Based On The Meeting Context Provided

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Based on the meeting context provided:

- Jacqueline has been assigned to work on optimizing landing pages, the funnel process, email
campaigns, and other areas where she has expertise like Google and email campaigns. She
attended a previous meeting to discuss metrics.

- No other specific tasks or assignments were mentioned for other individuals in the meeting.
The speakers discussed general areas for improvement like landing pages, creative optimization,
and conversion rate optimization, but did not assign names to those tasks.

Some of the main important points highlighted in the meeting context include:

- Improving conversion rates through creative optimization and testing different stages of the

- Optimizing landing pages, offers, promotions and creating urgency in the cart/checkout to
increase conversion rates.

- Capturing more email addresses and improving email campaign performance.

- Analyzing metrics like cost per visitor, conversion rates, and click-through rates to identify
improvement opportunities.

- Testing different attribution windows like engagement view attribution to better understand
customer journeys.

- Using a decision-making framework to assess ad performance and determine next steps.

- The importance of reviewing campaigns together to get different perspectives before making

- Scaling internationally and letting Facebook optimize targeting across countries.

- Testing theories for account growth from spending $1,000/day to $6,500/day through

Based on re-reviewing the provided meeting context, there were no further tasks explicitly
assigned to any individuals, including Shreeja. The key highlights discussed included:

- Optimizing creatives based on different funnel metrics like hold rate, click-through rate, etc.
- Testing attribution windows like engagement view attribution.

- Using a decision-making framework to evaluate ad performance.

- Reviewing campaigns together to get different perspectives.

- Scaling internationally by targeting multiple countries in one campaign.

- Validating best performing creative types like statics and carousels in testing before launching
in main campaigns.

- Waiting for potential data dumps before making decisions on new campaigns with limited data.

- Capturing more emails and improving email campaign performance over time.

- Increasing conversion rates through landing page, offer and checkout optimizations.


Improving ad performance through creative optimization. (2:41)

Video ad optimization and landing page improvements. (5:30)

Improving ad performance through creative optimization and conversion rate optimization.


Ad performance and decision-making. (13:09)

Last click data and campaign accuracy. (16:45)

Scaling ad campaigns across multiple countries. (17:39)

Scaling a business with paid ads. (19:00)

Facebook ad data accuracy and optimization strategies. (20:19)

Optimizing ad campaigns using creative testing. (23:39)

Ad performance testing and optimization. (25:30)

Based on the meeting context provided:

- Speaker 1 has been asked to test optimizing YouTube ads for engagement over 7 days to see if
it improves performance compared to 1 day optimizations.

- It has been suggested to increase exclusions for future creative testing campaigns on Facebook
to 180 days for all time purchasers and clevo users.

- An action item was added to make sure future campaigns targeting US and Canada exclude all
Canadian passport pictures and Canadian subscribers, since there are separate US and Canada

Yes, Speaker unknown mentions Samantha at one point:

"Samantha, maybe you just made sure to add that to the test. And if we're going to increase this
to 100 add. I think that'd be a great addition."

However, there are no explicit tasks or action items assigned to Samantha based on the provided
meeting context.

Based on the meeting context provided, the following tasks/action items were mentioned:

- Speaker 1 was asked to test optimizing YouTube ads for engagement over 7 days to see if it
improves performance compared to 1 day optimizations.

- It was suggested to increase exclusions for future creative testing campaigns on Facebook to
180 days for all time purchasers and clevo users.

- An action item was added to make sure future campaigns targeting US and Canada exclude all
Canadian passport pictures and Canadian subscribers, since there are separate US and Canada
sites. Speaker unknown asked Samantha to "make sure to add that to the test".

So in summary:

- Speaker 1 task: Test YouTube optimization window

- Suggested task: Increase Facebook exclusions for testing campaigns
- Action item assigned to Samantha: Ensure future tests exclude Canadian passport pictures and
Based on the meeting context, a few additional tasks were assigned or suggested for the teams:

- Speaker 1 proposed testing a campaign with large exclusions (e.g. 180 days) to see if it
improves prospecting of new, unaware customers.

- It was suggested to implement 2-3 new creative assets in middle-funnel campaigns this week,
as well as 2-3 new creatives in bottom-funnel campaigns, to keep retargeting content fresh.

- Speaker 1 asked if the teams could create a custom audience excluding viewers of a specific ad,
to test its impact on campaign performance.

- Reviewing and publishing new creative briefs from Sami Anthropic to UGC creators was
discussed, with the goal of getting new video pieces implemented each week.

- Speaker unknown mentioned continuing to work with Jacqueline on website and email-related

So in summary, additional tasks were proposing testing large audience exclusions, adding new
creatives regularly across the funnel, custom audience testing, and ongoing work on websites and

In the meeting, Samantha was tasked with:

- Reviewing and pushing out creative briefs to UGC creators to expedite the process of getting
new video content
- Creating 2-3 new middle-of-funnel videos or static images to avoid creator fatigue and keep
retargeting campaigns updated
- Modeling the accountability chart that was shared in Asana and assigning roles and recurring
tasks to the process

In addition to the tasks assigned to Samantha, she was also asked to:
- Email the accountability chart and notion link that was shared to help model the process in
- Have Derek send the Asana project to her for review and tweaking the final 20

Some other tasks mentioned in the meeting for others include:

- Derek was asked to send the Asana project to Samantha
- Sheila was tasked with reviewing and tweaking the final 20 in the Asana project
- The team discussed testing new creative content in retargeting campaigns and prioritizing
visual differences
- Looking into attribution issues with Add to Cart and initiate checkout pixels and potential
- Considering cross-selling other products to existing customers to increase repeat purchase rates

The overall tasks assigned in the meeting include:

For Samantha Ahmed:
- Review and push out creative briefs to UGC creators
- Create 2-3 new middle-of-funnel videos or static images
- Model the accountability chart in Asana and assign roles and tasks
- Have Derek send the Asana project to her for review

For others:
- Derek to send the Asana project to Samantha
- Sheila to review and tweak the final 20 in the Asana project
- Test new creative content in retargeting campaigns
- Look into attribution issues with purchase pixels
- Consider cross-selling other products to existing customers

Based on the meeting transcript provided, there were a couple last minute tasks assigned:

- Samantha was asked to email the accountability chart and notion link that was shared, to help
model the process in Asana.

- Derek was asked to send the Asana project to Samantha for her review and tweaking the final

1 minute ago

The overall tasks assigned in the meeting include:

For Samantha Ahmed:

- Review and push out creative briefs to UGC creators
- Create 2-3 new middle-of-funnel videos or static images
- Model the accountability chart in Asana and assign roles and tasks
- Have Derek send the Asana project to her for review

For others:
- Derek to send the Asana project to Samantha
- Sheila to review and tweak the final 20 in the Asana project
- Test new creative content in retargeting campaigns
- Look into attribution issues with purchase pixels
- Consider cross-selling other products to existing customers

Samanza Ahmed
just now
any lat minute tasks assigned

just now

Based on the meeting transcript provided, there were a couple last minute tasks assigned:

- Samantha was asked to email the accountability chart and notion link that was shared, to help
model the process in Asana.

- Derek was asked to send the Asana project to Samantha for her review and tweaking the final

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