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Name____________________________________Group___________ Model (A)

Q-1) Write true (T) or false (F) in the following sentences: ( mark15)

1. The most important morphological or histological consideration in cavity preparation

in primary teeth is the thickness of enamel and dentin ( T ).
2. Rampant caries is most commonly caused by excessive sweet intake ( F ).
3. Untrue about pit and fissure sealant ,it is indicated in teeth with deep pit and fissures
with interproximal caries( T ).
4. Forceps such as Cowhorn and elevators should be avoided as they threaten the
underlying developing permanent teeth ( T ).
5. The position of the operator during extraction of primary teeth is in front of the child in
all the quadrants ( F ) .
6. For psychological aesthetic purpose of the child it is better not to postpone the
extraction( F ).
7. All the internal line angles in class I cavity preparation should be rounded and the side
walls should converge toward the occlusion ( T ).
8. The best appointments for dental treatment of children are after exhaustion from
playing and Lack of sleep ( F ).
9. The axio-pulpal line angle in class II cavity preparation should be beveled to reduce the
concentration of stresses ( T ).
10. In badly behaves children, Given a small gift to the child at the begging of every visit is
a correct strategy of behavior management ( T ).
11. Stretching the tissues prior to the insertion of the needle, will result in easier and less
painful penetration ( T ).
12. Lower primary molars cannot be anesthetized by infiltration anesthesia due to the
dense mandublar bone ( F ).
13. It is indicated to extract teeth in children having In acute and/or chronic infection ( F ).
14. Dens invaginatus is a deep surface invagination of crown lined by enamel, while dens
evaginatus is a cusp like elevation of enamel in central groove( T ).
15. Systemic signs of teething may be redness or inflammation of the gingival over the
erupting tooth and patches of erythema on the cheeks ( F ).
Q-2) select the most appropriate answer ,one answer only (mark10)

1. The correct upper jaw dentition in a 9 year old child is:

a) 12CDE6
b) 12C456
c) 123DE6
d) 123456

2. The fear of a 6-year old child related to dentistry is primarily:

a) Objective
b) Subjective
c) Subjective and objective
d) Psychological

3. The most commonly exposed pulp horn during cavity preparation of lower primary
molar is
a) Distolingual
b) Mesiolingual
c) Distobuccal
d) Mesiobuccal

4. the ugly ducking stage of dentition in a child is corrected by the eruption of which tooth:
a) central incisor
b) lateral incisor
c) canine
d) 1st premolar

5. It is defined as abnormal angulation of root or crown of a tooth mostly caused by injury

to calcified portion of tooth germ during development
a) Fusion
b) Concrescence
c) Geminatiom
d) Dilacerations

6. In the proximal portion of a deeply extending class II cavity preparation in a deciduous

mandibular 2nd molar the gingival seat cannot be obtained properly because:
a) The enamel rods are present in the gingival third
b) Buccal and gingival surface of the deciduous molar converge occlusally
c) The primary teeth have a pronounced cervical constriction
d) The proximal surface of the deciduous 2nd molar is broad and flat
7. The primary reason for aggressive behavior of a 5 –year old child in dental office is
a) Fear
b) Separation from parents
c) Pain
d) Unknown

8. In the absence of a 2nd premolar the root of the primary 2nd molar will most likely:
a) Resorb at normal rate
b) Resorb more slowly than normal
c) Resorb more rapidly than normal
d) None of the above

9. In performing mandibular nerve block for a child patient ,the most probable cause of
failure of anesthesia is :
a) More concentration of L.A is required
b) Because of different angulation of the needle
c) Using long needle
d) None of the above

10. On the next day following mandibular nerve block of a 3 year old child, an ulcer is
noticed in the midline of lower lip. the most common cause is:
a) Lip biting
b) Pressure injury due to rubber dam application
c) Thermal injury from high speed hand-pace
d) Too hot instrument
e) None of the above

Q-3) A. Mention the steps of pit and fissure sealant application in order (mark 3.5)
1) Cleaning
2) Isolation
3) Etching
4) Washing
5) Application of the sealant
6) Checking the occlusal interference
7) Reevaluation
B. Re-order the following in the correct order? ( Mark 7)
Regarding Stainless Steel Crown preparation and placement:
1) __4__Reduction of the occlusal surface
2) __2__Administer appropriate anesthesia
3) __7__Selection of the crown
4) __1__Evaluate the preoperative occlusion
5) __5__Proximal reduction
6) __14__Check occlusion
7) __11__Rinse and dry the crown
8) __3__Establish access
9) __8__Contour the crown
10) __13__Remove cement excess and rinse oral cavity
11) __9__Place the crown and check the occlusion
12) __12__Dry the tooth and seat the crown completely
13) __10__Smooth and polish the crown margin
14) ___6___Round all line angles

Q-4) A. Mention the Techniques of behavior management that you know? ( Mark 2.5)

1. Behavior Shaping
2. Tell - Show - Do
3. Modelling
4. Voice Control
5. Hand - over – mouth

B. write the differences between primary and permanent teeth according to (mark3.5)

1. Color
2. Number
3. Size
4. Pulp chamber and pulp horn
5. roots
Q-5) Match between column A and column B more than one answer (mark 8.5)

1. Gemination c g f j a) is the condition at which the patient

has missing teeth as a result of their
failure to develop.

2. Fusion dhf b) teeth which appear in addition to the

regular number of teeth.

3. Mesiodens e,f ,i c) when one developing tooth has split

off into two distinct teeth that remain
attached to each other and develop

4. Hyperdontia b,f .i d) when two different developing teeth

have joined together to create one

5. Hypodontia a,f e) a supernumerary erupted or

unerupted tooth that develops
between two maxillary central

6. Macrodontia j,f f) prosthetic and/or orthodontic

g) The crown is usually wider than
normal, with a shallow groove
extending from the incisal edge to the
cervical region
h) can contain two separate pulp
chambers, many appear as large bifid
crowns with one chamber.
i) Extraction
j) Mesio-distal reduction

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