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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra
Relationships: Mako & Opal, Bolin & Mako (Avatar), Minor Bolin/Opal - Relationship
Characters: Mako (Avatar), Opal (Avatar), Bolin (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Relationship Advice, Surprises, Unplanned
Pregnancy, Mako Is A Good Bro
Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Atla Gen Week
Collections: atla gen week 2021
Stats: Published: 2021-07-03 Words: 1,654 Chapters: 1/1
by Rasnak_2


Bolin is acting weird, Opal is worried and Mako is the man in the middle.


A/N: Prompt: Day 7 - Free Day

Cooking really does bring out ideas... and it brought out my craving for Opal & Mako
moments this time so I thought why the hell not?

See the end of the work for more notes

There was a knock on the door once. Twice. It soon turned frantic. Mako groaned into the
pillow before rolling out of his bed, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Who was knocking
on the door at… 5 in the morning?

“Whazzit?” he asked sleepily, narrowing his eyes to figure out who was at the door.

“It’s about Bolin” the figure at the door said, letting themselves inside.

“Bolin what?” he asked, rapidly blinking in an effort to awaken himself.

“He’s acting weird.”

“Weird how? He has a lot of weird moods. Please specify.”

“Like… he was his normal and jolly self when… well, I kinda proposed to him last week? He
was happy and jumping around and spinning circles but then… he kind of has become
broody and withdrawn. He spaces off a lot and doesn't really talk that much. It worries me
because he usually talks when something is wrong… you know?”

Mako nodded in understanding as he rubbed his forehead. Opal had of course proposed to
Bolin. Now that was a good development, on a good path. Opal was really good for him.

But withdrawing… Mako rubbed his face as he sighed. It could mean two things and both of
them weren't necessarily good things.

“I believe congratulations are in order then...What are you doing up this early anyway?”

“Couldn't sleep, got sick, didn't want to disturb Bolin and well… yeah. Thought I could come
to see you about… whatever it was. I mean, like there are times where Bolin is… you know?
But this feels too different. And I don't know what I did wrong here. Did I propose too soon?
Or did I say something bad? I don't know. I just- Gimme a second. I think I’ll have to use the
restroom. Like right now” she gulped as she ran, a hand coming up to cover her mouth.

Mako blinked as he took in the situation in hand. His brother seemed to be ignoring Opal and
the said lady was currently puking in his bathroom at… very early in the morning. Though
she hadn't felt like she was running a temperature… stomach bug maybe? He didn't know.
Seems like he is going to have to pay his brother a visit in the near future…

Opal came out, looking utterly exhausted. It was then he noticed the bags under her eyes…
what in the world was going on?

“How long have you been sick, OB? Are you even sleeping properly?” he asked in worry.

“It’s been rough, nothing much serious, Mako, just running errands and stuff like that. It’s not
a big issue” she waved it off.

“I think there is something big in play here… wait, maybe I’ll take you to the healers then we
can grab some breakfast, or you go to air temple island and hang out or whatever. But I think
it’s better if you take it easy for a while I believe.”

“Um...I’m sure it's nothing but whatever you say Mako. I’ll try to take it easy. I'm just really
worried about Bo, you know?” she shrugged, then sighed, uncertain of how to express her
concern. Mako sighed, Opal needed to take better care of herself.

“Hey, don't worry. I know my brother can get... odd sometimes but it passes, it always passes.
I’ll talk to him, I don’t have much to go off of but I’ll try to get to the bottom of his
behaviour. But you need to take care of yourself, OB. To the healer first. I am not backing out
of that” Mako demanded and Opal just sighed, knowing that she won’t be able to back out of
this. When he worries… she’s learnt that you let him mother you. Well, that’s what Bolin
always said and she was going to follow that. She’s not gonna risk it.

And the healers confirm that she was pregnant. Just what? But how? Ok she knew how but
she was sure that she took the proper meds! They weren't even married yet! She wasn't ready
for this!

Mako just held her hand and kissed her on her forehead. “I know it sounds scary but before
you make any decision, talk with Bo. Don't be impulsive and do something you will regret
later on. Maybe go to Air Temple Island, have a talk with Pema about this. I know the two of
you are young but whatever you decide, I’m sure all of us will support you” he said with a
reassuring smile.

“But isn't this just…”

“I know. And I won’t tell Bo about this. Not till you decide to tell him. I will completely
avoid the conversation with him. He needs to hear the news from you, after all. Not me.”

“You think Bolin will… you know? What if he doesn't…”

“I think he will be ecstatic to find out you are pregnant. Maybe he will start behaving weird
all over again but I don't think it will be something we cannot manage between the two of
you. You are the Beifong here. Get him to listen to you. Channel your aunt like I know you
can. Sometimes he just needs that… push” Mako said, pulling her into a hug.

“Thanks Mako.”

“Any time, OB. Now. Breakfast then whatever you want to do.”

“Sounds good.”

“Soo… Bolin… you want to talk?” Mako asked with a blank expression as he stared at his
confused brother.

“Talk about what?”

“Talk about… let’s see… why your girlfriend- or should I say fiance -” Bolin winced, “is
approaching me in ass o clock in the morning, sick and utterly exhausted, saying that she
didn't want to disturb you. Adding to the fact that she was worried sick about you and was
nearly in tears because you wouldn't communicate with her. Like seriously? What the hell
Bo! You can’t just ignore a person just after you say yes to their proposal! You do love her…
right?” Mako asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Of course I love her! I… I just… I am happy! Like really happy. I just… umm…”

“Spit it out, Bolin.”

“Like… she’s a Beifong and I’m just… you know? There are times I feel like she deserves
someone more than me… you know? I… I think I am just afraid that she’ll realise it one day
and stop being with me… and honestly… I know she was the one who asked me but it just
doesn't go away, that fear that I am not enough…”

“Hey, take a breath there, will you” Mako said softly, grasping Bolin’s hand. “She wants to
be with you because she loves you too, Bo. I don't think she’ll leave you any time soon. You
really found your partner, you know? But if you keep pushing her away… you might lose her.
Talk to her, don't shut her out. She is there to stay, Bolin. She needs you just as much as you
need her.”

“I KNOW! But I just can’t help but feel that all the time, especially after all that I’ve done to
her! Those 3 years, and then I again disappeared on her after the whole Kuvira thing, then the
Gaoling thing… I just can’t help but think I am not good enough for her, that she deserves
more than this idiot and I… I just can’t… I hate myself for thinking like that! But it… that is
the truth in the end and I can’t ignore it, Mako. I feel like it is eating me up inside out” Bolin

“Bo… look at me and listen carefully. We all make mistakes, it happens in any and every
relationship. We just have to learn from them and overcome them. Even I did those
unspeakable things with you during the Gaoling incident, remember? I’ve done my fair share
of mistakes too. Talk it out with Opal, it’s better than wallowing over it and make both
yourself and Opal miserable. Please? Can you try? Even if not for me, at least for Opal?”
Mako asked and Bolin nodded.

“Also… I want to show you something…” he said hesitantly, looking up at Mako. “I need
your opinion on it. Will you…”

“Of course! What is it that you want my opinion on?” Mako asked. Bolin just smiled and
dragged him away.

“You… you’re not… Bolin this is- Wow” he said, staring at the two-storey building Bolin
had dragged him to.

“I… I was planning on proposing to Opal with this but… since she’s already proposed… I
didn't know how else to announce it to her” Bolin said. “It was supposed to be a surprise.”

“I’m sure you can find something to gift her about,” Mako said with a secretive smile. “When
did you buy this?”
“A month ago. Didn't really do much of decor, considering that I wanted to have Opal’s
opinion on it but… all the renovations are mostly done. You think she’ll like it?”

“I’m sure OB will love it, Bo. The house is really beautiful.”

“It also has 5 guest rooms, in case her family comes to visit and it also has space for Juicy
and a garage in case we were to buy Satomobiles in the future… the view is also pretty
amazing,” Bolin said with a happy smile.

“And you are bursting to tell this to Opal but are trying to keep that trap shut?” Mako guessed
and Bolin just shrugged.

“She’ll definitely love this, Bo. Just remember and talk to her. By the way, she’s expecting
you for dinner so better hurry up! I wouldn't want to be late if I were you” Mako said as he
hugged him.

“Couldn't you have told me this sooner?” Bolin asked with a pout.

“Couldn't help it. Congratulations in advance, by the way.”

“For what?”

“Go home and find it out yourself,” Mako said with a wink as he patted his back. “Good
End Notes

A/N: Hope you all like it! All comments and criticisms accepted and appreciated! Prompts
are welcome! (Did I really mako Mako call Opal- OB? Yeah. Do I regret it... nah. I think I'm
starting to HC it)

Thank you all for reading!!!!!

Rasnak signing off :) ;)

Published on 3 July 2021

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