Christian Yang

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Christian Yangana Length of lesson: 1hr

1. Overview description of your students (how many, age, language level, and purposes for studying English)
My classroom includes 21.students who 18 -23 years old .All of them are from intermediate level.They get interested in English as a too for their
different vocation in the future.For some it is for entepreneuship and other for teaching etc.

2. What aspect(s) of critical thinking does this lesson work on?

discussion of some aspects.of social practice enfrindging Human Rigth by students and the reason for these defferent social practices.

3. What aspect(s) of intercultural awareness and culture does this lesson work on?
discovery of the common points of some aspects of the violation of categories of rights in some social culture .

4. In this lesson, I anticipate students will be challenged by:

it will be an openig of attempt to question .and figjht some dark practices of mankind held for true for ages for the promotion of Human Right in
human life sphere.

5. To address these challenges, I plan to (note the specific activities that will address these challenges):
i will make my students aware about these challenges using some photos of some societies which act to their regard of their members regardless
their right and freedom on behalf of fictive reasons.

6. This is the way I will assess my students (note specific stages and specific activities that you will use for assessment):

I'll assess my students when asking to

- write. them to tell
write to each one about some practice of their societies illustration
Human right violation alternatively and question them to point out the different
cases of Human rigths violation and the kind of right which is enfringed

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to….

At the end of this lesson ,my students will be able to ;

Aprehend the notion of Human Right and the rights of man ,woman and children.
Detailed Lesson / Activity Plan Steps

Time Lesson Students will… (what they will Language focus (what kind of Role of the teacher… (my role, Questions that I will ask
content / do and how they will interact language will the students be and what I will be paying the students to deepen
Activity stages with each other and the using / practicing) attention to) their learning
-Judicial language -I'll see that the students will -How do you analyse
5mns Warm up about Students will point out the -social media vocabulary use properly terms linked to this journalist arrest?
an arrest of a kind of violated rigth in this Human rigth mind to give their -to the regard of Human
journalis case of this arrested opinions alternatively . Rigth which rigth is
reporter journaliste. - i 'll exhort them to an violated here?
interaction -what is supposed to be
- i'll draw their attention when done to prevent this
foccusig thier mind on the mate rigth violation?
exchange topic.

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning
1Omns Introduce the Students get involved in Students keep on using the Teacher projects the pictures of Is there any violated righ
gusesed lesson discussion with their mates legal expressions dealing with some cases of social violated in this pictures?
during the about some social practice of the Human Rignt field human rigths . How it violated ?
warm up injustice to the regard o some compared to the set of Teacher explains the différent Is it fair ?
peaple owing to their political Human rigths guaranting categories of rights relevant to Is it wind of right wich is
,religious conviction Human mankind freedom. defferent social life field with violated?
Rigth. the proper terms .

10mns Defferent Students mime them in pairs Students point out the Teacher acts as Time checker. to What is your view point
suggested For short Time period differents aspects of have a timing respected. compared to this
topics for alternatively before their categories of enfrindged rigth Teacher makes sure so that practice ?
human violation mates ulustrating rigth using Judicial rubrics students interact with mutual Is it lawful in view of
as play topic . violation. respect among themselves. social rules?
Teacher sees that students ask What are the social
meaningful question to their values of such practice?
mates about this play. ( Traditional education,
based on Excision and
circumcision )

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning
35mns Writing Students will write about the Students Will keep on using During.this time,teacher will In which case is right
cases of some practices of specific expressions and pay attention to.the least enfrindged by your
their culture and question terms relevant to Human details while joting down notes traditional society
each one about alternatively Rignt when qualifying the about some important aspects practice?
to point out the case of violation rigths . of the violation of Human Right Which violated?
violation of Human Right. by the practice of culture of How do you appreciate
some of students. this practice?

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning

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