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Regular gun cleaning and proper storage are important aspects of responsible gun ownership.
Guns should be cleaned after every shooting session so that the gun will always be in a better
condition for future use. As a gun user you should also know how to fieldstrip your firearm. In
this particular lesson, prospective gun holders will be given insights on how to fieldstrip and
maintain the upkeep of their guns.


After completing this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. assemble and disassemble a handgun properly;

2. explain the importance of fieldstripping a handgun;

3. identify the seven materials needed to clean a pistol;

4. memorize the three safety guidelines to be followed when cleaning a pistol;

5. demonstrate how to clean a pistol safely;

6. name the rule for safe firearm storage, and discuss options for applying this rule when
storing a pistol; and

7. discuss the three hygienic guidelines following exposure to airborne particulate lead and
cleaning solvent residue.

A.Pistol Stripping

What is meant by fieldstripping?

Fieldstripping is the term for disassembling a gun into its major components or assemblies.
You do not completely disassemble it, but you break it down enough that you can clean and
lubricate it.

What is the relevance of knowing how to fieldstrip your gun?

The primary reason for knowing how to fieldstrip your firearm is for maintenance purposes. To
maintain the firearm in a good working condition, you must be able to clean the outer and the
inner surfaces of its mechanical parts before keeping it in its storage.

Another aspect of the firearm maintenance is the troubleshooting. In case the gun malfunctions,
the user must be able to identify what could be the problem. This kind of situation requires
fieldstripping the firearm.
Pistol Cleaning Materials:

a. Cloth patches. b. Cleaning rods

C. Soft cloth. d. Cleaning rod attachments (tips, brushes)

e. Small brush. f. Bore cleaner

g. Gun oil

Pistol Cleaning Safety:

1. Get rid of any ammunition in the area.

2. The gun must be safe and unloaded.

3. The action or the slide must be open.

Cleaning Exercises for Pistols:

1. Connect the brush to the cleaning rod and apply bore cleaner to the brush.

2. Pass the brush through the bore at least 8-10 times.

3. Run a wet patch through the bore.

4. Run a dry patch through the bore.

5. If the patch is dirty, repeat the previous four steps until it is clean.

6. Pass a lightly oiled patch into the bore.

7. Repeat the preceding steps for each chamber of a revolver.

8. Clean the gun's other parts with a small brush and oil.

9. Using a lightly oiled cloth, wipe down the entire gun.

Some Hygiene Reminders:

1. While on the range or cleaning your gun, avoid eating, drinking, smoking, or putting your hands
or fingers near your mouth or nose.

2. After leaving the range or cleaning a gun, thoroughly wash your hands and face with water
before putting your hands or fingers near your mouth or nose.

3. After a shooting or gun cleaning session, change and wash your clothes to reduce your
exposure to airborne particles.
C. Pistol Storage

"You are inviting disaster if you keep a loaded firearm in your home." "Someone may discover
that hidden firearm in the future and not know what to do with it."

In general, guns should be stored in a way that prevents unauthorized children or adults from
accessing them. Simply concealing a loaded firearm is not an option. Place firearms in a rack,
cabinet, or safe. Ammunition should be kept in a separate container.

There are many products on the market to assist you if you anticipate using your firearm for
home defense purposes. These are the following: single pistol lock boxes with fingerprint
scanning, and single pistol lock boxes with key locked trigger.

You should follow these guidelines even if you were only present and did not shoot.

a. Safe pistol storage

b. Remember the rule: "Keep guns out of the reach of unauthorized people."

C. There is no universal storage solution.

Some storage alternatives:

a. Trigger locks. b. Action or slide locks

C. Safe deposit boxes. d. Padlocks

D. Firearm Storage Tips

As a responsible gun owner, you must recognize the need and be aware of the methods of
childproofing your gun. These include the following:

1. Use a trigger or action locking device and store the gun in a locked container.

2. Always store your gun unloaded.

3. Store the ammunition separately in a locked container.

4. Make sure the location where you store your gun and ammunition is not easily accessible to

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