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id title author Genre Published Availability


1 The Great F. Scott Fiction 1925 Available

Gatsby Fitzgerald

2 Pride and Jane Austen Fiction 1813 Available


3 To kill a Harper Lee Fiction 1960 Available


4 1984 George Fiction 1949 Available


5 The catcher J.D. Salinger Fiction 1951 Not available

in the rye

6 The hobbit J.R.R. Fantasy 1937 Available


7 Harry Potter J.K. Rowling Fantasy 1997 Available

and the

8 The da vinci Dan Brown Mystery 2003 Available


9 The lord of J.R.R. Fantasy 1954 Not available

the rings Tolkien

10 Gone with Margaret Fiction 1936 Available

the wind Mitchell

1. Select all books by J.R.R. Tolkien: author = 'J.R.R. Tolkien'

2. Select all books published after 1950: published_year > 1950
3. Select all fiction books: genre = 'Fiction'
4. Select all available books: availability = 'Available'
5. Select all books published before 1960: published_year < 1960
6. Select all non-fiction books: genre <> 'Fiction'
7. Select all unavailable books: availability <> 'Available’
8. Select all mystery books: genre = 'Mystery’
9. Select all fantasy books: genre = 'Fantasy’
10. Select all books by Margaret Mitchell: author = 'Margaret Mitchell’

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