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b)Thesis Statement: Stigmatising mistakes is what clearly wastes the creativity out of a person.

personalised education system hinders the capabilities of children since they don’t take any
education that they really need.

Sample Thesis statements and body paragraphs:

1. Thesis: Nonetheless, in my opinion the position of the women in society is yet to improve as
traditional norms and views still prevail among a majority of people and sexual discrimination
still exists in many walks of life.

Firstly, the traditional views of the superiority of men within society are so deeply ingrained that they
have not really changed. For instance, not only is the view that women should stay at home and look
after their family still widely held, but it is reinforced through images seen on television programs
and advertisements. An example of this is that few men are ever seen doing housework on
television, since this is traditionally thought of as "a woman's job". Also, since families often need
two incomes in order to enjoy a good standard of living, a woman finds herself doing two jobs: one at
home and one at the office. So, it could be said that a woman's position has, in fact, deteriorated
rather than improved, with the result that women carry the burdens of equality but get none of the

2. Thesis: Along with the style of teaching, where knowledge is given without possibility of
questioning, grading in education issues a direct threat to creativity.

One existing main flaw in education is grading. Constant evaluation of students creates an innate fear
of failing. This demolishes the students’ individual thought process as they are expected to perform
without possibility of failure. Ken Robinson, a university professor, clearly states that failing is an
essential component of creativity through his quote: “They(Children) are not frightened of being
wrong. I don't mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. What we do know is,
if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original” (Robinson, 2006,
5:22). From the quote it can be understood, unlike adolescents, children do not have the concept of
failure which provides them the opportunity to explore the world, given that they use their creativity.
3. Thesis: I further believe that motivation is very important in education because it not only
drives an individual towards a specific goal but also keeps them persistent through the whole

The intrinsic desire for learning or for a specific goal acts as a powerful drive that gives your life
direction and meaning. In his autobiography, Malcom X (1965) explains that the desire to be able
to express himself well in writing is what inspired and motivated him to learn reading and
writing. What inspired him even more, was his urge to beat his friend Bimbi in conversations they
had. Bimbi was a much more knowlegdable person and this made Malcom X decide to read more
to be able to convince him in their conversations. This great urge to learn, made his prison
experience a very productive one as he says, “from then until I left that prison, in every free
moment I had, if I was not reading in the library, I was reading on my bunk. You couldn't have
gotten me out of books with a wedge” (para.2). This reminds me of my own language learning
experience which had turned into a very rewarding and enjoyable process because I was highly
motivated to learn to speak like a native speaker. Furthermore,this passion of mine opened a
career path for me too as I pursued my interest in language teachin

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