Antioxidants Nutrition Amp Health 2000 Free Radical Biology and Medicine

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OXYGEN 2000 S27

r-=-l I 54 I

ONOIDS ON DNA DAMAGE IN Pyruvate protects cerulein induced acute pamreatitis.

CELLS J A tosiewia, R. A. Olek, J. Popinigis. Jednej Sniadecki University
S&i1 of Physical Education, Department of Bioenergetics, Wiejska 1,
XI-336 Gdansk, Poland
Department of Food Science and Ceruleln induced acute pancreatitis (AP) has been related to increased free
College Cork, Ireland radical formation. It has been shown that different antioxidants can inhibit
this kind of stress. The aim of this work was to lind out, that pyrwate
can protect cerulein induced AP. Despite of being the substrate in many en-
zymatic reactions pymvate can also nonenzymatically react with hydrogen
The effects of the flavonoids, quercetin and rutin, were
= ~~
oemxide. Thus it can be consider as an antioxidant. Twelve male rats have
with butylated hydroxytoluene (BID’), a synthetic been used in this study. Rata were divided into three groups, one received
t, and desferrioxamine (DFO), a specific iron food with 2% of sodium pyruvate. AP was induced by two intraperitoneal in-
terr-butylhydroperoxide (rerr-BOOH)- and jection of cemlein (40 pg/kg body wt) at hourly intervals. In cemlein treated
rats typical symptoms of pancreatitis, hyperamylasemia (1969 vs. 7569 U/dl)
ed DNA damage in HepG2 and Caco-2 cells. and pancreas edema (pancreas weight 0.28 vs. 0.493 g) were observed. In
and menadione induced DNA damage in a pyrovate group the amylase activity and pancreas weight were almost the
r, as assessed using the alkaline comet same as in control group and were 2567 U/dl and 0.363 g respectively. Pm-
uercetin and rutin protected against tein mdfhydryl groups have been observed to decrease more after cemlein
treatment in control than in pyruvate group. The obtained data suggest
damage by way of their metal ion that pyruvate protects pancreas from cerulein induced AP. This may imply
quercetin decreased menadione that metabolic changes, which lead to decrease intracellular pyrwate con-
ng possibly as both a metal ion centration, may predispose pancreas into pancreatitis. The role of pyruvate
scavenger. In HepG2 cells the flavonoids as a substance, which can din&d& oxidatlve stress and NADH level inside
the cell, is also discussed. This work was supported from KBN grant 4P05A
not protect against terr-BOOH-induced DNA damage.
125 19.
rcetin and the metal ion chelator, DFO, protected to some
nt against DNA damage evoked by menadione in HepG2
s. Greater protection by the flavonoids was seen in the
o-2 cell model. Metabolism of the flavonoids may have
urred in the HepG2 cell model thus resulting in their
ted effectiveness.

I 55 I 1
Adenovirus-mediated Overexpression of CataIase in CytosoIic or Production of extracelhdar phenolic a&oxidants provides a
Mitochondrial Compartment Protects Against Cytochrome P460 buffer against low-level buildup of ROS in plants
2El-dependent Toxicity in HepG2 Cella C. Jacyn Baker, Nichole O’NeilI and Kenneth De&l. USDA, ARB, Plant
JingximgBai & Arthur I Cederbaum. Department of Biochemistry and Science Institute, Beltsville, MD
Molecular Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029 We have been investigating the role of ROS in the early events of
Cytochrome P450 2El (CYPZEl) is an effective producer of ROS, which plant/pathogen interactions. Potato and tobacco suspension cells were first
may contribute to the development of alcohol liver dii. In order to invee- washed and suspended in assay buffer, then placed on a shaking water
tigate the protective role ofcatalase against CYP2El dependent cytotoxicity, bath and finally inoculated with virulent and avirulent bacterial pathogens.
Et7 cells, a transfected HepG2 cell line overexpressing CYP2E1, were infected Within the first few hours there is a two-phased ROS burst. The first phase,
with adenoviral vectors containing human catalase cDNA(AdCat) and cata- which begins immediately after inoculation, occurs in both susceptible and
lase cDNA with a mitochondrial leader sequence(AdmCat). 46 hours after resistant interactims. The second phase begins about 2 hr. after inoculation
infection with 100 MO1 AdCat or AdmCat, intracellular cat&se protein was and only occurs in resistant interactions. The scavenging capability of these
increased more than two fold as compared to uninfected B47 cells and E47 cells was monitorad during this period using a technique that measures the
cells infected with empty adenoviral vector(AdNull) as detexmined by West- rate of decrease of exogenously added hydrogen peroxide. This lead to the
ern blot and cat&se activity measurements. Overexpression of cat&se in observation in control cells that antioxidant levels were building up and neu-
cytosol (AdCat) and in mitochondria (AdmCat) was cm&rmed by confocal tralizing the emgenously added hydrogen peroxide within 1 to 2 sec. The
microscopy. Cell death caused by arachidonic acid plus iron was considerably antioxldants appear to be small molecular weight phenolic compounds. Based
suppressed in both AdCat and AdmCat infected E47 cells ea determined by on the spectrum from 210-350 nm there are several different compoonds in-
ways of MTT, LDH release, and morphology changes. AdCat and AdmCat volved depending on the age and type of plant cell. These compounds are
infected oells were also more resistant to the loss of mitochondrial membrane currently being isolated and identified. It appears they do not accumulate
potential and to the in lipid peroxidation induced by AA and iron. stressad cells because they react with the endogenous hydrogen peroxide as
The present study indicates that cat&se in cytwol and mitochondria are it is produced. Therefore due to the production of these antioxidants, the
capable of protecting HepG2 cells expressing CYPZEI against cytotoxicity levels of ROS in plant cell interactions is likely underestimated.
induced by oxidants which promote lipid pemxidation, and suggest the pee-
sibility that such agents may be useful in protecting against the development
of alcohol liver injury.

S28 OXYGEN 2000

I 57 I

CHLORINATION OF THE RED WINE POLYPHENOL Effects of a cyst&e precursor on neural damage in sulfur amino
QUERCETIN BY HOCI-PRODUCING NEUTROPHILS: acid (SAA) deficient rats after global hemispheric
FORMS. P.J. Bobyn*, J.L. Franklin*, CM. Wall*, B.H.J. Juurlink#,
R. Binsack, R. Pate& M. Kirk, H. Kim, V. Da&y-Usmar, J.A. Thornhill**, P.G. Paterson * *College of Pharmacy and Nutrition,
J. E&rich and D.A. Parks. Depts. of Anesthesiology, Pathology, #Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology, ‘*Dept. of Physiology, University of
Pharmacology and UAB Center for Free Radical Research, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK., Canada S7N 5C9
Alabama at Birmineham. Birmineham. AL 35233. USA. The SAA cyst&e is essential for synthesis of glutathione (GSH), a tripep-
Epidemiological stidies’indicate-that moderate red wine consumption low- tide critical in antioxidation of reactive oxygen species in conditions such as
ers the incidence of cardiovascular disease, with the beneficial effect being stroke. In a rat model of GHHI, in which the right, common carotid artery
partly attributed to the red wine polyphenol quercetin. The precise mech- was ligated and severed followed by exposure to 35 minutes of hypoxia, our
anism of the cardioprotection remains unclear, and is complicated by the laboratory has previously shown that dietary SAA deficiency decreases brain
fact that quercetin exists in plasma in ““conjugated and conjugated forms. GSH and increases neural damage. A cysteine precursor, CZ-oxothiazolidine-
Moreover, recent data indicate that (poly)phenolic compounds can be chlo- 4-carboxylic acid (OTC), or carrier, was injected subcutaneously 15 minutes
rinated in reactions with hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a proinflammatory oxi- after GHHI and every 12 hours for 3 days in both SAA deficient (-SAA) and
dant produced by activated neutrophils. To investigate potential differences SAA sufficient (+SAA) rats. Neural damage was assessed histologically in
of quercetin and its conjugated forms as well as related chlorinated derivates 2 brain sections from the hemisphere ipsilateral to the ligated artery 7 days
in more detail, stimulated neutrophils were mixed with quercetin or one of after GHHI. Semiquantitative scoring (maximum score 8) of damage to the
its conjugated forms, quercetin-rutinoside and quercetin-glucuronoside. Only neocortex, hippocampus, striatum and thalamus suggests OTC may be pro-
the conjugated forms of quercetin reacted with HOC1 to stable mow_+ and tective in +SAA (p=O.O5) but not -SAA (p=O.62) rats (Mann-Whitney test).
dichloroderivates. However, since the stimulated neutrophils also released Our laboratory also developed a more quantitative scoring system restricted
a-glucuronidase, nonconjugated forms were also detected. Although conju- to the hippocampus. Preliminary data suggest OTC does not protect total
gated quercetin did not activate the estrogen receptors ERa and ERP in hippocampus in -SAA or +SAA rats, but a trend towards protection is seen
transfected COS cells, quercetin and, to a lesser extent, the chloroderivates in the CA4 hippocampal region of +SAA animals (p=O.O8, l-tail t-test).
did. In contrast, the chloroderivates of quercetin exhibited a 2-fold greater Neuroprotective effects of OTC in stroke may vary with nutritional status.
antioxidant potential than the unmodified form. In conclusion, quercetin may finded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Saskatchewan
result in cardioprotection via several pathways depending on the pathological

I 60 I
A NOVEL MECHANISM FOR ANTIOXIDANT Phytochemicals in Tomatoes Increase Survival of Rats With
M. Monaco S. Donovan, & J. Erdman, Jr.
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL & The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Brenda J. Boersma, Rakesh P&l, Marion Kirk, Stephen Barnes,
and Victor Darley-Usmar, Depta. of Pharmacology and
Consumption of tomatoes has been suggested to decrease prostate cancer
Toxicology and Pathology, University of Alabama at risk. We tested the effect of dietary lycopene (the red pigment in toma-
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294 toes) in different forms on survival of rats with chemicallv-induced or&ate
can&r. Five-week old male Wistar-Unilever rats were randomly &signed
Oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) results in the accumulation to one of 3 AIN-baaed experimental diets (control, lycopene beadlets, or
of macrophage foam cells in atherosclerotic plaques. Genistein, a soy tomato powder) and fed for one week prior to the initiation of tumors by
isoflavone, has been shown to inhibit the oxidation of LDL in vitro and sequential anti-androgen, androgen, carcinogen treatment, followed by pro-
inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in animal models. It is motion of tumor formation with subcutaneous testosterone implants. Since
unclear whether genistein is potent enough to act as an anti- calorie restriction has also been shown to decrease cancer risk, each group
atherosclerotic agent via a classical antioxidant mechanism. Using was further randomized to 20% diet restriction or ad libitum 3 days after
liposomes and LDL oxidized by ABAP (2. 2’- azobis- amidino- carcinogen treatment. Increased survival was noted for tomato powder-
propane hydrochloride), genistein inhibited LDL oxidation but fed (39% increase, R&0.613; P=O.O056) and lycopene beadlet-fed (17%
paradoxically was notconsumed. However, when genistein and ABAP increase, RR=O.637; P=O.162) rats as compared to controls. Diet restric-
were reacted without liposomes, genistein consumption was detected. tion also significantly increased overall survival (23% increase, RR=0.770;
Based on these findings, we propose that genistein is capable of PzO.0429) as compared to ad libitum feeding. We concluded that the con-
exhibiting polyphenol-:ncdiated peroxidation, analogous to tocopherol- sumption of lycopene from beadlets or tomato powder enhances survival in
mediated peroxidation. This would both explain the lack of this chemically-induced prostate cancer model. Furthermore, tomato pow-
consumption during lipid peroxidation and a profound synergy in der may contain substaneea, in addition to lycopene, which may enhance host
antioxidant potency we have observed when ascorbate is added to the antioxidant defenses and favorably modulate prostate carcinogenesis.
oxidation system. These data suggests that polyphenols with
intrinsically low antioxidant ability in vitro may be greatly enhanced in
viva The criteria for assessing the antioxidant properties of genistein
and polyphenols as mediators ofperoxidation will be discussed.

OXYGEN 2000 s29

L!?! El62
Activation of Nuclear Factor kappa B (NFkH) Causes Cell Death Release of NO and Enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species
induced by Diabetogenic Compounds in Cell Culture in hypercholesterolemia is modulated by various statins
Thomas W.-M. Boileau,Yu-HwaiTsai, and Tammy M. Bray . The Ohio B. Fink and E. Bassenge. Inst. of Applied Physiology, University Fteiburg,
State University, Columbus, OH Germany
Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that in viva activation of the Hypercholesterolemia is associated with enhanced formation of reactive
nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) is a critical early step in pancreatic b cell oxygen species (ROS). We analyzed the effects of superimposed atorvas-
death in experimental models of diabetes. Antioxidants that inhibit NFkB tatin/simvastatin given over a period of 8 weeks with an atherogenic choles-
activation reduced hyperglycemia induced by diibetogenic compounds. The terol diet (0.5%) on ROS production in hyperchol~terolemic guinea pigs.
objective of this experiment is to determine if NFkB activation is cell type- The cholesterol diet was given without or with atorvastatin or simvastatin
specific. NFkB activation in b c&r (RINm5F) or a liver cell line (HepG2) (10 mg/kg/day). BGS production was analyzed both in the perfusate of Lan-
following allmtan and streptoaotocin (STZ) exposure was determined by elec- gendorff hearts and in blood samples. We analysed concentrations of reduced
trophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). BIN 5F cells or HepG2 cells (105 - and oxidized SBgroups in plasma and nitrates bioconversion using ESR tech-
107) were treated with various levels of alloxan or STZ. At diierent time in- nique. ROS production in blood samples and perrirsates of guinea pig hearts
tervals, cells were harvested and nuclear extractions from cells were prepared. treated with cholesterol increased from 1.73f0.06 to 2.73~0.09pM/min and
Results of this study demonstrated the tie course and mode of cell death from 0.237fO.O3fiM/min to 0.364fO.O24~M/min respectively. This exces-
(apoptosis vs necrosis) induced by various diabetogenic compounds. We also sive production was significantly reduced by atorvastatin approaching control
demonstrated that various classes of antioxidants have different capacity in values both in en viva blood samples (1.36fO.O2/&/min) and in perfirsates
inhibiting NFkB activation in a cell type specific manner. (0.31f0.92 /~MM/min)(simvastatin caused a similar but lesser reduction). Sur-
prisingly, concentrations of redwed SIX-groups were signi6cantly increased
from 205i9.1 to 254f18pM after 8 weeks cholesterol diet, and were signifi-
cantly augmented when atorvastatin (236f14pM) or simvastatin (264zk9pM)
was added to the cholesterol diet. Both concentration of reduced S&groups

productibn of ROS during experimental hypercholesterolemia are effec-

tively reduced by appropriate doses of ‘atorvastatin and less by simvastatin

1 1
64 1

Formation of reactive oxygen species during exercise is reduced by Synergistic toxicity of iron and arachidonic acid in HepG2 cells
adudrdtration of pyruvate as antioxidant or by exercise training overex~ressimz CYP2El
B. Fii 0. Sommerand E. Bassenge. Inst. of Applied Physiology, AndresCam a112 Arthur Cederbaum. Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
University Freiburg, Germany Department of Biochemistrv and Mokscuhar Bioloav
Heavy physical exercise increases oxygen consumption and potentially ini- Priming of the liver for ethanol-induced injury, b~nutrients such as polyun-
tiates enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species @OS). This in turn saturated fat and iron, has been suggested to play a key role in the develop-
leads to oxidative stress and cellular damage if not appropriately counter- ment of alcoholic liver disease. The objective of thii work was to evaluate
acted. The objective of this study was to quantify in viva formation of ROS the effect of the combination of Fe-NTA and arachidonic acid on the viabil-
and hemodynamic parameters at rest, as well as during incmasing levels of ity of a HepG2 cell line (E47) transduced to express the ethanol-inducible
treadmih exercise before and after a training period of 8 weeks, or under CYPSEl. Cells were plated, preloaded with aracbidonic acid (AA, up to 10
administration of pymvate. Dogs prepared with art&a carotis loops (blood uM), washed, and exposed to Fe-NTA (up to 25 uM) for variable periods.
sampling and hemodynamic measurements) were exercised at 5, 10 and 15 Fe-NTA (10 uM) or AA (5 uM) alone showed low toxicity to E47 cells (19%
km/h (5% grade). In viva generated ROS were scavenged using IV infusion and 16% respectively at 36 h), while the combination produced synergis-
of 1-hydroxy-3earboxy-pyrrolidine and quantified by electron spin resonance. tic injury (75% toxicity at 36 h). Exposure of control cells not expressing
Plasma lactate concentrations were measured spectrophotometrically. As any cytochrome P450, or HepGZC3A4 cells (expressing human CYP3A4) to
depicted in the table, art&al systolic pressure (APsys). heart rate (HR), Fe+AA did not produce significant toxicity (~20%). Toxicity in E47 cells was
and ROS formation increased signiscantly with increasing levels of exercise prevented by antioxidants, which also decreased lipid permcidation. Damage
before and after training (see table, * p < 0.05 vs. resting values). rest to mitochondria plays a role in the CYP2El-dependent toxicity of Fe+AA,
15 km/h 15 km/h+pyr. 15 km/h+training APsys (mmfig) 143f5 2Olf8* as the mitochondrial transmembrane potential decreased early in the process,
190&3*’ 195f8.0*+ HR (beats/min) 113flO 222f12* 217flO* 198f7*+ and cyclosporine A prevented the toxicity. Tmdcity in E47 cells exposed to
ROS (mM) 2.85f0.45 5.13&0.66* 4.42&0.31* 2.75&0.05*+ Exercise train- Fe+AA is mainly necrotic in nature, based on morphology, early alteration
ing or a continuous infusion of pyrnvate (30 mg/min/kg) as antioxidant to of plasma membrane integrity, depletion of ATP levels, and non significant
maintain appropriate redox potentials significantly reduced enhanced ROS DNA degradation at early periods. The results p-ted suggest that low
production. These in viva analyses demonstrate that exercise causes an en- concentrations of Fe and AA (that are not cytotoxic by themselves), can act
hanced formation of ROS, which is decreased by training and/or pyruvate. as priming or sensitizing factors for CYP2El-induced iqjury in HepG2 cells.

s30 OXYGEN 2000

1 1
ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF ORGANIC PALM OIL Vitamin C and NAC supplementation increases oxldetive stress
FRACTIONS in humans after eccentric muscle iury.
Milvia Chicca Marilena Lais, Monica Borghl, Damiano Mucchi, Chiids, A., Jacobc C., Kaminski T., *Halliwell B., and C. Leeuwenburgh.
Arianna Co&*, France De Paniilis’, Siivano Pmamonti. Department of University of Florida; *National University of Singapore
Biology, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy *OrganicSur, via A. Costa There is sign&ant debate on whether antioxidants could act as pro-oxidants
112/2, Rastignano (Bologna), Italy in viva, namely in the presence of increased levels of redox-active metal ions.
Fractions of organic virgin palm oil, extracted from drupae of cultivars Most studies show that vitamin C is a protective antioxidant with or with-
of E&is gumeensis Jacq. (Magnoliophyta Liliopsida Arecaceae), currently out the presence of redax-active metals. However, we have investigated an
employed for alimentary purposes, were tested for antioxidant activity. The inflammatory model that strongly suggests vitamin C and NAC supplemen-
palm oil fractions were collected from drupae at di&rent ripening stages tation increases oxidative stress. We studied an acute muscle injury, induced
and showed diierent degrees of oxidative stability when evaluated by the by eccentric exercise in humans, character&d by massive inflammation and
Bancimat test (induction time of volatile acid production under oxldii signiilcant increases in levels of bleomycin-detectable-imn. Following the in-
conditions). The antioxidant activity was evaluated by measuring the ability jurious bout, subjects consumed a placebo or vitamin C (12.5 mg/kg body
of each fraction to reduce oxidized cytochrome c solutions and to quench DNA weight) and n-acetyl cysteine (NAC;10 n&kg body weight) combiition
damage induced by oxygen radicals during fluorometric analysis of DNA for 7 days. Levels of MPO, II&, LDH, CK, and myuglobm were sign&
unwinding. The results showed that palm oil fractions had different degrees of cantly elevated 2, 3, and 4 days post-injury, but returned to baseline after
reducing activity upon cytochrome c and protective effects against oxidative 7 days. Lipid hydroperoxidea, MDA, aud &iiprostanes were significautly
DNA damage, in good correlation with their ripening stage and &dative elevated post-iqjury. Despite an increase in total antioxidant status with
stability. The antioxidant properties of organic raw palm oil fractions are supplementation, levels of lipid hydroperoxides in the supplemented group
probably related to a higher content in carotenoids, tocopherols and other were signiilcantly elevated above the placebo group. SOD and GPX activity
minor antioxidant components when compared to reilned and bleached palm in the serum was significautly increased in subjects receiving antioxidanta
oil fractions. This study has two major findings 1) the recruitment of leukocy& and their
production of reactive intermediates plays a sign&ant role in the develop
ment of acute muscle injury 2) vitamin C and NAC can act as prooxidants,
manifested by acute increases in redox-active metal ions.

I 67 I
68 I

Increased sensltyvity of G(IPD-deficient skin 5broblast cells to MICE WITH COMBINED DISRUPTION OF GPXl AND
hydrogen peroxid&nduced senescence GPX2 GENES HAVE GROWTH RETARDATION,
Ho, Cheng ML, Stern A. Chiu DTY. Graduate Institute of Basic HYPOTHEHMIA, AND COLITIS
Medical %iences and School of MedicalTechnology, Chang Gung Univ., Fang- Fang Chu*, Richard Arg&,= -1 &cott W. Binder**,
Taoyuan, Taiwan; Detp. of Pharm., NYU, New York, USA Martin G. Martin#, &mes II. Domshow*, and Il. Steven Eeworthy*.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogensse(Gf3PD) is involved in the generation *Department of Medical Oncology, City of Hope National Medical Center,
of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and the Duarte, CA 91010, =Division of Digestive Dies, Department of
maintenance of the cellular redox balance. Increased susceptibility of GGPD- Medicine, #Division of Gestrceuterology and Nutrition, Department of
deficient red cells(BBC) to oxidative stress rseulting in accelerated IlBC de Pediatrics, University of California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
struction has been well documented. However, very little is known about 99919, **Department of Pathology, Division of Medical Genetics,
the susceptibility of G6PDde&ient nucleated cells to coddative stress. In CedawSmsi Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA
this study, we compared the susceptibility of GBPDdeticient skin fibrob Mice deilcient in single Gpxl or Gpx2 gene appear normal under regular
last cells(SFC) and normal SFC to hydrogen peroxide-induced senescence. housing condition. GPX-1 and GPX-GI, encoded by Gpxl and Gpx2, sre the
Both normal SFC and G6PDdefmient SFC were obtained by circumcision two major GPX activity p-t in the eplthellum of gsstrointestbral tract.
of normal and G6PD-deilcient child, respectively. SFC were cultured and Mice with combined disruntion of GnuI and Gnu2 series. double-KO. have
subjected to various treatments with hydrogen p&de at di&ent pop&
tion doubling level(PDL). Cellular senescence wss determii by morphology cache&. These double=KO-mice -&s hypo&&lc, especially under stress.
and beta-galwmeidsse stain. Our results show that cells with lower GGPD They also have a high incidence of diarrhea, anal mucous d&charge, and
activity and NADPH/NADP ratio were particularly susceptible to hydrogen- perianal ulceration. Hiiologlcal study shows severe colitis and some lleitis
elicited senescence. Overexpression of GGPD greatly increased the cellular starting before weaning. Thus, we have provided the first direct evidence to
resistance to the efkxt of hydrogen peroxide. This study clearly demonstat- show GPX plays an lmportaut role in maintaming animal health.
eds that GGPD-deficient nucleated cells are also more susceptible to or&dative
stress than their normal counter parts. In addition, this study lends support
to the notion that oxidative stress is relatede to the onset of seneecence.

OXYGEN 2000 s31

1. ZCkless, K.; 3Cru2,C.D; BSchuldt, M.C.; SSchuldt, 1, PCkless, K.;, 4Franke, S.I.H.; BRibeiro-do_Vaile, R.M.; 3Henriquea,
E.Z..; BRibeBe, R.M. 1Depto. de Bioquhnica - UFSC, J.A.P. IDepto. de Bioqufmic8CCBUFSC, Florian6poiis/SC; 2Curso de
Florian6polis/SC. ZCurso de FarmLia - UNISUL, Tuba&$X. 3Depto. de Farmkia-UNISUL, Tubar&o/SC; 3Centro de Biotecnologia-UFRGS, Porto
Farm8cologia - UFSC, Florian6polii/SC. Brash. Alegre/BS; 4Curso de Nutri&UNISC, Sta. Cruz do Sul/RS; 5Depto. de
The scientific data confirm the popular belief that wine consumption is se- Farm8cologiaUFSC, Floriamipolis/SC. Brssil.
sociated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disesse (CAD). These effects In some studies, intake of fruits has been associated with the prevention
could be attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds, which possess of certain diseases. These omtective effects have been attributed. mainlv. to
a strong antic&idant activity, in wine. Recently, it has been shown that ex- phenolic compounds. Since phenolic compounds are present in~severrr~fruit
tracts of medicinal plants, grape and wine can induce vsxnelaxation through juices and the preparation and/or processing of these juices is an important
endotheiium-dependent nitric oxide/cGMP. The aim of this study was to factor in the retention of their antioxidant properties, the aim of this study
evaluate the vasorelaxant properties in rings of thoracic aorta and antioxi- WBSto investigate the antioxidant properties of natural and processed, frozen
dant capacity of red and white Brazilian wines. Alcohol-free wines were used and fresh orange juices. The processed juices were purdmsed at the super-
in all assays. The antioxidant properties of the wines were analyzed by de- market and fresh orange juice was prepared prior to the experiments. A
oxyribose degradation assay, nitro blue tetraaolium (NBT) reduction test and sample of esch juice was kept froeen for several days and later, submitted to
lipoperoxidation assay. Through the analysis of deaxyribose degradation and the assays. The juices were diluted to 0.01; 0.1; 1.0 and 10%. The antioxi-
superoxide scavenging activity, as well as, lipoperoxidation assay it was found dant properties of the juices were analyzed by deoxyribcee degradation assay
that red wines possessed greater antioxidant capacity than white wines. This and nitro blue tetra8olium fNBT) reduction test. All tested oranee iuiws
effect was more evident in the deoxyribcee assay. In the endothelium intact inhibited deoxyribose degradation’in a similar profile. These juices were able
rings contracted with phenylephrine (10-100 nM), cumulative additions of to inhibit deoxyribose degradation by around 60% at 1% concentrations and
increasing concentrations of red wine (1 to 3.000 pg n&l) c8used graded by around 75% at 10% concentrations. In the NBT reduction test, one of
relaxations. This effect wss not observed when the white wine w8.s tested the proosssed juices had no effect. The others showed 02-. scavenger ca-
in the same conditions. The v8sorelaxant properties of red wine could be pacity only at the highest concentration tested. The scavenger properties
related to the strong antioxidant capacity showed by this wine, as well as its of these juices probably are related to the presence of phenolic compounds.
phenoiic contents. Supported by: CNPq Supported by: CNPq

I 71 El72
EVALUATION OF THE DNA DAMAGE EFFECT OF RED Thioredoxin, a Singlet Oxygen Quencher and Hydroxyl Radical
BRAZILIAN WINE BY THE SINGLE CELL GEL Scavenger: Radon Independent Functions
ELECTROPHORESIS (COMET ASSAY) Kumuda C. Dss and Chandan K. Das. University of Texas Health Center
1.2Ckless, K.; BRibeirodoValle, I&&& 1Departament.o de Bioqufmica - at Tyler
CCB - UFSC, Floriaw$olis/SC. 2Cureo de Farmkia - UNISUL, Thioredoxin is a ubiquitous small protein known to protect ceils and tis-
‘Brbarti/SC. 3Departamento de Farmacologia - CCB - UFSC, sues against oxidative stress. However, its ex8ct antioxidsnt nature has not
Florian6polii/SC. Bmsil. ckies& been elucidated. In this report, we present evidence that human thioredoxin
It has been widely reported that diets rich in fruit and vegetables are protec- is a powsrtid singlet oxygen quencher 8nd hydroxyl radical scavenger. Hu-
tive against certain diseases. These protective e&cts have been attributed, in man thioredoxin at 3 PM caused 50% inhibition of TEMP-102 (TEMPO)
large part, to the antioxklant activity of plant phenolic compounds. In con- adduct formation in a photolysis EPR study. In contrast, E. Coli thiore-
trast to the beneikriai effects, some phenolic compounds have also been found doxin c8used 50% inhibition of TEMPO formation at SO pM. Both E.coli
to be prooxidant and genotcoic in vitro. The ahn of this study was to inves- thioredoxin 8nd human thioredoxin inhibited .OH dependent DMPG-OH
tigate the genotoxic and/or antigenotoxic effects in hunnm blood cells (HBC) formation 8s demonstrated by EPR spectrornetry. The quenching of 102
using Comet ass8y. Whole human blood was incubated with alcohol-free red or scavenging of .OH w8s not dependent upon the redon state of thioredoxin.
wine for 4h at 37 OC in the presence or absence of Ii202. The results demon- Using a human thioredcodn in which the structural cysteines were mutated
strated that the red wine ems not able to protect against the genotzxic effect to alanine, Ttx-C3A, we show that structural cysteines that do not take part
of II202 in the HBC. Furthermore, at higher concentration (I:10 dilution) red in the catalytic functions of the protein are also imports& for its reactive
wine increased DNA damage. This genotcuic effect w-8s also observed when oxygen sc8wnging properties. In addition, using a quadruple mutant Trx-
red wine was incub8ted at the same concentration without H202. These C4A, where one of the catalytic cystsines, C35 wan mutated to 8hanine in
results suggest that red wine poswses genotacic potentialin vitro. This addition to the mutated structural cysteines, we demonstrated that catalytic
effect could be r&ted to complex formation of phenoiic compounds and iron cysteines are also required for the sc8wnging action of thioredoxin. Iden-
in the hemoglobii. Such complex iron-phenolic compounds could increase tification of thionxkxin as a 102 quencher and .OH scavenger may be of
free radicai generation and consequently increase DNA danmge. This effect signMeant importance in explaining various redmc-related antioxidant func-
corroborates data reported in the literature, that demonstrated a germtoxic tions of thioredoxin. Supported by AHA and ACS grants.
e&t in vitro for some phenolic acids in the presence of transition metals.
Financi8i support: CNPq

S32 OXYGEN 2 0 0 0
I 73 I
I I I 74 I
Non-transferrin-bound serum iron after therapeutical iron dosage EFFECT OF CATECHINS ON UV-C MEDIATED DNA
B.Dresow P.Nielsen, M. Diirken* and R.Fischer. Med.
Biochemie/Molekularhiologie, Kinderklinik*, UKE - University Hamburg,
!&ar G. Frm, Javier I. Ottaviani. Fernando Carrasquedo, Carl L.
Non-transferrin bound iron (NTBI) leads to an enhanced generation of re- Keen’. and Harold H. Schmitz’. PRALIB (CONICET)Physical
active oxygen species and to oxidative stress mediating cell and tissue dam- Chemistry. School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, U. of Buenos Aires.
age. NTBI has been reported in most forms of iron overload, in patients I I I3-Buenos Aires, Argentina: ‘Department of Nu~rmon. I iniversity 3f
with leukemia under conventional chemotherapy and in patients after bone
California, Davis CA 956161: ‘MARS Inc., Hacketlstown, NJ 07840.
marrow or stem cell transplantation.Very recently NTBI was found in ane-
mic patients on hemodialysis after intravenous iron application. The present Catechins are a group of polyphenols (PP) that can exert
study demonstrates for the first time the appearance of NTBI after oral iron
antioxidanr activity in biological systems. However, a recent report
intake. Serum iron (SI), transferrin saturation (Tfs) and NTBI were mea-
sured in patients with mild iron deficiency before and up to 8 hours after indicated the possiblicy of a pmoxidanr effect of PP. specially when
intake of a single dose of 100 mg Fe2+ as a pharmaceutical iron preparation. present 81 high concentrations. Here we evaluated the effects of catechil
Before intake, SI and Tfs was low in all patients, NTBI was not detectable. (0. epicatechin (EC), quercetin, and EC oligomers at concentritions ’
After ingestion there was an increase in SI and Tfs with maxima at about
ranging from 0.1 m 50 pM. on UV-C mediated DNA oxidation. DNA
3 to 4 hours. In parallel, max. NTBI leveler between 3.5 - 11.5 pmol/L
oxidation was evaluared by the formation of 8.oxo-2’-desoxyguanosine
(normally found in severe iron overload) was measured in the serum of all
patients. Even 6 - 8 hours after oral iron intake NTBI was still measurable. (oxo8dG). In the absence of added PP, the oxo8dG levels ranged from
This study demonstrates for the first time the appearance of NTBI, widely I.3tO.ito5.9kO.l and 14.0+00.9 oxo8dGllO’dG (p<O.O5) after I5 and
discussed to be responsible for in viva lipid peroxidation, after a pharmaceu- 30 min of irradiation. respectively. oxo8dG formation was reduced
tical dose of oral iron. The physiological relevance of this finding has to be
further elucidated, also in view of the widely administration of iron prepara- significantly in the presence of concentrations as low as 0.1 NM of EC

tions in one of the most common deficiencies in humans. One may also think trtrilmrr or EC hexamer and I pM of C. EC or EC dimer. PP
of a coadministration of antioxidants, especially, vitamin E together with the concentrations as high as 50 pM did not provide better protection and
iron preparation. &d not generate higher oxo8dG Irvels. Catechins and related oligomers
protected DNA from oxidation 81 concentrations that can be obkked HI
physmlogical conditiow Higher PP concentrations, which are unlikely
IO occurr following the ingestion of foods. did not lead IO further UV-C
medioled DNA oxidation (supporrrd by UBA and MARS 1~).

I 75
I 76 I

JK F&l, WL Andrew, M Langdon. Memorial Univ Friel JK, Andrew WL, Azis K. Issa T, Kwa PJ. Biochemistry and
Milk from mothers of pre-term (PT) and full-term (FT)infants may have Pediatrics. Memorial Universitv of Newfoundland. Canada.
antioxidant ability not seen in humanized formulas. Mothers may respond Prernatire infants are often”given erythropoieid (EPO) and iron, (2.12
to early gestation by increasing milk (HM) antioxidant roperties as seen for mg/kg/d) for periods of up to 4 weeks soon after birth. EPO is to stimulate
other milk components. We assessed the ability of HM at weeks 1, 2 and RBC production and Fe is to prevent anemia. We hypothesized that high
12 of lactation (17 PT,28 FT) to resist oxidative stress. HX/XO generated Fe doses may cause oxidative stress. We studied 11 infants (1032 f 216 g
the radicals and oxygen consumption, CAT activity and MDA levels were birthweight) at 3 times: Tie 1 (baseline, no FE, no EPO); Time 2 (2 wks
assessed. Normal & high-iron formulas were tested with/without CAT, SOD later, EPO and 2-4 mg/kg/d Fe; Time 3 (2 wks later again, EPO and 46
and GHSPX. There was no difference (p<O.OS)between PT & FT groups for mg/kg/d Fe). We measured plasma MDA, RBC CAT, ZnCuSOD and total
oxygenronsumption (“moles 02/min). Means f SEM for the Pr/FT groups antioxidant potential (TRAP). No differences over time occurred except for a
following stress,were: wk 1: 7.97 f 0.56; 6.68 f 0.88;wk 2 4.62 i 0.42, 5.17 trend (p=O.O7) in CAT. Time 1,66f17; Time 2, 77*19; Tie 3,86f16. For
f 0.36, wk 12 4.08 f 0.39, 4.80 f 0.49. MDA levels & CAT activity did 40 control infants CAT did not rise over time. We hypothesize CAT increase
not differ between groups. PT milk is as good ss but not better than FT in response to elevated Fe intakes either due to oxidant stress or incorporation
milk. R2=.443 between 02 consumption and MDA and R2=-0.30 between of newly formed heme. Further, human milk fed infants had higher TRAP
02 consumed & CAT for all weeks, suggesting a protective role of CAT in values (629f281 vs 176f178) at Time 2 and higher CAT (95f7 vs 68f15) at
HM. 02 consumption differed over time between HM (44.75 f 1.66)& normal Time 3 suggesting that method of feed afTects antioxidant status. Supported
(98.88 f 3.11)& high-iron (168.94 f 9.47) formulas. Adding CAT, SOD & by the Medical Research Council and the Janeway Research Foundation.
GHSPX increased antioxidant capacity by decreasing 02 consumption to
66.11 f 6.48 and 104.81 f 8.65 respectively. No CAT activity was seen
naturally in formula. Pasteurization of HM did not compromise antioxidant
capability suggesting that enzymes play a role but are not solely responsible
for protection observed in HM. Funded by the MRC and Janeway Research

OXYGEN 2 0 0 0 S33
IL 78 I

OPTIMIZATION OF AN IMMUNOASSAY FOR Deuwsad MnSOD Expression May Be Involved In Neointimal

S. Gupta#, D. Szwaki#, McGoweo#, J. Morrow+, aad LW Ober,;ak~ ek=L:2z2k Jr”
L.J. Roberta-. #OxfordBiicalBeseamh, Folk&g vascuku iajury, medial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the ‘ep-
P.O. Box 522. Oxford MI. USA ; +Dept. Pharmacology, vaoderbilt ithelioid’ pkmotyps migrate and cloaally proliferation to form the neointima.
U., Nashville, TN, USA 37232. *Dept. Chemistry, Oaklaadv., I&heater We recently reported that lewls of superoxide were increased in neointimal
MI, USA 48309 as compared with medisl SMCa, and superoxide has been reported by other
Isoprcetaaes arc the biomarkers of choice for the meaauem eat of oxidant ioveatigators to inducs SMC proliferation. The purpose of this study was
stress. A competitive ELISA for 15~Isopnmtane developed by us n-s.9vai- the&&e to dewmine the role of aatioxidaat emzymea in the neointiial SMC
idated by GC/MS. The standard procedure rquirea biological sampled be superoxide accumula&a aad proliferatioa. Neointimal and medial SMCs,
subjected to solid phase extraction to remove interking substaacen prior and epithelioid and spindle-&aped clones were enzymaticaUy isolated from
to F&ISA. These manipulations are tedious and eapensive aad caa introduce rat aorta two weeks after balloon injury or sham injury. Under identical
errors. We therefore sought to eliminate the extraction step without comprw culture conditions, neointimd SMCS proliferated more rapidly than medial
misiig the accuracy or sensitivity ofisoprostane ELISAs. Urine samplea (n = SMCs. We&era blottiag showed that the ratio of MaSOD, CuZaSOD, aad
8,21), for which 15F2t&oprostaoe levels bad been determined by GC/MS, catslass in neoiatimai SMCs versus msdial SMCs was 0.732 f 0.048,1.172 f
were diluted ia buffer systems wataining vary& quantities of surfactants 0.088, 1.858 f 0.387, mspectively. Siily, epithelioid clones, whether de-
and/or blocking agents to minimize n&c biding aad matrix effecta. rived from 04 msdia or naointima, had lower MaSOD aad hi&r catalase
The diluted/non-extracted samples were then subjacted to ELISA. The 4 proteia lev& as compared with spiadk-shaped clones derived from the same
parameter logistic curw Bt was us& io compare the seasitivity (50% B/BO< -. Sii patterns of dtexatioas of the enzyme activities were also
5 n&l) and the usable eoncentratioo ranga for theds ELISAs. Fbllowiag op ohwrwd. Northern Blotting iadicatad that epitkelioid clones had deereased
timization, agood correlation (r2 0.85) and statistically signSkant dmkity hfaSOD mRh’A &on compared to spindle-shaped clones under ether
(ANOVA; p < 0.05) was observed between the ELlSA valuea obtained for serum-frsa or lO%FCS culture eonditkms. These data suggsst that decreased
non-extracted urine samplea and GC/MS. The results iadicate that 15F2t- MnSOD exptwsioa might contribute to the accumulation of superoxide and
Isoprostaae in urine samples can be analyzed without solid-phase extmcti~n, the increwsd proliferation of SMCs in rat aortic neoiatima s&r balloon in-
thereby reducing time aad effort, and eliminating errors due to extraction jury.
or incomplete solvent removal. [Supported in part by NIEHS contract #

Effects of Vitamin E and Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome on Ethanol-induced he~atotoxicity and waventiva effect of betaine
Lunu Mitochondrial Fbttv Ad& d Ant-. Gii&r KANBAK, &&&. &man&i University,The Medical
rbtlc&KK~~ “tje. Dept. of Poultry S&ace, 00. DeDartmedofBioQmiatrV
P&c& e&c& of betaine in ethanol hepatotoxicity were investigated.
As mitochondrisl’dy&mcti has been obaerwd in puhmmary bypatension 24 bale w&tar albino rata were divided into three group:control,ethaad
syndrmne (PBS) ia broilers, the objective of this study was to determine the and ethaaol+bstaine groupRats were fed ethanol 8 g/kg/day for 2
effects of PHS and vitamin E (VE) on loag chaia fatty dds and aatiax- months.Ethanol+b group were fed ethanol plus betaiae (0.5% W/Y).
idantsialungmitochoadria. Luugmitodn&iavcreiaokadfrombirds Reduosd glutathiooe, malondiaidehyde and vitamin A were determined in
raised under cold coaditions (to induce PHS) aad fed dieta coata&@ 15 or ths liver tissue. Alaaiae ease wers also measured intracardiac
100 IU dl-a4ocopherol/kg (Coatrol aad VE, respectively). Oxidatiw stress blood samples. GSH levels in the ethanol group were si@fxantly lower than
WMobservedinP~mitoehondriathatineludedlorerlsvebda-~dT the control grmtp (p<O.OOl). GSH elevated in betain group as comparsd
~~her;~ys aad an skated GSSG/GSE. PHS lung mitndmmdria to the e&awl group (p<O.OOl). MDA io ethanol group were significantly
. . . pew&ageofC10:0andafowetpercanta8edC18:1 higher thao the control group (~~0.05). MDA were decxewsd in betaine
comparsdtobiiwitboutPES.IBghdistaryVEelevatedhmg*twopbad group as c0mpam.d to the ethanol group (~~0.05). Vitamin A ia the ethanol
inbothvEsndvEPHsgaupsmanpsndtocmtmb,butdidwtprcvasrta group were signifkcz&ly lower thanin the control group (p<O.Ol). In the
decreaseinGSIiinVEPH!3mitochoadriaBtipaovidadsu~VE ethuml+betaine group wwe high as compared to the ethaool group (p<O.Ol).
exhibited ekated w ofC18zOandC2OOaadlowersd~ ALT in the ethanol gmup were higher thaa the control group (pc0.05). Ox-
of Cl&l, C1&2,18:3, and C2Oz3 in lung mitodkoadria compared to bkls fed idative stress mighthave a majorrole in the ethanol-mediated hepatotoxicity.
theckmtroldiet. Thus,highdietaryVEwas modatedwithabweringof Betaiaa may protects liver iqjury and it may prexents vitamin A depletion.
the~~otunsaturationnlativetolvturstionof~~aeidsinl~ ThemfoE, it may u&id nutritional ageat ia the prevention of clinical prob
mim rqardkm of ths presence or absence of PHS. (Supported by 1em.sdepends on ethsaol-induced vitamin A depletion ia liver.
USDA-NIU #OS42123 to W. Bottje.)

s34 OXYGEN 2000

L!!_!-l I
82 I

Antioxidative properties of carvedilol, an antihypertensive agent THIOREDOXIN-LINKED LIPID HYDROPEROXIDE

Karl Oettl, Joachim Greilberger, Klaus Zan er, Ernst Haslinger PEROXIDASE ACTIVITY OF HUMAN SERUM ALBUMIN IN
Gilbert Reibnegger and Guenther +titute
Chemistry and Pregl Laboratory and Institute of Pharmaceutical IL-HAN KIM National Creative Research Initiative Center for
Chemistry, Karl-fianzens-University Graz, Harrachgasse 21/H, A-8010 Antioxidant Proteins, Department of Biochemistry, Paichai University,
Graz, Austria Taejon 302735, Republic of Korea
Carvedilol is an antihypertensive agent and in clinical use since years. In Human Serum Albumin (HSA) showed a weak, but significant peroxidase
addition to its function as a ~-blocker carve&lo1 was shown to act aa an an- activity with the use of a thiol reducing equivalent such as dithiothreitol
tioxdant. However, there is some controversy about how carvedilol achieves (DTT). Carboxyl group-modified HSA (CM-HSA) showing lo-fold strong
its antioxidative ability: by radical scavenging or ion chelation? We therefore peroxidase activity (1.6 nmol/min/mg) as that of HSA (0.17 nmol/min/mg),
used a method for radical generation independent of metal ions to investi- exerted the substrate selectivity toward lipid hydroperoxide (such as linoleic
gate the antioxidative properties of carvedilol. We show that carvedilol de- acid hydroperaxide). Replacement of DTT with thioredoxin (‘I&) as an in
creases LDL oxidation induced by peroxyl radicals generated by 2,2/-ar,obis(2- viva thiol electron donor resulted in an increase in the lipid peroxidase activ-
amidinopropane) hydrochloride (AAPH). Formation of thiobarhituric acid ity of CM-HSA. In contrast to CM-HSA, HSA did not reduce lipid peroxide
reactive substances, lipid peroxides and epitopes against oxidised LDL were with the use of ‘I&. In the presence of pahnitoyl coenzyme A, however,
used for monitoring LDL oxidation. We further show that carwdilol reacts HSA utilized nx &s an electron donor to the reduction of lipid hydroper-
with peroxyl radicals being consumed during reaction. However, carvedilol oxide. The ‘&x-linked percaidase activity of HSA sharply increased with
showed no reaction with nitrogen centered radicals which are often used in elongation in the carbon chain of the acyl moiety from a&y1 CoA (2:0)
assays determining antioxidative properties. On the other hand we found up to palmitoyl-CoA (16:0), and beyond pahnitcyl-CoA the activity steeply
that carvedilol acts &s a chelator of ferric ions. Using mass spectrometry and decreased. Fluorescence study indicates the conformational changes of HSA
NMR spectrometry we show complex formation with free and acetylacete induced by palmitoyl-CoA. Together, these data suggest that pahnitoyl-CoA-
nate complexed ferric ions. The binding constant with Fe3+ is in the range bound HSA has a capability to remove lipid peroxide with the use of electron
of 105 l/mol. Ram our data we conclude that arvedilol acts as both, as a given by Trx system. Key words: human serum albumin, peraxidase activity,
metal chelator and a radical scavenger. However, it is selective in reacting palmitoyl coenzyme A, thioredoxin.
with different radicals.

1 I 84 I
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANTIOXIDANTS IN THE DIET Ascorbic acid in respiratory secretions and its modulation by
Korraa’. S.S., El-w* E M &deek* ,
M.A., Khater*** y-7
M.F. and N. S.Hu&n*. *National Center for Radiation Research and Sun e Kwack John M. Koostra Cartoll E. Cross, Robert
Technology **Prof. Of Biochemistry -Institute for Environmental Studies Ha&man, Eri~Gershwin, and Albert van der Vliet
and Flesearch- Ain Shams University - Cairo, Egypt. ***Prof. of Obstetrics ents of Internal Medicine and Nutrition, University of
and Gynecology - Faculty of Medicine - Aii Shams University. * ProF. Of %%%a, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
Nutritional Biwhemistry - Nutritional Institute
The relation between the oxidative stress outcome in terms of plasma malon- There is much interest in the role of oxidant stress in
dialdehyde (MDA) and antioxidant status in terms of superoxide dismutase
enzyme (SOD) blood level together with serum and dietary intake of vitamin
E was investigated among thirty five strictly defined late pregnancy hyper-
tensive women of age range from 20-28 years old matched with 30 controls of
pregnant non- hypertensive women. Rem&s showed significant high levels of
plasma MDA among hypertensive casea compared with controls (13.22+2.47
via 8.73+2&l nmol/ml). The latter was positively correlated with both sys-
tolic and diastolic blood preasure.Increased consumption of dietary vitamin E
(59.77+27&l vis 46.86+23.17 &day) was observed among late pregnancy
hypertensive women. It was observed that patients exhibitedhigher serum
vitamin E with respect to controls (1306+774.3via 1633.04+692.99). Blood
SOD was tignilicantly decreased in patients with respect to controls (169.51
vis 194.31 units/ml). There was a paitive correlation between the severity of
the disease and plasma levels of MDA and a negative correlation between the
severity of the dii and blood SOD. This study given support to previous
studies that oxidative stress plays a digni6cant role in the pathophysiology
of preeclamsia.

OXYGEN 2000 s35

85 I
I 88 I

Vitamin E dllrimlnation in a-tocopherol transfer Asseesment of &dative stress in athletes during endurance
protein-deficient mice exercise using deuterium-labeled vitamin E
_, i
-, Terasawa Y 3 ’ Fareae
-1 _I -,_?- RV4 6 ltaber MG’ r ‘Linus Mastaloudis A’*‘, Leonard SW’, Leklem JEr, Traber MG’*r. ‘Linus
Pauling Institute & ‘Dept of Nutrition and Food Man&G. 6SU. Pauling Institute, & ‘Dept of Nutrition & Food Mgt, OSU, Corvallis, OR
Corvalhs, OR, 3Dept of-Nutrition, UC, Berkeley, CA, ‘&&tone Institute To determine whether extreme endurance exercise induces lipid peroxi-
of Cardiovascular Disease, 5Cardiovascular FLeaezucbInstitute & BDept of dation, we studied 14 athletes (5 F/ 9 M) during a 50 km ultramarathon
Medicine, UCSF, San Francisco, CA (trial 1) and a sedentary day (trial 2) 1 month later. The night before the
A genetic model of vitamin E deilciency was developed by disrupting the race (or sedentary trial), subjects consumed 75 mg each ds-RRR and de-o11
mouse a-tocopherol transfer protein (TTP)gene (7’tpe by using homologous moo-tocopheryl acetates. Blood samples were taken at baseline, 30 min
recombination in embryonic stem cells (Terasawa et al. PNAS 97:in press pre-race, mid-race, post-race, 1 h post-race, 24 h pcet-race, and at corre-
2000). This mouse model was used to teat TTP’s role in vitamin E transport. spondmg times during trial 2. All subjects completed the race; average run
A diet containing RRR-a-[5,7-(C’&)]- and elf ma-a-[5-(C*H&]-tocopheryl time was 390 i 67 mm, at a rate of 13 f 2 nun/mile. Plasma labeled and
acetates (30 mg each/kg diet, 1:l RRR/d-me, naturabsynthetic) wa8 fed unlabeled a-tocopherols, Fr-isoprostanea (Fr-I), and ascorbic acid (AA) were
to Ttpe+l+, T&&l-, and Ttpa-I- mice (n=5/group) for 3 months. Mice measured. Deuterated da a-tocopherol (d3 a-Tot) disappearance rate9 were
were fasted 4 h, sacrificed, plasma and tissues h-ted and analyzed by faster (2.8x10-” f 0.5x10-‘) during the race compared to the sedentary trial
LC/MS/MS. The RRR/oll-mc ratios for plasma and 16 tissues (excluding (2.3~10~’ f 0.6x10-‘; p<O.O3). Moreover, Fr-I nearly doubled during the
liver) from Ttpa+l+, l&m+‘-, and Ttpa-/- mice were 1.6 f 0.2, 1.9 f 0.2, race (pmrace vs post-race, 76 f 24 vs 130 f 54 pg/ml, p<O.ooOl), then
and 1.1 f 0.1 (mean f SD, p<O.ooOl for -/- vs. +/+ or +/-) respectively, returned to baseline by 24 h post-race, but were unchanged during trial 2.
showing that TTP is required for discrimination between natural and syn- Plasma AA increased from 75 f 11 at pre-race to 156 f 36 pM at race end
thetic a-tocopherol. Total (labeled + unlabeled) vitamin E in meet Ttp-I- (p<O.OOfR) then decreased to below baseline concentrations at 24 h post-
tissues ranged from 220% of Ttpa+‘+tissues, demonstrating that TTP is race (40 f 5 &f p<0.0001). AA levels also increased during trial 2, largely
required for maintenance of vitamin E concentrations. Labeled represented as a result of antioxidant-fortified foods. Thus, lipid peroxidation increased
8990% of total vitamin E in all genot ea. Notable exceptions were nervous during the ultramarathon BSdocumented by increased vitamin E disappear-
tissue, which were 3555% for Ttpa+F+ and Ttpa+~-; adipose, eye and skin ance rates and Fr-I concentrations. Increased plasma AA maybe a protective
tissue which were 55-75% labeled. Thus, TTP is required for maintenance mechanism invoked in response to thii oxidative stress.
of plasma and tissue vitamin E as well as discrimination between different
vitamin E forms.

I 87
II I 88 I
Carotenoids inhibit c&dative DNA damage and liver necrosis in DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE BETWEEN YOUNG AND OLD
rats treated with ferric nitrilotriacetate. TO ECCENTRIC EXERCISE-INDUCED OXIDATIVE STRESS
(1)Humberto R. Mates, (2)Vera Capelozzi, (1)Osmar F. Gomes, I$ul~~ury, Jennifer Sache&, BRoubenoff. and Jeffrey Blumberg.
(1)Paolo Di Mascio and (1)Marisa II. G. Medeiros. (1)Departamento de “man Nutrition Flesearcb Center on Aging at Tufts University,
Bioqufmica, Institute de Qufmica, Universidade de Sfio Paulo, CP 26077, Boston, MA 02111
CEP 05513?970, S&o Paulo, SP, Brazil. (2)Departamento de Patolcgia, Exentric exercise can be utilii to initiate an acutepham response and
Faculdade de Madicina, Universidade de Sgo Paula, Sgo Paulo, SP, Brazil. provide a model wherein respiratory oxidative metabolism or immune re-
A hi incidence of cancer has been correlated with chronic iron over- sponse induced oxldative stress may be studied in healthy hulividuah. Young
load, and camtenoids are of interest as possible anticarcinogens. We have (2335 yr) and elderly (66-78 yr) men performed eccentric exercise by running
investigated the e&t of lycopene and beta-carotene on lipid peroxidation, down an incllled tmadmill at 70% of VOOmax for 45 min. Plasma markers
Box~7,8dihydro-2’-d~guanosine (6-oxodGuo) formation and liver hiatol- of immune response and biomarkem of oxidative streamstatus (BOSS) were
ogy in animals subjected to ferric nitrllitriacetate (Fe-NTA) administration. assayed at baseline, 0,6,24 and 72 hr po&exerciee. Elderly men exhibit ele-
Male Wiitar rats received daily i.p. injections of lycopene or beta-carotene 10 rated (p<O.O07) baseline F2 ieoprostanen (2.635 f 0.64 &ml) compared to
mg/kg body welgth for five consecutive days. At the 6fth day of carotenoid young men (1.717 f 0.634 rig/ml). Baseline malondialdehyde (MDA) did not
treatment, animala were given 10 mg/kg body wigth F&lTA, or saline, i.p., differ slgniicantly betwen groups. Baseline MDA and F2 kmprcetanea did
forming four experimental groups: (a) control, (b) Fe-NTA, (c) lycopene not correlate. Baseline elderly ORAC values tended to be lower compared to
FeNTA and (d) beta-carotene-Fe-NTA. Each group contahmd 10 animals. young men (p=O.OsS). OBAC values decmaaed in both groups postexercise
Animalsweresacrifieedsfter3and24h~NTAiqjectionandthelivetwere with those obeerwd ln the young decreasing 10% by 24 hr and the elderly
immediately removed. Compared with control rats, liver of Fe-NTA treated reaching 10% decrease by 72 hr. MDA hmreamd signiiicantly hi young men
rata showed a significant incream in the &oxodGuo level, malodialdehyde hnmedlately poaexereise (p<O.O4), returning to baseline within 6 hr. MDA
(MDA) accumulation concomitantly with liver necro& Both lycopene and did not change in elderly men. By six hr postexerdse plasma IL6 was ele-
be&carotene were wry e&dent in reducing MDA and &xodGuo levela and rated (p<O.O5) in both age groups. F2 isoprostanea were elevated by 50% at
protect the liver against the observed histological alterations. These results 24hrinboth. At72hrF2isoprostaneswereelevated~and13046inel-
indicate that lywpene and be&carotene play a role against EBNTA induced derly and young men respectively. These data indicate di&rential expression
tissue damage. Financial support: CNPq, FAPESP, USP/COFECUB and of BOSS between young and elderly men in response to eccentric exercise.
PRONEX MDA and F2 isoprostane kinetica differ within the age groups.

S36 OXYGEN 2000

l-=-l Igo I

Enzyme inhibition and protein-binding action of the GENIOGLOSSAL ADVANCEMENT - A SIMPLE SURGICAL
procyanldin-rich Rench maritime pine bark extract, PROCEDURE FOR SLEEP APNEA
PvcnozenolfR): Effect on xantidne oxidase. B.&e1 M. Nagler DMD, MSc, PhD, and Dov Laufer DMD. Rambarn
H&ii Miini, &ohg Guo and Lester P&r. Department of Molecular and Medical Center and Facultv of Medicine. Tech&m - Israel Institute of
Cell Biolozx
-. 251 Lie Sciences Addition, Universitv of California at Technolozv. Haifa
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3200, USA _ Objectiv: Obstructive sleep apnea may have significant effects on incidence
Pycnogenolr, an extract from French maritime pine bark (PBE), is an ef- of mortality if left untreated. The use of a standard nasal continuous oositive
fective scavenger of reactive oxygen species, and its main constituents are airway pressure device is often efIective but is neither curative nor universally
procyanidins of various drain lengths. In order to find out the biochemical well-t&rated. Surgical intervention to correct either soft or bony tissues is
basis of action of PBE on enzyme activity, involvement of its redox activity often inevitable. In severe cases of abnormal sagittal morphology of the skull,
and/or direct binding to the enzyme in its subsequent action on enzyme ac- an involved maxill+mandibular advancement is often indicated to enlarge the
tivity have been investigated. PBE dosedependently inhibited the activities pharyngeal airway. However, such a surgical procedure is relatively radical
of xanthiie oxidase and xantbiie dehydrogenase but it did not affect the and may have significant attendant complications. Patient/Method. We de-
activities of glucose cmidase and ascorbate oxidase. Under non-denaturing scribe a simple, conservative surgical procedure performed on a patient with
condition, PBE changed the electrophoretic mobility of xanthiie oxidase but profound mandibular retrognathia accompanied by sleep apnea. The sleep
not of glucose oxidsse. It was found that hydrophobic bondii might be apnea was partly overcome by using thii simple modification of the standard
the dominant mode of interaction between PBE and xanthine axidase. The genioplasty procedure, based on extensive advancement with upper tilting
importance of the biidii in the effect of PBE on enzyme activity was sup and rigid internal fixation of a bony symphysial segment following limited
ported by the observation that PBE bids to and inhibits cat&se, but not anterior stripping of its periceteum. Result. The procedure resulted in a
superoxide dismutase. However, no correlation was found between superox- significant pharyngeal &way enlargement of 53% and 87% at the mandible
ide/hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and the inhibitory e&t on xantbine angle and hyoid bone levels, respectively, increased oxygen saturation, re
oxidase activity of PBE, various purified flavonoids, or other complex mix- duction in the respiratory disturbance index by 50X, and improved sleep
tures of bioflavonoids. The results indicate that PBE selectively inhibits quality.
xanthiie oxidase through binding to the enzyme rather than by the redox

I 9’ I I
I 92 I

Characterhmtion of the Diierentiated ProlUe of Human Saliva Decreased Antioxidant Capacity of Saliva Related to Age and
Antioxidant Systems The Effect of Cigarette Smoking
Nagler Klein D&i&s and Ileznick Hambam MedicsJ Center and Faculty i$t$=JJ=J;~i Q&z&,K~~.&R~~~~, Hebrew
of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Saliva has various defense mechanisms, including immunological and en- The use of cyclic voltsmmetry has shown that donor age significantly de-
zymatic systems aimed at pathological microorganisms, and the abiity to cresses the reducing ability of human saliva. We recently initiated a study of
protect mucosa against mechanical insults and when required to promote the eifect of cigarette smoke (CS) on salivary enzyme activities , s&vary an-
healing by agents such as the epidermal growth factor. However, another tioxidant defense systems, and the ability of several exogenous antimddants
defense mechanism exists, the antioxidant system, which seems to be of to reduce the CSassociated damages. In vitro exposure of saliva to nine puffs
paramount importance. This study found much higher concentrations of of CS showed a 4OG%increase in salivary protein carbonyls. Ascorbate and
the various salivary molecular and enzymatic antioxidant parametera (SOD, desferri wunine (DES) had little e&t on protein carbonyl accumulation,
pertidase, uric acid and TAS) in the parotid saliva as compared to the while glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) considerably inhibited
submandibular/sublingual saliva, and also a distiiction between the sali- this accumulation. After exposure to CS, a @n&ant reduction was found
vary antioxidant system and the immunological and enzymatic pmtective in the activities of several salivary enzymes D amylase (83%), lactic dehy-
systems as represented reapsctively by the salivary concentrations of score drogenase (LDH) (57%), and phcephatase (ACP) (77%). The addition of 1
tory IgA and lysozyme which were similar in parotid and submandibular/ mM of GSH and NAC considerably protected LDH and amylase activities,
sublingual saliva. These iindll suggest that the profound antioxidant c& suggesting that iiSII groups are al&ted in LDH and amylase. On the other
pacity of saliva secreted from parotid glands as compared to that secreted hand, the addition of 1 n&l -bate caused further km of LDH and amylase
from submandibular elands is related either to the d&rent ohvsiolozical
. . de- activities. which could be partially p-ted by the addition of DES, impli-
mands related to eatinn (oamtid oredo lninancel. oral blt&itv maintenance cating metal-catalyzed oxidation promaw. However, loss of ACP activity
was completely w&&ted by any of the above antioxidants. It is concluded
;edox active trahsitio& n&l ions in This signifies that our that the loss of salivary ensyme activities may be due to various agents in
oral cavity environment is only pa&sJIy protected against caddative stress the CS which a&t the enzyme activities by means ofdifferentmeehanisms.
during most of the day and night.

OXYGEN 2000 s37

I 93 I I 94

Inhibition of ceramide-induced apoptosis by ca!Feic acid in U937 OXIDATIVE STRESS IN ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL TRANSFER
cells. Commuison with other antioxidants and protein kinases PROTEIN KNOCKOUT MOUSE
inhibitors. Noriko Nogucbi, Hongliao Shi, Hiroyuki Arai(*) and Etsuo Niki. RCAST
M. Nardini (1) I_,F. Leonardi C. Scaccini and F. Virgili. (1) Division of and Faculty of Pharm. Sci., University of Tokyo
Pubnonarv Medicine. UCDavis School of Medicine. Davis. CA; Ftee Radical Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP) specifically binds alpha-
Research Group, National Institute for Food and &it& Research, tocopherol, by which it keeps alpha-tocopherol level high in plasma and tis-
Rome, Italy. sues and eliminates other tocopherol isomers. The mutant mice generated
&amide acts as second messenger in the signal transduction triggered by with a targeted disruption of the alpha-TTP gene have very low levels of vita-
a variety of stress stimuli and extracellular agents. Stress response through min E. Vitamin E has been well known as one of the ma% abundant lipophilic
ceramide is involved in the development of many human diseases. Dietary antioxidant in viva. It has been also reported that alpha-tocopherol acts as
phenolic compounds have been reported to exhert a beneficial effect on the a prooxidant under certain circumstances. In the present study, we inves-
onset and development of most of them. However the mechanism underlying tigated whether more extensive c&dative stress is observed in alpha-TTP
this beneficial effect are mostly not understood at the present. We investi- knockout mice than wild mice. Alpha-TTP knockout mice and wild mice
gated the effect of ca&ic acid, a widespread phenolic acid largely present in were fed with normal diet. After overnight fast&on, AAPH (40 &kg) was
human diet, in the modulation of ceramid+induced apoptosis in U937 cells, administered intra-peritoneally. PBS was administered as a control for both
in comparison with other established antioxidants of nutritional interest (N- types of mice. Mice were sacrificed by decapitation and blood was removed
a&y1 cyst&x?, d-a-tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid). Our results show by heart punctuation. The concentration of cholestryl ester (CEOOH) in
that cafTeic acid efficiently inhibits ceramide-induced apoptc&. Other an- plasma of alpha-TTP knockout mice was significantly higher than that of
tioxidants tested are totally in&e&w. Moreover, several tyrosine kinase wild mice even without administration of AAPH. TBARS in liver, kidney,
inhibitors also display an inhibitory effect. Preliminary results indicate that and brain were measured. TBARS in liver of alpha-TTP knockout mice were
the inhibition of tyrceine kinase activity is involved in the mechanism of significantly higher than wild mice, while the prominent effects of AAPH
action of cal%ic acid. Our results underline the contribute of dietary phe- adminiitration were not observed in any of tissues of alpha-TTP knockout
nolic compounds in the modulation of cellular functions. The identifteation mice. These results suggest that cuidative stress is increased in alpha-TTP
of inhibitors of nutritional interest of ceramide-induced apoptosis may help knockout mice spontaneously.
in providing novel strategies for therapeutic intervention and prevention of
many human disease.

r95 I
1 96 1

The Potential Therapeuticii@Role of Lecithinized Superoxide The Peroxiredoxin Gene Family in Drosophila melanogaster
Dismutase in Cardiovascular Field William C. Orr, Svetlana N. Radyuk,
Minoru Ohno, Miiako Hangaishi, Hiroyoshi Nakajima, Nobukazau Ishiiaka, Vladimir I. Klichko and Benedetta Spin&. Southern Methodist University
Ryozo Nag& Cardiovascular Medicine, UniversityiiOofTokyo The peroxiredoxins comprise a family of antioxidant genes represented in
Althoueh%avennine of suoeroxide was exoected as theraoeutic strateev for a wide variety of organisms. The proteins encoded by these genes function
cardiovascular field, many of basic and clinical study failed to show the t&a- as peroxidases when coupled to a sulfhydryl reducing system. In Drosophila
peutic efficiency of SOD, for example, to reperfusion injury. Lecithinized hu- mehnogluter, wehave identified by sequence analysis five distinct perox-
man recombinant Cu,Zn-SOD&SOD) has a much longer half-lie and much iredadns, three of which have not been previously described. The coding
higher affinity to the cell membrane than unmodiied (UM)-SOD. The re- domains of all 5 were cloned and expressed in E. co&. Recombinant proteins
markable protective effect of lecithin&d SOD was demonstrated on several were purified and all five were shown to have peroxidase activity in the pres-
kinds of cmdiovaacular disease models in our studies. In rat myocardial ence of dithiotbreltol. In addition, three of the family members were active
reperfusionii&nodel( 45min coronary ligation and 12Omin reperfusion), in- in the presence of thioredoxin and, consequently fall into the thioredaxin
travenous administration of GSOD just before reperfusion strikingly inhib- peroxidase group. E&h of the five family members has a distinct expression
ited infarct size compared with UM-SOD, although bemodynamics were not pattern based on developmental Northems and sub-cellular localization of
d&rent between the groups. ELISA assay revealed that vary high amount of proteins expressed in tissue culture.
L-SOD was successfully delivered to ischemic myocardium. L-SOD also pro-
tected myocardium from prolonged ischemia (24 hours) without reperfusion
in viva. Furthermore, the number of tunnel positive cells and DNA fragmen-
tation was also significantly reduced in L-SODtreated group. GSOD was
found to affiliate to survive prolonged hypoxia up to 72 hours in rat cultured
cardiomyocyte. GSOD was e9lciently uptaken by cultured cardiomyocyte
and delivered into mitochondria ii@ Hypoxia-induced apoptosis, indicated
with DNA laddering and Hoechst 33342, was also significantly reduced in L-
SOD-treated cells, not in U-SOD-treated cells. GSOD also preserved BCL-2
under prolonged hypoxia. Thus,lecithinization of SOD has therapeutic po-
tential in the cardiovascular disease.

S38 OXYGEN 2000

I 97 I
I 98 I

New amay systems to estimate the effects of food extracts on the Rapid kinetic analysin for determining structure-antioxidant
expression of antioxidant enzymes activity relationships of &won&la
Monet&a Ozekil, Tomoyuki Tan&al, Yamjim Morimitsu2, Anantb SekherPamala, CatherineA. Rice-Evans.Centre for Age Related
Enji Nakatanit, yasue Kiiozaki3, Hibi Hii&, and Sbinya Toyokunil. 1 Diseases, GKT School of Biomedical Sciences, King’s College London,
Department ofPathology and Biology of Dii, Graduate School of London-SE1 SILT, UK
Medicine, Kyoto University. 2 Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Scavenging of the stable ABTS radical cation using fast reaction kinetics has
Faculty of Human life and Environmental Science, Ochanomizu University. been applied to screen for the antioxidant activity oftlavonoids. The reaction
3 Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Human Life Science, Osaka is carried out in a stop&w kinetic equipment coupled to a diodearray spec-
City University. trophotometer. Antioxidant activity is expressed in tenus of stoichiometric
Oxidative stress has a great impact on tbe living organisms. A variety of value c&olated on the basis of extent of ABTS radical cation scavenged.
diseases have been associated with c&dative stress. Food is ao important Scavenging of ABTS radical cation by phenolic compoon& follows two dis-
factor for modulating oxidative stress in that molecules with antioxidative tinct modes of reaction. Monophenolicn follow a rapid reaction complete
effects are reportedly contained. We have developed an efficient system by witbin 0.1 sec. The mechanism of action for these compounds is possibly via
the we of luciferrae reporter assay for screeoing molecules from food extracts the donation of a single electron to ABTS radical cation resulting in tbe for-
for modulating expression of antioxidant enzymes. DNA fragment containing mation of phenoxyl radical. Compounds containing a c&echo1 group follow
promoter region (-2425 to +44) of manganese superaide dismutase, one of a fast initial phase in 0.1 set with a slow secondary phase in the sulxequent
the antioxidant enzymes, was prepared from rat liver genome by polymerase 2.9 sec. The mechaism of actionfor catechola is possibly via the donation
chain reaction. Tbia was integrated iota pGL3B luciferase reporter assay vec- of two electrons resulting in the formation of a quinone. The hierarchy of
tor (QIAGEN). pGL3B-MoSOD and pRL-TK, internal control vector, were antioxidant activity is trihydraxy compounds > catecbola > hindered phenols
introduced by transient transfection into COS7 or RL34 cells and incubated (dimethoxy compounds) > hindered phenols (monomethoxy compounds) >
for 24 hr at 37 OC with 5% COa. Then food extracts were added to celh and monophenolics. Among the dierent classes of the a&oxidants tested it
incubated for 24 hr. Luciferase activity of cell lysates were evaluated using was found that the position and number of hydroxyl groupa play a key role
Dual-luciferase reporter assay system (Promega). Evaluation of dietary plant in the antioxidant activity of the compounds and the extent of scavenging
extracts are now in progress. during the rapid initial phase of the reaction is a sensitive indicator of the
antioxidant activity.

I 99 I I 100 I

Moderate ethanol consumption and the red wine polyphenol A new role for oxidized fatty acids: bile acid mimic?
quercetin increase MnSOD protein in the vasculature. Meera Penma Nadya Khan and Sampath Parthasarathy. Emory
university ’
,“&:::k??!?&t$$tk!!!$& Pathology and UAB F&cent studies haveshownthat dietary axidized fatty acids (Ox-FFA) may
Cker for l+ee Radical Biolonv.-. Univ. of Alabama h Bin&n.I contribute to atherosclerosis, by enhancbxg the oxidation of lipoproteins such
Birmingham, AL as LDL and VLDL. We pmpoee an additional role for Ox-FFA in the patho-
Considerable epidemiological data indicate that moderate consumption genesis of atherceclerosis. We tented the hypothesisthat oxidizedlinoleic
of red wine (l-2 glasses/day) decreases the incidence of cardiovascular dia- acid (0x-18:2) increaea the micek&ation/uptake of cbole~terolcompared
ease. The precise me&a&m of cardiovsxular protection remains unclear, to unoxidizedlinoleicacid (Unox-l&2) by mimickingbile acids due to its
althoogb there is accunmlatiig evidence that alcohol and red wine polyphe ampiphilicity.In thisstudywe showthat Ox-l&2 promotedthe formationof
nols mediate thii cardioprotection through increased biivailabiity of nitric [4”cjcho1estercdmicelleaby 7 fold comparedto Unarm-l&2.Fkrthermore,
aide (NO). The increased NO could result from (1) induction of NO syn- the uptakeof [414cJcholesterol was 50% gwter in Caco-2 c& and everted
thawa (NOS); (2) decreasing the interaction of NO with super&de through rat intestinalsacsin the presenceof 0x-18:2 comparedto Unax-l&2. These
induction of superoxide dismutases (SOD); or (3) a combiition. We previ- resultsshowthat 0x-18:2, by enhancingmieellarization of cholesterd might
ously demonstrated that alcohol and the red wine polyphenol quercetin in- increase dietarycholesterol absorption. In concltin, Ox-FFA couldenhance
crease eNOS protein in the vasculature. The current studies tested whether athemsclerosia not only by increaing the oxidationpotentialof lipoproteins
consumption of moderate alcobol or quercetin could induce the mitocbondrii but also by inaeadng dmleaterolabsorption.
form of the supwxidwaxwenging enzyme, MnSOD protein in the vwcula-
tore. Rats consumed alcohol in the dri&ng water (7.5 percent) for 8 wks
or were gavaged daily with quercetin (0.033 mg/kg) for 3 nks. The expres-
sion of MnSOD protein in the thoracic aorta was aseaed by Western blot
analysis. Moderate alcohol and quercetin increased MnSOD protein 5.5 and
a&fold, respectively. These data indicate that the induction of MnSOD and
a diminiied reaction of NO with superoxide may increase NO bioavailability
and play a role in alcohol-induced cardiovascular protection.

OXYGEN 2000 s39

SUPPLEMENTATION ATTENUATES GLUTATHIONE H.Povoa, L.Ayer, C.C.Andrade, C.Santos, J.S.Roque and A.F.Carneiro.
PROLONGS ENDURANCE TIME Babbs found enormous concentrations of l+ee Radicals (FR) in farces of
Tracey Phillips, Li Li Ji*, and Christiaan Leeuwenburgh. Aging rats. We could previously confirm the same finding in human faeces. As
Biochemistry Laboratory, Center for Exercise Science, Univ. of Florida, vegetarians ingest a greater amount of antioxidants and a smaller amount of
*Departm& of Kinesioiogy Univ. of Wisconsin. fat, this may cause a lower level of iron in intestine, decreasing the amount
The effects of glutathione (GSH) and GSH ethyl ester (GSHE) supplemen- of Hydroxyl Radical (HO*) in farces. Due to this fact, we thought of interest
tation on GSH states in the lung, heart, and costal diaphragm muscles were to study effect of a similar diet during 7 days in FR content in faeces of
investigated at test and after prolonged swim exercise. Male Swiss-Webster adults. 15 individuals were submitted to a diet without animal proteins
mice (2 mo) were fasted for 24 h and then divided into 3 groups and injected and a large amount of raw fiber (fruit and vegetable). They were interned
with either saline, GSH, or GSHE (6 mmol/kg body wt) 1 hour before ex- during one week and did not ingest also milk derivatives. The diet was
ercise. Half of each group swam to exhaustion prior to kill; the other half hypocaloric and the fat was only vegetal and monounsaturated. FR were
was timematched and killed at rest. Glutatbione levels of the control, GSH, determined according to the technique of Babbs and tehe results were the
and GSHE supplemented animals were very similar in the lung, heart, and following: Before diet (15 cases): FR= 16,4f5,4 nM/g faxes (range= 4,9
diaphragm at rest. After the exhaustive exercise GSH content of the lung, - 24,7). After diet (15 cases): FR= 12,9 f4,2 nM/g faeces (range= 5,4 -
heart and diaphragm decreased significantly in all groups to similar levels. 20,7). According to a non parametric test (Wilcoxon), we found a statistically
In spite of this, GSH and GSHE supplemented animals swam almost 2 hours significant decrease: p<O,O22.
longer than the control animals. Taking into consideration the longer swim-
ming time, GSH or GSHE supplementation attenuated the losses of GSH
in the diaphragm, heart, and lung. The significantly enhanced endurance
performance with GSH and GSHE may be due to au increased GSH antioxi-
dant reserve or sparing of liver and muscle glycogen by increasing amino acid


H.Povoa, C.C.Andrade, C.Santos and L.G.Povoa CLINICE - Centro de PATIENTS
Medicina Avanada H.Pwoa, C.C.Andrade, C.Sa0tc.s and L.G.Pwoa. CLINICE - Centro de
After 40 years it is very common to find degenerative arthritis (osteoarthri- Medicina Avanada
tie.) in human body. Recent papers demonstrate that silicon is a mineral that Many minerals are involved in carbohydrate metabolism: zinc, manganese,
is involved in collagen metabolism, 88 well as in synthesis of glycceaminogly- selenium and magnesium have relevant functions in glucose metabolism. Re-
cana (mainly of heparan sulfate). Due to this fact and also considering lack cently, chromium and vanadium have been considered to he fundamental in
of data in world scientiic literature on this subject, we thought of interest to metaboliim of insulin, specially in cases of diabetes mellitus type II. They
study hair silicon in patients suffering from osteoarthritis. They were divided have a powerful insulinomlmetic action. Due to these facts, we thought of
into 2 (two) groups: controls (39 cases) and patients suffering from thii con- interest to study content of cbromhun and vanadium in hair collected from
dition (43 cases). These two groups were in a similar range of age (between scalp. 146 persons (men or women) Were studied: 73 controls and 73 dia-
40 and 60 years). The results were the following: Controls (39): 45,96f9,34 betic patients (type II). The ages were between 30 and 55 years. The results
(hair tilicon=ppm)* ; 4,5194,3 (range). Patients (43): 19,43*3,3 (hair sil- were the following: Diabetic (73 cases): Chromium* (ppm)= 0,264 f 0,043;
icon=ppm)* ; 3,2-106,O (range). *Mean f Standard Deviation of mean In Vanadium* (ppm)= 0,121 f 0,011. Non diabetic (73 cases): Chromium*
patients, hair silicon has a stat&ally signi6caut decrease compared with con- (ppm)= 0,428 f 0,024; Vauadium* (ppm)= 0,208 f 0,0144. * Mean& Stan-
trols: t=2,7 ; p< 0,Ol. dard Deviation of mean. Deaeasen of these minerals were statistically sig-
nificant: Chromium: t-3,41 ; pcO,Ol and Vanadium: t=4,9 ; p<O,Ol. It
was also observed a statistically positive correlation between hair chromium
and vanadium. Chromium/Vanadium: diabetic => r=+ 0,289; ~~0.05 Non
diabetic=> r=+ 0,591; p<O,Ol.

S40 OXYGEN 2 0 0 0
I105 1 t 106 1
ACTIVATION OF COX-2 AND iNOS IS MEDlATED BY Biomarkers for bioavailability and metabolism of c&&c acid
derivatives in humans
Andreas R. Rechner, Jeremy P. E. Spencer, Catherine A. Rice Evans.
F. Zamamiri-Davis, Y. Lu, J. Thompson. S.K. Prabhu, J. Stewart Centre of Age-Related Diseases, GKT School of Biomedical Sciences, Kings
and L.M. Sordillo, Center for Molecular Toxicology and College London, London SE1 9RT
Carcinogenesis. Department of Veterinary Science, The The purpose of this investigation was to obtain biomarkers for the bioavail-
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. ability and metabolism of hydroxycinnamates. Coffee consists mainly of
chlorogeoic acids and was used as a source rich in cai%ic acid derivatives.
Following the pharmacokinetics of urinary excretion no caffeic acid conju-
Cellular oxidant-antioxidant imbalance is a potential gates were detected but ferulic, isoferulic and vanillic acid were identified in
consequence of inadequate selenium (Se) nutrition. The present urine after beta-glucuronidase treatment. These are specific biomarkers for
study is based on the premise that, in RAW264.7 cells, oxidant the bioavailability and metabolism of the caf%ic acid derivatives. lsoferulic
acid is the more specific marker for caffeic acid derivatives then ferulic acid
stress resulting from Se deficiency mediates its effects on
since it is not a dietary component. Both showed a highly significant increase
prointlammatory genes through redox-sensitive transcription in the excreted amounts post-supplementation relative to the pre-study day
factor kappa B (NF-KB). The levels of intracellular reactive and a strong correlation between the excreted amount in the single eliiina-
oxygen species (ROS) were markedly elevated during Se tion samples and the time points of consumption of the coffee which indicates
relative fast absorption and metabolism. As a non-specific biomarker for gen-
deficiency and it was further exacerbated by LPS stimulation,
eral intake of phenolic and benzoic compounds hippuric acid was identified
validating our oxidant stress model. Compared to Se- while 3-hydroxyhippuric acid was found as a more specific biomarker for
supplemented cells, the expression of COX-2 and iNOS in Se- bioavailability and metabolism of thydroxylated phenolic compounds. The
deficient cells was increased significantly during LPS origin of the precursors of both compounds is most likely the large intesti-
stimulation as judged by RT-PCR and protein immunoblot nal microllora. Glycination to hippuric acids may occur in the liver. The
amounts of both hippuric acids increased significantly for every volunteer on
analysis as well as enzymatic activities. This increased COX-2
the study day with excretion maxima appearing more than 12 hours after
and iNOS expression in Se-deficient cells paralleled with an the first coffee consumption.
increase in the translocation of NF-tcB into nucleus during LPS
stimulation. We propose that the transcriptional activation of
these two proinflammatory genes is mediated by the way of NF-
KB activation during Se deficiency. Molecular aspects
underlying the interplay of various complex kinase pathways
involved in NF-xB activation during Se deficiency will be
presented. (Supported by PHS grants DK 49122 and HL 06347)

I 107 I 11081
I 1

Stability of Antimicrobial Activity against Streptococcus mutans CAT’S CLAW (Uncaria tomentosa) INHIBITS TNF alpha
of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) during Industrialised PRODUCTION AND SCAVENGES FREE RADICALS: ROLE
IRico. < 1Gaitao. SY. 2Medina. R, 1% ral R and 3Bra TM Manuel Saodoval, Randi M. Charbonnet, Natly N. Okuhama,
1Deoartment of Chemistrv and 20donto -?-$ ow ac
+A&tv. National Jarod Roberts, Zdenka Krenova, Anne Marie Trentacosti*,
de dolombia, and 3Depa&ent of Humao”Nutrition,‘The Ohio State and Mark J. S. Miller. Albany Medical College, center for cardiovascular
University. Sciences, Albaoy, NY 12208, ‘Rainforest Phytoceuticals, Delmar, NY
The liquid in the cashew nut shell (CNSL) has been reported to have aoti- 12054.
tumor, antimicrobial, antiacne and molluscacidal effects. Thii study assessed Cat’s claw is a medicinal plant from the Amazon that is widely used for
if temperatures used to process cashew nuts at&t the antibacterial activity inflammatory disorders and previously described as an inhibitor of NF-LB.
of CNSL (Criollo Llaoero variety) against S. mutans, one of the bacteria re- Cat’s claw (CC) wva8 prepared as a deco&on of micropulverized (CCmp)
sponsible for tooth decay. The crude CNSL was fractionated by HPLC. The bark with and without concentration by freeze-drying (CCfd). Murine
antimicrobial activity (MIC and MBC) of individual fraction was aaseaed by macrophagen (RAW 264.7) were used in cytotoxicity sssays in response to
the serial dilution method and compared to that of the crude CNSL. Four the free radical l,ldiphenyl-2picrilhydrazyl (DPPH, 0.3 PM) and ultraviolet
most active compounds were identified in the major fractions. The &xt of liiht (UV). TNFa production was induced by lipopolysacdmride (LPS 0.5
3 heating temperatures, i.e. 96C (10 min), 15OC (5 tin) sod 2ODC (2 min) pg/ml). Cat’s claw was an effective scavenger of DPPH; the EC50 value for
of crude CNSL on antibacterial activity was asses&. Heating at 96C did CCfd was leas than CCmp (18 vs. 150 pg/ml, P < 0.05). CCfd (10 fig/ml)
not a&ct the antibacterial activity against S. mutans (MIC and MBC are at was fully protective against DPPH and UV irradiation induced cytotoxicity.
B.OOug/mL), and 15OC diminished the bactericide capacity but did not affea LPS increased TNFa levels from 3 to 97 ng/ml. Cat’s claw suppressed TNF
the bacteriostatic capacity (MIC S.OOug/mL, MBC lO.OOug/mL). Heating at Q production by approxima tiy 6585% (P < 0.01) but at concentrations
2OOC,the temperature meet frequently wed in industrialized nut processing, considerably lower than its aotioxidant activity: CCfd EC50 = 1.2 ng/nd,
dimiied both MIC and MBC (> lOug/mL and >lOug/mL). The results CCmp EC50 = 28 r&d. In con&sion, CC is an effective a&oxidant and a
showed that industrial process of cashew nuts (fryii nuts at ZOOC)destroys potent inhibitor of TNFa production. The primary mechanism for cat’s claw
the antibacterial activity of CNSL. We rscommsnd that the cashew nuts anti-in6ammatory actions appears to be immunomodulation via suppression
should be processed around 96C in order to pwerve the antibacterial ac- of TNFa synthesis.
tivity. Other biological activities of compounds in CNSL, byproduct of food
industry, should be measured.

OXYGEN 2 0 0 0
I 109 I
I 110 I
Red Wine Vs Gram Juice: Antioxidant or Prooxidant Antioxidants and protein carboqyls in bronchoalveolar Image
N. Santanam, S. Rick, A.A. Murphy and S. Parthasarathy. Dept. lkdd of children without wheesez normal data
Gvnecoloev & Obstetrics, Emorv Univemitv. Atlanta. GA PS Fit&$, R Taylora,
A cup z red wine a day is suggested to be beneficial for coronary artery menta of 1CIimc’ al Biochemistry and
dkease (CAD). The polyphenolic (“antioxidant”) component of red wine is 2Child Health, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK
responsible for its beneficial action. However, red wine also contains alcohol. Antioxidant-oxidant imbalan& in bronchoalveolar lavage Buid (BAL) are
Both polyphenols and alcohol can affect lipoprotein metabolism. Grape juice thought to contribute to oxidative stress in respiratory disease. However,
has similar or increased content of polyphenols but no alcohol content. In normal reference ranges for BAL antioxidanta and oxidized proteins in chil-
this study, we asked the question if increased polyphenol content of the grape dren are not known. In thii study, we recruited 124 children (age 1.6612.6
juice is beneficial over lower polyphenol and alcohol content in red wine. y) attending for elective surgery for a non-inflammatory condition, 83 were
Baseline and final fasting blood was drawn from healthy volunteem (n=20) non-asthmatic, non-atopic (N) and 41 were non-asthmatic, atopic (NA). A
who consumed either 150 ml of red wine or grape juice per day for 36 days. non-bronchoacopic lavage was performed and -bate, urate, a-tocopherol
There was no change in the lipid profile between the baseline and final blood and protein carbonyl concentrations were determined in BAL fluid. The 95%
draw in both the groups. However, there was an increase in the oxidative reference range was 0.11261.897 pmol/l Ior ascorbate, 0.14962.163 pmol/l for
stress markers (1.5 fold higher #CAM, 2 fold higher MPO and 2 fold higher urate, 0.69360966 qol/l for a-tocopherol and 0.28964.529 nmol/mg for pro
auto antibodies to oxidatively modified proteins) after one month of grape kin carbonyls. Age, gender and exposure to tobacco smoke did not affect
juice consumption compared to its initial baseline values. No such change concentrations of antioxidants or protein carbonyls. However, in multiple lin-
was observed after one month of red wine consumption. The results were ear regression analyses, the type of home heating (glass fronted &es) reduced
consistent with our recent observation that i) phenolic compounds can be concentrations of ascorbate and urate in BAL fluid (&coefficient -bate:
converted to prooxidants by peroxidaees and ii) increamd oxidative stress in 0.445, p=O.631, uratez 0.114, p=O.691). Them wan no signilicant difkence
the plasma may be beneficial because it increases the antioxidant defense in between both groupa in BAL fluid concentrations of -bate, urate or pro
the artery, thereby preventing CAD. We conclude that i) increased oxidatiw tein carbonyls. The a-tocopherol concentration ~88 significantly increased in
stress olxwrved after grape juice (hi polyphenol content) consumption is the NA group (p=O.637). Only -bate concentrations of .wum and BAL
beneficial and ii) the alcohol content of red wine may counteract the beneficial fluid were significantly correlated (r=0.297, p=O.OlB, n=63), which may of-
effect of increased polyphenols. fer an explanation why supplementing the diet with vitamin C can improve
asthma symptoms.

I 111 I

Bioavailable forms of flavanols protect flbroblaats tkoomoxidative Contrasting action of ascorbic acid against oxklative stress
stress-induced apoptoeis Bru Take&& Kanji, Kohji Aoyama, Baohui Xq,
Jeremy P. E. Spencer, If. Schroeter, B. Shenoy, G. Kuhnle, ES. Debnam, Kazufumi Ha&igu&i, wKomatsu, NaoM K&&,
and C. Riee_hrans C-e&e for Age-Related Dii, Kunitomo Watanabe*. Kanehisa Morimoto+. Department of hygiene,
Cal Sciences, ~&g’s College London, London, SE1 Kagwhima University Faculty of Medicine 6-35-l Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima
9RT. Royal Fkee and Uniwraity College Medical School, London, NW3 899-8529, Japan *Institute of Anaerobic Bacteriology, Gii University
2PF. University of Leipzig, 94103, Germany School of Medicine, Gii 5698795, Japan +Department of Social and
There is considerable interest in the bioavailabifity of polyphenoln and Environmental Medicine, Course of Social Medicine, O&a University
their biiivity in viva. We have studied the abwrption and metabolism of Graduate School of Medicine, 22 Yamadwka, Suita, O&a 5656871, Japan
catechin and epicatechin in the small intestine and the ability of the result- We have investigated the effects of -bit acid on coddative damage in-
ing metabolitm to protect c& against ROS-induced apoptc&. Pemtsion duced by 02 exposure in P. mdaninogenica, a strict anamobe. We deter-
of Isolatedrat small intestinewith the flavanoh~ resulted in extensive glu- mined cell viabiity and E-hydroxydecayguancaine(8OHdG), typical of &da
curonidation and O-methyiation of the compounds during transfer - the tiw DNA damage. A brief exposure to 02 w~ylhighly toxic to the bacterium
entemcytes of the jejunum but to a lamer extent acmm the ileum. O-Methyl and it decreased the cell viabiity to 0.05%. Ascorbic acid at acidic pH, but
and 0-mathylghr~ catechiw were the predominate met&olitea not at neutral pH, markedly attenuated the toxicity and increased the cell
detected in the ti fluid suggwting these speciea LYI
the most bioavailable viabiity after 02 exposure to 59%. 02 exposure increased 80HdG in P.
forms. The total percentage of &wan01 transfer acrom the jejunum wae lower mehminogenica. Aworbic acid at acidic pH enhanced the 80HdG increase,
than - the ikum which was primarily due to a pea&r transfer of un- whileit had no &ecta at neutralpfi. Acidic pH by itself, adjusted with HCl,
metabohsed Savanol. Pm-treatment of human dermal fibroblasm with 3’-O- slightly decrezwd both mortality and 8OHdG levela induced by 02 exposure.
methyl- and 4’-O-mathyl-epicatecMn resulted in prokction against apoptotic Catalme also decreamd both the mortality and the t3OHdG induction. These
cell death induced by hydrogan per&de. However, the level of inhibition 6ndingn indicate that the effecta of -bit acid are pIi dependent, and that
evoked by the O-methylated metabohtea vm9 not significantly d&rent from -bit acid acts a,e both antioxidant and prooxidant. The findings also
that emlmd by epicateddn itself. Them data mrggeat that although the mea- suggest that P. malaninogenica is useful to evabmte the action of chemicals
sured Hdonatmg potential of them compounda are very difkrent (TEAC), against o&dative stress.
the ability to protect cells against caddative stress in viva is not dependent
on the redox potential alone.

s42 OXYGEN 2 0 0 0
El I, 114 I I

Rationale of Antioxidant-based Composite Therapy of Brain Ascorbate Protects against Myeloperoxidase-Mediated Lipid and
Oxidative Stress by naditional Chinese Herb Medicine Protein Oxidation in Low-Density Lipoprotein
Tetsuya Konishi, Haruyo Ichikawa, Wang. Niigata College of Terry Tijerina, Anitra Carr and Balz tiei. Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon
Pharmacy State University, Corvallis OR 97331
Traditional medicines such as Chinese herbal medicines have been used for Myeloperoxidase (MPO)-modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is impli-
treating many lifestyle- and/or age-related diseases such as diabetes militias cated in the pathogen&s of atherosclerosis. MPO generates a number of
and cancer, and obtained certain successes. Although the precise mechanism oxidants, including hypochlorous acid (HOCL) from chloride ions (Cl-)and
of their action is not yet fully understand, the mixed formula plays synergis- nitrogen dioxide radicals from (NO*-). MPO-derived HOC1 oxidizes the prw
tic role in the action. It is also known that otidative stress is implicated in tein protion (apo B) of the LDL particle forming primarily N-chloramines,
pathogenesis of these complex disorders. Thus, the antioxidant-based com- which can subsequently break down to form N-centered radicals; the latter
posite therapy must be a promised approach for the prevention and repair may initiate lipid peroxidation in LDL. Nitrogen dioxide can nitrate ape B
of oxidative stress related disorders, and the antioxidative Chinese herbal tyrosine residues and directly initiate lipid peroxidation. Ascorbate may pro-
medicines would be a good model to examine the propriety of the strat- tect against LDL modification by scavenging MPO-derived oxidants and by
egy. We studied here the antioxidant potential of two traditional formulas recycling vitamin E from its radical. An in-uitmsystem of LDL/MPO/H20z
of Chinese herbal medicines, Shengmai San and Qizhu Tang, in prevent- containing physiological concentrations of either Cl-or NOZ-was found to
ing cerebral oxidative damage after ischemia-reperfusion in rats and revealed moderately increase levels of cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides in LDL with
that both formulas effectively prevented TBARS formation and loss of Glu- a concomitant decrease in LDGassociated a-tocopherol, indicative of lipid
tathione peroxidase activity in the brain when were adiminstered before is- peroxidation. Apo B damage, as indicated by an up to 1.8-fold increase in
chemic treatment. Further analysis of antioxidant potential of component the relative ekxtrophoretic mobility of LDL, was also observed in the pres-
herbs and the mixed decoctions revealed the rationale of composite formula ence of Cl-, but not NO*-. Ascorbate (12.5 - 2OOpM) added to either of
of Chinese herbal medicine in terms of antioxidant potential. The limitation the two systems (Cl- or NOz-) protected against lipid and protein oxidative
will be shown for the use of in vitro antioxidant indications to evaluate the in damage in LDL. Our data show that physiological concentrations of ascor-
viva effectiveness of herbal composite in preventing oxidative stress-induced bate are able to prevent MPO-mediated modiication of LDL by HOC1 or
brain injury. reactive nitrogen species, thereby potentially decreasing macrophage up&e
and lowering the risk and severity of atherosclerosis.


Kenneth Watson, Graham Jones and Jun Peng. University of New J. S. Wei. C. Y. Kao, Y. S. Chen, Y.T. Chow and. School of
England, School of Biological Sciences, Human Biology, Armidale 2351, Medical Technology and Graduate Institute of Basic Medicine, Chang Gung
Australia University, Kweisan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
There is a need to develop biomarkers that may act as monitors of cellular We had previously demonstrated that digoxin caused apoptceis in exper-
deface aa influenced bv free radical attack and redox status of the cell. imental cells. In thii studv. the oossible roles of oxidative darnaxe in cvto-
In human lymphocytes,” oxidative stress imposed by AAPH [2,2’az&ii-(2- toxicity during digoxin tre&nent’ in several human hepatoma cell-l&s were
amidinopropane)dihydrochloride]induced the synthesis of heme oxygenase 1 studied. Time course studies revealed significant increases in the production
(HO-l), transcription factor NF-kappaB and heat shock proteins(hsp)h@O of nitric oxide at 8 hours and hydrogen peroxide at 18 hours in digoxin treated
and hsp27. Antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine(NAC)modnlated protein SK-Hep-1 cells. The addition of NOS inhibiton such aa GNAME (10T5M)
synthesis by down regulation of HO-l and NF-kappaB and up regulation of and aminoguaoidiie (IO-‘M) but not ‘I-nitroindazole (up to 10w3M), recov-
hsp. In lymphocytes from individuals receiving antioxidant supplements and ered partial cell viability of digoxin-treated SK-Hep-1 cells. Also, alterations
subjected to a heat shock in the presence of AAPH, enhanced synthesis of in gene expression of eNOS isoform, but not iNOS, in SK-H-1 cells in
hsp105, hsp90, hsp70 and hsp40 by contrast with decreased synthesis of HO- response to dioxin treatment were coniirrned by RT-PCR. Indeed, upon
1 were noted. UVB stress imposed on HaCaT cells, a transformed human digoxin addition, an increase of fluorescent intensity from cells loaded with
keratinocyte cell line, induced the synthesis of NF-kappaB, hsp70 and HO- non-fluorescent dichloroRuorwcein diacetate allowed us to visualize “oxida-
1. The syntheses of these proteins were downregulated in the presence of tive stress” in living cells. The inactivation of endogenous cat&w in the
NAC. DNA microarrays were used to con&m these observations and allowed SK-Hepl(but not Hep G2cells), as well in membrane-bound alkaline phos-
a global analysis of the redox regulation of gene expression. It was concluded phatase in 55 cells, were observed. Antioxidanta ameliorate the cytotoxicity
that the synthesis of stress proteins was modulated by cellular redox status. of digcxin in decreasing order of effectiveness as follows: ascorhate, rnela-
tonin, toeopherd, and &arotene. Furthermore, the addition of exogenous
cat&se in the growth medium increased the cell survival rate from digoxin
induced apoptosis. Taken together, we co&m the involvement of nitric ox-
ide and hydrogen per&de in digoxin-induced cytotcuicity and antioxidants
prevent its effect. (Supported by grant NSC 89-231~B-182-080 to JSW).

OXYGEN 2 0 0 0 s43
Ascorbate Does not Act an a Prwoxidant in Iron-Overloaded
Human Plasma, even in the Presence of H202
Ben-Zhau Zhu, Jung Sub and Balz Ftei. Linus Pauliig Institute, Oregon
State University, Corvallis, OR 97331
Ascorbate (Asc) acts as an anticxidaut or a pro-oxidaut in vitro in the
absence or presence, respectively, of redox-active metal ions. We have pre-
viously shown that Cu-induced oxidation of human LDL and Fe-mediated
lipid peroxidation in human plasma are strongly inhibited, not enhanced, by
Asc. Nevertheless, it is not dear whether the same holds true when H202 is
simultaneously present (complete Udenfrieud system - H202/Asc/Fe), and
whether oxidative damage to biological macromolecules other than lipids, e.g.
proteins, is also inhibited. Therefore, in this study we used Fe-overloaded
human plasma to investigate whether Asc acts as an antioxidant or a pro-
oxidant in the presence of H202. Protein carhonyl and lipid hydropemxide
formation were used as two sensitive markers of protein aud lipid oxida-
tion, respectively. We found that iron (0.1-l mM) induced time and dose-
dependent protein carhonyl formation in human plasma, which was further
enhanced by addition of H202 (0.2 mM). However, protein carbonyl fonna-
tion induced hy iron (0.1 mM) or by Fe/H202 (0.2 u&f) was not enhanced by
Asc (0.2 mM). H202 also markedly enhanced lipid peroxidation induced hy
iron (0.05 - 0.1 mM). Depletion of endogenoua Asc by Asc oxidaae further en-
hanced Fe/H202-induced lipid hydroperccdde formation. Furthermore, ad-
dition of exogenouli Asc (0.2 mM) did not increase, but rather decreased
Fe/H2OZinduced lipid peroxidation. Our results demonstrate that physic+
logical concentrations of Asc do not act as a pro-oxidant in Feoverloaded
human plasma, even in the presence of H202.

s44 OXYGEN 2000

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