Form 2 Unit 1 - Standardized Assessments

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Form 2 Integrated Science

Unit 1 – Scientific Skills

Standardized Assessments

Class Assignment #1

Read the following scenario carefully. Using your knowledge of the scientific method,
answer each question.

Jayden and Jamella are playing in the park. Jayden drops a marble down the shorter
playground slide to see how fast it rolls. Jamella states the marble will roll faster if Jayden
drops it down the longer slide. He claims he has done this before and that is what
happened. Jamella wonders if this is true.

1. State an initial observation after reading the scenario. (1 mark)

2. Write a possible hypothesis based on the scenario presented. (1 mark)

3. List 3 possible materials which can be used in this experiment. (3


4. Using the scenario, identify

Independent variable _______________________________

Dependent Variable ________________________________

Controlled Variable ________________________________ (3


5. What would be a possible conclusion resulting from this experiment? (1 mark)

Total – 10 marks
Home Work Assignment #1

(Extracted from the syllabus)

1. Draw axes using the following scales.

x axis: 2 cm = 1 unit

y axis: 1 cm = 1 unit (2 marks)

2. Plot the following coordinates. (6 marks)

X coordinate Y coordinate

3 2

4 1

s3 6

4 6

1 18

7 18

3. Use a ruler to connect the points. (connected properly throughout) (2 marks)

4. Name the instrument that is outlined by the graph. (1 mark)

Total: 10 marks

Answer Key
Home-Work Assignment #2

1. Jayden already conducted this experiment

2. If the marble rolls down the longer side then it will roll faster.

3. stopwatch, marbles, slide

4. Independent variable – playground slide

Dependent variable – the timeframe it took

Controlled variable – size of the marble

5. The marble would roll faster down the shorter side of the playground slide.

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