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Carbon 2185 | A Cyberpunk RPG

炭素 2185 | サイバーパンクロールプレイングゲーム
GUANG DU RESTAURANT Robert Marriner-Dodds, Ty Moore.
ZHAO HAVEN 10 Copyright © 2019 Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
1091 HAMPSHIRE STREET 12 All rights reserved.
1091 HAMPSHIRE STREET Chow’s Request, Dragon Turtle Games, the
MAP 13 Dragon Turtle Games logo, and all content
FORTUNE HEIGHTS 14 herein are copyright Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
Carbon 2185, the Carbon 2185 logo,
FORTUNE HEIGHTS MAP 15 CarbonRPG, are all copyright The Marriner-
AFTERMATH 16 Dodds Company, officially licensed to Dragon
LICENSE 17 Turtle Games Ltd.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the
martial or artwork contain herein is prohibited
without the express written permission of
Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
Chow’s Request Part 3 v1.1

2 Carbon 2185 | A Cyberpunk RPG

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チャウ 要求

WELCOME! I encourage competition, but both gangs are

This mission, suitable for 3rd-level characters,
follows on directly from the ‘Chow’s Request’ under the aegis of the 16K Triads, and there
mission found in the Carbon 2185 Core Rule- are rules they must follow. In attempting to
book. kill Jackie Chow, Donny Zhao has violated
Although it is not necessary for the players to those rules. If such infractions were to go
have played it. If they have not, the motiva- unpunished, we would have anarchy within my
tions listed at the beginning of that mission can organization. Therefore, I have decreed that
equally hold true for ‘The Death of Donny Zhao’.
After all, few cyberpunks need much of a reason Donny Zhao must die.’
to accept a high-paying job from David Wong,
Dragon Head of the 16K Triads. ‘I will not sully my hands with the blood of my
own so I must employ outsiders for this task.
THE DEATH OF DONNY ZHAO Nor can I offer you any help from the 16K
The Death of Donny Zhao begins with the Triads. My hand must be perceived as invisible
cyberpunks encountering the powerful and as well as inevitable. Aside from this, and the
influential David Wong, who makes them an fact that Zhao’s death must be
offer they can’t refuse. confirmed, you have free rein to execute this
Read the following text to start this adventure.
task as you see fit.’

“David Wong is a distinguished, humorless ‘The job pays 600 000₩. This payment
gentleman in his sixties, wearing an impec- comes with the promise of future employment
cable black suit and tie and sporting stylish within the 16K Triad and my personal endorse-
and simple augmentations. He emerges from ment. These are boons that most in this city
a sleek black limousine flanked by a pair of would kill for.
similarly besuited enforcers. A small fleet of I give you the opportunity to do exactly that.’
black-clad bikers come to a halt around the
car, forming a well-armed cordon around their As well as the monetary rewards, each
leader. cyberpunk involved in Zhao’s assassination gains
4 Street Influence.
‘My name is David Wong, and I am honored to The cyberpunks don’t have time to rest and must
serve as the Dragon Head of the 16K Triad. I act quickly to locate, then kill, Donny Zhao.
have a proposition for such uniquely talented Wong will supply them each with a nanopack and
10 10mm bullets, but nothing else.
individuals as yourselves. Please, step into my Wong, or any suitable contact, can inform them
vehicle. I think you will be most interested in that the Wan Chai run a go-go joint called the
what I have to say.’ Muffin Top Club as a front. A cyberpunk with
connections to the triads will be aware of this
The interior of the limousine is as plush as a fact, too.
high-end hotel suite, with a minibar and sev- This is the best place to start looking for Zhao.
eral holo projectors, currently dark. There is
enough room for the whole crew, plus Wong The cyberpunks can also engage in a set piece
and his two bodyguards. to find out the word on the street about Zhao
and the Wan Chai Warriors. After three failures,
‘Donny Zhao serves as the Red Pole of the they fail to uncover further information. After
Wan Chai Warriors. He has been engaged in a four successes, they learn the following:
rivalry with the Washington Street Boys and
their Red Pole, Jackie Chow. Normally - The Wan Chai Warriors also run the Guang Du

Carbon 2185 | A Cyberpunk RPG 3

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restaurant in District 3. It is a front with an illicit SKILL CHECKS
casino on the lower floor. Donny Zhao has been
known to hang out there. INTIMIDATE (DC12). You shake down some
likely characters in a couple of dive bars. You find
Zhao has a pair of lieutenants. Maggie Yu is the some street rats from gangs affiliated with the
smarter one and handles the gang’s finances. 16K Triads, who tell you what they know.
She was injured in a shootout with the SFPD a
day or two ago and is PERSUASION (DC14).
recuperating at the Muffin Top Club. Woozy Fu You explain to the boss of a triad chop shop that
it would be better for everyone if the triad’s
is Zhao’s top enforcer. rules were maintained. She can give you a few
Zhao isn’t content with being a Red Pole. He has tidbits about the word on the San Francisco
been open among the Wan Chai Warriors about streets.
intention to one day have a ‘seat at the table’ HACKING (DC 14).
You trawl some darknet forums for Wan Chai
with the triads’ leadership. Warriors activity. They’re not skilled at covering
their data tracks and you find a few undeleted
Word on the street is that David Wong isn’t posts that have relevant information.
happy with Zhao’s conduct. Zhao knows this and
isn’t going to make himself easy to punish. STREETWISE (DC 12).
You know the hangouts of the kind of people
who might know something useful. A couple of
minor bribes later and you have a better idea of
the situation on the streets.


You talk your way through an SFPD switchboard
and get through to an officer on the gang intel-
ligence unit. You get some useful information on
the Wan Chai Warriors before he realizes you’re
not who you say you are.

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1. THE BAR Down the stairs is a basement room with a table
covered in blood-spattered plastic sheeting.
“The Muffin Top Club is an establishment in On the table lies a woman in her thirties wearing
District 4 with a neon sign depicting a top- a bloodstained business suit.
less dancing girl with two cupcakes over her She has jet black hair with a white streak. She is
breasts. hooked up to an IV stand and a medical monitor.
Inside, the club is a dingy place with the gloom
This woman is Maggie Yu, one of Zhao’s under-
broken by flickering pink neon. A stage runs
down the center of the room, ending in a lings. She was shot during an SFPD shootout a
steel pole. Opposite the stage is the bar, with day and a half ago.
a cybered-up Chinese bartender carefully A backstreet doctor has performed a hack job
watching the comings and goings. Four other on her and though she is conscious, she is not
customers are lounging in the seats by the mobile and is incapable of defending herself. A
stage, talking and joking. A doorway behind Medicine check (DC 10) identifies a severe pen-
the bar leads to a set of stairs leading to a etrative abdominal gunshot wound. Making her
basement level. well enough to move requires another Medicine
Bassy, throbbing music issues from speakers
beside the stage. A slender young man with check (DC16) and proper medical equipment.
dyed silver hair emerges from between the
curtains, wearing nothing but a white thong. Maggie offers the cyberpunks whatever infor-
The customers cheer as he begins to gyrate mation they ask for if they agree not to hurt her.
around the pole.” She tries to bargain her way up to getting medi-
cal help. Maggie is aware that Donny Zhao hangs
The four customers are Wan Chai Warrior gang- around the Guang Du restaurant, but that he is
sters and the bartender is a gang lieutenant unlikely to be there now since he knows David
named Leung. The dancer, named Henry Yung Wong wants him dead.
(stage name is Chastity), runs as soon as a fight
breaks out. Zhao is trying to leave the city, though he has
The Wan Chai Warriors watching Chastity’s not entrusted Yu with how he intends to achieve
show are quick to notice the cyberpunks if they this. Maggie does know that Zhao used to say if
approach the bar or the stage and recognise the 16K ever turned on him he would go to his
them from the apartment block in Part I. childhood home where he has a stash of emer-
gency money and weapons. Yu doesn’t know
“One of the customers notices you and where this ‘childhood home’ is, although she’s
proclaims ‘These are the pok gai that I saw sure it’s in the city.
head into the apartment the other day!’ while
scrambling drunkenly for his pistol.”

Once Leung and the Wan Chai Warriors in the
club are dealt with, split 900XP between the

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THE GUANG DU RESTAURANT The gangster is Maxie Lo, a gang lieutenant who
serves as the casino’s pit boss.
“An upmarket District 3 neighborhood is
home to the Guang Du restaurant. Maxie Lo is suspicious but polite, and like Chow
The building has a sign with a fearsome Lam does not know that Zhao is on the run
red-painted mask with a black beard. from David Wong. He asks if the cyberpunks
The sound of plucked strings and flutes are members, and if they can provide the name
emanates from the building. Inside, the plush
of someone who can vouch for them. Dropping
red and gold décor is lit by paper lanterns.
About a dozen diners are being served by the David Wong’s name will cause Maxie Lo to wel-
attentive wait staff.” come them to the casino and give them access
to the private rooms if they wish.
The Guang Du is a Wan Chai Warriors front,
and has a casino downstairs, reached via a stair- Alternatively, the cyberpunks can talk their way
way in the kitchen. The head waiter, Chow Lam, past Lo with a Deception (DC 12) or Persuasion
acts as gatekeeper to the casino floor. He is not (DC12) check, or a bribe of at least 5 000₩. If
high up enough in the 16K to know that David the cyberpunks blow these checks and refuse to
Wong is after Donny Zhao. He is ever-smiling leave, or try to strong-arm Maxie, he takes out
and polite and will allow the cyberpunks into the a gun and threatens them. If they don’t run, he
casino floor if they come up with a convincing lie starts shooting while the other gamblers flee.
and pass a Deception check (DC14) or mention
they are there on behalf of David Wong. If the XP.
cyberpunks try to force their way in, Lam flees If the cyberpunks deal with Maxie Lo, either
downstairs and alerts the pit boss, Maxie Lo. through combat or cunning, split 450XP be-
Getting around the back of the restaurant and tween the crew. Once this is done, they can
in through the kitchen requires a Stealth check move freely around the casino.
(DC14), with at least half the group passing the
test to access the casino covertly. The cyberpunks can buy chips and play the
tables if they wish. With a successful Gambling
check (DC 16), they can double their number of
“Downstairs, the casino is a little less plush
than the restaurant but still upmarket in chips. If they fail, they lose half the chips they
appearance. It has a number of roulette and bought. They can do this more than once, but if
card tables, and a barred window with a pretty they win three times, Maxie Lo becomes suspi-
young woman in a red dress taking money cious and asks them to leave under the pretense
and issuing chips. The most private of private that there is a ‘technical problem with their ac-
rooms, presumably for gambling and triad count’. Refusing to do so likely starts a fight.
business, lead off from the casino floor.
Half a dozen gamblers, all older Chinese men,
are busy at the tables, watched over by a burly
triad gangster with tattooed hands in a black
suit. ”

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There are three private areas leading off from The second private room has a pair of elderly
the casino floor. The first is currently being used 16K Triad veterans, Chiang and Ding, playing
by Takiyo Nikolaeva, a geisha in the employ of cards, unless violence has caused them to flee.
the Aizutachi Yakuza. They are both retired from triad activity and
Takiyo is a beautiful, if severe-looking, have the scars, tattoos, and stories to show for it.
woman in a fine silk kimono that conceals a gun They welcome newcomers to their game and
and phase sword. If a fight has broken out, she is are happy to chat about the 16K Triad, though
sheltering here, otherwise she is passing the time they will not betray any current operations or
sipping sake and playing card games. She knows incriminate themselves in specific crimes.
that David Wong is after Zhao and was hoping to They consider the triad an organization that
run into him at the Guang Du so she could offer supports the Chinese community in San
him the protection of the yakuza in return for Francisco and uses illicit means as a necessary
his defection from the triads. evil to acquire the funds for their altruism.
Takiyo will let a cyberpunk into her They see David Wong as a solid but
confidence with a DC14 Persuasion check, and unimaginative leader. They are dismissive of the
reveal that Zhao usually uses the ‘Plum Suite’ street gangs such as the Wan Chai Warriors, and
when at the Guang Du. know little of Donny Zhao, except his reputation
as a bullish young punk.
Takiyo Nikolaeva
medium human (regular joe)
The third private room, the Plum Suite, has dark
Armor Class. 14 (Concealable Vest) purple and gold décor and is currently occupied
Hit Points. 51 (6d10+18) by four Wan Chai Warrior gangsters who are
Speed. 30 ft. unwelcoming to the cyberpunks and will attack
them if given even the slightest reason to.
+1 +2 +3 +2 +0 +3 This room has a card table with three
comfortable chairs and a well stocked drinks
Damage Resistances. DR/2 Ballistic cabinet The cabinet contains various types of
Skills. Persuasion +5, Performance +5 liquor and a lacquered black wooden box con-
Sense. Passive Perception 14 taining three data chips.
Languages. Japanese, Russian, Korean, and They are labelled ‘Zhao Haven,’ ‘Beach,’ and
Challenge. 3 (700 XP) ‘Forest’ in Cantonese.

ACTIONS The chips contain VR programs. ‘Beach’ and

Multiattack. Takiyo makes two attacks with ‘Forest’ are unremarkable relaxation programs
her phase shift sword. putting the user in a quiet natural setting.
Phase Shift Sword. Melee Weapon Attack:
+3 to hit, 5ft reach, one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+1) ‘Zhao Haven’ is a custom recreation of Donny
slashing damage. Zhao’s childhood home.
Heavy Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to These chips can be used to access the programs
hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) in any VR café, or with the use of a personal
ballistic damage. VR set (which costs about 10 000₩). The
programs are sight and sound only, rather than
8 Carbon 2185 | A Cyberpunk RPG
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ZHAO HAVEN virtual camera.

He is animated and self-absorbed as he
“The VR program kicks in, and you find rambles. The impression is of a man trying to get
yourself in the living room of a handsome his thoughts straight by recording them.
house. The furnishings and décor suggest a
mixture of traditional Chinese and
ultramodern influences, with lacquered wood, “ ‘We were rich, once. I was supposed to be
latticework and painted wall scrolls alongside someone. Some big corporate name. But then
sleek electronics. The windows look out onto a father lost his money. They built the damned
blank gray void, suggesting this VR simulation overpass and we got turned out of the house.
is an uncompleted custom job.” When we didn’t have enough money to buy
food, we’d find a couple of credit chips in the
The simulation is a realistic rendering of the two- letterbox. When mother got sick, the triads
story home, which has three spacious bedrooms, gave my brother a job. They looked after us
when he got shot.
a reception room, a living room, a bathroom and
a kitchen. It is clearly the home of a moderately ‘Mother used to say how grateful we should
wealthy family; evidently a couple with two be. But I knew the truth. They were only giv-
children. The simulation only contains the house, ing us what we needed to survive, nothing
and it is not possible to exit through the doors or more. That way, they knew we’d always owe
windows. them. They were training us. Like dogs.

With a Hacking check (DC10), a cyberpunk can ‘The 16K think I am a dog conditioned to be
loyal. A Red Pole who knows his place. But
access the simulation’s architecture. They can
once I’ve taken over two or three gangs, Wong
learn the functions of the simulation and see the will have to give me a seat at the table, or he’ll
“About” file. The functions include the televi- have a war within his own organization. If he
sion in the living room, a ‘memory echo’ function wanted a loyal dog, he shouldn’t have taught
that recreates surface memories scanned from me to bite.’ ”
the user, several music, lightning, and other at-
mospheric settings, and the location of the safe The kitchen is fully appointed but non-function-
in the bedroom (but not the combination – that al, as is the bathroom. The reception room has
requires a separate Hacking check). The About a bookcase with a number of books that, when
file reads ‘Custom recreation of 1091 Hampshire interacted with, open text files. The books are
Street, San Francisco. VR texts on corporate and megacorporate culture,
architecture by SlikkFingaz.’ economics, and finance, and there are more than
a hundred of them.
Searching the living room with a successful The master bedroom contains a ‘memory echo’
Perception check (DC 12) reveals the television of Zhao’s mother. She appears as a stuttering,
is a working function of the simulation. The grainy image of an attractive middle-aged
television plays video logs recorded by Donny Chinese woman with her hair bound up,
Zhao while in the simulation. While most of the wearing a silk dressing gown. She stands
logs have been deleted, but one remains. The pensively by the bedroom window, and says the
video file is of the man talking in Cantonese to a following in Cantonese on repeat:

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showing a Chinese family of a man, woman, and

“ ‘I’m sorry, Donald, darling, but there’s two sons, evidently moderately wealthy and with
nothing we can do. Father’s deals didn’t come
off. It’s... it’s complicated. They’re building the a corporate air. In one of the photographs, posed
freeway and we have to move home. outside the house, a street sign indicates that
We won’t be able to live like we have been. We the house is on Hampshire Street, and the house
will all have to make sacrifices. But it will all be number is 1091.
all right.
You believe your mother, don’t you?’ ” In another, the older son is posing in a baseball
uniform with a bat. In the third, the younger son
An Insight check (DC 10) suggests that the is standing proudly next to Chow Xiang Lu at a
woman is not being truthful, and that she is public event, shaking hands with the beaming
sugar-coating the situation for the benefit of her corporate celebrity.
child. The image stutters, resets, and repeats the
statement over and over again. The real address of Zhao’s childhood home –
1091 Hampshire Street – is essential to finding
One of the single bedrooms has posters of Donny Zhao.
motorcycles, cars, and fighter planes on the
walls. On the window sill is a trophy in the shape If the cyberpunks fail to find this information,
of a baseball player, with the inscription the GM can have the cyberpunks find it
‘Corporate Family League Young Player of The automatically, or can have a glitch appear in the
Year: Reginald Zhao.’ simulation in the form of a flickering black tear
in virtual reality. Inside this glitch are lines of
The second single bedroom has less to suggest metadata that include the About file with the
the character of the occupant. It has a poster of house’s real address, which the cyberpunks can
a handsome, smiling corporate type. The poster read without a test.
is signed ‘To Donny, Become The Dragon! Chow
Xiang Lu.’ A History (DC 10) check lets a
cyberpunk recall that Lu was a senior executive
of Shenzhen Solutions, and was something of
a celebrity until he dropped out of sight eight
years ago in a typical megacorporate reshuffle.

Searching this bedroom reveals, with a

successful perception check (DC 10), a safe
hidden in the floor under the carpet beneath the
bed. This safe is a digital function of the
simulation and requires an input password to
open. The password is ‘Dragon’. After three
incorrect inputs, the locking program deletes
and the safe can only be opened with a Hacking
check (DC 12). Inside is a folder of image files

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Carbon2019 Dragon
2185 Turtle Games
| A Cyberpunk RPGLtd.
炭素 2185
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| サイバーパンクロールプレイングゲーム
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1091 HAMPSHIRE STREET Upstairs is the domain of a crazy conspiracy

theorist, Haywire Jane. This scruffy, wild-eyed
“An overpass has turned this neighborhood woman, with a shock of straw-like blonde hair
into a pit of shadow. Hollow, looted shells of and thick glasses, spends her life bending over a
houses line what was once an affluent street. laptop in the master bedroom. She doesn’t care
Now they are all squats for dropouts, wesleys, much about the wesleys downstairs and takes
and crazies. 1091 hampshire street doesn’t every opportunity to expound on her theories
stand out from the rest. If you didn’t have the
about the secret powers running the world.
address, it would be just another ruin.
She believes that alien reptiles, descendants of
Inside, the house has the same layout as the the Knights Templar, undead Atlantean sorcer-
VR simulation, though anything of value has ers, and omniscient AIs all secretly control the
long since been looted and the décor is hidden megacorps.
in a layer of grime and graffiti. The smell of
stale urine and unwashed bodies hits you. Jane has no intention of fighting and flees at the
first sign of violence, leaving her laptop. She can
‘You ain’t getting my stuff!’ yells a shrill voice be convinced to give a cyberpunk access to the
from the gloom. You see a filthy, haggard man
in rags staring at you through unkempt hair. laptop if they show any interest in hearing about
Other human shapes detach from the heaps her theories. On the laptop, along with thou-
of trash in the house. ‘They want the stash! sands of text and audio files explaining Jane’s
You ain’t getting it! It’s ours! Ours!’ theories, are the recordings from the video
camera downstairs. The recordings are all of the
The squatters at you. One of them is feral, wesleys entering, leaving, and sleeping, but one
loping on all fours, half-naked body distorted shows someone else entering the house.
by stimulant and steroid abuse.”
“A man in a shiny white tracksuit with blue
Four wesleys and one steroid-engorged madman stripes picks his way carefully past the sleeping
(using the gouger statblock) inhabit the house. If wesleys. He looks nervously around, revealing
the steroid beast is killed, the wesleys run shriek- the face of a Chinese man with a scarred lip
ing in fear. Otherwise they are too obsessed with and scalp. He pries a panel away from the wall
protecting their stash to do anything but fight. and removes a suitcase.
An electronic beeping causes the man to
XP. scrabble in his pockets for a smartphone. He
hisses into it, in a whisper just picked up by the
After the squatters are defeated split 750XP camera’s mic. He speaks in English.
between the crew.
‘Can’t talk. I just... yes, fine. Top of Fortune
The lower floor is a filthy wreck choked with Heights, the helipad. I got the cash, just bring
trash. A Perception check (DC 12) turns up a the bird. Gotta go. Be there.’ ”
stash of six Crush doses and a half-bottle of Jim
Diamond in a burned-out oven. A success also This piece of footage is just under two hours old.
allows a character to notice the glint of a tiny A quick search of city information shows that
camera lens in the corner of the living room. Fortune Heights is an apartment block in
District 4.
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FORTUNE HEIGHTS Woozy Fu, a veteran triad member with the stats
of a surviving cyberpunk, is off his head on vari-
“This apartment block is identical to the hun- ous combat drugs and fights to the death or until
dreds of others in the 4 – a concrete stack of Zhao is killed, at which point he collapses into
cramped apartments reaching up towards the a semi-conscious heap. He prefers to fight up
grimy sky. It is twenty stories high with four close, eschewing cover for hand-to-hand vio-
apartments per floor. lence.
The thumping of engines cuts through the
air from above. A twin-rotor aircraft in black
and yellow livery slews around above Fortune There is plenty of cover among the air condition
Height, and makes a landing approach.” units and antennae on the roof, and the cyber-
punks can easily get half cover. The concrete
Fortune heights is 40 stories high. The locks on circle of the helipad, however, is exposed. If a
the front door are broken and it has a working character falls over the edge, they can grab on
elevator that can get the cyberpunks to the roof with an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC 12).
in a couple of minutes. Otherwise, they plummet 40 stories to their
inevitably messy demise.
“You recognize Donny Zhao, clutching a brief-
case to his chest with one hand while toting a The pilot of the aircraft, a street racer named
gun with the other. Voss, has half cover in his cockpit. If he can take
A second triad gangster, this one with shaven off with Zhao on board, he gets out of gun-
scalp and clothes of ripped leather covered in shot range in two rounds of flying. If he hits 0
chains, has a submachine gun in his hands and hit points, he loses control of the helicopter. It
a blade in a scabbard slung over his back. His crashes into the side of Fortune Heights Tower
mouth is flecked with foam and his eyes are and sends shards of engine fan spinning every-
bloodshot. where. It impacts the street below with a roar of
‘Woozy! Kill these idiots!’ yells Zhao. Woozy
tearing metal followed by a blossom of flame as
Fu yells an incomprehensible war cry and
sprays bullets as Zhao runs for cover.” the fuel cells explode. If Zhao is on board, he is
killed in the crash. Otherwise, if Zhao loses his
Zhao, a gang lieutenant, is concerned with get- ride, he tries to flee past the cyberpunks and
ting to the aircraft and escaping. He takes cover into the elevator.
behind an air conditioning unit, which gives him
three-quarters cover. Two rounds into the com- The helicopter itself has an Armor Class of 15,
bat, the aircraft touches down and Zhao uses 100 Hit Points and a Damage Threshold of 5.
his whole turn to sprint for the vehicle, getting
on board next turn. He doesn’t wait for Woozy LOOT.
Fu, whom he considers expendable. Zhao shoots Zhao’s briefcase contains a 50 000₩ credit
at the cyberpunks from the aircraft for the two chip and a pair of heavy pistols.
turns it takes to fly away, but his attacks from
the aircraft have disadvantage. He has half cover XP.
while inside the aircraft. If Zhao and Woozy Fu are defeated, split
1000XP between the crew.

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If Donny Zhao is killed, either in a hail of gunfire
or in the aircraft crash, his body can be
recovered by the 16K Triads and David Wong is
satisfied that the cyberpunks have performed
their task. He has one of his underlings deliver
a data chip with the promised 600 000₩, and
keeps them in mind for further work of this
If Zhao escapes, not only have the cyberpunks
not fulfilled the job they were hired for, but Zhao
has successfully flouted 16K Triad rules and lived.
David Wong can only save his reputation in the
face of such a disaster by eliminating the
offending failures.
The 16K take out a contract on the cyberpunks
to ensure they have failed the Dragon Head for
the last time.

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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Game Content.
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improve- distributed under any version of this License.
ment, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be
recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures,
processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product
Identity and is an enhancement over the
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations permission from the Contributor to do so.
and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity.
(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Con-
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depic- tent due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may
tions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and
not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination
and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the of this License.
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify it-
self or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit,
such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game
Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a no- 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
tice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast,
No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
Content distributed using this License. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your ac-
ceptance of the terms of this License. Chow’s Request, Dragon Turtle Games, the Dragon Turtle Games logo, and
all content herein are copyright Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license Carbon 2185, the Carbon 2185 logo, CarbonRPG, are all copyright The
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Game Con- Marriner-Dodds Company, officially licensed to Dragon Turtle Games Ltd.
tent except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the martial or artwork contain
of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Dragon Turtle
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Games Ltd.
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing

original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the
rights conveyed by this License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE por-
tion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add
the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as
an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not
to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trade-
mark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does
not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of
any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and
interest in and to that Product Identity.

Carbon 2185 | A Cyberpunk RPG 17

炭素 2185 | サイバーパンクロールプレイングゲーム

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