in this house.

Dad clears his throat as dessert is served. My favourite! Chocolate cake! I

could kiss Mam' Martha right now she is an absolute angel.
"Karina my baby girl" my dad says.
I roll my eyes and Diego laughs. Zano is just sitting there,He looks tense or
nervous I can't put my finger on it. He hasn't even touched his dessert.
Maybe he doesn't want to be here or he doesn't want me anymore.
Why do you keep thinking the worst? My subconscious glares at me.
Maybe she is right I shouldn't be so negative,he is here isn't he? I should be
I look at my dad,encouraging him to carry on.
"I missed a lot of moments in your life,there were times where you needed me
as a father but I wasn't there and for that I'm sorry my princessipesa" Dad
says with a sad face.
I don't like it when he gets like this. It's the way things were meant to be and I
don't hold the past against him so I really don't understand why he does that
to himself.
"No dad you don't have to apologize. All that matters is that you are here now"
I say and he smiles at me.
"Yes I'm here and I'm never going away. I love what that young man next to
you did today,although your relation to him is literally etched in stone and all of
this started out when I was not in your life,Zanothando still followed our
tradition tradition and included me in this" I smile.
I'm one lucky girl. I look at Zano and he looks like a statue,something is
bothering him this is not his usual self.
What did he do that has my dad praising him like this? Is that why he left in a
haste earlier? What's even part of our tradition?
"Karina my baby girl,Prince Zanothando Zulu has asked for my blessing to
marry you" he says smiling so beautifully that he looks like Diego when he
makes one of those silly jokes of his.
Why do you like acting dumb? My subconscious asks.
Oh my word! This sneaky man. He didn't have to but he did it out of respect
for my family.
I look at him and he looks so tense,I reach for his hand and squeeze it. He
seems to relax a bit and gives me a smile that makes all the butterflies in my
stomach flatter.
"I gave him my blessing but I also told him that the only consent that matters
is from you. Do you want to take this journey with him?" He looks serious now.
All three of them look serious. What the hell is wrong with these men. This is
such a special moment and they act like we are discussing a heist.
"Papi putting everything that concerns the ancestors aside,Zano is a
wonderful man and these past few months have been such an eye
opener. I'm not only marrying because of the ancestors but because I have
fallen deeply in love with him. I can't even picture a future without him in it.
That's how much I want him in my life. And thank you so much dad for giving
us your blessing it means a lot" I say all of this looking at my man.
I can see all the tension in his body wash away and he gives me a genuine
smile before looking at my dad.
"Thank you Mr Rosso and I give you my word that I will treat your daughter
like the Queen that she is and protect her with my life"
"I'm very pleased to hear that my son,I trust you" he says raising his glass to
That sounds deep,like they were discussing something before this.
Diego starts asking questions about the wedding and that leads us to talking
about how we want it to be especially me because Zano agrees with
everything that I suggest.

My cake is finished so I decide to help myself to Zano's since I know that he is

struggling to finish that fat slice by himself. He doesn't have a sweet tooth. He
laughs softly as I dig in with my fork.
"Bengizibuza ukuthi uyolifikela nini" he whispers to me and I laugh.
"Fratello are you sure you want to marry Karina?" Diego asks as he lets out a
We join him and after a minute or two Zano replies to him
"I have never been so sure about anything in my entire life. I can't wait for her
to steal my dessert for the rest of our lives" he says in between laughs.
This man is such a darling. He deserves to be kissed.
I give him a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm gonna enjoy being Mrs Zulu" I say while inserting a forkful of Zano's
chocolate cake into my mouth,that makes them to laugh even harder. This is
truly a beautiful sight,all the men I hold dear to me looking so free and happy.

After dinner we play a game of cards until Zano says that he has to leave. He
doesn't like driving late at night so I understand. Dad and Diego continue with
the game while I walk Zano to his car.
"Ngiyabonga Mageba" i say to him.
"Sengenzeni manje?" He asks leaning on his car with his arms folded over his
broad chest and his legs crossed.
"For doing this. What you have done tonight. My dad is really happy"
He pulls me into his arms.
"I just did what I had to do Sthandwa Sami nothing major. You are a Rosso
and they should also be involved and their traditions also have to be
performed. Angifuni ukushayiwa yidlozi lamaTalian mina" he with a chuckle.
I can't help but full on laugh,this man right here is a clown by nature.
After my laughter has decreased I look up at his face and he is looking at me
also. He is happy I can tell. He looks even more beautiful under the moonlight.
My world begins and ends with this man.
"Ngiyak'thanda Ndabezitha" I say without even realizing that i have.
He pulls me into a mind blowing kiss that tells me exactly how much he loves
me. After a few minutes he pulls away as we are both breathless and smiles
at me causing me to blush.
"Ngizok'bona ksasa" he says giving me a quick peck on the lips.
He gets into his car and drives off while I stand there waving goodbye like an
idiot with a goofy smile on my face.
I never want him to leave,I always want him next to me. His presence is
addictive. Is this how it feels like being in love? Who am I kidding he is a Zulu
man he must have sprinkled something in my food. I laugh to myself as I walk
back to the house.

My dad and Diego hijacked me into sleeping over last night. I gave them the "I
don't have clothes to wear" excuse and we'll they didn't buy it because first
thing in the morning they sent someone to get me toiletries and clothes to
change. Let me tell you the person went all out with the shopping,I'm sure
they bought the whole shop. I never thought that I would complain about
having too many clothes but now I really am. Which me think that maybe I
should give some of them to charity,there are people that need them more
than my wardrobe honestly. I might not know the pain of not having any
clothes to wear but I want to help those that cannot afford to. I should search
for a few charities nearby that would like them,I make a mental note of this as
I get into the shower.

After my hygiene process i go back to the bedroom. I put on a Gucci

shirt,periwinkle black shorts and Gucci slip ons. I tuck the front part of the shirt
in and let it hang at the back. Honestly speaking I think rich people buy
clothes according to price tags not style,this really isn't my style. Makes me
wonder who they sent out to get these clothes,they must have thought I'm a
rich and spoilt brat.
I moisturize my braids and let them lose,my beeps as I put on lip gloss
meaning I have a notification. I grab it from the side table and my notifications
as I walk downstairs. I have a few Instagram notifications and a message from
Zano wishing me a great day ahead and reminding me of our dinner date
tonight. I try my luck and ask him what I should wear but he still says and I
qoute "Shouldn't worry my pretty little head about that". No use going on about
it,Zano does what he pleases no amount of arguing can change his mind. I
should leave early so that I can have time to prepare,I want to look pretty
tonight and most certainly not wearing any of those clothes that Dad has
bought. Andizi!

When o get to the dining room I find dad and Diego discussing business,as
usual. What is up with the men in my life? They are all workaholics. Don't they
have lives outside of their offices!
"Buon giorno familia"(Good morning) I greet them with a smile.
"Giorno princessipesa" Dad greets me back cheerfully.
"Morning pufetta. I see your Italian is improving,maybe you should give
grandma a call" he says winking at me.
I roll my eyes. No matter how I have improved in Italian,grandma will just ask
me about something else that I don't know. At least all the other family
members talk with me in English but not grandma she goes full on Italian
mode until my head hurts.
"How rude you have started eating without me" I say giving them a huge pout.
I can't help but act this way every time I'm around them,they bring out the little
girl in me and I want them to know Karina. Diego should recognize me as his
baby sister and Papi should see that I'm his little girl,I don't want them to feel
like they have missed out much.
"We knew that you were going to get ready for at least the entire day" Diego
says while buttering his toast.
"You act like food is going to grow legs and run from your reach" I say while
filling my bowl with granola and yoghurt.
"I just don't like eating cold food. And I like eating on time." He clapsback
while stuffing his face with toast.
My dad is laughing silently next to me.
"There is a new aged invention called a microwave you old man" I say digging
into my meal.
"Oh thanks I wasn't aware Einstein" he says while rolling his eyes.
My dad interrupts me before I clapsback at his errant son.
"Can you stop acting like five year olds and eat" he says trying hard not to
He is really happy,this is how I always want him to be not the sad man that I
first met.
"We are eating!" Me and Diego both say at the same time.
We look at each and laugh. This is how my relationship with Nolu should have
been or at least be like. But I'm glad I have a sibling that loves me.
"You should get a brain of your own Pufetta" Diego says after we calm down
with the laughing.
"Don't start with me" I say pointing at him with my spoon.
Breakfast goes by in a blur with me and Diego bickering about everything and
with dad being our loyal audience he was laughing through out.
I get up from the table and clear out the plates.
"You don't have to do that my baby" dad says.
"I want to papi and besides I'm still getting used to this kind of life. Old habits
die hard" I say giving him my biggest smile.
He hands me his plate with a proud smile. Diego also gets up and helps me
clear the table. I'm pretty sure he is not used to this,he just doesn't want me to
feel like I'm out of place. I smile at this. He is the best big brother any girl
could ever ask for. When I try washing the dishes Mam' Martha insists that I
have done more than enough,I'm going to make her lose her job,I laugh at her
theatrics and continue helping out in the kitchen but she ends up chasing me
away with a broom. I can't stop laughing. This woman is a comedian!

I join dad and Diego in the lounge. They are watching sports. It's going to be a
long day! I decide to reply to a few comments and messages maybe when I'm
done what they are watching will also be over. I put down my phone after a
few minutes. Just as I'm about to complain about their choice of
programming,Kwamele walks in carrying a big box.
"Delivery for Miss Rosso" he says putting the box on the coffee table in front
of me.
He walks out before I manage to even thank him,talk about a man in a hurry.
I manage to get over my surprise say "Ah... thanks!". Although he is long gone
but I hope he heard me.
I look at dad then at Diego,I'm expecting one of them to say that they bought
this but instead they just look at me with questioning looks.
"Pufetta open the damn thing and stop acting like it's a bomb that is about to
explode" Diego says while typing away on his phone.
Dad laughs and I roll my eyes as I get up from the couch. The box is neatly
wrapped in a red cover with a white ribbon,it's so beautiful. I notice a card
under the bow,I pick it up and it reads

"I started living the day I first played my eyes on you. Join me for dinner
tonight? I promise I won't be a clown.
- Love your Husband"

I can't help but laugh at the mention of him being a clown. This man never
misses an opportunity to make feel special.
I grab my phone and take a picture of my gift and post it on my stories. When
I'm done I quickly unwrap it because now I'm curious to know what is inside. I
pull out what seems to be a black dress,I hold it against my body and it is
indeed a long off the shoulder black dress with a trail. It gives off that Matric
dance kind of vibe. I laugh at the thought of me not attending it,look at me now
my situation is totally different from then. And I'm grateful.
"Wow its beautiful. Whoever picked it has taste and knows you well" Dad
I blush and nod. There is also a pair of red high heeled pumps and a red
clutch bag. I smile at the thought of Zano picking these out although I'm pretty
sure he sent someone to buy them for him because he is totally clueless
about heels matching with the bag.
"Let me guess the Prince sent these?"Diego asks.
I blush and nod.
"Look at you turning into a tonato" he says laughing.
I throw a cushion at him and take my things to my room,I guess I don't need to
go back to my apartment anymore. I call Zano but he doesn't pick up,I try
again and still the same. He must be really busy because he never misses my
calls. After a few minutes I head back downstairs. I spend the day with dad
and Diego watching movies and they tell me more about the business,Rosso
Architects & Construction. They also show me all their work. It's so
beautiful,Through design Diego creates a dream,something that has never
been seen before and the construction team brings it to life. They really have
created the most beautiful masterpieces both in Italy and South Africa.

Mam' Martha walks in while we are by the pool.

"Zenande there are some people here for you" she says.
My head jerks up from my phone at the mention of my name. Who could it. I
look at Diego then my dad.
"Go on" my dad says laughing at my behaviour.
I follow Mam' Martha silently to the foyer. I'm greeted by two beautiful women
wearing matching uniform from The Glam Bar. This is one of most best and
expensive beauty salons in Gauteng,they style and do amazing facebeats for
celebrities,you can't even get an appointment because they are always fully
booked and any way money talks. And here they are standing in my brother's
house. What do they want here? I greet them awkwardly looking at all the
equipment they came with. Are they opening a beauty bar here?

You like acting dumb don't you? My subconscious clapsback.

It's not that I'm acting dumb,I didn't call these people here and judging from
both dad and Diego's expressions they didn't call these people here.

Then who else could it be? My subconscious says sarcastically.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by the light skinned lady.

"Good afternoon Miss Rosso,I'm Kgothatso and this is my colleague Zanele"
she says motioning to the other lady.
They are both beautiful Kgothatso is light in complexion with a curvy body,that
reminds me of Dudu. I don't know why I just thought of her. I push the thought
back to where it came from. Zanele is a melanin queen with a fit body,I'm sure
she is a gym fanatic.
"Oh! Please call me Zenande,it's nice to meet you both" I say although I don't
truly know why they are here.
As if reading my thoughts Zanele jumps in.
"We are hired by Mr Zulu to come help you prepare for tonight" she says

He did what now? He sent me a glam squad to help me get ready for a date?
Just a date? I'm suddenly getting the feeling that this is more than just a date.
"Uhm... wow! Okay let's go up to my room then" I say with my jumbled
thoughts as I lead the way.
This Man! This man never ceases to amaze me. When we get to my room I
call Zano while they set up but this time around it goes straight to voicemail.
He throws surprises at me and switches his phone off? His phone has never
been off! I don't know why I'm getting worked up but this is really not like him
at all. Diego walks in as I pace up and down.
"Pufetta what's going on?" he asks looking around in my room.
"Zano sent me a glam squad but now his phone is off. I couldn't reach him the
entire day,I'm getting worried Puffo" I say looking at my phone hoping that it
miraculously ring with a call from Zano.
"So you are always on your phone but you are clueless on current affairs?" He
says sarcastically.
What? Current affairs? Am I journalist? I'm not even trying to be Miss South
Africa so why would I be interested in current affairs. And why the hell is
Diego telling me nonsense when I need answers on Zano's whereabouts.
"Sundidika Diego" I say giving him a straight face.
He laughs. Even though I'm sure he didn't even understand what I just said,he
is just laughing at my facial expression.
"Karina you have to know that your boyfriend is a busy man,he is not only a
well known business tycoon but also a Prince with duties to fulfill" he says
while clicking away on his phone.
Prince duties? This isn't England! What the hell does a prince do that makes
him ignore his girlfriend? Diego interrupts my train of thought my shoving his
phone in my face.
"What now?" I yell out of irritation.
"Can't you read?" I let out a loud "mxm".
I look at the article.
"Royal Families From All Over South Africa Gather To Find A Way To
Fight The Growing Unemployment Rate"
Out of curiosity I continue reading the article. Turns out the conference is in
the Free State. And Prince Zanothando Lwandle Zulu was among the few key
speakers. My heart does a young vosho(dance) after reading that. At the end
of the article there are pictures of all the guests and I spot of Bab' Zulu and
both his sons. I sigh in relief,knowing that he is safe and give back Diego his
"Will he still make it though?" I ask Diego.
"He is a man that always keeps his word" he says and walks out the door.
Sometimes I feel like dad and Diego know Zano through more than business.
Do they also have guns? I laugh and shake my head at my over active
imagination. With that now sorted I take a seat and Kgothatso lays my hands
on the small table to do my nails.
"What would you like to do?" Zanele asks while looking at my braids with a
scissor at hand.
Boy I have been to get rid of these braids. I look at her through the mirror and

I cannot recognize the woman looking back at me through the full length
mirror. I look like Beyoncè with a Hailey Bieber body. I gave Zanele free reign
on what to do with my hair,she opted for a Tribal Beyoncè Pondo and I must
say it really looks good on me,I usually wouldn't go for it because of my
forehead but it being out there makes the look so beautiful. My makeup is on
fleek and my nails are done. Now I see why the Glam Bar is the best in the
This dress hugs my body perfectly,it shows off my flat stomach and small
curves,you would swear it was made especially for me. I feel like I'm going
going to walk the red carpet,looking good gives you a confidence boost and
right now I feel like a Goddess. I spritz my Good Girl perfume,take my bag
and walk out of my room. As I descend the stairs I see dad,Diego,Mam
Martha and Sipho standing by the foyer,I'm sure Diego is taking pictures or
something because he has his phone angled at me. Everybody looks wowed
and that brings a huge smile to my face. Dad helps me down the last two
"You look like a real princess" he says with glassy eyes.
I don't know if he means that I look like a real Zulu royal family princess or his
real princess because he calls me Princessipesa.
"Thanks Papi" I say hugging him tight.
I take with everyone then Sipho insists that we should get going he doesn't
want to get fired,I laugh at that. I kiss dad and Diego bye then follow Sipho to
the car.

"I knew it!" I say as Sipho stops next to the Eatery entrance.
Sipho just laughs at me. Zano is so readable I most definetly guessed that he
wouldn't even go searching for a restaurant I'm sure he was like
"Hhayi bafo I have my own restaurants why kumele
ngimkhiphele kwenye? Ngihambe ngiyonika omunye umuntu imali?" I roll my
eyes at the thought. Typical Zulu man who hates parting with money no
matter how rich he is. Sipho interrupts me from my thoughts by opening the
door for me.
"Sister Boss" he says giving me a smile,I thank him and step out of the car.
"Sipho is the restaurant open? Because the lights are turned off" I ask him as I
fix my dress.
They don't usually close this early,maybe there is loadshedding but the other
shops have their lights on so that is surely not the case.
"Hhayi! Sister Boss angazi mina uzabuzisa iBhoza,ungaphakathi" he says
motioning to the entrance.
At the mention of Zano being inside I can feel the butterflies in my stomach
flatter their wings. As I walk inside,Sipho drives away. What will Zano's
reaction be? I hope he likes my look.

I walk in to candles and rose petals all over the floor. There is a table at the
center which has two seats and candles on a gold candlestick. I gasp at how
beautiful this is. As I walk further in Don't Know Much by Linda
Ronstand starts smoothly playing in the background. And my Prince charming
appears in a tuxedo and a bouquet of red roses in his hand,while the other
hand is buried deep in his pockets. I can't help but smile at him,he looks
nervous and surprised,the reaction I wanted from him. He looks at me from
head to toe and I'm sure he is undressing me with his eyes because of how
squinted they are,the thought makes me blush.
He finally walks towards me and you would swear he is on an advert,he
moves effortlessly and he looks flawless.
"A hundred red roses to say I'm sorry for not being available today" he says
with the most sincere eyes and his velvety voice holds so much more that I
feel goosebumps all over my body.
"Ngiyabonga. They are so beautiful" I say as I accept them with a smile.
I totally forgot about how he made me talk to his voicemail today.
"And this is to say waze wamuhle mama" he says pecking me on my lips.
My face turns red and my insides start dancing. Zano chuckles at my reaction.
"Ngiyabonga Ndabezitha" I say avoiding his eyes. He laughs at that.
"Can we eat now?" He asks leading me to the table with his hand on my
smaller back.
He pulls out a chair for me and I thank him,as he takes a seat a waiter makes
their way to us.
"Can I take those for you mam?" He asks politely referring to the roses still in
my hands.
I smile while nodding and hand them over to him. I hope he takes good care
of them,I never liked any kind of flowers but since Zano has bulldozed his way
into my life,I'm a lover of roses.
"Thank you,uwaphathe kahle" I say to him.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Zano's huge grin. The waiter smiles and
nods his head in agreement and then walks away.

Another waiter comes with a bottle of wine. He opens it and says "A bottle of
Elgin Ridge The Cabernet Franc 2015." As he pours it into our glasses.
Wine is done why should we give it years now? I really don't get why people
are so obsessed with those stupid years. I mean people usually say
"You age like fine wine" so does that mean that the older it is,the more fine it
is? Or does it mean that it's not fine because it's old?
"Why are you frowning?" Zano asks.
I didn't even realize that the waiter has left.
"Uhm..." I say.
This is so embarrassing what should I say? Oh no Zano I was just thinking
about how these stupid years relate to wine? He raises a brow,clearly waiting
for a response.
"I... I don't get the deal with wine and the year it was made" I say looking at
my glass.
He laughs softly and I give him death stare.
"For a moment there I thought you were frowning because you don't like this"
he says motioning his hands around. "But you were just frowning because you
couldn't figure out the answer to your question right?" He says with an
amused smile.
When did you start knowing me like the back of your hand? Somebody give
this man a Bells! I smile at him and nod my head.
"Well Doctor firstly you should know that those years are actually called a
wine's vintage" he says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes and laugh at my lack of knowledge on wine.
"Secondly a wine's vintage represents the year in which the grapes that were
used to make that wine were grown and harvested. It doesn't have anything to
do with the year the wine finally comes in to the market but instead the year
the ingredients in the bottle were grown" he says looking hot.
I can't help but bite my lower lip,this man is a dream. I love it when he is on
teaching mode he becomes even more hot,there is just something about a
man that shares his knowledge.
"Wait! So does that mean aging affects the taste of wine?"
"Aging changes wine but does not categorically improve it or worsen it." He
says shrugging his shoulders.
A smile automatically stretches on my face.
"You would make a great teacher" I say taking a sip of the delicious wine. He
"Sewuyasho nje" he says in between laughs.
The chef comes our food on a four wheel trolley.
"Your starter Smoked Salmon served with horsedish creme Fraiche and
mixed leaves. Enjoy" he says taking a little bow after placing our plates in front
of us and leaves.
We have our starter over meaningless chatter and for the main we are served
Braised lamb Shank in Rosemary and red wine with rustic mash,it is so
delicious if I must say.

"Mr Zulu told me that you are a lover of all things chocolate. I hope you like
our Chocolate Brownie with Red cherries and cream" he says placing a bowl
in front of me.
I blush and thank him. Mr Zulu here is pulling out all the guns tonight,I say to
"Why aren't you having any?" I ask him as I insert a spoonful in my mouth,I
can't help but close my eyes and sigh because of how good it tastes.
I hear Zano laughing,I quickly open my eyes and laugh also at my stupidity.
"Ungakhathazeki mama I will have mine later" he says giving me a look that
sends tingles down to my ladybits,I can't help but sit up straight and push my
legs together to stop the now familiar ache.
I blush and decide to focus on this 8th wonder of the world and Zano laughs
softly at that.
"I remember the first day I saw you here. I was having a shitty day and there
walked in an Angel that made me feel in a way I never even dreamt of feeling
before. From the moment you walked in I couldn't keep my eyes off of you and
when you looked at me me,I knew right then and there that you were the one I
have been waiting for" he says after a while.
Oh! But you didn't wait Mr Zulu if you did then there wouldn't be Duduzile in
this picture. I smile at what now seems like a distant memory,you would swear
it wasn't three months ago.
"It was like something was lifting me over to you,I didn't realize that I had
walked over to your table until Duduzile's phone call,it snapped me out of the
spell I was under." He says shaking his head and smiling.
Yeah that's the moment I knew you were taken but still here I am,how stupid.
"From that day on every time I closed my eyes I would see you walking
towards me. I also saw your face in everybody's face" he says laughing.
I smile at the thought of not being the only one that got tortured.
"It sounds like a lifetime ago neh?" I say giving out a chuckle.
He nods his head and smiles genuinely. I love the fact that he shared this
with me. Spend My Life With You by Eric Benet starts playing.
"Can I have this dance my lady?" He asks in a British accent and I laugh.
He helps me out of my chair and leads me to a spot that isn't covered in
candles. He puts his hands on my waist,pulling me close to him and I put my
hands over his shoulders and we sway to the rhythm.

I never knew such a day could come

And I never knew such a love could be inside of one
I never knew what my life was for
But now that you're here,I know for sure

I never knew 'til I looked in your eyes(oh baby)

I was incomplete 'til the day you walked into my life ooh
And I never knew that my heart could feel
So precious and pure,our love is so real

Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes

Can I just feel your heart beating beside me every night
Can we just feel this way together 'til the end of time
Can I just spend my life with you
Now baby the days and the weeks and years will roll by
But nothing will change the love inside of you and I
And baby I'll never find any words that could explain
Just how much my heart,my life,my soul you've changed

Can you run to these open arms

When no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world
I'm your man and you're my woman
Can't you just feel how much I love you
With one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you

He sings along looking deeply into my eyes. I know for a fact that the song
speaks on his behalf,it says exactly what he wants to say but he never finds
the words. I can feel my eyes tear up and when I laugh at how he changed the
lyrics to suit him,tears drop. He gently wipes them away with a smile and we
come to a halt.
"I would firstly like to say I'm sorry sthandwa sami,I should have waited for
you" he says wiping the tears that don't want to stop away.
I can't manage to utter a single word so I just shake my head,telling him he
doesn't have to apologize for something we both had no control over.
"Ngiyabonga mama ngokunginika ithuba noma ubona ukuthi
yinhlanganhlangano yodwa le" he continues then laughs.
I laugh shaking my head. It is a mess but a mess I would rather go through
with him than anybody else.
"I would like to believe that getting here was easy for us but I cannot
guarantee that it will be harder or easier than this as we move forward. But
one thing I can promise you is that I will always need you by my side for the
rest of my life. I need that beautiful smile at the end of a bad day,I need those
arms when I feel like giving up,I need that intelligent brain when I cannot
figure things out on my own,mostly I need that smart mouth of yours to call me
out when I get too big for my shoes..." He says with glassy eyes.
At that very moment he gets on one knee and a blue small box I didn't even
see before is in his hand. Is he tying his shoes?

With a box?Really Zenande? My subconscious says at me.

Please don't do what I'm thinking please.

What are you thinking exactly? That little voice asks.

"But mostly I need you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry
me Zenande Karina Rosso?" He says while opening the little box revealing a
ring and he holds it up to me.
At this very moment I remember that I'm a 20 year old who is about to turn
21,I'm a fourth year MBCHB student,I just started my modeling career,I just
found my family and I have a mother to make proud,she gave up her entire life
so I could live out my dreams. All these thoughts circle around my head,I feel
like I'm going to faint. Pictures of my mom feeding me,bathing me,hugging
me,scolding me and many more of Nolu,Asemahle and my grandfather make
their way into my head. I can't do this. I take two steps back,I feel like Zano is
suffocating me. I need air. I can't breathe. Through my blurry eyes I see
Zano's face fall. He looks so hurt.

"N-No...No! No!" I hear myself say. I'm full on crying now.


Zano falls on both his knees on the cold floor,he drops the little box on to the
floor and looks down. From where I am standing I can see small drops falling
on to his dress pants. He is crying! I'm in Schick Theee Zanothando Lwandle
Zulu is crying because of me,the Prince of KwaZulu and a well known
business tycoon is on his knees before me,such a strong and commanding
man is now vulnerable. That snaps me out of my head.
"No...No" I say out loud shaking my head for emphasis but he can't see me,he
is lost in his sorrow.

What are you actually saying? My subconscious asks glaring at me.

It breaks my heart seeing him in that position,that is not my Zano not at all. I
wipe my tears with the back of my hand trying to put together words for my
jumbled thoughts.
"Zano... No that's not what I meant" I say.
I mentally slap myself,I really need that slap maybe my brain could function
properly. What am I really saying? I slowly breathe in and out a few times
trying to calm my racing heart and the tornado that is in my head,I can feel a
headache coming along.
"I'm scared okay?" I finally manage to say after a while,it comes out hoarse, I
clear my throat so that he can hear me.
"I mean I'm only 20 years old and here I am about to get married. I just don't
want to lose sight of who I am in all this. It doesn't mean that I don't love you
because I really do,and a lot." He doesn't move.
I pick up the little box from the floor and walk over to him. I lift his face so that
he can look at me by his chin. What I see is something I don't ever want to
see again in my entire life, he is broken you can see it in his eyes,the tears
are long gone but from his red eyes you can tell that he was crying.
At that moment I feel the room spinning,I close my eyes in hopes that it would
stop. Instead of seeing darkness it's like I'm watching a movie.
"Ngisendleleni baba hawu!" She says smiling.
She looks so happy,she is even glowing. She is so beautiful no wonder all her
children are this good looking.
"Nami ngiyak'thanda baba. Ngiphe umzuzu owodwa nje ngizobe ngilapho
Baba kaPhephelo" then she hangs up.
"Mapholoba sizo fika kodwa?" She says asking the driver while laughing.
The driver looks at her through the mirror and also laughs shaking his head.
He knows the king is always grumpy when the queen is not near him.
"Ungakhathazeki Ndlovukazi sesifikile" he says turning into the familiar main
road that leads to KwaZulu village.
The queen had an important meeting in Pietermaritzburg that lasted the entire
day on building a hospital in the village. Her baby boy Lwandle was at home
sick that is why the king kept calling none stop. She was also now anxious to
get home,she missed her babies and her grumpy husband. She smiles at the
thought of him.

The sun is setting. She looks out the window to the beautiful view of the
mountains,this looks like heaven. Never in a million years did
she ever imagine that this would be her life. She smiles out of happiness,she
is grateful for all that she has. She looks at the time on her phone 17:59 is
written in bold,she will be home soon. She looks at her wallpaper and smiles.
Her husband is carrying their beautiful daughter Minenhle,who is chewing
away on her fist and on either side of him there are the boys. A
smiling Lwandle to his left and a impatient looking Siphephelo to his right. She
smiles at her favourite people in the world. Oh! How she loves them!

A truck crashes on to the left side of the car. Mapholoba tries to get it back in
control but fails. The car instantly starts rolling. Mrs Zulu let's out a scream as
her head crashes in to the window. The car rolls off the mountain. Mrs
Zulu clutches her phone to her chest like it will get her out of this situation.
When she looks at Mapholoba her most trusted driver he has passed out and
he has a lot of blood on his head. As she tries to reach out and touch him the
car hits a rock on her side and because of the broken window her head
crashes directly in to the pointy rock. She screams at the unbearable pain,it
feels like her head has split into two. She closes her eyes for a bit trying to
stop the pain and after a few minutes numbness washes
over her,she can't feel anything except being hot. She opens her eyes and
there is fire all around her. She tries moving but fails because it seems like her
body is dead from all that pain. A picture of Siphephelo playing with Minenhle
who looks so happy while the king is on his phone and Lwandle watching TV
in his pyjamas flashes before her. She smiles and closes her eyes.

I gasp at the lack of air. I look around and I'm still at the restaurant with Zano
on his knees. Then it all comes back to me,I did the most insane thing ever!
Was I dreaming while I was on my feet? Is that what happened when she
died? I shake my head clearing those thoughts from my head. I will ask Zano
or Nokuzotha some other time. I look at my hand and I still have the little box
in it.

I take the ring out of the box and place it in his hand.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I say to him.
He shakes his head and his lips part like he just realized he wasn't breathing. I
decide on another way. I also get on my knees next to him. I move closer to
him and peck his lips,with each kiss I say Yes. After a string of kisses he pulls
me to his chest and hugs me tight,I hug him even tighter and I feel my
shoulder getting wet. That tugs at my heart and I feel like crying but I have to
be strong,I'm the one who started this mess.
"It would be an honour to marry you Zanothando Lwandle Zulu" I say while
rubbing his back.
I can feel him smiling against my shoulder causing me to also smile. We stay
in that position for a while. I feel my legs getting numb due to the cold floor but
I don't move or say anything,I know he is still reassuring himself of my
presence and also composing himself.

He finally let's go and stands up.

"Sukuma I'm sure uyagodola kodwa awufuni ukusho" he says gently pulling
me up.
I can't help but smile,he knows me. In the little time we had,he has made a
360° turn. Now I don't doubt even for a second that I can handle everything
that I have going on in my life,with him by my side nothing is impossible. That
is clear as day now. Just as about to walk away I pull him back to me by his
"Please ask me again" I say to him.
He gives me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. But he obliges after looking
into my eyes for sometime he finally speaks.
"Would you do me the honour of making me the happiest man alive and marry
me Miss Rosso?"
I smile and nod my head.
"There is nothing I would love more than to be your wife Mr Zulu. Yes I will
marry you Mageba" I say out loud.
He laughs softly and I do the same,after so much drama. This is pure crazy.
He puts the ring on my finger and it is so beautiful! It has two circles that go
around my finger,they both have little diamonds and a 4 carat diamond in the
middle,it's breath taking. This will surely be seen a mile away.
"Its beautiful" I say giving him a kiss.
He chuckles softly and pulls me close deepening the kiss. Just like that my
entire body is on fire and only he can cool it down.
I hear laughter and a round of applause. I pull away and turn back to be met
by my dad,Diego,Rea,Buhle,Sipho,Mam'
Martha,MaNkosi,Kwanele,Nokuzotha,Phephelo,Muzi and a few of Zano's
employees,probably the ones that were on duty. My jaw drops. Oh my word!
They saw everything! I look to Zano and he nods. I cover my face with both
my hands and laugh out of embarrassment. Zano pulls me to him and I hide in
his chest,i wish the floor would open up and swallow me. He kisses my
forehead and rubs my back while softly laughing. And the vibration of his
chest is enough to give me goosebumps all over my body. I love this man.

Everybody comes around and congratulates us. Rea is the first one who
demands to see the ring,I gladly give her my left and they squeal causing me
to shake my head and Zano to laugh softly. The evening is spent listening to
Phephelo joke about what happened earlier,I will never hear the end of it.
"Your brother is to die for" Rea says pulling me close to her.
I roll my eyes at her,this crush of hers. I see Diego passing by heading for the
exist so a devious plan comes up.
"Puffo!" I yell and motion him to wait where he is.
I grab a reluctant Rea's hand and drag her to where my brother is.
"Puffo this is Reabetswe,we call her Rea,she is my best friend" I say to him.
He looks between me and Rea with questioning eyes and like the gentleman
that he is,he kisses Rea's hand softly which makes Rea's eyes to ball out and
her face turns red. I feel like bursting into laughter right now but I hold it back,I
still need to complete my mission.
"Nice to meet you Rea,I'm Diego" he says looking at Rea.
I swear I can see her melt. For the first time since she was born she is at a
loss for words. I quickly jump in before she embarrasses herself.
"Puffo she needs a ride back to her flat can you please take her,I don't want
her riding alone at this time of the night" I say giving him my puppy eyes.
Rea quickly turns her head to look at me with question eyes. I just smile and
nod my head.
"Alright it's not a problem at All. Do you have your stuff so that we can leave?"
He asks Rea.
Instead Buhle answers from behind us.
"Yes here is her bag" she says cheekily handing Rea her handbag together
with her phone and the gift back that everybody has gotten in attendance of
this "event". I don't even know what's inside!
Rea takes her stuff and we hug her goodbye.
"I will see you tomorrow" she says looking at me. And I just smile.
Diego leads her out. Me and Buhle look at each other and burst into laughter.
What the hell just happened to Rea?
"That girl has got it bad" Buhle says.
"Like you've got it bad neh?" I say laughing pointing to Muzi who is looking at
Buhle like everybody else in the room doesn't exist. She laughs also.
"You know how these Zulu men are" she says winking at me and walks away
probably to her boyfriend.
I just smile and shake my head. I'm tired now it's been a long day I really need
some sleep. I look around a spot Phephelo I quickly make my way to him,i
need to tell him about the dream or vision or memory or whatever it was.
"Bhuti" I say gaining his attention.
"Awu! Drama queen madoda" he says smiling at me.
I roll my eyes at him and laugh.
"Kunento engifuna ukuyibuza" is say outright.
"Okay buza" he says.
"Imayelana noMa" I say looking down. I don't want to open up old wounds,I
know this is a painful subject but I need to know what happened.
"Uzobuza this year kodwa?" He says smiling at me. I laugh at the question.
No wonder he is the next in line to the throne he has a way of making people
feel safe and warm around him.
"Do you know how she passed away?" I ask foolishly.
"Yes everybody knows about that. Do you want to know new member of the
family?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows causing me to laugh,you would swear
we are not discussing a sore subject.
"I think I know how she died" I say sheepishly.
He looks at me with wide eyes telling me to spill the beans.
"I heard a vision I think earlier on. I saw the type of car she was in,the truck
that hit her,Mapholoba her driver and a lot of other things related to that day" I
say as seriously I can.
His face turns into pure shock like he just saw a ghost.
"Mapholoba? That was my father's most loyal employee that's why he trusted
him with his wife. What truck are you talking about? Mapholoba lost control of
the car then it rolled off the mountain due to the gas leaking it caught fire and
that's how they died,at least that's what I have been told" he says coolly.
What? Then I must be going crazy.I can't help but feel that they have been
lied to. I felt every emotion that Ma was going through the love for her
family,the anxiousness to get home,the worry that turned into sadness when
she saw her Driver's state and the pain she felt when she hit her head on that
rock and finally the peace that washed over her when she closed her eyes
forever. I feel a deep cold run down my spine and I close my eyes like they
will keep me warm.
"Hhayibo! Makoti kwenzakalani?" He asks.
I feel him shaking me. My eyes fly open and I see how worried he is,I'm now
in his arms. I breathe in and out. After a few minutes I have control of my
body. That's when I realize that tears are streaming down my face. Oh! Lord
who else has noticed... I look around the room to where Zano is,luckily he is
deep in conversation with my dad. I quickly look away before he notices my
state,Phephelo hands me his handkerchief and I thank him while dabbling my
tears away. He leads me to a chair,which were brought out when our guests
joined our little dinner. I take a seat and Nokuzotha hands me a glass of
water. I thank her and give her a small smile.
"Ngicabanga ukuthi kumele uyovakashela uBab' Cele " he says after a while.
I nod my head. I don't have enough strength to speak.
"Babakhe kulungile ngizosala naye,uthe ufuna ukukhuluma noZano
ngaphambi kokuthi sijike" Nokuzotha says sweetly to Zano.
She is such a down to earth person. Zano nods,brushes my back soothingly
and leaves.

"Uright sisi?" She asks.

I nod my head and tell her everything that happened,what Phephelo told me
compared to what I saw and felt. After a while of being deep in thought she
finally speaks.
"Kunento eshaya amanzi la. UPhephelo uqinisile kumele uqale ubone uCele
then sikhulume noBaba" she says confidently.
I love how she involved herself it shows that I'm never alone no matter what I
face in the future,that instantly brings a smile to my face and warmth in my
"Ngiyabonga sisi" I say squeezing her hand.
"No need to thank me,we are family and family is always there for each other
no matter what" she says squeezing back my hand and giving me a warm
"Amakhosikazi akwaZulu ndoda!" Phephelo says behind us.
He is standing with Zano next to him,they certainly look like twins no lie.
Nokuzotha smiles and i just roll my eyes,I'm not a Zulu wife yet.
"Mamakhe ucedile ukudlala nezinye lzingane?" Phephelo asks his wife.
We all laugh at his question.
"We will talk tomorrow angisho?" She says getting up and placing a kiss on
my cheek.
I nod my head and smile at her. They bid us goodbye and finally leave.

"Angazi ngithi yini inkinga yakho namhlanje" he says next to my ear.

I can't feel his breath on my skin and boy I want to feel it all over. I sit up
straight and give him more working space on my neck. Right on queue he
places wet kisses from the back of my neck to the crook of my neck that make
my breath hitch.
"Aren't you tired yet?" He asks.
He has a smirk on his face,he is probably satisfied by my reaction. I clear my
throat before speaking because if I don't I'm gonna sound hoarse.
"Mr Zulu I'm a big girl I can get home on my own" I say winking at him and
stand up to leave.
"Namhlanje uvukele Mina neh?" He asks.
You can tell that he is amazed and the look in his eyes says something that
makes my panties wet.
"Anginayo nenkinga yokuvusa okunye la kuwe" I say trying to walk away.
He grabs my arm softly and whispers in my ear.
"Uzokhala" he says then chuckles softly.
Oh yes sir! I would love to scream at the top of my lungs.
I wink at him and strut away from him making sure to sway my hips in a
provocative way.
I know he is coming after me so I quickly grab my bag and flowers and bid
goodbye to the few people that are still here. Like I said I feel Zano's arm
snake around my waist. I smile and shake my head. "Very predictable Zulu" i
say to myself. He says goodbye to our guests and instructs the manager on
what to do then leads me outside to the awaiting car. He opens the door for
me and I gladly slide in while greeting Sipho for the second if not third time.
Immediately after Zano gets in he drives off,I'm sure he wants to get home as
soon as possible it has really been a long day. Zano pulls me closer to him
and starts working on my neck.
"Zano stop" it comes out as a whisper.
He smirks against my neck and kisses me. He tugs my Beyoncè Pondo and I
moan in his. I move my hand up and down his bulge. He groans and carries
me to his lap momentarily breaking the kiss because of my long dress.
"You don't want to put on a free show for Sipho my love" I wink at him and
slide of his lap.
"Zenande?" He says with squinted eyes.
"My love?" I say as innocently as I can.
He chuckles and answers his phone which I wasn't aware was even ringing. I
take that time to post tonight's pictures on my socials except the ring and the
Prince Charming,I don't want people to know anything about my personal at
least not yet. Then I reply to messages on WhatsApp. There is a message
from an unknown number so I view the profile picture first before even
reading,it's Vuyiswa. I immediately click on block and continue with what I was
doing. Her guilty conscious better eat her up far away from me,I don't want
anything that links me to that girl. The car pulls over and when I look up we
are right outside my apartment building. Zano is still on the phone,now he
seems angry yelling about how the person on the phone is incompetent to
even run things for one night. He must be talking to the manager I say to

We both know better than that my subconscious winks at me from behind her

I thank Sipho for helping me out and wish a goodnight. I walk inside with Zano
following closely behind me. I get to my apartment,unlock the door and get in.
Zano also walks in and heads straight to my lounge area to bite the other
person's ear off,I feel sorry for them. Angry Zano is not fun at
all. I lock the door and take off my heels then I place my bag on the kitchen
counter. I take my phone and walk to my bedroom. I need to get out of this
damn dress,as I reach for the door handle Zano spins me around and as I am
about to protest his lips slap into mine. The kiss instantly turns passionate we
both are hungry for one thing. He pulls me up by my thighs and I wrap my legs
around as best as I can with this dress. When we enter the bedroom. He puts
me on the bed and takes off his jacket together with his tie. He now has
bloodshot squinted eyes and Farrah Gawd does he look hot right now. He
takes off his shirt,climbs on to the bed and wraps my leg over his waist. That
tips the honey pot and I rain on my already wet panties. He kisses me so that
I'm left breathless instantly my nails dig into his back,what I'm feeling right
now is out of this world. He pulls my dress up and he rubs himself over my
panties. A moan escapes my lips. He takes my dress off,how he managed to
take that dress off so quickly surprises me if I wasn't in this state I would
surely laugh. I'm now left in my wet black lace panties and a matching bra.
"You are so sexy" he says in a low voice that sends tingles down my spine.
I push my pelvis towards him. He looks at me smiles.
"Hhayibo! Ye mama ubani indoda la?" He asks as he plants wet kisses over
my neck and shoulder while working on my bra and it's off.
He cups my left breast and kisses the other,I'm starting to build. He comes
back to my lips while pulling off my panties. My entire body feels like it's on fire
and he is the only one who can cool it down. He pulls back to take off his
pants and briefs,Ndabezitha springs free and I bite my lower lip in an attempt
to stop the throbbing between my thighs. He looks at me and smiles,he comes
to me and kisses me deeply while he inserts his finger in my cookie,he groans
as he plays with me. My breathing has picked up and my heart is beating out
of my chest. I can feel my orgasm but before I can even reach my peak he
stops and looks at me.
"Love ple-... please" I stutter.
I don't know why I'm begging but I know that I need that relief from him,my
body has went through a lot today,I need to let go both physically and
"Ngiyak'thanda yezwa?" He says in a voice that makes me arch my back.
Before I can respond he slams himself into me,I let out a little scream from his
length today he is making sure I take it all and I know it's because of what
happened earlier on. He wants to write down on me so that I know that I
belong to him. He starts thrusting into me hard and a moan mixed with a gasp
escapes my lips. Its going to be a very eventful night.

I'm woken up by Zano leaving kisses all over my face. I smile and try to get
up. My entire body is sore. This man kept me up all night or should I say all
morning? I look at him and he is smiling. Somebody is in a good mood.
"Mxm" I say trying to get out of bed.
He laughs like the stupid he is. I have pains on my abdomen and every other
part of my body. He surely did a number on me. He picks me up bridal style
snapping me out of my thoughts and I let out a scream after realizing what's
going on I end up giggling. He walks to the bathroom looking deep into my
eyes. I look down to his chest and blush,I can't look him in the eye for too
long,he does something to me I can't even put into words. He places me on
the toilet seat with the lid closed.
"I have already filled up the bathtub for you and I used those salts of yours" he
says motioning to the bathtub with his eyes.
Then he starts walking to the door. I nod in acknowledgement with glassy
eyes,I don't know why I want to burst into tears,It's just a bath he didn't move

"If push comes to shove you know he will." My subconscious rises to the

I don't even want to think of the worst right now. I just want everything to go
smoothly between us although in the back of my mind I know I'm only fooling
"Or do you want me to join you?" He asks with a naughty smile plastered on
his handsome face.
I laugh at him and tell him to leave. I take off his briefs and there is blood all
over them. My periods have paid a visit. I quickly wrap a towel around me and
run to the bedroom,I take out a pad and panties then go back to the bathroom.
I'm sure the sheets are also stained,I will wash them when I'm done.

After bathing I go to the bedroom with my panties on and a towel wrapped

around my body. I find Zano on the phone. I walk to the closet and take out a
baggy t-shirt and black leggings. He comes to me after hanging up on who
ever he was talking to. He kisses my neck.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
I nod my head even though I can feel period pains rising to the occasion.
"Can I get you anything? Pads,ice-cream or painkillers?" He asks again.
Now I can tell that he is concerned by the look on his face. I laugh at him.
"Imagine you walking into a store and buying sanitary towels Mageba" I laugh
even louder and he joins in.
"You go through a lot Sthandwa Sami that's the very least I can do" he says
My heart skips a beat,this man is my dream come true in all honesty.
He dresses me,imagine! I feel like I'm Mahle right now.

"He will make a great father" my subconscious comments.

I ignore her because kids will just add strain to this love triangle,I don't even
want to think about them,I hope Dudu feels the same way because Zano feels
the opposite way that I know. Which reminds me I should check when my next
appointment is,I can't manage to miss my shot. I'm no where near ready being
a mother maybe in 10 years time not now.
When he is done dressing me he tells me to get into bed. Now I remember
that I have to change the sheets.
"I have to wash the sheets" I tell him removing the duvet.
"I already did Sthandwa Sami " he says.
What? I freeze looking at the sheets,there is no stain of blood in sight. Did he
just wash my menstrual blood?
"What?" I ask still confused by what he just did.
"Baby we are getting married soon It was going to happen sooner or later" he
says planting a kiss on my forehead.
Tears instantly fall down my face. Just like last night he kisses each and every
one of them away. I end up giggling. And he genuinely smiles at me.
"Just get some rest Sthandwa Sami I will bring you breakfast and those
painkillers " he says pecking my lips and gets out of the bedroom.

I lay on the bed with my tummy,period pains are the worst I really don't get
why Farrah Gawd punishes us for not being pregnant honestly. You get
pregnant he gifts you with labour pains,so indecisive like the men in our lives.
After a while Zano walks in with a tray and places it next to me on the bed. I
sit up and he has made a greasy breakfast,with orange and Neurofen tablets
on the side. He must have went out to buy them because I didnt have them. I
almost cry again but I push it back because he will think that I don't like this. I
look at him and smile.
We feed each other,the food was more than enough for two people and after I
take the pills. Zano takes the dishes and disappears out the door. I take the
time to reply to my messages mostly Rea telling me how sneaky I am and that
makes me laugh. There is also a message from Dudu she replied to my status
upload with a "Congratulations Mnaks" I thank her and quickly log out.
Nobody confuses me the way that Dudu does,I feel like she is just putting on
an act and that behind all of this she is working on a plan. Zano walks in with
his laptop pulling me away from thinking about his other fiancée. He goes on
to Netflix and we watch a movie. We both stay in bed for most of the day.
After the first movie I drift to sleep on his warm chest. I don't know for how
long I was out but I'm woken up by his ringing phone.
"Hello" he says.
"Zanothando ukuphi? Unaleyo ngane lapho?" I hear Dudu's voice.
I close my eyes pretending that I'm fast asleep. I can feel him look at me
before placing me on the pillow and getting up from the bed,I pretend to stir so
he thinks that's what woke me.
"Leyo ngane izoba umkami ufuna noma ungafuni. Ngikukhuza okokugcina
manje Duduzile yeka lento yakho" I hear him say angrily before he shuts the
bathroom door.
So Dudu obviously doesn't like me not that I care but I hoped we could be civil
with each other at least but now I see that will never be possible. Which
makes me think,Zano said that my house will be built in the same area as
her,come to think of it I don't want that,I want to be far away from her as
possible. I should do my research and propose it to Zano because i most
certainly cant go to him and tell him "Hey babe i dont want to live in the same
area as your other wife because i feel like she has a hidden agenda" that wont
work it will make me seem like the bad person in all this.
He comes out after a few minutes. He puts on his shoes.
"Sthandwa Sami kumele ngihambe. Dudu is at the airport,I have to fetch her"
he says trying to grasp my reaction.
I give him a smile even though I feel like crying. He puts on his t-shirt and
comes over to me on the bed.
"Ngiyak'thanda uyezwa?" I nod my head vigorously and he plants a kiss on
my forehead then just like that he is out the door after gathering all his stuff.
As soon as I hear the door shut I can't help but cry,this relationship is going to
drain me. I cry myself back to sleep.

I'm woken up by pains on my lower abdominal area. I quickly grab a new pad
and go to the bathroom to change it. Then I take the pills Zano left with some
water on my bedside table. I take my phone and check the time,it's 17:00pm.
The vision I had before comes into my mind like it's reminding me that I have
forgotten something. As if in on cue my phone rings,it's Nokuzotha.
"Sisi" I answer.
"Sawubona unjani?" She asks.
I tell her that I'm okay and she tells me a bit about the kids and in turn I tell her
about what Dudu said to Zano over the phone.
"Zee she will never be half the woman you are and she sees that now so it's
driving her to do Or say things out of jealousy" she says.
"What do I have that she can be jealous of kodwa Zotha?"
"A lot. You just don't realize it yet" she says.
I remain quite thinking about why Dudu would be jealous of me.
"When are you coming this side? Sizokwazi ukulungisa leya ndaba?" She
asks after a while of letting me drown in my thoughts.
"I want to sort this out before the negotiations take place,so I'm thinking of
booking a flight right now"
"That's a great idea tell me when the flight leaves and I will send Phephelo to
pick you up" she says.
"Ngiyabonga sisi ithi ngenze njalo" I say to her.
She kisses me over the phone then hangs up.

I quickly go on the website to purchase a ticket and to my luck there is one

leaving at 19:00pm I quickly buy it and text Nokuzotha the departure and
arrival time. I guess that's it I'm going to KZN. I get up from the bed and pack
a few clothes into a duffel bag. I decide to take a quick shower and wear my
black Nike tracksuit with sneakers. After packing my toiletry bag I head out to
the kitchen and make myself tea to warm me up as I call Diego.
"Pufetta" he answers after the first ring.
"Hey Puffo I hope I'm not disturbing you with anything" I say.
"Uhm... no not at all what's up?" He sounds out of breath I guess he Is
working out these men love the gym.
I tell him everything that I saw and the plan that me and Nokuzotha came up
with and that I'm leaving in an hour.
"Okay I will be there in 10 minutes,we will discuss more of this on our way to
the airport" he says and hangs up without letting me put a word in.
I contemplate whether or not to text Zano as I have my tea and a sandwich. I
don't want to disturb his time with Dudu so I just let it be.
True to his word Diego is outside after 10 minutes. I quickly switch off the
lights,grab my bags and lock the door as I head out. Time to find out if I'm
going crazy or that the Queen was murdered.

True to her word Nokuzotha sent Siphephelo to pick me up and I thought we

are going to the royal house but instead we drove to their house in Durban. It's
better this way I honestly couldn't stand to be with uBaba in the same house
with all that is happening right now. When we get to the house the kids are all
ready for bed and you can tell that they are sleepy but they give me the
warmest welcome ever.
"Sawubona Aunty" Khethiwe the oldest one greets.
"Hey baby unjani?" I say to her.
"Yekelani uAunty ahlale phansi I'm sure ukhathele" Nokuzotha says giving me
a sympathetic look and leads us to the sitting room.
Immediately after sitting down the twins jump into my lap. I have to balance
Noluthando on my left and Thandeka on my right. While Khethiwe rests her
head on my shoulder.
"Yazi my kids are very reserved individuals it surprises me how they act
around You,even worse it's their first time meeting you" Phephelo says taking
both the 4 year old sleeping twins from me.
I laugh at him and scoot Khethiwe on to my lap who is looking at me like I'm
something out of this world.
"Umuhle" she finally says with her little voice.
"Ngiyabonga but I'm not as pretty as you" I say dabbing her nose with my
index finger which makes her laugh.
Nokuzotha shows up as Khethiwe tells me about school,she is a little socialite
this one you can tell.
"Khethi it's way past bedtime nana say goodnight to Aunty,you will see her in
the morning" she says to Khethiwe.
Khethiwe pouts but does as she is told.
"Goodnight Aunty" she says placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Night baby sweet dreams" I say planting a kiss on her forehead.
Then she marches to where her mother is standing.
"I will be right back let me go tuck her in and check on the twins" Nokuzotha
informs me as she holds her daughter's hand and they walk out.
I call my mom and let her know about everything,she doesn't make a fuss
about it but insists that by next week she wants me back home.
"Umxelele uZano?" Mama asks.
"No. Not yet he is still with Dudu I don't want to disturb him" I say to her.
"That man is soon going to be your husband and all of this is about his mother
he deserves to know. You can't tell everybody before him,he is the one that
needs to know before everybody else Zenande that's how marriage and
relationships work. You have to trust your partner and communicate with him"
she says.
"Okay mama uxolo I will tell him in the morning" I assure her.
After chit chatting she bids me goodbye and I hang up.
I check on my emails to pass time and there is one from the agency sent
earlier today,I'm booked for a bikini shoot on Tuesday and luckily it's here in
Durban,I quickly reply and then make a note of it on my calender.

Nokuzotha walks in with snacks as I put my phone on the table.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. These kids are a lot including their father" she
says rolling her eyes as she gives me a bowl with snacks.
I laugh at her and she shakes her head with a smile.
She tells me that Phephelo took my things to the guestroom and that
tomorrow after the kids leave for school we will go to Bab' Cele. I'm really glad
that I don't have to do this alone.
She tells me more about the family as we watch TV and have our snacks.
Apparently Siphephelo owns an accounting company which also handles all
the finances of all Zano's business. Muzi is a lawyer and has his own law firm
and the other two cousins whom I thought were their friends are both Soldiers.
People in this family are surely successful. She tells me that Dudu also used
to study Business Management at Harvard but her scholarship dropped her
due to failing most her modules and she never even bothered to go back even
though Zano offered to pay for her fees. Her and Zano really have a lot in
common I have to say. When I check the time it's way past midnight so we
switch off the lights downstairs and Nokuzotha shows me my room before she
also heads to bed. I quickly go in to the bathroom and put on a night pad and
do my night routine. After jumping into bed I check my phone and I have a
goodnight text from Zano. No use replying it he sent this two hours ago and
he is with her,so I just put it on the bedside table after setting a alarm and go
to sleep.

Helping Nokuzotha get the kids ready for school was a breeze they are really
the most sweetest kids ever. Phephelo dropped them off at school on his way
to the office. After having breakfast and cleaning around I took a shower and
now I'm getting dressed. I put on a knee length floral dress,a cardigan that
covers my shoulders and tie a doek on my head. I put on my sandals and
grab my phone to check the time. Its off! And i forgot to bring a charger! I toss
it on the bed and head downstairs,thanks to Nokuzotha i now know how to
navigate my way around this huge house. These people have a thing for big
and beautiful houses but who am i kidding who wouldn't with all that money. I
find Nokuzotha in the kitchen helping the lady that helps around the house to
pack the dishes. I love how she is still humble even with all this money around
"Awusemuhle" she says grabbing her handbag and car keys.
She is wearing a black maxi dress,a black doek and her slippers. Even in a
simple outfit she looks gorgeous with her curves showing as she moves. Truly
an African woman with and African figure.
"Thanks, you look great also" I say to her.
She smiles and thanks me and then grabs my hand as we walk to her car.
She leads me to a white Mercedes-Benz G63 and I literally have to pinch
myself so that I don't scream. The all black interior is to die for!
"What kind of car does Dudu have?" I ask Nokuzotha.
"A BMW M4. Zano bought it for her after their engagement,I guess it was his
way of apologizing to her for a crappy engagement" she says.
"Crappy engagement?"
"Let's just say that Dudu is a woman that knows what she wants so that ended
up causing Zano to do things improperly" she says laughing.
I just chuckle and shake my head. Poor Zano. I'm sure she told him how
exactly she wanted the moment to be.
"But I'm glad that he learnt from his mistakes and became a better man. I
mean your engagement was beautiful to be honest I'm a little jealous that I
couldn't get that" she says.
I laugh at her and shake my head.
"He really surprised me. I didn't expect any of that I just thought we were
having dinner but him sending a glam squad got me suspicious " I say
"He really loves you. He was so nervous about everything that he kept calling
or texting me asking me on what he should or shouldn't go with" she says
"I knew he couldn't do that all alone"
"And he did yazi. I just helped on which designer he should go for,the kind of
candles and which roses he should use that's it" she says as she makes a
turn for Bab' Cele's street.
I smile at the thought of him being nervous over such little things,he is one
person that has his emotions in control. After parking the car I take a deep
breath and get out. MaCele tells us that Bab' Cele is waiting for us in the hut.
We take off our shoes at the door and we both enter. We sit on a grass mat
facing Bab' Cele immediately after walking in he starts with the "Hhheyyiii"
sounds causing me to shiver.
"Kudala ngikulindile" he says looking at me.
Did Nokuzotha tell him that we are coming? I look at her and as if she is
reading my thoughts she shakes her head.
"Khuluma ntombazane kwenzekeni ngaloluya suku" he says groaning.
I tell him everything the exact same way I saw it not leaving a thing out. When
I'm done he clenches his teeth and starts shaking. I look at Nokuzotha and
she shrugs.
"Ziningi izimfihlo ekhayeni lakwaZulu. Baningi abantu abangafiseli lo mndeni
okuhle bahleka nani kodwa uma bejika banakhela amaqhinga. Uwena
ozokukhipha konke ukukhohlakala okwenzekalayo uyisipho sakwaZulu futhi
uphinde ubeyisikhali esikhulu emndenini wakaZulu." He says in a voice I
cannot recognize as his.
"Yebo ngiyavuma" I say to him.
He shakes again groaning then after a while he stops.
"Sesifikile iskhathi sokuthi owabulala iNdlovukazi ajeze. Ufake loku ngaphansi
ngomqamelo uma ulala namhlanje. Uma nisuka la aniyi kwenye indawo
ngaphandle kwasemzini weNkosi yilapho uyohlala khona ngasosonke iskhathi
uboniswa,uma ubanombono into yokuqala okumele uyenze uma ufika la
ukuya emagcekeni wakaZulu mawuqeda uye emfuleni uyophahla
siyezwana?" He asks looking dead into my eyes. And throws something that
is wrapped in paper to me.
"Yebo baba"
"Ngiyajabula ngoba nize nobabili namhlanje. UMa wenu iNdlovukazi beyifuna
nginitshele ukuthi njengabo Makoti bakhe kuzo zonke izivunguvungu ezizayo
kuzomele nibambane njenganamhlanje. Ikusasa laKwaZulu lisezandleni zenu
"Yebo baba" we both say.
Then he tells me that I will see the person that killed the Queen in my dreams
and immediately after waking up from the dream I should call Nokuzotha and
tell her every detail of the dream and then in the morning we should tell the
king. The king will be able to find the culprit and that we shouldn't let anger
and hurt get the better of him. After telling me about a lot of other things that i
have to do,we thank him and leave him in his hut.
"Yoh that was a lot" Nokuzotha says resting her head on the steering wheel.
"You can say that again" I say resting my head on the window.
"Are you okay?" She asks after a while.
Am I okay? I just found out that every skeleton that is in the Zulu closet is
going to be uncovered by me,the nightmare I thought was coming to an end
because of marrying Zano is actually beginning. Now not only my life is in my
hands but the Zulu family and the village at large. Its pretty clear that I have
enemies I don't know about and that I'm going to make even more enemies.
I'm the Zulus' gift from the ancestors and yet I am their greatest weapon,my
life is a joke!
I shake my head before answering her.
"I think it will be okay with time,I will understand all of this a bit better" i say
giving her a smile.
"You heard Bab' Cele you always have me by your side ungakhathezeki
sisonke kulento" she says squeezing my hand.
"Why does Bab' Cele call you by name kodwa kimi ungibiza ngesbongo?" I
ask her even though I think that I already know the answer. She laughs before
"Nokuzotha is my matrimonial name,that's what the ancestors wanted so
that's why he uses it. My birth name is Thandiwe but I have gotten used to
Nokuzotha that it now seems foreign" she says shrugging.
She has the most beautiful names.
"Did they tell you why they chose Nokuzotha?"
She laughs before answering.
"Well apparently I brought back their dignity,before I met Siphephelo he was
on self destruct mode and then came me,he started being a better person.
They said that there was only one woman in this family who could change a
Zulu man and her name was Nokuzotha a great great grandmother of some
sort,you know the works" she says shrugging and starting the ignition.
Its a really beautiful story behind a beautiful name.
"I wonder what mine will be" I mutter to myself.
"I think we both know" she says smiling at me as she pulls on to the road.
A part of me knows that I will be named after her but another part of me prays
that I don't. I don't want to be a reincarnation of her.
"I need to talk to Zano" I say letting out a huge sigh.
"Well! He is been calling me non-stop,I thought you were ignoring him on
purpose" she says looking at me.
"No my phone is off and I forgot my charger back at my apartment" I tell her.
He must have tried calling me and then when I didn't answer he must have
went to my apartment. He must be angry like hell or he thinks I'm throwing a
tantrum because Dudu is around.
"Here call him before he sends out a search party" she says handing me her
I take a deep breath and dial his numbers. He answers on the second ring.
"Ma kaKhethi iphi ingoduso yami?" He asks sounding tired.
"Who taught you phone etiquette Zulu?"
"Silwelani mama?"
"Asilwi baba. Its just that a lot of things are happening all at once" I say to him.
"Wavele wabalekela eKZN ngaphandle kweText eshoyo kumele ngizwe
ngoSiphephelo ukuthi uyalishaya ibhodo?" I can tell that he is angry but he is
trying to control it. I don't like it when is angry at me but I brought this on
"Ngiyaxolisa Mageba it all happened so suddenly and my phone also died I
forgot my charger at home nobody uses a Samsung here"
"Leyo All okhuluma ngayo MaNododile wenze ungitshele ukuthi iyislwane bani
umangifika lapho"
"No Zulu you don't have to come here,it's nothing important just spend time
with Dudu please "
"Ngabe ucabange loko ngaphambi kokuthi ugijimele ibhanoyi" he says then
hangs up on me.
He must have hung up by mistake so I dial his numbers again and it goes
straight to voicemail. Jah he is fuming,I'm in trouble.
"He hung up on me" I say giving Nokuzotha her phone back.
"He will come around don't worry" she says squeezing my hand.
I nod my head and try to push back the tears that are trying to rise to the
occasion. I have a lot to do so I will just have to deal with Zano when he gets
here and I'm sure he is coming with an even angrier Dudu. "Oh! Ma I need a
manual for this relationship" i say to myself.


My entire life is a whole flipping tornado that just won't go away. Everybody is
making decisions on my behalf since from childhood and now as an adult as
well. I remember when I found out about my Chosen,I was over the moon,I
love my mother very much,i even used to get teased for being a Mama's boy
by Siphephelo and his friends. Finding out that she chose a girl especially for
me was and still is the greatest gift she could ever give me. When time
passed and I didn't even bump into her my heart broke but I just thought that
she now wants me to make my own choice she now trusts me yo make my
own choices.

My mother's death is one wound I cannot heal from,it's like I have a hole in my
heart that used to get bigger with time until I met Her. My mother's death was
sudden,she was with me in the morning and went out for a meeting and then
she never came back. We never got the chance to even see her for the last
time because she had burnt to ashes. For years I thought she was out there
that she was going to come back once she saw that I'm no longer
troublesome,I focused on school and my royal responsibilities. I went from a
person that hates books to passing my Matric with 7 distinctions and got
accepted into Harvard University. All in hopes that she would come back and
tell me that she is proud of the man I have become,but that never happened
and now I know that it never will.

I met Dudu in varsity,a lot of people got nervous in my presence but not her
she came up to me and introduced herself knowing very well that I'm the
chief's son back home. As time went by I realized that she is exactly the kind
of woman I need in my life,she knows what she wants and she goes for it
without a doubt,she doesn't beat around the bush she calls a spade a spade
and my family also adores her. We dated for a while and then I proposed to
her in a way that she wasn't happy about at all. Dudu is one of those women
who love the finer things in life so she expected the engagement of her
dreams. She kept on hinting to me about a ring in a cake so I took her out on
a picnic and hid the ring in her slice of cake unfortunately she choked on it so
the whole thing was a disaster,she didn't speak to me for an entire week but I
recovered from that by asking her to be my wife with a BMW M4 she couldn't
say no,she is a huge BMW fan. The day my uncles were supposed to go pay
Lobola for her a lot of things happened that caused it not to succeed and
that's the very day my life as I knew it changed.

The minute I laid my eyes on Zenande I knew that everything was going to be
alright. Now I know why my mother chose Her,because she knew that she is
the only person that can help me fully live without her. She doesn't know it but
from the moment I heard her sweet laugh she had me dancing to her tune
already. No matter how dark a day might seem she makes it brighter by just
saying my name. She genuinely cares about me and my family because if she
didn't then she would have ran for the hills the very minute she heard of all
this. She makes me want to be a better man just for her. She doesn't know
what she does to me and I'm afraid that if my she comes to know then she
might take advantage of that. I thought I knew what love is when I met Dudu
but after meeting Zenande I know what being in love is.

I love them both in a special way,I don't feel like being with Dudu is a mistake
and also I don't feel like accepting Zenande is a burden. But there is one thing
im afraid of. Zenande is an angel that is walking the earth on two feet and I'm
afraid I will taint her. I'm a bad person,I'm the master in the underworld these
chains of businesses are a front for what i really do. I smuggle diamonds
through NoZulu Tradings and mostly I supply drugs to dealers in the African
continent. I kill where I have to without hesitation and our world is a very
dangerous one because people are always out to get you. Zenande's family is
also the most powerful weapon smugglers in the world,everybody knows not
to mess with a Rosso and Zenande doesn't know all of this,I'm even afraid of
telling her because from the little that I have seen and heard from her she will
leave me without a doubt. This woman has turned me into a weakling,Imagine
me,Zanothando Zulu the most powerful and respected underworld leader is
now scared of losing a woman he met 3 months ago.

Dudu knows about the life i live and what exactly i do,i guess that is why i also
love her so much,she accepted me for who I am without judgement or
hesitation. She showed up yesterday without even informing me,I had to leave
Nande while she wasn't feeling well because she wouldn't stop throwing her
toys around. I spent the entire night with her and all that came out of her
mouth was "Zenande". Her jealousy is going to drive me insane before I marry
either of them. Zenande is one person that responds immediately to my
messages so I was surprised when she didn't reply to my goodnight text,I just
thought maybe she is asleep because of the pain medication or she was
angry at me for being with Dudu. It's not going to be easy we are all
learning,this isn't going to start working like a well oiled machine overnight.
This morning when I called multiple times and it went straight to voicemail I
decided to go over to her place and she wasn't there. I asked Diego where
she is and he told me to "ask my brother's wife" I called Nokuzotha but she
never even bothered to answer my calls. So I called her husband and he had
the nerve to tell me that my fiancée is a great cook. What the hell she is doing
in Durban? I don't know. I asked Siphephelo but he said he also doesn't know
I should ask Zenande,knowing my brother I know very well that he knows.
There is only one thing I had to do,I told Dudu that we are going back to KZN
after my last meeting today and she was adamant at first but after giving her
my card and booking her in at a Spa she was all smiles about it. I couldn't
focus at the office so I decided to just go to the warehouse and check if the
suppliers kept their end of the deal that's when Zenande called me with
Nokuzotha's phone she told me a lot of shitty stuff that just fueled my anger
because I know for sure she is hiding something from me,I could tell from the
way she sounded that she isn't okay but I can't help her if she doesn't trust me
so I just let her be and switched off my phone so that I can deal with these
greedy suppliers who think I sleep with my shoes on.

After a long day of beating people up,I must say it was a great relief because I
feel less angry towards Zenande now. Looking at her fast asleep in her bed
right now I just feel hurt because by the look of things when I got here
everybody knows except me. I take the last gulp of my cognac and place the
glass on the table. I sit back and just look at her,even when she is asleep with
her hair flying around she still is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
I'm tired I had a long and shitty day but I just cant sleep. I take a glance on her
digital clock on the bedside table and it reads 01:00am.
"Kungani ungangithembi MaNododile?" I ask her sleeping form.
Although the question is directed more to me than her. She stirs and starts
mumbling things I can't even hear properly,by the look on her face she is
having a nightmare. I slowly stand up and walk to her. She is even sweating. I
brush the sweat beads off her cheek and she calms down. As I'm about to sit
next to her my phone vibrates from my pocket,I take it out and check who is
calling its a client of mine who purchased a smuggled black diamond for 90
million. He must be checking on when it will get to Spain. I take one last look
at the woman who has my heart in her little hand and leave the room.
"Sergio" I say answering the phone.
I close the door lightly behind me so that I don't wake her. Then I walk to my
father's study so that I don't wake the rest of the house.
"Zulu remember my friend Marcello from Brazil?" He asks.
I hate people who don't get straight to the point and he knows that. I adjust
myself on my father's leather chair.
"Am I your mom Sergio? What do you want?" I ask bluntly.
I hear him laugh and that just pisses me off even more. What's with people
getting on my nerves? Zenande must have opened the gate for them and told
them to dance ballet on my head. Damn women!
"He wants white diamonds" he says.
I trust Sergio he would never screw me over,he knows exactly what I'm
capable of.
"Tell him to contact me and to stop hiding behind your skirt" I say while
hanging up.
I let out a deep breath and rest my head on the chair. Never in a million years
did I think that my life would come to this,what many men see as a
luxury,having two women,to me is the worst nightmare I have to face while
awake. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Dudu with her jealousy
and Zenande with shutting me out,these two are going to send me to a mental
hospital. I take out my laptop from the bag on the table I might as well work
since Dudu decided to sleep in my room just because she wants to rub it in
Zenande's face. This is not the Duduzile I fell in love with,she has changed for
the worst and I can't help but feel that this is all my fault even though she
knew about me having a Chosen wife,I mean everybody in my village and the
surrounding villages knows but it must not be easy on her. Which makes me
think,maybe I should spend some time with her I must say I have been busy
with work and trying to impress Zenande at every turn that I forgot about her. I
will have to do better by her,I have been slacking on my responsibilities
towards her.

I bolt up from the bed. I saw his face the man who crashed on to Ma's car on
purpose. I reach for the house phone and dial Nokuzotha's numbers. She
picks up after the second ring.
"Sisi" she says in a sleepy voice.
"I saw him Zotha. I saw everything." I say to her excitedly.
"Oh thank you Lord! Okay let me record you just like Bab' Cele said" she says.
I hear shuffling sounds for a bit,she must be getting out of bed.
"Okay tell me then we are all up" she says to me.
"The man is bald headed,he had a white beard,he is not too dark and yet not
light in complexion,he has a rough face from shaving and spots all over his
face,you can tell he had acne problems while he was younger. He has a full
gold on his front tooth and he had a gold ring on his ring finger. The truck he
was driving was those that transport inhlabathi,it was yellow and dirty. The
registration plate is CGU 322 ND. Oh! And he kept on saying Kudala
ngikukhuza Sphesihle." I say and let out a deep breath I didn't even know I
was holding.
"Wow! This is hectic hey. Okay sisi get some rest and I will be there first thing
in the morning okay?"
"Okay. Don't forget to bring my bag and useless phone" I say letting out a
She laughs softly.
"I won't. Goodnight " then I hang up.

Someone was here judging from the glass on the small table. I walk over to
the table and pick it up. Immediately after taking a sniff of it,it burns my
nostrils. There is only one person that enjoys frying their liver like this and
from the smell of his cologne I know it was Zano. I wonder when he got here,I
tried waiting up for him but sleep over powered me. He must be in his room
then. I quickly walk out of my room on my tippy toes so that I don't wake
anybody up and go to his room. I open the door a bit and the light is still on.
He never sleeps with the lights on dont tell me he is working! I open it a bit
more and I see a sleeping Duduzile on the bed tangled up in a duvet. I feel a
pain go through my heart and I quickly close the door and run to my room. I
get in and lock it. That Bastard said that he would never sleep with her while
I'm here,that's why we all have different rooms. Is he doing this to get back at
me for not telling him about coming here? I never thought that he would stoop
this low. I can't help but cry,I missed him so much. No I MISS HIM SO MUCH!
Even just looking at him while he was asleep would have set my heart at
ease. Who am I kidding Dudu also needs and misses him as much as I do,I
shouldn't be selfish and after all he isn't mine. That's the woman he loves
genuinely he chose Her himself and i can never come in the way of that. I cry
until i feel a headache coming on i try to stop but the tears won't so I cry to my
heart's content silently careful not to make a sound. After crying enough tears
to fill a pool on the floor I check the time on my alarm clock it's 03:30am I
might as well get ready for the day. I peel myself from the floor and head
straight to the shower. I stand under the hot cascading water for what feels
like years and when the skin on my hands and feet starts getting wrinkly from
being in water for too long,I get out. I look in the bathroom mirror and my
reflection doesn't surprise me. Bloodshot swollen eyes,red nose and dripping
wet hair. I dry myself and wrap a towel on my head. I put on my day cream
and lotion my body then brush my teeth.

I head to the bedroom I wear panties,no bra today. No thanks andizi! Also I
thank the God of Periods for blessing me with just two days worth of blood,I'm
one of the few lucky ones.I put on a peach coloured body hugging dress that
goes over my knees. I must say it was a great Idea leaving these things here.
Then i slide into my slippers before drying my hair with a towel,when I'm done
I tie it into a low ponytail and make the bed. I tidy up around the room just to
keep myself busy and to keep myself from thinking a lot. I check the time and
it's 05:00am. I open the curtains and the windows. Nokuzotha will be here any
minute from now,thanks Lord Bab' Cele said we should record everything
because right now I don't even remember a thing. All I can see is Zano and
Dudu in bed.

Bab' Cele said I should normalize walking the streets of this place so that
people see me and also I might bump into somebody who will trigger another
vision that can help us in finding the killer. I make my way downstairs and
greet the help together with Gogo in the kitchen,this woman never sleeps.
"We don't need your help so you might as well go back upstairs and sleep,you
don't look good at all" she says to me giving out a sharp look.
"Bab' Cele said I must walk around so I'm going to do that now"
"Ekuseni kangaka Nande!" She says putting both her hands on her hips.
"Ungakhathazeki gogo I will be back in time for breakfast"
"You are just as stubborn as that man of yours,hamba ke. Umbonile?" She
I feel like bursting into tears because her question brings back Dudu's
sleeping form tangled up in the duvet.
I shake my head and shrug. If I say anything then I'm certainly going to break
down and cry.
She eyes me suspiciously and to my relief she doesn't interrogate me any
further. One of the helpers comes and tells her that the table is already set,I
take that chance and slip away before she makes sure I don't leave.

I quickly make my way outside. The sun's rays are greeting the beautiful
sky,the view is so beautiful and calming especially with the mountains in full
view. I breathe in the fresh air and exhale slowly. After calming down I head to
the gate,since I don't know this place I think I should ask a guard to come with
me so that I don't get lost.
"Sawubona bhuti" I greet the guard at the gate.
"Yebo madam" he says.
That makes me feel old but I will just shut my mouth since it's part of his job to
address me in such a manner.
"I want to take a walk around the village since I don't know this place can one
of the guards come with me?" I ask politely.
I don't want him to think that I'm bossing him around. He looks at me
questioningly but nods his head and excuses himself to call somebody.
Probably the chief or head guard.

"Or your man" my subconscious decides to chip in.

He is fast asleep loyo probably doesn't know that I even exist currently. And
it's okay I won't keep on crying about it. The guard comes back with a bottle of
water in his hand and a sandwich.
"INkosana ithe ngikunike loku. Sesingahamba" he says handing me both the
bottle of cold water and the sandwich. It's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
so I'm sure he made it.

"Or your mnakwethu" my subconscious says and then goes back to reading
her book. How To Be A Bitch Volume 1.

I ignore her and smile at the fact that he still cares even though he is angry at
me or preoccupied with the other Mrs. The guard leads the way and I quickly
follow him. As we walk down one of the streets in the village,everybody is
already up and about. Others are going to the river with their laundry and
some are coming from the local shop to buy bread. I offer the guard a
sandwich. He shakes his head.
"Sengidlile mina ngiyabonga ngabe uyadla awubukeki uphile kahle ukudla
kuzokupha amandla" he says and gives me a genuine smile.
I look down from his face to the ground. It looks like everybody can see just
how miserable I am even people who don't know me,at this very moment I feel
like turning around and go lock myself up in my room. But I soldier on none
the less because I have to do this,it's my punishment for being Zenande
Karina Rosso. I don't bother eating so I just carry the sealed up sandwich and
the bottle of water. As we make a turn for another street a little boy catches
my eyes. He looks about 7 years old,he is wearing dirty torn clothes and he
looks like he is crying. I slowly make my way to him,I don't want to scare him
away. The guard just stands there looking at me.
"Sawubona" I say sitting next to him on the huge rock.
He quickly wipes his tears away and looks the other way.
"Uright?" I ask placing my hand smoothly on his back.
He turns and looks at me and then nods his head.
"I need help do you think you can help me?" I ask him with a smile.
Immediately I can see the curiosity on his face. He nods his head. I laugh
softly and he smiles.
"Can you please share with me lokudla if I don't finish it uMa uzongishaya" I
say giving him puppy eyes.
He looks hungry and I know that he could use this more than me.
He let's out a sweet laugh. And nods his head.
"Umdala kangaka bazokushaya?" He asks seeming very amused.
I unwrap the sandwich and put it on his lap.
"Ha! Angikho mdala mina" I say faking a pout.
He laughs out loud and then digs in. He tells me his name and that he was
crying because he was hungry,when he told his sister she chased him out of
the house with a belt. I ask him where his mom is he tells me that she went to
the river to do laundry. This reminds me of Nolu and me. When mom was
away at work and I was left with her she would beat me up every time I told
her I'm hungry. That's how I learnt how to make myself tea,I would drink tea
only for the entire day and eat when mama comes back,I never even
complained to my mom because I didnt want her getting in trouble. When he
is done he thanks me and asks me where I live. I smile at him and tell him that
I don't live here but I'm just visiting. We talk some more until the guard
interrupts us.
"Madam ugogo uthi ubuye endlini" he says to me.
I nod my head and bid the boy goodbye.
"Uhambe kahle Sphesihle" he waves and then runs away.

I just stand there frozen. Did he just call me by my mother-in-law's name?

"Yini inkinga madam?" The guard asks me judging from the look on his face I
must look like I have just seen a ghost.
"Did you hear that boy?" I ask him.
"Yebo uthe Uhambe kahle Sisi" I turn and look at him like he has grown two
I'm slowly going crazy. I need to go to a mental health clinic before my
condition deteriorates,I need help. It started with seeing things and now I'm
hearing things I need to take this seriously. I nod my head and I try to engage
in a conversation with him. He tells me that his name is Sfiso and he has been
working for the royal family for 5 years. He tells me about his kids and you can
tell that he is a wonderful father from the way he speaks about them.
"Unenhliziyo enhle" he says opening the small walk in gate for me.
I look at him and smile.
"Anybody could have done that bhuti it's not a big deal" I say to him.
I nod him bye and slowly make my way to the house. I feel nervous. I look at
my hands and they are shaking,my teeth are even chattering. I take a deep
breath and let it out but it doesn't seem to help so I just walk into the house.
Immediately when I get in I'm greeted by a hug from Nokuzotha while she is
speaking on the phone. I look at the cellphone and it's my Samsung S9. I give
her a questioning look and she smiles.
"Yes I will personally make sure that she is there first thing tomorrow morning.
Thank you so much for understanding" she says and then hangs up.
I give her the The Talk Now Woman! look.
"I bought a charger and charged your phone. Then I switched it on because I
didnt want you missing important calls then I saw a reminder for today's
photoshoot so I called your agent and told him that you are not feeling well so
now it's scheduled to tomorrow. I'm so sorry for invading your privacy" she
says looking remorseful.
I even forgot about all of that. She did me a huge favor because I was going
to come across as unprofessional and this Is huge for me it's my very first
modeling gig. I give her a tight hug and she squeals causing me to laugh.
"Ngiyabonga you just saved my modeling career " I say to her.
"We are in this together ungakhohlwa" she says to me.
"Okay love birds time to eat" Minenhle says while pushing us to the dining
We both laugh at her. She is already bubbly so early in the morning.
I feel a sudden pain in my head so I stop walking,it shoots through my entire
skull down to my neck so I can't help but bend.
"Zenande are you okay?" Minenehle asks me.
Both her and Nokuzotha are on either side of me.
"Its just a headache" I say faking a laugh and continue to walk.
Nokuzotha eyes me suspiciously and I ignore her. Everybody is already
seated. It's a full house the chief at the head,gogo on his left and Siphephelo
on his right,Zano,Dudu,Anele,now Minenhle and one of the cousins whom I
thought were their friends Siyanda the other one Jabu is sitting next to gogo.
Nokuzotha takes a seat next to him and I sit next to her. Immediately after
sitting down all the eyes that were on us go back to whatever they were doing.
I look at Zano and he is deep in conversation with Siphephelo,he looks really
tired like he hasn't slept a wink but I know better than that. I quickly look down
to my empty plate and try to stop the shivering. After a minute we all join our
hands as baba says grace. Immediately after Amen everybody starts dishing
"You are not okay" Nokuzotha says out loud.
I can see the eyes turning towards us and I let out a fake laugh.
"Stop stressing please I'm okay" I say to her with pleading eyes.
She nods and engages with Jabu in a conversation.
They are right I'm not okay,I feel like a walking zombie. Dudu dishes up for
Zano and hands him the plate. He thanks her with a smile and I look down. I
feel like vomiting. And the headache is getting worse. I close my eyes In
hopes to stop the pain,when I open them they land on Dudu and Anele who
are laughing while looking at me. I'm always their topic of discussion but today
it bothers me because I know I'm not at my best.
I try to block out all the noise from the table and try to stabilize my breathing.
"Zenande nayi iMuesli yakho neYoghurt" Zano speaks while passing the bowl
of Muesli with a spoon to Nokuzotha.
Everybody looks at either him or me probably asking themselves what's
happening. I take the bowl and nod my head. Immediately when I try lifting the
spoon to eat because Zano The Eating Police is looking directly at me with
expectant eyes,the spoon slips out of my fingers and hits the side of the bowl
causing a loud Clink!Before it lands on the table. When I look up they all have
concerned looks on their faces except Dudu and Anele who seem to be
amused by this.
"I-m sorry" I say In a hoarse voice.
Now they all look blurry I guess it's because of the involuntarily tears,I quickly
get up from the chair so that I can make an escape for it but immediately
when I get on my feet the pain on my head shoots again and I feel the room
"Ahhh!" I cry out balancing my hands on my knees.
Instantly I feel Zano next to me holding me up by my back.
"No. I'm okay please go eat" I say trying to walk away from his hold.
Instead he picks me up bridal style and I try protesting but everything instantly
goes black.


Immediately when Zenande drops her head and her entire body goes limp in
Zano's arms. Bab' Cele walks through the door. Everybody is already up on
their feet except Dudu and Anele they don't even seem the least concerned
about this.
"Iqalile iDrama Queen" Dudu says to Anele and they both laugh softly.
The family has disappeared to wherever Zano is taking Zenande.

Zano places a limp Zenande on her bed and sits next to her on the large
bed,everybody can tell that he is worried about her which makes them
smile,at least now they know that he cares about her. Bab' Cele bends down
next to her and lights the impepho he has in his hand,he moves it all over
Zenande's body while talking in a language nobody even knows. When Cele
is done he looks at Gogo.
"Mthwalise iduku elimhlophe"
Gogo runs as fast as she can in her old age to her room and comes back with
a white headwrap. She ties it around Zenande's head covering all of her hair.
"Nokuzotha iskhathi sokutshela Inkosi ukuthi kwenzekani ngaloluya suku"
Cele says to Nokuzotha.
Nokuzotha nods and turns to the chief although she is trembling but she has
to do this.
"Baba ngicela ungilandele" she says squeakily to the confused chief.
After Nokuzotha and the chief walk out Siphephelo also turns to leave,so that
he can be there for his wife because she looks really nervous and he is also
keen to find out what has been happening with Nokuzotha and Zenande but
Cele stops him.
"Nina nobathathu hlalani la" Cele says pointing to Siphephelo,Zano and
Although confused they do as he says and sit on the bed.
"Nina landelani uNokuzotha" he says pointing to Siyanda and Jabu.
And they immediately scurry out heading to the chief's study not wanting to
disrespect the scary looking healer.
"Kungabi nomuntu ongenayo ngalo mnyango" Cele says to Gogo who
immediately nods and gets out of the room while closing the door behind her.
She feels heartbroken that she isn't part of the people who are inside but it's
clear to see that Sphesihle her late daughter-in-law wants to talk to her
children and that makes her happy maybe they will finally get closure after all

Bab' Cele continues speaking in tongues nobody can understand as he

shakes vigorously on the floor. After a while he stops
"Seka nathi" he says in a voice that is different from his normal one.
Immediately the aura in the room changes and all the Zulu children can feel it
causing them to look at each other. Zenande starts breathing and let's out air
she has been holding in like she has just been brought back to life.
"Nizo bamba isandla sakhe ngokulandelana kwenu niyezwa?" They all nod
and Siphephelo moves closer,and takes Zenande's small hand in his. Its so
cold you would swear she is in ice.
They all jump at hearing their mother's powerful voice come out of Zenande's
little body.
Siphephelo hesitates for a bit but answers.
"Ma?" Looking at Zenande they no longer see her but they see their mother
lying in that bad. Minenhle starts sobbing,she has only seen her in pictures
she never thought she would ever see her with her two eyes ever. Zano rubs
her back smoothly trying to calm her down.
"Ngiyabonga mfana wami... for always being there for your siblings.
Sewukhulile ngane yami manje kuningi ozohlangabezana nako kulo mhlaba
wabaphilayo kodwa ngifuna ukuthi ukhumbule ngaso sonke iskhathi
uyisiphephelo sabantu,ubavikele ngaso sonke iskhathi siyezwana?"
A crying Siphephelo nods his head.
"Ngiyamthanda uMakoti wami,ukhethile impela kanye nezizukulu zami ezinhle
ngiyazibongela futhi lapho. Uyakthanda umakoti mfana wami ungalinge
ukungabaze loko nangosuku olulodwa. With her by your side the day you
finally take your place as King then I'm certain that you will be the best to ever
rule KwaZulu because of having her by your side."
Cele removes Zenande's hand from him. He signals Zano to hold take her
right hand since he is sitting next to her on the bed. He does as he is told and
holds her hand,he winces at how cold it is and his concern for Zenande grows
even more.
"Lwandle... ungakhathazeki ngoNande she is going to be okay,right now she
is in deep sleep. Ngiyajabula ngoba uyivulile inhliziyo yakho bengazi ukuthi
kuzoba nje noma bewuzisanganisa."
They all laugh through their tears. Zano has always been hot headed that's a
fact everybody knows.
"Ngiyaziqhenya ngendoda oyiyo namhlanje ngane yami,ukhumbule ukuthi
impilo ayihambi ngendlela esihlele ngayo kuningi okusazo yenzeka lokhu
okungakulindelanga through it all just keep in mind uthi that's exactly how it
should be. Don't let it destroy you but let it shape you into an even stronger
and better man. I wont say much about your current predicament because I
trust that you know what you are doing. Kukodwa engikucelayo kuwe uNande
uthwele kanzima yilo mndeni she has a gift so it's not only going to be me that
will need her help baningi Lwandle,be patient with her and don't react out of
anger it's not that she doesn't trust you but she is confused,it will get better
with time. Lastly since you have chosen to have two wives make sure you do
right by both of them because there is nothing more dangerous than a
woman's jealousy."
Cele signals that he should let go and he does as told with tears streaming
down his handsome face. Minenhle holds Zenande's lifeless hand while crying
out loud.
"Ntombazane Enhle ka mama..."
She cries even louder.
"Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sami ukuthi kufanele ukhule ngaphandle kwami ngiyazi
ukuthi uyangidinga,ngokwenyama angisekho but in spirit I'm always by your
side. I'm so proud of the beautiful flower you have bloomed into kuthi ngigiye"
She laughs. How can she ever do that when she has to use Zee's limp body.
"Everything that you have set your eyes on go for it my baby without even
hesitation ngoba konke okwakho. Don't think of me and be sad ngifuna
ungicabange ujabule because when you are happy I'm also happy.
Ukhumbule ngaso sonke iskhathi ngihlezi nginawe and I love you more than
you will ever know my happiness."
Cele removes Zenande's hand from her and she jumps straight into Zano's
lap who gives his little sister a tight hug. Both him and Siphephelo are happy
that she now knows how much their mother really loves her not hearing it from
here say.
"Ngiyanicela zingane zami there is a lot that will be revealed don't you ever
act out of anger,always follow what your heart tells you not what your head
says. Nande and Nokuzotha are not crazy they are just doing what we tell
them to do. I love you all so very much never forget that. I got robbed of
yelling you that I love you for the last time but here I am telling you goodbye
and that I finally see the light,my spirit could never find peace but today I have
found peace,I am now at rest and I will now protect you from the other side."
What they saw as their mother slowly fades into a sleeping Zenande and the
aura that was present also leaves. Bab' Cele speaks softly in tongues and
gets up from the floor.
Zenande starts coughing abruptly,Minenhle moves from Zano's lap and goes
over to hug Phephelo. Zenande's eyes slowly open and relief washes over
Zano and his siblings,they were really about what all of this is doing to her.
Zano covers her with a duvet and a blanket on top because she is ice cold
and then makes a move to get up from the bed but Zenande clings onto him.
"Please...stay..." She whispers slowly.
What just happened must have exhausted her because she can't even open
her eyes fully let alone talk properly. Zano nods and takes off his shoes and
gets into bed next to her,she places her head on his chest and immediately
drifts back to sleep.
Their little audience smiles at this beautiful sight and then Cele leads them
"We will talk later then" Siphephelo says to Zano while he closes the door
behind him not waiting for a reply from his brother.
Zano looks at the sleeping beauty on his chest,she is truly a sight for sore
eyes. Now he feels nothing but love for her,not disappointment not hurt just
deep love for this angel in his arms. He places a kiss on her forehead and
instantly she holds on even tighter to him which makes Zano chuckle. He
remembers that he should talk to Dudu,he will do that when he wakes up
then. He hasn't slept the entire night now having Zenande in his arms he
knows he will be able to get some rest. He closes his eyes and dreams of his

The chief takes a seat anxiously waiting for Nokuzotha to tell him what's going
"Baba njengoba wazi that Zenande is gifted,she had her first vision and it was
of the day Ma died." Siyanda and Jabu walk in while she is still explaining and
they sit down quietly. She explains to them what Zenande saw in the vision
and you can see the chief get angrier with every description.
"So Cele gave her some herbs so she can see the person and luckily she did"
Nokuzotha says clicking on the play button of the recording she made of
Zenande's description.
They all listen attentively and you can tell from the looks on their faces that
they are trying to put a name on this person's description.
"Damn it!" The chief bangs the table causing everybody to jump in shock.
Nokuzotha doesn't know what to do so she takes her phone from the table
and holds it in her hands since the recording has stopped playing.
"Yabona lo mgodoyi lo ngiwufuna uphila" the chief says angrily.
The chief is a very calm man nobody has ever seen him angry even when he
is under stressful situations so the man that they are looking at now scares
them. Nokuzotha instantly remembers what Cele said.
"Baba sicelwe ukuthi singavumi ukuthi nilawulwe izinhliziyo zenu" she says
"Umkami ubulewe ingathi yisinambuzane uzongitshela ngenhliziyo? Leyo
nhliziyo okhuluma ngayo yasha yangqungqa naye" the chief says to
Nokuzotha. She can tell by the look in his eyes that he is not only hurt but
heartbroken,he has tried for so many years to come to terms with what
happened that day and try to live again but now the bandaid is ripped open
and wound is bleeding a lot more than before.
"Siyanda and Jabu I was thinking maybe you know somebody that can help
us with a picture of this man like a sketch artist" Nokuzotha suggests to the
"Jah kunomuntu engimaziyo I will talk to him" Jabu says.
"Zenande has given us everything that we need I will get to work with the
registration plate and also look into who had a sand business at the time. I'm
sure we will get to the bottom of this" Siyanda also adds in. That gives the
chief hope,justice will finally be served for his beloved wife. He needs to think
so he gets up from his chair and walks out without even saying a word.
Nokuzotha silently prays that he doesn't do anything stupid. The cousins get
up from the couch and tell Nokuzotha that they will be back with more
information and then they also leave.
"Gawd we need you right now." She says silently.
"Kwenzekeni?" Siphephelo asks walking into an empty room he thought that
he would find his father here.
"Siya and Jabu have already started with investigating. Jabu is going to get a
sketch artist for the sketch and Siya is going to find out more about the
registration plate. Ubaba just left without a word" she says tiredly.
It's morning but she is already drained by all of this.
"Registration plate?" A shocked Siphephelo asks.
Zenande can even find Tupac's killer if her dreams are that clear he thinks to
Nokuzotha just plays him the recording,she doesn't have energy to even talk
right now or better yet explain this again to anyone again.
"Hhayibo! Ngiyayisaba le ntombazane this isn't a dream it's called time
traveling,going back to the past yet in the present" Siphephelo finally says
causing his wife to laugh. He doesn't like to see her stressed like this but he
loves it when she laughs because of him.
"Ungakhathazeki detective Zenande has already found the suspect " he adds
causing Nokuzotha to laugh even harder. He pulls her into his arms and hugs
her. Her tense body relaxes under his warm embrace and she nods. It will all
be okay.
"Unjani uZee?" She asks after some time of being in her husband's arms.
"Sleeping beauty loyo nale ndoda yakhe evilaphayo" he says winking at her
causing her to laugh. She loves this about him that no matter how draining a
situation can be the father of her beautiful girls always finds the humor behind

They both walk downstairs hand in hand as Siphephelo tells her about what
went down in the bedroom.
"Wow! That is so beautiful baba kaKhethi,I hope this will help you all find
closure knowing that her spirit is now at rest and also finding out the truth
about that day" Nokuzotha says to her husband. Who just smiles at her
lovingly. Dudu walks in dressed to kill holding her Chanel handbag.
"Ukephi uZanothando?" Dudu asks Nokuzotha.
"Upstairs ulele" Nokuzotha tells her and walks away from them heading to the
kitchen to check on gogo.
Duduzile makes a move to go up the stairs but Siphephelo stops her.
"Let him rest he is honestly exhausted,I have never seen him like this before"
he says to a now pissed off Dudu.
"Awungiyeke Siphephelo! Exhausted yamasimba ulele naleya Drama Queen?
Awuboni konke loku ukuthi it's suspicious,every time me and Zanothando
have plans Miss Universe does something to mess it up. I'm sure namanje
she drugged him!" Dudu yells at Siphephelo.
She got dressed up for nothing. She bragged about this to her friends and
now they are going to laugh at her because she can't keep her own man in
check all because of a little girl. That's it! She think to herself she has been
lenient for too long it ends today! That stick girl will know Duduzile Buthelezi
and it's a promise!
"Duduzile ngesinye iskhathi ukhuluma ngathi awumthandi uZanothando yazi?
Ungangitshela ukuthi ucasulwe ukuthi ulele impela?" Siphephelo asks her
truly surprised by her behaviour.
"Mxm awungiyeke wena" Dudu says and heads straight out the door to only
God knows where.
Siphephelo shakes his head at this,he salutes his little brother,he himself can
never be able to handle two women,two polar opposites at that.Angeke!
He walks out the house to find out from the guards where his father actually
disappeared to although he isn't particularly worried about him doing
something he will later regret he just wants to make sure thathe is okay that's
all,their father is a very strong man that likes to keep to himself those are one
of the reasons why he is a great chief.


It's been a long and eventful day for every Zulu family member. It is times like
these that make you wake up and smell the hot coffee,the truth is that not
everybody will love you,wish good upon you or even rejoice at your
achievements there will always be people who cast an evil eye on you and
your family and that is what the Zulu family has come to learn of today. The
chief and his wife have always put the needs of their people first always,they
sacrificed time with their loved ones for initiatives that can better this
village,making the lives of their people easier. They involved the villagers in
everything that happens in the royal house,when there is a ceremony the
gates become wide open for the public so that they can be a part of every
festivity and every time there is a birth a little function is also held,introducing
the little member of the family to the people,after people eat and drink to their
heart's content they also get sent home with even more food,that's what
happens at every Zulu family ceremony. The chief values his people and he
has also instilled this in his children so that what he has built never dies but
grows into something even more than what it is today. But no matter how
much good the chief does now he sees that it will never satisfy some people
that want to see him crumble and fall.

The chief thinks to himself as he takes a sip of his whiskey. He is sitting with
his son the next in line when the ancestors finally decide that it's time for him
to go to the other side. He has groomed Siphephelo into a man that will be
able to lead with both love and power.
"Hawu baba ulahlekele kuphi?" Siphephelo asks his deep in thought father.
The chief looks at him and smiles.
"Hhayi cha ndodana ngicabanga ngomhlangano waksasa nje kphela" he says
taking another sip of his drink.
They continue discussing the Council meeting and other things over drinks in
the chiefs study. The full house is now almost empty. Nokuzotha went back to
her house in Durban to take of the kids,Zanothando took Dudu out for dinner
and Anele went to visit her "friend" as she says. Gogo and the young
princess,Minenhle are watching a movie Aquamarine in the sitting room. Gogo
has been worried about how the 17 year old is going to take such events but
judging from how happy and light she now looks that final communication with
her mother was what she needed.
"Hawu gogo wangibuka kangaka?" Minenhle asks her grandmother softly
laughing while she inserts a forkful of chocolate cake into her mouth.
She wasn't a fan of chocolate until Zenande came along and now she cannot
imagine her life without this deliciousness,all thanks to Zee.
"Ngiyacabanga nje ngane yami" she says looking back to the TV.
"Ungakhathazeki gogo I'm fine. I have already had this talk with both bhuti
Siphephelo and bhuti Zano. I'm happy that justice will be served for uMa her
spirit will finally rest in peace. Talking to "Her" helped me a lot I really needed
to hear from her how much she loves me and not from other people,I can say
my dream of seeing my mother with my own two eyes and not in pictures
finally came true" she says inserting quotation marks to the word Her and then
Gogo can't help but shed a tear or two,she is really happy that now this will no
longer be a sore subject for everybody in this family or those close to them.
They have finally accepted her death and that her daughter in law will finally
be at rest.
"Hawu gogo ungakhali we did enough of that hhayi ngeke we will end up
drying out" Minenhle says to her grandma giving her a side hug.
Gogo can't help but laugh at this wise 17 year old.
Duduzile walks in to the sitting room with a million dollar smile later followed
by Zano who is on his phone.
"I bought you guys some things" Duduzile says as she takes a seat next to
them on the couch.
Zano shakes his head and plops himself on the one seater.
Duduzile takes out Versace sandals for gogo and a Chanel purse for Minenhle
from her large shopping bag.
"Ngiyabonga ntombazane yami" gogo says genuinely not knowing the
difference between Versace and Pep sandals.
Zano and Minenhle chuckle softly at how Duduzile looks at her. Pure shock!
And trauma to the shopaholic with expensive taste.
"Oh my word thank you! I have been needing a Chanel purse! You are a star!"
Minenhle says jumping on the couch. Although she would have got it at the
blink of an eye by telling one of her brothers she just didn't feel like it.
Duduzile smiles at that,that's the very reaction she expected not the old
woman who just put the sandals on her lap and focused back on the TV.
Duduzile takes it up on herself to inform them on how beautiful their date was.
The service at the most famous 5 star restaurant in KZN,the food,the people
and the music then she shows them the pictures they took. Zano gets up from
the couch and walks upstairs. Gogo gets up and follows him. When he notices
his grandma's presence he turns to her.
"Uvukile?" He asks in concern.
His grandma shakes her head meaning no.
"Hhayi ngeke gogo kumele adle" he says walking up the stairs.
"Ngizamile kodwa akakwazi nje nokukhamisa ngisho nokuhlala,mlinde
ekuseni ngiyathemba uzobe sekaright." Gogo says following Zano up the
stairs until they reach Zenande's room.
"Hhayi angiyithandi lento eyenzekayo mina manje kumele ngiyokhuluma
noCele ingasaphinde yenzeke into efana nale" Zano says walking into the
Gogo smiles at how much he has come to care about Zenande and goes
straight to her room.

Zano walks to the bed. Zenande is still sleeping in the same position he left
her in. This is not right he thinks to himself. He checks if she is still breathing
and finds that she is very much still alive.
"Sthandwa sami?" He says brushing her cheek.
She half opens her eyes and tries to smile lazily letting out a "Mmmh?" And
then she drifts back to sleep.
"Hhayibo MaNododile ngikukhumbulile" he says to the sleeping beauty.
He sits there for a while after taking pictures of Zenande's sleeping self,he
goes to his room to shower.

When he is done he decides to take his laptop and files so he can do some
work while he keeps an eye on Zenande. But first he should ask Duduzile
because he promised them that he would never sleep with the other if they
are both there. As he is about to head downstairs he sees her in her room.
"MaButhelezi" he says walking into her room.
Duduzile is in her pyjamas,she looks up at him as she was sitting on the bed
lotioning her legs.
"Yes baby?" She says giving him a huge smile and standing up on her toes to
place a wet kiss on his lips.
"Ngizocela iPermission ndoni yamanzi" Zanothando says pulling her closer to
She giggles lightly and puts her hands over his shoulders brushing his fade
with her fingers.
"Sewufuna ukwenzani kodwa baby?" She says blushing and kisses him
Zanothando's hands travel all the way down to her butt and squeezes lightly
as he kisses her back. Then he breaks the kiss.
"Zenande is not okay ngifuna ukulala ekamereni lakhe so I can keep an eye
on her" he says.
Duduzile's face changes immediately at the mention of Her name,she pulls
out of Zanothando's embrace.
"Here I was thinking that you want to be with me" she says taking her lotion
from the bed and putting it on the bedside table.
"Hawu baby! Why are you acting like I wasn't with you? Weren't you
screaming my name about an hour ago?" He asks with a blank face.
Duduzile blushes as she remembers their steamy session in the ladies room
at the restaurant earlier.
"Its always leya ngane over me since the day she walked into your life" she
says lotioning her hands looking at herself in the mirror.
"Duduzile I told you countless times that once you take this as a competition
"Buka la ngiyazwisisa ukuthi ucasukile kodwa ungalinge ukhulume nami
ngathi uthengisa umbila eRank" he says firmly still as calm as he could ever
"Angisho awufuni ukungizwa. Leya ntombazane idlala ngawe haven't you
noticed how she ruins things for us every time? My lobola negotiations weren't
successful because of her,now we can't spend time together because she
acts like she is sick and a whole lot of other things" Duduzile says walking
closer to Zanothando.
"Lento oyigcobayo inentsangu? How can you blame her for things she has no
control over? Uyazi ukuthi leya ngane njengoba usho ukuthi ithwele kanzima
njani ngenxa yami?" He asks squinting his eyes like he can't see her clearly.
"Musa ukumDefenda Zanothando don't!" She yells.
"I'm not defending anyone I'm telling you the truth wena you have it easy while
she has to deal with gifts she doesn't even understand and here you are
uneskhwele ngaloko?"
"AYIKHO NALEYO GIFT AWUNGIZWA! She is putting on a show and you are
falling for it she has you eating from her palm slima!" She lets out angrily.
Zanothando walks straight to her and stands right before her.
"Phinda leyonto futhi" he says softly.
She looks away and then back at him.
"Her main mission in this house is to turn you against me wena uyenza ingathi
awukuboni loko bheka manje" she says to him motioning with her hands
between them.
"Duduzile angeke ngizophinda into eyodwa lakuwe ngathi ngiyiCD
eneScratch" he says rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Okusalayo awuyi kulela kamera UYANGIZWA ZANOTHANDO?"
"Ngoba kusho bani? Kahle kahle uma ubona ingathi ayikuhlali kahle emoyeni
le ndaba ngabe uvele uthatha izinto zakho uyibhekise ekini"
Immediately after saying the last word Duduzile's hand flies and slaps him on
the face. After a minute she realizes what she has done and starts crying.
Zanothando just walks past her calmly trying to keep his anger at bay.
Immediately when he reaches the door Duduzile pulls him by his arm
"Baby ngiyaxolisa it was a mistake" she says sobbing.
"Ngiyeke Duduzile marn" he says pulling his arm free instead Duduzile falls to
the carpet and clutches his leg hanging on to it for dear life.
"Ngiya-xolisa..." she says wailing even louder.

Siphephelo and the chief come out of the study to see what is happening
because of the noise and they are shocked to see Zanothando dragging his
right leg which Duduzile is clutching on to.
Zanothando shakes his leg free and pushes Duduzile off who lands on the
cold tile with her hands. He walks to his room takes his car and phone and
then jogs downstairs without even a second glance at Duduzile who is still a
crying mess on the floor.
He bumps into Gogo on his way out.
"Gogo ngicela ungibhekele uNande" he says walking out of the door and not
even waiting for a response from her.
Duduzile runs down the stairs a minute after
"Gogo ukephi uZano?" She asks crying.
"Uhambile" Gogo answers still surprised about all this.
Duduzile runs outside and sees that Zanothando's car is no longer where they
parked it when they came back from their date.
She wipes her tears and takes the long walk of shame upstairs.
"We Duduzile?" Gogo says standing outside Duduzile's door.
"Kwenzakalani wacasuka kangaka uZanothando kwenzekeni? Wena kungani
unje?" The concerned grandma asks.
Instead of answering her she gets into her room and locks the door behind
her. Then slowly sinks to the floor in tears.

"Let me go check where he went" Siphephelo says to the chief and Gogo.
They both nod in agreement.
He quickly goes into the study to fetch his keys and phone then he is out to
wherever Zanothando went.
"Hhayi" Gogo exclaims clapping her hands once and goes to her room this
day can end already she is tired of being in a movie.
The chief shakes his head and goes back to his study. He sees trouble with
this Duduzile girl,Zanothando will never live a stress free life with her in the
picture. There is a reason why the ancestors only want Nokuzotha and
Zenande to do certain things he thinks to himself. But what can you tell a hard
headed Zanothando? Exactly! Nothing!


I'm woken up by bright light shining on my face,I slowly open my eyes trying to
adjust my eyesight to it.
"Hhayibo mama vuka phela" Zano says as he sits on the bed close to the
bedside table.
I sit up balancing myself on the headboard and smile at him.
"Morning to you too Zulu" I say giving him an even broader smile.
"I missed that smile" he says squeezing my hand.
He talks like I went away or something.
"I was just here Mageba so much drama? You could have woken me up mos"
"Weeeee mame! Woken who up? Hhayi! Let me feed you uyeke ukukhuluma
izinto ongazazi" he says while taking the tray from the bedside table and
putting it on his lap.
I smile at the steaming hot oats with milk and lots of sugar accompanied by
"Have you eaten?" I ask as he inserts a spoonful of oats in my mouth.
"Yep I had the same thing a few minutes ago" he says.
"How did you know I was craving it?" I ask him because I have been dying for
a bowl of steaming oats.
"Soul tie baby" he says winking at me.
I laugh at his answer and he continues feeding me like a baby.
"You know I'm not sick right?" I say trying to take the spoon from him.
"Uzolala futhi" he says giving me an intimaditing look.
I laugh and so does he. He feeds me until I can't take it anymore and refuse to
eat. Then he gives me the tea forcefully which I have to force down my throat
because he insists that I haven't eaten enough. He stands up to put the tray
on the coffee table in the middle of the room and comes back with a gift bag.
"I bought you this" he says giving it to me.
I give him my cup of tea and quickly take my gift out. It's a brand new iPhone
13! I look at him and scream my lungs out,I have been saving for this baby! I
jump up from the bed and throw myself into his arms.
"Thank you! Thank you so much Love" I say hugging him tight.
"No thank you" he says pulling out of the hug.
"Mina? Ngenzeni?"
"For being a part of my life ngiyak'thanda mama"
Did I just not melt? It's like him confessing his love for me ignites a fire in my
body. I pull his face down to me and kiss him briefly. With Zano being Zano
the kiss takes a turn in a minute. His hands go down to my butt and he
squeezes really hard pulling me closer to him making me moan in his mouth
as i crash into his body and hard erection. Somebody knocks on the door and
I pull away from the kiss.
"Bayeke ngikukhumbulile sthandwa sami" he says planting a chain of wet
kisses from behind my ear to my neck.
The person bangs on the door again. They must really have something
serious to say then. I pull away from Zano's hold and yell "Come in" as Zano
chases me around the bed.
He catches me before I even turn to see who is at the door,I let out a scream
infused with laughter as he tickles me.
"Ithi uyaxolisa" he says laughing also.
I fall onto the bed and he gets on top of me still tickling me. I laugh until I'm
breathless and decide to give in.
"Ngiya... ngiyaxo... NGIYAXOLISA " I say in between deep laughs.
"Uyaxolisa bani?" He asks smirking.
"Ngiyaxolisa...Ndabezitha...Mageba...Sthuli sikaNdaba...Sthandwa
sami...Baba wezingane zami" I manage to blurt out in between laughs and he
stops then gets off from me.
When i turn to look who was at the door I'm met by Dudu's crying face. Zano
places his hand on his forehead in annoyance and mutters something to
himself immediately after seeing Dudu standing there. I quickly fix my night
dress and sit properly on the bed looking at her.
"Baby ngicela ukukhuluma nawe" she says to Zano.
He gives her a look of annoyance before answering.
"Ngibusy Duduzile ngizokhuluma nawe umangiceda la" he says fully facing
Even a blind person can see the tension between these two.
"Ngiyaxolisa baby" Dudu says sobbing.
Okay! I will not stand for this I can see Zano's body tense up from behind.
"Yazi unesbindi you come into Nande's room and you don't even greet her but
you have the audacity to shed crocodile tears?" He says with clenched teeth.
Now he is angry. I didn't even realize that Dudu didn't greet me,which means I
have already gotten used to her.
"Okay! You two better go sort your issues out please I need to bath" I say
pushing Zano out and Dudu glares at me.
Zano looks at me for a while with questioning eyes like he is asking me if he
should leave or not. I nod my head at him with a smile before I turn to face
"Mnaks can you please excuse us for a minute?" I say to a internally boiling
She just leaves banging the door shut on her way out.
"Mnaks?" Zano asks smirking at me.
I roll my eyes and laugh.
"Go talk to her please"
"Yebo mkami. I will be downstairs when you are ready to leave" he says
giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Leave for where?" I ask slightly confused.
"The shoot in Durban it's at 10:00am so get to it" he says spanking my butt
and laughs at my shocked face. He laughs until he is out of my room. I shake
my head at this and take out clothes to wear. I opt for a body hugging grey
skirt and a white t-shirt. Then I head for the shower after taking underwear.

When I'm done with my morning routine,I get dressed and pull a denim jacket
on. I slip on my sandals and tie my hair into a ponytail,I have to do something
about it honestly. When I'm done I take with me the tray Zano left in my room.
As i pass Zano's room i hear Dudu say
"Baby bekuyiphutha. Ngiyaxolisa angeke kuphinde kwenzeke"
"If tables were turned Duduzile you were going to tell the world that I'm
abusive right?" Zano asks.
I hear Dudu cry even louder. I know this is bad manners,I shouldn't be doing
this but my feet remain glued to the floor.
"Lalela la izolo was the first and most definetly last time you put your hands on
me uyangizwa?" Zano asks.
She is probably nodding because I can't hear her reply. This girl has guts she
hit him? Yoh! It's true when they say you snooze you lose.
"Don't think I'm weak or stupid for that matter,it's because I was taught that
umfazi akuyona iPunching bag and I know that if I ever raise my hand at you
then I will kill you. I love you Dudu I really do but the woman you have turned
into is like poison not only to me but nawe ngokunjalo. I can't do this anymore
ngikhathele ukulwa nawe you have to sort yourself out" he continues.
My feet finally allow me to move and I quickly walk away. I feel sad for
her,jealousy is bitter. Does this mean that Zano is breaking up with her? Poor
Dudu what would she do with her life? I'm lost in my thoughts until I get to the
kitchen. Minenhle jumps on to me immediately after putting the tray on the
"SISI!" She squeals hugging me.
"Okay! So much energy at 7am Enhle?" I ask her.
"What? I missed you" she says smiling sheepishly.
This girl and her brother must be going crazy.
"Yes since I was in China" I say rolling my eyes and she laughs.
"Uright ntombazane yami?" Gogo asks also hugging me.
"I'm feeling great Gogo,I got some well deserved rest no more fainting I
promise" I say laughing and they join in.
We talk for a bit until Zano comes into the kitchen. I turn to face him as I'm
seated on the high chair.
"Time to go?" I ask him as he walks to me.
He hugs me tight and releases a deep breath that he was holding as he rests
his head on my shoulder. Not knowing what to do I squeeze him also and
brush his back smoothly. After composing himself he lets go.
"Jah singahamba manje" he says laughing.
"Ncooh you two are so cute!" Enhle says squealing.
"Don't ruin my vibe please" Zano says to her while dusting his maroon shirt of
on both his shoulders like Enhle just threw dust on him.
We all laugh at that. I grab two bottles of water from the fridge and follow him
outside. As we walk down the driveway we bump into the chief looking dapper
in a suit now I see where his sons get their good looks.
"Sawubona ndodana. Sawubona Makoti" he says.
"Yebo baba" I greet back.
"Ndabezitha. Sewuphelile umhlangano?" Zano asks after greeting him back.
"Yebo uyabazi nje ukuthi bahlezi bangayazi into abakhuluma ngayo" the chief
says and they both laugh.
"Seniya kwiShoot?" The chief asks.
"Yebo Ndabezitha kungcono sibe yindlela ngaphambi kokuthi sishayiwe
iskhathi" Zano says to him leading me away from the chief. It's so cute that
they all remember the shoot except me.
"Bye bye Nobuhle njengoba bangafuni ngawe nje" the chief says while
walking to the house and I laugh while Zano chuckles shaking his head at his
father's antics.

He leads me to his black G63. He opens the door for me and I get in while
thanking him and then he gets in also. He breathes out again while wiping his
face with his one hand and the other starting the ignition. I give him the bottle
of water and he smiles then thanks me. When he is done gulping down the
water he drives out the gate.
"You know I can't wait until you are Mrs Zulu officially" he says pulling on to
the main road.
"Me too" I say giving him a wide smile.
Power Of A Woman by Ella Mai plays and I smile softly singing along.
Oh...I...Ooh I can feel you when you hurt
And you think of the worst things
Let me be your peace of mind
You ain't gotta be all good it's okay not to be fine
Take a rest and let me hold the line..."
"Have I ever told you that you have an angelic voice?" He says making me
I can never get used to him complimenting me in anything,the butterflies never
stop flattering no matter how many times he does so.
"Yes you have" I say looking at him.
"You should sing for me more often buka manje I feel better ngilosi yami" he
says making me blush and i look out the window to stop myself from turning
into a ripe tomato.
We drive listening to the radio singing along here and there but mostly we are
just quiet paying attention to the road until I break the silence.
"I also want to start my own business" I say out loud.
He turns the radio down with his one hand the other still on the steering
"And how did that come about?"
"My family is in business and you also including your family. I have mentors all
around I think I can do this" I say to him.
He looks at me and smiles,a real genuine and happy smile.
"Okay what kind of business?" He asks focusing back on the road.
"A clothing business,actually a boutique. There are some girls that I know they
studied fashion design but they don't have jobs so I also would be helping
them" I say shrugging.
"I like that it's not only those two but a hundred others so by opening your
doors you would be decreasing the unemployment rate" he says nodding his
"And I was thinking women from the village that are unemployed could be the
seamstresses,if they don't know how to then they can be taught." I say smiling
at my new idea.
"Perfect! Spoken like a true princess" he says smiling at me and I blush
remembering that he is actually a prince.
"Do you have a name yet?" He asks after a while.
"Heaven's Boutique" I say with a shy smile.
"If I may ask why that name in particular?" He asks probably not catching my
"Zulu translates into Heaven so it's like saying Zulu's Boutique just the other
way around" I say shrugging.
He smiles instantly looking at me.
"Hhawu wadla Mageba
Zulu kamalandela ngok'landela inkomo zamadoda
Zulu omnyama ondlela zimhlophe
Wena kaPhunga noMageba
Wena kamjokwana kaNdaba
Wena wankayishana kaMenzi oyophuza umlaza ngameva
Sithuli sikaNdaba
Sithuli sikaNkombane
Wena kasihhawu hhawu siyinkondla bayikhuzile
Ngoba ikhuza ngaphansi naphezulu
Wena kanogwaja omhle ngomlenze
Wena kaMbambelamashoba
Hhawu kuthi ngigiye sthandwa sami oh my Thululu" he says praising himself
moving back and forth in his seat.
Hearing him praise himself like that makes my panties wet there is nothing like
a man that knows who he is and is proud of that. I blush and look away. He
takes my hand and places a soft kiss.
"Ngiyabonga mama" he says placing another kiss.
"It hasn't even started yet" I say rolling my eyes at him laughing.
"Since it is my wife's wish then it's my responsibility to make it happen" he
says looking proud of himself.
I'm glad I got him out of the state he was in earlier,there is nothing that makes
me happy than seeing him like this.
"We will discuss this later angisho?" I ask giving him puppy eyes.
He laughs softly and nods.
"Ngiyathembisa sthandwa sami".

It's windy on location but a girl's gotta work. They put makeup on me and a
blonde wig then I was asked to remove my engagement,I must say I look
different but beautiful. Zano is busy with his work at the beach house that is
booked for the shoot,for changing purposes. He was acting up at first after
seeing me in the first bikini but he let it go after realizing that my photographer
is gay,such a great person to work with especially for my first shoot.
"Okay turn your head to the side. Yes! Perfect. Tilt it up a bit. Yes! Beautiful.
And we are done my sexy muse" the photographer,Sasha says.
One of his assistants helps me up from the sand and hands me a gown and
flip flops. I thank him and walk over to Sasha.
"Darling there is something I want you to do for me" he says.
"What is it? More pictures?" I ask.
"Yes but with your man" he says.
What does he mean now. Zano is going to flip and he isn't even a model.
"Yes I know what you are thinking it's just that you and that snack have so
much chemistry that it would be beautiful on camera,I'm not going to use
those pictures in any way they will be for your use i just want to capture this
magic between you two please..." he says blabbering.
I laugh softly at him and touch his hand so that he stops to catch a breath.
"Okay I'm in but Mr Zulu is going to need some convincing " I say motioning to
the beach house where Zano is with my eyes.
"Okay let's go" he says happily skipping away.
Poor thing he doesn't know how hard headed the person he is going to is.
There is a 1% chance of him agreeing to this. I laugh and shake my head then
follow him to watch the drama for myself.
"Hhayi hhayi angiyona iToy mina" Zano says while angrily shoving his files
into the bag.
"What is he saying?" Sasha asks me.
I just shake my head indicating a No.
"Listen those pictures will be useful to you don't you want to remember your
wife's first shoot?" Sasha tries for the hundredth time since we walked in here.
"That won't work with me there are plenty of people you can ask" he says
walking to the door.
And then he is out. Sasha sinks into the sofa with a sad face. Shame poor
thing. I follow Zano to the "kitchen" and find him drinking water.
"Love" I say to him.
"Ucedile ukuba unodoli waka Shasha?"he asks still annoyed and I laugh.
I catwalk closer to him until we are chest to chest. More like ribs to chest.
"Just one picture love of my life" I say pulling him down to me by his neck and
kissing him.
He pulls me closer to him,suffocating me in his strong masculine cologne and
leads his hands to their favourite spot. I insert my one hand under his shirt
and move my fingers over his eight pack while the other hand pulls on his
fade. He picks my one leg up wrapping it around his waist while he brushes
my tigh making my skin awaken.
"Hhhm Hhhhmm hhhhhhhhm!" Someone clears their throat.
I pull away from Zano with an embarrassed smile and turn to find Sasha
giving me a stare.
"Okay fine! Only one picture!" Zano says and marches past us to the living
Sasha jumps in excitement and I laugh at him.
"Girl you are good!" He says pushing me gently with his one arm.
I laugh at his remark. He orders me to get my hair done while he finds Zano
some shorts. He instructs the hairdresser to straighten my hair and remove
the "hideous" wig as he says then he gives me another bikini to wear I'm also
asked to put my ring back on and the makeup is reduced to minimum. Why
did I agree to this? I scream to myself.

After half an hour of getting ready we are finally by the beach with Sasha
commanding away in a short distance.
"Sthandwa Sami kodwa yini le eniyenzayo?" Zano says looking uncomfortable
in only just his beach shorts.
I move closer to him in my blue bikini and smother my body against his.
"Focus on me. Only on me" I whisper into his ear.
I see him smirk from the corner of my eye. I know I'm going to regret this but it
is the only way I can get him to be comfortable so that we can go back home.
Immediately he places wet kisses from the back of my ear to my neck.
"Usho kanjalo?" He asks heading towards my cleavage.
I put my hands over his and pull him so that I kiss him. The kiss makes me hot
all over that I can't even feel the wind anymore. He squeezes my butt hard
and I moan into his mouth with that as encouragement he picks up my leg
brushing it softly and then makes his way back down to my boobs in wet
kisses that leave tingles all over. When he gets to the space in between my
boobs he sucks causing me to pull on his fade and bend over backwards,He
holds me firm so that I don't fall because we are in the water. A wave I didn't
see coming crashes into us and I jump at the cold water that does justice to
my body. Zano laughs at this and I push him away then splash water at him.
He laughs even louder so I kick the water causing it to splash both us.
"Uzokhala" he says laughing.
I pull out my tongue at him and laugh. He makes a move to chase me and I
run from his reach laughing like an idiot. When I think I have lost him he grabs
be from behind lifting me from the ground and spins me around I bend my
knees while letting out a scream infused laugh.
"MAGEBA!" I scream out loud while laughing.
After a while he puts me down and leaves a trail of kisses on my neck. With
my back to his front i put my one hand on his head pulling him even closer to
my neck while bending it to the other side to give him enough working space.
The other hand goes on top of his hand that is on my lower abdomen holding
on to it tightly. As im about to beg Zano for what I don't even know
"OKAY CUT!" Sasha yells.
Zano groans.
"Uzongicasula lo" he says totally annoyed.
I move away from him and laugh. Sasha saved me on this one I think to
myself as I jog back to the beach house.

The good thing about being a model is that you get most things for free like
now,all the swimwear I wore during the shoot is now mine to keep. I'm now
back in my clothes Zano also. Sasha sent him the pictures because I don't
have my phone with me. I must say he did a great job on our pictures we look
like we were in some movie scene or something,I love them! I know Zano
likes them also but he just doesnt want to admit it because he was against the
"I'm hungry" i say swiping past the last of our pictures.
Sasha didn't capture just one he took about 20 of them and to be honest I
appreciate him for it. If only I could post them and show this snack of mine off
to the world! But how can you post somebody who doesn't even post his other
soon-to-be wife?
"What do you want to eat?" He asks pulling into a MacDonald's drive thru.
"Can I please have a large Big Mac,a large chocolate milkshake, a slice of
chocolate cake and some nuggets" I decide to order for myself.
He looks at me and pops his eyes out but then smiles and shakes his head.
"I would like a large Coke Zero thanks" he says.
"Make that two large Big Macs sisi please" I say.
Zano looks at me and I just laugh. He drives to the next stop and pays while
he passes me our food. Immediately when I get the bag in my hands I take
out the burger and eat. I'm really starving honestly! The waitress laughs at this
causing Zano to look at me and he also laughs and thanks the lady then we
drive off. He plays some of his old RnB music on the way while I eat like a
crazy person.
"Love please eat" I say now munching on nuggets.
"I'm driving Nande,feed me then" he says shrugging.
I sit comfortably turning slightly to him and feed him while he drives. You
would swear that we are just normal people by looking at us right now.

When we get home we sit with the family for a while,Dudu is not around
maybe she went to visit her mom. And then we go upstairs to the other study
slash office to discuss the way forward in me starting my business,Zano said
that he will help get it registered,he will ask the chief for some space and then
the rest I will deal with but he will also help me out since he doesn't want me
to get distracted from my studies. I'm now excited about this seeing how much
faith he has in me makes me feel like I can do anything!
"Love I don't want to live in the same area as Dudu" I say after discussing
business over a few jokes here and there.
He sighs and sits back on the chair.
"I don't blame you. Do you have somewhere in mind?" He says softly.
This I didn't expect! I look at him in shock for a minute or two and then
compose myself.
"Blair Atholl Estates" I say to him and he types into his laptop.
He keeps quiet for a while reading whatever information.
"I must say I love the features. I might get myself that private jet also since it's
so close to Lanseria private airport" he says looking at me.
"And it's also approximately 40 minutes away from Waterfall Estates" I chip in.
"I love that you did your research before suggesting this to me,I'm all for it
Sthandwa Sami I will call Diego and let him know then the work will begin" he
says sitting back on his chair.
I squeal out of excitement and jump out of my seat. I walk over to him and kiss
him briefly but he turns it into something else in a second. He pulls me on to
his lap while he takes off my t-shirt and unzips my skirt.
"Mageba the door" I remind him because it's not locked.
"Akunamuntu ozoza la sthandwa sami ngicela ungiphe iyishebo zami mama"
he whispers leaving wet kisses on my neck and working on my
bra,immediately it's off and onto the floor. I take his shirt off and throw it to the
floor also. He helps me stand up with his hand and I drop my skirt to the floor.
He pulls me so that I straddle him on the chair and instantly his tongue
explores my mouth. I unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants while he lifts
himself a bit so that I can slide his pants off without breaking the kiss. I grind
myself into him showing him what I really want and his fingers slide into my
wet folds making me tilt my head back and moan out his name [...]

People say that when you are in love with a person you adopt their habits and
over time you both act like one person and now I believe that,I was just an
innocent girl that didn't know about anything and now Zano has turned me into
an insatiable sex addict. There is just something about every touch,every kiss
and every moan that I can't put into words. When he is close to me and he
doesn't touch me I feel like he no longer loves me and he has noticed that
because he now does the little things like holding hands when we walk or
putting his hand on my thigh,his touch alone makes me drown in his love.

I'm in the study cleaning every spot because last night we had our way in
here. I smile at the memory of how many times I had orgasms,that man can
surely use his rod,mouth,tongue fingers and everything that he has. Even
thinking about it makes my panties wet.
"Yebo mama ngiyakwethembisa" Zano walks in to the study while speaking
on the phone as I finish up polishing the huge desk.
"Ngimthengele entsha I still have to set it up ufuna ukukhuluma naye?" He
asks while squeezing my butt.
I already know he is speaking to my mom,how they got to this point? Only
God knows!
"Okay mama" he says then hands me his phone smiling at me.
"Molo mama" I say.
"Zenande nditheni?" My mom asks.
"Ngantoni mama?" I ask back.
"I said immediately after sorting out le ndaba yevision ubuye andithi?"
"But mama I'm not done yet basakhangela loya tata I want to be here when
they find him" I say pouting and Zano chuckles softly.
"Ungandiqheli Zenande! Don't you dare test me,your lobola negotiations are
next week and you are not even here? There are a lot of things that need to
be done do you know that?" She is dead serious now.
"Ndiyazi mama uxolo" I say sounding defeated.
"Nika umkhwenyana iphone!" She demands.
I hand back Zano his phone and he continues speaking to her,promising her
that he will make sure I get home,when he is done he hangs up and puts his
phone on the desk. He picks me up by my thighs and places me on the desk
getting in between my thighs.
"She is right you know?" He asks cupping my face with both his hands.
I nod with a sad smile. I really wanted to know more about Ma's killer but sadly
Lusikisiki awaits.
"I will inform you about every detail MaNododile but now I need you to listen to
your mother and do things the right way uyezwa Sthandwa sami?" He asks
me tilting my head up to him so I look him in the eyes.
I nod my head and he gives me an expectant look. I chuckle at that.
"Yebo Ndabezitha ngiyezwa. I will go pack my stuff right now" I say to him
trying to get of the desk but he just holds me in place not letting me go.
"Hhayi mama there is plenty of time to do that iskhathi sami manje" he says
crashing his lips into mine.
As our tongues battle for dominance,with him winning he slips his hands
under my flowy dress that has gone up. He pulls me even closer to the edge
of the desk squeezing my butt hard. I already know what that means. My hand
goes down to his crotch and there is a huge bulge,I move my hand up and
down and he groans into my mouth.
"Hhayi hhayi anikhathali kanti?" I hear Siphephelo's voice.
Causing me to quickly pull away from the kiss causing Zano to groan out of
"Yazi Nande waphika noZano angeke uze ufune nokuphuma endlini?" he
says leaning on the open door.
Zano laughs out loud at that and I look down in embarrassment. He knows
him pretty well.
Zano fixes my dress and helps me get down from the desk. I quickly make my
way out but Zano pulls me back by my wrist.
"Ngicela iKiss mama" he says and out of the corner of my eye I can see
Siphephelo grinning from ear to ear,he is now seated on the couch.
I motion to Siphephelo with my eyes and Zano laughs at that pulling me closer
to him and pecking my lips softly. I smile shyly and walk away leaving them

I pass time by packing some of my things into my duffel bag,Zano has already
set up my phone and I catch up with my girls and let my dad and brother know
that from here I'm going back to Eastern Cape. After booking my flight ticket
for tomorrow I realize that it's lunch time so I get off the bed which I was
seated on and head downstairs. I find Nokuzotha,Gogo and Enhle chatting
away. I hug Zotha in greeting and join in the chat,they are talking about what
can be done to better the lives of people living in the villages. We all agree on
the same thing that they should be taught different skills that can help them
make a living. When we are done we make our way to the dining room
laughing at one of Enhle's jokes. We find Zano,Siphephelo,Dudu and to my
surprise Siyanda and Jabu also seated. The chief is not around. Dudu is
seated next to Zano with Anele by her side. I just sit across Zano in between
Jabu and Gogo. Zano looks at me and smiles,I smile back at him also before
he goes back to talking to Siphephelo and Siyanda about how important
having connections is. After we all settle down Gogo says prayer and then we
dish up for ourselves. Dudu takes Zano's plate and dishes up for him,She
dishes up rice,chicken stew and some carrots and broccoli into his plate. I pop
my eyes out at this judging from how I know Zano,he likes Beef more than
Chicken and he is not a big fan of veggies mashed potatoes are what he
settles at. I dish up for myself and dig in.
"Hhayibo Duduzile yini loku?" I hear Zano ask.
"Ukudla baby hawu" Dudu replies.
"For who?"He asks again.
"Okwakho" she says.
"Okunje?"He asks again.
And the guys explode in to laughter.
"This is a healthy meal baby,you should eat veggies give it a go you will thank
me later" she says with a smile.
"Ubani othe ngiUnhealthy mina?" He asks again.
"Baby we can all take care of our health a bit better yazi akudingeki ukuthi uze
ubeUnhealthy" she says.
"Awungitshele la. Uyababona abantu abakuwo lo mkhakha weHealth ukuthi
bathule njani? Manje wena uyini?" He asks pointing to Nokuzotha and me.
Causing my food to go down the wrong pipe and I cough a bit. Gogo pours a
glass of water and hands it to me while hitting my back softly. After composing
myself I thank her.
"I'm just concerned about you and usho ukuthini mawuthi ngiyini I'm
your wife so I have every right" she says.
"Every right to treat me like a five year old child?" He asks now annoyed.
"Zanothando stop complaining udle bandla" she says turning back to her food.
"Alright wife" he says abruptly standing up from his chair.
"Uyaphi manje?" Dudu asks him.
"To get proper food la uwife angekho khona" he says walking out.
We are all left stunned. Dudu also gets up from the chair.
"Ungamlandeli Duduzile let him be uyambona ukuthi unjani" Gogo advises
But it falls upon deaf ears since Dudu walks out of the dining room and
probably follows Zano.
"Nande kusasa nawe it's your turn to be concerned about his health Wife"
Siphephelo says quoting the word Wife with his fingers causing all of us to
laugh including Anele.
"Hhayi! Ningaphenduli ubhuti wami ihlanya tu" Enhle says causing us to laugh
even harder.
We continue eating over small talk and jokes which Anele gladly participates
in to my surprise,maybe it's because her partner in crime isn't here.

"Awungiyeke Duduzile marn!" We hear Zano's voice from the foyer.

"What is that girl doing now!" Gogo says exasperated,getting up from her
We all look at her as she goes to them. Anele also follows suit and Minenhle
also. This house always has drama shame! I continue pushing my food
around until I realize that I'm only left with Siphephelo.
"Awufuni ukuyokhuza?" He asks softly.
I shake my head indicating No. I don't want to be involved in whatever they
are fighting about,they are adults they can handle it.
"Okay maybe you should go upstairs uyabona?" He asks.
I nod and get up and he walks with me to the foyer.
"Zanothando you don't take care of yourself!" Dudu yells.
Wrong move! He looks at her anger showing on his face.
"Duduzile angiyona ingane yakho uyangizwa? It started with food and now
ungitshela ukuthi kumele ngigcokeni? I should take off my t-shirt because
wena you don't like it?" He asks like he is not angry.
I'm now frozen on the spot I'm doing exactly what I didn't want to do.
"Yehlisani umoya!" Gogo says to them.
"You guys should go talk in private" Nokuzotha adds.
"Talk in private with a person that gets a kick out of micromanaging me?
Ulalela bani uDuduzile?" He asks her.
"I'm not managing you I'm just taking care of you Zanothando that's my duty!"
She yells.
"You got the wrong definition of that duty then" he says taking his keys out of
his pockets.
"This thing was cute at first kodwa manje ngiyabona ukuthi you think that you
own me. Uyazi Dudu ngakthanda from the very first moment you approached
me to introduce yourself kodwa manje I regret that day with everything in me.
This is not the first time it's just that now you are doing it in front of my
family,you want to control who my friends are,what I eat,when I eat,what to
drink,what to wear and where or when I should go. You consistently up the
notch in making this relationship a living hell and I'm tired now" Zano says.
And I'm left gobsmacked. Gogo claps her hands once out of shock and the
guys mumble something amongst themselves. Dudu starts sobbing.
"Baby I don't think I own you ngiyaxolisa baba,I do everything out of love
yonke into engiyenzayo is out of love Zanothando ngiyathembisa" she says
moving closer to him and grabbing his hand in both hers.
"When the water is contaminated the fish die baby" he says.
"I will do better I promise,I will be better ngiyathembisa" she says falling to her
My heart breaks for her,Zano is her ticket to the softlife all she has ever
dreamt about is being his trophy wife and now it's slipping through her fingers.
"Duduzile stop embarrassing yourself sukuma liyabanda lelo tile" he says
pulling her up by her arms.
It's cute how he still cares about her even when he is angry.
"Ngiyaxolisa baby" she says throwing herself into his chest and he just stands
there not responding with his hands balled on the sides.
Dudu finally gets the message and moves away from him. He checks his
pockets on his black cargo shorts and then storms out seething anger and
some emotion I cant put into words. I think its heartbreak he really loves her
but he is just exhausted from everything she dishes him. I look at Siphephelo
begging him with my eyes to follow his brother,he nods and kisses his wife
before leaving followed by Siyanda and Jabu closely behind.
"Duduzile ngilandele" Gogo says to her and then walks upstairs.
Dudu turns to follow her but stops and glares at me. I see nothing but hatred
in her eyes,she blames me for what is happening between them. If she was
given a chance then she would kill me without even thinking twice.
"Ugogo ukubizile Dudu" Nokuzotha reminds her.
She lets out a "Mxm" and follows Gogo up the stairs.
"Wena you better be careful uDuduzile is coming for you,I know that look very
well" Anele says and walks out.
"Let her try ubhuti Zano will bury her in a heartbeat" Minenhle says then walks
to the sitting room to watch TV.
I go back to the dining room and clear out the table,Nokuzotha helps me
silently. Mama is right I should have left this place after giving them the
description of the man. After taking the dishes to the kitchen we quietly wash
"Ucabangani?" Nokuzotha finally asks.
"She hates me Zotha,I saw it in her eyes. I thought she just didn't like me but
now I know she hates me and you heard what Anele said" I say to her.
"Ungakhathazeki ngaye marn she is just mad that we witnessed all of that"
she says trying to make me feel better.
I keep quiet and continue with the dishes.

After packing them in their respective places. I go to my room. I take my

phone and sit on the couch connecting to my earpods and press play. It's the
only thing that helps lift my spirit when I feel down or drained like I do
now. Strings And Bling by Nasty C plays,this is a favourite of mine,He went
hard on this one,it never gets old or out of season. I sit back on the couch and
close my eyes. Will i ever know peace? Such a rhetorical question. After a
while I get a message notification,I check it out and it's Zano.
"Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sami I just need ukushayiwa umoya,I'm with the boys
ungakhathezeki" I chuckle at the fact that he is apologizing to me.
I decide to let him be and log in to Whatsapp chatting away with my girls. I get
a message from Zano,it's all the pictures we took yesterday.I smile. He said
he will never send them to me,He forgot.
"Ngiyabonga Zulu" I text him.
"I never told you just how much I like them they are beautiful. Ngiyabonga for
convincing me to take them" he instantly replies.
My heart does a vosho at how cute this is.
"Everything with you is always beautiful my love,you bring out the beauty in
everything including people" I text back with a lot of heart emojies.
"I love you" he texts and goes offline.

After what feels like hours of switching between social media apps I get up
from the couch.I get this feeling like I'm being watched so I turn back to the
door and I am met by a bloodshot eyed Duduzile with her hands folded over
her chest. I just stand there and look at her. If she ever thinks i will talk to her
willingly then she has another thing coming. She walks in and stands by the
"Ufunani?" She asks.
"Excuse me?" I say.
I should be the one asking that since she is the one in my room.
"Ufuna malini so that you get out of his life" she says.
She just pisses me off by uttering those. She thinks I'm just like her,here for
Zano's wealth,how stupid!
"Kudala ngazi ukuthi awumthandi you just love his money and the status he
comes with because if you really did then you would think about his life at
least putting his happiness aside ngoba if I leave him then he will DIE!" I say
to her.
She takes a step closer to me,If she thinks she can intimidate me then she
has another thing coming.
"Awazi nex ngoZanothando you better run while you still have time and nawe
uyazi ukuthi yonke lento ekhulunywa wuCele umsangano nothing of that sort
will happen"
"Oh because you know everything about him that's why you even control him
the way you do right?" I ask her.
She takes two steps and we are face to face,I'm a lot taller than her though.
"Phinda usho loko futhi ngizokuqhaqha ntombazane ungabo ngena izindaba
ongazazi" she threatens.
This one doesn't know me,I'm not Zano ke mna.
"You think I will sit back and let you do that? Give it a try Batista. Anything that
involves Zano concerns me in case you don't know I will be his first wife soon"
I say to her.
She screams like she has demons and pushes me down to the floor slapping
"I WILL KILL YOU!" She screams.
I roll us over so that I'm on top and punch her in the face,she scratches my
arm with her nails busy kicking away with her feet. I grab her hair pull it hard
using it to hit her head against the carpet. She screams and her hands make
their way to my face,I quickly duck them falling off from her and she is
instantly up crawling with her knees to me,I take that chance and kick her in
the stomach. She cries out loud at the impact and I get up from the floor,she
follows suit with her one hand clutching on to her tummy,she tries to slap me
but I grab her hand by the wrist and turn her to face the other way making
sure I leave impact,she cries out loud and elbows me in the ribs causing me to
bend over pulling her hair out of pain and her extensions fall of.
"HHAYIBO DUDUZILE!" Gogo screams.
She tries pulling Dudu away but she comes back again. I dodge her and land
another punch to her face,she staggers and lands with her face on the coffee
table,I smile I walk over to her and land a kick to her ribs as I'm about to pull
her up with her hair strong shoulders wrap around me pulling me away from
"NDIYEKE!!!" I scream kicking my way out of his hold but he carries me out.
When we get to the passage he puts me down and I turn to him it's Baba.
Gogo comes out helping Dudu,at the sight of me she shakes Gogo off and
runs towards me.
"Duduzile!" Baba yells.
But she doesn't stop I run towards her and shoulder her to the
floor,hearing Guuu! immediately after her head makes contact with the floor.
"UYANDIQHELA KE WENA!" I scream showering her with punches.
I feel my anger,the anxiety,the fear of not being good enough for Zano and my
worries about everything, they all lessen with every punch I lend on her body.
She Is now blurry and I know that my tears have also come out to play.
scream pulling all her extensions and they fly around.
She kicks from underneath me causing me to lose balance and both my
hands land on her throat,I squeeze.
"NDIBULALE DUDU! KILL ME!" I challenge her.
"ZANOTHANDO WOZA!!" Nokuzotha screams.
"Kwenzakalani?.... HHAYIBO!" I hear Siphephelo ask.
Strong arms wrap around me and judging from the cologne it's Zano,he lifts
me off of Dudu. And i manage to land a kick to her side as he drags me from
her,she coughs like a mad person trying to get up. Siphephelo and Gogo help
her up.
"Come kill me Dudu!" I yell at her as Zano puts me down.
screams when she is on her feet trying to get away from both Gogo and
"Yoh ayi ikuhambile leyo ngane" Anele says laughing out loud.
Causing Dudu to get even angrier.
"NDIYEKE! NDIYEKE ZANO!" I scream trying to wiggle my way out of his
Instead he carries me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
NONKROYI!" I scream hitting Zano's back.
"Wayisusa uzoyimela Dudu ayeye!" Anele says laughing and somebody else
joins her.

Zano takes me outside to the back garden then he places me softly on the
bench. I kick the grass and he lets out a forced laugh through his clenched
teeth. He is angry.
"Zenande my father's house has now become a boxing ring?" He asks angrily.
"You should have told that wife of yours that before you stormed out of this
fucken house! Boxing ring my damn foot was I supposed to sit back and let
her do as she pleases? UYAPHUPHA KE TANA!" I say my pitch rising with
every word.
He stops and looks at me.
"Ngiyazi ukuthi you are high on adrenaline right now but ngicela sihloniphane
ungalinge uzenze ingathi ubaleke esbhedlela seyinhlanya" he says calmly
taking a sit beside me.
I chuckle at that,this man is a clown by nature.
"Ngiyaxolisa" I say looking at him then look away again.
"Buka mina ngila" he says turning my face to him.
"Ngiyaxolisa I shouldn't have done that,I should have controlled my emotions
a lot better. I know violence is never a solution but... It has all been building up
to this Zulu she has been asking for this ever since I stepped in through that
door,I can't let her plays gqubs on my head,she will only take me as her toy" I
"You are right but did beating her up solve Anything?" He asks.
"Yes I feel much better" I say looking to the other side and he laughs in
"You know she could get you arrested?" He asks.
"Then I will gladly rot in jail than have to tolerate her" I say keeping my
He laughs again. And shakes his head. He takes both my hands in his and I
wince at the pain.
"Buka manje Miss Violence" he says motioning to my busted right hand.
There's blood on my knuckles and two scratches that go up to my elbow. She
got me there,i laugh at that.
"It was worth it Mr Polygamy" I say to him.
He gives me an intimidating look and I look away. I know I'm pushing his
buttons but right now I don't even care.
"Keep on giving me that attitude uzobona ngizokwenzani" he warns.
I abruptly turn to look at him and roll my eyes.
At the blink of an eye he has me straddling him on the bench and his tongue
deep in my throat. He pulls my hair and I moan into his mouth. He positions
me over his hard erection and I dry hump him,unbuttoning his shorts. He rubs
me over my panties and I moan out his name throwing my head back. He
works on my neck and slides my dress straps off my shoulders going all the
way down to my boobs,luckily I'm not wearing a bra. He plays with one in his
mouth circling it with his skilled tongue and biting softly.
"Love please" I whisper to him.
His hand pulls on my hair again causing me to scratch his back over his t-
shirt. He slips a finger into me and I whine. He slips another one in and I grab
onto his shoulders while his other finger plays with my bean.
"Zano" I moan out.
He increases his pace and I shut my eyes.
"I love it when you moan out my name" he whispers into my ear.
When I start to build he stops and removes his fingers. I glare at him,I feel like
crying right now. He licks his fingers and smirks as I bite onto my lower lip,why
does this turn me on?
"My love please" I beg kissing his neck.
"Let your attitude fuck you sthandwa sami angina mona mina" he says fixing
my dress.
"Angeke ngiphinde baba ngiyathembisa" I continue begging.
"Good for you MaNododile. Let me go back inside I have to sort out le drama
yakho noMnakwenu" he says trying to push me back to where i was seated.
I slip my hand into his briefs and play with his balls.
"Just one quick one Zulu and you will go back inside" I say to him.
He smirks at me. I don't know where I'm getting the guts to say these things
but I am none the less.
"Sthandwa sami have you noticed your surroundings?" He asks with a
naughty smile.
"It's dark nobody will see anything,I won't be loud I promise" I say to him.
He laughs and bites his lower lip causing my honey pot to tip over.
"You want me Zulu you know you do" I whisper into his ear while moving my
hand up and down his shaft.
"Oh really now?" He asks with closed eyes.
I don't reply I just kiss him,my tongue exploring every corner of his mouth.
His hands squeeze my butt really hard and I lower both his shorts and briefs
so that Ndabezitha springs free. He slips his finger into my cookie as I work
my hand up and down his shaft. He breaks away from the kiss and goes down
my neck,I can hear my panties tear apart. I look down and he has ripped them
apart I give him a naughty smile and slowly sink myself on to him. I gasp at
the fullness and start moving up and down. He groans. His mouth now on my
breasts and his hands balancing me by my thighs. I ride him until I cum.
I'm now resting my forehead on his trying to catch a breath. He lifts me up and
circles the bench,placing me on the back of the bench. It's like I'm sitting on a
desk. He pushes my legs even wider and thrusts hard in to me.
"Ahhh!" I scream at the pleasure[...]

He fucked me until I can no longer feel my legs and then we fixed ourselves
"I will keep this" he says sniffing my panties and putting them in his pockets.
I laugh at that and fix my hair that is flying all over. He fixes my dress and I
smile at him. He holds my unbruised hand and leads me back to the house.
"Ngiyak'thanda baba" I say to him.
He pulls me closer to him and we kiss until we are both out of breath then he
pulls away with a smile.
"Uthandwa yimi mama,uyimpilo yami uyakwazi loko sthandwa sami?" He asks
I nod knowing the terms of our soul tie.
"It's not because of the ancestors anymore you have my heart in your hands
Nande,I'm deeply and madly in love with you. I can't imagine my days without
you,I need you like oxygen sthandwa sami" he says with the way he feels
evident in his eyes,I can see it bright and clear. Love and fear also. Fear that I
might break his heart.
"You complete me Zulu without you I'm nothing" I say into his chest as we
We stay like that for a while until somebody walks out the door. We look up
and it's Phephelo.
"Mfana kaBaba ngithi hhawu sekacedile ngawe uTerminator la" he says.
And they both laugh. I look down in embarrassment,I will never hear the end
of this.
"On a serious note ubaba has called for a family meeting in about 30 minutes"
he says more seriously.
And I feel my knees turn into jelly,oh shit! I'm in big trouble. A family meeting
has never been called for me back at home and now that is exactly what is
happening at my in laws,they must think andinamfundiso.
"Hey yini?" Zano asks looking at me with concern.
I didn't even realize that I was gripping on to his hand so hard. I let go and
smile at him.
"Let me go get a shower and dress these bruises. And you go check on Dudu
neh?" I say to him and he looks at me for a while and nods with a smile.
"Hambo geza vele unuka isende phu!" Phephelo says to me and I turn beet
red. And Zano laughs.
I get into the house and close the door behind me,I hear Siphephelo say
"Addictive fuck neh?" He asks.
"Too much" Zano says and they laugh.
"Welcome to the big leagues ke boy,now there is no more playing around"
Siphephelo says.
"My player card has expired" Zano says and they laugh.

I decide to walk away before they catch me eaves dropping. On my way up

the stairs I bump into Anele.
"Ah! Uyiskhokho wena!" She says dabbing my back.
I just shake my head at her and she laughs walking down the stairs.
When I get to my room I find Nokuzotha,Gogo and Enhle on my bed.
"And then?" I ask.
Enhle screams and the other two laugh.
"Sizele izindaba izanazo" Nokuzotha says.
I shake my head at her laughing.
"Let me take a shower and get these scratches dressed" I say to them.
"Let me fetch the kit I will do it for you" Nokuzotha says.
"Let me go make some snacks ulambile?"Enhle asks me.
I shake my head. I don't have any appetite.
They both get out and Gogo looks at me.
"Ngiyaxolisa Gogo for everything" I say looking down out of remorse.
"Ngiyazwisisa ngane yami I was also once your age ungakhohlwa" she says.
I nod my head and take out a flowy knee length grey skirt and a long sleeve
black t-shirt. Gogo is looking at my every move carefully like she is studying
me. A message notification comes from my phone and before I can ask where
it is Gogo hands it to me.
"Ngicela uzodla nami mama" Zano texted.
"Go check on uDudu marn" I reply.
"Uzongibhebhisa?" He texts.
I laugh out loud and Gogo shakes her head with a smile. How did we get to
this point of negotiating with him so he can go to Dudu?
"If you check on her,I will wear those black panties you like so much" I reply to
And put my phone on the side table. I quickly get showered when I'm done I
lotion my body in front of the mirror and it hits me what Gogo was looking at.
I'm glowing,like glowing,really glowing you would swear an angel sprinkled
some golden dust on me. I gasp at myself in the mirror and laugh as I get
dressed. I brush my teeth and head back to the bedroom.

Nokuzotha disinfects my hand and then dresses it. I wonder what I'm going to
tell my mother when she asks about it. We are sitted on the bed with our legs
folded munching on chocolate cake. As we laugh out loud at everything.
"I thought she was dead yazi?" Nokuzotha says.
"Mina bengisaba nokukhuza umbonile umenzeni ubaba?" Enhle adds.
I pop my eyes out. What did I do?
"Ngenzeni?" I ask with a shaking voice.
"You punched him" she says.
I look at her with my mouth wide open. I try talking but nothing comes
out,instead I choke on my own saliva and start coughing like a TB patient.
"Ngiyadlala" Enhle says as they burst into laughter.
"Nimenzani uTerminator?" I hear Siphephelo ask.
"Mfana kaBaba wozobona!" He calls out to Zano.
My coughing doesn't stop so I gulp down the juice in my glass and it becomes
"Ubaba bekacela wonke umuntu eSitting room" Siphephelo informs the
laughing trio.
They all get off the bed and I feel Zano gently rub my back.
"Nisenzani isthandwa sami bukani uPink njani" he says and they laugh even
harder causing me to softly slap his hand away.
"Ngiyadlala mama hawu" he says sitting on the bed looking straight into my
"Nothing will hurt you as long as I'm alive uyezwa?" He says.
I nod blushing. We are no longer talking about this now I'm sure about that.
"Ncoooh you two are so cute" Enhle says taking pictures of us.
I turn my back to her and Zano kicks her out laughing.
Siphephelo hangs behind as they leave.
"Two minutes or else I'm sending the guards up here" he says laughing and
leaving my bedroom door wide open.
"Is she okay?" I ask Zano.
"She is fine just a few bruises and her ego is what's hurt the most" he says
"You should spend the night with her,I don't mind" I say to him.
"Are you sure about that?" He asks.
"She needs the attention more than me" I say to him and get up from the bed.
Instead he pulls me by my hand,he stands up slowly gazing into my eyes,I
look down because I can't look him in the eye for too long.
"Don't" he whispers tilting my head up so that I look at him.
I soldier on and look at him until he is a breath away. I close my eyes and feel
his lips on mine. The kiss is brief and then he walks out smiling.
"Uyeza?" He asks turning to me.
"In a minute" I say holding up one finger.
He laughs and then leaves. I look for a pair of socks and put them on. I slide
in to my slippers and quickly rush downstairs.

I find the entire family seated.

Jabu,Siyanda,Muzi,Zano,Siphephelo,Enhle,Gogo,Anele,Dudu and the chief.
The chief turns to me and tells me to go sit on the couch where Zano and
Dudu are seated. I feel like a naughty child that is about to get punished.
Immediately after nodding my head at Baba i feel a wave of dizziness take
over and i close my eyes to stop myself from falling.

I see an old woman throwing dirty laundry at a younger looking ma.

"Sphesihle kungani ungawashanga izolo?" She scolds.
"Ngiyaxolisa mamkhulu" Ma says trembling in her boots.
I can feel how scared she is of her.
"Ziwashe manje marn and ngilambile uzopheka fast!" she says and walks into
the house.
Ma quickly picks up the scattered clothes and puts them in the laundry basket.
There isn't enough wood to make a fire so she should be quick so she can go
fetch wood to cook. Lindiwe walks into the yard and sees her half sister in a
"Sekayenzeni uMa Sphe?" She asks Ma.
"Uthi ngiyowasha ngiphinde ngipheke ngapha izinkuni ziphelile"
"Ithi mina ngiyotheza ke" Lindiwe says.
"Uzongishaya akubona usebenza" she says feeling scared.
"Angeke ngiyathembisa" Lindiwe says and walks out.
Ma takes the long walk to the river. After her parents died her father's first wife
started mistreating her,she makes it clearly obvious that she doesn't want her
here,She would leave only if she had other relatives but sadly she doesn't.
Lindiwe is her half sister and she is the best she could ever have,she keeps
her going when days seem dark.
Duduzani walks to her.
"Ntombi yami ithi ngikuthwalise" he says to her.
"Awungiyeke wena izintombi zakho zikulindile" Ma says.
"Kodwa Mina ngifuna wena nje?" He asks.
"Ngoba bonke sebamithi? Mina angikufuni Duduzani nsizwa yakwaButhelezi
angikuphuphi noma ngilele" she says to him.
He immediately strangles her.
"Uzongicoma ufuna noma ungafuni uyangizwa?" He asks angrily.
I can feel how Ma's body is denied oxygen and her body starts becoming light.
He let's go and she coughs trying to breathe.
"UngowakaXulu okokugcina namhlanje kusasa okusayo uzobiza Mina lo" he
says laughing and placing a kiss on her forehead by force.
He is right,Mamkhulu wouldn't even hesitate selling me off to anybody even if
it's for 10 cents. Can I live a life with an abusive man like Duduzani? He beats
up every girl into dating him and then gets them pregnant and dumps them.
They all hate his guts except one,Zodwa. He plays her so bad it hurts to even
watch. Those thoughts keep her company until Lindiwe shows up.
"Yini inkinga?" Lindiwe asks her half sister.
Ma tells her about her encounter with Duduzani and what he said.
"Sphe umama is capable of that you know" Lindiwe says.
"Ngizokwenze njani Malindi I can't marry that man" Ma says in tears.
I can feel her sadness ripple through me.
"Baleka! There is a friend of mine from school she can help you with a place
to stay,her parents bahlala eGoli full time so uhlezi ayedwa. Uhlala esgodini
sakwaZulu akekho umuntu ozokuthola laphaya phela sikude kuna lana."
"Malindi!" She says crying.
"Nayi imali I have been saving hambo gibela iTaxi and never look back here
uyangizwa? Thatha nayiPhone yami uma ufika call Zinhle Ngema uyezwa?"
Ma nods and hugs her sister goodbye. Crying her heart out in the process.
When she has cried enough Lindiwe wipes the remaining tears and kisses her
forehead and tells her to leave. Ma prays to God that he keeps Lindiwe safe
and Lindiwe does the same thing.

"Sthandwa sami?" I hear Zano call out.

I open my eyes and everybody is looking at me.
"Enye futhi?" Nokuzotha asks and I nod.
Zano gives me a glass of water and wipes the tears streaming down my face.
"Sphesihle Xulu" I say.
The chief turns and gives me a questioning look.
"Yebo igama likaMa lelo" Siphephelo says.
I look at him and ask
"Lindiwe Xulu?"
He shakes his head so I look at the chief,he also shakes his head.
"ULwandle angeke agane uLindiwe angekho la" I say out loud the thoughts
clouding my mind
"Lelo phutha layenzeka ngoSphesihle nangoIbanathi angeke liphinde lenzeke
ngoLwandle"I say.
It's like somebody else is controlling my mouth.
"Njengoba uLwandle eyokhipha ilobolo singaqhubeka ngaloko?" Nokuzotha
They all turn to her like she is crazy.
"Yebo qhubekani kodwa ngoMabo uMalindi abe la" I say pointing to the
"ULindiwe uyayazi leya ndoda uzonichazela ukuthi kungani akwenzile konke
loku ngoba yena angeke akhulume lutho uma nimthola" I say looking at the
He nods his head and mutters a "yebo ngiyezwa"
I turn to Duduzile.
"Ubuze unina ngalendoda abazokutshela ngayo namhlanje uyezwa?" She
glares at me but nods and looks to the other side.
"Kukhona okunye enidinga ngikucacise?" I ask everyone.
"Cha siyabonga gogo sizwile sizoyenza njalo,ungakhululeka" Nokuzotha says.
I feel something weigh me down and I fall to the floor. Zano catches me just in
time before I hit the floor.
"Hlala naye phansi she is now used to it she will slip back after catching her
breath" I hear Nokuzotha tell Zano.
Zano sits on the couch and places me on his lap with his chest acting as a
"Anybody want something to drink?" Gogo asks.
"And some snacks please" Enhle says.
"Yoh! Uyathusa when she does that" Anele says.
"She is getting better at it you should have seen the first time she had a
vision" Siphephelo says and they laugh,I can feel Zano's chest vibrating from
"So uyaboniswa?"Muzi asks.
"Which rock do you live under kanti wena mfana?" The chief asks and they
laugh. They continue talking but they voices drown out and I'm left in a state of

After some time Zano brushes my face. I open my eyes and he smiles.
"Vuka phela ngikukhumbulile" he says softly.
I laugh at him and he helps me to sit properly on his lap.
"Zano marn" I say trying to sit on the couch but he pulls me back to him.
"Ngiyakcela Zulu" I say to him pleading with my eyes.
He nods and scoots closer to Dudu.
"Hhayi ke sesingaqala uvukile uMadam" Dudu says.
"Heh! Bazokushaya wena" Anele says and looks away from Dudu.
The guys except Zano all laugh.
"Okay njengoba sazi ukuthi sihlangene la ngoba sekatholakele lo muntu
obulele uSphesihle ukuthi ubani" The chief says and looks at Siyanda.
Siyanda nods and sits up straight. But before he can even utter a word. It all
comes back to me.
"Duduzani Buthelezi" I say.
Siyanda looks at me and nods.
"Can she read minds also?" Siyanda asks Zotha.
I laugh at him and Zotha shrugs.
"No I can't fortunately" I say to him.
He smiles and continues.
"There is an eye witness that we found,he was a hawker on the street he saw
the yellow truck bulldoze imoto kaMa until it fell over the cliff. With Zenande's
description and registration number we found that the man was driving his
father's truck we spoke to him and he says Duduzani hasn't been home for
about 5 years. We have a private investigator searching for him but Zano we
will need help with your contacts" Siyanda says. And
Zano nods.
"So now the missing puzzle is Lindiwe Xulu?" Siphephelo asks.
"Yes uMamkhulu wakho" I say to him and he pops his eyes out.
"But Sphesihle said she was an only child" the chief says.
"Yebo baba to her mother. Bab' Xulu had two wives and they both had a
daughter each namely Lindiwe and Sphesihle" I explain to him.
"Okay le ndaba yakaLindiwe needs to be sorted bafethu i will get my guys on
it" Jabu says.
The chief still looks confused.
"You are confused because of the family you went and paid lobola to? That
was the Ngema family they accepted her as a daughter of their own. She
found refugee in their house after running away from her Mamkhulu who
decided to sell her off to an abusive Duduzani,Lindiwe helped her to run away
and told her never to look back but after marrying you she tried looking for
her, when she got to their old house it was burnt to the ground. Neighbors told
her that the old woman had burnt to death but they don't know what happened
to Lindiwe" I say shrugging.
"Awu Nkosi yami!" Gogo says.
"Ma was truly strong" Enhle says looking proud.
I nod at her.
"Dudu don't forget to ask your mom about Duduzani Buthelezi " Nokuzotha
"Mxm" Dudu says.
"Don't take it lightly ngoba it came from Nande's mouth. Don't take the Zulu
ancestors lightly ntombazane uzozisola" the chief says.
"Okay switch on the TV so that we can watch something" Enhle says
"Uhm before that bengithanda ukuxolisa kini nonke especially kuMnakwethu I
shouldn't have acted so out of character ngiyaxolisa kakhulu" I say looking
down to my knotted hands on my lap.
Zano takes my one hand in his and squeezes a bit. Dudu scoffs.
"Kulungile we all make mistakes but please don't let it happen ever again
kusebukhosini lana not a boxing ring" the chief says and I nod.
After a while Zano gets up from the couch pulling both me and Dudu with him.
"Zenande has an early flight tomorrow so we are off" he says to them and
leads us away.
"Niyolala niyi3?!" I hear Siphephelo ask.
And then they all laugh and I chuckle,Zano also.
His holding me on his left and Dudu on his right as we make our way up the
stairs. When we get upstairs he leads us to his room.
What Siphephelo asked swims around my head and I stand by the door,I'm
certainly not doing that shit! Dudu sits beside Zano on the bed instantly. Zano
gives me an intimidating look and I sit on the couch,He sighs and then moves
both his hands over his face.
"Nithi inkinga yini zithandwa zami?" He asks looking exhausted.
I finally see that he is more than exhausted of this entire situation and we are
making things even worse for him, he has to deal with what happened to his
mom,work,family and then us. Grown women who act like little children. I look
at Dudu since she started all of this but she looks down.
"Anifuni ukukhuluma?" Zano asks again.
"Mageba ayikho inkinga from my side" I say to him.
"Ayikho inkinga? Uyambona ukuthi uDudu unjani?" He asks looking serious.
I look at Dudu and notice two black eyes and a busted lip. I look down to my
hands and breathe in slowly and then out.
"Dudu came to my bedroom and offered to pay me whichever amount of
money that I want so that I can leave you. I felt like she was insulting my love
for you and she was insinuating that I'm here today because of your wealth.
Not only that but I felt like she doesn't care for you and takes this soul tie as a
joke while I go through everything that I don't even understand and she makes
it a joke!" I say getting worked up again.
"Duduzile?" Zano says and then sighs.
"Ngiyaxolisa angazi bengingenwe yini baby. I honestly can't sit here and try to
defend myself ngazi kahle ukuthi ayikho into I can use as an excuse. I was
just angry at what happened during breakfast and I took it out on her" she
says still looking down.
"Ngikhathele ukucima imililo because of you two. Duduzile I'm going to marry
her whether you like it or not,you better learn to live with it noma uphume
uphele empilweni yami uyangizwa?" He says firmly to her.
"Yebo ngiyezwa" she says after a while.
"Zenande I love her and I want her in my life you have to learn to live with that
if you still want to be with me and if you feel like this is too much for you then
you can gladly leave,I'd rather die than have a constant headache because of
you two uyezwa?" He says looking at me.
Tears fall from my eyes. His words hurt because I can't imagine leaving him
the thought even hurts so bad. I close my eyes and clutch my chest where I
feel pain and nod my head.
"In words mama" I hear him say.
"Yebo ngiyakuzwa Zulu" I let out a whisper.
"Its also not easy saying these things to you both kodwa ngikhathele of
playing referee. I love you both in unique ways and I need you both in my life
because you play different roles in it. I'm not asking you to be best friends but
all I'm asking for is that you be civil to one another. You will be both living in
different areas and I understand why kodwa izingane zami zona zizokhula
kanjani? Will they end up like my mom when I die?" He says.
This man is breaking my heart and he doesn't even see it. More tears flow at
the mention of him dying and I stand up to leave. They both look at me and
Dudu doesn't even seem phased even a little bit,so I'm the fool here?

"You are the one that genuinely loves him" my subconscious says while
stretching from her bed.
"Ngiyaxolisa Mageba but I can't sit here and listen to you talk like this.
Kubuhlungu more than any physical pain. Nilale kahle goodnight" I say
clutching my chest and walking out.
"Zenande?" Zano calls out.
I look back at him holding on to the door frame for balance.
"Ngiyak'thanda MaNododile" he says looking at me with sorry eyes.
I nod and leave without saying a word. When I get to my room I close the door
and throw myself on the bed crying to my heart's content. Why doesn't he see
how bad it hurts to even think of losing him? Why does he torture me so
much? I have accepted Duduzile but the problem here is that she refuses to
accept me will I also be punished for her deeds? I cry until i fall asleep. I
dream of being separated from Zano and him leaving me and every time I
awake from the nightmare I cry even more while he sleeps soundly with
Duduzile in his arms. This heart of mine doesn't want to see me live.

I'm woken up by somebody cupping my face with one hand,judging from the
tingles,it's Zano. I smile and then slowly open my eyes,He looks sad.
"Ukhale waze walala" he states sadly.
I know my face gives me away so I just nod my head at him.
"Ngiyaxolisa mama I felt the exact pain every time I said those things to you
but I had to keep going so that Dudu doesn't think I love you more than
her,She doesn't understand what is happening between us" he says grazing
my face with his fingers.
I can tell from his face that he didn't sleep even a wink. I glance at the time
and its 06:00am my flight leaves at 12:00pm.
"Ukuphi uDudu?" I ask him as i get under the covers.
"Uye kubo uyobuza uMa wakhe ngoDuduzani" he says.
"Okay please go lock the door" i tell him and he does so.
When he gets back I remove the covers and motion for him to get in. He
chuckles and takes his jeans and t-shirt off.
"Yeh mama! Angeke ngilale nomuntu ogcoke iwardrobe yonke mina" he says
getting into bed with his white Calvin Klein briefs.
I get up and do as he says,I take my clothes off and I'm left in my panties,I
quickly go to his side and put on his t-shirt that goes halfway down my thigh. It
smells like him,gosh I love his cologne.
"Happy now?"I ask getting into bed.
"Yazi i would be very happy if..-"
"Lets sleep my love ngiyazi ukuthi awulalanga ebsuku" I cut him off and he
chuckles pulling me closer to him so that we are spooning.
He kisses my forehead and shuts his eyes,after a while I can tell he is finally
asleep by his steady breathing. I move even closer to him putting my leg over
him and drift to sleep.
I'm woken up by somebody knocking on the door.
"Sisi Nande?" Enhle calls out.
"Hhayi Enhle marn!" Zano shouts with a sleepy voice.
"Sorry I thought you left with Dudu" she says probably pouting and she walks
away judging from her foot steps.
"What time is it?" I ask him sleepily.
He is the one closer to the alarm clock.
"09:00am what time is your flight?" He asks.
"12:00pm" I tell him and try to get up from the bed.
But he pulls me down to him.
"Zano akekho umakoti olala until this time ngiyeke" I say to him.
"Kodwa ingekho right ugogo will understand that I'm your first priority" he says
pulling me closer to him.
As I'm about to complain he crashes his mouth into mine and moves my hand
to his bulge. I can feel my panties getting wet just from touching him,I pull
down his briefs and he springs free. I take him in my hand and move it up and
down causing him to groan breaking the kiss. I take that chance and make my
way down to his rod in a trail of wet kisses and he fists my hair. I swipe my
tongue at the precum and i moan looking at him through my eyelashes,I love
how he looks right now. I lubricate him then put him in my mouth[...]

One thing about Zano is that he never gets enough what was supposed to
take a few minutes turned into two whole hours of being tossed and turned
into different positions. After showering and he couldn't help but finger fucking
me,we both got dressed up and quickly grabbed something to eat while
saying goodbye to the family. We are now in his car,he insisted on driving me
to the airport.
"Have you ever cheated on Dudu?" I ask him.
He coughs and then clears his throat.
"Uhm... yeah" he says embarrassed.
"How many times?" I ask.
"Uhm... a couple of times I don't remember" he says and then clears his
"Don't you think that's why she is like this?" I ask.
"It was a long time ago,she knows I'm no longer a boy" he says shrugging.
"You know if you dare cheat on me you wouldn't live to tell the story?" I ask
him putting on my serious face.
He chuckles and nods.
"Trust me I know. That will never I would probably call out your name at every
touch" he says laughing.
I look at him and laugh also. I wonder how he does it two women and you
don't even mix up their names even when you are drowning in pleasure,I
respect him.
"Did you use protection when you cheated?" I ask.
"Always" he says.
"Have you realized that we don't use protection?" I ask him.
"Why should I use protection with you? You are practically my wife not some
girl I picked up from the club" he says shrugging.
"We haven't gotten tested for HIV" I say to him.
"Okay if that's your problem then let's go get tested" he says making a U-turn.
"What?Zano no!I'm going to miss my flight" I say to him.
"It won't take long and anyway we are not that far from the airport" he says
pulling up at a clinic.
When we get inside he tells them we are here for a couples HIV test,they take
our blood and offer us counseling while we wait and then they give us our
results. We are both negative,I didn't have doubts about that at all. When I
have asked questions to my heart's content we leave.
"Its not only HIV that you get from unprotected sex" I say.
"I know STIs also"
"And in my case a baby" I say to him.
He turns his head to me with a huge grin.
"Are you trying to tell me that we are pregnant?" He asks.
I can't help but laugh at him and his face falls but he quickly covers it up by
chuckling and focusing back on the road.
"What? No! That's just it I don't want kids" I say to him.
He looks at me like I just told him I'm dying tomorrow.
"Ini?" He asks.
"At least not yet ke" I say to him.
"Yazi uhlushwa yini?"
I shake my head indicating No.
"Ukuba yiModel! Everything that you think of is your waist size!" He says
pulling into a parking space.
And then gets out immediately. He is already angry?

"Wouldn't you be? "My subconscious asks back while buffing her nails.

I slowly get out of the car and go to him. I hug him from behind and feel his
tense body calm down. I go around him so that I look him in the eye.
"Ungakwati" I say softly to him.
"Angikwatile Zenande I'm hurt. Imagine loving someone and seeing a future
child that looks exactly like that person only for them to tell you that they don't
see the same thing" he says and heads back to the car.
He comes back with my bag,ticket and phone.
"Zano" I say.
He hands them to me and I take them.
"Call me mawufika." He says and then places a kiss on my forehead.
"My love don't be like this" I say to him.
He gives me a weak smile and gets into his car then he drives off. I'm left
there not believing what just happened,I look at the time and go inside. If I
miss that flight my mom will murder me.

When I get home im immediately bombarded by work. Apparently the Zulu

family requested UMembeso the day after the negotiations,so I have to get
the invitation cards designed and printed today and I have to go to Mthatha.
When I come back home it's already late,I bump into Nolu on my way in.
"Nolu can we talk?" I ask her.
"Ufuna ntoni Zenande?" She asks totally bored.
"Can we go shopping maybe tomorrow? If you don't have an outfit for
UMembeso then you can get it" i say politely.
"Ndincamele ukufa than go shopping with you. I have already had enough of
this lobola bullshit I can't wait until you get married and leave this house
honestly!" She says and then walks out the gate.
I will not cry! I'm already used to her. I repeat to myself until I get inside the
"Nande!"Mahle screams as soon as I walk in.
I laugh and give her a huge hug.
"Sungxola Asemahle!" Mama scolds Mahle.
"Uzifumene?" She asks turning to me.
I nod my head and take out one invitation card from the envelope and give it
to her.
"I will send them out tomorrow " I say to her.
She nods.
"Ayiseyinhle bhabha" she says with glassy eyes and I just hug her. And look
at it.

The families of Rosso,Nododile and Zulu
Hereby invite you
To share in the uMembeso ceremony
That will be held in honour of
Zenande & Zanothando
Stand No. 53 Bubble Street Lusikisiki
Eastern Cape
21 December 2022

I get why she is emotional,this is a wake up call.I'm getting married. She hugs
me tight.
"Come eat and then go get some rest" she says to me.
I eat Amasi nomphokoqo with Mahle as mama tells us stories of her
childhood,when I'm done I wash the dishes and go take a nice long bath. After
getting dressed in my Pjs I call Zano.
"Mama" he answers after a couple of rings.
"My love I'm sorry that I'm calling you at this time,immediately when I got here
I had things to do ngiyaxolisa Mageba" I say to him.
"Ungakhathazeki Mpilo yami,ngivele ngasho ukuthi bakubambe
ngamawashing" he says causing me to laugh.
"Love about earlier..." I say and he cuts me off.
"Sthandwa Sami I have a lot of work to do,ulale kahle uyezwa?" He says.
He is still sulking. I nod my head and then remember that I'm on the phone.
"Ngiyak'thanda Ndabezitha." I say and then he hangs up.
There will be times when he cannot say it,then I will gladly say it for the both
of us. I get on to WhatsApp and send him the invitation soft copy. He doesn't
reply even though he is online. I go over to his status and he has posted it. I
smile at that and log out.

Earlier today somewhere...

"Ufake ngomuva wecephe ekudleni kwakhe" the sangoma says throwing a
wrapped packet at me.
"Ngifuna abheke mina ngedwa akukho onganginika kona okunye?" I ask
"Ukusebenzisa imithi ehlekune ngeskhathi esisodwa kuyingozi kuwe kanye
nakuye loyo muntu" the sangoma advises.
"Ngiyakubhadala angisho?" I say to her.
She shakes her head and gives me another satchet with pink powder in it.
"Uzipule ngawo ngasosonke iskhathi mawuceda ukugeza ukhulume nawo
uwutshele ukuthi ufuna wenzeni" she says.
I gladly smile at her,now I will finally have him all to myself,I have been
longing for that day so badly. I give her the money and stand up. Putting my
shoes on outside. I put on my sunglasses and cover my face with a scarf as I
walk to my car. I can't just trust on muthi only,I have to get rid of her forever
and I know the perfect guy for that. I'm such a genius! I smile to myself as I
drive back home.

The last couple of days have been super busy,my family members from both
sides are here. The Rosso family flew in yesterday and the Nododile family
came about 4 days back. Rea and Buhle arrived a few days ago also. Things
have been much easier with them around.
So Rea and my brother are finally a thing! Can you imagine? I can't stop
screaming. Today it's the negotiations,the ladies are already outside at the
back cooking away,I know they are mostly here for gossip but I appreciate
them working for it.

I just finished bathing and Rea is applying light makeup on me. When she is
done I put on my brown Shweshwe skirt and a matching top that has a bit of
white. The skirt doesn't flow a lot and covers my knees. I wrap a Tswana
shawl with tassels on and finish the look by wrapping a black doek,Xhosa
style. I wear my white Converse boot sneakers. Buhle walks in as I tie my
"Muzi says they are on their way" she says to me.
My nerves rise to the occasion gladly so.
"Ah! Ah! Zee stop shaking like that hle mosadi" Rea says while wrapping a
doek on her head.
They are also dressed in Shweshwe and I must say they look beautiful. I smile
at Rea.
"Look at how beautiful you two are,these guys better hurry up and cuff your
asses before they lose y'all " I say to them.
"AMEN SISTER!" They both say simultaneously and we laugh.
I'm not supposed to go outside until the negotiations are done so I remain in
my room as Buhle and Rea go out to do some chores and listen to the ladies
gossip. Nolu gets in as I look through an old family album.
"Awusemhle ingathi awuthathwa lixhegu" she says sitting on the chair facing
That's the closest thing to a compliment I will ever get from her so I just smile.
"I'm sorry for taking your dad away from you" I say to her.
She looks taken aback and keeps quiet for a while.
"I'm glad umfumene owakho" she says coldly.
I nod my head at that and fetch my Samsung S9 from my cupboard together
with a charger and earpods.
"Since you use ipopotwane I thought you might like this since i no longer use
it" I say handing it to her.
She looks surprised but then takes it. She can do whatever she wants with it
but at least i know that i did good,some good in this world.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because you are my sister" I say to her and she laughs out loud.
"Zenande Why?" She asks again.
This time it's my turn to laugh.
"Thank you for not drinking today" I say honestly at her.
She nods and stands up taking the phone with her.
"Who told you that I won't?" She asks laughing and then walks out.
I shake my head at that and wonder where Mahle is,she has also forgotten
about me.

I hear people ululating and since my room is at the back I can't see anything. I
frown at that and sit back on my bed. Mahle walks in.
"Nande uRea uthi ndikuphe" she says handing me my phone and I jump
hugging her causing her to laugh as I kiss her face.
"Ndiyabulela nana" I thank her and she happily skips off.
My mom confiscated my phone last night and told me I would get it tomorrow,I
guess Rea managed to steal it back from her. I go on to Whatsapp and Rea
has sent me a text.
"They are here" together with a picture of Zano's 4 uncles,Siphephelo,Muzi
and Jabu standing at the gate.
They all look dapper in suits and I smile.
"What's happening now?" I ask and she tells me that my uncles have fined
them R500 for being late.
Knowing my uncles they are gonna make sure that they drain them out,that's
why I'm so nervous about this. I text Zano and he doesn't answer. I put my
phone on the bed and pray that everything goes well.

After sitting all alone for 3 hours mama walks in with Rea,Buhle and
Okuhle,my cousin. She tells us that we should follow her with our heads
bowed down and never look up unless asked to.
We follow her with our heads bent down all the way to the dining room then
we sit on the grassmats folding our legs.
"Eyiphi intombi enize ngayo apha ensimini yakwaNododile?" My
Uncle,Okuhle's father asks.
I can hear the Zulu delegates whisper among themselves before they answer.
"Lo othwele iduku elimnyama" I can hear Zano's uncle say.
We are all wearing different coloured doeks so I know it's me.
"Zenande ndijonge" he says to me and i Immediately lift my head to look at
"Ndibuza okokgqibela yiyo le mbali enizawuyikha apha ekhaya?" My Uncle
asks them again.
This time they don't discuss anything.
"Yiyo impela" the other uncle says.
"Zenande uyabazi ababantu?" He asks me and I look at the Zulu delegates
and see Phephelo and the guys smiling from ear to ear.
"Ewe Tata ndiyabazi" I say looking at him.
My aunt leads us out and back to my room.
"Nina noyi3 izani" she says to the girls and I sulk.
"Siyabuya manje mngani" Buhle says and they happily skip out.
I check my phone and still nothing from Zano.
After a minute ululations break out and my mom comes in together with my
aunts. They give me a grass mat to sit on.
"From today you are no longer a girl,you are a woman and someone's wife at
that, don't go out there and embarrass us but make us proud mtanam" my
mom says and I nod looking down.
"Umfazi akalali lide liphume ilanga,uvuka kusasa and starts with her chores"
my aunt says.
"Indoda iyaphakelwa indoda ke sisi. You cook for him and then you open your
legs even wider for him. Umphathe ngemfudumalo angalinge abathwe
yingqele" Okuhle's mom says and i almost laugh but push it back to where it
came from.
I always knew she was a savage.
"Indoda ayibuzwa ukba ivelaphi instead kufanele ifumane amanzi
wokuhlamba neyimpahla ziready,awungxolisi indoda izawuhhamba" my other
aunt says.
Yeah right! That's why hers left.
"Awugxothwa apha kukokwenu if he lays a finger on you or he doesn't treat
you right then come back home because we are giving you to them to build a
home if that doesn't happen and he destroys you don't be afraid to come back
home" my mom says and I can't help but cry.
They all hug me in turn and then lead me to the kitchen.
"Your in laws need to be served" My Italian aunt says.
I nod at her and take the basin with warm water and a dishcloth. I get on my
knees and offer it to the first uncle and when he is done I give him the
dishcloth so he can wipe his hands. I do the same to all four of them. When
I'm done I take serving bowls to them and dish up for them according to their
"Siyabonga makoti" one uncle says and I smile.
Buhle has already served my uncles so we head out and leave them to chit
chat,my uncles are now forth coming I'm sure they paid a lot of money. Tata
never laughs like that for mahala.
"Nande ndilambile" Asemahle says with her friends.
I quickly dish up for them and give them their plates.
"Come let's go take pictures" Rea drags me outside.
Okuhle takes pictures of us and then me individually because Rea insists and
then she sends them to me via WhatsApp.
"AbakwaRosso bakufumene ukutya?" My aunt asks Rea and she nods.
"Nande hhamba emva and check if the is enough food for the people coming
in. I nod at her and do as I'm told.

I get there and greet the ladies. There is more than enough food. As i walk
away i bump into someone.
"Uxolo" I say immediately.
And look up and I'm met by his eyes.
"Awusemhle MaNyawuza" he says.
"Ndiyabulela" I say and make a move to leave but he stops me.
"What happened to us Zenande at least tell me that" he says.
"Ayabulela you have the nerve to ask me what happened to us knowing very
well that you ended us by sleeping with my best friend?" I ask him quoting the
word us with my fingers.
"Andilalanga noVuyelwa mna. She slept in Asenathi's room because she was
too drunk everybody who was at the party knows that" he says still looking as
handsome as ever with his masculine self showing under the shirt and jeans.
"Vuyelwa told me that you slept with her Aya and everybody confirmed that" I
say to him.
"You let them win,you knew the entire neighborhood wanted us to break up
and still you believed every story they fabricated" he says taking a step closer
to me.
"Why didn't you ever call or text me? Or at least come visit?" I ask him.
"How can I do that when you blocked me immediately when I got on the plane
to London?" He asks.
I chuckle at that. He thinks I'm dumb or as Zano would say he thinks that I
sleep with my shoes on.
"Why didn't you ever come to visit?" I ask again.
"How can I do that when you showed me that you don't want me in your life?
There wasn't anything to come back to" he says shrugging.
"When you love somebody you go through anything and everything that gets
thrown your way so that they know you would die for them. That's love!you
don't think about your ego,pride,status or anything when you are in love. I
can't believe I cried for you but I thank you for that because I wouldn't be
standing here today as somebody's wife if you didn't give up on me. Like you
said there is nothing to come back here to,it has long died" I say to him and try
to move away from him but he moves even closer.
"You know that all of this should be me and not him. Who is he?" He asks now
looking pissed.
I laugh at him.
"You are nothing compared to him,just a joke of a man" I say and try to move
away from him but he grabs my wrist.
"Ndiyeke" I say wriggling it out of his hold.
"Makoti?" I hear Phephelo call out.
I turn to him and Ayabulela let's go of my hand.
"Yebo bhuti?" I ask him.
He looks at Ayabulela from head to toe intimidatingly and then looks at me.
"Ngicela inyama enye" he says shyly and I nod taking the plate from him and
walking to the kitchen.
I dish up extra meat for him and give it to him.
"Was he bothering you?" He asks.
I shake my head.
"Its nothing I can't handle bhuti just expired issues that people insist on
bringing back to the market" I say to him and he laughs.
"You are surely Zano's wife" he says shaking his head and walks away.

As people start leaving I help the women wash the big pots outside. My mom
comes to me as I scrub away at one.
"Mama?" I say.
"Did you eat?" She asks and I shake my head.
"Go to the shop and buy some bread" she says giving me money.
Is she that old that she can't see that there is plenty of food in this yard?
"But mama...-" she cuts me off.
"Andikbuzi ndiyakxelela" she says and marches away.
I angrily wash my hands and leave. I wonder why she wants bread all of a
sudden. I make my way down the street and Ayabulela pulls my hand from
"Eish ndiyeke!" I say getting my hand out of his grip.
"I'm just walking you to the shop" he says cheerfully.
"I don't need a body guard okay? Please leave me alone!" I say and walk
away from him.
What a nuisance! For a lawyer he really is stupid.
There is a black G63 parked on the side of the road next to the shop and I
don't pay much attention to it. Before I even buy anything something tells me
to look back and there stands Zano in all his Greek God glory fully clothed in
black. A North Face t-shirt,jeans and custom made Nike sneakers. He has
his Rolex watch on and a fresh fade,with his one hand in his pocket leaning
on his car. I feel like I'm day dreaming.
I squeal and run to him. He hugs me and I bury my head in his chest,this man
smells good!
"Ngikukhumbulile Zulu" I say to him.
"Ngila manje mama ungasabi" he says to me.
Then he leads me to the passenger side opening the door for me,I get in and
thank him. He walks to the other side and gets in.
"Uyazi ukuthi umuhle kanjani mkami?" He asks looking at every inch of me.
"Ngiyabonga myeni wami" I say to him .
He smiles and chuckles. While starting the ignition. He drives the short
distance by car to my house and parks at the corner of my street.
"Udlile?" I ask him.
He nods taking out his phone and snaps selfies of us.
"Hhayi love you take bad selfies" I say to him and take the phone away from
I take a couple of pictures and give him back his phone.
"Send them to me" I say.
He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Zenzele mkami phone yendoda yakho leyo ungasabi" he says and looks at
me like I'm on TV.
I select the ones I want and as I scroll down there are pictures of me sleeping.
I look at him and blush. I send them to my WhatsApp and give him back his
"I love you Mageba" I say to him.
He doesn't have to say it I see it in his eyes. As a little girl this all I ever
dreamed of somebody looking at me exactly like he is right now.
"Ngiyak'thanda mkami" he says pecking my lips softly leaving tingles.
I smile at him. He is not so big on "I love you too" he doesn't like it,he said it's
like saying it back out of duty and not from the feeling of warmth and love from
"I will see you tomorrow. I don't want umama getting angry I just asked for five
minutes that's all" he says squeezing my hand.
I give him a sulking face and he laughs.
"Please take me with you" I say to him.
"Tomorrow" he says slowly pecking my lips.
I nod and get out of the car. I walk to my gate and Ayabulela stops me again.
"So you parade around with other men and not me?" He asks grabbing me by
my shoulders.
I'm sure Zano Is looking at this because he hasn't driven away.
I push Ayabulela away from me and go inside the yard not even looking back
I go straight to mama and hug her.
"Thanks mama" I say to her and she smiles.
"He loves you. I'm happy that your ancestors led you to such a wonderful
man" she says and i smile.
I thank both God and my ancestors everyday.

Today I'm woken up early in the morning so that I can help out,I sweep the
entire yard and then go inside to get started on the cleaning. After cleaning I
make food for the little ones as the Rosso family arrives,they booked into a
guest house since this house is too small for two large families.
"Hambo geza I will finish up" Buhle says.
She was helping set up everything outside. I nod at her and smile.
I take a nice long and hot bath and then go back to my bedroom,it has already
gotten chaotic everybody wants to use the bathroom. After lotioning my body I
put on a black long sleeve t-shirt and a orange and black Xhosa wrap around
skirt. I comb my hair so that if falls to the back and then wrap a black with a
little bit of orange doek on my head,I wrap it Xhosa style. I put on light makeup
and wear my black Airforce sneakers,I'm certainly not going to torture myself
with heels.Andizi. I wrap my Tswana shawl around my shoulders and im
done.Rea walks in already dressed in Umbhaco and I smile at her,she looks
"Okay stand up,I want some pictures" she says.
I laugh and do as she says,she positions me where the lighting is perfect and
then clicks away as I pose for her. After taking pictures of her we go outside.
People have already started pouring in,some I know and others I don't even
know. Everybody from my side is dressed in Xhosa traditional attire including
the Rosso family they look really beautiful I must say. A professional
photographer has been hired for this event and I see him clicking away on his
camera. The food is ready and everybody looks happy I look at the time and
my heart starts racing so I decide to go back inside to drink water.
Cars start hooting signalling that the Zulu family has arrived,a young boy is
told to go close the gate because the groom has to first bribe my father into
getting in here. I go stand next to my father and bow my head out of
respect,we sing until we reach the gate and the Zulu family does the same
Ohlamba ngobende amanzi ekho
Ziqelekezi" I hear Zano call out my clan names and smile.
He places two R200 notes and my father doesn't budge,he adds another two
and my father smiles,the women ululate and my uncle opens the gate.
Immediately after getting in the Zulus break out in song and traditional dance.
I just stand there and smile at all of them.

The goat was slaughtered last night the first thing my uncle does is offer a leg
to the Zulu family and they exchange,a leg from them and a leg from the
Nododile family it shows that we are now united. My sisters are gifted
first,Nolu,Okuhle,Rea and Buhle they are gifted with blankets and pillows. My
aunts are next and then my mother who Is gifted with a mountain of pinafores
together with a blanket,pillow and a set of plates. When she gets up from the
grass mat she performs a Xhosa traditional dance,ukuxhensa and we all
ululate some even screaming. My brother is next,I see Enhle look at him then
back to me since she is the one who is gifting people. I laugh at her and
continue looking down. Diego is gifted with a Armani suit. My uncles are also
gifted with Armani suits,A hat each and walking sticks. My father is gifted with
a Armani suit,a hat,a walking stick and a Rolex watch. Everybody gasps at
that because Enhle is making sure that she lets them know.
"Manje iskhathi sokuthi sembese umakoti wasekhaya" she says into the Mic.
I make my way to the front and sit on the grass mat. Gogo stands up from her
seat and comes forward,this was supposed to be done by my mother in law
so the responsibility now falls on to her. Enhle continues speaking into the Mic
making people laugh. I'm gifted with a blanket,a pillow,A ton of doeks and
shawls and an outfit I'm supposed to change into when I leave later on with

After the gifting the MC for the day,Enhle informs the guests that the food is
ready. The women dish up and we are tasked to dish up for the Zulu family.
The entire family is here excluding Nokuzotha and Dudu. I take a basin of
warm water and a dishcloth and offer it to Zano on my knees,he washes his
hands and everybody who is watching this ululates and others dance. I give
him the dishcloth and he wipes his hands then i get up and fetch his food,i
give it to him on a tray still on my knees. My eyes not even glancing a look up
at him.
"Ngiyabonga mkami" he says and i nod while smiling.
I get up and go inside. I find the girls eating and I join as we talk about silly
stuff. When we are done we go collect the dishes and bring them inside so we
can get them washed. Then I hear Buhle scream and we all look at her.
"And then?" I ask her packing away the remaining dishes.
"Look at what Theee Prince Zanothando Zulu just uploaded on Instagram"
she says fanning herself and handing her phone to Rea who also screams.
"Yazi nine drama!" I say to them and they laugh.
Rea gives me the phone and it's a video of me when I offered him water to
wash his hands on my knees. Nobody can see my face as my back is turned
to the camera. The caption reads
"I have finally found my soulmate"
I pop my eyes out and check the comments. Mostly congratulations and
others asking who the woman is,others are offering themselves for the second
wife position and so on causing me to laugh. I look at the girls and we all
scream then laugh. My mom walks in and gives us a look that makes us shut
"The Zulu family is ready to leave go get dressed and come outside" she says
to me.
"Nina go get her bags" she says to my girls and we do as she says.
I change into a red Shweshwe with a bit of white. A flowing long skirt and a
matching crop top because the skirt is highwaisted,I'm sure Nokuzotha and
Enhle picked this one out,it screams modern Makoti. I wrap the matching doek
on my head covering all of my hair and I finish off with my Tswana shawl. And
i put on my white Airforce. Since lobola is already paid I'm now allowed to
wear my ring so I take it from my jewellery box and put it on my finger. I take
my phone and put it in the pocket of the long skirt and then go out.

I bump into Aya at the kitchen door.

"Zee don't do this" he says pulling me into the house.
"Let go of my hand!" I say.
"That man is a criminal,he is very dangerous. You don't deserve to share a
man with anybody especially a selfish man like him don't go out there Zee" he
says pulling my hand even harder making me wince.
Him saying bad things about Zano makes me boil more than the fact that he is
man handling me. Before i even realize it my left hand flies across his face
and i feel it sting on impact.
"Don't you ever dare insult my husband in my presence and leave me the hell
alone!" I say pulling my hand away from him and walking outside.
I'm immediately met by Zano's eyes and I try to smile covering up my anger.
He walks over to me and places his hand on the small of my back.
"Yini inkinga Sthandwa sami?" He asks.
I can see Ayabulela looking at us like he is planning murder. I tilt my head up
to Zano.
"Kiss me" I say to him looking him dead in the eye.
He smiles and cups my face. Pulling me into a brief kiss. The girls scream and
we both laugh. We bid goodbye to my family and then we are off. An entire
plane has been booked to take us to KZN,I'm glad at that because I wouldn't
survive driving there for so long. The elders separated me and Zano. He is
seated with Siphephelo and Muzi while I'm seated with Gogo. I lay my head
back and drift to sleep.

"Vuka ngane yami" Gogo says shaking me awake softly.

"Yebo Gogo ngivukile" I say opening my eyes and following her to the
awaiting black SUV cars.
I ride with uncle Vusumuzi,Enhle and Gogo. Enhle engages me in
conversation until we reach the royal house. I'm immediately met by Bab Cele
and burning imphepho,he tells me to follow him around the yard and I do that.
I follow him quietly as he recites the Zulu clan names and tells them that
"umakoti sekafikile" when he is done he leads me in to the house and does
the same thing going into each and every room until the final one the throne
room,the entire family must be in here because I can hear their laughter. He
goes in before me saying the same thing and when I step into the room a
shiver runs from my feet to my head and I stop walking instantly. He turns to
look at me and goes to sit down on his grass mat in the front next to the
throne. He throws his bones and talks in a language nobody knows. I hear
running water and I look back only to be met by a wall. The sound gets even
more louder like I'm standing close to a waterfall.
"Bab Cele uyezwa?" I ask him and he nods.
"Vala amehlo uwalandele lawo manzi" he says.
I close my eyes and see it in front of me so I walk up to it and it gets louder.
"Hlala phansi" Bab Cele says.
And I sit down feeling the cold water on my lower body.
"Vula amehlo" he says.
I open them and I'm met by smiling faces. I'm sitting on the floor and when I
look up I'm met by Zano's smirking face. He is seated on a brown couch on
the right hand side of the throne with Phephelo on the left. And im seated next
to his feet. I look at him and laugh softly.
"Welcome home makoti" the chief says and I bow my head.

As you all might have guessed I was named Sphesihle. Not because of my
mother in law's influence but because as they say I have brought joy and
happiness into Zano's life. And because I'm the last gift he has now
unwrapped from his mother.
I have been in KZN for a week now fulfilling my wifely duties,I cook dinner
everyday,help clean the house and the yard also. It's really not hard because I
get help. Lindiwe Xulu has been found in another village not too far away and
that is where we are currently heading. Bab Cele said it should be me,Zano
and Siphephelo who go to her. Zano parks outside an average three room
house painted in white. I get out from the car I'm wearing a long flowy grey
skirt,a white shirt tucked in and black sandals. I wrapped a brown LV
headwrap over my straight back. Siphephelo opens the gate and we head in.
"Nqo!nqo!nqo" i knock as we stand on the stoep.
"NGIYEZA!" A woman yells from inside the house.
After a minute she opens the door. It's her she hasn't changed that much just
got older,she looks like she is in her fifties now not the young woman she was
in my vision.
"Sawubona ma besifuna uLindiwe Xulu" I say to her on purpose.
"Habe?! Wenzeni uLindiwe?" She exclaims popping her eyes out and I laugh
"Singangena ngaphakathi ma?" I ask.
"Senimtholile uLindiwe?" She asks playfully and I nod.
She looks at me for a minute and then moves from the door motioning us to
get in. She leads us to the kitchen and gives us chairs to sit on.
"Ningobani?" She asks.
I know the boys are confused,nervous and shocked at the same time judging
from how they look so I sign myself up for the talking. I don't blame them I also
would be shocked seeing my mother's copy.
"NginguSphesihle Zulu ngihamba nomyeni wami uZanothando Zulu kanye
nomfowabo omdala uSiphephelo Zulu" I say pointing to Zano then Siphephelo
who both look at me and smile.
She looks at my hands that are on the table,probably looking for the ring and
she smiles at seeing it.
"Ngiyezwa Sphesihle,igama lakho lihle impela washo wangikhumbuza
udadwethu" she says sadly.
"Yingakho silana ma. USphesihle Xulu wathathwa kaZulu,ungumama
walamadoda amabili" I say to her.
She pops her eyes out at me and then stands up to get water to drink from the
"Uganele ebukhosini?" She asks.
"Yebo ma kodwa sekasishiyile ushone 15 years ago" I say.
She covers her mouth with both her hands and tears fall down her face. I
move closer to her and side hug her brushing her back smoothly.
"Ngiyaxolisa ma ngiyazi ukuthi umthanda kangakanani naye
ngokunjalo,yingakho wabuyela kuleya ndawo kodwa wathola umuzi ushile
wangqungqa" i say to her.
She looks at me like I just told her I have nine lives. But then she nods and
remains silent.
"Kwashela uMa wami ngaphakathi Mina ngakwazi ukubaleka" she says even
more tears falling down her beautiful face.
"NoSphesihle was killed by him" I say to her.
She looks at me and shock washes over her.
"Wamthola?" She asks sobbing.
Siphephelo explains how Ma died and I tell her about my vision. She cries at
how cruelly her sister died but she stops after a while.
"Mamkhulu..." Zano says.
He is not used to this but I can see that he is trying his level best to not make
her feel like a stranger. Lindiwe looks at him and gives him a genuine smile.
"Yebo fano" she says sweetly.
Zano chuckles but then smiles.
"UMa ufuna ube khona ngoMabo kaSphesihle ukufuna emagcekeni akaZulu"
Zano says looking at me.
I smile at him and nod my head.
"Futhi Ma kuningi esingakwazi ngoDuduzani Buthelezi singajabulela usizo
lwakho" I say to her.
She looks at me shocked but then nods her head.
"Noma yini eniyidingayo ngizohlezi ngilana." She says looking between the
two boys who smile and nod at her.
She takes my hand and squeezes it.
"Uyazi ukuthi ufana noMa wakhe uSphe?" She asks.
I shake my head and she smiles then stands up to go fetch something from
her bedroom. She comes back with an old looking photo album and sits back
down. She pages through it and then slides it over to me.
"Hhuye lo" she says pointing to a coloured lady that looks a bit like me.
Same height but different body build. I'm lighter than her,she has bigger eyes
than me but you could easily mistaken her for me if you take a quick glance.
"She also had a gift like you,it worked with the Xulu family kuphela" she says.
I'm left gobsmacked I didn't think she knew English. Well I guess the Xulu and
Zulu family have something in common. I smile at her and nod my head.
"Mamkhulu singathanda if you could come visit some time" Zano says to her.
Lindiwe smiles and nods her head.
"Singahamba namhlanje? Ngingajabula ukuya ethuneni likaSphe" she says.
Siphephelo nods and tells her to get ready while we wait in the kitchen.
Zano takes my hand and holds it in his drawing circles with his thumb.
Siphephelo looks at me asking what's wrong with his eyes and I just
shrug,Zano has been acting strange. After listening to the boys talk about
soccer for an hour we finally leave with Mamkhulu.

When we get to the house everybody gives her a warm welcome like she is
the prodigal son who finally returned. We get to know her better over lunch
and then she tells us about Duduzani. He had an obsession towards Ma
because he would beat any boy that looked at her to a pulp. If he didn't see
Sphe out on the street then he would camp outside their house for the entire
night. The day he found out that she ran away he lost it,he accused their
mother of selling her to somebody and that Lindiwe was in cahoots with her.
He burnt the house down while they were fast asleep when she woke up she
was surrounded by smoke and her blankets and clothes had already caught
fire so she jumped through the window in her room and as she was about to
cry for help she saw Duduzani and a group of men surrounding the house so
she ran to save her life knowing very well that he will kill her. She says even
now she is scared that he will find her.
"Khululeka sbali akuna lutho okuzoyenzeka kuwe" the chief says with glassy
eyes from what Lindiwe just told us.
I can see everybody is in their feelings. In life things are never as they seem.
I get up and go to the kitchen,I better get started on preparing dinner. I decide
to make sausage stew and pap. Siphephelo walks in as I fry the sausages in
the pan.
"Makoti?" He says.
"Yebo bhuti"
"Do you notice a change in Zano?" He asks.
I have noticed that he seems jumpy and more closed off than usual. I nod my
head at him.
"I do bhuti he is jumpy and that is not the Zano i know" I tell him as I remove
the sausages and add onions,robot peppers,tomato paste and curry powder in
to the pan.
"Maybe yilendaba kaDuduzani" he says and I nod as I mix and add the
"When are Dudu's lobola negotiations?" I ask him as I pour in baked beans.
"I think this weekend angikho sure sizobona ngabo malume" he says.
I season with salt and pepper and let it cook for a bit as I boil water for the
"Okay ngoba ngiyahamba mina ngeWeekend kuphelile ukukotiza" i say to him
and he pouts.
Siphephelo lives for my cooking! Since I have been here he makes sure he
eats with us every night and asks for a skhaftin always,now I even make extra
for him and his skhaftin.
"Awuzwani nokungibona ngijabulile neh?" He asks.
I just laugh at him and poor the boiling water into the pot. And make pap.

After tidying the counter I feel eyes on me so I turn to the arch door and Zano
is silently standing there with both his hands buried deep in his pockets. I wipe
my hands and walk to him. I hug him by his waist and he envelopes me in his
arms. After a while he lets go and smiles at me,he looks stressed. I hold his
hand and lead him to the high chair next to Phephelo.
"Wena nokwenza umfazi wami your personal chef" he says elbowing
Siphephelo who is munching away on a sandwich I made him.
"Kumnandi ukuba noKoti yazi" he says stretching his arms and rubbing his
nonexistent belly.
I laugh at that.
"Love should I make you anything?" I ask Zano.
He turns to me and shakes his head.
"Ngisaphuma I don't know for how long I will be gone,I just wanted to let you
know" he says.
Don't think about her! I remind myself. Since the food is ready I take a plate
and dish up for him and Siphephelo. Then I give them a warm dish cloth to
wipe their hands.
"Ngicela udle kqala before uhamba then ngizokhululeka emoyeni" I say sliding
his plate to him.
He looks at me with that I love you look and I nod with a smile. I dish up
Phephelo's skhaftin and put it next to him.
"NeSkhaftin futhi?" Zano asks laughing.
"Hhayi baby uhamba nini uzophenduka idombolo lo muntu" he adds and we
all laugh.
When they are done eating Phephelo takes his skhaftin and leaves and Zano
comes to me behind the counter.
"Mkami" he says grabbing my waist.
"Love?" I say holding on to his shoulders.
"Ngiyak'thanda mama" he says and kisses me briefly then he pulls away and
we just look into each other's eyes as I run my fingers through his fade. His
eyes mirror mine,he sees that now. I feel the very same way,i hope he doesn't
fear me leaving him anymore.
"Yazi ngingakbuka unyaka wonke ngiloku ngithi ngiyahamba" he says pulling
away and kissing my forehead.
I laugh and he turns to leave.
"Zulu?" I say.
He turns his head back at the door to look at me.
"Ngiyakthanda" I say to him and he smiles blowing me a kiss before he
I dish up for everyone,since it's already dinner time I'm sure they are seated in
the dining room. I serve the food to them and sit down also. Baba prays and
then we dig in over meaningless chatter. It's only me,Gogo,baba,Enhle and
"Ufano unabafazi ababili?" Lindiwe asks no one in particular.
"Yebo owokuqala uyena uSphesihle lowesibili yingxoxo zakhe ngempela
sonto" the chief answers her.
She looks at me as if looking for verification and I nod my head with a smile.
"Baba bengingathanda ukuhamba noMamkhulu ksasa ukuya ethuneni likaMa"
I say to the chief.
He nods his head.
"Ayikho inkinga nami ngizohamba nani" he says.
"Hhayi mkabhuti uyalishaya ibhodwe jealous down! Kukhona okusele?" Enhle
"Wena noPhephelo nifuna ukuqeda iGrocery yonke ngelanga elilodwa?" Gogo
asks her and she pouts.
We all laugh at her. When we are done the elders move to the sitting room to
watch TV and Enhle helps me clear the table and we take the dishes to the
"There is a small potion left get a bowl and dish it up for yourself ngizokwazi
ukuwasha zonke izitsha" I tell her as I pour dishwashing liquid into the water.
She smiles and does as I said. When she is done eating again she helps me
dry the dishes and pack them away. Then we join the elders in watching
TV,The News channel imagine!

Going to the cemetery was very emotional indeed seeing Mamkhulu cry like
that also made me emotional,it was confirmation to her that her sister is really
dead and not out there hiding from Duduzani,it surely did sink in at that
moment. I found myself also crying at all their pain,i have never been an
emotional person in my entire life that's why I could cope so well with
Nolunwabo as a sister but what the Zulus are doing to me ain't fun at all.
Everything that happens takes a train straight to my hypothalamus,making me
cry and feel everything like it's happening to me.

I haven't seen Zano in two days,he is probably sorting out everything for
Dudu's negotiations. Apparently she won't be coming here to fulfill her makoti
duties after lobola like me,Gogo says they did this in my case because I'm a
student and I have to go back to Gauteng so it was a convenient time to do
everuthing during these holidays. I'm very grateful to have in laws like
them,they really have my best interests at heart and that makes me happy,I
feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to marry into such a caring family. I'm
with Mamkhulu in the kitchen,She is keeping me company as I cook,She is a
people's person,she gets along with everybody in this house more especially
Gogo they get along like a house on fire. Mamkhulu is sweet but you can tell
that there is another side to her that you wouldn't even dream of messing
with,she doesn't sugarcoat anything she says it like it is that's what I have
learnt about her in this short time. Since the uncles are here and it's chilly
outside I'm making Chilli Pork Trotters with pap,anything other than pap will
have my capabilities as a wife questioned,I know how these uncles are.

"Ngiyayithanda le" Mamkhulu says pointing to a Cinderella wedding gown with

sparkles or is it glitter? Whatever it is!
We are looking at wedding dresses we came across from a magazine. I smile
at her but I'm certainly not wearing that not in a million years,I will look like a
churchbell in that huge dress especially with my skinny self,nope it wouldn't
work. Zano walks in looking all sorts of tired.
"Sanibona" he says placing his weight on the chair.
"Nathi saze sajabulela ukukbona fano" Mamkhulu says sarcastically and I
can't help but let out a light laugh.
"You can go bath dinner will be ready in a few minutes" I say to him and turn
back to the stove.
He honestly needs one to relax from how he looks.
"Yebo nkosikazi" he says getting off the chair and walking out.
"Uzoyikhona kodwa le Sphesihle umncane nakangaka?" Mamkhulu asks
causing me to turn to her,she looks serious.
"Ini Ma?" I ask.
Even though I know what she is referring to. She shakes her head and
"Wazi kahle ukuthi ngikhuluma ngani Sphesihle" she says.
I smile and nod my head. I have already gotten used to the name by now,at
first I would feel like they are talking to somebody else and not me but now it
has become a part of who I am.
"Yebo Ma,slowly but surely kuyajwayeleka konke loku at least when he is not
with me ngiyazi ukuthi ukuphi that's something that brings me peace of mind" I
say to her as I dish up for everyone. She looks at me briefly and then goes
back to her magazine like I didn't say anything. If I beat myself up about this
polygamy thing then I'm going to slowly lose my sanity so I have decided to
cling on to peace,that's the only thing that will help me through out this
journey.After serving everyone I also take a seat and baba prays then we dig
in. Zano is looking and smelling fresh in his grey trackpants and black long
sleeved t-shirt.
"Zano has Mnaks told you anything about what her mom said about Duduzani
Buthelezi?" I ask Zano.
He stops eating and looks at me for a while before he shakes his head
indicating No.
"Umama wakhe kunento ayaziyo?" Mamkhulu asks me.
"Angazi Ma but the feeling I got that day tells me she does" I say to her
shrugging my shoulders.
"Ngifuna ukumbona lo Duduzile kanye noMa wakhe uMembeso wakhe
ungeSonto?" Mamkhulu asks Zano.
Zano just looks at her and then nods his head,you can tell that his body is
here but his mind is miles away.
"Koti hamba after uMembeso ke" Siphephelo chips in. He doesn't give up on
trying to convince to me stay.
We all laugh knowing very well why he wants me to stay.
"Angeke ngikwazi bhuti kuningi okungilindile eGoli" I say to him and he sulks.
"Umkakho uzake akbone ngoba nje sewuphila ulana ukhohlwe nokuthi
wathatha" Baba says to him and we laugh.
I make a mental note of packing some cupcakes for Phephelo to take home
because Zotha asked for them when I told her I'm baking earlier on over the
phone. "Konje makoti uhamba nini?" Uncle Vusumuzi asks.
"Kusasa Malume" I answer him.
Zano looks at me for a while and then excuses himself from the table. I
honestly don't have time for his drama,if he wanted to talk then he would have
done that but clearly he enjoys torturing himself so I will just let him be. After
dinner,I wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen and then go to my room to
pack leaving the family downstairs watching a movie.

Zano walks in as I put my now packed suitcase on the couch. He walks in

silently and sits on my bed,I instantly follow suit because I know he doesn't
like talking while standing he prefers both parties to be seated. He let's out a
long breath and wipes his face with one hand.
"Ngiyaxolisa mama" he finally says after a while of being silent and me looking
at the carpet that would have a hole by now because of my gaze.
"For what Mageba?" I ask now confused.
"I haven't been around and you are leaving tomorrow I totally forgot about
that" he says looking remorseful.
"Look Love you don't need to apologize this was my time to bond with your
family and I did just that. You were not here because of valid reasons and
anyway I'm tired of being upset over petty issues,I know that when you are not
with me you are with Mnaks so there is no reason for me to act like you
belong to only me" I say to him with a smile.
Although it hurts that he even forgot that I'm leaving tomorrow. All of a sudden
I wish it could be morning already so that I can get out of here.
He nods his head and stands up.
"Ulale kahle Sthandwa sami" he says and then walks away.
I sit there with my mouth wide open for almost an hour. This is not Zano! The
Zano I know would have pestered me about sleeping in my room and he
would have made sure that he leaves me hot and bothered not this man that
looks like my husband. I finally stand up to change and do my night routine.
Where does he eat when he is not home? People from the royal family don't
just eat anywhere there are very cruel people out there that might want to
bring the chief down using him. I don't know why I just thought of that but I just
toss it to the back of my mind and get into bed. I toss and turn thinking about
Zano trying to understand what's wrong with him but I don't have answers to
any of my questions. I sit up and check what time it is,it's 00:00am so I decide
to get on my knees and pray. I ask for God to protect Zano and every member
of the family against harm,I ask him to always be Zano's guiding light when he
goes astray and then get into bed with a not so heavy mind. There is
something about praying that lifts the weight of the world off your shoulders.
With that I drift into sleep.

"ZENANDE!" I hear a woman's voice calling out my name.

I want to reply but I can't,it's like I can't talk and I'm just surrounded by
darkness in this small room.
"ZENANDE!" her voice keeps on getting closer until I see light coming from
what looks like a door. I quickly run there but Its like the closer I get the more
it moves away. I fall onto my knees tiredly gasping for air.
"Suphela ithemba mtano mtanam" My grandmother tells me helping me up to
my feet.
I look at her and shake my head.
"Makhulu iyahhamba xa ndifika kuyo lanto" I say pointing to the light.
She laughs softly.
"Zenande ziyeza izivunguvungu ngoku wena usallilela into encinci kangaka?"
She asks.
"Ziphi izivunguvungu makhulu? " I ask her puzzled.
"Qina Zenande ukhumbule ukba awuwedwa sanalwam,ungalahli ithemba.
Ilanga lizophuma kwakhona." She says while hugging me tight.
As I'm about to respond to her the whole room lights up and she disappears.
"MAKHULU?" I call out to her.
Looking around I'm standing in Asemahle's room. Everything is just the way I
know it. I make my way to the door and the windows instantly fly open from
the strong wind outside. I try opening the door but it's locked. The wind gets
stronger tearing of the roof and it seems like a storm is coming from the dark
clouds that I see through the torn roof. I try opening the door again but the
strong wind blows me away and I scream my lungs out.

"Kungani uhamba ekseni kangaka vele sikudina ngaleyo ndlela?" Gogo asks
ripping me away from my thoughts.
I can't stop thinking about that dream,I'm trying to understand what it meant or
was it just a warning before the storm comes? I get up from the chair and
wash my bowl. Gogo is already making breakfast.
"Cha Gogo it's not like that at all" I say to her while putting the bowl away.
She looks at me then scoffs,going back to frying her bacon. One of the drivers
walks in.
"Madam bengizolanda iyikhwama" he says to me bowing his head.
I nod to him and tell him to follow me upstairs. When we get to my room he
takes my suitcase and leaves. I take that chance to apply lip gloss and spritz
my perfume and then follow him. To my surprise everybody is waiting for me
in the foyer except Zano who I hear left early in the morning,I will act like that
doesn't hurt even one bit. I bid goodbye to everyone and promise them to
come visit soon then I'm driven to the airport.

I didn't tell my brother that I'm coming back so I request a ride to my

apartment. It's squeaky clean thanks to the help that comes once a week so I
take my suitcase to the bedroom and have a nice and long bubble bath. When
I'm done I get dressed in pyjama shorts and a tank top. I slip on my slippers
and head to the lounge area. I decide to order two triple decker pizzas and
just lazy around watching TV. Rea calls as I'm about to put my phone beside
me on the couch.
"Mosadi are you back?" She asks.
"Yeah why?"
"Great! We are downstairs we will be there right now!" She says squealing.
Trust Rea to get a sniff of my presence wherever she may be! So much for
alone time but who am I kidding I missed them. I just laugh at her and hang
up. True to her word somebody knocks on the door 5 minutes later. I get up
from the couch and open up for them. They both give me side hugs since they
are holding a box of pizza and plastics each and overnight bags.
"We got these from the delivery guy mos wena ubonisiwe ukuthi siyeza" Buhle
says putting the pizza on the counter.
We all laugh at her comment.
"Okay! The pizza is still warm so Buhle come with those plastics and Zee
come with the wine glasses" Rea commands grabbing the boxes of pizza and
walking to the TV area.
Me and Buhle look at each other and laugh and then do as she says.
We eat over deep conversations,mostly me updating them about
everything. The Real Housewives Of Lagos are playing on TV but it's on mute
since we are so deep in conversation.
"Hhayi wena ungitshela ukuthi since uMembeso uguy hasn't touched you?"
Buhle asks totally shocked.
I nod my head and laugh. The wine has made it easy for me to relax and spill
the beans on everything.
"Aowa Zee the very same Zano who couldn't keep his hands off of you?" Rea
asks sharing the same look as Buhle.
"He is not the same marn... something is different about him" I say shrugging
and laughing.
I might have went over the top with the wine but it feels so good to just let go.
"Do you think he just wanted to get her to marry him?" Rea asks Buhle.
Buhle shakes her head. I laugh at her question because if that's the case then
he played me.
"Dudu has something on him stru leya ndoda iyamthanda uZee ayizenzisi"
Buhle says.
I laugh even louder at the mention of Dudu causing them to look at me.
"That woman is making my life A living hellll... there are times when I just
regret all of this you know?" I tell them now crying.
They move closer to me and hug me from either side.
"I go through so much and she chooses to hate me for it. She doesn't love
Zano and he is too blind to even notice... whenever she is around his energy
changes you would swear he was forced to be in a relationship with her" I say
wiping my tears with my hand.
They let me vent it all out and hug me tight while I do,assuring me silently that
they are here for me. When I'm done we just sit in comfortable silence looking
at the moving pictures on the TV screen.
"You know what fuck men! It's your birthday on Friday so what are we going to
do?" Rea asks after a while.
"We haven't gone clubbing in so long! No excuse Zee you are turning 21 after
all!" Buhle says.
"And we are welcoming in the new year!" Rea chips in.
I laugh at both of them.
"It's not like I have a choice do I?" I ask.
"YOU DON'T!" They both scream to me and we laugh.
We watch TV for a bit then when we feel tired I lock the door and we go to my
bedroom. While they change into their pyjamas I check my phone for a
message from Zano and find nothing,well it is what it is I guess.
"Don't do this to yourself" Rea says taking my phone from me.
"Khohlwa ngaye and let's just focus on you okwamanje angisho?" Buhle says
while we group hug and I nod at her.
We all get into bed and talk until the sun comes out,that's when we force
ourselves to sleep.
We spend the entire weekend indoors,ordering in,watching TV,taking
pictures,trying out some recipes and just being us girls. They got my mind off
of Zano and Dudu. It was a much needed recharge. I told mama that I'm back
in Gauteng and also my dad and Diego,although Diego already knew because
of his over talkative girlfriend but he still had the audacity to act hurt because I
didnt tell him the minute I got here. The drama bahlali! Since the new year is
beginning I told the girls that they should move in with me,it will be much
easier for all of us if we lived together and fortunately they both agreed! With
them by my side I'm pretty sure that I can face whatever storm that is brewing.

Well it's been a great week with my girls! Tomorrow it is my birthday! Today
we went out to do our nails and hair. I glued on an 8 inch grey Bob with a
fringe,it covers my forehead and I must say having short hair for a change is
nice. We all stuck to grey,Rea has a wavy 32 Inch weave on and Buhle got a
cut and died it grey. Peer pressure like that! We also bought our outfits for
tomorrow night,Diego insisted that we go to one of Zano's clubs because he
says and i qoute "it will be much more safer there" like we are just going out to
have fun and not war bro relax! It's been a week and still not even a single text
from Zano,I cried over that and also built a bridge and got over it.

We are now at a restaurant having dinner.

"No girls we look hot!" Rea exclaims as she goes through the pics we took
"Cheers to being HOT!" Buhle says raising her glass of wine.
We laugh and clink our glasses together. I uploaded one of today's pictures
and my followers are going crazy begging for more. I'm wearing a black
bralette and a white tennis skirt together with my white Airforce sneakers. I
have on my sunglasses and LV handbag. We continue eating until I hear
somebody cough behind me. I turn to look at him and I am met by Ayabulela.
"Good evening ladies" he greets.
"Good evening to you too. How can we help you?" Rea replies.
He chuckles then turns to me.
"Zee can I talk to you for a minute?" He says.
I look at the girls and nod. I stand up and follow him outside to the mini garden
the restaurant has.
"Awusemhle" he says looking at me from head to toe.
I roll my eyes at that and fold my arms over my chest.
"Talk Ayabulela I don't have the entire night" I say to him.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for acting the way I did before I just let jealousy
get the better of me. My happiness lies in yours and if being a second wife is
what makes you happy then I'm also happy for you"
I chuckle.
"How many times are you gonna tell me that you are sorry for different
reasons and not even meaning it at that?" I ask him.
"I'm trying Zee just meet me halfway let's bury the past and start afresh that's
all I'm asking for. Truce?" He asks extending his hand to me for a handshake.
I sigh and then shake his hand.
"Truce" I say.
"It's your birthday tomorrow" he says.
I roll my eyes at him.
"Like I didn't know" I say to him.
"Why do you like being rude to me so much? This isn't who you are Zee has
he already changed you that much?"
This guy has the nerve! I just look at him silently contemplating murder. How
can you apologize and then do the same thing again?
"You know that he is a criminal right? How do they put it... a Mafia King! All
the money he splurges on you is blood money" he adds.
Where does he get these lies about Zano? I think he is trying to get on my
nerves on purpose.
"Aya I have to get going,it was nice seeing you" I say to him and turn to walk
"You don't believe me do you? I have somebody who can back it all up just
call me whenever you are ready" he says placing his business card in my
hand and walking inside.
I look at it for a while contemplating whether to throw it away or keep it. I
decide to keep it. He sounds so sure I can't wait to laugh in his face when I tell
him he has it all wrong. Zano is not a criminal or mafia nton nton,he is just
jealous because Zano is a hundred times richer and better than him. After
collecting my thoughts I go back inside and the girls are ready to leave.
"Well baby tonight you will be sleeping alone our men also need a bit of TLC"
Rea says.
"Eeeuw! Rea that's my brother TMI hle!" I say covering my ears and they
"Like you don't get it on with an entire Prince" Buhle says and we laugh.
Buhle is fetched by Muzi and both me and Rea are fetched by Kwanele. He
drops me off at my apartment and then heads off with Rea. After getting in I
lock the door and switch off the lights and then go to my bedroom. I put my
things away and then do my night routine. When I'm done I decide to switch
off my phone so I stop checking it like a mad person and put it on the bed side
table. I take a look at Ayabulela's card before putting in the drawer. I get under
the covers and I doze off immediately after my head meets the pillow.

I wake up to the smell of bacon in the air. I smile my girls are back! I go to the
bathroom and brush my teeth then follow the delicious aroma to the kitchen. I
stop in my tracks when I see the person who is preparing breakfast. I stand
there in my pyjama shorts,tank top and bunny slippers with my mouth wide
"Yazi awuzwani nezinto ezikhala kahle ngiyabona aboBreakfast in bed
aksiyizinto zakho" he says laughing softly.
He is wearing a white t-shirt,blue jeans and Balenciagas. He has his Rolex
watch on and a clean fade. He finally looks up to me since I'm not responding
and probably sees my reaction,he walks up to me.
"Ngiyaxolisa Sthandwa Sami a lot has been going on" he says cupping my
He smells so good. I missed his scent. But I'm not a Yoyo he can play with,so
I take a step back out of his hold.
"You couldn't even send me a simple text and you decide to just rock up and
think I will fall to your feet?" I say to him.
"Ngiyakcela Sthandwa Sami let's not fight over this especially not today" he
says taking a step towards me and I take another step back.
"We are not fighting Zulu we are talking that's what married people do! THEY
COMMUNICATE" I say to him.
"Ngiyaxolisa Sphesihle ngisuke ngaphithana ikhanda,it was never my
intention to make you feel unwanted or that I don't value our relationship,I was
just trying to get hold of the situation before it destroys everything and
unfortunately I don't know how to go about it even now. I can't do this without
you mkami I need you now more than ever before but I'm afraid I'm going to
lose you" he says rambling on about things I don't understand.
I close my eyes and breathe in deeply then exhale.
"I forgive you but you dare repeat that again never set your foot here ever
again" I say to him.
He looks at me and smiles while nodding. He moves towards me slowly and
as I'm about to take a step back I bump into the wall with my back and that
causes him to smirk. Oh great I'm trapped! He cups my face with both his
hands and I close my eyes as his lips meet mine. Instantly the kiss
deepens,He kisses me with so much hunger and that sends goosebumps
through out my entire body. I put my hands over his shoulders as he picks me
up by thighs and I cling on to him with my legs wrapped around his waist.
While he carries me to the bedroom not breaking the kiss. I pull his t-shirt over
his head immediately when he puts me on the bed. His fingers make their way
to my cookie,rubbing me through my panties and I moan out his name.
"You are so wet" he whispers into my ear.
He hurriedly pulls down both my shorts and panties while placing kisses on
my inner thighs causing me to squirm. He takes a step back and pulls down
both his jeans with his briefs and Ndabezitha springs free he looks at me with
squinted eyes and I can't help but bite my lower lip[...]

"You should ignore me often" I say to him as I look at the fresh scratches
going down his back.
He laughs and pulls on his t-shirt.
"That I must" he says pulling me in for a kiss and his hands go under my towel
to my boobs.
Makeup sex is truly the best. I missed him so much,only he can make me feel
this way.
I pull away and laugh.
"Down boy. Down. Awukhathali?" I ask him as I lotion my body.
"Wena umfazi wakho ashisa kanje ungakhathala?" He asks walking to me
again with a naughty look.
I laugh at him and move out of his reach.
"I'm hungry" i say to him pouting.
"Lets go get breakfast then" he says while putting his shoes on.
I quickly put on my underwear and get dressed in my shorts and a basketball
shirt then pull my slippers on. I brush my hair only to find Zano looking at me.
"That hairstyle suits you" he says standing up from the couch to put on his
Now I feel even more beautiful.
"Ngiyabonga Ndabezitha" I say to him.
He smiles and asks me If I'm done I nod at him and he takes my hand.
"Siyaphi?" I ask as I lock my door.
"To feed you obviously" he says as we walk downstairs he leads me to the
side of the road parking at the front of the building. I'm met by a black
Mercedes Benz G63 with a huge pink bow covering the front. I turn to look at
Zano and he mouths "Happy birthday" I look at the plate and it's written "Mrs Z
GP" i cant help but scream out of excitement. I jump into his arms and he
catches me instantly.
"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I scream leaving kisses all over
his face.
He laughs and gives me the key. A group of people have surrounded us by
now,I compose myself and open the drivers door. I'm met by a matte black
and pink interior and I scream even louder. This man! He takes a few pictures
of me and he insists that he should drive because I'm too excited. He is right
so I let him be. He drives us to his Menlyn restaurant and immediately when I
walk in through the door I'm met by a banner written "Happy birthday Mrs
Zulu" and a dozen pink and black balloons they all start singing happy
birthday and I can't help but cry. There's Rea,Buhle,Diego,Muzi and Anele to
my surprise. They all come around to hug me one by one and wish me a
happy birthday and then we sit down to eat. Funny enough the customers also
came around to wish me a happy birthday since the restaurant is not booked
out,only a large table at the back.
"You will get presents from us tomorrow,your husband over here is a showoff"
Diego says.
We all laugh at him.
"Marry her and you will see that it's not showing off" Zano says to Diego
pointing to Rea with his eyes.
I can see Rea blush a bit and go back to her food.
"So have you gotten gifts yet?" Rea asks and I excitedly nod causing Zano to
I take my key and wave it in the air with my one hand. Rea takes it and
squeals. I take Zano's phone and show her the pictures and she screams.
"Hhayi Rea marn!" Anele reprimands covering her ears with both her hands.
"Don't Rea marn me this girl got a Mercedes-Benz G63 for her birthday!" She
says and all three girls squeal in unison.
It's so funny to watch Anele act like a normal person I wonder what changed.
Rea tries dragging me outside so she can see the car but Zano refuses telling
her that she will see it tomorrow as we have somewhere else to go.
"Is it ready?" Zano asks Diego.
"Yeah everything is there" Diego says winking at me.

"Where are we going Zulu?" I ask as he pulls in to an estate. I look at the

welcoming wall at the security gate and it's written Blairtholl Estates in silver
against the white wall. My mouth drops at the beautiful scenery as we drive
through. A golf course,a lake,a beautiful park and what looks to be a mini
forest with the most beautiful trees. We pull up to open land with building
material all over. Zano gets out and opens the door for me.
"Love what's happening?" I ask him as he leans on the car.
"This right here is where our house will be built,the construction team from
your father's company starts next week" he says.
"Oh My Word!" I squeal.
I hug him and kiss him briefly. All of the anger and hurt I felt towards him has
disappeared,who am I kidding it disappeared as soon as I saw him in my
kitchen but I would never tell him that though.
"I meant it when I said I want to build not only a home but a life with you
Sphesihle" he says placing a kiss on my forehead.
I can't help but smile like I have just won the lottery. He goes to the back of
the car and comes back with a big flat box wrapped in pink.
"Happy birthday Sthandwa Sami" he says giving it to me.
Even more gifts?
"Baby you have given me so much already,this is one of the best birthdays
ever all thanks to you Mageba" I say holding his hand.
He smiles and kisses my hand.
"Ivule" he says.
I do as I'm told and I'm met by paper's written Heaven's Boutique in bold. It's
registered and valid.
"The factory space was given to you by your father in law for your birthday as
you can see the proof ownership there and construction begins next week
also. All the unemployed women from the village will also start with their skills
development training next week. All you need to do is talk to your designers"
he says.
I can't help but shed tears of joy,this man is giving me the world at a
heartbeat. Every dream I have he makes sure that it becomes reality. Oh!
How lucky am I!.
"Anymore gifts?" I ask him.
"Yes asibhabhathise le moto yakho" he says picking me up by my thighs as
his tongue explores my mouth.
"Backseat Zulu" I whisper to him as he leaves a trail of kisses from behind my
ear to my neck making me moan.

"Sphesihle?" Zano calls out shaking me awake.

"Love?" I say sleepily rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"Hhayibo mama vuka phela" he says pulling the duvet off of me.
I sit up on the bed looking at him,he is already dressed.
"Ukhona umuntu olala ngeBirthday yakhe kodwa?" He asks putting a tray with
a plate of Spaghetti and Mince and Cranberry juice on the side.
I gawk at him. This man has been between my legs for the longest of
hours,"baptizing" the car was just a starter because when we got home he
made sure that I'm thoroughly ducked to the point where I dozed off. Seeing
my reaction he laughs softly and I throw the pillow at him. I start eating and
Gawd is it delicious!
"Uwena uphelile?" I ask him.
"No yilo mama omqashile,of course i did usuku lwakho lokuzalwa i want to
make you feel special as much as i can Sphesihle and anyway its one of your
many birthdays to come as Mrs Zulu" he says getting up from the bed.
I smile at him and continue eating. He places a medium sized box next to me
and I look up at him.
"Love more gifts?" I ask failing to hide my smile which makes him laugh.
"This is the last one for today" he says sitting back down.
I open the jewellery box and I'm met by a blue diamond necklace and
matching drop earrings. I put my food on the side table and sit on his lap
hugging him tightly. I can't help but cry into his shoulder.
Zulu kamalandela ngok'landela inkomo zamadoda
Zulu omnyama ondlela zimhlophe
Ngiyabonga Sthandwa Sami ngakho konke ongiyenzela kona,Ngiyabonga for
being the best husband ever and thank you for loving me the way that you do.
Your love builds me as a person,I feel like i can be whatever that I want to be
as long as I have you by my side. I'm proud to call you my husband" I say to
Being his chosen is not a curse but a gift now I see why my ancestors just sat
back and let it play out,they knew that he is the best thing that will ever
happen in my life.
"Ngiyakthanda Sphe. Kuthi ngigibele phez'kweRoof ngibatshele bonke" he
says and we laugh.
We sit like that for a while just talking about useless stuff until he tells me to
back to my food and he stands up.
"Sthandwa Sami Dudu is also here I have to go back home,ngizokubona at
the club neh?" He says looking at me intently.
I just knew she was here. I nod my head and smile.
"Bring Mnaks also and apologize to her on my behalf for keeping you
preoccupied for the entire day" I say to him and he laughs.
"Ngizomtshela" he says placing a kiss on my forehead and waving me
goodbye then he is gone.
I switch on my phone and reply to the many messages as I eat. When I'm
done I take the dishes to the kitchen and when I get there there is not even a
single dirty dish in sight,I smile at what a wonderful man Zano is. I wash the
dishes I used to eat and then put them away. I check the time and it's
18:00pm. I get into a bubble bath with some salts and just relax. Mama calls
and we talk for a while,Asemahle also sings me happy birthday after telling
me that she wants cake for singing so I gladly transfer R500 to my mom so
she can spoil my little angel with cake. Knowing my mom she will just buy the
cheapest cake and then bag the rest of the money.
When I'm done lotioning and brushing my teeth I go back to the bedroom. I
get dressed in my denim bralette that looks like the waist of jeans around the
bust. I put on light ankle grazer jeans and sit down to do my makeup. I doll
myself up its my birthday after all! When I'm done bushing my hair I put on the
necklace and earrings I got from Zano. I get a message from Rea.
"We are downstairs"
"Okay give me a few minutes I will be down" I reply to her.
I take my clutch silver clutchbag and put in my phone and card. I apply pink
lipstick and also put it in the bag. I put on my butterfly waist chain on my small
waist and wear my silver one strap heels. I spritz my Carolina Herrera Good
Girl perfume that turns heads before I do then I look in the mirror. This is one
sexy girl tonight! I lock the door and put the keys in my clutch and walk to the
car. The girls let out screams at seeing me and I do the same because they
look hotter than hell. Rea has on a black cut out body hugging dress and
black block heels. Buhle is wearing a silver rhinestone backless crop top with
black ripped jeans and whitish heels. After snapping some photos we drive to
the club.

We are greeted by Gen Z Sandton in flashing lights as we walk in. Apparently

Diego,Muzi,Zano,Dudu and Anele have already arrived.
"Yoh it's packed!" I say to Rea as we walk past the General section
"Luckily we are in the VVIP area" she says walking up the stairs.
To my surprise the VIP section is also a bit crowded walking to the higher end
of the room it's VVIP section and a few people are there. We walk up to our
table and Diego hugs me.
"Okay enough Puffo" I day pushing him away after a while he laughs and then
sits down next to Rea.
"Mnaks" I say as I hug Dudu.
"Happy birthday Mnaks sorry for wishing you so late" I smile at her.
She seems happy today or it must be alcohol.
"Ungakhathazeki" I say winking at her.
I hug everybody else for greeting including Anele and she also seems happy.
Who am I to play detective,I'm here to party! Our champagne arrives and
Buhle goes live on my Instagram account as they sing me happy birthday and
I pop the bottle of champagne open.
"Let the party begin!!!" Rea says raising her glass in the air and we do the
Abomvelo by Daliwonga starts playing and we go crazy,we quickly move to
the dance floor and join the VIP crowd in dancing. It's just me,Buhle,Rea and
Anele. Anele starts dancing and we hype her up causing the crowd to form a
circle around us. When Tanzania by Uncle Waffles plays Buhle takes all the
attention and we let out abo"Yebo" as she moves to the amapiano beat. And
then me and Rea showcase our moves as John Wick by Sir Trill & Ntokzin
plays. We dance until I feel out of breath and stand on the side to catch my
breath. Rea comes to me with a bottle of champagne and refills my glass.
"Federr Mnaks wa gao is drinking juice" she shouts into my ear over the loud
"Wife material!"I shout back to her and we laugh as we refill our glasses
With the new found energy from the alcohol we dance until Anele starts
complaining so we head back to the table. I throw myself on the couch and
laugh. The girls join me and Dudu looks at us totally pissed. The guys look
relaxed and also Zano a bit though.
"Mnaks we kanti wena awuphuzi?" Rea asks in her broken Zulu and I laugh
"Ohho! Umithi loyo awuboni?"Anele blurts out and covers her mouth after
realizing what she just said.
I feel all eyes on me so I look at Zano,and I see it in his face it's the truth. I
look at Dudu and smile at her.
"Congratulations!" I say to both of them and then grab the bottle of
champagne and head downstairs.
I need air right now! I'm hurt not because she is pregnant but because they
hid it from me. How does this polygamy thing work aren't we supposed to be
open with each other? Dudu gave him what he wanted all along that's why he
was so distant. I think to myself as I drink from the bottle sitting on the
pavement outside.

"This is just the beginning he will forget about you" my subconscious says
sipping on her gin and tonic.

He already did. I finish off the bottle and realize that I need something
stronger because this pain in my chest just won't go away and I'm really not
up for crying. I go back inside and head straight to the bar. It's full down here
but the bar is empty with a few people.
"Can I have whiskey please" I say to the barman.
He nods and smiles.
"No wait! Give me the entire bottle" I say to him and he gives me a concerned
So I have to be a bitch about it.
"Now please!" I yell at him and he does exactly that.
I sit down on the chair and drink from the bottle my face changes at the burn
of the whiskey but with every sip it gets better and the pain that I feel in my
chest goes away.


"Kodwa Anele!" Dudu says sitting back on the couch.

Zano comes back without Zenande.
"I can't see where she went" He says to Diego.
Diego stands up totally pissed off by all of this and goes downstairs. He looks
around at the crowded dance floor and spots his sister dancing away on top of
a table at the corner,the bouncers are already there trying to get her of but
she ain't having it.
"Is this your...housssse?" She asks slurring pointing a finger at each of them.
She is really drunk. Diego jumps in.
"Sorry for the trouble I will take care of her" he says to the bouncers.
"Okay Mr Rosso" they say and then head back to their respective corners.
"Karina get down from the there" he says to a dancing Zenande.
"Bopha! Bopha! Bopha!" She sings moving her body drunkenly to the beat.
He decides to just carry her upstairs and she laughs at that wiggling her legs.
"Aowa!Baby why are carrying her like that" Rea says as Diego puts Zenande
on the couch.
As if answering her question Zenande starts laughing out nowhere with tears
running down her eyes.
"Why are you sitting down parents let's party it's your baby bath... no shower"
she says slurring and the laughs at herself.
"She never drinks like this" Rea says.
"She is always the responsible one" Buhle adds.
Zano pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
"I'm taking her home" he finally says and stands up.
Zenande tries taking the bottle of champagne from the table but Diego
snatches it from her.
"Asambe" Zano says holding her hand and pulling it away.
"NO!" She screams.
"You want to get me pregnant? Aren't you happy you liar? Go on and go to
your wife she needs AND I DONT!" Zenande says slurring and gets on the
"Zenande hlika lapho" Zano says totally irritated by now.
And Anele laughs out loud causing Zano to give her a death stare.
Zano carries her from the table and she screams murder.
"NDIYEKE! BABY DADDY!" She screams.
She manages to wiggle out of his hands and moves far away from him.
says with tears streaming down her face.
Zano sighs,he knows she is hurt,he can see it in her eyes but he really wanted
the best time to tell her not like this.
"Zano I will take her home,Dudu seems tired" Diego says standing up. Rea
collects her bag together with Zee's.
"Puffetta let's go home" Diego says to Zenande.
"To Papi?" She asks crying and he nods. She runs into his open arms and
hugs him and then passes out.
Diego carries her to the car followed by Rea.

"Dudu asambe before ngibulala umuntu" Zano says angrily and walks out.
Dudu follows him behind as they go downstairs to the car.
"Uzoba right babakhe ungakhathazeki" Dudu says to Zano as he pulls into the
busy road.
He nods his head but a part of him knows that she meant what she said
earlier. He wants a baby with his entire heart but he hates hurting her like this.
He looks at Dudu who is busy with her phone and sighs. What was he
thinking,thinking that he could handle two women.

I wake up with a huge headache and I want to cry. I look around for a minute
and I'm at Diego's house. I try to get out of bed but my head hurts.
"Otsogile" Rea says walking in with a glass of water.
"Take" she says giving me pills and the water.
I put them in my mouth and gulp down the water. I just drank pills on an empty
stomach meaning I should at least eat something. I get slowly from the bed
and go to the bathroom,I take a shower and brush my teeth then head back to
the bedroom. Rea has made the bed and sitting beside the clothes she took
out for me. I put on the baggy shirt and leggings and then wear my slippers.
She stands up and we walk to the dining room.
"How nice of you to join us" Diego says while piling up his plate.
I just look at him and pile up my plate with greasy food then dig in silently. I
feel their eyes on me.
"Yintoni ingxaki?" I ask not moving my eyes from the food.
"Are you okay?" Rea asks.
"Yeah thanks for the pills the headache went away" I say continuing with my
"I mean the pregnancy issue" She says.
"Yeah they are married after all and what they do with their lives doesn't
involve me so why should I be upset over that?" I say still stuffing my face with
"Great because Zano will be here in a few minutes" Diego says.
That's when I look up to him.
"Great for him" I say and stand up from the table.
I walk to the kitchen and drink a lot of water. Then I hear Zano's voice in the
foyer. I head there and find him and Diego talking about something.
"Morning" I say to him and walk past them.
He softly pulls me by my arm as I head for the stairs and I stop and turn back
to face him.
"Ngiyaxolisa mama" he says.
"For what exactly Zulu? For getting what you have always wanted? Please
don't. As I told Diego and Rea,you and Dudu are adults you don't report back
to me,y'all could have ten kids for all I care." I say shrugging.
He looks at me totally surprised.
"Kodwa izolo?" He asks.
"I trust you with my life but I see that you don't reciprocate that trust because
you would have told me about the greatest news in your life rather than me
finding out from somebody else on my birthday,that really hurt. And please
don't you dare even apologize." I say to him.
And he remains silent for a while.
"I didn't know to tell you" he says.
"Simple! Dudu is pregnant that's it" I say to him.
"Sphesihle..." he trails off.
"I'm happy for the both of you. Now go back home and take care of your
pregnant wife,say hello to her for me" I say and turn around.
"You are also my wife" he says.
I nod my head.
"Yes that will never change but right now I just need to be alone. Please give
me that. And Happy New Year Zulu" I say walking up the stairs leaving him

I call dad and tell him about everything and he suggests that I come visit him
in Italy since classes only commence next month,at first I refuse but he talks
me into it and I agree. I need a break anyway from all of this. I book my ticket
for tomorrow. And then take a nap.
When I wake up,I take my phone and head downstairs.
"Aren't you joining us for dinner Puffetta?" Diego asks.
"Nope I have to go pack,we will talk later. I love you" I say hugging him and
then walk outside only to be met by Rea.
"And where are you going?" She asks.
"To the apartment,I have to pack I'm going to visit Papi tomorrow" I say to her.
She looks at me for a while before speaking
"Are you sure that you are okay?"
"A hundred and fifty percent mngani don't worry about me" I assure her.
She nods and smiles.
"We will talk later okay?" I say to her as I walk to the awaiting car.
Kwanele tells me more about his holidays as we drive to my apartment.
"Thanks and Happy New Year" I say to him with a smile and walk inside.
When I get to my apartment I play some music and decide to do some serious
cleaning. Zano calls as I wash the windows and I just let it ring. What part of
"focus on Dudu" doesn't he get? When I'm done I take a bath and pack my
stuff into my suitcase. Then I make myself a sandwich as i watch the News.
Blame it all on the Zulu elders,they taught me that knowing the country's
current affairs is very important. When I'm done I wash the dishes and decide
to go to bed. My phone rings again and it's Zano.
"Ndabezitha" I answer.
"Unesifo Sokungabambi iphone neh?" He asks totally exasperated and I
"I was just busy cleaning that's all" I say to him.
"Ebsuku kangaka?" He asks and I glance at the time it's almost midnight.
I laugh at that and he joins in.
"Yazi angisbonanga neskhathi" I say still laughing.
"I love the sound of your laughter" he says causing me to blush.
"And I love the sound of yours too. Uhm Love..." I trail off.
"Yini Sthandwa Sami khuluma nami" he says.
"I'm going to visit Papi tomorrow" I say to him and cross my fingers.
I'm telling him because at the end of the day I'm still married to him so it's his
right to know. And also to show that I'm not angry at him,I don't need his
permission I'm just letting him know.
"Okay Mpilo yami ayikho inkinga as long as you are not taking this as running
away from what's happening currently between us" he says letting out a sigh.
"Ungakhathezeki Zulu I'm happy for you two. I just miss my dad and anyway I
will get some good mentoring for my business" I say excitedly.
"That's my wife right there." He says causing me to laugh.
We talk until I fall asleep.

My alarm wakes me up and I quickly get showered and dressed. I roll my

suitcase to the door and I grab a bottle of water from the fridge before opening
the door,I'm met by Diego and Rea and I laugh.
"You two though" I say rolling out my suitcase which Diego takes.
I lock up the door and put the key in my purse. Both Rea and Buhle have their
own keys. Rea tells me about all the things I should buy for her whilst I'm in
Italy and I laugh at the long list. After Diego parks I get out of the car as he
gets my suitcase from the back. I hug Rea and tell her that I will try to buy
some of those things which makes her squeal. When I turn around I'm met by
Dudu's smiling face and Zano.
"Mnaks did he hijack you into coming here?" I ask Dudu.
"Cha he just told me ukuthi you are leaving and I wanted to say goodbye for
myself" she says happily.
This woman better not think I'm leaving forever because she will be hurt when
I come back. I hug her and then hug Diego.
"I love y'all " I say to them as Zano silently rolls my suitcase to the entrance.
"Ngiyabonga Mageba"i say taking it from him.
He looks at me and nods.
"Tell me when you get there " he says and I nod my head moving closer to
him to give him a peck on the lips then I walk to the entrance when I look back
he is still standing there looking at me so I decide to wave at him and
disappear through the double doors.


We all know that being a man is difficult. We are considered strong due to
general descriptions of our physical abilities,but what about our emotions as
men? Are they even considered? Death is not all about the shutting down of
the body and having no heart beat but it's about what dies inside of us while
we continue walking in this life journey. As I keep walking down this road with
the destination far from sight,I feel my strength chipping away or is it the walls
that I have built up so high that are finally collapsing? As a man being told that
you are going to be a father is one of the happiest moments in your entire
life,your legacy will live on. This has been a lifelong dream of mine,to have a
little person that would love me unconditionally and I would be there for them
every step of the way holding their little hand but here I am sitting in my office
feeling numb. The whiskey cannot even drown out what I feel. I'm elated that
Dudu is pregnant but I'm sad because of Zenande,It's been a week since she
left for Venice and I must say it's not easy getting a hold of her. I miss her
smile,her voice and how her body feels against mine. From what Diego tells
me,she is getting mentored by Mr Rosso in the business world and also
advancing her modeling career due to her family's connections in Italy. I love
that about her,she is up for any challenge. When she sets her eyes on
something she makes sure she gets it nothing less.

I glance at the watch on my wrist. It's late I should get home before Dudu
starts complaining. I get up from my desk and slowly pack my files away into
my bag together with my laptop. Dudu has always been a safe space for me,I
feel comfortable around her,I don't have to pretend and I can always tell her
what's on my mind but ever since I paid lobola for her it's like something has
changed and I just can't put my finger on it. I dislike her presence,it's like she
has this shadow she walks with that plays on my nerves. Whenever I'm
around her I feel like I'm hypnotized,I don't even think of Zenande or my family
for that matter only her and what she wants. I think I should pay Cele a visit
maybe my ancestors are trying to communicate something to me. I switch off
the lights and take the lift to the underground parking. I salute the guard on
duty and make my way to the car,Sipho is driving due to how many drinks I
had today,it's the safest option even though I feel sober.
"Bozza yami" Sipho greets.
"Msixty awungiyise endlini" I say to him getting in at the back and slumping
back on my seat.
What has my life come to? I'm one of the most successful men in the country
and I know I'm not so bad on the eyes either,women practically beg for my
attention and men wish they could be me but here I am stuck in this
"Uright Bozza?" Sipho asks looking at me through the rearview mirror.
I sigh and throw my head back. Am I alright?
"Hhayi mfana wasemzini labafazi bayangisanganisa" I say.
He laughs and I join him.
"Bahluke kakhulu neh?" He asks after a while.
I look at him and let out a chuckle.
"Polar opposites bafo" I say as he parks the car.
I get my things and head into the house,saluting Sipho with two fingers as I
head in. I'm greeted by an over energetic Dudu hugging me tight. I laugh
"Ubusho phela ngikfake kuLaptop bag ngihambe nawe mamakhe" I say to her
as she pulls away.
She slaps my arm playfully and then frowns.
" Were you drinking Zanothando?" She asks scrunching up her nose.
Oh Lord here it goes!
"It's just one glass" I say walking past her to the living area.
"Didn't I tell you to stop Zanothando? Sizoba nengane you have to look after
yourself" she says.
"Angeke kuphinde kwenzeke" I say sitting on the couch and switching on the
"Hhayibo! Ungahlali kanjalo ungimoshela amaCushion" she says fixing up the
I just let her be,I don't know how she became like this maybe it's the
pregnancy. Better keep my mouth shut.
"Usukume lapho uzodla I made dumpling and beef stew" she says swaying
her was to the kitchen.
That's also another thing that surprises me,Dudu was not so big on cooking
but now she cooks everyday and forces me to finish every plate even though
her cooking is not that good. It feels like chewing cardboard.
"Hawu! Mamakhe mina besengidlile" I say to her.
"Do you ever appreciate my efforts Zanothando? Ngihlezi lana ilanga lonke
getting burnt by amabhodwe and you want to tell me that udlile? Ngithe come
to the kitchen and eat!" She yells from the kitchen.
Since she is a ticking time bomb I do as the madam says. She warms it up for
me and I eat away while she tells me all about how her day was,from the spa
to the shopping spree she had. One thing about Dudu is that material things
make her happy. When I'm done I clear the dishes and go upstairs to take a

"Hhayi your wife is living the life shem!" Dudu exclaims getting into bed with
her phone in hand.
I look at her and then close my file. I haven't been on social media that much
lately so I don't have a clue of Zenande's recent posts.
"She is Leonardo's daughter after all" I say shrugging.
"Buka she walked for Versace in Milan izolo,a whole showstopper!" She says
showing me a picture of Zenande walking down the runway in a dress that
doesn't do justice to her body.
I nod at her and like every time she goes on about Zenande. Dudu is
Zenande's top fan but she won't admit it. Zenande was featured on some
magazine modeling swimsuits,from her first modeling gig and Dudu bought
that magazine. She is on a billboard in Sandton advertising the same
swimsuits and Dudu was the first person to tell me about it. I don't know where
she gets all of these things from.
"I think I should also give modeling a try after the baby comes yabona?" She
says. I look at her with pure shock. Shocked not because she now wants to
compete or turn into Zenande but because after all these years of knowing her
she finally wants to do something with her life.
"Why ungibuka kanjalo? You think just because I'm not her I won't make it?"
She asks angrily. She always does this. Petty fights. Involving Zenande's
name in each and every one of them.
"Buka la Fikile you can do anything that you set your mind on and I have been
telling you that for the longest time kodwa le ndaba yakho yokuzenza
uZenande seyiyangicasula manje,you should get something that will keep you
busy like a hobby or prenatal classes at something and stop focusing on
somebody else more than yourself or our baby" I say to her.
She stares angrily at me for a while and then nods with tears in her eyes. I pull
her closer to me so that we are spooning and she smiles. I kiss her forehead
and tell her to sleep as I run her not yet showing bump,it's still too early. I look
at her and remember that I should see Cele,I make a mental note of it as I
switch off the bedside lamp and sleep or at least try to sleep because sleep is
now unknown to me.

I have been on a well deserved break for a month and I must say it was a
great move. In the month I have spent in Italy I have grown as a person and
also in my work. Spending time with familia was a bonus. Papi let me in on the
tricks of the business world while nonna made sure that my modeling career
sky rockets. This is exactly what I needed when I got on that plane a month
ago. It's been really hectic for me so I haven't been in touch with Zano that
much the last time I spoke to him was two weeks ago. I'm hoping he isn't
angry and instead took the opportunity to shower Dudu with his attention.

Zano doesn't know that I came back yesterday. I'm going to surprise him,he
thinks he is meeting with Diego. I get dressed in my knee length colourful shirt
dress with a black waist belt. I put on black pencil heels and put everything
into my black Chanel bag. I comb my hair,I got it straightened and dyed it
blonde back in Venice. I must say I love how different I look,I look more
mature. I take my phone and go to the kitchen. Buhle and Rea squeal.
"GIRL!!!!" they both say and I laugh softly.
"You two will never change" I say to them while taking my car keys and folder
from the counter.
"No Italy was good for you,that Prince of yours is going to faint in his chair"
Rea says and we laugh at that.
"Hhayi Rea marn anyway wish me luck guys" I say to them as I head for the
"All the best we need that money" Buhle says causing me to laugh.
"You don't need luck wena if he ain't having it just give him a blowjob" Rea
says seriously like she just said the most normal thing ever causing me and
Buhle to tear up in laughter before I finally take my leave. I get into my car and
drive to NoZulu Tradings listening to Mr Morale & The Big Steppers by
Kendrick Lamar it gives me that go get it spirit as I bob my head to the beat.

After parking my car I go into the huge building,security let's me through

because I told them that I have an appointment,you can't get in without an
access card.
"Good morning welcome to NoZulu Tradings how can I help you today?" The
receptionist greets.
"Morning I have an appointment with Mr Zulu,I'm here on behalf of Diego
Rosso" i say to her with a smile.
Immediately after telling her my brother's name she looks me up and down
and rolls her eyes. But nonetheless she directs me to the first floor and tells
me that I will be met by Zano's personal assistant. I thank her and take the
elevator up. Immediately when the doors open I'm met by a fully figured dark
skinned woman. She is bubbly.
"Good morning. Mr Zulu is already waiting for you,this way" she says.
I nod and follow her to Zano's office. She shows me and then turns around.
Thanks Gawd she did that because I want to do this alone. I'm now nervous
because I don't know how he will react. I knock on the door and he doesn't
answer. I try again.
"Ngena!" He says.
I open the door slowly and make my way in. He is sitting on his chair facing
the beautiful view of the city. He is on the phone.
"Hawu mamakhe ungakhathazeki angeke ngikhohlwe" he says to the phone.
His office is huge all dark wood just like I expected. The only thing that brings
in light is the huge glass wall behind his desk.
"Ngiyakthanda mamakhe ithi ngisebenze ke manje" he says and then hangs
A pang goes through my heart but I just let it go. That's his wife,that's his love
and he has every right to love her,I remind myself. He turns his chair in one
swift move and then he is looking into my eyes. I can see surprise and
happiness show through his eyes and then he closes off,He looks cold like he
doesn't care. He types away on his laptop.
"How can I help you Miss Rosso?" He asks not even looking at me.
Oh! Today i am Miss Rosso?I must say it hurts but I'm a big girl I can take it.
"I would like to update you on the recent events of my business and I also
need your signature on a few things" I say to him taking a seat on one of the
two leather chairs across his desk.
He finally looks at me and I take out the papers from my folder and pass them
to him.
"Those are the designers contracts and the lease for the shop" I say passing
him the papers.
He doesn't move his eyes away from me so I take that as an opportunity to
continue talking.
"I need your signature on these since the production will start this month and
then we will open shop in March" I say to him giving him more papers.
He is still looking at me.
"Mr Zulu!" I call out and he snaps out of his day dream and reads over
everything and signs where it's needed.
After a few minutes he gives them back to me neatly compiled together,I take
them and put them back into the folder.
"Thanks I will email you the copies" I say getting up from the chair and I'm
immediately overcome by a wave of dizziness,I know this feeling all too well
so i close my eyes and let it take over.

"I'm wearing all black at what seems to be a cemetery,It must have been a
funeral from what I see. I'm standing over a grave and I'm crying my heart out
until I fall on to my knees. Then In the blink of an eye i see myself in the Zulu
driveway with a bloody Zano in my arms.
"Zano vuka!" I keep on shaking him but he doesn't seem conscious.
I cry even louder until i bury my face in his bullet wounded chest. Somebody
pulls me away from him and I kick with all my might.
"NDIYEKE! He needs to go to the hospital ngoku!" I scream to who I now see
as Siphephelo because I wriggle myself to face him.
He looks defeated and when I look around everybody is in tears
Gogo,Enhle,Anele,Zotha,Baba,Mamkhulu and Dudu with a huge belly,she
looks heavily pregnant. I start feeling dizzy,I fall into Siphephelo's arms
"He csnt leave me now" i whisper to Phephelo and instantly everything goes
black." I take deep breaths trying to calm myself. Zano hands me a glass of
water and pushes me to sit down. He sits beside me until I calm down.
"Another vision?"He asks. I nod my head with tears streaming down my face.
"Hey... ungakhali" he says softly cupping my face.
I hold on to his hands with both of mine. I can't lose him not like that how will I
ever live without him? I cry even more at the thought of losing him. He carries
me over to his lap and I bury my face at the crook of his neck,he gently rubs
my back with his chin on my head. This takes me back to the first time he held
me like this,the day I found out about our soul tie. No I shouldn't be thinking of
the past. After a while I finally manage to pull myself together.
"Did I tell you how your new look suits you?" He asks.
I smile and shake my head. He takes my hair in between his fingers and plays
with it. "Umuhle Sphesihle" he says looking into my eyes.
"Ngiyabonga Mi Amor"(My Love) I say to him.
He smiles and takes a look at my dress that has risen up to my upper thighs.
"Even your outfit suits you Tesoro"(sweetheart) he says.
I smile at this but before I can even say anything his PA barges in.
"Mr Zulu your next mee-...." she stops in her tracks seeing me on Zano's lap.
I try to get out of his hold but he holds on tightly.
"Miss Sithole I would like you to meet my wife Sphesihle Zulu" he says to her
but looking at me dead in the eye.
I blush from what he has just done and look down. All the butterflies in my
tummy are flying free.
"Oh! I have already met her but I thought she was Mr Rosso's assistant. It's an
honor to finally meet you Mrs Zulu" she says waving slightly from the door.
I smile at her and nod my head,I hope she can understand that I'm speechless
right now.
"Can you take a picture of us? She was just complaining about us not having
enough pictures together" Zano says taking my phone out of my bag and
handing it to her.
I can't believe that he remembers something I complained about playfully two
weeks ago.
"Love you have a meeting to get to,ngesinye iskhathi" I say to him trying to
stand up but he holds me down and turns the chair around facing Miss
When I glance up at her she is already clicking away,I can't help but laugh
softly this woman takes whatever Zano says seriously.
"You are a model so I'm not expecting you to be so plain" Zano says making
me stand up.
At the mention of me being a model Miss Sithole's eyes widen and her jaw
drops. Yep she just recognized me,it must be that billboard.
I laugh at that and fix my dress before I pose away for the camera next to my
handsome man in a grey suit,white shirt and dark blue tie. After the mini shoot
he insists that I stay but I finally manage to get away by telling him that I have
to prepare for classes that commence tomorrow. The most odd thing is that he
didn't even kiss me once or try anything either. Maybe he is no longer
attracted to me but the coldness in his eyes earlier is something to be
concerned of. This weekend I should surely go down to KZN I need answers.

I spent most of the day finalising things related to the business. Zano agreed
to take this as a loan from my request,once the boutique starts earning I'm
going to pay him back with interest,luckily he agreed because he can see that
I want to stand on my own two feet. I'm at the mall I just did some grocery
shopping. I'm at a restaurant waiting for my order,I just feel like spoiling my
girls tonight with some junk.
"My husband's wife" someone says coldly behind me.
I turn to look and I'm met by Dudu's face.
"Hey Mnaks how are you? And the baby?" I ask putting my phone into my
"I was okay before I found out ukuthi usubuyile"
"Excuse me?" I ask shocked.
"And as for the baby how will my precious baby be okay when you are here?"
She asks.
"Fikile are you high on hormones?" I ask her.
"Lalela la if you love Zano the way you do then you know how excited he is
about this baby. For Zano's sake I'm begging you to please stay out of our
lives,this polygamy thing is making me stressed which is not good for the
baby. Please Mnakwethu do it for my unborn baby" she says.
I'm literally shocked. I can't believe her. I don't even know what to say to her.
"Miss Rosso your order" the waiter says pulling me away from my thoughts.
He gives me the bag with food,I thank him and give him a tip. I look at Dudu
for a minute. Her belly is not showing yet. She looks really happy for a person
to be asking me of such. I walk out without saying a word to her and head to
my car. I drive home listening to Risky by Elaine consistently on repeat until I
get to the apartment.
I park and get some of the groceries and then head up to the apartment. My
girls are both in the kitchen.
"Yoh! Bengisazibuza ukuthi ngiyopheka ini" Buhle says as I put the groceries I
bought on the counter.
"There are more emotweni" I say handing her the key.
She takes it and heads out. I start unpacking the groceries but Rea stops me
"What happened Zee you look pink" she says moving me to sit on the high
"Mnakwethu happened" I say wiping my face with both my hands and sighing.
Buhle walks in with the rest of the bags and helps Rea with packing the
"Odirile eng Dudu nou?" Rea asks.
I tell them about my encounter with Dudu and everything she said.
"Le ntombazane iyasangana stru" Buhle says laughing softly.
"I don't know why but you should be careful around her mngani,at the rate she
is going she might try harming you" Rea says.
I look at her and nod my head. I have never met a psychopath but Dudu is
clearly one. This reminds me of the vision I had so I tell them about it.
"Khuluma noCele he will help you" Buhle says.
"Jah Buhle is right because so far you have been getting visions from the past
and this one it seems like it's still going to happen you need to know what
needs to be done to prevent it" Rea says while taking out plates and putting
them on the counter.
"Do you think it might happen?" I ask
"It will happen if you don't take steps to prevent it,one thing I have learnt about
your visions is that they are spot on. Kumele ukhulume noCele" Buhle says
dishing up for us the burgers,ribs and chips.
"Or you can ask Zotha to go to him and you can tell him the vision over the
phone since we are about to be bombarded with school" Rea says pouring
cranberry juice into our glasses and passing one to me and the other to Buhle.
"Yeah after all uMa wenu wanted you two to work together in protecting the
family" Buhle says handing me my plate.
"That's true I will give her a call tomorrow " I say inserting a chip into my
"Ke proud ka wena watseba Mara Zee" Rea says taking her plate from Buhle
and sitting down on my left while Buhle sits on my right side on the high
I pop my eyes out at that.
"For what mngani I'm a walking tornado that you guys have to deal with
everytime" I say shrugging.
Rea shakes her head.
"No you are not. The Zulu ancestors are right you are truly a beautiful gift to
everybody that crosses your path,you were basically forced into all of this but
here you are embracing it and doing what is expected of you without
complaints" Rea says.
I smile at that. This really means a lot coming from her.
"And thina sizohlezi silana for wena whenever you need us because we love
you Sphe" Buhle adds in with a wink.
I'm truly blessed to have sisters like them,I would have gave up a long time
ago if it wasn't for them they are truly my pillars of strength.
"I love you" I say to them both and we group hug giggling like idiots.
Whether I understand what is happening with Zano or not,one thing is that I
will not let it derail me,he will come around eventually but until then I will
continue with my life because time waits for no man.

I have found home! In the arms of the one that brings warmth to my
heart,peace to my mind and a smile to my face. There is tranquility in every
breath he takes that matches mine perfectly,in his eyes I can see a reflection
of what I try to hide away. This home over looks calm waters under the most
beautiful sunset. But it all seems to good to be true,I can't help but feel it's the
calm before the storm that I was warned about.

Last night Zano just barged in without saying a word and held me close to him
as he drifted to sleep,the way he looked last night you would swear he is a
drug addict.
He looks so peaceful I don't even have the heart to wake him,I glance at the
time it's 7:00am,I have a class in 3 hours. Isn't he going to work today? I think
to myself as i trace his handsome face with my finger. This man is
beautiful,Dudu will have the most beautiful child in the world with a father like
this,I think to myself and smile. Zano's eyes slowly flutter open and he pulls
me even closer so that we are spooning. We look into each other's eyes for a
while,our eyes are having a conversation of their own. Bab Cele's words flood
back into my mind
"Ezinye izinto siziboniswa ukuthi sizilungiselele uma zenzeka. Loku okubonile
angeke kuvimbe okuzoyenzeka,wena khumbula ukuthi uthando luyamsindisa
umuntu nalo" I close my eyes and feel tears slowly move down my face. How
can me loving Zano prevent that vision from becoming reality? He is also so
distant I don't know how to talk to him and then there are days where he just
does what he did last night. It's been a long and devastating month for me,he
didn't even wish me a happy Valentine's Day but from Dudu's posts on
Whatsapp he went all out for her. He doesn't call me,when he does call he
keeps quiet and then hangs up after a minute. He last texted me last year,I
got angry,hurt,sad and then built a bridge and got over it. I would have gone
totally insane if it wasn't for the boutique and school. We are officially opening
our doors at the beginning of the new month and I'm so excited about it.
"Ucabangani?" He asks in his sleepy voice as he wipes my tears away.
Our noses are touching and I can feel his breath on my lips. I'm sure I'm back
to being a virgin,I can't remember the last time he got intimate with me. I miss
him. All of him.
"Something is not right about us" I say to him in a hoarse voice.
He moves his hands from my face and moves back,looking at me properly.
"Usho ukuthini Sphesihle?" He asks flatly.
I let out a deep breath,I hope I don't regret this.
"Zano our relationship is no longer the same ever since you payed lobola do
you realize that you are no longer the man I know?" I say to him trying not to
sound like a whining teenager.
He sits up from the bed and massages his head.
"Maybe you never knew me. This is me!" He says angrily and gets up from the
I look at him with my mouth wide open,I can't believe what he just said.
"I know you Zanothando! Something is wrong with you" I yell at him.
I realize my mistake by his glare and look down. I get up from the bed and
walk to his side.
"My love what's wrong? Do you realize that we haven't been intimate for two
whole months now?" I say softly holding on to his hand.
Inwardly praying that he opens up so that we can find a solution to whatever
that is eating him up so badly.
"Ucabanga loko? Sphesihle stop acting like you know me because awungazi.
I did what I had to do to get you to agree to this ancestor nonsense but I see
you have mistaken my efforts for loving you" he says pulling his hand angrily
from me and putting his t-shirt on.
I feel like I can't breathe. I move back a bit because I feel like I'm gonna
fall,luckily I bump into the bedside table and balance myself against it.
"Sewukhalelani manje? Angisho bewufuna iqiniso?" He says standing up to
get his keys and phone from my desk.
I wipe away my tears but the river doesn't stop. I didn't even realize I was
"Angikaze ngakthanda Zenande,I love Dudu the mother of my kids,she is the
only one that has a right over me. Wena you are a duty I had to fulfill and I did.
So stop expecting me to love you because you were bulldozed into my life.
Ngiyathemba siyezwana" he says closing the door behind him and not even
glancing back at me even once.
I can't help but let out a heart clenching cry. My legs fail to keep me up so I fall
on to the floor with my knees. I can't seem to get enough air into my lungs,my
heart feels like a hole has just been burnt into it and my head feels hot from all
the crying.
He played me. I love him and he loves her. I'm just a burden to him,He doesn't
see me the way I see him. I scream my lungs out pulling at my hair. I need all
of these thoughts to stop,I need the pain to stop. I slowly get up from the floor
and walk to the kitchen. I take out a bottle of wine and open it and gulp down
the contents from the bottle. Right now I'm grateful for Rea and her love for
alcohol but I wish she bought something stronger than this.
Is this what heartbreak is? I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my
chest. My hand instinctively moves to my heart and I cry even louder. The
only man I will ever love has broken me. He played with my feelings and like
the fool that I am,i willingly became his puppet. How stupid am I? Thinking
that he could ever love me. I push the vase with flowers on the counter to the
floor in anger and it shatters into pieces like my heart. The poor flowers have
nowhere to go but the trash just like me. I gulp down the wine from the bottle. I
never liked flowers but he made me love them. I walk over the broken vase
and pick up the bunch of red roses.
"He played me!" I yell at the roses tearing them apart.
Hoping they feel exactly how I feel.
The petals join the broken glass on the floor and I weakly sit down on the floor
and bury my head on my knees and cry.

After an hour or two the tears subside and my eyes feel heavy from all the
crying. I hear the door open.
"ZEE?" Rea yells after closing the door and probably walks to my room
because she gets less loud with every step she takes.
"Hhayibo Zee!" I hear Buhle yell out.
I don't even bother lifting my head to her.
I feel both her hands pulling me up by my shoulders.
"Mngani kwenzenjani?" She asks pure concern showing on her face.
I try to open my mouth but nothing comes out only tears. She hugs me and
let's me cry as she rubs my back.
"Why do you need the kit B?" I hear Rea ask.
Buhle moves from me,revealing me to her and Rea gasps.
"Chomi what happened?" She asks rushing to my foot which I didn't even
realize got cut by glass.
"I found her next to the broken vase" Buhle tells her as she takes a dustpan
and sweeps the glass away.
"Some of the blood has even dried out. She has been sitting there for a while
now" Rea says as she works on my foot. I can't even feel the pain of the
antiseptic on the open wound.
"She drank the entire bottle of wine" Buhle says while throwing the bottle into
the bin.
Rea looks up at her and then back to me.
"Give her a glass of water" she says to Buhle.
She bandages my foot and gets up from her crouching position to help me
drink water. I gulp down the entire glass and Rea takes it to the sink.
"Let me walk you to your room,you need to get some sleep" Buhle says.
I shake my head vigorously as fresh tears stream down my face. I don't want
to go back to the very room where everything reminds me of him,that's where
I gave my virginity to him,that's where he pretended like he loved me and man
was he good because he had me fooled.
"Okay let's go to my room" She says again and drapes my one arm over her
shoulders making sure that I don't hurt my foot as we walk to her room.
She opens the covers and helps me lie down and then covers me with the
"Sizokhuluma when you are ready" she says brushing my hair away from my
face with her fingertips.
I nod at her and she smiles then heads out,leaving the door open. I cry at how
caring and loving they are towards me. I thought what me and Zano had was
genuine but he was only selfish. I close my eyes and drift to sleep,wetting
Buhle's pillow with all my tears. How I don't wish this not even on my biggest

I wake up with a pounding headache,dry throat and a very painful foot. I

slowly get up from the bed and walk carefully to the kitchen.
"Perfect timing I was just dishing up" Rea says dishing up Umphokoqo into 3
I smile at her. She made in hopes to cheer me up.
"Okay I just need water" I say taking out a glass and filling it with water.
The water soothes my dry throat and I feel alive again a bit. Buhle comes in
with socks and my slippers and hands them to me.
"Better wear those" she says as she helps Rea with the bowls and Amasi.
I follow them to the TV area. I sit down on the couch and put on the socks. I
honestly don't feel like eating right now,but with Rea here I know it will be
fighting a losing battle. I pour Amasi over Umphokoqo and mix it up. The girls
do the same as we watch House Of Zwide. It means I slept for the entire day,I
look at the window and yep it's already dark outside.
"He played me" I say to them as I play around with my food.
They keep quiet.
"Well he is a fool" Rea says after a while.
I look at her and smile. Involuntarily tears start flowing. They put their bowls
on the table and move closer to me,Buhle takes mine and puts it on the table
as they squash me between them in a warm embrace.
"He doesn't even deserve your tears,he is the one who should be crying not
you" Buhle says and I nod my head.
"Yep he should cry because he chose a frog over an actual princess" Rea
says causing me to laugh.
"Tell you what siyazi ukuthi uyamthanda so we will let you cry all you want for
today and tomorrow but after that you are going to wing your eyeliner and
show him he messed with the wrong girl siyezwana?" Buhle says.
I smile at her and nod my head.
"Yes mam" I say to her.
"I have all the notes for today and the work and I will do the same tomorrow so
that you are not left behind" Rea says.
"And I will finalize everything at the boutique for the launch so don't worry
about it either" Buhle says.
I'm very lucky to have these wonderful souls in my life. I'm nothing without
them,this is what love is,I don't need it from a certain Prince I have it all here.
"Ndiyabulela" I say hugging them tight.
"Okay enough with the mushy stuff. Eat your food so that you can take
painkillers" Rea says handing me my bowl.
"Yes mam" I say to her and dig after pouring more Amasi.
We watch whatever that is playing as we eat and when we are done. Rea
washes the dishes while I dry them and Buhle packs them away.
"Diego called" Rea says to me as she wipes the counter.
"I will call him back tomorrow. Don't tell him about any of this,it stays between
us Okay?"I say looking at the both of them.
I don't need anybody knowing about what's happening between me and Zano
because firstly it doesn't concern them and secondly I feel like Zano is not in
his senses and there is that bit of hope that he will be back.
"OKAY" they both say.
I take the pills and gulp down the entire glass of water. Buhle disappears to
my bedroom and comes back with my pyjamas,laptop and school bag.
"Apparently we are all crashing in my room tonight" she says laughing.
"SLEEEP OVER!" Rea screams waving her hands in the air.
I can't help but laugh.
"Rea uyangxola. You want to wake the whole building?" I say to her.
"Oh please they can wake up if they want to" she says rummaging through the
cupboards and taking out snacks.
I shake my head at her and help her carry the entire grocery cupboard to
Buhle's room. Buhle has already fixed the bed so we jump in and munch on
snacks while we watch a funny action movie. When the movie ends we take
our books and Rea gives me today's notes and we study. This is way better
than thinking about Zano. The girls sleep while I continue replying to my
emails. When I'm done with my work I close my laptop and put it on the
bedside table I glance at the time and it's 2:00am. It's already a new day. I
won't let Zano and Dudu win by moping around and acting like he is the only
man in the world. I refuse to give him that kind of power over me. Today I'm
going out there and I'm gonna continue with my life,the world doesn't revolve
around Zanothando Lwandle Zulu!

I wake up to the girls already giggling in the kitchen. I get up,make the bed
and tidy up Buhle's room when I'm done I go to the kitchen.
"Morning mngani " Buhle cheerfully greets.
"Morning" I say sitting on the high chair.
"Why are you up so early while we gave you a holiday?" Rea asks while
pouring cereal into our bowls.
"I refuse to let him win,that is exactly what he wants for me to crawl under a
rock and hide myself from the world but I won't do that,I was doing just fine
without him and I will show both him and his wife that I can do even better
after him" I say.
"YES GIRL!!!" They both scream waving their hands up in the air.
That causes me to laugh. Life goes on,it won't be easy but I still need to keep
"I'm so proud of you" Buhle says squeezing me.
"Okay okay go and shower then because our class is in about 30 minutes"
Rea says checking her wrist watch.
I gasp and jump down from the chair then run to my room. I take a quick
shower and after my morning routine I go in to my bedroom. I put on blue
skinny jeans,a white tank top,i dress the wound on my foot and then i put on
comfortable sandals. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and lay my edges. I
decide to put on a bit of makeup to cover my puffy eyes and give them more
life. When im satisfied with how i look,I collect my things and put them in my
bag and then go to Buhle's room to fetch my laptop and some of my books.
When I'm done I go back to the kitchen with my phone in hand.
"Took you long enough" Rea says pushing a bowl to me.
Checking the time it's already 09:00am,meaning we are late.
"We are late for class Rea" I say pushing it back and grabbing my keys.
"Class is at 10:00am I just wanted you to hurry up do you can have time to
eat" she says shrugging and Buhle laughs.
I roll my eyes and then sit down to eat.
"So we are driving to class today?" Rea asks excitedly.
This girl loves my car but who wouldn't it's a dream.
"Ever since I got that car when have I never driven to school?" I ask her and
she laughs.
"Anyway I have paperwork to sort out after class and then pick up our clothes
for the launch on Friday" I add.
They both nod in understanding.
"So we have to do our hair on Thursday?" Rea asks.
"Yep but I'm sticking with blonde,I think I'm just going to make it wavy" I say
standing up to wash my bowl in the sink.
"True! Iyakufanela you look like a real Italian" Buhle says.
We all laugh at that and my phone rings.
I wipe my hands as Rea passes it to me. It's Diego.
"Puffo" I answer.
"Karina what's wrong?" He immediately asks.
I look at Rea and she shakes her head silently telling me that she didn't say
"Nothing why?"
"Did you and Zano have a fight or something?" He asks.
At the mention of Zano I feel the wounds in my heart reawaken. I keep quiet
for a bit.
"Why do you think so Puffo?" I ask after a bit.
"I bumped into him at the club and the man drinks but I have never seen him
that drunk in my life. As I took him home he kept on saying your name until he
passed out,so I just thought maybe you two had a fight" he says.
I feel my eyes water up. He drinks to drown his sorrows meaning he is also
hurt but why when he is the one who broke MY heart? Or have they found
Duduzani? I cough a bit trying to clear the lump forming in my throat.
"No we are okay maybe it's problems with the other wife" I say faking a laugh.
We speak for a while and then he hangs up because he is at the office. I take
my keys and we head out with the girls.
"What did he want?" Rea asks.
I shake my head softly laughing.
"Apparently Zano was drinking his brains out izolo" I say shrugging.
Rea rolls her eyes. Buhle looks at me seriously through the rear view mirror.
"Why would he do that though? Yazi I feel like there is something more to this"
She says shrugging.
"Maybe they have found Duduzani" I suggest pulling on to the road.
"Nah Muzi would have told me. Don't you think Dudu has something on him?"
Buhle asks.
"Like she is threatening him to break up with Zee neh?" Rea adds.
My mind goes back to the time I bumped into her at restaurant and she told
me to stay away from Zano for the baby's sake.
"THE BABY" we all say out loud looking at each other like we just solved the
greatest math problem.
"Now we need a plan" Rea says.
"To do what?" I ask.
"To expose her,Dudu is a fraud she needs to leave" Rea says.
"And uyazi ukuthi uMa wakhe uthanda izinyanga njani? The whole village
knows about that so maybe she is getting help from umuthi" Buhle adds.
I abruptly turn my head to her forgetting that I'm parking the car.
"Hhayibo Zee! Park properly!" Rea shouts.
"Umuthi?" I ask as i resume with what i was doing.
"Zee don't you wonder why a girl like Dudu got a guy like Zano? They are
from two different calibers" Buhle says as we get out of the car.
"I second B. There is more to this than meets the eye. Even this Duduzani
maybe he is Dudu's twin,I mean what's up with the matching names?" Rea
asks as we walk to class.
Right now my head is reeling. I don't feel hurt but angry how can a person do
this to another person?
"What's the solution?" I ask because I'm completely lost.
"CELE!" They both say.
I nod my head and we laugh at how we have become detectives. Buhle heads
to class and then me and Rea go to ours. I really need to take that trip to KZN
I'm thinking after the launch on Friday,I think to myself as I take a seat and the
professor begins his lesson.

After class I drive all the way to the boutique to finalize the last minute
arrangements and also pick up our specially designed clothes for the launch,I
want people to see the kind of clothes that we sell firsthand through us and
the entire stuff. Everything looks beautiful,it really is a piece of heaven and
looking around right now I feel a wave of pride wash over me,this is all me,this
all my hard work who would have thought that today I would be standing in my
very own boutique in Sandton City? Well nobody not even me.
"I can't believe next week we will be operating" Karabo says excitedly walking
in from the back of the boutique.
I turn to her and smile.
"Well you better believe it" I say winking at her.
She laughs and goes back to packing the clothes in their different sections.
I'm blessed to be working with both her and Dineo,they really love what they
do. They also got me working on my own line we named it Heavenly
by Karina,they showed me a few tricks here and there but I have only
managed to design one dress halfway through,I find comfort in the fact that I
started meaning one day I will finish it. I take the shopping bag and bid
everyone goodbye as i walk out,we have two cashiers and a manager since I
won't be here full time. I decide to go over to Woolies and buy a few groceries
since its a short walking distance away.

I pick up a few things. As I make my way to the tills a group of girls stop me in
my tracks.
"Hello are you Zenande Rosso?" The tall one asks.
I nod my head with a smile still puzzled with how they know me. They scream
looking at each other.
"WE ARE LIKE YOUR BIGGEST FANS!" They say in unison causing me to
laugh softly.
"You are like the best model ever,I love your work" the one with glasses says.
Before I can even reply to her another chips in.
"We can't wait for the opening of your boutique,we will be the first ones in
there" she says.
"Thank you all so much,you just made my day" I say giving them a smile.
say as I'm about to push my trolley.
"Of course" I say moving back.
They all take pictures individually with me while exchanging the phone
amongst themselves on who gets to be photographer. When they are done I
tell them that I will see them on Monday at Heaven's Boutique and they
literally squeal causing me to laugh. When I'm done paying I head to my car
and pack the groceries in the back. Somebody fakes a cough behind me and I
turn quickly towards them. Ayabulela is standing there with a plastic from
Woolies wearing casual clothes and the biggest grin on his face. Great! I think
to myself as I roll my eyes at his presence.
"I thought you would call me" he says.
" should stop thinking about things that will never happen" I
clapback. He laughs.
"You never lose your sharp tongue" he says causing me to join him in
laughing,at least he still knows my tendencies.
"It was nice seeing you Ayabulela I have to go" I say moving towards the
driver's side.
"I will be there on Friday for the launch,I missed supporting you in a lot of
things while I was away and I will regret that for the rest of my life but from
now on I will always be here to cheer you on at every turn whether you want
me to or not" he says looking deeply into my eyes.
I stand frozen for a moment because I just heard Zano's voice say that and
not Ayabulela,is Zano messing with my brain like that? I really need to get that
Zulu guy out of my head. After a few minutes I manage to say
"You are taking the world by storm and it's beautiful to watch Zee" he says
smiling at me.
I smile back at him,he is really being nice but he doesn't know that him being
nice makes the pain in my heart even a lot more worse because right now the
man I want to hear all of this from is dazed in muthi by my sister wife. Which
reminds me I should give Nokuzotha a call,I need to get to the bottom of this.
"Thank you Aya but I really have to go now" I say getting into my car not
waiting for him to reply.
He waves goodbye at me as I drive away. I play some music to calm me down
as I drive and when I feel that my emotions are in check I dial Nokuzotha's
numbers,She might be at work so there is a huge possibility that she might not
answer. As I was about to hang up she answers.
"Sphe unjani?" She asks.
I smile,Zotha is not one for small talk she is always curious about whats
happening,you would rather catch up with her after telling her exactly why you
"Not good my husband basically dumped me" I say.
"Ini? What the hell is wrong with Zanothando? What happened?" She
I tell her about everything that's been happening from the beginning of the
year until now and I also tell her about what the girls think.
"They are right Sphe,that's not Zano it's so way out of character for him. He
has also distanced himself from the family also he hasn't spoken to them in
months,when Phephelo went to check on him,the guards told him he wasn't in
while he was there" she says.
Oh my word! I could live with him acting nasty towards me but not his family
why would he do that? No actually why would Dudu do that because now I'm
sure more than ever that there is muthi in all of this.
"I thought she turned him against me not his family" I say.
"Well she did so what's the plan? Kumele uzobona uCele" she says.
"Jah I'm flying there on Friday after the launch and I wanted to ask if I could
sleep over at your house,I don't want the family to know about all of this" I say
to her.
"Hhawu kodwa Sphe you didn't even have to ask you know kusekhaya
lana,you are welcome here at anytime" she says.
I smile at her even though she can't see me. I practically take her as my older
sister now. She fills me in on the latest gossip apparently they have located
Duduzani and since it was all Zano it has also been put on hold because of
his drama. She tells me about the kids and work and in turn I tell her about
school and the boutique.
"I wish I could come to the launch but due to work and being a Zulu wife I
can't but please promise me that you will open shop in Durban soon" she
I laugh softly.
"Yeah I promise before September" I say to her.
We talk for a while and then she bids me goodbye because her lunch break is
over and hangs up.

I'm parked outside our building so I quickly grab the bags and head up to the
apartment. I find the girls stuffing their faces with seafood.
"Im back!" I say as I make my way to the platter.
"Oooh! Let me see" Rea says taking the bag and sneaking a peak inside.
Buhle does the same and they scream. I try covering my ears with one hand
because the other has hake in it. But their loudness still damages my
"I can't wait to rock these" Buhle says.
"Before you rock them have you booked our appointment at the Glam Bar?" I
"Waitse those people think they are special or something they told me that
they are fully booked but at the mention of your name space appeared
magically" Rea says rolling her eyes.
I laugh at her.
"You should have told them that you are Diego Rosso's girlfriend the same
thing would have happened" I say to her.
"But there is a difference between a wife and a girlfriend" she says shrugging.
"Does that mean you want to marry my brother?" I ask.
She blushes and looks down to her shoes. I already know my answer so I
smile and turn back to the platter on the table.
"Not fair what about us nobodies kusho ukuthi thina we can't book
appointments?" Buhle whines after I finish eating and me make our way to the
lounge area.
"They are really expensive so that's why they do this and you are not a
nobody you can also use Muzikayise's name" I say to her.
She laughs at my comment and goes back to searching for a channel to
"Any word from you know who?" Rea asks.
I shake my head indicating a No,there is a possibility that Zano might be
under some sort of influence but I can't get everything out of my head,it really
hurts to talk about it and luckily my girls get the message and let me be. I
watch TV with them and then go back to my room to take a shower and dress
my now healing wound. When I'm done I get right on with studying.
After cracking my head on a few chapters,I grab my phone from the table and
automatically I dial Zano's numbers and then it hits me as I'm about to click
call,we are not on speaking terms I check the time it's now midnight. He must
be cuddled up with Dudu,properly steamed in umuthi. Does the vision I had
mean that Dudu might be a danger to Zano's life? Deep down I can feel that
something bad is going to happen I just don't know what. I drink water and get
up from the desk stretching my sore muscles. I wish Zano was here,he is
really good at massages and a lot of other things. I smack my head as I get
into bed,I can't be thinking about all of this right now. I need to just focus on
the launch and then I will deal with everything afterwards. I literally can't wait
for tomorrow I really need to relax. I think to myself as I close my eyes and
beg for sleep to come and kidnap me from all these thoughts.

Ever felt like something bad is going to happen? That's how I feel right now.
Today is the day of the launch,I have been busy through out the day with last
minute arrangements,submitting assignments and tests here and there. I'm
looking at my self in the mirror,I look like a goddess. I had my blonde hair
curled yesterday,it's a nice change. I'm wearing my specially designed red
mini dress from the boutique with black heels. I decided to dare myself and
put on red lipstick and I'm proud to say the dare paid off because it suits me. I
hear a soft knock on my door. I dont even bother answering because im trying
to get rid of this feeling that's overwhelming me right now,instead of being
nervous or excited about the launch,I feel like crying my eyes out.
"Bathong! Zee we are getting late odirang ekana?" Rea shouts pulling me
away from my thoughts.
I take one final look in the mirror,pick up my bag and silently pray for
everybody's protection as I make my way to the kitchen. I find Rea and Buhle
standing out in the corridor.
"This is your launch but yet you look like you are going to a funeral what's
up?" Buhle asks locking the door behind me.
I force a smile at her and shake my head. I really don't know how to explain
this so I would rather keep quiet.
"Rea can you please drive" I say passing her my car keys.
She squeals and dances the pouncing cat totally forgetting that she is in heels
and a dress. Buhle gives me that "something is wring with you" look. I ignore
her and get in the back of the car,I hope she gets the message and rides
shotgun because I really don't want to talk right now. Like she read my mind
she gets in front with Rea who starts a live video on Instagram just to show off
the fact she is driving a Mercedes-Benz G63. I laugh at her softly. Rea will
always be Rea no matter what.
We are greeted by photographers flashing away with their cameras. Me and
the girls strike a few poses before we head inside. Looking around the place is
already packed,we are greeted by a waiter who offers us a glass of
champagne each. I grab the glass and down it at one go. The girls give me
question looks but I ignore them and tell them that I have to check on things
before I begin with the speech,they let me go as they mingle with the crowd. I
make my way to the part of the boutique that doesn't have many people,it's
the shoes sector because they haven't been delivered in time for the launch I
take a seat on the leather couch and release deep breath I didn't realize I was
holding. I close my eyes and lean back,I can hear the smooth music playing in
the background and the sound of people's chatter and laughter.
"Zenande what's wrong with you?" I ask myself as I sit up straight.
Maybe it's because my mom is here,such a huge accomplishment and she is
not here to pester me about not smiling enough. I dial her numbers on my
phone,maybe hearing her voice will calm me down. It rings unanswered,I try
again but still so I decide to leave a voicemail for her.
"Hey mama I just wanted to hear your voice and Mahle,I feel a bit down I don't
know what's wrong but I guess you are busy or chasing after Mahle to bath (I
laugh). I will call you after the launch,i love you and kiss my baby girl for
me,tell her that i got us specially designed matching outfits. Okay bye" i say
and hang up.
"Today is your day and you are here sitting alone yintoni ingxaki?" Ayabulela
says standing tall beside me.
I give him a weak smile and lay my head back. He releases a deep breath and
sits beside me.
"Remember how you would get back in high school every time you had a
netball match?" He asks.
I nod at him as I close my eyes. Every time I got nervous he would tell me to
close my eyes and imagine myself in a garden walking barefoot on the
grass,smelling the scent of flowers and feeling the sun's rays on my skin. As
dumb as it sounds,it always helped.
"Take a deep breath in Zee and let it slowly out" I hear him say.
I do as he says. As I make my way to my Zen place and after a few minutes I
feel relief and peace wash over me. I open my eyes to look at him and he is
already smiling.
"I thought that wouldn't work anymore" he says.
"I guess some things don't change" I say to him as I sit up straight on the
He nods his head and looks ahead. We sit in comfortable silence for a bit.
"Thank you Aya. I don't know what was happening" I say to him.
I can feel my eyes tear up but he side hugs me before they can even fall.
"Hey... Hey don't cry Zee,I'm here" he says burying my face in the crook of his
He smells good I have to admit,this moment takes me back to all the times
that Zano has held me as I cried for different reasons. Every time he touched
me I could feel my problems disappear. I close my eyes and I see his face
smiling back at me. I smile and hug him tight. He does the same moving me
on to his lap like he always does. Just as I'm about to reach for his face,I hear
a loud gasp.
"Yini le mihlola oyenzayo Sphesihle?" Zano says.
I look up at him and back to whose arms I'm in,it's Ayabulela. Then it hits me I
was imagining Zano all along. I quickly get up from Ayabulela's hold.
"Mnaks we are here to support you and wena uyafeba woooo shame
ntombazane!" Dudu exclaims clapping her hands once.
I really want to give her a piece of my mind but I just keep quiet and fix my
dress because it rolled up as I was sitting. If looks could kill Ayabulela would
be dead right now.
"Fikile hamba uyohlala phansi" Zano says to Dudu but still looking at a serious
Ayabulela who is slowly getting up from the couch.
"Hhayi ngeke Zano uth-"
"MANJE DUDUZILE!" He shouts at Dudu peeling his eyes away from Aya to
It's for the first time in my life hearing him shout. I look at him and he is angry.
Anger is seething from every pore. Dudu looks at him and nods quickly before
she looks to me and smiles to herself as she walks out of the sector.
"Kahle kahle udelela mina noma umshado wami?" He asks Aya.
Aya laughs.
"As far as I'm concerned Mr Zulu by law she is still a Rosso so please specify
which non-existent marriage I'm disrespecting" Aya says as he walks closer to
him looking him straight in the eye.
Zano punches him in the face and it's like everything is happening in slow
motion,Aya comes back with a punch also and then it's a full on fight. I stand
there frozen for a second until I realized that these two can ruin my launch.
"Zano stop!" I say pulling him away from Aya as he strangled him on the very
couch we were sitting on.
It's like I'm trying to a block cement. Instead I get in between them.
"Okay strangle me then" I say looking into his eyes.
And yep those ain't my love's eyes. There is fire in them no emotion at all. He
moves back and Aya coughs for dear life.
"You have no right doing this Zanothando" I say to him.
He looks at me and I can see his eyes return to normal. Good!
"Don't you remember? You left me,I'm just a duty you fulfilled so please stop
acting like a crazy man and let me live my life. You thought nobody wants me
out there? Well think again because there are a million man who love to claim
me as theirs. You are going to get killed if you put this barbaric act of yours
up,let me be you got what you wanted" I say pushing away tears.
He needs to hear this but most importantly I need to let it out of my
system,now it will stop hurting so bad. I see sadness and hurt in his eyes. I
can't stand here any longer.
"Asambe" I say pulling Aya buy his sleeve.
We bump into Buhle on the way.
"And then? What was the noise about? Were you rearranging furniture?" She
asks with a naughty smile.
I laugh at her and shake my head. She looks at Aya and gasps.
"What happened to you?" She says looking at his face.
Zano really did leave a mark. He has a black eye and blood running from his
nose. It's my fault he is in this state,if I want in dreamland then Zano wouldn't
have used him as his punching bag.
"Come let me help you clean your face" I say pulling him to the bathroom at
the back.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Zano standing there silently looking at us.
He has a ripped lip but looks okay. Buhle looks to him and then back at me
with her new dropped. I pay no attention to her and drag Aya to the bathroom.

Apparently Zano and Dudu left while I was helping Aya. I have already made
my speech and most of the guests are now leaving.
"Where are your keys?" Diego asks me.
"That's my car Puffo you have no right over it" I say downing my hundredth
glass for the night.
"You are drunk Karina" I look at him and laugh.
"Well I have every right! My life is a mess and my heart is in pieces so tell me
will drinking coffee help?" I ask balancing by the counter.
He looks at me for a while probably trying to understand what I am saying but
he never replies.
"Jah i thought so" I say throwing my hands up in the air and the glass slips
from my hold shattering on to the floor.
"Oops" I say while laughing and covering my mouth with both my hands.
"I'm taking you home let's go" Diego says dragging me outside.
I hear my phone ringing in my bag.
"Puffo wait!" I say letting my hand free and digging in to my bag.
I look at the caller ID but I can't see clearly who it is.
"Helloooooo there" I say.
"Zenande" I hear my mom's voice.
"Hi mama everything went great did you tell Mahle about the outfits?" I ask.
She keeps quiet for a while and then let's out a deep breath.
"Kufanele uze ekhaya Zenande. Who are you with now?"
"Uhhm....ndino Diego mama kwenzekala ntoni?" I ask fear of the unknown
creeping up on me.
She keeps quiet for a while.
"Mama!" I yell
"UAsemahle uswelekile" she says.
The world stops spinning and I feel the alcohol drain itself out of my system.
She can't be serious. "Ubani?" I ask.
"She got hit by a car as she was walking home from iStop sake
seTransport,her little body could not take the pain she died on the spot" she
Everything around me seems to have dark spots. I can see Diego picking me
up and saying something but I can't hear any of it. My poor baby
she can't be gone. When Diego puts me down in the backseat that's when
tears start streaming down my face. I can't lose her,She is my happiness,my
baby girl.

I couldn't just go away I had to wait for the entire weekend so my dad could
sort everything out on my behalf,luckily I got a week thanks to my dad. I really
appreciate my dad and Diego being around,they really helped me through out
the past weekend. Right now me and Dad just landed in Mthatha,the same
welcome air I used to breathe in now feels so deadly. How could a person run
over a 6 year old who was just one house away from home and then make a
run for it? Some people are cruel I wonder if he or she has any kids at all
because I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine one day.
"Karina should I get you something to eat?" Dad asks.
From his tone you can tell that he has been talking to me for some time but i
couldn't hear him. He rented out a car which now we are settled in as he
drives to Lusikisiki. I shake my head at him indicating no. I wonder how mama
must be feeling right now,She might have even forgotten to take her
medication. Nolu has always acted like she doesn't care about Mahle so I
wonder what was her reaction to all of this. I can feel a headache coming on,I
need to stop thinking so much,I'm going to get myself sick. I lay back on the
seat and close my eyes,I haven't slept in 3 days. How I wish I could sleep
through this entire ordeal and actually get to wake up from this nightmare with
my baby girl in my arms.

After minutes of driving we finally pull up at my house. A few family members

have already arrived. I get out of the car slowly and just stand there. Mahle
would have immediately ran to me for a hug telling me how much she missed
me because from her favourite spot in the sitting room she could see outside
perfectly. I feel tears run down my cheeks,how am I supposed to live like this?
Will the hole I feel in my heart ever heal? What bad have i done in the world to
get punished so much? I feel my dad's arm wrap around me,I lean in to him
and wipe my tears. Yes I'm hurt but I can't break down like this,I need to keep
it together for everybody's sake.
"Ready to go inside?" He asks.
I nod my head at him and lead the way as he follows behind. I'm greeted by
my aunt squeezing the life out of me and my cousin. One of my cousins takes
the bags from my dad and insists that my dad should join the uncles outside.
"Uphi umama?" I ask my aunt.
"Baphumile bathe...yoh!andikhumbuli nokhumbula ukba bathe boyenza ntoni"
she says shrugging.
"Nolunwabo yena?"
"Hhayi andimazi ke lowo" she says going back to whatever she was doing.
Since nobody is around I decide to help out with the baking. My cousin
updates me on her life as we mix and put the first pan in the oven.
"Hawu! Uphi uPrince charming?" She asks.
I feel a knife cut through my heart and I wince in pain. What do I even say to
her? That he will never come because I'm not so special like he pretended to
"Usemsebenzini wethu" I say to her trying to fake a smile.
"Zee are you okay?" She asks holding on to my upper arm.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"You look like you are in pain,you have turned pink" she says.
"I just have a headache nothing major" I say to her certainly lying because the
knife stuck deep in my heart keeps on twisting and twisting until I feel like I
can't breathe.
"Go lay down for a bit,I will take care of this" she says taking the dishcloth
from me and pushing me to the direction of my bedroom.
I do as she says. I take off the apron and throw it on the bed and take off my
shoes as I throw myself on the bed. I pray that sleep washes over me as I
close my eyes but that all fails as all I see is a bloody Mahle laying on the
street in her school uniform.

After a few hours of laying there and staring at the roof my cousin walks in.
"Hey you are up. Nolu is back still want to see her?" She asks.
I nod and get up from the bed. I slip my slippers on and follow her outside.
Nolu is sitting on the stoep with jeans on and no headwrap with a beer in her
"Nolunwabo" I say standing before her.
"Ufuna ntoni Zenande?" She asks not even looking at me.
"What do I want? Nolunwabo how about what that little girl laying in the
mortuary right now deserves? Shouldn't you at least give her that much of
respect? Do you forget that you are her mother? "
She keeps quiet and takes a sip of her beer.
"Stop it! Stop acting like the world owes you and take responsibility of your
life!" I shout hitting the beer out of her hands.
It lands on the ground and spills. She looks at me shocked but doesn't say a
"You are my older sister but here you are acting like a teenager. Your
daughter has just died and you are in jeans going up and down every tavern
you can find! Nolunwabo you are a disgrace to motherhood,you never really
cared about Mahle and right now you are showing us exactly that" I say to her
and walk to the back.
I need some air. My head is pounding. I'm so angry at her,she can be a rebel
whenever she wants but not over this,not over Asemahle. Mahle never got the
opportunity to enjoy time with her mother or receive a mother's love. The least
Nolunwabo could do is pretend like she cares for her. I sit on the lawn and
look up to the sky,it seems cloudy it might rain. I rest my head on my knees
and take deep breaths.
"Are you okay?" I hear my cousin ask.
"Yeah it's just rough that's all"
"She needed to hear that,ever since ndifikile apha she acts like nothing
happened" she says.
I nod my head. I feel bad for venting out on her but I hope I got through that
thick skull of hers. She can't be acting like this mama will have ten times more
stress on her shoulders and that's not good for her.
"Umama ubuyile?" I ask looking at her.
"Jah she is sitting on the mattress" she says.
I nod and make my way to her bedroom. I find her sitting on the mattress with
my aunt and church ladies sitting on chairs.
"Sorry" I say as I turn away.
"Izapha sanalwam" I hear mama say.
She opens her arms for me to hug her,I sit beside her and throw myself in to
her embrace. Immediately when my head rest on her shoulder,I cry.
"Let it all out baby" she says rubbing my back causing me to wail even louder.
I cry so hard until I feel a headache coming over me,my entire face feels hot
and I have snot coming out of my nose. My voice even sounds hoarse. She
lays me on her lap and brushes my back as they continue talking about the
service and stuff. Sleep finally consumes me amidst their conversation and I
give in.

When I wake up looking around it's already sunny outside. It must be midday.
I turn to my side and mama is sitting with her back rested on the wall with a
cup of tea in hand.
"Your dad tells me you haven't slept in days or I would have woken you up a
long time ago" she says.
I laugh at that and she certainly would have.
"What time is it?" I ask sitting up.
"15:00pm now go bath and have something to eat before you help out the
others" she says.
I nod my head and get up going to my room. I take out a long dress and a
headwrap from my suitcase,I take my toiletry bag and go to the bathroom. I
take a quick bath and get dressed. After putting my things back in my room I
head to the dining room.
"Zenande" I hear my mom call out for me.
"Ma?" I say standing by the door.
"I need the house squeaky clean the Zulu family is on their way,prepare the
guestroom and your room" she says.
And where am I going to sleep?
"Hhayibo mna ndiyolalaphi?" I ask pouting causing my aunt and the two
neighbours to laugh.
"Phansi sisi I don't care all I want is that your in laws feel at home" she says.
I look at her and pout even more. Now she is choosing strangers over me how
nice. I let them be and decide to get started on the work. I wonder if Zano will
be coming also.

I should have known better! My mom got up from that mattress and made
sure that every corner is cleaned properly,new curtains and linen,the whole
works. I glance at the time on the clock and it's 19:30pm how nice! My feet
feel sore,my mom is a bulldozer straight. I walk to Mahle's room and close the
door behind me. Everything is exactly how she left it. I sit on her bed and hold
on to her favourite teddy. Her dad bought it for her,it was her first toy. After a
while the door opens,Nolu walks in wearing a long skirt and a doek. She sits
on the corner of the bed and looks straight ahead. I decide to keep quiet. After
a while she finally speaks.
"I failed her. I always wanted to do what makes me happy rather than what
would make her happy. The only form of a mother's love she got is from you
and mama" she says crying.
I sit there frozen on the spot,I have never seen Nolu cry so I don't know what
to do.
"I always envied your relationship with her,I always thought that you hate me
but you treated Mahle just like your own. If you did hate me then you wouldn't
have took Mahle to your extra classes every Saturday when mom was at
work,you wouldn't have made sure that she always has something to eat even
if you were hungry yourself. If you really hated me Zee you wouldn't have
stepped up to be her mother at the age of 15." She says.
Now it's my turn to cry remembering everything. I always got made fun of for
bringing a baby to our Saturday and Sunday classes. They always said that I
was too forward so my mom was punishing me with that baby. They always
said bad stuff but because I loved Mahle so much,it all never broke me. In her
I found comfort.
"I... I'm sorry Zee please forgive me" she says sobbing.
I slide to where she is sitting and I lay her head on my lap rubbing her back
smoothly as she cries to her hearts content. She needs this she needs to let it
all go she has been holding on to these feelings for so long.
"I forgave you a long time ago big sis. I love you" I say resting my head on her
She sobs even louder but sits up to hug me. Now I'm sure that my sister is
"Uthandwa ndim mtakamama" she whispers.
We stay in each other's embrace until we both calm down.
"I want to go to rehab" she says after a while.
I nod my head at her. Looking up I see my mom standing by the doorway with
tears streaming down her face,Nolu looks to my direction and her crying starts
afresh seeing mama. Mama sits besides her and they cry hugging each other.
I get up and let them be because they have a lot to talk about. And I have had
my fair share of crying I can't do this anymore. I go to my bedroom and take
two sleeping pills from my drawer. I go to the kitchen and fill a glass with water
and stir in the pills with sugar. Nolunwabo needs to sleep you can tell from her
face that she hasn't been sleeping at all that's why she was resorting to
"Don't you want to greet your in laws?" My cousin asks.
"Yeah they are in the sitting room I just served them dinner" she says showing
me the tray.
"Okay I'm coming" I say walking to Mahle's room.
I find them now laughing over Mahle's tantrums. I look at mom and she nods.
"Sis you should drink this,it will help calm you down" I say handing her the
She looks at it for a while.
"Sugar solution?" She asks surprised but takes it and finishes it at one go then
she hands me back the glass.
"Okay I have to go my in laws are here" I say walking to the door.
"Ndiyeza give me a minute" mama says.
I nod at her and go to the kitchen. I rinse the glass and put it in its place after
drying it. I wonder who is here,is Zano here? I would really like it if he was
here just seeing him will make everything feel better.

After a while I walk to the sitting room. I'm greeted by bear hugs from Enhle
and gogo first making me smile.
"Sanibonani" I greet looking around.
There is the chief himself,gogo,Enhle,Mamkhulu,Phephelo and Siyanda. My
smile falters at not seeing Zano but I have to keep going. Baba gets up and
hugs me.
"Ungakhathazeki ndondakazi sinawe" he says to me.
I nod my head with glassy eyes as they all take turns in hugging me. We sit
and they tell me about how the project back home has helped the village. It's
nice to receive some good news. My mom walks in with a bowl.
"I really don't understand how you can go the entire day without eating Karina"
she says handing me the bowl of pap and amasi.
I thank her and look down out of guilt. I play around with the food as I listen to
them catch up.
"Princessipessa eat" I hear my dad say.
What's with these two ganging up on me?
"Okay okay okay" I say inserting a spoonful into my mouth and Enhle laughs.
We catch up for a while until gogo says she is tired. I show them to their
rooms Mamkhulu and gogo share the guest room and I share my bedroom
with Enhle. The men all drive to the nearest guesthouse where my dad also
stays,they will be back in the morning for the final arrangements. Enhle is
already asleep so I go check on Nolu and she is fast asleep in Mahle's room,I
cover her with a blanket and switch off the lights. I check the time on my
phone and it's 01:00am. I make my way to the kitchen to grab water and I sit
on the chair. Zano really doesn't care. I take my phone and dial his numbers,I
don't care anymore I just need to hear his voice. He picks up just as I am
about to hang up.
"Hello" he says a bit out of breath.
He was working out,he always does that when he is stressed. I can imagine
his perfect body covered in sweat. Why did I have to love you huh? I ask
"Sphesihle?" he says.
And I can't help sniff back the tears that threaten to come out. I hear him sigh
probably massaging his forehead.
"You know I can hear you breathing right?" He says.
I smile and nod my head.
"Kwenzakalani mama?" He asks a lot gentle and that just let's my tears fall. I
cry silently covering my mouth making sure that he doesn't hear me.
"Ngiyazi ukuthi uyakhala Sphesihle,your breathing has changed" he says.
Making me smile sadly. How can you know me this much and still break my
heart so bad? I say to myself.
"Mama I need you to get some rest,I can never be okay when you are not.
You have to calm down and try to sleep Sthandwa sami" he says.
My heart skips a beat and a smile plasters on my face automatically. They
were all right there is something wrong going on because right now this is my
"Goodnight mama" he says and I hang up.
I smile as I walk to my bedroom that made me feel a bit better. I honestly miss
him so much. I want everything between us back to normal life is too short to
be pretending like we don't care. I need my Zano back. Maybe I should tell
gogo maybe she can help up,I think to myself as I get into bed

Gogo and Enhle have been helping out like they are not royalty at all. My
mom has taken it upon herself to be the one that cooks for them because
Nolu is now sitting on the mattress for her daughter. I'm out here serving
people tea with scones,a lot of people were touched by Mahle's death,it made
the community realize that we live with cruel people. The chief,my dad and
uncle went out to get more groceries before the ladies come later on to peel
the veggies. Mamkhulu is baking again because we are out of scones and my
two best friends who arrived with Diego two hours ago are washing the dishes
at the back. After handing out the tea and scones I head back to the house. I
feel a bit light headed so I lose my stepping. I feel arms wrap around me.
"Hey hey take a seat. Come" Aya says moving towards a chair.
He takes the tray from me and bends to my height.
"Are you okay?" He asks cupping my cheek.
I nod my head,I need to eat something.
"Please tell Buhle to bring me umbhubhudlo and a scone" I say almost out of
When I don't eat for a long period of time this is how I get,since from
childhood. He takes advantage of my situation and kisses my forehead before
he heads inside.
I sit there for a bit swearing at him silently,he comes out with a glass of sugar
water and a plate of scones and Buhle hurrying after him.
"Let me do that" Buhle says trying to take them from him.
"Drink up Zee" he says holding the glass to my lips,I do as I'm told and drink it
halfway through.
"Thanks" I say to Aya taking the glass and plate from him.
I now have my strength back. I look at Buhle and she is frozen on the spot
looking at the direction of the gate. I turn back and Zano is standing there in
black jeans,a black t-shirt,a maroon blazer and sneakers. His hands are
buried deep into his pockets. Looking at us. I look back at Aya and he is
smiling,He must have seen him that's why he did all of this. He walks to us.
"Please don't do anything stupid" I silently pray to myself.
"Buhle ngicela utshele umama ukuthi sengifikile" he says to Buhle.
Buhle looks at me and nods. She takes the glass and plate and goes inside.
Zano and Aya are starring at each other over my head,I stand up,i can't have
a repeat of the last time.
"Can we go inside?" I ask Zano.
He looks at me and then back to Aya.
"Ukhuluma nami noma isoka lakho?" He asks.
"Its not what you think honestly" I say.
He looks at me and turns to leave.
"I have a few minutes to spare before we leave noMama" he says walking
I make a move to follow him but Aya grabs my arm.
"Don't go after him" He says.
The nerve this guy has! Just because I'm nice to him for a minute he thinks
that he has some kind of power over me.
"Ndiyeke Ayabulela that's my husband right there. Just because you saw us in
the middle of a fight the other night that does not give you any right to tell me
what I can or cannot do,at the end of the day he will always be my husband
not you,ukukhumbule loko" I say pulling my arm away from his grip and going
after Zano.

I find him leaning on his car the G63,typing away on his phone. When i
approach him he looks up at me and then back to his phone. Okay I guess I
should do the talking.
"Zanothando what's wrong with you?" I say.
He looks at me and slides the phone into his pocket.
"What's wrong with me when you are busy with other men?" He asks putting
his hands into his pockets.
"Undishiyile don't you remember that? Apparently I was just a duty to you so
why should me being with other men concern you?"
"Ngikushiye nini manje? Is that your excuse for cheating on me?"
"Don't play dumb please!"
"Kahle kahle Zenande uthini?" He asks.
Ouch that hurts! I'm being called by my government name now.
"Don't you remember telling me that you don't love me? That this whole thing
was an act? That I don't know you and I never will? That you only belong with
Dudu and I shouldn't even dream of you?" I ask with my voice cracking
towards the end as tears come to play.
It hurts talking about it because it takes me back to the very moment all of this
happened. He looks at me shocked.
"Kwenzeka nini loko? Sphesihle I don't remember fighting or saying any of
those words to you,all I remember is that Diego told me that there was a night
I was in pretty bad shape,he thinks I had a fight with you. Dudu even
confirmed that when she bumped into you at the mall and you told her to keep
me on a leash,I called you but apparently you blocked me. So tshela mina
sikubizani loko?" He says wiping his face with his one hand.
I'm left dumbstruck. I reach for my phone from the apron pocket and check if
his numbers are blocked and he is right,he is blocked. I never bumped into
Dudu. Did she drug him that night? She has turned Zano in to a puppet,what
about his family? I see him turn blurry it's because of the tears,I went through
so much and he doesn't even remember. He pulls me into his arms and hugs
me tight. I missed this,I missed his touch and his scent. I cry even louder as
he brushes my head.
"Ngiyaxolisa mama,I know finding out that Fikile is pregnant hurt you" he says.
I pull away from his embrace and look at him. Gawd I need strength! Yes that
hurt but a little compared to you not loving me!
"But do you really want to throw all of this away because of that?" He asks
cupping my face.
I shake my head crying even louder. He looks at me and smiles as he hugs
me again kissing my forehead. I feel all the tension leave my body as I cry into
his chest. He let's me cry until my voice becomes hoarse and only now do I
feel relieved. I no longer feel like I'm carrying a dead weight on my shoulders.
He passes me a tissue from his car and I wipe my tears away and blow my
"Buka sewuPink manje" he says laughing.
I can't help but laugh,I missed his silly self. I look at him and he looks like a
walking zombie. He needs help.
"I need you to do something for me" I say.
He looks at me and nods his head encouraging me to go on.
"Ngicela siyobona uCele"
He looks at me for a while and then sighs.
"Okay ke nami ngicela ungenzele something" he says.
It's my turn to smile and nod at him to continue.
"Hlukana noGcinisa" he says with no emotion.
How does he know his surname? Does that mean they know each other? It
takes me back to what Aya said when he gave me his business card,he said
there is a lot of stuff I don't know about him. Are they enemies?
"I promise" I say.
He smiles and pulls me in for a side hug.
"Hhayibo estratweni pho!" Mama says walking up to Zano.
She pushes me to the side and gives him a hug. My jaw drops.
"Uright mkhwenyana wami?" She asks looking at him from top to bottom.
My jaw drops even lower. This woman! Zano sees my reaction and laughs.
"Hheyi wena hhambo biza uTata kaMahle tell him its time to leave" she says
to me.
"Niyaphi mama?" I ask.
Something is fishy here.
"So now I have to report my every move to you?" She clapsback.
I'm not buying this.
"Mama I'm not five. Niyaphi? Every errand that we had is now checked off the
She looks at me and then to Zano who raises both his hands gesturing "I don't
know" with a smile.
"Yoh! I will call him myself!" My mom says stomping her way back in to the
"Myeni wami niyaphi?" I ask Zano.
"Woza la" he says pulling me closer to him.
"I found the man who ran our angel over so I'm handing him into police
custody and since your brother in law is a cop he wanted to be there to see
the man who killed his daughter" he says looking into my eyes.
I nod my head. Thank Gawd justice will now be served for my baby. He just
said "Our angel" like he considered her as his daughter also,I love this man.
"I love you" I say to him.
He smiles and hugs me.
"I missed hearing that mpilo yami" he says into my doek.
"Okay let's go" mama says getting into the car.
I look at both of the men saying "goodluck with her" with my eyes and they
laugh while they get in.
"Sphesihle" I hear Zano call out as I turn to leave.
I turn back to him with a smile.
"Please eat" he says giving me an intimidating look.
I smile and nod at him as he pulls on to the street and drives away.

I walk over to my dad and Diego and tell them what Nolu said about wanting
to go to rehab. Dad offers to take her to one in Italy because he thinks the
vacation will do her better then she will decide what she wants to do after that.
We talk for a while before I head inside to tell Nolu the great news. I find her
sitting on the mattress.
"Hey sis" I say sitting next to her.
"Hey ubuyaphi unuka iCologne" she says covering her nose with her fingers.
I laugh at her and push her a bit causing her to laugh.
"Let's eat" she says putting a tray with two sandwiches on her lap.
I smile at her and take one. This hurts. We could have been like this before
Mahle died but she is looking down on us with a smile on her face now.
"Papi said if you want he could take you to a rehab center back in Italy,he
thought that you would like a break from this place" I say.
She looks at me and smiles sadly.
"Thank you. Your dad is a good man"
"You know he is our dad right? And everything you decide to do after that we
will support you fully" I say to her.
She smiles and nods her head. I sit with her for a while and leave her with the
church ladies when they arrive. I bump into Mamkhulu in the dining room.
"Ma" I say to her.
"Sphe uright?" She asks.
I look around,the house is filled with people since tomorrow is the day of the
funeral,all the family members are now here.
"Can we talk outside?"
"Hhayibo! Asambe" she says heading out.
I follow her to a corner outside because the entire yard is busy with people.
"Kwenzakalani?" She asks.
"ULwandle Ma" I say
"Khuluma Sphesihle" she says curiously,there is worry written all over her
Okay here goes nothing! I tell her about everything that has happened
between me and him. I tell her about what I think Is wrong with Zano and by
the end of my confession she gasps clapping her hands once.
"Ngiyak'vuma Sphesihle uyafihla shame!" She says.
I look down in embarrassment.
"Kodwa uyakhumbula ngaktshela ngaye umnakwenu?"
I nod my head.
"Uqinisile kufanele niyekuCele. Mina ngicabanga nokuthi akekho mithi loya"
she says.
"She is pregnant Ma i saw it in a vision"
"Yiphi iVision Sphesihle?"
I tell her about the last vision that i had,every thing that happened in detail and
what Cele told me about it.
"Uyabona ukuthi that vision is what is happening right now?" I nod my head.
"Kusho ukuthi uLwandle uyalandela unless we expose Fikile" she says.
"How are we going to do that? Ksasa uLwandle angavuka angijikele Ma" I
"Ngane yami noma bangathi umuthi ustrong kangakanani okusalayo ukuthi
angeke wahlula uthando. Muthi kept him away for this long but his heart
knowing that you are here hurting brought him to you" she says.
I smile at that and nod my head.
"Ungacabangi kakhulu iyekele kumina le,wena focus on burying Mahle and
being there for the family ungakhathazeki ngaloya mthakathi" she says
hugging me.
"Sisi!" Enhle shouts.
"Hhayi wena uraselani kusemngcwabeni lana hhayi eTarven" Mamkhulu
scolds her.
"Sorry" she says looking down.
"Labo mama basemuva bathi ngikubize" she says to me.
"Ithi ngiyohlala noNolu sizokhuluma angisho?" She says going back inside.
I nod my head and hold Enhle's hand as she leads me to the ladies.
"After this you go back inside and take a bath okay? You have done enough
for the day" I say to her.
She nods her head and hugs me. Ma's kids are truly adorable. She shows me
the ladies and then goes back inside. It's now getting dark so they are done
with the peeling they want to know the details for the burial tomorrow. I'm still
in denial,Mahle can't be gone but little by little I see that she has fulfilled her
purpose on this earth.

The service was very emotional,everybody was in tears. I didn't see Zano last
night when he brought mom back but I saw him at the burial site before I
started comforting everyone. I stand over her grave,It's so little.
"I can't believe you are gone Mahle kaNande" I say sinking to my knees.
"We still had to wear matching outfits best friend,you still had to be a doctor
and now you are gone...." I break of crying my eyes out with my head bowed
A breeze washes over me. I look up to her tombstone it's written

Asemahle Nozipho Nododile rest in peace angel.

I kiss my fingers and put them on the tombstone.

"I will always love you baby" I say getting up.
Mamkhulu was right this is exactly what I saw in my vision,so help me Gawd
that I can expose Dudu because in all honesty I won't survive losing Zano. My
knees feel weak.
"Hey sis come on let's go" I hear Diego say behind me.
He snakes his arm around me and helps me walk to the car. It's never easy
burying someone that you love,you always go back to the words you left
unsaid,the memories to be made that were left untouched. I wipe my tears
with Diego's handkerchief which he offered to me. We drive back home in
complete silence,everybody is dealing with their own grief.

It was nice having a lot of people around because they make you forgot about
your sorrows for a while. I'm truly grateful to have in-laws like mine,they went
all out for me. It's true when a girl gets married,two families become one and
in my case three families are now one big family. The Zulu family has left,I
didn't see Zano after the funeral but Phephelo assured me that he is still
around. The family members are also making their exits one by one. I look at
them go back to their lives as I sit on the stoep,the very stoep where I used to
sit with Mahle and play with her waiting for mama to come back home. My
heart bleeds for Nolu she never got any time with her daughter but I hope she
uses this as motivation to turn her life around and be a better person for her
now angel.
"Ucinga ntoni?" Nolu asks sitting next to me on the stoep.
"Thinking of how I'm going to continue with life" I say.
"Don't let grief hold you back sis. You got out there and live your best
life,reach heights you never even dreamed of. I never told you but I'm proud of
all that you have accomplished at your age and I mean you even got married
at the age of 21" we laugh at the last part.
Nolu is a great person without alcohol,I hope and pray that she is serious
about changing her life.
"Ndiyabulela mtakamama it means a lot coming from you" I say to her.
She smiles and nods her head. We stay there in silence for a while watching
the sunset.
"I spoke to your dad,I'm leaving after the 10 days,he has already made
arrangements for everything" she says.
I smile at her and nod my head.
"I will come visit when I can I promise but right now I still have a lot of marital
issues to sort out and I don't even know where to start" I say looking at her.
"I don't much about marriage,I mean I have never been married" we both
laugh at that.
"But one thing I know is that he loves you,you can see it in his eyes and the
way he talks to you. If you believe in the love that you share,you will find
motivation to fight each and every battle that comes your way" she says
looking in the direction of the gate.
I follow her eyes and there he is leaning on his car looking at us. I smile at the
sight of him.
"Let me go keep mama company before she hijacks him" she says getting up
from the stoep and walks inside.
I laugh at her and walk to the gate.
"Waze wamuhle umuntu" he says smiling at me.
I blush and look to the side. I'm going to fight for you,nothing will happen to
you I think to myself as he pulls me in for a hug. We stay in each other's
embrace for a while,just me soaking in his strong cologne and being
comforted by his presence.
"I found Duduzani" he whispers.
I look at him in the eye still in his arms. So he exists!
"What happens now?"
"Found him in Tanzania but my team will be shipping him back next week. He
tried being a drug dealer but that backfired on him because he stepped on the
wrong toes" he says squeezing my hands.
"How do you feel about this?" I ask smothering my body against his.
"Angazi sthandwa sami I just want this over and done with so you can marry
me officially" he says squeezing me tight.
I laugh at him.
"Okay then we need to go to Cele maybe there is a message from the
ancestors as well"
"I don't want you slacking behind in school,going to KZN will mean being
absent for a day or two and you have already lost too much time as is" he
says moving me from his chest and cupping my face with both his hands.
If only you knew how important this visit is. But I have to admit he is right,I
need to catch up for a bit.
"Okay the following weekend we leave on Friday after my classes" I say to
He smiles and nods his head.
"But Love can you not tell mnaks about this?" I say giving him puppy eyes.
He raises a brow.
"Why? Ngizothini mina manje kuFikile ngihamba iWeekend yonke?" He asks.
"Just tell her you have a deal to sort out that's all" I say shrugging.
I couldn't careless what she thinks but right now I need to be careful.
"Sphesihle are you dragging me to KZN so you could leave me? Do you want
out?" He asks hurt clearly visible in his eyes.
"What? No! I just don't mnaks stressing,she is pregnant after all that's why" I
say cupping his face and standing on my toes.
"I love you Mr Zulu I'm this for life,you are stuck with me for eternity" I say
placing a kiss on his lips.
He smiles and kisses me slowly making sure he drowns me in his love for me.
"Keep on doing that and it will be hard for me to stay away from you" he says
when we pull away.
That makes me to bite my lower lip in hopes to stop the smile threading my
face. We are not allowed to get intimate until the ten days has passed. As
much as I miss him,I cannot have him. I close my eyes trying to lose the
images of him naked hovering over me,placing kisses all over my body,his
hands playing with my boobs.
"Sphesihle" he says.
I quickly open my eyes and look at him. He seems amused very happy with
himself. I blush and look down.
"Woza la" he says smothering himself against me.
I feel his hard self on my lower abdomen. I look up at him and he gives me a
naughty smile,I blush and look away.
"I see you and your sister are on speaking terms now" he says after a while.
"Yeah I guess you could say ironed our shxt out" I say and he laughs softly.
"I'm glad you did now she can help you plan the wedding" he says.
I smile at him. He has been throwing hints of getting married and I just don't
feel comfortable about it before Dudu is sorted out. I nod my head and keep
quiet. He looks at me for a while,studying my face and nods.
"Okay" he says moving me back.
He turns and opens the car door he takes out two plastics and four boxes of
pizza stacked on each other. I widen my eyes at him.
"These are not yours let me go give my mother-in-law these. I have a long
way to drive" he says laughing and walking past me.
He said what now? I follow him closely behind. My mom now orders from my
husband and knowing she isn't even going to give me a thing. I open the door
for him and stand there still shocked,he let's me be and walks to the dining
area. I hear laughter and chatter so I take a peek. Zano is making jokes and
both Nolu and Mama are laughing like crazy. My mom spots me.
"Zenande khawunike umkhwenyana iGlass th sisele iDrink" she says.
Zano looks at me and shakes his head. I ask him why with my eyes and he
gestures to me the time. I nod my head.
"Mama uZano kufanele ahhambe,he is driving back to Joburg and it's getting
late" I say to her.
Nolu looks at me and smiles. She saw our little exchange with Zano. I smile
back at her and look down.
"Uqinisile mama umkami kumele ngibe yindlela bengizovalelisa" he says
getting up.
My mom gets up and hugs him.
"Kukokwenu apha sanalwam come visit your mother at anytime and thank you
for these,omnye usisi is getting nothing" she says.
We all laugh at that. The sad part is that she is not joking. He hugs Nolu and
then bids them goodbye.
"Zenande don't forget to lock the gate!"
My shouts as we walk out. I hold Zano's hand as I walk back to his car.
"Thank you" I say to him as we reach his car.
"You heard her she is also my mom" he says laughing softly but I can see
what he truly feels in his eyes. He has found somebody to call a mother. I kiss
him briefly to distract him for thinking a lot.
"Ngaphika nawe angeke ngihambe yazi?" He says moving his hands to my
butt and squeezes. I laugh and move out of his hold. He laughs also when
tries to pull me back and I jump away. He opens the driver's door and takes
something from the passenger seat.
"I know you are not a big fan of pizza so I got you this" he says passing me a
Mac Donald's bag.
I look at him and smile. I perk inside there is two of each,a
wrap,burger,muffin,a salad and a slice of chocolate cake. I love this man!
"Thank you" I say pecking his lips.
He laughs and gets inside the car.
"Goodnight sthandwa sami" he says starting the ignition.
"Call me" I say as I walk back to the gate in reverse.
He let's out a chuckle at that.
"So I have been unblocked?" He asks.
I look down and nod my head. Maybe I blocked him when I was drunk.
"Okay mama" he says.
He waits for me to get inside and lock the gate before he drives off.

When I get inside Nolu and Mama are already digging in to the pizza.
"There is bread in the cupboard" she says and I laugh.
"Uzogula you shouldn't be eating so much junk" I say taking a seat on the
couch next to Nolu.
"Woooo shame umona sisi because sithandwa ngoMkhwenyana thina? I
didn't even ask him. The time he brought me home izolo I told him maybe I
should get pizza but we were running out time so we didn't. He asked me after
the funeral what kind of pizza I would like and then booom! Siyathandwa
thina." She says laughing.
We laugh at that. That's my husband right there. I won't lie in a bit nervous
that he is going back to Dudu but I hope he listens to me and doesn't tell her
about anything.
"Vula phela sbone" Nolu says tugging at my bag while stuffing pizza into her
"Hhayi sisi asoze!" I say getting up from the couch.
"Ukhohlakele ke wena" my mom says laughing.
"Goodnight zithandwa zikaBae" I say going to my room.
Nolu laughs even harder as my mom looks at me and rolls her eyes. It's nice
seeing her so carefree around us.
"Mahle my baby you brought your mom back to us my angel,you gave me
back a sister I never had. Rest in peace nana you played your part" I say to
myself as I close my bedroom door.

It's been a long and terrible week for me. Catching up, a whole lot of
research,work,grief and my marriage have been stressing me out. I look like a
walking zombie,I haven't been sleeping well. I haven't seen Zano since I got
back but I find comfort in the fact that he calls me every morning,that's better
than nothing. My last class got canceled so to push time I decided to make
dumpling and beef stew for Zano. I just finished bathing so I put on my long
black skirt,a white long sleeve t-shirt and a head wrap. I wear my converse
sneakers and take my duffel bag to the kitchen. My phone beeps,it's a
message from Zano.
"Sthandwa sami I'm stuck in a meeting" the text reads.
That gives me an idea I will drive to his workplace. I dish up the food for him in
a Tupperware container,take an apple and a bottle of water and put it my
lunch bag. I'm sure he didn't have time to eat. I just hope that he packed his
stuff when he left for work in the morning because I can't do that for him
unfortunately. Rea and Buhle won't have to cook tonight,there is plenty of food
left over. I take my stuff and head downstairs.

The security team let's me through without a hassle and then the receptionist
decides to give me problems.
"As I said Miss,he is still in a very important meeting" she says batting her
fake lashes.
Oh! How I wish I could scream my frustrations out right now or better yet
remove that wig from her head with a slap.
"Okay I will take a seat please let him know that Sphesihle is here to see him"
I say giving in to her trying my very best not to show her my anger.
"Don't hold your breath he doesn't entertain people without appointments" I
hear her say as I take a seat on the couch,I silently pray to God for
understanding because this fake Barbie is dancing on my last nerve.
I check my phone and it's off. Great! My day went from bad to worse. I browse
through the outdated magazine on the table and after a long while I hear
Zano's laughter. I look up and there he is in a navy blue suit that looks like it
was made for him,he is with a group of men whom I assume were also in the
meeting. I stand up and make my way to him.
"Hey Miss don't..." I hear miss fake lashes call out as I cross the foyer to
Zano. Let her try me one more time and I will get arrested for teaching her
Before I even make it to him,he looks in my direction and smiles.
"Gentlemen I would like you to meet my wife Zenande" he says to the men.
They all turn to me and for a moment I feel embarrassed,I'm not feeling at my
best today and the clothes I'm wearing also,I feel like I'm his maid rather than
a wife.
"Wow! Truly an honour to meet you Mrs Zulu" one says cheerily seeming very
happy to meet me.
That sets me at ease. I smile and shake their hands.
"You should definitely bring her to the launch" the other man says.
I smile and look down. I know very well that my husband doesn't play those
"Gentlemen as I said I'm late and my wife here doesn't like driving at night,we
will talk on Monday." Zano says putting his hand on the smaller part of my
back and we lead them out.

"Why were you sitting here don't you know where my office is?" He asks
"Your receptionist said that you are in a meeting and that you don't see people
without appointments." I say batting my lashes like her.
He chuckles at that and nods his head.
"Khanyisile! This my wife Zenande,whether I'm busy or not send her up to my
office with or without an appointment,if I find her sitting the way she was then
consider yourself fired siyezwana?" He says not even smiling at her.
I see her eyes widen and she gulps a bit. Serves her right. She nods and
bows her head.
"Uyathandaza yini? Ngithe siyezwana?" Zano asks firmly.
"Yes Mr Zulu it will never happen again. I'm so sorry mam I didn't know" she
says looking remorseful.
I nod my head and give her a little smile. I accompany Zano upstairs to get his
stuff and we make our way downstairs.
"You came with your car?" He asks as we walk to his private parking space.
I nod my head at him. He leads the way to his grayish Brabus GLS 63! I
scream bouncing from foot to foot. Where does this man get these cars? He
"Give me your car keys" he says after unlocking the car and putting his things
in the back.
I give them to him and he fetches my car to park it here,he says I will fetch it
here on Sunday when we get back. I couldn't care less I want to drive this
baby of his. He has a thing for matte black interiors that's his signature style. I
take out the lunch bag and duffel bag from my car and lock it. He opens the
passenger door for me.
"Hhayibo Love I'm driving. I'm pretty sure you didn't eat anything so i made
you dumpling and beef stew" I say giving him the lunch bag.
He smiles and shakes his head.
"I can eat real quick and then we can leave" he says.
This man and ruining my plans! He is doing it on purpose.
"Love we are already late and I don't want you choking on your food letha" I
say taking the key from his hand.
He laughs at that and gets in.
"You just wanted to drive my car" he says unpacking his lunch which luckily is
still warm as I start the ignition.
I laugh at that. As I play Please Mr by Shekinah softly.

He let me drive for only two hours! What a bore! He played me some of his
favourite songs and he told me about the launch that will be happening in a
few months. And also that in a month or so he will be leaving for Australia.
That hurt a bit but I'm so proud of him,Both his club and restaurant are now all
over the world. To top that off,NoZulu tradings is following in the same
direction,the launch is all about launching it in Egypt! I'm really proud of him.
He tells me about my boutique's progress and as a business head gives me a
few pointers on what to do,I listen very attentively and take notes mentally. I
still haven't told him that im trying my hand in designing,I want to surprise him.
Which makes me even more motivated to get back into finishing those
designs. We were bonding just fine until Dudu called,they spoke for so long
that I ended up falling asleep. I mean she is only three months pregnant why
so much complaining? Honestly!

"Vuka mama" I hear Zano say while shaking me awake.

I look around we are parked outside Cele's house,it's already dark outside.
This is it,I can feel my stomach turning. I look at him and he is smiling at me.
That makes me forget about my worries for a minute and I blush looking
"Have I ever told you that umuhle noma uvuka?" He says turning my head to
face him.
Nice! Now I'm sure I look like a tomato. Great move dear Husband! I nod my
head at him,every time he wakes up next to me that's what he always says.
No matter how many times I hear it,every time he tells me it makes me feel
like the first time he ever did. He distracts me from my thoughts with a kiss,I
turn it into a passionate one and after a minute he breaks it with a smile.
"Let's get this done first" he says laughing softly and stepping out of the car.
"Only if you knew how much I need a distraction right now" I say to myself
with a sigh and fix my headwrap.
When we get into the hut,Cele is already in his place. So we take a seat
across him.
"Kwenzakalani?" He asks looking at me with gritted teeth.
It's now or never,I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. I tell him about
everything that has happened ever since the year started and when Zano
dumped me,how he behaves and how Dudu also behaves. By the time I'm
done tears are rolling down my face and Zano is looking at me totally
emotionless. Cele let's out a loud groan.
"Waze wayidala inkinga mfana!" Cele says to Zano.
"Waze wayilanda inyoka wayifaka endlini,buka manje!" He says groaning
even louder.
"Awukamthathi uSphesihle ngokuphelele kodwa leya ntombazane
seyikhulelwe? Uphaphile!" He says gritting his teeth as if in pain.
"Igama lakho libiziwa ngemithi,uhamba nje uyinto yokudlala ngoba ubanjwe
ngemithi. Umndeni wakho uhlaselwa ngawe ukuwa kweNkosi kukuwe" Cele
says searching through his herbs.
"Kuzofanele uphalaze futhi ngikugeze. Nawe futhi" he says standing up.
"Woza mfana ngaphambi kokuthi lo mthakathi abone ukuthi ulana" he says as
he walks out.
Zano looks lost but stands up and follows him out. So this means that Dudu
knows his every move? And she really is pregnant with his child.Great! We
are stuck with her forever. I hate this i really do. How is the king involved in
After an hour or two Cele comes back with a weak looking Zano. I move to get
up and help him with Zano but Cele shakes his head signaling for me to sit
down while he places Zano on the grass mat. It hurts seeing him so weak,that
woman will know me very well.
"Wenze kahle wamletha kusese neskhathi,bamfuna afile" Cele says.
My breath hitches. They? How many people are actually after him?
"Makhosi what do we do now?" I ask weakly.
"Kufanele abuye futhi ksasa ngizomqinisa,imithi yaleya ntombazane angeke
isamenza lutho manje. Okunye okufanele akwenze ukuthi angahlali naleya
ntombazane angakamthathi ngokuphelele nje ngawe. Ngokuqhubeka benze
njalo babeka impilo yengane engakazalwa engcupheni" Cele says.
"Emuva kwaloku usazomthatha?" I ask confused.
"Izingane zasebukhosini azikhuleli ngaphandle" he says firmly.
Great! Just Great! Now I really don't want to get married to him. I'm basically
stuck with a witch.
"Njengoba umbulali weNdlovukazi atholakele kuningi okuzovela. Kudingeke
ukuthi ungavumeli uLwandle aholwe ubuhlungu kanye nentukuthelo
I nod my head. I'm so tired of all of this. He gives me a few herbs to burn
tonight and then he helps me get Zano to the car. We put him in the backseat
and we cover him with a throw borrowed from Mrs Cele. He closes the door
as i head to the driver's side.
"Noma kwenzakalani ungami endleleni futhi ungalinge ubheke emuva.
Uyibhekise straight ebukhosini futhi ungakhulumisi muntu ngaphambi kokuthi
ukhulumise inkosi siyezwana?" He says looking scary.
I think it's already midnight and this isn't helping now I feel scared. It's like I'm
stuck in a horror movie. I nod my head at him and he closes the door for me.
As I start the ignition Mrs Cele gives me an encouraging weak smile. That's
the confirmation I need,my life is a big mess.

I drive slowly through the gravel road,careful not to hurt Zano since he is
sleeping and I can't look back at him to check if he is okay. I don't know of any
21 year old that goes through this,people my age are worried about the club
and outfits for specific events,not this thing I call a life. Something like a
shadow appears out of nowhere crossing the street,I try driving past it but I hit
it. I think it's a person,I bright the lights and my jaw drops and the hair on my
skin stands. It's a woman in all her naked glory,she quickly gets up and looks
at the car,I almost stop but I remember what Cele said and step on the
accelerator,the look on her face scares me. Now my heart is beating out of my
chest,I don't know if that thing is following me or not. I say a little prayer,I hope
God hears me out after I neglected him for so many months. In the blink of an
eye I pull up to the royal house gates,the security guard on duty checks and
sees that it's me and let's me through without a word. I park in the driveway,as
the adrenaline leaves my body I start crying. Why me? Why do I have to deal
with all of this? Everything is hitting me all at once and I'm afraid I'm losing. I
get out of the car and make my way to the house. Nobody knew that we are
coming so I have to knock. I wait out there for a few minutes until Gogo opens
the door.
"Hhayibo Sphesihle yini?" She asks shocked.
I almost tell her then I remember what Cele said making me to cry silently
even more. I step inside and stand by the stairs.
"Sphesihle?" Gogo calls out.
I silently pray that Baba shows up. Mamkhulu and Enhle make their way
"And then?" Enhle asks rubbing the sleep off her eyes.
"Since angenile lana akakhulumi" Gogo tells them.
"Hhayibo Sphe yini inkinga sisi?" Mamkhulu tries.
At that very moment baba appears walking down the stairs I run up to him
meeting him halfway. I hug him thankful that he is here.
"Baba ngicela ungisize ngoZano emotweni" I say in between sobs.
He looks at me puzzled,everybody is looking at me like I ran away from a
mental hospital. He nods and follows me as I rush to the car. He helps me
balance him as we take him to my room. I open the door and he places him
on the bed.
"Kwenzakalani makoti?" He asks sitting on the couch.
I explain everything to him as I take Zano's clothes off and tuck him into bed.
He seems really cold so I add an extra blanket and switch on the heater.
When I'm done he looks at me wide eyed not believing that this is real.
"UCele said I should talk to you first and that ukuwa kwakho is on Zano
maybe yena he could explain to you" I say.
"You look tired get some sleep,sizokhuluma ekseni" he says brushing my
back and gets out.
I get up from the bed and burn the herbs that Cele said I should then I change
into pyjamas and get into bed. I check the time and it's already 03:30am. I
look at Zano and he is sleeping peacefully,I kiss his forehead and close my
eyes begging for sleep to kidnap me. I dream of the woman that I hit,how she
looked at me,like she hates me through out my sleep.

I move my hand to Zano's side of the bed and it's empty. Everything that
happened last night comes back in waves and I jump from the bed. I check for
him in the bathroom and he isn't there,I'm starting to panic now. I get out of
my room in search of him. I quickly make my way down the stairs and I bump
into one of the ladies that help around.
"Hey... sisi have you seen Zanothando?" She shakes her head indicating no.
I walk past her and head straight to the door,the guards must know
"Sphesihle!" I hear Gogo call out.
I turn back to her.
"Zano Gogo?" I ask now in tears.
"Ukhona sisi ungakhali" she says hugging me.
I should be relieved but I'm not,what if he is back to hating me? I cry even
louder at that thought.
"Sphesihle?" I hear Zano call out.
I pull away from Gogo and there he is. In his black jogger pants and a grey
hoodie. I look around and there is Enhle,Zotha,Phephelo,Anele,Mamkhulu
and Baba. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. It hits me that im
standing here in my pyjamas and I'm completely barefoot.
"Ngiyaxolisa i-" I say trying to get away since my voice is cracking.
Zano hugs me and my body relaxes.

"You see he?doesn't hate you" my subconscious mocks me.

He picks me up bridal style all the way to my room. He puts me on the bed
and crouches between my legs.
"UBaba ungitshelile ngaloku okwenzekile"(Dad told me about what happened)
he says looking deep into my eyes.
"Ungakhathazeki ngiRight manje and ngiyabonga mama ngabe angikho lana
namhlanje ngaphandle kwakho"(Don't worry mommy I'm alright now all thanks
to you,I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you) he says squeezing my
"Kumele ubuyele kuCele futhi"(You are supposed to pay Cele a visit again) I
"Ngizohamba nobaba noPhephelo ngidinga ukuthi uphumule"(I will go with
dad and Phephelo I need you to get some rest) he says getting up from his
crouching position.
"No Zano I can't ngilinde ngigeze ngihamba nani"(...wait for me to bath so I
can't go with you) I say getting up from the bed.
He holds me firmly by my waist and kisses the life out of me. Instantly I can
feel how hard he is on my abdomen. His hands move to my thighs and he
picks me up gently,slowly placing me on the bed while he leaves a chain of
wet kisses down my neck down to my breasts. I bend my neck to the side to
give him more working space,my body immediately responds to him. He takes
my pyjama top off and goes back to kissing me,now it's all out of
hunger,telling me how much he wants me. I pull his hoodie off as he pulls my
pants together with my panties off. He stands up and takes his pants off
together with his briefs. It's like all of these clothes can't get off quick enough.
"Do you have condoms lana?" He asks smiling.
"Zano!" I cry out as I fondle with my breasts. My clit crying out for him.
He chuckles and turns me around. I do it like he taught me,ass up and chest
down. As I'm still getting used to that I feel him thrust into me unexpectedly
and I scream. It doesn't hurt at all because the moment he kisses me my
honey pot tips over. I hear him groan as he pulls on my hair and thrusts
harder into me. I scream even more and bite into the sheets preventing the
entire house from hearing me. I can feel all of him,he increases his pace and I
feel my legs giving in. He turns me around instantly holding my leg over his
waist and continues with his perfectly timed thrusts as he kisses on my neck. I
keep moaning out his name as my nails make contact with his back.
"Ushisa kamnandi" he whispers into my ear and that's just about it. I feel my
body give in and I moan out his name as i feel my spirit separate from my
body and it feels like im floating on air. After a few minutes he starts groaning
and releases into me. He collapses on to the side,as I also come down from
my high and holds me to his chest as we both try to catch our breath.
"Ngiyakthanda mama" he says kissing my forehead.
I feel warmth explode through out my entire body,He loves me! He loves me! I
think to myself as I lazily wrap my legs around him and close my eyes. I'm
tired really tired from all that much needed vitamin D! I drift to a peaceful sleep
in Zano's arms where I belong.

I'm woken up by my phone ringing like crazy,I open my eyes and there it is on
the bedside table,I don't even remember putting it there. I disconnect it from
the charger and pick up the call.
"Wena mthakathi! Uyenzeni indoda yami?"(You witch! What did you do to my
man?) Dudu screeches into my ear.
"It takes one to know one right mnaks?" I say sitting up on the bed.
Zano actually dressed me,I smile at that thought.
"Uzozisola awungazi wena"(You will regret this clearly you dont know me) she
screeches and hangs up.

I put my phone down and get up from the bed. I take out a long body hugging
yellow dress and a cardigan since it doesn't cover my shoulders. Then I take a
well needed bath. When I'm done I make the bed and tidy up the room. I tie
my hair into a bun and wear a headwrap on my head. When I'm done I take
my phone and go downstairs. I'm a little embarassed that I slept in until this
time honestly. I find the ladies in the sitting room.
"Awu! Wangena uFuck Me Harder!" ( Here comes Miss Fuck Me Harder!)
Mamkhulu says.
I pop my eyes out. Luckily Enhle is not here. Is she joking or something? They
all laugh at my reaction.
"You weren't that loud though" Nokuzotha says laughing.
So they heard me? Damn you Zano! I look down embarrassed.
"No need to feel embarrassed we are also women remember?" Gogo asks
Even if that's the case this is uncomfortable for me. As if she read my
thoughts Mamkhulu changes the subject.
"I met Dudu's mom today and wuZodwa remember the girl that i told you
about ukuthi bekadlalwa wuDuduzani kuze kubebuhlungu lakithi?" (... she
used to get played by Duduzani so bad that we would end up feeling the
pain?) She asks.
"Ngiyamazi uMa kaFikile" ( I know Fikile's mother) Gogo says.
"Then uyazi ukuthi uFikile uzalwa nguDuduzani?" (... do you know that Fikile
is Duduzani's daughter?)She asks.
We all gasp.
"Ini?"(What?) Gogo asks in shock.
"Ngike ngayicabanga when Sphe told her about asking her mom about the
man but I brushed it off"( I once thought of it...) Nokuzotha says.
"Well hhuye loyo. Indoda yakho imithise ingane yesitha" (...thats her. Your
husband impregnated the child of an enemy) Mamkhulu says looking at me.
"Izoyenziwa njani indaba enje?uFikile yena ingabe uyazi?" (What are we
going to do about this? Does Fikile know about this?) Gogo asks.
"Nami angazi" (I also don't know) Mamkhulu says sitting back on the couch.
"Nani kodwa niWeak anisaboni noma ingane ifuqwa ngemithi sonke
leskhathi?" (You are all weak you couldn't even see that the child is being
cooked in muthi this entire time?) Mamkhulu says to Gogo.
I guess Zano told them everything. Gogo looks down totally speechless.
Mamkhulu is like that. She doesn't hide behind a bush,she tells you exactly
what is on her mind.
"Ngicabanga ukuthi lento othi uyishayisile uZodwa uqobo lakhe ngoba inyawo
livuvuke lingaka"(I think the thing you ran into is Zodwa herself because her
leg is swollen it's this big) she says emphasising how big the leg is with both
her hands.
I look up at her. She can't be serious.
"Kahle kahle lo mama kufanele ahambe la"(Actually that woman should leave
this village) Nokuzotha says.
"Hhayibo ahambe njani umthakathi engakabanjwa? Ngimtshele ukuthi
kufanele atotobe azophuza itiya nathi ksasa. Yena uzitshele ukuthi uSphe
noZano abekho ngoba ngimtshele ukuthi bayahamba namhlanje"(leave how
when she hasn't been caught? I told her to come have tea with us tomorrow.
She thinks Sphe and Zano are not around because I told her they left)
Mamkhulu says.
This woman always has tricks up her sleeves.
"Do you still remember the woman's face?" Nokuzotha asks me and I nod at
"Dudu called earlier,she basically threatened me maybe she now knows
ukuthi Zano is no longer under her spell"(...that...) I tell them.
"Yoh! She has guts shame I don't want to lie" Nokuzotha says.
"Jah umuntu uvele abambeke in broad daylight" (...A person just exposes
themself...)Mamkhulu says.
We all laugh at that.
"Mina I don't even feel relieved at all,I feel numb to all of this" i say letting out
a sigh.
They all nod their heads in understanding.
"Let's take it one day at a time and see how it plays out" Nokuzotha says.
We talk about random stuff for a while until I feel hungry. I excuse myself and
head to the kitchen to make a sandwich. My phone rings it's Rea.
"Hey bestie" I say.
"Dudu was here vandalizing the place saying gore umjwayela kabi,I even had
to call the guards on her"(that you are pissing her off) she says.
I let out a sigh before retelling the events of last night to her.
"Eng? Nkabe ompoditse I would have prayed for her myself"(What? You
should have told me...) Rea says.
I laugh at that,I'm not even sure she knows how to pray this one.
"Its a lot chom but I'm just glad Zano is okay that was my main concern" I say.
"Is the baby his?" She asks.
"Yeah.Cele didn't deny it but from his talks the baby is Zano's why would the
Zulu ancestors be concerned about it if it wasn't?" I say shrugging even
though she cant see me.
"Yoh poor baby shame a mother like that andizi" she says and I laugh.
We talk for a while until Gogo calls me to the sitting room because the guys
are back.

When I walk in they all look exhausted,especially Zano who keeps on pinching
the bridge of his nose. I sit next to Mamkhulu on the opposite couch.
"Hhayi indodana seyiRight manje"(My son is alright now) Baba exhales as he
sits back on the couch.
To think that they should be looking relieved but they look like the worst has
just happened.
"So what happens now?" Nokuzotha asks.
"First of all Duduzile needs to come here,I have already sent somebody for
her" Zano says looking at me.
He is trying to read my reaction. Damn him! I look away from him to the
side,I'm boiling with anger right now.
"We have already found out information about her mother and now we need to
summon her and ban her from ever setting foot lana kwaZulu"( in
KwaZulu) Siphephelo adds.
"NgoDuduzile we have to thread carefully because at the end of the day
uthwele igazi lethu"(With Duduzile...she is carrying our blood) the chief says.
I can't sit here and listen to this nonsense I'm going to go crazy.
"Please excuse me" I say getting up.
They all look at me shocked but deep down inside I know they understand. I
really can't do this anymore,I'm tired. Since the Zulu yard is huge,I take a walk
to the garden. It really is beautiful Gogo created a piece of heaven right here.
Maybe the day I launch my clothing line I could do it here,I will have to ask
Gogo first about that. Hold your horses girl you haven't even finished one
dress,I think to myself and laugh. I lay my head back on the garden chair and
close my eyes. The light breeze,the smell of flowers and the birds chirping
away carelessly in the trees is so calming.
I don't need to open my eyes,I can feel Zano's presence. He has this strong
aura that demands to be recognized. He sits down without a word probably
feasting his eyes on me.
"With everything that is happening now you mean to tell me that Dudu is not
going anywhere?" I ask now sitting up properly.
Yep I was right. He was drinking me in with his eyes,but not in a lustful way.
Just pure concern and worry. He exhales slowly.
"Cele thinks if I let her go they might do something to that baby,it is of Royal
blood after all" he says.
"So what happens now? We pretend like none of this happened?" I ask my
voice cracking a bit.
"Sthandwa sami I'm also confused but one thing is certain that Dudu is
moving here permanently until she gives birth"
"Then what? You marry her because apparently izingane zakwaZulu azikhuleli
ngaphandle" I say rolling my eyes.
He keeps quiet not even moving his eyes from me. Which makes me even
more angry.
"Its like I'm stuck in a horror movie Zanothando! I need a break! A break from
all of this. I hate the person that I have become honestly,I have never faced so
many problems in my entire life! Im tired." I say crying.
I feel like there is something stuck in me that doesn't want to go away. It
keeps on getting bigger and bigger with every passing minute. And it's
weighing heavy on me that even breathing feels like a punishment. He moves
his chair to my side and hugs me. That's all I needed to cry even more. I cry
for the fact that I almost lost him,I cry because I lost Asemahle,I cry because
this life I'm thrown into is complicated,I cry because Dudu is pregnant and I
cry for all this voodoo stuff that is going on. He brushes my hair softly the
entire time letting me cry,just being there for me. When I'm done he pours me
a glass of water and hands it to me. I drink it a bit and put the glass on the
garden table.
"Are you okay now?" He asks sitting down.
I nod my head at him. I needed that.
"You always try to act strong so that other people don't lose their
cool,everything happens and you always hold your emotions back. Sthandwa
sami I'm always here for you,I'm not just a dick to ride on but I'm also a
shoulder to cry on ungangivaleli ngaphandle MaNododile"(...Don't exclude me
from that...) he says making me laugh at the last part.
It makes me happy that he cares. I always thought that me telling him how i
feel will always be like im jealous or nagging him but now i realize that doing
so will help him better understand me and how i feel. We sit in comfortable
silence,holding hands and him drawing Gawd knows what on my hand with
his thumb.
"I don't want to be here when Dudu arrives" I finally say.
He looks hurt but he nods his head in agreement.
"I will book a flight for you" he says looking at his wrist watch and gets up to
"And Zano?" I say.
"Yebo mama?" He says looking back at me.
"If you marry her then I want out,I would rather remain disabled my entire life
than be stuck with a witch" I say to him.
He looks in my eyes,I don't even bother hiding the hate I feel for Dudu right
now. He nods his head and then takes the long walk back to the house. I hate
putting him in such a position but I cannot pretend for my entire life,I also need
to take a stand. I take my phone and dial Nolunwabo's numbers,I know
hearing about her experience in Italy and the progress she is making will
cheer me up for sure.

It's been a week since I left KZN. Zano is still that side,we talk over video calls
mostly and it's sad to see how stressed he looks. I made it my business not to
ask anything about the matter,as long as he knows where I stand that's
enough for me. Not that I don't care about him but hey he brought this all on to
himself when he paid lobola for that witch. He should have seen from the very
moment when things got in the way and negotiations got postponed that
something was fishy with her. She even got pregnant on purpose to trap
him,how stupid.

It's now 11am and I just got out of my last class. I didn't bring my car today so
I request a ride as I walk to the gate. I scroll mindlessly on my feed to pass
"Zenande" I hear somebody say.
I look up and it's none other than Ayabulela Gcinisa himself looking good in a
black suit. His black eye has completely healed,you would swear that Zano
didn't punch him.
"Ayabulela" I say.
"Come let me give you a ride" he says taking my bag from me.
"No I have already requested a car" I say trying to snatch it back but he
stomps away to his car.
I could just leave him with that bag but I really need those notes so I follow
him slowly.
"Get in" he says opening the passenger door for me.
Are his hormones in check? Who the hell does he think he is?
"I only have one father and he ain't you,so stop this crazy act of yours" I say
taking my bag from him.
"Still feisty I see" he says backing me against the car with his body.
"Get your rigid body away from me Ayabulela" I warn.
"You know I can do better than that Zulu boy" he says kissing my neck.
I love neck kisses but this one just pricks like needles.
"If you are horny go use your hand and stop barking up people's wives you
shameless man" I say kneeling him in the nuts.
He groans and bends. Clutching at his precious gem.
"Ufuna ukundibulala?"(You want to kill me?) He asks in total pain.
Before I can even give him a sassy reply,I hear Zano laughing.
"That's the tip of the iceberg of what I'm going to do to you if you don't leave
my wife alone" he says burying his pants deep into his pockets. By the looks
of it he just paid and sent my ride away.
He is wearing an Armani three piece beige suit. He has a fresh clean fade and
his signature Rolex watch is showing. He walks over to Ayabulela who tries to
stand up straight but fails.
"Ndikuxelela ndathi she is just your wife by name Zulu"(I told you that...)
Ayabulela says.
"Uzongicasula ke manje because I don't like arguing with little boys"(You are
irritating me now...) Zano says.
I know this can go far in a matter of seconds but right now I'm just turned on
by how he is handling this. So calm and just so sexy! The fact that I haven't
seen him in a week also counts!
"Jah because you kill them,I know you Zulu and soon uzobanjwa" (...You will
get caught) Ayabulela says.
"If you don't stay way from my wife I well get caught with you as a skeleton
uyangizwa?"( hear me?) Zano says not even seeming phased.
Ayabulela laughs.
"You see he doesn't even deny the fact that he is a ruthless killer" Ayabulela
says to me.
I look at Zano and he is still looking at Ayabulela. I know what he said should
at least raise flags but it doesn't at all.
"I would also kill you if you were like a dog behind my wife's skirt" I say
walking over to Zano.
Ayabulela chuckles.
"He is a drug dealer,no actually your Prince charming here is a Mafian
prince,his hands are full of innocent people's blood and you are telling me that
you see a future with him? I know you Zee you can do better than him. What
is he threatening you with?" Ayabulela says.
Making Zano tense up next to me.
I look at him and his look hasn't changed,now something is brewing in his
eyes. There is danger in them,I can feel my panties get wet. Why am I turned
on like this?
"Well at least he has a backbone unlike you Aya. Thank you for the speech
but save it for somebody who actually gives a fuck" I say to him and pull Zano
by his arm.

A group of people has already formed and we pass by them,the girls scream
at seeing Zano. I roll my eyes at that,how degrading is that. If only they knew.
I look at him and he isn't looking at any of them just me. Good! Because I
would have poked his eyes out with a pen and feed them to him. He leads me
to a red McLaren 720s and I gasp. Seeing my reaction he laughs softly. He
opens the door for me making our spectators go wild,some of the girls even
give me dirty looks as we speed away.
"Now this i want" I say checking it out.
It's so sexy it would suit me perfectly.
"A white one" I say winking at him and he laughs.
He drives completely silent seeming deep in thought. And from my view he
looks so gorgeous,I wish I could plant wet kisses from that firm chest all the
way down to his naval. Okay! You have to get sex out of your head what's
wrong with you? I say to myself as I sit properly.
"I know you are aroused I can see it on your face" he says.
I'm embarrassed to even look at him. I also don't know why I'm like this.
"Ngibheke mama mangikhuluma nawe"(Look at me mommy when I talk to
you) he says after parking at my apartment building.
I turn my head to him but looking at him from the corner of my eye. He
chuckles and cups my face.
"No need to be embarrassed ngingowakho"(...I'm yours) he says and it makes
a tingle run down my spine to my lady bits.
He places a wet kiss on my lips and that tips the honey pot over.
"Fuck this" i say unfastening my seatbelt and straddling him in his seat.
Luckily I'm wearing an umbrella skirt and a bodysuit so it's easy to move. I
unfasten his belt and pull the pants down as he lifts both me and him up a bit.
"Sphesihle we are in a parking lot" he whispers into my ear.
I kiss him to shut him up as I unclasp my body suit and sink my dripping wet
self on to his hard self. He grabs my thighs and we both moan as I start to
move. He frees my boobs and suckles as I ride him [...]

After our little exercise In the car which Zano says we have officially baptized
since it's new,he carried me to my apartment bridal style. Luckily the girls are
not here which gave him more than enough freedom to fuck me on the kitchen
counter top before coming to my room. We made love like our body depends
on it,I feel so much closer to him than ever before,with every slow deep stroke
he told me how much he loves me and that sent me to heaven. Now he is
drawing God knows what all over my thigh with his finger.
"Ucabangani?"(what are you thinking about?) I ask.
He looks into my eyes and smiles.
"Ukuthi ngikuthanda kangakanani" (About how much I love you) he says
cupping my face with his one hand and pulling me in for a kiss.
"Let me go make you some food" I say getting up from the bed.
"No need. I want us to stop by the construction site and see Diego's
progress,we will grab something along the way" he says pulling me back on to
the bed.
I look at the time and it's past 14:00pm.
"We should get up Love" I say in between kisses that are thrown at me.
He looks at me for a while and nods getting up from the bed and also
motioning for me to get up. We get into the shower and he washes my body
as I also wash his,the level of intimacy I'm getting today leaves me
speechless. When we are done he gets dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a
white t-shirt he left here as I dry my hair. I let the blonde curls fall carelessly
on my back when I'm done. I think it's time I went back to my original hair
"Nazi izimpahla"(here are your clothes) he says motioning to the corner of the
bed with his eyes while he puts on his watch.
I smile at the fact that he picked out clothes for me. He picked out a white tank
top and blue jeans,I guess we are matching today. I get dressed quickly,he
has his formal shoes on so I grab my black heels and put them on. He notices
what I have done and smiles while grabbing his keys and both our phones.
"I love this" i say as I lock the door and we take the lift downstairs.
He just smiles and nods his head as we walk to the car.
"Thatha"(take) he says placing the car key in my hand.
I look at him and smile. I throw myself into his waiting arms and give him the
biggest kiss. He opens the driver's door for me and also gets in.
"No speeding" he warns as he sits back.
"Yes sir" I say as I pull on to the road.
This car is a breeze very easy to handle.
"Okay let's add some music" I say as I press play.

"Oh, ey

You don't know babe

When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing
And it don't change
If I had it my way
You would know that you are

You're the coffee that I need in the morning

You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring
Won't you give yourself to me
Give it all, oh

I just wanna see

I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I'll follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Oh you're the best part, oh
You're the best part, oh
Best part

It's this sunrise

And those brown eyes, yes
You're the one that I desire
When we wake up
And then we make love
It makes me feel so nice

You're my water when I'm stuck in the desert

You're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts
You're the sunshine on my life

I just wanna see how beautiful you are

You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I'll follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Then you're the best part, oh
You're the best part, oh
Best part

If you love me won't you say something

If you love me won't you
Won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Love me, won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Love me, won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Love me, won't you"

I listen to every word until the song ends and then turn to him. I now have
tears in my eyes.
"When I heard it first thing I thought about is you" he says holding my hand.
What is this man doing to me? I park on the side of the road and get
out,simultaneously Zano gets out and comes to my side.
"Hey... ungakhali"(...Don't cry) he says to me softly as he cups my face with
both his hands.
"I love you so much" i cry into his chest as he hugs me tight.
For a moment there I thought all of this was gone but here we are no matter
what happened before or what is currently happening. He is my escape and I
know I'm his.
"Ngiyakthanda sthandwa sami"(I love you my Love) he says when I have
calmed down.
I look up at him and smile,now I know we are going to be okay.
"Sometimes when it comes to you I fail to say what is in my heart,I hope this
song says it on my behalf." He says.
"You are MY best part" I say kissing him.
After a while we pull back and smile. The people driving by must think we are
"Can you please drive?" I ask him.
He laughs and shakes his head.
"Soze! Do you know how hot it is watching you drive?" He asks opening the
door for me and I laugh.
"Mr Zulu I think you are becoming obsessed with me" I say as I pull on to the
busy road. "I'm already obsessed. I got hooked on you the very first day I saw
you" he says making me blush. "I love you" I mouth to him and he smiles.
"Who sings this song?" I ask as it plays smoothly in the background,he has it
on repeat. "Daniel Caesar and H.E.R why?" He asks.
"Because I think we just found our song for the first dance as Mr and Mrs
Zanothando Zulu" i say.
I don't miss the glint of happiness that shows in his eyes as he smiles back at
me. "Are you sure?" He asks.
Knowing very well that he is asking whether I'm sure that I want to marry him I
nod my head with a smile.
"Mageba there is nothing I would love more in the world than to be officially
Mrs Zanothando Zulu" i say to him as I turn into Blairatholl Estates.
"You don't know how happy that makes me sthandwa sami" he says
squeezing my hand.
"But I can't do it alone I'm going to need help" I say as I park on the street next
to our house. "I will get you the best help that money can buy" he says
opening the door for me and kisses my cheek.
And I trust him on that. "Wow! It's really getting there" I say looking at the
house. It's not done yet but you can see that this is going to be one beautiful
mansion. I can just imagine standing on the balcony looking down at Zano
play with our kids on the lawn. I have found my forever. A guy that makes me
dream of a future with him.
"Sewuku dreamland asambe"(You are in dreamland let's go) he says laughing
while holding my hand.
If only you knew that these dreams will come true one day,I think to myself as
we head inside to find Diego in this busy construction site.

Zano stayed with me for two days and then went back home. Apparently Dudu
was on a hunger strike refusing to eat until Zano shows up. He really has a lot
on his plate. I wonder how we are going to survive the next coming 4 months.

Diego and the team said that the house will be done in a month and I can't
wait! After the house is complete they will start on the interior designing
because they are also responsible for that,Zano gave me free reign on how I
want the house to look like and it is so exciting. I never thought that I would be
picking out a color scheme and the kind of furniture I want for my own house
so soon. Apparently Diego and Dad are building this house for free as an
early wedding present to me and Zano,I couldn't stop crying when they told
me. It's the most beautiful gift I have ever received. Zano is only handling the
other costs like the interior designing and buying the land,which I found out
costs a lot! Thanks Gawd he is monied.

The business is doing great and now we are working on branching out and
adding another factory in Lusikisiki,that's my home and I want to uplift the very
community that also raised me. I like not being involved in the day to day
running of it because the team is doing so well,better than I could have ever
managed. I trust them fully that's why I give them their freedom to make
decisions. Since I have designed a number of dresses now we have decided
to name it Heavenly Couture by Sphesihle Zulu.
Only my friends know about this for now but I would like for it to be launched
when we open shop in Durban and it's sort of a tribute to my late mother-in-
law. I have infused modern day dresses with a bit of tradition and royalty
because she was Queen of KwaZulu after all,the precious gem of the Zulu
people. I just hope the family likes it.
I'm walking back to the apartment,I just came from the salon to do butterfly
locks. I was really tired of being a Blondie,it was good but I had to go back to
my brown hair. So since combing is also irritating I was like no I need locks!
I get ice-cream on my way,i know its chilly and it seems like im crazy but I find
that when I have cold stuff when it's cold I actually don't feel the cold
anymore,I got to give it to my immune system because I never get sick. I take
a couple of pictures in the streets thanks to a nice bodyguard whom I gave
money for lunch out of thanks. I'm wearing a black turtle neck,black leather
skirt,black thigh high stilleto boots and a beige trench coat over. My locks are
let lose and I'm carrying a Chanel handbag. I smile at how beautiful the
pictures are as I post them on my socials. These streets look beautiful in
winter but they are even more magical in spring I have to say.

"I'm back!" I yell as I put the bag of pastries I bought at Zano's café on the
counter together with my handbag and take off my coat.
I pour water in to the kettle and switch it on to boil. As I'm about to take out
three cups I see Muzi,Buhle,Rea and Diego walk in to the kitchen area. Oh! It
must be a couple's thing that I forgot about.
"Oh I'm sorry I will just leave" I say making my way out.
"Uhm... I'm actually here for you" Muzi says a little bit panicked.
I look at him and he seems worried. They all do. What has happened now!
"Are you going to talk or what?" I snap at him.
Then I realize I'm taking out my frustrations on the wrong people.
"I'm sorry" I say as I take a seat on the high chair.
He nods his head and releases a deep breath.
"Well... We need your help back home,Duduzani is found and Zano turned
into a madman after Duduzani confessed to everything that he has done" he
says looking at his wrist watch.
I stand up quickly and put on my coat. I take my phone and dial his numbers,it
goes straight to voicemail. Please don't do anything stupid Love! I pray to
"Its a long drive to KZN so you will be taking the La Familia jet" Diego says.
I nod my ahead at him. That's good because we would have gotten to KZN
next year.
"Do you need us to come with you?" Rea asks.
I smile at that,they are always ready to jump in and support me. I shake my
"I need to catch up on school when I come back and I need you to keep an
eye on the boutique" I say as I make my way to the door.
"Asambe"(let's go) I say to Muzi.
"I'm driving you" Diego says as he plants a kiss on Rea's cheek and follows
If it wasn't such circumstances I would have actually went crazy over how cute
that gesture is but right now my main concern is Lwandle.
"Uphi ubaba noSphephelo?"(Where is dad and Sphephelo?) I ask Muzi on our
way to the airport.
"Baba went out searching for Zano and Sphephelo is being restrained by his
wife" he says.
Good! At least she still remembers what we were told to do. Zano don't let
anger control you my Love,you will regret it when it's done. I say to myself. I'm
lost in my thoughts for the entire ride that seems longer than a dinosaurs
"You are the only one that can get through to him sis don't worry so much"
Diego says breaking me out of my thoughts as he pulls up next to the jet.
I hope I'm not too late. He gives me a hug quickly and we rush to the jet. The
entire flight I milk out information from Muzi. Apparently Duduzani was brought
in last night after a serious beating from my husband he finally confessed
everything and the fact that he is Dudu's father and also that they fell in to his
trap by accepting his daughter. They went back home and when this morning
they went to check on him he was no longer there and Zano has been missing
also ever since last night.

As we drive to the house Muzi receives a call from Siyanda.

"Put it on loudspeaker" I say to him.
He nods his head and does so.
"Bafo" Muzi answers.
"Bafo unoSphe? We found his location I just sent it to you nathi siyibhekise
lapho"(...We are also heading there) Siyanda says sounding like he is running.
"Okay" Muzi says and hangs up telling the driver the new location.
My phone rings,it's Nokuzotha.
"Sisi" I answer.
"Sphe ukuphi?"(Where are you?) She asks.
"Me and Muzi are on our way to where Zano is suspected to be" I say.
"Duduzile just ran away" she says.
What does she mean ran away? A house surrounded by body guards like that
and she ran away?
"How?" I ask.
"Somebody must have helped her,we think she ran away last night" she says.
"Naku Sphe"(Here it is) Muzi says getting out of the car.
"Uhmmm...Sizokhuluma"(...We will talk) I say immediately hanging up not
even waiting for a reply.
Muzi is already at a distance so I run behind him in 16 inch heels! This place
looks abandoned like it used to be a factory,it's also in the middle of nowhere.
How did Zano get him here?
"Bafo sisamdinga lo muntu myeke!"(brother we still need him let him go) I hear
Sphephelo shout as I enter this dusty place.
I see baba,Siphephelo,Siyanda and a group of men holding them at gunpoint
while Zano beats the crap out of an old looking man who I guess is Duduzani.
Zano looks like an animal attacking it's prey making sure that it never
survives. I stand there frozen for a minute,they haven't noticed us. Zano puts
his knee on the man's head pressing hard and he cries out in pain.
"STOP!" I shout out as I make my way to Zano.
A group of more men appears out of nowhere and luckily they hold me back
not point a gun at me. Muzi is led to the others at gunpoint,Zano has totally
lost his mind now he has hired killers to point a gun at his own father? Zano
doesn't even stop what he was doing he keeps on beating him mercilessly.
"BABY STOP!" I shout out.
This is going to end badly. I should stop him. Ma warned me,I can't fail her. I
fight my way out of the men's hold but I fail. These are goons clearly.
"Sphe he can't hear a thing!" Siyanda says.
He is right. Now I'm crying because I'm scared and im worried about Zano,I
need to get to him.
I use my heels to my advantage and lean all of my weight on the man holding
me by my shoulders from the back while I kick the other one in the face. Out
of surprise the one holding me loosens his grip I take that opportunity to turn
and knee him in the nuts. And he goes down,as the others make their way to
me I run with all my might to Zano. He now has a gun pointed at the man. I
jump in front of the man unfortunately I fall to the ground but I cover him with
my body holding my hand up for him to stop.
"Lwandle!" I shout.
He looks at me and for the first time I see a killer in his eyes.
"Don't do this...please I'm begging you" I plead with him.
Now the adrenaline has left my body and I'm a crying mess.
"Baby this is what he wants an easy escape please don't give in to him" I say
trying to get up.
"Le nja le had everything planned out from the start so why should he live
huh?"(this dog...) He asks coldly.
"Lwandle you are hurt and you are allowed to feel that way but killing the
grandfather of your unborn child is not the solution" I say.
He moves scratching his head and drops the hand with the gun. Good i was
hoping that would get to him.I use the opportunity and quickly get up from the
ground and hug him tight. He stands still totally frozen in place.
"What good has this man done? He killed my mother ruthlessly and he almost
made me crazy because of his daughter all in hopes to dethrone my family.
How many people has he killed? How many lives has he ruined the world will
be a better place without him in it." He says looking at Duduzani behind me.
you don't kill dad) Duduzile wails as she is held back by guards. Where did
she come from? How did she actually get here?She looks pregnant alright!
And like she ran away from a mental hospital.
"Ngiyakucela Ndabezitha...I promise I will get out of your life as soon as the
baby is born,I won't ever trouble you again if only you can spare his life
please" she cries out.
Wow! She surely does love her father,to even give up her ticket to the good
life. As Zano looks to her gunshots fire around all over the place and
everything plays out in slow motion. Zano covers me as we fall to the floor as
a storm of bullets graces us all around.
"Stay here" he says crawling away and starts shooting at God knows what.
I nod my head not even having words to say.
When I take a look around all the family members seem fine on the floor just
shaken the bouncers join Zano in shooting and slowly head out also following
Zano who is already out the door. My head turns to Dudu and she is lying on
the floor in a pool of blood.
"No! No! No! Dudu!" I scream as I get up and go to her.

"Call the ambulance" I hear somebody say.

I check her pulse and it's weak. No!
"Dudu please stay awake" I say shaking her.
The bullet hit her from the back by the looks of it. All I'm thinking about right
now is Zano's baby,that poor baby.
Siphephelo carries her out quickly rushing to the hospital. I sit there in all her
blood and silently pray for that baby to make it,yes I currently hate that woman
with every fibre in me but I don't hate that innocent child at all. Zano deserves
a chance at being a father,That's what he dreams of.
"God please protect that baby" I pray as I feel arms wrap around and me Muzi
helps me up as the world goes black.

I wake up in my bed at the Zulu mansion. I get up from the bed,I'm dressed in
pyjamas so I take a dress and put it on,and put on a jersey on top it's cold. I
walk barefoot downstairs. I hear noise coming from the kitchen so I head
"Oh sewuvukile"(you are awake) Gogo says getting up from the table.
"Unjani uDudu?"(How is...) I ask looking around.
They all keep quiet. Fine I will find out myself.
"Okay" I say making my way out.
"Sphe!" Mamkhulu stops me.
"She is in ICU" Nokuzotha says.
"Is the baby okay?" I ask.
That's my main concern. They keep quiet for a while and then Mamkhulu
speaks up.
"She lost the baby"
"Oh my God!" I say sinking on to the chair.
This is bad really bad. I remember how I felt when I lost Asemahle it was like
God had turned his back on me,Zano must be shattered right now. Dudu is
not my favorite person at the moment but my heart also goes out to her,there
is no deeper pain like losing a child.
"Is Zano still at the hospital?" I ask.
"Yeah he has been there since izolo" Gogo says.
"Where is baba and the guys?" I ask.
"Siphephelo is with Zano and Baba is sorting out things related to Duduzani
because he died on the scene" Nokuzotha says.
She also lost her father. This is really sad,I don't really wish to be her when
she wakes up from that coma. I keep quiet for a while as they continue
conversing like nothing happened,why are they so calm? Continuing with life
like something out of a movie didn't just happen? Gogo places a bowl of
cereal before me,I don't even feel hungry right now.
"Why are you all acting like nothing happened?" I ask pushing the bowl away.
They all stop talking and look at me.
"Kahle kahle Sphe ufuna senzeni? You want us to cry over Duduzani's death?
The same man who killed the people we love like they are
mosquitoes?"(exactly Sphe what do you want us to do?) Mamkhulu
"I'm not saying arrange Duduzani's funeral all I'm saying is that Fikile uMakoti
lana ekhaya just lost her baby does that not even matter also?"(...a wife in this
home..) I ask.
"We are pained by that because Zano is our child you cannot expect us to sit
and mope around for Dudu who you seem to have forgotten wanted to make
our son crazy!" Mamkhulu says.
Wow! How nice poor Dudu. She doesn't deserve this,not at all.
"Sphe you have a good heart you always want to see the good in everybody
but Fikile made her bed now she should lay in it" Gogo says.
Gogo is the most sweetest person in this family so I really didn't expect her to
say this.
"And I also guess that you are cool with your sons acting like criminals
kidnapping people in dodgy places and being rained upon by a storm of
bullets right?" I say my voice rising a bit.
Nokuzotha looks away shyly while Mamkhulu fakes a loud laugh.
"The person you should be talking to about that is not here. We are not
Lwandle nor are we one of his wives" Mamkhulu says slicing an apple.
They are all gangsters that's why they are not shaken by such. I need to clear
my head. I go back to my room and put on shoes before I head out. There are
more guards than ever before.
"Hello ngicela ukuphuma"(please can I go out) I say to the guard at the gate.
"Sorry mam you are not allowed to go out,anything you need you can send
one of us" he says.
"What? Who told you that?" I ask totally shocked.
"Mr Zulu" he says bluntly.
Great! Just great now I'm being treated like a prisoner.
"I need to go out,please call my husband and confirm but he is very busy right
now" I say to him.
"Who is your husband?" He asks.
If I tell him the truth then he won't let me go.
"Muzikayise Zulu. My mom lives down the road so he said that I could visit her
since I haven't seen her in a year" I say willing my tears to come out and play.
He looks at me for a moment.
"Okay one of the guards will accompany you" he says opening the gate.
"No need he will come fetch me when he is done with work" I say walking out
and not even waiting for a response.
When I look back nobody is following me so I guess that worked when they
briefed them I'm sure they specified which wives shouldn't be let out which
now confirms my suspicion,Ayabulela was right the man that I love is a
gangster. It all makes sense now how can a 25 year old have so much money
and influence? Being royalty can only take you so far. I walk mindlessly in to
the woods following the sound of the river. Water has always calmed me so
my heart skips a beat at the sight of it. I take a sit on the rock watching the
maidens sing as they do their laundry. This is what I like about people living in
rural areas they use what mother nature gave them so beautifully and wisely. I
wonder what else that Ayabulela knows about my husband that I don't. Zano
doesn't trust me at all and this is proof of that. I sit there until the sun starts to
set and the maidens leave one by one. I take that opportunity to go down to
the river and bury my feet in the cold water. It's cold and the jersey I'm
wearing right now is not doing me any justice but as I bury my feet in the
water,i instantly become warm. Out of the corner of my eye I can see a little
girl wearing white making her way to me. What is she doing out here so late?
Some parents don't deserve children honestly. As she gets even closer I

It's Asemahle. I don't know whether to cry,laugh or run away but shock leaves
me sitting there with my mouth wide open like a fish out of water.
"Nande kaMahle" she says side hugging me.
It's her. Her voice,her touch,her beautiful eyes and that angelic smile. I can't
help but squeeze her tight as I cry. When I have cried enough she sits down
next to me and holds my left hand in both of hers.
"Mahle?" I ask with a hoarse voice.
She looks at me and smiles.
"Nande I'm with great grandma and grandpa now" she says smiling.
Tears silently fall down my face. She is really gone.
"Don't be sad Nande I'm always with you now not like before when you would
leave me" she says pouting and I laugh through my tears.
"I miss you nana. I miss you so much" i say hugging her tight.
"Every time you miss me just call my mom that will help you" she says smiling.
I smile and nod my head. She claps both of her hands and lays her head on
my lap. I brush her hair with my fingers like I used to do when she couldn't
"Nande?..." She says and breaks off.
"What's wrong baby?" I ask.
"You need to protect them" she says.
"Protect who baby?" I ask.
"They are in danger Nande only you can save them" she says.
"Baby you don't make sense" I say trying to understand.
Instead she hugs my waist and rests her head on my tummy.
"You are going to be happy Nande if only you don't let your emotions control
you" she says sitting up.
This girl is confusing me,I can even feel the world start to spin around me.
She gets up and hands me my shoes. I get up and put them on.
"Baby what are you trying to tell me?" I ask as she leads the way and I follow
her. It's already dark and I don't remember my way back home.
"Makhulu said that I should tell you that the storm is about to pass but prepare
for it to get stronger one last time. She knows that everything will be left in
ruins but it is all up to you to rebuild it" she says.
"So it's not over.." I say more to myself than her.
Makhulu did warn me about this and I didn't understand it but this is what she
meant. Losing Mahle,Dudu and her witchcraft,Zano breaking my heart,Dudu
getting pregnant and her also losing the baby. This is the storm she was
talking about,so if it's about to get stronger for one last time what does that
mean. The vision comes back to my mind.
"Will I lose Zano?" I ask her.
She stops and turns back to me.
"Listen to your heart,it will tell you" she says motioning for me to walk ahead.
When I look around I'm near the Zulu mansion. And it looks like the guards
are patrolling every street,what's actually happening there? I ask myself.
"He is looking for you" Mahle says giggling as she hugs me by my waist.
I crouch down and squeeze her.
"Thank you baby I really needed to see you" I say tears falling down my
"I'm always here Nande kaMahle" she says placing her hand where my heart
I nod at her but the tears don't stop.
"Please tell uncle Zano that he is right" she says wiping my tears away.
I nod my head and get up although I'm confused about what he is right about.
"Now walk home and don't look back" she says stepping back.
I nod my head and walk to the house. I feel a light breeze wash over me and I
smile as I continue walking.
"Thank you my angel" I say.
One of the guards sees me and shouts to the others.
"Mrs Zulu!" he says out of relief as he accompanies me to the gate.
As I walk through the gate all the guards sigh in relief. I'm in trouble I think to
myself as I walk to the house.

I find everybody in a frenzy. Enhle screams at the sight of me and runs to hug
me,followed by Nokuzotha,Mamkhulu,Gogo,Anele and Muzi.
"Ungayiphindi lento oyenzile" Mamkhulu says after they all hug me.
I nod my head and smile out of embarrassment.
"I didn't mean to scare you,I just needed to clear my head" I say to them.
"Well you didn't scare us that husband of yours did" Anele says as she walks
They all laugh at that.
"He is worried about you go to him" Gogo says.
I nod my head and squeeze her hand as I make my way up the stairs. I bump
into Sphephelo in the hallway and he hugs me tight. I laugh at that.
"You scared us Sphe" he says.
"I'm sorry bhuti" I say as he pulls away.
"Now go deal with your grumpy bear" he says walking away.
I check for him in his room and he isn't there so I go to mine. There he is
sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey at hand,looking at me like he
wants to explode. They must have told him that im here. I walk in and close
the door behind me. I make my way to my wardrobe and take out warm
"Ubuyaphi Zenande?" He asks looking at my every move.
So now I'm being called by my government name? Nice!
"I needed some fresh air" I say.
He chuckles.
"So the air in this house is contaminated?" He asks.
"Yes because of all your lies" I say walking to the bathroom.
I get undressed and step into the shower.
"Which lies? Did I not tell you about Duduzani?" He asks not even phased that
im naked.
He is angry alright.
"How about the fact that Ayabulela was right about you?" I say as I close the
shower door and turn on the faucet totally blocking him out.
He doesn't move from where he is standing until I finish showering,I wrap a
towel around me and step out to brush my teeth.
"Do you really want to talk about your ex with everything that is happening
right now? I just fucken lost my child Zenande!" He yells the last part.
I jump at that. I have never heard him raise his voice at me.
"And why are you telling me that when you don't even trust me Mageba?"
"What do you mean I don't trust you?" He asks.
"You know what If you don't want to tell me anything then get out of my sight
and go visit your other wife in hospital" I say coldly as I lotion my body.
He looks at every part of my body that I touch with my hands.
"I'm not a killer" he whispers now seeming calmer.
I walk to the bedroom and put on underwear.
"Then what are you?" I ask putting on my pyjamas.
He takes a deep breath in and then exhales as he sits on the bed and motions
for me to sit on his lap. I obey and do as he says. He keeps quiet looking deep
in thought and totally exhausted. I hate to be the one that stresses him now
but I have to.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.
"I wanted to but then I heard your comments the other day when we were
watching TV. I knew if I told you then I would lose you" he says.
The memory comes to me of us sitting on the couch and watching The Wife.
That's why he acted like that afterwards now it makes sense.
"Does Dudu know?" I ask.
He nods his head.
"Does everybody in this house know?" I ask again.
He nods his head slowly. I get up but he sits me down. So I'm the stupid one!
"Even Mamkhulu who came into your life after me was trusted enough to be
let in on the family secret but your very wife whom you claim to love was left in
the cold?" I ask.
"Sthandwa sami it's not like that you know the foundation of our relationship I
didn't want to ruin things for us,you are not used to this and I just knew you
were going to run for the hills." He says.
"You act like if you just found out that I used to be a prostitute you would leave
me do you know that? When you love somebody you love them for who they
are,you accept them as they are. So Zano are you doubting my love for you?
Do you think that I will run when you open up about yourself to me? My Love if
that is the case then let's call it quits right now" I say getting up from his lap.
He gets up also and turns me to him by my waist.
"I know it's late but I will tell you everything please just don't think of leaving
me I'm begging you,you are all that I have" he says with glassy eyes.
I hate hurting you but your actions always hurt me and that always leaves us
here,I think to myself as I nod my head and hug him. He squeezes me hard.
"That idiot was right I smuggle drugs and diamonds. I supply the drugs,I don't
sell them and I don't even promote them. I started when I was back in varsity
which also led to Sphephelo getting involved and the others as well. We all
started companies in our respective fields as a cover up and also a way to
clean the money." He says still resting his chin on my shoulder.
"You kill people?" I ask.
"It comes with the business Sthandwa sami,I have to protect my family and
my business so once a person messes with that then I have to make sure he
learns his lesson" he says sitting back down on the bed and helping me sit on
his lap.
"Who is the person that attacked us yesterday?" I ask.
"Siyanda and Jabu are working on that,we will find him soon and he will meet
his maker I assure you" he says looking dead serious.
We keep quiet for a bit.
"So now I have to live a life where I look over my shoulder? Where one night
you might come back hurt or worse never come back at all?" I ask with tears
in my eyes.
"Your safety is my priority I will never let anything happen to you. Bheka
Sthandwa sami I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you into this,if you feel
like you cannot live like this then I won't force you because I want you to be
happy. I'm in too deep right now I can't just drop everything so that I can make
you happy even if I wanted to" he says putting me on the bed.
I nod my head with tears streaming down my face. He kisses my forehead
and quietly goes out as I sit here feeling like I just lost the love of my life.

I cried myself to sleep last night and right now I have a headache. I don't feel
like facing the world right now,I wish i could just stay here. As if on queue
somebody knocks on my door. Great! Just what i wanted. I say to myself as I
face palm.

"Come in!" I shout as I sit up on the bed.

Nokuzotha walks in with a smile on her face carrying a tray. When did she get
"You must be hungry phela you didn't eat anything izolo" she says placing the
tray with oats and juice next to me on the bed as she sits on the corner of the
I honestly don't feel hungry but I appreciate the gesture,it's really kind of her.
"Thanks" I say leaning back on the headboard and hugging my knees.
"Are you okay?" She asks and I nod.
"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" She says again.
Where do I even begin?
"What is it like being married to a mafia?" I ask after a while.
"I'm married to the man I love not any mafia related business. It's like any
other marriage,these men don't bring their work back to the house" she says.
"Has he ever come home hurt?" I ask.
"Yeah a couple of times" she says.
Wow! She answers me like it was just a small cut from paper.
"Don't you fear that one day he might not come back at all?" I ask.
"Look Sphe if we live our lives according to what we fear then we will never
experience the adventure that is life. If I gave in to my fear I wouldn't be
married to Phephelo and I wouldn't be the mother to those beautiful kids,my
life wouldn't have so much happiness and love in it. Fear is a thief don't let it
steal away your happiness" she says getting up from the bed.
I nod my head at her. What she just said has me deep in thought. Bit can I
really over come my fear?
"Don't judge him by what he does you know the real him at the end of the day"
she says as she walks out.
She is right my issue is not what Zano does,the actual issue is that I have this
fear of losing him that I can't get over even if I try. I'm so attached to him that it
even scares me.

I put the tray on the bedside table and get up. I do my morning routine and get
dressed in a warm long sleeve dress. I put on my thick socks and slippers,it's
cold. I hate winter. I take the bowl and try to eat but I only manage one
spoon,so I just drink the juice instead. I tidy up around the room and make the
bed when I'm done I take my phone together with the tray downstairs.

Luckily nobody is in the kitchen so I throw out the oats and wash the dishes.
When I'm done I reply to texts from Rea,Buhle and Nolu. Nolu is mostly telling
me how beautiful Italy is and the girls are asking for an update on the current
situation. I tell the girls that Dudu lost the baby and I recommend even more
places for Nolu to explore and tell her that she should send me pictures as I
walk to the sitting room.

I find Gogo and Mamkhulu watching TV. These two have become twins,best
friends I tell you. I sit with them and watch what looks to be a documentary.
My phone rings after a few minutes,when I look down at the caller ID the
number is not saved. I get up from the couch,so that I don't disturb them
because if I did then I would get an earful from Mamkhulu.
"Hello" I say as I walk in to the kitchen.
"Miss Rosso?" He asks.
Wow! That sounds so unfamiliar like he is not even addressing me.
"Yes this is her"
"Oh great! You are speaking to Boujee from Boujee M Events.Your husband-
to-be hired me to help you in planning your wedding,he came to me a few
days ago and I was expecting you to contact me like I told him but that never
happened that is why I'm calling you today because he has already paid me
and i need to start on my job." he says trying to get everything out in a rush.
Did he just say Boujee M Events?Oh my word! He is like the best in the
business,the cream of the crop. He has planned a lot celebrity weddings and
major events,both in and out of South Africa.
"Uhm... sorry about that he must have forgot to mention it. We are going
through some family problems right now" I say.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Can we meet up when you are free?"
"Of course I will let you know when I'm back in Joburg" I say.
"Great! I cannot wait to plan theee Zanothando Zulu's wedding" he says
I laugh at that and hang up after bidding him goodbye. That might not get to
happen unfortunately because I fell in love with a mafian Prince. Look at what
happened to Dudu if I do marry him then I might just suffer the same fate.

Since I'm already in the kitchen I decide to make lunch nothing but a warm
Cheesy Pasta Bake to fill people's tummies. I wonder where is Zano I think to
myself as I take out the mince,pasta and cheese. I put the ingredients on the
counter and dial his numbers,it rings until it goes to voicemail.
He calls back immediately after I put my phone down.
"Mageba ukuphi?" I say.
"Hhayibo! No good morning sthandwa sami?" He asks as he laughs away.
"Mxm" I say rolling my eyes laughing also.
"Ngisendleleni eya kuCele apparently he wants to see me"(I'm on my way to
Cele...) he says stressing on the "apparently" because that's my go to word. I
laugh at that.
"Okay. How is Dudu?" I ask.
"She is out of ICU now but she is not awake yet" he says sounding exhausted.
I don't if it's me or my imagination but I think he is falling in love with her
again,another thing I should also consider before making a decision.
"What about her father?" I ask.
"His family took his body that's the only way they were expecting him back
ever since he ran away" he says.
"Have you found out about who was shooting at us?" I ask.
"I'm meeting with Jabu after seeing Cele I will tell you when I come back
home" he says.
Wow! We sound normal I think as I smile to myself. This is progress but
maybe it's too late.
"Okay Zulu I will see you later" I say.
"Don't go off wandering around the village ke,it's not safe not until I know who
is after me and why" he says.
Now his cards are open he no longer has to lie. Before he would have told me
a lot of stories.
"I didn't go wandering off I saw Mahle and she told me to tell you that you are
right" I say.
"Right about What? If you were not Sphesihle Zulu then I would think you are
going crazy right now" he says and we laugh.
"Don't forget that. I don't know she just told me to pass on that message" I
"Sthandwa sami I have to go,i will see you later" he says hanging up.
"I love you" I whisper to myself as I get started on my task.
The family enjoyed my Cheesy Pasta Bake and even asked for more. I spent
the whole day playing with Nokuzotha's daughters it was really a great plan to
bring them over,they made my day,little angels I tell you. I thought maybe I
would feel hurt because they will bring back memories of Mahle but I was just
happy with them even though the memories did come flooding back but I
didn't feel so much pain,I think it's because I spoke to her yesterday that was
the closure I needed to come to terms with her passing,that she is safe now
and looking over everything.
It's now midnight and Zano is not back yet nor has he called. I'm really worried
now,a lot is happening in his life and also the fact that there is somebody out
there after him gives me shivers. No use staying here,I think to myself as I get
out of bed and go to the kitchen.

I find baba sitting on the counter with a huge piece of chocolate cake,where
did he get that? He was also busy the entire day I didn't get to see him.
"Baba" I say greeting him.
"Makoti" he says smiling up at me.
"I just came to get some water" I say as I take out a bottle from the fridge and
gulp down half the bottle.
He nods and goes back to his cake. I stand there and look at him. You would
swear he is a five year old and not a king to a whole village right now.
"Grab a fork and join me ndondakazi,Zano told me that you love chocolate" he
says with a warm smile.
I nod my head and grab a fork. I can never say no to that,if I did then I would
be a disgrace to all chocoholics. I sit next to him and he moves the plate to my
side,I like this old man. I insert a forkful into my mouth and Farrah Gawd this
is so good it should be illegal. The king smiles at my reaction and I can't help
but let out an embarrassed chuckle.
"You are good for him,I have never seen him like this" he says.
I smile shyly and dig in to this piece of heaven.
"He has his flaws,amaningi futhi but he is a good man that's not even up for
debate. He always protects those that are close to him at all costs,I know this
mafia business of his might be causing you to think twice but he is still the
same man you fell in love with"(...and a lot of them) he says.
"I know that baba kodwa kuningi loku"(...but this is too much) i say.
"Kanjani Makoti? I'm not telling you what to do,whatever you decide we will
accept it. I'm sure Cele might have something up his sleeves to ease the
wrath of the ancestors"(How...) he says chuckling.
Nice to know that there won't be any bad blood if this ends. Maybe I should go
to Cele and ask him if it's possible so I can be a 100% sure.
"Baba I'm scared of losing him one day" I say.
He nods his head out of understanding.
"Whether he is in the mafia or not the fact is we don't live forever,that day will
sure come but what's important is the love we have shared with the world,that
is our true purpose" he says putting his fork down.
One thing I'm hearing repeatedly is that I shouldn't live in fear. I just wish it
was that easy.
"Goodnight ndodakazi" he says squeezing my shoulders.
"Ulale kahle baba"(Sleep well...) I say giving him a smile.
He nods his head and disappears to his room.
Is it selfish of me to want him to leave that life behind? I mean look at what
just happened Dudu lost the baby because of only God knows who. I'm just
supposed to sit back and accept that as my fate? No that i cant do!Really this
leaves my head spinning. I take out my phone from my gown pocket and call
Zano,it goes straight to voicemail so I just hang up,no use talking to his
I wash the plate and utensils we used then head back upstairs. I pass by
Zano's room,maybe he came back without me noticing. His bed is made and
the curtains are still open,I close the door and go to my room. Is this the life
I'm going to live every time he doesn't make it home at a certain time? As
much as i want to be with him,i cant do this.I will reach 25 with multiple heart
attacks if that's this is the case. I look at the digital and it's 01:45am. I get
down on my knees and pray before I take off my gown and slippers. I get into
bed and beg sleep to take over because reality is a nightmare right now.

I haven't seen or heard from Zano for two days now,Siphephelo keeps on
coming in and out of the house. Once when I confronted him he told me that
Zano is alright he is just busy searching for the person who is responsible for
his son's death,yes we found out it was a boy. I personally think that Zano is
taking time out to grieve but what irritates me the most is that he doesn't even
bother sending one lousy text that will set me at ease,he is just selfish right

Dudu is now awake,I didn't go see her but the family did and they say she is
shattered. I can only imagine her pain honestly and I pray that she heals from
all of this. I want to visit her but I don't think that it's appropriate,I'm sure she
blames me for her father's death,I also would. If it wasn't for those visions then
he would still be alive out there, somewhere making trouble.

"Gogo ngisaphuma!"(I'm going out) I shout hoping she hears me from the
kitchen as I rush out.
I don't want her to ask me a lot of questions because she will try changing my
mind about this or complain about me leaving before I even have breakfast
because I didn't eat last night,my appetite has went away on vacation
honestly,somewhere on a tropical beach while I'm stuck here living this life.
I have on my over the knee,body hugging LV dress and a matching headwrap.
I'm wearing it with my clear slip on heels. I'm a firm believer that one should
not look like their problems. I get into the awaiting car and put my Chanel
purse on the seat next to me.
"Can you please take me to Bab' Cele's house" I say to the driver as he sets
the car in motion.

My heart feels heavy like I'm betraying Zano but I know I have to do this,he
will thank me one day because honestly I think he is not ready for such a huge
responsibility that the ancestors are throwing upon him. When I look out the
window we have already arrived.
"You can park here" I say as I open the door to get out.
I have this feeling that Cele already knows about my visit so I head over to his
hut. And there he is grinding herbs happily singing. I take off my shoes and
walk in. I greet him as I sit down on the grass mat. He looks up at me and
smiles,a genuine smile. I have never seen him smile like this he must be really
happy today.
"Ngingakusiza ngani Sphesihle?"(How can I help you) he asks still happily
His wife must have given it to him real good! Okay Zenande get that out of
your massive head,I think to myself as I try to make sense of his mood.
"Ah...uhm..." I stutter.
I don't know how to bring about this topic,honestly I'm scared. I hear him
"Ufuna ukwazi ukuthi kunendlela yokuphuma kulomshado"(You want to know
if there is a way for you to get out of this marriage) he says still smiling.
I nod my head at him even though it was not a question.
"Ikhona indlela. Your ancestors are only agreeing to this because they are
paying back a favor,if you feel like you no longer want to be associated with
this family then you go to the river where it all began eLusikisiki,your mom will
show you the exact river and then when you get there you ask your ancestors
for permission to leave this marriage,if they agree then you will see something
in the water and if they don't then it means you still love the prince and he also
loves you too. After that you come back here with Zanothando and a white
goat,then after slaughtering it your soul tie will be broken"(There is a way...)
he says going back to packeting his herbs.
It's a long process but one I'm willing to do,mama will surely help me but as
for the part that needs Zano I don't know how I'm going to go about it. It feels
like a heavy weight has just been lifted from my shoulders,this is what I
needed to hear that there is a way out.
"Okay" I say with a smile.
"Kodwa after all of this succeeds just know that you will have children that
won't be able to talk,the way you also didn't. And Zanothando's wife if he
marries officially will suffer the same fate as his mother"(But...) he says
looking serious.
I can feel my stomach turn like I'm about to vomit. I need some air. This man
is playing with my feelings,he got my hopes up only to drop a bomb on me. I
know I don't want kids currently but in future I was hoping to have at least one
and now he tells me this. I might be loving Zano less and less with every
passing minute but that doesn't mean I wish that kind of heartbreak upon him.
"Inkosi namakhosana basendleleni"(The king and the princes are on their
way) he says looking at me.
I guess that's my queue to leave,I don't want them to find me here. I nod my
head and get out.

He doesn't have time to even call me but Cele has the privilege to see him. I
can't help but think that Dudu sees more of him than me.Does he blame me
for the loss of his child?
"Madam are you okay?" I hear the driver ask.
I didn't even realize I was crying. He must think I'm crazy but right now I feel
like balling my eyes out. I need to go back home so that I can start this
process. I refuse to be married to a gangster that doesn't even care about my
"Can we please go to the mall" I say as I settle in my seat and wipe my tears.
He nods his head and drives away. I guess I will just have to settle on not
having any children because it breaks my heart to think that they would have
to go through so much their entire lives because of me. Zano will just have to
pay lobola and not marry Dudu or any other woman. At least there is a way
around this but why can't I feel happy? I feel like I'm doing the biggest mistake
of my life.

"I can go get you takeaways" the driver offers.

I shake my head and smile at him. He must be offering because I look like a
mess,which I don't care I just don't want to go back to that house.
"I just need to clear my head,you can leave I will call you when I want to go
back home" I say as I take my purse and get out.

I take a seat at the back of the restaurant avoiding people. I don't even feel
like eating so I just order a bottle of wine. I'm supposed to be at school right
now or at a library not here,I have worked so hard to make my dreams come
true but slowly but surely I'm throwing it all away. Why? Because of a self
centered gangster? With every glass I feel the pain in my heart fade. After
finishing the bottle I feel a lot better.

"Sawubona ntombenhle"(Hello beautiful lady) a man greets.

"Oh! You are Zulu" I say rolling my eyes.
I have had it with these Zulu guys. He laughs.
"It seems like you have a problem with Zulu men" he says smiling.
I have to admit he looks handsome but too bad because I love my men dark
like my chocolate. He is wearing a grey suit,he must be going on date or just
came back from a meeting.
"Zulu man" I correct him.
He laughs softly.
"Can I join you?" He asks.
I hesitate for a second but why shouldn't he it's not like Zano isn't preoccupied
with Dudu.
"It's your country after all" I say shrugging and he laughs.
He signals the waiter over with his hand.
"Can I please have another bottle of wine" I say to the waiter.
He gives me a worried look but nods his head. The man orders orange juice.
The waiter goes away to fetch our orders and my phone rings from my purse.
I let it be,I don't feel like talking to anyone.
"So are you celebrating or are you drowning your sorrows?" He asks looking
at me like I'm on TV.
I'm glad that he finds this amusing.
"Celebrating that I will no longer have sorrows how about that?" I say
laughing. He joins in.
The waiter comes back with our orders after he opens the bottle I dive straight
to it and pour a generous amount of wine.
"Good for you but are you here alone?" He asks concern etched on his face.
I nod my head and giggle.
"He doesn't care about me,he probably blames me for everything also" I say
with tears threatening to come out.
He nods his head and takes a sip of his juice. Fortune Teller by
Blxckie sounds from my purse. I roll my eyes and gulp down my wine.
Knowing who finally decided to rock up from only God knows where.
"Aren't you going to answer that?" He asks giving me a questioning look.
"Nope he can take a taxi to the nearest hell for all I care" I say pouring another
I feel so relaxed right now,My mind is clear and I feel happy. I wish I could
stay like this forever. His phone rings,looking at the caller ID he laughs and
asks to be excused.
Probably his girlfriend I think to myself and smile.
I think it's time I went home,I'm already drunk and I'm sitting with a stranger. I
take my purse and get up from the chair,immediately after standing up the
room starts spinning. I quickly balance myself on the table.
"The driver" I whisper to myself.
I balance my hips on the table and take out my phone from the purse. Great! I
don't have his numbers,How stupid of me.
"Let me Uber" I say to myself clicking on the app.
A wave of dizziness hits me,as I try to balance myself by holding on to the
table my phone and purse slip out of my hand and fall to the floor. I feel a pain
on my stomach and that's just about it I crouch down to the floor. I can hear
noise all around me,these people have noticed. Amidst the noise I hear
Zano's voice.
"Sphesihle!" He says worry dripping from the word.
I look up and there he is running to me with the stranger and Jabu behind him.
He picks me up bridal style while Jabu gathers my stuff. I can feel how tense
his body is,he is angry.
"Le...Let me go Zano" I say wiggling myself out of his arms.
Instead he holds on to me tighter.
"Nathi mfethu sizokhuluma let me take her home"(We will talk my brother...)
He says to the stranger.
So he knows him! That hypocrite.
"Menemene" I say to him.
He laughs as Zano carries me out.

The entire ride was quiet,Zano just gave me a bottle of water and turned back
to drive. How can he be angry at me while he disappeared on me for two
whole days? After he parks the car I immediately get out before they even
open their doors. I'm walking barefoot,Zano took off my shoes. I walk slowly to
the front door with them following behind me while they whisper amongst
themselves. I stumble and fall on my butt.

"Ah!" I scream the pavement scraped my palm.

Zano rushes to me and picks me up gently and walks into the house. He
doesn't say anything to anyone but carries me directly to my room,I guess
Jabu will have to do the explaining.

He puts me on the bed and covers me with a throw. He doesn't expect me to

sleep does he?
"Where were you Zanothando?" I ask sitting up on the bed.
He looks at me like he is planning murder with blood shot eyes. He keeps
quiet and walks over to the window.
"You blame me don't you?" I ask.
He doesn't answer me but looks out the window to Gogo's beautiful garden,it's
extra beautiful right now because of the sunset. He does! He blames me.
"Oh my God" I whisper as tears stream down my face.
How can he live with somebody who killed his unborn baby,I cannot torture
him like that.
"I went to Cele" I say crying.
"Ngiyazi"(I know) he says after a while still looking out the window.
He can't even look at me.
"He...He said there is-" I'm stopped by my crying.
Why does it hurt like this?
"Ungitshelile"(He told me) he says coldly.
I cry even louder.
"Bheka Zenande if that's what you want then we will do it but for now get
some sleep,I have things to do"(Look...) He says as he walks out of my room
and bangs the door closed behind him.
It scares me so I jump. He even called me by my name. He doesn't love me
anymore he hates me. I lay back down and cry until I feel the pillow getting
wet and a headache coming on. I close my eyes and pray that he forgives me
one day. I will make this easy for him and get out his life,I owe him that at
least I think to myself as sleep finally captures me.

I wake up to nausea. I quickly get up from the bed and run to the
toilet,immediately after getting on my knees I vomit my stomach out.
Nokuzotha walks in as I worship the porcelain like a God.
"Hey are you okay?" She asks softly.
A very beautiful question but I can't answer as a second wave of nausea hits
me. If I ever drink again it will be too soon. Nokuzotha holds my hair back and
brushes my back smoothly as I vomit my guts out. After about twenty minutes
it stops. My whole body is feeling numb,it's because of not eating I think to
"Can you please help me" I whisper to her as I struggle to get up from the
"Sure" she says holding me up and balances me as we walk back to my bed.
She helps me sit on the bed and I smile seeing the tray of food on the table.
She looks at me and smiles back.
"I thought you might be hungry" she says handing it to me.
My mouth waters at seeing the pasta with mince drizzled with chilli. I dig in like
I haven't seen food in years.

"Ndiyabulela sisi"(Thank you sister) I say as I put the tray on the table and
drink my juice,after devouring my meal.
"Are you feeling alright now?" She asks.
I nod my head with a smile.
"It was the alcohol and not eating so my body overreacted" I say chuckling.
She does the same and keeps quiet.
I know she wants to say something so I will let her say it when she is ready. I
look up to my window and it's dark outside. Exactly how long did I pass
out,looking at the digital clock it reads 23:00pm. I pop my eyes out in
surprise,yeah no more alcohol for me.
"Where is Zano?" I ask.
"They went out with the guys talking about fixing lose ends" she says
I feel my blood go cold as she says that. Maybe they have found the killer and
they are going to kill him also.
"Is that why you are worried?" I ask.
She nods her head and let's out an exhausted sigh. I move to where she is
sitting and envelope her in a hug. I understand why she feels this way.
"They asked everybody to stay here for the night and I mean everybody!That
is why Zano freaked out when they came back and you were not here" she
says laying her head on my lap.
I feel embarrassed now. It means everybody saw the state I was in and they
are probably gossiping about how ratchet I am and not fit to be Zano's wife.
Well I guess they are right because I never will be. Something deep is going
on here,meaning that the killer is targeting the entire Zulu family but why
"You look exhausted get some sleep and I will take care of the kids okay?" I
say to her as I get up from the bed.
She nods her head and positions herself in a sleeping position.

I wreak of alcohol so I decide to take a shower. When I'm done I dry

myself,lotion and put on a skirt with a long sleeve top. As I apply my night
cream the vision of Zano laying in a pool of blood and me holding him while I
cry plays out. Instantaneously feel sharp pains on my lower abdomen.
"AH!" I scream as I clutch on to my tummy.
I don't want to wake Zotha up she needs to rest,I hope she didn't hear me. I
get sink down to my knees still clutching on to my stomach and pray.
"Father God I come to you tonight to thank you for keeping this beautiful
family safe and all those that are close to me. Father I ask you to please lay
an extra hand on Lwandle I know he does bad but he is also a pillar of
strength to all of us..." as I continue praying the pain on my abdomen lessens
until it's no more. Its like i was supposed to pray,the pain was reminding me of
that. When I'm done I get up and brush my teeth. I walk to the bedroom and
put on my slippers. I cover Nokuzotha with a throw and head out with the tray
she brought.

On a normal day everybody would be asleep right now but since whatever is
happening I can hear noise and laughter coming from downstairs. I bump into
Gogo in the passage way.
"Ukuphi uNokuzotha?"(Where is Nokuzotha?) She asks.
"She is sleeping Gogo are the girls okay?" I ask.
"Jah ngiceda ukubalalisa"(yes I just put them to bed) she says.
"Ubaba ukhona?"(is baba here?) I ask.
She nods.
"In his study" she says taking the tray from me and walks downstairs.
I walk over to baba's study not even sure of what I want to say. As I'm about
to knock the door opens.
"Hawu! Makoti wavele wama nje emnyango?"(...why are you just standing at
the door?) He asks slightly surprised.
"Uhm...baba ukuphi uZano?"(...Where is Zano?) I ask in one breath.
I'm hoping he knows their every move and that he is okay where he is. He
smiles at me.
"Basendleleni ungakhathazeki"(they are on their way don't worry) he says as
he walks with me downstairs.
I let out a sigh of relief. God you are great!
Since the entire family is under one roof the conversations flow easily.
Mamkhulu gave me a whole lecture about how to carry myself as a wife and a
young lady,I must say it was quite embarrassing but luckily none of the family
members brought it up. Its been two hours since baba told me that the guys
are on their way. Me and Nokuzotha are keeping ourselves busy by making
chocolate cookies in which the uncles as grown as they are keep on stealing
from the counter every time they come into the kitchen to get something.
Nokuzotha looks a lot better right now and I'm glad because if she wasn't then
I would most definitely be freaking out myself.
"Yazi I dreamt of fishes. I think somebody is pregnant" Gogo says walking
over to the counter in her pyjamas. Clearly visible that she just woke up.
"Cha Gogo it's not me" Nokuzotha says quickly.
I laugh at that and they both turn to look at me. Oh no! I know that look!
"Hhayibo! It's not me also" I say laughing.
"Are you sure?" Gogo asks.
"Gogo I'm on contraceptives maybe it came late,the dream was telling you
about Dudu's pregnancy that's all" I say putting the tray with cookie dough in
the oven.
"Jah maybe you are right because there were three blue fishes but one
couldn't swim and no matter how hard I tried to reach for it,it kept on fading in
the water" she says looking totally stressed.
"We couldn't save him" I say shrugging.
Gogo looks at me with glassy eyes and nods her head. I feel sad right now,my
love never got the chance to hold his son. This explains why he is acting this
way,he is acting out of grief,he is in pain the type of pain that nobody can take
away. I didn't realize that I was silently crying until I feel Gogo pull me into her
warm arms.
"It's not your fault,he doesn't blame you. He is just hurt" Gogo says.
From what she is saying I take it that Zano spoke to her,he always speaks to
her when he needs advice.
"He is shutting me out Gogo,I want to help him but he won't let me" I say
"Shhhhh... ungakhali kuzondlula konke loku" (Don't cry all of this will come to
pass)she says.
I nod my head and wipe away my tears with a smile as I pull away from her.
"Let me make you hot chocolate" I say taking out a cup.
She smiles and then nods her head as she goes back to the high chair.
Nokuzotha walks in with a huge smile on her face.
"The boys are back!" She says loudly almost screaming.
Gogo quickly walks out to wherever they are. I don't know whether to go there
or just give them space,I mean Zano is angry at me after all,I don't want to
add on to the fire. Although I really want to hug him right now but I will wait.
I take out the tray of perfectly baked cookies from the oven.
"Aren't you coming?" Nokuzotha asks still standing by the doorway.
I thought she left. I shake my head indicating no as I put the tray on the
"Okay then I'm also not going" she says walking into the kitchen and starts
clearing away all the dirty dishes.
What is this woman doing?
"Nokuzotha go see your man I know how worried you were" I say taking the
dishcloth out of her hand.
"Then asambe" (let's go) she says dragging me with her.

Everybody is in laughter when we get to the sitting room clearly visible that
Phephelo and his brother are back because they are the only two clowns in
this house.
"And then I thought I no longer have a wife" Siphephelo says as he catches
Nokuzotha who left me to jump into her man's arms.
But I don't blame her. I look around the room and my eyes meet with his,he is
seated in between Mamkhulu and Gogo and by the looks of it they are having
a very serious conversation from the looks on their faces. Gogo notices that
Zano is no longer paying attention and follows his sight. When she sees that
he is looking at me she gives me a smile which causes me to look away in
embarrassment. I sit down on the mat with Enhle and the other girls since
every seat is occupied. The Zulu family is huge indeed,all four uncles are here
together with their wives and children,their children's children and all of
Anele's children are also here,which was great to meet them they are little

"Makoti awusilethele itiye namakhekhe" (bring us tea and cookies) uncle

Vusi's wife says to me.
She is one of those aunts that think they have maids to boss around. She acts
like she owns this house and we answer to her,especially me and Nokuzotha
because we are the younger wives. I nod my head and get up from the mat.
"Aunty ngicabanga ukuthi uyalazi ikhishi ukuthi libheke kuphi,my wife always
has to be up on her feet every time you come here like she is your slave and
not the woman I love. I believe Gogo didn't treat you in such a manner so why
are you doing it to her?"(I think you know where the kitchen is) Zano speaks
up. And the entire family goes quiet.
Enhle and Anele laugh. After a minute Enhle realizes her mistake and looks
down but Anele continues laughing her lungs out. I look at Gogo and she is
smiling. Aunty looks down in embarrassment and Zano stands up.
"Ukhona omunye futhi onenkinga?"(is there anybody else who has a
problem?) Zano asks looking at every face one by one.
Is he standing up for me? I feel like I'm dreaming right now.
"Hhayi bafo akekho"(No brother there isn't) Siyanda answers proudly from the
Zano nods and walks to me. He holds my hand and smiles.
"Goodnight family" he says and then leads me out of the room.
Oh my word! What are they going to think,that I sent Zano because I don't
want to perform any house duties.
"Ungakhathazeki uAunty needed to hear that since she doesn't listen to her
husband when he tells her"(don't worry ) he says rolling his eyes.
Causing me to laugh. Its hard to imagine that woman not listening to uncle
Vusi,he is the strictest of them all.

He leads me to his bedroom and tells me to sit down on the couch as he takes
off his shoes and jacket.
He sits on the coffee table and holds both my hands in his,causing me to look
"Tshela mina ukuthi yini inkinga" (tell me what's the problem)he says softly.
I look at him and release a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Do you blame me for everything that happened?" I ask.
"No I don't. I'm even offended that you think so,how can I blame you for
something you didn't do?" He says.
I smile a bit feeling relieved.
"Then why have you been ignoring me?"
"A lot has been happening and I didn't want to stress you by telling you,which
I now realize was a mistake and I'm sorry. I'm just used to dealing with
everything alone forgetting that you are here now" he says squeezing my
I smile and nod my head. I'm glad he realized this on his own.
"Is everything sorted now?" I ask.
He sighs and let's go of my hands to pinch the bridge of his nose with one as
he balances his head on the other hand that is propped on his knee. I move
even closer to him,I love how warm he is.
"Bheka Sthandwa sami I need you to trust me on this,it's not all sorted but it
will be soon." He says looking at me.
I nod my head.
"I trust you. Do you know the person behind this?" I ask.
He looks straight into my eyes and I can see worry,hurt,grief and love dance
in them.
"Jah" he says after a while.
I guess he doesn't want to share that with me so I will just let it go. I know that
he will protect this family with everything he has I don't doubt that for even a
"Love please let me in" I say to him.
He looks at me and keeps quiet but looking into his eyes he is having a battle
with himself.
"It's okay to cry Mageba that is your unborn child that you lost,he was your
heir,your pride and joy. All of your hopes and dreams. So please let it all out" I
say moving to sit on his lap.
He remains silent so I place his head on my breasts and brush the back of his
"You would have made a great father I know that for a fact" I say.
"I failed him Nande. I couldn't even protect him,I'm the one to blame for all
this" he says in a hoarse voice.
Which breaks my heart,here I was thinking that he blames me only to find out
that he blames himself.
"You didn't fail him in anyway my love. We plan but God always decides,if this
is what was meant to happen then it would have happened regardless of
where we could have been or under which ever conditions we were under." I
say causing him to hold on to me even tighter.
"You have to let him rest in peace Love,the more you blame yourself the more
he doesn't find peace. He wouldn't like to see his dad like this,so please give
him that. You will be with him one day right now Ma is with him,so trust in her"
I say not exactly sure of what I'm saying I just want him to stop feeling like this
is on his shoulders.
After a minute I feel my t-shirt getting wet,he is crying.
"Let it all out Love" I say holding him even tighter.
He releases a heart clenching cry with his head still laying on my breasts.
With every cry I can feel his pain,my strong man is broken. I keep on brushing
his head as he cries to let him know that I'm here,this breaks my heart but
right now I have to be his strength I can't fall apart with him. After a while his
body stops shaking and he keeps quiet. We sit in silence for a while until he
looks up at me.
"Ngiyabonga sthandwa sami"(thank you my love) he says with bloodshot eyes
but no remains of tears.
I nod my head and look away from him because I don't know how to answer
"Okay let me go shower quickly" he says placing me on the couch.
"My laptop is somewhere in here you can watch a movie or something" he
says looking around.
I smile at him and nod. Telling him to go shower. I find his laptop on the
bedside table. I switch it on and go straight to Google as I sit on the bed.

"What is so interesting?" Zano asks.

I look up to him only to be greeted by his bare masculine chest and a towel
wrapped on his lower body. How I wouldn't mind to run my tongue along those
abs right now.
"Sphesihle!" he says while laughing.
"Huh?" I say looking up to his face.
"I asked you what you were reading" he says laughing even harder.
"Mxm" I say as I laugh at myself also.
He goes to his closet and takes out grey Calvin Klein briefs. I look back to the
laptop,Lord don't tempt me now.
"Do you know they are called rainbow babies?" I say but it comes out hoarse
so I clear my throat.
"Babies that were lost through miscarriages or still births?" I add.
"I heard of that but I didn't know" he says putting on track pants.
"Well one of the suggested ways to deal with such a loss is to write a letter to
the rainbow baby and then bury it together with an item you bought for them" I
He walks over to the bed and sits down looking at me like he has never seen
anything like me before.
"What?" I ask as I start to feel embarrassed.
"You just spent the last thirty minutes googling ways on how you can help me
deal with this" he says.
Even though it was not a question I nod my head with a shy smile.
"You are a dream come true" he says squeezing my hand and I blush.
"But you dont need to worry about me anymore I'm okay now" he says getting
on the bed.
"Thanks to you" he says planting a kiss on my forehead.
I look at him and smile as I nod my head. I'm glad that he feels better now. He
closes the laptop and puts it on the bedside table. He pulls me to lay back
down with him as we cuddle.

"So what makes you hate me so much that you want to break our soul tie?"
He asks after a while of playing with my hair.
My heart breaks at the fact that he thinks I hate him. I position myself properly
on the bed so that I'm looking directly into his eyes.
"I just thought you don't want this anymore and I just couldn't sit back and see
you hurting like that knowing it's because of me" I say.
"Zenande how many times do I have to reassure you that I want this actually
that I love you,its no longer a duty i have to fulfill,it's what my heart needs. You
are the only woman I think of,when I'm not next to you I always wonder what
you are doing and every time I hear your voice I always see your face even
though you are not there. So tell me exactly what's wrong because we keep
on going back to the same issue" he says.
He is right I have become so weak that when something happens I cannot
stand my ground and be sure of my place in his life I always doubt it. Always
needing him to come back and tell me that he wants me. Tears start running
down my face because I cannot blame this on him only me.
"I am what's wrong... I always feel like my place in your life is temporary that
when you walk out that door you no longer think of me,I'm scared that you are
going to fall in love with somebody out there and then come back and tell me
that you want to marry her and I would have to sit back and watch you be
happy with somebody else..." I say sobbing.
He pulls me to his chest as I cry. Not because I'm hurt but because I have
turned into something that I also don't recognize. I lost myself because of
loving somebody more than me.
"You might be named Sphesihle but that does not mean you are no longer
Zenande. You are still you sthandwa sami,your dreams,your virtues and your
purpose does not change. I fell in love with Zenande the feisty medical
student and the confident model,your personality drew me to you before
anything else. Don't let a Zulu or becoming part of the Zulu family take that
away from you. I find happiness in seeing you grow as a person just like the
boutique for example that's why I supported you fully and I still will support you
on everything you want to do. You want to reach for the stars? Hell I will even
build a rocket for you."he says lifting my face so that I look at him.
I smile through the tears,I want a life with this man,I want a family with this
man and I want to build a life that I can be proud of with him.
"I needed to hear that. Thank you and I promise things will change from now
onwards,I really needed this talk" I say leaving a kiss on his cheek.
"I was just reminding you of how great you are that's all. So tell me why don't
you want to marry me?" He asks.
Damn! This man wants to talk today! I sigh. These conversations are heavy
but they are the main issues I'm battling with so I'm glad he is helping me face
those demons today.
"Its not that I don't want to marry you,I do..." I say.
"But?" He asks.
"The life you live Love,I'm scared that one day you might just not come back
home. I had a taste of it and I don't like it." I say after a while.
"Meaning that you don't trust me? You don't trust that I would do anything in
my power to make it back into your arms? To see that beautiful face? Yes
there will be hiccups but you have to believe in me and my love for You,that's
all that matters. I won't bring my dark world work back home,I'm still me the
man that loves you wholeheartedly" he says giving me a wink.
I laugh at that. I thought I would never love Zano but I opened my heart to it
and look at what I found. I guess I should also do the same with his mafia life,I
can't lose the treasure that I have found in him because of my fear.
"Okay...I will have faith in the love that we share because my love will always
protect you and I will always be here no matter what happens because I know
it's not always going be sunny days,storms are also going to come but I
promise to be by your side through them all" I say.
As long as I love him nothing will happen to him. Our ancestors brought us
together for a reason. He smiles at me. A genuine happy smile that melts my
"Ngiyakthanda dali" he says.
"Uthandwa yimi Mageba" I say.
He tilts my face up and kisses me slowly and affectionately. Like he is sealing
our conversation. I run my fingers down his bare chest and pur. He pulls away
and looks at me. I laugh out loud as he pins me to the bed and hovers over
"Here kitty kitty" he says as he leaves wet kisses from the back of my ear to
my breasts as I laugh at his clown self.
He takes off my t-shirt and luckily I'm not wearing a bra. He takes one breast
into his mouth as his hand plays with the other one. I moan as he continues
playing with my boob and leaves a trail of wet kisses to my naval area. He
stops and probably looks at me. I open my eyes and yes he is looking at me.
"Ngicela ukudla mama"(can I please have some) he whispers in his velvety
voice that leaves me breathless. I nod my head and lay my head back on the
bed as he takes off my skirt and panties slowly. He leaves a trail of wet kisses
as he inserts a finger in me,it's going to be a long night or should I say
morning? As I grab on to the sheets[...]

I wake up wrapped in Zano's arms and our legs tangled up together. I smile to
myself,never in my life did I ever think I would be comfortable in somebody's
warm embrace while totally naked,how much I have grown! Last night we
made genuine love and I get goosebumps when I think of it. He was the most
gentle while whispering sweet nothing's into my ear. He is fast asleep,I'm sure
he hasn't been getting any sleep. I wonder what time it is,I have to get out of
his room before I get an earful from Aunty. I place a kiss on his forehead and
slowly detangle myself from him,he stirs a bit but doesn't wake. I get up from
the bed and strong arms wrap around me pulling me back into bed causing
me to let out a yelp.
"Uyaphi?" (Where are you going?) He asks in his sleepy voice that just
sounds so sexy right now.
"Aunty will freak out when she sees that I slept in your room" I say glancing at
the alarm clock.
It's 10:00am! I'm really going to get a lecture.
"Lo Aunty wakho uzongidina"(this aunt of yours is starting to irritate me) he
says as he places butterfly kisses on my neck.
I can feel him getting hard behind me as his one hand starts fondling with my
"I... Love I have to help out with the chores" I whisper.
"You... Are... Not... A... Maid..." He says in between wet kisses.
I bend my neck to the side to give him more space. He slips his hand in
between my thighs and starts brushing them. I'm already wet and I know he
can see that. He slips his finger into my cookie and groans as he pulls me
closer to his body and I feel his hard self on my lower back. He starts working
me with his fingers.
" please" i beg.
I want him all of him. I can feel him smile against my neck as he positions me
with my chest down and butt up.
"Uyazi umuhle kanjani?"(Do you know how beautiful you are?) He asks as he
leaves kisses down my back.
As I'm about to tell him to stop buttering me up he trusts into me and I let out a
scream of satisfaction[...]

I'm in my room getting dressed and I can't stop smiling. I put on a black long
sleeved bodysuit and a polka dot skirt with stockings underneath. Zano walks
in as I let my hair lose from the towel so I can comb it.
"Mama" he says leaning on the bathroom doorway.
He is wearing Balenciaga sneakers,blue jeans,a black turtle neck and a black
coat on top. With his Rolex watch on and his phone at hand. Farrar Gawd the
day I have kids let them look like this,I say to myself.
"Yes?" I reply as I start brushing my teeth.
"There is a wedding planner I once contacted so that he helps you out,I paid
him and I totally forgot about it. Now he is in Durban and wants to meet" he
says sounding worried.
I continue brushing my teeth while looking at him through the mirror,he seems
nervous right now and it's fascinating to watch because this man used to
intimidate me,look at him now. I inwardly dance as I rinse my mouth and dab
my face with a towel.
"Yeah he contacted me before and I told him that we will meet up when we
are back in Joburg but since he came all the way here then we can go see
him" I say as I start brushing my hair.
"You are not angry at me?" He asks totally surprised.
I laugh softly and shake my head.
"What time do we meet him because I need to do my hair and you need a
haircut Zulu" I say to him as I tie a my hair into a bun and wrap a dork around.
He looks at me and smiles. I turn to look at him and smile back. He walks to
me and gives me a kiss while resting his hands on my waist. I follow suit and
rest mine on his broad shoulders.
"I love you" he says after he pulls away from the kiss.
"I will love you more if you get a haircut" I say to him.
He fakes a pout like a five year old and I let out a giggle. He rolls his eyes
while laughing and steps back.
"What the Mrs wants,the Mrs shall get. I will be downstairs then" he says as
he walks to the door.
"Mageba" I call out.
He stops at the doorway and looks back at me.
"I love you my soulmate" I say to him.
The smile that appears on his face is priceless. He puts his hand over his
"Sphesihle Kodwa ungenzani mama"(What are you doing to me) he says.
I giggle and blow him a kiss.
"Awu suka madoda!" He exclaims as he walks away while reciting his clan
I laugh at that as I apply a bit of makeup to my face.
When I'm done I put on my thigh high stilleto boots and a trench coat on top. I
put my things into my purse and my phone rings. It's Rea.
"Chomi" I answer as I walk downstairs.
"Zenande Karina Rosso kera wena Sphesihle Zulu why are you neglecting
your friends?"(I mean you...) she shouts.
Trust Rea to blow things out of proportion even though I update them about
everything via WhatsApp. To make up for it I tell her that we are meeting with
a wedding planner today.
"CHOMI!!!" She screams causing me to move the phone away from my ear
before she damages my eardrums.
"Kenna maid of honour I don't want to argue with anyone"(I am...) she says.
I laugh at that and she updates me on the boutique and also school. I really
need to go back even though I'm not missing much because I still do study
and do the assignments but I have to go back Zano is okay now. She
demands that I video call her after the meeting with Boujee so that I can
update her on the wedding.
"Yeah yeah Rea I will but I have to go" I say as I reach the foyer.
She bids me goodbye and then I hang up.
"You two deserve a picture" Enhle says popping out of nowhere as I'm about
to put my phone into my purse.
That causes Zano to turn and look at me since he was looking the other way
typing away on his phone. He looks at me from head to toe and you can tell
that he is undressing me with his eyes. This man!
"You are right about that! Where should we stand?" I reply to Enhle before
somebody changes his mind about going out.
"La"(here) she says while positioning us.
We pose for pictures and I'm surprised to see Zano do it willingly without
complaining. When we are done Engle hands me my phone and we leave.
Zano has already told Mamkhulu and Gogo that we are going out,which saves
me the trouble.

"These pictures and the mini videos are cute" I say to him as we walk to the
restaurant we are meeting Boujee at.
I'm done with my hair,it's back to being curly and dark brown. I missed my
natural look honestly. Zano got his haircut which he threw a tantrum and
asked me to choose because he says I'm the one who will have to look at his
ugly face if I choose the wrong one,how mature right? I chose his normal fade
because i love it on him. I look up and it's written Nathi's in bold. We walk in
and we are greeted by none other than Nathi himself. They fist bump while
greeting each other and then laugh about something.
"Good afternoon Mrs Zulu" he says with a smirk as he takes my hands and
shakes it.
I roll my eyes at him.
"Sthandwa sami I don't think you behave formally met Nathi the owner of this
restaurant and my friend since high school days" Zano says to me.
I look at him and nod my head.
"And wena this is my wife Zenande" he says slapping his hand from mine.
Which causes me to laugh.
"Nice to meet you and thank you for your help the other day" I say looking
"Anytime. I know how problematic my friend is so you are always welcome
here" he says causing me to laugh.
He shows us to our table and leaves to call the waiter. He comes back and
insists that he has a business idea he wants to run by Zano.
"Love I will be right back I'm just going to the doctor across the street" I say
taking my purse.
"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah I just ran out of my night cream I'm going to buy it quickly" I say to him
as I get up from the table even though I know that's a lie.
"Ah! Okay" he says giving me his card and goes back to talking with Nathi.
I know that somehow he knows that I'm on contraceptives but I know telling
him that I'm going to get a shot right now would lead to world war two. Diego
calls and we catch up as I walk to the surgery across the street from where we

"Can you please fill this in" the beautiful receptionist tells me.
I do as I'm told filling in my details and hand it back to her. She types away on
her computer for a bit and then gives me a file.
"You can sit over there Doctor Msweli will see you in a bit" she says.
I thank her and take a seat luckily there are only two of us. I busy myself by
browsing through wedding dresses on the internet,I screen grab those that I
like and after a while my name gets called. I put my phone into my purse and
walk to the doctors cabin.
"Good afternoon Miss Rosso how can I help you today?" The young fully
figured Doctor asks.
"I'm here to get my shot" I say.
"Okay when last did you get it?" She asks.
"Three months ago because the one I take lasts three months" I say not
"Okay can you please pee into this the bathroom is two doors down the
hallway" she says giving me a cup.
I nod my head because I know that this is protocol but I don't know why I'm
getting nervous right now.
When I'm done I wash my hands and go back to her office. She puts on her
gloves and inserts a pregnancy test into the cup.
"When last did you have your periods?" She asks.
"I... I don't remember" I say trying to remember.
"But I keep having these weird pains on my lower abdomen,I think maybe my
periods are going to show up soon" I say shrugging.
She looks at the test and then back to me with a smile.
"Congratulations you are pregnant" she says.
And the whole world stops. I can see her talking but I can't even hear her. I
can't be pregnant she must have read the test incorrectly.
"Miss Rosso?" She calls out.
"Huh?" I say snapping out of my thoughts.
"I will write you a referral letter to a gynecologist that I know,you will no hos far
along you are once you do blood tests" She says writing down.
"I love in Pretoria" I say dazed even though I know that I wrote that down in
the form given to me.
She looks at me and gives me a warm smile which makes me break down in
"" I ask as I cry my eyes out.
"Sometimes when we are too stressed our bodies take strain causing
contraceptives to fail" she says passing me a box of tissues.
I'm pregnant? No no no. This can't be happening right now,I still have to finish
school,my modeling career just began I can't be pregnant. My phone rings
and I know it's Zano from the ringtone. I take the phone out of my purse and
"Sthandwa Sami ukuphi? Boujee is already here"(My love where are you?..)
He asks.
You got me pregnant you idiot! I think to myself.
"Ngiyeza"(I'm coming) I say and hang up before he says anything else.
"Your fiancè?" Dr Msweli asks looking at the ring on my finger.
I nod my head in agreement. She gives me the letter and the pregnancy test
which I asked for.
"With a supportive partner pregnancy and motherhood are not so scary" she
says as she walks me out.
I don't even know what to say to her so I give her a fake smile and nod my
head as I leave after paying for the consultation.

I don't realize that I'm at the restaurant until I see Zano stand up and open a
chair for me. I walk over to the table on reflex because my brain is in a
meeting with my heart.
"Future Mrs Zulu it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Boujee greets sticking his
hand out for a handshake.
Of course I recognize him,I mean who wouldn't.
"Same here thanks for reaching out" I say giving him a smile and shaking his
We take a seat and the waiter comes to take our orders. And then leaves after
giving me my drink since Boujee and Zano have already got theirs.
"So when exactly are you planning on the special day?" He asks taking out a
"I would marry her even tomorrow" Zano says squeezing my hand.
I smile at him. I'm pregnant this wedding has to come and pass before I show
I guess. "Next month" I say surprising the guys.
"Okay I can work with a month. How would you like it to be?" He asks writing
Zano looks at me,I knew he was going to be useless on this.
"Simple yet classy. Since this is a mixture of two cultures I want them to show
respectfully" I say.
I tell him more about what I had in mind as we eat. I must say I'm going to
enjoy working with him because he is really creative and understands what I
want from the ideas he is coming up with. For a minute I even forget that I am
pregnant and enjoy planning my fairytale wedding. Zano adds here and there
especially on where he wants the traditional wedding to be,the songs which
are his responsibility and who makes their suits. Apparently it's law that the
traditional wedding happens at the royal house and Boujee squeals in
excitement. I can tell he is going to love working on this wedding already
which makes me happy because I have a lot of things to deal with right now I
can't afford the stress of having to worry about every detail of the wedding

"Wavele wathi next month uSphe?"(she just said...) Mamkhulu asks as Zano
tells them about our meeting with the wedding planner yesterday.
I can hear them talking but my head is just not here right now. I want to go
and get my things so o can head back home and see the doctor I have been
referred to but I'm scared of finding out that this is real,right now you could say
I'm in denial. I don't want it to be true.
"Ucabangani engaka?"(what are you thinking of so much?) Gogo asks pulling
me away from my thoughts.
I look at them and fake a smile.
"I was thinking that it's time I go back,I'm missing out on a lot at school and
the business also and now the wedding" I say looking at Zano.
"Uqinisile when do you want to leave?"(You are right)He asks.
"I was thinking tomorrow" I say.
He looks at me for a minute then nods his head. Mamkhulu and Gogo both
look at me and then turn back to the TV. Okay! I have had it with being looked
at like I'm committing a crime by wanting to go back home. I stand up to leave.
"Uyaphi?"(Where are you going?) Zano asks turning his head back to me.
"To cook or is that a crime also?" I ask infuriated.
I'm not a little baby that has to ask for their permission or beg for their every
time I want to do something. I get to the kitchen and take out all the
ingredients that I need. They should be treating Enhle like that not me. I lay
the meat on the board and cut into smaller pieces because I'm making beef
stew with dumpling.
"OUCH!" I cry out after cutting my finger.
Great! Even the knives in this house have an attitude how wonderful! I think to
myself as I turn to the sink only to bump into a hard chest that takes my hand
and helps me rinse off the blood,then he takes a plaster from one of the
drawers and wraps it around my index finger.
"Ulwelani buka manje uzilimazile"(Why are you fighting look now you have
hurt yourself) he says softly brushing my stray hair away from my face.
"Why do you Zulus want to manage me? First it was your ancestors,you then
now every member of your family does so why?" I ask still angry.
He looks at me wide eyed and takes a step back.
"Manage you? How is us agreeing with you managing you mama?" He asks
totally confused.
"Now you are going to deny it? I saw the way you were all looking at me. I
also have a life you know!" I yell.
"We were just looking at how beautiful you are,you are a sight for sore eyes."
He says.
"Buka manje you are dodging the conversation"(look now...) I say crying.
He doesn't listen to me. He stands up for them without even trying to
understand me.
"Ngiyaxolisa Dali ungakhali"(I'm sorry darling don't cry) he says pulling me into
his arms.
"Yabona? Now you are telling me not to cry even though you have hurt
me"(you see..) I say pushing him away from me.
He pulls me even more closer to him as I wriggle my body out of his hold as I
cry. I honestly don't know why I'm crying but it feels good to cry.
I finally stop trying to get out of his hold and lay my head on the crook of his
neck. His cologne is so calming. He looks at me and wipes my tears. Causing
me to smile shyly at him.
"I'm sorry Mageba" I say.
"It's okay mama" he says placing a kiss on my forehead and then goes to sit
on one of the highchairs at the counter.
I go back to what I was doing. I mix the dough for the dumpling and then put it
away while I wake the stew. All the while Zano is looking at me.
"Do you want something to eat?" I ask
He nods his head with a smile.
"What do you want to eat?" I ask wiping my hands so that I can make him
some food.
"You" he says with a smirk.
I feel my panties going wet,I'm sure I'm red as a tomato right Now,I bite my
bottom lip to stop a smile. Gawd your son is insatiable or am I the one who is
sex crazed? But wouldn't with a husband like mine. No wonder Dudu got
pregnant I don't blame her and here I am also. He gets up from his chair and
walks to me with a naughty smile plastered on his face. With every step he
takes closer to me,my heart rate increases. And the flood in my panties gets
worse. He smothers my body against his as his lips find mine. I can feel his
erection on my lower abdomen and I can't help but moan into his mouth.
"Bazoqhubeka la asambe"(they will continue with the cooking let's go) he says
picking me up bridal style.
I let out a low giggle. I hope we don't bump into anybody because that would
be embarrassing. He carries me to his bedroom. He places me down and then
locks the door. I balance my back on the locked door and let out a soft
giggle,here I am acting like a crazy person. Zano kisses me passionately as
his tongue dominates. With every flick of his tongue I feel and ache only he
can cure down my lower region. He pulls down my dress and it falls into a
pool on the floor. I grab his t-shirt and take it off of him breaking the kiss for a
second. He kisses me and then goes to my neck as I unbuckle his belt. I bend
my head to the side to give him more space as his hand goes up and down
my thigh and the other one unclasps my bra. I hear my panties tear and I look
to him.
"Hold on to me okay?" He whispers as he picks me up by my thighs and
places me on the small table with books,which go flying to the floor as he
removes them in one swipe. I lower his jeans together with his briefs with the
ball of my feet as I hand my hand over his shoulders for balance.
"Are you good?" He whispers in my ear as he grazes his teeth over my ear
causing me to moan.
"Words mama" he says kissing my neck.
"Ah! Zano please..." I beg.
He opens my legs even wider with his waist and thrusts into me causing me to
scream out his name [...]

This man is marinating me in his love and I'm so happy about that. After him
thoroughly sexing me,We got into a bath and be bathed me like a baby,I know
clichè because I'm carrying one. Then he dressed me in his t-shirt which looks
more like a night dress to me. He tied my hair and got me into bed. Then he
brought up our dinner and desert after eating he took the dishes back down.
Right now we are cuddling in bed. I keep on wondering if I should tell him or
not. I mean this is too soon,he just lost his baby and now this. God couldn't
just wait for a year at least.
"Love do you think you will be ready for kids one day?" I ask tilting my face up
to look at him.
"I believe that children are a gift from God so I would love to receive plenty of
those gifts" he says winking at me.
Making me laugh softly. Should I tell him? No not now I need to be sure first.
"So won't Dudu losing a child be harmful to any of your future children?" I ask.
I have heard stories about such so I need to make sure that once I tell him n
ok thing will ruin it for him.
"No if we perform the naming ceremony,we are still waiting on Dudu to fully
recover so I think maybe next week" he says.
"Oh okay" at least I don't be here by then.
"Why are you so curious about this?" He asks.
I choke on my saliva and let out a cough. Is he on to me? I need to leave right
"Uhm... I'm just curious Love that's all" I say tracing his abs with my finger.
"Mmhmmm" he says as he continues brushing my hair with his hand.
"I'm not going back with you tomorrow but there will be guards with you all the
time until I sort this out okay?" He says.
Right now I want to tell him about how I'm a grown woman and I don't need
nobody in my space but I know that will just be useless because once he has
made up his mind,it's done.
"Okay please sort it out soon" I say hugging him.
"I will mama" he says kissing my head.
We talk about random things until I fall asleep in his arms.

The next day I wake up to an empty bed. I wonder where he has gone,I think
to myself. I get up from the bed and put on my slippers. I go to my room and
take a shower. When I'm done with my morning routine I put on my black body
hugging mini dress,my stilleto boots and my trench coat. I let my hair lose
after moisturizing it and only tie the LV headwrap on the front. The elders will
just have to understand I can't be going out there looking like a Makoti that ran
away,I have a reputation to uphold.
I put on a bit of makeup as I'm seated on my vanity table.
"Talk about a wife that doesn't listen" Zano complains as he walks in.
I turn to him and he has a tray with breakfast and orange juice on the side. My
heart literally melts,what is this man doing to me!
"Ha! You didn't tell me so don't say I don't listen" I say giving him a fake pout
as I take the tray from him and peck his lips.
"What's the point of surprises if I have to tell you?" He clapsback.
It's a mouth watering English breakfast,there are nuggets! I have been craving
these for a week now.
"Go get ready then" I say as I start eating.
He let's out a "mxm" as he leaves and I laugh. This is delicious I wonder who
made it! I think to myself as I dig in.

Since I'm already dressed I take my phone and my purse together with the
tray downstairs.
"Mrs Zanothando Zulu to be" Siphephelo says as I walk in to the kitchen.
I smile and shake my head. He is sitting at the dinette table with his girls as
Gogo and Mamkhulu cook. More like Mamkhulu tidying up rather than
cooking. She takes the dishes from me and I thank her.
"Thank you for the breakfast gogo it was delicious" I say.
They all look at me and laugh.
"No no princess you got it wrong your prince made it specially for you"
Siphephelo says as he struggles feeding the twins and Khethiwe wants to
show him something on his phone.
Wow! He never ceases to amaze me,I think to myself as I walk over to help
Siphephelo. I feed the kids while he pays attention to Khethi. Luckily they don't
bother me,when I'm done I wipe their faces with wipes and then place them on
their chairs.
"Good girls" I say as I kiss both their heads.
"Aunty! I also finished my food!" Khethi says.
"Really? Then we have to take pictures how about that?" She squeals as she
takes my hand.
"In the garden please" she says I nod my head and grab my phone.
"Steal my daughters Sphe its fine,making me look like a bad father"
Siphephelo says while wiping away baby food from his suit.
We all laugh at his tantrum as me and Khethi walk to the garden.
I take pictures of her and then she insists we should take selfies,I love how
photogenic she is. When we are done she looks at them while we sit on the
"I also want an outfit like yours" She says.
My heart breaks a little knowing that my Mahle would have said the same
thing right now.
"I will buy it for you okay? But if only you listen to your dad and don't disturb
him while he is busy okay?" I ask.
"I promise!" She says excitedly.
"So this where you two are hiding" Zano says from behind us.
Khethi squeals and runs into his arms. He Is wearing a dark brown suit,He
looks so handsome! As tall as the 9 year old could be,Zano doesn't struggle
picking her up like a toddler. I look at their interactions as I walk beside them
and it's safe to say that Zano will make a great father. My hand reflexively
goes to my nonexistent bump.
"Hey baby" I whisper.
We need to tell daddy about you soon,I think to myself as I catch up with the

After saying goodbye to the family Zano finally drives me to the airport.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love this dress on you?" He asks as he rests
his hand on my knee.
"No you haven't" I reply.
"I love how it hugs your curves" He says as his hands travels all the way up to
my cookie making me feel hot.
I sit back and give him the space he needs As he rubs me over my panties.
"I love how it shows your sexy long legs" he says as he pushes my panties to
the side.
He inserts his finger in me and I throw my head back. He moves it in circles
slowly and I can't help but reach out and place my hand over his as I push it
further in. This man is going to be the death of me. He adds two fingers and I
moan out his name. Everything fades and it's just me and the feeling that's
building up right now,nothing else exists. He continues thrusting into me and I
keep on moaning out his name. He increases the speed and I call out his
name as I reach my climax,he groans that's just all I needed because it sends
me over the edge as I moan out his name. He removes his fingers slowly and
licks them causing him to groan. I push my legs together to stop the familiar
ache I feel in my groin.
"As I was saying I love that dress" he says as he turns into the parking lot.
My panties are soaking wet right now. After he parks the car I unfasten my
seatbelt and straddle him as he adjusts his seat back. His lips find mine as I
fondle with his belt

It's been a long and very hectic week not only for me but everybody else also.
Buhle found out that she is pregnant,since her father is a traditionalist she is
not so excited about it considering the fact that she is not married. Muzi is out
of the country which makes her even more nervous about their
predicament,how will he react to this,that's what she always asks us. I for one
think that he will be ecstatic because he doesn't have a choice I would murder
him before his family does. The Zulus raised fine men that take responsibility
for their actions,I don't doubt that he will step up to this one also. At the end of
the day Buhle didn't make that baby alone. This explains gogo's dream about
those three fishes,the fish that kept on fading away is Dudu's baby,which
makes me think that me and Buhle are also carrying boys,since all those
fishes were blue.

I haven't told Buhle about my pregnancy I feel like that will just bring her down
even more. Anyway nobody knows except Rea who was one day rummaging
in my bag looking for Lord knows what and she came across the positive
pregnancy test and doctor's referral letter. She gave me a whole lecture about
how best friends are supposed to trust each other and share everything with
one another,after that she didn't speak to me for a while. She only softened up
when I asked her to accompany me to the doctor because I was really
nervous and that's when my Rea came back,knowing that I needed her she
put her sulking aside and came through for me.

It's confirmed! I'm 4 weeks pregnant,I got the opportunity to see this little life
growing inside of me and it looks like a little blip,a blip that has a strong
heartbeat and grows with every passing day. Having Rea with me was helpful
because she held my hand through it all even though my heart was yearning
for Zano to be there but I guess I'm the one at fault,he doesn't have a clue
about this. If he knew he would be by my side every minute,maybe thats why
im not in a rush to tell him,im still enjoying my space. Rea keeps on lecturing
me about telling him but I just never get the chance,in my defence.

Zano has been in KZN for the entire week he comes this side when we have a
meeting with Boujee,when we have fittings,rehearsals or like the time we had
a meeting with the interior designer for our house,he stays for the night and
then leaves the next day. Yes! You guessed it my house is done but I'm not
allowed to see it just yet because they are still busy with the interior and Zano
says that the first time I walk into it then I should officially be Mrs Zulu. Since
Dudu is now well,the naming ceremony has been performed and it's a relief
not because of the fact that I'm pregnant but because of how free Zano now
seems,before even a blind person could see the dead weight he was carrying
on his shoulders. Nokuzotha tells me that Dudu is always at the royal house
lately,I guess that is why Zano doesn't want to come back here,he feels like
he should keep her safe or are they working on their relationship? I don't even
want to think of that honestly. He still blames himself for what happened to
Dudu which might lead him to being manipulated by her.

It's a beautiful Thursday morning,I'm sitting in the garden,admiring mother

nature. This is the only peace I get,if somebody realizes that I'm here then I'm
going to be bombarded with questions and small talk until I feel like crying. I'm
currently at my dad's house,I have been staying here for an entire week they
told me something about tradition,who am I to debate that. Since my lobola
negotiations were done the Xhosa way,not that Italians know what Lobola is
but to balance everything out,the white wedding is purely Italian culture so
whatever the Rosso family says goes.

I look to the wedding invitation beside me and smile. The wedding invitations
got sent out yesterday and they are so beautiful! The envelope is white written
Z & Z in gold,it looks like it was taken from those old royal movies and it also
has a white and goldish feather sticking out. The invitation itself is a
transparent acrylic block written in gold. Clearly showing that the theme is
white and gold. I love it because it's so different,I have never received an
invitation like this before.

Together with their families

Zenande Karina Rosso
Zanothando Lwandile Zulu

Invite you to celebrate their marriage

Saturday,August 27,2022
12 Hope Road,Mountain View

Reception to follow

The white wedding will be in Joburg and the traditional wedding will be in
KwaZulu. Zano was insisting that they happen on following days but since
they require a lot of planning and work we decide to split them into two
weekends. I want everybody to enjoy themselves not worry about the next
day. Which also gives me time because I have a lot to learn before
uMabo(The Zulu traditional wedding),there is a dance and just a lot of rules
that should be followed.

"Mosadi!"(Woman!) Rea shouts.

I turn to look at her and she is walking to where I'm sitting.
"You are still in your pyjamas? Do you want this wedding to happen or not?"
She asks totally annoyed.
You would swear she is the one who is getting married.
"So now I'm not supposed to wear pyjamas?" I ask totally confused.
"Not when you have a meeting with one of the best designers in the entire
world in 10 minutes" she says checking the time on her wristwatch.
"Oh! Shoot!" I scream as I get up from the bench and jog to the house.
I totally forgot about it. Boujee is going to kill me for this,he worked so hard to
get him to design my wedding dresses. Ignoio Renzo is one busy person and
here I am late! His time is money,I mean he is the most richest designer in the
world,his work is for the rich people that think a million is change for a dress.
He designed the Queen of Monaco's wedding gown and now he is about to
design mine. I wonder how Boujee got him to listen.
I take my clothes off in one motion and get into a quick shower,I dry
myself,brush my teeth and lotion my body. Luckily I don't have to deal with my
hair since I plaited it into a blonde straight up. I run t o my bedroom and lyckily
Rea has picked out clothes for me. I quickly put on the body hugging blue
jeans,a backless black crop top and a blazer on top. I smile at her,I would
have worn a tracksuit forgetting that this is a meeting with one of the most
important people in the world. I slip on by black high heeled sandals and grab
my handbag.
"Come on I will do your makeup in the car" Rea says while she grabs my
already packed makeup bag.
I take my phone from the vanity table and hurry downstairs behind her.
Mam' Martha is standing by the door with a container.
"Molo mama"(Hello...) i breathlessly greet her.
"Molo Nande. There is granola with yoghurt in there" she says with a wink.
I even forgot that I didn't have breakfast.
"Thanks mama" I say hugging her.
"I knew that you haven't ate anything" Rea says as we walk to the car on the
"So you asked her to make this..." I say smiling as I shake my head.
"It's not only about you now Zee,you have to think of him also" Rea whispers
as Kwanele opens the door for us.
I pop my eyes out at Rea in warning. I look at Kwanele and be seems like he
didn't hear a thing.
"It's not that I'm being reckless chomi,I just forgot there is a lot going on" I
whisper to her.
"Seems like you already have a pregnancy brain before you even start
showing" she whispers back making me to laugh.
She puts on minimum makeup on me and when she is done I eat my delicious
granola. I look at her and smile. I'm very lucky to have her in my life,she is a
"Keng?" She asks looking up from her phone.
"I love you" I say.
"Ncoooh I love you too Mrs Zulu" she says side hugging me.
Kwanele pulls up at a hotel and we scurry out. I feel a bit dizzy so I stand still.
"Chomi are you okay?" Rea asks.
My mouth wants to automatically tell her that I'm fine but my brain knows
"I just feel a bit dizzy" I say taking in a deep breath.
"Okay let me get you water,sit here" she says helping me to sit on a chair and
then hurries off to Lord knows where.
I feel hot so I take off the blazer,now I feel like throwing up. Rea shows up
with a screaming Boujee behind her.
Boujee yells while Rea hands me the water.
I shake my head at her. I don't think I can hold the water down it will just make
me throw up right here.
"Boujee stop it hle!" Rea shouts.
"What's wrong with you? You look pale" Boujee asks totally ignoring Rea.
"Chomi drink this it will help you" Rea says making me take a sip of the water.
"I feel like throwing up" I say shaking my head and moving the glass away
from me.
"I ASKED WHAT IS WRONG HERE! the least you can do is answer me
instead of acting like I'm one these statues" Boujee yells.
"I'm not feeling well" I say.
"She is pregnant" Rea says instantaneously.
I take in a deep breath. Great!
"And when were you planning to tell me because I needed to be aware of
what state my bride is in" Boujee says calmly.
"I was going to tell you I promise it's not like I can hide being pregnant" I say
trying to fight the urge to throw up on his shoes.
"Get me a glass of cold water with lemon in conference room 2B" he says to a
passing waiter.
"You go get some fresh air" he says pointing me to the sliding door that leads
"Rea let's go get this meeting started" he says strutting off.
Rea looks at me and I nod as I walk outside. The cool air hits my face and I
cool down immediately. I stand there for a while until I feel like my normal and
then I go join the others.

"Mr Renzo meet our bride Karina Rosso" Boujee says.

Ignoio looks up at me and smiles. Causing me to smile back at him.
"Nice to meet you and I must say working with you is going to be a breeze
with a body like that" he says instructing me to twirl with his finger.
He just said working with me is going to be a breeze! Meaning I didn't mess
this up and also meaning that I'm going to have a wedding dress of my wildest
dreams! Now I'm really excited for this.

After a brilliant meeting with Ignoio we went to class and then after class we
went to meet with David Tlale a prominent South African designer setting the
world ablaze. He will be designing the bridesmaid dresses,this is going to be
one lavish wedding if I must say.
"He doesn't know right?" Boujee asks.
I nod my head and look away. I don't even have to ask because I already
know who he is referring to.
"For what it's worth Mr Zulu might be intimidating and all but under all of that
he is a good man. Don't be scared to tell him okay?" He says.
I smile at him and nod my head. Im not scared of him,I just don't know how to
tell him.
"Call him I need updates on their suit designers" Boujee says checking his list.
I dial Zano's numbers,Boujee looks at me and shakes his head.
"You haven't seen your man in how long and you are just going to voice call
him? No girl video call him so we can see that handsome face and I secretly
hope he is shirtless right now" he says causing me to laugh out loud.
His obsession with my man never goes away. I do as he says and video call
him. It rings for a while and when I'm about to hang up he answers.
"Sthandwa Sami" he greets as he angles his phone.
God answered Boujee's prayer because he is shirtless,sweaty and out of
breath. He was working out for sure.
"Hey love I'm with Boujee he wants an update on the suits" I say angling the
phone so that we are both visible.
"Good afternoon Mr Z did you manage to get a designer?" Boujee asked while
drinking in Zano's chest with his eyes.
Knowing Zano he feels uncomfortable right now that's why he is putting on a t-
We talk,mostly Boujee and Zano for a while. Zano's suit will be designed by
Thebe Magugu and the other suits will be designed by an upcoming designer
from KZN,he says that he will get recognition through our wedding. I smile at
him. This is why I love him so much,he has a good heart.
"I have an idea! Why don't we use upcoming designers for the traditional
wedding?" I say.
"I like it! Who can do Zulu traditional more than a KZN born and bred
designer?" Boujee says says with dancing eyes.
"Okay I will get a list of designers and their work then" Zano says.
"Just like that?" Boujee asks.
"I told you that whatever my wife wants goes" he says looking at me with a
look that makes me blush.
Boujee squeals at our little exchange.
"Okay love birds I have an idea. We already have designers but we haven't
asked the actual bridal party" Boujee says.
Where is he going with this?
"We can ask them even now akuyona inkinga leyo"(...that is not a problem)
Zano says while looking back over his shoulder and shaking his head.
He is in his bedroom,I wonder who he is talking to.
"That's the thing! I want you to ask them differently,in a special way. Like
sending them gifts that ask them" Boujee says.
I never thought of that before and I must say Boujee is right. Instead of just
asking making them feel special will make them to always remember our
special day.
"Sthandwa Sami?" Zano asks.
"I like it let's go through with it" I say with a smile.
"Great! I'm going to need their addresses and then I will handle everything
where I need information Zee will help me" Boujee says.
Zano nods his head. Boujee makes more of this on his tablet.
"Love we are going to make pyjamas for all the women from our families so is
it fine if Mamkhulu's is written Mother Of The Groom?" I ask.
"She is practically my mom sthandwa sami it's fine. As long as I'm not told to
wear any pyjamas" he says.
I laugh as i shake my head. I was doubtful so I didn't want to go through with it
without telling him. Boujee motions us to sit on a vacant table on the side walk
as he goes through Lord knows what on his tablet.
"Namanje awukacedi?"(Even now you are still not done?) I hear a woman's
voice say.
"Zano who is that?" I ask.
It's Dudu! I see her passing behind Zano probably coming from the bathroom
because she has nothing on but a towel wrapped around her body. Zano
looks at my eye direction and sees what I might probably have seen.
"Sthandwa sa-..."
"Don't you dare! I take it you.have made your decision" I cut him off.
Before he even replies i end the video call because I'm crying already. I knew
that he was going to go back to her,even after everything she did.
"Hey babe what's wrong?" Boujee asks squeezing my shoulder.
"This wedding is off" I say to him as I get up and walk to my apartment.
I told him that if she comes back into our lives then I'm leaving because I can't
live with that witch. Now it's pretty clear that I should have left from the
beginning. He keeps calling so I switch my phone off. I cry the entire walk to
the apartment. Now telling him that I'm pregnant will be like trapping him with

When I get to the apartment I head straight for the cupboard.

"Hhayibo Zee wabaPink?"(...why are you pink?) Buhle asks as she nibbled on
chips on the couch.
I take out a bottle of wine and open it.
"Who are yo-..." Rea says but when her eyes land on me she stops.
In a second the bottle is yanked out of my hand.
"WAGAFA WENA?"(Are you crazy?) Rea yells.
"Yeah maybe I am!" I say trying to get the bottle back.
"Zenande you know very well that this is bad for the baby" Rea says.
"Why does the baby even matter if he is continuously going to choose that
witch?" I ask.
"You and Zano are fucked up honestly but do not involve an innocent soul into
this mess! Don't be selfish!" Rea yells.
I look at her and tears stream down my face. She is right,she is always right.
She gives me a glass of water which I gladly gulp down.
"What happened?"Buhle asks taking a seat beside me.
I tell I retell what I saw to them.
"Honestly he isn't cheating on you in any way so I don't understand why you
are acting like this. He paid lobola for that woman don't forget that" Buhle
I look at her and pop my eyes out that's not what I expected to hear.
"You need to level the playing field,tell him that you are pregnant and that little
witch will be dropped like a hot potato" Rea says.
"But that will be basically forcing him to be with me" I say confused.
"Zanothando loves you and you love him,the entire world can see that. Call it
giving him a reason to love you even more" Rea adds.
"You saw what losing that baby did to him,don't strip him of this little one also"
Buhle says.
In a odd way they are right,it's no longer about me anymore,it's about this little
life inside me. He or she needs to be brought into a loving and warm home.
My mom did everything that she could so that I could have a better life,I surely
will not be any different with my baby.
"Ndiyabulela I really needed to hear that"(Thank you...) I say giving them both
a squeeze which results in a group hug.
"Now go get a shower so we can plan the wedding of the year" Rea says.
"I might have told Boujee that the wedding is off" I say sheepishly.
"You ways act out of anger" Buhle says face palming causing Rea to laugh.
"I will call him although I'm sure he had a heart attack already. Where is your
phone?" Rea says.
"On the counter" I reply to her as I go to my bedroom and take a long and well
deserved hot bath.

I put on my pyjamas and join the girls in the lounge area.

"Your baby daddy is blowing up your phone" Rea says causing us to laugh.
"Serves him right" I say.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Buhle asks sadly.
I even forgot that she didn't know.
"Uhm... i didnt want to stress you out,i mean you are already stressed. I just
didn't want to rub it into your face" I say not sure if I make sense or not.
"But Zee we are friends whether I'm going through a storm and you are going
through rainbows that doesn't change anything. Which kind of friend would I
be if I expected you to be miserable when I am? What brings to you also
brings joy to me" she says.
"I'm sorry Chomi I didn't think of it that way" I say hugging her tight.
This Muzi seriously needs to come back already and fix this mess. Rea tells
us about how relieved Boujee was and what he said and it leaves us all in
stiches. Somebody knocks on the door.
"It must be the pizza" Buhle says.
"I will get it" Rea says.
"It seems like everything is already done for the wedding" Buhle says.
"Yeah we just need those RSVPs so the catering company knows how many
guests to cater for then that's it. The hard part is the traditional wedding,all
those Zulu dances? So help me God!" I say face palming causing Buhle to
"They are not that bad honestly uzobona"( will see) she says.
"Jah jah..." I say rolling my eyes causing her to laugh.
"Uhm Zee... Somebody is here to see you" Rea says as she places the boxes
of pizza on the coffee table.
The smell of the pizza immediately makes me nauseous and I bolt up from the
couch running to the bathroom. I throw up for a good 5 minutes and then get
up to rinse my mouth on the basin. I dab my face dry with a towel and go to
the kitchen.
"Uright?" That's the first thing Zano asks.
He saw me sprinting to the bathroom because I had to pass by here.
"I'm fine. Ufunani la?"(What do you want?) I ask.
"Why were you not answering my calls?" He asks.
"Because you were with your wife" I say rolling my eyes.
He looks at me for a while.
"Hlala phansi"(Sit down) he says as he opens a seat for me.
Like the good girl that I am I do as he says. He also sits down next to me
turning my chair to face him. He does all of this looking straight into my eyes.
"Now you are going to tell me that you are taking her back right?" I ask.
He keeps quiet. Lord please don't tell me that this man is dumb like that.
Maybe i should just blurt out that im pregnant.
"Dudu can no longer have children,the damage from the bullet scarred her
uterus lining" he says.
I pop my eyes out in surprise. No woman deserves to go through that. She
has went through so much already nobody deserves that honestly even her.
Actually what is Zano trying to achieve with this?
"My heart bleeds for her honestly as a fellow woman myself but are you trying
to tell me that's why you slept with her? That's low." I say.
He rubs the bridge of his nose with two fingers.
"I didn't sleep with Dudu. What she is going through is too much so I insisted
she goes to therapy" he says looking at me.
I give him that You Better Talk Look.
"She meets up with the therapists at the royal house,she doesn't want people
to know. She spilled coffee on her dress and then I told her she can take a
shower and change into some of her clothes that are still there. When you
called I had just came back from the gym that's why is was shirtless. I didn't
sleep with her I'm just being there for her as a friend" he says.
"Does she know that?" I ask.
"Am I her?" He asks annoyed.
"I'm sorry. For overreacting I shouldn't have" I say.
Now I feel stupid because I know deep down he is telling the truth.
"You called off the wedding Sphe" he says looking defeated.
"I just said that out of anger,I called him and apologized for that" I say.
"Have you ever realized that whenever something happens between us,the
only thing you ever think of is leaving?" He asks.
I keep quiet and look down. What do you say because he is right. I always
accuse him of not loving me and then expect him to leave whilst I'm the one
who is always ready to leave him. I never think I always just do what first
comes to mind,Buhle is right I always act out of anger. That should change,I
can't let emotions control me. I'm going to be a mother after all I need to
change,if not for Zano who I hurt every time I do this then for this little life I'm
"Yes...What happened today made me realize that there are a lot of things I
have to work on. I'm no longer just a 4th year varsity student,I'm now a wife,a
daughter in law and a sister in law. My brain needed to catch up with that,Now
I realize that leaving without a fight is for little girls. As a wife I'm supposed to
fight for marriage and also make sure that it grows stronger instead of
destroying it. Ngiyaxolisa Mageba that it took me this long to finally see this
but I assure you this will never happen"(...I'm sorry...) I say holding both his
hands in mine.
He looks down for a while and then looks up at me with a smile. He gets up
from his chair and hugs me.
"Ngiyakuthanda Sphe"(I love you) he says.
"Uthandwa yimi Zulu"(I love you) I say buried in his chest.
We stay like that for a while until Rea walks in with a box of pizza.
"Rea No!" I shout as a nausea hits me.
I quickly get up from the chair and to run to the bathroom. As I throw my
empty guts out I feel Zano rubbing my back,making me feel better. When I'm
done he helps me up and flushes the toilet as I rinse my mouth and wet my
face. When I turn back to him he is sitting on the toilet with the lid closed.
"Should I take you the doctor?" He asks worry clearly visible on his face.
It's now or never! I shake my head indicating no with a shy smile. I walk to
where he is and sit on his lap. I now know that he likes to talk whilst sitted. My
stomach grumbles,yep I'm hungry like a lion.
"Ulambile?"(Are you hungry?) Zano asks with a smirk.
"WE are hungry" I say taking his hand and placing it on my nonexistent belly.
He looks at me confused then I see surprise. Every emotion plays out in his
eyes. He opens his mouth like a fish out of water,knowing very well that he
knows what I mean.
"Yes I'm pregnant Love" I reply to his unasked question.
He picks me up in one swift motion and spins me around in the tiny bathroom
while he screams "Yes!" Making me to die in fits of giggles. After a while he
places me down. I look at him and see nothing but happiness,I knew he would
be happy just not like this.
"You just made me the happiest man alive Sthandwa sami,ngiyabonga
themba lami,sipho sami esihle engasinikwa abakathi"(...thank you my
hope,my beautiful gift which I was given by the ancestors) he says a breath
away from me.
I blush. Instead of replying I pull him in for a kiss,even the kiss is electrifying
because i feel like im drowning even deeper into his love. He pulls away when
we are both almost breathless and tears his forehead on mine,our noses
touching. Looking into his eyes a smile automatically appears on my face. I
hope and pray that I bring him happiness for all our living days.
"What do you two want to eat?" He asks rubbing his nose against mine
causing me to giggle.
"Can we go to the Eatery? I feel like having that famous hake of theirs and
chocolate brownie pudding" I say my mouth already watering at the thought of
He smiles and nods his head.
"Go get dressed then" he says planting a kiss on my forehead.
I smile and walk out to my bedroom. I look back at him and he is still standing
there looking at me with a huge smile on his face.
"Zulu" I say.
"Hmm?" He says raising his brow.
"I want to show you something woza"(...come) I say.
He follows me to my bedroom and I make a beeline for my bag as he sits on
the bed. The doctor gave me two scans of our baby so it's only fair I give one
to him. I hold it behind my back and sit on his lap. He plants a kiss on my
shoulder and pulls me closer to him so that my head is laying on his shoulder
and his other hand goes straight to my tummy. I show him the scan and he
raises his brow while taking it into his hand.
"I don't see a thing Sthandwa sami" he says making me to topple over in
"This right here is our little one" I say pointing to the little blip on the scan.
"How far along are you?" He asks.
"4 weeks it's still early" I say.
He nods his head seeming deep in thought. He better not question when I
found out because I will strangle him honestly I don't have the strength to say
sorry anymore.
"Do you remember the day you conceived?" He asks with a naughty smile.
I shake my head indicating no.
"Please remind me babakhe" I say taking his t-shirt off.

Planning the wedding of the year is no child's play,I thank God for Boujee I
wouldn't have survived alone. His wonderful ideas really make this wedding
stand out. For instance a 2 weeks ago my bridesmaids hot gifts asking them
to be my braidsmaids. They said yes and went crazy over how special the
gifts were,a picture of me and them,a bottle of champagne(non-alcoholic for
Buhle),a personalized glass,a scrunchy,and a personalized Bridesmaid
pyjama set. Since Rea is the maid of honour in her package we added a Spa
voucher and a new pouch,just to show that she has more responsibilities than
the others. Khethiwe my flower girl also got a gift,a t-shirt written Petal Patrol
with our wedding date,sunglasses,a scrunchy and a flower necklace.
Nokuzotha literally called me because Khethi wanted to thank me
herself,before she did that she just had to damage my eardrums first. The
groomsmen also got personalized gift boxes with a whiskey glass that's
written their names and our wedding date and a bottle of the finest cognac.
Siyanda and Nathi,Zano's best friend were blown away also. In Siphephelo's
box cigars and cologne were added because he is the best man. Siphephelo
posted it on his Instagram with a #ZanoZuluGetsMarried and it has blown
up like wild fire. All of our friends and family joined in on the posting because
they all got personalized gifts and people are going crazy it has been trending
number one for three whole weeks right now.

Mamkhulu,Gogo,Enhle,Baba,My mother and my father also got gifts. The

ladies got necklaces and personalized pyjama sets together with handwritten
letters telling them how much I appreciate them. My dad got cufflinks one
written "Father Of The Bride 27/07/22" and the other written "Thank You Dad I
Love You 27/07/22". Baba got a Rolex watch with our wedding date inscribed
on it and also they got letters from both me and Zano. Nokuzotha says that
me and Zano are a show off because we totally outdid their wedding. That's
the thing it's not only about us but the entire family that's why we want
everybody involved to feel special. On our wedding day all the women from
our families will be wearing limited edition shoes of their liking sponsored by
Heaven's Boutique,it's a win-win situation for everybody. Since the most
eligible bachelor is now getting married and the entire country is going
crazy,certain media houses were invited. E! Online was invited to document
both the weddings and GQ was invited to write about the special day,the
catch Is that I'm not supposed to appear in any of their pictures or videos.
Everybody who is also coming to the wedding has a NDA making sure that my
face will not be shown. I'm really ecstatic about that because honestly I'm not
ready to be famous just because of who I'm married to and it keeps Zano's
enemies on their toes,I'm the one they could use to hurt him putting me in
danger if my face is splashed in the media.

Muzi is back from Canada,he was very happy when Buhle told him she is
pregnant. He has already sent a letter to the Ngema family asking for her
hand in marriage and to say my best friend is ecstatic is an understatement
she is over the moon,I'm glad she is no longer stressing now and we can all
enjoy. As for my soon-to-be husband,he has become such a big teddy bear.
I'm not allowed to see him in Italian culture until the day of the wedding but he
calls me every minute he is free. He also calls to remind me to eat sometimes
because once things get hectic I forget about food,he has sent me to a the
Spa a couple of times these last three weeks saying that he doesn't want me
stressed. He sends random gifts like flowers and chocolates to dad's house
everyday. He is really a sweetheart. He was in KZN he only came back this
week because on Saturday it's our wedding day,actually I mean tomorrow.
Today we are having the bachelor and bachelorette parties although I
refused,they are still happening. The owner of GQ is a friend of Zano's so
GQ's media pass starts from the bachelor/bachelorette parties until the white
wedding. Diego is friends with the CEO of E!Online and their media pass
starts from the white wedding until the traditional wedding,I like it a whole lot
better because people will get a feel of being there with us.

I told my mom,dad,Nolu and Diego about the pregnancy. They were all so
happy even though Dad was concerned that it's still too early I have a lot to
accomplish and a baby might hold me back but I assured him that I will
manage and I will still make my dreams come true no matter what. I really
appreciate how he worrjes about me and my future,he is honestly the best
dad in the world. I had my final dress fittings 3 days ago and I can't wait to
wear those beautiful masterpieces. Ignoio wants me to be his showstopper for
a new Italian bridal line he is working on and I kindly declined reminding him
that I'm pregnant,he still insisted that I do it so who am I to say no? Turns out
he is my dad's friend from high school,at the mention of my last name he just
had to come here even though I'm sure my father called him and told him
because I was constantly complaining to him and Diego about wanting Ignoio
to design my dresses. Everything is all set for tomorrow and now the nerves
are starting to kick in. I'm fully aware of everything except the rings because
they are Zano's responsibility,i just hope he didnt get ugly rings. I'm supposed
to wear that thing for the rest of my life,it just has to be appealing to the eye.

I just finished bathing. I put on my underwear and just look at my body. I don't
know whether it's because I'm used to having a flat stomach or what but my
belly has gotten a bit bigger. My boobs also,they are no longer those smalls
tennis balls,they are full on boobs. At least they got the memo or maybe I'm
part of those women that get to have big boobs and a small tummy whilst they
are pregnant. That would be great honestly I just feel like when I start showing
then my baby will be in danger,I know it's silly but that feeling keeps on
nagging at me.
"You are a clever little one for this. Because mommy's dresses still need a flat
tummy" I say as I rub my belly.
Mama advised that I should start bonding with him/her and stop acting like a
oven. So these little talks and these belly rubs are a part of that exercise. After
lotioning I go to my bedroom,The bachelorette party has special clothes that I
have to wear. A white tank top written Bride in shimmery gold,denim shorts
and white converse sneakers written Bride at the back in shimmery gold also.
As I'm done getting dressed somebody knocks on my door.
"Come in!" I shout as I try to figure out what to do with my hair.
"I forgot to bring these to you yesterday" Nolu says as she walks in.
She is wearing the same denim shorts,a black tank top written Bride Squad in
shimmery gold,black Vans sneakers written the same thing on the side in the
same colour,a pink 10 inch wig,a black cap written Squad on it and black
frame sunglasses written Bride Squad on the side. I can't help but scream at
how sexy she looks.
"Oh my Word Nolu!" I say jumping to hug her and twirl her around.
"I know right ndimhle"(I'm beautiful) she says laughing as she motions me to
sit on my vanity table.
She covers my hair up and then puts on a red 32 inch wavy wig. I squeal,I
have been meaning to install a red weave this is the best test drive ever.
"I sense Rea chose this wig" I say admiring myself in the mirror.
Nolu laughs and nods at me. I knew it! That girl knows me,that's why she is
my maid of honor after all.
"Okay you do your makeup then I will see you downstairs,I have to help mama
with something" she says putting a cap and sunglasses on the table.
"Thanks sisi"(Sister) I say as I give her a huge smile.
"Always a pleasure little one. I must say you look like a fire Goddess right
now" she says winking at me as she turns to leave.
I look in the mirror and I squeal again,I guess this bachelorette party wasn't
such a bad idea. I put on a bit of makeup then I wear the cap,mine is white
and written Bride and the sunglasses also,they have a white frame and written
the same thing on the side. I wonder where we are going because I was never
told about the venue. When I'm done getting ready I take my phone and head

As soon as I make a turn for the living room I'm greeted by a handful of
women wearing matching outfits with Nolu.
"BRIDE SQUAD!" They all scream at seeing me,I can't help but join in also.
"THE BEST BRIDE SQUAD!" I shout and they cheer with giggles.
There is Rea,Buhle,Nokuzotha,Karabo,Dineo,Enhle,Anele,My two cousins
and Boujee. Enhle and Rea are already snapping away pictures for the Gram.
"Don't get too excited and post the bride" Nokuzotha reminds everyone as she
gives a hug.
"And you look sexy my future Queen" I say checking her out.
It's my first time seeing her in shorts and I must say she has a killer body.
"What can I say anything for my sister" she says giving me a twirl and we both
"Okay ladies your transport is here!" Dad says standing by the door.
They all excitedly file out. My dad holds my hand and walks me outside.
"Are you alright Princessipessa?" He asks.
"Yeah Papi I'm fine,im really enjoying myself" I say hugging him.
I look at the girls getting next to two Mercedes Benz Viennos and the looks to
be a bit of a commotion,I wonder what's happening. The plates are written
Bride Squad also.
"Exactly how much was spent on this wedding?" I ask looking at my dad.
He laughs and shakes his head.
"Not a lot" he says walking me to the cars.
"Seriously Papi?" I ask shaking my head making him laugh even more.
"This is all change to Zano you know that and anyway it's also my daughter's
wedding,I won't hold back" he says planting a kiss on my forehead.
I roll my eyes at that and laugh.
"Tata are you done being cheesy now?" Nolu asks.
I can never get used to hearing her call him Tata,it's been three weeks since
she came back and I must say I haven't gotten used to it. Their bond has
really grown and it's beautiful to see. After rehab,dad enrolled Nolu back into
school,she lives with my dad in Venice and I must say Italy really suits her
because she looks more beautiful than ever. She has taken interest in the
family business and that's what she will be studying towards.
"Okay ladies have fun" dad says putting his hands up in defeat and walks
back to the house.
"Why were you all hovering over that guy?" I ask Nolu.
"Because of this" she says showing me her hand that has a stamp on it.
"Zenande's bride squad if I'm lost buy me a beer" I read it out loud and laugh.
This is pure madness. The bouncer looking guy comes around and also
stamps my hand.

I'm The Bride if I'm lost call my husband!

I read it and laugh. Zano wrote this no doubt about that. I get into the car and
we drive off.
"Where is Diego?" I ask Rea.
"At the Bachelor party duh?" She says.
"Where is it?" I ask.
"They said it's a secret location" Buhle says.
"There better be not any strippers" I say.
We all laugh at that as the girls pop champagne.
"Baby?" Rea says into her phone.
"Mi Amor" Diego answers.
She has put it on loudspeaker. We all scream at his reply causing Rea to
blush and Diego to laugh on the other end.
"The Bride says there better not be any strippers or else people will get
murdered and I second her in that" Rea says.
"Me three!" Buhle says.
" Me four!" Nokuzotha says and we laugh just as we hear a roar of laughter
from the other end.
"We know baby we won't take that risk there might already be snipers aimed
at us already." Diego says still laughing.
"Where are y'all?" Rea asks and I give her thumbs up.
"Enjoy baby,I will see you tomorrow" Diego says in between laughs and hangs
"I swear I'm going to kill him" I say.
"Alright ladies we are going to Hartees for a boat cruise,the GQ photographer
is already there and there are also non-alcoholic drinks available because I
will not have a hungover bride do you understand?" Boujee says to me
I nod my head and mouth a Thank You as the girls complain on my behalf.
"Yerrr we are going to be celebrities cheers ladies!" Rea says as she raises
her glass of champagne.
They all do the same and forget about complaining. I look at Rea and she
winks at me.

"Aowa mosadi you can't be on your phone especially today!"(No! woman...)

Rea says enthusiastically.
"I was just looking at the bachelor party pictures everything was also beautiful"
I say scrolling through the pictures I got sent from both parties yesterday.
"I love the personalized t-shirts " Rea says laughing.
I laugh also. Zano's white shirt was written "Buy me a shot I'm tying the knot" I
can just imagine him complaining his lungs out when he had to wear it. The
others were written "Groom's drinking squad" with their names on the back.
Everything was perfect you can even tell from the pictures.
"I just hope they are not drunk and forget that today is THE day" I say.
I couldn't sleep last night,the nerves are coming in at ten folds. I just want
everything to go smoothly.
"They got hangover packs so don't worry about anything okay? Let's go have
breakfast the ladies are waiting" she says taking my hand helping me to stand
up from my bed.
"I'm not heavily pregnant Rea" I say rolling my eyes.
"I know but you are still pregnant" she says excitedly causing me to laugh.
By Italian tradition the bridal party gets ready at my father's house whilst the
guys are booked in to a lodge at the wedding venue. Now we are having a
bridal breakfast,all the ladies are wearing their personalized pyjama sets.
Mine is white and detailed in pink. Today's date on the left sleeve of the light
gown and Bride written in pink at the back. All the other ladies are wearing
pink with white detailing and their different roles written at the back. Mother of
the groom,mother of the bride,sister of the groom,brides maid,maid of
honor,sister in law of the groom and etc.
Immediately when we get downstairs I'm greeted by ululations and all the
ladies dancing around. I smile as Rea joins in,this is it. It's happening I'm
getting married and I'm so happy to get to share my happiness with these
"Hhayibo ukhalela ntoni ke ngoku?"(Why are you crying?) My mom asks as
she pulls me into a hug.
"Izinyembezi zenjabulo sisi"(Tears of joy) Mamkhulu says joining the hug.
I vigorously nod my head agreeing with her and everybody let's out a "Ncooh"
as they join in on the group hug.

"We should be served champagne not tea" Anele complains.

"I don't want people looking like zombies at my wedding,you drank enough
izolo so please"(...yesterday...) I say to her.
It's irritating that some people just want to bombard themselves with alcohol
even though they had plenty to drink yesterday.
"I think marriage is going to suit you" Rea says and they all burst into laughter.
"I'm sorry" I say to Anele.
It is not my intention to be rude and ruin things for everyone.
"It's fine I understand and I was just joking anyway" She says raising her cup
of tea at me.
I nod at her with a smile. Rea dishes up for me,she is taking her duty really
seriously I must say.
"Zenande eat" my mom commands as everybody else digs in after a prayer
led by gogo.
"Has anyone spoke to Zano?" I ask.
"We are all here with you when would we speak to him?" Mamkhulu asks
digging in to her food.
This woman!
"Boujee is with them right now" Enhle says snapping away pictures.
"Zenande awudle,today is the biggest day of your life stop worrying about
Zano he is fine." ( Gogo says.
I nod my head and shove food down my throat because honestly it tastes like
We eat over small talk and a whole lot of laughs. After breakfast the team
from the Glam Bar starts working on the ladies,the older women first,followed
by the younger ladies,bridesmaids after then me. They sent us 10 stylists,4 for
the nails,2 for the hair and 4 for makeup.
"Delivery for the bride!" Nokuzotha shouts as she holds I'm a gift bag.
"Don't these people know where to send their gifts?" I ask puzzled.
The wedding gifts have been sent to our house and not here. They all shrug
telling me they don't know. I take it from Nokuzotha and open it,no card. The
poor person must have forgot. It's a Pandora box. I open it and I'm met by a
necklace with two hearts on a back drop written :

To My Beautiful Bride

Always remember how much I love you. Wherever the journey takes us,I want
us to go there hand in hand. I feel so lucky that you agreed to be my wife,I
swear you have made me the happiest man in the world.

I love you.

I can't help but cry. Zanothando Zulu is on a league of his own. Here I was
thinking that he was hangover but he is just fine. The girls hover around
looking at the gift letting out "Ncoohs" and "How romantic" as they take
pictures. Nokuzotha hugs me since everybody is minding the gift and not me.
"He loves you,I have never seen him like this" she whispers into my ear.
I smile and nod as she wipes my tears away.
"And I love him too" I say with a smile.
I loved him from the first day I saw him in that restaurant. I can't wait to spend
the rest of my days with him. We listen to music and talk about random stuff
as we all get glammed up.

"Okay we are done" the makeup artist says.

By Italian tradition I'm not supposed to look in the mirror so I just smile at her
and thank her. We are in my room.
"Knock knock!" I hear my grandmother shout.
"Come in!" I say.
She opens the door and comes in with my Mother,They are already dressed
up and I must say they don't look a day over 40,these women are beautiful.
"Sei così bello Karina" (you are so beautiful) my grandmother says with glassy
Both her and mom look like they are seeing a magnificent work of art for the
first time. Now I know for sure that I look beautiful.
"Grazie nonna non piangere" (Thank you grandma don't cry) I say squeezing
her hand.
"Le assomigli" (You look like her)she says.
I smile knowing very well who she is referring to,I have seen pictures of my
father's twin sister and I look exactly like her,the only difference is that I'm
biracial but every feature is exactly like hers even my body and height.
"Dovrei essere mia zia" (I should she is my aunt) I say giving her a smile.
She smiles and kisses my forehead.
"Tu ragazza cattiva lasciami rimettere in sesto" (You naughty girl let me pull
myself together) she says moving to the window making me laugh.
"Awusemhle sana lwam" (you are so beautiful my baby) my mom says giving
me a squeeze.
"Ndiyabulela mama" (Thanks mom) I say giving her a bright smile.
"I brought you this" she says opening a box and showing me a blue comb to
hold my hair back.
"Mama ayisenhle!" (Mom its really beautiful) I say getting up from my chair to
hug her.
"Just like you" she says.
"And I brought you this,I was supposed to pass it on to my daughter but death
took her early but life gave me you,so this now belongs to you,you will pass it
on to your children just like my mom passed it on to me" my grandmother says
giving me a veil.
"Thank you so much nonna I love you" I say giving her a hug.
"Okay let's help you with your dress" my mom says as she takes it down from
the hanger.
They help me put it on carefully without splurging it with makeup. It fits like a
glove,Ignoio did an amazing job. Grandma helps me put on the veil and let's it
hang on the back,I'm already pregnant so no need to cover my face. It's really
long,longer than my dress trail. Gogo comes in also looking beautiful holding a
box in both her hands. She ululates at seeing me and I giggle.
"Waze wamuhle" ( you are beautiful) she says.
"Ngiyabonga gogo"(thank you grandma) I say.
"Since we got briefed about Italian culture,I came to give you something
borrowed" she says opening the box.
It's a big beautiful gold crown studded with diamonds. We all gasp at seeing it.
"This belongs to the Queen of KwaZulu,your mother in law,we thought that
you would love to have something of hers on this special day. She might not
be here physically but in spirit she is" she says.
I try holding my tears back and nod my head. This is so special,not only will it
mean a lot to me but also Zano. She takes it out of the box and carefully
places it on my head.
"Thank you gogo" I say giving her a hug.
She smiles at me and dans my tears away with a tissue careful not to ruin my
"You have something blue,something old,something borrowed and you need
something new" my mom says.
"Knock! Knock!" Diego knocks on the half open door.
"Okay we will leave you two." Gogo says.
"I have to make sure that nobody is wearing white let's go ladies" my grandma
says as they walk out.
I let out a chuckle. Nobody is supposed to wear white except me and Zano.
"Puffo is that you?" Diego asks frozen on the spot.
I nod my head at him. His reaction is priceless.
"La mia sorrellina?" (My little sister?) He asks.
"Sempre e per sempre Puffo" (always and forever) I say walking to him and
giving him a hug.
"Your Italian is getting better I must say" he says as he pulls away.
I playfully hit his shoulder and we laugh.
He looks handsome. In a three piece Armani dark purple suit. I wonder if Rea
saw him because if this was my man I wouldn't let him out of my sight right
"Since you are missing something new I was like nah let me help that little
rascal out" he says shrugging.
I burst out in laughter.
"Puffo to the rescue" I say in between giggles.
"Never in my life did I ever think that I would have this honor today,knowing
that tradition is incomplete until I give my little sister a gift. Like your name you
are so pure and you have brought so much happiness not only into my life but
the entire family as well,I'm so proud to be your brother" he says.
The gate holding the tears back opens and I cry into his arms. This is a dream
come true,I always thought that it was only to be me and Nolu forever. Now I
have him the best brother in the world.
"I love you fratelli" (brother) I say.
"And I love you even more principessa" he says.
After a while I pull away and dab my tears away.
"I don't understand why you wear makeup if you are going to wash it away
with tears honestly" he says shrugging causing me to laugh.
"You will never understand" I say.
He opens the jewelry box and takes out a gold necklace with a huge tear drop
diamond in the front and little diamonds all over,it also has little for little
flowers that are written ZK. I look at him and smile. He surely put a lot of
thought into this. I turn around and he helps me put it on.
"I love it" I say turning around to him.
"Jah jah... won't you trip with this long veil?" He asks.
"No I won't" I say in between laughs.

"Bye Diego" Buhle says leaning on the door.

"You are kicking me out?" Diego asks acting shocked.
"She will find you downstairs" Nolu says also leaning on the door.
As Diego is about to complain Rea comes in.
He pops his eyes out.
"God damn woman you look hot!" Diego says.
Rea blushes but keeps a straight face.
"You want her to be late at her own wedding?" Rea asks.
Diego places a kiss on my cheek and heads for the door. Before he goes out
he stands next to Rea and drinks her in with his eyes.
"Ti voglio bene" (I love you) he says looking into her eyes.
I can literally see Rea melt. Diego places a lingering kiss on her lips and gets
out. We all scream as Rea fans herself with her hand. They all look beautiful
their hair is held back elegantly and their champagne dresses suit them. They
are all wearing A-line V-neck dresses with a slit. Rea's dress has diamonds on
the waist.
"You girls look so beautiful no wonder Diego went bananas" I say and we
"Imagine how you look" Buhle says.
"I can't wait to see Zano's reaction" Nolu says.
I smile at the mention of his name.
"Okay sit down. Nolu please call the makeup artist to do final touch ups. Buhle
the shoes" Rea says making me sit down.
Buhle hands me white leather wedding sandals with diamonds. She helps me
turn them so that I see the soles of the shoes and they have messages written
on them.

Happy Wedding Day to the most beautiful bride and my best friend! I love you

Happy Wedding Day to the best friend a girl could ever ask for I love you

Happy Wedding Day to my sweet little sister I wish you two all the happiness
in the world! I love you so so much.

I bolt up from my chair and give them hugs with tears running down my face. I
love these girls and I'm so lucky to have them by my side today.
"Okay no more tears hle" Rea says after our hug.
"Sisi please touch up her makeup" Nolu says.
They are all carrying their bouquets Now. Then it hits me in Italian culture the
groom sends the bride's bouquet in the morning and Zano hasn't. I stop the
"Zano forgot the bouquet!" I say starting to panic.
"No he didn't,he dropped it off when he dropped your brother here" Buhle
"Here it is" Rea says showing it to me.
I gasp! It's white roses that are detailed with gold pieces and pearls. The stem
of the flowers is covered in white and gold jewelry all over then the bottom is
circled in diamonds. This is the most beautiful bridal bouquet I have ever
"That was our reaction also" Nolu says causing them to laugh.
I smile and let the lady do her work. I must say the photographers are doing
their job pretty well because o don't even feel like they are here. Both GQ and
E! Are here.

After the final touch ups Rea picks up my trail and Nolu holds my bouquet as
we walk downstairs. The woman ululate as we walk down the stairs,I like how
the Italian women have also learnt to do that.
"Zano is going to faint" Diego says.
I smile at him.
"Your grandma said you should take off one shoe when you look in the mirror
and tear a piece of the veil" my mom says.
I nod my head and do as she says. I look in the mirror and I'm greeted by a
living Disney princess. My hair is tied up into an elegant bun,the tiara looks
beautiful,it matches with the necklace and earrings I got from Diego. My face
looks perfect you would swear I'm a doll. The veil elegantly hangs at the back
and my dress looks amazing. It's a spaghetti straps lace mermaid dress,it is
lace up to my waist and then the silk material hugs my body perfectly and the
long trail has lace in a petal like design. I can't help but smile even in my
wildest dreams I didn't imagine myself looking like this.
"The most beautiful girl in the world" my mom says.
I give her a smile and nod.
"Umuhle Aunty!"(You are beautiful Aunty) Khethi says.
She also has on white off the shoulder bell shaped dress,it's light because it
was made out of lace and the long sleeves are also made of lace with flower
designs. She has her basket of flowers in hand. Her hair is elegantly tied up
into a bun.
"Nawe umuhle baby ubonile?" (You are also beautiful... did you see?) I ask
showing her the mirror.
She nods her head with a smile. Mahle my baby you are also here in spirit.
We say a little prayer before we go out into our different cars. I ride with mama
at the back while Diego drives and Rea in the passenger seat. Diego keeps
stealing glances at her as Rea gives out directions to Shepstone Gardens,the
wedding venue the entire ride. Mama holds my hand probably sensing that I'm
nervous and gives me a reassuring smile.

Immediately when I got out of the car I'm met by my father. He sheds a tear at
seeing me.
"Principessa you look like a real princess my baby" he says.
"Thanks dad" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Alright people please start moving to that room over there" Boujee
Today he is not playing any games,he is serious,he is even wearing a suit.
We all make our way to the room,Rea offers me water but I politely decline.
Diego and my mom go take their seats.
"Okay brides maids first,ring bearer second,flower girl after then our bride and
father alright?" Boujee says as he leads us out again.
This is an outdoor wedding that's why we chose this beautiful venue. We
stand in the arranged order and nerves take their claim on me,dad tries to
make small talk but it doesn't work. From where I am standing I cannot see
the alter or the audience because this is like a maze. They will only be visible
when I start walking down the aisle.
Buhle is the first one to walk,followed by Nolu and then Rea my maid of honor.
I notice a table written :

This light burns in honor of those who are watching today from heaven.

And there are 4 candles burning there,I almost cry. This is so beautiful,he
listened to me when I was complaining about Mahle not being here today.
Now I know for sure that our angels are with us. I look to my dad on the side
and he has tears in his eyes. I squeeze his hand and lay on his shoulder.
Whether I get married and have a hundred kids this man will always be my
father and my love for him will never change. Here comes the bride plays and
that's our turn. Boujee fixes my train and then signals for us to go on. We
stand at beginning of the aisle and everybody stands up. I thought I was going
to walk on a red carpet or something but the entire aisle is a mirror. With gold
chairs and white detailing. At the alter the is a green wall made of leaves or
grass written :

We Do
Zenande & Zanothando

With four large gold vases with roses inside on either side. As we start walking
my eyes fall on to Zano,he has glassy eyes. He turns to the side and
Siphephelo pats his back whispering something to him. All the groomsmen
are wearing navy blue two piece suits with black dress shirts and navy blue
bow ties. Siphephelo is also wearing the same attire except that he has on a
navy blue tie and not a bow tie. My man on the other hand looks beautiful in
navy blue 3 piece suit. A white shirt and a black tie. He has a good chain
brooch on and his jacket is left open so that his waist coat shows. Man does
he not look delectable right now. He looks at me totally amazed and I give him
a smile.

My father kisses my cheek and shakes Zano's hand and then goes to his seat.
"Waze wamuhle mama wezingane zami" (You are so beautiful mother of my
children) he whispers to me as he takes my hand and leads me closer to the
Rea two is behind me takes my bouquet and fixes my train as me and Zano
hold both hands.
"Friends and family,we have joined here today to with Zenande and
Zanothando an important moment in their lives. Their time together,they have
seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now
they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one" The priest says.
I smile at how true what the priest just said. I look at Zano and he is looking at
me not even blinking once. I raise an eyebrow and he smiles,that's a relief I
thought he was going to faint.
"May we close our eyes in prayer" the priest says.
I look at Zano and he is back to looking at me. I let him be an close my eyes.
"Gracious God,our hearts are filled with great happiness on this wedding day
of Zenande and Zanothando. They come before you,pledging their lives and
their hearts to one another. Grant that they may be ever true and loving,living
together in such a way as to never bring heartbreak into their marriage Amen."
The priest says we all follow in a chorus of Amen.
"Destiny is a mysterious thing. No matter what you do or where you go,you
cannot avoid it. And,no matter how hard you try,even putting forth your
greatest effort,you can't force it to happen before it's time. This occasion we
witness today is the destiny of two souls. There is not a force in the universe
that could have kept you apart and there is nothing they could have done to
come together sooner. Each of you had to live your lives,lives that were
stepping stones that have led to this moment in time,this uniting of hearts and
minds that shall be forever more. This occasion we celebrate today is the
destiny of two souls. Yes destiny is a marvelous and mysterious thing" the
priest says.
My eyes tear up with every word. It's like he knows about our soultie and all
the hardships we went through to be standing here today. I look at Zano and
just like me he looks emotional. I give him a smile and he squeezes my hand.
"The couple has written their own vows" the priest announces and hands me
the microphone.
I look at Zano and take a deep breath in and exhale. I look straight into eyes.
"Zanothando Lwandle Zulu if I was to name all of the reasons why I love you
then we would be here the entire year..."
Our audience laughs and Zano gives me a smile.
"So i will just name a few. I love you because you are always
happy,adventurous and strong. I have seen you go through the most difficult
times of your life with an open heart and a brave face. I love you because you
love your family and friends just as I fiercely love mine. Also,I love that your
family has become mine and my family has become yours..." I say looking to
both our dads who have glassy eyes just like every member of the Zulu family.
I look at back into his eyes.
"You are my best friend and I'm so happy we are on the same team. God
knows I wouldn't survive against you" I say rolling my eyes.
The audience laughs. Zano as well.
"You are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could have ever
imagined and more loved than I ever thought was possible. Just like your
names you came with the gift of love into my life and that love knows no
boundaries like the sea itself." I see love and pride in his eyes as the audience
let's out a "ncoooh".
"You make me unbelievably proud and I promise that I will make you proud as
your wife . I vow to listen to you and learn from you. I vow to laugh with you
and cry with you. I vow to value our differences just as much as our common
ground. I vow to put all my effort into strengthening our marriage and giving
you the best version of Zenande. On good days or bad days,rain or sun shine.
I will love you forever,I'm so lucky you are mine Zulu." I say with a smile and
people clap.
He looks at me with glassy eyes then looks to the side to gather himself. The
priest takes the microphone from me and gives it to him.
"Niyayibona le ntombi emi ngaphambi kwami?"(Do you all see the lady
standing before me?) He asks the audience.
They laugh and answer "yes".
"Nike nambona umuntu omuhle kanje?"(Have you ever seen such a beautiful
person?) He asks.
They let out a "no".
Zulu kamalandela ngok'landela inkomo zamadoda
Zulu omnyama ondlela zimhlophe
Wena kaphunga nomageba
Wena kamjokwana kandaba
Wena wankayishana kaMenzi oyophuza umlaza ngameva
Sithuli sika Ndaba
Sithuli sika nkombane
Wena kasihhawuhhawu siyinkondla bayikhuzile ngoba ikhuza ngaphansi
Wena kanogwaja onhle ngomlenze
Wena kambambelamashoba
Ndabezitha!" He praises himself and all our guests go wild.
I can't help but smile,this man is in a league of his own.
"Sorry about that I just had to praise my ancestors for the most beautiful thing
in my life both inside and out" he says holding my hands again.
"A love like ours happens once in a lifetime but I doubt that it will ever happen
again. You are sent to me by my ancestors,the one who is everything I have
ever hoped for,the one I thought only existed in my imagination. When you
came into my life,I realized that what I had always thought was happiness
couldn't compare to the joy loving you brought me..." he says.
A tear falls as the audience goes "ncoooh".
"You are part of everything I think,do and feel. And with you by my side,I
believe that anything is possible. Because of you,I laugh,smile and I dare to
dream even bigger. Thank you for the miracle of you. You are,and will always
be,the live of my life. Today I give myself to you in marriage even though you
had me the first time I laid my eyes on you..." he says letting out a chuckle.
I smile at him with tears streaming down my face.
"I will love you without reservation,cherish you and hold you in the highest
regard. I will support you and comfort you through life's joys and sorrows. I will
encourage you,inspire you and be honest and faithful to you. I will stand by
your side in sickness and in health. Through morning sickness,night sickness
or whatever it is. I will protect you with my life because you are my reason for
living. These things I give to you today and all the days of our life." He says.
I'm a crying mess right now,he takes out his handkerchief and wipes my tears
away himself. Our lovely audience explodes with "ncoohs".
"The rings" the priest asks.
I look at Zano,I hope did not forget about them. Siphephelo passes two small
boxes to Zano. The priest takes them out of the boxes and I almost scream in
joy. Zano's wedding band is all silver with three little diamonds on the front,it
has today's date inscribed on it. Mine has small diamonds in three circles that
go around my finger,it has a cushion cut 2 carat diamond on the front and little
diamonds that circle it. It also has today's date inscribed in it.
"Take this ring and repeat after me" the priest says giving me Zano's ring.
"I Zenande..." he says.
"I Zenande" I say.
"Give you Zanothando..." he says.
"Give you Zanothando" I say giving my man a smile.
"This ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you... " he
"This ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" I say
inserting it on his ring finger.
He takes my ring and refuses for the priest to lead him.
"I Zanothando give you Zenande this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and
commitment to you" He says inserting it on my ring finger as it joins my
engagement ring.
Siphephelo brings a small table with a glass vase. It's part of Italian culture.
We join our hands and push it. It breaks into a lot of tiny pieces and the
Italians cheer meaning that me and Zano are going to be together forever
because of the many pieces.
"May you always be lovers,May you forever be friends and should you hurt
each other,May you quickly make amends. May you enjoy passion but never
let compassion die. Thinking in selfless as we and never emphasizing I. May
you forever be soul mates,May your love eternally last,May the food of love
sustain you,May you never have to fast. May you use each other's strengths
when you are feeling week,May you both learn to compromise and always
speak as one voice. May you never keep dark secrets,May you never tell
each other lies,May you both work increasingly to ensure your love never
dies." The priest says in closing.
With every word building a home and staying in me as I begin this journey.
"By the power vested in me,I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may
now kiss the bri-..."
Before the priest even finishes Zano already has his tongue buried deep in my
throat. While people laugh it his childish behavior and scream while others
whistle. I pull away remembering that we are in front of our parents.
"I present to you Mr and Mrs Zulu " the priest announces.
The guests all stand and applaud. Zano holds my hand as we get thrown with
rice. Boujee directs us to where we are taking pictures and the recessional

As me and Zano make our way to the hall where the reception is held. We are
greeted by a mirror sitting plan by the entrance and not too far away from it is
a frame with a QR code written:

Help us capture the love!

Scan here to share and receive all your photos

With arrows and a camera pointing to the code. Boujee who miraculously
shows up out of nowhere leads us further in.
I gasp at what I see. This place looks like heaven even though I'm not sure
what heaven looks like but this is breath taking. The tables are white and the
chairs also but they are trimmed in gold,there are different shapes of the
tables and they are properly set up so that they compliment each other. The
floor is white and there are many vases with different kinds of flowers and also
an artificial tree that has flowers that gives life to this place. Looking around
everything is white and gold. The cutlery,the walls,the gift bags for our guests
at the corner table. Everything looks even way better than I ever imagined I
look at Boujee and smile as I lay my head on my husband's shoulder. Yeah! I
said it MY HUSBAND! He pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head.
"Okay love birds time to welcome your guests in" Boujee says leading us back
to where guests are looking through the sitting plan.
Me and Zano welcome them in,they congratulate and share small talk with us.
There are about four photographers capturing pictures and a videographer on
top of that. After taking pictures we had a mini interview with the tv presenter
for E Online so I guess now she is speaking to the guests. How I feel like a
princess right now! After only God knows how long of welcoming guests pains
of having a large number of guests i tell you. We go take a seat at our table.
I'm honestly hungry right now to the point where I feel like vomiting. Zano
immediately gets whisked into a conversation with Siphephelo and the guys.

"Chomi are you alright?" Rea asks next to me.

I shake my head and squeeze Zano's hand. He turns to me with a smile that
fades at seeing my face.
"I'm hungry and I feel like vomiting" I tell them both as I try to push back the
Rea pours a glass of water and hands it to me.
"Let me go get you something to eat" Zano says as he kisses the top of my
head and walks away.
I take a sip of the water and it only makes matters worse. I look to Rea and
shake my head.
"Okay get up" she says helping me up understanding what I mean.
I quickly get up and we speed walk to the ladies room. Immediately after
getting in I kneel by the toilet and vomit my guts out. I hate being pregnant
honestly! If I have to deal with this everyday for the next nine months then I'm
never getting pregnant ever again,I would rather remove my womb.

Somebody knocks at the door and I get up as Rea checks who it is.
"Reabetswe she is my wife if you haven't noticed ngiyeke ngidlule"(...let me
pass) I hear Zano's annoyed voice.
I decide to stay out of it,I know Zano will win,he always does. I rinse my
face,luckily a genius somewhere in the world came up with waterproof
makeup. As I dab my face with a towel Zano appears behind me with an
annoyed yet worried face. I smile at him to reassure him that I'm okay.
"Umama said this will help" he says showing me a glass of water with lemon.
I turn around and take it from him. I drink the entire glass and feel the nausea
slowly getting better. He moves closer to me and envelopes me in his warm
arms. We stand there long enough that my feet start hurting. I pull away from
"Better now?" He asks.
"The nausea is no more but I'm still hungry" I say sheepishly.
"Okay lets get you two fed" he says holding my hand and leading me out to
our table.
I sit down and Zano sits beside me. There is a menu on top of each plate and
a waiter taking orders at each table. I look at it and it's all Italian dishes. I'm
pretty sure my family is ecstatic about this.
I look down at the plate and there is a little card that holds the cutlery together
with the white napkin,it's written:

Thank you for sharing our first meal as Mr and Mrs Zulu.

With today's date inscribed on it. Boujee deserves an award for his
planning,he knows how to make people feel special and included.
"Sthandwa Sami ulele yini?"(...Are you sleeping?) Zano's voice pulls me away
from my thoughts.
"Huh?" I ask.
"What would you like to eat phela izinto zakini lezi"(...these are your things)
I chuckle at that and look back at the menu.
"Can I please have Italian mini meatballs and four cheese spinach" I say to
the waiter.
Zano looks at me and then shakes his head. What's that about?
"A chicken marsala please" he says and hands the waiter both our menus.
"What was that look for babakhe?" I ask.
He looks at me and smiles.
"Phinda futhi angikuzwa kahle"(Repeat that again I don't hear you properly) he
Knowing very well what he wants to hear,I oblige.
"Sthandwa Sami,baba wezingane zami what was that look for?"(...father of my
kids...) I say and he kisses me.
I feel the butterflies in my tummy fight to be let out. He slowly pulls away as I
look down sheepishly,hoping nobody saw that.
"Ngiyakuthanda yezwa?" (I love you do you hear that?) He whispers in my ear
and my body responds with "Show me how much Mr" I blush at the thought.
The waiter serves us our food. And I almost cry,the meatballs look delectable
but the four cheese spinach looks like something out of a horror movie. Now I
understand why he was looking at me like that. I just showed him how stupid I
am,I'm half Italian yet I don't even know what are the best dishes. I taste the
meatballs and they are delicious! I taste the lasagna and it tastes like
cardboard. A brilliant plan comes to mind and I mix them and they are both
"Uhlezi unePlan neh?"(You always have a plan) he says making me laugh.
"Always" I say giving him a wink.
We gossip about people as we eat and we laugh,in a room full of people it
feels like we are the only ones here.

"Let's welcome the father of the bride Leonardo Rosso on to the stage" the
MC announces.
My father smiles and gets up from his seat. He walks to the stage and takes
the Mic from him.
"Good evening everyone. My speech is different from most father of the bride
speeches because I cannot tell you funny stories about how my daughter
grew up or how I felt the day she came into this world because I was never
there..." I feel tears sting my eyes as he continues with his speech. Talking
about all the moments he has spent with me and how lucky Zano is to have
Zano squeezes my hand and I nod my head telling him that I'm okay. Funny
enough this how we are now,no need to say anything we can see everything
from each other's eyes. My dad gives a toast and we all clink our glasses.

"Next is the man of the hour himself Zanothando Zulu let's give him a warm
round of applause" the MC says.
Zano laughs as everybody claps for him,me included.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Firstly I would like to thank Leonardo for those sincere
words. Secondly I would like to thank both the Rosso and Nododile family for
the love they have shown me,not only in preparation for today but from the
moment we first met. I remember meeting Mr Rosso as a business partner
that then turned into a very close friends,if only we knew that one day I will be
your son in law" he says and we all laugh.
"On behalf of my wife and I,suppose I'm going to have to get used to that" he
says looking at me with a smile that reciprocate.
"I would like to start by thanking everyone here today for sharing our very
special day with us. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts and cards that you
have given us,we are very touched at your generosity,I'm certainly looking
forward to seeing how Leonardo has managed to gift wrap the wheelbarrow"
he says.
We all topple all over in laughter,I look at Diego and he is laughing so hard he
is even gasping for air. I look at my dad and he is laughing with tears coming
from his eyes,he is happy. We all are because of that clown we now call my
husband. I can't help but put my hand over my stomach. We are going to be
alright,we went through the worst now it's time for us to be happy.
"We have both been very nervous about today and it means a great deal to us
that you are sharing our day with us and we hope you are enjoying the
occasion every bit as much as we are. Most people on their wedding day
describe it as the happiest day of their lives. That worries me because it
implies that as from tomorrow there's a lifelong decline up ahead,so I'm
making the most of today. However,I'm so happy today that even days less
happy would still be blissfull." He looks at me with a smile.
The way I'm smiling today I'm sure my cheeks are going to hurt tomorrow.
"I would like to say a special Thank you to those of you that have travelled
some distance to be here today,it is quite a humbling experience to realise
that you have friends and family that care so much for you. And I do genuinely
mean that" everybody cheers and raises their glasses to him.
"To the Rosso and Nododile family I feel very proud to be able to say that I'm
your son-in-law and will always do my best to live up to your expectations,not
yours Diego and promise to take care of Zenande" he says as he hands the
Mic back to the MC. Diego and the guys laugh and I know it's something they
only know about.

Zano kisses my neck as he sits down. Up next is the best man,Siphephelo.

He tells so many funny stories that we laugh until we are out of breath. Then
other people who would like to say something.
"Love I'm going to change now" I say to Zano.
He looks at me and nods as me and Rea walk out. When we get to the room
Boujee has set out I take off my heels first. Rea helps me take off the dress
and put on the other one. A formal bodycon white party lace dress with and
open back and an open front. It covers my boobs but shows part of my chest
up until my belly button. The stylist unties my hair and lets it fall lose and then
pushes it to the side with the comb that my mom gave me. I put on a diamond
necklace and earrings gifted to me by Zano and the makeup artist does her
work. I put on different heels which I'm hoping are comfortable and we head
back to the reception area. Zano is nowhere to be seen,me and Rea sit down
as people come to congratulate me and talk about random stuff. I suspect that
the open bar has contributed tremendously to this.
"Time to cut the cake!" The MC announces.
It is now that I notice that there is a white and gold cake with white roses for
decoration. I feel Zano's arm snake around my waist as he helps me stand up.
Leaving Rea to deal with the drunk woman who was advising me on marriage.
"You look mouthwatering mkami,I can't wait to take that dress off of you" he
whispers to me.
My entire body becomes hot and the now familiar ache down there between
my thighs deepens. Zano mustn't tempt me with a good time like this. We cut
the cake and feed it to each other then the rest gets distributed to our guests.
Who are all having fun,talking and laughing. The presenter asks for one last
interview and we oblige.

We go back inside after a few minutes.

"Mr and Mrs Zanothando Zulu make your way to the dance floor for your first
dance as husband and wife" the MC announces.
We make our way to the dance floor with everybody looking at us. Best Part
by H.E.R and Daniel Caesar plays and I can't help but smile as we start
moving to the music. We dance looking in to each other's eyes lost in how
much we love each other that we don't even notice when the song ends.
I dance with my father as Zano dances with my mother with Grow Old With
Me by Tom Odell softly playing. I can see my mom laughing at whatever Zano
is telling her and my heart skips a beat. His every move,the way he turns her
around,the way he steals glances of me and the way he licks his bottom lip
drives me insane,can this thing end already! You Make It Easy by Jason
Aldean plays as I dance with my father-in-law,the king of KwaZulu. While
Zano dances with Mamkhulu. We dance over small talk and him telling me
jokes. Now I know where Zano gets his sense of humor. Baby I'm Yours by
Arctic Monkeys as Zano holds me in his arms and every couple joins us on
the dance floor.
"Love I'm tired" I say to him.
I'm not at all tired o just want to get out of here so that he can keep his
promise of taking this dress off of me. He looks at me quizzically and nods
with a smile. He leads me off the dance floor and goes to the MC. They talk
for a bit and he comes back to me.
When the song ends. The MC announces that all the single gents should
gather around. Zano leads me to a chair placed in the middle of the dance
floor and I sit down. They all gather around as Zano gets down on his knee
and takes out the garter with his teeth. I feel his breath against my thigh and I
almost moan out his name. He slides it down my leg and then throws it back.
Muzi catches it. Meaning he will get married soon. The single/unmarried
ladies also gather around as I throw my beautiful bouquet. Which Rea
catches. I look at Diego and he is not even fazed one bit,I guess my friends
will be getting married soon. We say our goodbyes and then we get driven

I though that we are going to a hotel but instead we came to our house. We
stop at a black simple gate that has a walk in gate on the side. The fence is
covered by beautifully trimmed trees. Surrounded by trees there stands a grey
two storey house with lights shining bright. We drive in. In the middle of the
driveway there is a small fountain that is also rounded by a fence tree which
has lights. The beautifully trimmed fence tree leads to the front door. Zano
helps me get out of the car and holds my hand as we walk to the front door.
Grey arch like double doors with a decorated mirror. I'm standing on white
tiles which compliment the white pillars perfectly. There is a doormat written:


After unlocking the door Zano carries me inside bridal style. The foyer has a
black chair next to a chest of black drawers. With pink flowers on top of
it,above it is a picture,a huge picture hanging on the wall of Zano kneeling on
his knee,it's the day he proposed to me. My eyes water up. At the corner next
to the stairs there is a small black table with a huge see through glass and
flowers. There is a beautiful gold chandelier that hangs from the ceiling which
gives perfect light to the place. Zano carries me up the black coloured stairs.
There is a black sofa with a black bookshelf filled with books and a hallway to
the left and also one to the right. Zano turns right and passes one door. He
gently kicks the door open and greeted by a room full of rose petals. The
entire left wall is a mirror which I'm guessing is the closet. There is an opaque
glass double door that leads to the balcony and a huge window next to it that
shows outside,now that is all covered by curtains which take up almost the
entire wall. The entire floor is covered by a grey net,there is a black table next
to the window with a two seater cream couch with a white little soft mat. There
is a huge cream white lamp and a picture of me and Zano at the beach,the
day I did my first photo shoot,we are looking at each other with nothing but
lust in our eyes. In the other corner is a brown chest of drawers and a large
flat screen TV on top of it. On either side of the bed there are also black
drawers with white lamps on top,the headboard is the same colour as them. I
turn back and there is an arch I walk in and I'm greeted by a round white fluffy
mat with a white couch. I look to my right and there is rows and rows of
clothing and shoes which is mine. I look to the left and there are rows and
rows of Zano's clothing and shoes. It's a walk in closet! I walk straight ahead
and open the white door. I'm greeted by a bathroom with two his and hers
basins on top of a black cabinet that has a row of white towels at the bottom.
Above it the wall is covered by a huge mirror. The taps are also black in
colour. The floor is also marble black the is a huge white bath tub in the
middle next to a window that shows outside which is now covered by white
curtains. There is a rack with towels hanging on the other side next to the door
and on the left hand side of the door is a huge shower that is all glass which is
big enough for two if not four people. The wall facing me is black marble like
the floor and the one adjacent to it,is white marble. I walk back to where i left
Zano and he is sitting on the bed.
"Do you like it? We can change anything you don't like" he says.
I sit on his lap and kiss him softly.
"I love it ngiyabonga sthandwa sami,this is our home" I say kissing him again
and this time the kiss turns passionate in an instant.
He slides the dress off of me and I unbutton his shirt and throw it on the floor.
He helps me stand up so that my dress falls on the floor joining his shirt and
his breath hitches at seeing the white lace panties written Mrs Zulu in black. I
can't help but blush,that's the exact reaction I was looking for. He takes in my
body as he walks closer to me. He kisses me with hunger,desire,Love,you
name it all as I knuckle his pants. He lifts me up and places me on the as his
hand slides under my panties making me let out a moan

It's been a month since me and Zano got married. We have moved in to our
new home and I must say I'm enjoying this married life,it was a bit tricky at first
because now I'm no longer a Rosso. Like this one time I had to sign
documents I accidentally used Rosso luckily the clerk was kind enough to give
me another form.

E Online and GQ dropped their Zulu wedding special editions and everything
went flying,the magazine was sold out in a week and E Online gained more
viewers and also the wedding special was the most viewed "docie/series" for
the entire month. Safely speaking they made a lot of money through our
wedding. And I also got a lot of haters in the process,luckily my face wasn't
shown anywhere only a part of me like a hand,my back or my foot and my
voice was audible. Zano's female friends went crazy calling me names and
stating how much they really hate me for taking "their man",like I forced him to
even get married. It's appalling how people can just hate you for no valid
reason honestly.

But I will not dwell on that because at the end of the day their dislike towards
me doesn't disrupt my life in any way. People talk,people hate,people will
always be people that's why I'm not even bothered by them anymore. The
only people that matter are my friends and family. Zano went with me to the
doctor and the joy he had was priceless when they showed him our little
blip,seeing him like that also made me happy. He sent me a huge amount of
money and when I asked what it was for he just told me it's for my cravings,I
mean a whole 100K for cravings? Am I carrying an entire soccer team in my

He has been in KZN for about 3 weeks now,still trying to find the person who
started a shooting spree on us. We communicate through video calls and
those unexpected messages where he tells me how much he loves me and
misses me,they always make my day. The security around me has also
increased,I have two guards that follow me around everywhere and it's driving
me insane! That's why I now prefer staying at home and not going anywhere.

Buhle's negotiations went well,now we are just waiting on planning the big
day. She is a month ahead of me,her bump is visible. While I still look flat as
ever the only thing that has changed are my boobs they have gotten fuller,I
guess my pregnancy is going straight to my boobs but I don't mind since some
of the family members haven't been told yet. I really didn't want to ruin Buhle
and Muzi's moment with this. Zano understood eventually after a lot of sulking
from me and told me that we will tell them whenever I'm ready,I love how he
always tries to understand me.

I get up from the couch,Rea was here and we watched a few movies over ice
cream until she had to leave because she has a date with my brother. I must
say it was nice spending the entire day with her. The woman who helps
around the house has already retired for the day after I assured her that I
won't be needing her. I switch off the TV and the lights then I go upstairs. My
battery is dead so I plug my phone into the charger and switch it on. I take a
quick shower and when I'm done with my night routine I put on my pyjamas.
My phone rings as I'm still in the walk in closet,I quickly jog over to where it is.
I already know who it is from the specialized ringtone.
"Love" I greet throwing my butt on the bed.
"Uthi why was your phone off the entire day?" He asks.
Hhayibo! No greeting whatsoever. How rude!
"I was lazy to charge it I didn't think it would be a big deal" I say shrugging.
"So the fact that I can't get hold of my pregnant wife who is alone at home and
anything can happen to her is not a big deal?" He asks still sounding calm.
"I'm not alone there is an entire army here or have you forgot? Instead of
living with my husband I live with strangers!" I fire back.
"Those people are there to keep you safe and I'm not here because I want to.
I'd rather be on our honeymoon but I have to make sure my entire family is
safe before I do that" he says sounding like he is adjusting himself on a chair.
I sigh. And rest my back on the headboard.
"How are my favourite people?" He asks.
"We are fine just missing daddy ubuya nini babakhe?"(...when are you coming
back) I ask with my hand automatically falling to my nonexistent bump.
"About that sthandwa sami you have to come down here" he says testing the
"What for? Is there something wrong?" I ask.
It better not involve Dudu,I swear I will murder him.
"UBab' Cele says he has to strengthen the entire family and everyone is
needed that's all I know" he says.
"Oh... okay when?" I ask.
"Tomorrow,I have already booked your flight I will send you the ticket" he
Trust him to think of everything. No use complaining it's not like I had any
plans and anyway I miss my husband. We catch up for an entire hour until I
feel sleepy and he hangs up so that I can finally sleep because I wasn't even
paying attention anymore.

I'm walking near a waterfall and it looks so peaceful here. Everything is green
and the water is blue. I look down and I'm wearing a Zulu traditional
attire,walking barefoot. At a distance I see a man slowly making his way to
me,he is struggling to walk I guess that's why he uses a cane for the balance.
As he comes closer his face comes to view,He looks exactly like baba,Zano's
"Baba" I say shocked.
He gives me a smile and shakes his head.
"Hlala phansi Sphesihle"(sit down) he says.
I help him sit down on the grass and then I follow suit,we are facing the
waterfall,the sun is shining brightly when you look at the sky but this whole
place is covered by shade.
"Yini le eyenzeka ebukhosini makoti?"(What is happening in the royal house)
He asks looking at me.
I look down out of embarrassment,I might not know what is happening but I
feel guilty for it. This man looks likes baba but it's not him,He is much more
lighter than him and his voice is more deeper. I'm assuming it might be his
"Ingabe ubaba ukhuluma ngani?"(What is dad talking about) I ask still facing
"Ingabe senakhohlwa ukuthi ningoZulu? Ukuthi kunamasiko okumele
alandelwe? Kungani nimosha umuzi wakwaZulu?"(Have you forgotten that
you are the Zulu family? That there is tradition to be followed? Why are you
ruining the Zulu royal house?) He asks his face showing hints of anger. And
the water from the waterfall gets louder like it's also angry.
"Ngiyaxolisa baba"(I'm sorry dad) I say feeling scared.
"Buka manje bonke omakoti abakenzelwe umsebenzi wokwamukelwa
emagcekeni. Anilaleli uma sikhuluma kodwa uma sekumosheka nigijima nize
kithi"(for instance all of the bride have not had a welcoming ceremony. You
don't listen when we talk but when things don't go your way you run to us) He
says angrily and the sky changes,it's now dark and cloudy and lightning is
coming out to play. I feel my heartbeat in my ears.
He gets up from where he is sitting and stands.
"Lungisa umuzi wakwaZulu Sphesihle yingakho ulana ingabe
usukhohliwe?"(He shouts as he walks away to where he came from.
The rain starts pouring and I can't seem to get up from where I am sitting. I
can't help but cry. The Zulus are so selfish they brought me into Zano's life by
force for their own benefit. They are using me like a mop to clean up their

The more that I cry the rain lessens and I manage to get up from the wet
ground. I walk in the direction that the old man went it and I'm met by my
mother-in-law serving tea to a group of old men. Firstly she gives them water
to wash their hands and then serves tea to them on her knees. She gets up to
attend to the huge pots on the fire and thats when her eyes land on me. She
smiles to me and nods her head.

"Nande" i hear somebody calling out my name.

"Vuka sisi"(wake up) the voice sounds again.
I groan as I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes before I turn to the person that
has deprived me of my beauty sleep.
"Go get ready Mr Zulu said that you are leaving at 10" MaNkosi says and then
walks out.
Why the hell would that man book a 10 o'clock flight? Am I going to Antartica
or something? I glance at the alarm clock and it's still 8 o'clock. Why are these
people against me? I feel hurt. I get up from the bed and the tears start
streaming down my face. Everybody is now using me for their own selfish
benefit,I'm like a toy that everybody plays with.

My phone rings and I take it from the bedside table,answering it. I put it to my
ear and I hear Zano laughing.
"It's a video call sthandwa sami i prefer not to look at your beautiful ears" he
says laughing.
I remove it from my ear and I see him carelessly laughing. He enjoys making
me a fool honestly! Now I let out the sobs I have been holding back,he can't
be laughing at me when my feelings are this hurt,what kind of a husband is
"Hhayibo yini inkinga? Are you feeling pain anywhere?"(What is the
problem?...) He asks concern now visible on his handsome face.
I shake my head indicating no as I continue to cry. I can't even answer him.
"Ngiyaxolisa mkami I shouldn't have laughed at you" he says with a smirk but
quickly covers it up.
"You and everybody in this world are abusing me! I couldn't sleep because
YOUR ancestors were making me have bad dreams,YOU booked an early
flight on purpose because you are in cahoots with them and then YOU tell
MaNkosi to wake me up this time! Awungithandi Zulu!"(...You don't love me
Zulu) I say wailing.
"Sthandwa Sami I didn't know you had nightmares,you were peacefully
sleeping nje last night when I hung up?" He asks with the most softest tone.
"Its because they knew that you were on the other end of the line" I say wiping
my tears.I'm now left with hiccups.
"Hhayi kumele ngikhulume nabo impela,angiyithandi lento abayenza kuwe
sthandwa sami"(I should talk to them for real,i don't like what they are doing to
you)he says with a smile on his face.
I nod my head at him,I really need to sleep they rather pull up during the day
not at night.
Zano talks to me until I finally calm down and then tells me to get ready
because I'm going to miss my flight.

I quickly take a shower and do my morning routine. After the shower I feel
much better so I decide that I must look good and represent all the city wives
ou there . I put on my baby blue blazer dress that goes up to my ankles,luckily
it's long sleeve and doesn't show off any cleavage,we are going to the in laws
after all. I put on my 32 inch weave since my starightback is now acting up. I
glue it on and then wrap a silk head wrap around letting the hair fall down my
back. I put on a bit of make up and then finish off the look with my baby blue
glittery heels.

Luckily MaNkosi packed for me so I just add my toiletry bag and zip it up. I
take my LV handbag together with my duffel bag and head downstairs. I dont
have to pack a lot of clothes because thanks to Enhle and Mamkhulu I have a
fully stocked wardrobe back home.
"Good morning Ma unjani?"( are you?) I greet her as I enter the kitchen.
"Ngiyaphila wena unjani? Waze wamuhle awufuni ngikuthathe izithombe?"(I'm
alright and yourself? You look so beautiful don't you want me to take pictures
of you?) She asks.
I give her a wide smile,see why I love this woman so much? She takes a few
pictures and videos of me and then I thank her.
I look through them as I eat and post them on my socials.
"Ma ngiyathemba uZano has told you that you have the entire week off and
don't worry you will still get your full pay"(Mom I hope Zano...) I say to her as
she takes the dishes from me.
"Yebo ngane yami usengitshelile"(yes my child he has told me) she says with
a smile. I know Zano must have mentioned it I'm just reminding her.
"Alright ma bengicela ukuba yindlela before uZano ezorasela wonke
umuntu"(let me be on my way before Zano shouts at everyone) I say.
She laughs knowing exactly what I mean. She bids me goodbye and safe
travels then I walk to the car,Sipho has already loaded my bag. I get settled in
and we drive to the airport. On my way I keep on thinking about the dream,I'm
glad that I told Zano and he said that he will pass it on to Cele. Maybe it will
make better sense to him than me. I just hope that it's not too late because the
man was honestly angry.

A driver escorts me back home,I guess they are all busy especially if it's a full
house. Immediately when the plane landed I started feeling uneasy what can i
say maybe it's because I know how much work a full Zulu house provides for
us young brides. As we drive through the gates it's clearly visible that every
family member is present here,luckily I briefly met all of them at my wedding. I
get out of the car and the driver takes my bags upstairs after I direct him to
where my room is.

"Sphesihle!" Uncle Vusi's wife,MaShandu shouts as she comes to where I'm

I plaster on a smile on my face.
"Aunty" I greet.
She looks me up and down and then claps her hands out of shock.
"Yazi kumnandi ukuba yini buka you have dressed to kill while we Zulu wives
slave away in preparation for everything"(You know it's nice being you look...)
she says clicking her tongue and going inside.
What a welcome. I follow silently behind her and even inside it's chaotic. I
stand there looking at everyone doing their assigned chores. When it comes
to traditional ceremonies the entire staff gets a week off while all of the family
members do the work that's how it works,I think Baba made that rule because
he doesn't want to spoil them any further.
"Weee Sphesihle usamile? Hambo ncedisa ukupheka ngale emuva"(you are
still standing there? Go help out with the going at the back) she says
disappearing into the lounge.
I haven't even been here for 5 minutes but I'm already being bossed around. I
was hoping to see my husband first but I guess I will see him later on,this
comes first. I quickly walk to my room taking the stairs two at a time.
"Sphesihle you will fall and hurt yourself stop that" Gogo reprimands as I
reach the top.
I give her a sheepish smile.
"Sawubona Gogo unjani?" (Hello Gogo how are you?) I greet.
"Ngiyaphila ngane yami you just arrived?"(I'm well my child...) she asks
standing up properly to look at me since she was dusting the table.
"Yep and I'm already needed at the back" I say shrugging and she laughs.
"You look different..." she says looking at me from head to toe.
I look down. I hope she can't tell that I'm pregnant. I need to leave here before
she does.
"Gogo let me change my shoes before MaShandu sends an army to fetch me"
I say going to the direction of my room.
She laughs and nods here head. When I look back she is still looking at me,I
have to change into something more lose. I can't have them finding out just
I quickly take off my dress and put on a floral flowing dress,I put on a long
sleeve black t-shirt underneath because I certainly can't handle a cardigan
right now. Then I put on my comfy slippers. I check the time and I guess the
ladies are already preparing for supper because it's too late for lunch. I put on
my apron and put my phone into the pocket then quickly jog downstairs.

"Sanibonani" I greet.
They all greet in return. There is Nokuzotha,Anele's mom,Two of Zano's
cousins and to my surprise Buhle also. I quickly give Buhle a hug.
"Do you need help?" I ask.
"Girl... we surely do before MaShandu drives us insane" Nokuzotha says and
we laugh.
Yep! That woman is a disaster i tell you.
They fill me in on what they are making,only Buhle and Nokuzotha are busy
with the veggies while the rest are sitting down and catching up on gossip.
"I didn't think you were going to be here" I say to Buhle as I wash the chicken
pieces and put them into the huge pot.
"Bab' Cele requested everyone" Buhle says.
"And just a heads up,don't be surprised when you see Dudu here" Nokuzotha
adds as she finishes chopping the onions and cleaning her work station.
Her lobola was paid in full so I don't have a say in that. I just nod my head and
we continue chatting as we cook. Nokuzotha lights the fire for the huge pot
that we will be using for pap and Buhle pours water into it as I continue adding
spices to the chicken stew.
"Yazi as grown as I am I still don't know how to cook in that three legged pot"
Buhle says and we laugh.
"I can cook in it kodwa ipapa awungeke!"(...but pap I can't) Nokuzotha says
shaking her head vigorously causing us to laugh even louder.
"Manje should we call MaShandu to make pap since we all can't?" I ask in
between laughs.
They both widen their eyes at me.
"Nokuthi sithethiswe kungcono badle impuphu ihlaza"(rather than being yelled
at by her they would rather eat raw mealie meal) Nokuzotha says.
I laugh at her. I'm just pulling her leg,Buhle knows that I can manage to cook
anything in these three legged pots.
Zano calls me as I mash the potatoes. I quickly answer it and put it on my ear
balancing it with my shoulder as I continue mashing these potatoes.
"Hey daddy" I say.
Nokuzotha looks at me for a bit and then goes back to telling Buhle about the
elder women in the family.
"Sthandwa Sami uright?" He asks.
"Yes love I'm okay wena?" I ask.
"Hhayi cha mina ngishoda ngabe ukuphi kanti?"(I'm not well I just need you
where are you?) He asks and I let out a chuckle.
"At the back,MaShandu has put me on cooking duty"
"Weeeeee! Cele wants to see you related to the dream you had,I will be home
in a few minutes then I will take you and Gogo there" he says.
"Ugogo?" I ask.
"Yebo mommy uCele uthe naye uyadingeka"(Cele said she is also needed)
he says.
There is something about the way that being called Mommy that wants me to
give him a whole soccer team of kids.
"Okay akunankinga Mageba" I say.
"Ngiyakthanda uyezwa?"
"Yebo daddy nami ngiyakthanda" I say then he hangs up.

The sun is already setting and we are done cooking. We firstly dish up for the
different groups of men in huge bowls then all the other family members after.
Enhle and her cousins help us with serving people. I go inside the house to
check if everyone is served and I bump into baba. He looks like he just got
here,he is wearing overalls.
"Awu! Makoti" he greets.
"Yebo baba"
"Mfazi kaBhuti" Siphephelo greets as he joins us.
As I'm about to answer Zanothando makes his way to me and side hugs me.
They are all wearing overalls I guess they were out and they just got back.
"Koti silambe!"(We are very hungry) Siphephelo says sighing.
I chuckle a bit,I know he is exaggerating it.
"Ithi nginilethele ukudla ngokushesha bhuti ningahlala phansi"(Let me quickly
bring you food brother you can sit down) I say motioning to the dining room
with my hand.
They go take their seats as I go to the kitchen. I pour warm water into a bowl
with a bit of dishwashing liquid and grab a dishcloth they will use to wipe their
hands. I put it on their table with the dishcloth on the side and go dish up for
them outside.
"Uphakela bani?"(Who are you dishing up for?) Buhle asks as she chews
away on her chicken bone,her and Nokuzotha are already done eating.
"The king and his princes" I say as I put the lid of the large pot and scoop pap
into three plates.
"They must be hungry they left early in the morning without eating" Nokuzotha
says as she gathers all the dishes.
I nod at her and finish dishing up and then take the men their food on a tray.
"Siyabonga makoti" Baba says after I give them their food.
I nod my head and smile.
"Uphi ugogo sihambeni?"(Where is Gogo so we can leave?) Zano says as he
stands up.
"Cha Zulu eat first then we will leave after" I say placing my hand on his
shoulder so that he sits down.
He nods his head and does exactly that not forgetting to remind me to also
eat. I see baba smiling as I turn to leave.

Me and Gogo both sit on one grass mat as Zano and Siphephelo sit on the
other one.
"Makhosi sesifikile" Zano says to Cele.
"Siyabonga Ndabezitha. MaMadlala abaphansi bayakhala bayabona izingane
ziyathatha kodwa bona itiye labo alikho"(the ancestors are crying they can see
that their children are getting married but there is not even a little ceremony
for them) Cele says looking at Gogo.
I guess she is MaMadlala,I didn't even know that. Gogo nods to Cele so that
he continues.
"Umakoti omdala uhambe la emhlabeni ningamenzelanga naye kusho ukuthi
bonke abomakoti bakwaZulu basephutheni lana"(the eldest makoti passed
without you guys having performed this ceremony for her meaning that every
Zulu makoti is in the wrong) Cele says.
"Manje baba siyilungisa kanjani le nkinga? " (How do we fix this problem)
Siphephelo asks.
"Kuzofanele ukuthi lo msebenzi wenziwe ngaphambi kokuthi nginiqinise kanye
nomuzi. Loku kuzonceda ukuthi konke kukhanye"(this ceremony must happen
before I strengthen the royal house. This will help in lightning your paths) Cele
"Intombazane la njengoba kwiyona ekhethiweyo izomela uMa wayo
iNdlovukazi. Izoyenza konke okufanele kwenziwe umakoti omdala iphinde
yenze okufanele yenziwe umakoti omncane"(since this girl is the chosen one
she will in stand in for her mother-in-law the Queen. She will perform all the
duties that are supposed to be done by the first wife and then she will have to
perform all the duties of a junior wife.) Cele says.
My heart starts racing at the mention of all of this.
"Bonke labafazi bathathwe KwaZulu kodwa basaziphatha okwabantu bonke.
Yilapho wena kanye noGogo nidingeka khona kumele nibafundise indlela
yokuziphatha njengabafazi basebukhosini,yiyo indlela oyolungisa umuzi
wakwaZulu ngayo"(All these women married into the Zulu royal family but they
still behave like commoners. That is where you and Gogo come in you must
teach them how to behave like royal wives,thats the way you are going to fix
the royal house) Cele says looking directly at me.
He must be joking how am I supposed to teach those bullies how to be royal
wives when I don't even know what that is myself. I take a deep breath in and
nod my head,indicating that I heard him. Then he goes on to tell us how we
should do things,honestly I can't even pay attention because all of this is just
too much for me. When he is done he gives us impepho and tells me to go to
my mother-in-law's grave with Zano to tell her about everything. Apparently
the old man,whom I found out is king Zwelakhe,Zano's grandfather will come
teach me how royal wives behave in my dreams and that is what I'm
supposed to pass on to the others once I have dreamt of him then I'm
supposed to go to the river with Zano before the ceremony to let the ancestors
know that I'm doing what they told me to do.

I think the ancestors get a kick out of making me a puppet honestly. Here I am
21 years old,married and pregnant. Now I have to teach grown women,old
enough to be my mother how to carry themselves as royal wives.
After going to my mother-in-law's grave which I have to add was such a
beautiful moment for me and Zano. I saw his childhood self when he was
talking to "Ma". He told her about everything and asked her to protect me and
the baby,which made me cry like a baby. After that king Zwelakhe himself
graced my dreams and schooled me on being a proper Zulu wife,well let's just
say that some people just had to stop slacking. I mean what mkhulu wanted is
straight forward.

I'm in my room finishing up the last dress for my collection. Designing is really
therapeutic,after all the running around I have been doing the last couple of
days this really helped me clear my head. I'm sitting on the bed with my back
resting on the headboard. Somebody knocks on my door.
"Come in!" I say.
Enhle peeks through the door. Causing me to stop what I'm doing and look up
at her with a smile.
"Sisi Ubaba is back he was requesting your presence downstairs" she says.
I nod at her and she leaves. I last saw baba and the guys in the morning and
right now the clock reads 21:00pm,they must be really busy. I get up from my
bed and adjust my grey bodycon dress,which I I have to wear with a jersey on
top because I don't know if it's my imagination or what but I feel like people
can tell that I'm 3 months pregnant. That's why I have decided to act like those
teenagers back in high school and wear a jersey even if it's hot. I pull on my
slippers and head downstairs.
Everybody is here,including Dudu. I sit on the blanket that has been laid on
the floor after greeting baba. Dudu is sitting next to Zano on the couch. I
shake my head and laugh to myself,she has been trying to work me up since
she got here and unfortunately she never wins. I look back to baba who is
"Tomorrow is the ceremony for welcoming the wives,I have seen how hard
you have worked these past 4 days and I believe I speak for us all when I say
that we are proud of you" he says looking at all the wives.
"Kunjalo Mageba" Siphephelo cheers.
We bow our heads in gratitude,I'm sure MaShandu wishes to open her mouth
to say something but unfortunately this is how things are supposed to be from
now onwards.
"I don't have to go into detail because I'm sure that uGogo has already told
you of what is expected tomorrow,we just wanted to wish you all the best
phela you are the driving force of this monarchy" he says.
This was more like encouragement for tomorrow,it warms my heart that he
thought of doing this seeing that all the wives are nervous.
"Makoti anything you want to share?" He asks me.
That's what Cele told them,wherever they need clarification I'm the one they
go to with this because as I have mentioned King Zwelakhe has been guiding
me in my dreams about every detail. I nod my head at him and he nods back
to show that I can talk.
"Uhm... umkhulu said that only wives abathelwe ngenyongo should participate
tomorrow those who haven't then they will be welcomed properly when they
get married properly" I say and out of the corner of my eye I can see Dudu's
face scrunch up in annoyance as everybody else nods. I know for a fact that
Buhle is relieved because she was complaining about this not being fair to
her,she isn't officially married but she has to perform ceremonies.
"Tomorrow morning before the sun comes up me and my husband will go to
the river where will be joined by Cele and then when we come back that is
when we start the work" I add just because I can at the mention of MY
HUSBAND,Dudu becomes red.
Yep that should sink in alright. After a few words from baba we all go back to
what we were doing,the older kids and some adults watch TV and others go
back to their rooms upstairs,others move to the dining room to talk properly.
"Have they eaten anything?" I ask Buhle referring to baba and his sons.
"Yeah they have except your husband" she says with a wink catching what I
did earlier.
We laugh softly and I get up to go dish up for Zano who is talking away with
I made dumpling in the morning so since there is some left I replace pap with
slices of dumpling,as I heat it up in the microwave. For supper everybody had
pap and beef stew but knowing my husband he will appreciate this more,it's
his favorite meal. I go over to him and ask him if he is going to eat there. He
quickly shakes his head and gets up to follow me telling Dudu that they will
talk tomorrow.

"You know I can tell when food was cooked by you" He states and I laugh
because I told him MaShandu cooked tonight.
I reach for his plate but he refuses and gets up himself from the high chairs
we are sitting on at the counter.
"Please sit down mommy you must be tired" he says as he washes the few
dishes that were in the sink.
"My feet are killing me but what can i say duty ke duty" I say laughing and
shrugging my shoulders.
"Are you done Here? Asambe so I can give you a foot massage,tomorrow is
going to be a long day" he says helping me from the chair.
We walk upstairs hand in hand and him complaining about things back at the
office. When we reach my room I take off my jersey and throw it on the couch.
He laughs at me.
"Uyigcokelani vele?"(why do you wear it?) He asks.
"I'm starting to show and honestly the way everyone is looking at me I feel like
they can see through me" I say sitting on the bed.
"Maybe it's time we told them so that they can also stop overworking you" he
says as he works on my feet.
I sigh in relief as I lay back on the bed.
"We will tell them after the strengthening ceremony then" I say.
"That's ...-"
"Love please let's not argue about it" I cut him off because I know we are
going to argue,we have two different views on this.
"Sometimes I feel like you are ashamed of being pregnant or you just don't
want the kid" he says.
I sit up straight and look at him,he can't be serious.
"If I didn't want it I would have aborted it the day I found out" I say blankly.
He turns his head to me,with shock plastered on his face.
"I wouldn't be trying so hard if I didn't want it. I know that everything I do also
has a an impact on this little one,that's why I have changed my diet,my
routine,what I wear and a whole lot of other things" I continue.
How dare he accuse me of not wanting my own baby. I'm trying here can't he
"Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sami I shouldn't have said that" he says.
I nod my head at him.
"And I'm not ashamed of my pregnant state,I mean this is a product of our
love if were up to me I would stand on top of this roof and tell them" I say and
he laughs at the last part causing me to laugh also.
"I just want to get used to this before I tell anyone else" I say.
"Ngiyazwisisa I have never been pregnant but I do understand that you are
going through a lot of changes that you want to get used to first" he says with
a sorry smile.
"Just like that yabona baby uDaddy uyazwisisa" I say brushing my belly.
"Mfana wami made uyezwa ukuthi uMommy unjani"(My boy you you can also
hear how your mommy is) he says brushing my little bump.
He is so adamant on the fact that this is a boy.
"It might be a girl Mageba" I say.
"Wena lalela mina sthandwa sami"(You listen to me) he says.
"Angisho fano" he whispers to my bump and kisses it.
It's moments like these that make me love this man even more. I can't help
but smile like an idiot. We sit like that for a while as he talks with our baby and
me playing with his hair.

"Goodnight mommy I will see you in the morning" he says after tucking me in.
He helped me change into my pyjamas,we prayed together and then he
tucked me into bed.
"3 am Mageba don't oversleep" I say to him.
He lets out a laugh but nods his head as he kisses my forehead and leaves.
He switches off my lights and then closes the door behind him. I close my
eyes and immediately drift to sleep.

I'm sitting by the river with Ma,our feet are soaked into the cold river it feels so
cooling since it's so hot.
"Kuyashisa namhlanje" (it's hot today)Ma says as she wipes the sweat on her
forehead with the back of her hand.
" kakhulu Ma ngathi ngingathola amanzi abanda mpo" (a lot Ma I wish I could
drink cold water) I say as I reach to pick a beautiful pink flower.
She laughs at me and then hands me a glass.
"Thatha phuza loku"(take drink this) she says.
"What is this?" I ask as I take it.
"Phuza uzokwazi ukuba vikela ngimthembisile uLwandle"(drink so that you
can be able to protect them I promised Lwandle) she says motioning to my
huge belly with her eyes.
My bump looks two times bigger than Buhle. I nod my head and drink it,it is so
cold that it cools down my body. When I'm done I hand the glass back to Ma.
"Is everything going to be fine now?" I ask as I twirl the flower around my
She gives me a warm smile and takes my other hand.
"Sekuzodlula konke ngane yami kodwa kuzomele uqine kunakuqala ukuze
naloku kundlule"(it's all about to pass my child but you have to be stronger
than ever before so that this also passes) she says softly.
I look at her and nod. She looks at the flowing river looking like she is deep in
"What's wrong Ma?" I ask her because her face shows that she is worried.
"Ungakhetha bani phakathi kukaLwandle nengane yakho?"(Who would you
pick between Lwandle and your child?) She asks.
The question is not precise but I understand her regardless. My baby is a
result of our love,a love gifted by the ancestors and he/she will serve as a
reminder of that love for the rest of our lives. But Zano is my soulmate,he is
my missing piece,life is better with him and I feel complete with him. Whether
he is near me or not I feel complete because It's like we have one heart,no
matter where we are,We know for a fact that we are deeply in love with each
other. If something happens to him and I lose him that would break me
because my soul would die with him,what use will I be to a child if I'm broken
like that.
"Ngingakhetha uLwandle Ma"(I would choose Lwandle) I say after a while.
She has tears in her eyes. This is a sore subject because tears are also
running down my face.
She nods her head at me and remains quiet.
"Asambe ngane yami uzolahleka endleleni ebuyela ekhaya ebusuku"(let's go
my child you will get lost on your way home when it's dark) she says as she
gets up.
I put my flower on the ground as she helps me stand,which is an extremely
hard task which makes me wonder why I sat down in the first place. After a lot
of work a light breeze passes by and my flower falls into the river as I'm about
to pick it up. I feel like crying now because I wanted to show Gogo,it's so
beautiful and rare I don't think I have ever seen it before.
"Belizo nceda uLwandle abuyele kini kodwa njengoba lihambile liyeke"(It was
going to help Lwandle come back to you guys but since it's gone let it be) she
says leading the way into the forest.
Now I feel even more bad,I lost something that was going to help my
husband. I follow silently behind her until we get to two paths she tells me that
the one on the right will take me back home. I nod to her and walk.
"Zenande!" She shouts and I turn back.
She is really far back I didn't realize I walked that far.
"Igama lakhe nguThandoluyaphilisa Izanokuhle Zulu !" She shouts.
I feel a sharp pain on my lower abdomen and I scream as I clutch on to my
stomach. Looking down there is blood,I cry even louder because the pain is
getting intense.

I have spent the last hour trying to remember what I dreamt about. It might be
something that can help today but I can't even remember one detail no matter
how hard I try.
I'm wearing the red Seshweshwe outfit I was given by uGogo on the day of my
uMembeso ceremony. A high waisted,long and flowy skirt which has pockets
to put my phone in. A crop top which doesn't show my stomach thanks to the
skirt and a matching doek. Due to today's ceremony all of the Zulu wives will
be wearing Tswana shawls with tassels,which is what I'm wearing. No hair is
showing also we had to cover all our hair.

I'm in the kitchen having left over pap with amasi,at 2:55am. None of the
wives are in the kitchen yet but I guess that would be useless since everything
will begin once me and Zano return.
Zano walks in wearing dark green overalls as I'm washing the few dishes in
the sink.
"Cedile?"(Are you done?) He asks.
"Yeah let's go" I say wiping my hands and taking my phone from the counter
as I follow him to the car. We get into his Brabus and he drives out.
Ever tried to remember something that is so close yet so far at the same time?
I feel like if I close my eyes for a second then the dream will come back to me
but yet again it is all so blank like I'm trying to remember something that never
"Mommy uright?" Zano asks.
"I can't remember what I dreamt of last night and I'm scared that it might have
to do with today and now things could go wrong just because I can't
remember a fucken dream!" I say at one go and hitting the back of my neck on
the seat.
This is frustrating honestly.
"Haa aah mama calm down. You know there are some dreams that you
remember when something related to it happening and if it's useful today then
I have no doubt that you will remember it along the way,maybe not all of it but
the useful parts and if you don't remember it totally don't beat yourself up
about it means it was just a useless dream which didn't relay any message."
He says as he puts his hand on my thigh for reassurance.
Come to think of it that happens so me sometimes,he is right I will remember
it if it's meant to be remembered. I should just stop stressing over it.
"Uqinisile baby I should just breathe"(You are right) I say putting my hand over
his and giving him a smile.
"I'm always right ke mina. You can't afford to be tatazeling when you are the
senior wife namhlanje" he says shaking his head causing us to laugh.
He isn't up for the idea that I will be playing Ma's role,I think it's just his
jealousy talking because I have to serve baba before I can attend to him. He
has been complaining about that ever since.
"Umona Mageba"(Jealousy) I say laughing even harder.
"Akuna mona nex la these ancestors are forgetting that you are MY wife not a
clone of my mother." He says.
I squeeze his hand because I know that this entire issue dies not sit well with
him. At first I thought that everything that is happening with me doesn't bother
him but boy was I wrong. He finally told us how he feels,Cele included. He
says that the ancestors are just selfish trying to bring back their favorite
daughter through me. He said that today they are making me fulfill her duties
and then the next thing they will be telling me to fulfill that duty in bed also.
When he said that I almost fainted and to my surprise Cele had the opposite
reaction,he actually laughed until tears came out of his eyes,I have never
seen him laugh at all so I was really surprised. Because of Zano's view point
Cele ended up telling him to help me with everything that the ancestors
command me to do.
"You know that's not true baby. I'm your chosen wife,chosen by them to make
sure that this family soars to even greater heights. Our love is for the history
books,our story will be told to our great grandchildren. A love story written by
the ancestors themselves,A love so pure that we fell in love with each other's
imperfections. They are not trying to make me a clone because you my dear
husband are nothing like baba." I say.
He looks at me and gives me a genuine smile.
"Waze waba romantic mkami namhlanje ufuna ini a new bag?" He asks.
I burst out in laughter as I playfully hit his shoulder.
"I was just telling you the truth babakhe but a new bag wouldn't hurt" I say
after laughing.
"Ngazile"(I knew it) He says laughing.

He parks the car by the river,Cele is already here. We get out and greet him
as he lights candles of different colours around. He tells us to get down on our
knees and talk to our ancestors. Zano leads the way because he is the one
that has to call on them by saying his clan names. After talking to them we get
up and Cele confirms that they heard us because a light breeze runs over us.
I turn my head to the river and see a familiar flower gloating on top. I walk to
the side and pick it up without getting wet. Then I remember where I know it
from,my dream.
"Baba uMa said that this will help bring Lwandle back to us" I say handing it to
He looks at it confused but nods at me as he puts it in his bag.
"Kukhona okunye akushilo?"(Is there something else she said) he asks.
I tell him that I don't remember and then he tells me that when I do remember
something then I should immediately let him know because he needs
guidance on what he is expected to do.Zano also looks confused but he
keeps quiet as we drive Bab' Cele back to his house. He says he will see us
tomorrow for the strengthening ceremony because he is not needed today.
I remember something as we pull out of his gate after dropping him off.
"Baba uMa said that his name is Thandoluyaphilisa Izanokuhle Zulu!" I shout
luckily he is close by so he heard me. He starts groaning and then rests his
hands on his knees as he shakes his head. His wife rushes to him and tells us
that we can leave as she helps him to his hut.

"Wena noMa nigobhoza ngabantu neh? First it's me now a

Thandoluyaphilisa?" He says causing me to laugh because I was shaken by
Cele's reaction.
"If only you knew that we don't even think about you" I say.
"Yet nifuna ukungidlisa amablom"(you want to feed me flowers) he says
shrugging and like his loyal audience I laugh.
This man is really a clown by nature.
I told Zano to go back upstairs and sleep since I woke him up at 1:00am. He
threw his toys around but he agreed with me when I told him to sleep in my
room,I set an alarm for him because he said he wouldn't be able to wake up
on his own since he has a meeting at 09:00am. Immediately when I got home
we all got to work. We have 4 uncles and they are all married to
MaShandu,MaNgcobo,MaKhumalo and Anele's mom. MaShandu's eldest son
is married to Hlengiwe and then Phephelo who is married to Nokuzotha and
Zano to me. Meaning that we only have 7 wives running around today,since
all the others haven't gotten traditionally married. Since the yard is huge we
divide into different sections so that we finish quicker. When the yard is all
clean we young wives go fetch water from the river as the older women fetch
wood. When we get back the sun is already out and the kids are outside.
Anele's mom starts the fire so that we can make breakfast.
MaKhumalo,Nokuzotha and MaNgcobo start on washing the tripe which we
are going to cook for lunch. While me and MaShandu clean the house. Luckily
we baked yesterday so that makes serving breakfast easy. We start cleaning
with the four cottages outside which belong to the uncles and then we head to
the main house. We start cleaning downstairs so that we don't disturb them
when they all wake up. I glance at the time it's 08:30am.
"MaShandu you can go help in the kitchen,I will finish cleaning here. I think we
should be serving breakfast by 09:00" i say to her.
"Uqinisile ithi ngiphuthume"(you are right let me quickly rush there) she says
putting down the mop and rushing downstairs.
Yep! How the tables have changed lol... I take that opportunity to wake Zano
"Babakhe vuka my love!" I say as i remove the duvet covering him.
He rubs the sleeps out of his eyes and then sits up on the bed.
"Are you going to wear something that needs ironing?" I ask as I peck his lips.
He shakes his head and snakes his arms around my waist as he kisses my
bump and rests his head on it. I let him be for a few minutes.

"Okay get up and go shower,We will be serving breakfast soon" I say as I get
out and go back to the room I was cleaning,I will make the bed later when it's
time to clean my room. After an hour of cleaning a squeaky clean house I
head downstairs.
"Sisi everything is ready omama need you to lead the way" Hlengiwe says as
she takes the cleaning supplies from me.
I thank her and go to the kitchen to wash my hands and then grab the tray
with cups as MaShandu carries the huge bowl with scones,MaKhumalo
carries the big teapot,MaNgcobo carries the sugar and milk jars and then
Anele's mom carries another huge bowl filled with sandwiches.
Luckily the uncle's are sitting in one group. There are like 3 groups of men
here. The ladies follow me. I put the tray of cups on the ground and then I get
on my knees. I take a cup and fill it with tea. I ask my father-in-law how many
spoons of sugar he takes together with milk with my head bowed. When I'm
done stirring it I give it him and leave. Ma's part is done for now time for my

We are led by Nokuzotha the eldest wife. Unlike the older men we brought hot
water for the guys they will choose whether to make tea or coffee. I put the
huge bowls of scones and sandwiches on the grass. I take a cup and make
my husband's coffee the way he likes it and then hand it to him still on my
knees. He is the only one amongst them that drinks coffee. He holds my hand
and helps me up,I look at him and smile.
"Mommy ngicela nedombolo"(please can I have dumpling also) my big baby
I nod my head at him and head to the kitchen. Luckily I made some when we
where sweeping the yard because I sensed that he will want it instead of a
sandwich. I make a sandwich for him using the dumpling and take it to him.
Then we sit down to eat.
"You and Zano are so cute" Hlengiwe says.
I just shake my head and laugh. All the ladies are eating from the same huge
bowls,since I'm pregnant and they don't know I made an excuse of wanting
pap. By culture I shouldn't be sharing a plate with another woman because I
might miscarry,superstition or not that's what Mama taught and that is what I
practise. I'm having pap and left over stew together with my tea on the side.
Zano happily walks in as we are laughing away.
"Sanibonani" he greets the ladies.
They all reply to him.
"Sthandwa sami ngisahamba but I will be back for lunch ngiyathembisa" he
"The office?" I ask.
He shakes his head and remains quiet meaning it's the other business.
"Okay you will update me when you get back" I say to him.
He kisses my forehead and bids the ladies goodbye then he is out. I know that
there must be progress on the person who tried killing us that's why he is
leaving otherwise he wouldn't have.

The entire day is spent with us going up and down like headless chickens.
Serving lunch,washing the dishes,cooking supper,bathing the kids,fetching
water from the river the works.
I'm so glad that the day is finally over. I just came out of a long bubble bath
that has relaxed my sore muscles. I'm lotioning my arms as I'm sitting on the
bed. Somebody knocks on my door.
"Ubani?"(who is it?) I ask.
I'm wearing only a towel so I have to ask it could be my father-in-law or
"Who else could it be?" I hear Zano's voice before he lets himself in.
"You need to teach yourself manners baby" I say.
He chuckles then his face becomes serious after looking at me.
"You look tired lay on the bed so that I can give you a massage" he says.
I gladly lay on my front and he starts massaging me. It's like he could see how
bad my body hurts. He tells me that they have found the person and that they
will deal with him after the strengthening ceremony. I listen attentively as he
works his magic on my body,when he is done he lotions my back and I sit up.
He stands up to put my lotion on the bedside table.
"Buka manje nginuka amaStrawberry" he complains with a smile.
I can't help but laugh. I don't know if it's my hormones but he looks so damn
sexy right now. His blue shirt is rolled up and he has a few buttons undone. I
get up hang my hands over his shoulder,totally naked. He drinks me in with
his eyes causing him to grab onto my waist. I pull him closer to me and smack
my lips against his in a kiss that leads to us totally naked and panting on my
bed,covered with sweat.

There is nothing that beats the feeling of waking up next to the person you
love in the morning,no matter how much of an angry bird you are this just
makes your heart smile.
Thanks to my morning sickness I woke up earlier than Zano and luckily he
didn't hear me throw my guts out otherwise I wouldn't be looking at his
handsome sleeping face right now. My husband is a very intimidating
person,every man that looks into his eyes sees how much power he
possesses and every woman gets hypnotized by looking him in the eye. He
might not be the next in line for the throne but he surely has more power than
Siphephelo,which I think is good because if this handsome man laying in bed
with me was to be king then the poor people would even be scared to come to
the royal house.
Right now with his eyes closed he looks like the most innocent person on the
planet. I never really noticed that he has long lashes until now,they are literally
kissing his cheek good morning. His chocolate skin looks irresistible right now
and the fact that he is totally naked makes me blush. His body is all the proof
that you need to know that this man doesn't miss his gym sessions.

I'm feeling hungry now,I turn to look at my alarm clock and it reads 05:00am in
"My baby did you really have to wake me up so early?" I whisper as I carress
my stomach.
Zano stirs beside me. I know how he really doesn't sleep that is why I always
feel bad when he gets up because of me,luckily he doesn't wake up.
I might as well go take a shower and get ready for the day. I quietly tip toe
around the room as I gather my stuff and go to the bathroom. Nothing like a
hot long shower to get my mind ready for the strengthening ceremony about
to happen.

"I said find him!" I hear Zano shout from the bedroom as I finish brushing my
It makes me jump a bit because he sounds cold.
"I cannot be telling you the same thing over and over again like a little child.
Find him tonight or you are the one that is going to die. Did you talk to.....-" the
bedroom clicks shut.
He must have been on the phone. The dying part gives me shivers,I wish
people didn't have to die that is why I want to become a doctor so that I can
help save as many lives as possible but here I am married to a man that kills
as part of the job description. I don't really believe that Zano is forced to stay
in this mafia world,maybe he enjoys being a killer. He enjoys being feared.

I make a mental note of asking him about the phone call as I get dressed in
my brown body hugging dress that goes over my knees,I put on a white
hoodie and a matching headwrap. Covering all of my hair,that is how things
are now. No more flaunting your expensive weave for the world to see thanks
to the Zulu ancestors. I put on thick socks and slip my feet into Zano's
slippers,I don't want to stretch mine.
As I make the bed ticking off one by one all the chapters I have covered so far
at school,Zano walks in.
"Ah! Mamakhe I was planning to do that" he pouts with a tray in his hands.
I let out a loud laugh.
This man right here is about to be a father,I'm honestly doomed into having
two kids.
"Too late Zulu haven't you heard of the early bird catches the worm?" I ask as
I put the pillows into place.
He chuckles.
"Leyo early bird okhuluma ngayo catches the early worm"( are
speaking of) he says as puts the tray on the bed next to me.
"You are hopeless do you know that?" I ask laughing.
Where does he get all these answers? Some people are born clowns and this
is my clown right here.
"Because I'm not Shakespeare? How you hurt my feelings sthandwa sami" he
says faking a flinch and putting his hand over his heart.
I playfully roll my eyes at him. As I'm about to ask him about the phone call his
phone rings. He quickly takes it out of his pocket and immediately his
demeanor changes into alpha mode.
"Idla lapho angiyifuni ingane elingana neToothpick mina" (Eat I don't want a
baby that is the size of a toothpick) he says as he blows me a kiss.
I burst out in laughter as he turns and heads for the door.
"Alonso you better tell me something good....-" he says into the phone
immediately after picking up.
That's the bit that I hear until he shuts my bedroom door. Looking down at my
breakfast I decide to dig in,I'm really hungry and luckily he put in bigger
portions. The best husband in the world. When I'm done eating I take my
vitamins,the things that pregnancy does to us. I don't really like taking pills but
thanks to this little one I'm forced to gulp them down everyday to make sure
that this little one in my womb grows strong. At least gulping them down with
juice helps. If Zano was here he would be laughing at me because of how
scrunched up my face is. When I'm done I take the dishes downstairs but I
don't make it down the stairs because Nokuzotha comes and takes it telling
me that Zano asked her to come fetch it. Who am I to refuse princess
treatment when I'm still a bit tired from yesterday's ceremony? So I just let her
be and go back to my room telling her that I will be right down in a minute to
help them with the dishes.
"Sleeping beauty" Zano whispers into my ear as he leaves kisses all over my
I open my eyes to seeing him all dressed up. I let out a "Mhmmm?" As I rub
the sleep out of my eyes. I must have fallen asleep when I was chilling on my
"Are you okay sthandwa sami?" He asks with pure concern.
"Yeah I just sleep a lot these days,I'm fine" I say.
"Sorry to disturb your snoring but Cele is here and we are all requested to be
in the throne room" he says.
"What!? I do not snore mina Zulu!" I say sitting up straight immediately.
He bursts out in laughter,that is exactly what he expected.
"The beautiful ones snore the loudest you should hear yourself you sound like
an old tractor" he says laughing his ass out.
I throw a pillow at him and he laughs even harder.
"Get out of here before I run you over with my tractor wena" I say letting out a
light laugh making him to topple over in laughter.
"Awu Mrs Me ulaka olwani? Huh my cute tractor?" (... what's the anger for?)
I throw another pillow at him and ducks heading for the door still laughing like
a crazy person.
I pick up the pillows and put them nicely on the bed before I go wash my face.
When I'm done I take off the slippers and socks and replace them with my
gladiator flats. I plug my phone into the charger and follow Zano downstairs.

I bump into Enhle in the passage way.

"Yoh! I thought I was late" she says even sweating.
I just shake my head and laugh. As per usual she holds my hand and we walk
to the throne room where everybody is gathered from all the chatter we can
hear from here.
Immediately after walking into the room every hair on my body stands and I
freeze in place. Enhle looks back at me in concern and I shake my head.
"Nkosazana hlala phansi" (Princess sit down) Cele voices from wherever he
Knowing how afraid she is of the man she immediately rushes to sit on the
grassmats laid out for us women on the floor.
The man are all sitting on bunk chairs in front except Zano who is in his chair
on the left hand side of the throne and Siphephelo on the other. The chief is
occupying his throne laughing carelessly at whatever Zano and Siphephelo
are saying.
Then it happens! I see a white snake on the top of the throne. I scream and
everybody's eyes land on me,it's like the snake also heard me because it
slithers down the throne straight to my direction.
"INYOKA!" (A snake) I cry out as I point at it.
Everybody goes into a frenzy and I move back slowly. Cele calms the family
members down immediately. The snake slithers slowly to me as I take steps
backwards,the way I'm screaming I'm literally shaking. I feel the wall hit my
back and I let out a deafening scream as the snake practically jumps on me. I
close my eyes and wiggle my body so that at least it falls off.
I can feel it's weight it's there.
I scream.
"Zenande!" Zano shouts and I open my eyes.
He is holding me up by my shoulders.
"Inyoka Zano I swear" I say looking around and even checking under my
hoodie to make sure that it's not there.
"Ihambile baby I need you to calm down" (It's gone) he says softly.
Just by looking at him I can tell that he thinks I'm crazy.
Before I tell him that I'm not crazy. A feeling I have never felt in my life washes
over me and it's like a million butterflies are escaping my tummy.
"AH!" I let out in surprise as I bend over clutching onto my tummy.
"Zenande? What's wrong?" He asks helping me up.
"I don't know" I say.
"Come take a seat" he says helping me.

In my head I'm thinking he will help me sit down next to Gogo but that wouldn't
be Zano because he carries me straight to his chair beside his father and he
makes me sit on his lap.
"Do you want water? Are you okay? Should I take you to the doctor?" He asks
and you can tell that he is worried.
I shake my head indicating no as I continue clutching on to my tummy,I'm not
in pain I just don't understand what I just felt. I look to the side and family
members are stealing glances of me,they probably think I'm on Nyaope. Dudu
is glaring at me. How I wish for this strengthening ceremony to be done with
so that she can get out of my sight! I don't like the fact that they consider her
as family,why is that? A shiver runs through me. Zano lays my head in his
chest and he snuggles me with his body. I must be getting a fever or

"Hhhayi ke! OZulu banathi namhlanje! Kuyabonakalisa ukuthi umsebenzi

wayizolo uhambe kahle abaphansi bajabulile" (The Zulu ancestors are with us
today! It shows that yesterday's ceremony was a success and they are happy)
Cele says snapping me out of my thoughts.
The women ululate and I can't help but smile,they deserve it.
"Yingakho kwenzeka into engaze yenzeke ngaphambilini emhlabeni
wakwaZulu. Sinje sihleli neyinkosi ezintathu ngokulandelana kwazo" (That is
why miraculous things are happening in the history of kwaZulu. As we are
graced by the presence of three kings) he continues to say.
Gogo and Baba immediately let out gasps of shock and Zano leans forward to
check on his father. I'm still wondering about the third king where is he? I look
at Gogo and she is smiling at me with glassy eyes. I give her a weak smile
and look away. I try to get up from Zano's lap but he holds me down with a
questioning look.
"I want to get water" I say to him.
Baba answers me immediately.
"Ngizokulethela ndodakazi ungakhathazeki" (I will get the water for you my
daughter don't worry) he says getting up from his throne.
Me,Zano, Siphephelo and the other men are left with our jaws on the floor
when he hands me the glass of water.

The strengthening ceremony goes by quickly and Cele seems to be in good

spirits. When he is done he tells us that now we are free to go. The king and
his princes are requested to stay behind as the rest of the family flies out.
"Zenande" Gogo calls for me.
"Go?" I answer as I turn back to her.
She takes my hand and leads me into the empty kitchen.
"Have a seat" she says.
I hesitantly sit on one of the highchairs.
"Are you hungry?" She asks as she starts making a PB & J sandwich.
"Cha Gogo" (No...) I say although I wish I could scream yes.
She gives me a stern look and when she is done she places the plate in front
of me. I don't even ask I just take a huge bite.
"Why didn't you tell me your pregnant?" She asks.
My food goes down the wrong pipe and I start coughing. She taps my back a
bit helping me to breathe until I stop coughing. Then she gets me a glass of
water. I feel bad for not telling her.
"I was going to tell you today. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to steal
Buhle and Muzi's spotlight" I say apologetically.
She keeps quiet.
"But you should have told me. You are carrying the next in line to the throne"
she says and I choke on my own saliva again.

"I don't understand " I say after regaining my breathing.

She laughs.
"That baby you are carrying is going to take over from Siphephelo,the Zulu
ancestors choose a future king while he is still in his mother's womb. What just
happened to you in there is exactly what happened to your mother in law
when we found out she was pregnant with Siphephelo" she says.
And what baba was doing clicks in my head.

Gogo scolded me for almost an entire hour and through out the whole
conversation I was hoping Zano would show up and save me but the man has
been in that throne room ever since we finished with the ceremony,Cele even
left but the king and his boys are still in there.
Luckily I got saved by Nokuzotha from Gogo and now I'm in my room catching
up on my schoolwork. This is not how I imagined my life like,I thought I was
going to finish school first become a qualified doctor,I would get married and
then maybe kids would come later on. I'm sure when I planned that my
ancestors were laughing hysterically,instead it's like things are happening in
reverse with a few spices here and there. But I must say God favoured me,he
blessed me with a man that would lay the entire world at my feet,a loving
extended family and now my little angel that is already making history even
before he is born.

"For how long are you planning on staring at that screen?" Zano's voice
intrudes my thoughts.
I look up to find him leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed over his
"Let's say maybe until I figure out what is bothering you" I shoot back.
The mask falls off immediately,he was just pretending so that I think he is
okay. There is something in his eyes that I can't read and that scares me.
Maybe it's because of the phone calls I overheard but something honestly
doesn't feel right.
"Did you eat?" He asks sitting on my couch.
Another way of dodging this conversation. I put my laptop screen down and
go join him on the couch.
"Yes Gogo made me a few sandwiches as she was scolding me" I admit
Yes! I didn't only one, fortunately Gogo was in the mood to keep busy so I
gladly withstood the immense scolding because of food.
"You realise that she was only scolding you because that is what she wanted
to do all along?" Zano asks laughing.
"She was scolding me because I hid my pregnancy and yet I'm carrying the
future king" I say.
"Sthandwa sami uGogo uneDrama. She just wanted a real reason to treat you
like a big baby,don't you see what she has been doing to Buhle?" (My love
grandma is full of drama.)
I laugh when I realise what Gogo was actually complaining about. She just
used this as an excuse to scold me when in reality she wanted to scold me for
denying her the chance to treat me like a handicapped person.
"Oh! Now I see... Now can you tell me what's wrong?" I say.
He looks deep in thought I'm sure he didn't even hear me.
"Zanothando!" I shout.
He actually turns to look at me with questioning eyes.
"Talk!" I demand sternly.
"Ayi mamakhe about what now?" He says smiling like nothing is bothering
"Who is getting killed? I heard you speaking to your guy over the phone. I take
it that you have found the person who was shooting at us?" I say in a no
nonsense tone.
He sits up and rests his elbows on his knees.
"Roger Khanyile" he says looking at Lord knows what.
I have heard that surname before I just can't remember where.
"What is his story?"
"He is just a newbie that decided to mess with the wrong person. I'm going to
have to pay him a visit tonight,Alonso got his location he was in hiding" he
says in the most coldest way ever.
Now I'm talking to a mafia boss not my husband.
"Are you leaving already?" I ask keeping my big girl panties on.
"No not yet I just want to spend time with my people" he says with a smile.
There is my man!
I snuggle closer to him and he gives my forehead a kiss.

We talk for almost an hour and I still can't get Khanyile out of my head.
"Ucabangani?" (What are you thinking about?) He asks.
"I have heard that surname before" I say trying to remember where.
"Yeah you must have,he is your ex's partner" he says nonchalantly.
My brain does a young replay and I finally remember. He is right It was when I
was going through Ayabulela's Instagram profile,he tagged Roger Khanyile on
a few pictures. So why would my ex's partner want to kill my husband?
"Ayabulela is involved?" I ask as I simultaneously get up from the couch.
How dare he! That's the only thing that makes sense right now,he wasn't
happy with me marrying Zano.
"I haven't found anything that links him to the shooting yet but if he is trust me
he will also pay" he says getting up from the couch.
I nod my head. If anybody is capable of finding out the truth it's him. I walk
closer to him and rest my arms over his shoulders. He gives me a smile that
makes me smile in return.
"I love you Zenande do you know that?" He says in a hoarse voice.
It must be the after effect of me being this close to him.
"Your love is the air that I breathe babakhe. The love we share is as special
as this little one" I say taking his hand and putting it over my stomach.
He smiles and kisses my forehead. Instead I pull him by the neck a little bit
down to my level and give him a scorching hot kiss that leads to us tangled up
in bed with nothing but sheets in between us.

"I salute pregnancy shame it has turned you into a sex addict" he says as he
plays with my hair.
"Like I wasn't before...don't you remember how I got knocked up?" I say
moving my face up to look at him.
He laughs and his chest vibrates causing me to let out a giggle also.
"I guess I'm a bad influence ke sthandwa sami"
"Very bad. You are part of the boys that mama warned me about,she said
books before boys because boys bring babies" I say and he laughs even
I take a glimpse of my alarm clock and it's 20:00pm already,that is why my
room is so dark but yet this darkness feels comfortable as I lay in my
soulmate's arms.
"Fortunately enough I'm a man and not a small boy" he says and it's my turn
to laugh at how he twisted what I said.

"Bafo! Bafo! Bafo!" (Brother! Brother! Brother!)Siphephelo calls out as he

knocks really hard on my door.
"Hhayibo Siphephelo wazenza iphoyisa?" (Why are you acting like a cop
Siphephelo?) Zano shouts as he quickly gets out of bed and puts on his jeans.
I sit up straight and cover myself with the sheets. Zano walks barefoot and
shirtless to open the door.
"Sinenkinga bafo" (We have a problem) Siphephelo says as soon as Zano
opens the door.
There is communication with their eyes and Zano turns to look at me
"I will be right back sthandwa sami" he says.
He walks out not waiting for my reply or his brother.
"I will bring him back right now Koti I promise" he says faking a smile.
This must be one serious issue,this goof ball can't even smile.
I nod my head and smile. He closes the door and I can hear his footsteps
speedwalking away.

I lay back on the bed as if on queue my phone rings and it's Rea.
"Chomi" I greet.
"If I knew that getting married to Zano would make a loner on campus then I
would have ruined that wedding" she says and I laugh.
"Hhayibo Rea it's not like I'm going to be absent the entire semester"
"How I wish to be you right now,a princess in my own tower" she says and
"You watch too many movies you need to come back to earth" I say.
(Gunshot sounds)
Immediately I get out of the bed and hastily put on some clothes.
"Chomi we will talk later I have to go" I say to Rea.
"That sounds like....-" I hang up and throw my phone on the bed.

Immediately after stepping out of my bedroom I'm met by chaos,the family

members are on the floor and the woman are screaming out of shock. I see
Siyanda rushing downstairs and I follow him.
"Siya where is Zano?" I ask.
"He is upstairs sorting something out" he says.
"Nokuzotha please help me in getting everybody to the king's chambers!" He
barks to Nokuzotha.
She looks at the both of us and nods.
"What are the gunshots for? What is happening?" I ask.
Nokuzotha leads the family members upstairs.
"Look Zenande this is a royal house afterall anything can happen we have
enemies trying to take that throne but don't worry yourself about it okay?
Please let's go upstairs the guards will handle everything" he says in a rushed
manner that he practically pushes me up the stairs.
He drops me of in Baba's huge room and leaves. I want to talk to Zano...
"Sphe please stay in here" Nokuzotha begs as I was about to pull the handle
and get out of here.
"Zotha what is happening?" I ask.
She looks at all the people sitting in Baba's lounge area and she points me to
the bathroom with her eyes.
I lead the way and she follows after me.
"You cannot freak out around family please" she says.
"What's going on?"
I don't have time for lectures.
"I also don't know but I think the guys have a clue" she says.
"Could it be this Roger dude?"
"I'm not sure but I think so or it could be another person" she says.
My blood goes cold.
"Where is baba?" I ask.
"In his office why?" She asks confused.
"Siyanda said every member of this family should be in here so let's make
sure of that okay?" I say to her.
She looks a bit relieved and she nods her head.
"We are in this together Zotha don't forget" I reassure her.
I'm not going to act like a baby while my job is to make sure everyone is okay.
When we get to the lounge the other family members which were not there
are now here. I go to Buhle and assure her that everything is fine. A second
round of bullets pierces my eardrums as two guards walk into the room,I see a
glimpse of Zano and I run. Luckily I manage to get out of the door.
"ZANO!" I shout as he descends the stairs.
The are guards downstairs heavily armed and the guys also carrying guns.
Siphephelo catches sight of me and he gives me a warning look.
"Sthandwa sami please go back inside" he says snaking his arm around my
waist and leading me back.
"No! You are leaving,don't go down there Zano there are guards for a reason"
I say.
Now I feel scared. Scared of the unknown and scared of the feeling that is
washing over me. A constant thought keeps circling my head and it's "Loss". I
don't want to lose anyone especially not the man that I love with my entire
"Yes I'm just giving them this and I will be back" he says showing me the AK-
47 in his other hand.
I feel somebody dragging me away from Zano and I scream,I didn't even
realise that I was now crying. I ran onto Zano's t-shirt and I pull him to me.
"Please don't go" he peels off my hands.
"I had a dream about you covered in blood laying on that pavement and you
couldn't breath! Please don't go!" I shout as the guard finally removes me from
Every dream I have ever forgotten comes back all at once.
"It was just a dream baby,I love you" he says faking a smile and planting a
kiss on my forehead.
I try running after him as he runs down the stairs but the guard carries me into
Baba's room. I throw a punch and a kick at him as I cry out right now I feel like
hitting everybody in this room.

Everything around me seems to be spinning at it's own pace,I don't feel like
my soul is intact with my body. One must have lost the other when a clear
picture of Zanothando Zulu,my husband was laying dead on the pavement. I
can see Gogo comforting me,she even took it upon herself to lay me down on
Baba's bed. I can see her lips moving,all of them but I can't hear even a single
sound. I'm ice cold,Nokuzotha keeps on covering me with blankets but her
efforts don't seem to be enough because my entire body is like ice. This
coldness runs from my heart to each and every part of me. I know I need to
pray,pray for my husband's safety, our family and the life of my baby but I
can't do anything,I'm like a horror movie placed on pause. There are no tears
and no words also,I'm just stuck.

"Zenande phuza sisi"(Drink...) I hear Gogo say from a distance as she helps
me drink the warm milk.
I manage to take a sip and turn it away. It's like the volume has been amplified
because the gunshots being fired are louder than before. I turn to look at
Buhle and she is peacefully sleeping,how lucky is she to just sleep while
people are getting killed downstairs. The gunshots lessen. The guards at the
door go out probably to check the coast. I get out of the blankets as quickly as
I can and run like my life depends on it. I can hear all of them shouting my
name as I make it out the main door,it's dark out here. The lights must have
been switched off on purpose. I make a turn to the driveway where I can still
hear gunshots.

It's like deja vu. A pool of blood surrounds his body. Nobody is next to him
they are all shooting at the enemy they must have not noticed that he got
shot. I run to him,kneeling beside him I year open his t-shirt. There is about
nine bullet wounds,there is nothing i can do,I just have to keep him awake and
try to stop the bleeding. I take off the jersey that Gogo made me wear and
press it on his chest.
"Baby?" I say shaking him.
"Zano?" I say slapping his cheeks lightly.
I check his pulse.
That's when reality hits. I might have just lost him.
"HELP!!!! I NEED AN AMBULANCE!!!" I scream with tears coming out
Through my blurry vision I see Siphephelo running to us with guards and
some family members.
"We need to get him to hospital" Siphephelo says to me.
I nod my head and let him carry the love of my life to a car nearby,before
Siphephelo gets in he looks back at me as if to ask if I'm coming along.
"I managed to count nine bullet wounds...-" I say and tears choke me up.
Baba gets in and the car speeds away. I look down to my hands and they are
soaked in blood,my clothing is drenched in my husband's blood. The ring he
put on my finger on our wedding day,the day he promised to love me forever.
It's now covered in blood.
"Father God I know he is a sinner,we all are but please cover him oh
Lord,please bring him back to us,back to me. You led me to him,you made me
love him with every fibre of my being and now you can't take him like that,that
cannot be goodbye... It... Cannot..." I pray out loud with sobs disturbing.
Gogo wraps her arms around me to carry me up. She fails because my body
cannot move. Muzi picks me up like a baby and I scream for him to let go of
me. He soldiers on until he puts me down on the couch.
"Zenande!" Gogo reprimands.
"Kuyabanda la ngaphandle uzogula"(it's cold out there you will get sick) she
"I'd rather get sick and die than to feel what I'm feeling right now" I say as I sit
down on the couch.
Gogo sits next to me and hugs me. I lay on her shoulder and cry. Because I
know that I have lost. She sits with me until the sun starts to rise. Everybody is
now helping in cleaning. Nokuzotha walks in she whispers something to Gogo
and all I can manage to hear is Dudu and Zano's blood. Gogo nods and
stands up.
"I'm his wife" I state and walk to the kitchen to fetch a bucket and sponge.

Walking out. I notice Dudu is where Zano was laying,she is screaming and
throwing herself on the ground. Poor uncle Vusi and Siyanda have to deal
with her. Before I even get down to clean the pull of blood.
"You killed him!" Dudu shouts as she pushes me.
"You took him away from me" she adds.
Everybody is allowed to express pain in whichever way they see fit.
"I always knew that you don't live him all you ever wanted was his money
that's why you got your ex to kill him!" She shouts.
That's it! I throw the bucket filled with water at her. She can insult me all she
wants but not the love I have for Zano,that I cannot tolerate.
"Weren't you the one who was conniving with your witch mother to make him
your own personal puppet?" I ask taking a step forward.
"Are you not the one who was going up and down with muthi Duduzile
Buthelezi bewitching Zano?!" I shout.
Due to what has occured most of the villagers are standing by the fence which
is not far from where we are,they most certainly heard me because of all the
exclamations they let out. Duduzile's fire dies down.
"You claim to love him so much yet you were peacefully sleeping when he got
shot,I'm warning you my husband is not your prop. If you don't know how to
pray for his recovery then please don't seek for attention with his name
because as you claim that I'm a killer,I will be the one to kill you with my own
bare hands I swear" I say to her.
She looks at me and then looks away again. There is not even one bit of love
for Zano in that girl.


Gogo,Malume Vusi,Baba,Enhle, Siphephelo and Dudu have went to the

hospital. Siphephelo told me that Zano is in ICU,he has been trying to
convince me to go there for the past two days but I keep on refusing. I don't
want to see him hooked on pipes,I know that will stress me out even more and
right now I have to think of the baby.
"Are you okay?" Nokuzotha asks.
"I have a headache,I'm going to lie down for a bit please let me know when
they get back" I say.
"I will tell Siphephelo to come to you" she says with a smile.
I nod at her and take the stairs up. My body feels hot and this headache is
getting even worse. When I get to Zano's room I get into bed. I feel dizzy now.
I shut my eyes so that I don't see the room spin but unfortunately I can still
feel it spinning. It must be stress,I need to calm down for this little ones sake. I
close my eyes and force sleep to take over.

I'm woken up by mild pains on my lower abdomen,I hate period pains. I slowly
sit up from the bed because I feel hot,I'm sure I'm covered in sweat that's why
my legs feel so sticky. Immediately after removing the duvet I'm met by blood
all over the white sheet. My thighs and the dress I'm wearing have blood. First
thought that comes to my head is that my periods have paid a visit,I need to
wash Zano's sheets before he comes back.
"Makoti ule...-" Siphephelo freezes when he sees the blood.
By the look on his face it clicks that I cannot go on my periods because I'm
pregnant. So where is the blood coming from?
"" I let out in panic as it sinks now that I might have miscarried.
"THANDEKA! GOGO!" Siphephelo shouts out as he rushes to me.
He tries carrying me out of bed but I refuse. Nokuzotha and Gogo come
"Phephelo we have to rush her to the hospital" Nokuzotha says to a confused
I lost my baby. I know it. I lost the only reason why Zano would come back to
me. I couldn't even save his baby. I stand up,there are still pains.
"Please make sure Buhle doesn't come here" I say to Zotha.
She doesn't need to see this,it might cause her to stress. She nods
confused,she looks at Gogo and goes out. I pull the duvet and the sheets out
of the bed,I need to wash them.
"You can go bath Nande we will do this when you are done" Gogo says as
she takes them from me.
Siphephelo must have followed his wife because it's only Gogo and me. I
don't have the strength to argue so I just nod my head and head to the
bathroom. I lock the door and walk straight into the shower. I turn on the
water,my dress gets wet instantly when I look down,red water is hitting the tile.
I sink down to my knees and cry. I cry for Zano,I cry for me and I cry for our
baby who never got the chance to live.

Ever felt like your heart has ripped out of you? At this point even something as
joyous as breathing in and out has become painful. I feel like a leaf being
blown in whichever direction the wind sees fit. Everytime I close my eyes I see
blood,my baby's blood and my husband's blood.
Cele came to the house a day after my miscarriage and he told me that the
ancestors said "A life for a life" meaning that my poor baby was the sacrifice in
saving Zano. Honestly speaking these ancestors hate me,they act like they
appreciate me yet all they ever do is cause me distress. Is this really the kind
of life I want?

Cele said that my baby boy had already been named by the
ancestors,Thandoluyaphilisa Izanokuhle Zulu. A fitting name for a baby that
was made out of love and lost because of love. Love will truly let Zano live I
don't even doubt it. Cele cleansed me and that's when it actually sunk in that
I'm no longer carrying my precious cargo,I was hoping that it was all a very
bad dream but unfortunately my dreams come to life. The family has been
nothing but supportive,I think if I was in my right mind my heart would melt at
all of this love, but one thing I have realised is that they don't really know how
to act around me. I haven't spoken to anyone these past four days,I'm always
in my bed and my body has also forgotten that food exists.

This morning my mom called and told me that she is coming. I begged her not
to come and it took a lot of convincing because knows me when I'm not in a
right state. I told her to pass on the message to my dad and brother because
those two hotheads would certainly come and honestly nobody's presence is
going to make me feel better. Siphephelo came in and told me that they are
going to the hospital,he has been doing that the past couple of days. Even
though I'm laying still like a zombie and I don't answer him,he still doesn't give

I get up from the bed and take a shower. I need some fresh air,I feel a bit
lightheaded. I don't even sneak a glance in the mirror because I know I look
like hell so I just do my business and get dressed in my tracksuits. Right now I
couldn't care less about upholding the Zulu perfect makoti nonsense,all of
these elders and their ancestors can go to hell for all I care.
The house is empty except for Nokuzotha and MaShange. They offer me food
but I shake my head indicating a no to them. Nokuzotha is worried,you can
see it in her eyes but as I said I'm at a point where I don't care about anything.
Even Zano. I take a walk around the yard avoiding the guards so that I don't
have to greet back. I looks like somebody was fixing the roof because there is
a step ladder at the back. I climb up to the roof,maybe here I will have peace.
Once I'm on the roof I push the ladder down and walk to the other side. You
can see the entire KwaZulu village from here,it's beautiful a real gem as long
as you are not stuck in the royal house. This house is a living nightmare. I
thought I belonged here but now I'm not so sure. I walk closer to the edge,the
wind hits my face,it's cooling. I take off my hoodie and it's hits my bald head,I
asked Cele to shave off all of my hair because I felt like that was right to do.
That was a representation of the old me,the young naive girl who thought that
being The Chosen One was a blessing in disguise,the girl who thought she
would live with a mafia king happily ever after,the stupid girl who thought that
love would overwrite the pain. That girl died. I'm no longer stupid.

I walk closer to the edge,one wrong move and I will be flying to the ground. I
wonder how that would feel like,no weight holding you down just one with the
wind. The wind passing through your fingers,I close my eyes and raise my
hands to the sides. I wonder what a bird feels when it soars high up in the sky.
"ZENANDE! ZENANDE! ZENANDE!" I hear people screaming.
I slowly open my eyes and look down only to find these Zulu people gathered
in the driveway looking at me like I'm about to commit suicide. Now I see why
even these ancestors take me for a ride,they all think I'm stupid.
"Makoti let me help you" Siphephelo says grabbing onto my arm.
When did he get up here so fast? I let him lead me further away from the
edge. He exhales slowly and sits down by the fireplace opening. I quietly sit
next to him. We sit like that for a while just looking at the beauty that
surrounds us.

"How is he?" I finally ask.

My voice even sounds hoarse.
"He is a fighter. They say he is stable now,we got to see him" He says.
I nod my head and he keeps quiet.
"He used to tell me about how you two would sneak away from your nanny
just to come and chill here" I say after a while.
"Yeah those were the days" he says chuckling.
"I hoped our son would also find peace here" I say.
He keeps quiet for a while.
"Look Zenande I'm so sorry about your loss,I have been trying to work out
what to say to you but I know that nothing we say to you can make you feel
better,nothing will takeaway the pain that you feel. All I want you to know is
that you are not alone in this,I also lost a nephew and a successor,grooming
him into a fair king was my responsibility. We all have lost and I hope you
realise that maybe not today but sometime down the line. We are all hurting
and Zano being in a coma is not easy also" he says.
I nod my head as I wipe away the silent tears streaming down my face. He
comes closer to me a gives me a side hug. I hope he is there for Zano when
he wakes up because he is going to need him,he lost two of his unborn babies
what more could a man take.
"Can I go see him tomorrow?" I ask.
"Of course! You don't even have to ask" he says.
"After visiting him I'm going back to Joburg to sort out a few things and then I
will be back" I say.
"Which things?" He asks.
Spoken like a true Zulu. That's what Zano would have asked first. I chuckle
and shake my head.
"School,I'm still a student don't you remember?" I ask.
"Oh eish I totally forgot" he says laughing sheepishly.
"Yeah I also forgot a lot has been happening" I say.
"You can go,this is your home not a cage" he says standing up and also
helping me up.

This will never be my home,I think to myself as we climb back down.


I woke up early in the morning and took a long hot bath. I packed my
bags,only about five clothes are left in the wardrobe,I hope nobody checks. I
gave them to the guards to take them downstairs to the car. I'm wearing a
Louis Vuitton headwrap and a matching body hugging dress. I send Rea a
message reminding her that I will tell her once I'm on the plane back. I walk
downstairs and everybody is around the breakfast table,I greet them as I sit
down next to Buhle.
"I'm glad you are feeling better makoti" Baba says after prayer.
I give him a weak smile and nod my head. We eat over conversations here
and there,not the usual loud laughter conversations because the family clown
is not here,even a fool can tell that somebody is missing from this table.

"Mrs Zulu you can go see him" the doctor tells me.
We are in the waiting room,Zano is only allowed three visitors and they go in
one at a time. I look at Gogo and she nods,they insisted that I go first. Baba
thinks that my presence might help Zano recover. I follow the doctor to Zano's
There are pipes connected everywhere and machines beeping. This is what
Zanothando Lwandle Zulu has been reduced to,being kept alive by machines.
He could have sent people to his dirty work for him then he would have
avoided 9 bullets and our baby would still be alive. I stand by his side and hold
his hand,it's cold. His hands have always been warm. One can see his pale
face even though he is dark skinned. I look at his sleeping face and try to
carve it into my head,so that I always remember what he looks like. If I can't
be with him then the memory of him will fill that space up.

"Zano you need to wake up baby,your family needs you. And I hope and pray
that when you recover you let them be there for you. I'm sorry for everything,I
know you are going to hate me for this but I would rather you hate me than
live like this. Losing our baby made me realise that this is not the kind of life I
want to live. One thing I hope you will always remember is that I love you" I
say with tears streaming down my face.
I hope everyone will forgive me one day. I hope they understand. But that is
all I could ever do HOPE that my absence won't affect them in any way.
"Goodbye my love" I say placing a kiss on his forehead.
As I walk away,I notice that he has held on to my hand. That makes me feel
bad even more because leaving him like this tears me apart. I remove his
hand from mine and I walk out of his room just as about the nurse was going
to walk in.

I bid goodbye to Baba,Gogo, Siphephelo and Enhle. The driver is taking me

from here to the airport.
"Makoti nawe uvalelisa ngathi umuntu ongasabuyi" (You are saying goodbye
as if you are never coming back) Baba says jokingly.
I fake a laugh as the others laugh also.
"I will be back in two days ningakhathazeki" (Don't worry) I say.
After hugging everybody,Enhle insists on walking me to the car. We hug once
again and she opens the door for me.
"He is holding on because of you" Enhle says.
That adds on to how bad I feel. I almost want to breakdown and cry but I
cover it up with a smile and nod my head. I remember the flower.
"Enhle please tell Cele that the flower will wake him up,I know you are scared
of him but do it for your brother okay?" I say as I close the car door.
"But why don't you tell him?" She asks sulking.
I laugh and shake my head.
"Because you need to step up and help me by taking care of him Sisi" I say.
She gives me a quizzical look but she nods anyway.
"Okay everything is ready let's go" Rea says as she takes my fake passport
and puts it into my bag.
"Wait let me finish this" I say quickly finishing up with my writing.
"Are you writing him a love letter?" Rea asks jokingly.
I chuckle and shake my head.
"Rea please give this to him when you see that he is ready" I say handing her
the sealed letter. She nods her head. "Please take care of him"
"I will try you know how your husband is like" she says and I laugh.
I take my handbag and put on my glasses. I'm wearing a weave with a fringe
cut so that it helps cover my face.
"Thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for,I love you so much" I
say hugging her tight.
"You are going to make me cry. Take care of yourself okay? I will come visit
when it's safe" she says winking and I laugh with tears in my eyes.
She hugs me and tries to smile although her eyes are glossy.

After a whole ten minutes of us crying and hugging each other I take my
leave. Before I get on my plane to USA where Nolunwabo is waiting for me,I
have a meeting with Ayabulela at a cafe close to the airport. I'm wearing a
long black maxi dress that covers my sixteen inch black stilletos. We didn't
see any of Zano's people guarding me but we are hoping that they don't
notice me and alert the family because they are expecting me back in
KwaZulu today. Nobody knows about this except Rea and Nolu,they have
helped me plan everything out. I left my phone and everything I had in my
house so that when they trace it leads them there,I left a note explaining that I
have left and they shouldn't look for me. The Uber driver parks next to the
cafe. "Thank you" I say and giving him the money.
The airport is a walking distance from here,I will manage on my own.
Ayabulela is already seated and drinking coffee. Talk about time waits for no
woman. "Should I order you something?" He asks a I sit down.
"No I'm fine" I say.
"You look good. You don't know how happy I was to receive your call" he
says. Straight to business I take it.
"I bet you were. I guess you have seen from the news that my husband is in
hospital" I say.
He tries searching for my eyes under the sunglasses but he fails.
"I told you that he is not right for you,you deserve better than him." He says
confidently. "Well...I wonder who died and made you me,Roger Khanyile
maybe?" I ask. He tenses up and looks at me.
"What do you know about Roger?"
"I know that he messed with the wrong people,he should have stuck to being
a petty lawyer and left the real stuff to the big boys. Look now he is dead but
who am I kidding he deserved after murdering Zano's unborn child." I say.
"Don't talk about things you don't know. That very Zano deserved it do you
know what he did? He killed Roger's brother. Now a poor pregnant woman is
left alone because of your so called husband" he says angrily.
"Well lucky her she is still pregnant,while I lost my baby and my husband is
fighting for his life. I promise you whoever was involved in this will pay,and if I
find out that you played any part in it you will know me,my husband will be the
least of your worries because I will show you hell" I say standing up.
Something flashes in his eyes. "You were pregnant?" He asks.
Of course that's all he heard.
"At least she lost a husband while I lost my baby,tell her that we are fair and
square. It was nice catching up with you,I have to go back to my husband
now. Take care" I say leaving him there looking like a fish out of water.
I hope Zano realises that I only have pure intentions at heart. Me being in his
life is toxic,the ancestors use me to show him that they hold the power. And
being used like that also affects me,it's not easy seeing things and not being
able to prevent them. Losing my baby was a step too far,they could have
asked for anything not our baby but what what did they do? They take and
take yet they are never satisfied. It hurts to imagine it but I hope he finds
happiness without me. I gladly admit that being Zenande Okhethiweyo has
changed me in a lot ways,I opened myself to love,I found happiness and
safety in a person,I learnt to fight for the people I love,I learnt that I have to
protect them,I lived out my dreams and I got to grow as a person. I'm glad that
I was so worthy of Zano and yet this is a curse I don't wish on anyone else. No
other 21 year old has a story like mine,my life has been a rollercoaster ever
since the first day I went to The Eatery. I smile to myself as I hand the lady my
ticket and passport. I will always look back at our memories and smile
because I now know what love is.

…………………………………...The End……………………………………..

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I don't really feel like having a party but what choice do I have with a wife
named Dudu. Everybody kept on telling about a "Zenande" but I can't
remember her,it's like she is a figment of their imagination. All I remember is
that I proposed to Dudu and we were met by a few challenges along the way
but luckily we survived. She didn't even want a fancy wedding. Just a small
traditional wedding with family only. My family wasn't having it but as the
months turned into years they finally accepted Dudu as their own.

"Hhayibo babakhe why are you not dressed yet? Themba will wake up soon"
she says.
"I don't feel like going out. Why can't we celebrate just the three of us? I would
rather spend my birthday with my wife and son." I say.
"You deserve to be celebrated,you have accomplished so much in the last two
years. The entire world knows your name and we are all proud of you so
please get dressed,I want to leave before Themba wakes up. For a three
month old he acts like a grown man." She says kissing me and heads out
probably to check on the very same baby she is talking about.


"Happy birthday Fratelo" Diego Rosso says while giving me a hug.

He is more than a business partner and a friend to me,he is more like my
brother. He also had a problem with my relationship with Dudu,he even threw
a few punches here and there. But all became well after his trip to Italy.
"Thank you bro" I say.
"Happy birthday Zano,uhm I have something for you,it's only for you read it
when you are alone okay?" Rea, Diego's wife says.
"Fratelo your wife is writing me love letters now?" I ask.
He laughs out loud.
"Just do as she says and we will not have a problem" he says.
A man that sticks by his wife. I nod my head as Rea hands me a white sealed
envelope,I quickly put it into my jacket as I see Dudu approaching.
"Baby come greet your other guests" she says intertwining our hands.
Rea immediately walks away,she made it loud and clear that she doesn't
support our marriage for the same reason as everybody else. "Zenande my
chosen" I tried searching her on the internet but nothing came up it's like
everybody is talking about a ghost. A ghost I'm also trying to remember
because I feel like I know her,but how is that even possible.

I do my rounds with my lovely wife greeting our guests,who are mostly my

business partners. Enhle screams making me and the family rush to her.
"What's wrong Enhle?" Nokuzotha asks her.
Enhle passes her phone to her. Nokuzotha gasps.
"Are you guys going to tell us what is happening or we should keep on
guessing?" Muzi asks irritation showing.
"Zenande is back on social media,all her accounts are now up" Enhle says.
"Yoh this girl... She is also pregnant " Dudu says with distate as she passes
the phone back to Enhle.
Everybody takes out their phone,searching Lord knows what.
"At least she is happy" Siphephelo says passing me his phone.
There she is the girl everybody has been saying is my wife,she has only two
posts which she posted today. A few pictures of her maternity shoot captioned
"A whole mother",she looks like a goddess her skin is glowing like gold. The
second post is a video of her and a guy walking on the street,her belly looks
huge. She laughs at something the guy said and a sense of familiarity washes
over me,I'm not sure it's a memory or my wild imagination but I know that
laugh,the more I try to remember I get a headache,that happens every time.
"Baby are you okay? We should get going" Dudu insists.


I just can't sleep. Dudu is fast asleep in our bedroom and I'm locked away in
my study. I have been replaying the video of her laughing for almost two hours
now,I'm hoping that it triggers some kind of memories because I know that
there is something I'm missing here. Cele has assured me that everything is
going well and the doctors also have told me that there is nothing wrong with
my health. But I still feel like there is a puzzle missing,it might not be Zenande
but something is really missing and it links to her.
I remember that gave Rea gave me a letter,I stand up from my chair and walk
to the couch where I discarded my blazer. I tear the envelope open and sit on
the couch.

Zulu,Mageba,Sthuli sikaNdaba. My love I would like to firstly apologize to

you,ever since that day at The Eatery both our lives have been a
whirlwind.But we took this obstacle and made it a stepping stone,we grew as
individuals and we also grew as husband and wife. For that I thank you. I don't
even doubt for a second that you are my soulmate because everyday with you
has being nothing but a dream,very few people get to experience the kind of
love you have showered me with.Secondly I would like to plead with
you,please don't hold my departure against our friends and family,it is entirely
my decision and nobody knew about it. You can even move on with your life
I'm fine with that,yes the thought of it breaks me more than losing our child but
knowing that you will be happy makes the pain bare able. Lastly I would like
you to always keep Thandoluyaphilisa in your heart,our son is the reason you
are alive today. For him I plead with you to live your life to the fullest,please
shoot for the stars and aim for the moon. Blossom in the business world,all
the plans you told me about everytime we lay in bed at night please see them
to life in honour of our rainbow baby. I also hope you find a way to separate
your mafia business from the family,we don't need anymore people getting
hurt. In the midst of it all I pray you know that I love you beyond
description,take care of yourself and don't worry about me. I will also do my
very best to honour our son,I promised myself to make every dream I had a
reality,I had forgotten myself for a while but now I know who I really am.

As we would always say,a love like ours happens once in a lifetime. By the
grace of God and the power of our ancestors I believe that our paths will cross
in the future. And when that day comes I hope you remember that I am
Zenande Karina Sphesihle Zulu,your wife for eternity.

I wipe the tears away from my eyes. I remember pain,I remember her crying
for me not to leave. She lost the baby because of me,she must blame me but
all those memories and feelings come as if I'm hallucinating. I feel like I'm
constantly switching between reality and a dream. I fold the letter neatly and
put it in my safe. If she is real and I am not dreaming then our paths will truly
cross. I need to go visit my mother's grave maybe I will get more clarity about
this situation.

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