2004 Papachristodoulou Wu

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Nonlinear Control Synthesis by Sum of Squares Optimization: A Lyapunov-

based Approach

Conference Paper · August 2004

DOI: 10.1109/ASCC.2004.184761 · Source: IEEE Xplore


327 1,561

3 authors, including:

Antonis Papachristodoulou Fen Wu

University of Oxford North Carolina State University, Raleigh, United States


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Nonlinear Control Synthesis by Sum of Squares
Optimization: A Lyapunov-based Approach
Stephen Prajna1 , Antonis Papachristodoulou1 , and Fen Wu2
Control and Dynamical Systems
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125 – USA
Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695 – USA

Abstract tion V (x) such that the following two expressions:

This paper addresses the state feedback control syn- V (x) − φ(x) (1)
thesis problems for nonlinear systems, either without ∂V
− f (x) (2)
or with guaranteed cost or H∞ performance objectives. ∂x
By representing the open-loop nonlinear systems in a
are sums of squares, where φ(x) is some positive def-
state dependent linear-like form and considering a spe-
inite polynomial. The sum of squares condition guar-
cial class of Lyapunov functions, sufficient conditions
antees that the above expressions are nonnegative
for the solutions to the above problems can be formu-
(cf. Section 2), and therefore V (x) is actually a Lya-
lated in terms of state dependent linear matrix inequal-
punov function which proves that the zero equilibrium
ities. Semidefinite programming relaxations based on
of the system is stable. The set of V (x) satisfying
the sum of squares decomposition are then used to ef-
(1)–(2) is convex, and the search for the polynomial
ficiently solve such inequalities.
coefficients in V (x) such that V (x) satisfies the above
conditions can be performed by solving a semidefinite
programming problem. Thus, the approach is compu-
1 Introduction tationally tractable.
Extending the aforementioned approach to controller
Analysis and control of nonlinear systems are among synthesis is unfortunately not trivial at all. For a sys-
the most challenging problems in systems and con- tem ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u, where f (x) and g(x) are poly-
trol theory. Despite many years of research, there is nomials, application of the above method to the state
still no universal methodology for analyzing stability feedback synthesis problem amounts to finding a poly-
and performance of nonlinear systems, let alone con- nomial state feedback law u = k(x) and a polynomial
structing controllers that stabilize such systems. Var- Lyapunov function V (x) such that (1) and
ious approaches based on Lyapunov and storage func-
tions [12, 26] for analysis as well as approaches based on ∂V
− (f (x) + g(x)k(x)) (3)
control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) [24] for synthesis ∂x
have been proposed. However, these approaches suf-
are sums of squares. Yet the set of V (x) and k(x)
fer from one drawback: constructing such functions is
satisfying these conditions is not jointly convex, and
hard, and moreover, no coherent and tractable compu-
hence a simultaneous search for such V (x) and k(x) is
tational method exists to aid us in constructing them.
hard — it is equivalent to solving some bilinear matrix
Recently, a computational relaxation based on the sum inequalities (BMIs). Because of this, a dual approach
of squares decomposition [15] and semidefinite pro- to the state feedback synthesis based on density func-
gramming [1, 25] has been proposed for algorithmic tions [19] has been proposed [18], which has a better
construction of Lyapunov functions [15, 14]. Consider convexity property. In spite of that, it is currently still
a system with a polynomial vector field ẋ = f (x), unclear how a performance objective can be incorpo-
where f (0) = 0. The idea is to find a polynomial func- rated in the density-based approach.
In this paper, we revisit the Lyapunov-based approach address subsequently the nonlinear optimal control and
for controller synthesis, as it allows us to incorporate the nonlinear H∞ control problems. Next, local con-
performance objective in the design. For linear sys- troller synthesis is discussed in Section 6. Some exam-
tems, the solutions to the H2 and H∞ control problems ples are presented in Section 7, and finally, the paper
are now well-known and can be stated in terms of Ric- is ended by some conclusions and directions for future
cati equations [5] or linear matrix inequalities [6, 21]. research in Section 8.
This has motivated people to utilize state dependent
linear representation for nonlinear systems and derive
synthesis solutions that mimic those of the purely lin-
2 Sum of Squares Decomposition and
ear ones. In the area of nonlinear optimal control, the
state dependent Riccati equations method has been State Dependent LMIs
used [2]. However, this approach provides no guar-
antee for global asymptotic stability and therefore fur- The computational method used in this paper relies
ther stability analysis is usually required. On the other on the sum of squares decomposition of multivariate
hand, methods based on nonlinear matrix inequali- polynomials. A multivariate polynomial f (x) (where
ties [13, 10], which actually are state dependent lin- x ∈ Rn ) is a sum of squares if thereexist polynomials
m 2
ear matrix inequalities (LMIs), have also been devel- f1 (x), ..., fm (x) such that f (x) = i=1 fi (x). This
oped. Closely related to these is the quasi-LPV tech- can be shown equivalent to the existence of a special
nique [22, 8, 9], which builds upon linear parameter quadratic form stated in the following proposition.
varying (LPV) control [28]. This technique treats non-
linear systems as LPV systems, where the parameters Proposition 1 Let f (x) be a polynomial in x ∈ Rn
are in fact dependent on the state. of degree 2d. In addition, let Z(x) be a column vector
whose entries are all monomials1 in x with degree no
Beside the above synthesis methods, there exist itera- greater than d. Then f (x) is a sum of squares iff there
tive methods that essentially alternate the searches for exists a positive semidefinite matrix Q such that
Lyapunov functions and controllers [4, 3, 11]. Intrinsic
to iterative methods is however that the iteration will f (x) = Z T (x)QZ(x). (4)
usually converge to a local optimum. Finally, there are
various other approaches such as feedback linearization Proof: See [15].
and backstepping (see [12]).
The approach that we take in this paper is most re- A sum of squares decomposition for f (x) can be
lated to the approach in [8, 9]. We represent the open- computed using semidefinite programming, since it
loop nonlinear systems in a state dependent linear-like amounts to searching for an element Q in the inter-
form, and formulate the solutions to the state feedback section of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices
synthesis problems (without and with performance ob- and a set defined by some affine constraints that arise
jectives) in terms of state dependent LMIs. The differ- from (4). Note in particular that the polynomial f (x)
ences between the present work and [8, 9] are threefold. is globally nonnegative if it can be decomposed as a
First, we utilize a more general state dependent linear- sum of squares. Hence the sum of squares decompo-
like representation that includes the representation in sition in conjunction with semidefinite programming
[8, 9] as a special case. Second, our state dependent provides a polynomial-time computational relaxation
LMIs incorporate the exact variation rate of the state, for proving global nonnegativity of multivariate poly-
which potentially leads to a less conservative result, as nomials [23, 15], which belongs to the class of NP-hard
opposed to bounding the variation rate inside a convex problems. Even though the sum of squares condition
set. Lastly, we use semidefinite programming relax- is not necessary for nonnegativity, numerical experi-
ations based on the sum of squares decomposition to ments seem to indicate that the gap between sum of
numerically solve the state dependent LMIs, which is squares and nonnegativity is small [16].
more efficient than the gridding approach used in the What is even more instrumental for control applica-
earlier work. This computational method has also been tions is the fact that when the polynomial f (x) is not
used in [27] for solving parameter dependent LMIs in exactly determined but its coefficients are otherwise
the LPV control. affinely parameterized in terms of some unknowns, the
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. search for coefficient values which render f (x) a sum of
In Section 2, we present some preliminary results con- squares can still be performed using semidefinite pro-
cerning the sum of squares decomposition and its ap- gramming. This has been exploited e.g. for algorith-
plication to solving state dependent LMIs. We then mically constructing Lyapunov functions for nonlinear
consider the state feedback synthesis problem without systems (cf. the discussion in Section 1). In this case,
a performance objective in Section 3. Performance ob- 1 A monomial in x is a function of the form xα1 xα2 ...xαn ,
1 2 n
jectives will be incorporated in Sections 4 and 5, which where α1 , ..., αn are nonnegative integers. In this case, the de-
gree of the monomial is given by α1 + α2 + ... + αn .
real coefficients c1 , ..., cm are used to parameterize a set quadratic form (4). The details are outside the scope
of candidate Lyapunov functions  in an affine manner, of this paper.
e.g., V = {V (x) : V (x) = v0 (x) + i=1 ci vi (x)}, where
the vi (x)’s are some monomials in x. Then the search
for a V (x) ∈ V, or equivalently coefficients ci ’s, such Remark 3 The converse implication (1) ⇒ (2) gener-
that (1)–(2) are satisfied is performed using semidefi- ally does not hold. A special case for which this impli-
nite programming. Moreover, if needed, optimization cation holds is when n = 1 [7]. In the same reference, a
of an objective that is an affine function of the ci ’s can symmetric polynomial matrix F (x) such that v T F (x)v
also be accommodated. See [15, 14, 17] for details. is a sum of squares is termed a sum of squares matrix.

In this paper, the above methodology is used to solve

state dependent LMIs. What is meant by state depen- By Proposition 2, it is clear that any solution to the
dent LMIs is an infinite dimensional convex optimiza- sum of squares optimization problem
tion problem of the form 
minimize ai ci (7)

minimize ai ci (5)
i=1 subject to

subject to F0 (x) + ci Fi (x) ≥ 0, (6) v T (F0 (x) + ci Fi (x))v is a sum of squares, (8)
i=1 i=1

where the ai ’s are some fixed real coefficients, the ci ’s is also a solution to the state dependent LMIs (5)–
are the decision variables, and the Fi (x) are some sym- (6). However, (7)–(8) are much easier to solve than
metric matrix functions of the indeterminate x ∈ Rn . (5)–(6) from computational perspective. In particular,
The matrix inequality (6) basically means that the left semidefinite programming can be used for this purpose,
hand side of the inequality is positive semidefinite for e.g. with the help of the software [17].
all x ∈ Rn . Solving the above optimization problem
amounts to solving an infinite set of LMIs and hence
is computationally hard. However, when the Fi (x)’s
are symmetric polynomial matrices in x, the sum of
3 State Feedback Synthesis
squares decomposition can provide a computational re-
laxation for the condition (6). This relaxation is stated Consider the system ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u, written in the
in the following proposition. following state dependent linear-like representation:

ẋ = A(x)Z(x) + B(x)u, (9)

Proposition 2 Let F (x) be an N ×N symmetric poly-
nomial matrix of degree 2d in x ∈ Rn . Furthermore, where A(x) and B(x) are polynomial matrices in x, and
let Z(x) be a column vector whose entries are all mono- Z(x) is an N × 1 vector of monomials in x satisfying
mials in x with degree no greater than d, and consider the following assumption.
the following conditions.
Assumption 4 Z(x) = 0 iff x = 0.
(1) F (x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ Rn .
In addition, define M (x) to be a N × n polynomial
(2) v T F (x)v is a sum of squares, where v ∈ RN .
matrix whose (i, j)-th entry is given by
(3) There exists a positive semidefinite matrix Q
such that v T F (x)v = (v ⊗ Z(x))T Q(v ⊗ Z(x)), Mij (x) = (x),
where ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. ∂xj

for i = 1, ..., N , j = 1, ..., n. Finally, let Aj (x) denotes

Then (1) ⇐ (2) and (2) ⇔ (3). the j-th row of A(x), J = {j1 , j2 , ..., jm } denote the
row indices of B(x) whose corresponding row is equal
Proof: to zero, and define x̃ = (xj1 , xj2 , ..., xjm ).
(1) ⇐ (2): v T F (x)v being a sum of squares implies Our objective is to find a state feedback controller u =
that v T F (x)v ≥ 0 for all (v, x) ∈ RN +n , which is sub- k(x) = F (x)Z(x) which renders the equilibrium x = 0
sequently equivalent to F (x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ Rn . stable. Here we have not included any performance
objective in the synthesis.
(2) ⇔ (3): This implication follows as a special case
of Proposition 1. The monomial vector can be chosen Before continuing with the solution to the synthesis
of the form v ⊗ Z(x) due to the result in [20], which problem, we present the following lemma, which will
characterizes the monomials that can appear in the be useful in the proof of the main result.
Lemma 5 For a symmetric polynomial matrix P (x) Now, (12) implies that
which is nonsingular for all x, we have
P (x̃)AT (x)M T (x) + M (x)A(x)P (x̃)
∂P ∂P −1
(x) = −P (x) (x)P (x). (10) + K T (x)B T (x)M T (x) + M (x)B(x)K(x)
∂xi ∂xi
Proof: Since P (x) is non-singular, we have − (x̃)(Aj (x)Z(x))
P (x)P −1 (x) = I. Differentiating both sides with re- j∈J

spect to xi yields
is negative semidefinite for all x. Multiplying the last
∂P ∂P −1 expression from the left and right by P −1 (x̃), and us-
(x)P −1 (x) + P (x) (x) = 0.
∂xi ∂xi ing the result in Lemma 5, we conclude that the term
inside the square brackets in (13) is negative semidef-
This immediately gives (10).
inite for all x, and therefore dV
dt (x(t)) is non-positive.
This proves stability of the closed-loop system.
Theorem 6 For the system (9), suppose there exist
an N × N symmetric polynomial matrix P (x̃), an n × If (12) holds with 2 (x) > 0 for x = 0, then dVdt (x(t)) is
N polynomial matrix K(x), a constant 1 > 0, and negative definite, and therefore it follows immediately
a sum of squares 2 (x), such that the following two that the zero equilibrium is asymptotically stable. Fi-
expressions nally, if P (x̃) is a constant matrix, then V (x) is radially
unbounded, and the stability holds globally.
v T (P (x̃) − 1 I)v, (11)
− v (P (x̃)A (x)M (x) + M (x)A(x)P (x̃)...
Remark 7 The condition 2 (x) > 0 for x = 0 can
+ K T (x)B T (x)M T (x) + M (x)B(x)K(x)...
be accommodated by sum of squares optimization in a
− (x̃)(Aj (x)Z(x)) + 2 (x)I)v (12) similar way as in [14, Section 3.1].

are sums of squares, where v ∈ RN . Then the state Note that (13) gives the exact value of the time deriva-
feedback stabilization problem is solvable, and a con- tive of the Lyapunov function V (x). Crucial to this is
troller that stabilizes the system is given by: the incorporation of the terms ∂P ∂xj (x̃)ẋj with ẋj =
(Aj (x)Z(x)). This is in contrast to the quasi-LPV ap-
u(x) = K(x)P −1 (x̃)Z(x).
proach, in which the state variation rate ẋj is assumed
Furthermore, if (12) holds with 2 (x) > 0 for x = 0, to lie in some interval [ẋj , ẋj ]. Since the state variation
then the zero equilibrium is asymptotically stable, and rate is in fact determined by the dynamics of the sys-
if P (x̃) is a constant matrix, then the stability holds tem, the quasi-LPV approach will generally be more
globally. conservative; not only that, a priori estimation of the
bounds on the state variation rate is difficult to do.
Proof: Assume that there exist solutions P (x̃) and To avoid introducing non-convex condition, we assume
K(x) to (11)–(12). Define the function V (x) as follows: that P (x̃) only depends on states x̃ whose dynamics
is not directly affected by the control input, namely
V (x) = Z(x)T P −1 (x̃)Z(x).
states whose corresponding rows in B(x) are zero. In
We will show that V (x) is a Lyapunov function for the relation to this, it may be advantageous to employ an
closed-loop system initial state transformation to introduce as many zero
rows as possible in B(x).
ẋ = [A(x) + B(x)K(x)P −1 (x̃)]Z(x).
A special case of the above theorem corresponds to
By Proposition 2, condition (11) implies that both
Z(x) = x. In this case, the system representation is
P (x̃) and P −1 (x̃) are positive definite for all x, and
the same as the state dependent linear representation
therefore V (x) is a positive definite function of x. The
used in many of the references mentioned in Section 1.
time derivative of V (x) along the closed-loop trajecto-
ries is given by

dV  ∂P −1 4 Nonlinear Optimal Control
(x(t)) = Z T (x) ⎣ (x̃)(Aj (x)Z(x))
dt ∂xj
We will next consider the nonlinear optimal control
+ [A(x) + B(x)K(x)P −1 (x̃)]T M T (x)P −1 (x̃) problem, which is the extension of the linear quadratic

regulator (LQR) problem to the nonlinear setting. The
+P −1 (x̃)M (x)[A(x) + B(x)K(x)P −1 (x̃)] Z(x). exact solution to the nonlinear optimal control problem
requires solving a Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential
(13) equation. However, by resorting to suboptimality, a
solution based on state dependent LMIs can be de- A heuristic for minimizing the cost (16) is as follows.
rived [8]. A Lyapunov function obtained by solving The sum of squares optimization problem (17)–(18)
these LMIs will provide an upper bound on the op- is augmented with an objective function and an extra
timal cost. This kind of design is also known in the sum of squares condition, resulting in the following sum
literature as the guaranteed cost control [3]. of squares problem:
For simplicity, we assume that the system is of the form minimize trace(Y ) (21)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ subject to (17)–(18), and
ẋ A(x) B(x)   T 
⎣z1 ⎦ = ⎣C1 (x) Z(x)
0 ⎦ , (14) v1 Y I v1
u (22)
z2 C2 (x) I v2 I P (x̃0 ) v2
x(0) = x0 , (15) being sums of squares.

where Z(x) is a monomial vector satisfying Assump- By Schur complement, (22) is equivalent to P −1 (x̃0 ) ≤
tion 4, and z1 ∈ RM . We further assume that C1 (x) is Y . Therefore, minimizing the trace of Y will decrease
not identically zero when x = 0. The objective is to de- the upper bound (20) on the cost, and may bring the
sign a state feedback law u = K(x)Z(x) such that the true cost closer to the optimal cost.
closed-loop system is asymptotically stable, and such
that the performance objective
∞ 5 Nonlinear H∞ Control
z22 = [z12 (t) + z22 (t)]dt (16)
0 The last setting that we consider in this paper is the
is minimized. Let us define M (x), Aj (x), J, and x̃ as nonlinear equivalent to state feedback H∞ control.
in Section 3. The solutions to both state feedback and dynamic out-
put feedback nonlinear H∞ control have been charac-
terized in terms of state dependent LMIs in [13], but
Theorem 8 Suppose for the system (14) there exist the conditions in that paper do not guarantee that a
an N × N symmetric polynomial matrix P (x̃), a con- controller can always be constructed (cf. also the dis-
stant 1 > 0, and a sum of squares 2 (x) with 2 (x) > 0 cussion in Section 8). On the other hand, [8, 9] pro-
for x = 0, such that the expressions posed solutions based on quasi-LPV technique, which
lead to an explicit state feedback controller.
v1T (P (x̃) − 1 I)v1 , (17)
The system in this section is assumed to be of the form
and (18) on the next page are sums of squares, where ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
v1 ∈ RN , v2 ∈ RM , and Â(x) = A(x) − B(x)C2 (x). ẋ A(x) B1 (x) B2 (x) Z(x)
⎣z1 ⎦ = ⎣C1 (x) 0 0 ⎦⎣ w ⎦, (23)
Then for the state feedback law
z2 C2 (x) 0 I u
u(x) = −[B T (x)M T (x)P −1 (x̃) + C2 (x)]Z(x) (19) where Z(x) is a monomial vector satisfying Assump-
tion 4, and z1 ∈ RM1 , w ∈ RM2 . Define M (x), Aj (x),
the closed-loop zero equilibrium is asymptotically sta-
and x̃ as in Section 3. On the other hand, let J be
ble, and if P (x̃) is constant, the stability holds globally.
the set of row indices of B1 (x) B2 (x) whose cor-
Furthermore for any initial condition x0 that is inside
responding rows are zero.
the region of attraction of the zero equilibrium, we have
Our objective is to design a state feedback law u =
z22 ≤ Z T (x0 )P −1 (x̃0 )Z(x0 ). (20) K(x)Z(x) such that the closed-loop system is asymp-
totically stable, and such that the induced L2 -gain
Proof: The proof of this theorem is quite sim- from w to z is minimized.
ilar to the proof of the quasi-LPV synthesis in [8],
and therefore only the differences will be outlined Theorem 9 Suppose for the system (23) there exist
here. When there exists a solution P (x̃) to (17)– an N × N symmetric polynomial matrix P (x̃), a con-
(18), a Lyapunov function for the closed-loop system stant 1 > 0, and a sum of squares 2 (x) with 2 (x) > 0
corresponding to the feedback law (19) is given by for x = 0, such that the expressions
V (x) = Z T (x)P −1 (x̃)Z(x). The variation rate of the
v1T (P (x̃) − 1 I)v1 , (24)
Lyapunov function can be characterized exactly and
the possibility that Z(x) is not necessarily equal to x and (25) on the next page are sums of squares, where
can be taken into account in a way analogous to The- v1 ∈ RN , v2 ∈ RM1 +M2 , and Â(x) = A(x) −
orem 6. Finally, the resulting state dependent LMIs B2 (x)C2 (x). Then for the state feedback law
are converted into sum of squares conditions using the
result in Proposition 2. u(x) = −[γB2T (x)M T (x)P −1 (x̃) + C2 (x)]Z(x), (26)
v M ÂP + P ÂT M T − M BB T M T − ∂P
j∈J ∂xj (Aj Z) + 2 I P C1T v1
− 1 (18)
v2 C1 P −(1 − 2 )I v2

⎡  ⎤
 M ÂP + P ÂT M T − γM B2 B2T M T − j∈J ∂P
P C1T 
T ∂xj (Aj Z) + 2 I M B1
− ⎣ C1 P −(γ − 2 )I 0 ⎦ (25)
v2 v2
B1T M T 0 −(γ − 2 )I

the zero equilibrium of the closed-loop system is asymp- follows that v T (F0 (x) + ci Fi (x))v ≥ 0 for all v ∈ RN
totically stable, and the closed-loop system has (locally) and x ∈ X, which implies (27).
an L2 -gain from w to z that is less than γ. If P (x̃) is
a constant matrix, then the stability and the bound on Theorems 6, 8, and 9 can then be modified according
the L2 -gain hold globally. to Proposition 10 to synthesize controllers in the local
state region X. For example, one “local” version of
Theorem 6 is given below.
Proof: The proof is similar to the proof of the state
feedback LPV synthesis in [28, 9] modulo some differ-
Proposition 11 For the system (9), suppose there ex-
ences that can be accommodated in a way analogous
ist an N × N symmetric polynomial matrix P (x̃), an
to Theorem 6.
n × N polynomial matrix K(x), constants 1 > 0,
2 > 0, and sums of squares σ1, (x, v), σ2, (x, v),
 = 1, ..., s whose degree in v is equal to two, such that
the following expressions
6 Local Synthesis

v T (P (x̃) − 1 I)v − σ1, (x, v)g (x), (29)
In many cases, it is too restrictive to synthesize a glob-
ally stabilizing controller. Moreover, in a restricted
region, local controllers will often perform better than − v T (P (x̃)AT (x)M (x) + M (x)A(x)P (x̃)...

global controllers. When the synthesis is performed + K T (x)B T (x)M T (x) + M (x)B(x)K(x)...
with the objective to find local controllers, state depen-  ∂P
dent LMIs of the following form is encountered (cf. (6)): − (x̃)(Aj (x)Z(x)) + 2 I)v...


F0 (x) + ci Fi (x) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ X, (27) − σ2, (x, v)g (x) (30)

where the set X may for example be described by some are sums of squares, where v ∈ RN . Then the local
polynomial inequalities g (x) ≥ 0,  = 1, ..., s. A sum state feedback stabilization problem is solvable, and a
of squares based relaxation for this state dependent controller that locally asymptotically stabilizes the sys-
LMIs is stated in the following proposition. tem is given by u(x) = K(x)P −1 (x̃)Z(x). Further-
more, an estimate for the domain of attraction of the
Proposition 10 Let Fi (x), i = 0, ..., m be N × N closed-loop zero equilibrium is
symmetric polynomial matrices in x ∈ Rn , and let D = {x ∈ Rn : Z T (x)P −1 (x̃)Z(x) ≤ V },
X = {x ∈ Rn : g (x) ≥ 0,  = 1, ..., s}, v ∈ RN . Sup-
pose there exist coefficients ci , i = 1, ..., m and sums of where V = minx∈∂X Z T (x)P −1 (x̃)Z(x) and ∂X is the
squares σ (x, v),  = 1, ..., s whose degree in v is equal boundary of X.
to two, such that

v T (F0 (x) + ci Fi (x))v − σ (x, v)g (x) (28) 7 Examples
7.1 Example 1
is also a sum of squares. Then ci ’s solve the state Consider a tunnel diode circuit presented in [12], whose
dependent LMIs (27). dynamics are given by
ẋ1 = 0.5(−h(x1 ) + x2 )
Proof: For x ∈ X, the terms under summation in
(28) are nonnegative. Since (28) is also nonnegative, it ẋ2 = 0.2(−x1 − 1.5x2 + u)
with the diode characteristic: Controller Contr. 1 Contr. 2 Contr. 3
Trace(Y ) 2.35 1.82 1.50
h(x1 ) = 17.76x1 − 103.79x21 + 229.62x31 − 226.31x41
Upper bound 3.51 2.37 1.78
+ 83.72x51 . xT0 P −1 (x̃0 )x0
The two state variables are x1 = Vc , the voltage across Actual cost 1.36 0.98 0.78
the capacitor and x2 = ic , the current through the in- z22
ductor. The phase portrait of this system for a nominal
value of u = 1.2 is given in Figure 1, left figure. We Table 1: Results of the controller design in Section 7.3.
see that there are 3 equilibria, two of which are stable,  
and one is a saddle point. Suppose we want to stabilize 0 1 0
B(x) = , C1 (x) = , C2 (x) = 0 0 ,
the equilibrium at (0.285, 0.61), i.e., the saddle point. 1 0 1
After a coordinate translation and following the pro- T
cedure outlined in Theorem 6, we can construct a 4-th and Z(x) = x1 x2 and the initial condition x0 =
order K and a constant P so that this equilibrium is (1, 1). A state feedback controller will be designed us-
globally asymptotically stable. The closed loop phase ing the result stated in Theorem 8, augmented with
portrait changes as shown in Figure 1, right. (21)–(22). Both 1 and 2 (x) are again chosen equal to
the positive constant 0.001.
7.2 Example 2 In this example, we synthesize three controllers using
In this subsection, we consider a nonlinear H∞ design P ’s of different degrees and different locality criteria:
with an open-loop system of the form (23) and the
state space matrices given by • Controller 1: P has degree zero, global synthesis
 • Controller 2: P has degree zero, local synthesis
−1 + x1 − 23 x21 − 43 x22 14 − x21 − 12 x22
A(x) = , • Controller 3: P has degree two, local synthesis
0 0
1 0 where for local synthesis we use X = [−3, 3] × [−3, 3].
B1 (x) = , B2 (x) = , C1 (x) = 1 0 ,
0 1 Table 1 listed the minimum values of trace(Y ) obtained
C2 (x) = 0 0 , from sum of squares optimization, the corresponding
values of upper bounds on cost xT0 P −1 (x̃0 )x0 , and the
and Z(x) = x1 x2 . We design a state feedback actual cost z22 . As expected, the performance in-
controller using the result stated in Theorem 8, aug- creases when the degree of P is increased and/or the
mented with the minimization of γ. The values of 1 region X smaller than the whole state space is used.
and 2 (x) are fixed at 0.001. For local synthesis such as Controllers 2 and 3, the
Since the disturbance and the control inputs influence closed-loop trajectories starting from x0 will converge
the dynamics of x1 and x2 , in this case we have J = ∅ to the origin if the level set V (x) = xT0 P −1 (x̃0 )x0 is
and thus the matrix P (x̃) has to be a constant matrix. contained entirely inside the region X. The level sets
The optimization returns 1.15 as the optimal value of V (x) = xT0 P −1 (x̃0 )x0 corresponding to the three de-
γ. Hence, we conclude that the L2 gain from w to z of signs are shown in Figure 2, from which it can be seen
the closed-loop system is no greater than 1.15. that all the level sets are contained inside X. The
closed loop trajectories corresponding to the synthe-
For comparison, an H∞ state feedback controller de- sized controllers are shown in Figure 3.
signed for the linearized system returns 0.83 as the
optimal L2 gain of the closed-loop linear system. This
value is a lower bound on the best achievable nonlin-
ear H∞ performance, and thus we see that the previous 8 Concluding Remarks
nonlinear design is not overly conservative. Although
γ obtained from the nonlinear based design is higher In the previous sections we have addressed the state
than that of the linearization, the performance of the feedback synthesis problems for nonlinear systems. We
controller designed for the original nonlinear system is first considered the synthesis problem without any per-
guaranteed over the entire state space (since P (x̃) is a formance objective, and subsequently presented the so-
constant matrix). lutions to the optimal control and H∞ control prob-
lems. Our approach is built upon representing the
7.3 Example 3 nonlinear systems in a state dependent linear-like form,
Next, we consider nonlinear optimal control for an and the solutions are stated in terms of state depen-
open-loop system of the form (14), with the state space dent LMIs that incorporate the exact variation rates
matrices given by of the states. The LMIs are then converted into sum
 of squares optimization problems, which can be solved
−1 + x1 − 23 x21 − 34 x22 14 − x21 − 21 x22 using semidefinite programming. Some examples are
A(x) = ,
0 0 presented to illustrate the use of the method.
Unstable system Stabilized system
1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0

−0.2 −0.2

−0.4 −0.4
−0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
x x
1 1

Figure 1: The phase portrait of the tunnel diode system. The figure on the left is the open loop system, with two stable
equilibria (marked ‘o’) and a saddle point (marked ‘+’). The right figure shows the closed loop system.

ditions are stated in terms of state dependent LMIs,

2 however, the solvability of these LMIs does not guar-
antee the existence of a stabilizing controller. In fact, a
nonconvex condition is needed for the sufficiency part.
1 On the other hand, results on the LPV side provide
sufficient conditions for the existence of a stabilizing
controller as well as an explicit formula for such con-
troller [28], but the resulting controller matrices are

−0.5 dependent on the scheduling parameters. Hence, when

the scheduling parameters are in fact the state of the
system, the resulting controller will not be of a pure
−1.5 dynamic output feedback form. We hope to address
this in the future.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

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