Nilanjana Shrivastava

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N Nilanjana Shrivast ava

Position: Director
Company: Morgan Stanley
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Experience: 12 years exp

Cont act Inf o:

Phone: +91 91677 11088


Anti Money Laundering Branch Banking CDD Compliance Compliance & Risk Country Risk Analysis

Due Diligence Enhanced due diligence Experience in OFAC sanctions, pep, and adverse media screenings.

Exposure in handling KYC processes for Corporate & Investment Banking clients. financial crime

knowledge of Banking Operations KYC KYC Verification pep screening Sanction Team Management

Work experience
Feb 2024 - current time Director
Morgan Stanley
Apr 2022 - Jan 2024 Team Leader Compliance & Risk
Heading team of KYC- Due Diligence & PEP/ Sanctions screening Process
(Onboarding, Re- accreditation/ Enhanced, Simplified, customer Due Diligence
process for APAC, ME, UK), knowledge on PRIME, Nice Actimize. Negative/
adverse screening of clients, preparing Country Risk Reports.
Dec 2020 - Mar 2022 Lead Analyst Compliance & Risk
End to End handling KYC- Due Diligence process (Onboarding, Re- accreditation/
Enhanced, Simplified, customer Due Diligence process), Sanctions & PEP
screening, Worked on PRIME, Nice Actimize. Negative/ adverse screening of
clients, Prepared Country Risk Reports, Good understanding of Team
Jul 2017 - Nov 2020 Senior Analyst Risk & Compliance
Apr 2014 - Oct 2015 Analyst- Risk & Compliance
Aug 2011 - Mar 2014 Assistant Manager
IndusInd Bank
May 2010 - Jul 2011 Executive
Development Credit Bank Limited (Dcb)
Branch Banking

Educat ion
2008 - 2010 Retail & Marketing
EIILM Kolkata
2005 School
Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan

Head line
Director- Enhanced Due Diligence Wealth Management Aligned Operations.

Anti Money laundering| Enhanced Due Diligence| Sanctions & PEP screening |Adverse News screening| Country Risk
Reports| Team Handling

Cert if icat ions

Anti-Money Laundering & Know Your Customer

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