EDU1001 SLG Assessments 2024

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Assessment Task 1 Date due %
a) Thursday 14th March @ 4: 00pm 5 1, 2, 3, 4
Three online quizzes (opens 24 hours earlier)

(Word equivalence = 225) b) Wednesday 1st May @ 4: 00pm

(opens 24 hours earlier) 5

c) Thursday 23rd May @ 4: 00pm 5

(opens 24 hours earlier)
Submission Details

Via LMS Quiz online

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Marks will be shown for each quiz question. An answer guide will be released within a
week of the quiz closing. Answers will be discussed in tutorials.
Description of Task

- Each quiz will open at 4pm via LMS and remain open for 24 hours.
- You can have one attempt only.
- The quizzes are designed to assist you to revise and revisit the content covered in this
subject. To prepare for the quizzes, you are advised to:
o keep up with your weekly reading and note-taking
o complete the weekly lecture, tutorial, and online curated study materials
o attend the weekly live tutorials
- Each quiz will be open for 20 minutes and will close automatically. You cannot save
and exit the quiz as you will be timed out.
- You will not be able to take a quiz once it has closed.
- Students with a LAP should contact the Subject coordinator about special

Contents for each quiz will be as shown below:

Week Content examined
Quiz 1 (during week 2) Contents from week 1: Note taking, How EDU1001 works,

Quiz 2 (during week 8) Contents from weeks 3, 4, and 5: Oral language

Quiz 3 (during week 11) Contents from weeks 8 – 10: Literacy, Academic writing

Assessment Description & Rubric_ EDU1001_Semester 1_2024

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Assessment Task 1 Date due % SILOs Assessed
Thursday 27 March
Note taking summaries x 2 10 3, 4
Submission Details

Via LMS submission link

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Rubric for AT1

Description of Task

Choose two readings and/or resources (e.g., clips, websites) that have been listed as required or
suggested items from weeks 1 –3.

Submit two note taking summaries that demonstrate your ability to take concise, usable, and
accurate notes from your academic readings.
- You can use the Cornell method or any other layout that you like.
- Each summary can be between 150-200 words.
- Dot points, mind maps and other methods are accepted

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Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Submission of Note taking samples (10%)


Criteria (Exceeds requirements) (Meets requirements) (Meets some requirements)

80-100% 79-60% 59-0%
Submission of Note Outstanding, highly functional, usable Note taking sample is usable and generally Note taking sample is not clear. Poorly
taking sample 1 and well organised notes. clear. constructed.

4 marks 4 3 0-2
Accurate and complete Accurate and complete. Another No citation included OR:
citation of the original person would easily be able to source
source. the citation. Insufficient detail included in the citation.

1 mark 1 0 – 0.5

Submission of Note Outstanding, highly functional, usable Note taking sample is usable and generally Note taking sample is not clear. Poorly
taking sample 2 notes. clear. constructed.

4 marks 4 3 0-2
Accurate and complete Accurate and complete. Another No citation included OR:
citation of the original person would easily be able to source
source. the citation. Insufficient detail included in the citation.

1 mark 1 0 – 0.5

Total Marks: /10

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Assessment Task 2 Date due % SILOs Assessed
Oral presentation and written explanation of
your metaphor or simile Thursday 17th April 1, 2, 3
(Word equivalence = 1600)

Submission Details
Recorded video uploaded using ECHO 360 via LMS submission link.
Written explanation uploaded using the same LMS submission link.
Grading Criteria and Feedback

Your video and your metaphor or simile explanation will be marked using the AT2 Rubric.
Description of Task

There are two parts to Assessment Task 2:

1. You are required to write, create, and present an 8-minute oral presentation (give or take
one minute), based on your chosen metaphor or simile, describing, and critically reflecting
on your language and literacy development. The written plan developed in your tutorial
should guide your presentation.
2. You are required to write a 300-word explanation about the metaphor or simile that you

Preparing your oral presentation video

- Your oral presentation is to be created, delivered and video-recorded out of class. It is not
essential to include references in your oral presentation.
- Your video can be made using ECHO360, but you are welcome to use YouTube clip,
Vimeo, Zoom, TEAMS, or other platform. Please just ensure that passwords are provided
if needed. Click here for Student IT support.
- As with any oral presentation, you will need to draft and edit the presentation, create cue
cards, and rehearse it. Clarification of the task will be provided in tutorials as you prepare.
- The oral presentation is to be created, delivered and video recorded in your own time. You
are required to show your face and upper body in your video. Props can be used but are
not essential

Preparing your written explanation

- Your explanation must state your metaphor or simile at the top of the page. You are then
asked to write in an informal way stating why you chose your metaphor or simile in 300
words (maximum).
- It is not essential to include references in your explanation.
- Please submit via a WORD document. Documents submitted as a PDF or in pages will not
be marked.

Submission and marking

- Go to the Assessment tile in LMS to find the one link to upload both your video and your
written explanation.
- Your video and metaphor or simile explanation will be marked using the AT2 Rubric
- All rubrics can be found in the Subject Learning Guide

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Assessment Task 2 (AT2): Oral presentation and written explanation of your metaphor or simile (35%)


(Exceeds some (Meets some (Does not meet
Criteria (Exceeds requirements) (Meets requirements)
requirements) requirements) requirements)
80-100% 60-69%
70-79% 50-59% 0-49%

Your chosen Outstanding, rich and personalised Clear and personalised A generally well explained Partially explained Unclear explanation
metaphor/simile explanation. explanation. metaphor/simile with metaphor/simile only.
explains and Rationale for your chosen Rationale for your chosen evidence of Not explained at all.
contextualises your metaphor/simile is transparent and metaphor/simile is well personalisation. An attempt to provide a
language and literacy extremely well explained. explained. rationale for your chosen
journey. Context is provided with excellent Context provided is clear Rationale for your chosen metaphor/simile is
clarity to assist with the explanation. and supports the metaphor/simile is provided however greater
explanation. provided. clarity is required.

Context is provided to Context is provided but

support the explanation justification is limited.
however greater links are

/3 marks 3 2.5 2 1 0 – 0.5

Writing quality micro Consistently outstanding academic High academic standard Mostly well-presented Acceptable standard with Falls short of the
aspects reflecting standard displayed. No areas noted overall quality with only a academic standard with respect to micro aspects of acceptable standard with
accurate grammar and, for further improvement. small number of minor some minor errors noted. writing quality but careful frequent errors and poor
sentence construction, errors noted. Errors do not Errors cause some minimal editing is needed due to editing noted.
and spelling. detract from readability. detraction to readability. errors noted. Errors cause
greater than minimal
detraction to readability.
/4 marks 4 3 2.5 2 0-1

Well considered, Extremely well-explained Well explained Adequate justification of Some evidence of a Little or no evidence of
explicit, and consistent metaphor/simile that is clearly metaphor/simile which is your metaphor/simile is justification for your links between
justification of your justified and succinctly embedded clearly embedded into your embedded into your video. metaphor/simile is
choice of video. Clear evidence of More attention to provided. Only some
Assessment Description & Rubric_ EDU1001_Semester 1_2024 Page 5 of 15
metaphor/simile and contextualised into your video in contextualisation of your contextualisation of your embedding or metaphor/simile and
embedded succinctly a sophisticated way. metaphor/simile is metaphor/simile is needed. contextualisation of your justification.
throughout the apparent. metaphor/simile is
presentation. provided.

/4 marks 4 3 2.5 2 0-1

Informed narrative of Clear and compelling discussion. Well-informed in most An informed discussion An attempt is made to Little or no discussion
your personal language aspects. about several aspects of discuss your development explaining your language
and literacy journey that An excellent, cohesive, and engaging your language and literacy of language and literacy and literacy development
clearly indicates your narrative is provided in your video. A clear cohesive narrative development over time. over time but the narrative over time.
development over time, is provided in your video lacks cohesion.
Substantial evidence that you have A generally clear narrative Poorly constructed
provides a variety of
applied learnings from EDU1001 Much evidence that you is provided in your video A small amount of evidence narrative.
language and literacy
about delivering presentations. have applied learnings from that you have applied
experiences from early
EDU1001 about delivering Some evidence that you learnings from EDU1001 Very limited or no evidence
years to the present and
presentations. have applied learnings from about delivering that you have applied
succinctly relates to
EDU1001 about delivering presentations. learnings from EDU1001
class content.
presentations. about delivering

/6 marks 6 5 4 3.5 0-3

Justification of areas of Justification of your perceived Justification of your General justification of your An attempt is made to Little or no identification of
your personal literacy strengths and areas requiring perceived strengths and perceived strengths and identify your perceived your perceived strengths
and English language improvement is explained with areas requiring areas requiring strengths and areas and areas requiring
strengths as well as outstanding clarity. Evidence to improvement is clear. improvement is apparent. requiring improvement. An improvement. Little or no
areas requiring support your claims is highly Evidence to support your Evidence to support your attempt is made to provide attempt is made to support
development for convincing and well argued. claims is explained with claims is provided but the supporting evidence for your claims.
effective tertiary study. clarity. argument requires your claims, but the
Evidence is provided to Your stated goal is succinct, strengthening. argument lacked clarity. No goal is provided OR
support your claims. objective, and achievable and aligns Your stated goal is
extremely well with your personal objective and achievable Your stated goal shows You have stated a goal for Your goal is poorly
Statement of a goal for goals. and aligns with your some alignment with your yourself, but it is not constructed and lacks
personal development personal goals. personal goals but could be sufficiently objective and/or alignment with your with
in relation to effective Cohesion throughout is outstanding. more objective and achievable. your personal goals.
tertiary study. Cohesion throughout is measurable.
good. Cohesion throughout is just Cohesion is poor.
Your statements are Cohesion throughout is acceptable.
cohesive. adequate.

/6 marks 6 5 4 3.5 0-3

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Presentation skills: Consistently outstanding and Clear and engaging Generally good Adequate presentation Presentation skills were at
engaging presentation skills presentation skills presentation skills skills throughout much of an unsatisfactory level.
- Use of a ‘hook’ throughout the video. No areas noted throughout most of the throughout most of the the video. Focused
- Clear, organised, for further improvement. video. video. A small number of attention and practice is Focused attention and
well sign-posted areas require focused needed in several areas. practice is required in most
structure. attention. or all areas.
- Time allotment
adhered to.
- Appropriate
language style
(including no slang)
- Relaxed body
posture and

/6 marks 6 5 4 3.5 0-3

Oral Communication: Consistently outstanding oral Strong oral communication Generally good oral Adequate oral Oral communication skills
communication skills. skills throughout most of communication skills communication throughout were at an unsatisfactory
- Clear intelligible the video. throughout most of the much of the video. level.
speech An absolute pleasure to listen to and video.
- Appropriate pace watch. Enjoyable to listen to and Focused attention and Focused attention and
and intonation watch. A small number of areas practice is needed in practice is required in most
- Grammatical require focused attention. several areas. or all areas.
- Maintenance of eye
- Non-distracting use
of cue cards or
other prompts.
- Minimal or no use
of filler words such
as “um”.

/6 marks 6 5 4 3.5 0-3

Total Marks: /35

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Assessment Task 3 Date due % SILOs Assessed
Monday 3rd June 2, 3, 4
Major written task 40
Submission Details
Via LMS submission link

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Rubric for AT3

Description of Task

Choose one of four topics and write:

- 1000-word expository essay
- 350-word written reflection

This assignment requires you to demonstrate proficiency in the demands of both academic
writing and reflective writing. There are two components for you to complete:
- Using an expository writing style, respond to part a) of your chosen topic by explaining
information and providing references to support your explanations. This should be 1000
words long (+/- 10%).
- Using a reflective writing style, respond to part b) of your chosen topic. References are not
required. A minimum of two areas for reflection is required. This should be 350 words long
(+/- 10%).

Choose from one of these four topics: (It is suggested that you choose your topic by the end of
week 10 at the latest).

Topic one
a) Define what is meant by ‘scholarly literature’ and explain its importance to tertiary study.
b) Reflect on your experiences learning about and reading scholarly in this subject. Set one
measurable goal for yourself as a tertiary student.

Topic two
a) Describe four key elements of professional oral communication and explain why this level of
formality is essential in certain circumstances.
b) Reflect on your experiences learning about and using professional oral communication in this
subject. Set one measurable goal for yourself as a tertiary student and/or in other roles that you
may have.

Topic three
a) Describe the process of language acquisition in monolingual children and compare this to
children who grow up as bilingual or multilingual speakers.
b) Reflect on your experiences learning about language acquisition in this subject. Set one
measurable goal about how you can apply this knowledge in your work as an educator.

Topic four

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a) Describe the two key elements of the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) and
explain how this can be applied novice student readers and experienced student readers
b) Reflect on your initial impressions about the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986)
and discuss whether your knowledge about the model has influenced the way you read texts.

- Please ensure that you address parts a) and b) as specified above.
- A minimum of THREE (3) references and a maximum of SIX (6) must be used. These
references can come from your weekly readings and/or other sources that you find.

- You must first put your assessment task through Turnitin. Your Turnitin Originality report (to
check your referencing and originality) must be submitted with your assessment task. You
may submit to Turnitin multiple times before the due date.
- Note that: ‐ Turnitin can also be used to proofread and edit your essay.
o If you have further queries, please post to the Assessment forum in the first instance.
Click here for further information about using Turnitin.

Getting started with the assessment task

- Go to the material for the week/s where that topic was introduced and review your notes
and any of the teaching materials. Be sure to draw on your readings including your
summaries and appraisals of previous readings to assist.
- Source and read other the relevant articles provided for that week or any other.

We will discuss the topics in tutorials prior and you will have an opportunity to ask further
questions will also made via Zoom in the final week of semester. There will also be time
allocated in the final tutorial to receive feedback on a draft outline prior to submission.

- Your Turnitin report and your assessment task must both be submitted.
- To do so,
o combine the two documents into a single PDF
o save the file with your name, (initial and surname) topic number and subject code.
e.g., jbloggs_Topic 1_EDU1LLI
o In the Assessment tile in LMS, navigate to the link for Assessment Task 3 to
submit your work.
o Please do not submit a screenshot of your Turnitin report.

Your essay will be marked by someone other than your tutor. The AT3 Rubric will be used to
guide the marking.

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Assessment Task 3: Major written task


(Exceeds some (Meets some (Does not meet
Criteria (Exceeds requirements) (Meets requirements)
requirements) requirements) requirements)
80-100% 60-69%
70-79% 50-59% 0-49%

Reflection about your An outstanding and masterfully A well-crafted reflection about A sound reflection about An acceptable reflection An inadequate reflection
learning experiences crafted reflection about your your learning experiences your experiences is about your experiences is about your experiences is
on your chosen topic learning experiences related to related to your chosen topic is provided that demonstrates provided. There are, provided. Insufficient or no
demonstrates clear your chosen topic is provided. provided. Your reflections some links with the however, gaps in links evidence of links between
insights and links to Your reflection links seamlessly to generally link to the expository expository content of your made between your own your learning experiences
the expository content the expository content of your content of your AT3. AT3. Despite this, there are experiences and your and your expository content
that you wrote about in AT3. a few missed opportunities expository content in AT3. in AT3.
Assessment Task 3. to link your reflections to Further clarity and attention
your expository content. to detail is needed.

/4 marks 4 3 2.5 2 0-1


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A minimum of two Examples and goals are provided Examples and goals are Examples and goals are Examples and goals are No examples provided OR
examples are provided to an exemplary level and leave provided to a good level and provided to demonstrate provided but more specific Only one example is
to support reflections the reader in no doubt of your leave the reader informed your thinking. information is needed to provided OR
about skills that you thinking. about your thinking. enhance your responses. Examples are poorly linked
feel you have You have included two to your reflections.
developed over the You have included highly relevant You have included two relevant examples demonstrating You have included two
semester. examples demonstrating skills examples demonstrating skills skills that you feel have examples demonstrating Your goal does not link well
that clearly support your that you feel have developed developed over the skills that you feel have to your reflections. OR
One objective reflections that you feel have over the semester. There is semester. There is room for developed over the
measurable goal is developed over the semester. room for minor improvement improvement on clarity and semester, but these could No goal is provided.
included. regarding clarity. relevance of your be better linked and/or
An excellent, objective goal for examples. more relevant.
future studies that closely aligns An objective goal for future
** You must address with your reflections is provided. studies that aligns with your A goal for future studies A goal is stated but shows
both the examples and A deep commitment to enhancing reflections is provided. A that connects with your only partial alignment to
the goal. If one aspect your own knowledge and skill set commitment to advancing your reflections is provided. A your reflections. Further
is missing, you will is clearly illustrated. own knowledge and skill set is commitment to advancing justification is needed.
receive ‘0’ for the displayed. your own knowledge and
criterion. ** skill set is apparent.

/ 3 marks 3 2.5 2 1.5 0-1


Key concepts/terms Key concepts/terms are explained Key concepts/terms are An attempt to explain key Key concepts/terms are Limited or no attempt to
are explained. with precision and act as an explained and provide a concepts/terms is included mentioned but not explain key
outstanding foundation for the foundation for the expository but greater clarity is explained with clarity. concepts/terms.
expository essay. essay. needed.

/4 marks 4 3 2.5 2 0 – 1.5

Demonstration of An outstanding coverage of the A strong coverage of the core A sound coverage of the Some relevant coverage of Falls well short of
conceptual knowledge core conceptual knowledge conceptual knowledge related core conceptual knowledge the core conceptual displaying acceptable
of contents related to related to the topic. Excellent to the topic. Evidence of related to the topic. Greater knowledge is apparent, but knowledge of the topic.
the topic. integration of conceptual integration of conceptual attention to integration of integration of concepts
knowledge appears throughout knowledge appears throughout concepts throughout the throughout the essay is
the essay. the essay. essay is needed. limited.

/ 10 marks 8-10 7 - 7.5 6 – 6.5 5 – 5.5 0 – 4.5

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Referencing: Both in-text and reference list Both in-text and reference list Both in-text and reference Both in-text and reference Insufficient evidence of
APAv7 formatting of compilation demonstrate an compilation demonstrate list compilation list compilation APA-7 referencing
in-text citations. outstanding grasp of APA-7 style. strong grasp of APA-7 style. demonstrate a sound grasp demonstrate some grasp of conventions.
APAv7formatting of Occasional errors (<4) in one or of APA-7 style, but several APA-7 style, but more than
reference list. Meets criteria for the number of both. errors (between 5 – 8) in 8 errors in one or both. May not meet criteria for
References: references. one or both. the number of references
- at least 3 and no Meets criteria for the number May not meet criteria for
more than 6. References are relevant, of references. Meets criteria for the the number of references. Inadequate and/or
- relevant to topic. scholarly/credible sources. number of references. inappropriate sources
- from References are mainly relevant, Less than two references cited.
scholarly/credible scholarly/credible sources. Some references are are relevant, recent,
sources. relevant, recent, scholarly/credible sources
scholarly/credible sources. are used.
/ 7 marks 6-7 5 4 3.5 0-3

Macro-Writing quality: Consistently outstanding High standard with respect to Generally good standard Only some evidence of Falls short of the
standard with respect to all expected macro aspects of with respect to macro expected macro aspects of acceptable standard with
Logical macro expected macro aspects of writing quality, with some areas aspects of writing quality, writing quality. respect to macro aspects
structure (intro, body, writing quality. for improvement noted (as per with several areas for Improvement is needed of writing quality, with
and summary/ the criteria). improvement noted (as per across most areas (as per improvement needed
conclusion). Use of Cohesion throughout the essay is the criteria). the criteria). throughout.
topic sentences, excellent. Cohesion throughout the essay
argument flow. is good. Cohesion throughout the Cohesion throughout the Cohesion throughout the
essay is adequate. essay is inconsistent. essay is poor.
Attention to overall

/ 7 marks 6-7 5 4 3.5 0-3


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Micro-Writing quality: Consistently outstanding High standard with respect to Generally good standard Only some evidence of Falls short of the
standard with respect to expected expected micro aspects of with respect to micro expected macro aspects of acceptable standard with
Grammar, sentence and micro aspects of writing quality. writing quality, with some areas aspects of writing quality, writing quality. respect to micro aspects of
paragraph construction, for improvement noted. with several areas for Improvement is needed writing quality, with
spelling accuracy. Clear evidence of editing. improvement noted (as per across most areas (as per improvement needed
Clear evidence of editing. the criteria). the criteria). throughout.
Evidence of editing.
Evidence of editing but Limited evidence of editing. Limited or no evidence of
more attention to detail is editing.

/ 5 marks 4–5 3.5 3 2.5 0-2

Total Marks: 40/40

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BKSBLive2: Literacy Hurdle Date due % SILOs Assessed
Online, self-paced modules on Thursday 27th June 0 3
conventions of English grammar (syntax, 2023 @ 11:59pm
morphology) and orthography (spelling,
Submission Details

Via BKSBLive2 Online tool

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Hurdle task. To meet the task requirements and pass this hurdle requirement, you must
successfully complete and exit Level 4 and be working at level 5.
Description of Task

What is BKSBLive 2?
- BKSB (Basic Key Skills Builder) is an online resource to help you assess your skill
level in English and Mathematics. It is embedded into this subject.
- Part of EDU1001 is for you to examine your own literacy and language learning and
develop a plan for continuing your learning in this area. One of the tools we will be
using to do this is BKSBLive.
- General Resources for the BKSB platform are available from the School of
Education Course Home page.

What is the assessment?

BKBSLive2 is hurdle requirement for passing EDU1LLI. You are required to be working at
Level 5 by Thursday June 27th 11.59PM. BKSB resources will be available to you
throughout your course.

This task has been developed as preparation for the Australian Professional Accreditation
requirement for all pre-service teachers. The test focuses on literacy skills. For first year
students in Education courses, La Trobe University is using the BKSBLive 2 English
language and literacy modules as the platform for the hurdle task for EDU1001 in
Semester One.

When do I start?
You can start working on the English component of BKSBLive2 before or early in the
semester when you are enrolled in EDU1001. This is a self-paced task. You are
encouraged to get started on this as early as possible. Some students reach the hurdle
quickly while others require further time.

Getting started
Click here to access the platform and follow the instructions to Log on
1. Select the English course
2. Complete the Initial Assessment for English/Literacy (not Maths/Numeracy). This
will take approximately 25 mins.
3. The Initial Assessment will tell you what level you are at. You will need to note this
Level in your Pebble Pad Week 1 tasks.
4. You then need to complete the Diagnostic Assessment. The diagnostic
assessment needs to be completed before your tutorial in Week 2.

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The diagnostic test will provide information(data) that indicates which modules you need
to do for your skills and knowledge to improve.

Work steadily to complete the BKSB modules as indicated until you complete all modules
for that level. Once you have completed the modules for that level, retake the Initial
Assessment and this will indicate whether you have now passed that level and are ready
to start on the next level.

Return to Step 4 and work though steps 4 -7 for each level until you finish Level 4, pass,
and are working at level 5. This is the hurdle requirement. You cannot pass EDU1001 if
you have not met this hurdle.

Note: You will receive a message after each module saying" Ask your tutor to mark them”
– you do not need to do this.

Support will be provided for this hurdle through an initial assessment followed by a
diagnostic test and skill building learning modules – all located in BKSBLive2.

If you are feeling stuck performing at a lower level, i.e., Level 2 for example, staff
assistance will be made available to assist you.

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