Writing Adjective Clause

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Khansa Fortuna Putri (XII 2/ 24)

Task_Adjective Clause_ Writing

Pay attention on the adjective clause in the paragraph below.

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. His wife, whom he married in 1582
when he was 18, was Anne Hathaway. He had three children whose names were Susanna,
Hamnet, and Judith. Hamnet, who had an only son, died when he was 11 years old. Shakespeare
began his successful career in London in 1585. He retired in 1613 to Stratford, where he died
three years later. He was buried in the Holy Trinity Church, where he was baptized as a baby.

Write your own autobiography by using adjective clause in your paragraph. Don’t forget to bold or
underline the adjective clauses.

My name is Khansa Fortuna Putri, you can call me Khansa. My age is 17 years old. I was born on 3rd of
October 2004 in Yogyakarta, the town that has lots of tourist spots. My father’s name is Sadya Budi
Kismanto and my mother’s name is Chonipa.

The short story, I started to study at school. My Elementary school name’s is SD Muhammadiyah
Kauman, my juniour school name’s is SMP N 8 Yogyakarta, and now i am studying in Teladan Senior high
school or SMA N 1 Yogyakarta.

My hobby is painting, reading webtoon, and playing with cat. I have a good neighbour who live next to
my house. They have a cat whose name is Albert, like Albert Einstein and i like to play with Albert
because he is so fluffy and funny.

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