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1. Find the variance and standard deviation of the scores on the most recent reading test: 7.7, 7.

7.3, and 7.9

2. Find the variance and standard deviation of the following scores on an exam: 92, 95, 85, 80, 75,
3. Find the variance and standard deviation of the heights of five tallest skyscrapers in the United
States: Sears Tower (Willis Building): 1450 feet ; Empire State Building: 1250 feet; One World
Trade Center: 1776 feet; Trump Tower: 1388 feet ; World Trade Center: 1340 feet

4. Find the standard deviation of the average temperatures recorded over a five-day period last
winter: 18, 22, 19, 25, 12

5. Find the variance and standard deviation for the five states with the most covered bridges:
Oregon: 106 Vermont: 121 Indiana: 152 Ohio: 234 Pennsylvania: 347

6. Find the variance and standard deviation of the highest temperatures recorded in eight specific
states: 112, 100, 127, 120, 134, 118, 105, and 110.

1. What are the steps in conducting an hyothesis tests?

2. What is the difference between a Point Estimation of a population parameter and an Interval
Estimate of a population parameter.

3. Statsically explain the desirable properties used to select the best point estimator.

4. When we have a chi-square distribution , why can we not construct the confidence interval for
σ2 using the “point estimate ± Margin of error” method?

5. What does a χ2 test for independence tell us ?

6. What does χ2 Goodness-of –fit test tell us?

1. A poker-dealing machine is supposed to deal cards at random, as if from an infinite deck. In a
test, you counted 1600 cards, and observed the following:
Spades 404
Hearts 420
Diamonds 400
Clubs 376

Could it be that the suits are equally likely? Or are these discrepancies too much to be random?

2. A genetics engineer was attempting to cross a tiger and a cheetah. She predicted a phenotypic
outcome of the traits she was observing to be in the following ratio: 4 stripes only: 3 spots only:
9 both stripes and spots. When the cross was performed and she counted the individuals she
found 50 with stripes only, 41 with spots only and 85 with both. According to the Chi-square
test, did she get the predicted outcome?

3. A statistician chooses 27 randomly selected dates, and when examining the occupancy records
of a particular motel for those dates, finds a variance of 34.34 and a standard deviation of 5.86
rooms rented. If the number of rooms rented is normally distributed, find the 95% confidence
interval for the population standard deviation of the number of rooms rented. Interpret your
interval in context.

4. In the garden pea, yellow cotyledon color is dominant to green, and inflated pod shape is
dominant to the constricted form. Considering both of these traits jointly in self-fertilized
dihybrids, the progeny appeared in the following numbers:

193 green, inflated

184 Yellow, constricted
556 yellow, inflated
61 green, constricted

Do these genes assort independently? Support your answer using Chi-square analysis.

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