Season of The Witch

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[655][699]No, no! Please, I beg you!
[699][719]I beg you, tell them the truth!
[719][746]Tell them you know me, I'm not a Witch!
[746][784]My daughter! No...
[813][835]Let me go, please!
[835][862]No! No!
[864][899]No! Please! No!
[916][958]You all have been found guilty of|witchcraft and consulting with the
[958][984]If you would|save your souls from perdition...
[984][1016]...repent now and confess your sins
[1016][1051]I confess! I confess! I confess!
[1051][1093]Go on, Child.|Did you sign a pact with Lucifer?
[1093][1119]Yes. I signed a pact. I confess!
[1119][1145]Please, I beg you, have mercy on me!
[1145][1154]I made ointments for a couple.
[1154][1190]But it was just pig's fat not witchcraft,|I swear it!
[1214][1257]You gonna burn in hell.
[1268][1294]Do it.
[1308][1339]No! Please!
[1369][1405]Wait! Wait!|You said that you're would spare me.
[1405][1426]Your soul, child.
[1426][1449]Your soul will be spared.
[1449][1481]But the body must be|consigned to God for absolution.
[1481][1533]No! No! Please, I beg you! No...
[1785][1808]Their bodies must be pulled up.
[1808][1838]There are words which must be spoken,|from the book of Solomon.
[1838][1859]To ensure they not rise again.
[1859][1938]They've been hanged and drowned.|That's dead enough for me.
[3530][3561]Today, you are truly blessed.
[3561][3603]Today, you fight for God himself.
[3603][3657]Today, you're holy warriors,|baptized in the blood of our unholy
[3657][3682]Look to the rabble down there, Behmen.
[3682][3704]Just waiting to meet the Lord.
[3704][3753]I pity anyman whose last face|they see is yours, Felson.
[3753][3805]The only sin you will face|this day is failure!
[3805][3832]Whom ever slays most|men drinks for free.
[3832][3866]I'll take the 300 on the left,|you take the 300 on the right.
[3866][3900]But If we divide them evenly|who will buy tonigt's drinks?
[3900][3945]- Oh, you're buying.. my friend.|- Prepare for battle!
[3945][3984]Fine. I'll kill all 600 myself.
[3984][4019]Draw your arms!
[4580][4611]I have nothing|but a powerfull thirst baby.
[4611][4656]You're buying, my friend.
[4790][4836]Let the sands burn rage with|the blood of advocates!!
[4836][4887]Strike down our unholy enemies!
[5272][5338]Do not yield until|every enemy of God has fallen!
[5338][5375]Do you ever get the feeling,|God has many enemies?
[5375][5434]Being his friend is not so easy either!
[5559][5595]They are godless people! Infidels!
[5595][5644]They have sinned against God|and against his only son, Jesus Christ!
[5644][5677]They must be punished!
[5677][5745]Do not fail him!|Strike down with his vengeance!
[5753][5789]Let non survive!
[6389][6421]Thousands lost souls|through the fires of Hell!
[6421][6458]- A glorious day for the Church!|- You call this glorious?
[6458][6501]- Murdering women and children?|- Know your place, Knight.
[6501][6544]- you bledge your life for the cause|- For God. Not for this.
[6544][6573]I am a herald of God in this world.
[6573][6612]- His voice rings ever in my ears.|- Perhaps it's not his voice you
[6612][6644]How dare you?|I am the voice of the church!
[6644][6675]Bathed in truth and blameless|in light of my Lord.
[6675][6704]You're no more than|a rogue of blood on his hands!
[6704][6766]Who contorls your insolent tongue,|Behmen?
[6831][6882]Let's get the hell out of here.
[6888][6919]You can not leave!
[6919][6959]Who's going stop us?
[7291][7325]Sheep roaming free|and no shepherd in sight.
[7325][7386]- Did they jumped the fence?|- All of them?
[7386][7425]We've been walking all day|and haven't passed a soul.
[7425][7485]Keep your souls.. let me find a chicken.
[7711][7746]Is anyone here?
[8225][8248]What happened to them?
[8248][8281]I don't know.
[8542][8569]We have seen so much deaths, you and I.
[8569][8590]Some deserved, some not.
[8590][8622]But what is one do,|to deserve a death like that?
[8761][8790]Finally a town!
[8790][8823]We might be recognized.
[8823][8863]- We should go around, Behmen.|- Go where?
[8863][8897]The horses won't carry us|They are farm animals.
[8897][8958]We need proper horses|food... provisions.
[9093][9122]Please, let them come to me!
[9122][9135]I beg you!
[9135][9180]Please, take us! No more!
[9253][9283]/Lord all mighty, heavenly Father.
[9283][9323]/Accept the pain and suffering|/we restore upon ourselves.
[9323][9373]/Find deed to the awkward to free us!|/From this terrible...
[9373][9422]- What madness is this?|- Plague.
[9445][9466]Like no other
[9466][9494]The pestilence over all the land.
[9494][9518]- Is there no cure?|- None.
[9518][9542]How long is it been so?
[9542][9570]Three years in a season.
[9570][9627]- How many is dead?|- Some says as many as three and four.
[9627][9686]But with my own hands I have buried|two children and the wife who born
[9686][9703]But, how is it you you don't know this?
[9703][9770]We're travellers|We have only recently returned
[9784][9800]Here you are...
[9800][9823]Two of my finest
[9823][9853]Thank you.
[9925][9954]Leave it!
[10031][10058]Felson, this way.
[10058][10080]What is it now?
[10080][10114]They saw my sword's crest
[10114][10142]I told we should've gone around
[10142][10173]You two! Stand fast!
[10387][10419]Come with me
[10426][10454]Drop it!
[10527][10575]Remove the hood and the mask
[10593][10635]Arrest these deserters
[10679][10714]Let me see that
[10762][10795]This is yours?
[10795][10824]Follow me
[10862][10891]I hope we are on our way to dinner
[10891][10915]What you want with us, Priest?
[10915][10962]That's not up for me to say
[11043][11054]Pardon me, your eminent
[11054][11077]What is it, Debelzaq?
[11077][11112]This the Knight's sword
[11112][11143]Come closer
[11295][11323]Tell me your name
[11323][11348]I am Behmen of Blybrook.
[11348][11380]Behmen, yes...
[11380][11408]And your comrade, Felson.
[11408][11445]Your names are known to me
[11445][11499]Your victories have become legends
[11500][11565]Yes, I'm stricken...|The Plague is everywhere
[11572][11596]It's a curse called up from hell
[11596][11623]Brought upon us by|The Black Witch
[11623][11653]The Black Witch?!
[11653][11682]I myself heard the confession
[11682][11735]The Witch must be taken|to the Abbey of Severak
[11735][11793]Where the Monks possess the last|copy of an ancient book
[11793][11842]rituals that will destroy|the Witch's powers,
[11842][11880]And end the plague
[11891][11914]What is this to do with us?
[11914][11963]Our ranks have been decimated
[11969][12004]You must deliver her
[12004][12050]My best knight, Eckhart|has already pledged his services
[12050][12087]As has our priest Debelzaq
[12087][12115]I ask the same of you
[12115][12161]Will you serve the church, once more?
[12161][12191]- I cannot|- you swear in front of God
[12191][12229]- Have you been released from this vow?|- My vow is to God
[12229][12261]Not the men how murder in his name.
[12261][12284]You know the penalty for desertion
[12284][12335]I ask again|Behmen of Blybrook,
[12340][12389]Do you serve God and the church?
[12389][12435]I serve the church no more
[12466][12492]In there
[12492][12523]Both of you
[12596][12630]What do they do with deserters any way?
[12630][12657]Hang them?
[12657][12678]Burn them?
[12678][12701]Probably both
[12701][12716]I know
[12716][12790]If I the one who say on the matter|I prefer to hanging
[13052][13076]Is that the Witch?!
[13076][13110]That is not what I see
[13110][13134]The priest said she confessed.
[13134][13170]We both know the church|can be most... persuasive
[13187][13206]I am sorry, I put you into this Felson
[13206][13272]Ah, these dungeons go|and this one is not so bad
[13272][13304]We spent nights in much|worse places than this
[13304][13322]At least I have
[13322][13353]What's that smell?
[13353][13390]That would be you
[13555][13603]"I serve the church no more"
[13616][13643]Did you see the priest face?
[13643][13710]He looked like someone|pissed in his holy water
[13886][13913]They are godless people! Infidels!
[13913][13963]They sinned against God|and against his only son, Jesus Christ!
[13963][14005]They must be punished!
[14347][14367]You want to speak with the Cardinal?
[14367][14399]Tell him we will deliver|the girl to Severak, on one condition
[14399][14426]That she is given a fair trial
[14426][14481]- You cannot bargain with the church.|- This is not for your church.
[14481][14515]And we will need our weapons returned
[14515][14560]And all charges dismissed
[14588][14623]We're here.|The Abbey is here.
[14623][14665]The distance is nearly 400 leagues|That's roughly six days travel
[14665][14683]As you can see,|We charted a course.
[14683][14717]You would lead us through here?
[14717][14728]That is the most direct route, yes.
[14728][14756]Across the river, through...
[14756][14794]300 leagues of heavy forest,|and a mountain pass?
[14794][14817]This forest is called Wormwood
[14817][14836]It's not a place to be trifled with.
[14836][14866]Men have lost their way there,|and were never to be seen again.
[14866][14908]Tell me, Priest,|have you ever made a journey yourself?
[14908][14946]- No.|- Naturally.
[14950][14973]These are the best maps in the land.
[14973][14992]But, we will do better to have a guide.
[14992][15038]You know someone who has travelled|from here to there.
[15038][15090]A tax collector perhaps a merchant?
[15090][15133]There is someone but...
[15152][15172]Ahhh... Visitors!
[15172][15187]What can I do for you gentlemen?
[15187][15218]Perhaps you would like to help me with fruit,|or kick me in the groin
[15218][15244]You're Hagamar? The swindler?
[15253][15268]I... I mean no!
[15268][15294]I am Hagamar,|but I never swindled anyone.
[15294][15324]I sold relics. Genuine Relics.
[15324][15345]Where did sell your trinkets?
[15345][15395]Everywhere.|I have happy customers from here to Prague.
[15395][15415]And in Severak?
[15415][15440]Yes! The Monks.
[15440][15473]I sold them the tail of an asteroid|and a flag from Egypt
[15473][15523]- Quite a bargain, I am sure.|- Then you know the way to the Abbey.
[15523][15540]Like the back of my hand.
[15540][15571]I'd happy to draw you a map, only...
[15571][15600]The Bailiff has prepared to pardon you
[15600][15625]On one condition.
[15625][15651]You serve as our guide to Severak.
[15651][15677]Condition accepted.
[15677][15713]If I were to release you however,|and you attempt to flee...
[15713][15732]Such thoughts are beneath you sir
[15732][15774]I swear by all the saints,|me they struck me dead, were I to lie.
[15774][15808]and you will have to|get in line behind me.
[15808][15856]Do we understand each other?
[15898][15945]The Witch is unconscious.|She was given a powerful sedative in her
food last night
[15945][15973]Open the cell.
[15973][16037]We will be removing the|Witch for transport.
[16129][16150]She's just a girl.
[16150][16188]Don't be deceived.
[16332][16371]Hold her! Hold her!
[16371][16431]The sooner we get her to|Severak, the better.
[16431][16469]Now she is sedated
[16626][16644]Who is that?
[16644][16668]-The Witch.|- Witch?
[16668][16691]Nobody said anything about a Witch.
[16691][16723]What did you think we are going to Severak,|to sell trinkets?
[16723][16747]Kill the Witch!
[16747][16769]You gave us this infection!
[16769][16816]You brought the wrath of good upon us!|take the Witch out of our land
[16816][16865]And take the plague with you!
[17305][17326]She is watching me
[17326][17361]Put your mind on something else.|She is trying to frighten you.
[17361][17394]It's working.
[17401][17429]How did you come upon this girl?
[17429][17454]She was found|just outside of Maburn, wandering...
[17454][17498]Muttering strange things words,|no one can understand
[17498][17537]- This makes her a Witch?|- No, but it's a sign.
[17537][17575]And with in the fourth night of her arrival,|Plague has swept over
[17575][17608]It was the same for|every town she passed
[17608][17652]There was no talk of such a girl|passing through my village...
[17652][17692]Yet, the plague came
[17809][17857]She is stronger than she looks.
[17857][17882]Do you believe she is a Witch?
[17882][17917]You felt her strength|would you say, it was that of a girl?
[17917][17954]I have seen girls destroy men|without lifting a finger.
[17954][18011]How many times do we need to go over this?|We were in France! For God
[18011][18039]And things she did in the bed chamber.
[18039][18081]- She robbed you out of the year's wages.|- Yes, but...
[18081][18131]She gave me so much in return.
[18137][18154]Look at us.
[18154][18182]Barely a month out of service to the church|and here we are!
[18182][18242]Deserters, in the service of the church.
[18249][18300]You know we are being followed.
[18312][18362]Let's give him a royal welcome
[18530][18569]Come off the horse.
[18634][18677]Who are you? Why you're following us?
[18677][18712]I asked you a question boy.
[18712][18739]He's an altar boy|and services to the Cardinal.
[18739][18757]My name is Kay.
[18757][18790]And my father was a|Knight. Yuran Wolenbar.
[18790][18843]He also fought in "Ambrose"|Perhaps you have heard his name?
[18843][18882]- What do you want?|- I want to come with you to Severak.
[18882][18908]Easy, boy.
[18908][18952]To pledge myself to your service
[18952][18997]In exchange, for which I ask your word|that you will vouch for me
upon our return...
[18997][19038]So I may be knighted.
[19073][19117]The services of an altar boy|I feel safer already
[19117][19127]I would have you know,
[19127][19155]I have been written in the lists twice|and I won flags for valour.
[19155][19183]That's not a tournament, kid.|Go back to your mother.
[19183][19209]This is a free road, old man
[19209][19231]And I don't need your permission|to travel it.
[19231][19295]Give the lad a chance|to retract the remark.
[19301][19341]My sincere apologies.
[19341][19419]- Not to me, to him|- That I cannot. He insulted me first.
[19420][19445]I'm going to teach|this one some manners.
[19445][19469]Go easy, Felson. Use the other hand.
[19469][19505]I don't want him dead.|Just send him on his way.
[19505][19530]Be quick about it.
[19530][19563]With pleasure
[19711][19756]Not bad for an altar boy.
[19897][19920]What the devil was that?
[19920][19990]Stand and fight like a man,|you little jackrabbit.
[20123][20173]Perhaps you can be of service.
[20278][20326]I heard what the cardinal said,|about your heroism in the Crusades.
[20326][20359]I'd have gone too, but I was too young.
[20359][20391]You're one of the lucky ones.
[20391][20444]Well, tell me about it,|where did you enlist?
[20444][20479]It was a Priest|who came to Felson's village.
[20479][20515]He told us:|"whoever went on Crusade, would receive blessings
[20515][20545]from the church".. "Remission from sin".
[20545][20581]It was the part about sin that|perk young Felson's interest.
[20581][20596]That's not true.
[20596][20636]So he asks the Priest:|"what sins would be forgiven?"...
[20636][20661]"Would they forgive adultery?"
[20661][20726]The priest says :|"Yes, for two year bledge".
[20728][20748]"What about theft?"
[20748][20788]"Yes, for a three year bledge."
[20788][20832]So Felson mulls it over|and says to the priest.
[20832][20880]"better sign me up for ten."
[21011][21038]I brought you some food...
[21038][21069]and warmth.
[21108][21155]You're not like the others.
[21160][21192]You're kind.
[21333][21383]Was it Debelzaq, who hurt you?
[21417][21448]This place you taking me...
[21448][21470]What will happen to me there?
[21470][21512]Your innocence or|guilt will be decided
[21512][21569]There was a girl in my village|who was suspected of being a Witch.
[21569][21625]They put stones in her pockets|and cast her into the lake.
[21625][21669]If she drown,|they would have known she was human.
[21669][21715]But she didn't. She lived.
[21724][21770]They called it proof of magic,|and burned her with a stake.
[21770][21802]Nothing of the kind will happen to you.
[21802][21835]You will be given a fair trial.
[21835][21879]You have my word on that
[21936][21973]She say anything?
[21979][22025]- Why do you ask?|- I only mean to caution you.
[22025][22095]The Witch is a deceiver.|She will turn one man against another.
[22095][22123]Who is to guard the wagon?
[22123][22167]Guard the wagon? The girl is caged.
[22167][22208]- I'm tired.|- I will go!
[22208][22236]Perhaps someone else|should take the first watch.
[22236][22260]I'll go... I'll go.
[22260][22302]Don't worry lad. There will be|plenty of time between here and
[22302][22343]Eckhart, be watchful.
[22528][22570]I came to relieve you.
[22588][22614]You're not tired?
[22614][22641]No. No.
[22642][22686]I don't sleep much these days.
[22686][22743]I was thinking about how much|the girl reminds me of my daughter.
[22743][22768]I'm sorry for your loss.
[22768][22837]- What was her name?|- Mila... Her name was Mila.
[22858][22888]Tell me, Father...
[22888][22928]You say the Cardinal has given his word|that she will have a fair
[22928][22968]But has he not also|given his word end to the plague?
[22968][22983]What do you suggesting?
[22983][23010]Can you imagine the|reaction of the people
[23010][23043]if she were not to be|found guilty of witchcraft?
[23043][23055]No Father...
[23055][23106]You know as well as I the|church cannot afford that... Not now.
[23121][23159]No, our responsibility is|to deliver her for trial.
[23159][23198]The monks will decide her fate.
[23220][23260]The monks will decide her fate.|And I will not be a part of this.
[23260][23300]No will the others, hopefully|when they have heard what I have to say
[23311][23332]Please don't go.
[23332][23360]Please, don't leave me alone with him.
[23360][23395]You fear him...
[23406][23435]- Listen to me.|- Eckhart.
[23435][23463]I'm not letting him...
[23463][23500]Give me that key!
[23579][23618]How did she escape?
[23623][23659]She took the key from around my neck.
[23659][23700]Which way did she go?
[23760][23824]Maybe she|followed this road to the village.
[23926][23970]Kay and Eckhart that way
[24594][24634]She's in the square!
[24834][24867]There she is!
[25495][25555]This is a grave... This is a mass grave.
[25600][25630]Wait here.
[25765][25794]I'm here!
[25885][25905]- Mila?|- Father!
[25905][25933]- Mila...|- Father, where are you?
[25933][25984]- Mila! My child.|- Father? Is that you?
[25984][26014]- Don't run away!|- Father!
[26054][26096]- Papa.|- Ohhhh, Mila?
[26170][26194]Felson! Behmen!
[26194][26217]Where you are?!
[26217][26243]He came running out of no where.
[26243][26289]Why didn't he stopped?!|Why didn't he see me?!
[26289][26341]What dear God? What have I done?|What have I done?
[26341][26387]He looked me in the eye,|but he didn't see me.
[26387][26425]He called me Mila.
[26667][26691]I had to run, I had no choice. I...
[26691][26715]I couldn't let him touch me again.
[26715][26726]I'm so sorry.
[26726][26753]Please, please, don't|take me back there.
[26753][26809]Please, please... I beg... Please...
[26890][26914]Heavenly Father, we pray thee.
[26914][26954]Take thy servant Johan Eckhart,|down to the heavenly realm
[26954][26989]For he was a soldier of the cross|and fought in thy name
[26989][27035]And in the name of thy only son,|Jesus Christ.
[27035][27080]And thus did he die|for the glory of God.
[27175][27214]Would anyone care to offer his words?
[27214][27268]Let his sacrifice, not be in vain.
[27340][27388]- Behmen, I must speak with you|- What is it now, Priest?
[27388][27424]You must warn the others|be careful in her presence. Not to...
[27424][27468]Not to discuss personal matters,|things she might use against...
Listen to me!
[27468][27498]It was the Witch killed Eckhart!
[27498][27528]Alright... You heard what Kay said.|His mind was not his own.
[27528][27558]She overheard us|talking of his daughter.
[27558][27587]What exactly are you suggesting?
[27587][27617]She sees the weakness|that lies in our hearts
[27617][27685]And once she sees that,|she will use against us.
[28157][28187]I am truly grateful|for your help.
[28187][28218]You're very brave.
[28218][28260]A man like you could never stand|to see young girl come to any harm
[28260][28300]Debelzaq believes,|you are the blame for Eckhart death.
[28300][28354]And you believe him?|After what he did to me?
[28354][28393]I had no reason to harm Eckhart|He was nothing but kind to me.
[28393][28445]He told me, I look like his daughter.
[28445][28503]I can see his death|weighs heavy on your mind
[28503][28550]Allow me to ease your pain.
[28592][28659]Some good deeds can done|even from behind bars.
[28744][28786]Kay, remember this, it|was not your fault.
[28786][28814]It was the Witch.|No one else.
[28814][28832]He died by my sword.
[28832][28864]- It could just as easily have been another's|- But it wasn't!
[28864][28910]It was mine. I killed him.
[29066][29099]Why are we stopped?
[29099][29121]You call that a bridge?
[29121][29150]Last time I saw it|Was eight or nine years ago.
[29150][29170]I remember it differently.
[29170][29195]Is that our reward for taking|a swindler as our guide.
[29195][29218]I told you,|I am not a swindler
[29218][29261]You're not much of a guide either,|are you?!
[29261][29285]How we are supposed to get|across this rotting temper?
[29285][29304]You are blaming me for the bridge?
[29304][29323]You're the one who led us to it.
[29323][29340]You're the one who...
[29868][29955]Take everything off the wagon.|Bring the horses across. One by one.
[30039][30091]It will be on my count of three.
[30164][30200]One, two, three!
[30438][30467]My hands!
[30511][30533]Cannot hold out much longer!
[30890][30984]Hagamar! Hitch a rope to the horses,|that will use them to pull the
[31396][31434]If you let me out,|it'll be lighter.
[31434][31466]Please! I can help!
[31466][31490]- It won't hold!|- It will.
[31622][31672]You won't make it! Let me out!
[31736][31774]- Come on!|- Push!
[31942][31968]That was a little too close.
[31968][32043]I've saved your ass a hundred times.|Have a little faith.
[32043][32079]Kay, bring me a fresh wrap|for the Priest hand.
[32079][32138]It would be a shame|if he bled to death
[32173][32202]Thank you
[32450][32478]The flask!
[32616][32655]What is this place?
[32665][32706]Hagamar, where are we?
[32706][32742]Wormwood Forest.
[32993][33022]Damn fog. Like a veil before my eyes.
[33022][33037]We haven't strayed from the path,|have we?
[33037][33066]I can barely see my own hand|in front of my face.
[33066][33098]The only reason you're around|is because you claimed you knew the
[33098][33130]I know the way,|it's just I can't see the way.
[33130][33170]Maybe you would like to|try leading the way! Huh!
[33182][33201]Both of you.
[33201][33271]We kept her on the road.|Wait for the fog to pass.
[33493][33527]Kay told me|what happened on the bridge.
[33527][33554]He says, you saved his life.
[33554][33602]With one hand... Hard to believe.
[33602][33657]We believe what we want to believe.
[33667][33719]Do you believe I am a Witch,|Behmen?
[33719][33773]You are not afraid of me, are you?
[34092][34129]Trouble sleeping?
[34129][34163]Myself as well
[34180][34220]Not sure if it's the fog,|the altitude...
[34220][34268]It's unsettling, even for a knight.
[34268][34297]Let alone spineless|scavenger like myself!
[34297][34342]That is not what I meant.
[34354][34393]Behmen, how many more are|going to die before we reach Severak?
[34393][34442]- None, if I can help it.|- And if you can't, then what?
[34442][34476]Forgive me if I seem reluctant|to put my life in your hands
[34476][34505]But I have a better solution.|We kill the bitch!
[34505][34520]Here and now, be done with it
[34520][34544]We tell whose back in "Molbow",|she tried to escape.
[34544][34588]She meant us harm...|What can we do? we had no choice.
[34588][34634]And who will be the wiser?
[34649][34680]I, for one.
[34764][34778]Did you hear that?
[34778][34801]- What it's it? What is happening?|- Listen.
[35060][35094]What do we do?
[35112][35156]Kill as many as you can.
[35822][35888]-Oh no.|- Get the horses, I'll take the wagon.
[36574][36627]It's too late. We can't help him.
[37120][37161]Behmen! What are you doing?
[37161][37173]Behmen, what are you doing?
[37173][37206]He's doing what comes naturally,|killing the innocent.
[37206][37216]You cannot do this!
[37216][37241]Step aside,|two lives have already been lost.
[37241][37259]No one grieves for that|more than I.
[37259][37283]Step aside! Or this arrow will be yours!
[37283][37307]If we fault her now,|those lives will have been lost in vain
[37307][37338]Or will not be lost!!|Four lives will be spared.
[37338][37364]And what are four lives, compared|with the thousands more will be
[37364][37377]If this plague is not ended.
[37377][37404]I know, there may be no room|in your heart for God, Behmen.
[37404][37430]But in my heart|I know he would not abandon us!
[37430][37452]In God's name...
[37452][37522]No man has spilled more blood|in God's name than I.
[37522][37566]Benevolent God,|What are odds thus takes a man!!
[37566][37608]If you kill her,|you will not have God to blame
[37608][37642]only yourself.
[37748][37783]He ends the say
[37784][37820]Look. Severak...
[38011][38037]We've come a long way, Behmen.
[38037][38118]Crossed Oceans, Deserts of...|Seen things a few men have seen
[38119][38163]When this is over,|I think I like to see the valley where I was born.
[38163][38182]And you?
[38182][38203]I have no such yearnings for home.
[38203][38222]Ohh... Then come with me.
[38222][38249]I will show you my home
[38249][38293]and we will sit in the hall where|my forefathers sat and drink Ale.
[38293][38327]And tell tales, few|men have lived to tell
[38327][38358]A fewer still, will believe!
[38358][38434]Either we will know the truth,|my friend. We will know..
[38624][38661]Is anyone there?!
[39123][39143]- Where are the monks?|- Chapel.
[39143][39203]At this time, they should be in vespers.
[39268][39350]My brothers, forgive the intrusion,|But we have travelled far.
[39550][39583]It cannot be!
[39599][39636]He would not abandon us.
[39636][39681]God would not abandon us.
[39771][39827]We must go,|There is no hope here. Only the plague...
[39827][39856]Go where?
[39859][39896]These men were our hope
[39896][39950]We are in God's hands now|Prayer is our only salvation.
[39950][39985]- Our Lord in heaven, Hallowed be thy name...|- Debelzaq!
[39985][40015]- Thy kingdom come, They will be done...|- Debelzaq!
[40015][40025] it is in heaven
[40025][40054]Give us this day, our daily bread|and forgive us our trespasses
[40054][40062]Get up!
[40062][40073]We forgive those how trespass against us
[40073][40080]Get up!
[40080][40098]And lead us nary to temptation!
[40098][40144]But deliver us from evil..
[40551][40590](Speaking in Latin)
[40590][40634]The Key of Solomon.|The book of which the cardinal spoke.
[40634][40668]Within this pages is saved to be|all the rituals, prayers, and
[40668][40695]Used by holy men,|throughout the ages
[40695][40727]To defend against the forces of evil
[40750][40797]... You perform the ritual?
[40880][40900]What have we here?
[40900][40933]Is this the fair trial|you promised me, Behmen?
[40933][40980]You see with your own fate.
[41014][41044]Let it be known to all here present|And before God, himself
[41044][41076]That this woman|stands accused of witchcraft,
[41076][41111]That she is admitted to call up the plague|against all mankind.
[41111][41130]I'm flattered.
[41130][41162]But I must confess...
[41162][41185]I have deceived you...
[41185][41211]You think you can save yourself by recanting|But you're wrong
[41211][41229]Speak the truth now before God!
[41229][41248]The Truth?
[41248][41285]Do not talk to me of the truth,|you hypocrite
[41285][41331]For centuries you and your ilk|have been burning, hanging, crucifying
[41331][41381]Anyone who stood in their way.
[41390][41416]In truth, I shall thank you.
[41416][41438]The church has sent more souls|to Perdition
[41438][41484]than all of the wars, famines|and pestilences is put together.
[41484][41497]That's a lie, Witch!
[41497][41538]Debelzaq, the ritual!
[41681][41724]And you, Behmen?|All you needed was a child to save.
[41724][41763]Someone to ease your pitiful guilt
[41763][41811]Do you truly think that saving|one racked wave, would change
[41811][41849]Come Behmen. Your sins are legend.
[41849][41903]How many innocent|have fallen beneath that very blade?
[41903][41937]They are godless people, Infidels!
[41937][41977]They sinned against God and|against his only son, Jesus Christ!
[41977][42010]They must be punished!
[42010][42049]How could you know?
[42063][42092]This no Witch!
[42092][42126]This no Witch!
[42208][42253]Do not utter those words!
[43045][43099]We're goanna need more|Holy water.
[43187][43218]Tell me, Behmen...
[43218][43286]Are we going in there to defeat|the demon or to save the girl?
[43375][43398]I have found more holy water.
[43398][43435]You've done well.
[43437][43475]- This as far as you go, Kay.|- I don't understand...
[43475][43494]This's not your battle.
[43494][43528]I took a vow to join your cause.
[43528][43571]I release you from your vow.|There's no shame in it.
[43571][43626]Honor is not a thing|to be dismissed or forgotten.
[43626][43664]A vow must be fulfilled,|else, it is no vow at all.
[43664][43730]- Even are the cost of your life?|- Even then.
[43798][43829]Kneel, Kay.
[43842][43866]Speak after me.
[43866][43908]- Grant me courage Lord...|- Grant me courage Lord...
[43908][43956]- For I'm thy servant.|- For I'm thy servant.
[43956][43981]And guard me with|strength unto battle...
[43981][44000]And guard me with|strength unto battle...
[44000][44035]- That I may crush thy enemies...|- That I may crush thy enemies...
[44035][44100]- As dust before the wind.|- As dust before the wind.
[44100][44122]- Amen.|- Amen.
[44167][44201]Rise a knight.
[44289][44332]- Felson.|- What is it?
[44338][44400]I know in my heart,|I haven't earned this.
[44407][44438]You will...
[44541][44565]The demon could have escaped anytime.
[44565][44585]Why did it wait until|we reached Severak?
[44585][44618]Perhaps escape wasn't it's purpose.
[44618][44642]It wants to be here.
[44642][44677]Debelzaq, You said|Eckhart tried to free her.
[44677][44694]and I will not be a part of this.
[44694][44722]- Papa!|- Mila.
[44722][44773]And it killed him, and Hagamar too.|He stood in it's way.
[44773][44838]We kill the bitch!|Here and now, be done with it
[44838][44868]It wanted to come here|from the very beginning.
[44868][44887]My God!
[44887][44907]The sooner we get her to|Severak, the better.
[44907][44977]He's right. Everything it's done,|has led us here.
[45153][45183]Over here.
[45300][45334]Why would a dying monk|do this to himself?
[45334][45365]Why would he tie himself to a desk?
[45365][45421]It's a passage from Book of Solomon.
[45515][45554]Have more over here
[45586][45615]And more.
[45713][45736]They were copying it.
[45736][45763]To spread the wisdom of Solomon|to all the corners of the earth
[45763][45812]that the prayers might beyond
[45817][45849]It wants the book!
[45849][45892]That why the demon deceived us|into believing the girl was a Witch.
[45892][45946]It knew that a Witch will be brought to those|who possess the Book of
[45946][45979]You've seen what this plague has done...
[45979][46007]If the book would have fallen|into the demon's hands,
[46007][46050]We would face an endless darkness.
[46050][46073]It's our last defense.
[46073][46112]I thank all of you.
[46158][46204]You sacrificed so much|to deliver me here
[46204][46259]And now you've brought me the book.
[46385][46427]- Watch out!|- Behmen!
[46595][46614]Where are they?
[46614][46653]- Who?|- The Monks?
[46713][46777]You can weaken it!|You have to keep reading.
[47211][47263]The head...|Cut off their heads!
[47480][47525]They're like cockroaches.
[48610][48629]Look at you.
[48629][48670]You have no idea how bad it cost the book,|it cost me 'till over the
[48670][48735]I destroyed the others.|This is the last one.
[48800][48855]You'll be buying tonight my friend.
[49391][49421]Finish it!
[50410][50444]What can I do?
[50462][50496]Keep her safe.
[50933][50977]God be with you, Felson.
[51054][51089]It's strange...
[51094][51144]To owe so much|to someone I never even knew.
[51144][51188]I don't know what to say.
[51188][51233]Say what's in your heart.
[51256][51292]My name is Anna.
[51298][51336]I owe you my life.
[51336][51369]God keep you.
[51560][51592]Will you tell me about them?
[51592][51632]I want to know them.
[51774][51825]So the plague passed|and life returned to the land.
[51825][51873]There are many who say the plague was nothing|but a pestilence that
finally broke,
[51873][51904]like the passing of a fever.
[51904][51944]They don't know the darkness|that almost was.
[51944][51970]The sacrifices made...
[51970][52001]The heroes lost...
[52001][52028]I will tell their story.
[52028][52068]I was there. I know.
[52093][52243]The Smartest Subtitle Downloader for OSX|

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