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The Rise of Bolin

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, Multi
Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra
Relationships: Bolin & Mako (Avatar), Korra/Asami Sato, Senna/Tonraq (Avatar),
Pema/Tenzin (Avatar)
Characters: Bolin (Avatar), Mako (Avatar), Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Amon |
Noatak, Tenzin (Avatar), Pema (Avatar), Tonraq (Avatar), Senna
(Avatar), Jinora (Avatar), Ikki (Avatar), Meelo (Avatar), Rohan (Avatar),
Toza (Avatar), Lin Beifong, Original Characters, Bolin's and Mako's
Parents (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Avatar Bolin, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Canon
Compliant - The Legend of Korra, Korra Isn't the Avatar, Mostly Gen,
With some relationships, but they won't be the main focus, Humor,
Attempt at Humor, but also angst, and fluff, I'm Bad At Tagging, Korra is
salty, mako is tired, Asami is Hot, Bolin's just vibing, There is no love
triangle in Ba Sing Se, Mako is trying his best, No one is making it easy,
POV Alternating, Good Sibling Mako (Avatar), Good Sibling Bolin
(Avatar), Minor Character Death, Other Additional Tags to Be Added,
Not Beta Read
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-12 Words: 944 Chapters: 1/?
The Rise of Bolin
by Justacrazybisexual_3634938483


""Well I'm not a jerk like you! I can't just sit by and watch people get hurt!" Bolin stormed of,
probably about to get into another stupid situation."


Basically what I think would happen if Bolin was the avatar, Let's fucking do this.


Okay just a fair warning this chapter is pretty angsty, I'll try not to make the rest of the fic
like this but it can't be avoided sometimes especially at the beginning sorry. also about the
tagging situation I will be changing the tags if and when they become relevant mostly
because I don't want to put a tag that will only make sense with the context of season 3 if this
doesn't make it to season 3.
Now with that out of the way enjoy!

See the end of the work for more notes

“Are you sure this intel is right?” the white lotus member asked as they trucked up the snowy

“Even if it isn’t we need to take all the leads we can get.” They looked at the small igloo in
front of them. What was supposedly the home of the next Avatar.

The place was a disheveled mess, rocks all over the floor and several scorch marks over
everything. The woman sweeping in the middle looked up at them.

“Hi! You must be here for Alasie.” She said excitedly as her husband walked into the room
and hugged her from behind.

“Yes, but what makes you sure your daughter’s the one?” The couple shared a look before
calling her to the room. A young girl, who couldn’t be any older than 6, walked out

“Go on.” Her mother said and she did, taking a deep breath before stomping her foot on the
floor and raising the ground beneath their feet a couple inches. They barely had any time to
process what just happened when she lit their clothes on fire. The Water Bender with them
quickly put the fire out and Alasie looked a little sheepish but proud of herself.

“She’s… the Avatar.” One of the white lotus members said, astonished. The little girl in front
of them gave a big grin and her parents hugged her.

“And I’ll be the best avatar ever!” Alasie yells Jumping off her parents group and shooting a
small fireball into the ceiling.

News of the new Avatar being found spread like wildfire throughout the four nations and
Republic City. Everyone was so excited to see avatar Alasie. The girl was a prodigy, already
being able to bend water, earth, fire, and to a much lesser extent air, at the age of 12. The girl
was going to be a phenomenal Avatar when she grew up.

This caused a problem.

A secret order that goes by the name of The Red Lotus saw that potential in her and knew
she’d be a valuable asset to have on their side.

On one random night Alasie was kidnapped.

The only way they were able to get her to go somewhat peacefully was to take her when she
was sleeping. Luckily her mother had been up tending to her baby sister and saw them

“TONRAQ!” She screamed for her husband. Luckily she also woke up some White Lotus
guards who immediately started attacking.

Tonraq immediately ran to join them yelling to his wife, “GET KORRA OUT OF HERE!”

The woman hesitated for a moment before taking her youngest daughter and running.

Eventually all of the commotion woke Alasie up. Despite only being 12 she joined the fight.
She threw every element she could at them along with the White Lotus and her father.

It didn't take long for the Red Lotus to realize They lost and they tried to escape. Alasie
wouldn't let that happen. The White Lotus guards seemed to have three somewhat under
control but the non-bender was about to get away.

He was very quick but that didn't stop her from chasing him down. He was surprisingly agile
so her bending didn't do much to trap him but she did slow him down. While he was being
distracted by her, Tonraq was able to trap him with ice despite being yards away.
It wasn't enough. She was mad now. who did these people think they were trying to kidnap
the avatar. With a yell she ran towards the trapped non-bender, fire coming wildly out of her

The firebender that they were currently trying to apprehend saw her. She saw her running
towards the non-bender. The avatar was still a couple yards away.

As quick as a flash the woman took a deep breath and pulled the fabric off of her head
revealing an eye tattoo on her forehead.

Noone had time to react as something shot out of her forehead. Alasie heard something and
looked in her direction. She barely had time to think ‘What is that?’ before time stopped.

Everyone can only watch in horror at the smoke cleared and there was only an empty crater
in the snow where the Avatar had once been standing. Within seconds the Firebender and the
non-bender were coated head to toe in ice. Even the other members with them looked

“ALASIE!” Tonraq ran to the empty crater. “No… no NO! ALASIE ”

Her name along with wails of grief echoed off the snow.

The Avatar had fallen.

The next few weeks were hard as everyone in the world mourned the death of Avatar Alasie.
The White Lotus were questioned about the attack. Her parents stopped talking to anyone.
Life went on for most people.

Behind all of the grief, there were also questions people were starting to ask. Like how they
let this happen and what will happen to the members of this mysterious group?

Most of all who will the next avatar be and will they be ready to stop the ever growing threats
the world is facing?

That fateful day which was the saddest for many others was the happiest for a young couple
who had just had their second son.

“He'll do great things one day,” Naoki turned to her husband who was holding their sleeping
oldest child. “I just know it.”

San smiled at his wife as he looked at the tiny little life she was holding. “He will.” The baby
woke up and started moving around. San moved closer on the couch carefully. “Won't you,”
the man smiled at the little face under him whose little hand was grabbing his finger,
End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this, please give feedback, I would really appreciate it! For now, see ya

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