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There are very fewer hotels (a)/ providing facilities for (b)/
guests who want to bring their pets (c)/ along with them.
(d)/No error (e)

2. If you stayed at twenty two (a)/ you'd always be (b)/ so,

ignorant as (c)/ you were at twenty two. (d)/ No error (e)

3. Ashok has managed to (a)/ achieve his sales targets (b)/ for
the quarter very easily (c)/ than we expected. (d)/No error (e)

4. As an artist (a)/ Raju is as good (b)/ if not better than

Ramesh. (c)/ No error (d)

5. He is the most (a)/ intelligent and also (b)/ the very talented
(c)/ student of the college. (d)/ No error (e)
1. There are very few hotels (a)/ providing facilities for (b)/
guests who want to bring their pets (c)/ along with them.
(d)/No error (e)

2. If you stayed at twenty two (a)/ you'd always be (b)/ as,

ignorant as (c)/ you were at twenty two. (d)/ No error (e)

3. Ashok has managed to (a)/ achieve his sales targets (b)/ for
the quarter more easily (c)/ than we expected. (d)/No error (e)

4. As an artist (a)/ Raju is as good as (b)/ if not better than

Ramesh. (c)/ No error (d)

5. He is the most (a)/ intelligent and also (b)/ the most talented
(c)/ student of the college. (d)/ No error (e)
6. The customers were asked to (A) give their feedback after (B)
using the try pack of the (C) new detergent powder. (D)/No
Error (E)

7. He was fascinated by insects (a)/ and the more he studied

their habits (b)/ greater his fascination was. (c)/No error (d)

8. Computers give us (a)/ an easier access (b)/ to information.

(c)/No error (d)

9. Of the two principles (a)/ he put forward the last one (b)/
was the more (c)/ difficult to understand. (d)/ No error (e)

10. Our soldiers (a)/ were better trained (b)/ than that (c)/ of
enemies. (d)/No error (e)
6. The customers were asked to (A) give their feedback after (B)
using the trial pack of the (C) new detergent powder. (D)/No
Error (E)

7. He was fascinated by insects (a)/ and the more he studied

their habits (b)/ the greater his fascination was. (c)/No error (d)

8. Computers give us (a)/ an easy access (b)/ to information.

(c)/No error (d)

9. Of the two principles (a)/ he put forward the latter one (b)/
was the more (c)/ difficult to understand. (d)/ No error (e)

10. Our soldiers (a)/ were better trained (b)/ than those (c)/ of
enemies. (d)/No error (e)
11. Manoj was many better at sports than Anurag.
(a) much good than (b) many good to
(c) much better at (d) much better than
(e) No correction required

12. Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field,
his chances of winning the race was low as he lacked the killer
(a) Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field
(b) As he was more faster than his opponent on the field
(c) Though he was more fast from his opponent on the field
(d) Though he was faster than his opponent on the field

13. Blood is thicker of water.

(a) thicker to water (b) warmer from water
(c) thicker than water (d) No improvement
11. Manoj was many better at sports than Anurag.
(a) much good than (b) many good to
(c) much better at (d) much better than
(e) No correction required

12. Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field,
his chances of winning the race was low as he lacked the killer
(a) Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field
(b) As he was more faster than his opponent on the field
(c) Though he was more fast from his opponent on the field
(d) Though he was faster than his opponent on the field

13. Blood is thicker of water.

(a) thicker to water (b) warmer from water
(c) thicker than water (d) No improvement
14. After he had read the two first chapters (a)/ of the novel
(b)/ he felt like reading (c)/ the book at one sitting. (d)/ No
error (e)

15. There are just too few trains (a)/ for the ever-grow (b)/
number of passengers (c)/ in the city. (d)/ No error (e)

16. While convincing (a) others about false claims, he maintains

(b) a strait (c) face (d). All Correct (e)

17. Over the next five years (a)/ the government needs to
invest (b)/ at less 350 billion dollars (c)/ in rural infrastructure
error (e)

18. My house (a)/ is better (b)/than John. (c)/No error (d)

14. After he had read the first two chapters (a)/ of the novel
(b)/ he felt like reading (c)/ the book at one sitting. (d)/ No
error (e)

15. There are just too few trains (a)/ for the ever-growing (b)/
number of passengers (c)/ in the city. (d)/ No error (e)

16. While convincing (a) others about false claims, he maintains

(b) a straight (c) face (d). All Correct (e)

17. Over the next five years (a)/ the government needs to
invest (b)/ at least 350 billion dollars (c)/ in rural infrastructure
error (e)

18. My house (a)/ is better (b)/than John’s. (c)/No error (d)

19. The two first to arrive (a)/ were the lucky recipients (b)/of
surprise gift. (c)/No error (d)

20. The minister has (a)/ recently announced (b)/ a detail

insurance plan to (c)/ meet the needs of the poor. (d)/No error

21. India's GDP is (a)/ most likely to grow (b)/ at six percent
higher than (c)/ those of the US. (d)/No error (e)

22. During the formation of the solar system, (a)/ the moon
which was (b)/ also a meteor, grew (c)/ more bigger than any
other meteor. (d)/No error (e)
19. The first two to arrive (a)/ were the lucky recipients (b)/of
surprise gift. (c)/No error (d)

20. The minister has (a)/ recently announced (b)/ a detailed

insurance plan to (c)/ meet the needs of the poor. (d)/No error

21. India's GDP is (a)/ most likely to grow (b)/ at six percent
higher than (c)/ that of the US. (d)/No error (e)

22. During the formation of the solar system, (a)/ the moon
which was (b)/ also a meteor, grew (c)/ more bigger than any
other meteor. (d)/No error (e)
23. Abusing his wife is (a)/ worse than any sin (b)/ a man can
commit in all his life. (c)/ No error (d)

24. This is the most (a)/ perfect piece of art that you have (b)/
kept for her, because only she has (c)/ the aesthetic sense to
appreciate it. (d)/ No error (e)

25. I have seen (a)/ as bad or even worse (b)/behaviour than

this at public rallies. (c)/ No error (d)

26. The rate of metabolism of (a)/ a body is comparatively

lowest when (b)/ it is at rest and is (c)/ thus optimum for
examination. (d)/ No error (e)

27. Which (a)/do you prefer (b)/ more meat (c)/ or fish? (d)/No
error (e)
23. Abusing his wife is (a)/ worse than any other sin (b)/ a man
can commit in all his life. (c)/ No error (d)

24. This is the most (a)/ perfect piece of art that you have (b)/
kept for her, because only she has (c)/ the aesthetic sense to
appreciate it. (d)/ No error (e)

25. I have seen (a)/ as bad as or even worse (b)/behaviour than

this at public rallies. (c)/ No error (d)

26. The rate of metabolism of (a)/ a body is comparatively low

when (b)/ it is at rest and is (c)/ thus optimum for examination.
(d)/ No error (e)

27. Which (a)/do you prefer (b)/ more meat (c)/ or fish? (d)/No
error (e)
28. Adversities bring in the best and worst in different human
(a) bring out the best and the worst
(b) bring about the best and worst
(c) bring out best and worst
(d) No improvement

29. Meditation is................ way to calm your nerves.

(a) a best (b) one of the best
(c) the best (d) an best

30. The greater the demand, higher the price.

(a) High (b) the high
(c) the higher (d) No improvement
28. Adversities bring in the best and worst in different human
(a) bring out the best and the worst
(b) bring about the best and worst
(c) bring out best and worst
(d) No improvement

29. Meditation is................ way to calm your nerves.

(a) a best (b) one of the best
(c) the best (d) an best

30. The greater the demand, higher the price.

(a) High (b) the high
(c) the higher (d) No improvement
31. The population of Tokyo is greater than that of any other
town in the world.
(a) greatest among any other
(b) greater than all other
(c) greater than those of any other
(d) greater than anyone
(e) No correction required

32. Sonia is the prettiest of all the other contestants.

(a) all the contestants
(b) all other contestants
(c) other contestants
(d) No improvement
31. The population of Tokyo is greater than that of any other
town in the world.
(a) greatest among any other
(b) greater than all other
(c) greater than those of any other
(d) greater than anyone
(e) No correction required

32. Sonia is the prettiest of all the other contestants.

(a) all the contestants
(b) all other contestants
(c) other contestants
(d) No improvement
33. The smooth and easier (a)/ we allow people to navigate
(b)/ through any device at any place (c)/ in the world, the
better. (d)/No error (e)

34. He walked as faster (a)/ as he could so that (b)/ he would

not (c)/ miss the train to work. (d)/No error (e)

35. The venue of examination (a)/ is one mile further up (b)/

the hill. (c)/No error (d)

36. The two last (a)/ chapters of the book (b)/ are very
interesting. (c)/No error (d)

37. Ragi may not taste (a)/ good but it has (b)/ very high
(c)/nutritive value. (d)/ No error (e)
33. The smoother and easier (a)/ we allow people to navigate
(b)/ through any device at any place (c)/ in the world, the
better. (d)/No error (e)

34. He walked as fast (a)/ as he could so that (b)/ he would not

(c)/ miss the train to work. (d)/No error (e)

35. The venue of examination (a)/ is one mile further up (b)/

the hill. (c)/No error (d)

36. The last two (a)/ chapters of the book (b)/ are very
interesting. (c)/No error (d)

37. Ragi may not taste (a)/ good but it has (b)/ very high
(c)/nutritive value. (d)/ No error (e)
38. The practical importance of the role of the industrialist in
the establishment of the new order is greater than the
economist and the politician.
(a) of the economist and the politicians
(b) that of the economist's and the politician's
(c) that of the economist and the politician
(d) No improvement

39. He claims that his proposal is preferable than that of any

other employee.
(a) preferable than for (b) preferable for than
(c) preferably more than that of (d) preferable to that of
(e) No correction required
38. The practical importance of the role of the industrialist in
the establishment of the new order is greater than the
economist and the politician.
(a) of the economist and the politicians
(b) that of the economist's and the politician's
(c) that of the economist and the politician
(d) No improvement

39. He claims that his proposal is preferable than that of any

other employee.
(a) preferable than for (b) preferable for than
(c) preferably more than that of (d) preferable to that of
(e) No correction required
40. In less than two days the missing dog was back home.
(a) For fewer than (b) For lesser than
(c) In lesser than (d) Within lesser than
(e) No correction required

41. We should realize that the chance of accident may be as

great as or greater in our homes than in a train or on the road.
(a) may be at least as great in our home as
(b) was at least as great as in homes
(c) can be as great or greater in our homes
(d) may be at least as great or greater in our homes than
(e) No correction required
40. In less than two days the missing dog was back home.
(a) For fewer than (b) For lesser than
(c) In lesser than (d) Within lesser than
(e) No correction required

41. We should realize that the chance of accident may be as

great as or greater in our homes than in a train or on the road.
(a) may be at least as great in our home as
(b) was at least as great as in homes
(c) can be as great or greater in our homes
(d) may be at least as great or greater in our homes than
(e) No correction required
42. We tried to do much more than (a)/ work as possible by
ourselves (b)/ because we did not (c)/ want to rely on
others.(d)/ No error (e)

43. A skilful advertiser may be able to create (a)/ practically a

monopoly for himself (b)/ not because his product is superior
to (c)/ but because he has succeeded in inducing people to
believe that it is. (d)/No error (e)

44. The symptoms (a) of eminent (b) rains can be sensed (c) by
equipments in the meteorological (d) department. All

45. We can decide it (a)/ only after (b)/ farther investigation.

(c)/No error (d)
42. We tried to do as much (a)/ work as possible by ourselves
(b)/ because we did not (c)/ want to rely on others.(d)/ No
error (e)

43. A skilful advertiser may be able to create (a)/ practically a

monopoly for himself (b)/ not because his product is superior
to (c)/ but because he has succeeded in inducing people to
believe that it is. (d)/No error (e)

44. The symptoms (a) of imminent (b) rains can be sensed (c) by
equipments in the meteorological (d) department. All

45. We can decide it (a)/ only after (b)/ further investigation.

(c)/No error (d)
46. Today governments are introducing more and more
technology into their system to address the needs of citizens at
a pace fast then that of manual operations.
(a) faster than that of (b) faster than those for
(c) fast than that for (d) more than that in
(e) No correction required

47. In the early centuries of the second millennium B.C., people

speaking strange dialects akin to that of India, moved in
northern Iraq and Syria.
(a) akin to those of
(b) akin to that in
(c) akin to those into
(d) keen to those of
(e) No correction required
46. Today governments are introducing more and more
technology into their system to address the needs of citizens at
a pace fast then that of manual operations.
(a) faster than that of (b) faster than those for
(c) fast than that for (d) more than that in
(e) No correction required

47. In the early centuries of the second millennium B.C., people

speaking strange dialects akin to that of India, moved in
northern Iraq and Syria.
(a) akin to those of
(b) akin to that in
(c) akin to those into
(d) keen to those of
(e) No correction required
48. The more they earn, more they spend.
(a) More they earn, more they spend
(b) More they earn, the more they spend
(c) The more they earn, the more they spend
(d) No improvement

49. It rained much more heavily on Monday then it did last

(a) on Monday than (b) on Monday as
(c) from Monday then (d) during Monday as
(e) No correction required

50. Are you more cleverer than us?

(a) cleverer to us (b) more cleverer to us
(c) cleverer than us (d) No improvement
48. The more they earn, more they spend.
(a) More they earn, more they spend
(b) More they earn, the more they spend
(c) The more they earn, the more they spend
(d) No improvement

49. It rained much more heavily on Monday then it did last

(a) on Monday than (b) on Monday as
(c) from Monday then (d) during Monday as
(e) No correction required

50. Are you more cleverer than us?

(a) cleverer to us (b) more cleverer to us
(c) cleverer than us (d) No improvement
51. The cost of the new (a)/machines is likely to (b)/ be so high
as ten (c)/ times the existing ones. (d)/No error (e)

52. Babar was not only (a)/ a great soldier, (b)/ but also a (c)/
very wisest ruler. (d), No error (e)

53. Although he was desired (a)/ to work quite hard, (b)/ he

could not do so (c)/ owing to his prolonged illness. (d)/ No
error (e)

54. The standard of living in India (a)/ is still lower (b)/ than
most of the other developed countries. (c)/No error (d)

55. The weather is (a)/ much more warmer (b)/ than it was (c)/
a few days ago. (d)/ No Error (e)
51. The cost of the new (a)/machines is likely to (b)/ be as high
as ten (c)/ times the existing ones. (d)/No error (e)

52. Babar was not only (a)/ a great soldier, (b)/ but also a (c)/
very wise ruler. (d), No error (e)

53. Although he was desirous (a)/ to work quite hard, (b)/ he

could not do so (c)/ owing to his prolonged illness. (d)/ No
error (e)

54. The standard of living in India (a)/ is still lower (b)/ than
that in most of the other developed countries. (c)/No error (d)

55. The weather is (a)/ much more warmer (b)/ than it was (c)/
a few days ago. (d)/ No Error (e)
56. The more they earn, more they spend on luxury items.
(a) more they should spend (b) the more they spend
(c) the more they ought to spend (d) No improvement

57. I prefer travelling by bus than by train.

(a) travelling by bus to (b) to travel by bus than
(c) travelling by bus as (d) to travelling by bus than
(e) No correction required

58. I have never seen a more bad film than this.

(a) a worse (b) a more worse
(c) a worst (d) No improvement
56. The more they earn, more they spend on luxury items.
(a) more they should spend (b) the more they spend
(c) the more they ought to spend (d) No improvement

57. I prefer travelling by bus than by train.

(a) travelling by bus to (b) to travel by bus than
(c) travelling by bus as (d) to travelling by bus than
(e) No correction required

58. I have never seen a more bad film than this.

(a) a worse (b) a more worse
(c) a worst (d) No improvement
59. The more we look at these carvings, the more life we
perceive hidden within them.
(a) the life we perceive more hidden (b) we perceive life
more hidden
(c) more than life we perceive hidden
(d) we perceive life more than hidden
(e) No correction required

60. He is the poorest of the two workers.

(a) the poorer of (b) the poorest between
(c) poorest of (d) No improvement

61. Though I am tall, I feel inferior from others.

(a) upon others (b) to others
(c) than others (d) No improvement
59. The more we look at these carvings, the more life we
perceive hidden within them.
(a) the life we perceive more hidden (b) we perceive life
more hidden
(c) more than life we perceive hidden
(d) we perceive life more than hidden
(e) No correction required

60. He is the poorest of the two workers.

(a) the poorer of (b) the poorest between
(c) poorest of (d) No improvement

61. Though I am tall, I feel inferior from others.

(a) upon others (b) to others
(c) than others (d) No improvement
62. Humour is a better way (A) to provide social commentary
on (B)/ controversy issues and some movies(C) do that
successfully. (D) No Error (E)

63. Everyone agrees that (a)/ the Ganga is the holiest (b)/ of all
other rivers (c)/ of India. (d)/No error (e)

64. My observation is that (a)/ between Raghav and (b)/

Deepa, Raghav is (c)/ the most intelligent. (d)/No error (e)

65. Ravi and Chandra are (a)/ both excellent workers (b)/ but
the latter is best (c)/ than the former. (d)/ No error (e)

66. It is crucially (a)/ to obtain the Board's approval (b)/ for the
terms and conditions (c)/ of the merger. (d)/No error (e)
62. Humour is a better way (A) to provide social commentary
on (B)/ controversial issues and some movies(C) do that
successfully. (D) No Error (E)

63. Everyone agrees that (a)/ the Ganga is the holiest (b)/ of all
other rivers (c)/ of India. (d)/No error (e)

64. My observation is that (a)/ between Raghav and (b)/

Deepa, Raghav is (c)/ the more intelligent. (d)/No error (e)

65. Ravi and Chandra are (a)/ both excellent workers (b)/ but
the latter is better (c)/ than the former. (d)/ No error (e)

66. It is crucial (a)/ to obtain the Board's approval (b)/ for the
terms and conditions (c)/ of the merger. (d)/No error (e)
67. It is unlikely that you will (a)/ find a more qualified and
experience (b)/ candidate than Mr Prasad (c)/ for the post of
President. (d)/No error (e)

68. However, (a)/ this division (b)/ of power is not quiet (c)/ as
neat as it may (d)/ appear at first. (e)

69. We are confident that the steps (a)/ we have taken to

attract talented people (b)/ and build a solid organisation (c)/
will ensure we remain profitably. (d)/ No error (e)

70. Given that (a)/ there was so less time, (b)/ I think the
students have (c)/ done a good job. (d)/No Error (e)
67. It is unlikely that you will (a)/ find a more qualified and
experienced (b)/ candidate than Mr Prasad (c)/ for the post of
President. (d)/No error (e)

68. However, (a)/ this division (b)/ of power is not quite (c)/ as
neat as it may (d)/ appear at first. (e)

69. We are confident that the steps (a)/ we have taken to

attract talented people (b)/ and build a solid organisation (c)/
will ensure we remain profitable. (d)/ No error (e)

70. Given that (a)/ there was so little time, (b)/ I think the
students have (c)/ done a good job. (d)/No Error (e)
71. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had
(a) bad as I had expected (b) worse than I had expected
(c) worse than expectation (d) worst than was expected
(e) No correction required

72. Changu is as tall, if not, taller than Mangu.

(a) as tall, if not, taller than
(b) as tall as, if not, taller to
(c) as tall as, if not, taller than
(d) No improvement

73. Of the two candidates, I think he is the best suited.

(a) he is suited best (b) he is the better suited
(c) he is best suited (d) No improvement
71. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had
(a) bad as I had expected (b) worse than I had expected
(c) worse than expectation (d) worst than was expected
(e) No correction required

72. Changu is as tall, if not, taller than Mangu.

(a) as tall, if not, taller than
(b) as tall as, if not, taller to
(c) as tall as, if not, taller than
(d) No improvement

73. Of the two candidates, I think he is the best suited.

(a) he is suited best (b) he is the better suited
(c) he is best suited (d) No improvement
74. No other temple is (a)/ as beautiful as (b)/ the famous
Meenakshi temple (c)/ in South India. (d)/ No error (e)

75. No method of making (a)/other people agree to (b)/your

view-point is (c)/ as effective as this method. (d)/No error (e)

76. The teacher asked me (a)/ if I knew that (b)/ Rabindranath

Tagore was the greater (c)/ than any other poet. (d)/No error

77. He strongly felt that (a)/ that explanation (b)/ which was
given (c)/ during the meeting (d)/ was not at all truth. (e)
74. No other temple is (a)/ as beautiful as (b)/ the famous
Meenakshi temple (c)/ in South India. (d)/ No error (e)

75. No other method of making (a)/other people agree to

(b)/your view-point is (c)/ as effective as this method. (d)/No
error (e)

76. The teacher asked me (a)/ if I knew that (b)/ Rabindranath

Tagore was the greater (c)/ than any other poet. (d)/No error

77. He strongly felt that (a)/ that explanation (b)/ which was
given (c)/ during the meeting (d)/ was not at all true. (e)
78. The metals and minerals sector .......... currently highly
(a) Are (b) is
(c) Was (d) were

79. The houses in our street are more beautiful than on the
main road.
(a) than that on the main road (b) than those on the main
(c) than there on the main road (e) No correction required

80. Calamities and indigence in the past was afflicting more

than at present
(a) were more afflicting (b) was afflicted more
(c) were more afflict (d) was afflict more
(e) No correction required
78. The metals and minerals sector .......... currently highly
(a) Are (b) is
(c) Was (d) were

79. The houses in our street are more beautiful than on the
main road.
(a) than that on the main road (b) than those on the main
(c) than there on the main road (e) No correction required

80. Calamities and indigence in the past was afflicting more

than at present
(a) were more afflicting (b) was afflicted more
(c) were more afflict (d) was afflict more
(e) No correction required
81. It is an established fact that the transcendental American
poets and philosophers, (a)/ who lived in the latter half of the
nineteenth century, (b)/ were more influenced by Indian
philosophy, in particular by Upanishadic philosophy. (c)/No
error (d)

82. Of the two films (a)/ in which he starred, (b)/ I think the
first is the best. (c)/No error (d)

83. There is no argument against (a)/ the fact that (b)/humans

are the most intelligent (c)/ of all other species. (d)/No error (e)

84. To transport goods (a)/ by sea is cheaper (b)/than land. (c)/

No error (d)
81. It is an established fact that the transcendental American
poets and philosophers, (a)/ who lived in the latter half of the
nineteenth century, (b)/ were much influenced by Indian
philosophy, in particular by Upanishadic philosophy. (c)/No
error (d)

82. Of the two films (a)/ in which he starred, (b)/ I think the
former is the better. (c)/No error (d)

83. There is no argument against (a)/ the fact that (b)/humans

are the most intelligent (c)/ of all other species. (d)/No error (e)

84. To transport goods (a)/ by sea is cheaper (b)/than by land.

(c)/ No error (d)
85. The heads of religious institutions and imminent (a)/
people have come together to ensure (b)/ communal
(c)/harmony. (d)/All correct. (e)

86. Mutton is more hard (a)/ to digest (b)/ than vegetables. (c)/
No error (d)

87. I am (a)/better acquainted (b)/ with the country (c)/ than

you. (d)/No error (e)

88. She was a short immigrant (a)/ with plane (b)/ features,
curly brown hair (c)/ and the energy (d)/ of two women. All
correct (e)

89. I answered (a)/ the questions (b)/ as best as (c)/I could.

(d)/No error (e)
85. The heads of religious institutions and eminent (a)/ people
have come together to ensure (b)/ communal (c)/harmony.
(d)/All correct. (e)

86. Mutton is harder (a)/ to digest (b)/ than vegetables. (c)/ No

error (d)

87. I am (a)/better acquainted (b)/ with the country (c)/ than

you are. (d)/No error (e)

88. She was a short immigrant (a)/ with plain (b)/ features,
curly brown hair (c)/ and the energy (d)/ of two women. All
correct (e)

89. I answered (a)/ the questions (b)/ as good as (c)/I could.

(d)/No error (e)
90. Despite his old age, his movements were as spirited as a
young man.
(a) a young man’s (b) if a young man
(c) those of a young man (d) of a young man
(e) No correction required

91. He is the kindest and generous of all my friends.

(a) more generous among all my friends
(b) more generous of all my friends
(c) the most generous of all my friends
(d) No improvement
90. Despite his old age, his movements were as spirited as a
young man.
(a) a young man’s (b) if a young man
(c) those of a young man (d) of a young man
(e) No correction required

91. He is the kindest and generous of all my friends.

(a) more generous among all my friends
(b) more generous of all my friends
(c) the most generous of all my friends
(d) No improvement
92. Sachin is older of the two sons.
(a) is older than (b) will be older of
(c) is elder than (d) is the older of
(e) No correction required

93. She is happiest of all.

(a) more happier than all
(b) the happiest of all
(c) most happiest of all
(d) No improvement

94. That was (a)/the most unique opportunity (b)/ he got in his
life. (c)/No error (d)
92. Sachin is older of the two sons.
(a) is older than (b) will be older of
(c) is elder than (d) is the older of
(e) No correction required

93. She is happiest of all.

(a) more happier than all
(b) the happiest of all
(c) most happiest of all
(d) No improvement

94. That was (a)/the most unique opportunity (b)/ he got in his
life. (c)/No error (d)
95. No source of energy (a)/ is so cheap (b)/ as the solar energy
(c)/ in the present age of energy crises. (d)/No error (e)

96. All of you will agree with me (a)/ that no problem faced by
our society (b)/ is as grave and intractable (c)/ as this problem
is. (d)/ No error (e)

97. Journey by car is (a)/ as quick or perhaps quicker (b)/ than

by train (c)/ in this particular case. (d)/No error (e)

98. The eyes of an octopus (a)/ are remarkably similar (b)/ to

those of a human being. (c)/No error (d)

99. No hill station (a)/ is as beautiful (b)/ as Darjeeling (c)/ with

its scenic beauty. (d)/ No error (e)
95. No other source of energy (a)/ is so cheap (b)/ as the solar
energy (c)/ in the present age of energy crises. (d)/No error (e)

96. All of you will agree with me (a)/ that no other problem
faced by our society (b)/ is as grave and intractable (c)/ as this
problem is. (d)/ No error (e)

97. Journey by car is (a)/ as quick as or perhaps quicker (b)/

than by train (c)/ in this particular case. (d)/No error (e)

98. The eyes of an octopus (a)/ are remarkably similar (b)/ to

those of a human being. (c)/No error (d)

99. No other hill station (a)/ is as beautiful (b)/ as Darjeeling

(c)/ with its scenic beauty. (d)/ No error (e)
100. She wished that her career could be as glamorous as the
other women but not willing to work as they had.
(a) as glamorous as the other woman
(b) more glamorous than the career of the other women
(c) Glamorous (d) No change required
100. She wished that her career could be as glamorous as the
other women but not willing to work as they had.
(a) as glamorous as the other woman
(b) more glamorous than the career of the other women
(c) Glamorous (d) No change required

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