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2 Classic Star Wars

Writing, Art Direction, Preface

Layout Design, & Typesetting I love Star Wars. Unfortunately, like many others
Sidebars Greg Christopher who grew up with the original trilogy, I have been
Sidebars are used this book dismayed by the handling of the brand. There have
to provide non-essential game
been some brights spots. Almost all Star Wars
video games do a decent job. KOTOR is excellent.
Editing & Proofreading
The Mandalorian series is excellent.
Chapter 1: Core Planets However, the only RPG that supports the original
Description of Planets that are trilogy is the D6 version made by West End Games.
found in the Galactic Core. I’m getting tired of playing that game, so I decided
Playtesting to write one myself. I wrote a game that I want to
Ongoing play with my kids and my friends.
Chapter 2: Mid-Rim Planets
As a layout designer, this was a fun project. I don’t
Description of Planets that are have the rights to any of this artwork, but it is
found in the Mid-Rim. Artwork fun to work with the highest quality art. I got to
All of the artwork found in this book is used explore book design elements that I have struggled
without permission. Most of it is copyright and/or to use effectively in the past; sidebars, Traveller
Chapter 3: Outer Rim Planets trademark of Disney/Lucasfilm. style character generation flow, and so on.
Description of Planets that are
I hope you can get some value out of this work. I
found in the Outer Rim.
enjoyed making it. I got to explore some techniques
that I will be using on my own future work on my
Chapter 4: Major Corporation Dedication own intellectual property.

Description of key Corporations This book is dedicated to my wife, Katherine. I love

and what they produce. you very much, darling.

Chapter 5: Sci-Fi Locations

This game is not for sale. The artwork is the
Description of common location legal property of Disney/Lucasfilm. Some of the
types used in science fiction. setting content was copied from the website
Wookiepedia. This game is for personal use only.
Chapter 6: Cultural Practices
Description of cultural practices
used in most of the galaxy.
Classic Star Wars 3

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: This Game Chapter 4: Advanced Technology

How to Play Droids

................ ......... 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Player Skill Vehicle Classes
................ ......... 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Game Structure Other Technologies
................ ......... 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
The game Master
................ ......... 9
Galactic History
................ . . . . . . . . . 10
Life under the Empire
................ . . . . . . . . . 11
Example of Play
Chapter 5: Game Rules
................ . . . . . . . . . 12
When to Use Rules
.................. . . . . . . . 68
.................. . . . . . . . 69
Combat Basics
Chapter 2: Character Design .................. . . . . . . . 72
Combat Actions
.................. . . . . . . . 72
The Creation Process Exploring Sites
...................... . . . 14 .................. . . . . . . . 74
Abilities and Skills The Force
...................... . . . 14 .................. . . . . . . . 75
Ability Descriptions Techniques
...................... . . . 15 .................. . . . . . . . 76
Skill Descriptions Drawing upon the Force
...................... . . . 16 .................. . . . . . . . 77
Species Starship Qualities
...................... . . . 20 .................. . . . . . . . 78
Morality Starship Combat
...................... . . . 21 .................. . . . . . . . 79
Character Creation sequence
...................... . . . 22
Character Paths
...................... . . . 24
Mystery Chart
...................... . . . 42
Chapter 6: Universe Creation

Classic Star Wars

................ . . . . . . . . . 80
The Prequels
Chapter 3: Marketplace ................ . . . . . . . . . 82
The Disney Trilogy
................ . . . . . . . . . 84
Marketplace Other Considerations
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ................ . . . . . . . . . 85
Weight and Speed Using Tropes
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ................ . . . . . . . . . 86
Availability Derived Trops
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ................ . . . . . . . . . 87
Shooting Weapons
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Melee Weapons
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Common Needs
............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4 Classic Star Wars

Chapter 1
This Game

“I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.’
I should think so — in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things!
Make you late for dinner!” - J.R.R Tolkein, The Hobbit

How to Play
There are a number of different ways to think However, the emotional reactions of onlookers will
about how you can play RPGs. We feel that it is very rarely factor into your designs. Whether the crowd
advantageous to use the perspective of roleplaying likes your plan to go up the left side of the field
as a kind of sport. This may not be apparent at has no bearing on whether or not you will take that
first, but if you can conceive of the game as a sport action. You are not playing for the crowd. You are
it may improve your enjoyment. playing for yourself. They are watching because
they know that your clash with the opposition will
A sport is not easy. There are no guarantees. It
be entertaining.
The Core Planets requires dedication and practice. When you walk
The Galaxy is a massive place. out onto that field the first time, nobody expects In a sport, there is no preconceived story to be
The planets described in the you to be perfect. You can set your perfection- told. The referee doesn’t favor a side and there is
sidebars of this chaper are from ist attitude down on the sidelines. Mistakes will no script. They don’t stop play and cancel out one
the Galactic Core, the center of happen and you can lose. of your points because it doesn’t fit the story.
the Milky Way Galaxy.
The true measure of success is how you adapt If exciting events happen that would make a great
The planets listed here are found
inside of the Inner Rim. Most of to the opposition and improve. You are going up story after the fact, that is wonderful. But it is not
them are developed industrial against a living breathing person, not a snippet of the goal of the players to craft a story. It is the goal
planets. Thousands of unnamed computer code or a passage in a book. When you of the players to succeed within the framework of
planets and systems can be take actions, they will adjust their own behavior to the rules.
found within the Inner Rim. compensate. You have to adjust faster and better
They are densely populated, but Entertaining stories are about overcoming great
to win the contest.
are not widely popular in the adversity. Most sports movies are underdog stories,
culture (i.e. open for develop- They prepare for your actions, they remember your not coasting towards your 12th championship. No
ment by the Game Master). prior decisions, and they change. Any plan that you one wants to hear a story of how you steamrolled
The planets listed in this chapter might have will smash headlong into this enemy. over a series of weak teams in opposition. However,
are known to everyone and Your plan must change if you want to be victorious. the story about how you were up against the ropes
serve as a baseline of setting and barely won... that is a story.
In a sport, there are rules. These rules are known
knowledge. Character might
have heard the names of certain ahead of time and familiarity with them is an The character of Rocky Balboa is an American icon.
less important planets, but not important part of playing the game. There is one His character arc is simple. He is challenged to a
know where they are. In the person in particular who must be very familiar with fight that he will almost certainly lose. He trains
same way that most people the rules because they must make the hard calls very very hard and in the end, he prevents his
know where New York City is, (like a referee). opponent from getting a knock-out. Technically,
but not the location of Syracuse Rocky loses the fight on points. However, he wins a
or Albany. Rules can be nuanced. If someone picks up the ball
moral victory of endurance and dedication.
with their hands in soccer, they will be penalized.
In general, this set of known
However, this is not true if they are the goalie or To play RPGs, you should learn to think like a player
planets should not be adventure
locations as much as places to performing a throw-in. This complex mix of rules engaged in a sport. The outcome of the game is a
regroup. We strongly encourage and procedures creates a field of potential actions measure of your skill. Don’t focus on your failures
the Game Master to send you by the players. or agonize over defeats. Those things will happen.
to new planets or systems and What matters is how you respond to them and what
to use these known locations When you are playing a sport, you do not have a
you do to turn things around. A winning season is
for rest and resupply. If you do narrative in place about how the game will play
the result of practice, skill and dedication, not luck.
receive a quest from an NPC out. You may have a plan or strategy. You may have
to go to one of these planets, complex intentions. You may favor a drive up the
it should be for an important left side of the field because you feel that is where
encounter. These planets are Chance favors the prepared mind.
the opposition is weakest, then you will try to move
major anchors of the setting. to the center of the field to score.
Classic Star Wars 5

The Game Master

One person in your group will be the Game Master. Damage, hardship, and death is a part of the game.
In a sense, they are the designer of this sport you It is important to accept death as a possibility.
are playing. They create the playing field, define its Don’t waste time lamenting this fact and don’t
shape, draw lines across it, and cover it with grass. become emotionally attached to your character. No
They place the opposing forces out there and one should feel bad about the loss of a character;
scatter rewards around for you to find. They create not you and especially not the Game Master. This is
the universe in which you play the game. a game, not psychotherapy.
Once play begins, the Game Master becomes more Objectives
of a referee. They are responsible for knowing and
The Game Master has designed the game universe
fairly adjudicating the rules. At times, they must be
to be interesting. Your first objective is to explore
prepared to apply their own judgment to unusual
that universe. If you don’t want to explore the uni- Alderaan
circumstances that arise.
verse, don’t play. Read a book, play a video game, or Alderaan is a peaceful terrestial
The Game Master should NOT be highly invested curl up with your lover. Your character has given up planet within the Core Worlds.
in the success or failure of their creations. When a normal life, purchased equipment, and prepared It is almost entirely populated
the players overcome a challenge, the Game Master their soul to face mortal danger. They are ready by humans. The population is
should be happy for them. They are not rooting for to go out and discover new planets, pursue great resentful of Imperial rule and
held down by a brutal Governor.
a particular team in this contest. The great joy of wealth and power, and retire in splendor. If you are
being the Game Master is seeing how the players not ready to guide them, do something else. The planet has large oceans and
choose to interact with your creation. It is NOT in very strong tectonics, resulting
We don’t say that to be cruel, but to force you in tall mountain ranges. Almost
taking an active role in shaping the character’s
to grapple with what you came here to do. Your all weaponry is restricted and
decisions. Do not rob them of their agency.
character is here to explore. Don’t be timid about this makes it an excellent
it. Don’t come up with plans to set up your own neutral ground for negotiations
Player Characters between two hostile forces.
factory on Tatooine and manufacture a new type
Each player will have their own character in the
of landspeeder. Don’t hide in the safety of known Alderaanians are well known
game. These are called player characters to dis-
locations. Get out there and grab the bull by the for their dedication to pacifism.
tinguish them from the multitude of non-player
horns! Carpe Diem! Even in times of war, they have
characters (NPCs) that inhabit the world which are shunned weapons. Instead, its
under the Game Master’s control. With that in mind, the second objective of the people are encouraged to learn
game is to survive. As we just discussed, the risk of and grow. All education was
The player character is your avatar in the game
death is very real. You have to weigh every decision free, and people would volun-
world. The Game Master will tailor what they tell teer to teach various skills or
that you make in relation to the odds of survival.
you about your surroundings through the lens of crafts just for fun. The planet
Is drinking this unknown liquid worth it? Can we
that character. They will tell you what the charac- is known for quality universities
really defeat this enemy or should we retreat back
ter remembers about a particular subject, what and technical programs.
to a safe location? Am I prepared to live with the
they see through the fog, and how things taste or
consequences of my actions here? These are tough Alderaan’s economy is based on
sound. There are a multitude of game mechanics agriculture or herding (wine,
questions to answer.
that support your character. They provide a basis wheat, apples, corn, cheese,
for the Game Master to determine what you know, The Game Master doesn’t want to kill you. They olives, eggs, and poultry) and
what you see, and what you can do. also want you to survive. But their job is to deter- mining for dense metals deep
mine what is likely to happen as a result of your within the planet’s mountain
You will go through a character creation process ranges.
behavior, not what they would like to happen.
to create your specific character. This is a journey
through many years over which their nature is If you challenge a Wookie to a bare-knuckled brawl, The majority of the population
is contained within three major
revealed. It is described in detail in the next chapter the Game Master might want you to win. But they
urban areas near the equator,
and each character is unique in their own special also know that you are unlikely to do so. They will each with a spaceport capable
way as a result. However, keep in mind... give you a chance and let you roll some dice, but if of servicing ships as large as
the Wookie rips you apart then that is a result of corvettes. Smaller settlements
Mortality your decisions, not the Game Master’s fault. Their are scattered in other regions,
Characters can die. They can die in many different world must provide a challenge or else overcoming accessible by repulsorlift craft.
ways. They can be crushed by fallen stone, stabbed those challenges wouldn’t be satisfying. The planet is traditionally ruled
to death by their enemies, eaten by monstrous by a monarch. This monarch
It might feel good to eat a roast beef sandwich, but
beasts, blasted by explosives, or even poisoned by is seen as an advocate for the
it is not a challenge. Hunting down and killing your
someone they trusted. It is a dangerous universe planet when interacting with
own dinner might not taste quite as good, but the the Imperial Governor.
out there!
fact that you were able to acquire it is extremely
Characters begin play having already experienced rewarding. If you want someone to make the sand- Alderaan will be destroyed in the
wich for you, go play video games. Civil War by the Death Star and
life to a degree. They have a bit of competence and unavailable in later timelines.
experience. They will learn and grow as you take
This game is not for the weak. You will need to dig
actions in the world. Eventually, they will die.
deep and bring your best to the table. If you are
ready to take an active role, welcome to the table.
6 Classic Star Wars

Player Skill
Your character has various capabilities, as defined
by the game rules. They are good at some things
and bad at others. But what are your capabilities? Divergent Thinking
You... the person reading this right now.
Divergent thinking is the ability to see many uses
There are several ways to conceptualize your own for a single object. The classic example is “how
capacity to play the game. Over time, you can many uses can you think of for a paper clip?” When
improve on these skills and get better at achieving we are young, we have very high capacity for this
the objectives of the game. Your characters will live kind of thinking. As we age, we become more rigid.
longer, become more experienced, and grow more
You must stop destroying this skill and instead
powerful. If you neglect these skills, you will find it
begin nurturing it again. Let’s imagine that your
very hard to survive (even with a highly competent
character has a light aluminum tube around 2 feet
long, 3 candles that smell like flower, a comlink, a
Byss recording device, 2 lbs. of red alien honeycomb, a
Byss is a recently discovered Know Thyself
distress flare, and some tasty dried walnuts. What
planet in the Deep Core, near You don’t have to memorize your character’s sta- can you do with that? A child could come up with
the center of the galaxy. It is not tistical information. It will be recorded on your an endless list of possibilities. Can you?
found on most star charts. The character sheet. However, you should be very famil-
Emperor has claimed the world iar with your character’s capabilities and always In a video game, you might find a welding kit.
as his personal home. When you go to the right spot, the game will let
looking for an opportunity to use them. If your
From space, Byss appears to be character excels at theivery and carries a security you choose to use the welding kit to unlock a way
a beautiful blue-green terrestial kit for disarming locks, be prepared to step forward forward into a new area. Then the welding kit is set
world. However, the Emperor’s when a locked door or container is discovered. If aside and you move on.
dark-side energies have bled you are a strong melee fighter, place yourself in
into everything, corrupting not In a roleplaying game, you can do almost anything.
front of weaker combatants when a fight breaks
only the inhabitants, but the You can take that welding kit and start making
planet itself. out. If you have an incindiary grenade, pull it out
your own ladder to get up on a building. You can
when you see a cluster of fuel tanks behind the
What was once a lush planet of use it to melt down metallic equipment you don’t
enemy position. Don’t let the grenade sit unused
rainforests, jungles, savannah, need and shape it into new objects. You can cut
in the bottom of your backpack throughout the
and grasslands has been twisted doors off their hinges. You can use the welding kit
entire session.
into a dark shadow of its former to threaten someone you have taken prisoner. The
self. The animals have become When you make your character, you will make possibilities are nedless.
larger, more aggressive, and will some choices and others will occur randomly. As a
attack others on sight. Even the As in the real world, necessity is the mother of
result, there will be areas of expertise where your
plants are dangerous, the planet invention. What will your character create? What
is now thick with giant fly traps character excels. When you encounter a problem
will they do? What problem will they solve with a
and huge pitcher plants capable in the game, immediately think about those capa-
sack full of dirt, a half burnt piece of bread, and a
of capturing and consuming an bilities and how your character might have to solve
fist-sized rock? Only you can provide the answer.
unsuspecting adult human. the problem. If you know that you lack skill in a
Think divergently!
certain area, step aside to give another player’s
The planet is orbited by five
natural moons, which have little character a chance to shine.
influence on its tides. It is also
protected by a space platform
with a vast TIE complement and
several Star Destroyers. The
platform constantly monitors
traffic around the planet. The
planet itself is surrounded by a
planetary shield controlled from
the platform.
The Emperor has constructed a
towering Citadel on the planet,
defended by four Legions of his
best soldiers. This is the only
modern structure on the planet.
Rumors persist that Byss is a
focal point of Force energy and
that ancient civilizations trying
to tap into that energy left
behind ruins lost to time in the
dense foliage. Whether there is
truth to these rumors is known
only to the Emperor and his elite
staff of protectors that live in
the Citadel.
Classic Star Wars 7

Quick Thinking
The game moves at a fast pace. Many items are The other characters exist for a reason. Learn to
consuming fuel or battery power. Magazines only integrate your style with theirs. For example, one
hold so many bullets. Footsteps are coming down of the other characters might be an academic who
the hallway. Time is limited and you need to make excels at computer programming. If you pickpocket
decisions under pressure. Some people excel at a code cylinder from an Imperial officer, you could
this naturally, while others struggle. If you strug- give it to that character to hack into and discover
gle, here are some tips for improvement. the codes that would give you access to the secure
areas of the Imperial base.
First, take a step back and breathe. You can’t make
a decision while your heart is racing and expect Don’t try to do everything on your own. Think like
great results. Think divergently for a few moments, a team. Work as a team. Carida
but don’t allow yourself to get lost in the details. Carida is a mostly barren planet
Make the best choice you can from limited options. Play in Character on the edge of the Galactic Core.
It has large salty oceans filled
You don’t have to talk in a funny voice or make with primitive single-cell plant
Accept that you might make a mistake, but know
grandiose hand gestures to be in-character. This life. This provides a breathable
that making mistakes is inevitable. Don’t beat your-
is not an acting class. You just have to get inside atmosphere. It is populated by
self up over the eventual decision. You don’t have
that imaginary skull. You have to think from the humans.
to be perfect. Make a choice and move on. Time
perspective of the game world.
is too precious to burn in the agony of indecision. Carida has a binary star system,
Try not to talk in 3rd person or in the future tense. which creates a near continous
Evaluation Tell the Game Master exactly what you are doing at day that stretches on forever.
Nights occur on Carida for only
When you are no longer under time pressure, you that moment in 1st person. Don’t just control or
about 3 weeks every year, for
can indulge in reasoned analysis. First, learn to manipulate the character. Be the character. only about six hours. These are
identify problems clearly. Don’t focus on just the seen as festival or holiday times
For example, let’s assume the Game Master has
immediate situation, try to see the bigger picture. by the locals.
just described a room with a desk in the center.
If you focus too narrowly, you may miss something.
Carida is the home planet of the
Try to come up with at least three different ways to Don’t say “Are there any hidden compartments in Emperor. He made his personal
solve the problem. Weigh the options and make an the desk?” The Game Master cannot answer that fortune mining the mountains
informed decision. question because your character hasn’t taken any for rare metals, before going
action towards learning the answer. into galactic politics. Before the
For example, let’s say you find a locked door. After
Empire, the population was very
a bad die roll, your party’s best lockpicker damages Instead, say something like “I go up to the desk small and isolated.
the lock. It can’t be picked again. Reframe the and examine it closely. I want to look for anything
problem. The door may be locked, but that doesn’t unusual about it. Do I see any buttons?” Talking Carida is now the homeworld of
mean the only way forward is to unlock it. The first the Imperial military complex.
like that is how you can truly get in-character.
The Carida Academy trains the
thing that might spring to mind is to kick it down.
officer corps of all four major
Social Grace branches of service; Army, Navy,
However, is that really the best course of action? It
will be loud and could attract nearby enemies. One Finally, it must be remembered that you are not Intelligence, & Stormtroopers.
of your companions offers up a breaching charge, the only person at the table. Don’t talk over other It is also home to the largest
people or try to monopolize the Game Master’s Imperial Navy Yard in the galaxy,
but that will create a loud explosion. which continously trains TIE
attention. Don’t dismiss the ideas of other players
After taking a moment to assess the situation, you pilots on combat tactics.
without adequate consideration. Listen to what
remember that you have a cutting torch. It can everyone at the table is saying and be a team player. The long days are perfect for
burn through the lock without making as much combat training. Nearly a
noise. You found the cutting torch in one of the Remember that your character’s personality is quarter of the planet is used as
rooms that you explored earlier that night. Thank- determined by you, not their game statistics. Your a Live Fire area for exercises and
fully, you grabbed it instead of leaving it behind. character is not an asshole just because they have wargames. The barren surface
a low Social ability. Don’t engage in treason against is pockmarked with an almost
You could use the torch to melt the lock quietly the team with the justification of “well, that is what infinite number of blast craters.
without attracting attention. By deciding to use my character would do.” The Live Fire area is a graveyard
the torch, you save the breaching charge and you of Imperial equipment. Partially
avoided attracting attention from nearby foes. If a dispute arise in the game, allow the Game
destroyed walkers, vehicles,
Impatience may have led you down the wrong path Master to make a ruling. If you disagree with and other debris can be found
and resulted in unnecessary hardship. their decision, bring it up after the game. Don’t all over the place. Mines have
consume valuable time at the table with your indi- been used extensively and the
Combination vidual needs. This is a group activity, after all. If you danger of unexploded ordinance
cannot reach an equitable solution later through is a major problem. Only a fool
Do not limit your thoughts to only your abilities. would try to infiltrate the planet
discussion, then express your position and bow out
Get to know the strengths of your companions and to scavenge, so the equipment
party members. Try to discover ways in which your continues to pile up.
strengths can be combined to even greater effect.
You are not a rock that has to stand alone.
8 Classic Star Wars

Game Structure
A roleplaying game is difficult to describe because
it happens on a multitude of levels and it can
change significantly within a short period of time.
However, it is important to think about the nature
of play, both as a player and as a Game Master. We
are going to discuss the flow of the game on three
distinctive levels of choice; campaigns, adventures,
and encounters.

A campaign is the life of your party. It begins from
the moment that the player characters decide to
Corellia work together and it ends the moment that they
disband or retire. Ideally, the flow and tempo of
Corellia was a temperate planet
covered in forests, jungles, and the campaign should be dictated by the will of the
urban centers. The surface is players.
covered with numerous lakes
The Game Master might present you with a broad
instead of large oceans. It has
evolved now into a mostly map of the galaxy and the player collectively decide
urbanized planet home to to go to a particular planet. Within that planet,
large shipyards. The planet has the players decide where to go and what goals to
two moons, both of which are pursue. The role of the Game Master is to provide
barren and undeveloped. meaningful options at this level. This is hard
because no Game Master wants to design three Encounters
Corellia played a key role in
the expansion of civilization. different regions and then have the players choose The encounter is an even smaller chunk of play
It’s people charted new hyper- one. This is a part of the game where prepared that represents one of the many smaller steps in
space routes and settled many modules can help. an adventure. Going after one of the Governor’s
new planets. In the later years subordinates might be an encounter.
of Republic rule, it’s role was If the Game Master is not able to provide this kind
diminished and power shifted to of choice, then you can abandon the campaign The encounter is the basic building block of play.
younger, more vibrant planets. level and follow a series of prepared adventures. The Game Master will use encounters to craft their
The once influential world However, be aware of the choice that is being lost. adventures and campaigns. They are pulled from
gained a reputation of being a You are following a path, not forging your own. the imagination of the Game Master or included in
polluted planet with extensive source material the Game Master is using to run
poverty and crime. With its Adventures the game. We use the word encounter to describe a
importance in galactic affairs
reduced, Corellia is nonetheless An adventure is a segment of gameplay with a game scene with options for player agency.
a key planet in the Empire. clear overarching goal, a variety of paths to achieve
An encounter is a framed interaction with specific
that goal, and a certain level of commitment from
The planet is circled by orbital characters. They are typically constructed in a
the players. Some players prefer to borrow from
shipyards used to build giant memorable way that is easy to recount later, similar
capital ships. Space traffic is the video game lexicon and use the word “quest”.
to a scene in a movie. Hey, do you remember the
highly regulated to maintain Unfortunately, that implies a fairly linear plot struc-
time when we ambushed those stormtroopers in
security and avoid collissions. ture and we try to avoid that in our design work.
that alley on Jedha?
The surface is covered with
factories that manufacture the For example, your characters might discover a
However, an encounter must also have opportunity
starship parts that are lifted planet where a corrupt Imperial Governor rules
for player agency. Agency is your ability to make
up to the orbital shipyards and with brutality. You cannot simply walk into the
meaningful choices for your character. To stick
installed in the new hulls. Governor’s residence and kill them, as they are too
with our Jedha example; the Stormtroopers do not
powerful. You must first figure out a weak point.
Corellia’s massive shipyards are appear right next to the party. They are spotted at
used to build TIE fighters and So you root out the Governor’s many subordinates
a distance and this allows time to make decisions
Star Destroyers for the Empire. and defeat them. As you defeat them, you gain
about fighting, retreating, offering parley, or a
The Empire brought in a lot of money and equipment for yourself. Eventually, you
host of other actions by the player.
forced and indentured labor, can directly challenge the Governor. With a lot of
which fueled an underground work and a little luck, you can remove him from From a certain perspective, some of the relevant
criminal economy. The planet power. This would be a grand adventure. choices have already been made. For example, the
is now dominated by a number distance at which they are spotted may depend on
of violent gangs that don’t hes- In the context of a campaign, this Governor could
a skill roll. The odds of success on such a roll are
itate to take advantage of the be someone that the players heard rumors about
workers living on the planet. strongly tied to your choices at character creation
and decided to pursue. At any time, the players
and how you described going down the road.
Corellia is also well known for could decide to cut their losses and retreat to
excellent repair facilities and pursue other options. This adventure is merely one However, those are just a few choices in a stream of
docking services. It is also a tributary in a flowing river of choice. decisions that are made in every encounter.
major trading hub. If you have
money to spend, visit Corellia.
Classic Star Wars 9

The Game Master

The Game Master is responsible for a lot of things. Furthermore, you want to provide clues to the
We are going to categorize their responsibilities players about where they can use their abilities.
into three general groups; creation, description, Don’t just focus on a single plot line where you
and adjudication. really want them to go. The game is all about
choice and you need to provide the players with the
Creation opportunity to make those choices.
The first task that falls within your responsibility
Whatever you describe to the players becomes
is to create the galaxy around the players. The
their menu of options. Don’t just describe one or
degree to which you do this is dependent upon the
two buildings. Describe a important buildings if
scope of your campaign. In general, we encourage
you want, but also throw in a shady character that
greater freedom of movement for the players. This
might be an underworld contact. Talk about how
entails a larger and more detailed galaxy. If you lack
there is a cluster of huts higher up on the slope
the time or focus to create something large, you Coruscant
that appears to be the home of a different species
are free to limit the scope. Just know that doing
of mine worker. Give the players a diverse menu of Although debated by historians,
this removes options for the players. Coruscant is widely believed to
options to choose from.
At a bare minimum, your players will need one be the original homeworld of
Finally, as the characters move around the village it humanity. It is an entirely urban
location to explore. Such locations are often called
is important to take the time to describe the world planet with towering skyscrap-
dungeons, whether they fit the classic definition or ers and a cosmopolitan culture.
around them. You can describe the craggy nature
not. A dungeon contains various interactive game Coruscant has a population of
of the land around the town, the crisp the moun-
elements; items, traps, enemies, nonplayer charac- approximately one trillion souls;
tain air in their lungs, or the crunch of snow under-
ters, and so on. a vast array of both humanoid
foot. Provide the players with sensory information
and alien species.
If you intend for the game to continue for more on the environment so they become immersed in
than a few hours of play, the characters will also the setting. Coruscant’s strategic location
need a location where they can safely rest and at the end of several major trade
Remember that you don’t want to go overboard routes enabled it to grow in
recover from their ordeals, sell excess equipment,
with any of these elements. Don’t focus on one to power and influence, causing
and make preparations for the future. This might the city-planet to surpass its
the exclusion of the rest. Keep it balanced.
be a city, a farming settlement, a space station, a early rivals and become the hub
capital ship, or anything in between. Adjudication of galactic culture, education,
finance, fine arts, politics and
With these two simple elements, you can go a long As the Judge, it is also your responsibility to be technology. It is currently the
way. A lot of the galaxy building concept is about familiar with the rules. Whenever there is a dis- official capital of the Galactic
keeping those ideas fresh. The bottom line is that agreement about what a rule means or a subject Empire, although the Emperor
your job is to fill the galaxy with lots of interesting that falls outside of the scope of this text, you are resides on Byss.
locations and interesting people. There are a wide the final arbiter. Be patient, fair, and try to honestly
Coruscant houses key Imperial
variety of ways to do that. consider things from the player’s point of view. offices and the headquarters of
We cannot teach you good judgement, you must many major corporations. The
Description planet’s extensive skylanes are
find that on your own. Do your best and people will
After you create the galaxy and drop the players packed with the air-traffic of
respect the effort. airspeeders using an auto-nav-
inside of it, you must describe to them what they
find. Everything that the players know about the igation system that moves the
Using Adventure Hooks speeders along preprogrammed
world comes from you. You must be prepared for
The galaxy is packed with different factions vying routes. As such crashes were
them to ask surprising questions. Answer as best extremely rare.
for power. Even the Galactic Empire is not a single
you can and feel free to take a moment to think
coherent entity. It is composed of various planetary At ground level, in the shadows
about them before doing so. Maintaining consis-
Governors and Moffs, the Navy, the Army, various of skyscrapers, is a home for the
tency is important, but so is keeping your prior
Intelligence Services, the Emperor himself, and so planet’s blue collar working pop-
descriptions in mind.
on. Various criminal organizations, species groups, ulation. Many live in the various
There are three things you want to accomplish trading organizations, mercenary groups, small housing blocks of the surface
with your descriptions; direction, opportunity, and colonies, independent planets, and other factions structures in relative comfort.
immersion. At the very beginning of the game, exist both in and outside of the Empire’s reach. Below the housing blocks and
you might describe how the party just arrived in These factions have their own goals and objectives surface levels is the Coruscant
a small mining settlement where the people are and may draw the players into their schemes. underworld. The underworld is
out of work because some large predator has crept home to millions of the planet’s
When you have an NPC approach the characters population who were too poor
into the nearby mine. Resist the urge to bury the
asking for help, this is an adventure hook. This is a to move upward or were hiding
lead. Don’t force the players to interrogate every-
good way to get the players moving if they get stuck from the attentions of the
one in town. Provide the kind of information that authorities. The citizens who
and don’t know how to proceed. Hooks can come
will direct them towards what you want them to lived here rarely if ever during
in the guise of heroic quests, bounty hunting, sab-
discover. On the other extreme, don’t require them their lifetime saw the surface
otage or espionage, smuggling runs, explorations
to follow every lead you dangle in front of them. of the planet. They carry on
of new planets, or even petty thievery. As they help their lives at the mercy of the
They need to make their own choices about how
out a faction, their reputation will expand and you violence, decay, and constant
to proceed.
can give them more important or dangerous tasks. threat of death.
10 Classic Star Wars

Galactic History
For at least a thousand years, the majority of the When the Emperor wants to deal with a specific
galaxy was governed by the Galactic Republic. problem, he appoints a Grand Moff. They are
The Republic was governed by a Senate, led by an placed in command of a powerful strike force of
elected Supreme Chancellor. Almost all conflicts the largest and best equipped Star Destroyers, up
were resolved via diplomacy and when violence did to a dozen Legions, and have the power to overrule
erupt, it was stopped by an order of knights called anyone in the galaxy save the Emperor himself.
the Jedi Order.
This security apparatus has allowed the Empire
The Clone Wars to effectively maintain order over thousands of
worlds. They have driven pirates completely out of
Genetic cloning was a known technology for many
the Core Worlds and they are putting enormous
centuries, but Kamino, a small planet in the Outer
pressure on the Mid-Rim to bend the knee.
Rim, developed a vat-grown process that rapidly
Devaron reduced development time for the cloned life form. While the Empire turns a blind eye to various civil
This allowed them to very quickly raise huge armies rights abuses, it still maintains a high standard of
Devaron is a heavily forested
temperate planet. Many rivers of soldiers. This posed a threat to the peace secured conduct in comparison to the Republic. Corruption
and valleys cut down through by the Jedi and this conflict led to a series of wars. is minimal, as it is considered stealing from the
the mountainous landscape. Emperor himself and thus punishable by death.
During these Clone Wars, the Jedi Order was over-
The planet’s ecological balance
has been maintained by the whelmed and largely annihilated. As their numbers Most citizens believe that the Empire, while not
natives for generations. It is the fell, they were supplemented by a growing number the best option, is a far better government than
homeworld of the Devaronian of trained infantry from the planet of Carida, the the Old Republic that allowed anarchy and chaos to
species. homeworld of the reigning Supreme Chancellor; flourish without consequence.
Senator Palpatine. These soldiers were loyal to
Sparsely populated areas are
allowed to thrive in their natural their home planet, not the Jedi Order. The Fate of the Jedi
state, without the urbanization The Jedi continued to weaken until a tipping point Unknown to the general public, the newly crowned
or industrialization that has
was reached where Senator Palpatine was able to Emperor was secretly a powerful Sith Lord. He
come to dominate portions of used his new position to empower his apprentice,
the planet. seize control of the Republic via a bloodless coup,
offering the people an end to the war. Shortly after Darth Vader, to hunt down and exterminate the
The jungles of Devaron are taking power, his army was able capture Kamino last of the Jedi Order. A handful of Jedi are believed
notable for their thick tangles and permanently destroy the cloning vats. Cloning to still exist, but they are so well hidden that they
of vines that spread across the
technologies were outlawed. are likely to die in hermitage. The Jedi’s teachings
landscape. Arching over entire have been purged from the public record. To most
jungles, the vines would utilized citizens, the Jedi are a rumor on the wind. They are
as walkways and bridges, as Formation of the Galactic Empire
the myths of the past, no longer a reality.
they linked hills and spanned With the external threats now removed, Palpatine
valleys. Wildlife valued the unveiled a new plan for the maintenance of peace; a
shelter provided by the vines,
The Civil War
Galactic Empire. Local planetary governance would
and the biosphere of Devaron largely remain unchanged. Many elements of the The Empire stood unchallenged until numerous
was rich with animals and crea-
Old Republic would remain in place, such as trade insurgent cells united to form the Alliance to
tures of all shapes and sizes. Restore the Republic in 2 BBY (Before the Battle
regulations and currency controls. Old Republic
Devaronians often serve as credits were converted directly into new Imperial of Yavin). A civil war was sparked by the theft of
hyperspace scouts and can credits, without a loss of value. the Death Star plans on Scarif which, in turn, led
easily find employment in the to the destruction of the Empire’s superweapon at
field of interstellar travel. They However, to secure the peace, each planet was the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY.
were responsible for colonizing assigned an Imperial Governor. This governor
numerous worlds under the Old would control a number of Imperial Legions on the The following years saw initial Alliance successes
Republic. ground, some Capital Ships in orbit, and maintain until a major Imperial victory on Hoth in 3 ABY,
a Commisary office to ensure compliance with all only to suffer a devastating defeat a year later at
Spaceports are available in the
many settled regions of the Imperial dictates. The Governor has the power to the Battle of Endor. During the battle, Emperor
planet, with each containing a selectively super-cede local law as necessary to Palpatine was slain at the hands of his apprentice
plaza called the Point of Parting uphold Imperial law. Darth Vader, who also died shortly after turning
where families bid farewell to against his master.
the explorers leaving the planet. Clusters of planets were organized into sectors,
over which a Moff was appointed. Moffs are given Your Heroes
The reigning Imperial governor
is known for going on extrava- access to Imperial Star Destroyers, at least five As previously stated, we recommend that game-
gant wildlife hunts, as well as legions of troops, and a full compliment of support play take place in the years just before the Civil War.
denying the natives the ability craft. Without their own planet to govern, a Moff The Old Republic is gone. The Clone Wars are over.
to grow their own food. They often becomes an inquisitorial force and is always The Empire should be powerful and ascendant.
have also interferred with local sniffing around for an excuse to intervene. Their The Rebellion / Resistance should be weak and in
communications and banking. rule is absolute and deadly. They will extermine hiding, if it exists at all. There are no Jedi.
This is all a part of an Imperial any individual or organization without hesitation if
policy to encourage the Devaro- This gives you room to write your own narrative,
they feel it is necessary to fulfill the mandate given
nians to migrate off-world. without the constraints of the movie plots.
to them by the Emperor.
Classic Star Wars 11

Life Under the Empire

The vast unsettled nature of the Universe makes The Jedi
it a security nightmare. Pirates, thieves, and other The Empire and Darth Vader have hunted the Jedi
scoundrels move about with ease on powerful to near extinction. As far as the average citizen is
starships. Self-interested independent planets are concerned, there are zero Jedi. Even a determined
not much better, taxing and abusing outsiders arbi- researcher would have a hard time finding any
trarily. The Galactic Empire is seem by many as a information on the Jedi of the Old Republic. If the
solution, not a problem. players go to Dagobah or Tatooine trying to find
The Empire should be ubiquitous, powerful and Yoda or Obi-Wan, they will find an endless wilder-
overwhelming in the Core Worlds. Every single Core ness and no hidden Jedi.
World, even those not described in this chapter, are Jedi artifacts should be rare and valuable to the
defended by mid-size Capital Ships. Dreadnaughts point that just fencing them would be danger-
and Cruisers provide strength and firepower while ous and draw unwanted attention. If the players
Corvettes and Frigates have the speed to pursue Duro
encounter a true Force user, it should be crucial
escapees. TIE Fighters descend upon hostile ships to the story that is developing and they should not Duro is a temperate planet that
in great unstoppable swarms. is the homeworld of the Duros
be a Jedi. They should not be used to simply rescue
species. As one of the first cul-
The identification checks, cargo searches, and the players from danger via Deus Ex Machina. tures to develop hyperdrives,
criminal detentions that some see as oppressive The game mechanics are set up so that any player Duros have explored all over
is the security guarantee that the Empire offers the galaxy and are described as
characters with Force powers will take a very long
to the majority of humanity, which is contained adventurous.
time to mature. Any attempt to accelerate this
within this region. Out of this pain and oppression, should bring in the influence of the Dark Side, The economy is mixed. Duro
the Empire creates a pocket of peace where trade which should be more common than the Light. is reknown for quality agricul-
and commerce can take place. tural products like fiber cakes,
seaweed, potatoes, and various
As you drift out further from the Core, Imperial Good and Evil
grains. They also maintain large
influence wanes. As a result, security declines It it natural to see the Empire as an evil force. There cattle herds and sell the excess
except in areas where independent planets or is great evil found in the Emperor and Darth Vader. milk/meat. Fishing is a major
corporations create their own pockets of peace. There is a mundane evil in the Imperial official or economic force, with Duros
However, even in the far Outer Rim, there could soldier who enforces unjust laws. However, it is traders shipping preserved fish
still be an Imperial outpost, research station, secret important to consider the situation. throughout the galaxy. There
is also a thriving small vehicle
facility, and or similar location.
Most citizens are going to compare Imperial rule to manufacturing center housed
The massive Star Destroyers and their Storm- its alternatives; the ungoverned chaos of the Outer in an orbital space station that
trooper compliments are really only deployed to Rim, the criminal exploitation of the Hutts, space circles the planet. Many swoops
lanes vulnerable to pirate attack, and so on. While and speeders are built there.
defend vital worlds (such as Coruscant) or as part
of a Grand Moff’s task group to initiate military the Empire may be an evil, it is holding back far However, manufacturing droids
conflict. They represent the maximum strength of greater evils. The freedom to express your mind is is the primary industry of
the Empire in fully array. great, when the Sand People are not killing your Duros. They specialize in First
family and burning your moisture farm. To stop Degree labor droids, producing
The player characters will generally not pose a large such threats, you need a powerful government. the vast majority of units in
enough threat to the Empire to warrant such an operation galaxy-wide. Duros
encounter. Having a Grand Moff assigned to hunt There is a book from the 17th century by Thomas also pioneered the use of droids
down the characters should be reserved for late in Hobbes called Leviathan. Hobbes argued that the for astromech calculations by
chaos of the world dictates the creation of a strong starships, producing a large
the campaign. Resist the urge to jump into a full
numbers of Second Degree
blown movie re-enactment. The characters should government to hold back the chaos, a Leviathan
astromech droids.
interact with local police, Imperial Army and Navy with immense power. Individual liberty is useful
personnel first (on medium-sized ships), before only to the extent that it does not interfere. It may Duros resisted Imperial rule
bringing in the big guns. be helpful to brush up on this philosophy and use when it was first imposed.
it as a guide for how you see the Galactic Empire. The Empire chose to make an
Despite the memes, we strongly urge you to resist example of one of Duro’s largest
the trope of Stormtroopers lacking accuracy in cities, reducing it to ash and
their shots. Encountering the Imperial military killed the population. Within a
few days, Duro surrendered.
should be terrifying and dangerous, not comical.
Only a few rare worlds have local military that is The Imperial Governor assigned
more extensively trained and disciplined than to Duros is a drug addict. His
Imperial forces. addiction has led him to over-
look smuggling operations that
Ongoing Wars are taking place on the planet.
Criminals have built a substan-
The Empire is currently engaged in active conquest tial underworld right under the
and pacification of dozens of worlds in the Mid- Empire’s nose. There are many
Rim. Travel to these worlds is not recommended, smuggling bases hidden in the
as any non-Imperial craft will be classified as a untouched natural areas that
hostile combatant and engaged immediately. the Duros left uncivilized.
12 Classic Star Wars

Example of Play
Mike (GM): “You climb down into the sewers. The Will (The Spy): “Maybe we can go through the gate
smell is terrible. It is very dark and you can’t see and then lock it behind us, so nobody can follow.”
very far down the tunnels. You can only see well in
this area right around you, due to the light peeking Mike (GM): “As you get close to the gate, you hear a
down from the grating above.” strange noise and look back. There are a few coils of
rope that have been dropped down from the sewer
Dustin (Dart): “I have a flashlight! I get it out and grate. You are going to have company soon.”
shine it down the tunnels. Do I see the gate that the
old man told us to look for? Dustin (Dart): “I grab the gate and try to open it. Is
it locked?”
Mike (GM): “The flashlight helps a lot. You can see
about 20 meters down the tunnels. There is a shiny Mike (GM): “Yes. It is locked. You can open it with
glint further down, but you can’t see it from here. Thievery or Repair. Do you have either of those?

Dustin (Dart): “That must be the gate!” Dustin (Dart): “Nope”

Jedha Lucas (Mad Max): “Wait, I have infrared goggles. I Will (The Spy): “I have Thievery!”
Jedha is a small desert moon put them on. What do I see?” Mike (GM): “Okay, make a Thievery test.”
that orbits the planet NaJedha.
Mike (GM): “You can see perfectly down the tunnel. Will (The Spy): < rolls 3d6+1> Result 14
It is also known as the Pilgrim
You don’t see a gate, but you do see a lot of little
Moon. The moon has a cold Mike (GM): < compares to difficulty 10 >
animals glowing because of their body heat.
climate due to its lasting winter.
The historical and spiritual Lucas (Mad Max): “No gate. The old guy was lying.” Mike (GM): “Its an old lock. You manage to use a bit
significance of Jedha led the of strength and a bit of finesse to open it.”
moon to become a world of Will (The Spy): “How big are the animals?”
worship for those who believe Will (The Spy): “I open the gate and wave everyone
Mike (GM): “You can’t see them. Only Mad Max has through. Has anyone come down the ropes yet?”
in the Force, and a holy site for the goggles.”
pilgrims who sought spiritual Mike (GM): “You hear a sliding sound, as if someone
guidance. Lucas (Mad Max): “Okay, how big are the animals?” is rapelling down. But you don’t see anyone yet.”
Jedha is defined by its jagged Mike (GM): “They are a little bigger than a cat. Dustin (Dart): “I’m going to throw a smoke grenade
rock formations, broad mesas, Maybe the size of a small dog.” back there, just to scare them and buy us a little
and narrow spires. It has a more time.
atmosphere that is breath- Lucas (Mad Max): “I tell my friends about the
able to humans. Within the animals and ask if they know anything about them.” Mike (GM): “Okay, make a Throwing test.”
moon’s sandstone crust are Will (The Spy): “I have Animal Handling (Pets). Do I Dustin (Dart): “I don’t have throwing.”
rich deposits of kyber crystals; know anything about this kind of animal?”
Force-attuned crystals that Mike (GM): “No problem, just use your Spatial.”
are fundamental in lightsaber Lucas (Mad Max): “I wouldn’t want one of these as a
construction. Many of the set- pet. They probably stink.” Dustin (Dart): “Ugh... +0 for that too. Oh well.”
tlements on the moon, such as Dustin (Dart): < rolls 3d6 > Result 9
Mike (GM): “No, these are not pets. You don’t know
the ancient Holy City, sit atop
of an animal that lives in the sewers like this.”
the world’s natural mesas. Mike (GM): < compares to difficulty 12 >
Though Jedha’s sands remained Dustin (Dart): “I’m going to shoot them. I pull out
parched for much of its year, Mike (GM): “The smoke grenade doesn’t quite reach
my blaster rifle and take a few shots to scare them.”
there were instances of power- the spot where the ropes are, but it begins hissing
ful torrents of rainfall, a cause Will (The Spy): “No wait!” and spewing thick clouds of smoke everywhere.
for celebration among the There is nowhere for the smoke to go, so a lot of it is
Mike (GM): “Okay, make a Shooting (Rifles) test. getting sucked up the shaft that you came down to
people of Jedha.
Dustin (Dart): < rolls 3d6+2> Result 8 get here. You hear some panicked voices and a few
Weathered sandstone statues strange sounds.”
and structures are scattered Mike (GM): “You fire a short burst. The bolts bounce
across Jedha’s landscape, a around like crazy and it is very loud. Stunningly Lucas (Mad Max): “Is attacking things the only thing
testament to its ancient past. loud. Your ears are hurting. The animals run away you know how to do? Let’s get moving! I close the
They are some of the earli- though. They are gone.” gate behind us and start down the tunnel again.
est examples of architecture Dustin (Dart): “I follow Mad Max.”
known to exist in the galaxy. Will (The Spy): “That’s gonna attract attention.”
Jedha is mostly surrounded by Lucas (Mad Max): “We need to get moving.” Will (The Spy): “I will take up the rear, keeping an
uncharted systems, making it a eye behind us in case they catch up to us.”
reliable replenishment port for Mike (GM): “You hear someone talking up at the
sewer grate. It sounds like stormtroopers.” Mike (GM): “After another 100 meters or so, you
come to a large door with a keycard swipe next to
The Empire occupied the moon Dustin (Dart): “Sorry guys. Let’s go. I start moving it. This sounds like the door that the old man men-
to control its kyber crystal down the tunnel.” tioned. Do you have the keycard he gave you?”
resources, which were once
Lucas (Mad Max): “Me too” Dustin (Dart): “I do! I swipe it!”
used by the Jedi Order as com-
ponents for their lightsabers. Will (The Spy): “Me too” Mike (GM): “It beeps but doesn’t open.”
The occupation later provoked
an insurgency to oppose the Mike (GM): “After about 50 meters, you can see in Dustin (Dart): “I swipe it again!”
Imperial tyranny. your goggles that there is a gate.”
Mike (GM): “It beeps but doesn’t open.”
Jedha will be partially destroyed Dustin (Dart): “Ha! I knew there would be a gate.
That old guy was right.” Lucas (Mad Max): “I knew that old man was a liar.
at the outset of the Civil War by Step aside, I have the Bypass skill. I will crack this.”
the Death Star and unavailable
in later timelines.
Classic Star Wars 13

Mike (GM): “Okay, make a Bypass test.” Will (The Spy): “Let’s get out of here before they
can get through that door. I’m going up the ladder!”
Lucas (Mad Max): < rolls 3d6+5 > Result 18
Mike (GM): “You climb up the ladder and pop the
Mike (GM): < compares to difficulty 15 > hatch. You look around and it appears that you are
Mike (GM): “You easily hack the lock with your tools inside of a residence on the street level.”
and the door slides open. Once it opens, you start to Will (The Spy): “Come on guys, let’s go.”
hear footsteps in the sludge behind you.”
Dustin (Dart): “I climb up the ladder too.”
Dustin (Dart): “Get inside!”
Lucas (Mad Max): “Me too. When I reach the top, I
Will (The Spy): “Let’s go!” push something heavy on top of the hatch to make
Lucas (Mad Max): “I want to step inside, reset the it hard to lift open.”
door lock, and close it again.” Mike (GM): “Okay, there is a heavy piece of furniture
Mike (GM): “No problem. That’s easy. You can do you manuever into position.” Kuat
that without a test.” Will (The Spy): “I look out the windows. Are there Kuat is a urban planet located in
Will (The Spy): “Where are we now?” any stormtroopers on the street? the Core Worlds and one of the
earliest members of the Galactic
Mike (GM): “You are in a small maintenance room. Mike (GM): “Not that you can see.” Republic. It is best known as the
There are piles of junk everywhere. A few chairs Lucas (Mad Max): “Let’s get out of here. Can we get home of Kuat Drive Yards. These
are scattered around. You see a couple of broken back to where we parked our speeder?” famous shipyards, used to build
datapads lying on a table. There is some industrial ships for both the Republic
equipment that you are unfamiliar with. Mike (GM): “Sure. Its not far from here.” and later the Empire, circle the
planet like dust rings. They are
Lucas (Mad Max): “Do we see a way out of here?” Will (The Spy): “Let’s go to the rendevous point.” used to construct the largest
Mike (GM): “You look around a bit and find a ladder Mike (GM): “Okay. You arrive at the rendevous point starships in existence; such as
going up to a hatch about 30 meters up.” a little early. Nobody is here yet.” the Super Star Destroyer.

Dustin (Dart): “That must be the street. I look Lucas (Mad Max): “Do we trust this guy?” Roughly 80% of Kuat’s 4 billion
around for any kind of safe or secure storage. My sentient beings are human.
friend said he thought it was in a lockbox. They Dustin (Dart): “Not really. I know him from my Most live in apartment com-
wouldn’t have just left it on a table. It must be days in the service, but he’s not a great friend. He plexes built into the Drive Yards.
hidden somewhere out of sight. does owe me one, so until that is cleared I think we However, most upper-class Kuati
should be alright.” reside in vast estates on the
Mike (GM): “You are able to find a small lockbox planet and protected by private
underneath a chair in the corner.” Lucas (Mad Max): “I don’t know. I have a bad feeling
security forces.
about this guy.”
Will (The Spy): “I can pick the lock!” Kuat is a small planet with
Mike (GM): “You hear a crackling in the sky above
three continents and scattered
Dustin (Dart): “No! My friend was very clear about and a lone TIE bomber drops out of the upper
islands. Most of the world’s
that. Do not open the box.” atmosphere. It circles you once, then swoops lower
untouched terrain consists of
and lands a short distance away. The cockpit hisses
Lucas (Mad Max): “How do we know this is it?” lush forests and rolling green
open and a man in dark black robes slowly comes
plains. It has a temperate
Dustin (Dart): “This is definitely it. This is what he down the ladder and jumps to the ground.”
climate with a cool, wet winter
was talking about.” Lucas (Mad Max): “Black robes? That’s a bad sign.” and a warm, dry summer.
Mike (GM): “You hear some comlink chatter outside Mike (GM): “He yells out to you through the dust Hostile animals do not exist on
the door. You can’t make out what they are saying.” and tumbleweeds. Do you have the item?” Kuat, as terraformers stocked
the planet with inoffensive her-
bivores with short life spans to
control populations. The aris-
tocratic government exports
luxury goods, alcohol, art, and
foodstuffs while importing ores,
electronics, rare minerals, and
Under Imperial supervision, a
large Imperial fleet is always
garrisoned at the planet. Kuat
is very secure and can only
be accessed via three space-
ports within the main Kuat
Traffic Zone; a passenger port,
a freight port, and a Imperial
transfer post.
Kuat City hosts many shops,
hotels, restaurants, and places
of general merchant business.
However, it lacks a groundside
spaceport and is accessible by
approved shuttles.
14 Classic Star Wars

Chapter 2
Character Design

A soft, easy life is not worth living, if it impairs the fibre of brain and heart and muscle. We must dare to be great; and we must realize
that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.. For us is the life of action, of strenuous performance of duty;
let us live in the harness, striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out. - Teddy Roosevelt

The Creation Process Primary Mechanic

Your character’s life is created through a series of As you play the game, you describe your actions
iterative logic loops. You start with an 18-year old to the GM. If they feel that you would be able to
with a zero (+0) rating in all ability scores and skills. easily accomplish the actions described, then they
On top of that base, you add layers of complexity describe the outcome to you. For example, you
that each represent years of personal growth. You ask to open a door and they acknowledge that by
will make career choices, time will pass, you will describing the room beyond.
have successes and failures, and the final result will
However, there will be times when you ask to do
be a truly unique individual.
The Mid-Rim something and there are challenges involved,
The Galaxy is a massive place. Abilities and Skills either known or unknown to your character. For
The planets described in the example, the door might be locked and when you
sidebars of this chaper are from Your character has six ability scores with values pull on the handle it doesn’t open.
the Mid-Rim region, a partially ranging from -3 to +3. These ability scores define
developed area of space that the your innate aptitude for various tasks that fall If there is any challenge involved, the GM will
Empire is struggling to tame. instead ask you to test a skill or ability to decide
within the scope of that ability. A character with
The planets listed here are found a zero (+0) rating in an ability is considered to be the outcome.
between the Inner Rim and the normal. A +3 rating indicates the apex of human
Outer Rim. Almost all of them talent in that area while a -3 rating indicates the Tests
were discovered by species weakest aptitude possible. When the GM asks you to perform a test, they will
from the Core Planets, given use their own judgment to set the appropriate diffi-
access to advanced technology, In addition to this natural ability, your character culty number for the task. The chart below will tell
and then partially uplifted from will acquire skills that represent specific training you what to expect. They will also tell you which
their primitive origins. or experience in a narrow field. Some skills are ability score applies (and skill, if applicable).
Millions of unnamed planets and broad and can be used in a wide variety of ways.
systems can be found within the For example, the Throwing skill can be used to To run the test, roll three six-sided dice (3d6) and
Mid-Rim. Some of these planets throw anything from grenades to dirt clods. add the ability scores and skill values to the die
may contain sentient aliens result. If the result is equal to or higher than the
with low-tech societies. Some Other skills require specialization; the selection of GM’s difficulty number then you succeed at the
of these planets may be par- a narrow field of expertise within that skill. When task.
tially inhabited with some minor you gain a point in these skills (either during char-
export product. Other planets acter creation or through experience points during
may be completely vacant. This the campaign), you choose a specialization toward
area is wide open for develop-
which to apply that point. If you choose to do so,
ment by the Game Master.
you can have multiple copies of that skill, each with
The planets listed in this chapter a different specialization. Alternatively, you can put
are known to everyone and all your points into the same specialization. The
serve as a baseline of setting choice is yours. Nature of the Task #
knowledge. Character might
have heard the names of certain For example, the Knowledge skill gives you deep A task the average person could probably
less important planets, but not
knowledge of a particular culture or organization. perform with patience and hard work
know where they are. It requires you to select a specialization. When A task that requires basic training or
This set of planets could be used you gain your first point in Knowledge, you could 12
talent to perform consistently
as adventure locations or as choose to specialize in the culture of the Bothan
places to regroup. However, we species. When you gain an additional point, you A task that requires significant training or
strongly encourage the Game could increase your specialization in Bothans to +2 talent AND persistence to get right
Master to send you to new or gain a +1 specialization in a second culture or
planets or systems and to use A task that even a skilled person often fails 18
organization (the Imperial Navy, for example).
these known locations for rest
and resupply.
Classic Star Wars 15

Ability Descriptions

This is your ability to think abstractly, use logic to
solve problems, and remember detailed informa-
tion. It can often be used to ask the GM whether
or not your character knows anything useful to
the situation. It is a general measure of your intelli-
gence. It is also useful in orienting yourself in space
or strange alien environments.
Characters with a high Cerebral ability are quick,
witty, and often remembering useful information
to the task at hand. They are familiar with many Bothawui
cultures and people in the galaxy. Characters with Bothawui is a cosmopolitan
a low Cerebral ability are dim-witted and slow. They planet, located in the center of
tend to be insular, provincial, and uninterested in Bothan Space in the Mid-Rim. It
what is going on beyond their horizons. is the homeworld of the Bothan
race as well as a major hub for
Digital information trafficking.
This represents your ability to work with digital The planet’s terrain includes
interfaces, electronics, and computer systems. It urban areas, rich equatorial
measures how well you are able to get devices to forests, many rugged mountain
perform the tasks you want. It is very useful when ranges, and grassy savannas
that spanned the continents.
interacting with Droids and other automated tech.
Bothawui’s numerous moun-
A character with a high Digital ability is able to tains and ridges are separated
interact with computers easily to find information by deep, wide valleys that were
inhabited by dangerous wildlife.
and solve problems. They are comfortable inter-
acting with droids. A character with a low Digital Bothan’s were discovered by
ability is dense, a slow learner, and struggles to get the Duros species and uplifted
a computer system to do what they want. from the Iron Age to the Space
Age in a matter of decades. As
such, the planet is not consist-
ently developed. Large tracts of
This represents your ability to work with your Social wilderness remain undeveloped
hands and interact with complex objects. It also This is your ability to communicate with others and and devoid of settlements.
incorporates a portion of your natural logic. It is achieve desired results. It is the outward projection
Bothan language and culture
used to figure out how a piece of mechanical tech- of your inner confidence and personality. It can
is very complex and based on
nology (engines, machines, weapons, etc) works or be used to bend people to your way of thinking or an arcane mix of vocalizations,
how to solve a problem that you are having with it. put them at ease when they are stressed. Social ticks, and body movements.
skills can make a lie seem believable or encourage They have an incredible talent
Characters with a high Mechanical ability can work
someone to follow your orders in a combat situa- for learning new information
on broken vehicles, jury-rig equipment, and so on. and seeing patterns. They make
tion. It is essential to maintaining your reputation
Characters with a low Mechanical ability often natural cryptographers.
and gaining respect from others.
break machines they are trying to repair and injure
people they are trying to help. A character with a high Social ability commands Bothawui hosts the core of
the Bothan Spynet, a comm
respect when they walk in a room and serves as a
network based on the old tech-
Physical natural leader. A character with a low Social ability nology that powered the Holo-
This represents the conditioning and quality of is timid, unsure, and often overlooked by others in net used by the Old Republic. It
your physical form. It is used for any rolls based social situations. is the only such comm system
on physical force, graceful movement, balance, or in operation outside of Imperial
endurance. It is also used for any rolls based on Spatial military comm systems.
your constant movement speed over a long dis- This represents your ability to predict movement So far, the Bothans have been
tance, as that is an issue of staying power more through space. It is used for any actions based on able to maintain independence
than quick action. trajectories and arcs, such as piloting a starship or from Imperial authority. Their
shooting a gun. This ability is essential when doing sector of space is free from
Characters with a high Physical ability are strong, Imperial patrols and Bothawui
something under pressure.
graceful, and athletic. Characters with a low Phys- is a major trading hub. You can
ical ability are clumsy and struggle with exertion. A character with a high Spatial ability can make find almost anything for sale.
This ability is used when you make tests on a task blaster shots and starship maneuvers that other You can find the right buyer
that a normal person might find challenging, such characters would fumble. A character with a low for almost anything as well, no
as climbing over a wall or punching someone in Spatial ability often reacts too slowly to pilot a ship matter how hot the goods.
hand-to-hand combat. in combat or hit a moving target. Just don’t cross the Bothans.
You won’t survive it.
16 Classic Star Wars

Skill Descriptions
Ability Skill

Knowledge* Builds upon Physical. This represents skill at tasks
Cerebral requiring agility; such as climbing or jumping. It
Orientation can also be used to accomplish high precise move-
ments, such as reaching through a laser security
Survival* field to grab an object without being hit.

Bypass Animal Handling*

Builds upon Mechanical. This represents comfort,
Programming confidence, and control when handling animals.
Digital Tests must be made any time you want an animal
Research to behave in a certain way. Characters without this
Ithor is a temperate planet that
skill can cajole or threaten animals any way they
is the homeworld of the Ithorian Starship Systems*
species. The planet is dominated wish, it will just not impact the behavior of the
by massive seemingly-endless animal (although it may trigger a hostile reaction
Animal Handling* instead).
savannah and steppe. Ithorians
are a species of passive herbi-
vores that live in large herds. Demolition Specialization - Pack Animals: You are adept at
They were originally discovered Mechanical working with large animals designed to carry
by Republic scouts and elevated Medical* heavy loads. These animals are rare in the Core
with advanced technologies. Worlds, but become more common as you appoach
Repair* the Outer Rim. Pack animals become much more
The Ithorians travel in large herd
ships that migrate from planet cost-effective options as fuel prices rise and
to planet engaging in trade and
Acrobatics replacement parts become scarce.
exploration. When they find a
Thievery Specialization - Predators: You are adept at han-
planet that is suitable for their
way of life (vast grasslands), Physical dling and/or working around predatory animals
without provoking them. You are also familiar with
they use the herd ship as a colo- Melee*
nial headquarters and begin the defensive manuevers if you are attacked by them
process of settlement. Stealth in the wild.
The world is currently occupied Specialization - Pets: You are adept at interacting
by Imperial forces, although Carousing
with most kinds of small animals kept as pets. Pets
keeping the peace is very easy do not find you to be threatening and are much
as Ithorians tend to avoid con- Command
more likely to come when called, not bark or howl
flict whenever possible. Those Social at you, and are often eager to sit on your lap. For
that find Imperial rule to be Investigation
intolerable simply sign up on the each point in this specialization, you feel compelled
next departing herd ship. Persuasion to acquire a small pet to travel with you.
Ithorians are legendary experts
Piloting* Bypass
at botany and ecology. They
have developed several strains Builds upon Digital. This represents the skill to
of genetically superior plants, Shooting* bypass electronic security measures. This might
found ways to reduce aggres-
sion in predators, and so on.
Spatial be a security keypad that keeps a door magneti-
Throwing cally sealed or a network security system designed
Their herd ships are packed with to repel outside infiltration. People who are very
sophisticated hydroponic facili- Tactics* skilled at this are often called hackers.
ties and they conduct scientific
experimentation constantly.
Imperials often comment on Builds upon Social. Carousing represents your
the purity of the Ithorian atmos- training or talent for partying and blending in at
phere. With Imperial economic
social gatherings. You can make tests during social
investment, large hydroponic
facilities have been developed events to gather information and build up your
to recreate the gaseous mix and relationships with those in attendance.
compress it into canisters for
export. The planet also exports Command
a variety of agricultural goods, Builds upon Social. Command represents your
particularly maize, millets and ability to give an order that others will follow.
sorghum. A significant portion
It does not confer competence (e.g. it does not
of the clothing manufactured in
the galaxy uses Ithorian textiles, provide strategic or tactical thinking). Command
as they have genetically modi- tests draw upon your strength of personality.
fied cotton that is light weight, Weak-willed individuals will have a must harder
strong, and breathable. time resisting your commands than defiant ones.
Classic Star Wars 17

Demolition Medical*
Builds upon Mechanical. This represents training Builds upon Mechanical. This represents your
and competence with explosive materials. This knowledge and training to perform medical opera-
does not include grenades (as you simply pull the tions and provide emergency care to individuals of
pin and throw), but covers the creation / disarming a particular species. Alternatively, if you specialize
of explosive sachels, traps, breaching charges, plas- in cybernetics, you are focused on the technology
tique, and so on. being used and not the species into which it is
being installed.
Specialization - Specific Species: You are adept at
Builds upon Cerebral. This represents skill at exam-
working on a particular species in an emergency
ining and assessing a problem and determine what Kashyyyk and
or surgical setting. A low skill level represents a
is wrong. It represents complex reasoning and Trandosha
first-responder level of knowledge and you increase
logic ability. It can be used for almost any problem, Kashyyyk is an arboreal planet
from there.
but it is especially useful for characters with a skill that is the homeworld of the
that can benefit from it. Specialization - Cybernetics: You are adept at creat- Wookiee species. The center
ing, modifying, and/or installing cybernetic attach- of the planet is covered with
Investigation ments. As long as you are not working with a highly a tropical ocean belt that con-
unusual species (ex. Tauntaun), you do not need a tains a number of islands and
Builds upon Social. This represents your training,
large coral reefs. Kashyyyk was
talent, and perceptual awareness when looking corresponding specialization in that species.
found by Republic scouts many
for a particular person or thing. Tests are made to centuries ago and the Wookies
every hour that is spent in an area looking for it. Melee* were given access to advanced
For example, assume you are trying to find a young Builds upon Physical. This represents practice or technologies. Reluctant to clear
boy who pickpocketed you and fled into a crowded training in close combat. This skill is used directly land, the Wookies have instead
market. You could make a test to spend an hour in combat to make attacks on your opponents. It built factories in harmony with
talking with people in the market looking for the can also be used against you in combat, if your the forest and with minimal
environmental impact.
boy. A good result might yield a witness who saw enemy is within range.
which direction the boy fled. A bad result might It was a proud member of the
Specialization - Brawling: You are adept at fighting Republic and resisted the forma-
yield incorrect or misleading information.
hand-to-hand without a weapon. It can be used tion of the Empire. Retaliation
Knowledge* while in restraints (in an attempt to escape your was swift and designed to scare
captors), but at a penalty. other systems into submission.
Builds upon Cerebral. This represents your study of The Wookies were enslaved
a particular culture or organization. You can make Specialization - Short Weapon: You are adept at en masse and the planet was
tests to gain answers to basic questions about fighting hand-to-hand with a short weapon like a re-classified by the Empire as
these people. For example, what are their religious knife, baton, hatchet, or sap. It also covers short G5-623. Wookie history records
beliefs or who is likely to know about a particular improvised weapons like beer bottle or performing were destroyed and their people
research project. a pistol whipping. were scattered throughout
the galaxy to endure horrific
Specialization - Specific Culture or Organization: Specialization - Long Weapon: You are adept at working conditions.
You are adept at understanding a particular culture fighting hand-to-hand with a long weapon like a
Trandosha is a verdant moon of
(no larger than a planet in size) or an organization sword, spear, staff, club or axe. It also covers long Kashyyyk and the homeworld of
(if it functions coherently as a unit. For example, improvised weapons like a pool cue or metal pipe, the Trandoshans; fierce rivals
you could choose to learn the culture of the Ithorian as well as when striking an opponent with the butt of the Wookiees. This species
homeworld or the Incom Corporation. However, if of a shotgun or rifle. If you are not specifically of sentient reptilian humanoids
there was a small cluster of Ithorians on a different trained in using a lightsaber, you can use this skill who were renowned for their
planet or a small division of Incom that is sold off, at a -3 penalty instead of being considered com- hunting prowess.
your knowledge might not be accurate anymore. pletely untrained. Trandoshans engage in relent-
less predation and often drive
species to extinction, in stark
contrast to the ecologically
patient and careful practices of
the Wookies. Imperial rule has
given the Trandoshans hunting
rights on Kashyyyk and they
have caused massive ecological
damage as a result.
This has only sharpened the
rivalry between the two species.
Were the Empire to withdraw,
many speculate that an all-out
war between the two species
would result. Perhaps this is
part of the Imperial design...
18 Classic Star Wars

Builds upon Cerebral. This represents your skill
at determining relative location and plotting the
best path between two points. This is also used for
astrogation in space or normal navigation on the
surface of a planet.

Builds upon Social. This represents your training
and talent at getting people to see things from your
Manaan point of view. Whereas Command works on compli-
Manaan is an ocean planet and ance, Persuasion works on cooperation and shared
the homeworld of the sentient views. You might be able to command someone to
Selkath species. Elevated by give you an object or pull a lever, but you would
the Old Republic, the Selkath need to persuade someone to actually change their
require constant moisture to be views on the legitimacy of the the Empire.
comfortable and have pioneered
mist-generating clothing items Piloting*
that other aquatic species find
of great value. The planet is the Builds upon Spatial. This represents your training
only known source of Kolto, a and flight time in a particular vehicle. Tests are
seaweed that grows in tall stalks made to take evasive action, travel along difficult
in the shallow seas of Manaan. flight paths (ex. through a canyon).
Kolto can be processed into a Specialization - Vehicle by Class: You are adept
liquid known for its healing abil- at piloting a particular class of vehicles; fighter,
ities. It is considered a valuable
freighter, capital ship, walker, repulsorlift, ground
commodity, but has lost some
of its significance over time, vehicles.
being replaced in favor of bacta.
As a result, Manaan’s economy Programming
has fallen into decline and the Builds upon Digital. This represents skill at creat- Research
Selkath have been exploring ing software on digital systems. You are not editing
other sources of revenue. Builds upon Digital. This represents skill at access-
someone’s work. You are starting from scratch and
ing computer archives to research specific topics.
The Selkath do not want to doing the hard work yourself. You can program a
For example, you could be looking for a planet with
damage their ecology by turning computer to do anything that you can describe to
to fishing exports. Instead, the an Old Republic mining facility on it within a par-
the GM, just remember that they will set a diffi-
small islands that dot the planet ticular sector. Making a test with this skill would
culty based on the complexity of the program.
have been converted into tourist determine how long such research might take.
havens. They have also been Note that if you are modifying an existing program,
experimenting with underwater you should use Bypass to hack it instead of using Shooting*
ship construction methods that this skill. Builds upon Spatial. This represents your natural
they have learned from the Mon
talent and training at shooting ranged weapons.
Calamari species. Repair* This skill is used directly in combat to make attacks
The handful of the floating Builds upon Mechanical. This represents your on your opponents. It can also be used against you.
trading posts on the planet are aptitiude and training at restoring broken
occupied by Imperial forces, Specialization - Pistol: You are adept at fight-
machines, objects and/or vehicles. Tests are used
but most of the population lives ing with a small pistol-like weapon. This covers
to restore or assemble these things in stages, each
below the surface in underwa- slugthrowing pistols, blaster pistols, stun guns,
ter structures. The Empire has stage representing a major step towards comple-
and similar weapons held in one hand.
thus far avoided these areas, tion. The number of steps required will vary with
leading those who seek to dodge the size/complexity of the object. Specialization - Rifle: You are adept at fighting with
the Empire to take up residence long rifle or shotgun-sized weapons. Any weapon
underwater as well. Specialization - Droids: You are adept at repair-
fired from the shoulder with two hands would
ing damaged droids, making modifications, and
The Selkath suffer terrible head- fall into this category; slugthrowing rifles, sniper
adding new components.
aches when they descend over rifles, shotguns, blaster rifles, carbines, and even
200m below the surface. As a Specialization - Equipment: You are adept at repair- unique weapons like Wookie bowcasters.
result, the deep trenches that ing the many forms of equipment that exist; from
cut into the ocean floor remain Specialization - Heavy: You are adept fighting
handheld scanners to full-size appliances.
largely unexplored. Rumors with a heavy weapon, typically requiring a tripod
persist of ancient structures Specialization - Vehicle by Class: You are adept at mount or fired from a large tube. This includes
hidden in these deep trenches, repairing a particular class of vehicles; fighter, rocket launchers, slugthrowing machine guns,
remnants of the Infinite Empire freighter, capital ship, walker, repulsorlift, ground heavy blaster mounts, and vehicle mounted heavy
that preceeded the Republic. vehicles. weapons.
Classic Star Wars 19

Starship Systems* Tactics*

Builds upon Digital. This represents extensive train- Builds upon Spatial. This represents skill at leading
ing in one area of starship operation. Piloting the others into combat. Tests are used to win battles
starship is not covered by this skill (see Piloting and force the enemy to flee, not to damage a spe-
instead). cific enemy combatant.
Specialization - Weaponry: You are adept at firing Specialization - Small Unit: You are an adept small
starship mounted weapons. This covers turbola- unit commander (16 or fewer soldiers).
sers and other direct fire weapons, as well as con-
Specialization - Massed Combat: You are an adept
cussion missiles and proton torpedoes.
large ground unit commander. This is much more
Specialization - Shields: You are adept at manag- about controlling and directing subordinates than Mandalore
ing the array of energy shields used to protect a actually choosing targets and positions on your Mandalore is a decimated planet
starship. You can actively rebalance the energy dis- own. located in the Mid-Rim. It was
tribution during combat to improve its protective once a temperate planet with
Specialization - Starfighter Combat: You are an great plains and vast herds of
adept starfighter commander (12- 60 fighters per large herbivores. It was discov-
Specialization - Communications: You are adept at squadron). ered and colonized by humans
using the onboard communications to hail other from the Core many centuries
Specialization - Capital Ship Combat: You are ago. The colonizers ended up
craft, communicate with them using known eti-
an adept naval fleet commander. As with mass dividing themselves along famil-
quette, and even jam their communications when
combat, this is much more about controlling and ial lines and this resulted in the
directing subordinates than actually choosing development of a violent tribal
Specialization - Sensors: You are adept at using the targets and positions on your own. culture.
sensors on a starship to detect threats, acquire These tribal divisions led to a
information about them, and determine when/ Thievery series of frequent civil wars that
where attacks are coming from. Builds upon Physical. This represents talent and resulted in massive damage to
skill for acts of thievery; pickpocketing, palming the planet itself. The grasslands
Stealth items, lockpicking, forgery, or any similar act. were burnt, herds captured or
Builds upon Physical. This represents your natural Tests can be made to take possession of items, pick massacred, and cities put to the
torch repeatedly.
talent and training at evading detection. Tests can locks, or create forged documents. The results are
be used to hide from your enemies, cover an object used as the difficulty number for an opposed test However, these wars allowed the
with camouflage to make it harder to detect, follow by any person who might detect the ruse. Mandalorian clans to develop
an enemy without being seen, and so on. a culture of honor, distinctive
Throwing armor, and military excellence.
Survival* The ecological damage from the
Builds upon Spatial. This represents practice, wars forced the Mandalorians to
Builds upon Cerebral. This represents the skills nec- training, or just natural talent for throwing small live within domed cities. Their
essary to survive on your own by living off the land. objects. It is used in combat to throw knives, rocks, once lush planet was reduced to
Of course, this varies by the type of land. Someone grenades, thermal detonators, or satchel explo- a barren wasteland.
adept at surviving the desert may not be very tal- sives. It can be used out of combat to throw almost
When the new Galactic Empire
ented as surviving in the tundra. anything; bottles, balls, etc. rose from the ashes of the
Specialization - Specific Biome: You are adept at Old Republic, the Mandalo-
rian tribes resisted and fought
a particular biome; ice, tundra, temperate forest,
several key battles against Impe-
temperate plains, desert, savannah, alpine, rainfor- rial armies. They were over-
est, or urban. whelmed and defeated. Rather
than accept defeat, the Mandal-
orian clans fled their homeworld
and created hidden bases on
other planets to evade Imperial
rule. Some of them have taken
up jobs as bounty hunters and
The world is now essentially a
massive ruin. The domed cities
are empty, inhabited only by
squatters and wild beasts. A few
ambitious scavengers have set
up shop here, spending their
days going through the rubble
searching for valuable items.
Do not try to be a Mandalorian
character. You will reduce the
mystique of the culture.
20 Classic Star Wars

We strongly recommend that you create a charac-
ter that is human or near-human. You might want
to be a Wookie or Ewok, but you won’t fit into a
human-sized world very well. Communication
can be difficult. Playing a Mon Calamari sounds
fun, until your party gets frustrated with wearing
scuba gear frequently and tire of your excuses for
why you can’t go to Tatooine just yet. There are a
lot of near-human options to choose from, if you
don’t want to be a human. Just stick with a species
that has at most one unique ability that has a weak
effect on the game, such as the Twi’lek’s ability to
communicate with tentacles. Powerful alien abili-
Nal Hutta ties unbalance the game.
Nal Hutta is a hot, swampy
Human Male Human Female
planet that is the homeworld of
the Hutt species. The planet is a
haven for the criminal elements
of the galaxy, located far from
galactic authorities. Its terrain
is covered with numerous bogs,
and its climate often consisted
of greasy rains.
This environment is a truthful
representation of the sentient
Hutt species that inhabited
the world. They are known for
their lack of moral values. Some
believe that the Hutt species is
entirely sociopathic. They have
no qualms about murdering
or exploiting anyone, not even
members of their own species.
A politician that helped in the
technological development of
the planet after its discovery
famously commented; “Elevat-
ing the Hutts may one day be Rodian Sullustan Duros Twi’lek
looked upon as our greatest
Due to the unstable terrain,
the Hutts built only a handful
of spaceports on the surface of
Nal Hutta in order to connect
their towns, settlements, and
palaces, as the planet received
few visitors. Most business with
offworlders is conducted on
the planet’s largest moon, Nar
Shaddaa. Despite a valid repu-
tation for being polluted and
dangerous, Nar Shaddaa plays
a leading role in the galaxy’s
shadow economy.
Due to their remote location and
talent for crime, the Hutts have
been left alone by the Empire,
for now. The planet’s capital city
is a sprawling mess covered in
arching roots that spread out
from looming bulbous pods. It
serves as the occasional head- Gamorrean Devaronian Bith Aqualish
quarters of the Grand Hutt
Council, the ruling body that
controls the rules and regula-
tions of Hutt Space.
Classic Star Wars 21

Your character’s moral compass is modelled in the
game using three moral impulses. Each impulse
represents a natural tendency of behavior and
the balance between these three impulses is what
defines a character’s personal morality. A score
of 4 or higher in an impulse is considered high. A
score of 0 or 1 is considered low.
Morality is not a straightjacket and represents the
tendency towards certain behaviors. Someone with Balanced
a high Adherence may still violate the law if they
feel they have sufficient reason and someone with Consensus Efficiency
a high Efficiency may take some time to deliberate
over a course of action if they are sufficiently con- Ord Mantell
cerned about the outcome. However, the general Ord Mantell is a dry temperate
balance between these impulses provides a guide planet located in the Mid-Rim.
for what drives your character to take actions. Adherence It is the home of the Mantellian
Savrip, a popular fighting beast.
Character Creation This impulse drives one to follow the rules. When-
ever there is a conflict over what course of action Mantellian Savrips are large in
We encourage you to allow your morality to be ran- size with gray skin and horned
to take, this impulse pushes you to act as expected
domly shaped by character creation. However, if heads with red eyes, attached to
by those in power or by the dictates of culture.
you are disatisfied with the result, you can toss the their upper torsos by long necks
Individuals with high scores are respectful of tradi- partially covered in strands of
results and distribute 7 points between the three
tional authority figures and are extremely hesitant orange hair. Their long arms
impulses however you wish.
to break the rules. They conform to the expecta- end in claw-tipped, four-fin-
tions of power even when there is no one in sight gered hands and two short
Use in the Game legs with three-toed feet. They
to observe them. Individuals with low scores are
You should use the moral impulses as a guide for rebellious and often run afoul of the law because of are semi-intelligent, capable of
how your character would think about various deci- repeated violations. They may flagrantly misbehave thought comparable to a dog.
sions. This should be roleplayed as you see fit. For just to send the point that they are nobody’s slave. Ord Mantell is well known for
example, if your character has a high Efficiency its combat gambling. Every city
impulse, then you should avoid spending more Archetypes: Citizen, Engineer, Judge, Scientist on the planet features a large
than a few minutes debating what to do next with gladiatorial forum. These are
your party. You should just declare your preference Consensus used for staged battles between
early and stick to it through the entire conversa- This impulse drives one to conform to the needs of a mix of intelligent beings and
tion. the peer group over themselves. Whenever there non-intelligent beasts.
is a conflict over what course of action to take, It is an Imperial occupied world
Additionally, the GM may choose to apply an
this impulse pushes you support those closest to and a popular destination for
impulse value as either a bonus or a penalty in any
you. Individuals with high scores are willing to shore leave. Betting on the
situation if they feel it would make the game more matches can get intense and
make sacrifices to help their friends and tend to
enjoyable. This can be a good way to tempt you to life savings are occasionally lost.
be concerned about how their decisions affect
stick to your character’s morality when you appear There are several orbital dock
others. They are deeply bothered when people are
to be drifting away from it. The below example yards above Ord Mantell, provid-
angry or disagreeable and will seek reconciliation.
explores a potential moral situation. ing service to both Imperial and
Individuals with low scores are selfish, egotistical, free vessels.
arrogant, and often loners as a result of how their
behavior is received by others. They are quick to The planet is home to sprawling
Example: family-owned ranches. Meat is
dismiss the opinions of others to promote their
a major export, as well as milk,
The party is exploring an abandoned facility when own brilliant conclusions.
cheese, wool, and other animal
they come across a group of bandits that are wanted
Archetypes: Ambassador, Healer, Lover, Sage products. Goods are sold and
by the local authorities. The bandits are not hostile
moved off-planet at dusty space-
and invite the party to share in a hearty meal.
port towns, often too small for
A party member with a very high Adherence score Imperial presence. These towns
might want to capture the bandits so that they can This impulse drives one to seek immediate resolu- are havens for smugglers and
be brought to justice. If they were to draw their gun tion. Whenever there is a conflict over what course those seeking to lie low for a
and attempt to intimidate the Bandits into surren- of action to take, this impulse pushes you to solve while.
der, the GM might give them a bonus on such a roll that conflict quickly by whatever means is required.
It is also a popular location for
equal to their Adherence. Individuals with high scores tend to make quick big-game hunting. Hunters pay
Alternatively, a party member with a high Consen- decisions based on their gut instincts and ignoring the locals to serve as guides and
sus score might try to talk the bandits into coming the long-term consequences of their behavior. Indi- go out into the vast open plains
to some kind of peaceful resolution with the nearby viduals with low scores tend to be indecisive and looking for their quarry. Occa-
town by providing security in exchange for a regular spend a lot of time planning for the future. sionally, they don’t come back.
payment. The GM might give them a bonus on such Hunting Mantellian Savrips is
a roll equal to their Consensus. Archetypes: Gambler, Maverick, Rebel, Visionary particularly dangerous. Their
sense of smell is highly sensitive
and they are known to ambush
their pursuers.
22 Classic Star Wars

Character creation Sequence

Your character’s life is created through a series of At the end of a successful 3-year term, you can
iterative logic loops. You start with an unremarka- choose to try to continue in your current career
ble 18-year old. On top of that base, you add layers or change careers. If you are forced to become a
of complexity that each represent three years of Drifter, then you switch to that Character Path
personal growth (a term). You can add up to 5 involuntarily. Either way, this leads to another
terms (15 years) to your character, but each term 3-year term.
carries with it a risk of injury, sworn enemies, and
Once you have completed five (5) terms or you
other dangers.
choose to stop early, your character is completed.
Character Paths You are now a competent individual with a complex
Rodia life and personal history.
Rodia is a swampy jungle planet You have a choice of nine (9) Character Paths.
that is the homeworld of the The process for each Path represents working in a Skills and Training
Rodian species. They were dis- particular career for three 3 years. Each path has
There are six Skills and Training charts on each
covered by Corellians centuries three Path Options, each of which represents a
ago and elevated with advanced Character Path. In your first term (18 to 21 years
different kind of work history within that career.
technology. There are seven old), you will learn ALL of the skills listed on your
For example, one path option might be focused on
major cities on Rodia, each Standard Skills chart.
combat and another might be focused on stealth.
encased with domed environ-
mental shields that allow entry Choose a path option that fits the kind of character In each subsequent term, you will gain 2 skills. You
and exit for vehicles and vessels. you want to be. will choose one chart from the top row (Standard
Rodian night-vision is near Skills, Directed Study, or Enjoying Your Free Time)
Once you make a Path Option choice, your char-
perfect, making Rodian cities and roll on that chart for a new skill. You will also
unique in their almost complete acter will experience life for three years. You will
roll for a new skill on the chart for your chosen
darkness at night. Outside of make a roll to gain Skills during that term. This
Path Option (in the second row). You may also gain
these cities, the majority of the represents what you focused on learning during
skills from Events later on.
planet is undeveloped. this time period.
Rodians are carnivorous and You will make a roll for Persistence. This repre- Morality
procure 99% of their diet by sents how well you were able to perform during Roll 2d6 each term to see how the morality of your
hunting large animals in their the term. A high roll represents hard work and character is affected by the events in your life. At
thick jungles. They are known
excellence. However, a low roll represents three the end of your character path, you can make dis-
to take long breaks from work,
spending weeks in the jungle on years of laziness, poor decisions, and so on. If you cretionary +1s to impulses of your choice (until the
hunting expeditions, then they roll too low, your character will get kicked out of sum total of all impulses equals +7).
return with enough meat for their Character Path and be forced to become a
many months of eating. Their Drifter for the next term. Benefits of Persistence
talent for hunting sends many If you do stay in a Character Path for many years
into bounty hunting. If you succeed in your persistence roll, you can
roll twice on the Benefits table (once for money with successful Persistence rolls, you will accrue
Despite this, Rodia does not and again for equipment). You can also roll on the additional advantages. One of these is Rank, which
export meat. They consider it give you a fixed bonus at each level you attain. The
Events table (usually positive). You might gain con-
to be their birthright. Instead, other is Benefits, which you get to roll an extra
Rodians manufacture large tacts, allies, or enemies in the galaxy. This repre-
sents three years of personal growth and success. time (once for money, once for equipment) if you
quantities of weapons, body
persist along a Character Path for 6+ years (two
armor, grenades, and magnetic
When you roll an Event, you will have an opportu- terms). Unless you have a good reason, stick to
mines. These are sold to the
Empire by obligation through nity for your character’s life to intersect with the your path.
low-profit export deals that are lives of other people in your party. If you roll an
forced upon them. event that you could plausibly participate in with Mysteries
another character (ex. you are caught stealing, A result of snake eyes (2) on the Events table
These harsh terms have fueled
maybe they could be your accomplice), then you instructs you to roll on the Mysteries table instead.
a thriving smuggling economy.
The jungles serve as helpful can form a connection with that character. The This is found at the end of the Character Path
concealment for many forbid- other player can choose a skill that would be rel- chapter. The mysteries are powerful story hooks
den transactions. Crime brings evant to the event and gain +1 in that skill (ex. in that can help your party locate powerful items or
in violence, which the Rodians this case, the thievery skill). Any given character great wealth. We encourage the GM to replace the
welcome. Many find part-time can only gain 2 skill boosts by using this method. Mystery table with their own content for a custom
employment as thugs and hired
By forming these connections, you will know the campaign (if they have done some design work in
guns in criminal service.
other characters because you have lived your lives that direction).
While they were self-sufficient
together over many years and you will become
on food, Rodia was subject to
brutal pirate predation during more skilled in the process.
the Clone Wars and thus many
Rodians welcoming the peace of
Imperial rule. The pirate attacks
are a thing of the past.
Classic Star Wars 23

The Advantages of Youth Contacts

The maximum number of terms for a starting char- Some table outcomes will tell you to gain a
acter is five. If you choose to end character crea- Contact. This is a non-player character (NPC) that
tion before your fifth term, you gain +1 to an ability has their own life out in the galaxy somewhere.
score of your choice. This represents the benefits However, they are friendly to you. If you reach
of youth in comparison to an older character (who out to them, they can provide passive assistance;
will have more skills and wealth than you). information, shelter, supplies, guidance, etc. If you
use their help too much, the GM may decide that
For example, if you choose to end character crea-
your friendship has soured and they are no longer
tion after your first term, you would gain four +1
considered to be a Contact. However, if you make
bonuses to ability scores. Just remember that no
sure to return the favor and improve their lives as Sullust
ability score can exceed +3. Natural talent can only
well, they can remain a Contact indefinitely. Sullust is an obsidian world of
get you so far.
lava streams and multi-colored
Allies chemical lakes. Native fauna
Hit Points
Allies are non-player characters (NPC) that are so forage during the night and
Hit points represent your ability to withstand return to nest at daybreak,
friendly or indebted to you that they join you as a
damage. After your character creation path is fin- when temperatures begin to
companion on your travels. An ally is under your
ished, your hit points will be set equal to 20 plus skyrocket into insufferable
control in combat, so long as you don’t give them
your Physical ability score. If you have a Physical heat that can exhaust and kill.
suicidal commands. The ally’s opinions, thoughts, Daytime temperatures rise to
of +2, you will get 22 hit points. However, if you
and actions outside of combat are determined by nearly 200° Celsius.
were injured and have a Physical of -1, then you will
the GM. As with a Contact, if well treated an Ally
only have 19 hit points. Damage dealt in combat is The planet’s atmosphere is
will remain in your service indefinitely. However,
applied to your hit points, so having a higher value highly toxic to most species.
poor treatment will eventually result in their
is preferred. Breathmasks are required. The
leaving your service and returning home. native Sullustans live in sub-
Purchases terranean cities that are highly
Enemies regarded for their beauty. They
You should have accumulated a nice purse of commute to work by lifts and
Some table outcomes will give you an Enemy. This
credits as a result of character generation. Once shuttles that carry them to
is a non-player character (NPC) that hold a grudge
you have complete your character creation path, the factories on the planet’s
against you in some way; something worth killing
you can spend those credits on any equipment you surface, alternating between
over. They may or may not actively pursue you,
want from Chapter 3: Marketplace. day and night shifts.
depending on the situation. A merchant who hates
you will not abandon his business and chase you SoroSuub Corporation employs
Buying Your Ship roughly half of the population.
across the galaxy, but he learns you are moving
Your party (group of characters) owns a ship collec- around on his planet then he will likely confront The natural environment pro-
tively. Each character has a share in the finances, vides vast amounts of heat
you with violence.
so that you all have an interest in protecting it. and the chemicals necessary
Even the luckiest character will not emerge from for technical work. SoruSuub
is the leading manufacturer of
character creation with sufficient credits to buy a
speeders and small personal
ship outright, it must be mortgaged. starships.
The size of the mortgage available to you (and the SoruSuub also specializes in the
resulting payment) is derived from the number of creation of sophisticated Fourth
players in your party. Exact final numbers must be and Fifth degree droids. They
worked out with the GM. made a deal with the Empire
to secure many locations on
Sullust with guard droids. This
Party Loan Payment Ship has made the Imperial presence
much more tolerable. Their
2-3 5 Million c 20,000c Personal Fifth degree droids are rarely
exported, used instead to help
4-5 10 Million c 40,000c Shuttle out in their industrial plants.
The planet came under the juris-
6-7 15 Million c 60,000c Transport diction of the Galactic Empire
and was reduced to vassal
8+ 20 Million c 80,000c Corvette status. It is a major source of
fuel for the Imperial Military,
becoming an essential mining
and manufacturing center for
These numbers might seem daunting, but running the Empire. Sullust is relatively
your vessel as a simple transport vessel for half of peaceful as workers accepted
your operating time should be able to cover the the stability offered under the
monthly payment. Empire’s reign.
24 Classic Star Wars

Academics are intelligent
characters with education 4 Skills and Training
and science careers. While
their exact field of study If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
may vary, as a group they
do share some common Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
attributes. They rarely see Skills Study Free Time
violence or aggression as a
1 +1 Knowledge* +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
way to solve their problems,
but that doesn’t necessar- 2 +1 Orientation +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
ily mean that they have a 3 +1 Research +1 Digital +1 Social
moral opposition to it. The
Academic has an advantage 4 +1 Repair* +1 Research +1 Carousing
of a heavy focus on complex 5 +1 Investigation +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
skills, but a weakness in
6 +1 Persuasion +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
combat ability.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Researcher Robotics Engineer
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Research +1 Programming +1 Repair*
Physical +0
2 +1 Diagnostics +1 Diagnostics +1 Diagnostics
Social +0
3 +1 Knowledge* +1 Bypass +1 Programming
Spatial +0
4 +1 Survival* +1 Programming +1 Starship Systems*
Choose one of these 5 +1 Research +1 Research +1 Demolition
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Investigation +1 Repair* +1 Repair*
character’s focus

Path Options
Researcher: You spend your
time accessing computer 5 Persistence
networks and ancient texts
in search for answers.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Robotics: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Researcher Roll 2D + Cerebral > 7
time working on droids and
the (6) Benefits table.
various ways to improve/ Technician Roll 2D + Digital > 7
repair them. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Engineer Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Engineer: You spend your
time developing new ideas
in your mind and finding a
way to make them a reality.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 200c Smoke Grenade & Recording Device
Then proceed to the (7) 2 400c Heavy Blaster Pistol & Sleeping Bag
Rolled 2-7 Events table (next page). 3 600c Datapad, Blow Torch, & Security Kit

Roll 4 800c Vibrosaw & Climbing Rope (40m)

+1 +1
2d6 5 1,000c Welding Kit & Flamethrower
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 8-10 Rolled 11-12 6 1,200c Composite Vest, Medical Kit, & Snub Pistol
Classic Star Wars 25

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 After a late night of study, you stumble across an anomaly. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
A colleague leaves their bag under their seat at a conference. You notice, switch seats, and END CHARACTER CREATION.
casually pick up the bag as you leave. Gain a Datapad and 800c. Gain +1 Thievery. If ending your career with less
During field testing of one of your ideas, the situation is going poorly. You meet someone an than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
Ithorian trader that helps you solve the problem. Gain them as a Contact. Gain +1 Social.
each unused term. This is the
A process that you are working on has surprising medical benefits that you discover by advantage of youth.
chance. You patent the process and sell it to a biomedical company. Gain +1 Medical*.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
You are working on a technology with military applications. During field testing, you are able Working on a team
8 project, you make
to learn a lot from the squad in which you are embedded. Gain +1 Tactics*
1 a serious error. The
At a continuing education class, you make a Duros friend. They are highly knowledgeable project is scrapped.
about several subjects that you study as a hobby. Gain them as a Contact. Gain +1 Cerebral. Gain an Enemy.
Your work has profitable applications in the consumer goods market. Immediately gain You have made a
4,000c. After character creation ends, your banking account receives 500c per month. number of political
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term. 2 adversaries in your
11 field. You decide to
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
leave the profession.
You are travelling on a passenger ship that is boarded by pirates. You are able to
12 use your systems expertise to lock the pirates in the cargo hold with the luggage. While working with
Gain the Ship's Security Officer (Mon Calamari) as an Ally. volatile chemicals,
you make a mistake
and drop a vial. The
3 chemical spill releases
8 Extension dangerous noxious
gas that damages
your eyes. Apply a -1
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension penalty to Spatial.
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Researcher Roll 2D + Cerebral > 9 You have built up a
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. significant gambling
Technician Roll 2D + Digital > 9
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the debt. To escape
Engineer Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9 the loan shark, you
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
arrange for your
4 research station to
"accidentally" explode.
You are presumed
9 Advancement by Rank dead. The debt is
clear, but you are on
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new the run.
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as an Academic. If ending your career with less You are kidnapped
than 5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. and held for ransom.
5 It wasn't paid and you
were released in the
Rank Researcher Robotics Engineer
Outer Rim.
1 +1 Cerebral +1 Digital +1 Mechanical Your project causes
2 500c 500c 500c the accidental death
6 of an innocent person.
3 +1 Research +1 Programming +1 Repair*
Their family is furious.
4 2,000c 2,000c 2,000c Gain an Enemy.
5 +1 Knowledge* +1 Diagnostics +1 Starship Systems*
26 Classic Star Wars

Crew Member
Crew members are working
members of a starship crew, 4 Skills and Training
typically on a freighter or
passenger vessel. During If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
this time, they pick up a wide
variety of skills useful for a Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
life of independent space- Skills Study Free Time
faring. They have encoun-
1 +1 Diagnostics +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
tered a number of incidents
in space and they are more 2 +1 Knowledge* +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
reliable in a combat situation 3 +1 Starship Systems* +1 Digital +1 Social
than an Academic, although
they lack the formal training 4 +1 Repair* +1 Research +1 Carousing
of a Soldier. The advantage 5 +1 Persuasion +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
of choosing a Crew Member
6 +1 Shooting* +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
career is being well-rounded.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Pilot Stevedore Mechanic
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Piloting* +1 Acrobatics +1 Repair*
Physical +0
2 +1 Diagnostics +1 Survival* +1 Diagnostics
Social +0
3 +1 Orientation +1 Animal Handling* +1 Research
Spatial +0
4 +1 Starship Systems* +1 Acrobatics +1 Repair*
Choose one of these 5 +1 Piloting* +1 Carousing +1 Melee*
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Throwing +1 Melee* +1 Carousing
character’s focus

Path Options
Pilot: You spend your time
piloting the ship, engaging 5 Persistence
in navigation tasks, and
communicating with others.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Stevedore: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Pilot Roll 2D + Spatial > 7
time managing the ship’s
the (6) Benefits table.
cargo, lifting things, and Stevedore Roll 2D + Physical > 7
stocking supplies. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Mechanic Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Mechanic: You spend your
time maintaining the ship,
repairing broken parts, and
working with droids.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 150c Ice Axe, Sledgehammer, & Brass Knuckles
Then proceed to the (7) 2 300c Breaching Charge & Scan Jammer
Rolled 2-4 Events table (next page). 3 450c Heavy Blaster Pistol, Blowtorch, & Comlink

Roll 4 600c Blaster Carbine & Portable Vaporator

+1 +1
2d6 5 750c Bowcaster & Datapad
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 5-9 Rolled 10-12 6 900c Blaster Rifle, Security Kit, & Boarding Shield
Classic Star Wars 27

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 In a bar, you have a strange conversation with a traveller. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
Another crew member is arrested under an old warrant. After they are hauled away by the END CHARACTER CREATION.
authorities, you search their locker to discover a blaster carbine and 2 smoke grenades. If ending your career with less
You transport a Trandoshan bounty hunter between two worlds. He teaches you some tips than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
for tracking your quarry and improving your aim. Gain him as a Contact. Gain +1 Spatial.
each unused term. This is the
You have a drunk passenger get out of control. You are able to talk them into calming down. advantage of youth.
You are able to relax them to the point that they fall asleep. Gain +1 Persuasion.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
You share a few drinks with a smuggler on Ord Mantell. He gives you some tips on how to get Your ship is captured
8 by the Empire. You
in and out of places without being seen. Gain +1 Thievery and +1 Stealth.
cut a deal to walk
You are stuck in quarantine with a Nar Shaada criminal boss for several months. The old Hutt away, sending your
tells some of the best stories. You listen quietly. Gain them as a Contact. Gain +1 Social. captain to 20 years
Your Captain earns a bonus on a transport job. He credits you for some time-saving measures in prison. A Twi’lek
10 crew member serves
and gives you a portion of the reward and a promotion. Gain 1,500c and +1 Social.
3 years and holds
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term.
11 a grudge. Gain an
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
While docked in port, you see a Twi’lek scoundrel being harassed by local law enforcement.
You don't get along
12 You vouch for the Twi’lek and convince the law to leave them alone. They are very grateful.
well with the other
Gain the Twi’lek as an Ally.
2 crew members. You
disembark at port and
don't return.
8 Extension Your ship crashes on
a mining planet. You
3 are taken as a slave
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension for two years before
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Pilot Roll 2D + Spatial > 9 buying your freedom.
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. You are "accidentally"
Stevedore Roll 2D + Physical > 9
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the left behind on an iso-
Mechanic Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9 lated planet. It takes
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
a few years before
anyone finds you and
offers a way back to
civilization. Apply a -1
9 Advancement by Rank penalty to Social.
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new You fall in love with a
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a Sullustan, quit, and
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as a Crew Member. If ending your career with less 5 settle down. They are
than 5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. killed and you fall into
a depression.
Rank Pilot Stevedore Mechanic Your ship has to
dump cargo to avoid
1 +1 Spatial +1 Physical +1 Mechanical capture. The cargo
2 400c 400c 400c belonged to an impor-
tant Hutt. Gain an
3 +1 Shooting* +1 Melee* +1 Melee*
4 1,800c 1,800c 1,800c
5 +1 Starship Systems* (D) +1 Starship Systems* (D) +1 Starship Systems* (D)
28 Classic Star Wars

Drifters are wandering the
universe without a clear plan 4 Skills and Training
or career path. Many charac-
ters end up here as a result If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
of failed rolls. The Drifter
period is a time of adjust- Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
ment before moving on to Skills Study Free Time
a more directed pursuit.
1 Knowledge* +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
Almost anything can happen
to you as a Drifter and that 2 Orientation +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
randomness can just as 3 Survival* +1 Digital +1 Social
easily work in your favor
as against you. There is no 4 Animal Handling* +1 Research +1 Carousing
advantage to being a Drifter, 5 Thievery +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
it is a transition period. Pick
6 Throwing +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
up the pieces and move on..

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Core Worlds Mid-Rim Outer Rim
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Knowledge* +1 Thievery +1 Animal Handling*
Physical +0
2 +1 Knowledge* +1 Bypass +1 Survival*
Social +0
3 +1 Bypass +1 Thievery +1 Animal Handling*
Spatial +0
4 +1 Demolition +1 Stealth +1 Medical*
Choose one of these 5 +1 Repair* +1 Carousing +1 Acrobatics
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Carousing +1 Investigation +1 Throwing
character’s focus

Path Options
Core Worlds: You spend
your time wandering 5 Persistence
between Core Worlds and
evading Imperial law.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Mid-Rim: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Core Worlds Roll 2D + Cerebral > 7
time drifting around the
the (6) Benefits table.
Mid-Rim on your wits alone, Mid-Rim Roll 2D + Physical > 7
taking what you need. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Outer Rim Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Outer Rim: You spend your
time on the distant edge of
space, far from the Empire
and civilized planets.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 100c Sensor Package & Energy Cell
Then proceed to the (7) 2 200c Bacta Spray & Wrist Bindings
Rolled 2-3 Events table (next page). 3 300c Infrared Goggles & Blaster Pistol

Roll 4 400c Stun Gun, Stun Grenade, & 2x Ryll Spice

+1 +1
2d6 5 500c Bacta Gel, Distress Flare, & Skis
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 4-5 Rolled 6-12 6 600c Submachine Gun, Blowtorch & Survival Kit
Classic Star Wars 29

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an event
2 You stumble across something that you shouldn’t know. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). that ended your career on
this character path. You must
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 spend your next term as a
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
Drifter (this page) or you can
You come into possession of a litter of small furry animals called Gorrimi. You sell most of END CHARACTER CREATION.
them to a pet store for 500c, but keep one as your personal pet. Gain +1 Animal Handling* If ending your career with less
You “find” a large container of unattended textiles. You are able to sell the stolen goods to a than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
Devaronian fence. Gain them as a Contact. Gain +1 Thievery and 2,000c.
each unused term. This is the
You try to stow away on a cargo ship and get caught by a crew member. They force you to advantage of youth.
work to pay your fare. The experience teaches you a lot. Gain +1 Starship Systems*
Things are really working out for you. You can start your next term as any character path
7 1D Outcome
that you desire without having to make an Extension roll.
8 You spend a few months helping out in a charity medical service. Gain +1 Medical*. You steal from the
wrong Duros. It turns
You join a band and live a romantic but impoverished life. The band leader is a Bith that 1 out he was a noble
9 encourages you to get back out there and follow your passions. You get a +3 bonus on your with connections.
Extension roll due to the encouragement. Gain the Bith as a Contact. Gain an Enemy.
You crash land on a backwater world. A town elects you to be their sheriff and provides you You try to straighten
with a slugthrower rifle. You buckle under pressure and board the next transport. up and work a normal
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term. 2 job. In your first week,
11 you insult your boss
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
and get fired.
12 You befriend a Gammorean mercenary during a bar brawl. Gain them as an Ally.
You are caught in a
firefight betwen two
3 gangs and severely
wounded. Apply a -1
8 Extension penalty to Physical.
A spaceport adminis-
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension trator gathers up all
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to the vagrants at his
Core Worlds Roll 2D + Cerebral > 9
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. facility and puts them
Mid-Rim Roll 2D + Physical > 9 on an old transport
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the 4
Outer Rim Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9 headed for an undevel-
(-1) Mishaps table (next page). oped and uncharted
planet. Unfortunately,
you are one of the
9 Advancement by Rank You are kidnapped
and held for ransom.
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. You can It wasn't paid and you
choose a character path that you have not used before, start a new term as a Drifter by going back to (3) were released.
Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a bonus (6) Benefit if you have You are caught
spent 6+ years (two terms) as a Drifter. If ending your career with less than 5 terms, add +1 to an ability committing petty
score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. crimes and enslaved
for a few months by
Rank Core Worlds Mid-Rim Outer Rim the Empire. You are
6 forced to serve on
1 +1 Cerebral +1 Physical +1 Mechanical a mining crew with
2 200c 200c 200c a deranged Wookie.
After you are released,
3 +1 Bypass +1 Thievery +1 Shooting*
he escapes. Gain an
4 2,500c 2,500c 2,500c Enemy.
5 +1 Knowledge* +1 Melee* +1 Animal Handling*
30 Classic Star Wars

Force Adept
Force Adepts are talented
characters that are begin- 4 Skills and Training
ning to experiment with
Force powers. At this early If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
level of training, their abil-
ities are very limited and Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
must be supplemented with Skills Study Free Time
more reliable alternatives.
1 +1 Knowledge* +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
Using these powers openly
will attract attention, so 2 +1 Animal Handling* +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
exercise caution as best you 3 +1 Acrobatics +1 Digital +1 Social
can. The Force Adept lacks
technical competence, but 4 +1 Melee* +1 Research +1 Carousing
their advantage is access to 5 +1 Command +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
rare Force abilities that can
6 +1 Persuasion +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
accomplish great things.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Empath Mystic Kinetic
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Persuasion +1 Acrobatics +1 Shooting*
Physical +0
2 +1 Knowledge* +1 Survival* +1 Knowledge*
Social +0
3 Animal Handling* +1 Acrobatics +1 Demolition
Spatial +0
4 +1 Medical* +1 Melee* +1 Command
Choose one of these 5 +1 Persuasion +1 Stealth +1 Shooting*
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Tactics* +1 Throwing +1 Throwing
character’s focus

Path Options
Empath: You spend your
time learning Force abilities 5 Persistence
related to reaching out with
your mind to sense others.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Mystic: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Empath Roll 2D + Social > 7
time learning Force abilities
the (6) Benefits table.
related to looking inward Mystic Roll 2D + Physical > 7
into your body and soul. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Kinetic Roll 2D + Spatial > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Kinetic: You spend your
time learning Force abilities
related to reaching out and
controlling physical objects.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 100c Sledgehammer & Stimulant Injector
Then proceed to the (7) 2 200c Knife, Restraining Bolt, & Stun Baton
Rolled 2-6 Events table (next page). 3 300c Sword, Axe, & Smoke Grenade

Roll 4 400c Blaster Carbine & Energy Cell

+1 +1
2d6 5 500c Environment Suit & Blaster Pistol
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 7-10 Rolled 11-12 6 600c Snub Pistol, Ballistic Vest, & Personal HUD
Classic Star Wars 31

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 You have a vision that leads you in a strange direction. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
You are experimenting on an isolated planet and uncover a cache. Some of the items were END CHARACTER CREATION.
damaged and some were too heavy for you to carry. You take a Blaster Rifle and leave. If ending your career with less
You help a Rodian trader find a buyer for a rare piece of jewelry. The trader is grateful for than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
your assistance and offers to help you when you need it. Gain them as a Contact.
each unused term. This is the
You spend a few years studying life energies in the swamps of an isolated planet. This allows advantage of youth.
you to practice interacting with large and unpredictable beasts. Gain +1 Animal Handling*.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
A crime boss recognizes your gifts and serves as your patron for some time. While serving, You are captured
8 by the Empire and
you are engaged in numerous negotiations and shady deals. Gain +1 Persuasion.
awaiting trial. You are
An Imperial Inquisitor was hunting you down. A smuggler helps you escape by hiding you able to use your Force
within a secret compartment on his ship. You become friends. Gain them as a Contact. powers to escape,
You are invited to a private Sabacc game with a few high rollers. You use your Force powers taking advantage of
10 a weak-willed guard.
to tilt the odds in your favor on a few key hands. Gain 1,500c and +1 Theivery.
He is blamed for the
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term.
11 fiasco and fired. Gain
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
an Enemy.
You are deep in the jungle studying the Force. You come across a wounded Trandoshan and
12 You accidentally harm
heal them. They are very grateful and vow to return the favor. Gain them as an Ally.
a child while using
2 your Force powers.
You fall into a depres-
sion and give it up.
8 Extension You tire of living on
the run from the
3 Empire and decide to
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension change your profes-
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Empath Roll 2D + Social > 9 sion to fit in.
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. You are lifting rocks
Mystic Roll 2D + Physical > 9
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the with the Force and
Kinetic Roll 2D + Spatial > 9 accidentally drop a
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
stone on your own
head. You are knocked
out for several hours
and when you wake,
9 Advancement by Rank you are never quite
the same. Apply a -1
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new penalty to Cerebral.
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as a Force Adept. If ending your career with less You are travelling on
than 5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. a small ship. They
5 believe you are cursed
and abandon you on
Rank Empath Mystic Kinetic
an old space station.
1 +1 Sense (Force Power) +1 Control (Force Power) +1 Alter (Force Power) You defend your-
2 +1 to a Sense Technique +1 to a Control Technique +1 to an Altar Technique self, killing the son
of a gang leader in
3 +250c +250c +250c 6
a holdup. He vows
4 +1 to a Sense Technique +1 to a Control Technique +1 to an Altar Technique revenge. Gain an
5 +1 Sense (Force Power) +1 Control (Force Power) +1 Alter (Force Power) Enemy.
32 Classic Star Wars

Fringers live in the far Outer
Rim. They live on their own 4 Skills and Training
or as part of a small family
unit. Their life is rough and If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
dangerous, and they have
skills to help them deal with Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
that reality. Fringers don’t Skills Study Free Time
have reliable access to trade
1 +1 Diagnostics +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
or markets, so they make do
as best they can with scav- 2 +1 Knowledge* +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
enged and/or reused tech- 3 +1 Repair* +1 Digital +1 Social
nologies. Fringers combine
strong shooting abilities 4 +1 Carousing +1 Research +1 Carousing
with technical and mechan- 5 +1 Shooting* +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
ical competence. This is a
6 +1 Throwing +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
powerful advantage.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Explorer Colonist Scavenger
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Piloting* +1 Survival* +1 Repair*
Physical +0
2 +1 Orientation +1 Survival* +1 Bypass
Social +0
3 +1 Starship Systems* +1 Animal Handling* +1 Repair*
Spatial +0
4 +1 Repair* +1 Repair* +1 Thievery
Choose one of these 5 +1 Stealth +1 Persuasion +1 Carousing
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Piloting* +1 Shooting* +1 Shooting*
character’s focus

Path Options
Explorer: You spend your
time exploring and charting 5 Persistence
new worlds, for the Empire
or another patron.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Colonist: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Explorer Roll 2D + Spatial > 7
time working to create a
the (6) Benefits table.
pocket of civilization on an Colonist Roll 2D + Cerebral > 7
undeveloped Fringe planet. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Scavenger Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Scavenger: You spend your
time exploring wrecks and
ruins looking for salvagea-
ble equipment to sell.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 100c Hatchet & Grappling Hook
Then proceed to the (7) 2 200c Slugthrower Pistol & Incediary Grenade
Rolled 2-4 Events table (next page). 3 300c Heavy Blaster Pistol & Spear

Roll 4 400c Slugthrower Rifle & Sensor Package

+1 +1
2d6 5 500c Blaster Carbine & Blowtorch
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 5-7 Rolled 8-12 6 600c Bowcaster & Plastique
Classic Star Wars 33

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 On a far distant world, you find a strange clue. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
You stumble across a battle between two mercenary companies. One side wins and leaves the END CHARACTER CREATION.
field. Afterwards, you search the battlefield and recover an operational grenade launcher. If ending your career with less
You serve as a drug mule for a spice dealer on Kessel. They take advantage of your naivety, than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
but you make a good bit of money. Gain the dealer as a Contact. Gain 1,000c.
each unused term. This is the
You spend a few months perfecting your aim against targets on a backwater world, including advantage of youth.
firing from the back of a riding mount. Gain +1 Shooting* and +1 Animal Handling*.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
You get a temporary job hauling freight to distant planets for profit. You have a few pirate You swindle an influ-
8 ential Weequay mer-
encounters, but you are able to escape using clever maneuvers. Gain +1 Piloting*.
1 chant and escape. He
You discover a small space station orbiting a gas giant deep in Outer Rim. The space station is doesn't forget about
occupied by a Duros scientist, who is studying the star’s behavior. Gain them as a Contact. it. Gain an Enemy.
You locate a vein of rare mineral on an isolated planet. Lacking the expertise to exploit the You join an Ugnaught
vein, you bargain with several mining companies and eventually sell the strike for 3,000c. uprising at an Imperial
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term. Prison and become
11 labelled as a rebel
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
2 by the Empire. You
You uncover an isolated Imperial mining station exploiting Wookie slaves. You kill the Imperial
12 change your name
overseers and set them free. One of the Wookies swears an oath to you. Gain them as an Ally.
and try to disappear
before they can hunt
you down.
While trying to repair
8 Extension a machine, you slip
3 up and lose a finger.
Apply a -1 penalty to
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension Mechanical.
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Explorer Roll 2D + Spatial > 9 You had engaged in
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. some risky behavior
Colonist Roll 2D + Cerebral > 9
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the and made a few too
Scavenger Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9 4
(-1) Mishaps table (next page). many friends. You
decide to change your
life and move on.
You fall deeply in love
9 Advancement by Rank with someone, but
5 your feelings are not
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new returned. You get very
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a upset and drift off.
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as a Fringer. If ending your career with less than You notice a Quarren
5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. bounty hunter on the
prowl and alert their
Rank Explorer Colonist Scavenger target in time for
them to escape the
1 +1 Spatial +1 Cerebral +1 Mechanical 6
planet unharmed. The
2 400c 400c 400c Quarren holds a deep
grudge and hunts you
3 +1 Diagnostics +1 Medical* +1 Melee*
looking for revenge.
4 1,800c 1,800c 1,800c Gain an Enemy.
5 +1 Piloting* +1 Survival* +1 Repair*
34 Classic Star Wars

Medical personnel are people
who have devoted their lives 4 Skills and Training
to healing others. Medical
droids make it easier, but a If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
medical practictioner more
hands-on the further out Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
they get from the galactic Skills Study Free Time
core. These people rarely
1 +1 Diagnostics +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
have combat training, but
do occasionally find them- 2 +1 Knowledge* +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
selves in firefights trying 3 +1 Research +1 Digital +1 Social
to save lives. The medical
career is the only path to 4 +1 Medical* +1 Research +1 Carousing
reliably allow access to a 5 +1 Repair* +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
high level of medical skill. It
6 +1 Persuasion +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
is also quite lucrative.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Core Worlds Mid-Rim Outer Rim
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Programming +1 Medical* +1 Survival*
Physical +0
2 +1 Knowledge* +1 Knowledge* +1 Knowledge*
Social +0
3 +1 Programming +1 Bypass +1 Survival*
Spatial +0
4 +1 Medical* +1 Medical* +1 Medical*
Choose one of these 5 +1 Command +1 Repair* +1 Stealth
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Persuasion +1 Persuasion +1 Investigation
character’s focus

Path Options
Core Worlds: You spend
your time working on 5 Persistence
advanced cybernetics and
leave most tasks to droids.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Mid-Rim: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Core Worlds Roll 2D + Digital > 7
time between surgery and
the (6) Benefits table.
serving as a field medic in Mid-Rim Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
military conflicts. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Outer Rim Roll 2D + Cerebral > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Outer Rim: You spend most
of your time away from
medical droids serving as a
field medic on the Fringe.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 200c Blaster Pistol & Distress Flare
Then proceed to the (7) 2 400c Stun Gun & Datapad
Rolled 6-10 Events table (next page). 3 600c Blaster Rifle & 2 Chemical Grenades

Roll 4 800c Composite Vest & Blaster Carbine

+1 +1
2d6 5 1,000c Medical Kit, Glitterstim Spice, & Bacta Spray
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 2-5 Rolled 11-12 6 1,200c Vibrosaw, Environment Suit, & Snub Pistol
Classic Star Wars 35

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 A dying patient shares their deep dark secret with you. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
You care for a Duros woman during her final year of life. She reminds you of your mother END CHARACTER CREATION.
and you give her excellent care. She is so taken by you than she leaves you 2,500c in her will. If ending your career with less
You meet a Bith genius conducting medical research. They specialize in healing technologies than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
and offer to provide you with experimental gels if you ever need it. Gain them as a Contact.
each unused term. This is the
You spend several months helping a wounded Mandalorian recover. Once they have gotten advantage of youth.
better, they take you to a shooting range and teach you a few techniques. Gain +1 Shooting*.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
Your superior becomes ill and you have to step up in their place for almost a year. You engage in illicit
8 activity with the
The experience gives you a crash course in leadership. Gain +1 Command.
1 spouse of a wealthy
You play cards with a Devaronian gambler after hours. They tell you stories about numerous trader. They discover
dive bars and gambling dens in the Mid-Rim. Gain them as a Contact. you. Gain an Enemy.
A backpacker dies under your care. They were carrying a lot of gear. Nobody comes to collect You are drafted by
their personal effects. You gain a tent, a flashlight, a sleeping bag, and a backpack. the Empire to serve
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term. 2 as a combat medic.
11 You fail to show up for
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
You sell some excess medical supplies to a Bothan operative. They become your friend and
12 You become addicted
you talk about working together in the future. Gain them as an Ally. Gain 1,000c.
to narcotics. This is
3 discovered by your
superiors and you are
8 Extension You are hit by a swoop
and thrown against
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension a wall. You are in
a short coma, but
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Core Worlds Roll 2D + Digital > 9 appear to recover nor-
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. 4
Mid-Rim Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9 mally. However, you
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the are never quite your
Outer Rim Roll 2D + Cerebral > 9 old self. You are shaky
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
and unreliable. Apply a
-1 penalty to Digital.
You have made a
9 Advancement by Rank number of political
5 adversaries in your
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new field. You decide to
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a leave the profession.
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) with Medical. If ending your career with less than You are taken prisoner
5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. by a criminal gang
and held captive for a
Rank Core Worlds Mid-Rim Outer Rim couple of years. They
force you to provide
1 +1 Digital +1 Mechanical +1 Cerebral 6
medical care. You
2 2,000c 2,000c 2,000c manage to escape at
some point, but they
3 +1 Acrobatics +1 Thievery +1 Shooting*
never forgive you.
4 4,000c 4,000c 4,000c Gain an Enemy.
5 +1 Piloting* +1 Stealth +1 Demolition
36 Classic Star Wars

Intelligence services operate
throughout the galaxy and 4 Skills and Training
provide information to the
various factions. A career in If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
this field is dangerous, but
highly lucrative. The types of Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
jobs performed will depend Skills Study Free Time
on your patron, but almost
1 +1 Orientation +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
everyone in the intelligence
field develops a talent 2 +1 Research +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
for stealth and combat. 3 +1 Thievery +1 Digital +1 Social
These advantageous skills
prove useful later in life. 4 +1 Melee* +1 Research +1 Carousing
Many bounty hunters and 5 +1 Stealth +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
members of organized crime
6 +1 Shooting* +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
are ex-Intelligence.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Imperial Corporate Tracker
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Demolition +1 Thievery +1 Investigation
Physical +0
2 +1 Bypass +1 Knowledge* +1 Orientation
Social +0
3 +1 Research +1 Bypass +1 Survival*
Spatial +0
4 +1 Demolition +1 Thievery +1 Stealth
Choose one of these 5 +1 Thievery +1 Carousing +1 Investigation
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Stealth +1 Persuasion +1 Shooting*
character’s focus

Path Options
Imperial: You spend your
time gathering intelligence 5 Persistence
for the Galactic Empire in
exotic locations.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Corporate: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Imperial Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
time gathering intelligence
the (6) Benefits table.
for a large Corporation. Corporate Roll 2D + Physical > 7
They pay very well. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Tracker Roll 2D + Social > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Tracker: You spend your
time tracking down objects
and individuals, for a price.
You work for yourself.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 150c Stealth Dagger & Stimulant Injector
Then proceed to the (7) 2 300c Snub Pistol & Comm Jammer
Rolled 2-4 Events table (next page). 3 450c Submachine Gun & Sword

Roll 4 600c Bowcaster & Environment Mask

+1 +1
2d6 5 750c Datapad, Sachel Charge, & Blowtorch
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 9-12 Rolled 5-8 6 900c 2 Thermal Detonators & Hand Flamer
Classic Star Wars 37

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 You find a document that comes to startling conclusions. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
You get access to a target’s finances as a part of an operation. He is “unfortunately arrested.” END CHARACTER CREATION.
You divert 4,000c to your account and delete evidence of the transaction. If ending your career with less
You are following a bounty hunter and the trail leads you to Mandalore. You develop a friend- than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
ship with a Mandalorian trader who specializes in heavy weapons. Gain them as a Contact.
each unused term. This is the
You disguise yourself as a travelling trader that specializes in animals. You discover that you advantage of youth.
have a natural talent for working with them. Gain +1 Animal Handling*.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
You go undercover as a crew member to gain info on a target. You need to put yourself in You outshine a col-
8 league in your organ-
place a few months in advance, learning a lot in the process. Gain +1 Starship Systems*.
1 ization. They never
You compromise a Devaronian freighter captain that is smuggling spice. You use the leverage forget the slight. Gain
to take down some spice dealers, but decide to keep him around. Gain him as a Contact. an Enemy.
During an operation, you free a group of Wookie slaves on Kashyyyk to create a distraction. Your superior sends
You steal a vibrosaw and cut open their shackles. They create some chaos. You keep the saw. you on a mission
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term. 2 knowing that your
11 cover has been com-
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
promised. You survive.
Your job takes you through Ord Mantell. You learn of an impending attack by pirates and tip
12 You don't quite get
off a fighter pilot in the defense forces. He is able to rout the pirates. Gain him as an Ally.
into cover in time
and get caught in an
explosion. Most of the
injuries are healed,
8 Extension but you suffered
severe burns. You are
never quite the same.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension Apply a -1 penalty to
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Imperial Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9 Physical.
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. You use an escape pod
Corporate Roll 2D + Physical > 9
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the to get off a starship,
Tracker Roll 2D + Social > 9 but the transmitter
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
is broken. You spend
a few years on an
isolated planet trying
to find a way out. You
9 Advancement by Rank finally locate a family
compound with a
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new working transmitter.
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as Intelligence. If ending your career with less You are caught up in
than 5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. a slave rebellion that
5 you helped encourage.
It takes years for you
Rank Imperial Corporate Tracker
to get out.
1 +1 Mechanical +1 Physical +1 Social You run afoul of an
2 500c 500c 500c influential planetary
governor. Gain them
3 +1 Repair* +1 Demolition +1 Shooting*
as an Enemy.
4 1,000c 1,000c 1,000c
5 +1 Piloting* +1 Throwing +1 Carousing
38 Classic Star Wars

Scoundrels are everywhere,
from Coruscant to the far 4 Skills and Training
reaches of the Outer Rim.
Their common bond is the If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
desire to make a quick credit
at the expense of others. Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
Despite their romantic rep- Skills Study Free Time
utation, life as a scoundrel
1 +1 Bypass +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
is rough and tumble. Often
on the wrong side of the law, 2 +1 Thievery +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
scoundrels have developed 3 +1 Melee* +1 Digital +1 Social
a nice mix of skills to keep
them alive and evade pursu- 4 +1 Stealth +1 Research +1 Carousing
ers. The advantage of being 5 +1 Carousing +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
a scoundrel is a skill focus on
6 +1 Shooting* +1 Medical* +1 Throwing
profit above all else.

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Smuggler Gambler Pirate
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Stealth +1 Carousing +1 Shooting*
Physical +0
2 +1 Orientation +1 Bypass +1 Survival*
Social +0
3 +1 Bypass +1 Thievery +1 Starship Systems*
Spatial +0
4 +1 Starship Systems* +1 Stealth +1 Demolition
Choose one of these 5 +1 Stealth +1 Carousing +1 Thievery
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Piloting* +1 Shooting* +1 Shooting*
character’s focus

Path Options
Smuggler: You spend your
time transporting goods 5 Persistence
to planets where they are
outlawed. It pays well.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Gambler: You spend your
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Smuggler Roll 2D + Physical > 7
time playing legitimate (and
the (6) Benefits table.
some illegitimate) games of Gambler Roll 2D + Social > 7
chance for income. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Pirate Roll 2D + Spatial > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Pirate: You spend your time
tracking down undefended
starships and relieving them
of their cargo. Arrrgh!

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 100c Knife, Mini Thruster, & First Aid Kit
Then proceed to the (7) 2 200c Infrared Goggles & Binoculars
Rolled 2-3 Events table (next page). 3 300c Heavy Blaster Pistol & Backpack

Roll 4 400c Blaster Carbine & Energy Cell

+1 +1
2d6 5 500c Blaster Pistol & Satchel Charge
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 4-5 Rolled 6-12 6 600c Glitterstim Spice & Datapad
Classic Star Wars 39

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 You pickpocket an item that leads down a rabbit hole. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
You engage in some work on a hostile moon. You have to acquire some specialized equipment END CHARACTER CREATION.
to stay safe. Gain an Environmental Mask, Suit, and Geiger Counter. If ending your career with less
You are detained by a Duros detective on Corellia. You spend a few days talking to them and than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
form an unlikely friendship. He releases you for lack of evidence. Gain him as a Contact.
each unused term. This is the
You develop a tactic of distracting the authorities with smoke grenades when you are trying advantage of youth.
to escape after stealing something. Gain +1 Throwing and 2 Smoke Grenades.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
8 You are fascinated by a particular culture or organization. Gain +1 Knowledge*. You are caught by a
Gamorrean security
You hide out on an Ugnaught asteroid mining colony for a few months to escape the law. You officer. You spend
discover that one of them is a major fence for a Hutt crime lord. Gain them as a Contact. three days in custody,
You steal a memory core that has very lucrative corporate espionage on it. You are able to ask making jokes about
10 1 his porcine appear-
around and find a suitable buyer. Gain +1 Investigation. You sell it for 3,000c.
ance. Your friends
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term.
11 spring you from jail,
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
but he never forgets
After a failed heist, you hide out on an Ithorian herd ship to escape authorities. You make you. Gain him as an
12 a good friend among the crew; a talented biologist/botanist who has been developing Enemy.
experimental plants for medicinal purposes. Gain them as an Ally.
Things go wrong on
Jedha. Your associ-
ates are captured but
you escape into the
desert. It takes a long
8 Extension 2
time for you to find a
way off-planet without
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension travelling on a trans-
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to port that is scanned
Smuggler Roll 2D + Physical > 9 by the Empire.
the (9) Advancement by Rank table.
Gambler Roll 2D + Social > 9 You are betrayed by
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the
Pirate Roll 2D + Spatial > 9 your own partners
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
and left for dead on
an aquatic planet.
Luckily you had some
rum on hand.
9 Advancement by Rank You cross the wrong
criminal boss. He
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new 4 cuts your ear off as
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a punishment. Apply a
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as a Scoundrel. If ending your career with less -1 penalty to Spatial.
than 5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth.
You tire of living on
the run from the law
Rank Smuggler Gambler Pirate 5
and decide to change
1 +1 Physical +1 Social +1 Spatial your profession.
2 500c 500c 500c You steal from a Mon
Calamari gambler on
3 +1 Starship Systems* +1 Acrobatics +1 Melee*
6 Ord Mantell. He holds
4 1,000c 1,000c 1,000c a grudge. Gain him as
5 +1 Command +1 Investigation +1 Piloting an Enemy.
40 Classic Star Wars

Soldiers are useful through-
out the galaxy. Everyone 4 Skills and Training
has something that needs
to be defended (or attacked). If this is your first term of character creation, gain all Standard Skills outcomes. Otherwise...
You are the one to do it.
Soldiers are unilaterally Standard Directed Enjoying Your
Roll 1D
focused on killing others Skills Study Free Time
and can rain down terror on
1 +1 Survival* +1 Cerebral +1 Physical
their enemies. This is a dan-
gerous life and those who 2 +1 Demolition +1 Knowledge* +1 Acrobatics
survive are tough as nails. 3 +1 Acrobatics +1 Digital +1 Social
The advantage of being a
soldier is amazing combat 4 +1 Melee* +1 Research +1 Carousing
ability, but there is some 5 +1 Carousing +1 Mechanical +1 Spatial
room for customization and
6 +1 Throwing +1 Medical* +1 Throwing

Record your starting

1 ability score values as
shown below. Choose one of these Roll 1D for your
and roll 1D path option
Starting Values
Cerebral +0
Digital +0
Roll 1D Imperial Mercenary Criminal
Mechanical +0
1 +1 Shooting* +1 Demolition +1 Melee*
Physical +0
2 +1 Orientation +1 Survival* +1 Acrobatics
Social +0
3 +1 Medical* +1 Demolition +1 Melee*
Spatial +0
4 +1 Command +1 Stealth +1 Stealth
Choose one of these 5 +1 Shooting* +1 Shooting* +1 Carousing
2 path options to be your
6 +1 Tactics* +1 Tactics* +1 Shooting*
character’s focus

Path Options
Imperial: You serve in the
Imperial Army and spend 5 Persistence
your time hunting down
enemies of the Emperor.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Persistence
Mercenary: You spend
If the result is greater than 7, proceed to Imperial Roll 2D + Spatial > 7
your time fighting for coin
the (6) Benefits table.
throughout the Mid-Rim Mercenary Roll 2D + Mechanical > 7
and beyond. You excel at it. If the result is less than 7, proceed to the
Criminal Roll 2D + Physical > 7
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
Criminal: You spend your
time working for organized
crime, possibly even the
Hutts. You don’t fight fair.

Roll 2d6 and add +1 6 Benefits

3 to a moral impulse as
shown below.
Roll for either Credits or 1D Credits Equipment
Equipment (your choice)
on the Benefits table. 1 100c Smoke Grenade & Code Cylinder
Then proceed to the (7) 2 200c Blaster Pistol, Baton, & Tarpaulin (5m2)
Rolled 2-5 Events table (next page). 3 300c Sleeping Bag, Environment Mask, & Sap

Roll 4 400c Heavy Blaster Pistol & Stun Grenade

+1 +1
2d6 5 500c Slugthrower Rifle & Security Kit
Consensus Efficiency
Rolled 9-12 Rolled 6-8 6 600c Blaster Rifle & 3 Incendiary Grenades
Classic Star Wars 41

7 Events -1 Mishaps
Roll 2D. Check the table below for your result. Then proceed to the (8) Extension table. Roll 1D. Check the table below
for your result.
Roll 2D Outcome You have experienced an
2 Your commander shares a story with you late one night. Roll on the Mystery table (pg 42). event that ended your career
on this character path. You
You have had additional time for relaxing and enjoying yourself this term.
3 must spend your next term as
Make a roll on the Enjoying your Free Time table (previous page) and gain the result.
a Drifter (pg 28) or you can
You participate in a commando-style raid on an isolated chateau. As a part of the operation, END CHARACTER CREATION.
you are given Infrared Goggles, a Climbing Rope (20m), a Grappling Hook, an a Blowtorch. If ending your career with less
You have a brief romantic tryst with a noble on Alderaan. It ends amicably and you can call than 5 terms, add +1 to an
5 ability score of your choice for
upon their connections to get into elite social gatherings. Gain them as a Contact.
each unused term. This is the
You have a reputation for partying and can hold your liquor. This helps you learn a lot from advantage of youth.
your drinking companions. You have a great collection of drinking stories. Gain +1 Carousing.
You excel at your work. This is noticed by your superiors and they are very pleased.
7 1D Outcome
You will automatically succeed on your next Extension roll.
While serving as a marine, one of the crew members is injured and you have to step in to help You get into a fist
8 fight with your supe-
out. You learn a lot and are grateful for the experience. Gain +1 Starship Systems*.
1 rior. He finds a way to
You meet a Weequay gambler who is well-connected. He gets you into a few high stakes end your career. Gain
games and you manage to break even. You have shared interests. Gain them as a Contact. them as an Enemy.
After a firefight, you pocket a cred chip found on a corpse. You slip it into a bandolier. A few You fall in deeply love.
months later, you find it again. You scan the chip and it ends up being worth 3,000c. Lucky! You can't shake it. You
You have had additional time for study and reflection this term. 2 quit to pursue them,
11 but cannot locate your
Make a roll on the Directed Study table (previous page) and gain the result.
love again.
You keep running into a certain Rodian bounty hunter while visiting Nar Shaada. A friendship
12 In a training accident,
develops and eventually he asks to travel with you. Gain them as an Ally.
a stun grenade deto-
nates at your feet. You
were not wearing your
helmet and it really
8 Extension hit you hard. It wears
off, but you have long
term side effects.
Roll 2D and add the Ability Score indicated. Path Option Extension Apply a -1 penalty to
If the result is greater than 9, proceed to Imperial Roll 2D + Spatial > 9 Cerebral.
the (9) Advancement by Rank table. You develop a drug
Mercenary Roll 2D + Mechanical > 9
If the result is less than 9, proceed to the habit and it impacts
Criminal Roll 2D + Physical > 9 4 your work. You are
(-1) Mishaps table (next page).
terminated and sent
on your way.
You fail to make it to
9 Advancement by Rank an evacuation point
5 in time and get left
Your Term (3 years) has now ended. Increase your Rank by 1 point and gain the listed benefit. Start a new behind by your crew
term by going back to (3) Morality or END CHARACTER CREATION. If ending character creation, roll a on an isolated planet.
bonus (6) Benefit if you have spent 6+ years (two terms) as a Soldier. If ending your career with less than You get handsy with a
5 terms, add +1 to an ability score of your choice for each unused term. This is the advantage of youth. Twi'lek dancer. Their
stage boss is a large
Rank Imperial Mercenary criminal Trandoshan who gets
very angry about
1 +1 Spatial +1 Mechanical +1 Physical 6 the transgression
2 500c 500c 500c and ejects you from
the venue. However,
3 +1 Medical* +1 Throwing +1 Stealth
he never forgets
4 1,000c 1,000c 1,000c you. Gain him as an
5 +1 Persuasion +1 Knowledge* +1 Bypass Enemy.
42 Classic Star Wars

X Mystery Table
Only roll on this table if directed to do so by your Character Path.

Roll 2D Outcome
You learn about an ancient Jedi holocron that the Emperor has stored on Byss. You have the
2 coordinates of the facility where it is stored. It is defended by an Imperial Army company
(~200 infantry + vehicles).
You learn about an Imperial weapons cache that was put in place on Jedha to combat rebels,
but had to be abandoned to the desert during a tactical retreat. You have the coordinates of
3 the cache, but it is buried beneath the desert sands. You will need a digging crew to retrieve
it along with heavy equipment, but that is assuming you can avoid being spotted by the Impe-
rial occupation forces.
You learn about a corvette prototype being developed by Kuat Drive Yards. It is designed for
The Unknown speed and could be handled by a crew of 30. You estimate it could be operated by a skeleton
Regions 4 crew of 12, but would perform poorly if engaged in combat. The prototype is estimated to
The Unknown Regions are a have a value of about 20 million credits on the open market, assuming you could line up a
part of the galaxy located in buyer. The Hutts might be interested.
the galactic west beyond the You learn that the gangs running Kessel, anticipating an uprising, have moved a large
Outer Rim. Largely unexplored
amount of spice to a secondary facility on an isolated moon orbiting a gas giant in the Outer
throughout galactic history, it 5
remained a mystery to space Rim. The spice is defended by a mercenary strike team, estimated to number at least 50, and
travelers and served as a source a Dreadnaught captured from the Empire.
of tales and wonders. You learn about a bunker on Nal Hutta where one of the Hutts is storing a large amount of
The Unknown Regions is a Coaxium (concentrated hyperfuel). You don't know how well defended it will be, but you
dangerous region separated anticipate that something of this incredible value will be very challenging to take by force.
from the galaxy by a labyrinth Perhaps a stealth approach is preferred.
of solar storms, rogue magne-
tospheres, black holes, gravity You learn the coordinates for an asteroid near Bothawui where the Bothans are storing a
wells, and things far stranger. captured Imperial data core. The intelligence value of this data core is unknown, but it is
Strange creatures were known defended by two light cruisers and a compliment of fighters. It must be of great value to
to inhabit the void. This maze someone.
is considered impassable and
many exploration ships and
You learn about a huge cache of medical supplies that is held under quarantine on a transport
probe droids were lost trying to craft docked on the orbital defense station over Duros. Security is tight and Imperial craft
breach it. could show up at any time, but the street price for the cache of supplies is rumored to be
over 10 million credits.
For decades, the Galactic
Empire attempted colonization You learn a Rodian bounty hunter is hiding out on Rodia with a captive that is worth over
of the Unknown Regions and 50,000 credits to the Empire. He can't move the captive without being detected by another
established a number of store-
bounty hunter that is stalking him. He has called for reinforcements, but they have yet to
houses, shipyards, and laborato- arrive.
ries on distant moons and aster-
oids beyond known space, with You learn that an old Mandalorian bounty hunter has hidden his fortune inside of an ancient
survey teams and droids having temple on the moon orbiting Mandalore. The fortune is of unknown value, but actively
previously been sent to explore 10 pursued by several other bounty hunters. You have the coordinates of the temple, but
the Unknown Regions. landing in the jungle will be difficult. You may have to land a distance away and travel over-
Many of these explorers were land through the jungle in order to reach the site.
killed while trying to breach You learn of a testing site on Sullust run by the SoruSuub corporation. They are testing a
the maze that lay to the west of new sublight engine that uses a rare mineral as a catalytic agent. The mineral is exception-
Jakku. Others went mad from
11 ally valuable and the stockpile held at this facility is estimated to be worth at least 5 million
isolation. The area remains
largely unknown to this day. credits. However, security is tight and the Sullustans have over 300 people working in this
facility. It will be difficult to infiltrate or attack.
The Unknown Regions is a great
place to put a large-scale alien You learn of a Dark Jedi who trained Sith on Korriban. He collected Sith artifacts, one of
species designed by a clever which is a powerful obsidian crystal used in lightsaber construction. It gave the Dark Jedi an
GM. An expansive species would advantage in combat, which he used to defeat his rivals. The lightsaber containing the crystal
be KNOWN within the majority was lost when the Dark Jedi disappeared suddenly. Many suspected his was killed by an
of the galaxy, but it could be 12
apprentice, but you have learned the coordinates of a possible sanctuary where the Dark Jedi
concealed within the Unknown retired and died alone as a hermit. Perhaps the lightsaber (and other artifacts) were stored at
Regions quite easily.
this location. It is unknown what traps he may have laid to protect himself and his sanctuary,
but it could be worthwhile to investigate.
Classic Star Wars 43

The Infinite Empire

The Infinite Empire, also known
as the Rakatan Empire, was
a very powerful government
that was the first known major
galactic power. The empire
was founded and ruled by the
Rakata, a scientifically advanced
species that used their power-
ful Force-powers and knowl-
edge to conquer and enslave
other species; from humans to
Selkath to Sand People.
The Infinite Empire was one of
the predecessor governments
to the Galactic Republic. It is
described in significant detail in
the Knights of the Old Republic
video game series. You may or
may not want to include them
in your universe.
Around 30,000 years ago, the
Infinite Empire had reached its
zenith, linking over five hundred
Force-rich worlds all across the
galaxy. 5,000 years later, the
Rakata were struck by a deadly
plague (possibly created by one
of the slave species) that spread
rapidly through their ranks due
to their genetic uniformity. A
mutation in the disease caused
the Rakata to lose their connec-
tion and power in the Force.
The Infinite Empire began to
collapse as member worlds such
as Korriban began to expel their
Rakatan masters. The Rakata
retreated to the safety of their
homeworld. This was followed
by a civil war that almost led to
the extinction of the Rakatan
In the following centuries, the
defunct Infinite Empire was
erased from the records of its
former labor forces. Only a few
hidden ruins remain.
44 Classic Star Wars

Chapter 3
The Marketplace

Price controls almost invariably produce black markets, where prices are not only higher than the legally permitted prices, but also higher than they
would be in a free market, since the legal risks must also be compensated. While small-scale black markets may function in secrecy, large-scale black
markets usually require bribes to officials to look the other way - Thomas Sowell

The Importance of Equipment Starting Gear

The world of the game exists in your mind. The As a result of Benefit rolls, most characters begin
most important game rules are at the intersection play with some starting credits (always Imperial)
of the world as you imagine it and the world as the and a few pieces of equipment. This represents the
Game Master imagines it. Equipment is the largest accumulated property after going through your
of those intersections. character’s life path. Even if you spend the credits
now, the items you buy could have been bought
For example, you might say your character has a
years ago. They are not necessarily the result of a
flashlight. In your mind, this is a great beam of
recent shopping spree.
The Outer Rim light that illuminates everything around you. You
The Galaxy is a massive place. are walking confidently down the corridor, able to What should you buy? For many players, their
The planets described in the see everything that lies ahead clearly. primary concern is security. All characters benefit
sidebars of this chaper are from from having some weapon on hand, even if it is just
the Outer Rim region, the most However, the Game Master might very well imagine
a club. If you plan on a lot of combat, you will need
distant and undeveloped planets your flashlight as weak and limited. They imagine
armor. If you are a technically skilled, you might
in the galaxy. you nervously twitching the light back and forth,
need support equipment, like a welding kit.
only getting a few momentary glimpses of what
The planets listed here are found
you reveal in the darkness. Who is right? Your next concern might be utility purchases.
beyond the Mid-Rim. Almost all
of them are lightly inhabited Almost everyone needs a backpack to carry their
Equipment rules exist to harmonize these expec-
with few industries. Imperial extra gear. If you plan on a lot of combat, you
tations. They ensure that different people can
strength is limited at this dis- should stock up on medical items. If you plan on a
imagine the same thing without misunderstand-
tance from the Core Planets. long outdoor expedition, stock up on food, a tent,
ing. Thus according to the rules, the flashlight
and survival gear. If you have skills dependent upon
Billions of unnamed planets and extends out 10 meters and gives you an initiative
systems can be found within equipment, you might want to pick up those items
penalty to represent your limited ability to detect
the Outer Rim. Some of these as well.
what is lying in wait.
planets may contain sentient
Backpacks are useful because they allow you to
aliens with low-tech societies. Even though you might still imagine a brighter
Some of these planets may be quickly drop a lot of weight. You might be carry-
flashlight than you really have, these hard numbers
partially inhabited with some ing a lot of weight while wearing a backpack full of
ground you to reality in a way that the Game Master
minor export product. Other gear, but have the ability to drop the backpack and
can grasp. They act as a common language of
planets may be completely run away at high speed with minimal weight.
vacant. This area is wide open imagination. Because of these numbers we know
for development by the Game that even with your flashlight, you cannot see the Types of Credits
Master. Rodian bounty hunter crouched behind the crates
Starting characters are given only Imperial credits.
15 meters away. The imaginary world is made real.
Four planets (Endor, Hoth, However, these are not the only measures of value
Yavin, and Dagobah) are listed Equipment is also important because your items in the universe. Many Outer Rim planets may not
here due to being featured in will serve as a list of tools that you can mobilize even accept Imperial credits as legal tender.
the Star Wars movies. This is to solve problems in the game. When you are
for YOUR benefit, but not your Imperial credits are shaped metallic ingots. The
stumped about how to proceed, check your back-
character’s benefits. These rarity of the metal correlated with the value of the
planets should be unknown to pack for possible solutions.
ingot. Within the Core Worlds, most transactions
the character. Aside from their Example: are done electronically. However, in the Mid-Rim
role in the movies, these planets
The GM announces that the old repulsorlift elevator and beyond, physical credits are the standard.
are unknown to the vast major-
ity of galactic residents. doors slide open to reveal... an empty shaft. Without  Wupiupi: This is the currency used by the Hutts.
power for the facility, the elevators are offline. It is a
Even the other planets listed in It is minted in round pressed coins, legal tender on
30m drop to the lower level.
this chapter may not be known planets within Hutt Space.
to everyone. These are not While your party members brainstorm on how to
popular destinations. proceed, you check your backpack and remember  Calamari Flan: This is the currency used by the
that you are carrying 40m of climbing rope. You tie Mon Calamari species. It is composed of rare coral,
off the rope and begin rapelling down. compressed into shapes. Legal tender on Mon Cala.
Classic Star Wars 45

Weight and Speed Availability

Your character can only carry so much equipment In a galaxy of high-tech wonders, the only limits
before they become burdened down by the weight. to what types of equipment are commercially avail-
This is represented as an encumbrance level able depend upon the inventors, merchants, and
(defined on the chart below). corporations that manufacture and supply them.
There are four status levels, each representing an Most of the items described in this chapter are
increasing burden. As your weight load rises, your available through legitimate arms and equipment
speed is reduced. If you try to carry more than traders. Some items might be particularly scarce
your extreme weight, you will collapse. or abundant, depending on the planet where your
characters are adventuring.
There are three different speeds listed in the chart:
Some items are exceedingly rare, due to legalities,
 Exploration Speed: The movement rate to use costs, supplies, or just the nature of the item.
when you cautiously walk through a dangerous Lightsabers, for example, aren’t bought and sold
area, such as a dungeon. This assumes that you are on the open market. Also, different corporations, Bespin
being very careful and looking out for any potential planets, and species might have their own versions Bespin is a gas giant in the star
dangers, such as traps. of standard equipment - perhaps even multiple ver- system of the same name. Its
sions. In general, these variations are cosmetic. riches manifest in the form of
 Combat Speed: The movement rate to use when rare tibanna gas. This valua-
you are engaged in combat or acting under pres- The most common place you will encounter these ble commodity has attracted
sure. This assumes you are being somewhat cau- restrictions is when you try to go into a small town mining interests.
tious about where you are stepping and making on an Outer Rim planet and purchase 30 heavy Bespin’s human population
efforts to dodge attacks. blaster pistols. The Game Master is free to tell you resided in the open upper
that this is simply not possible. Smaller markets levels, exposed to a thin layer
 Sprint Speed: The movement rate to use when
are not going to be able to provide you with the of breathable atmosphere in an
you are pushing yourself to the maximum. You
breadth and quantity of items you might desire. area known as the “Life Zone.
are running as fast as possible and giving minimal However, much of the work
attention to where your feet are hitting the ground. must be done down within the
Commissioning Equipment
deeper clouds on repulsorlift
Dropping Equipment Some items are simply not created and sold as platforms. To perform this
goods in a marketplace (example: fine art pieces). work, Ugnaughts were brought
A favorite strategy of many players is to place the
Other items might be available in the market, but in from their nearby homeworld
vast majority of their carried items in a backpack.
you want to modify them in a unique way (custom of Gentes.
When they think that combat is about to begin,
colors, non-standard size, etc). For these types of
they drop the backpack to the ground. This does Tibanna gas is harvested and
items, you need to make a few Investigation rolls then refined in mining com-
not require a combat action and it often dramati-
to find an appropriate manufacturer, then work plexes, including Cloud City, an
cally increases their speed.
out a price and time to craft with them, and then opulent metropolis suspended
If you win the combat, you can just pick up your you need to actually wait (in game time) for it to be in the planet’s huge billowing
backpack and keep moving. If you are losing the completed. clouds. During the Imperial
combat, you can flee at a higher movement rate. period, Lando Calrissian served
This time might not be trivial. If you custom order as Baron Administrator of Cloud
Some players will even drop their shield when
a modified transport craft with smuggling bays City. He helped provide well-pay-
fleeing battle if it will give them more speed. After
hidden in various locations, an enhanced weapon ing jobs for the Ugnaughts, and
all, a shield and backpack can be replaced. Your life was admired and liked by the cit-
system, and improved sensor array; this may take
is not so easily restored. izens of Cloud City. Lando tried
months or years to build (in game time).
very hard to remain unaffiliated
Breakage Test Example: in galactic affairs,
Some items are easily broken. We model this with You travel to a developed planet and make a few Tibanna gas is a very impor-
breakage throws. Whenever someone carrying Investigation rolls to find a custom tailor. You tell tant resource, used in blaster
such items falls more than 3 feet or is hit by a large the tailor that you want a custom jacket with two weapon manufacturing. When
heavy object, they must succeed on a breakage test unique hidden pockets for storing contraband. supercharged, the gas could fire
or the item breaks. This is a 3d6 test vs a difficulty The tailor quotes you a price of 450c. You offer a bolt of energy, resulting in the
value set by the Game Master based on how fragile to provide a Bantha hide as raw material and they blaster shot. Spinsealed tibanna
your items were and how hard they were hit. lower the price to 200c. You accept and the tailor gas, which occurred naturally
takes 2 weeks to make the jacket. on Bespin, had the ability to
quadruple the power of blaster
bolts passing through it. Most
Encumbrance Levels of the settlements on Bespin are
mining colonies.
Level Carry Points Exploration Combat Sprint During the Galactic Civil War,
Bespin remained unaffiliated,
Light 35 + (1 x Physical) 100m + (10m x Physical) 20m + (2m x Physical) 3x Combat Speed but that did not prevent the
Galactic Empire from garri-
Moderate 50 + (2 x Physical) 80m + (8m x Physical) 15m + (2m x Physical) 3x Combat Speed soning the planet and seizing
Cloud City to secure the gas
Heavy 65 + (2 x Physical) 60m + (6m x Physical) 10m + (1m x Physical) 2x Combat Speed supply needed for their military
weapons factories.
Extreme 80 + (3 x Physical) 40m + (4m x Physical) 5m + (1m x Physical) 2x Combat Speed
46 Classic Star Wars

Shooting Weapons

Pistol Class Range Damage To-Hit Carry Magazine Cost

Blaster Pistol 40m 2d6+1 +0 3 12 (20c, 1 carry) 250c

Hand Flamer 10m 2d6+3 +2 5 3 (25c, 1 carry) 350c

Heavy Blaster Pistol 50m 3d6 +0 6 16 (40c, 1 carry) 400c

Slugthrower Pistol 50m 2d6 +0 5 12 (10c, 1 carry) 200c

Snub Pistol 25m 1d6 +0 2 6 (10c, 1 carry) 300c

Dagobah Stun Gun 5m 3d6 (stun) +1 2 3 (10c, 1 carry) 200c

Dagobah is a mist-shrouded,
swampy planet, mostly covered
in swamps and bogs, inter- Rifle Class Range Damage To-Hit Carry Magazine Cost
spersed with countless shallow
lakes and lagoons and multiple Anti-Materiel Rifle 800m 5d6 +0 20 6 (100c, 3 carry) 2,400c
living caves. The continental
and oceanic crusts of Dagobah Blaster Carbine 150m 2d6+2 +1 10 24 (50c, 1 carry) 500c
are only vaguely defined, and
there was little in the way of
volcanic activity or earthquakes.
Blaster Rifle 300m 3d6+1 +1 14 30 (75c, 2 carry) 600c
Dagobah is home to many wild
creatures, such as bogwings, Bowcaster 400m 3d6 +1 16 6 (20c, 2 carry) 750c
sleens, swamp slugs, butcher-
bugs, and vine snakes. Combat Shotgun 50m 3d6+3 +2 15 6 (10c, 1 carry) 350c
Dagobah had two seasons, a
Slugthrower Rifle 400m 3d6 +0 16 30 (60c, 2 carry) 500c
dry season and a wet season.
During the peak of the long
dry season (over half an orbit Submachine Gun 200m 2d6 +1 10 24 (30c, 1 carry) 450c
after the rains end) the uplands
become too hot for most life-
forms to survive, necessitating Heavy Class Range Damage To-Hit Carry Magazine Cost
any that live there to migrate
to the lower wetlands. As the Flamethrower 40m 4d6+6 +4 35 10 (80c, 10 carry) 900c
air grows more humid, the
gray overcast clouds return and Grenade Launcher 150m Grenade +0 15 n/a 750c
before another quarter orbit
passes the planet is far enough
Rocket Launcher 300m 6d6 +0 20 1 (400c, 4 carry) 500c
away from its sun that the
dry season ends and the rains
return, again flooding the low- Light Machine Gun 400m 3d6 +2 22 60 (150c, 5 carry) 1,250c
lands and covering the trees in
water, making the uplands hab- Heavy Machine Gun 500m 3d6+3 +3 26 80 (250c, 6 carry) 1,800c
itable once more
Light Repeating Blaster 500m 3d6 +2 20 60 (200c, 5 carry) 1,400c
Dagobah is one of the purest
places in the galaxy within the
Force. It served as a refuge for Heavy Repeating Blaster 600m 3d6+3 +3 25 120 (400c, 6 carry) 2,000c
Jedi Grand Master Yoda during
his exile after the destruction of
the Jedi Order. Luke Skywalker Anti-Materiel Rifle Blaster Pistol
received advanced training in This is a heavy sniper rifle designed to penetrate This is the galaxy standard weapon. It fires cohe-
the ways of the Force under Jedi
and disable light vehicles; such as repulsorlift sive bursts of light-based energy called “bolts.”
Master Yoda on Dagobah, and
it was later the place of Yoda’s speeders, swoops, and wheeled ground vehi- Blaster bolts can be repelled by magnetic seals and
death and transformation into cles. It fires a single high-density ballistic round deflector shields. They could also be deflected by a
the Force. For precisely this at extreme range. Apply a -5 penalty to-hit if the lightsaber and even redirected back to the shooter
reason, we strongly recommend enemy is within 50m and you are not in a prone or some other target. They generally deal better
that you do NOT use Dagobah. firing position. damage than ballistic rounds.
However, Dagobah is a great
example of a planet you COULD Blaster Carbine Blaster Rifle
create; strong in the Force, filled This is a compromise between a blaster rifle and a This is an all-around excellent weapon. It has good
with life, concealing a secret blaster pistol. It provides a higher volume of fire, range, damage potential, and reasonable cost. It is
inhabitant, and easy to land on but lacks the damage potential of the blaster rifle. on the heavy side though, make sure you can carry
but hard to take off from. That’s It is capable of burst fire. the extra weight.
a great adventure location
Classic Star Wars 47

Bowcaster Light Machine Gun

This is a heavy single-shot custom weapon designed This is a squad support weapon. It fires ballistic
by the Wookie species. It fires a brilliant green bolt rounds at a high cyclic rate. It is light enough that
that deals strong damage out to a full 400m range, you can fire it without a tripod mount, but if you
but lacking the burst fire of a blaster rifle. do use a mount then you get double the standard
benefit. It is capable of both burst fire and auto-
Combat Shotgun matic fire. Be cautious of the high cost and weight
This is a powerful close combat weapon that fires of the ammunition.
a blast of buckshot pellets. Originally designed for
hunting birds and other small game, the combat Light Repeating Blaster
version of the weapon has a fast reload magazine This is a squad support weapon. It fires blaster
that lets you quickly decimate enemies within 50 bolts at a high cyclic rate. It is light enough that Dantooine
meters. It is an ideal ambush weapon. It is capable you can fire it without a tripod mount, but if you Dantooine is a lush temperate
of burst fire. do use a mount then you get double the standard world that was the former home
benefit. It is capable of both burst fire and auto- of a Jedi Academy under the Old
Flamethrower matic fire. Be cautious of the high cost and weight Republic. The world conceals a
of the ammunition. few ancient temples from the
This is a heavy flame projection weapon. It can
Infinite Empire period, which
shoot a powerful napalm mixture that deals massive the Jedi were studying until the
damage even to armored targets. However, the Rocket Launcher planet was abandoned during
user is vulnerable to counter-fire. A slugthrower This is a tube-launched weapon system that fires the Clone Wars.
hit to the backpack canister will create a powerful high-explosive rockets. It is normally launched
Dantooine lacks the industrial
decompression that knocks the user off their feet. from the shoulder in a standing firing position.
centers and sprawl of other
A blaster bolt to the backpack canister will ignite The rockets employ a shaped-charge that creates a planets. It consisted mostly of
the fuel and cause the canister to detonate as if it high-velocity superplastic jet. This superplastic jet undeveloped wilderness areas,
were an incendiary grenade. is capable of penetrating thick armor (even AT-ST which take the shape primarily
armor is vulnerable to this weapon). For obvious of wide, sweeping plains and
Grenade Launcher reasons, this weapon is banned on most worlds. grasslands that are studded
This weapon can project a grenade out to a much with rocks and meandering
Slugthrower Pistol rivers. The planet is hilly, with
greater range than an infantryman can throw. Of
rugged countryside that feature
course, operating the weapon has a very high cost This is a ballistic equivalent of a blaster pistol. It has numerous underground caves
as you must pay hundreds of credits per round. slightly better aim, but causes a little less damage and tunnels. Although true
But the damage potential is very high. The grenade and weighs more. It is cheaper though. mountain ranges are rare, they
is thrown with enough force to break through are present in certain places
non-reinforced glass and primitive construction Slugthrower Rifle across the planet.
materials (like mud daub hut walls). This is a ballistic equivalent of the standard blaster Dantooine enjoys a mild climate,
rifle, although it does not have burst fire capability. as well as fairly stable weather
Hand Flamer It has good range and high damage. patterns. Surface water is found
This weapon fires a powerful short-range blast of largely in planetary oceans and
napalm onto an enemy. It is mounted to a wrist Snub Pistol small rivers, with lakes being
gauntlet and deployed with a thumb movement. Be few and far between. The
This is a small lightweight pistol designed to fire
oceans of Dantooine are also
cautious of your limited range and magazine. without recoil in a zero-gravity environment. The temperate and mild, fostering
rounds are ballistic flechettes, capable of doing numerous types of aquatic life,
Heavy Blaster Pistol minor damage but not enough to cause serious and divided the continents from
This is a more powerful version of the standard hull damage in the event that you miss. The lack of each other. The planet is home
blaster pistol. However, the power pack is over- recoil also ensures that you are not thrown off into to a number of large predatory
charged and the bolts are much stronger. This space if you lose your grip. animals that live on the plains.
modification is outlawed on some worlds. Although the Jedi Order left, the
Stun Gun planet is still home to several
Heavy Machine Gun This is a powerful electrical weapon that can stun a family farming estates. These
This is a heavy squad support weapon. It fires close target. It has a light weight and is fairly easy estates are protected by private
armor piercing ballistic rounds at a very high cyclic to conceal. Beware the limited magazine capacity. security, as there is no formal
government on the planet.
rate. You cannot fire this weapon without a tripod This is not a good weapon for a fire fight.
mount. It is capable of automatic fire. This weapon The planet has plenty of flat
is banned on most worlds. Submachine Gun open areas with high visibility
This is the ballistic equivalent of the blaster carbine. and stable ground to support
Heavy Repeating Blaster even a corvette-sized ship.
It has a high firing rate, but lower damage on par
Combined with being a charted
This is a heavy squad support weapon. It fires over- with a pistol weapon. It is good in close quarters, planet along a well-travelled
charged blaster bolts at a very high cyclic rate. You lightweight, and with a high magazine capacity. It hyperlane, these factors make
cannot fire this weapon without a tripod mount. It is capable of burst fire. Dantooine a popular meeting
is capable of automatic fire. This weapon is banned location for illicit and rebellious
on most worlds. activities.
48 Classic Star Wars

Melee Weapons

Short Class Damage To-Hit Carry Cost A Note About

Baton 1d6 (stun) +0 3 25c
There is no Jedi charac-
ter path in the game. The
Hatchet 1d6 +1 5 75c
Jedi were destroyed by the
Knife 1d6 +0 2 50c Emperor and Darth Vader
roughly thirty years ago.
Sap 1d6 (stun) +0 3 100c Furthermore, the secrets
of lightsaber construction
Stealth Dagger 1d6 +0 1 150c are held tightly by the Sith
Lords ruling the Empire
Endor Stun Baton 3d6 (stun) +1 4 100c and those Jedi that did
Endor, also known as the Forest survive this purge, who
Moon or the Sanctuary Moon,
are deep in hiding and
was a small forested moon that
orbited the Outer Rim planet of Long Class Damage To-Hit Carry Cost fearful for their life.
the same name and is the home- The odds of your character
world of the sentient Ewok Axe 2d6 +1 10 100c
finding a lightsaber should
species. The moon is covered
in dense woodlands with some Club 1d6+2 (stun) +0 5 10c be very very slim. We do
tall mountains. There are a few not provide statistics for
savannah regions in the equato- Spear 2d6 +1 0 50c the lightsaber here so
rial regions as well. that we don’t encourage
Staff 1d6 (stun) +0 0 20c the Game Master to give
Sometime during the reign of
the Galactic Empire, the Empire them out as a form of
established an outpost on the Sword 2d6 +2 8 150c treasure. Only a powerful
moon that included a shield gen- Force Adept should even
erator complex to protect the Vibroblade 3d6 +3 12 1,250c be given a chance to earn
incomplete second Death Star a lightsaber.
in orbit of the moon. In order
to make way for the complex,
an Ewok village was destroyed
by Imperial troops, leading to
strained relations.
As a result of the repulsorlift
field emitted by the SLD-26 plan-
etary shield generator to keep
the Death Star in a stationary
orbit, Endor is prone to earth-
quakes, tidal imbalances, and
other geological disturbances
The moon is later the site of the
monumental Battle of Endor
that saw combat between the
Rebel Alliance and its Ewok
allies against Imperial forces
who were attempting to
protect the shield generator
and prevent the Alliance from
destroying its superweapon in
orbit. After fierce combat on the
forest moon, the Rebel Alliance
managed not only to destroy
the shield generator complex,
but also the second Death Star.
For these reasons, we strongly
recommend that you do NOT
use Endor. However, Endor is a
great example of a planet you
COULD create; homeworld of a
primitive native species, site of
a hidden base, no spaceports,
with the flexibility to play two
sides against each other. That’s
a great adventure location.
Classic Star Wars 49

This is a broad category, as many of the primitive
species in the Outer Rim employ a wide range of
melee weapons. We consider an Axe to be any
weapon with a long shaft and a sharp weighted
perpendicular head. This will result in the weapon
being swung in a series of heavy strikes with the
intent to crush/smash the enemy.
Don’t underestimate the simple axe. A solid hit
deals damage on par with a blaster pistol.

Baton Gand
Gand is a fog-shrouded planet
This is a crowd control weapon employed by many
that is the homeworld of the
police and occupation forces. It deals stun damage. insectoid Gand species. With
While it is not a fantastic weapon, it is affordable. an atmosphere composed of
ammonia instead of oxygen,
Club its air is thick and poisonous to
This is a broad category, as many of the primitive most off-worlders. Gand trav-
species in the Outer Rim employ a wide range ellers must wear respirators in
order to breath in oxygen-based
of melee weapons. We consider a club to be any
weapon that consists of simply a hard shaft. It
deals stun damage. It is the cheapest weapon you Gand have a mystic tradition
can find. On a forested world, it could easily be called the “findsmen”, who were
available for free. However, it does way quite a bit known for their uncanny track-
ing skills. The findsmen are a
more than the similar, but more compact baton.
Force-sensitive religious tradi-
tion of bounty hunters unique
Hatchet to the Gand species. However,
Stealth Dagger
As with the Axe, this is a broad category. The only the findsmen themselves claim
This is a small dagger designed to be undetectable that their abilities did not stem
difference is in length. We consider a hatchet to
during a pat down. It is typically made of materials from the Force.
be any weapon with a short shaft and a sharp
that do not show up on a basic scanner. This makes
weighted perpendicular head. The weapon is much The findsmen worship the ever-
the weapon ideal for assassinations and ambushes.
more agile than the long-handled axe. It deals less swirling mists of the planet
damage but is still very deadly in close quarters. Gand, divining omens and signs
Stun Baton in order to locate their prey.
Knife This is a baton with an electrical charge that causes They rarely travel off-world,
a large amount of stun damage. It is comparable but these Gand make excellent
This is a short bladed weapon that comes in many
to a stun gun, for half the price and effectively the bounty hunters for obvious
potential styles and designs. It is used to make reasons.
same range. However, it is much more visible than
quick stabbing attacks in close combat. It can also
a stun gun. Even when not being wielded, the stun Findsmen were legendary
be used as a versatile tool for many survival tasks.
baton crackles occasionally and can intimidate figures in Gand society, and the
Sap anyone nearby. It is a favored weapon of civil and title had a bit of prestige outside
police forces throughout the galaxy. of Gand society as well. Certain
This is a weapon that is short, concealable, and sects would instruct their
weighted (usually filled with lead powder, molded Sword apprentices to bathe in specific
lead clay, or lead shot) to constitute an effective chemicals, or even subject them
This is a long bladed weapon common among the to genetic manipulation, which
bludgeoning device. It deals damage on par with
primitive tribes of the Outer Rim. It deals solid would cause knob-like growths
a baton, but you gain +3 damage if you use this
damage in close combat, it is very intimidating, to appear on portions of their
weapon in a rear attack against someone unaware
and the weight is not too bad. exoskeletons. These serrated
of your presence. A single hit can easily knock out
growths, usually located on
a guard and allow you to stay undetected. the arms and legs and some-
times four to five centimeters
Spear This is a bladed weapon/tool that uses ultrasonic
in length, would then be used
vibrations to increase cutting effectiveness. It can as weapons in hand-to-hand
The spear is the most effective method of all time.
be fitted with cortosis-weave (additional 1,000c) combat.
It is simple, reliable, and deadly in the hands of a
allowing it to parry the blows of lightsabers. It is
practiced user. It can even be used as a walking The Findsmen are an excellent
used in combat and as a utility device.
stick, but resulting in a carry weight of zero. example of a Force-senstitive
The weapon buzzes, thrums, and glows ember-hot tradition outside of the bounds
Staff when ignited. It is capable of cutting through the of the Jedi-Sith conflict. Planets
The staff is essentially a large baton that you can plastoid armor of a stormtrooper, but not heavier like Gand make excellent places
to explore the true nature of
use as a walking stick to have zero carrying weight. plasteel sheet armor. These weapons are often kept
Force and find personal growth
However, it is very large and impossible to conceal. in sheaths or scabbards. as a Force Adept.
50 Classic Star Wars


Grenade Damage To-Hit Carry Cost

Chemical 1d6 (stun) +0 2 150c

Fragmentation 2d6 +0 3 250c

Incendiary 1d6 +0 2 100c

Smoke n/a +0 2 100c

Stun / Flash 3d6 (stun) +1 2 200c

Hoth Thermal Det. 4d6 +0 3 500c

Hoth is a remote, icy planet that
is the sixth planet in the star
system of the same name. Most
of its surface is covered with
glaciers and frozen ice plains.
Chemical Grenade Smoke Grenade
Another third of the planet is This grenade releases a mild toxic gas that causes This grenade creates a large amount of colored
covered by oceans. The temper- respiratory distress. It is more commonly known smoke that blocks vision. Without wind, the cloud
ature, is always frigid, known as tear gas. It is mostly used for crowd control. quickly fills a 20 meter radius. The smoke should
to drop as low as -60°C come Indoors, the cloud quickly fills a 10 meter radius. stay in place for about 5 minutes before thinning
nightfall. Outside, the cloud is less defined and can be dis- to the point that vision is restored, unless moved
An asteroid belt surrounds the persed by the wind. Damage is dealt to anyone who by wind or force. It deals no damage.
planet. As a result, meteors breathes the gas.
strike the surface with some Stun / Flash Grenade
regularity. Despite this danger, Fragmentation Grenade This grenade uses a phosphorous compound to
the asteroid belt provides a level
This grenade uses a small explosive to blast metallic create a powerful flash and loud booming sound
of security as well. It blocks and
distorts many signals, making shrapnel within a 15 meter radius. Anyone within 5 that stuns a target. Anyone within 15 meters of the
them hard to detect. meters of the blast takes double damage. Shrapnel blast is blinded and stunned (incapable of action)
can cause minor damage all the way out to a 50m for 1d6+2 rounds. Anyone between 15 and 25
Although devoid of intelligent distance. This is a standard military weapon used meters from the detonation point is stunned for a
life, Hoth is home to fifteen
by most defense forces. single round.
different species of large gray
snow lizards called tauntauns
and to a species of towering Incendiary Grenade Thermal Detonator
predators known as wampas. This grenade uses a blend of thermite and pyro- Thermal detonators are deadly explosive weapons.
The planet also has a number of technic compounds to create a powerful flame that In addition to being surprisingly powerful for
“crystalline geysers.” ignites everything within a 5 meter radius. Careful their size, they can only be turned off by whoever
Hoth was the arena of a battle placement of this grenade is critical. If thrown into turned them on. Damage is dealt to anyone within
between the Galactic Empire a mass of explosive material (such as a fuel depot), a 25 meter radius. Anyone within 10 meters of the
and the Rebel Alliance, which this little grenade can cause enormous damage. blast takes double damage.
had installed its temporary
headquarters, Echo Base, on
the ice planet. However thanks
to one of the thousands of
probe droids they had dis-
patched throughout the galaxy,
the Imperials had discovered the
Alliance base within a month
of the rebels habitation on the
planet. Although Echo Base was
evacuated in the eleventh hour,
the Battle of Hoth resulted in
a clear defeat for the Alliance
after the elite Imperial Blizzard
Force overran it.
For these reasons, we strongly
recommend that you do NOT
use Hoth. However, Hoth is a
great example of a planet you
COULD create; home of a unique
riding animal species, site of a
hidden base, subject to extreme
environmental conditions, and
unknown to the Empire. That’s
a great adventure location.
Classic Star Wars 51


Protection Armor Carry Cost

Ballistic Vest +2 5 250c

Composite Vest +4 15 700c

Enclosed Helmet +3 12 350c

Full Body Armor +6 24 1,600c

Light Helmet +1 4 100c

Personal Shield Special 18 2,500c Kessel

Kessel is a rare and unique
planet. It is located within the
Akkadese Maelstrom, a cluster
of nebula-eating black holes.
Ballistic Vest Full Body Armor The planet is reknowned for its
This is a standard vest with ceramic plates that are This is full body encasement in the materials used mining operations; exporting
effective at both stopping ballistic rounds and dissi- in the composite vest. It is equivalent to the pro- both rare spices and coaxium.
pating blaster energy. However, they are mounted tection of stormtrooper armor. This is the highest
The Galactic Empire provides
in a fiber vest and don’t provide comprehensive grade protection available aside from Mandalorian slave labor to the criminal Pyke
protection. They are fairly cheap to produce and armor. However, it does have significant weight Syndicate that runs several
common among mercenaries and law enforcement and will be easier on those with excellent Physical mining operations. Wookies are
on low-tech worlds. ability scores. the principal species sold in this
manner, as they are valued for
Composite Vest Light Helmet their large size, strength, and
This is an upgraded ballstic vest that uses fibrous This is a helmet made of light-weight protective
material with attached plates of polymer plastics plastics. It won’t deflect a direct hit, but can some- The spice mines of Kessel,
and ceramic blends. It is designed to shield major times turn a glancing blow while you are crouching known as the Dark to veteran
arteries and organs and remains a light-weight in cover. It is cheap and widely available. miners, are kept in a constant
vest. This is much more expensive to produce, but state of darkness due to the
photoreactivity of kesselstone.
provides good protection from damage. Personal Shield
Spice mining is extremely
This is a belt-mounded energy generator that can dangerous, and the slaves are
Enclosed Helmet be activated to project an energy shield around the thus used as expendable labor.
This is a fully enclosed helmet that provides good user. Instead of making you less-likely to get hit Life expectancy for a human-
protection for your neck and head. It can help in a (as armor does), this shield can directly stop up to oid species was two to three
fight, but it does weigh quite a bit and you may miss 20 points of damage. Once activated, it will take years, while Wookiees have an
a few sounds due to the enclosure. These helmets 1 damage every 10 minutes due to power deple- expected survival time several
times that amount (hence their
are considered to have personal HUD googles built tion (until it reaches zero). It can be recharged by a
prized value).
in at no additional cost. standard power generator in about an hour.
The Yaruba Family of Kessel
(the technical Monarchs of the
world) have turned a blind eye to
the harvesting of spice. Choos-
ing instead to live in luxurious
sanctuaries in the more pleas-
ant parts of the planet.
Both spice and coaxium must
immediately be refined upon
extraction. This is accomplished
in several refinery complexes
staffed with droids that ring the
planet’s only spaceport.
Coaxium is exported exclusively
to the Empire as a part of their
slave labor agreement. The spice
is divided into Glitterstim (a
high-end luxury spice preferred
in the Core Worlds) and Ryll
spice, a cheap alternative for
Mid-Rim and Outer Rim inhabit-
ants. Spices are distributed via
black market sales, particularly
the Hutts.
52 Classic Star Wars


Equipment Carry Cost Equipment Carry Cost

Adhesive Tape 2 5c Holovid Projector 1 30c

Backpack special 50c Ice Axe 4 80c

Bacta Spray 1 200c Infrared Goggles 1 200c

Bacta Gel 2 600c Medical Kit 14 800c

Bandolier special 75c Mini Thruster 2 50c

Klatooine Binoculars 5 100c Oxygen Reserves 12 100c

Klatooine is a desert planet
located within Hutt Space. It Blowtorch 10 250c Personal HUD Goggles 0 350c
is known for its deep ravines
and canyons, cut by an ancient Boarding Shield 20 500c Pitons and Hammer 8 50c
ocean that has since evapo-
rated. It is the homeworld of
Brass Knuckles 1 75c Plastique 1 150c
the Klatooinian species.
Klatooine had the unfortunate Breaching Charges 5 300c Portable Vaporator 10 400c
fate of being discovered by the
Hutts. As a consequence, the Breathing Apparatus 1 25c Probe Drone 0 2,000c
native Klatooinians were taken
advantage of from the start. Climbing Rope (20m) 10 100c Recording Device 1 200c
95% of them are still owned
as slaves of the Hutts, passing
down as inherited property.
Code Cylinder 1 50c Restraining Bolt 1 150c
Those that gain their freedom
have little wealth and often end Comlink 2 30c Ryll Spice 1 100c
up signing indentured labor
contracts that are nearly as bad Comm Jammer 2 180c Sachel Charges 4 800c
as the slavery they escaped.
Datapad 8 400c Scan Jammer 2 150c
The pak’pah fruit is the principal
planetary export. It depends on
the unique soil composition of Distress Flare 1 50c Security Kit 4 250c
the planet’s high deserts. The
Hutts have an absolute monop- Energy Cell 2 100c Sensor Package 1 50c
oly on the trade. The fruit is
highly valued among the elite of Environment Mask 5 150c Skis 14 100c
Klatooine is lightly developed, Environment Suit 10 500c Sledgehammer 12 70c
with several small towns and
large plantation estates. There Eye Protection 1 10c Sleeping Bag 5 200c
is no official spaceport. Most
buildings are built over wells Fire Extinguisher 8 20c Snowshoes 10 30c
as shortage of water is a major
problem. Cisterns are also used First Aid Kit 3 50c Stimulant Injector 1 80c
to conserve whatever little rain
does fall. Flashlight 2 5c Survival Kit 5 200c
Being in Hutt Space, the spice
trade is a major economic Flight Helmet 10 250c Tarpaulin (5m2) 10 25c
force on Klatooine. Most of
the natives are addicted to Ryll Garrote 1 40c Tent 16 450c
Spice, which is both cheap and
widely available. Geiger Counter 2 50c Tripod Mount 8 500c
After a hard day of labor, the
locals head to the cantina where Glitterstim Spice 1 500c Vibrosaw 5 1,000c
they can get an automated Ryll
injection from a droid. Sadly, the Glowsticks 1 10c Welding Kit 10 600c
price of this injection is some-
times more expensive than the Grappling Hook 12 80c Wrist Bindings 5 100c
wages earned that day, leading
to a spiral of poverty and suffer-
ing. Breaking the addiction is
very difficult.
Classic Star Wars 53

Adhesive Tape Blowtorch

This is a standard roll of tape that can secure loose This is a heavy cutting tool that can slice through
or broken parts until you can make a better repair. most metallic compounds.

Backpack Boarding Shield

This is used to carry heavy or bulky items on your This is a heavy shield that is used to deflect fire
back so that you can focus on other things. It can when moving forward into a dangerous area.
hold up to 15 carry points worth of gear. For every When equipped, no weapon can be fired. However,
5 carry points placed in the backpack, reduce your you gain +10 armor.
total carried points by 2.
Brass Knuckles
Bacta Spray This is a catch-all for any kind of enhancement to Korriban
This is a small canister of healing bacta spray. It can your hand to cause additional damage. If wearing Korriban is the homeworld of
be applied in a single combat round, but it must be them, you deal +3 damage in unarmed combat. the Sith species and a sacred
applied to the flesh / open wound. It heals 1d6 hit planet for the ancient Sith
points immediately. It has a single application. Breaching Charges Order, housing the tombs for
many ancient and powerful
This is a powerful shaped charge that will cut right Dark Lords of the Sith, and con-
Bacta Gel through a heavy blast door or thick armor. It does taining great dark side power. It
This is a concentrated bacta gel in a squeeze tube. not have an explosive radius like a grenade. Anyone is a barren planet with a breath-
It can be used to heal significant wounds. Each within 5 meters of the other side of the door takes able atmosphere.
application takes 3 combat rounds to apply, but 1d6 damage when it detonates.
During the early years of the
restores 2d6 hit points at the end of that time. The Republic, the Sith held an
container has a single application. Breathing Apparatus immensely rich and powerful
This is a partial facial covering that filters oxygen empire, built upon the use of
Bandolier from the surrounding environment so that you can sorcery and the dark side which
This is a strip of leather or fabric across your chest breathe. If the environment has no oxygen content fueled their technology, adapted
that can hold rifle or pistol magazines. It has no or you are underwater, you can attach oxygen from relics of the Infinite
Empire. At its height, they ruled
carry weight itself and it can cancel out the carry reserve tanks from which you can breathe.
over at least 120 worlds.
weight of up to 3 pistol or rifle magazines.
Climbing Rope (20m) After learning of the Sith using
Binoculars This is a thick weave climbing rope that can support the Dark Side, the Republic
became emboldened to strike
This is a set of vision enhanced binoculars. In addi- up to three average climbers or about 250 kg.
back against the Empire. The
tion to visual enhancement, it has an infrared mode Sith Empire at the time was
that can be used to track heat. Binoculars allow Code Cylinder in complete turmoil after the
effective sight out to a range of 1,000 meters. This is a small device that can be loaded with your death of a major leader and was
personal codes and information, then accessed by consumed by infighting. Unable
computer systems to verify your identity. to withstand the onslaught of
these invaders, the Sith Empire
was destroyed.
This is a standard communication device that is Following this, the Jedi worked
available everywhere and used to communicate to destroy whatever remained
between individuals. of the Sith’s legacy which
included talismans, temples and
holocrons. This was an attempt
Comm Jammer by the Jedi to prevent the dark
This is a small signal device that blocks comlink knowledge of the Sith from
communication within 100m of your position. being used by students who
could be influenced by those
Datapad teachings. Some of the cap-
tured manuscripts and books
This is a handheld computer with a visual interface
were later taken to the Galactic
that can be used to perform computer tasks. In Museum at Republic City where
function, it is similar to a modern iPad. they were stored in the Sith Hall
for visitors to see.
Distress Flare
After the rise of the Empire, the
This is a bright phosphorous flare that releases Jedi temples were desecrated.
light and smoke when activated. It burns for about The exact locations of these
an hour before running out of chemicals. It will Sith manuscripts is known.
burn in any environment, even underwater. Some suspect that the Emperor
moved them to Byss. It is also
Energy Cell possible that the Jedi failed to
locate all Sith artifacts on the
This is a power source that can be used to transfer
planet and that some remain
energy to / recharge any number of small devices. there, hidden for centuries.
54 Classic Star Wars

Environment Mask Glowsticks

This is fully-enclosed headgear that filters oxygen This is a short rod that can be activated to glow
from the surrounding environment so that you can brightly in the dark (out to a 3 meter radius). If you
breathe. If the environment has no oxygen content are attacked while in the dark, this reduces the -5
or you are underwater, you can attach oxygen penalty for darkness to only a -4 penalty.
reserve tanks from which you can breathe. It also
provides protection from the vaccum of space. Grappling Hook
This is a hook that can be attached to a climb-
Environment Suit ing rope and thrown to otherwise unreachable
This is a sealed jumpsuit that protects against the heights. Once anchored, you can then climb the
vacuum of space. It also blocks radiation, poison- rope to reach the higher area.
Mon Cala ous gases, and other common space dangers.
Mon Cala is an oceanic planet in Holovid Projector
the far Outer Rim. The planet Eye Protection This is a small device that can project a holographic
is unique in its massive deep This is basic eye protection, common in industrial transmission or recording to be viewed.
blue holes that serve as portals environments. It can be necessary on some worlds
beneath the shallow crust to a
where the atmosphere may be breathable, but still Ice Axe
secondary layer of water. These
blue holes allow the residents cause eye irritation. This is a strong pickaxe for use when climbing in
to conceal massive spaceyards difficult weather. It can cut through ice so that you
beneath the waves. Fire Extinguisher can more effectively grip the surface. While using
This is portable canister of flame retardant foam the axe, the climber gets a +3 bonus to all tests
The planet is the homeworld to
two separate sentient species, spray that can be easily deployed to stop fires. (climbing typically involves Physical/Acrobatics).
the peaceful Mon Calamari and
the more bellicose Quarren. First Aid Kit Infrared Goggles
Despite their biological differ- This is a box of bandages and basic antiseptics. It These goggles detect infrared light, converting
ences, the two peoples have can be used to accelerate natural healing by an them into a display of heat.Hotter objects appears
generally shown mutual respect additional point per day. Requires a Medical test in different colors from cooler objects, thus allow-
throughout their history. They
against Difficulty 9 to use. ing you to see people through walls and other
are currently ruled by a single
monarch. obstructions.
Although some cities on Mon This is a device that project a strong beam of light Medical Kit
Cala were built underwater,
out to a distance of 10 meters. If you are attacked This is a full medical kit with surgical tools and
there also existed cities built on
the surface of the ocean or on while in the dark, this reduces the -5 penalty for bacta applications. It can be used to provide high
the numerous atolls and islands darkness to only a -2 penalty. end medical care to someone that is seriously
that dot the surface. injured. Restores 2d6 hit points over the course of
Flight Helmet 2 hours. Requires a Medical test against Difficulty
The Empire believed Mon Cala
This is a plastic helmet with mounted electronics 12 to use.
to be an easy mark and sent a
token force to occupy it. This that help with starship flight. While wearing this
was an embarassing mistake, as helmet, you get a +1 bonus to all piloting rolls. Mini Thruster
a fleet of Mon Calamari Cruisers This is a small canister of compressed air. It can
rose from the blue holes and Garrote be used as a directional thruster during a space-
annihilated the approaching This is a thin wire with grips on either end. It is walk to provide you with an extra boost or keep you
Imperial forces. from drifting off into space by accident. Contains
used to perform a quick assassination through
The Mon Calamari proceeded asphyxiation. Using the garrote to kill someone is enough thrust for 10 full minutes of use.
to disrupt and mine principal an opposed Physical test with the attacker gaining
hyperspace routes that lead to a +5 bonus. Oxygen Reserves
their sector, while searching This is a reserve tank of oxygen, appropriate for
for new secret routes. In order Geiger Counter underwater exploration or for use on a planet
to take Mon Cala, the Empire
would have to launch a long This is a simple sensor device that detects harmful without breathable atmosphere. It comes with a
campaign that might embolden radiation levels. mesh rig that can be used to mount the tank on
other planets. Imperial offensive your back.
actions have stalled as a result. Glitterstim Spice
This is a powerful illicit drug that gives the user Personal HUD Goggles
Mon Cala is now a powerful
independent planet, support- a brief, yet pleasurable, hallucinagenic state and This is a Heads Up Display that appears in a set
ive of rebellious and seditious heightened mental abilities. Force-sensitive users of goggles. It provides eye protection, but not
forces within the Empire. Offi- have been known to experience telepathic effects the armor of an actual helmet. The HUD provides
cially, they claim to want no that transcend space and time. The spice is photo- you with a +2 to all shooting tests. You can also
part in the Empire’s fate; good active, so it has to be mined in total darkness. After connect the HUD to your comlink and it will be able
or bad. Unofficially, they have to convert incoming messages to text.
it was mined, it has to be packaged in an opaque
been building up a fleet in secret
using funds transferred to them paper to prevent accidental activation. It is quite
by covert Rebel operatives. addictive (2/6 chance of addiction per use).
Classic Star Wars 55

Pitons and Hammer

This is a hardened steel hammer and a set of pitons
that are used for climbing. It is used by a lead
climber to make the climb easier on those that are
following behind them. A piton is hammered into
the rock face, used to anchor a climbing rope for
those below, and then the lead climber proceeds to
the next spot. Anyone following behind the climber
gets a +3 bonus to all tests (climbing typically
involves Physical/Acrobatics).

Plastique Ryloth
This is a single stick of plastic explosive compound. Ryloth is the remote hot planet
It can be reshaped and moulded to fit a placement with varied terrain; jungles,
and it is triggered by a remote detonator (included). mesas, valleys, and volcanoes.
The detonator has a range of 250 meters. It has a breathable. A rainfor-
est covers much of the equato-
rial regions and it is filled with
Portable Vaporator
dangerous predators. Ryloth is
This is a self-contained vaporator unit that can be Sachel Charges the homeworld of the Twi’lek
used to extract drinkable water from the atmos- This is a high-explosive concealed within a sachel species. Given the varied and
phere. It works on any planet with water vapor for easy carrying and deployment. The explosive is dangerous terrain, Twi’leks
present. As a general benchmark; you can extract very strong, capable of destroying large structures have lived in caves underground
2 liter in a desert and 6 liters per hour in a temper- or heavily armored vehicles. Anyone within 20m of for centuries.
ate zone and 10 liters per hour in a saturated zone. the blast is vaporized. Victims between 20m and Before the rise of the Empire,
50m take 5d6 damage. Each 10m distance beyond the planet and its people were
Probe Drone that removes 1d6 damage, until you take zero exploited by the Hutts and their
This is a small flying repulsorlift drone that can be damage at a distance of 100m (although you could criminal enterprises. Twi’lek
released to perform tasks for you. It can be given still be hit be falling debris). females are highly prized as
dancers throughout the galaxy
three separate commands. “Survey” will trigger
and the Hutts have exploited
the drone to fly around within a 1,000m radius and Scan Jammer
them through restrictive con-
then return and provide you with the general details This is a device designed to foil security systems tracts and promotional deals.
of the area. “Find” will ask the drone to look for a that are scanning for weapons or chemicals. It Twi’lek males were used as
specific person or object within a 1,000m radius blocks sensor detection of anything within 10m of thugs and muscle for Hutt crim-
and return to you when they find it (or conclude the jammer. inal activity.
that it is not here). “Follow” will cause the drone Ryloth produces a variety of
to hover behind you, recording and scanning the Security Kit mushrooms. Some are valuable
area, providing you with occasional updates. While This is a tool kit packed with specialized tools that agricultural goods. Others are
in follow mode, it will alert you to the approach of will help disable physical security measures; locks, useful in medicinal practices.
any armed individuals. restraints, etc. Using the kit grants a +3 bonus on Others are highly prized as
any Theivery tests for such tasks. rare hallucinogens. The Hutts
Recording Device exported all of them for profit
and transferred little back to
This is a small device that records audio and video Sensor Package Ryloth, which remained mired
of the surrounding area once activated. If attached This is a small device that streams audio and video in poverty.
to a computer system, it can also monitor and of the surrounding area once activated. If attached
record data traffic. It has a 12 hour battery before After the end of the Clone Wars,
to a computer system, it can also stream data
Ryloth was declared a protec-
it automatically turns off and must be retrieved. traffic off that device. It must be configured to torate of the Galactic Empire.
transmit the data to your datapad or comlink. It This title did not reflect reality.
Restraining Bolt has a 12 hour battery before it automatically turns Many isolated settlements did
This is a small device that can be attached to a droid off and must be retrieved. Because it is transmit- not even know of the Empire’s
via a magnetic bond. It will override the droid’s ting, this kind of bug is more likely to be detected existence until they were raided
independence and cause them to recognize you as by someone that suspects they are being watched. and their populations forced
their master/owner. into slave labor. The Empire has
ruthlessly exploited the planet,
just as their Hutt predecessors.
Ryll Spice This is a set of skis for easier travel over snow.
This is a weak illicit drug that create a feeling of Cuts snow travel times in half (or more, if mostly However, the Empire does not
mild euphoria. What it lacks in potence, it makes downhill travel). The Game Master may rule that deal in hallucinogens. They
burned out the cave farms that
up for in low price and wide availability. It is fairly crossing a certain area without snowshoes or skis
were harvesting them. Luckily,
addictive (2/6 chance of addiction per use). carries dangerous risks. some of the more enterprising
Twi’leks have set up secret cave
farms with stolen seeds. They
smuggle the mushrooms off-
world for massive returns.
56 Classic Star Wars

Common Needs

Sledgehammer Need Common Quality

This is a heavy sledge designed for demolition
Alcoholic Drink 2c 5c
work. It can be used to smash through walls, locks,
cages, doors, and more. Whether or not the object
Animal - Pet 75c 200c
can stand up to a sledge is up to the Game Master.
Animal - Exotic 3,000c 8,000c
Sleeping Bag
This is a polyfiber bag designed to let the user sleep Animal - Livestock 1,000c 2,400c
and be warm in cold environments and cool in hot
environments. It is bulky, but fairly lightweight. Clothing 10c 120c

Tatooine Snowshoes Clothing - Heavy 25c 250c

Tatooine is a sparsely inhabited This is a set of snowshoes for easier travel over
circumbinary desert planet. It snow. It does not improve your travel time, but it Day of Lodging 100c 500c
was the homeworld of Anakin does reduce exertion. The Game Master may rule
and Luke Skywalker, who would that crossing a certain area without snowshoes or Meal - Large 12c 50c
go on to shape galactic history.
skis carries dangerous risks.
Part of a binary star system, the
Meal - Small 8c 20c
planet is oppressed by scorch-
ing suns, resulting in the world Stimulant INjector
lacking the necessary surface This is a single-dose injector pen that delivers a Medical - Major Care 2,000c 10,000c
water to sustain large popula- high stimulant dose to the user. It gives the user
tions. As a result, many resi- a burst of energy and removes any fatigue effects Medical - Minor Care 500c 1,500c
dents of the planet instead drew for 3 hours.
water from the atmosphere via Medical - Cybernetics 4,000c 10,000c
moisture farms. The planet has
no natural surface vegetation.
Survival Kit
Fuel - Sublight 2,000c 5,000c
Long ago, Tatooine was covered This is an emergency survival kit. It has a small
in oceans and rainforests, but supply of food, water, purification tablets, compass, Fuel - Hyperspace 10,000c 25,000c
for unknown reasons, it became poncho, and other gear that could be useful in an
a hot desert world. emergency situation. Hyperspace Travel 150c / day 400c / day
Initially inhabited by native Jawa
and Tusken Raider species, Tarpaulin (5m2) Travel Within City 40c 70c
Tatooine saw a population explo- This is a thick polyfiber material cut to 5 meter
sion following the search for squares. It can be used to cover up objects to Travel Within Planet 60c 240c
valuable mining deposits on the protect them from the weather. It can also be used
planet’s silicate surface. Finding
to create an improvised lean-to for shelter. Travel Within System 140c 300c
the ore to have unwanted metal-
lurgic properties, mining firms
left the planet en masse, leaving Tent
behind valuable equipment, This is a polyfiber tent that can be used as shelter
most notably large sandcrawl- in any environment. It does not provide protection
ers, which were later used by from temperature, just shelter from precipitation,
the Jawa population. wind, and so on.
Inhabiting the planet are many
native species, the largest of Tripod Mount
which were the carnivorous This is a heavy weapons mount. It can be used with
krayt dragons which submerge any heavy weapon, granting a +1 bonus to-hit.
themselves under the shifting
sands and uses its powerful
limbs to swim through the
dunes. In addition, the common This is a commercial application of the vibroblade
bantha and eopie species also technology. It uses ultrasonic vibrations to increase
found a home on the world, cutting effectiveness. It can cut through almost
along with dewbacks, rontos, anything short of a heavy blast door.
and womp rats.
Because of its strong canon Welding Kit
usage, we recommend that you This is a heavy welding kit that can be used to cut
do NOT use Tatooine in your through thick metals and/or seal them together.
game. However, it is a great
example of a planet you COULD Wrist Bindings
create; unique sentient species,
plagued by organized crime, no This is a strong set of bindings that can be used to
spaceports, and harsh environ- restrain a prisoner. It is too strong to break physi-
mental dangers. That’s a great cally, but it can be picked with a security kit.
adventure location.
Classic Star Wars 57

Alcoholic Drink
This is the price of a libation in most civilized ports.
If consumed in excess (exact amount depends on
your physiology), it will cause drunkeness.

Animal - Pet
This is the price of a normal pet animal (roughly the
size of a dog or cat). The exact animal is up to you.
A higher quality animal will be better behaved and/
or more rare and difficult to acquire.

Animal - Exotic Medical - Cybernetics Yavin

This is a wild animal from a distant exotic locale. It This represents an experienced surgeon putting in Yavin Prime is a massive orange
is difficult or impossible to tame. A quality exotic a cybernetic replacement for a damaged body part. gas giant, nearly 200,000 kilo-
animal is very large and suitable for dangerous meters in diameter. It is orbited
The common price is for a small replacement like a
gladiatorial combat. by twenty-six moons, three of
hand, foot, eye, etc. The quality price is for a large which could sustain human-
operation such as a full arm, leg, implants within oid life. One of those moons,
Animal - Livestock the skull, and so on. Yavin IV, was once home to the
This is a tamed animal that is suitable for domestic ancient Massassi warriors and is
ranch life. A quality animal provides superior eco- Fuel - Sublight used by the Rebel Alliance.
nomic output; milk/cheese, musk, etc. As a rule of This is the price to provide enough sublight fuel for Yavin IV is mainly covered in
thumb, an animal yields half of its sales price in approximately a month of regular operation (in a jungle and rainforest. Despite
annual economic output if cared for properly. ship smaller than a corvette). Quality price is used being remote and unheard of, it
to refuel a corvette. Larger amounts of fuel must would play an important role in
Clothing be negotiated with the Game Master. galactic events. During the Old
This is the cost of a standard set of clothing for Republic period, it was the site
normal wear. A quality version is more durable and of a ferocious battle between
Fuel - Hyperspace
Jedi and Sith. It would later
will last for several years before wearing out. This is the price to provide enough hyperspace fuel serve as the primary base of the
for five hyperspace jumps (in a ship smaller than a Rebel Alliance and as the site of
Clothing - Heavy corvette). Quality price is used to refuel a corvette. the Battle of Yavin. An attack
This is the cost of a heavy set of clothing for frigid Larger amounts of fuel must be negotiated with was launched on the Death Star
environments. A quality version is more durable the Game Master. from this moon. It also became
and will last for several years before wearing out. the base for a Jedi Academy
after the war ended.
Hyperspace travel
Day of Lodging This is the price for a day of hyperspace travel on a The moon was originally inhab-
This is the cost of a standard night of decent shuttle or transport vessel. The pilot may also set ited by the passive Massassi, a
lodging. Quality lodging is more satisfying and a minimum number of passengers, each of which humanoid species. They were
grants a +1 bonus to the Social tests made on the discovered by Exar Kun, a
must pay that price, before he will make the jump.
Dark Lord of the Sith Empire
following day. Being willing to pay the quality price may bypass during the Old Republic period.
such a requirement. He enslaved the Massassi and
Meal - Large took over Yavin IV. He used his
This describes a meal that is large enough for a Travel Within a City Massassi slaves to construct
formal dinner, a romantic evening, or similar event. This is the cost of short-range transport from a taxi new Sith temples and palaces,
A quality version is much more prestigious and or similar service that operates within a city. The based on Sith architecture and
grants a +3 to any Social tests made during such designed to focus dark powers.
quality price represents luxury travel where drinks
an occasion. and food are provided. This is done on a short- During the war between Sith
range repulsorlift speeder or animal transport. and Jedi, the Jedi launched an
Meal - Small attack that obliterated much of
This describes a meal with good nutritional value. A Travel Within a Planet the jungles and scorched the
temple complex to the extent
quality version counts as double rations under the This is the cost of travel from one city on a planet that nothing could survive.
survival rules. to another city on the same continent. The quality
price represents travel to another continent. This is Because of its strong canon
Medical - Major Care done on a long-range repulsorlift speeder. usage, we recommend that you
do NOT use Yavin in your game.
This represents recieving medical care that restores
However, it is a great example
up to 25 hit points of damage. Travel Within a System of a planet you COULD create; a
This is the cost of travel to another planet within gas giant with multiple moons,
Medical - Minor Care the same star system via a sublight-only transport some of which hold ancient
This represents recieving medical care that restores craft. The quality price represents a faster ship that secrets, with new lifeforms and
up to 10 hit points of damage. makes the journey in half the time. a story that connects to the rest
of the galaxy. That’s a great
adventure location.
58 Classic Star Wars

Chapter 4
Advanced Technology

In a properly automated and educated world, then, machines may prove to be the true humanizing influence. It may be that machines will do the
work that makes life possible and that human beings will do all the other things that make life pleasant and worthwhile - Isaac Asimov

Droids, less commonly known as robots, are Droid Used New
mechanical beings that possess a form of artificial
intelligence. They are used in a variety of roles and General Labor (1st) 2,000c 5,000c
environments, often those considered too menial
or too dangerous for other species, but also in Hazmat Ops (1st) 3,500c 10,000c
fields that require extensive specialization and
knowledge. They are often subjected to prejudice Astromech (2nd) 8,000c 20,000c
and distrust by sentient beings.
Major Corporations Exploration (2nd) 10,000c 25,000c
The Galactic Empire is a police There are legal prohibitions against arming droids
state, but it is not a command in any way. This hasn’t stopped the production of Education (3rd) 12,000c 28,000c
economy. Corporations are able assassin droids on the black market. Criminals will
to operate freely within the legal always find a way around the law. However, it does
framework. Negotiation (3rd) 14,000c 30,000c
mean that you can generally rely upon a droid to be
The corporations described in non-threatening. Most droids are harmless. Protocol (3rd) 15,000c 35,000c
the sidebars of this chapter are
some of the largest and most Droids are such a complex object / being to
Security (4th) 24,000c 60,000c
powerful in the galaxy. Many are describe that we leave a lot of their capability up to
conglomerates that make a wide the Game Master’s judgment. Describe what you
variety of products even if they
Assassin (4th) 180,000c 250,000c
would like the droid to attempt and let the Game
are most famous for a particular Master tell you if that is within their programming
vehicle or weapon. Biochemical (5th) 40,000c 85,000c
or capabilities.
The economic behavir below is Cybernetics (5th) 42,000c 90,000c
Droids are generally classified into five “degrees.”
a general pattern. It will vary
from planet to planet, but these Each degree represents a rising amount of intellect
and/or fine motor skill*. Medical (5th) 60,000c 100,000c
principles will hold true as a
general rule.
The manufacturing and heavy
industries are mostly auto-
mated and located in the Core
Worlds. These goods are then
shipped out to the Mid-Rim
and sold. Most Mid-Rim planets
create value through agricul-
ture and mining, which is then
imported into the Core Worlds.
When new goods arrive from
the Core Worlds, the Mid-Rim
worlds will sell their used goods
to the Outer Rim as a secondary
market. The Outer Rim cannot
afford top tier goods.
This pattern creates a gradient
of quality. The best transport,
starships, clothing, equipment,
and weapons are found in the
Core Worlds.

* Note that this is slightly different from the canon classification of droids. However,my method actually makes sense.
Classic Star Wars 59

1st Degree Droids

First Degree Droids
First degree droids are simple labor droids that do
menial labor that no one wanted to do. They are
the most often encountered droids and they have
minimal intelligence. They are designed to perform
one very-specific task and can often be easily
tricked and/or confused by unusual environments
or circumstances.

Second Degree Droids

Second degree droids are programmed for engi-
neering and other technical sciences. They are pro-
2nd Degree Droids
grammed with a basic form of intelligence, but are
rarely equipped with Basic vocabulators. Instead,
they communicate directly through Binary (mostly BlasTech Industries
to other droids). BlasTech Industries is a key
arms manufacturer. They are
Astromech droids are a typical representative of a headquartered in Coruscant.
droid of this class. It can interface with most star- BlasTech is the market leader
ships and networks. Their primary purpose is to in the manufacture of personal
energy weapons and light artil-
calculate hyperspace jumps, and most have other
lery pieces, particularly blaster
functions such as repairing starships or running pistols.
some of their functions during flight.
State contracts are a major
Third Degree Droids source of revenue for Blastech.
However, they have no qualms
Third degree droids are skilled in the social 3rd Degree Droids with selling weaponry to anyone
sciences and often perform protocol, translation, with credits, often using shell
organic relations, teaching, diplomatic, and other corporations to hide the trans-
functions which bring them into regular contact fers from Imperial accounting
with organics. They are programmed with a fairly oversight.
sophisticated intelligence. Protocol droids are a While BlasTech is most famous
typical representative of a droid of this class. for its blaster weapons, the
company also manufactures a
Fourth Degree Droids number of starship weapons
Fourth degree droids are programmed with a including turbolasers, ion
fairly advanced intelligence and the ability to use cannons and missiles. These
weapons are sold direct to other
weapons. For obvious reasons, this results in
manufacturers for use in ship-
numerous legal restrictions against this type of building. They also produces
droid on most systems. 4th Degree Droids vehicle mounted weapons with
low recoil, ideal for speeders
Security droids are the most common form of this
and speeder bikes.
droid actually in widespread service. They are used
to guard businesses, households, and other build- BlasTech produces the Imperial
ings. However, security droids carry non-lethal Army and Stormtrooper service
weapons and primarily serve as an intelligent alarm rifle; the E-11. They also produce
the most common personal
system for a property.
firearms; the DH-17 and DH-18
blaster pistols. While it is not
Fifth Degree Droids heavily advertized, BlasTech
Fifth degree droids work in the advance science also produces the DL-44 heavy
fields; such as mathematics, physics, physical blaster pistol (banned on many
sciences, and medicine. They have massive in-depth worlds as overpowered).
knowledge of their field and they are equipped with To avoid some cumbersome
the most advanced forms of droid intelligence pos- 5th Degree Droids Imperial trade regulations, they
sible. They are used to support advanced research produce Thermal Detonators via
in these fields. Medical droids in particular are a subsidiary corporation: Merr-
equipped with the most sophisticated interactive Sonn Munitions, Inc.
implements possible so that they can perform BlasTech employs a number of
incredibly precise medical procedures. private security firms to escort
major shipments. It is illegal to
As a hedge against their high intelligence, these ship weaponry in bulk contain-
droids are equipped with hard-wired prohibitions ers within Imperial space, so
against harming organics. However, the Empire the company instead uses light
and a few others have overridden these prohibi- transports (often with fighter
tions to turn medical droids into torture devices. escorts to guard against pirates
and hijackers).
60 Classic Star Wars

Vehicle Classes
The Piloting Skill divides vehicles into classes
for purposes of specialization. These classes are
described as follows.

Imperial Walkers forms the armored element of a
Planetary Assault Force. They are designed to be
the tip of the spear in an attack on fortified enemy
positions. In these circumstances, aerial defenses
are powerful and landing troops is difficult. The
strategic purpose of the AT-AT Walker (4-legged)
is to land far away from an enemy position and
approach it on the ground so that aerial defenses
Corellian are meaningless. They are slow and lumbering, but
Engineering almost immune to incoming fire. The AT-ST Walker
Corporation (2-legged) is designed to scout out the enemy posi-
The CEC is a Corellian starship tion to locate targets, then withdraw to protect the
manufacturer. Its most popular
AT-AT’s flanks during the main assault.
product is several models of
freighters; the YV, YT, and VCX
product lines. These are largely
produced for civilian use.
They also produce a number
of industrial ships; such as the
interstellar trash hauler and a
large number of small support
craft that move men and mate-
rials around between orbital
construction facilities.
The CEC also has military-grade
shipyards that produce the
Gozanti-class cruiser (and its
C-ROC variant) for the Empire.
These are built under heavy
guard in highly secure facilities.
Aside from complete starships,
the CEC also constructs a
variety of starship parts and
upgrades for individual sale.
The most common of these is
the AG-2G quad laser cannon.
This is often added to a vessel
post-production as an upgrade.
A bad run-in with pirates is a
good reason to add some extra
firepower to your transport.
Sometimes these part sales
are exploited by criminals. For
example, starship transpond-
ers can be bought separately,
encoded for one ship, then
installed on a different ship.
This allows a smuggler to travel
undetected on Imperial worlds,
which used automated tran-
sponder identifications to verify
passing transport vessels.
Finally, the CEC is a secondary
manufacturer of escape pods,
sensor arrays, communication
systems, and other support
technologies that are put into
(or onto) their starships. These
are often produced in limited
runs under license from another
parts vendor.
Classic Star Wars 61

Repulsorlift vehicles use a technology that allows
a craft to hover or even fly over a planet’s surface
by pushing against its gravity, producing thrust.
Repulsorlift engines or “antigravs” created fields
of negative gravity called ‘repulsor fields’ which
pushed against a planet’s natural gravitational
Many vehicles utilize this technology as their
primary method of propulsion; including speeder
bikes, personal flying craft, land speeders, and
so on. Prices range from 20,000c to 500,000c,
depending on the design and size.
Czerka Arms
Czerka Arms, also known as the
Czerka Corporation, is a massive
conglomerated business that
produces a variety of products
for civilian markets. It started
operation under the Galactic
Republic and has continued
operating under the Galactic
Czerka depends heavily on their
contracts with the Empire.
They use Wookie slave labor on
Kashyyk to manufacture a vast
number of heavy weapons and
military vehicles. These are then
automatically sold to the Empire
for a guaranteed profit.
Ground Vehicles
Ground vehicles use either tracks or wheels to Czerka Arms has facilities on
move across the ground. They are easily stopped over 2,000 planets. Despite its
name, Czerka does manufac-
by environmental obstructions, so they are used
ture a great variety of appli-
more frequently on developed worlds with roads ances and domestic goods. It
and highways. However, even Outer Rim planets is highly profitable, often as a
employ ground vehicles to some degree because result of questionable business
they are cheaper and easier to maintain than repul- ethics. This is particularly true
sorlift craft. in the Outer Rim.

Ground vehicles perform a massive range of tasks; However, not everything has
from armored combat to support for specific jobs. turned out well. The planet
of Tatooine is one of Czerka’s
Prices range from 10,000c to 250,000c, depend-
greatest failures. During the
ing on the size and any kind of specialization. Old Republic period, a number
of outposts, including the town
of Anchorhead, were built and
mining operations begun. To
its subsequent dismay, Czerka
discovered that Tatooine’s ore
was inferior, quickly corroding
under environmental pressure.
Despite this setback, such a
large investment had been
made that officials were unwill-
ing to close it down and the sale
of ore from Tatooine continued.
Customers and investments
declined, and marauding bands
of natives also proved a source
of trouble for the corporation.
Eventually, Czerka abandoned
Tatooine, leaving behind their
their sandcrawlers (which were
quickly commandeered by the
Jawas) and a few settlements.
62 Classic Star Wars

A Fighter is designed for direct engagement and
carries heavy armament for a ship of its size. Most
individual-owned craft are shielded to protect their
pilot, but the Empire fields vast numbers to TIE
fighter that are unshielded. Fighters have function-
ally zero cargo space, aside from a small duffel bag
of personal gear.
Prices range from 6,000,000 to 12,000,000
credits, depending on quality and design of the
vessel. These are generally restricted for civilian
purchase on most worlds.

Dejarik Personal Craft

Entertainment A personal craft is designed to carry up to four pas-
Company sengers. It is generally unarmed and unshielded,
The DEC (Dejarik Entertainment but capable of making hyperspace jumps. There
Company) produces a number is very little cargo capacity, mostly just luggage
of casino games and onboard storage areas that could hold up to a single ton alto-
entertainment for pleasure gether. Prices range from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000
cruisers and civilian starships. credits, depending on quality.
Their most popular product is
the Dejarik table, installed on Due to their size and characteristics, a personal
thousands of starships through- craft is treated as a Fighter from a Piloting skill
out the galaxy. perspective.
Dejarik is a popular game that
has withstood the test of time
better than nearly any other
game in the galaxy. It originated
as a Jedi game, though as it
became much more widespread
over time, many beings became
unaware of its origins.
Dejarik is played on a hologame
table, which comprised a holo-
gram generator within a table-
sized cylindrical base, with a
black-and-white checkerboard
pattern on the top surface.
When active, the holo-monsters
(three-dimensional color holo-
graphic playing pieces meas-
uring between 5 and 30 cm
tall) would be projected on the
The pieces all resembled crea-
tures, real and mythic, from
throughout the galaxy, includ-
ing the Mantellian Savrip,
Grimtaash, the Molator, Ghhhk,
Houjix, Ng’ok, Kintan strider,
K’lor’slug and the M’onnok.
These pieces, when moved by
the player, acted out the moves
as if really specimens of their
species. If the pieces were not
used for a certain amount of
time or the game was aban-
doned by both players, they
would simulate boredom.
Dejarik tournaments are held
regularly on almost every planet
in the Core Worlds and major
planets in the Mid-Rim. These
tournaments can attract highly
talented players with big prize
money and high stakes.
Classic Star Wars 63

The Transport designation class is fairly flexible,
covering both passenger and heavy lift designs.
They are typically armed with a few light defense
weapons and capable of making hyperspace jumps.
Shields are generally weak. A passenger-oriented
design could provide sleeping quarters and per-
sonal cargo space for up to 40 passengers. A heavy
lift design could carry fifteen to twenty tons of
cargo. As with many vehicles, most are a compro-
mise between those two extremes and have mixed
capabilities. Prices range from 14,000,000 to
18,000,000 credits, depending on many factors
(quality, size, layout, weapons, etc).
Incom Corporation
Shuttle Incom Corporation is a starship
manufacturer whose designs
A Shuttle is designed to carry up to eight passen-
include starfighters, airspeed-
gers, two pilots, and their personal equipment. ers, and transports. They rose
They are generally unarmed and unshielded, but to prominence during the last
capable of making hyperspace jumps. If passenger years of the Galactic Republic,
areas are removed, there is approximately five tons developing the multi-purpose
of cargo capacity. Prices range from 8,000,000 to and durable Z-95 Headhunter
12,000,000 credits, depending on quality and size. starfighter.

Due to their size, carrying capacity, and defensive Starfighter strategy falls into
two major schools; swarms of
characteristics, a Shuttle is treated as a Freighter
unshielded and lightly armed
from a Piloting skill perspective. (but fast) starfighters OR a
smaller number of strongly
shielded and heavily armed star-
fighters, presumably also with
better pilots. Incom has geared
their production towards the
latter strategy. This has resulted
in a failure to secure Imperial
contracts for large production
runs. However, they do a vibrant
trade on the individual market.
Their major starfighters are the
ubiquitous X-wing, the Y-wing,
the U-wing, the A-wing, and the
B-wing. They are designed for
intense dogfighting encounters
and have significant shielding.
Incom has also developed several
airspeeder designs for both mil-
itary and civilian use; including
the T-47 combat airspeeder that
the Rebel Alliance has heavily
modified and the popular T-16
skyhopper was used by youths
on many worlds.
One of the Imperial contracts
that Incom was able to acquire
is for the Y-85 Titan dropship .
This is a large, blocky dropship
that can only be carried by the
largest of capital ships. It is used
by the Empire to deploy walkers
onto the battlefield. The Titan
is equipped with huge repul-
sor units to slow its descent,
two pairs of forward twin laser
cannons for defense, and space
to accommodate four (4) All
Terrain Armored Transports (AT-
ATs) and four All Terrain Scout
Transports (AT-STs).
64 Classic Star Wars

The Corvette designation class is also flexible, cov-
ering a variety of small capital ships. This is the
smallest classification to carry heavy space combat
weapons; turbolasers, concussion missiles, and
proton torpedoes. Most carry 4-5 of these weapon
mounts. They also typically have strong enough
shields to completely prevent damage from smaller
craft. They may have 1 or 2 fighters as well.
These ships are generally designed for combat
operations, not passenger or cargo transport. They
require substantial crews (20+) and have high oper-
ating costs. However, they do represent the apex of
Kuat Drive Yards power for a party of characters. Prices range from
Kuat Drive Yards (KDY) is a 20,000,000 to 24,000,000 credits, depending on
major starship manufacturer many factors (quality, size, layout, weapons, etc).
based on the planet Kuat. The
main production facility of Kuat Due to their size, firepower, crew requirements,
Drive Yards was the Kuat Drive and characteristics, a Corvette is treated as a
Yards Orbital Shipyards, which Capital Ship from a Piloting skill perspective.
form a ring around the planet
Kuat. Construction is constant
on these massive shipyards and
ships approaching them are
subjected to intense scrutiny
and must follow a set of detailed
security procedures. Travel
within the Kuat system without
the proper clearances can easily
lead to an espionage charge and
a long sentence in an Imperial
detention facility.
KDY has produced many of
the galaxy’s most terrifying
symbols of Imperial might,
including the Imperial-class Star
Destroyer, and also produced
walkers such as the AT-AT and
AT-ST. They developed gravity
well projection technology and
are the exclusive producers of
Imperial interdiction craft.
KDY is focused on big Imperial
contracts, but they have several
subsidiaries to organize other
production efforts, with Kuat
Vehicles focusing on civilian
ground products, and Kuat
Systems Engineering (KSE) pro-
ducing patrol boats and fighter
craft for independent planets.
KDY and Sienar Fleet Systems
are forced to cooperate on many
contracts as the Sienar TIE lines
must be able to dock and inte-
grate with the KDY capital ships
that carry them into battle.
Most tractor beams are built
by KDY at its ground facilities
on Kuat. These are sold individ-
ually to other manufacturers
and to planetary governors who
want to install them on orbital
stations and law enforcement
Classic Star Wars 65

Capital Ships
A Capital Ship is designed for direct engagement
and carries a large compliment of heavy space
combat weapons; turbolasers, concussion missiles,
and proton torpedoes. Each variation has a unique
balance of size, speed, defense, and firepower.
Larger slower ships are typically used as part of an
armada for tactical deployment while faster, lighter
ships are used for rapid response on defense (such
as smuggling interdiction).
Prices for capital ships are easily over a billion
credits, making them suitable investments for the
Empire, independent planets, or large corpora-
tions. Crews typically number in the hundreds. Rendili Stardrive
Rendili StarDrive is a respected
and venerable starship manu-
facturing company based on
the planet Rendili. One of the
ancient Founding Shipwrights,
it was the primary supplier of
ships to the Republic Navy for
millennia until it was eclipsed in
the final centuries by Kuat Drive
Rendili prided itself on quality,
efficiency and reliability rather
than cutting-edge innovation.
They would often reuse proven
designs and sell licensing rights
to other manufacturers as their
technologies as they became
widespread in the galaxy.
StarDrive saw battleships as
oversized trophy craft, noting
that the capital ship restrictions
of the Republic prevented them
from operating beyond their
home sectors, and believed
that there was no threat in the
galaxy that justified enormous
Instead, StarDrive developed the
speed and power compromise
that is the Dreadnaught class
heavy cruiser. The design was a
success, but was eclipsed by the
massive Star Destroyers of Kuat
Drive Yards that helped win the
Clone Wars. The Dreadnaught
remains effective as a patrol and
interception craft that excels at
planetary defense instead of full
scale assault.
Despite its disdain for massive
capital ships, Rendili does use
mobile dockyard facilities to
manufacture orbital platforms
and planetary defense systems
on-site. The mobile dockyards
are composed of multiple highly
coordinated vessels, some of
which are nearly as large as an
Imperial Star Destroyer. They
can often jump to a planet and
assemble an orbital platform
within a few months.
66 Classic Star Wars

Other Technologies Tractor Beams

The Star Wars universe is packed with complex A tractor beam is a projected force field used by
technologies that can be difficult to understand. spaceports, planetary bases, space stations, and
We often see these things and just treat them like starships which can be used to grab and move a
magical objects that function without our needing starship into a specific position. The power require-
to understand them. However, it can be useful to ments for this equipment is very large, thus it can
know how the technology actually works. only be mounted on large ships or installations.

Hyperspace Travel The most common use for a tractor beam was to
help guide spacecraft into a safe landing at space-
Hyperspace is an alternate dimension that could
ports and docking bays, as well as to aid with the
only be reached by traveling at or faster than the
loading and unloading of cargo. Some ships also
speed of light. The hyperdrive technology enables
had personnel-retrieval tractor beams, enabling
starships to travel through hyperspace lanes across
them to rescue extravehicular personnel.
great distances, enabling travel and exploration
Sienar Fleet throughout the galaxy. Warships, such as Star Destroyers, have powerful
Systems military-grade tractor-beam projectors that can
Sienar Fleet Systems (SFS) is Hyperspace is coterminous with realspace. This
capture enemy ships. These high-powered force
one of the foremost starship, means that each point in realspace is associated
fields can overpower their quarry’s engines at
arms, and drive manufacturers with a unique point in hyperspace, and all adjacent
within the galaxy, best known times, to be maneuvered into a hangar or to hold
points in realspace were adjacent in hyperspace as
for its TIE line during the reign them in position for boarding.
well. Additionally, every object in realspace (such
of the Galactic Empire.
as stars, planets, and asteroids) had its “shadow” A tractor beam relies upon the inertia of the craft
SFS manufactured much of counterpart in hyperspace. it was based upon compared to the craft being
the Galactic Republic’s mili- affected. Ships with high inertia, typically meaning
tary shuttles and landing craft Hyperdrives manipulate hypermatter particles
high mass, could affect smaller vessels with little
during the Clone Wars. The rise in order to thrust a starship into hyperspace
strain on their own propulsion. Capital ships
of the Empire saw them acquire whilst preserving the ship’s mass/energy profile.
could tractor small freighters, for example, but if
key assets and engineers for- This shortens travel distance significantly, allow-
merly employed by Kuat Drive a freighter attempted to tractor a capital ship, it
ing the vessel to “jump” from a specific point to
Yards, leading to the design and would actually affect the smaller freighter’s trajec-
another without having to travel directly between
manufacture of the TIE line. tory. For two ships of roughly equal size, the attrac-
them, therefore reducing journey time by an
tion was equal, but could be affected by the relative
The TIE series first saw manu- extraordinarily large margin. A vessel’s ability to
speeds of the two vessels.
facture by Sienar Fleet Systems travel through hyperspace depended on its being
during the Imperial Era. The equipped with a hyperdrive engine; thus, vessels
first model sported the basic The HoloNet
that suffered a hyperdrive failure while in hyper-
design of a ball-shaped cockpit The HoloNet was a large communications system
space or lacked a hyperdrive and had separated
mounted on pylons between used by the citizens of the Galactic Republic.
two hexagonal solar panel from a vessel with one would immediately fall out
HoloNet News was broadcast on the HoloNet
wings, which powered twin of hyperspace.
during the Republic Period. HoloNet programming
ion engines. It has since been
Large objects in realspace cast “mass shadows” could be watched via a holocaster. The Holonet
improved and diversified into
several variants; the TIE bomber, in hyperspace, so hyperspace jumps necessitate could also be used to look up information.
the TIE interceptor, and so on. very precise calculations. Without those, a vessel
Following the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire took
could fly right through a star or another celestial
Starfighter strategy falls into control of HoloNet and converted it to carry only
body. Because of the danger, there existed pre-
two major schools; swarms of encoded military communications and propaganda
determined hyperspace routes which interstellar
unshielded and lightly armed for the common citizen.
(but fast) starfighters OR a travelers could take. The discovery of a new, safe
smaller number of strongly hyperspace route could play a pivotal role in war,
Kyber Crystal
shielded and heavily armed star- as it would allow naval forces to move faster unbe-
fighters. The TIE series falls into knownst to their adversaries. Lightsaber crystals, also known as kyber crystals,
the first school and the Empire are a variety of crystals, gems, stones, or other
has Sienar produce them in Gravity Well Projector objects used as the energy source of a lightsaber.
massive runs. These crystals resonate to produce the efficient,
A gravity well is the pull of gravity that a large body
powerful blade.
TIEs are unshielded and lack a in space—such as a planet— exerts. Gravity wells
hyperdrive, so they are attached can also be created artificially: thanks to a gravity Jedi and Sith used a variety of crystals to produce
to capital ships and orbital plat- well projector. It was possible to use these projec- various colors, effects and unique abilities. Some
forms as dependent squadrons. tors to generate an “interdiction field” capable of crystals could even enhance the Force skills of a
TIEs are designed to be easy disabling a starship’s hyperspace maneuvers. The particular user. Other gems, such as colored crys-
to transport. They can be field triggers failsafe alarms on the hyperdrive of tals or diamonds, were used exclusively for pris-
aligned in long rows and placed any ship approaching it, causing them to drop out matic effects. However, not all lightsaber crystals
under a loading arm. They can of hyperspace to avoid colliding with the object pre- were actually crystals. Plenty of Jedi or Sith used a
be stacked vertically with a sumed to exist there. different material or substance in place of a crystal,
slight angle. They can even be
attached to the exterior of the such as physical remains, shards of glass, and even
The Empire has developed specialized Interdic-
corvette and frigate-sized ships special micro machinery.
tor vessels capable of using these fields to catch
that are used for inspection and rebels, criminals, and other villains using hyper-
patrol duty.
space to evade detection or capture.
Classic Star Wars 67

The SoroSuub Corporation is a
massive Sullustan corporation
that specialized in mineral pro-
cessing, but due to it’s ancient
Bacta Tanks Shield Generator and wide success, it also
Bacta is an organic chemical substance that con- A deflector shield generator, or simply called a became an industrial giant that
produces a vast array of tech-
sists of gelatinous, translucent red alazhi and shield generator, is a device which is used to create
nological goods, even including
kavam bacterial particles that were mixed within a deflector shield. These protective shields are used the capability to produce larger
a colorless, viscous fluid known as ambori. When to reduce damage to starships, vehicles, personnel ships like the Dauntless-class
exposed to bacta, the bacterial particles within and droids. When used to protect extremely large heavy cruiser and high quality
sought out wounds and promoted rapid tissue objects, the shield generator can also create gravity luxury yachts.
regeneration while preventing the emergence of distortions that trigger seismic events.
Their core business is mineral
scar tissue. processing. However, they
A deflector shield disrupts attacks by discharging a
Bacta is often thought of as a “miracle fluid” and counter-active amount of energy into the incoming also have numerous divisions
and subdivisions that handled
seemed to be effective against almost every type object, thus negating its damage potential.
everything from energy mining
of injury and ailment suffered by most species to food packaging. The technol-
throughout the galaxy. It is considered the best Orbital Bombardment ogy divisions developed and pro-
medicine available anywhere, replacing the previ- Orbital bombardment is a military strategy used duced weapons, droids, commu-
ously used kolto. many times throughout the history of the galaxy, nication devices, vehicles, and
in which a starship or orbital facility bombards starships.
Bacta could be administered via disposable
the surface of a planet with heavy turbolaser fire. Based on Sullust, SoroSuub
bacta patches, direct injection, consumption (via
Orbital bombardment can be fairly precise and employs about half of the pop-
bactade), a salve, a Bio-Bacta tank, or submersion
target an area of about 20 square kilometers or it ulation of the planet and ninety
in a standard bacta tank. For bacta immersion, the
can be widely targeted to cause general terror and percent of Sullust’s workforce.
patient would be clothed in either just white shorts Potential employees are trained
or a white sleeveless top and briefs depending on at the specialized SoroSuub
the person’s gender. Business Academy before being
allowed into the company.
The method of administration depends on the A holocron, short for holographic chronicle, is an
severity of the wounds. It was imperative that organic crystal-lattice device which stores vast SoroSuub has existed as long
bacta be applied in a solution of clear fluid which quantities of data guarded by the device’s gate- as Sullustans have been capable
mimicked the body’s own vital fluids. of interstellar travel, dating it at
keeper. Holocrons were used to hold information
over 5500 years old by the fall
on Force techniques and instruction manuals by of the Empire, which is the year
Bacta tanks came in two varieties: large tanks
Force users beginning with the Sith and then the recorded for when Sullust first
for installation in medical facilities, and portable
Jedi some three thousand years later. connected to the Rimma Trade
collapsible tanks for emergency use. Field tanks
Route and subsequently joined
required patients to lie on their backs or stomachs
Bounty Hunting Pucks the Republic. They have always
while the bacta was run out and in again through have a great part in Sullust’s
filters. Bounty hunting is organized and regulated by a
economy and government and
guild system. There are multiple guilds, each with
its power increased during the
The taste and smell of bacta was often described a territory of space that they govern. Within the Old Republic era, with a particu-
as sickly sweet, or “like pineapple,” and reputedly territory, the guild has a monopoly on contracts, lar role in diplomacy.
stayed in the mouth and nasal cavity for weeks setting standard rates and procedures. Most guilds
after immersion in a tank. The patch left a some- use bounty hunting pucks; small holoprojectors SoroSuub allied itself with the
what weaker-smelling residue. Galactic Empire to protect its
with built-in scanners. These pucks are given out
holdings, a move which has
to only a few bounty hunters at a time to hedge been regarded as prudent by
against post-capture conflicts between hunters. most Sullustans. The Empire
The puck projects an image of the target, all known does not occupy Sullust and
information, and will alert the hunter if the sensors thus does little to oppress its
detect the quarry (effective out to 500m). citizenry.
68 Classic Star Wars

Chapter 5
Game Rules

Rules and responsibilities: these are the ties that bind us. We do what we do, because of who we are. If we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves.
I will do what I have to do. And I will do what I must. - Neil Gaiman

When to use Rules Sample Interaction

As discussed in the character creation chapter, you
do not determine when to make tests or not. Your  GM Description: You enter the room and it is
job is to describe your actions to the GM. If they very dusty and quiet. It appears no one has been
feel that you would be able to easily accomplish the here in quite some time. There is an old astromech
actions described, then they describe the outcome droid in the corner. It appears to be offline.
to you. For example, you ask to open a door and
they acknowledge that by describing the room  Player Description: I approach the droid and
beyond. examine it for any kind of usual features. Does it
Sci-Fi Locations
appear to be damaged?
Part of the allure of science However, there will be times when you ask to do
fiction are amazing locations. something and there are challenges involved,  GM Adjudication: No test is necessary.
However, there are some ideas either known or unknown to your character. For
that come up frequently in the  GM Description: The droid is covered in dust.
example, the door might be locked and when you
stories from many different You don’t see any exterior damage, but the main
pull on the handle it doesn’t open.
gaming universes. The sidebars power light is off. It doesn’t have enough power
of this chapter detail those kind If there is any challenge involved, the GM will to function.
of locations and how they might instead ask you to test a skill or ability to decide
manifest in a Star Wars setting.  Player Description: I have an energy cell in
the outcome.
my backpack. Can I hook it up to the droid and
Fictional locations often delib-
recharge its power supply?
erately resemble, parody or Tests
even represent some real-world When the GM asks you to perform a test, they will  GM Adjudication: You can try. Make a Repair
analogous location or present a
use their own judgment to set the appropriate diffi- (Droids) test.
utopian or dystopian locale for
commentary. culty number for the task. The chart below will tell
 Player Description: I have Repair (Equipment) but
you what to expect. They will also tell you which
We do not recommend using not Droids. I don’t have that specialization.
ability score applies (and skill, if applicable).
variants of names that make it  GM Adjudication: You can just make a Mechanical
clear what location is the real To run the test, roll three six-sided dice (3d6) and
basis. For example, Las Venturas
test then.
add the ability scores and skill values to the die
from the video game Grand result. If the result is equal to or higher than the  Player Description: I have a +2 on that. Let’s roll.
Theft Auto series based on Las GM’s difficulty number then you succeed.
Vegas and includes a number of Rolls 3d6: result 14+2 = 16 total.
notable city landmarks includ-
ing casinos. This kind of loca-  GM Adjudication: That is a great result. You are
tion does not fit in well within able to connect the Droid to your energy cell. After
Star Wars themes and should be a few minutes, you hear some clicking noises and
avoided. the power light on their dome turns on.
When designing a new location
as the GM (rather than using an
existing Star Wars planet) you
have greater freedom to exer- Nature of the Task #
cise your creativity on charac-
ters, events, and settings. A task the average person could probably
perform with patience and hard work
By sticking to a familiar genre
formula that players can recog- A task that requires basic training or
nize, they have a better idea of talent to perform consistently
what to expect and how to react A task that requires significant training or
to events. 15
talent AND persistence to get right
A task that even a skilled person often fails 18
Classic Star Wars 69

In a universe of undeveloped planets and ruins
lost to time, a significant portion of gameplay can
revolve around the reality of living in a harsh and
unforgiving environment.

Weight and Speed

As described previously in the Marketplace chapter,
your character can only carry so much equipment
before they become burdened down by the weight.
This is represented as an encumbrance level
(defined on the chart below). Breakage Tests
Some items are easily broken. We model this with
There are four status levels, each representing an
breakage tests. Whenever someone carrying such
increasing burden. As your weight load rises, your Active Terraforming
items falls more than 3 feet or is hit by a large
speed is reduced. If you try to carry more than Terraforming, terraformation,
heavy object, they must succeed on a breakage test
your extreme weight, you will collapse. or xenoforming was the process
or the item breaks. This is a 3d6 test vs a difficulty of changing a previously unin-
There are three different speeds listed in the chart: value set by the Game Master based on how fragile habitable planet or moon into
your items were and how hard they were hit. a habitable one for a certain
 Exploration Speed: The movement rate to use
number of species.
when you cautiously walk through a dangerous Overland Movement
area, such as a dungeon. This assumes that you are During the rule of the Infinite
On flat level terrain, a character on foot can travel Empire, the Rakata became the
being very careful and looking out for any potential
5 kilometers + their physical score per hour. This is first known culture to develop
dangers, such as traps.
roughly 5 times your exploration speed. A penalty terraforming machinery and
 Combat Speed: The movement rate to use when may be provided by the GM for difficult terrain. A technology, and used it upon
you are engaged in combat or acting under pres- party travels at the speed of it’s slowest member. planets such as Kashyyyk.
sure. This assumes you are being somewhat cau- Animal mounts usually travel at double or triple The terraforming process used
tious about where you are stepping and making this rate, but exact speeds will vary by animal. by the Old Republic was care-
efforts to dodge attacks. fully overseen by the Ithorians
Time and was designed to change a
 Sprint Speed: The movement rate to use when planet in stages.
On a galactic scale, timekeeping can be extraor-
you are pushing yourself to the maximum. You
dinarily difficult. There is an Imperial standard First, the surface is divided up
are running as fast as possible and giving minimal
time, based on the planetary cycle of Coruscant. into a series of sections using
attention to where your feet are hitting the ground.
However, there are many planets with no contact complex shield networks. These
with the Empire whatsoever. There are other zones were then independently
Dropping Equipment managed until they were com-
planets filled with people that actively despise the
A favorite strategy of many players is to place the patible enough to be merged.
Empire. For obvious reasons, they don’t use an
vast majority of their carried items in a backpack. Atmosphere and weather was
Imperial standard for time. introduced to each section; then
When they think that combat is about to begin,
they drop the backpack to the ground. This does Travelling from planet to planet, each with a differ- after a period of stabilization,
appropriate flora and fauna was
not require a combat action and it often dramati- ent night and day cycle, your character may lose
cally increases their speed. track of the exact day for an extended period of
time. Many people do not even attempt to keep This process is managed by
If you win the combat, you can just pick up your an orbital platform stationed
track of the passing of hours in undeveloped areas.
backpack and keep moving. If you are losing the above the planet and a complex
combat, you can flee at a higher movement rate. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible to network of satellites to monitor
Some players will even drop their shield when coordinate arrivals or meetings with a third party. the atmospheric conditions
fleeing battle if it will give them more speed. After You might tell a friend that you will meet them on and provide survey data on the
all, a shield and backpack can be replaced. Your life Duros next Thursday at noon. If they even show up surface changes.
is not so easily restored. on the right day, you might consider yourself lucky. The atmospheric changes are
accomplished by specialized
heavy industrial equipment
that converts whatever gases
Encumbrance Levels are present on the planet into
breathable atmosphere. This
Level Carry Points Exploration Combat Sprint can be different depending on
the species. The planets that are
Light 35 + (1 x Physical) 100m + (10m x Physical) 20m + (2m x Physical) 3x Combat Speed terraformed to be breathable
for Sullustans will be different
Moderate 50 + (2 x Physical) 80m + (8m x Physical) 15m + (2m x Physical) 3x Combat Speed from those made breathable for
Heavy 65 + (2 x Physical) 60m + (6m x Physical) 10m + (1m x Physical) 2x Combat Speed Terraformed planets are mostly
devoid of law enforcement and
Extreme 80 + (3 x Physical) 40m + (4m x Physical) 5m + (1m x Physical) 2x Combat Speed thus make excellent meeting
places for criminal activity.
70 Classic Star Wars

Encounters Substances
While traveling across the surface of a planet or The universe is the home to a wide range of noxious
within a site, the GM may roll dice (typically 1-in-6 substances. It is important to know how these sub-
chance) to determine the likelihood of encounter- stances affect your system so that you can react
ing a special situation. This could be running into a appropriately if inflicted. They can only be removed
group of locals, coming across an alien creature or with medical care.
its lair, or a pirate ambush. It could just as easily be
Substances can affect the mind, the body, or both.
finding a small frontier homestead or a waystation
Some types can also create physical and or psycho-
that provides a safe place for trade and re-supply.
logical dependency. Snake venom and alcohol are
If such an encounter occurs, every party member an example of a substances.
must make an Orientation skill test (just Cerebral
A substance enters the body via an exposure
if you don’t have it). If this occurs while the party
method. When you come into contact with the
is in a vehicle, only those who are looking out the
substance, this determines whether or not you are
Asteroid Mining windows or monitoring sensor arrays get a roll.
affected. For example, you have to drink alcohol to
Asteroid mining is the business The GM makes similar rolls for the other side.
be affected by it. Pouring it on your head will not
of mineral and metal excavation
Whoever succeeds by the largest margin notices produce the desired effects.
and extraction. This is typically
done on larger asteroids where the other first.
The substance will the wait a period of time before
the mining facility can be built This may give you an advantage or result in you becoming active. This is called gestation. This
directly into the asteroid itself.
running right into an ambush. The GM can simply might be a period of minutes or days, depending
Safety is a major concern in decide the intentions of those encountered or they on the nature of the substance. Substances also
this business. Most mining is may roll randomly from the encounter table. You have symptoms that will begin to express them-
done by droids and other auto- will have to watch those encountered to try and selves when the gestation period is over. This may
mated equipment, rather than deduce what they intend. actually be your first actual indication that you are
risk danger to sentient beings.
in danger, so pay attention.
Gases released by the mining
process must be safely captured Roll 2D Encounter Table Once the symptoms start, the effects of the sub-
and/or vented to keep them stance kick in. These can be anything from ability
from accumulating until they Those encountered are friendly and
2 score boosts or damage, combat bonuses or pen-
become volatile. will offer to help if you are in trouble.
alties, and so on. Advanced pharmaceutical drugs
Commonly Mined Resources: Those encountered are friendly and can do some amazing things. Exactly what a sub-
actively looking for trading partners. stance does is completely up to the GM.
Dedlanite is a mineral used in
the manufacture of blasters. Those encountered are friendly and Some substances have the potential to be addic-
Ardanium is a mineral useful in open to communication and trade. tive. These are typical injested or injected chemi-
the construction of fuel cells for Those encountered are cautious, but cal compounds. The likelihood that the user will
large starships. 5 willing to lower their guard if the become addicted to the drug is represented by an
Calcite is a mineral mined for its party appears non-threatening. addiction factor. This is a dice that is rolled per dose
use in hardening cement. of the drug consumed with the user becoming
Those encountered are cautious,
addicted if they roll a 1. For example, an addiction
Cortheum is a rocky mineral 6 skeptical, and have weapons drawn.
factor of 1d4 means that they have a 1 in 4 chance
used in the manufacture of However, they will listen to you.
of becoming addicted per use. A drug with a 1d12
droid photoreceptors.
Those encountered are cautious, with addiction factor is much less likely to be addictive.
Exonium is a mineral used 7 weapons drawn, and attempt to avoid
as a power source for sonic interaction of any kind. Someone who is addicted to a substance must
weapons. It can also be refined consume it every week or suffer withdrawal symp-
in a way that made it a suitable Those encountered are cautious, with toms. Withdrawal effects intensify, plateau, and
fuel for use in starships. 8 weapons drawn, and attempt to avoid eventually fade. This rise and fall occurs over 1d10
interaction of any kind. days for all drugs. The GM can force a Social test
Rubindum ore is used in the
construction of hyperdrives. Those encountered are cautious, to see if you can resist the temptation to consume
with weapons drawn, and stand the drug to stop the withdrawal symptoms. If you
Malsarr is a mineral that can fail this test, you will to do anything to get your fix.
9 their ground until you leave the area.
be used in the construction of
droids, communications, and They will warn you to stay away. If
other electronics. approached, they will open fire.
Example Substance
Thorilide is a prized mineral Those encountered are hostile and
used to manufacture the shock will adopt a defensive position in Exposure Oral Consumption
absorbers of turbolaser cannons anticipation of attack. They provide Gestation 4d6 Minutes
for starships. no warnings to the party.
Symptoms Anxiety & Hallucinations
Hexophilenine is used to build Those encountered are hostile and
hyperdrive components. 11 will pursue until they sense a moment Effects +1 Physical, -1 Social
Hfredium is a mineral used in of weakness, then attack. Duration 4 hours
the construction of starships. Those encountered are hostile.
Addiction Factor 1d10
Zinsian is a dry preservative. 12 attempt to close the distance, and will
open fire as soon as feasible. Withdrawal Headaches & Nausea
Classic Star Wars 71

Sustenance Swimming
The degree to which you track the demands of daily Every character is assumed to have basic swim-
life is up to the consensus of the group. You may ming ability. Swimming in calm waters without
decide that you want to keep track of the source of encumbrance requires no rolls. However, the GM
every meal, the exact number of days spent forag- can have you make a Physical test if the water is
ing for food, and exactly how much water you are dangerous. Impose a -1 penalty to this test for
carrying in your pack. The rules below are provided every 10 carry points that you are carrying above
for guidance if you choose to track these variables 30 (ex. a -2 penalty if you have 50 carry points).
in your game.
Avoid going into the water with a heavy load. If
Food you fail a Physical test while swimming, you will be
knocked unconscious and may drown.
Each character must consume at least one (1)
ration per day in order to stay alive. You must Sleep
consume three (3) rations per day in order to heal
As with sustenance, the degree to which you track Criminal Undercity
Hit Points normally. Rations can be purchased
the demands of daily life is up to the consensus of Some planets/moons in the
through barter from an NPC for a cost or they can
the group. You may decide that keeping track of Star Wars universe are com-
be generated by searching for food.
every hour of sleep and exactly long each party pletely urbanized. Coruscant is
member stays up on the night watch. These rules the most prominent and well-
Water known example, but Taris and
are provided for guidance if you choose to track
Each character must consume at least one (1) drink Nar Shaddaa are also designed
these variables in your game.
per day in order to stay alive. They must consume this way. In urban situations
two (2) drinks per day in order to heal hit points A character needs 6 hours of sleep every day in like this, the uppermost levels of
normally. Drinks can be purchased from the equip- order to function effectively. Any time a charac- the city are well maintained and
patrolled heavily by law enforce-
ment lists for fixed costs or they can be generated ter fails to meet this standard, temporarily lower
ment, but beneath that veneer
by searching for water. all ability scores by 1 for the entire following day. lies a dark undercity in which
If they fail to get enough sleep for two days in a criminal elements blossom.
Searching for Food and Water row, temporarily lower all ability scores by 3 for the
entire following day. Each successive day without While skyscrapers might tower
The GM will assign a die value to each region of
above the highest level of
a planet to indicate the relative abundance of that sleep results in another cumulative penalty applied.
the city, those structures are
area and another die value to indicate the presence If these penalties reduce your Physical or Spatial to resting upon deeper surface
of water. A rich lowland might have a value of d10 -3, the character falls asleep despite the desires of structures that descend down
for both food and water while a frozen tundra the player. all the way to the old planetary
might have a food value of d4 but a water value of surface. These levels are often
Anyone forced to sleep in this manner will sleep for heavily polluted and almost
d12. Most characters can hunt for food or search
a number of hours as dictated by the GM, unless uninhabitable. Those who live
for water in that region by devoting an entire day
forcefully roused in some manner. in these lower levels are subject
to the process and rolling the appropriate die. Their
to horrors that the upper city
labor yields a number of rations or drinks equal to If these penalties reduce your Cerebral or Social residents never have to worry
the die result. to -3, the character becomes insane and transfers about. In the shadow of the
to GM control until they are restored above zero. elite, they struggle in darkness.
Serious sleep deprivation can have extreme conse-
In Coruscant, the lower levels
quences on the stability of the mind.
are accessible via large open
ventilation shafts. While air flow
is necessary for the population
below, sunlight does not reach
the lower levels leaving them
illuminated only by artificial
lights. Some undercity dwellers
have never seen the actual light
of their system’s star.
Wealthy citizens in the upper
levels have access to rich and
filtered air. Those living in the
undercity are often exposed to
air and water toxins that cause
genetic damage and leave many
deformed and mutated.
In the absence of strong law
enforcement, organized crime
often steps in to provide order
and justice for residents of the
undercity. To whom would you
turn; the police who are never
around or the ever-present
crime boss who has a twisted
code of honor?
72 Classic Star Wars

Combat Basics Combat Actions

As a part of the game, you will find yourself in sit- Defined action types are listed here. However, they
uations that may become violent. In those circum- do not represent everything you can do in combat.
stances, special rules apply to make sure that the These are rules to cover the majority of situations.
game is adjudicated fairly. You may wish to use You are able to attempt anything you want, outside
miniatures in combination with a battle mat to rep- of these guidelines, but the GM must determine
resent your characters and the environment of the how it is adjudicated.
conflict, but this is not required.
Aimed Attack
Combat Rounds This can only be performed with a ranged weapon.
Combat is divided into combat rounds that repre- An aimed attack means that you are taking your
sent approximately six seconds of game time. Each time to carefully fire. When it does occur, you gain
round is composed of two steps; taking actions and a +3 bonus to-hit. However, if you are hit by any
applying damage. attack this round, you will hesitate and lose the
Deep Water Habitat shot (e.g. you deal no damage during the dealing
Aquatic species like the Selkath, Combat Actions damage period).
Quarren, or the Mon Calamari
live on aquatic worlds. They Within each combat round, every character can
often have surface cities to take one combat action. These actions are taken in Attack
manage interactions with out- reverse order of Physical with the lowest Physical Taking this action means you are spending the
siders, floating on the waves or combatant going first. This allows the faster com- entire round attempting to injure a targeted oppo-
built into small atolls. However, batants to benefit from the foreknowledge of how nent with your weapon. The opponent must be
the majority of the population the round will resolve when they make their own within range of your weapon.
lives underwater because they decisions about what to do.
are far more comfortable in that Attacking is a Melee or Shooting test. This is also
environment. called a To Hit roll. The standard difficulty is 10 +
Applying Damage
Non-aquatic species naturally any armor bonus that the target is wearing.
Once all actions have been taken and all damage has
feel uncomfortable below a been rolled, it is subtracted from hit points simulta- If you are successful, you hit your opponent and
certain depth. This plays to
neously for all combatants. If this reduces anyone’s roll the appropriate amount of damage dealt by
the advantage of the aquatic
species, allowing them to hit points to zero, they are killed. However, their your weapon. The GM will reduce their Hit Points
conceal great secrets beneath attacks that round will still deal damage if they hit accordingly at the end of the round.
the waves. The Mon Calamari, their target.
for example, manufacture and
assemble space cruisers deep Between Rounds It is your turn to declare actions. You choose to
underwater. They are only Some ability effects can expire between rounds. attack an opponent that is in the open. They are
raised to the surface when using a Ballistic Vest and Light Helmet, for a total
Otherwise, combat continues round-by-round until
complete and able to fight. This of +3 armor. To hit them, you need a result of 13
makes starship manufacturing only one side remains committed to fighting. or better.
much more secure than orbital
facilities like those at Kuat. Firing into Melee Your die results are 12, but you have +2 Shooting,
so your total is 14. This is higher than 13, so your
You can make ranged attacks into a melee, but
The deep water habitats used attack is a success. During the “applying damage”
by these species are often you risk hitting one of your own party members. phase, you will get to roll damage on that opponent.
flooded, as the native species To represent your caution in such matters, a -3
prefers. However, they may be penalty to-hit. Astute players will notice that an Draw and Attack
able to pressurize and replace aimed attack essentially negates this penalty.
Taking this action means you are either dropping
the water with atmosphere
so that outsiders can visit. At your current weapon and drawing a new weapon
such depths, the pressure of or that you began the round unarmed and drew
the water can be so great that a weapon to attack. The weapon must be easily
reinforced diving outfits must accessible to do this. A pistol strapped to under
be used. your arm or a sword in a scabbard is considered
Anyone visiting aquatic planets accessible. A knife wrapped in cloth at the bottom
should be aware of the dangers of your backpack is not accessible.
posed by rapid decompression.
This is adjudicated as if it were a normal attack, but
This occurs when dissolved
gases (mainly nitrogen) come at a -3 penalty To Hit.
out of solution in the blood-
stream, forming gas bubbles Move and Attack
in the circulation as a result of Taking this action means you are moving closer to
rapid changes in pressure (such an opponent and then attacking them. The target
as rising from ocean floor to opponent must be within 5 + your Physical value
the surface). When this occurs,
in meters. You must already have your weapon in
the subject will perish. The only
protection against rapid decom- hand to take this action. This is adjudicated as if it
pression is a quarantine process were a normal attack, but at a -5 penalty To Hit.
in a pressure sphere with a slow
pressure adjustment over the
course of several days.
Classic Star Wars 73

Move Charge
Taking this action means you are only moving Taking this action means you are running into their
around on the battlefield. This could be in any immediate vicinity and using the momentum of
direction but you must remain at least a meter your movement to aid in the attack, such as when
away from any enemy. If you want to move close charging with a heavy baton. The opponent must
to an enemy or through their immediate area, you be within 20 meters to take this action.
must use a Charge instead. You can move up to 5
You must already have your weapon in hand to take
+ 2x your Physical value in meters. While moving
this action. This is adjudicated as if it were a normal
about, you gain a bonus to Armor equal to half the
attack, but it deals double damage. In the round
distance moved.
immediately following a charge. you are considered
Parry stunned (incapable of declaring an action).
Taking this action means you are attempting to Grapple
block an incoming blow from an enemy. You can
Taking this action means you are attempting to Military Encampment
only parry a combatant who has attacked you
wrestle your opponent to the ground. If your oppo- Unless engaged in active combat
earlier in the round with a melee weapon.
nent is making an armed attack against you in the operations, the Imperial military
Parrying involves making a normal To-Hit roll (must same round that you attempt to grapple, you will is largely confined to base life.
be Melee). Your result replaces the standard diffi- still suffer damage if the blow connects. Every Imperial planet is home
culty being used by your opponent to determine to at least one Imperial legion
Resolve a grapple by making opposed Physical tests (roughly 5,500 soldiers).
success. If you roll high enough, you have stopped
and comparing the margin of success. The differ-
the blow from hitting you. However, even if the Legion commanders have the
ence between the two margins of success becomes freedom to choose their own
parry is successful, you have not actually hit your
a penalty to all future d20 rolls by the weaker grap- encampment locations, often
opponent and deal no damage to them.
pler, until the grapple is broken. choosing the most defensible
Example: location on the planet (just in
These penalties can be stacked and/or combined case). Exceptions exist, often
An opponent has declared a melee attack against with the grappling efforts of other combatants. If on worlds where the Legions
you. They have a To-Hit roll of 18. You have +2 a grappling penalty becomes larger than 10 + an are being deployed frequently to
armor, so their attack will hit against the standard
opponent’s Physical ability, they are considered supplement law enforcement.
difficulty of 10 (even with +2 armor).
pinned and completely unable to take actions.
A standard encampment is
When it is your turn to declare actions, you declare Thus a wrestling match would consist of succes- made up of barracks for the
you are going to parry it. You roll for Melee and get sive grappling rolls until one wrestler is slowly over- soldiers, detention facilities for
a result of 15. This is lower than 18, so you fail to come and pinned. captured enemies, and repair
parry it. They still hit you with their attack.
facilities for droids and vehicles.
Note: While grappled, an opponent can still attack
Firing from Cover you with a knife or similar weapon. An Imperial Legion is made up of
Taking this action means you are attempting to 10 cohorts, a mobile command
Example: base and a commissary squad.
hide behind obstacles in the environment to avoid
You declare a grapple against an opponent that was The commissary squad is in
incoming fire, while also firing back. This gives you charge of ensuring compliance
an Armor bonus based on what is available, subject firing a blaster at you. You make a Physical test and
get a result of 12. They make a Physical test and get with the Emperor’s will and
to GM discretion. However, you are also subject to has the ability to supercede the
a result of 8. This gives them a -4 penalty.
a minor To-Hit penalty because your aim is slightly Legion commander if necessary.
restricted. The next round, they declare a Draw and Attack
action using a knife on their belt. They get a result An Imperial cohort is made up
Any combatants who flanks you can prevent you that would hit you, but the -4 penalty lowers it of 5 platoons (rifle platoons are
from benefiting from that cover. The table shown enough to trigger a miss. You maintain the grapple, the most common), 5 AT-STs, a
getting a Physical test result of 16 this time. They command vehicle, a command
below provides sample values to serve as a guide-
make get a result of 12, but with the -4 this becomes squad, and an engineering
line on what to expect. squad. Reconnaissance in force
another 8. That adds a -8 penalty.
is coordinated at the cohort
Environment Armor To-Hit They are now operating with a cumulative -12 level. In the field, Cohorts
penalty. This is larger than 10 + their +1 Physical encamp separately from each
Covers 25% of your body +1 +0 ability. You have them pinned down. other as a hedge against orbital
Covers 50% of your body +2 -1 Reload Magazine
A standard rifle platoon (the
This action allows you to remove and replace a mag- real backbone of the Imperial
Covers 75% of your body +4 -2 azine in a weapon that is dependent upon limited Legion) is composed of 4 rifle
ammunition. squads (16 men each), a heavy
weapons squad for fire support,
Surrender a support squad for medical and
tactical support, and 4 speeder
Taking this action means you are waiting to strike Taking this action means you are dropping your bikes for local reconnaissance.
next round. You will be able to act last in the next weapon, raising your hands to show your intent to
surrender, and stepping away from combat. Most Independent planets may differ
round (if multiple combatants hold, ties are broken
intelligent beings will respect your surrender, but in force composition, but their
by Physical ability). You will enjoy a +5 bonus on encampments feature many of
that action (this bonus can stack if you choose an attempting to surrender to a wild animal will likely
the same facilities and staff.
action like Aimed Attack in the next round). have no effect whatsoever. Of course, you are now
a prisoner.
74 Classic Star Wars

Exploring Sites Poisons and Disease

Your character’s journey will likely take you into You may encounter natural or biochemical poisons
locations that the average person would do well to and diseases in sites with much greater frequency
avoid, such as abandoned bases or dank caverns. that you do in the outside world. The substances
These locations are referred to as sites, though rules apply to them. Abandoned or isolated areas
they may vary widely. An underground research are often the home of apex predators and typically
facility might just as easily be considered a site as have an above-average amount of decaying corpses
an abandoned space station or a pirate hideout dug than a normal location. Be careful what you touch.
out of the side of an asteroid.
Locked or Stuck Objects
While moving around in a site, in addition to the
You may encounter a door that has a damaged
very real possibility of encountering aliens and vil-
mechanism that prevents passage forward or a
lains, you could encounter the following noncom-
locked container that might have valuables hidden
bat hazards.
Orbital Platform inside. You can make a Physical test to simply force
Discoveries something open or you can make a Thievery or
Orbital platforms are a kind of
space station built to remain in Repair roll to bypass a locking mechanism. Some
The GM may have a piece of equipment, technology,
a fixed orbit around a planet or objects may be locked in a manner than cannot
clue, or any variety of things tucked away in parts
moon. A rare few are placed in be disabled, such as a door being barred from the
of the site. For example, a small flashlight may have
deep space or within nebulas. other side. The GM may assess a penalty to your
fallen into a grating in the floor and remains stuck
rolls based on the challenge presented and/or
While some orbital platforms are there for you to find, hopefully.
civilian installations designed give you a bonus for having appropriate tools. Be
for habitation or research, or In such a case, the GM may roll a die in secret to advised that the use of extreme force to open an
as orbiting space docks, a great assess the odds of discovery. On a die result of 1, object usually creates a lot of noise and may attract
many are well-armed military you accidentally discover the secret. The GM can unwanted attention.
installations generally used in a change the size of the die to reflect the likelihood
defensible position. of finding it. Getting a result of 1 on a d4 is much Collapsed Structure
Platforms commissioned for easier than on a d20. The GM may also roll dice just You may discover structures above ground that
military use often have turbola- to keep you on your toes. have collapsed or you may find collapsed tunnels
ser emplacements for defense. in an underground location. You can dig through
Whether civilian or military, If you are not actively searching for anything, the
loose dirt and rock at about 10 cubic meters per
they are often defended by a GM will typically use a larger die like a d10 or a
hour of work. Character with high Physical or
few squadrons of fighters and d12. If you tell the GM you are actively searching
Mechanical ability may dig faster and heavier mate-
occasionally a small capital ship. the area for hidden objects, they will typically use
rials take more time to dig through, based on the
An orbital platform is typically at a smaller die to reflect your diligence, like a d6 or
judgment of the GM. This process also constitutes
the heart of a planet’s defensive a d4.
searching that material as it is removed and you
strategy. It is used as a customs will be given the appropriate chance to discover
Keep in mind that actively searching an area
location for approaching star-
requires spending several minutes engaged in that anything hidden within it. Be aware that cutting
ships, scanning them remotely
or demanding docking for task and you may be making noise that attracts through obstructions like steel or solid rock take a
physical inspection. It is often attention from aliens or NPCs that are nearby. long time without good tools.
a command and control center
for the governor or magistrate. Traps
Orbital platforms typically have Sometimes intelligent beings can set up traps to
significant hanger space, with injure those who try to sneak up on their lairs
supplies and technicians on or hideouts. These traps can range from simple
hand to perform repairs and deadfalls and pit traps to intricate mechanical trig-
maintenance on almost any gers that can shoot out poisoned darts. Anyone
kind of starship (for a price). approaching the trap can get a Spatial test at the
Some have a marketplace where GM’s discretion to notice it. The degree to which
common planetary exports can
the object is concealed is reflect in the difficulty
be purchased at discount prices.
Some platforms can mobilize
and navigate through both real- If detected, someone may disarm the trap using
space and hyperspace. However, the Thievery or Repair skills. Failure on this test
most are towed into position may or may not trigger the trap mechanism. Some
and possess very little in terms traps may be unnoticeable and/or unable to be dis-
of propulsion. abled.
Occasionally, orbital platforms
are placed outside of asteroid Falling from Heights
belts and mining droids capable You may accidentally lose your footing and fall from
of sublight flight are deployed an elevated position. You will suffer 1d6 points of
to grab smaller asteroids and damage per 3 meters of distance travelled. A suc-
tow them back to the platform
cessful Spatial test vs difficulty 10 will halve that
for mining/processing. These
platforms can be difficult to damage. Any fall of 100 meters or greater is auto-
approach safely, so use caution. matically fatal unless you have a very soft landing.
Classic Star Wars 75

The Force
There is only one career that can lead you to the
Force; the Force Adept. However, it is possible to
gain Force powers through experience. Even the Force Power Technique
Force Adept career only provides a small starting
point from which to develop your power. A rank 5 Dominate
Force Adept is roughly on par with Luke Skywalker
at the end of A New Hope (e.g. not very powerful). Grasp
Alter Lift
Force Powers
Force powers function very similar to Ability scores.
They provide a passive fixed bonus to any attempt
to use the Force. However, they can rise all the way Deflect
up to +9, far exceeding the +3 cap on ability scores.
Think of Master Yoda as a +9 force user in every Research Station
Enhance Technology is always improving
category. A character with a zero (+0) rating in a
Force power has no talent or training whatsoever Control Healing
and changing. Corporations
and governments push things
and cannot call upon the Force. forward with directed research
 Alter: Alter represents your ability to reach out Resist projects. Some of these have
unsavory qualities; environmen-
of your body with the Force and affect the world
Life tal consequences, ethical issues,
around you. legal restrictions, and so on. On
 Control: Control represents your ability to Thoughts top of this, there is an issue of
improve yourself in some way. Sense Vision
security. You don’t want a rival
getting their hands on your
 Sense: Sense represents your ability to reach hard work.
out with the Force and learn things inaccessible to Void To get around these concerns,
others. many choose to build research
stations in isolated locations
where their research can be
performed in secret. When such
locations are discovered by the
players, it puts them in the posi-
tion to make great financial or
strategic gains.
Possible Research Subjects:
Genetic Manipulation
Medical Experimentation
Weapons Development
Interrogation and Espionage
Starfighter Development
Non-Lethal Crowd Control
Chemical and Biological Agents
Artificial Intelligence
Botany and Agricultural
Climate Terraforming
Gravity Distortion
Seismic Manipulation
Fuel and Propulsion
Deflector Shield Enhancement
Communications Encryption
High Velocity Ballistics
Cybernetics Development
Advanced Computing Software
Astrogation Studies
Explosive Compounds
76 Classic Star Wars

Techniques Life
Force techniques function very similar to Skills. Builds upon Sense. Life represents reaching out
They are applied as a bonus on top of the underly- with the Force to detect other lifeforms. A general
ing Force Power (similar to how Skills are applied search can be made for any form of life, with the
on top of Ability scores). Each technique represents result determining how much you detect. High
a specific practicable use of the Force. A character results will provide you with some identification,
with a zero (+0) rating in a technique has no prac- subject to the GM’s judgement.
tice, training, or experience performing the task,
but they can still attempt it using only their raw Lift
Force Power bonus. Builds upon Alter. Lift represents reaching out with
the Force to lift objects and moving them around.
Deflect These could be very large objects like an X-wing
Builds upon Control. Deflect represents using the starfighter or a very small object like a lightsaber
Force to avoid incoming projectiles or Strikes. You stuck in a snow drift. The difficulty of the task is
Spiritual Center must declare your intention to use this technique based on the size of the object and the distances
Under the Old Republic, most at the beginning of the combat round for it to be involved. If used on a living being, their mental
spiritual life was channeled and
effective. Using a lightsaber to help with the deflec- strength should also factor in.
controlled by the Jedi Order.
In the Imperial period, a large tion grants a +3 bonus. Your result becomes the
number of cults and splinter difficulty number of the person firing projectiles at Resist
groups have emerged that you (or using Strike against you). Builds upon Control. Resist represents using the
have their own interpretation Force to push back against the environment to
of the Force and other spiritual Dominate avoid normal damage. This might be breathing poi-
matters. This is particularly true Builds upon Alter. Dominate represents reaching soned air, avoiding frostbite or burns, and similar
of non-human species with their
out with the Force to affect the mind of another tasks. Resist can also be used as a general defense
own rich religious traditions.
person. This could be used to distract them, make against any Force power being used on you (except
A spiritual center is a location them see things that are not there, convince them Strike, see Deflect). For example, someone attempt-
where you can interact with that certain facts are true (ex. “these are not the ing to Dominate you would face a difficulty number
spiritual or religious leaders, droids you are looking for”), and similar tasks. The set to your result using this technique.
learn more about their unique
difficulty of the task is based on the strength of the
practices, and engage in some
victim’s mind. Strike
form of worship, meditation, or
similar spiritual practice. Builds upon Alter. Strike represents reaching out
Enhance with the Force to strike or damage another. Typi-
These locations are often quiet
Builds upon Control. Enhance represents using the cally this manifests as lightning or raw energy. The
places of reflection, built to
blend in or incorporate a unique Force to augment your normal abilities. This could attack can only be resisted by a trained Force user
geographical feature (waterfall, be to give you a boost of speed, a higher jump, employing the Deflect technique. In this case, their
hot springs, mountaintop, etc). better aim, and so on. The difficulty of the task is technique result becomes your difficulty number.
If Force abilities and techniques based on the degree of the enhancement. Jumping
are being taught at the center, three meters to reach a ledge will be much easier Thoughts
they must be performed in than jumping forty meters to the top of a building. Builds upon Sense. Thoughts represents reach-
secret within Imperial space.
ing out with the Force to detect the thoughts of
Failure to do this will result in
Grasp another person. A general search can be made for
quick and brutal persecution. In
the Outer Rim, a center can be Builds upon Alter. Grasp represents reaching any interesting ideas, with the result determining
more open in its use of the Force out with the Force to manipulate small physical how much you detect. High results will provide you
without such fears. objects; such as opening locks, choking a person, with more specific interpretations of what is being
and similar tasks. The object remains in place, but thought, subject to the GM’s judgement.
Spirital centers also typically
provide a number of services is subjected to pressure. The difficulty of the task
(at cost or for a small fee, is based on the pressure applied and the distances Vision
depending on the nature of involved. Being unable to see the object will trigger Builds upon Sense. Vision represents reaching out
the center). Common spiritual a penalty. with the Force to see locations far away or con-
services include wellness care, cealed from you. The future counts as a location,
relaxation care, beauty and skin Healing but is very difficult to access. Your result will deter-
care regimens, counseling, and
Builds upon Control. Healing represents reaching mine the amount of information conveyed. A Force
out with the Force to accelerate natural healing User trained in this technique may occasionally use
Spiritual organizations have a processes. The difficulty of the task is based on the this technique involuntarily in their sleep.
long history of sheltering people amount of healing restored. A rule of thumb is a
being pursued by the law. This difficulty number equal to the Hit Points restored Void
only goes so far. If the fugitive
multiplied by 4. Builds upon Sense. Void represents wrapping your-
would bring enough legal heat
to endanger the facility, they self in the Force to conceal your presence and expe-
This technique has the rare function of being com-
will be asked to leave. rience nothingness. The Force User enters a trance
patible with another Force power: Sense. When
that causes them to be very difficult to detect by
These places rarely have strong used with Sense, it can heal other characters. Use
other Force users. For three days after using this
defensive capabilities (except your Sense modifier instead of Control, but apply a
perhaps by having a few Force technique, the Force User gains a +1 bonus when
-3 penalty to heal any species other than your own.
users on the premises). using the Force per day that they were in trance
(capped at +5).
Classic Star Wars 77

Drawing upon the Force

When you want to use the Force, describe your Immoral Act Corruption
intentions to the GM. If they feel that you would be
able to easily accomplish the task described, then Violent angry thoughts 1
they tell you that it works. For example, you ask
to use the Force to knock over a wine glass and Committing a theft that
they acknowledge that by describing how the glass can be justified due to need
topples over. Injuring someone because
they are an obstacle
However, they will more likely respond that a tech-
nique or just a general Force power applies. This Committing a theft that
works similar to a skill test. cannot be justified
When the GM will either use their own judgment Injuring someone for no
to set an appropriate difficulty number for the task justifiable reason
or they will make a roll for the character resisting Training Facility
Deliberate murder justified
you. You will then roll three six-sided dice (3d6) and 6 Any organization with fighting
as necessary for your goals capabilities must train those
add the Force power and technique values to the
Rape, molestation, or other individuals at some location.
die result. If the result is equal to or higher than 7 This was true even of the Jedi.
form of bodily violation
the GM’s difficulty number then you succeed at Today, it is more common to see
the task. Deliberate murder of an military training facilities but
innocent person there could be corporate or mer-
If the GM needs to gauge the strength of the vic- cenary training facilities as well.
tim’s mind, they will use a baseline of 10 + the Enjoying the taking of life 9
sum of their Mechanical, Stature, and Technical Training facilities are similar to a
bonuses. military encampment, but they
must be placed in a location
where the skills being taught
Corruption have a chance to be used.
Any immoral actions, whether using the Force or
not, cause you to accumulate Corruption. This For example, if you are training
pilots for combat, you need a
manifests internally as fear and desperation. A
firing range where they can
character with significant Corruption will show up practice using their weaponry.
clearly when using Sense techniques. This might be a large combat
course with fixed targets to
A single point of Dark Side Corruption can come
practice using turbolasers, con-
from holding onto thoughts of violence or extreme cussion missiles, and proton tor-
anger. As the immoral thoughts and behavior esca- pedoes. It could also be a closed
late, the Corruption values rise (as shown in the region of airspace (or actual
chart). Your Corruption level is equal to your most space) where they can practice
extreme act thus far (e.g. it does not compound). dogfighting.

Corruption can be removed by spending a week in In contrast, stormtroopers will

isolation while performing meditative exercises. need training areas for riflery,
grenade use, boarding tactics,
This is different from the Void technique as you
and so on. The walkers that
are not studying the Force or concealing your pres- support those units will need
ence, but instead cleansing your own mind of Dark areas for maneuver and pilot-
Side influence. At the end of this atonement, you ing training, weapon practice,
will have pushed back the corruption of the Dark infantry support tactics, and
Side by one point. Eventually, you can cleanse the so on.
entire corruption. However, if you ever repeat the Officer training does not often
action, you will jump right back to that level again require additional facilities, but
and it will take twice as long to remove. Repeated it does require the integration
moral infractions cause these times to compound with the units that the officer
until you are hopelessly lost to the Dark Side. will be commanding, as well as
some opportunity for tactical
Drawing Upon the Dark Side and strategic training as well.
This might be done in a class-
At any time, you can draw upon the Dark Side to room setting, but it is more
win a Skill test or while using a Force power/tech- likely to take place in the form
nique. This gives you a bonus to your action equal of large-scale wargames.
to your Corruption level. However, it permanently
Training facilities are typically
reduces a random ability score by 1 (roll 1d6 to
not very well-defended from a
determine which ability). This also causes visible surprise attack by outsiders,
Dark Side corruption to your body. If an ability is but they will always have a large
reduced to -4 in this manner, your character is lost number of soldiers on hand and
to the Dark Side. plenty of weaponry and ammu-
nition in stock.
78 Classic Star Wars

Starship Qualities
There are a large number of ways to discuss what
is loaded onto a starship; cargo capacity, passenger
seats, hull density, power plant, computer systems,
and so on. They are important to discuss with the
GM. They can be damaged or disabled in various
ways, which will lead to stories about fixing them.
However, five variable are essential.

This is the power of the engines relative to the
mass of the ship. A ship with higher thrust moves
faster than a ship with lower thrust. Values range Shields
Untamed Wilderness from +1 to +10. The lower values on the scale Energy shields are projected around the hull of
The universe is vast. Humans are reserved for extremely slow moving craft like the ship by the shield generator. This prevents
and the many alien species of orbital docking craft, asteroid mining droids, and any damage from occuring to the hull, unless the
the Star Wars universe have so on. Higher values are extremely hard to achieve, amount of damage dealt exceeds the total shield
naturally chosen to settle on mostly used for missiles. value remaining (or the shield generator fails for
planets and moons that have some reason).
some kind of value to them;
agricultural, mineral resources, Shields are shown as a split value fraction: total
strategic location, and so on. This is the ability of the ship to adjust pitch, roll,
shield value over the regeneration rate. The regen-
and yaw while in combat. A ship with a higher
However, this leaves quite a few eration rate represents how many points are
maneuver value can change direction in combat,
planets and moons where no restored every round by the shield generator.
avoid damage, and generally perform better in any
such value exists. These places
are left wild and unexplored. kind of dogfight situation. Values range from +1 Armament
They conceal all kinds of strange to +10.
There are a wide variety of weapons attached to
flora and fauna, as well as the
Armor starships, often on opposide sides of the craft to
potential for ancient ruins and
hidden facilities. maximize fire arc. We abstract this to a die value to
This is the strength of the ship hull. Higher armor
represent the damage caused by all these weapons
In the grand scheme of things, values are better. If damage taken exceeds this
in combination during a single round of combat.
a human is a fairly weak being. number, it will incapacitate the ship. The exact
This damage is applied to shields until they are
It has few natural defenses nature of this damage is left to the GM’s judge-
depleted, then applied to armor until the ship is
and relies upon its intellect to ment. There may be some spaceports where you
survive. In melee combat versus destroyed or disabled.
can purchase additional armor for your party’s
an animal of equal weight, they vessel. However, adding armor without improving Armament is shown as a split value fraction:
often lose. Find a way to explore
engine performances will almost invariably result weapon damage value over the weapon range. You
this dynamic.
in lower thrust. cannot deal damage to enemies outside of range.
An untamed wilderness is like
a dark fog that obscures your
vision and forces you to proceed
blindly into a potentially danger-
ous situation. Keep in mind; the Average Starship Qualities by Class
risks must be worth the danger.
Players are going to be unhappy
if they spend time exploring Class Thrust Manuever Armor Shields Armament
a Dagobah or Endor and find
nothing of value. Personal Craft +5 +7 3 10 / 1 -
Untamed doesn’t mean that
Shuttle +4 +5 7 24 / 2 -
there is no population. There
could be a pirate hideout, secret
research facility, farming colony, Transport +4 +4 10 40 / 4 1d6 / 10
a location that is strong in the
Force, or a species of sentient Corvette +6 +4 24 68 / 6 2d6 / 20
beings that have not discovered
(or been given) the technologies Cruisers +5 +3 50 80 / 10 3d8 / 25
necessary for space travel.
What will the players do when
Frigates +7 +5 40 72 / 8 3d6 / 20
they encounter a backwards
species like the Ewoks? Will they Dreadnaught +5 +3 64 98 / 12 4d6 / 30
take the time to train them,
uplift them, and support them? Star Destroyer +7 +2 80 120 / 20 5d10 / 30
Or will they take advantage of
them? Exploit them? Sell them Fighter Craft +8 +8 5 12 / 3 1d8 / 15
into slavery to the Empire? This
is a unique moral quandary that
can be fun to explore.
Classic Star Wars 79

Starship Combat
There are many games with sophisticated combat The character remains committed to making the
models. This is not one of them. The goal of this astrogation calculation for the entire round (6
model is to be cinematic and simple, not to model minutes), even if they fail it..
every starship movement with high accuracy. If
that is the kind of gameplay you want, buy a space Your Turn
flight simulator game and have fun. You are always considered to have initiative during
space combat. You go first. Each round represents
We focus on relative values and let you fill in the
about 6 minutes.
rest with your imagination. For many encounters,
combat does not occur but there might be a bit During a starship combat round, a character from
of a chase. In that case, the difference in thrust the party can make a Piloting test to control the
values determine what happens. If you have higher ship. This is done against a difficulty number rep-
thrust, you can escape the enemy. If not, then they resenting how well your ship is responding. A dif-
will be able to close the distance. ficulty of 10 represents a standard ship’s systems. Vast Open Terrain
Damage to your ship will raise the difficulty, while Many planets and moons are
Battle setup high cost upgrades can lower it. composed of open terrain;
Each starship battle begins with the GM provid- desert, plains, grasslands, and
If you succeed on your test, you can change the dis- so on. In some ways, an aquatic
ing you with the distance and advantage for the
tance number by your degree of success on the roll planet could be considered open
opposing ships. This provides you with a basic
(capped by your ship’s thrust value). For example, terrain. The key feature is a
understanding of the battlefield.
rolling against DC10 your pilot gets a result of 16. wide sight line that allows you
For example, the GM might tell you that there is a This would let you move your distance closer (or to see any approaching danger
Carrack cruiser up ahead. They are hailing you and futher away) by six points, but your transport’s long before it reaches you.
demanding that you cut engines and prepare to be thrust is only +4 so that is maximum. You decide to It is easy to ambush someone
boarded. The cruiser is at a distance of 70 which retreat, moving the distance from 70 to 74. in a thick forest or jungle. It is
lets you know that you are outside of their range must harder to get the drop on
You can also choose to apply successful test results someone when they can easily
by quite a bit. They are approaching you from the
to using your maneuver to change the advantage see several kilometers in each
front, which gives you a +5 advantage value. From
number instead. This works the same as changing direction. Sensors have a longer
these two pieces of data, you can choose to fight or
distance with thrust, but not necessary here. In range and more accurate read-
try to escape. ings in these environments.
this case, you are at +5 advantage so there is no
Distance way to make their position worse. If the enemy was When these conditions exist,
right behind you (advantage = -5), you could use it is much easier to engage in
This is a simple measure of the distance between your Transport’s maneuver to reduce that to -1. criminal or espionage activity.
your starship and an opposing starship. It is an There is a reason Jabba the
abstract number to illustrate relative position. This Another character in the party can make a Starship Hutt chose to place his strong-
value is important for weapon ranges. Systems (Weaponry) test to fire at the enemy. Add hold on Tatooine. There is only
your advantage to the result. This is made against one spaceport on the planet.
Advantage a difficulty number equal to 10 + your opponent’s His fortress sits on a rocky out-
This is a measure of the advantageous nature of thrust + your opponent’s maneuver. Success deals cropping capable of seeing any
your armament damage to their shields (or armor, approaching dangers.
you starship’s position relative to your opponent.
Having the enemy in a good firing position is if no shields left). Vast open terrain also provides a
complex and hard to describe precisely. We leave great defensive advantage. The
the description of your precise positions to GM. Their turn rebels chose Hoth for a reason.
However, as a general rule in a dogfight, being The enemy has a similar turn structure, just in When denied orbital bombard-
ment, the Empire had to land
directly behind them, for example, would be highly reverse. They can make a Piloting test to try to
its forces far from the base and
advantageous. Advantage is a range from -5 to +5. improve their position or advantage relative to you then approach across a vast
(capped by their thrust and maneuver values). ice plain with no cover. Their
Whatever your advantage is, the opposing starship
only advantage was armor, but
has the inverse value. If you are at +5, they are at They can also make attacks on you. Just like when
they had to pay for it with slow
-5. What is ideal for you is very bad for them. you make your roll, they can apply their advan- speeds that gave the rebels time
tage (the inverse of yours) to their roll result. This to get away.
Jumping to Hyperspace is made against a difficulty number equal to 10 +
your thrust + your maneuver. Success deals their Vast open terrain doesn’t have
At any time, a character (or droid) can begin
to be devoid of life. There is
making a hyperspace calculation. This is a Star- armament value to your shields (or armor, if no
plenty of room for living things
ship Systems (Astrogation) test. A difficulty of 10 shields left). even on inhospitable planets like
represents a standard ship’s systems. Damage to A ship can also be affected by tractor beams during Hoth and Tatooine. Grasslands
your ship will raise the difficulty, while high cost combat. We leave adjudicating that to the GM. can be the home to great cats
upgrades can lower it. and other stalking predators.
Tundra can be the home of
Standard calculation time is 30 minutes (5 combat Resolution bears and similar predators, but
rounds). For every 3 points above the difficulty If a ship’s armor value is reduced to zero, that ship also great herbivores that can
number you roll, reduce this timeframe by 6 is disabled and suffers internal damage (subject to crush you beneath their hooves
minutes. For example, if you rolled a 16 against GM judgement). Combat ends when all ships are for being too close to their off-
DC10, you would make the calculation in 18 either friendly to each other or disabled. A disabled spring. Open terrain can be very
dangerous to the ignorant.
minutes (3 combat rounds). ship can be boarded to seize control.
80 Classic Star Wars

Chapter 6
Universe Creation

“The original trilogy was a modern-day homage to the classic adventure serials of the past. Good vs Evil. The classic hero on a journey.
The adventurous rogue. A damsel in distress. The wise old sage. Gay robot. An epic quest of discovery.
The new movies are about shoving as much crap into each shot as possible.” - Red Letter Media

Classic Star Wars

We use the phrase Classic Star Wars to refer to the Mystery
setting as laid out in the original Star Wars Trilogy,
and partially supported by the Rogue One and The Star Wars universe is packed with mystery.
Solo stand-alone films and the Mandalorian series. This reinforces the need to remain open minded to
Depending on your preference, you may also what the future could bring, while staying cautious
include certain planets/species from the Extended of the potential danger. Mysterious elements keep
Universe formed by novels and video games like the player engaged because they have a natural
Knights of the Old Republic. desire to learn more about the mystery. It will
Cultural Practices also build tension as fears and concerns about the
The galaxy is a huge place. However, the Old Republic (as envisioned in the mystery rise.
There are a wide variety of alien prequel films) and the First Order (as envisioned in
species with their own unique the Disney trilogy) are excluded from this setting. The environment should be mysterious. What
cultural practices. During the The Clone Wars cartoon setting is also excluded, danger lurks out in the Dune Sea on Tatooine?
Old Republic period, planets
because it is based on the Prequels. What lies out in the swirling darkness of night
were largely self-governing and on frozen Hoth? What is hidden in the ruins of
able to conduct their affairs We are going to explore the positive elements of the ancients on Jedha? What lurks in the clouds
however they wished in most the setting first. You will learn how to create a beneath Bespin? Who built these ancient temples
respects. This resulted in a
good Star Wars experience. Then we are going to on Yavin IV?
degree of chaos, which was
exploited by the Emperor when look at some of the pitfalls and what NOT to do.
Characters should be mysterious. Who is behind
he took power from the Senate. the Darth Vader mask? What is going to happen if
Creating Movie Magic
In a way, the Galactic Empire Jabba catches Han? What happened to Obi Wan’s
The magic of Star Wars comes from frequent use
is a solution to this problem. It body when he disappeared? What is that droid
creates a harmony of law and of three primary themes; mystery, wonder, and
doing? What is Lando up to? Can Darth Vader truly
social practice, by force if neces- struggle. When you create elements of your galaxy,
be turned back to the Light?
sary. It replaces a complex mix you should try to align them with at least one of
of rules and regulations with a these themes. Great mysteries are the foundation of powerful
single reliable standard. In trade stories. They captivate the players and keep them
and commerce, this is greatly For example, let’s examine the creation of a cantina
pushing forward to find out more about the people
preferred and people seem location for the characters to visit. We could focus
and places in the game.
largely happy with the results. on the mystery element and make the cantina into
In more subjective matters, a dark shadowy place where secret conversations
there is a greater degree of
are being held and several illicit deals are going
unhappiness. down. Alternatively, we can focus on the wonder That which is not mysterious should be designed
element and describe a variety of cool technologies to evoke a sense of wonder and amazement. The
The sidebars of this chapter
being used or have the walls covered in crystals. technologies in the movies were wonderous, but
describe the cultural, legal,
and social practices that are Finally, we could focus on the struggle aspect and we are now accustomed to them. So you will need
common within Imperial space have the cantina packed with potential enemies and to push the envelope.
and (where relevant) notes bounty hunters. Of course, you could also employ Create planets and locations that invoke wonder.
prominent alternatives that
all three themes, but it might get too complex to You could describe the home of a hermit as a
exist outside of the Empire’s
borders. If the players have a describe. Use your judgement. simple cabin in the woods on an arboreal planet.
question about how a certain These thematic elements are then combined with However, that would not be very exciting. If that
matter would be handled, these
the use of mythological archetypes and tropes. hermit instead lives in the middle of an unstable
practices can serve as a guide caldera region where bubbling mud pits and geo-
for what to expect. Those things help convey your ideas more clearly.
Characters that follow archetypes connect into a thermal vents occasionally spew their contents
long literary/film history and assist in describing into the air. If you then discover that the hermit is
the situation. For example, a character presented a unique species with some new abilities, that will
as an absent minded professor will be immediately further invoke wonder.
relatable to the players. Wonder is what makes a game or story memorable.
Classic Star Wars 81

Opposition Mythological Archetypes

An essential element of being heroic is that you are Archetypes are defined as universal, archaic
placing yourself in danger. If your enemies are a symbols and images that derive from the collective
horde of gibbering idiots that can be easily swept unconscious. The psychologist Carl Jung began
aside, then this robs you of your heroic journey. If work on these archetypes in the early 1900s.
I take on a dozen toddlers in personal combat, few When you use these archetypes in the game, the
people would consider me to be heroic. But if I step players will be able to immediately and instinctively
up to defend a child against five aggressive adults, know how to react to them. They will serve as the
that is a courageous heroic act. building blocks of the game’s story.
In the game, the players should be facing enemies Obi-Wan Kenobi is the classic example of the Sage
that are dedicated, powerful, and (when angered) archetype. The Sage is a wise or holy figure, often
constantly on their tail. The enemy does not simply an older man, who possesses insight or under-
Criminal Justice
pursue them for a short time and then forget standing beyond that of ordinary people. In myths
A law enforcement agency is
about their grievance. They are relentless in their and legends, sages serve as guardians of special
an organization that enforces
pursuit. They create cunning traps and lie in wait. knowledge, helpers or advisers to heroes, and the law under the authority of
They WANT to get the players. examples of wisdom, virtue, and goodness. some government. Most were
referred to as a police force or
When the players are doing something important, Qui-Gon Jinn attempts to be a Sage, but fails. He
security force.
it is essential that there is a competent opposition lies, cheats, and fails to be a moral exemplar. He
out there for whom stopping the players is critical. doesn’t listen to the advice of others and he is a Within the Empire, the Imperial
If that is not the case, then the task will fail to feel poor teacher and role model. He fails to inspire. Security Bureau enforces the
important. will of the state through decep-
Mace Windu attempts to be a Sage, but he confers tion and intimidation. The ISB
This is not to imply that every location be heavily no special knowledge and spends no time training operates as a secret police force
guarded and every combat difficult to survive. anyone. Luke rejects Rey as a student due to a with a vast network of spies,
Even the Empire cannot be everywhere at once. If bitter outlook and refuses to be a useful Sage. agents, and officers that would
ensure loyalty to the Empire and
the players are quick and cunning, they can evade
Create mythologically powerful characters! ultimately Emperor Palpatine.
even the most dogged enemy. That said, there The ISB has a Commissary force
should always be a pressure of opposition in the within every Imperial Legion
background, pushing the players forward. If the Common Mythological Archetypes that is responsible for monitor-
players DO find a place where they can rest in ing political adherence within
safety, it should be rare and valuable to them. They Advocate Healer Pioneer that unit.
should be happy to find such a location, not under The Imperial Stormtrooper is
the assumption they could find it with ease. Ambassador Hedonist Provocateur
the most obvious reminder of
Imperial might. Stormtroopers
Angel Idealist Rebel
are used to suppress unrest,
put down rebellions, and ensure
Artist Innovator Reformer the loyalty of local governments
that appear to be wavering.
Athlete Jester Rescuer However, most planets in the
Empire are compliant and don’t
Caregiver Judge Romantic need the presence of military
units to ensure order.
Child King Sage Law enforcement organizations
were generally divided into
Citizen Liberator Scientist three jurisdictional divisions
although sometimes an agency
Detective Lover Seeker could perform functions that
were a part of all three. There
Dreamer Magician Servant were some agencies with galaxy
wide duties, some agencies with
Engineer Matchmaker Shaman planetary and local duties, and
then there are other agencies
that serve various specialized
Entrepreneur Maverick Shapeshifter
functions such as espionage,
counter-terrorism or supporting
Explorer Mentor Storyteller political action.

Gambler Muse Trickster Law enforcement officers hold

different ranks and are usually
organized with a command
Generalist Networker Visionary
structure similar to that of most
military forces.
Guardian Patriarch Warrior
82 Classic Star Wars

The Prequels
Before we examine the pitfalls of the Prequels and
how to avoid them, what positive direction can we
take from the Prequels? There is one major thing
that the Prequels got right; Innovative Ideas.
The Prequels (unlike Disney’s trilogy) are packed
with new stuff. Remember, almost everything
that is in the movies is going to be known to your
players. To evoke wonder and mystery, you will
need to innovate.
Create new planets that the players have never
Customs Controls heard of before. Create new alien species that are
There are a number of restricted unique and interesting. Create new technologies to
goods, drugs, and weapons that solve problems in innovative ways.
exist within Imperial law. For
example, it is illegal to have a As the campaign rolls on, change things! Get a new
dose of glitterstim spice on your ship every once in a while. Go to a new place. Do
person. It is illegal to own a something new! Be exciting! Invent new things Incoherent Characters
droid that is capable of combat Most of the time, your NPCs should have clear
and have fun. Keep it fresh.
operations without a restraining motivations. You might occasionally have someone
bolt containing programming The sins of the Prequels are vast, but we are going who is secretly a double-agent, but this should be
approved by the Empire. to focus on the elements that ruin gameplay. uncommon. This is one of the reasons why we
When a ship is scanned in space use mythological archetypes. It helps the players
or an individual is searched at a Terrible Droids understand what the NPC is going to want, how
ground checkpoint, violations The Prequels make extensive use of droids. Droids they are going to respond, and so on.
of these laws will trigger arrest can be excellent characters. However, droids are
and detention. These laws apply
only useful when there is an emotional connection Your NPCs should have plans that are aligned with
to player characters. If arrested, their motivations. They shouldn’t want one thing,
the party must decide whether
to them. Without a connection, no one cares about
the droid, especially when it is ridiculously stupid but then act in a way that undermines their pursuit
it is worth the risk to attempt
(like a Prequel battle droid). of that thing. For example, a character that has
a rescue or that character
might need to be abandoned
concerns about the ethics of Jedi powers should
and replaced with a new one.
If you take the time to develop the personality not then brutally exploit their Jedi powers to get
The party cannot wait for you of the droid, such as the incessant whining and what they want at every turn.
to serve out a five year illegal unhelpful advice by C-3PO, then it transforms the
weapons sentence. droid into a character worth having in the game. NPCs should also have memories. They should not
However, using droids as mindless cannon fodder grow up as a slave with their mom, become freed,
In addition to Imperial laws, local and then forget about their mom for a decade.
jurisdictions may have their own
reduces their value.
They should be highly motivated and constantly
restrictions on travel or goods
Slapstick Comedy working on some plan to try to free their mother
transport. Many planets with
from slavery. They should follow-up on their
sensitive ecosystems may pro- Perhaps the worse use of droids is as slapstick
hibit the importation of certain actions. If they start moving down a path towards
comedy elements. It can be tempting to make a
invasive species of flora and a goal, unless something happens to prevent them,
droid a stupid machine, but it distracts from the
fauna. This is particularly true they should continue to pursue that goal. They
realism of the droid. Droids are not a joke. Neither
on terraformed worlds with a shouldn’t abandon their goals for no reason.
delicate balance of life.
should your alien species (see Jar Jar Binks).
Finally, if an NPC has authority and power, there
Some planets, moons, and/or This is not a comedy game. You might be funny.
should be good reasons for having those things.
facilities require a code key for You might make occasional jokes. “I thought they
There should be no planet that trusts a teenager
travel. This might be an orbital smelled bad on the outside”. But most of the game
girl to be their ruler. If you are the leader of a
dockyard that is working on should be serious. Overuse of comedy pushes the
a military vessel. It could be massive corporation, you should be decisive and
players to not take THEIR role in the game seriously
a restricted world with an able to make decisions. You should not panic like a
and then you quickly lose their interest.
ongoing rebellion. It could be as child when your plans go awry.
a world under quarantine. If a
Too Many Lightsabers
ship is approaching without the Ignoring Moral issues
code key, they will be given a Avoid making the Jedi and the Force central to your
When major moral issues are present, you must
warning by the patrol units and story. Yes, the original trilogy is about the heroic
address them. If a massive clone army is created,
then (if necessary) fired upon journey of Luke Skywalker. Your story should not
and boarded. the ethics of forcing sentient beings to fight on
be. You need to find your own way. A universe
your behalf should be discussed. If you are taking
Every ship is hardcoded with a packed with Jedi gets boring.
children away from their families, that should be
unique tracking number that
In the original trilogy, when someone turns on a subject of discussion at some point. When real
is monitored by law enforce-
ment. If an alert is attached to
a lightsaber, you know it is about to be a serious humans are exposed to immoral acts, they don’t
that number, being scanned by important combat. When 20 people turn on just ignore it and walk away. It affects them. Espe-
customs will trigger a boarding lightsabers and bounce around cutting thousands cially if they are part of an organization dedicated
attempt and possible arrest. of battle droids into slag, it gets boring. to a particular ethical path through life.
Classic Star Wars 83

Overly Complex Plot Meaningless Fights

When you convey information to the players, it When you are walking in the woods, you should
should make sense. If you have a major organi- make noise. This is because even large predators
zation or corporation that is blockading a planet, are generally not looking for a fight. If you rattle
their reasons for doing so should be clear. When some metal, a bear or cougar will usually leave the
someone’s secret motivations are revealed, it area. They don’t want trouble.
should be illuminating rather than causing more
Living things tend to avoid potentially life-ending
confusion. If you need to provide some backstory
combat as much as possible. So if your NPCs ini-
for that, do it. The players need to understand why
tiate combat, they should have a good reason for
things are happening in your universe.
doing so. If the player characters appear suddenly,
If you introduce an NPC that you want to be impor- the NPCs should be surprised but most of the time
tant to the players, there needs to be a reason for not just immediately open fire. They should ask
Exploration Rights
that. If they meet a strange alien in the woods, you questions like “what are you doing here” BEFORE
The galaxy is vast and there are
need to make sure that he provides some value to initiating combat. This is a big sin in video games
many planets that are unknown,
them or they will leave him behind. No NPC should as well. Combat should not just be the only solution unexplored, and undeveloped.
have zero skills and just bumble through life. They an NPC has when they confront the players. Whole regions of space (like the
should be competent in some area, useful in some Unknown Regions) are ripe for
Most living things should prefer to keep on living.
way, and the players should see that. discovery. However, discovery
They should surrender when they are losing. They is a long and costly process of
If the Empire is developing a secret weapon, it should prefer to capture enemies and present jumping to new stars, scouting
should be useful in some way. The players should them to their superiors rather than answer ques- their planets for resources, and
be able to see how allowing the Empire to have that tions about why they murdered these people. if anything is discovered, invest-
weapon would be a detriment to everyone. Other- ing in development. It is not
If a fight does occur, it should be the consequence enough to discover a large vein
wise, they won’t see a need to stop them.
of irreconcilable goals. You want to get the coaxium of mineral, you must also build
Avoid creating convoluted plans and triple back- from the facility and the defenders refuse to hand a mine and extract it before you
stabs. You might fancy yourself a great writer, it over. You refuse to leave and they feel like they can realize that revenue.
but it leaves your players confused and lost. Keep have a chance at defending it. If the players disrupt An exploration droid or explorer
it simple. If it takes more than a few sentences to this balance (for example, by creating the appear- droid is a second-degree droid
explain what is happening, you are doing it wrong. ance of overwhelming odds), then the enemy designed to investigate new
should surrender or flee. planets and moons. They are
Wild Assumptions often assigned to scout vessels
No living enemy should fight to the death for no that jump to a new system and
The players are going to make wild assumptions
reason. If they can find a way to live, they will. then deploy the droids to chart
about their situation. Your NPCs should not. If
Droids are the only exception to this and we have new worlds and scan them
the communications array goes down, their first
already given guidance on how to handle them. for mineral/gas composition.
assumption should not be that an invasion is hap- They are often equipped with
pening. They should leap to mundane conclusions If you do a good job with this, fights will have an repulsorlift units and advanced
like... something is unplugged. As they rule out emotional weight to the players. They will be fun sensors.
mundane explanations, their assumptions should and memorable. If not, fights will get boring and
When a new planet (or moon) is
rise. Maybe there is some kind of jamming device tedious. Avoid that outcome by modelling realistic discovered, it can be registered
in place. But they should not jump “from zero to characters in the opposition. with the Imperial Astrogation
sixty” immediately. There should be a build-up. Database. If no entry already
Shiny New Technology exists, the discoverer will be
Remember, YOU know that there is an invasion credited and given exploitation
The technology of the Prequels is mostly shiny
going on. But that information should be revealed rights to all territory, minerals
and new. Avoid this when possible. A small core of
naturally, not via wild assumption and guesswork. and gases within the system.
planets are producing the majority of goods in the
Whenever possible, let the players make discov-
universe. It is a situation akin to the Old West. You This exploitation right is valid
eries on their own rather than even having NPCs
are not going to run into shiny new equipment on for a period of 50 years, after
speculate about what is going on. which time any undeveloped
the frontier. Everything needs to be worn down by
life to some degree. areas (defined as territory or
asteroids more than 500 kilo-
Spaceports should be filled with old beaten-up star- meters from any permanent
ships, weathered fuel tanks, and dour attendants. structures that you have built
If you are on the edge of the galaxy, it should feel in-system) become open to
claims by additional individuals.
that way. Alternatively, if you are in the dark lower
levels of Coruscant, surrounded by criminal gangs Of course, many individuals
and industrial pollution, your gear should not be fail to follow these procedures.
shiny and new either. You might file a legitimate
claim with the Empire and then
If an object is easily replaced, it loses a lot of its return to your planet to find it
value. However, if you have to travel to the Core overrun with claim jumpers who
Worlds to get a replacement part, then repair and are trying to get what they can
maintenance becomes essential. Scarcity should and escape.
be the rule, not the exception.
84 Classic Star Wars

The Disney Trilogy

Once again, we are going to focus on the elements That being said, don’t ignore romance. The charac-
that ruin gameplay rather than just vent. ters are not robots, they are living beings that fall
in love. Don’t be afraid to let them tumble. Create
Unrealistic Characters some infatuation, a lusty gaze or two, and mix
As we discussed with the Prequels, try to make things up. Love is a powerful motivating force that
character actions align with their motivations. A can push people beyond their limits. Explore that.
child should not murder their parent for no reason.
An optimistic character should not fight hard to Abilities for No Reason
redeem the good in their own father, but then turn If someone has a strength, it should come from a
on a nephew for a single murderous thought. A reasonable source. A powerful Force User should
villain should not murder the most likely people to have a long history of training and development.
Food and Drink have the information they want to acquire. When A powerful fleet commander should not emerge
Organic creatures needed food you give a character a belief or motivation, they out of nowhere with no understanding of tactics
to sustains themselves. In terms should try to reasonably fulfill that desire. They or combat deployment.
of trade, foodstuffs are the raw
should not immediately act in the opposite direc-
material of food. Foodstuffs If something is not a natural ingrained ability, it
constitute a major percentage
tion of achieving their aims.
should have a source and a history with that char-
of interstellar trade. Similarly, an enemy should be strong. They should acter. If you want to create a fearsome NPC, have
Most citizens take time out of not be self-doubting angst-filled weaklings. If an other NPCs tell stories about “the time they ran
their day to relax at a restaurant untrained force user goes up against a trained Sith into that guy”. This builds up the character and
or bar, often consuming drinks lord, they should be utterly crushed. Overcoming makes them into a realistic powerful enemy.
that cause intoxication of some the enemy should be a challenge, not a sure thing
sort (varying by species). Each by virtue of being a player character. Mysteries that Lead Nowhere
planet and/or alien culture has
It is fine to have an occasional red herring, but most
their own unique food and drink
Changing Character Arcs of the time if you drop a plot hook in front of the
products, some of which can be
toxic to other species. Treat existing characters with respect unless you characters, when they pursue it something should
have a good reason not to do so. If someone takes be at the end of the line. You shouldn’t chase a
On Imperial starships, are given Jedi Master across the universe to find out that he
the time to develop a contact with an NPC, don’t
thick flavored beverages with
have stormtroopers show up to blast that NPC in doesn’t want to train anyone. You shouldn’t create
high nutritional value instead
of solid food because it was the next scene. Players pour their hearts into the a character of mysterious unknown lineage, then
more efficient in terms of ship game, don’t diminish their work. reveal that she was just a mundane orphan. If you
resources and time. create a mystery, make it lead somewhere. If you
Mismatched Emotions are constantly leading the characters on a wild
Common Food & Drink Items:
The emotions of NPCs should align with the circum- goose chase, eventually they stop chasing.
Alcoholic Beverages stances they find themselves in. If the majority of
their faction was just destroyed, even though they Counter Everything
Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck)
did escape, they should not be joyful. They should Another strategy to avoid is throwing the perfect
Pork (bacon, ham, boar) have a somber defeated tone. Alternatively, expe- counter into the game for every capability your
Caprini (lamb, mutton, goat) rienced leaders should not have wild emotional players have. If a force user character finally gets
swings in front of their subordinates. their first lightsaber, the next enemy should not
Bovine (beef, bison, auroch) be carrying a Force pike that can block lightsabers.
Characters should trust or love someone they just Let the characters shine with their new weapon
Big Game (venison, elk, moose)
met. Some emotions take time to develop and if (ability, skill, whatever).
Small Game (rabbit, squirrel) characters have had marginal contact, they should
Predator (bear, great cat)
not have complex emotions for each other. Those
things require time and exposure to develop.
Sausage (any mix)
Salad vegetables
Fruiting vegetables
Squash vegetables
Shooting vegetables
Leafy vegetables
Pod and seed vegetables
Bulb vegetables
Root vegetables
Fruits, Berries, and Juices
Legumes (beans)
Classic Star Wars 85

Contrived Obstacles Other Considerations

If something is preventing the characters from Here are a few other things to keep in mind when
doing something, it should be reasonable. Don’t tell you are engaging in universe creation.
the players they can’t jump to hyperspace without
being tracked, despite having consistently being The Mandalorian Series
able to jump to hyperspace in previous encounters. The series has a few faults, but is generally a great
Especially not when they have multiple ships to example of how to run a campaign. They do a great
divide up and send in different directions. job building a unique culture for the Mandalorians.
If an obstacle exists, it should be reasonable and It introduces new starships and new characters.
obvious why it prevents you from achieving your For the most part, the show brings us to many new
goals. It shouldn’t be just because you say it does. locations. It uses an ice planet, but one which is ice
on top of a dangerous ocean. It creates a new lava Galactic Banking
Elites that Suck planet, but it looks nothing like Mustafar. It brings Most economic transactions
If you present something as the best of the best, in the Empire, but the armor shows the ravages are conducted with either hard
it should actually be that way. Elite guards should of time. It does return to Tatooine, but that is not credits (metals) or electronic
not go down with the first blow. A combat with a the primary focus of the plot. It reuses Yoda to a credit chips attached to a bank
full squad of elite soldiers should not result in zero degree, but the child is NOT Yoda and it is weak account.
casualties and no injuries. Going up against the and vulnerable. Banks issue credit chips that are
“best” should have a consequence. Otherwise, they small, flat electronic chips or
are not the best. These are great examples of how you can take what
cards. When they are scanned,
already exists, modify it, and incorporate it into transfers can be made to
Enemy leaders should also be fairly competent. your game. Learn from this example. finance purchases. These are
They shouldn’t order the destruction of a hastily very common on Core Worlds
abandoned base that could be packed with intel Timing your Campaign and Mid-Rim worlds. Because of
or fail to consult with anyone on their decisions. We recommend that gameplay take place in the the popularity and widespread
Again, if the enemy is incompetent then defeating years just before the events of Rogue One. The use, few galactic citizens ever
them is no big deal. Old Republic is gone. The Clone Wars are over. see actual cash as their income
is directly deposited into their
The Empire should be powerful and ascendant. accounts. The technology was
Avoid Politics The Rebellion / Resistance should be weak and in created as a means of allowing
Do not try to tie the events of real life politics into hiding, if it exists at all. There are no Jedi. quick and easy access to funds
your fiction. It is polarizing and dumb. The Empire and to protect users from theft.
is NOT analagous to Trump. It is not analagous even The Party
to Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, the United States, Credit chips have security codes
The group of player characters that form the party and credit algorithm memory
or the British Empire. It is its own unique thing. are just trying to survive in this difficult time. They stripes integrated into their cir-
Don’t rob the fictional world of its creativity by just begin play with a starship. The size of the party will cuitry. Modifying a credit chip
tying it right back to the real world. This is a unique determine the class and quality of the starship. If was possible, though extremely
place and time. It is not your political canvas. they agree to taking on a large amount of debt, difficult. Even though it could
they can choose a more powerful vessel. However, be altered to access a different
account than it was coded for,
debts have to be paid and the stakes of day-to-day
this was almost impossible in
survival will rise with the amount owed. practice because of common
The party may eventually affect galactic affairs, security countermeasures.
but that should be something far down the road. However, making a credit chip
Much more immediate concerns should be front transaction work is depend-
and center; paying down the loans on their ship, ent upon interacting with data
upgrading equipment, exploring new locations, transmission relays built by the
and completing quests for various factions. banking conglomerates. These
relays are common in developed
Let the party build up over time. Don’t just create systems, but not worth invest-
one patron that gives them all their quests and/or ing in for backwater worlds.
direction.Give them some small jobs with differ- Thus as you get further from
the galactic core, you see com-
ent factions, some of which are in opposition to
merce switch over from credit
the other. Let THEM choose if they want to align chips to hard credits in the form
with any particular faction. Then start giving them of metal ingots.
harder and more rewarding issues.
Hard currency takes the form
When they get into trouble, allow them to fail of small, flat, rectangular bars
without being “saved” by a powerful NPC. If they of gold and silver-colored metal,
get pinned down and unable to escape, encourage the silver ones being a bit longer
them to surrender. This is one place where a C-3PO than the gold ones. They had
symbols stamped onto their
style droid could come in handy. He can let them
surface to denote the ingot’s
know that the odds of success are low and that denomination.
they can put down their arms.
86 Classic Star Wars

Using Tropes
The word trope is used to describe the genre con-
ventions that occur throughout a particular type of
media. You are very likely to be familiar with these
conventions already, but giving them a name and
description will help you see how they permeate
your creative work as the Game Master.
Use these tropes as the backbone of your design
process. When you make a location, try to fill it with
a variety of these tropes. You want the game world
to be more than just dangerous things protecting
valuable things. That is the road to boredom. Spice
things up!
Hired Expertise
If possible, invent new tropes of your own. These
The players may have needs that
go beyond the knowledge, skills, tropes form a starting toolkit, not the ultimate list
and abilities found within their of possibilities. Also remember that the players will
party. Experts are hired by the be under time pressure. Include empty rooms and
players because they have a par- open spaces in your design work so that the cost
ticular trade or special knowl- of carefully searching each room or space becomes
edge that the players need for a a terrible time burden. The decision to stop and
specific task. search an area must be a real choice for the player.
While the players may often It must represent the expenditure of time and
wish to hire as many experts as resources. It must have meaning. Otherwise, it
they can afford, these resources becomes and pointless.
are not available in unlimited
numbers. Indeed, on remote There are four core tropes that are employed in
planets they may not be avail- most roleplaying games and sci-fi genre fiction. If
able at all. As with equipment, you want something basic to plug into a game, you
the number of experts on any can use one these in their unmodified form.
given topic will be determined
by the GM. Recruitment in the Valuable Thing
Dangerous Thing
Core Worlds will be easier than This is a thing that has some kind of value to the
in the far Outer Rim. This is a thing that threatens the players in some
character. It could be valuable in the practical
way. It could be a living being like a predator or
In order to find experts, the sense; weapons, armor, equipment, and so on. It
non-player character. It could be a trap on a burial
player characters must carouse could be valuable to someone else; such as a piece
sarcophagus designed to kill someone foolhardy
in cantinas, post notices of help of art or a family heirloom. It could also be directly
wanted, hand out fliers, and enough to defile it. It poses a physical danger to
valuable as currency; coins, promissory notes,
seek out professional guilds if the health of the player characters. The dangerous
gemstones, and so on. The valuable thing is used
necessary. These activities cost thing is used to create dramatic tension and chal-
to reward the players for facing game challenges.
money. Each week that they lenge for the players in the game.
engage in these activities, the Many Game Masters will scatter these treasures in
GM should make them pay a Interesting Thing a way that rewards players for exploring or reach-
sum to represent their costs. ing certain objectives. Be careful not to cluster all
This is a thing that is neither dangerous nor val-
Experts are recruited through uable, but it could still be useful to the players the rewards near the end of adventures. You want
negotiation. The GM plays in some way. It could be a discarded datapad, a to scatter them throughout play to keep players
the role of the expert and the wooden pole, a statue to an ancient alien god, or attentive and engaged in the game.
players will have to explain what even a friendly NPC that knows about the upper
the job entails and the rates of MacGuffin
levels of the building. Those would be interesting
pay. They can offer a percentage
of the bounty, a fixed fee, or a things to find. A MacGuffin is an object that has no true value
combination of the two. outside of it’s importance to the plot. It could be
The value of an interesting thing is that it allows
so valuable that it cannot be sold because no one
The expert may demand special the players to bring their imagination to bear, not
has the coin to purchase it. It could be obviously
equipment, considerations, or just on this particular thing but on any number of
identifiable as stolen and thus too “hot” to sell.
help with their own problems as related elements in the world. Don’t think that you
a condition of employment. It could be dangerous, but only if it falls into the
need to have extremely unique objects to create
wrong hands or it is mishandled. It can never be
If the players attempt to low-ball opportunities for interesting play. A simple cooking
used, sold, or even discarded.
the expert, they are within their pot can be very interesting. It is not just interest-
rights to refuse and promptly ing in the context of where it was found, it can be The party gains nothing by having the MacGuffin
slander the party within the carried around and used to solve problems. You except the privilege of interacting with the Game
expert’s social network. This could bash people in the head with it, fill it with a Master’s pre-concieved plot design. Therefore, we
may make future recruiting strange liquid, or use it as an improvised air pocket strongly suggest that you do not use MacGuffins.
attempts very difficult. Word
to allow you to breathe underwater for a short They are almost always used to railroad players. We
travels fast when someone is
offended by an employer. time. It is a canvas upon which the player can apply provide this description to clarify exactly why they
their personal imagination and creativity. shouldn’t be used.
Classic Star Wars 87

Derived Tropes
There are twenty-six derived tropes that are Concealed Object
detailed in this section. They represent a variety This is an object hidden in the environment.
of ways to combine the three useful core tropes It might be concealed within a mass of debris,
(no MacGuffins!) with each other, changing their sand, or other seemingly useless junk. It might be
presentation, and keeping the exploration process hidden within a worthless object, such as an old
fresh and exciting. Don’t use the same trope too crate or clay jug. It might be placed outside of the
many times or your players predict outcomes. You angle of vision, such as on a high shelf. Whatever
can combine these tropes to create more options. the reason, it is not immediately apparent that
this object is present. The possibility of this kind
Ambush of object being around is what drives players to
This is a well-prepared dangerous thing. The danger search areas thoroughly.
is increased by this preparation. An ambush can
make escape difficult or impossible. It can be very Dangerous Captive Mercenary Corps
deadly, especially against an exhausted or unpre- This is a non-player character that appears to be an A mercenary (merc for short),
pared party. Even a single soldier can be deadly if innocent victim. They might be locked in a jail cell, sometimes also called soldier
he has taken cover behind a barricade can fire in clasped in manacles, or tied up with ropes. They of fortune, hired gun, or free
quick succession. The ambush is a useful way to claim to be innocent and just want to get away lance, is a soldier who fought or
create a threat to party survival or to raise a weak worked in other ways (mostly in
from this dangerous place. However, all is not what
opponent up to a much more powerful danger. those involving violence) for any
it seems. This person has some secret agenda. faction in exchange for a desir-
Maybe they are waiting to betray the party. Maybe able amount of money. Some-
Behind your Back
times, the word mercenary was
This is a thing that changes while the party is not they were left in that condition by someone for a
used as a derogatory term for
present. For example, there could be an animal good reason. They might be the enemy of one of someone who valued credits
corpse that is lying on the ground. However, when the party’s allies, thus by helping them sowing over other things, such as ideals
the party returns later they find the corpse is gone discord in their relationships. You can use this or kinship.
and a blood trail leads away from the scene. The captive to sow chaos.
Mercenaries serve mostly as
world is bigger than the vision radius of the player troopers or pilots for hire, but
Dead Zone
characters. also as bodyguards and enforc-
This is an area where something doesn’t work, ers. They worked in other
Combat Aftermath (ex. communications, weapon type, etc). You don’t military assignments as well,
This is a combat that has just resolved. Friendly realize they don’t work until you try to use them. for example in those involving
Dead zones are a great way to make a weak oppo- testing equipment, liberating
or hostile sides might still be present, but weak- abducted people, or retrieving,
ened from their normal state. It is a great way to nent much more dangerous or create a sense of
transporting and protecting val-
mix in opposition that would normally outmatch shock or surprise for the players.
uable goods or items.
the entire party. It also allows you to drop a lot of
Deceptive Object They appeared in all known
immediately useful valuable things into the hands
This is an object that appears to be one thing, but areas of space, being especially
of the players. For example, running into a trade active when conflicts erupted.
caravan that has just been massacred allows you to is actually something else. It could be a seemingly
Mercenaries are often said to
drop useful gear without having to come up with valuable thing that is actually a dangerous thing be opportunistic and concerned
an explanation for how it got there. (ex. unstable coaxium). It could be something that only on profits and “survival to
appears powerful that is actually not, or vice versa. fight another day”. Mostly they
It could be anything where the true nature of the have “neutral” affiliation and are
object is not clear when it is first discovered. hired by many fighting forces
without actually joining them.
Mercenaries are almost always
equipped with weapons. They
often also wear personal armor
and carry multiple electronic
devices allowing them to fulfill
their employer’s demands.
When the Galactic Empire rose
to power, it destroyed several
very powerful mercenary organ-
izations that it deemed a threat
to their rule. It is still common
for mercenaries to form corps
(companies) that sell their
services in bulk, typically to
planets or major organizations.
However, the age of large mer-
cenary companies is largely
over. No one wants to trigger
the anger of the Emperor.
88 Classic Star Wars

Distracted Opponents Fragile Object

This is a dangerous thing that is distracted. It This is an object that can be easily destroyed. It
might be busy sleeping, eating, talking, or other- might be immediately destroyed on contact, such
wise preoccupied. It could be a predator playing as spider webs or an old rusty container. It might
with a object as a toy. If the players are clever, they be vulnerable to vigorous motion or hard impact,
might even slip by this thing without attracting its such as a crystal vase or an ancient wine bottle.
attention. This trope is useful for encouraging players to
return to a safe area for a rest (e.g. to keep the
Effect on a Timer object safe), creating loud noises to attract other
This is some kind of game effect that has a time dangers, and as a hiding places for any number of
delay, a long duration, or in some way triggers secrets. That old rusty container might look non-
based on the passage of time. It might be an threatening, until you accidentally crush it and a
Organized Crime alcohol that causes anyone who consumes from dozen poisonous centipedes swarm up your arms.
Organized crime is a category of it to fall asleep for an extended period of time. It
highly centralized enterprises might be a trap that triggers a few rounds after Hidden Among Copies
run by criminals to engage in the party enters a room. This can be used to teach This is a special way of concealing something
illegal activity for profit. Often, the players that a mistake can take a while to play in plain sight. You can hide something’s unique
criminal organizations force out or that the initial state of a location is not its nature by placing it among mundane equivalents.
innocent people to do business
only state. You could hide a working blaster in a pile of broken
with them, such as when a gang
extorts money from shopkeep- discarded blasters. You could hide something in a
ers for “protection”. A criminal Evidence of Failure locker in a barracks with dozens of lockers. The
organization or gang can also This is evidence of something that went horribly object slips past notice because it appears to be one
be referred to as a mafia, mob, wrong, typically in the form of a corpse. It might of many copies.
ring, or syndicate. The network, be someone who fell victim to a trap or just died
subculture and community of of their wounds. The corpse can be a great storage Increasing Danger
criminals may be referred to as
spot for valuable things. The purpose of this trope This is a situation in which dangerous elements
the Underworld.
is to remind players that it is a dangerous galaxy increase along a time schedule. For example, you
Some criminal organizations out there. One day another character might be might have a room that slowly fills up with water
take the form of “families” with picking over your corpse. after an explosion opens a wall. The danger of
a patron-client relationship. drowning is very real. When the players realize
They have hierarchies based on Alternatively, it could be evidence that a dangerous
they only have a few minutes to figure out how to
species, families, societies, and/ thing is very close, such as blast marks along the
or cultural traditions. Other shut off the water before they perish, it will drive
wall to warn about grenades. This is particularly
organizations are highly bureau- tension through the roof. Don’t make it too easy to
useful for warning smart players about dangers.
cratic, mirroring corporate or shut down the danger.
government structures. These
institutions are based more on
Innocent Captive
personal merit and individual This is evidence that warns you about a danger far
This is a non-player character that is actually an
success than social connec- into the future. The message could be as simple as
innocent victim. They might be locked in a jail
tions. However, they are much a bounty being taken out on you. It could also be
more unstable and vulnerable to cell, clasped in manacles, or tied up with ropes.
very specific, such as a news report that discusses
splintering. They might have someone on the outside who will
how people have been taken from the town on
reward those that carry the captive to safety. This
Youth and/or street gangs are the edge of the colony. By giving a warning far in
is what the dangerous captive is trying to pretend
the smallest organized crime advance, you allow the players to prepare for the
to be. Don’t make it easy to tell the difference.
units. They have very limited challenge. If they hear the news report after they
territory and income, but make reach the town, they can’t do much in the way of
up for this in extreme loyalty preparation.
and dedication.
Common Criminal Activities:
Extortion, hijacking, credit chip
fraud, jewelry heists, insurance
or securities fraud, petty theft,
vehicle theft, art theft, bank
robbery, burglary, shoplifting,
embezzlement, defrauding of
local governments, tax evasion,
counterfeiting, contract killing,
blackmail, identity document
forgery, loansharking, money
laundering, confidence tricks,
kidnapping, prostitution, smug-
gling, bribery, electoral fraud,
illegal dumping of toxic waste,
trading in endangered species,
and trafficking in sentient
Classic Star Wars 89

Message Left Behind Strange Key

This is some kind of note left by someone in the This is a key that is far from its intended lock. How
past. It could be useful or it might simply bring it got to its current location might be a mystery
flavor to the experience. It could be an actual worth investing some time into solving. The
written note in portable form, scratches on a wall, danger of using this trope is that the key will never
or a digital record. The Game Master can alternate be used, forgotten in a player’s backpack and never
between useful messages, flavor, and red herrings seen again. Alternatively, if tried out on every lock
to keep the players on their toes. They can also it will lead to disappointment. So you might want to
use the messages to accomplish other trope goals; provide a little clue about what it is for, even just a
such as foreshadowing. single scratched word can save a lot of headaches.

Obscuring Effect Structural Collapse

This is some kind of perception-blocking element This is when a structure collapses in a way that Social Class
in the environment that limits player awareness of blocks passage by the players, unless they are There are seven major social
their surroundings. Typical examples include fog, willing to devote significant time to digging. The classes in the Empire. These
water, smoke, loud noises, or even powerful odors. structure might already be collapsed when the are not hard categories, just
The purpose of the trope is to allow you to hide party arrives on the scene. The structure could also general ways of categorizing
things from the player behind that curtain. You collapse on top of them as a kind of trap. the economic circumstances of
people living in the Empire.
can place opponents in the water or fog, treasure
It might even divide the party by placing several
beneath putrid rotting corpses, and so on. Elite: This is the wealthiest and
tons of dirt between them. Finally, it might collapse most powerful class of people.
Safe Haven beneath their feet and drop them down to a lower They have significant influence
level where they are totally lost. Structural collapse over local politics, though their
This is an area where the players could easily fortify
is a useful way to remind the players that some- power is dwarfed by the police
their position and take a reasonable rest without state.
times even dirt can be their enemies.
taking the time to return to civilization. It must be
large enough for each player character to stretch Technocrat: This is someone
Toll Road with specialized technical skills
out and relax. Soft bedding materials, clean
This is when an enemy or non-player character has that gives them the income to
sources of water, and quiet are also helpful.
the ability to control access to a narrow choke- support a fairly lavish lifestyle,
point. Typically, they are strong enough to be but they lack the political con-
Secret Meeting Place nections of the elite class.
extremely dangerous to the player characters if
This is a place where organized evil does some of
angered. For safe passage through this location, Mercantile: This is someone that
its organizing. It is a secret place where secret
they demand a fee of some kind. The players have has acquired a degree of wealth
things are said without risk of being overheard. through business. Entry can be
to choose whether they will pay this fee or fight
It is often guarded by a few dangerous things and rapid (such as via a lucky mining
the controller.
hidden behind locked doors. It must also be fairly discovery) or slow via traditional
obvious that the organizers will be returning some- Too Heavy business development.
time in the future, even when they are not present.
This is when the players are given a valuable thing Service Sector: This is someone
Determine when the nonplayer characters that use who has a low-skill job that
or an interesting thing, but it is too heavy to move
this location will be present. Hold to this schedule helps other people; such as food
easily. For example, a 12-foot statue made of
regardless of what the player’s choose to do with service, customer service, etc.
solid amethyst. This forces the players to choose
their time. If the players show up when evil is orga- They have low household wealth
whether they want to invest the time and energy and little savings.
nizing, perhaps they can listen in or (if they are
in removing the object. This can almost become an
bold) ambush them. Laborer: This is someone who
adventure in it’s own right.
has no real skills, but they have
found a job that provides them
Triggered Danger
with a minimal income. They
This is a dangerous thing or similar trope that is are performing labor that is
inactive until a certain event occurs. For example, one step above what a droid is
removing the golden idol from the dais might capable of doing.
trigger a series of traps, release crazed criminals
Precariat: This is someone who
from a prison, or similar effect. This trope allows is unemployed and just barely
you to create a hidden consequence to player surviving in their present cir-
actions and keep them on their toes. cumstances. In many families,
this condition has been going
Turncoat on for generations. These are
This is a dangerous thing that can be talked into the most desperate people and
easily convinced to join rebel-
breaking ranks from its allies and helping you
lions, criminal gangs, and other
instead of opposing you. It might be a rebellious unsavory organizations.
lieutenant who is looking to upstage his boss or
a romantic interest that has been treated poorly. Independents: This is someone
This trope is used to create a chink in the armor of who lives outside of the main
economy, typically in some form
an otherwise well-organized adversary.
of subsistence lifestyle, on an
isolated planet.
Create your own custom Mystery Table using this Template.

Roll 2D Outcome



Character Name: _________________________________ Species: _____________________ Ship Name: ______________
Player Name: ____________________________________ Corruption: __________________ Monthly Payment: ________

Cerebral Digital Mechanical

Diagnostics Bypass Animal Handling ____________

Knowledge ____________ Programming Demolition
Orientation Research Medical ____________
Survival ____________ Starship Systems ____________ Repair ____________
Specialization Specialization Specialization

Physical Social Spatial

Acrobatic Carousing Piloting ____________

Thievery Command Shooting
Melee ____________ Investigation Throwing
Stealth Persuasion Tactics

Equipment: Credits:
Current Maximum
____________________________________________________________________ Hit Points Hit Points

Consensus Efficiency

Allies: Enemies Contacts:

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Force Abilities & Skills

Character Creation Notes ____________________________________

Character Path: _______________ Path Option: ____________ Rank Achieved: ____ ____________________________________

Character Path: _______________ Path Option: ____________ Rank Achieved: ____ ____________________________________
Character Path: _______________ Path Option: ____________ Rank Achieved: ____ ____________________________________

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