Big Test Eot4 - Revision - No1

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I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern

1. A. nationality B. ability C. authority D. community

2. A. additive B. positive C. competitive D. primitive
3. A. transitive B. diversity C. definitive D. attractive
4. A. identity B. necessity C. sensitive D. morality
5. A. responsibility B. electricity C. particularity D. acceptability
6. A. sensitive B. active C. attractive D. talkative
7. A. community B. activity C. quality D. character
8. A. nationality B. opportunity C. creativity D. communication
9. A. express B. practice C. describe D. decide
10. A. language B. conference C. understand D. message
11. A. competitive B. proactive C. selective D. interactive
12. A. identity B. positive C. primitive D. telephone
13. A. curiosity B. nationality C. community D. university
14. A. priority B. repetitive C. electrical D. energetic
15. A. simplicity B. quality C. equality D. activity
16. A. literature B. ability C. ordinary D. vegetable
17. A. sensitive B. banana C. adventure D. important
18. A. identical B. technology C. capability D. relationship
19. A. harmony B. basketball C. pineapple D. insensitive
20. A. business B. activity C. Wednesday D. happiness
21. A. information B. celebration C. infinitive D. independence
22. A. adaptability B. perfection C. abortion D. depression
23. A. remember B. positive C. example D. tomorrow
24. A. aquarium B. intelligence C. eternity D. possibility
25. A. character B. chocolate C. prohibitive D. masculine
26. A. activity B. primitive C. authority D. partitive
27. A. quality B. inquisitive C. opportunity D. genitive
28. A. responsibility B. insensitive C. personality D. infinitive
29. A. popularity B. Interactive C. majority D. intransitive
30. A. facility B. nutritive C. minority D. hypersensitive
31. A. untrustworthy B. unsatisfactory C. uncomfortable D. impractical
32. A. unprofessional B. unsuccessful C. unreasonable D. immobility
33. A. imbalance B. impolite C. impossible D. impatient
34. A. impure B. unhealthy C. immature D. experiment
35. A. unlimited B. undeveloped C. unbreakable D. reliable
36. A. unpolluted B. unbalanced C. unreasonable D. unlawful
37. A. imbalance B. immortal C. impolite D. important
38. A. imbecile B. impossible C. uncommon D. unhappy
39. A. adorable B. ability C. impossible D. entertainment
40. A. engineer B. corporate C. difficult D. different
41. A. attractive B. practical C. official D. competitive
42. A. necessary B. polite C. natural D. pleasant
43. A. unnoticed B. experiment C. underground D. unchanged
44. A. chemical B. impossible C. investigate D. solution
45. A. discussion B. immoral C. examine D. conclusion
46. A. implant B. unfortunate C. imply D. findings
47. A. unbalance B. engine C. portable D. valuable
48. A. government B. unbelievable C. different D. helicopter
49. A. strawberry B. innocent C. unique D. slavery
50. A. imitate B. aquarium C. professional D. infinity
51. A. positive B. miracle C. wonderful D. imperfect
52. A. unconscious B. century C. chemical D. dinosaur
53. A. equality B. invisible C. immobility D alternative
54. A. stadium B. undefined C. serious D. punishment
55. A. imaginative B. imbalance C. impassive D. immigrant
56. A. unacceptable B. unachievable C imply D. uncontrollable
57. A. cleanliness B. opposite C. friendship D. unconfirmed
58. A. thoughtful B. delightful C. plentiful D. passionless
59. A. speechless B. faithful C. successful D. meaningless
60. A. neglectful B. worshipful C. untruthful D. emotionless
61. A. directionless B. characterless C. expressionless D. exhausted
62. A. respectful B. wonderful C. unhelpful D. remember
63. A. negative B. scholarship C. develop D. purposeful
64. A. ability B. acceptable C. education D. hilarious
65. A. document B. comedian C. perspective D. location
66. A. product B. provide C. promote D. profess
67. A. different B. regular C. achieving D. property
68. A. cheerless B. between C. because D. against
69. A. important B. harmful C. donate D. support
70. A. police B. effect C. homeless D. provide
71. A. although B. control C. himself D. colorful
72. A. employee B. powerless C. engineer D. volunteer
73. A. successful B. skillful C. lawful D. plentiful
74. A. accept B. exchange C. suggest D. voiceless
75. A. believe B. machine C. healthful D. supply
76. A. waterless B. today C. partition D. religious
77. A. purposeful B. beautiful C. hopeful D. regretful
78. A. wonderful B. careful C. respectful D. odorless
79. A. colorless B. successful C. paperless D. beautiful
80. A. changeful B. fulfill C. thoughtful D. powerful
81. A. wireless B. active C. gorgeous D. control
82. A. explore B. habitat C. satellite D. liquid

II, Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. dynamic B. hypocrite C. typical D. cynicism
2. A. candy B. handy C. many D. sandy
3. A. clearing B. learning C. earning D. searching
4. A. accident B. action C. watch D. stamps
5. A. present B. recent C. decent D. absent
6. A. gentle B. kennel C. generate D. genetics
7. A. chemist B. cholera C. machinery D. mechanic
8. A. drama B. mammal C. damage D. grammar
9. A. cherish B. chorus C. scholarship D. chaos
10. A. college B. privilege C. message D. collage
11. A. tool B. moon C. soon D. cool
12. crossed B. followed C. fluttered D. happened
13. A. tear B. bear C. hear D. fear
14. A. naked B. cooked C. booked D. walked
15. A. sew B. few C. drew D. news
16. A. airports B. suitcases C. things D. calculators
17. A. chemist B. chicken C. church D. changeable
18. A. university B. unique C. united D. undo
19. A. faithful B. fairy C. failure D. fainted
20. A. sun B. sure C. success D. sort

III, Read the passage then answer the questions.

All of us communicate with one another nonverbally, as well as with words. Most of the time we‟re
not aware that we're doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else's eyes and
look away, change positions in a chair. These actions we assume are occasional. However in recent
years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and
understandable as language.
One important kind of body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when
they meet one another's eyes. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second
before one or both of us look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each other‟s eyes,
they become more intimate. Therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in suitable situations.
Researchers who are engaged in the study of communication through body movement are not
prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may
mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something. But there are other possible
interpretations, too. Another example: when a student in conversation with a professor holds the
older man's eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be a sign of respect; it can be something else
entirely. The researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture.
Communication between human beings would be with just dull if it were all done with words.

1. This article is about .

A. Study of communication through body movement have recently been conducted.
B. Communication through body movement is as important as communication through words.
C. All communication between human beings is only with words.
D. Eye behavior is the most king of body movement.
2. Researchers think that .
A. people can use and understand body language in communication.
B. body language is considered more important than spoken language in communication.
C. body language have recently been discovered.
D. body language has just been studied through body movement.

3. The word "intimate" in paragraph 2 means:

A. wonderful B. close C. important D. interesting

4. According to the passage, an American person feel uncomfortable when you .

A. look into his/her eyes for a long time
B. avoid looking into his/her eyes
C. look into the ground
D. stare at his eyes for a second

5. When an American rubs his nose, it can mean .

A. he or she is disapproving with someone
B. he or she is refusing something
C. he or she is expressing other possible meanings
D. All above is correct

IV. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.

Technology is growing by leaps and bounds. Proper use of technology holds a bright future
for us. So, how can technology shape up the future in a better way? Let’s take a look!
Clean Energy
Global energy consumption is increasing and we will face a shortage of fossil fuels in the Corning
decades. However, technology is helping us deal with this problem by developing clean energy.
Development in the field of solar power technology has drastically reduced the cost of solar cells.
Generation of electricity through wind turbines has also grown rapidly in the recent years. So, in
the near future, technology can help us do away with dependence on fossil fuels and embrace clean
and green energy Solutions.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Remember Pokemon Go? Well, that was one of the earliest examples of Virtual reality. Tech giants
like Google, Facebook, and Nokia are spending a huge amount of money to make VR experience
better for the customers. However, with time and further developments, VR can be used for
communication through holograms, for interacting with 3-D objects and other useful and
educational purposes.
Flying cars
This sounds straight out of a movie, but flying cars might soon be mainstream. Amazon has already
started delivering goods with the help of its drones, and Google is working on building its own
powerful drones. A couple of start-ups are also working on building flying cars. A flying car for all
intents and purposes is a drone that is capable of carrying people. There are already a handful of
flying vehicle prototypes: Terrafugia has TF-X; Pal-V has the Pal-V1; I-TEC has the Maverick
LSA “Flying Car”; and lastly AeroMobil s.r.o. has the AeroMobil 3.0.
These are just a few of the amazing technologies that we will have in the corning years. And what’s
next? Teleporting? Anything is possible!
A. Match the words or phrases with their meanings.

1. by leaps and bounds a. completely accept

2. do away with b. considered normal and used by most people
3. embrace c. a company that is just beginning to operate
4. hologram d. very quickly
5. mainstream e. an aircraft without a pilot, controlled from the
6. drone ground
7. start-up f. the first model of something new
8. prototype g. a three-dimensional image
h. put an end to
B. Choose the correct answers.

1. According to the passage, technology can help .

A. create an energy shortage B. reduce energy consumption
C. end our dependence on fossil fuels D. stop using clean energy

2. In the future, Virtual reality can be used for .

A. interacting with 3-D objects B. teaching and learning
C. holographic communication D. all of the above

3. Which statement is true about flying cars?

A. They are just Science Fiction. B. They are presently at the prototype stage.
C. They are produced in large quantities. D. They will be launched in the coming year.

4. In the sentence “There are already a handful of flying vehicle prototypes...”, what
does “a handful of” mean?
A. a large number of B. a small number of
C. a great deal of D. an amount of

5. The flying car TF-X has been developed by .

A. Terrafugia B. I-TEC C. AeroMobil D. Pal-V

6. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. Virtual reality technology is now used in video gaming.
B. Solar power and wind are clean energy.
C. Amazon’s flying cars are being used for delivery.
D. Technology can bring us a bright future.

V, Read the text and answer the questions.

Do you want to plan for some kind of exciting trip? Do you have a million dollars? Are you
very healthy? Are you a good traveler? Do you want to go nowhere? Then you can have a trip to
space. If you decide to take the trip, you will have to get ready a few months before the flight.
You must be in excellent physical condition. You should run a lot, swim every day, do aerobics
and push- ups. You must get a letter from the doctor that shows you are in perfect health.
Once you get on the trip, you will be in different world. You will see pictures of the Earth. You
may also find your country and other interesting places. You will be able to see the oceans, the
big rivers, the tall mountains. You will be able to see them many times because you will orbit
the Earth 16 times a day! You will also be able to see stars that you couldn't see from the Earth.
When you are in orbit, you will be able to get out of your seat and walk in the cabin. You will
be able to walk on the walls or on the ceiling like a circus. You will not weigh anything! You
will feel totally free and enjoy the wonderful feeling you have never had before. If you were on
board now, you would experience those marvelous things. So do you think you will be able to
take a space trip? Start to dream now and your dream may come true someday.

1. What will you have to do if you decide to take a space trip?

2. What must you do if you want to show you are in perfect health?
3. What scenes on the Earth can you see from outer space?
4. How many times day can you see those scenes?

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