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Alexandra Thieme


Time moves so swiftly that one often fails to realize their own growth until they pause to
appreciate it. Studying myself, my communication style, and academic accomplishments has
allowed me to reflect on the growth I have made as a young professional so far. Getting to
know who I am, how others perceive me, and what drives me has illuminated the path for my
future. Most importantly, I have learned to embrace the challenges I face because of the
growth they lead me to. This document will provide you with an idea of what it is like to work
alongside me by showcasing my core values, behavioral communication tendencies, and
future goals. I have collected data from academic teammates, peers, and professors.
My core values are the guiding anchor that have led
me to reaching all of my recent accomplishments. I
have always valued hard work and perseverance as Driven Hard-working
means to achieve growth. I lead by example and put
my full effort into everything I do. My passion for
Caring Leader Poised
Reliable Kind Analytical Growth-
my education and professional development
encourages me to take advantage of all
Organized Involved Oriented
opportunities available to me. These traits are Perfectionist Dependable
evident by my strong academics and leadership Humble Go-getter
skills. The common theme throughout all of my
goals, both professional and personal, is growth.

Nurturing Growth: Communication Tendencies

Direct Indirect Through being involved in numerous
Feedback Feedback group projects throughout my
undergraduate studies, I’ve identified how
I tend to interact with peers in a team
Structured Flexible setting. These experiences unveiled my
Deadlines Deadlines strengths and weaknesses while providing
Current Prior constructive feedback to aid my
Preference Preference professional growth. Because of the
As for timelines, I have found it is easier to be extensive feedback from both my
productive and plan ahead on large projects when teammates and professor, I have learned
deadlines are structured rather than suggestive. that I benefit from indirect feedback,
This stems from my analytic and organized whereas I originally thought the opposite.
tendencies, as I like to plan ahead to make sure This means I prefer constructive feedback
large projects are done in a timely manner. that is tied into reaffirming feedback.

Recognizing my Growth
One goal I set for myself that I recently accomplished is improving my public speaking skills.
As noted by my professor, “your voice and demeanor signaled confidence in your
knowledge, which enhanced the impression of your credibility.” Even with my recent
improvements, I am still always seeking feedback because there will always be ways to
grow. This has taught me it’s important to be proud of my achievements, but never seen
them as my final product.
Sprouting Perspectives: Myself and Others
Less More
Assertive Assertive

Less More
Emotive Emotive

Self Perception Other’s Perception (avg. of survey results)

My opinions on my personal levels of assertiveness and emotiveness have changed after seeing
how I interact within a group. I’ve watched myself become more assertive, in the sense that I
spring into action on team projects, ensure deadlines are followed, and plan ahead. This was
evident to my teammates from day one, as indicated by their feedback, whereas I never
resonated with being assertive. Assertiveness no longer has a negative connotation to me,
which is why I consider it one of my new strengths.
As for emotiveness, showing emotion has allowed me to fully express my honest opinions to
generate ideas. I tend to hesitate to show emotion in a professional setting, which is why I
typically consider myself less emotive. I have since learned that emotion isn’t a weakness and
can actually allow for deeper discussion. My expression of opinions may be why my teammates
consider me more emotive than I see myself. After receiving feedback that I should be even
more emotive, I have become more comfortable using my voice in group settings.
Reinforcing feedback from a teammate:
“I really appreciate how you're always on top of things...Your proactive approach to helping our
team doesn't go unnoticed, and I'm thankful for it. Thanks for always going the extra mile to
improve our work!”
Constructive feedback from a teammate:
“I would suggest being more upfront with other group members about what you believe is
important to the project. For example, telling another group member that you disagree with
adding a specific part that would not be helpful to the presentation.”

Growth Goals Going Forward

Self-Advocacy Leadership Collaboration
In response to my survey, a peer Through recent teamwork I used to prefer working
noted, “Exude your confidence experiences, I have begun independently but have
more, you tend to sell yourself viewing myself as a natural recently learned to enjoy
short.” This arises from my focus leader. My goal going forward working collaboratively.
on humility, which sometimes is to strengthen my leadership Teamwork has strengthened
causes me to hide my talents. I skills by ensuring that others my communication and critical
plan to advocate for myself and feel included and comfortable thinking skills, which makes me
my ideas to showcase my in their roles while also eager to get involved with
professionalism and knowledge. building personal projects in my future career to
relationships. further develop these skills.
Thank you for getting to know me!
Please feel free to connect with me over LinkedIn, email, or phone: 928-533-4300

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