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◥ that are introduced during material processing

RESEARCH ARTICLE or component fabrication, or if these flaws are
absent, from intrinsic features of the material
METALLURGY itself (1, 4, 5).

On the origins of fatigue strength in crystalline

Correlations between fatigue strength in the
high or very high cycle fatigue regimes and

metallic materials
the intrinsic mechanical properties of metallic
materials, including yield strength, ultimate
tensile strength, and hardness, have been widely
J. C. Stinville1,2*, M. A. Charpagne1,2, A. Cervellon2†, S. Hemery3, F. Wang2‡, reported in the literature (4, 6–9). Of most
P. G. Callahan2§, V. Valle3, T. M. Pollock2 interest is the observation that fatigue strength
increases with increasing yield strength or
Metallic materials experience irreversible deformation with increasing applied stress, manifested in ultimate tensile strength. However, plotting
localized slip events that result in fatigue failure upon repeated cycling. We discerned the physical normalized fatigue strength as a fraction of
origins of fatigue strength in a large set of face-centered cubic, hexagonal close-packed, and the yield strength or ultimate tensile strength
body-centered cubic metallic materials by considering cyclic deformation processes at nanometer resolution of the metal (the fatigue efficiency; Fig. 1) shows
over large volumes of individual materials at the earliest stages of cycling. We identified quantitative that metallic materials with high strengths in
relations between the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength, fatigue strength, and physical many cases fail by fatigue at stresses as low
characteristics of early slip localization events. The fatigue strength of metallic alloys that deform by slip as 25% of their yield strength, indicating a
could be predicted by the amplitude of slip localization during the first cycle of loading. Our observations markedly low fatigue efficiency. The physical
provide a physical basis for well-known empirical fatigue laws and enable a rapid method of predicting fatigue processes and parameters at the microstructure
strength as reflected by measurement of slip localization amplitude. scale that link the tensile and yield strengths
to fatigue strength are not yet fully under-

stood. Moreover, it is unclear why metals and
yclic fatigue is the root cause of many enables more tests of a given material, which alloys with high tensile strength possess such
catastrophic failures in engineering sys- is essential for capturing the variability in a low fatigue efficiency. Substantial efforts
tems, with notable examples in air- fatigue behavior. Fatigue life variability may on fatigue modeling that fit constitutive mod-
craft, artificial heart valves, prosthetic be attributable to the presence of rare flaws els to large amounts of fatigue test data, or
devices, electronics packages, railways,
bridges, offshore platforms, and conventional
and nuclear power plants. The weakening of
the metallic materials caused by cyclic load-
ing ultimately results in fracture at stresses
that are often substantially lower than that
necessary to cause fracture under monotonic
loading (1). Such failures often occur after
millions or even billions of cycles, complicat-
ing the ability to predict when failure will
The design of safety-critical components for
survival beyond a critical number of cycles re-
quires knowledge of the fatigue strength of the
material for the required number of cycles. In
measurements of fatigue strength, samples
are typically cycled between a minimum and
maximum stress (smin, smax) to failure in a
servohydraulic testing machine at a frequency
near 1 Hz. At this frequency, ~278 hours are re-
quired to apply a million cycles or 278,000 hours
(~32 years) for a billion cycles. With the
development of ultrasonic fatigue testing ap-
proaches (2, 3), fatigue testing can be performed
at 20 kHz, allowing cycling to a billion cycles in
~14 hours. This accelerated approach to test-
ing enables rapid fatigue characterization of a
broader set of materials at very high cycles and

Fig. 1. Relationship between tensile properties and fatigue strength. sY and sU refer to yield and
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA.
2 ultimate tensile strengths, respectively. The fatigue strength, sl, is reported as a percentage of the yield
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 3Institut
PPRIME, Université de Poitiers, CNRS, ISAE-ENSMA, UPR strength (dots) and tensile strength (open circles). Fatigue tests were performed in the VHCF regime
3346, 86962 Chasseneuil Cedex, France. (frequency of 20 kHz, tension-compression cycling at room temperature to 109 cycles with R = smin/smax = −1.0)
*Corresponding author. Email: [steels (41-44), Ti alloys (45–47), superalloys (48–51), high-entropy alloy (fcc) CrMnFeCoNi (52), Cu, Ni, Ta,
†Present address: Safran Aircraft Engines, Chatellerault, France.
‡Present address: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. and Nb alloys (49, 53–55)]. The fatigue data are restricted to materials that deform by slip and contain a
§Present address: US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA. minimum content of extrinsic defects (e.g., inclusions or pores).

Stinville et al., Science 377, 1065–1071 (2022) 2 September 2022 1 of 7


Fig. 2. Quantitative measurement of the surface slip localization. (A) Left: investigated polycrystalline metals for monotonic deformation at quasi-static
Conventional strain field obtained by HR-DIC measurement under a SEM. Right: strain rate. (D) Average and 5% highest maximum slip intensity at 0.2% applied
The discontinuity-tolerant Heaviside-DIC method provides quantitative macroscopic plastic strain as a function of the yield strength of the metal.
measurement of each single-slip event that develops at the surface of the The maximum slip intensity for each single-slip event is normalized by the length
specimen during deformation. The displacement induced along the slip event is of the slip event to capture the effect of grain size. (E) Reversed loading to
reported in nanometers. (B) Surface slip localization induced by monotonic investigate reversibility of slip. (F and G) Regions in a nickel-based superalloy
loading at the surface of a nickel-based superalloy and pure niobium that display complete and partial reversibility during reversed loading. The
polycrystalline materials. (C) Engineering stress-strain curves of some of the 3D representation on the displacement field was obtained by HR-DIC.

Stinville et al., Science 377, 1065–1071 (2022) 2 September 2022 2 of 7


We integrated these experimental capabil-

ities to study slip localization during monotonic
and fully reversed loading on a large collection
of alloys with face-centered cubic (fcc), hexag-
onal close-packed (hcp), and body-centered cubic
(bcc) crystal structures. We performed measure-
ments over statistically significant regions of
interest, and we used multimodal data-merging
approaches to quantitatively study the relation-
ship between microstructure and individual
slip localization events, including their loca-
tion, intensity, and degree of reversibility. We
found that fatigue strength as a fraction of
yield strength is directly correlated with the
slip amplitude observed during the first cycle
of loading. This observation offers insights into
cyclic irreversibility, provides physical insights
into well-known fatigue laws, and suggests a
more efficient approach to designing fatigue-
resistant materials.

Quantitative and representative

measurements of slip localization
We studied a large collection of polycrystal-
line metals with varied crystallographic struc-
ture and processing paths (see table S1 and
supplementary materials). The engineering
stress–strain curves exhibited a large spec-
trum of yield strengths (Fig. 2C), ranging from
39 to 1183 MPa. We performed high-resolution
digital image correlation (HR-DIC) measure-
Fig. 3. Fatigue strength as a function of slip amplitude. Fatigue strength, sl, is determined for different ments during monotonic and fully reversed
metallic materials by VHCF loading. The amplitude of the localization by slip is evaluated during monotonic loading in the early plastic regime to investi-
loading at 0.2% strain and compared to the fatigue strength for a ratio near zero (tension), or evaluated gate the displacements associated with dis-
after fully reversed loading and compared to the fatigue strength for a ratio of –1 (tension-compression). Points crete slip events that occur at the surface. We
are color-coded according to yield strength. performed measurements in the SEM that
provided displacement resolutions down to
10 nm and spatial resolution of a few tens of
that make use of damage or fatigue indi- results in fatigue crack nucleation at the free nanometers. In Fig. 2, A and B, we show typical
cator parameters, have led to considerable surface of a material. We hypothesize that a HR-DIC maps for a reduced field of view for a
improvement of our predictive capabilities more quantitative and statistical understand- nickel-based alloy and pure niobium during
(10–14). However, such models rely on param- ing of the plastic localization processes that monotonic loading. Bands of highly localized
eters that are not universal to all metallic occur in near-surface regions would improve deformation develop from sequential slip of
materials. our ability to predict the fatigue strength of a groups of dislocations along crystallographic
Fatigue failure occurs by a complex series given material. Further, such understanding planes. Combining HR-DIC measurements
of processes that include cyclic plastic defor- could guide the development of fatigue-resistant with a discontinuity-tolerant Heaviside-DIC
mation, crack nucleation, and crack propaga- materials. method (23) enables a quantitative measure-
tion to a critical size that results in fracture Quantification of plastic localization at the ment of the slip intensity along each indi-
(15, 16). The cyclic deformation process occurs microstructure scale—that is, at the scale of vidual band during deformation over large
by glide of crystalline defects, so-called dislo- individual crystals (grains) across a polycrys- regions of each material (Fig. 2A, right). We
cations, that develop into complex structures talline aggregate—is challenging for both can track the evolution of the slip intensity
such as persistent slip bands with ladder struc- monotonic and cyclic loading. Experimental during monotonic and cyclic deformation,
ture (5), deformation bands (17), or fatigue observation of slip events requires nanometer- and this evolution is highly dependent on the
shear bands (18). Fatigue crack nucleation is scale spatial resolution. Conversely, capturing material type and loading condition. When
thought to be a consequence of a phenomenon the material response over statistically represent- reverse loading is involved (Fig. 2E), the evo-
known as cyclic irreversibility (5), in which ative populations of microstructural configura- lution of slip intensity is complex, with certain
dislocations glide along slip planes as the tions requires millimeter-scale fields. However, regions displaying complete reversibility of
sample is loaded, but do not return to their recent advances in testing devices that operate in slip (Fig. 2F) while others display a certain
original positions during unloading or reversed situ in the scanning electron microscope (SEM), amount of irreversibility (Fig. 2G). This ir-
loading into compression. This results in a combined with high-resolution digital image reversibility is indicative of the development
heterogeneous accumulation of plastic strain correlation and automated multimodal data of extrusions (displacement above the initial
along with roughening of the sample surface, analysis, provide opportunities to quantify the surface) or intrusions (displacement below the
which occurs when some of the defects exit the character of discrete slip events and slip activ- initial surface) that may later serve as a crack
surface of the crystal. In many instances, this ity over large fields of view (19–22). nucleation site.

Stinville et al., Science 377, 1065–1071 (2022) 2 September 2022 3 of 7


Fig. 4. Measurement of fatigue strength and amplitude of localization by under fully reversed loading. (C) Distribution of the highest slip intensity for Inconel
slip of metallic materials. (A) Fatigue curves for nickel-based superalloy 718 strengthened by precipitation after tensile part (black) and fully reversed
Inconel 718 strengthened by precipitation and by solid solution, tested in the loading (red). Negative values are indicative of slip events that display an intrusion
VHCF regime at a ratio of –1. Maximum stress is displayed in MPa (left) and as a character; positive values are associated with extrusion character. The horizontal
percentage of the yield strength (right). (B) Associated engineering stress-strain axis (count) for the distribution after compression was adjusted for better
curves of Inconel 718 strengthened by precipitation and by solid solution comparison. (D) Same as (C) for Inconel 718 strengthened by solid solution.

We performed statistical analyses on the Relationship between fatigue strength and and loading). Dislocations can be pinned for
experimental materials for >20,000 individ- slip localization many reasons—lattice friction, the presence of
ual slip events. We identified each slip event We measured the fatigue strengths of several solute atoms, segregation, preexisting disloca-
(see fig. S1 and supplementary materials) and of the materials using very high cycle fatigue tions within the material, obstacles such as
extracted its maximum intensity along its (VHCF) testing to 109 cycles. Fatigue tests were precipitates, low- and high-angle boundaries or
surface trace. We normalized the maximum performed at a fatigue stress ratio of either –1 cell walls—and can escape when the resolved
intensity by the length of the slip event to (tension-compression) or near 0 (tension). The shear stress on the slip plane is greater than the
capture grain size effects. We obtained the fatigue efficiency (fatigue strength as a func- strengths of the forces pinning them. This re-
distributions of the normalized maximum tion of yield strength) is displayed for the sults in the collective motion of multiple dislo-
intensity and slip trace spacings for each investigated materials as a function of the cations along individual planes, producing a
material and subsequently related these val- maximum slip amplitude (highest 5%) after a heterogeneous pattern of plasticity. Thus, slip
ues to the microstructure of the material. In single cycle (tension or tension-compression) amplitudes in early cycling should vary with
Fig. 2D, we show the average and highest to a maximum plastic strain of 0.2% (macro- the presence of solute and precipitates and
5% of the distribution after an applied scopic yield) (Fig. 3). Remarkably, a linear de- depend also on grain size (Fig. 2D). We clearly
plastic strain of 0.2% for all materials we pendence of fatigue strength on slip amplitude illustrate this dependence on microstructure
investigated as a function of yield strength. measured after the first cycle of fatigue is ap- in two variants of a model material, nickel-
Interestingly, the average and 5% highest parent. Further, this relationship captures the based Inconel 718: precipitation-strengthened
values of the distribution of the maximum effect of the loading conditions (temperature with high yield strength, and solid solution–
slip intensity and average of the slip trace and stress ratio), grain size, crystal structure, strengthened with lower yield strength. Both
spacing (fig. S2B) display a linear dependence and yield strength and explicitly links the of these materials originated from the same
on the yield strength across the large set of monotonic properties to the cyclic fatigue strength, forged disk and initial heat treatment, re-
materials examined. Materials with higher through the physical characteristics of the slip sulting in an identical chemistry and grain
yield strength, such as the precipitation- that occurs in the first cycle. structure in both variants. We obtained the
strengthened superalloys, exhibit substan- Polycrystalline metallic materials, as a con- precipitation strengthening by an additional
tially higher slip intensity during monotonic sequence of their processing paths, naturally aging treatment that does not affect the grain
loading. Surprisingly, both the fcc and hcp contain variations in many features of material structure. These two variants of material ex-
materials show the same dependence. How- structure, including grain structure, chemical hibit different slip intensities, with the higher-
ever, this linear relationship is distinctly distribution of solute, and strengthening pre- strength precipitate-containing material
different for bcc materials, with less variation cipitates if present. As a result, as the material subject to slip intensities that are a factor
in average slip intensity and slip trace spac- is loaded, plastic deformation does not occur of >2 higher than for the solid solution–
ing with yield strength. Also, differences in uniformly, but instead initially occurs by local- strengthened version. Another striking ex-
slip localization characteristics arise from ized slip in regions where dislocations first ample in the literature is slip in neutron
processing along different paths (i.e., 316L overcome the obstacles to deformation. The irradiated and nonirradiated zirconium al-
processed along wrought and additive man- intensity of the slip displacements is highly loys (24), where an increase of yield strength
ufacturing paths, and nickel alloy 718 in solid dependent on the intrinsic properties of the by a factor of 2 due to neutron irradiation
solution– strengthened and precipitation- material (crystal structure and microstructure) results in a substantial increase in slip in-
strengthened forms). and testing conditions (temperature, strain rate, tensity (25).

Stinville et al., Science 377, 1065–1071 (2022) 2 September 2022 4 of 7


variant displayed a substantially higher fa-

tigue efficiency, defined as the fatigue strength
as a percentage of the yield strength. We
evaluated the tendency of the two variants to
localize deformation by slip after monotonic
loading and unloading from a maximum ap-
plied plastic strain of 0.2% (Fig. 4B, black
curves) and after a fully reversed loading
(Fig. 4B, black plus red curves) to bring the
macroscopic plastic strain near zero after
compressive load. Some of the high-intensity
slip events did not recover their displace-
ments during the compressive part of the
cycle, indicating substantial plastic irrever-
sibility. In addition, slip events with intrusion
character formed during the compressive
loading part of the cycle, displayed as nega-
Fig. 5. Fatigue and localization for body-centered cubic metals. (A) The fatigue strength of various tive values in the distributions. More details
metals is reported as a percentage of the yield strength. Fatigue tests were performed at room can be found elsewhere (20) regarding quan-
temperature in the VHCF regime [steels (41–44); Ti alloys (45–47); superalloys (48–51); high-entropy titative measurements of irreversibility dur-
alloy (fcc) CrMnFeCoNi (52); Cu, Ni, Ta, and Nb alloys (49, 53–55)] and in the high cycle fatigue ing reverse loading at the scale of individual
regime [Mo, W, Ta, Nb, Fe, and Co alloys (39); HfNbTaTiZr alloy (40, 56); steels (57); aluminum slip bands by HR-DIC. Whereas the average
(16, 58); magnesium (59, 60)]. (B) Average and 5% highest maximum slip intensity for various macroscopic plastic strain is near zero, the slip
metals at 0.2% applied macroscopic plastic strain as a function of the yield strength of the metal. amplitude, defined as the absolute differ-
The maximum slip intensity for each single-slip event is normalized by the length of the slip event to ence between the average negative and posi-
capture the effect of grain size. tive values of the maximum slip intensity, is
substantial. We can explain the substantially
We found the collective dislocation glide and grain to grain. The variation in slip localiza- higher fatigue efficiency of the solid solution–
slip localization processes at room temperature tion intensity is especially pronounced in strengthened material with its lower resid-
in hcp/fcc structures to be substantially differ- some of the high-strength bcc alloys and the ual slip displacement (slip amplitude) relative
ent from those in bcc structures. In general, additively manufactured alloys. In the case to the precipitation-strengthened material
the higher number of available slip systems in of bcc alloys, the localization process is highly (Fig. 4, C and D).
the bcc crystal structure results in a less well dependent on crystallographic orientation. The intensity of the slip localization is
defined band structure relative to the fcc and High dispersion in slip intensity and slip band clearly predictive of the fatigue strength in the
hcp structures. As a consequence, slip is well spacing observed in the bcc high-entropy alloy large material set we investigated (Fig. 3).
dispersed in bcc alloys but more highly localized HfNbTaTiZr in comparison to other fcc ma- Monotonic properties such as yield strength,
in fcc and hcp alloys. In addition, plasticity in terials is an example (fig. S4). To a lesser de- tensile strength, or hardness have long been
bcc metals is usually controlled by screw gree, high dispersion is also observed in the known to be related to cyclic fatigue strength
dislocation motion, resulting in some ambigu- additively manufactured materials, which can (4, 6–9). Our data make clear that slip loca-
ity as to the nature of the slip planes (26), be- be attributed to heterogeneity in the fine-scale lization is the physical origin of this observa-
cause screw dislocations easily cross-slip and printed structure (low-angle boundaries and tion. This relationship may come as a surprise,
glide on multiple planes. In the dislocation cell structure). considering that fatigue life is controlled by
dynamics simulations of Cui et al. (27), screw The location of the highest slip amplitude cyclic processes that involve complex plastic
dislocations were found to contribute to fre- events during monotonic and reverse loading deformation structures (5, 17, 18, 33, 34) and
quent cross-slip and jog multiplication, inducing correlates well with the location of the crack fatigue life is governed by a combination of
more spatially homogeneous plastic deforma- nucleation site in the high cycle fatigue and crack nucleation, early propagation, and crack
tion with less pronounced slip localization in VHCF regimes (table S2), indicating again the growth. For tests we performed in the high
bcc metals. close relation between slip localization and crack cycle fatigue regime (>106 cycles) and espe-
Our measurement of slip events over large nucleation. Because fatigue often involves load- cially in the VHCF regime (~109 cycles) that we
fields of view (encompassing many thousands ing in tension to a specific stress level and then used to determine fatigue strength, the cyclic
of grains) provides statistical information and reverse loading into compression to the same peak stress is usually lower than the mono-
also reveals the effect of the microstructure magnitude of stress (R ratio = –1), the factors tonic yield strength; consequently, most of the
on slip localization. The development of data- that influence the reverse motion of disloca- lifetime is consumed by plastic localization
merging tools (19, 21) allows for direct corre- tions as the load goes into compression are im- and the initiation of a critically sized fatigue
lation of slip events with specific features of portant to the evolution of slip amplitude. In crack (15, 16). In addition, the nucleation of
microstructure. For example, particular grain Fig. 4B, we show how this behavior varies cracks is directly related to the amplitude of
configurations that develop during process- with stress-strain behavior for the two model the extrusion/intrusion phenomenon that orig-
ing of metallic materials (“special” bounda- variants of the nickel-based Inconel 718 alloy. inates from slip localization (35) or to dis-
ries or “annealing twins”) have been known The first variant (red curve) is the precipitation- location pile-ups at grain boundaries that
to promote intense slip localization parallel strengthened version; the second variant is the result from intense slip. Moreover, it has been
to them (fig. S3) during deformation of steels solid solution–strengthened material (blue). De- previously observed that the dislocation struc-
(28), nickel-based superalloys (18, 29, 30), and spite the large difference in their yield strength, tures that form during cyclic loading are de-
titanium alloys (31, 32). Intragranular slip we observed similar fatigue strengths for the pendent on the propensity of the material to
localization may also vary substantially from two variants. The solid solution–strengthened easily cross-slip or develop highly planar slip.

Stinville et al., Science 377, 1065–1071 (2022) 2 September 2022 5 of 7


Labyrinths, cells, deformation band walls, per- sf′, which has generally been treated as a fit all the bcc alloys (Fig. 5). The fatigue ratio is
sistent slip band ladders, dipole arrays, and parameter. Increasing the yield strength of a known to usually be substantially higher for
stacking fault bands are dislocation patterns material might be expected to increase its bcc metals relative to fcc or hcp metals. The
that develop during fatigue; the types of dis- fatigue strength by increasing the fatigue fatigue strengths of bcc metals usually ap-
location patterns that form are highly de- strength coefficient. However, with the ten- proach their yield strengths, even for relatively
pendent on the slip character (36, 37). These dency for higher-strength materials to localize high–yield strength materials. As an exam-
phenomena are evidently all reflected in the more intensely, this potential benefit is offset, ple, bcc steels and eutectoid steels are known
tendency of the material to localize the plastic as demonstrated by the ld term in Eq. 4. As to display high fatigue strength (38) in ad-
deformation. such, we link the low fatigue efficiency of the dition to their high yield or tensile strength.
Finally, our experiments yield the observa- strongest materials directly to the localization The fatigue properties we report for a list of
tion that fatigue strength as a fraction of yield process. bcc alloys and metals (39, 40) (Fig. 5A) overlap
strength (at 109 cycles) can be predicted by the Another important consideration revealed with literature results (Fig. 1). We investigated
slip amplitude after the first cycle of loading. by HR-DIC measurements during fatigue some of the reported bcc alloys such as pure
From the data plotted in Fig. 3, we found the loading (20) is that the highest-amplitude Nb, pure tantalum, C-103, and HfNbTaTiZr
following relation: slip events that develop in tension also have using HR-DIC; their propensities to localize
sl a tendency to have the highest level of ir- the deformation are shown in Fig. 5B. Our
¼ 1  ld ð1Þ reversibility during the compressive part of data indicate that in comparison to fcc and
the cycle (negative R ratio). Although many hcp metals, bcc metals tend to distribute strain
where sl is fatigue strength at 109 cycles, sY high-intensity slip events do not reverse com- in a more spatially homogeneous fashion.
is yield strength, l is the localization pa- pletely during compressive loading (Fig. 4), Relatively low average slip intensities de-
rameter [which depends only on crystal the resulting effect is that new slip events with velop during monotonic loading of the pure
structure (fcc/hcp or bcc)], and d is the slip intrusion character develop during the com- Nb, pure tantalum, and C-103 alloys. As a con-
amplitude in a single cycle that is represen- pressive phase, giving rise to local combined sequence, they display very high fatigue ef-
tative of the loading ratio (after tensile load- intrusion-extrusion events that are captured ficiency, in some cases demonstrating fatigue
ing for R = 0 and after fully reversed loading by the slip amplitude d. The degree of irrever- strengths higher than their yield strengths.
for R = –1). This expression describes the sibility can be different from one material to The particular example of HfNbTaTiZr is an
behavior of a wide range of fcc and hcp ma- another. interesting exception because it displays the
terials, with the possible exception of mate- highest intensities of slip localization, with levels
rials with very low yield strength (such as Slip localization for fatigue strength prediction similar to fcc and hcp materials. The most
Cu) where the barriers to dislocation glide The investigation of the slip activity and am- intense slip traces in this alloy are associated
are very low. Only for high-purity metals is the plitude of localization during monotonic and with particular crystallographic orientations
value of d very low, and as a consequence reversed loading provides an opportunity to that inhibit cross-slip. This observation is
the fatigue strength approaches or is above rapidly evaluate the fatigue strength and further highlighted by the high dispersion in
the yield strength of the material. The precise fatigue efficiency of materials and their dif- slip intensities and slip band spacing observed
normalized fatigue strength where this rela- ferent microstructural variants that develop in the bcc HfNbTaTiZr in comparison to other
tionship breaks down is an interesting sub- along different processing paths. This ap- bcc and fcc materials (fig. S4). These results
ject for future investigation. proach not only provides new insights into suggest that control of the crystallographic
The expression in Eq. 1 is applicable to the role of crystal structure and microstruc- texture in this class of alloys may be critical for
fatigue strengths that are in the high cycle ture in determining fatigue strength, it also achieving exceptional properties. A deeper phys-
fatigue or VHCF regimes, where fatigue data provides guidance for alloy and microstruc- ical understanding of the dislocation mecha-
are represented by the well-known empirical ture design. Alloy deformation is often char- nisms that result in intense localization in
Basquin law: acterized in terms of slip character (37), with high–yield strength bcc alloys may also provide
slip bands described qualitatively as wavy, guidance for the design of alloys within this
sa ¼ sf ′ðNf Þc ð2Þ planar, coarse, or fine. However, the further class of materials.
quantitative assessment of slip amplitude We observed a linear relationship between
where sa is the stress amplitude, sf′ is the fatigue provides unique information linking the crys- the amplitude of slip localization that develops
strength coefficient, Nf is the number of cycles tal structure and microstructure to mechan- during the first cycle and the fatigue strength
to failure, and c is the fatigue life coefficient. ical properties. The propensity of high-strength of the material. We have directly quantified
The stress amplitude sa can be expressed as fcc/hcp materials to produce high slip am- this interrelationship among slip amplitude,
plitudes results in a low fatigue efficiency. irreversibility, and fatigue life for materials
smax ð1  RÞ
sa ¼ ð3Þ Thus, monotonic strength and cyclic fatigue that deform by slip. Our observations suggest
strength must be balanced in recognition of that the plastic localization that occurs dur-
where R is the stress ratio and smax is the the specific engineering application of a ma- ing the first cycle naturally reflects the propen-
maximum applied stress. Considering the pre- terial and with consideration of which of these sity of the material for cyclic irreversibility. Our
vious equations and the fatigue strength at properties is life-limiting. Beyond this, the analyses also capture global differences in the
109 cycles, the fatigue strength coefficient for statistical measurements of the slip character behavior of fcc and hcp materials compared
all investigated materials that deform by slip in relation to the microstructure point to dif- to bcc and the tendency for more homogeneous
is expressed as ferent pathways for the design of alloys and deformation in the bcc alloys. The slip analysis
processing paths that control microstructure is also very useful for identification of alloys
1R in order to minimize the localization of the that exhibit exceptional/unusual behavior, as
sf ′ ¼ c sY ð1  ldÞ ð4Þ
2ð109 Þ plasticity, and as a consequence increase the exhibited by the bcc multi–principal element
fatigue strength. alloy HfNbTaTiZr, and provides a different
Our analysis provides insights on the physi- The high–yield strength, high-entropy alloy approach for focusing the search for fatigue-
cal origins of the fatigue strength coefficient HfNbTaTiZr displays unusual behavior among resistant alloys.

Stinville et al., Science 377, 1065–1071 (2022) 2 September 2022 6 of 7


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