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Action Contre la Faim – Somalia


Duration: 120 minutes

Maximum total of points: 65

Note/ candidates will have a break between the written test and the data processing exercises

Name of the candidate: ________________________________________


1) Transportation 7 POINTS

a) What is the meaning of the following acronyms: (0,5 pts)

- AWB: ______________________________________________

- ETA: __Early time arrival____________________________________________

b) What are the documents required to clear a shipment under duty free process? (1 pt)

______you should have proper filled waybill or delivery note____


c) What do you have to do if some parcels are missing in an air freight? (1 pt)
_at first I will check well the delivery note then mention it what is missing in the delivery note after
that I will inform the sender by giving him copy of signed delivery note by me__

d) What is the purpose of the Delivery Note and how is it use? (1 pt)
___to register the items transported, nature, references and quantity and to define the responsibility
of the Items

e) What are the information required on a Delivery Note? (1 pt)

____below are the details you may need in the delivery note:
_1)Consignment reference, name of the sender date, signiture and adres
2)consignee his name address and phone contact.
3) carrier name,address, phone, registration date and signature

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4)delivery note instrauctions.
5) Project code, financial code, destination, quantity, unit, weight and volume
6) Remarks, signature, date and name of the consignee

f) Before working with a road transporter you want to assess his reliability seriousness, how to you
proceed? (1,5 pts)
___at first I will check with the local authority in the area as clearance from them then check his back
ground as for experience.

g) How long does it take for a light vehicle to go from Mogadishu to Wajid? (0.5 pts)
____it takes 10 hours according the destination but depends that the security and the road condition if
it is raining season or not.

How long does it take for a 10 tons truckl to go from Mogadishu to Wajid?
(0.5 pts)
___it takes 24 hours but depends on how the security and the road condition is which some times can
make change.

2) Radio communications 4,5 POINTS

a) What is the meaning of HF and VHF? (0.5 pts)

__the meaning of HF is high frequency radio and VHF is very high frequency radio

b) What are the main differences between HF and VHF communications? (1 pt)
HF you can use from country to country but VHF you can use only with in the operation area

c) What is a repeater, what is it used for? (1 pt)

__repeater is working with VHF and giving full transmit and receive power which it can be used more
than 50 up to 100 km

d) You are using a HF radio, you can’t contact any other station but you are able to listen clearly
them. What may be the problem? (1 pt)
__it can be you may have antenna tuner problem or hand set problem

e) Why do we have to use an antenna tuner on __ a HF radio installed in a vehicle? (1 pt)

To be able contact the base with team easily when needed or to contact the team to the base when

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3) Technical knowledge 15 POINTS

a) A computer needs 220 Volts at 2,5 Amperes, what is the electrical power required? (1 pt)
_you may need to get power of 220 volts

b) What are the different components of concrete? (0,5 pts)

This is terminology used in to the construction constructed and it is composed gravel sand and cement

c) What are the criteria’s you must consider when buying a generator? (1,5 pts)
__At first I will check the quality, guarantee and the price

d) What verifications a driver should do when starting a workday or a prior to a trip? (1 pt)
___at first they should check the fuel, oil of the engine, break and the tyres

e) A vehicle consumed 588 litres of fuel last month. The mileage beginning of the month was 75 200
Km and was 79 400 end of the month? What is the average consumption of fuel per 100 km of this
vehicle? Show your calculations.
(1 pt)

f) What is the range of acceptable fuel consumption for a 4X4 Toyota Hilux in standard work
conditions? (0.5 pts)

g) What is the difference between C.P.U and U.P.S? (1 pt)

CPU is the computer system and UPS is power saving

h) What is the purpose of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel? (1 pt)

_____word is a word processor with which you can create note,memos,leeters,school paper and
bussines document, excel is an electronic work sheet programme with which you can create
charts,graphs, and work sheets for financial and other numeric data.

i) What is a computer virus? (1 pt)

Computer virus is some thing can you’re your computer easily or can cause to you’re your documents

j) What is the good frequency to up date a computer anti-virus? (1 pt)


k) Why is it important to update the anti virus? (1 pt)

Because every date you may have new virus so it can be easy to protect you’re your computer the new

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l) What is, approximately, the weight of a word document of 5 pages without chart or picture?
( 0.5 pt)
_______10.5 KB pages chart of pictures depends on which pictures you are using.

m) What is the purpose of Win Zip software? (1 pt)

____win Zip is used for the to minimise the size of the documents and to gather all documents in one
file and which is easy to send

n) What is the purpose of a server? (1 pt)

to facilitate some thing for you about your needs_

o) What is the purpose of a Wi-Fi connexion? (1 pt)

_it is kind of wireless connection connection which always used by the international NGO,s

p) If the internet connexion on the office is 128/256 bps. What do these figures mean? (1 pt)
_Internet protocol (IP) address

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4) Storage and procurement 15 POINTS
a) You have to prepare a quotation request for the purchase of a generator (Model 13 Kva, diesel,
1500 RPM, engine Lister Petter, alternator Leroy Somer) What information do you ask the
supplier to provide? (2 pts)
___Name of the supplier validity of the quotation, quantity, price and guarantee and signiture

b) What are the criteria that you can use to select the best offer from various suppliers? (1 pt)
___1 good quality, expected time, good price then the other supplier

c) What are the minimal information to include in a purchase contract? (2 pts)

_Name of the purchasing Item date signature and condition agreement

d) ACF just open an office in a remote area. The consignment of stock cards hasn’t arrived yet.
The storekeeper needs this document: you have to create a sample to be copied. (Use the
blank page at the end of the test A4 sheet) (2 pts)
e) What are the inspections a storekeeper should do when receiving articles? (1 pt)
____first to check the items arrived conditions of quality and quantity with the reference of the

f) What are the good practices for storage of food items? (1 pt)
so store you may need enough space to get for the items in separately and get for ventilations

g) What is the weight of: (1 point)

- 1000 litres of water: __________________________
- 1 cubic meter of sand __________________________
- 1000 litres of oil __________________________
- 1 cu bic meter of timber wood __________________________
h) What is the purpose of the following formats: (2,5 pts)

Internal order form

Internal order from is used for request from department for their needs to the logistics
Request of quotation
Is for the suppliers to get the information to submit their quotations requested
Purchase order
_is used for direct purchase for small amount
External order form
_is used for big purchase with delivering different periods

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Order follow-up
_is used to follow what was delivered and what is pending for the department’s request

i) Price estimation cost. Please give a price for the following items. Currency So Shillings

Item Price Item Price

Engine Oil for generator (1
Kerosene (1 liter) 65,000 57,000
UPS APC 500 1250,000 NOTE BOOK BIG SIZE 2,0000

Cement 50 Kg 33,0000 PLASTIC BUCKET 20 L 60,000

Battery 12 volt – 75 amp
12,000 Local Mat 60,000
Battery charger 12V – 150 amp Vegetable oil (20 liter

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5) General knowledge 10 POINTS

a) What are the five countries members of the UN security council ? (1 pt)
America, England, Rasia, French and China

b) What is the price of Diesel and Petrol today? (1 pt)

___the price of diesel is 1liter 33000sos and the petrol is 31000sos

c) What is a “gender policy” (1 pt)

to balance the community male and female in any place to get their rights

d) What are the 4 most populated towns of Africa? (1 pt)

_Naigeria,Sudan,Ethopia and Kenya

e) What is the current exchange rate between: (1 pt)

- USD and Euro: _1euro is 1.5 USD___
- Euro and So Shillings: _1euro is45000sos_______

f) How do you convert English inches in centimetres? (1 pt)

2.54 centimetres is equal 1 inche

g) How do you calculate the volume of a cubic box? (1 pt)

You have to multiply high width and length

h) How to you calculate the volume of a disk? (1 pt)

___you have to multiply high length and width

i) Calculate how many seconds there are in a day. (1 pt)

(Show calculation)

j) What is the meaning of the following acronyms: (1 pt)

- NGO: __Non governmental organisation_
- UNHCR: ___United nations High commission for refugee
- WFP: _World Food Programme_
- ICRC: __International crescent red cross

6) Administrative exercise 5.5 POINTS

You are the Logistic Officer. You have to write a letter in English to the Local Authorities of Mogadishu
to request the authorisation for Vsat installation on the ACF compound office.

V sat 9782 S/N A1254 + Dish 9350 S/N C 12545

The equipment will be imported from Nairobi through airfreight and should arrive within one month;
they will enter the country in the Mogadishu international airport.

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Write below:

To: Mogadishu LA,s

From ACF Mogadishu Log Dept.

Date: 16/06/2010

Subject: request of authorisation for Vsat installation in ACF compound Office Moga

I Ali Abderahman ACF Moga Log F.O would like to inform you that ACF is planning to get Vsat internet
after we had many problems with our global som internet customer, there for we are kindly
requesting from your office to provide for ACF any support may required during our Vsat installation

Best regards

Ali Abderahman Mohamed.

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7) Translation 8 POINTS


Hay’adda la dagaalanka gaajada waa hay’ad aan dowli ahayn, oo gaar loo leeyahay, aan siyaasad lug
ku lahayn aan diin iyo mad-hab gaar ah ku xirneyn, oo faa,ido doon ahayn, waxaa hay,addaan lagu
aasaasey dalka faransiiska, 1979kii si ay ugu howlgasho dhamaan wadamada dunida oo dhan,
hay’ayada la dagaalanka gaajada kaalinteedu waa in ay badbaadiso nolosha ayadoo lada gaalameysa
gaajada, cuddurka iyo dhibaatooyinka qatarta gelin kara nolosha dadka cid caawinaysa aan jirin sida
ragga, haweenka iyo carruurta.

Hay’ada la dagaalanka gaajada waxay wax ka qabataa arimaha soo socda.

- markey ay jiraan xiisado dhabiici ah ama dad sameeyey kuwaa soo khatar ku ah hannaanka
badbaadada cuntada ama sababiikara gaajo.
- Marka ay jiraan burbur, bulsho dhaqaale, Taa soo la xariita arimo gudaha ama dibada ka
yimid, taa soo ka dhigtey qaybo bulshada ka mid ah kuwa ugu liita ee taagta daran
- Xaalado meelaha qaar kood ay ku tiirsan tahay nolasha gargaar bini aadinimo.

Hay;ada ladagaalanka gaajada waxay howlgashaa inta lagu guda jiro xisadaha ayadoo sameysa
gurmad deg deg ah ama ka dib xiisadaha ayadoo raacaysa hab dayactir iyo barnaamisho mashruuc
hormarineed oo waara.
Hay;addan waxa kaloo gacan ka geysataa ka hor taga xaalado halis ah.

Ujeeddada guud ee barnaamijyada hay’adda la dagaalanka gaajada waa suura gelinta ka

faaideystayaasha siday dib ugu xanan lahaayeen madax banaani iyo isku filnaasho sida ugu
dhaqsaha badan.

Hay;adda la dagaalanka gaajada waxay tixgelisaa xeerarka soo socda.

This is an extract from Action Contre la Fame’s charter. Translate it into English.

Action against Hunger is non governmental organisation it is private, non political, non religious, non
profit, it was established in France in 1979 to deliver aid in countries through out threaten the life of
venerable children, women and man.
Action against hunger intervenes in man made or natural disasters the threaten food security that
result in famine.
-in situation economic break down
-linked too internal or external circumstances that place groups of people in extremely venerable
Action against Hunger brings assistance either during the crises it self through emergency
interventions or after wards through rehabilitations and sustainable development programmes.
Action against Hunger also intervenes to prevent certain high risks situations.

The goal of action against Hunger programmes is to enable beneficiaries to regain their autonomy and
self sufficiency as quickly as possible

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Action against hunger considers the following principles.



Please answer here to question 3 –d:

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