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Great Company Culture - My Two Cents Having all these in place is a plus but shouldn't be

mistaken for the heart & soul or engine of a great

company culture. The heart & soul of a great work
Great company culture might be alien to many as it's no culture is the people, and not just any people, but people
mean feat attaining it. that have and are constantly cultivating the necessary
traits to match the demands of a great work culture.
I happen to have a soft spot for company culture, later
alone a great one, given that I view it as a vehicle  Ensure that anything that threatens the
bringing about increased harmony and lessened friction company culture is flushed out at its
amongst employees as they go about their work activities slightest manifestation;
on a daily.
These threats could arise in the form of business
The average employee spends a big chunk of their time at decisions, people, company policies et al. It could, for
work. As they go about their work, they can't do it in example, be an employee that conducts themselves in a
isolation. This means, in order for them to be able to manner that goes against the culture being built like bad
deliver, they'll need the input of their colleagues. They mouthing fellow employees or management, sexually
also, by virtue of sharing workspace together, will have harassing colleagues among others. It could arise in
numerous non-work-related interactions amongst business decisions that need to be made; for example, a
themselves and the ideal situation is that these company that claims to be pro- it's people, shouldn't look
interactions in one way or another add value to them in at downsizing as the go-to remedy when it's facing
different facets pertinent to their well-being instead of financial challenges - as a last resort,
tear them apart, risking their mental, emotional, physical that's understandable, not first thought.
or spiritual well being.
That said, I conclude by saying, it would be amazing to
Therefore, a great company culture alleviates such have all companies build unrivalled company cultures as
instances from seeing the light of day. this would not only benefit employees as well as
management in relation to their emotional, spiritual &
And this now brings me to my next line of thought; What mental well being but it would also translate into
does a great company culture look like? increased profit and growth as research has shown that
companies with great cultures are more profitable than
Well this could be relative but I believe the below-listed
those without. A win-win for all!
characteristics are top tier in relation to building a
thriving company culture; Thanks for coming by and reading to the end. Your
 Clear Cut Communication;

If a company is going to create an enviable, next to none

work culture, they are going to ensure that
communication is being done right, tightening all loose
ends and ensuring there aren't any communication gaps.
All communication should be proactive rather than
reactive save for a few cases that could catch either
management or employees off guard. Management
should be approachable, allowing for the free flow of
ideas at the workplace. Robust communication ensures
things like corridor talk/ rumours are flushed out, thus
curtailing the toxicity that would arise out of them.

 Understanding it's more an inside job than

it is an outside one;

Being able to pull off a great company culture comes

with an understanding that it's more about management
& employees constantly self reflecting and ensuring they
make the necessary tweaks to ensure they level up to the
grand demands of the so much desired great company
culture. Virtuous traits such as being empathetic, kind,
helpful, level headed, honest, humble among others,
aren't easily mastered and would therefore need a certain
level of resoluteness, will power & determination by one,
in order for them to attain the great traits needed for a
thriving company work culture. A great culture stretches
beyond great perks, cool working areas, great food and
all the envied amenities in an ideal work environment.

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