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Practice Questions on Nouns

1. People blamed him (a) / for being (b) / a coward person. (c) /
No error (d)

2. There are so many filths (a)/ all around (b)/ the place. (c)/ No
error (d)

3. Speakers after speakers (a)/ came on the stage (b)/ to

perform. (c)/ No error (d)

4. The old and sick is advised (a)/ to stay at home when (b)/
pollution levels increase. (c)/ No error (d)

5. The table's legs (A)/ have been (B) / elaborately carved.

(C)/No Error (D)
1. People blamed him (a) / for being (b) / a coward person. (c) /
No error (d)

2. There are so much filth (a)/ all around (b)/ the place. (c)/ No
error (d)

3. Speaker after speaker (a)/ came on the stage (b)/ to perform.

(c)/ No error (d)

4. The old and sick are advised (a)/ to stay at home when (b)/
pollution levels increase. (c)/ No error (d)

5. The legs of the table (A)/ have been (B) / elaborately carved.
(C)/No Error (D)
6. Children enjoy listening to (a)/ghosts stories (b)/ especially
on Halloween night. (c)/No error (d)

7. Woman after women (a)/ claimed to speak against (b)/ the

present political situation (c)/ of Bihar in the meeting. (d)/ No
error (e)

8. Many people have the perception (a)/ that the affluent is the
happiest (b)/lot on the earth. (c)/No error (d)

9. Did you see (a) / any of the child (b) / when you were (c) / in
the garden? (d) / No error (e)

10. Students should work (a)/ hard in order to (b)/build their

carrier. (c)/No error (d)
6. Children enjoy listening to (a)/ghost stories (b)/ especially on
Halloween night. (c)/No error (d)

7. Woman after woman (a)/ claimed to speak against (b)/ the

present political situation (c)/ of Bihar in the meeting. (d)/ No
error (e)

8. Many people have the perception (a)/ that the affluent are
the happiest (b)/lot on the earth. (c)/No error (d)

9. Did you see (a) / any of the children (b) / when you were (c) /
in the garden? (d) / No error (e)

10. Students should work (a)/ hard in order to (b)/build their

career. (c)/No error (d)
11. There is no more room for you in this compartment.
(a) There is no more accommodation
(b) There is no more place
(c) There is no more seat
(d) No improvement

12. The brochure, which is being enclosed with the application

form, will give you information that you need
(a) informations (b) the information
(c) an information (d) No improvement

13. If left unattended, even a small cut can turn into a ..........
(a) sore (b) ore
(c) soar (d) sour
11. There is no more room for you in this compartment.
(a) There is no more accommodation
(b) There is no more place
(c) There is no more seat
(d) No improvement

12. The brochure, which is being enclosed with the application

form, will give you information that you need
(a) informations (b) the information
(c) an information (d) No improvement

13. If left unattended, even a small cut can turn into a ..........
(a) sore (b) ore
(c) soar (d) sour
14. He did many mischiefs.
(a) made many a mischiefs (b) made much mischief
(c) committed many mischiefs (d) No improvement

15. It is a three-years degree course.

(a) an three-years degree course
(b) a three-year degree course
(c) a three years degree course
(d) No improvement

16. He gave me an old scissor.

(a) old scissor (b) an old scissors
(c) a pair of old scissors (d) No improvement
14. He did many mischiefs.
(a) made many a mischiefs (b) made much mischief
(c) committed many mischiefs (d) No improvement

15. It is a three-years degree course.

(a) an three-years degree course
(b) a three-year degree course
(c) a three years degree course
(d) No improvement

16. He gave me an old scissor.

(a) old scissor (b) an old scissors
(c) a pair of old scissors (d) No improvement
17. He says he knows French very well (a) / but as a matter of
fact (b) / he does not know (c) / the alphabets of French (d) /
No error (e).

18. One is wrong to (a)/ believe that the (b)/ rich is privileged.
(c)/ No error (d)

19. I want to open (a)/ a saving account (b)/ in your bank. (c)/
No error (d)

20. Mathematics (a)/ is indeed (b)/ a difficult subject. (c)/ No

error (d)

21. Many peoples were (a)/ brought to safety (b)/ by the army
helicopters (c)/ from the flood hit area. (d)/No error (e)
17. He says he knows French very well (a) / but as a matter of
fact (b) / he does not know (c) / the alphabet of French (d) / No
error (e).

18. One is wrong to (a)/ believe that the (b)/ rich are privileged.
(c)/ No error (d)

19. I want to open (a)/ a savings account (b)/ in your bank. (c)/
No error (d)

20. Mathematics (a)/ is indeed (b)/ a difficult subject. (c)/ No

error (d)

21. Many people were (a)/ brought to safety (b)/ by the army
helicopters (c)/ from the flood hit area. (d)/No error (e)
22. According to government’s estimates (a)/ at least four
millions tonnes of sugar (b)/ will have to be imported (c)/ this
year because of a poor monsoon. (d)/No error (e)

23. The poor’s plight (a) / in India is very pathetic (b) / and to
top it all, there is (c) / none to improve their condition (d) / No
error (e).

24. Bengali people (a) / do eat fishes every day, (b) / but she
does not (c) / like it all (d) / No error (e).

25. The government has ordered (a)/ to set up industries (b)/ at

the outskirt (c)/ of the city. (d)/No error (d)

26. The sceneries (a)/ of Kashmir (b)/ is very charming. (c)/ No

error (d)
22. According to government’s estimates (a)/ at least four
million tonnes of sugar (b)/ will have to be imported (c)/ this
year because of a poor monsoon. (d)/No error (e)

23. The plight of the poor (a) / in India is very pathetic (b) / and
to top it all, there is (c) / none to improve their condition (d) /
No error (e).

24. Bengali people (a) / do eat fish every day, (b) / but she does
not (c) / like it all (d) / No error (e).

25. The government has ordered (a)/ to set up industries (b)/ at

the outskirts (c)/ of the city. (d)/No error (d)

26. The scenery (a)/ of Kashmir (b)/ is very charming. (c)/ No

error (d)
27. In fact, if it hadn't been for his invaluable advice on so many
occasions I wouldn't have achieved anything in live.
(a) remarkable advice (b) valuable advices
(c) priceless suggestions (d) No improvement

28. He secured the first position in a hundred metres race.

(a) a hundred metre race (b) hundred metres race
(c) one hundred metres race (d) No improvement

29. You will have to account for all the .......... incurred during
your tenure.
(a) losses (b) lose
(c) looses (d) lost
27. In fact, if it hadn't been for his invaluable advice on so many
occasions I wouldn't have achieved anything in live.
(a) remarkable advice (b) valuable advices
(c) priceless suggestions (d) No improvement

28. He secured the first position in a hundred metres race.

(a) a hundred metre race (b) hundred metres race
(c) one hundred metres race (d) No improvement

29. You will have to account for all the .......... incurred during
your tenure.
(a) losses (b) lose
(c) looses (d) lost
30. Three police were running after (a) / a terrorist who had (b)
/ recently made an attempt (c) / to explode the parliament (d)
/ No error (e).

31. Such a phenomena has (a) / never been seen here (b) /
before and it is highly (c) / threatening for the whole humanity
(d) / No error (e).

32. Do you know the (a) / fact that the economics (b) / of this
project is very (c) / discouraging for sure? (d) / No error (e).

33. Two millions people (a)/ attended the meeting (b)/ held in
parade grounds. (c)/ No error (d)

34. Cattles (a) / were grazing (b) / in the meadows (c) / near
our farm. (d) / No error (d)
30. Three policemen were running after (a) / a terrorist who
had (b) / recently made an attempt (c) / to explode the
parliament (d) / No error (e).

31. Such a phenomenon has (a) / never been seen here (b) /
before and it is highly (c) / threatening for the whole humanity
(d) / No error (e).

32. Do you know the (a) / fact that the economics (b) / of this
project are very (c) / discouraging for sure? (d) / No error (e).

33. Two million people (a)/ attended the meeting (b)/ held in
parade grounds. (c)/ No error (d)

34. Cattles (a) / were grazing (b) / in the meadows (c) / near
our farm. (d) / No error (d)
35. After the brief appearance before the waiting crowds, (a)/
he was taken (b)/ to the Governor chamber (c)/ for the
swearing in ceremony. (d)/No error (e)

36. The government decided to stop (a)/ all sells of diamonds

abroad (b)/ because of the recently passed resolution. (c)/ No
error (d)

37. My father gave me (a)/ a pair of binocular (b)/ on my

birthday. (c)/ No error (d)

38. All the furnitures have been (a)/ sent to the new house (b)/
located in a village. (c)/No error (d)

39. My sister (a)/ has read (b)/ pages after pages of the Bible.
(c)/ No error (d)
35. After the brief appearance before the waiting crowds, (a)/
he was taken (b)/ to the Governor’s chamber (c)/ for the
swearing in ceremony. (d)/No error (e)

36. The government decided to stop (a)/ all sales of diamonds

abroad (b)/ because of the recently passed resolution. (c)/ No
error (d)

37. My father gave me (a)/ a pair of binoculars (b)/ on my

birthday. (c)/ No error (d)

38. All the furniture have been (a)/ sent to the new house (b)/
located in a village. (c)/No error (d)

39. My sister (a)/ has read (b)/ page after page of the Bible. (c)/
No error (d)
40. My family is living in various parts (a) / of India and
therefore (b) / it is very difficult for me (c) / to meet all folks in
one visit (d) / No error (e).

41. Two summons (A)/have been issued by the court(B)/ but

you have not (C)/ turned up yet. (D)/ No Error (E)

42. The authorities have instructed (a)/ that brief notes must
be prepared (b)/ on all the issues related (c)/ to customer
grievances. (d)/No error (e)

43. The suspicion (a) was paralysed (b) due to the impact of the
tortuous (c) interrogation (d). All Correct (e)

44. The lawyer asked the complainant (a)/ to put his sign (b)/
on the paper. (c)/ No error (d)
40. My family are living in various parts (a) / of India and
therefore (b) / it is very difficult for me (c) / to meet all folks in
one visit (d) / No error (e).

41. Two summonses (A)/have been issued by the court(B)/ but

you have not (C)/ turned up yet. (D)/ No Error (E)

42. The authorities have instructed (a)/ that brief notes must
be prepared (b)/ on all the issues related (c)/ to customer’s
grievances. (d)/No error (e)

43. The suspect (a) was paralysed (b) due to the impact of the
tortuous (c) interrogation (d). All Correct (e)

44. The lawyer asked the complainant (a)/ to put his signature
(b)/ on the paper. (c)/ No error (d)
45. In order to impart (A)/ training to bank employees(B) we
are setting up (C) centres at various location.(D) No Error (E)

46. Shakespeare has written (a)/ many plays (b)/ as well as

some poetries. (c)/No error (d)

47. In cities people don't (a)/ always have the time to (b)/ catch
up with old friends or (c)/ spend times with their family. (d)/
No error(e)

48. The customer handed over (a)/ a hundred-rupees note (b)/

to the shopkeeper. (c)/No error (d)

49. Please give me two (a) / dozen banana and (b) / a piece of
coconut. (c) / No error (d)
45. In order to impart (A)/ training to bank employees(B) we
are setting up (C) centres at various locations.(D) No Error (E)

46. Shakespeare has written (a)/ many plays (b)/ as well as

some poems. (c)/No error (d)

47. In cities people don't (a)/ always have the time to (b)/ catch
up with old friends or (c)/ spend time with their family. (d)/ No

48. The customer handed over (a)/ a hundred-rupee note (b)/

to the shopkeeper. (c)/No error (d)

49. Please give me two (a) / dozen bananas and (b) / a piece of
coconut. (c) / No error (d)
50. Against the popular (a)/ perception, the (b)/ intelligent is
not arrogant. (c)/ No error (d)

51. It is true that Shakespeare (a) / gave this world (b) / a

number of literary work (c) / which speak volume about his
artistic genius (d) / No error (e).

52. For her sake as well as for John (a)/ I hoped fervently (b)/
that she might still be found. (c)/ No error (d)

53. Scents (a)/have utter (b)/ disregard for wealth and (c)/
worldly matters. (d)/ All correct (e)

54. The beautiful (a)/ surrounding of the place (b)/ enchanted

me. (c)/ No error (d)
50. Against the popular (a)/ perception, the (b)/ intelligent are
not arrogant. (c)/ No error (d)

51. It is true that Shakespeare (a) / gave this world (b) / a

number of literary works (c) / which speak volume about his
artistic genius (d) / No error (e).

52. For her sake as well as for John’s (a)/ I hoped fervently (b)/
that she might still be found. (c)/ No error (d)

53. Saints (a)/have utter (b)/ disregard for wealth and (c)/
worldly matters. (d)/ All correct (e)

54. The beautiful (a)/ surroundings of the place (b)/ enchanted

me. (c)/ No error (d)
55. I need twenty males and fifty females (a) / to get this work
done (b) / within less (c) / than five days (d) / No error (e).

56. With the literacy rates in this (a)/ region as low as ten
percent (b)/ we need to encourage (c)/local people to build
schools. (d)/No error (e)

57. When Sunil got back from Shimla, (a) / he said that he had
never (b) / seen such a wonderful (c) / spectacles in his life
before (d) / No error (e).

58. This misogynist hates (A)/ all mother in laws, (B)/ lady-
doctors and house maids (C)/ No Error(D)

59. The (a)/young man (b)/ had no manner. (c)/ No error (d)
Because the words "female" and "woman" mean different
things. "Female" is a scientific term that refers to the sex of
a species that is capable of producing children. The term
"woman" refers specifically to human beings, while
"female" could refer to any species.
55. I need twenty men and fifty women (a) / to get this work
done (b) / within less (c) / than five days (d) / No error (e).

56. With the literacy rate in this (a)/ region as low as ten
percent (b)/ we need to encourage (c)/local people to build
schools. (d)/No error (e)

57. When Sunil got back from Shimla, (a) / he said that he had
never (b) / seen such a wonderful (c) / spectacles in his life
before (d) / No error (e).

58. This misogynist hates (A)/ all mothers in law, (B)/ lady-
doctors and house maids (C)/ No Error(D)

59. The (a)/young man (b)/ had no manners. (c)/ No error (d)
60. Besides these norms, the data was also analyzed to form
the sub groups.
(a) the data had analyzed also
(b) the data were also concluded
(c) the data were also analyzed
(d) an data were analyzed also
(e) No correction required

61. A dam was proposed to be build at that site.

(a) built at that sight
(b) build at the sight
(c) built at the site
(d) built at the cite
(e) No correction required
60. Besides these norms, the data was also analyzed to form
the sub groups.
(a) the data had analyzed also
(b) the data were also concluded
(c) the data were also analyzed
(d) an data were analyzed also
(e) No correction required

61. A dam was proposed to be build at that site.

(a) built at that sight
(b) build at the sight
(c) built at the site
(d) built at the cite
(e) No correction required
62. Last evening I went to the optician and bought spectacles.
(a) a spectacle
(b) two spectacles
(c) a pair of spectacles
(d) No improvement

63. You should always (a) / work hard because (b) / the fruits of
hard work (c) / are very sweet and rewarding (d) / No error (e).

64. The committee (a)/ underestimates (b)/ the efforts

involved (c)/ and hence falls short of suggesting majors (d)/ to
solve problem. All correct (e)

65. The measles are (a)/ a disease that causes (b)/ fever and a
red rash. (c)/No error (d)
62. Last evening I went to the optician and bought spectacles.
(a) a spectacle
(b) two spectacles
(c) a pair of spectacles
(d) No improvement

63. You should always (a) / work hard because (b) / the fruits of
hard work (c) / are very sweet and rewarding (d) / No error (e).

64. The committee (a)/ underestimates (b)/ the efforts

involved (c)/ and hence falls short of suggesting measures (d)/
to solve problem. All correct (e)

65. The measles is (a)/ a disease that causes (b)/ fever and a
red rash. (c)/No error (d)
66. Socrates’s works (a) / are reckoned among (b) / the greatest
works rendered (c) / by any philosopher in the world (d)/ No
error (e).

67. My grandfather owns (a)/ fifty acre (b)/ of wet land. (c)/ No
error (d)

68. She has to leave for Mumbai (a) / tomorrow for an urgent
work, (b) / so get a ticket (c) / booked for her (d) / No error (e).

69. The Finance Minister view (a)/ is that the scheme will
ensure (b)/ that millions of farmers will be (c)/lifted out of
poverty. (d)/No error (e)

70. The long-distance train (a)/ which met with an accident (b)/
was carrying some army personal. (c)/No error (d)
66. Socrates’ works (a) / are reckoned among (b) / the greatest
works rendered (c) / by any philosopher in the world (d)/ No
error (e).

67. My grandfather owns (a)/ fifty acres (b)/ of wet land. (c)/
No error (d)

68. She has to leave for Mumbai (a) / tomorrow for an urgent
work, (b) / so get a ticket (c) / booked for her (d) / No error (e).

69. The Finance Minister’s view (a)/ is that the scheme will
ensure (b)/ that millions of farmers will be (c)/lifted out of
poverty. (d)/No error (e)

70. The long-distance train (a)/ which met with an accident (b)/
was carrying some army personnel. (c)/No error (d)
71. The roll (a)/ of the institute is to provide technical support
to other institutions and to constantly monitor (b)/ their
facilities (c)/ and performance. (d)/No error (e)

72. A moment delay (a)/ would have proved costly (b)/ in the
situation. (c)/ No error (d)

73. The first inning (a)/ of the match (b)/ was very sensational.
(c)/No error (d)

74. These protests are because (a)/ of the government's plans

to (b)/ raise the retirement age (c)/ of public sector employees.
(d)/No error (e)

75. A five-men (a)/ enquiry committee was appointed (b)/ to

look into the matter. (c)/ No error (d)
71. The role (a)/ of the institute is to provide technical support
to other institutions and to constantly monitor (b)/ their
facilities (c)/ and performance. (d)/No error (e)

72. A moment’s delay (a)/ would have proved costly (b)/ in the
situation. (c)/ No error (d)

73. The first innings (a)/ of the match (b)/ was very sensational.
(c)/No error (d)

74. These protests are because (a)/ of the government's plan to

(b)/ raise the retirement age (c)/ of public sector employees.
(d)/No error (e)

75. A five-man (a)/ enquiry committee was appointed (b)/ to

look into the matter. (c)/ No error (d)
76. The haves should (A)/ not look scornfully (B)/ at the haves
not, rather they should (C)/ try to encourage them to work
hard and earn their livelihood. (D)/ No Error (E)

77. The unemployed’s number (a) / in India is increasing (b) /

day by day, (c) / but government seems little concerned (d) /
No error (e).

78. If you have a way with words, (a)/ a good sense of design
and administration ability (b)/ you may enjoy working in the
high pressure world of advertising. (c)/No error (d)

79. Pooja has to finish(a) / the two third of the (b) / work
within twenty four hours (c) / and you have to finish the whole
work in one day (d) / No error (e).
76. The haves should (A)/ not look scornfully (B)/ at the have
nots, rather they should (C)/ try to encourage them to work
hard and earn their livelihood. (D)/ No Error (E)

77. The number of the unemployed (a) / in India is increasing

(b) / day by day, (c) / but government seems little concerned
(d) / No error (e).

78. If you have a way with words, (a)/ a good sense of design
and administrative ability (b)/ you may enjoy working in the
high pressure world of advertising. (c)/No error (d)

79. Pooja has to finish(a) / the two thirds of the (b) / work
within twenty four hours (c) / and you have to finish the whole
work in one day (d) / No error (e).
80. He wanted me (A)/to bring two breads and some butter
(B)/for breakfast. (C)/ No Error (D)

81. Certain amounts of stress (a)/ at work is natural but (b)/ it

is important that one learns (c)/ to keep it in the right
proportion. (d)/No error (e)

82. Yesterday I met God (a) / and He told me that (b) / He is not
happy with (c) / menkind even in the least (d) / No error (e).

83. Before he could reach (a) the sight (b) of the burglary, the
criminals (c) had decamped. (d) All Correct (e)

84. Gradual (a) noise over a long period may have just as
harmful (b) an affect (c) as loud or sudden (d) noise. All correct
80. He wanted me (A)/to bring two pieces of bread and some
butter (B)/for breakfast. (C)/ No Error (D)

81. A Certain amount of stress (a)/ at work is natural but (b)/ it

is important that one learns (c)/ to keep it in the right
proportion. (d)/No error (e)

82. Yesterday I met God (a) / and He told me that (b) / He is not
happy with (c) / mankind even in the least (d) / No error (e).

83. Before he could reach (a) the site (b) of the burglary, the
criminals (c) had decamped. (d) All Correct (e)

84. Gradual (a) noise over a long period may have just as
harmful (b) an effect (c) as loud or sudden (d) noise. All correct
85. Regardless of (a) your teaching method, the objective of
any conversation class should be (b) for the students to practice
speaking words. (d)

86. If a student needs advices about (a)/careers, he or she (b)/

should consult (c)/ the Careers' officer. (d)/ No error (e)

87. Though the country (a)/ has got independent (b)/ in 1947,
many districts (c)/ still have no electricity. (d)/No error (e)

88. This time I was compelled (a) to leave him unpunished (b)
although he deserved severe (c) punishment for breech (d) of
rules. All Correct (e)

89. The young men from Japan (a)/ found the assent of the
mountain (b)/hard going. (c)/ No error (d)
85. Regardless of (a) your teaching method, the objective of
any conversation class should be (b) for the students to practise
speaking words. (d)

86. If a student needs advice about (a)/careers, he or she (b)/

should consult (c)/ the Careers' officer. (d)/ No error (e)

87. Though the country (a)/ has got independence (b)/ in 1947,
many districts (c)/ still have no electricity. (d)/No error (e)

88. This time I was compelled (a) to leave him unpunished (b)
although he deserved severe (c) punishment for breach (d) of
rules. All Correct (e)

89. The young men from Japan (a)/ found the ascent of the
mountain (b)/hard going. (c)/ No error (d)
90. My cousin sister is a teacher.
(a) Cousin (b) cousin's sister
(c) cousin brother (d) No improvement

91. The non-availability (a)/ of unprocessed (b)/ natural

resources (c)/ in a country should not be the basic (d)/ for
rejecting the possibility of export industry. All correct (e)

92. The astronomer (a)/ who predicts the future (b)/ has
arrived. (c)/No error (d)

93. Raja Rammohan Roy was greatly pained (a)/ when he heard
the cries of widows (b)/ being burnt on their husband's pyres.
(c)/ No error (d)
90. My cousin sister is a teacher.
(a) Cousin (b) cousin's sister
(c) cousin brother (d) No improvement

91. The non-availability (a)/ of unprocessed (b)/ natural

resources (c)/ in a country should not be the basis (d)/ for
rejecting the possibility of export industry. All correct (e)

92. The astrologer (a)/ who predicts the future (b)/ has arrived.
(c)/No error (d)

93. Raja Rammohan Roy was greatly pained (a)/ when he heard
the cries of widows (b)/ being burnt on their husbands’ pyres.
(c)/ No error (d)
94. We are still (a)/ waiting for the (b)/ committee decision
about (c)/ the pension plan. (d)/ No error (e)

95. No Porter being available (a)/ he carried (b)/ all his luggages
himself. (c)/ No error (d)

96. His sister’s-in-law hubby (a) / has been ill for more (b) /
than two months, so you (c) / must go to see him (d) / No error

97. The manager has (a)/ confidence in the engineer (b)/ ability
to (c)/design the new software. (d)/No error (e)

98. Now-a-days (a)/ the accidents of diabetes (b)/ among urban

children (c)/ is on the rise. (d)/No error (e)
94. We are still (a)/ waiting for the (b)/ committee’s decision
about (c)/ the pension plan. (d)/ No error (e)

95. No Porter being available (a)/ he carried (b)/ all his luggage
himself. (c)/ No error (d)

96. His sister-in-law’s hubby (a) / has been ill for more (b) /
than two months, so you (c) / must go to see him (d) / No error

97. The manager has (a)/ confidence in the engineer’s (b)/

ability to (c)/design the new software. (d)/No error (e)

98. Now-a-days (a)/ the incidence of diabetes (b)/ among

urban children (c)/ is on the rise. (d)/No error (e)
99. The objectivity (a) of the programme (b) is to entertain (c)
the masses. (d) All Correct (e)

100. The Arabian Nights (A)/ are indeed (B)/ an interesting

book. (C)/No Error (D)

101. My politics is very (a) / moderate while (b) / his politics

are radical (c) / and revolutionary (d) / No error (e).

102. The Manager put forward (A)/ a number of critereons/ (B)

for the post. (C)/ No Error (D).
99. The objective (a) of the programme (b) is to entertain (c)
the masses. (d) All Correct (e)

100. The Arabian Nights (A)/ is indeed (B)/ an interesting book.

(C)/No Error (D)

101. My politics are very (a) / moderate while (b) / his politics
are radical (c) / and revolutionary (d) / No error (e).

102. The Manager put forward (A)/ a number of criteria/ (B) for
the post. (C)/ No Error (D).
103. Having been found (a)/ guilty of the theft, (b)/ Sunny was
sentenced (c)/ to five year's imprisonment. (d)/ No error (e)

104. The interim report does not (a)/ analyse thoroughly the
principle causes (b)/ of the disaster. (c)/No error (d)

105. Through persistent (a)/ exercises (b)/ and nourishing diet,

he has maintained (c)/ a fine physic. (d)/ all correct (e)
103. Having been found (a)/ guilty of the theft, (b)/ Sunny was
sentenced (c)/ to five years’ imprisonment. (d)/ No error (e)

104. The interim report does not (a)/ analyse thoroughly the
principal causes (b)/ of the disaster. (c)/No error (d)

105. Through persistent (a)/ exercises (b)/ and nourishing diet,

he has maintained (c)/ a fine physique. (d)/ all correct (e)

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