Reading and Writing

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PATTERN Sensory details: Words that appeal to the five
A pattern is a recurring or regular arrangement senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing).
of elements. This can be visual, like a geometric
pattern on fabric, or more abstract, like a Figurative language: Similes, metaphors,
pattern of behavior or events. personification, etc., to add depth and vividness
to the description.
- Engage Sight: Refers to the visual information we
- Impact perceive through our eyes.
Example: The red rose bloomed in the garden.
Smell: Refers to the olfactory information we
NARRATION DEFINITION perceive through our nose.
- Narration is the act of telling a story. It Example: The freshly brewed coffee emitted a
recounts events in a chronological order, rich aroma.
detailing what happened, when, and how.
Taste: Refers to the gustatory information we
NARRATION PURPOSE perceive through our taste buds.
- Narration aims to engage the reader by Example: The cake tasted sweet and chocolaty.
transporting them into the story and guiding
them through the sequence of events. It can be Touch: Refers to the tactile information
used to entertain, inform, or persuade the perceive through our skin.
audience. Example: The soft fur of the cat felt smooth and
Setting: The time and place where the story Hearing: Refers to the auditory information we
unfolds. perceive through our ears.
Example: The waves crashed against the shore
Plot: The sequence of events in the story. with a roaring sound.

Characters: The individuals involved in the

Story. Definition and its Types

Point of view: The perspective from which the Definition

story is narrated (e.g., first-person, third- This pattern aims to explain the meaning of a
person). term, concept, or idea.
Definitions clarify the meaning of words or
DESCRIPTION DEFINITION concepts, ensuring everyone understands the
Description is the act of providing sensory information presented.
details to create a mental picture of something
in the reader's mind. It goes beyond simply Formal Definition
naming things and delves into details about - Provides a concise and precise explanation,
their appearance, sound, smell, taste, and typically found in dictionaries. Often uses the
texture. following structure:
01 Term being defined
DESCRIPTION PURPOSE 02 Class of the term (category it belongs to)
Description helps the reader visualize the 03 Differentiating characteristics (what makes it
characters, settings, and objects in the story. unique within its class)
It can also evoke emotions and create a specific
atmosphere. Informal Definition
- Uses simpler language, synonyms, examples,
or descriptions to explain the meaning in more
accessible terms.
- Often used in everyday writing or explanations
for a general audience.

Synonym Definition
- Uses a word with similar meaning to clarify the
term being defined.

Etymological Definition
- Explores the origin and historical development
of a word's meaning.

Exemplification and Classification

Exemplification uses specific examples,
illustrations, or anecdotes to explain, clarify, or
support a general idea.

Why it's useful

Examples make abstract concepts more
concrete and relatable for the reader. They can
also break down complex ideas into smaller,
easier-to-understand pieces.

Classification involves
organizing items or ideas into
categories based on shared

Why it's useful

Classification helps readers understand the
relationships between different things. It
creates a clear structure and makes information
easier to find and remember.

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