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University Of Aden

Faculty Of Dentistry
Practical Exam In pediatric Dentistry
2022 August

‫أمتحان الفترة الصباحية‬

 A- Classify this injury according to Eilles classification ?

Class IX : Traumatic injuries of primary teeth (dislocation of tooth)
 B- Write the management of this type of injury?
Tooth has been luxated palatally it might be possible to gently reposition and splint it manually but only if the displacement is less
than 2 mm and advice soft diet and careful oral hygiene instruction.
If the tooth has been displaced by more than 2 mm extraction may be more appropriate in such cases.
 C- What type of splint and for how long time ?
Gentle finger pressure is sufficient to hold the tooth in position
Bonding if possible
Splinting with sutures

 A- Classify this injury according to Eilles classification ?

Class III : Extensive fracture of crown involving considerable dentin and exposing dental pulp
 B- Write the management of this type of injury ?
The child required RCT
 C- How old is the child according to the information the picture provides ?
The child is more the 10 years old so the apex of central incisor is closed

 A- What is your diagnosis?

(thrush mouth )

 B- What is the causative agent ?

Fungul infection (Candida albicans )

 C – What Is the management ?

Oral hygiene/ tongue scraper with clean gauze or small tongue scraper or brush
Nystatin suspension 1ml on each cheek 4 times daily
Advice the mother to clean her nibble before and after each breast feeding and/or sterilizes the pacifier before

 A- What type of dentition ?

Inter- transitional period of mixed dentition

 B-How old is the child according to the information the picture provides ?

8-9 years old

 A- Name this device ?

Oral screen (myofunctional appliance )

 B- What its uses?

1. Prevent mouth breathing

2. Training oral muscles (lips muscles ) to prevent lip in competence
3. Prevent thumb/finger /lip sucking and biting habits
4. Prevent tongue thrusting

 A- Name this device?

Transpalatal arch (TPA) space maintainer

 B- Write its indications?

1. when one side of arch is intact and several primary teeth on the other side are missing.
2. when primary molars are lost bilaterally.
3. prevent the molars from rotation.
4. arch expansion.

 Write the steps of pulpotomy technique in details?

1. Anesthetize the tooth and isolate with rubber dam.

2. Remove all caries using high-speed straight fissure bur without entering the pulp chamber.
3. Remove dentinal roof with a large diamond stone or slow speed round bur for minimal trauma.
4. Enlarge the exposed area and deroof the pulp chamber.
5. Remove any ledges or overhanging enamel with slow speed round bur. •
6. Sharp spoon excavators are used to scoop out coronal pulp and pulpal remnants.
7. Clean the pulp chamber with saline and remove all debris.
8. Place a cotton pellet over the pulp stumps to achieve hemostasis.
9. Using a cotton pellet apply diluted formocresol to the pulp for 4 min.
10. Place a small dry pellet over this to avoid contact of tissues with formocresol.
11. Remove cotton pellets and check for fixation,brownish discoloration of the pellet as well as the pulp
stump is an indicator of fixation.
12. Place ZOE cement in the pulp chamber
13. Recall after one week and restore with a permanent restoration if patient is asymptomatic
14. Place a stainless steel crown

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