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Electrochemical Biosensors for DNA Sequence Detection
Susan R. Mikkelsen*
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, PQ, Canada H3G 1M8

Received: April 16, 1995

Final version: May 2, 1995

A review of reported biosensors for the sequence-selective detection of analyte DNA sequences shows that signal transduction based on
electrogenerated chemiluminescence, potentiometry and voltammetry are all capable of detecting analyte DNA at attomole levels. In
contrast, optical and piezoelectric transducers detect DNA at picomole and femtomole levels, respectively. The principles and applications
of these promising electrochemical DNA biosensors are described and discussed.

Keywords: Electrochemical biosensors, DNA sequence detection, Chemiluminescence, Potentiometry, Voltammetry, Attomole levels

1. Introduction original analyte DNA strands define the length of the amplified
segment of DNA, and successful amplifications of 40- to 2000-
The detection of specific base sequences in human, viral and base fragments have been achieved.
bacterial nucleic acids is becoming increasingly important in the When genomic DNA has been isolated and, if necessary,
diagnosis of disease [l-51. The mutations responsible for amplified by PCR, it can be examined using a bioassay or a
numerous inherited human disorders are now known, and this biosensor that is selective for a particular base sequence. For the
knowledge is steadily increasing as the sequencing of the human purposes of this review, a DNA biosensor is considered to be a
genome continues. Pathogens responsible for disease states, device in which analyte DNA is captured at a transducer
bacteria and viruses, are also detectable via their unique nucleic surface, and measurement proceeds with immobilized analyte
acid sequences, and interest in their detection continues to grow. DNA. Following a brief discussion of bioassays and biosensors
Table 1 gives a representative listing of some applications of for nucleic acid detection [S-221, this review focuses on
sequence-selective DNA detection methods. sequence-selective DNA biosensors that employ electrochemical
Human DNA, with a six-billion base-pair sequence present in methods for signal transduction [23-301.
46 chromosonies, can be extracted from white blood cells, which
Table I . Examples of DNA diagnostic applications ( 1 -5, 81
are present at levels of about 7-8 million cells per mL of blood ~ - ~ ~~~ 7 ~

[6]. Each cell contains one or two copies of the sequence Source of D N A / R N A Application
responsible for a particular trait, so that 12 (or 24) attomoles of
analyte DNA are available in a 1 mL blood sample. Clearly, any Human Paternity/forensic testing
test applied to native human DNA requires exquisite selectivity HLA complex
D-loop region (mitochondria1 DNA)
as well as a very low detection limit.
length polymorphisms (VNTR loci)

Oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes

2. Sample Preparation c-myc, c-myb, c-abl, c-sis, c-ras, G-protein,
jun, p53 and retinoblastoma genes

The concentration of a particular sequence region of DNA in Inherited disorders

a test sample can be amplified, or increased, using the Cystic fibrosis
H ypercholesterolemia
polymerase chain reaction [7], or PCR (Fig. 1). This reaction Sickle-cell anemia
is performed in the presence of the four deoxynucleotide Huntington's disease
triphosphate monomers, the test DNA, the enzyme DNA Duchenne muscular dystrophy
polymerase from the thermophilic bacterium T h e r m u s aquaticus p-Thalassemias
(Taq DNA polymerase), and two oligodeoxynucleotide primers. Adult polycystic kidney disease
The primers are chosen to bracket the region of interest in the Hemochromatosis
Hemophilia A/Von Willebrand disease
test DNA, at the 5'-ends of the region of interest on the sense
and antisense strands, respectively. By precisely controlling the Viral Cytomegalovirus (DNA)
temperature of the reaction mixture, the test DNA can be made Human papillomaviruses (DNA)
to denature into single-stranded DNA (93"C), anneal with the Rotavirus (RNA)
primers (37755"C), and undergo primer extension to create one Human immunodeficiency virus (DNA)
Human t-cell leukemia viruses (DNA)
copy of the sequence of interest (70°C). The complete tem-
perature cycle may take as little as 2 min, and each amplification Bacterial Mycobacterium tuberculosis (DNA)
cycle will produce one copy of the sequence of interest from the Mycoplasma pneumoniae (RNA)
test and copied DNA. The amplification factor is thus 2" - I , Gonorrhea (RNA or DNA)
where n is the number of temperature cycles used, typically 20- Chfamjdiu (DNA)
30. In principle, amplification factors of 10' to lo9 can be Escherichia coli (RNA)
Baccilus suhtilis (RNA)
achieved in this manner, although the values are somewhat Baccilus hurgdorferi (DNA)
lower in practice. The positions of the two primers on the

Electrounalysis 1996, 8, No. 1 0 VCH Verlagsgeselischuft mbH, 0-69469 Weinheim, 1996 1040-0397/96/0101-015 $ 5 .00+ .25/0

-- Denature dsDNA

Anneal Primers
37-55 "C
S . R. Mikkelsen

An alternative method [9] designed to detect point mutations

(the substitution of a single base by another) employs two
primers complementary to a contiguous -50-base sequence on
the same analyte DNA strand. A thermostable ligase enzyme
will join the ~ 2 5 - b a s eprimers only if a perfect match between
primer and analyte DNA sequences occurs at the junction.
Detection of ligated products, or unligated primers, is accom-
plished by electrophoresis.

v- 4. Biosensors for Sequence-Selective DNA Detection

Extend Primers

Interest in biosensors capable of rapidly and selectively
detecting native DNA sequences has steadily increased [ l l , 121.
Biosensors are devices that combine a biological recognition

agent, which confers selectivity, with a transducer, which
Denature dsDNA provides sensitivity and converts the recognition event into a
measurable electronic signal. To date, biosensors for the
detection of nucleic acid sequences have used single-stranded
nucleic acids for recognition of the complementary sequence,
and transduction has been accomplished with fiber optic
fluorimetry [ 13, 141, reflectometry [15], surface plasmon
resonance [16], piezoelectric resonators [ 17, 181, the quartz
Fig. I . Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cycle. crystal microbalance [19, 201, a surface acoustic wave detector
[21,22], an electrogenerated chemiluminescence cell [23], a light-
3. Bioassays for Sequence-Selective DNA Detection addressable potentiometric sensor [24, 251, and voltammetric
sensors [26-301. Table 2 shows a comparison of the reported
Bioassays for DNA employ labelled, single-stranded oligo- figures of merit for these biosensors. In addition to biosensors
nucleotides, complementary to the analyte sequence, for that exploit the natural selectivity of single-stranded DNA for
detection. These species, called DNA probes [8], hybridize the detection of complementary sequences, biosensors for
with gel- or membrane-immobilized analyte DNA, and the DNA-binding drugs [311 and divalent magnesium [32], based
presence of the detectable label following rinse steps indicates on their binding to DNA immobilized on electrode surfaces,
the presence of the DNA probe's complementary base sequence have also been reported.
in the analyte DNA. DNA probes must be at least 16 bases long, This review focuses on three types of sequence-selective DNA
to selectively recognize a unique human DNA sequence, and biosensor, all of which employ electrochemical methods for
probe lengths of 18 bases to several kilobases have been used. signal transduction [23-301. The detection principles and
Labels include 32P in the 5'-terminal phosphate group, reported applications will be described, and new directions for
fluorophores, and biotin attached to the terminus or to bases, future work will be discussed.
where detection follows incubation with enzyme or fluorophore
conjugates of avidin or streptavidin [9].
DNA testing methods based on PCR and similar reactions
can be made highly selective, but are time-consuming, since
5. Transduction Based on Electrogenerated
PCR itself requires a minimum of one hour, and this is added to Chemiluminescence
the time needed for analyte DNA isolation, DNA probe
hybridization and detection steps. Methods that avoid a This device allows the selective hybridization reactions to
subsequent detection step with DNA probes have used PCR occur in homogeneous solution, where they occur faster than in
primers designed to be selective for the analyte DNA sequence the mass-transport-limited situation where one of the probe
[8], so that the presence or absence of a PCR product provides strands is immobilized [33]. Two DNA probes are used, and
the test result. both are labelled at the 5'-terminus, one with biotin, the capture

Table 2. Survey of reported DNA biosensors.


Trunsducer Immobilization Probe D N A length Target D N A length Assay time Detection limit [a]
method [base] [base] [min] mass molar

Potentiometric (pH) [24, 251 Biotin-streptavidin 20 114 75 30 am01

Voltammetric (carbon) [29, 301 Covalent 18 4000 10 (1.8 fmol)
Voltammetric (gold) [26] Thiol chemisorption 20 4200 60 (0.1 amol)
Electrogenerated chemiluminescence [23] Biotin-streptavidin 20 110 25 lOamol
1829 200 amol
Surface acoustic wave [21, 221 Adsorption 4000 4000 180 (1.5fmol)
Quartz crystal microbalance [19, 201 Thiol chemisorption 10 7249 60 (10 fmol)
Optical fiber (fluor) [13, 141 Covalent 16 16 3 (1 pmol)
Surface plasmon resonance [16] Adsorption 17 97 5 1 fmol

[a] Values in parentheses were calculated from reported detection limits, using a formula weight of 330 g/mol base.

Electroanalysis 1996, 8, No. 1

Electrochemical Biosensors for DNA Sequence Detection 17

polystyrene beads through a nearly 40 nm long DNA fragment,

would not have access to the electrode surface if the magnetic
beads were rigidly held. It is possible that the beads retain some
mobility when held at the working electrode surface, or a freely
diffusing buffer component is oxidized and acts as a mediator to
oxidize bead-bound Ru(bpy)i+ to initiate the reactions that
Counler Counfer ultimately yield light emission.
Electrode Electrode This sensor allows the quantitation of PCR products with a
linear dependence of log(integrated light intensity) on the
Reference logarithm of the quantity of PCR product (in a 50 pL sample)
over three orders of magnitude, with detection limits of 10 amol
I for a short (1 10-base) PCR product, and 200 amol for a longer
+ + (1 829-base) product. The improved detection limits with shorter
PCR products are attributed to a greater bead-binding efficiency
@ for shorter fragments. This may result from diffusion-limited
competitive binding of free (excess) biotinylated primer with
biotinylated PCR product for streptavidin sites, since short
PCR products will compete more effectively by rapid diffusion.

6. Transduction with the Light-Addressable

Fig. 2. Flow cell including DNA biosensor based on transduction by Potentiometric Sensor
electrogenerated chemiluminescence. Reproduced from [23].

reagent for subsequent immobilization, and the other with a Two DNA biosensors using potentiometric transduction have
tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium chelate. The probes are designed been reported by this group: one is designed to quantitate total
to function as PCR primers for amplification of the human p- DNA [25], while the second is designed for sequence-selective
globin gene, which is the target, or analyte DNA sequence. The detection of PCR products [24]. Both rely on the capture of
double-stranded PCR product has biotin attached to the 5'-end biotinylated species onto streptavidin-coated membranes, and
of one strand and the ruthenium chelate bound to the 5'-end of the detection of a local pH change produced at the membrane-
the complementary strand. Following PCR amplification, the covered sensor surface by an enzyme label (urease).
double-stranded product is captured onto streptavidin-coated A diagram of the light-addressable potentiometric sensor is
magnetic polystyrene beads [23]. shown in Figure 3. It consists of a lightly doped (n-type) silicon
The heart of the biosensor is an amperometric flow cell (Fig. plate, covered with a surface layer of silicon nitride, an
2), where a magnetic arm moves to a position directly behind the insulator. The photoresponsive insulator layer is in contact
working electrode to capture and retain the magnetic beads at with electrolyte (the substrate solution), and its position is fixed
the electrode surface. Once retained in this manner, the beads with respect to a light-emitting diode. When the LED is turned
are examined for the presence of the ruthenium chelate, which on and ofl' with a 50% duty cycle, the sensor surface is
emits light (620 nm) when oxidized in the presence tripropyla- alternately illuminated, and an AC photocurrent is generated.
mine. The reactions involved in the electrochemiluminescence The magnitude of the current is related to the potential of the
detection scheme are shown below [34], in Equations 1-5: electrolyte-insulator surface, which is controlled by the solution
pH. With urea hydrolysis producing a continuous change in pH,
Ru(bpy)? -+ Ru(bpy)if + e- (1)
results are expressed as a change in potential with time, with
(CH3CH2CH2)3N-+ (CH3CH2CH2)3N"e- (2) magnitudes as large as 5mV/s, where a 1 mV/s signal change
( C H ~ C H Z C H ~' +) ~+N corresponds to a rate of change of pH of about 1 pH unit per
H+ + (CH3CH2CH2)2N '+- CHpCH2CH3 (3) The total DNA sensor [25] allows binding between a
thermally-denatured DNA sample, biotin-labelled single-
Ru(bpy):+ + (CH3CH2CH2)2N.+- CH-CH2CH3 +
stranded DNA binding protein, a monoclonal anti-DNA-
Ru (bpy):+* + (CH3CH2CH2)2 N+=CHCH2 CH3 (4) urease conjugate, and streptavidin to occur in homogeneous
solution. Streptavidin is a tetrameric protein, with four biotin-
Ru(bpy):+* + Ru(bpy)? + hv (620nm) (5) binding sites per molecule. The multivalency of streptavidin for
Oxidized tripropylamine (Eq. 2) is converted to an unstable, biotin allows capture of the reaction product, (streptavidin):
highly reducing intermediate via deprotonation (Eq. 3), which (biotin-DNA-binding protein):DNA:(anti-DNA-Urease), onto
reacts with the oxidized ruthenium chelate to generate the a biotinylated nitrocellulose membrane. An excess of all
chemiluminescent form (Eq. 4). A voltage ramp is applied to the reagents are added to the denatured DNA sample so that the
working electrode, and the instrument detects a peak in light DNA is quantitatively bound by the proteins, and thus
emission intensity, which is integrated over a two-second quantitatively labelled with urease. Urease hydrolyses urea to
interval. Emitted light is detected by a photomultiplier tube ammonium, bicarbonate and hydroxide ions, and its high
located directly opposite the surface of the working electrode. turnover number results in a measurable increase of pH with
It is surprising that the ruthenium chelate label on the bead- time when excess urea is present in a dilute buffer.
bound, double-stranded DNA has access to the electrode The single-stranded DNA binding protein possesses a binding
surface for oxidation (Eq. 1). The large signals seen for the site size of between 33 and 65 bases, while anti-DNA reacts with
shortest (1 10 base-pair) fragment suggest a different mechanism, a 20-base-long site on single-stranded DNA. Thus, a strand
since most of the ruthenium chelate, attached to the 4.5pm length of at least 85 bases is necessary for DNA quantitation.

Electroanalysis 1996, 8, No. 1

18 S. R. Mikkelsen

fragment gave a response of only 200pV/s. This signal

dependence on target length is attributed to the steric hindrance
of binding reactions during the hybridization, capture or
Stick enzyme conjugate steps. The authors report a detection limit
of 30 amol, for a 114-base PCR product, with negligible
Vanable Bias Voltage interference from irrelevant DNA sequences up to 10 pg levels,
and suggest that improved detection limits could be achieved
through the use of multiple fluorescein labels per probe and
smaller target fragments.

Elenrode 7. Voltammetric Transduction

Substrate 7.1. Measurement of Peak Currents
Our work in this area was first reported in 1992, with the
development of a new electrochemical method for detecting
DNA covalently bound to carbon electrode surfaces [36, 371.
Double-stranded DNA was detected voltammetrically, in the
presence of tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)cobalt(rrr), a complex which had
1 I piasiic Plunger been shown to associate reversibly through electrostatic
interactions with the minor groove of double-helical DNA
Sensor [38]. Electrode-bound DNA shows no electroactivity over the
Nitrocellulose Membrane + 1.0 to -0.9V (vs. SCE) potential range, and the cobalt
complex is reversibly electroactive (le) with a formal potential
of + 0.11 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). Thus, voltammetry at the modified
carbon electrode, using a dilute solution of the cobalt complex,
shows preconcentration of the complex at the electrode surface,
resulting in larger peak currents than expected for a diffusing
redox couple.
Fig. 3. DNA biosensor using the light-addressable potentiometric sensor Immobilization chemistry was later improved by employing
for signal transduction. Reproduced from [25].
N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide (NHS) with the water-soluble
carbodiimide reagent used to activate carboxylate groups on
The authors report that DNA fragments 603 to 118 bases long the glassy carbon electrode surface [30]. Single-stranded DNA,
are quantitated with decreasing efficiency, and that short DNA covalently bound to these groups through deoxyguanosine
fragments (25-72 bases) inhibit detection of longer DNA residues, was readily distinguished from double-stranded DNA
strands. The authors do not state whether the inhibition formed upon hybridization, by voltammetric peak current
mechanism involves competition for the DNA-binding proteins magnitudes for M solutions of Co(bpy)z+. Furthermore,
(a situation where increased reagent concentrations would both the hybridization and detection steps employ noncovalent
eradicate the problem) or competition of short streptavidin- binding, and the original conditions at the electrode surface
labelled DNA fragments (too short to bind to the anti-DNA- could be regenerated by simply rinsing the sensor with hot,
urease conjugate) for biotinylated sites on the membrane. The distilled water, so that only single-stranded DNA remained
authors report that DNA 872 bases long is quantitatively bound to the sensor surface. A model sensor consisting of a 20-
bound, and a detection limit of 2pg was reported for calf mer of thymidylic acid, enzymatically elongated with deox-
thymus DNA [25]. yguanosine residues to allow immobilization, showed selective
More recently, the same group has reported a scheme for the hybridization and detection of the complementary polydeox-
sequence-selective detection of PCR products with the light- yadenylic acid, poly(dA), with no signal increase seen after
addressable potentiometric sensor [24], using two DNA probes, exposure to an alternating copolymer of deoxyadenosine and
one labelled with biotin and the other with fluorescein, instead thymidine residues, poly(dAdT).
of the DNA-binding proteins used in the total DNA sensor. In Extension of this work to a practical application employed
this work, analyte DNA (PCR product) is denatured and carbon paste electrodes modified by the inclusion of 5% stearic
incubated with the two DNA probes. The probes anneal to the acid, and examined the cystic fibrosis AF508 deletion sequence
same target DNA strand in different locations, and then associated with 70% of cystic fibrosis patients and carriers [29].
streptavidin is added to the solution to capture the probe- By performing hybridization reactions at 43"C, it was possible
target hybrids onto a biotinylated nitrocellulose membrane to detect the disease sequence, with the three-base deletion, but
filter. The membranes are incubated with an anti-fluorescein- not the normal DNA sequence contained in synthetic oligo-
urease conjugate to quantitatively label fluoresceinated DNA deoxynucleotides. The detection limit obtained for a 4000-base
probes with urease. Urease activity is measured in the presence fragment of DNA was 2.5 ng, or 1.8 frnol.
of excess urea by the same method used in the total DNA sensor. A recent report [26] of a similar voltammetric DNA sensor
It is interesting to note that this sensor for selective PCR shows that a different immobilization method and the use of a
product quantitation yields the largest signals for the shortest different indicator species yield much lower detection limits.
PCR products, in contrast to the total DNA sensor. Three fmol Hashimoto et al. labelled a single-stranded, synthetic DNA
of a 100-base target DNA fragment yielded a response of over probe with a terminal thiol group, allowing chemisorption to a
800,uV/s, while the same molar quantity of a 7.76 kilobase gold electrode surface. Detection of immobilized DNA was

Electronnalysis 1996, 8, No. I

Electrochemical Biosensors for DNA Sequence Detection 19

accomplished by linear-sweep voltammetry, following a 5-min 9. Acknowledgement

exposure to a lOP4M solution of the redox-active DNA
intercalant Hoescht 33258, a bis(benzimide) dye, followed by a
Financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
5-min rinse with buffer. Clearly, the dye interacts strongly
Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged.
enough with immobilized DNA that the rinse step does not
remove DNA-bound dye, so that much smaller signals are
observed prior to the hybridization step that forms double-
stranded DNA at the electrode surface. A detection limit of
g/mL is reported for a 4200-base target sequence.
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Electroanalysis 1996, 8, No. 1

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