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Assignment 1: Motivation Interview & Report

(15%) – to be submitted on June 1, 2023.

The purpose of this assignment is to connect you to a Canadian business leader to
assess their approach to leading and motivating employees, as well as to develop
your own approach to motivating others in the Canadian business context.

How to Proceed
This project consists of two main parts:
Part A
1. Contact and set up an interview with a business leader in Canada (advise
them that their name, position, and email address will be included in the
report document).
2. Ask them about how they lead and motivate others in their organization.
3. Document the interview findings in Part A of the report on the template
provided in the assessment information widget.

Part B
4. Leveraging what you have learned from the class and your interview,
formulate your own, personalized approach to lead and motivate others
moving forward into the Canadian business context.
5. Submit your report.
Interview Tips
 Use your network to create a list of potential Canadian business leaders.
 Do a brief research of the organization, so that you have a general idea of
what your leader's responsibilities are.
 Review the questions that you will ask during the interview. You may want to
jot down some keywords from relevant chapters in case the interviewer
needs any clarification on the questions being asked.

The Interview
 Treat it like a job interview; be prepared, on time and dressed appropriately.
 Be friendly and polite with everyone you encounter in the organization.
 Introduce yourself, state your purpose, and thank them for giving you their
 Let the discussion flow naturally and take notes.
 Stick within the allotted time for the interview. If the interview is going longer
than the allotted time, check that additional time is all right.
 Obtain a business card or their contact information.
 Thank the person for their time.

Follow Up
 Send a brief thank you note or email (optional).

4 3 2 1

There was
information and
summary for the
interviewee and
There was limited
their organization.
information and
There was an Post interview
excellent breadth reflection was
summary for the
and depth of adequate,
interviewee and
information, plus a although missing Summary for the
their organization.
detailed summary some key details interviewee and
for the interviewee about their role Post interview their organization
Section 1:
and their and reflection was was missing and /
Overview &
organization. Post responsibilities or vague or was or the post
Post Reflection
interview reflection why they were limited to a couple interview reflection
was detailed and chosen as the of points. was vague AND
thorough. interviewee. unclear.

An excellent A satisfactory
summary of the An adequate summary of the
interview was in summary of the interview was in Minimal summary
the table. interview was in the table. of the interview
Section 2: the table. was in the table.
Interview All of the points The points were
Summary were well Most of the points brief, with minimal The points were
Table supported by were supported by application of not supported by
course theories course theories course theories course theories
(30%) and concepts. and concepts. and concepts. and concepts.

There was an There was an There was a There was a poor

Section 3: excellent, adequate reasonable approach to
Personal personalized approach to approach to motivating others
Approach to approach to motivating others motivating others, that is not logical,
Leading & motivating others that is logical, however, it lacks was incomplete,
some logic, or was
that is logical and incomplete, and is
feasible. however, it may unlikely to work in and is unlikely to
not be feasible. application. work.
There was
considerable use There was good There was minor There was no use
Motivating and analysis of use and analysis use and analysis and analysis of
Others key theories and of key theories of key theories key theories and
concepts from and concepts from and concepts from concepts from
(35%) course content. course content. course content. course content.

There were 10
clearly stated There was a There was an There were poorly
takeaway satisfactory list of incomplete list of stated takeaway
Section 4: 10 statements about takeaway takeaway statements that
Key what was learned statements, with statements, with are missing detail
Takeaways and relevance of some relevance to minimal relevance or lack relevance
the points to the the course to the course to the course
(10%) course content. content. content. content.

APA formatting APA formatting

was correctly used was used, with APA formatting APA formatting
Technical and applied. some errors. was not used. was not used.
Submission was Submission was Submission was Submission was
(10%) made on time. made on time. made on time. late.

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