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Kylie Kuhn

ELIS 3703

Formative Assessment #2: ELA

1. Learning Objective

a. Standard: RL.2.2 Analyze literary text development. a. Determine the lesson

or moral.

b. Objective: Following a collaborative whole-group anchor chart work, the

students will identify and match a moral or lesson to a given passage with 85%


2. Short Description of Assessment


b. Students will be given a short passage where they will read the passage, cut

out the options in the word bank, and then out of the word bank they will
choose their option and paste their option to match the correct moral of the


3. Short Rationale for why this assessment is aligned with the learning objective

a. In this assessment, students are tasked with identifying the lesson or moral of a

given passage from a choice word bank. The ability to determine the lesson or

moral of a story is aligned with the standard RL.2.2. Students are given a word

bank with three options for a lesson or moral of the given passage, where one

of which is the correct answer. The students will activate their knowledge on

the topic to pick out the correct theme or moral for the story. As a whole, the

assessment directly allows the students to deeply investigate a text to

determine the lesson or moral of a text.

4. Description of each scoring guide

a. Scoring Guide 1: Rubric

1. The scoring guide for this assessment is a rubric. The teacher

candidate will color the squirrel/leave a checkmark for if the

student met the criteria for each component. If they do not, they

will leave it blank. Any notes/feedback can be left in the right

column, and the total score is indicated at the bottom left.

b. Scoring Guide 2:


1. This scoring guide is a checklist. The teacher candidate will

select whether they met the criteria with a checkmark in the

correct or incorrect. The teacher candidate can also leave notes

and written feedback in the box noted for it, and indicate their

final score/total points.

c. Child Friendly Scoring Guide: Checklist

i. Students are given a checklist for their scoring guide. Students will

examine the checklist alongside their filled out assessment, and check

the box for if they have an answer to each of the following prompts. If

they have left one blank whenever they are filling out the checklist,

they can then go back to their test and make sure they fill out the

question on the worksheet. This student friendly checklist can then

allow them to assess themself and inspire metacognition strategies.

5. Differentiation: Discuss how you may have differentiated the assessment and/or the

scoring guide

a. Student 1: Student has a Learning Disability (LD)

i. To differentiate for Student One (and other struggling learners), I

provided him with a different passage to identify the lesson or moral of

the story in. In this passage, the text is less complex and the lexicon is

smaller than the original. Not only does this accommodation align with

his required accommodations and modifications, but it will aid in their

comprehension of the text as it is less complex. In a pulled small

group, I read the passage aloud for him so that he does not lose

comprehension due to slow/poor decoding skills, along with the

options in the word bank, and the questions that he must answer.

Additionally, I provided him with a precut word bank, so that the

student may finish quicker and avoid any problems with gross motor

skills. I also allowed him to verbally provide me with his proof to

defend his answers, instead of writing it down as he struggles with

writing/decoding/encoding. Additionally, I had provided him with

copies of the graphic organizers/anchor charts we completed as a class

to aid him in completing the worksheet. He was also provided with the

accommodations and modifications required from his IEP, such as

extended time, read aloud, models, visual aids, manipulatives, graphic

organizers, verbal cues, repetition of information, and simplified

directions to support learning, etc.


b. Student 2: General Education Student

i. To differentiate for student two, the teacher candidate provided them

with completed copies of the graphic organizers and anchor charts

done in class. These visual aids will directly aid them in completing

the worksheet with promoting phrases and modeling. Throughout the

semester, this student has shown a need for multimodal learning that

combines visuals, tactiles, and auditory learning. The teacher candidate

also provided the student with an isolated audio reading of the passage

and questions. Lastly, the student can be provided with extra time,

repetition of information, and verbal cues.

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