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Clarren_Wealthy I’m not convinced I’d want a driverless car – but it’s only a matter of time
Posted: before they’ll become more affordable and commonplace on our roads.
04 June 2023,
06:15 AM
Yeison Flore Personally I would say that it is a unique experience but that nevertheless has
Posted: its risks. Some have been shown to have difficulty operating in certain types
21 June 2023, of weather. As I read on some news, heavy rain interferes with roof mounted
17:37 PM laser sensors, and snow can interferes with camera.
Shane Wide I still think that it will not be good because we can’t be so lazy. I mean we
Posted: should at least drive a car. There is another felling by driving a car and sitting
09 July 2023, like couch-potato. I know we are really advanced but still we should not be so
04:12 AM lazy and I think it would be more costly than a Lamborghini.
Meilla_54 I always like a driverless car and would be really joyful to ride a driverless car.
Posted: But it is also true that some technical malfunction can occur in those driverless
04 August 0223, cars which can lead into serious accidents. So, I would be happy to own a
13:10 PM driverless car but at first would be concerned about that it should not have any
Ahmed_Salmo It has so many facilities. You don't even have to remember the directions, how
Posted: awesome it is! But if a malfunction occurs there would be a great problem. It
10 August 2023, can lead us to dangerous accidents, even death.
05:32 AM
Fenris Jojo You can convince yourself first about how necessary it is for you. You can
Posted: own it instead. However, I personally don't think driverless cars are a good
11 August 2023, idea. It just seems too risky and dangerous. I also agree with the point about
06:35 AM ethics. How would the computer react? How should it react? Again, seems too
risky to me.
Adapted from :

1. What concern did the participants discuss in C. Yeison Flore

this thread? D. Ahmed_Salmo
A. That driverless car is very risky E. Shane Wide
B. Whether it is necessary to improve the
awareness to have driverless car 3. The purpose of Yeison Flore’s response was
C. Whether driverless car deserves to be to....
owned A. Show his point of view of driverless car
D. That driverless car does not have safety B. Give understanding about the system
guaranty failure of having driverless car
E. That the driverless car is not necessary C. Confirm that driverless car are not
for now allowed to own.
D. Explain how weather can influence
2. Who mentions about the benefit of owning driverless car’s performance.
driverless car along with its drawbacks? E. Provide information about the benefit of
A. Meilla_54 driverless car towards weather
B. Fenris Jojo condition


4. The phrase " couch-potato " in Shane Wide’s 6. Who stated that driverless car is expensive?
post is closest in meaning to... A. Yeison Flore
A. Idler B. Fenris Jojo
B. assiduous C. Meilla_54
C. persevering D. Shane Wide
D. workaholic E. Ahmed_Salmo
E. a plastic bag
7. What is the tone of the thread with regards
5. Who provided the most relevant comment to driverless car?
on Clarren_Wealthy’s concern? A. Confused
A. Ahmed_Salmo B. Concerned
B. Shane Wide C. Critical
C. Meilla_54 D. Uncertain
D. Yeison Flore E. Neutral
E. Fenris Jojo
Text 1
Everyone poops, but it turns out we don’t all need to poop every day. “That’s a misconception,”
said gastroenterologist Dr. Folasade May, an associate professor at the David Geffen School of
Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. She even has people who try and make
appointments with her every time only because they stop having a bowel movement every single day.
And she has to remind people that there is really not a fixed or normal number of bowel movements.
That notion probably stems from a Victorian-era belief that having a bowel movement daily makes
you healthier. In reality, most people will have anywhere between a bowel movement up to three
times a day to three times per week. Anywhere in that range, doctors will consider normal.
When it comes to bowel movements as a measure of health, frequency isn’t the only important
factor. Several factors can also influence how often we poop, including diet, hydration, stress, age,
medication use and social circumstances. It’s also helpful to know what your poop looks like in
addition to just how often you poop. The stool form, appearance or consistency of the bowel
movement is actually a much better criterion than the simple numbers to frequency. Medical
professionals assess stool quality using the Bristol Stool Chart, which classifies stools into seven
groups. The healthiest kinds of poop are types three and four stool that’s shaped like a sausage with
cracks on the surface or snakelike and smooth. “If you’re pooping three times per week and the
consistency is hard or pebble-like, that could be fine if you haven’t experienced any change in your
quality of life”, Dr. Pasricha said.
Just like we need to make good choices to get restful sleep, we need to make wise food and drink
choices to keep our bowels healthy. Eating enough fiber from vegetables, fruits, whole grains and
nuts can help prevent constipation. Total fiber intake should be at least 25 grams daily, according to
the US Food and Drug Administration. But don’t eat too much fiber, as that has been linked with
abdominal bloating or loose stools. Being sufficiently hydrated also can soften the stool so you can
pass it without straining. Coffee, or caffeinated beverages, have also been shown to stimulate the
contractions of the colon. A high-fat diet, on the other hand, can slow your digestive system down.
But don’t delay — the right time to poop is when you’re feeling the urge to do so, experts said.
Adapted from:
Text 2
Just as everybody poops, everybody has gas. Gas is normal, it’s part of the digestion, and
everybody has it. Gas in the stomach and intestines will be expelled through the process of farting.
But the reasons why people break wind can vary, and sometimes it can be cause for concern.
There are two sources of ‘gas’ in the fart and not all gas is gas. 99% of what we pass is air. All
people swallow some air, and some people swallow a lot of air. It is composed of odorless gases,
which are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, and methane. The real gas, on the other hand,


is primarily the byproduct of the fermentation of food in the colon. The real gas is usually the odorous
gas which is only 1% in the fart. It is caused by the accumulation of food in the intestines resulting in
sulfur, the cause of the bad smell of farts. “Our colon has (billions of) bacteria living in it. If we don’t
digest (food), the bacteria will,” said Corkins, who is also a professor of pediatrics.
Dr. William Chey, the H. Marvin Pollard Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of
Michigan said that passing gas between maybe five and 15 times per day is totally normal. That’s
because people are different in terms of the way that their (gastrointestinal) tract functions, of the
microbiome that lives inside the GI tract and of what they eat. All those things are really key factors
to determine how often people pass gas, how much they pass gas and what their gas smell like.
Some odors are more pungent than others for some reasons, but normally there aren’t any smells
that are red flags. However, if your gas is causing you discomfort or interfering with your daily life,
those can be a sign of disease. Fart that smells very strong can be the cause of infection in the intestine.
While more frequent farting also can be the sign of gastrointestinal disease.
All of which can be corrected by changing the eating habits. Try to avoid eating foods that
increase gas in the stomach such as soft drinks, alcohol, nuts, and some vegetables that contain a lot
of acid. Remember not to eat large amounts of meat and fatty foods because it takes a long time for
the body to digest them, risking gas in the stomach and intestine, causing fermentation reaction
resulting in intestinal gas. Also chew the foods thoroughly, it will help foods to be completely digested
and won’t cause flatulence.
Adapted from:

8. Which of the following best describe the main idea of text 1?

A. People need to make wise food and drink choices to keep their bowels healthy.
B. Bowel movements can be a measure of health.
C. It’s helpful to know what poop looks like in addition to just how often you poop.
D. Several factors that influence how often people get bowl movement, including diet,
hydration, stress, age, medication use and social circumstances
E. The stool form, appearance or consistency of the bowel movement is actually a much better
criterion to measure healthy bowel than the simple numbers to frequency.

9. The phrases ‘any smells that are red flags’ in Text 2 is closest in meaning to...
A. Heavy aroma
B. Bold odor
C. Scent that can be sniffed
D. Delicate fragrance
E. Unpleasant odor

10. According to text 1, How to keep our bowels healthy?

A. Eating sufficient fiber, being adequately hydrated, not delaying poop, while having
caffeinated beverages is recommended.
B. Eating much fiber, being sufficiently hydrated, eating a high-fat diet, not delaying poop,
having more coffee.
C. Eating enough fiber, being sufficiently hydrated, not delaying poop, eating fatty foods, and
having caffeinated beverages.
D. Eating more fiber, enough hydration, postponing poop, having more coffee drinks
E. Eating enough fiber, adequate hydration, not delaying poop, eating a high-fat diet, while
having caffeinated beverages is recommended.


11. Which of the following best restates the statement "There are two sources of ‘gas’ in the fart and
not all gas is gas” in Text 2 Paragraph 2?
A. There are two types of gas in the fart, 99% of air and 1 % of the real gas that is odorless.
B. Farting can produce two kinds of gas, they are; 99% of odorless gas and 1 % of odorous gas
C. There are two kinds of gas in the fart that can be identified; air that is all people swallow and
the rest is sulfur.
D. Farting is produced from two types of odors that can be derived from nitrogen, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, oxygen, methane, and also sulphuric gas.
E. Farting comes from both 99% of air which contains nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen,
oxygen, also methane and 1 % of the real gas that is primarily the byproduct of the
fermentation of food.

12. The purpose of the author in writing text 2 is to...

A. Discuss the different process of health measurement that can be noticed by people.
B. Present the measurement results about health from different sight
C. Explain another indication that is a measurement of health other than those mentioned.
D. Report the cause of health concern from another point of view.
E. Give an example that the cause of concern can be many.

13. Which of the following statement states the author’s attentive attitude toward health concern?
A. Having a bowel movement daily makes you healthier
B. Just like we need to make good choices to get restful sleep, we need to make wise food and
drink choices to keep our bowels healthy.
C. if your gas is causing you discomfort or interfering with your daily life, those can be a sign
of disease.
D. The reasons why people break wind can vary, and sometimes it can be cause for concern.
E. Total fiber intake should be at least 25 grams daily, according to the US Food and Drug

14. What can be concluded from the two texts?

A. Sometimes it can be cause for concern when people having problem with products excreted
by body, so they have to be aware of the signs.
B. Eating habits must be merely considered to achieve good digestion so that the products
excreted by the stomach are normal products.
C. Reminding people that there is really not a fixed or normal number of bowel movements is
our responsibility in order to make people have a healthy excretion.
D. food and drink choices can cause concern when there are problems in the bowel, so people
have to manage health assistance.
E. People should consider some symptoms that can worsen their health and well beings.

Text 1
Most people have felt their eyelids get heavy shortly after a large meal. Whether it be a holiday
feast or a weekend brunch, you may wonder what exactly causes sleepiness after eating. The feeling
of sleepiness after consuming food is commonly called postprandial sleepiness or postprandial
somnolence. It is sometimes known as the post-lunch dip or referred to more informally as a “food
coma.” Fortunately, post-meal tiredness may not be a cause for concern if it does not interfere with a
person’s work, school, or social life.
Researchers are not exactly sure why it is common for people to get sleepy after eating. However,
It happens that after a person eats, the body might produce more serotonin, a neurotransmitter that
regulates sleep and mood. Studies suggest that multiple composition of a meal can affect whether a
person feels sleepy after eating. A larger meal may be more likely to cause sleepiness, and certain
foods and nutrients can have an impact as well.


Research has found that meals that are high in fat, carbohydrates or calories, and melatonin may
increase sleepiness. Fat-laden foods like cheeses, beef, pizza, ice cream, chips and french-fries can
be difficult to digest, leading to increased likelihood of post-meal tiredness. In addition to fat, some
research has found that meals with large amounts of carbohydrates like bread, pastries, pancakes,
corn syrup and soda can increase the perceived amount of postprandial fatigue. Certain kinds of sour
cherries and nuts contain melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep, and eating a significant
amount of the foods may induce other active ingredients that may promote sleep.
While these foods may promote postprandial sleepiness, not everyone will experience bad
consequences after eating them since various factors influence how the body reacts to a meal. Being
aware of both the quantity and nutritional composition of a meal may help avoid postprandial
sleepiness. Identifying these patterns and choosing foods accordingly can be effective in preventing
postprandial somnolence.
Adapted from:
Text 2
If you’re desperate for a nap not long after lunch, you’re certainly not alone. There’s a natural dip
in our sleep/wake cycle in the afternoon. Daytime sleepiness, defined as the inability to stay awake
and alert during the major waking periods of the day, resulting in unintended lapses into drowsiness
or sleep. It has been estimated to affect about 20% of adults. However, Excessive daytime sleepiness
is a significant public health concern since it is associated to certain health conditions that may cause
some consequences throughout the day, from cognitive impairment, automobile accidents, injuries,
medical errors, to lost productivity.
Diabetes is a condition marked by elevated blood sugar, referred to as hyperglycemia. People
with diabetes will experience higher rises of blood sugar after a meal, producing more hyperglycemia
which triggers weakness, drowsiness and fatigue. Another condition is Anemia, where red blood cells
fail to carry the necessary amount of oxygen through the body. Individuals with anemia frequently
experience tiredness which may occur at various times, especially after a meal. Untreated sleep apnea
is also condition that should be considered. This kind of sleep deprivation can make that afternoon
slump much more pronounced after meal, since you’re already exhausted in the morning. Drowsiness
after meal can also be a response to food allergies. The body allocates energy to manage the effects
of the sensitivity, leaving you feeling drained and ready for a nap.
When the drowsiness after meal interferes your daily activity, you can consider a little exercise,
manage good hydration, and prioritize consistent bedtimes and wake-up times. However, when it
occurs excessively accompanied by other symptoms or health changes and badly interferes with work,
school, or social obligations, you should talk with a doctor to maintain your proper health and give
the right medication.
Adapted from:

15. According to text 1, why food rich in fat can make drossiness?
A. As fat is hard to consume, it decreases tiredness
B. Because it can induce other active ingredients that may promote sleep
C. For it can increase the perceived amount of postprandial fatigue
D. Since it is not easy to digest, it results in exhaustion
E. As a result of a significant amount of food digestion.

16. The word “it” in text 2 paragraph 1 sentence 4 refers to...

A. The nap
B. Natural dip
C. Daytime sleepiness
D. Unintended lapses
E. Drowsiness


17. Which of the following is the opinion from text 1?

A. Most people have felt their eyelids get heavy shortly after a large meal
B. Researchers are not exactly sure why it is common for people to get sleepy after eating.
C. Fortunately, post-meal tiredness may not be a cause for concern if it does not interfere with a
person’s work, school, or social life.
D. Being aware of both the quantity and nutritional composition of a meal may help avoid
postprandial sleepiness
E. Studies suggest that multiple composition of a meal can affect whether a person feels sleepy
after eating.

18. What is the relationship between text 1 and 2?

A. Text 2 provides supporting information mentioned in text 1
B. Text 2 explains the other causes for sleepiness after eating mentioned in text 1
C. Both text 1 and text 2 describe about the negative effects of sleepiness after eating
D. Both text 1 and text 2 illustrate the reasons why sleepiness after eating should be avoided.
E. Text 2 describes the steps to cure sleepiness after eating while text 1 describes the vice versa.

19. According to both texts, information about ways to deal with the problem is found in...
A. Text 1 paragraph 1 and text 2 paragraph 1
B. Text 1 paragraph 2 and text 2 paragraph 2
C. Text 1 paragraph 3 and text 2 paragraph 2
D. Text 1 paragraph 4 and text 2 paragraph 1
E. Text 1 paragraph 4 and text 2 paragraph 3

20. Based on the information from text 1 and 2 which of the following will most likely happen in the
A. People won’t take it seriously about post-meal tiredness when it doesn’t interfere with a daily
life and changing health.
B. People will consider about exercise for their health.
C. They will be aware of the quantity of a meal that may help avoid postprandial sleepiness.
D. They will be consistent in performing bedtimes and wake-up times
E. Most people will have awareness about nutritional composition of a meal they take to avoid
postprandial sleepiness.

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