Elis Summative Assessment

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Kylie Kuhn

ELIS 3703

Summative Assessment

1. Learning Objective
a. Standard: RL.2.2 Analyze literary text development. a. Determine the lesson

or moral.

b. Following the completion of various story maps and anchor charts, students

will summarize, identify, and determine the lesson or moral of a given passage

with 85% accuracy.

2. Short Description of Assignment

b. Link to Summative Assessment:
c. In this assessment, students are provided with a given passage where they are
tasked with answering questions that summarize the passage, and identify the
lesson or moral of the story. They must closely read the text, and look back to
find the answers. Students should also utilize their knowledge of story maps
and moral of the story anchor charts from the whole week to answer the
3. Short Rationale for why this assessment is aligned with the learning objective

a. In this assessment, students are tasked with utilizing their knowledge and

completion of various activities engaging with summarizing stories using a

story map and determining the lesson or moral of a story through the use of

anchor charts to summarize, identify, and determine the lesson or moral of the

given passage. The ability to determine the lesson or moral of a story is

aligned with the standard RL.2.2. Throughout my reflection of the previous

lesson, I found that it has been proven successful to use story maps to help

students better understand text and its elements. Therefore, the use of a story

map alongside graphic organizers/anchor charts can help students to determine

the lesson or moral of the story. This assessment directly shows their ability to

pinpoint the lesson or moral of a given passage, and summarize the passage.

4. Scoring Guide Description: Rubric

b. The scoring guide for this assessment is a rubric. The teacher candidate will

color the image/leave a checkmark in the middle column for if the student met

the criteria for each component. If they do not meet the criteria, they will leave

it blank. Notes and feedback can be left on the right side of the paper, with the

total score indicated at the bottom left.

5. Differentiated Scoring Guide

b. This scoring guide is a differentiated version of the first one. In this scoring

guide, the student is to verbally identify each criteria component. This scoring

guide was designed for the students on IEPs who have difficulty writing or

identifying answers in a written format. This way, they can just tell me which

one they believe is the answer and I can scribe/write it down for them. The

process would be the same for marking if they met the criteria or not, but

coloring in the item (coyote or cheese). If they do not meet it, they will leave it

blank. The notes and written feedback column is on the right side of the paper

and the total score is at the bottom.

6. Differentiation: Describe how you may have differentiated the assessment and/or the

scoring guide
a. To differentiate the assessment, three different versions of the same

assessment can be provided to the students based on their ability levels. For

the high kids, there is an assessment with a passage that contains a higher

lexicon, and to answer the questions you must give written answers/sentences,

instead of circling multiple-choice answers. For the middle/grade level kids,

the assessment contains a passage with a mediate/on-grade level lexicon. In

this assessment, they are given multiple-choice answer formats. And finally,

for the low kids/struggling learners, and students on IEPS, they are given an

assessment that contains a passage with the lowest lexicon, and

multiple-choice answer formats. Alongside the modified assessment, the

students can be given their required modifications and accommodations, such

as verbally given test, read-alouds, graphic organizers, anchor charts, extended

time, scribes, etc. The scoring guide reflects the differentiated assessments as

well, as noted above.

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