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Table of Contents
Player Rules
A Frontier World in Deep Space 4
Create a Character 5
Gear & Services 10
Armour & Weapons 12
Vehicles 14
Weapon & Armour Modifications 16

Vehicle Modifications 17
How to Play 18
Crafting & Repair 22

Arts 23
Gambling 28
Carousing 29
Star Master Resources
Running Demon Star 32
Adventure Tools 33
Treasure Tools 37

Campaign Tools

Running Creatures
e 38

Aliens 50
Demons 52
Fey 54
Genobeasts 56
Robots 59
Terrans 60

Undead 61

Demon Star v 1.00 ©2023 Steak Island Publishing. Written by Gavin Rourke.
Artwork by © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission, all rights reserved, Jeremy Hart (AKA
Jhillos), Jeshields, Claudio Casini, Brett Neufeld, Dave Allsop, Diego Castro, Jacob Blackmon, Indi
Martin © 2015, Sojourner Games & Konrad Kalinowska, Bradley K McDevitt, Widodo Pangarso
published by, Some artwork © 2020-2021 Earl Geier, used with permission, all

rights reserved, Daniel Comerci –, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick
Hershey / Fat Goblin Games, Jeremy Mohler, Standard Stock Art: Issue(XX) by Outland
Entertainment, and Postmortem Studios (James Desborough) 2021
Playtested by Clint Schroeder, Jason Beattie, Kyle Anderson.
Dedicated to Freya, Astrid, and Jae-Yeon.

Inspirational Media:
Video games: Phantasy Star IV, Final Fantasy VI, Shenmue, Metroid, Shinobi III, King’s Field IV
Films: Blade Runner, Akira, Alien, Vampire Hunter D, The Thing, The Empire Strikes Back
TV: Cowboy Bebop, Tintin, Star Trek: TNG, Batman TAS, Talespin, Invader Zim, X-Men TAS
Books: The Odyssey, The Hobbit, Moonraker, Dracula, At The Mountains of Madness
Tabletop games: Into The Odd, Mausritter, Dolmenwood, Stars Without Number, & OSR writ large
A Frontier
World In
Deep Space
Terrans left earth millennia ago. A new civilization was forged on the arid world, Eremos, 92 light years away.
Terraforming made this new home a paradise of pleasure and complacency, but it was not to last. Whether by

malevolent outsiders, rogue AI, or genobeast outbreaks, the cause of the decline was lost to history. Eremos
returned to its natural state. Its Terran population hangs by a thread.
By some twist of fate, you are an adventurer. You have eschewed the diminishing comforts of domestic life to
strike out into the world. The Algol Star System is vast and full of untold secrets: abandoned laboratories,

wizard’s towers, and outer space castles abound. Their treasures are ripe for the taking. Their evils threaten all
Terran-kind. Only the brave and the foolish stand to prosper in the worlds orbiting the Demon Star.

Create a Character O
To create your Player Character (PC), you’ll first III. Record Inventory Slots .
need a character sheet for recording information—
a blank sheet of paper or printed sheet will suffice. Your character has two types of inventory Slots,
Stowed and Equipped.
I. Roll Attributes . I. Equipped Slots
Your character has three attribute scores, which Characters can Equip up to 3 items on their
represent the base of their abilities: person: one item in each hand slot (or one large
item in both) and one armour in their torso slot.
• BODY: physical prowess, resilience, agility

II. Stowed Slots
• MIND: acuity, spirit, mental fortitude
The majority of your character’s items will be
• LUCK: intuition, charisma, fate Stowed in their pack. They may carry a number of
Stowed items equal to their BODY attribute (ex.

To determine each attribute, roll 4d4. Record the if your BODY is 8 then you can stow 8 items). The
result of the three highest dice, between 3-12. SM may rule that a large or bulky item counts as 2
items or can’t be Stowed. Your backpack, wallet,
II. Calculate Ability Pools . flask, and clothing don’t count toward this total.
Next, determine your character’s three Ability You are always assumed to have these. Also, many
Pools: Hit Points, Soul Points, and Fate Points. items can be combined into stacks of 3.

Your Hit Points (HP) are equal to your

IV. Buy Equipment .
BODY + 1d4-per-Level. HP is a mix of stamina,
combat instinct, “narrative armour”, and your
e Nero (₦) are the standard currency on Eremos.
ability to shrug off grazing blows. This represents Your starting nero are equal to your LUCK X 10.
the amount of damage you can negate before Each character also starts with the following:
sustaining significant injuries or death. • an Electric Torch (90 minute duration)
Your Soul Points (SP) are equal to • 3 Rations (each restores 1d4+1 HP)
(MIND + Level) / 2, rounded down. SP represents • a Refreshing Drink (restores 2d4+1 HP)
willpower, mental resilience, and how often you
• 1 random item from Pocket Litter (pg. 9)
can use Arts.
• 1 random item from Simple Tools (pg. 10)
Your total Fate Points (FP) are equal to your
Purchase preferred Weapons and Armour
LUCK / 3, rounded down. FP represents the
separately (pg. 12).
degree to which you can alter your fate.

V. Determine Job .......
Your Job is what you were before the game began. Roll or choose a Job and record its bonuses. In addition
to these bonuses, the SM may at their discretion choose to grant contextual bonuses if and when it is
deemed your background would warrant it. You may also create new Job types if the SM permits it.


1 Black Mage Perk: Magic-User +1 MIND

• +1 random Umbral Art. Invent new Umbral Arts if SM approves.
• You can detect magic at will. Spend 1 FP to identify magic items.

2 Cyborg +1 BODY Perk: Brawny
• Has infravision. Can equip up to 3 Vehicle Mods. Can be repaired as a vehicle.
• Survives Mortal Wounds if repaired within 1 week (assuming wreckage isn’t further destroyed).

3 Detective Perk: Perceptive Perk: Knowledgeable
• Spend 2 FP to petition the SM for a hint. Spend 1 FP to gather a random Rumour.
• Spend 2 FP to glean a person’s general whereabouts from talking to people.

4 Genoman Perk: Regenerative +1 BODY & MIND

Perk: Acrobatic —1 LUCK
• Spend 1 SP for an extra Move Action. 10 year lifespan.

5 Hunter Perk: Outdoorsman Perk: Dead Shot

6 Kickboxer
• Make weapon Mods from slain creatures; when equipped, ATK is Enhanced vs that creature.
• Spend 1 SP to forage herbs to emulate any 1 Consumable. Invent new potions if SM agrees.

Perk: Martial Artist Perk: Alert

• +1 random Unarmed Art. Invent new Unarmed Arts if SM approves.
• Replenish 1 SP whenever you roll doubles on an ATK.

7 Machinist Perk: Handy Perk: Programmer

• Build and repair gear at 50% cost. Invent your own, subject to SM approval.
• Can dissemble 10 nero worth of items into 1 Spare Parts.

8 Soldier Perk: Sturdy Perk: Die Hard

• HP gain from Second Wind is doubled. Spend 2 SP to make a free ATK after felling an enemy
• Spend 1 SP to make an ATK Enhanced. Spend 1 SP to make an ATK against you Impaired.

9 Swordmaster Perk: Martial Artist Perk: Alert

• +1 random Sword Art. Invent new Sword Arts if SM approves.

• Replenish 1 SP whenever you fell an opponent.

10 Thief Perk: Deft Hands Perk: Sneaky

• Sneak Attacks deal triple damage. Spend 1 FP to dodge an attack as a free action (not AOE).
• Spend 3 FP to escape a dangerous situation, ending turn in an unobserved location Nearby.

11 Vagrant Perk: Pilot +1 LUCK

• Spend 1 SP to succeed at a First Strike Test. Spend 1 FP to force any re-roll.
• Pick a lucky number between 1-20. Recover 1 FP whenever you roll that number on Tests.

12 White Mage Perk: Magic-User +1 Mind

• Spend 1 FP to perform an Exorcism. Prompts Morale Test for a nearby Undead, Demon, or Fey.
• +1 random Radiant Art. Invent new Radiant Arts if SM approves.. Can detect nearby Undead.

VI. Choose a Perk .......
All PCs start with 1 bonus Perk at Level 1 and are automatically considered Proficient with their
starting weapon. Additionally, those with a BODY/MIND/LUCK between 3-7 gain 1 extra Perk for each
lesser score. For example, a character with BODY 7, MIND 6, and LUCK 5 would start with 4 bonus Perks,
whereas a character with BODY 8, MIND 9, and LUCK 10 would start with 1 bonus Perk. Note that
overlapping Perks granting Advantage don’t provide any additional benefit.


11 Acrobatic Acrobatics Tests gain Advantage (ex. parkour, jumping, climbing, 0 gravity, etc).

12 Adept +1 Soul Point.

13 Alert First Strike Tests gain Advantage.

14 Die Hard Mortal Wound Tests gain Advantage.

15 Assassin Sneak Attacks are Enhanced.

16 Brawny Strength Tests gain Advantage (ex. pushing, pulling, lifting, breaking).

17 Dead Shot Far attacks are rolled normally (not Impaired).

18 Deft Hands Dexterity Tests gain Advantage (ex. sleight of hand, picking locks).

21 DIY Invent a Perk not covered by this list. Confirm that the SM approves.

22 Dual-Wielder When dual-wielding, roll damage for both weapons and take highest 2 results.

23 Grappler Grappling Tests gain Advantage (throw, push, trip, pin).

24 Handy Repair and Crafting Tests gain Advantage.

25 Knowledgeable General Knowledge Tests gain Advantage.

26 Latent Ability +1 to either BODY, MIND, or LUCK (Maximum 15 per stat).

27 Magic-User You can learn Magic Arts. Gain 1 random Magic Art (Radiant or Umbral).

28 Martial Artist You can learn Combat Arts. Gain 1 random Combat Art (Unarmed or Sword).

31 Mastery Rank I Increase SP Dice for one Art style to d6 (default is d4).

32 Mastery Rank II Increase SP Dice for one Art style to d8. Prereq. Mastery Rank I

33 Medic Medical Tests gain Advantage.

34 Outdoorsman Outdoor Survival, Tracking, and Overland Navigation Tests gain Advantage.

35 Pack Rat +3 Stow Slots.

36 Passive Income Gain [(MIND+LUCK) x 10] nero on the 1st of each real-world month.

37 Perceptive Perception Tests gain Advantage.


38 Persuasive Social Tests gain Advantage.

41 Pilot Piloting and Ship Navigation Tests gain Advantage.

42 Proficient You gain proficiency with a chosen weapon type.

43 Programmer Software and Hacking Tests gain Advantage.

44 Regenerative Fully heal Hit Points OR Soul Points from Long Rests (unless Injured).

45 Snake Eater Tests against poison, paralysis, radiation or disease gain Advantage.

46 Sneaky Stealth and Disguise Tests gain Advantage.

47 Striker Exploding Dice threshold reduced by 1 for initial roll (ex. 11-12 on 2d6).

48 Sturdy +2 Hit Points.

VII. Distinguishing Features .
Roll or choose your name and 1-2 starting
motives, then write a 1-2 sentence description of
your character (or draw them). Whatever your
goals may be, try to keep them conducive to
cooperation with your group, and remember that
your character can grow and change over time.

d66 Female Male Neutral Surname

11 Alsi Akaz Addo Ashley

12 Atra Alin Ains Bonnaro
13 Alys Alyk Bilk Black
14 Amie Berk Bleb Brangwin
15 Demi Chaz Bloo Cole

16 Elys Dorn Chae Drethor
21 Eris Draz Cidd Eckener
22 Faye Drym Drex Godwin
23 Frey Eryk Ensy Golwich
24 Gabi Gryz Ewat Gorski
25 Gwyn Gyun Flen Hawthorn
26 Inga Hahn Glup Kain
34 Kapa Kato Jork Murdock 1 Avoid Responsibilities / Distract Self
35 Kloe Krys Kaie Merrick 2 Camaraderie / Bolster Group’s Interests
36 Kypa Kurt Khal Ohnley 3 Escape from an Enemy, the Law, Disaster
41 Kyra Kurz Lupi Ovirowa 4 Find a Person, Place, or Thing
42 Lena Kwim Malv Plonway 5 Fulfill a Promise

43 Lyra Lyle Migs Razney 6 Overcome a Weakness, Fear or Addiction

44 Mari Miko Nyal Sage 7 Overthrow an Established Power / Rebel
45 Mera Mort Oblo Shakzar 8 Pay a Debt
46 Myka Lemy Plag Solensan 8 Protect a Person, Place, or Thing
51 Nei Oren Quin Spiegel 9 Prove your Worthiness / Gain Acceptance
52 Osha Raja Quol Steiner 10 Return Home or Establish a New Home

53 Pana Rhys Rans Terpsichor 11 Revenge / Spite / Jealousy / Hatred

54 Rita Rudo Sago Thompson 12 Right a Past Wrong / Seek Forgiveness
55 Rika Rune Saye Tivruski 13 Scientific Discovery / Pursuit of Knowledge
56 Ryli Spike Shim Valentine 14 Self-Improvement / Self-Mastery
61 Saya Sten Spog Walsh 15 Spread and/or Uphold Your Ideology
62 Thea Takk Swin Wrethor 16 Survival
63 Trys Watz Tran Yenrai 17 Treasure / Power / Renown / Competition
64 Tyri Wren Upsi Yimpa 18 Uncover a Secret
65 Yipa Wrex Vlaw Yung 19 Uphold the Law / Follow Your Orders
66 Xara Zimm Zhol Zirski 20 Wanderlust / Find Meaning / Thrill-Seeking

VIII. Roll for Pocket Litter . IX. Experience & Advancement .
Roll for a random low-value item your character PCs can earn Experience Points (XP) in 4 ways:
starts with:
• Combat. Vanquished foes grant XP. This
d68 ITEM cumulative amount is divided between all
members of the party equally. Total XP is
11 Antique coins 41 Mask increased/diminished by 25%+ if one side is
12 Candy bar 42 Mirror outnumbered 2:1 or more.
13 Capsule toys (10) 43 Music box • Evasion. Clever circumvention grants 25% XP.
14 Card deck 44 Necklace • Training. Gain XP by paying for training.
• Quests. Accomplishing a goal or completing an

15 Chakra crystals 45 Newspaper
adventure should grant each character a
16 Checker board 46 Ouija board
variable amount of XP per SM’s discretion.
17 Cigarettes + lighter 47 Padlock + key
18 Comb & brush 48 Painkillers (10) Level

Your character begins at Level 1. The following
21 Cowbell 51 Paint
table shows how much XP is required to gain
22 Diary 52 Pen and notepad additional Levels.
23 Disk Drive 53 Perfume
Level Hit Points Perks XP
24 Earbuds + player 54 Photograph
1 BODY + 1d4 1 0
25 Elastic bands (10) 55 Prophylactic
2 + 1d4 +1 20
26 Eyeglass case 56 RC car (toy)
3 + 1d4 +1 60
27 Fancy Handkerchief 57 Ring
Fishing rod
Garrote wire
61 Sack of marbles
62 Soap
58 Sack of doorknobs
+ 1d4
+ 1d4
+ 1d4
+ 1d4
33 Holy symbol 63 Spare socks
8 + 1d4 +1 560
34 Hourglass 64 Stuffed animal
9 + 1d4 +1 720
35 Letter 65 Tennis balls (3)
10 + 1d4 +1 900
36 Lewd magazine 66 Tongs
11 + 1d4 +1 1,100
37 Magic beans 67 Treasure map
12 + 1d4 +1 1,320

38 Magnet set 68 Twine

13 + 1d4 +1 1,560
14 + 1d4 +1 1,820
15 + 1d4 +1 2,100
16 + 1d4 +1 2,400
17 + 1d4 +1 2,720

18 + 1d4 +1 3,060
19 + 1d4 +1 3,420
20 + 1d4 +1 3,800

When you earn enough XP to advance your Level,

use this procedure:
Roll HP: Roll 1d4 and add it to your total HP.

Calibrate SP: SP is (MIND+Level) / 2. Check to see

if your SP has improved.
Choose a New Perk: At each Level, you may
choose or roll for an additional Perk. Refer to the
Perk chart (page 7).

Gear & Services O
All prices are in nero (₦), the standard currency in
Simple Tools
the Algol star system. Nero can be cash or digital.
• All simple tools can be stacked in groups of 3.
Services d66 ITEM COST (₦)
ITEM COST (₦) 11 Acid, 1 flask 5
1 Bedroom Apartment—1 month 200 12 Adhesive 7
Cloning—must usually present death 13 Bedroll 15
certificate to retrieve clone)

14 Binoculars 65
Emergency Room—Mortally Wounded
50 Book
character rolls BODY Test to live 15 10
Hospital Bed—1 day (halves Injury 15 16 Bottle 4

recovery time)
21 Bucket 5
Hostel Bed—1 day 5
22 Camera 50
Inn Room—1 day 10
23 Camping Pot 15
Repair Vehicle—1 HP 10
24 Camping Stove 15
Warehouse—1 month 1,000
25 Cattle Prod 40
Consumables 26 Chalk 1

• All consumables can be stacked in groups of 3 31 Chloroform 18

Cure poison/radiation
Restore 2d6+2 HP
e 10
₦ 32
Collapsible Box
Duct Tape
Eye Drops Cure temp. blindness 12 35 Grappling Hook 25
Infused Green Tea Restore 1d4+1 SP 8 36 Grease, 1 pint 1
Meal (mid range) Restore 1d8+1 HP 15 41 Hammer 7
Restore 1 FP, max HP 42 Hunting Trap 6
Pipe Tobacco reduced by 10% for 3
remainder of session 43 Magnifying Glass 5

Succeed at Creature 44 Match Box 3

Poison Test or become Mortally 15 45 Metal File 4
46 Net 8
Rations, 1 day Restore 1d4+1 HP 2
51 Oil, 1 pint 3
Refreshing Drink Restore 2d4+1 HP 8
52 Pickaxe 30
Stim-Pack Cure paralysis/fear/daze 14

Street Food Restore 1d6+1 HP 7 53 Rope, 50’ 15

54 Power Tool 20
55 Pressurized Tent 55
56 Spare Parts 10
61 Shovel 35
62 Steel Spikes (10) 4
63 Telescoping Pole, 10’ 25
64 Thermal Blanket 12
65 Torch, electric 10
66 Whistle 8

Advanced Tools Hired Help

Bear Spray Temporarily Blinds (1 use) 30 Labourer, HP 11, ATK d6+d4, DEF 1 10

Can attempt to heal Mortal Mercenary, HP 14, ATK 2d6, DEF 2 20

Bio-stabilizer 150
Wounds (Medicine Test).
Physician, HP 6, ATK d6+d4, DEF 1 60
Charger Recharges an S Battery in 1
(solar) Watch. Scholar, HP 4, ATK 2d4, DEF 1 30
Geno Bait Genobeasts drawn to site. 20
Technician, HP 9, d6+d4, DEF 1 50
Grapnel Gun Launch grappling hook Far. 80

Can communicate with
Field Radio
targets up to 10 miles away.
40 Upgrade
Slowly cut through walls. ITEM EFFECT (₦)
Laser Cutter 400
S Battery (10). Can attach 1 Vehicle Mod to

Cybernetics 500
Detects/identifies magic. your body or replace a limb.
Magic Tester 75
S Battery (10).
Normal HP recovery despite Training
Medkit Injury or use to stave off
death for d20 hours (3 uses) ITEM COST (₦) XP bonus

Required for repairs or Training (per day) 20 1

Metatool 40
picking locks.
S Battery Standard-use battery. 10
e Luxury Items
V Battery Powers vehicle Mods. 100 ITEM COST (₦)

Translate languages. 1 20-Year-Old Whisky 150

Translator Watch of observation to add 70 Artwork 400
a new language to database.
Castle 90,000

Transportation Designer Clothes 100

ITEM COST (₦) House 20,000

Flight (interplanetary) 300 Monument 5,000

Flight (planetary) 150 Musical Instrument 200


Taxi (per mile) 5 Penthouse 150,000

Public Hospital 110,000
Public Transit (monthly) 25

Weapons & Armour
• Slots: 1 Hand


Graphite Shield +1 30
Laser Barrier +2 3,000

Torso Armour
• Slots: Torso


Leather Cuirass +1 30
Carbon Suit +2 500
Titanium Mail +3 5,200 Daggers
Cyber Suit +4 14,000 • Slots: 1 Hand Range: Near if thrown, else Close
• Requirement: 5 BODY + Proficiency
White Mantle +1 SP 50
Psychic Robe +1 +2 SP 600 WEAPON ATK COST

Silver Mantle +1 +3 SP 4,800 Titanium Dagger d6+d4 18

Phantasmal Robe


• Slots: 2 Hands Range: Close

+4 SP
12,000 Ceramic Knife
Laser Knife
Plasma Knife
Guardian Dagger
• Requirement: 10 BODY + Proficiency
• Slow: Roll First Strike Tests w/ Disadvantage.
WEAPON ATK COST • Slots: 1 Hand + 1 Stowed (fuel) Range: Near
Titanium Axe 2d8 50 • Requirement: 8 BODY + Proficiency
Giga Axe d10+d8 680 • Spread: Hits 2 targets in Close-sized cube

Laser Axe 2d10 2,850 WEAPON ATK COST

Plasma Axe d12+d10 6,700 Flamethrower 2d6 90

Guardian Axe 2d12 11,000 Inferno Gun d8+d6 1,360
Conflagration Blaster 2d8 3,200
Claws Vulcan Launcher d10+d8 6,000
• Slots: 1 Hand Range: Close Black Dragon 2d10 10,000

• Requirement: 7 BODY + Proficiency

• Bleed: Each attack against the same creature
adds +d4 damage starting next turn.
• Slots: 1 Hand Range: Close
WEAPON ATK COST • Requirement: 5 BODY + Proficiency
Steel Claw 2d6 24
Sabre Claw d8+d6 480
Fists 2d3 0
Laser Claw 2d8 2,750
Power Gloves 2d4 33
Thunder Claw d10+d8 5,800
Laser Puncher d6+d4 310
Guardian Claw 2d10 9,500
Plasma Knuckles 2d6 2,950
God Hands d8+d6 6,200

Handguns Shuriken
• Slots: 1 Hand Range: Far • Slots: 1 Hand Range: Near
• Requirement: 6 BODY + Proficiency • Requirement: 8 BODY + Proficiency
• Special: BODY Test to Daze target
Needle Gun d6+d4 50
Throwing Stars (10) 2d4 7
Sonic Gun 2d6 500
Titanium Stars (10) d6+d4 170
Acid Gun d8+d6 2,000
Laser Stars (10) 2d6 690
Laser Gun 2d8 6,900
Plasma Stars (10) d8+d6 1,500
Photon Gun

d10+d8 10,000
Demon Stars (10) 2d8 2,000

Improvised Weapon
• Slots: Variable Range: Variable

• Requirement: 5 BODY • Slots: 1 Hand Range: Far
• Requirement: 8 BODY + Proficiency
• Special: Hits 3 targets in a Near-Sized cube.
Improvised Weapon 2d4 d6+d4 n/a
Boomerang 2d4 15
Slasher d6+d4 535
• Slots: 2 Hands Range: Far
• Requirement: 7 BODY + Proficiency Titanium Slasher 2d6 1,670
• Charge: Can forfeit your turn to fire an
Enhanced shot at double damage next turn.
• Slow: Roll First Strike Tests w/ Disadvantage.


Laser Slasher
Moon Slasher

Sonic Rifle d8+d6 60
• Slots: 1 or 2 Hands Range: Close
Plasma Rifle 2d8 820
• Requirement: 8 BODY + Proficiency
Napalm Shot d10+d8 2,960
Plasma Launcher 2d10 6,800
Steel Sword 2d6 d8+d6 55
Photon Eraser d12+d10 11,200
Titanium Sword d8+d6 2d8 830

Rods Laser Sword 2d8 d10+d8 2,320

Plasma Sword d10+d8 2d10 5,900
• Slots: 1 Hand Range: Close
• Requirement: 5 BODY Guardian Sword 2d10 d12+d10 10,000
• Special: Can reroll all SP Dice. Use new result.
Wood Rod

2d4 9 • Slots: 1 Hand Range: Near

Silver Rod d6+d4 690 • Requirement: 8 BODY + Proficiency
• Special: Can pull, trip, & drag from Near
Dream Rod 2d6 1,960
Force Rod d8+d6 5,280 WEAPON ATK COST

Guardian Rod 2d8 10,200 Bullwhip d6+d4 30

Chain Whip 2d6 780
Laser Whip d8+d6 2,000
Plasma Whip 2d8 6,500
Guardian Whip d10+d8 12,500

Vehicles O
Vehicles include various machines used for Landcraft
combat, transport, or reconnaissance.
Automobiles are armed with standard energy
beam cannons for warding off Genobeast attacks.
Drones are unmanned vehicles built for scouting or Plasma Bike
light combat. A PC can pilot drones remotely or
• Cheap, quick transport (Large)
automate them.
HP 31 ATK d8+d6 Near

DEF 3 MOVE Distant
• Lightweight, fast support unit XP 55 COST 900
HP 9 ATK d6+d4 Close CREW 2

XP 10 COST 300 Land Rover
Quick. Always acts in First Strike Round. • Armoured car for desert environs (Huge)
HP 56 ATK 2d10 Far
Tank Droid DEF 4 MOVE Distant
• Light combat machine (Large) XP 105 COST 4,000
HP 26 ATK d8+d6 Far CREW 6
Slow. Never acts in First Strike Round

Ice Digger
• Carves roads through ice fields (Huge)
HP 71 ATK d12+d10 Far

DEF 5 MOVE Distant

XP 135 COST 7,000
• Flying observation unit
HP 14 ATK 2d6 Far
Hydro Cruiser
• Hovercraft for land & water (Huge)
XP 20 COST 650
HP 66 ATK d12+d10 Far
DEF 5 MOVE Distant
XP 125 COST 9,600

Mechs Aircraft
Large, armoured robots piloted by people. Mechs Aircraft connect the disparate civilizations in the
are primarily used for warfare or banditry. Algol Star System. None have faster-than-light
capability so reaching distant stars requires hyper-
Mobile Armour sleep and a few decades to spare.
• 10’ close-combat machine (Large)
Jump Jet
HP 36 ATK 2d8 Close
• Interplanetary starfighter (Large)
HP 41 ATK 2d8 Distant
XP 65 COST 6,000
DEF 3 MOVE Distant

XP 75 COST 15,000

Battle Mech CREW 6

• 20’ tall mid-size walker (Huge)
HP 61 ATK 2d10 Far
XP 115 COST 19,000

• Medium escort ship (Huge)
HP 71 ATK d12+d10 Distant
DEF 5 MOVE Distant
XP 135 COST 75,000


• Attack ship suited to long-distances (Huge)
HP 84 ATK d20+d6 Distant

DEF 6 MOVE Distant

Giant Robot
XP 160 COST 140,000
• 100’ tall death machine (Colossal)
HP 96 ATK d20+d12 Distant
DEF 6 MOVE Far Capital Ship
XP 195 COST 170,000 • Huge freighter-class attack ship (Colossal)
CREW 4 HP 99 ATK d20+d12 Distant
DEF 6 MOVE Distant
XP 200 COST 200,000

Weapon & Armour Modifications
Armour can have up to 3 Mods attached at once. Weapons can only have 1 Mod at a time.


11 Adamantine Coat Claws Claws cut through any surface. Ignore half target’s DEF. 1,400

12 Auto Turret Rifle Rifle attacks on its own. ATK is Impaired. S Battery (10). 800

13 Centrifuge Axe Spin attack hits all Close creatures. S Battery (10). 700

14 Cloaking Device Armour Stealth Tests gain Advantage. S Battery (90 min). 1,600

15 Consecrate Whip Whip ATK Enhanced against Undead. 250

16 Electro Whip Whip ATK Enhanced; Doubled against Robots. S Battery (10). 1,500

17 Environment Suit Armour Withstand extreme hot/cold. S Battery (90 min). 900

18 Explosive Shot Handgun ATK hits all creatures in a Close-Sized cube. S Battery (10). 800

21 Fire Shuriken Shuriken ATK Enhanced. 10 uses only. 100

22 Force Puncher Fist Fist attacks are extended to Near-range. 600

23 Grav Suit Armour Move normal speed in water/zero G. S Battery (60 min). 780

24 Head Lamp Armour Bright light. S Battery (90 min). Dim setting lasts 1 month. 50

25 Inferno Blade Sword ATK Enhanced from extreme heat. S Battery (10). 1,600




Fly at Near speed. S Battery (15 min).

See and attack through non-lead walls. S Battery (5).


28 Magic Dagger Dagger Spend 1 SP to Enhance thrown dagger. Dagger returns. 320

31 Night Vision Armour Available light is intensified. S Battery (90 min). 280

32 Overshield Shield Wielder is impervious for 1 Round. S Battery (3). 880

33 Portal Gun Handgun Create portal to a Far location within sight. S Battery (10). 1,800

34 Proximity Mine Rifle Auto-ATK Near-sized cube if any move Close. S Battery (5). 830

35 Reflect Shield Shield Deflect magic or projectiles back at enemy. S Battery (5) 1,300

36 Respirator Armour Breath in water, outer space, or toxins. S Battery (90 min). 250

37 Seeker Shot Rifle Shot ignores target’s Defence. S Battery (5). 850

38 Shock Defence Armour 2d4 electric damage to melee attackers. S Battery (10). 780

41 Smart Throw Slicer Attack enemies around corners. S Battery (10). 560

42 Sound Insulator Handgun Attacks make no sound. 170

43 Speed Booster Armour Move rate increased to Far. S Battery (10). 630

44 Stasis Beam Rifle PC rolls BODY Test to hit. Foe must succeed at Creature 750
Test or be Paralyzed for 1 turn. S Battery (10).
45 Storage Upgrade Armour Carry +3 stowed items 300

46 Sticky Gloves Fist Climb sheer surfaces with ease. 500

47 Tranquilizer Handgun BODY Test to aim. Target must succeed at Creature Test or 300
fall asleep for 1 hour. 5 uses.
48 User-Repair Suit Armour Suit repairs 1 HP every 10 minutes. S Battery (90 min). 500

Vehicle Modifications
Up to 3 Vehicle Mods can be attached to Vehicles or Cyborgs. Cybernetics-enhanced characters can
attach 1.


1 Advanced Nav Any Advantage on First Strike Test. N/A 1,000
2 Chainsaw Sword d20+d8 damage instead of ATK. S Battery (10) Close 10,000
Drop bomb onto a Near-Sized cube for 2d20
3 Cluster Bomb Aircraft Close 6,000

damage. V Battery (5)
Target must roll a Creature Test or be
4 Death Ray Mechs Far 25,000
disintegrated. V Battery (5)
Drones 2d8 damage to all creatures in a Close-sized cube.
5 Explosive Shot Far 700

Cyborgs S Battery (10)
d12+d10 to all within a Near-sized cube.
6 Energy Grid Any Far 3,000
V Battery (5)
All in Far-Sized cube have movement rate Close
7 Gravity Disruptor Any Far 1,500
for 1d6 Rounds. V Battery (5)
Drop charge into a Close-sized cube for d6+d4
8 Ion Charges Overseer Close 300
damage. S Battery (10).
9 Mule Attachment Can carry up to 6 additional items. N/A 150



Photon Turret
2d10 to all in a Near-Sized cube.
V Battery (5).
Landcraft A second gunner can take control of this turret.
Aircraft Deals 2d10 damage. ATK Impaired if automated.


Scattershot 2d12 damage to everyone in a Near-sized cube.
12 Any Far 4,000
Missiles V Battery (5).
Net catches all Medium and Large creatures within
a Close-sized cube. Unable to move unless 1d3
13 Shock Net Any turns are spent cutting the net. Shocks for 2d6 Far 1,800
damage per Round. V Battery (10).

Drop explosive spikes over a Near-sized area

14 Spike Shards Any behind you. 2d6 damage to anything moving over Close 800
it. V Battery (10).
Jam systems of a vehicle or robot for 1d6 turns.
15 System Scrambler Any They must roll a Creature Test to use Mods or Far 2,000
special abilities. V Battery (10)
Everything in a Far-sized cube is utterly destroyed.

16 Tactical Nuke Landcraft Distant 25,000

Single use.
Hook a cable into an enemy. Can make Grapple
17 Tether Cable Any Test to pull them as long as their craft isn’t larger, Far 1,500
or just to trip/inhibit their movement.

18 Tractor Beam Aircraft An enemy is unable to retreat. V Battery (5). Distant 7,000

Cyborg Vehicle can launch itself Near-range in the air.

19 Landcraft Upgraded shocks and armour result in minimal Near 3,600
Mech damage from landing. V Battery (10).
Upload malware to a vehicle or robot. For 1d6
20 Viral Load Any turns they must roll a Creature Test or their Far 4,000
intended move is reversed. V Battery (10)

How to Play O
The Star Master (SM) describes what happens in Time .
the game world. The Player Characters (PCs) ask
Game time passes at loosely the same rate as real
questions and make decisions about how to
world time, unless it’s established otherwise. The
proceed. The SM judges the outcome and causes
SM can pause or speed up time as needed. Time
the world to react.
passes this way between sessions as well, unless
General Tips For Players . the game was explicitly paused.

• Ask questions. NPCs know things. Think of time here as a rubber band. It can be
stretched to suit the game’s needs, but will always
• The game is open-ended. Your choices are all.

eventually return to its original form.
• Examine carefully. Secrets are everywhere.
There are three basic time scales used:
• PCs are more than their character sheet.
• Problems have multiple solutions. • Round: The length of time it takes for all
participants to act during a fight. In the game’s

• Say what you do rather than request a die roll.
fiction this could be 10-60 seconds. For Magic
• The SM is a neutral arbiter, not an adversary. Arts and Status Effects outside of combat,
• Combat is a choice. Weigh your options. Rounds are tracked as 1 minute.
• Good Luck/Have Fun! • Watch: 8 hours of fast-forwarded time. This
timescale is especially used during wilderness
Ability Test . exploration, downtime, or rests.
When attempting a risky action, the SM may call • Scene: About 10-15 minutes. This timescale
for an Ability Test. Roll 1d20 and compare the e can be used in lieu of real-time to track
result to either your BODY, MIND, or LUCK score, random Encounter checks and resource
depending on which is more related to the action. depletion. A new Scene starts when the PCs
If the result is equal to or less than that attribute, enter a new Adventure Site area or take time
then the attempt is successful. Otherwise, it fails consuming actions.
(or succeeds with a consequence).
A 20 always fails, and a 1 always succeeds (if the Encumbrance .
action is possible). You can carry a number of stowed items equal to
your BODY score.
Advantage and Disadvantage . If your character carries more items than they
If the SM determines that an action should be have slots for, they become Encumbered. They
simple for you due to circumstance, planning, or cannot run, and make all Tests at Disadvantage.

background, they may ask you to roll your Test

with Advantage. Roll 2d20 for an Ability Test and Wilderness Travel .
take the better result.
Your party can travel about 20 miles in a day
Likewise, if the action is especially difficult (but still before becoming Exhausted (see Rest and
possible), then they may ask you to roll your Test Healing).
with Disadvantage: Roll 2d20 and take the worse
result. Dice Lexicon .

If the action is deemed impossible by the SM, or • dx = One x-sided die.

you have stacked Disadvantage, no roll is made. • 2dx = Two x-sided dice added together.
You simply fail. Likewise, if the task is routine for
• dxy = dx X 10 + dy
you, or you have stacked Advantage, then you
automatically succeed. If you have both Advantage • x-in-6 = Roll a d6. Results of ≤ x succeed.
and Disadvantage, they cancel each other out. • d3 = One 6-sided die divided in half.
• d100 = d10 X 10 + d10.
Creature Test .
Certain abilities and circumstances can prompt a Division .
Creature Test. The SM rolls d100 and compares Assume any divided numbers are rounded down.
the result to that creature’s current Hit Points. If
the result is equal to or less than their HP, then the
creature prevails. Otherwise, it fails.

Combat Turns . Attacks .
Sooner or later negotiations fail and a fight begins. Attacks always “hit”. Roll your weapon’s Attack
(ATK) and subtract your opponent’s Defense (DEF)
Turn Order
score. The remaining damage is subtracted from
If it is unclear who should go first, have the PCs roll
your enemy’s HP. A minimum of 1 damage is
a BODY Test to act in the First Strike Round,
always dealt from attacks.
which occurs only at the beginning of combat.
Rounds then take place in 2 phases: Attack Dice
Your ATK will usually consist of 2 dice, and may
• Phase 1. Enemies act. include a modifier if it is Impaired or Enhanced.
• Phase 2. PCs act, taking their turns clockwise

around the table. Attack Modifiers
When an attack is Impaired, such as when firing
Once all have acted, a new Round begins.
into a melee, through cover, or when untrained
Your Turn with a weapon, subtract 1d4 from your ATK.

In a Round, battlers can Move to a Near location When an attack is Enhanced, such as when
and take one Main Action. attacking a disabled foe, add 1d4 to your ATK.
Main Actions usually fall in one of these categories:
Competing modifiers can cancel each other out.
• Attack Stacking modifiers increase the die type
• Use an Art (d4>d6>d8>d10>d12).
• Use a Combat Manoeuvre
Ranged Attacks
• Use a Double Move Ranged attacks deal normal damage to Close or
Move (or Main Actions) can also be used for these:
e Near targets, and Impaired damage to Far.
• Using an Item Interrupt Attacks
• Second Wind You can interrupt an enemy’s turn to make an
• Standing from Prone Impaired ATK. This replaces your next turn.
Ranges . Holding an Attack
You can hold your action until the enemy’s turn
The combat field consists of 4 primary ranges:
and then spring it at no penalty.
• Close (C): 0’-10’
• Near (N): 11’-50’ Exploding Dice
If both ATK dice are rolled at their max values, roll
• Far (F): 51’-150’
an additional d6 and add it to your ATK. If that d6

• Distant (D): 151’+ is also max, roll another d6. This continues until a
It’s not important to calculate these distances with sub-maximal result is rolled or target is defeated.
exactitude. They are a tool for quick adjudication.
Two-Weapon Fighting
Combat Movement . To attack with two 1-handed weapons
simultaneously, they both must have enough
By default, most PCs have a movement rate of
range to hit the intended target. Roll damage for
Near. This means they can move anywhere within

both weapons and take the single highest and

Near-range of themselves. If they opt to make a
lowest die result (ex. you attack with a steel sword
Double Move, they can extend their move to Far.
and wood rod—roll 2d6 and 2d4—the results are 6,
3, 3, 2, so you deal 8 damage).
Chase or Escape Sequences
If escaping or pursuing, the SM should prompt the Alternately, make 1 Impaired ATK vs 2 enemies.
PCs to make choices at crucial decision points,
asking for an Ability Test if applicable. For
Sneak Attacks
example, “You scramble down the crumbling If target is unaware of ATK, damage is doubled.
invisible staircase and barely catch yourself as you
Targeted Attacks
find the next stair is missing. You could jump to
You can roll a BODY Test to target a vulnerable
the nearby tree in order to break your fall [BODY
part of your enemy. If successful, your attack is
Test], or you could take a leap of faith and hope
Enhanced. If unsuccessful, you miss entirely.
the remaining staircase is still there [LUCK Test]”.

Hit Points, Damage, and Death . Combat Manoeuvres .
“Damage” is subtracted from a combatant’s Hit Combat Manoeuvres cost a Main Action.
Points (HP). HP represents their ability to avoid
serious injury. Once PCs reach 0 HP, make a BODY Grappling
Test. If they pass, they are Injured; if they fail, To grapple, each combatant rolls d20 + HP.
they are Mortally Wounded. Whomever has the higher number succeeds. A
much larger opponent has Advantage, but a
Injured/Mortally Wounded PCs roll Ability Tests at smaller opponent can dodge as a free action. If
Disadvantage and have their attacks Impaired. If two or more combatants are helping each other
they are reduced to 0 HP again, or attacked while grapple, the higher HP character rolls with
already at 0 HP, roll a BODY Test at Disadvantage Advantage.

to avoid being immediately slain.
This procedure can apply to similar manoeuvres
Injured PCs only heal d6 HP/SP per Long Rest, and such as shoving, throwing, disarming, or stunning.
stay Injured till a Full Rest (1 week) is taken.
Disabling Shot
d4 Mortally Wounded Time of Death

To disable an opponent at range, roll a BODY Test.
1 Immediately If successful, the opponent takes ATK damage and
rolls a Creature Test to avoid being disarmed,
2 Shortly after combat
Dazed, or knocked Prone. Otherwise, you miss.
3 Within an hour
4 Within a day Evasion
You can forfeit your next turn in order to
reflexively block or dodge an incoming attack.
e When blocking, all incoming attacks are Impaired.
This can be used to defend a Close ally.
To dodge, roll a BODY Test. Gain Advantage if the
opponent is larger than you.
Improvised Actions
Improvised Actions are any creative deeds devised
by players that are not explicitly covered by the
rules. This could involve swinging from a
chandelier, shooting sandbags to drop on
someone, or jumping on a table to kick someone in
the face. These are left to SM fiat, and can often

be settled with an Ability Test.

Status Effects .
Alter Fate . . Certain Combat Manoeuvres and Arts may cause
Fate Points (FP) can be spent to Alter Fate: status effects:
Blinded: Attacks are Impaired. Attacks against
them are Enhanced. Ability Tests at Disadvantage.

Cancel Dazed or Shaken Status Effects. 2

Dazed/Shaken: Can only either Move or make an
Introduce a small, fortuitous narrative
3 Impaired ATK. Attacks against them are Enhanced.
feature that the SM agrees is plausible.
Injured/Exhausted: Attacks are Impaired. Ability
Make an ATK Enhanced. 1
Tests are Disadvantaged.
Modify a Test by 1d6. 1
Paralyzed: Can neither Attack nor Move. Any
Postpone Exhaustion for 1 Watch. 2 attack against them is Enhanced and doubled. SM
Take an additional Move Action. 1 may allow an auto coup de grâce, if applicable.

FP is replenished at the beginning of each new Prone: Attacks are Impaired, and they must use a
session. There must always be a plausible Move Action if they wish to stand up. Close attacks
explanation for how a given outcome was against them are Enhanced. Near and Far attacks
changed. against them are Impaired.

Rest and Healing . Vehicle Combat .
There are three ways to naturally heal: Vehicles generally function as normal combatants
with a few additions.
• Second Wind: As a Move Action, you can use
Soul Points to regain Hit Points at a 1:1 ratio. 0 HP
• Long Rest: Spend 1 Watch eating and sleeping If a vehicle reaches 0 HP, it’s Wrecked and must
to restore half of your total HP and SP be repaired. There is a 1-in-6 chance of explosion.
(rounded down), provided you’re not Injured.
Injured PCs only recover 1d6 HP/SP (unless a Shielding
Medkit or successful Medical Test is used). PCs If a PC is riding inside an enclosed vehicle, they
must take at least one Long Rest per day or are shielded from any attacks until the vehicle

they become Exhausted. breaks down.
• Full Rest: Spend 1 week in a safe place to fully
First Strike Round
recover all HP/SP and remove non-permanent
The pilot’s Attributes determine whether a vehicle
Status Effects.
acts in the First Strike Round. If automated, treat

Medical Care and Stabilization the vehicle as having a BODY of 10.
To aid a character with an Injury, roll a Medical
Test (MIND). If successful, they will regain half
Consider how fast a vehicle is moving and where.
their HP/SP (round down) on their next Long Rest.
If it moved very quickly in one direction last turn,
To aid a Mortally Wounded character, you and the pilot wants to turn around, then turning
require a bio-stabilizer (or a hospital). Roll a around in an arc will use the vehicle’s Move Action.
Medical Test. If successful, they become merely
Injured. If unsuccessful, they will certainly die.
e Ramming
Pilots can make a Pilot Test to ram an enemy along
Medical Tests can’t be retried, even by other PCs. their trajectory. If successful, ramming allows an
Enhanced ATK against the enemy, but also causes
the vehicle to make an Impaired ATK against itself.
Exhaustion can result from lack of sleep and/or
forced marches. Injury results from reaching 0 HP Boarding
or from special enemy effects. Pilots can end their turn next to an enemy ship and
Exhausted or Injured PCs have Impaired attacks make a Pilot Test to enable boarding between the
and roll Ability Tests at Disadvantage. two vessels.

Exhaustion can be cleared with a Long Rest, Crew

whereas Injuries must be healed with a Full Rest. A vehicle’s “Crew” stat determines the maximum

number that that vehicle can accommodate.

Light Sources . Each crew member can perform a role:
Adventure Sites are often dark, and monsters are
dark-adapted by default. Always bring light. • Pilot moves the ship, but can also act as the
Gunner, limited to targets directly ahead.
Most light sources last up to 90 minutes of real
• Engineer can make Repair Tests (ship gains
time on Bright settings, or indefinitely when Dim.
1d6 HP temporarily from emergency repairs),

If the only light source is Dim, PCs can only see up divert power to weapons (halve ship DEF to
to Close, and roll Attacks and Tests at make Gunner’s ATK Enhanced), or divert power
Impaired/Disadvantage. to shields (ATKs Impaired to gain 1 DEF).
• Gunner can ATK anything in range.
Batteries .
• Boarders can assemble at the boarding dock
Some items and Mods require batteries. and board at an opportune time.
Battery (X) indicates the item can be used X times • Science Officer manages the vehicle’s Mod
before a new battery is required. usage.
Battery (X min) indicates the item can be used for
X real-world minutes (or X / 10 Scenes) before a
Area of Effect .
new battery is required. Attacks with AOE damage are usually expressed
as “cubes”. For instance, a Near-sized cube
means a cubic space that is 50 feet on each side.

Crafting & Repairs r
Gear can be crafted by any character with both the Inventing New Items
“Handy” and “Programmer” Perks. The SM may allow Machinists to invent new items,
Qualified PCs can build any non-consumable item, Weapons, Mods, and Vehicles, provided they have
Weapon, Armour, or Vehicle so long as they have a built something comparable in the past. Making an
Metatool, sufficient Spare Parts, and Blueprints initial prototype should cost twice as much as the
(or a copy of the item to disassemble). No Ability estimated value and take twice as long to produce.
Test is required for assembly unless the PC is After this, copies can be produced normally.
under time constraints. PCs can invent a total number of new technologies

The requisite Spare Parts must be of a value equal equal to half of their MIND, rounded down.
to at least 50% of the item’s worth for
Machinists (80% for non-Machinists). Blueprints
Vehicles and Cyborgs can be repaired by PCs with
can be obtained for 10% of an item’s value.
the “Handy” Perk. To do this, they require a

Producing an item takes 1 day of uninterrupted Metatool, and 1 Spare Parts per 10 HP recovered.
downtime for each 100 nero the finished product is
With a successful Repair test, a vehicle can be
valued at.
repaired for 10 HP per Watch, unless the vehicle
For example, for a machinist to assemble a Land was Wrecked (0 HP). If the Repair Test is failed, or
Rover (valued at 4,000 nero) would take 40 days if the vehicle is Wrecked, the vehicle is only
of labour, Blueprints (400 nero), and 200 Spare repaired for 1d4 HP per Watch.
Parts (2000 nero).
Hunters are able to emulate existing, and create
e new, consumables using foraged herbs. Doing so
costs 1 SP and takes 1 hour. No money is needed.
Hunters can invent a total number of potions equal
to half their MIND, rounded down (subject to SM

Arts s
There are 4 Arts: 2 Magic Arts (Radiant and Using Arts
Umbral) and 2 Combat Arts (Unarmed and Sword). To use an Art, first decide how many Soul Points
[#SP] to power it with. 1-3 SP can be used at once.
Both Magic Art styles can be learned by any
This will determine the Art’s power.
character with the Magic-User Perk.
For each SP invested, roll a dice based on your
Both Combat Art styles can be learned by any
present level of Mastery—These are SP Dice. The
character with the Martial Artist Perk.
default is d4. This can be improved with the
PCs learn Arts from scrolls or from high-ranking Mastery Rank I and Rank II Perks.

The effect of the Art will depend on the number of
To learn an Art, they must spend 1 Watch (8 SP invested [#SP], as well as the [SUM] of the SP
hours) studying and practising. Dice rolled.
If an Art calls for [FIST] or [SWORD] damage, you

need to be wielding that weapon type to use it,
and will apply your respective weapon damage.
Note that Combat Arts assume the opponent is a
terran-sized biped. The SM may rule that a throw,
trip or effect doesn’t work quite as intended
against a much larger or many-legged opponent.
Further note that many Arts reference “half your
e opponent’s HP”. This means half of their
remaining HP (rounded down), not their

Acquiring Scrolls
Instructive texts can normally be found as treasure
while adventuring, though they may occasionally
be found for sale at various locations such as
temples, dojos, academies, and antique shops.

Developing Arts
The SM may allow PCs from relevant Jobs to design
new Arts. If allowed, PCs can develop a total

number of new Arts equal to half of their MIND,

rounded down.
For instance, Kickboxers can develop new
Unarmed Arts, Swordmasters can develop new
Sword Arts, White Mages may develop new
Radiant Arts, and Black Mages may develop new

Umbral Arts. Both Mage types can also develop

enchanted items.
The cost and research time depends on the SM. A
month per development plus 500 Nero (in addition
to any material costs) is suggested.

Radiant Arts ......

11 Bless Increase DEF of [#SP] allies within Near range by 1 for [SUM] Rounds. Max DEF
is 7 and effects do not stack on multiple casts. Can also remove curses.

12 Heat Vision Project beams of heat from your eyes which can start fires or deal [SUM] +
[#SP] damage to a Far opponent.

Deal [SUM] fire damage to everyone in a Near-sized cube within Near-range. If

Fire Storm

13 [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP, they are now on fire, taking d6 damage
per Round till fire is put out.

14 Jump You or another creature can jump up to [SUM] X 10 feet in any direction. Do
not take fall damage unless falling more than 3X this distance.

21 Lucidity Cause temporary state of clarity in [#SP] creatures. Their next attack or Ability
Test will be Enhanced/Advantaged. Lasts [SUM] X 10 minutes if unused.

22 Mend Heal [SUM] + [#SP] HP and remove Injury & Exhaustion from a Close ally.

23 Miracle Heal [SUM] HP to [#SP] allies within Near range.

24 Light of Purity
Casts warm light with Near radius onto an object for [SUM] X 10 minutes.
Nearby Undead ATKs are Impaired. If cast on a creature’s eyes they must
succeed at a Creature Test or are Blinded for [SUM] Rounds.

Ask a fire a question. The fire will respond by showing image(s) of varying
31 Pyromancy complexity depending on [#SP]. If asked the location of someone or
something, an ashen trail [SUM] miles long points to its general location.

32 Pyrotechnics Conjure dazzling fireworks on all in a Near-sized cube within Far-range. They
must pass a Creature Test at [SUM] penalty or Dazed for [#SP] Rounds.

33 Seal Nullify all magic effects within Near-range for [#SP] Rounds.

34 Surge You or another creature can take [#SP] extra Move Actions in one turn. Lasts
[SUM] Rounds if unused.

41 Tether Tether your HP to [#SP] Near creatures. All damage is divided between you
and them. Lasts [SUM] Rounds. Pass a MIND Test to cast on a hostile creature.

See the true world up to Near-range. See through illusions and darkness, see
42 True Perception invisible creatures as shadows, and see magical auras. Can roll MIND Test to
detect surface-level thoughts of [#SP] creatures. Lasts [SUM] Rounds.

43 Ward Shield all Near creatures from outside projectile weapons and extreme weather
conditions for [SUM] + [#SP] Rounds.

Pull fibres from nearby inanimate sources to create a woven textile with a
volume of up to [SUM] X [SUM] X [#SP] yards. Textile can be placed within Far
44 Weave
range, and can be wrapped around or fastened to things in the environment. If
using to entangle an enemy, they must pass a Creature Test to avoid it.

Umbral Arts ......

Hide in plain sight, becoming inconspicuous. If severely out-of-place, make a

11 Cloak MIND Test minus [#SP] to avoid notice. Lasts [SUM] X 10 minutes, or until PC
attacks, shouts, or does something too hard to ignore.

12 Black Breath A horrid voice invades target’s mind. They must pass a Creature Test at [SUM]
penalty or be Paralyzed for [#SP] Rounds. Undead, robots, & demons immune.

13 Decoy Create [#SP] duplicates of you for [SUM] Rounds. Each has 1 HP. Nobody can
see the real you, but the duplicates must stay within Close-range of you.

14 Electrocute Deal [SUM] + [#SP] + [#SP] electricity damage to a Close foe.

Summon a disembodied eye the size of a soccer ball for [#SP] X 10 minutes.
21 Floating Eye Your vision is replaced by what the eye sees. Its movement rate is Near and it
has [SUM] HP.

22 Ghost Sword Summon an ethereal floating sword for [SUM] Rounds. The sword must stay
Near the caster. It has [SUM] HP and attacks for [#SP] X d6 per turn.

23 Hallucination Roll MIND Test minus [#SP] to cause [#SP] creatures to experience a
hallucination of your choosing for [SUM] Rounds. Undead and robots immune.
Deal [SUM] ice damage to everyone in a Near-sized cube within Far-range. The
24 Ice Storm ground remains slippery for [SUM] Rounds. Bipedal creatures must pass a
Creature Test to cross it without falling Prone. Huge+ creatures won’t fall.
Gravity increases for [#SP] creatures within Far-range for [SUM] Rounds. Their
31 Increase Gravity attacks are Impaired and their movement speed is Close. Large+ creatures are

Pass through up to [#SP] walls (or floors/ceilings). Walls can be up to [SUM] feet
32 Intangibility thick. You can’t become stuck in a wall. Roll a MIND Test if casting on a hostile
creature. Alternately, force [#SP] attacks against you to be Impaired.

33 Muck An area of [SUM] X [SUM] yards rapidly decomposes into knee-deep waste
matter. Creatures’ movement is reduced to Close and they have Impaired ATKs.

Create a [SUM] X [#SP] foot diameter orb of impenetrable darkness. You can
34 Orb of Darkness move orb at will and use it to follow 1 creature around on their turn. You can
siphon [#SP] HP per turn from anyone inside the orb. Orb lasts [SUM] Rounds.

Roll MIND Test minus [#SP] to convince [#SP] creatures of one fact for [SUM] X
41 Persuade 10 minutes. Said fact can’t override their self-preservation instinct. Undead and
robots immune.

42 Shatter Stone Strike a stone surface in Near-range, shattering a volume of [SUM] X [SUM] X
[SUM] feet.

43 Smoke Cause a piece of wood to billow directed smoke, Blinding [SUM] enemies within
Near-range for [#SP] Rounds.

44 Telekinetic Blast Push [#SP] Close creatures away to Near-range, dealing [SUM] concussive
damage to each. Foe rolls a Creature Test to avoid any dangers (ex. cliffs).

Unarmed Arts ......

11 Arm Buster Arm-lock a Close opponent and elbow them in the ribs for [SUM] + [#SP]
damage. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP then they are Injured.

12 Brawl Uppercut Make an Enhanced [FIST] + [#SP] attack against a Close opponent. If [SUM]
meets or exceeds half their HP, target is Dazed for 1 Round.

13 Cyclone Crawl Sweep the legs of [#SP] Close enemies for [SUM] damage. If [SUM] meets or

exceeds half of a creature’s HP, their movement is reduced to Close.

Throw a Close opponent over your shoulder and flip forward to land on them
14 Demon Drop for [SUM] + [#SP] damage. They are Prone. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half
their HP you can keep them pinned.

Fly toward a Near opponent and kick them in the head for [SUM] damage. If
21 Dragon Kick [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP they are knocked back a Close

Turn away from a Close opponent to deliver high kick to the chin for [SUM] +
22 Horseshoe Kick [#SP] damage. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP, target is Dazed for 1


Iron Palm

Machinegun Fist
Palm strike a Close opponent for [SUM] + [#SP] damage. If [SUM] meets or
exceeds half their HP, they are knocked back a Close distance.

Make a flurry of blows against a Close opponent for [FIST] + [SUM] damage.
31 Nerve Strike Strike a Close opponent’s neck for [FIST] + [#SP] damage. If [SUM] meets or
exceeds half their HP, they are Paralyzed for [#SP] turns.

Low kick aimed at an opponent’s knee for [SUM] + [#SP] damage. If [SUM]
32 Reaper Kick meets or exceeds half their HP, they’re Injured and have movement reduced
to Close.

33 Shadow Step As a free action, evade [SUM] damage.

34 Shadow Strike Dodge an incoming attack by stepping behind opponent and striking them in
the neck for [SUM] damage.

Lift a Close opponent by the legs and slam them on the ground for [SUM] +
41 Suplex

[#SP] damage. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP then they are
Paralyzed for [#SP] turns.

Intercept an incoming attack, kicking opponent’s legs out and flipping them
42 Swallow Flip on the ground, Prone, followed by a ground punch for [FIST] + [#SP]

43 Tornado Kick Jumping roundhouse kick that hits [#SP] Close enemies for [SUM] damage. If
[SUM] meets or exceeds half a creature’s HP, they are knocked Prone.

44 Twin Swallow Make a jumping front kick followed by a heel drop kick for [SUM] + [#SP] +
[#SP] damage.

Sword Arts ......

11 Air Slash Make a [SWORD] + [#SP] attack against [#SP] Close opponents.

12 Crosscut Slice a Close opponent upwards and across for [SWORD] + [SUM] damage.

13 Death by 1000 Cuts Make several quick slices against a Close opponent for
[SWORD] + ([#SP] X [#SP]) damage.

Bash a Close enemy with your sheath, then follow with a downward slash for
14 Discerning Blow [SWORD] + [#SP] damage. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP, they are
Dazed for [#SP] turns.

21 Dragon Flash Subtract [SUM] from a First Strike Test, then lunge at a Close enemy for
[SWORD] + [#SP] damage.

Parry an incoming Close ATK and counter with an Impaired [SWORD] ATK
22 Guard Break that staggers. Opponent’s DEF is diminished by [#SP] till their next turn.
Minimum DEF is 0.

23 Lunar Slice Slice a Close opponent for [SWORD] + [#SP]. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half
their HP, they lose a limb of your choice and are Injured.

24 Mage Lock Strike a Close creature for [SWORD] + [#SP] damage. If [SUM] meets or
exceeds half their HP, they can’t use special abilities for 1 turn.
31 Piercing Lunge Skewer a Close enemy for [SWORD] + [#SP] damage, ignoring [SUM] DEF.

32 Reckless Assault Make a powerful but reckless ATK against a Close opponent for [SWORD] +
[SUM] + [#SP]. If opponent survives, they get a free ATK on you.

Slice a Close opponent diagonally for [SWORD] + [#SP] damage. If [SUM]


33 Red Lotus
meets or exceeds half their HP, deal [SUM] extra bleeding damage.

34 Shadow Vault Skewer a Close opponent for [SWORD] + [#SP] damage, then use them as a
platform to vault [SUM] yards over them.

Parry an incoming Close ATK and counter-strike opponent’s head with your

41 Tempest hilt for Impaired [SWORD] damage. If [SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP,
they are knocked Prone and Dazed.

42 Tiger Pounce Dash a Near distance forward and ATK for [SWORD] + [#SP] damage.

43 Turtle Defence Make a guarded Impaired [SWORD] ATK. Your DEF is increased by [#SP] till
your next turn. Max DEF is 7.

44 Whirlwind Slash A storm of attacks against [#SP] Close enemies for [SWORD] damage. If
[SUM] meets or exceeds half their HP, deal [SUM] extra bleeding damage.

Gambling O
Each player places bets on what the results of the
shooter’s dice roll will be, and may continue
betting before each subsequent roll. The shooter
rolls 2d6 and wins if the first roll is a 7 or 11, but
loses if it is 2, 3, or 12. If anything else is rolled,
the shooter continues to roll until the first rolled
number (“the point”) is rolled again (a win for

them), or a 7 is rolled (a loss). The dice pass to the
next player if the shooter loses.

Bet Wager Odds

• Win if first roll 7 or 11.
• Lose if first roll 2, 3, or 12.

Big-and-Small Pass • Win if “the point” rolled again. 1:1

Each player places a bet on what the results of a • Lose if 7 rolled after “the point”
dice roll will be. The banker then rolls 3d6 and the
bets are compared. • Win if first roll 2 or 3.

Bet Wager Odds

e • Lose if first roll 7 or 11.
Don’t • Tie if first roll 12. 1:1
A specific number will 1 die, 1:1
Pass • Win if 7 is rolled after “the
Numbers appear on one or more 2 dice, 2:1
dice. 3 dice, 12:1 point” established.
• Lose if “the point” rolled again.
Total score will be 11 or
Big 1:1
higher, excluding triples. • Bet placed after “the point” is
Total score will be 10 or already established.
Small 1:1
lower, excluding triples. • Win if shooter’s next roll 7 or
Any All three dice will show
30:1 • Lose if shooter’s next roll 2, 3,
Triple the same number.
Come or 12. 1:1

D12 Blackjack • Anything else rolled becomes

“the come point”.
The object of D12 Blackjack is to beat the banker
• Win if “the come point” rolled
by getting a count as close to 21 as possible, again.
without going over 21, by rolling d12s. 11’s and
• Lose if 7 rolled after “the come
12’s count as 10. 1’s can count as 1 or 11
point” established.
depending on which helps your hand. Each player

places a bet, then rolls 2d12. The banker rolls • Bet placed after “the point” is
1d12 openly. Players may then choose to roll as already established.
many additional d12’s as they wish, or to let their
• Win if shooter’s next roll 2 or 3.
total stand. If their total is 22 or above, they lose.
If a player rolls pairs, they may choose to treat • Lose if shooter’s next roll 7 or
each roll as its own hand, betting and rolling
Don’t • Tie if first roll 12. 1:1
separately for each hand.
After the players have finished rolling, and • Anything else rolled becomes
assuming they haven’t already lost, the banker “the come point”.
must roll d12’s until their total reaches at least 17. • Win if 7 rolled after “the come
The banker loses if they roll 22 or above. On a point” established. Lose if “the
tie, the player’s bet is returned to them. Bets are come point” rolled again.
paid out at 3:2.

PCs can spend the night carousing for 50 nero each. Use the group’s average LUCK if everyone is joining.

2d20 +
≤ 11 Organ theft! You wake up in a tub full of ice missing a kidney. -1 BODY/LUCK permanently. 1
12 You were arrested for involuntary manslaughter. 1 year in prison with 500 nero fine. 1
13 Shanghai’d! You wake up on a pirate or slaver ship. 1
14 You gambled more than your worth. The mob took a finger and you owe them 200%. 1

15 You were arrested for larceny. 6 months in prison with 200 nero fine. 1
16 You wake up in a strange place. You have been robbed of everything you were carrying. 1
17 You burned down a random building by accident. LUCK Test to see if any know it was you. 1

18 You fell for a ponzi scheme. You spent d4: 1) 10% of your wealth, 2) 25%, 3) 50%, 4) 75% 1
19 New tattoo! d4: 1) a phallus, 2) name of a random PC/NPC, 3) song lyrics, 4) a swear word. 1
20 You wake up soaking wet in a urinal wearing a snorkel and swim trunks. How embarrassing! 1
21 Disease! d4: 1) pubic lice, 2) weird rash, 3) flu, 4) food poisoning 1
22 You wake up in clown paint with a gun glued to one hand and a rubber chicken to the other. 1
23 You wake up naked on a horse riding down a major thoroughfare. 1
24 Wake up in bed with someone! They are d4: 1) dead, 2) a hobo, 3) a random PC/NPC 4) hot!
e 2
25 An angry note is slipped under your door. This person will continuously undermine you. 2
26 Wake up spooning... d2: 1) Ham with makeup and lingerie, 2) Balloon-man full of spaghetti. 2
27 You wake up naked in a glass container at an art exhibit with dozens of onlookers. 2
28 You were inducted into a cult. You will be sent instructive notes from time to time. 2
29 Emerge from a big sandwich. The people eating it point and say “the ham’s getting away!” 2
30 Combat! d4: 1) cage fight, 2) bar fight, 3) alley fight, 4) gladiator fight vs genobeast. 2
31 You wake up on the floor of a seedy club wearing a g-string. Gain 2d6 nero. 2
32 Even Steven! A nice night out, and you managed to break even from gambling! 2
33 You wake up with a nasty hangover. You are Exhausted for the day. 2

34 You wake up missing 30 extra nero. Shortly after, 300 crab rangoons are delivered to you. 2
35 You helped a frat house prank a rival fraternity, but now they want revenge. 2
36 You wake up in a bear costume surrounded by honey pots. Swarm of angry bees approach. 2
37 You wake up face down in a wizard’s grimoire. An ice cream golem rampages nearby. 3
38 Unusual Gift. d6: 1) baby, 2) slave, 3) animal, 4) cursed item, 5) deed, 6) engagement ring. 3

39 A group of mice scatter as you wake. Nearby is a tiny altar with cheese crumb offerings. 3
40 You obtained modest winnings at gambling. Recoup costs and gain 1d6 X 10 nero. 3
41 A faction now owes you a favour but you’re not sure what for. They are evasive if asked. 3
42 You receive a note from a thankful mom whose child you saved from a burning building. 3
43 A venture capitalist invested 500 nero in you but you can’t remember for what. 3
44 You’re the toast of the town but everyone has conflicting accounts as to why. 3
45 You’re awarded a lifetime of free gummy worms. 3
46 You wake up to an attractive noble making you breakfast. Gain +1 LUCK. 3
47 You pulled off a daring heist and got away with it. Gain a magic item and 1,000 nero. 3
48+ You suddenly have a superpower! d4: 1) flight, 2) speed, 3) teleportation, 4) telepathy 3

Name: Demon Star
Level: Job:
Character sheet

XP: / ₦ero:





Ability Test: Roll under or

equal on d20

Combat Stowed Items

e 1

L Hand: 6
R Hand: 9

Mods: 10
Perks 14

1 15
10 8

Star Master


—A dungeon horrible, on all sides round

As one great furnace flamed, yet from those flames
No light, but rather darkness visible
Served only to discover sights of woe...
- John Milton
Running Demon Star O
Best Practices . Encounters .
The Star Master’s Role During Adventure Site exploration, a 1-in-8 chance
of a random Encounter per Scene is suggested, or
The SM is a neutral arbiter of the rules and game
whenever PCs draw attention to themselves.
world. Your role is to adjudicate player and NPC
actions fairly. Not every situation will be fair, but During campaign map exploration, there is usually
your judgment of their resolution should be. a 1-in-8 chance of a random Encounter per Watch.
Encounter regularity can be modified to 1-in-10
Use Ability Tests Sparingly

when exploring a relatively safe or sparse area, or
PCs are assumed to be competent. They generally 2-in-6 if exploring an especially dangerous one.
see anything that is in plain sight and succeed at Adjust these odds to suit your desired pacing.
simple actions. The dice are tools for adjudicating
tricky or dangerous situations—not everyday stuff. Weather .

Be Unpredictable Look up the forecast for a real-world city or region
that resembles your chosen climate and assume
Use dice to randomize the game world when you
that your game follows similar weather patterns.
don’t know the answer to something or want to
reduce the impact of your own biases. If you’re
uncertain about a player’s question, or you need to
Calendar .
decide where an NPC will be at a given time, you Eremos’ 3 moons orbit the planet too quickly for
can alleviate mental overhead by assigning an their calendar to include months, so the calendar
x-in-6 chance of a given detail being true or false.
e relies on solar longitude (seasons). Dates are thus
recorded as the season and the day of that
Danger, Danger season, ex. Vernal Point, 49th Day, 14,539 AP.
The world should be genuinely dangerous. Years are counted from the year Terrans landed on
Telegraph these dangers so that players can make Eremos, AP (Anno Portum).
informed decisions. Traps can be plainly visible,
large monsters make a lot of noise, and quiet B/X To Demon Star Conversion
monsters can leave signs of their handiwork.
Approximate B/X to Demon Star conversion:
Live with the consequences of failure. No sane Star
• 1 B/X HP = 2 Demon Star HP
Master sets out to kill their players’ characters, but
you must be willing to allow bad things to happen • Damage dice are doubled (ex. 1d6 is 2d6)
or the game will have no meaning. • 2 AC = 1 DEF

• 2 GP = 1 ₦ero
Be Generous with Information
• Use spells as written
You are the players’ eyes and ears. There is no
• 1 B/X level = 2 Demon Star levels
need to hide most things. Assume PCs are
perceptive. Describe the world plainly. 1-2 • Ignore to-hit rolls.
sentences is usually enough to describe their most
salient surroundings. Answer any further questions Timers .

candidly as they explore and analyze. You may wish to keep 1 or more 90-minute timers
on hand to track battery and Art effects, or you
Rulings can simply make a mental note to approximate the
Not every situation has a rule, and even the ones time used.
that do are not sacrosanct. You have the final say
If you prefer not to use real time to track game
in any situation. Use this power responsibly!
time, you can alternatively keep timekeeping
Maximize Player Choice records and track each character’s exploration at a
rate of 1 Scene (10-15 min) per action.
Prepare a consistent, living game world with
situations and conflicts—not prescribed narratives.
Dry Erase Boards .
Never assume how an adventure should end.
Present PCs with meaningful choices and trust that If needed, use dry-erase boards or digital tools like
they’ll find what interests them. Any story will be Owlbear Rodeo to help your players visualize a
an organic byproduct of their actions. given area.

Adventure Tools s
Adventure Sites are where danger and riches lay. Dungeon Map Generation .
They are fundamental to the gameplay loop.
Start with a single room in the centre of the map
For campaign play, create 2-4 Adventure Sites and and expand using these tables.
place them on your campaign’s hub map (see
As the map nears completion, look for ways to
Campaign Tools page 38). Alternately, plug in
make some of the disparate paths connect.
pre-made modules.
Lastly, place 1d4 entrances randomly, or wherever
For a starting game, 1 Adventure Site is fine.
you prefer.

Choose a Theme
An Adventure Site’s theme is the guiding principle
d12 Area (Sq)* # Exits Exit Type
behind its creation. Imagine it as a 1 sentence
pitch for a movie, then craft the rest of the 1 Two One North

adventure around that. 2 Two One North

Create Factions 3 Two One East

An Adventure Site should have 2-4 Factions. One 4 Three Two East
or more of these could be drawn from your 5 Three Two South
campaign’s hub map, but they don’t need to be.
6 Three Two South
Factions should have competing goals. They might
7 Three Three West
be an invading warband versus defending locals,
or they could be individuals within the same group
e 8 Three Three West
seeking to undermine one another. Often, Factions 9 Four Three Obstacle**
will be at a temporary stalemate, with the PCs 10 Four Three Obstacle**
presenting an opportunity (or threat) to shift the
status quo. 11 Five Three Secret**
12 Six Four Stairs or Lift
Create a Map(s)
* roll for both X and Y axes
Adventure Sites normally consist of a 5X5 outdoor ** roll d8 for direction
hex map (Locale) with entrances to 1 or more
indoor grid maps (Dungeons) scattered about. CORRIDOR GENERATOR
Sketch a map of your outdoor map, then your d12 Features* Direction** Hit a Wall
Dungeon(s). Divide Dungeons into “rooms”.

1 Level change Straight Dead end

1/2 mile hexes outside and 10 foot squares inside
are common denominations, though your needs 2 Hazard Straight Dead end
may vary. 3 Crawl space Straight Dead end
The number of rooms depends on Dungeon size: 4 Obstacle Straight Dead end
• Small 5-9 rooms 5 One-way door Straight Intersection
• Medium 10-20 rooms 6 Noises Straight Intersection

• Large 21-40 rooms 7 Odour Turn*** Intersection

There’s no single way to draw a map, but there are 8 - Turn*** Intersection
some best practices for keeping it interesting: 9 - Fork*** Secret door
• Multiple Paths and Entrances that 10 - Room Secret door
branch, loop, and connect to other paths 11 - Room Secret door
help keep exploration fun and non-linear.
12 - Room Secret door
• Varied Paths, such as slopes, stairs,
elevators, ropes to climb, and secret * roll once for whole corridor
** roll for each square till a new room is rolled
passages prevent the site from feeling
*** randomly determine each direction
monotonous. Use vertical paths often.
• History and Remains of past inhabitants
add depth to the location.

Filling Rooms . HAZARDS
Choose or roll to randomly determine the contents d20 1 2
of each room:
1 Alarm Landmines
d6 Ruin Domain Vault Cave 2 Arrows Laser turret
1 Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant 3 Biological Live wires
2 Vacant Creature Vacant Vacant 4 Blades Mysterious pool
3 Vacant Creature Creature Creature 5 Caltrops One-way door
4 Creature Creature Hazard Creature 6 Chemical spill Pendulum
5 Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard 7 Collapsing stairs Pit

6 Enigma Enigma Enigma Enigma 8 Crushing walls Poison
9 Curse Reverse gravity
Room Type Chance of Treasure
10 Dropping net Rotating room

Vacant 1-in-6 11 Electricity Shrink/Growth ray
Hazard 2-in-6 12 Elevator room Spears
Creature 3-in-6 13 Explosives Spikes
Enigma 1-in-6
15 Falling door Strong adhesive
Vacant rooms contain no immediate danger. 15 Flammables Summon creature
These heighten tension and give your Dungeon
16 Flooded area Tasers
space to breathe. These areas should provide
foreshadowing, lore, and set the mood. 17 Flooding room Teleporter
Creature rooms contain inhabitants of the

or whatever else you want to include.

Dungeon. These may derive from nearby Factions,
Illusory floor
Insect swarm
Unstable ceiling
Unstable ground
Hazard rooms contain environmental dangers that
may be natural or man-made, depending on
context. A risky circumvention may require an Obstacles
Ability Test. Obstacles are any impediment to the players’
progress that causes them to expend time and
Enigma rooms include anything anomalous, resources in order to explore further.
magical, or otherwise confounding. This could be a
puzzle, a trick, or a mere distraction. If the obstacle is a locked door, place the key

elsewhere in the Dungeon.

Treasure will typically be guarded, hidden, or
misplaced. Consider who left it there and where d12 OBSTACLES
they got it from. See page 37 for more details.
1 Water
Dungeon Types 2 Debris
Ruins are long abandoned structures, including 3 Stacked materials

lost cities, ghost towns, deserted castles, etc. 4 Magical barrier

Domains are structures still in regular use, such as 5 Steep climb
fortresses, temples, research facilities, etc.
6 Locked door
Vaults are structures that protect something, such 7 Locked door
as pyramids, tombs, banks, etc.
8 Locked door
Caves are natural subterranean structures
9 Locked door
inhabited mainly by beasts and outlaws.
10 Locked door
Create An Encounter Table 11 Stuck door
Make a table of d6 creatures or events that may 12 Stuck door
be encountered while exploring the Adventure site.
Each entry should include something the creature
is already doing (see page 44).

Adventure Seeds . Plant Clues
The impetus for investigating an Adventure Site Clues are incomplete pieces of information that
can be a straightforward treasure hunt, a looming allude to the source of or remedy to a problem.
danger, or a mystery. It may start with the PCs They needn’t be complicated. They simply need to
being hired for a job, or they could hear about it provide hints that point PCs toward an Adventure
through rumours, a piece of found evidence, or an Site, antagonist, further clues, or at least
inciting incident. something entertaining.

Rather than telling the PCs exactly what their goal Make clues slightly misleading at times to
should be, create an intriguing situation and let prevent the adventure from being too easy. If the
them draw their own conclusions. clue is important, make it seem insignificant. If an
NPC has a useful piece of information, have them

d12 EXAMPLES OF SITUATIONS draw their own erroneous conclusions. If a clue
1 A group or individual is being targeted seems far-fetched, have it be somewhat true. If a
piece of information is false, have it be indirectly
2 An innocent is falsely accused of a crime useful. Part of the fun is in subverting expectations

3 Brainwashed civilians or imposters and having the PCs discover things that might’ve
been under their noses all along.
4 Corruption, treachery, treason, blackmail
Scatter several clues per adventure throughout
5 Creature or robot attacks
various locations, Encounter or Rumour tables, and
6 Crime wave (robberies, arson, or violence) in NPC general knowledge. Hide your solutions,
villains, and/or Adventure Sites in plain sight.
7 Dark magic or eerie phenomenon
Don’t be overly obtuse as they investigate. PCs
8 Environmental catastrophe
don’t need to roll to find important clues. In most
9 Epidemic (disease or drugs) cases, clues should be given freely when they are

Kidnapping, murder, or assassination
Looming war or civil unrest
e looking in the right area, or asking good questions.

Red Herrings and Complications

Some component of an adventure should turn out
Something valuable is missing
not to be what it initially seemed. The most
obvious suspect might be totally innocent.
Whoever hired the PCs might have had bad
1 Cause or prevent a particular outcome information or sent them on a fool’s errand. The
easiest interpretation of clues might lead to a false
2 Defend a person, place, or thing
resolution, causing the PCs to prematurely think
3 Destroy or nullify a person, place or thing the adventure is complete.

4 Escape, survive, and/or explore an area Complications should never be a dead end,
5 Find and/or retrieve a person, place or thing however—only a misdirection or delay.

6 Solve a mystery Difficulty Scale

If the PCs are unable to progress in an adventure,
consider doing any of the following:

• Be flexible and allow PCs to fail forward

slightly. Bad information can nonetheless push
the adventure forward.
• Make the investigation progressively easier,
but at a cost (ex. something is lost).
• Allow multiple ways to solve an investigation,
including things the PCs come up with that you
hadn’t thought of.
• Dangle side-quests so the PCs can do
something else and potentially happen upon
more pertinent clues later.
• Allow PCs to fail if they give up entirely.
Success should be an accomplishment.

Army Combat .
Large-scale Combats can be run as Adventure
Sites with Factions engaged in acute hostilities.
Begin by creating a 5X5 Locale with 1/2 mile hexes
occupied by two or more armies.

Running Armies
Armies use Boons to accomplish their Goals.

Goals are what a given Army is trying to

accomplish. Each Goal requires 2-5 Progress

Points to execute, depending on its difficulty. This
is a timer for how close they are to achieving their


1 Breach a fortification
2 Capture a strategic position
3 Conduct a disciplined retreat
4 Defend a position
5 Inflict 10% casualties Goal Progression
6 Kill an enemy leader Every 30 min (or 3 Scenes), each Army rolls 1d12
7 Perform a gambit
e and adds 1-3 for each Boon they possess. If the
result is 7-11, they gain 1 Progress Point towards
8 Sabotage
that Goal. On a 12+, they gain 2 Progress Points.
9 Scout
When a Goal has enough Progress Points, the
10 Secure additional Boons Army has completed a Goal. Completing a Goal will
set their opponent’s Progress Points back by 1.
Boons are indicators of an Army’s fighting power
Inflicting 10% casualties is the most
in relation to the opposing army. If 2 Armies are
straightforward Goal and typically takes 5 Progress
evenly matched, then neither possess any Boons.
Points. If accomplished, the enemy has a 3-in-6
Common boons include the following:
chance to rout or surrender. During a rout, the
d8 ARMY BOONS winning army can choose to slay an additional

1 Advanced technology 2d10% of the fleeing army if they choose to

2 Favourable terrain
If the losing army has leftover Progress Points at
3 Fortifications
the end of a battle, each point counts for 1%
4 Outnumbering the enemy casualties inflicted on the victor’s army.
5 PC actions
Player Interference
6 Possessing more vehicles

If PCs are participating in a large scale battle, they

7 Superior commanders can help an army complete Goals through
8 Superior training skirmishes, subterfuge, or any other viable
leverages they can think of.
Each Boon confers a bonus of + 1-3. The size of In the event that the players have aided (or
the bonus depends on how big an advantage a interfered) in the completion of a Goal, add (or
given Boon incurs. For instance, slightly subtract) 1-3 Progress Points to that Goal.
outnumbering an opponent would be +1 whereas
majorly outnumbering them would be +3.

Treasure Tools s
Treasure can take many forms. Value may derive Enchantments
from the materials used, their make, scarcity,
Items may have any number of magical properties:
and/or utility.
11 Alter temperature and/or weather
Coins are frequently used in lieu of bank notes.
100 coins of any denomination fills 1 Stowed Slot. 12 Become invisible
13 Cause wounds that can’t be healed

14 Control flora, fauna, or funga
1 1 Gold Coin 50
15 Doubled HP in sunlight
2 1 Silver Coin 1
16 Fall from any height
3 1 Copper Coin 0.1
17 Feign death and return at will

Gems 18 Fly, glide, or hover
Gems are highly sought for their rarity and beauty. 21 Have a wish granted

d8 GEMS (1 ounce) VALUE (₦) 22 Heal wounds

1 Amethyst 250 23 Inspire fear

2 Diamond 20,000 24 Item can turn into other objects or creatures

3 Emerald 9,000 25 Item cannot be discarded

26 Item causes everyone to covet it
Lapis Lazuli

e 27
Item duplicates itself exponentially
Item eats other items
Item lights up when enemies are near
32 Item is sentient
8 Topaz 1,500
33 Make water wherever ground is struck
Materials and Other Treasure Types 34 Manipulate shadows
d6 MATERIAL (1/2 pound) VALUE (₦) 35 Raise the dead

1 Antimatter 100,000 36 Speak with dead, sentient beings, or plants


2 Exotic Spices 200 37 Store a Magic Art with conditional triggers

3 Fabrics 2 38 Summon a Demon or other creature

4 Fine Pottery 10 41 Teleportation

5 Ivory 150 42 Transform appearance, sex, size, or species

6 Narcotics 1,000 43 Transport to an alternate dimension

44 Trap and enslave one creature to summon

d6 OTHER TREASURE TYPES 45 Travel back in time 10 minutes or longer

1 Academic (scrolls, books, tablets) 46 Weapon that can’t be sheathed till it kills
2 Artifacts (mask, mural, idol, basin) 47 Walk on water
3 Combat (weapon, armour, helm, skulls) 48 Ward against the dead
4 Ceremonial (crown, sceptre, chalice, robe)
5 Perishable (elixirs, single use magic items)
1 Item shatters or is inert after one use.
6 Technological (alien device, prototype)
2 Use 1X per day. More uses may shatter it.
3 Use 3X per day. More uses may shatter it.

Campaign Tools O
A campaign takes place on a hexagonal hub map 3. Generate Hex Types .
depicting your game’s region. Overland
For each hex, roll or choose a Hex Type:
exploration is similar to exploring a Dungeon or
Locale but at a larger scale. Like a Dungeon room, d10 ARID HUMID SUBARCTIC
each hex contains points of interest, potential
encounters, and divergent pathways. 1 Desert Forested Hills Marsh
2 Desert Hills Mountains
1. Decide on Map Type . 3 Hills Jungle Plains
Start with a “hex flower” that is at least 5 hexes

4 Mountains Jungle Hills Shrub Hills
wide and 5 tall. Decide whether the hub map will
depict a rural landscape or a city. You may choose 5 Plains Mountains Sparse Taiga
to do both, with the city being a hex map within a 6 Shrub Hills Plains Taiga Hills
hex map. 7 Shrubland Rainforest Thick Taiga

In a rural game, each hex will usually represent 8 Sparse Forest Swamp Tundra
half a day of travel (approximately 10 miles). You
9-10 Biome same as largest proximate biome
can later expand and scale up if needed. On an
type nearby. Re-roll if not applicable.
urban map, each hex will usually represent about
1 hour of walking (3 miles).
2. Generate A Community . 1 Slum
Place a Community in the centre of the map, a e 2 Slum
familiar communal place that functions as a home
3 Commercial District
base. Whether rural or urban, a Community will be
a somewhat safe place where PCs can rest and 4 Elite District
restock. On a rural map this could be a friendly 5 Industrial District
frontier town. On an urban map this could be a
6 Green Space
neighbourhood that the PCs have some history
with. 7 Condemned Zone
8 District same as largest proximate district
Your Community should have at least 6 defined
type nearby. Re-roll if not applicable.
locations, give or take. Choose from this list or
create your own:
4. Generate Paths and Water .
d10 COMMUNITY LOCATIONS Determine natural pathways between hexes as

needed. These could be roads, trails, rivers, tree-

1 Casino or Gambling Ring
lines, mountain-lines, coast-lines, etc.
2 Central Square or Local Hangout
If you want to randomly generate the direction of a
3 Clergy, Schools, Hospitals given path, river, or coastline, roll d6 and consult:
4 Councils, Offices, Guilds d6 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 Law Enforcement, Military Direction N NE SE S SW NW

6 NPC and/or PC Residences
If the roll points in a nonsensical direction, use the
7 Someplace Unusual opposite direction, if possible, or make that spot
the terminus.
8 Storefronts
9 Taverns, Inns
10 Training Ground, Dojo, House of Old Master

5. Generate Hex Landmarks .......
For each hex, roll or choose d3 Hex Landmarks. Combine these results with the Hex Type and massage it
till it makes sense.
d12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-11 12
d66 Natural 1 Natural 2 Constructs 1 Constructs 2 Anomaly
11 Animal-Made Dam Mudflats Cemetery Ancient City Ruin Alien Artifact
12 Berry Bushes Narrow Ridge Climate Centre Beached Ship Altered Gravity
13 Big Tree Grove Natural Fort Commune Beacon Black Bone-Soil

14 Boiling Mud Odd Vegetation Decorous Garden Castle Cataclysm
15 Box Canyon Ominous Cavern Dry Well Catacomb / Tomb Crashed UFO
16 Buried Forest Peninsula Enclave Cathedral Dimensional Rift

21 Burnt Trees Perilous Crevasse Farm Colossal Archway Diseased Forest
22 Cavern Plateau / Precipice Ferry Colosseum Electrical Field
23 Choral Reef Poison Ivy / Thorns Greenhouse Derailed Train Fever Dreamland
24 Cliff Face Prismatic Spring Guild House Dykes Floating Castle
25 Cold Spring Rainbow Soil Hamlet Giant Statue Foul Pool or River
26 Collapsed Sinkhole Rapids High Wall Hieroglyphics Glowing Crater
31 Crystal Structure Refreshing Oasis Huge Dam
e Human Remains Great Glass Slab
32 Deep Channel Rock Formations Hunting Camp Labyrinth Haunted Area
33 Deep Fissures Salt Flats Inn Lonely Tower Hollow Mountain
34 Dense Thicket Scalding Geyser Laboratory Mass Grave Inhuman Corpses
35 Dry Lake Shallow Bay Long Bridge Mining Camp Large Orb
36 Enormous Tree Skull-Like Rock Manufacture Plant Nuclear Blast Site Magic Well
41 Fjord Slimy Grotto Military Outpost Observatory Mushroom Forest
42 Flooding Sparkling Lake Mine Old Battleground Mysterious Illusion
43 Fruit Trees Spiralling Spire Monument Plantation No Shadows

44 Genobeast Fossil Stagnant Pool Nature Reserve Pyramid Ominous Monolith

45 Giant Skeleton Steep Mesa Old Minefield Quarry Organic Edifice
46 Gorge / Ravine Sunken Lane Orchard Resort PCs’ Graves
51 Hidden Glade Tall Butte Prison Colony Rickety Bridge Perpetual Daylight
52 High Waterfall Tar Pit / Oil Seep Research Base Rock Art Perpetual Storm

53 Hot Springs Treacherous Bluff Rock Carvings Ruined Fortress Petrified Men
54 Huge Hollow Tree Underground Fire Run-Down Cabin Sanitarium Reversed Rain
55 Isolated Island Underground River Spaceport Secret Facility Sinking Ground
56 Lagoon / Inlet Unstable Scree Stairway / Gondola Spacecraft Wreck Staircase Down
61 Lonely Mountain Vast Pit Temple Sphinx Teleportation Gate
62 Lush Valley Volcano Trading Post Tourist Attraction Tube Into The Sky
63 Massive Boulder White Sand Beach Tunnel Toxic Spill Uncanny Wind
64 Massive Crater Wild Herd Grazing Waste Facility Trenches Unnatural Sounds
65 Mineral Forest Wildflower Field Winery Tribal Village Unusual Temps
66 Mossy Field Windy Dunes Withering Estate Zoo / Aquarium Very Dense Fog

d66 Green Space Slum Condemned Commercial Elite Industrial

11 Beach Afterhours Club AI-run Factory Art School Admin Offices Alien Structure

12 Bird Sanctuary Arms Dealer Anarcho Co-op Bank Bunkers Blood Bank

13 Boardwalk Black Market Battleground Bar Cloning Centre Building Site

14 Canyon Bus Station Boarded Mall Bazaar Cult Shrine Harbour

15 Cemetery Co-op Garden Bubbling Pool Big Hologram Dealership Cafeteria

16 Development Damaged Flats Burnt Building Bowling Alley Duelling Gym Corner Store

21 Dunes Dark Alleyway Cart Barricade Car Park Exotic Brothel Data Centre

22 Dykes Death Sports Cataclysm Carnival Gated Estates Disused Crates

23 Farmland Defiled Statue Caved-in Metro Cathedral Gilded Tower Docks

24 Forest Drug Den Clone Lab Corporate Art Gold Reserve Empty Land

25 Fountain Fast Food Shop Crash Site Embassy Golf Course Excavation Site

26 Graffiti Bridge Fetid Water Disused Lab Game Cafe Gun Range Factory

31 Gun Battery Fighting Pit Disused Manor High Rise High-End Diner Flex Building

32 Harbour Filthy Park Floating Orb Inn / Hostel Hunting Land Forklift Fleet

33 Hedge maze Gangster Lair Flooded Street

e Job Board Illustrious Bank Gang Hideout

34 Hot Spring Garbage Heap Gene Lab Junior College Imports Store Hardware Store

35 Lake Hovels Geno Nest Karaoke Bar Lavish Garden Laboratory

36 Lookout Point Liquor Store Growing Blob Library Lavish Hotel Manufacturing
41 Marsh Militia Barracks Hallucination Mall Mansion Military Base

42 Monument Morgue Landed UFO Media HQ Moat Mine

43 Mud Pool Music Venue Melted Street Money-changer Ornate Bridge Prison

44 Observatory Outreach Hub Minefield Museum Palace Race Track


45 Orchard Pawn Shop Mysterious Pit Nice Eatery Parliament Recycling Plant

46 Playground Police Station Mystery Gas Nightclub Penthouses Refinery

51 Rec Centre Public Toilets Nuke Blast Site Picket Line Pharma Co. Research Site

52 Rehab Centre Razed Building Oozed Building Planetarium Pleasure Dome Run-down Plots

53 Riding Centre Ruined Houses Organic Edifice Plaza Private Clinic Seed Bank

54 Sanitarium Seedy Bar Police Station Police Station Private Hangar Shipping Yard

55 Seawall Shady Casino Refuge Public Hospital Resort Spaceport

56 Shrine Shanty Town Rift / Portal Red Light Zone Salon Storage Sheds

61 Tour Station Smelly Canal Toppled Bus Stadium School of Magic Tire Yard

62 Undeveloped Subway Toxic Spill Supermarket Security Centre Train Yard

63 Vagrant Camp Sweatshop Traffic Pileup Tea House Social Club Truck Depot

64 Water Slides Trash Bonfire Virology Lab Tenement Suburb Homes Warehouse

65 Waterfall Trashy Brothel VR Dream Hub Theatre University Waste Facility

66 Zoo / Aquarium Wet Market Wrecked Plaza Vertical Farm Winery Workshop

6. Generate Hex Details .......
For each hex, roll or choose a Hex Detail. These provide creative prompts to flesh out the other facts
about the area. Combine with any implications of the Hex Type and Landmarks present to make the area
compelling. Oftentimes these combinations will subvert your expectations. Work with this when possible.

d66 1 2 3 4
11 Abandoned Decay Misguided Locals Secret Society
12 Advanced Technology Dream Logic Misleading Appearance Security Checkpoint
13 Alien Presence Drug Use Motivated Locals Seemingly Helpful

14 Alluded To In A Dream Extreme Poverty Natural Disaster Serene Calm
15 Area Under Threat Familial Locals Nosy Locals Serene Landscape
16 Aristocrat Presence Festive Locals Old Ruin Shadowy Corporation

21 Band of Cultists Fey Lair Ominous Portent Significant Destruction
22 Bandit Hideout Flying Horror Nest Once Prosperous Skorpirus Lair
23 Barricade or Barrier Foul Stench Ongoing Conflict Slanderous Rumour
24 Beast Hunts At Night Gang Activity Opulence Someone in Captivity
25 Bitter Rivalry Generous Locals Out-Of-Place Detail Someone in Peril
26 Black Market Presence Genoman Refuge Overrun With Vagrants Something Is Watching
31 Bustling Giant Natural Feature Overzealous Locals Something Out Of Place
Carnivorous Tree Forest Good Service
Carrion Crawler Lair
Civil Unrest
Great Hidden Treasure
Greedy Locals
Paranoid Locals
Passive Locals
Pestilence / Infestation
Spinner Lair
Standoffish Locals
Strange Noises
35 Close-Knit Community Grieving Locals Plant Overgrowth Superstitious Locals
36 Clues Reveal New Area Helpful Natural Feature Police Presence Temperamental Locals
41 Comical Locals Hermit Portal To Hell Terrorist Activity
42 Completely Lifeless Hidden Danger Powerful Weapon The Dead Rise
43 Corporate Security Horror Lives Here Primitive Locals Tolls Are Demanded

44 Criminal At Large Hospitable Locals Prosperous Transit To Another Area

45 Cursed Area Hostile Locals Random Violent Acts Trap or Ambush
46 Dark History Hunting Grounds Ravager Den Treachery Afoot
51 Dark Secret Innocent/Naive Locals Religious Activity Underground Area
52 Darkness Gathers Innocuous Location Remnants of Something Understated Area

53 Darting Shadows Insidious Temptations Repurposed Building Undeveloped Area

54 Deadlocked Forces Invasive Presence Robot Presence Unfathomable Power
55 Deadly Dungeon Kavoras Lair Rogue AI Unsafe Natural Feature
56 Decadent Locals Locals Are Bullies Sabotage Unusually Deserted
61 Deep Rot Lurker Above or Below Safety And Reprieve Vagabond Presence
62 Defensible Position Magical Anomaly Sandworm Nest Valuable Ally
63 Demilitarized Zone Magical Presence Scammer Presence Valuable Information
64 Depraved Locals Media Presence Scandal Valuable Resource
65 Dirty Area Melancholy Screamer Fly Nest Widda Lair
66 Distraction Military Presence Secret Path Wildlife Behave Strange

7. Generate Factions . Assets are indicators of a Faction’s might and
influence. Choose or roll for 2-3 Assets for each
Create and place 3-4 Factions. Factions are various
starting Faction. Whenever they complete a goal,
organizations, powers, and political forces exuding
they will gain a new Asset.
influence over your game world.


1 Church, Scholars, Activists, or Terrorists 1 Crucial Real Estate (Tower / Fort / Hideout)

2 Elites, Oligarchs, Secret Societies 2 Might (Militia / Troops / Mercenaries)

3 Gang, Warband, Vigilantes, or non-Terrans 3 Political / Legal / Religious Connections

4 Powerful Magic or Technology

4 Government, Political Party, or Department
5 Guild, Union, Corporation, or Club 5 Psychological (Inspire Fear / Reverence)

6 Royalty, Aristocracy, Nobility 6 Special Training or Superiority in one Area

7 Spies, Intel, Secret Knowledge, or Leverage

8 Trait (Bold / Ruthless / Cunning / Swift)
9 Transports or Access to Smuggling Routes
10 Wealth, Means, or Natural Resources

Goal Progression
After each gaming session, Factions work behind
e the scenes towards a Goal. To simulate this, roll
1d12 and add 1-3 for each asset that could assist
them. If the result is 7-11, add 1 Progress Point to
that Goal. On a 12+, add 2 Progress Points.
When a Goal has enough Progress Points, the
Running Factions Faction has completed a Goal and acquires a new
Factions use Assets to accomplish their Goals. Asset.

Goals represent a Faction’s ambition. Pick three If a rival Faction is the target of a Goal, adjust that
Goals for each faction. Each Goal requires 2-5 Faction’s Assets accordingly or remove Progress
Progress Points to complete, depending on its Points from one of their Goals—whatever makes
contextual sense.
complexity. This is a timer for how close that

Faction is to achieving their Goals. To telegraph the movement of Faction powers, add
news to your Rumour tables, adjust your
Encounter tables, update the map, or create new
1 Build or Summon Something Powerful adventure hooks.

2 Buy, Sell, or Seize a Resource Player Interference

3 Destroy, Dominate, or Sabotage a Rival Provide opportunities for players to interact with

Factions. They could meet Faction members via

4 Dominate Commerce or a Trade Route
random city or wilderness Encounters, they might
5 Expand Influence or Territory hear Rumours, or they could simply see signs of
the Faction’s Goals around them. Adventure Sites
6 Infiltrate / Trick Enemy or Uncover Spies
may also provide portents of things to come.
7 Kidnap or Assassinate Someone Important
A given Faction may be a friend or foe, depending
8 Raise Money (Extortion / Tax / Fundraising) on circumstance and the disposition of your
players. The PCs might be hired to assist a Faction,
9 Recruit a Person or Group
or the players may choose to thwart them.
10 Seek Peace or Strengthen an Alliance
In the event that the players have aided (or
11 Steal, Destroy, or Locate Important Thing interfered) in the completion of a Goal, add (or
12 subtract) 1-3 Progress Points to that Goal.
Subjugate or Enslave a Group

8. Generate NPCs .
Start with 8 non-player characters (NPCs). Each
should have a positive and negative trait, a Faction
affiliation, a social dynamic, and an occupation.

d66 Positive Negative

11 Assertive Absent-Minded
12 Brave Bossy
13 Charming Clingy

14 Confident Cowardly
15 Creative Detached
16 Diligent Dim-Witted

1 A member of... Faction 1
21 Diplomatic Dogmatic
2 Favourable towards... Faction 2
22 Easygoing Escapist
23 Educated Fatalistic 3 An enemy of... Faction 3

24 Energetic Gullible 4 Unaffiliated Faction 4

25 Faithful Hypocritical
26 Friendly Inconsistent d8 SOCIAL DYNAMICS

31 Generous Indecisive e 1 Family of... NPC 1

32 Humorous Inflexible 2 Favourable towards... NPC 2
33 Intuitive Jealous 3 Wants something from... NPC 3
34 Jovial Manipulative 4 Has mixed feelings towards... NPC 4
35 Logical Mean
5 Indebted to... NPC 5
36 Modest Meddlesome
6 Has business with... NPC 6
41 Open-Minded Miserly
7 Unfavourable towards... NPC 7
42 Optimistic Moody
8 Hates... NPC 8
43 Passionate Nervous

44 Patient Nitpicking
45 Perceptive Paranoid d12 1 2
46 Persistent Passive-Aggressive
1 Administrator Innkeeper
51 Persuasive Perfectionist
2 Adventurer Labourer
52 Pioneering Perverse
3 Alien / Cyborg / Other Merchant

53 Practical Petty
4 Aristocrat Minor
54 Principled Pompous
5 Artisan Performer
55 Protective Prejudiced
6 Clergy Physician
56 Reliable Reckless
61 Resourceful Rude 7 Criminal Pilot

62 Selfless Secretive 8 Engineer Politician

63 Sincere Selfish 9 Entrepreneur Scholar

64 Straightforward Superficial 10 Farmer Soldier

65 Sympathetic Sycophantic 11 Homemaker Tradesman
66 Warmhearted Whiny 12 Journalist Unemployed

9. Generate Rumour Table . 10. Generate Encounter Table.
Rumours provide context and push the game PCs randomly Encounter people, creatures, and
forward. They can constitute clues to stumped environmental effects while travelling in the
players or diversions to others. wilderness or cities. They aren’t always dangerous.
Create a table of d12 Rumours. A Rumour can be Create a table of up to d12 Encounters.
true yet oblique, or false yet indirectly useful.
You may choose to make entries 9-12 special or
d6 RUMOUR TYPE ACCURACY particularly dangerous Encounters. When PCs are
in a relatively safe area a d8 is rolled to determine
1 History / Fact / Myth True an Encounter, whereas in a dangerous area a d12
2 Treasure True is rolled.

3 Warning True Determine how far away creatures are, as well as
what they were doing before the PCs arrived. If the
4 News / Gossip Partly True Encounter distance is “Signs”, this means the PCs
5 Hint / Clue Partly True find traces of an otherwise absent creature.

6 Mystery / Hook False ENCOUNTER
Provide random or selected Rumours as the 1 Close Building or nesting
players interact with people or creatures in the
world. This could happen in a Community, 2 Close Fighting
Adventure Site, or be discovered during a random 3 Near Guarding or waiting
Encounter. Refresh the Rumour table as needed. 4 Near Investigating
e 5 Far Passing by
6 Far Returning
7 Far Running or hiding
8 Far Searching or scouting
9 Distant Sleeping or resting
10 Distant Socializing and/or eating
11 Signs Waiting to ambush PCs
12 Signs Wounded

11. Generate Node Map .


Now that you have a sense of your game world,

use the most intriguing places on your hex map as
inspiration for 20-25 deliberate Points of Interest,
including your 2-4 Adventure Sites, and the paths
between them. These key decision points
represent how PCs will normally interact with the
overland map, whether they know it or not. The

paths between these points should include loops,

branches, and crossroads, much like a Dungeon, a
metro station map, or a video game hub map. This
is a node map (AKA a point-crawl).
A node map can be at any scale you like. Your
nodes could span the entire map or be entirely
located within one hex. The nodes might overlay
your hex map, or you could draw them separately.
Although the node map is likely to account for 99%
of the PCs’ overland movement, remember that
they are always free to deviate from it. When this
happens, the hex map will provide you with some
idea of what’s off track.

Demon Star
Campaign Worksheet


Demon Star
Dungeon Worksheet




—It seemed to be a sort of monster,

or symbol representing a monster,
of a form which only a diseased fancy could conceive.
- H.P. Lovecraft
Running Creatures s
Creature Behaviour ||||||||.. Creature Stats ||||||||..
Reactions Balancing Encounters
If unsure how a creature will initially react to PCs, Encounters don’t always need to be balanced.
roll 2d6 (modified by +1 or -1 depending on Savvy PCs can often avoid unfavourable situations.
circumstance) to determine their initial attitude: That said, a quick-and-dirty way to approximate
danger is to compare the cumulative HP of the
enemies compared to that of the PCs. The closer
2-3 Hostile. Angry at the PCs’ presence. these are to even, the riskier the Encounter.

4-5 Unfriendly. Bullies and harasses PCs. Creature total HP at around 50% of the PCs’ total
6 Avoidant. Doesn’t want to talk to PCs. HP makes for an average Encounter for beginning
players. If your players are especially competent
7 Neutral. Indifferent to PCs.
then 75% or more may be appropriate. Adjust this

8 Cautious. Uncertain but could be swayed. valuation accordingly if one side is substantially
9-10 Talkative. Somewhat polite but guarded. outnumbered, as they won’t be able to produce as
many attacks in a Round.
11-12 Charitable. May be willing to help.
If using a strong but solitary creature, its single
After the initial reaction, LUCK Tests may be used attacks may struggle to compete with several PC
if the PCs enter into conversation with a creature. attacks. Therefore, consider giving it Enhanced
attacks, area of effect, more HP, or minions.
Creature Size
dangerous situation, such as being outmatched or
unpaid/unfed, roll a Creature Test (minus their
boss’s LUCK if applicable) to check whether they
When an enemy or hireling is put in a stressful or

remain steadfast. Failure indicates they may flee,

Creatures much larger (or heavier) than a Terran
have their size listed as Large, Huge, or Colossal.

Size/weight differences have the following effects:

surrender, or betray their team. • Creatures that are 2 size categories higher
can’t usually be affected by grappling.
If an enemy somehow fails Morale yet has greater
• Creatures that are 1 size category higher have
numbers, they might continue the fight but with
Advantage in grapples. If they still lose, they
Impaired attacks.
are merely impeded by the grapple, not

• Smaller creatures can attempt to dodge

grapples as a free action.
• Smaller creatures can sneak around larger
creatures with Advantage.

Special Abilities
These are additional abilities a creature can use. If

it has a range, it will be listed in parentheses:

(C) = Close, (N) = Near, (F) = Far. The number of
times it can be used per day will be listed as (1X).

Finishing Move
A Finishing Move (FM) is an immediate action that
a creature may perform if they brought a PC to 0
HP. Roll a LUCK Test to determine whether the
creature does this.

Loot values detail the approximate value of what
might be found near a creature, possibly attached
to its victims rather than the creature itself.

Relative Power Levels .......
This table can be used for conversion, reference, or to help you create your own creatures.

HP ATK DEF XP LOOT (₦) Classic Ex.

1 2d3 1 1 ATK x 10 Giant Rat
4 2d4 1 3 ATK x 10 Goblin
6 d6+d4 1 5 ATK x 10 Bandit
9 d6+d4 1 10 ATK x 10 Orc
11 d6+d4 1 15 ATK x 10 Hobgoblin

14 2d6 1 20 ATK x 10 Dwarf
16 2d6 2 25 ATK x 10 Dryad
19 2d6 2 30 ATK x 10 Lizardman
21 2d6 2 35 ATK x 10 Giant spider

24 d8+d6 2 40 ATK x 10 Harpy
26 d8+d6 2 45 ATK x 10 Bugbear
29 d8+d6 2 50 ATK x 10 Werewolf
31 d8+d6 3 55 ATK x 10 Gnoll
34 2d8 3 60 ATK x 10 Wraith
36 2d8 3 65 ATK x 10 Centaur
39 2d8 3 70 ATK x 10 Ghoul
e 75
ATK x 10
ATK x 10
ATK x 10
49 d10+d8 4 90 ATK x 10 Manticore
51 d10+d8 4 95 ATK x 10 Mummy
54 2d10 4 100 ATK x 10 Medusa
56 2d10 4 105 ATK x 10 Basilisk
59 2d10 4 110 ATK x 10 Succubus

61 2d10 4 115 ATK x 10 Troll

64 d12+d10 4 120 ATK x 10 Minotaur
66 d12+d10 5 125 ATK x 10 Griffon
69 d12+d10 5 130 ATK x 10 Banshee
71 d12+d10 5 135 ATK x 10 Wyvern
74 2d12 5 140 ATK x 10 Hydra

76 2d12 5 145 ATK x 10 Hill Giant

79 2d12 5 150 ATK x 10 Vampire
81 d20+d6 5 155 ATK x 10 Gorgon
84 d20+d6 6 160 ATK x 10 Chimera
86 d20+d8 6 165 ATK x 10 Balor
89 d20+d8 6 170 ATK x 10 Elemental
91 d20+d10 6 175 ATK x 10 Death Knight
94 d20+d10 6 180 ATK x 10 Red Dragon
96 d20+d12 6 195 ATK x 10 Lich
99 d20+d12 6 200 ATK x 10 Kraken

Aliens O
Aliens are extraterrestrial beings hailing from other
planets in Algol or even from beyond the stars.
• Beaked alpha predator that senses blood
Asteri (AKA Green Man) • Moves through wormholes to other worlds
• Wants to stalk prey
• Race of secretive telepaths; cold/duplicitous
• Zealous technocratic rationalist HP 36 ATK 2d8 Close
• Wants to dominate though science and tech DEF 3 MOVE Far
HP 26 ATK d8+d6 Far XP 65 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

DEF 2 MOVE Near Wormhole (2X). Jumps into a wormhole and
XP 45 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ emerges anywhere in Algol.

Telekinesis (N) (1X). A PC rolls MIND Test to FM: Capture (C). Picks up the PC and both

avoid being moved to Close location against disappear into a wormhole.
their will. Roll with Advantage if this action
would push PC into a lethal position (ex. a cliff).
FM: Balloon Head (N). Inflates victim’s head
with psychic energy till it bursts.

• Aggressive squid beast with poison stinger
• Lurks in shadows and tries to drop on targets
• Wants to feed and procreate

HP 21 ATK 2d6 Close

XP 35 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Stinger (C) (1X). PC rolls BODY Test to avoid
being Paralyzed for 1d6 Rounds.

FM: Lay Eggs (C). Lays eggs in victim’s throat.

1d6 Chuthla emerge within 1 day.

Karraki (AKA Reacher) Sarthida (AKA Slither-Man)
• Scavenger/tinkerer nomad; neutral to Terrans • Crafty, opportunistic snake-like race
• Wants to honour ancestors & protect tribe • Wants to cut deals and come out on top

HP 29 ATK d8+d6 Near HP 14 ATK 2d6 Close

XP 50 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ XP 20 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Arm Extensions. Can attack or grab enemies Body Wrap (C). Sarthida grapples (d20 + HP)
from Near range. with Advantage against victim to squeeze them
for 2d8 damage.
FM: Spine Ripper (N). The Karraki rips head

and spinal cord from victim’s body. FM: Face Ripper (C). Sarthida bites PC’s face
off. PC is disfigured and permanently loses 2d4

Plisazon (AKA Galaxy Brains)
• Tentacled brain-eating race
• Wants to devour minds and learn secrets

HP 19 ATK 2d6 Far


XP 30 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Bleeder (N) (1X). Creates vacuum around
victim’s head, forcing blood to spray out of
facial orifices. 2d8 damage and victim is Dazed.
FM: Brain-Drain (C). Long tongue enters a
victim’s facial orifice & begins to drink brain. PC

permanently loses 1d4 MIND.

Demons D
Demons are malignant extra-dimensional
Cyber Fiend
outsiders. They hate all terrestrial life but can
occasionally be bargained with. • Hulking cybernetic-enhanced brute (Huge)
• Wants to be revered as a god
Biazu HP 86 ATK d20+d8 Far
• Sadistic mind-controlling demon DEF 6 MOVE Near
• Wants to make pernicious deals
XP 165 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
HP 41 ATK 2d8 Close

Mega Shot (F). Cyber Fiend skips a turn to
DEF 3 MOVE Near charge weapon. Fires next turn. 3d20 damage to
XP 75 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ all in a Near-Sized cube.

Possession (N) (2X). PC makes MIND Test to FM: Skull-Crush (C). Grabs PC’s head and

avoid being possessed for 10 min. Only works on easily crushes it in its hand.
1 PC at a time.
Shapeshift. Can assume various forms at will.
Illusion (N) (2X). Can create a powerful
illusion in the minds of the PCs. MIND Test to
Visions (2X). Induces PC with horrifying visions.
PC must pass MIND Test or lose 1d6 SP and
become Shaken for 1d6 turns. e
FM: Delimb (C). Tears a limb from victim then
leaves them alive. PC permanently loses 1d4
BODY and is Injured.

Glutton Hoof Tyrant
• Hideous, corpulent demon (Large) • Powerful centaur demon (Large)
• Wants to be fed delicacies such as Terrans • Wants to inflict maximum pain

HP 56 ATK 2d10 Close HP 66 ATK d12+d10 Close

XP 110 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ XP 125 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Strangle (N). Grapple 2 PCs (d20 + HP). Bull Rush (F). Tyrant stampedes in a straight
Tentacles strangle each for 2d10 damage. or arcing line dealing d12+d10 damage to
anyone in a Close-sized cube along the way,
FM: Devour (C). Glutton bites PC in half. Spits

knocking them Prone.
bones to taunt their friends.
FM: Trample (C). Tyrant uses its hoofs to crush
its victim into paste with extreme prejudice.

Hell Knight
• Bone-armour clad warrior demon
• Wants to fight for the glory of hell

HP 34 ATK 2d8 Close

XP 60 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Subdue (C). Grapples PC (d20 + HP) with

mantis-like arms. Hell Knight can continue

fighting normally while PC is restrained.
FM: Acid Tongue (C). Tongue goes down
victim’s throat, depositing dose of strong acid in
their stomach, leaving them Mortally Wounded.

Fey Y
Fey are otherworldly nature-dwelling beings of
chaos. Their goals are largely unfathomable to
Terrans, making them highly unpredictable. • Massive earth titan (Colossal)
Sometimes playing a trick might be an end unto • Wants to sleep and guard its territory
itself. They can become fixated on strange details
HP 99 ATK d20+d12 Far
about people and decide to hurt or help them in a
roundabout way. Sometimes they do both. DEF 6 MOVE Far
XP 200 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

Earthquake. Slams Ground. All land-based
• Deformed, appearance-altering fairy creatures within Far-range roll BODY Test at
• Wants to abduct and/or eat Terrans Disadvantage to avoid losing 50% HP.

HP 24 ATK d8+d6 Near

XP 40 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Alter Appearance. Can assume other forms.
Ignite (F). PC rolls LUCK Test or they catch fire,
causing 2d4 damage per Round until put out.
FM: Inhabit Dreams (F). Disappears into a
shroud of mist and lives in PCs dreams. PC loses
2d4 Luck until changeling is exorcised.
• Cave-dwelling shepherds (Large)
• Wants to eat meat and be undisturbed

HP 44 ATK d10+d8 Close

XP 80 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Boulder Throw (F). Thrown boulder hits all in
Close-sized cube for 2d8.
FM: Bonk (C). Grabs PC by their feet and

smashes their head against something hard.

Deep Thing Elf
• Amphibious race of fish men • Fickle, subterranean creature
• Wants gold and increased aquatic territory • Wants to steal mortals’ dreams

HP 19 ATK 2d6 Close HP 11 ATK d6+d4 Far

XP 30 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ XP 15 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Hydrokinesis (1X). Flood a Near-sized area, Blight Arrow (F) (1X). PC rolls BODY Test to
reducing PC movement to Close. Alternately, evade. Arrow does 2d8 damage and causes an
make a wall of water to limit PCs’ sight and appendage to rot and fall off in 1d4 days.

movement. Invisibility (2X). Turn invisible.

FM: Abduct (C). Grabs PC and pulls them FM: Enfeeble (F). Curse PC with -d4 LUCK.

• Small, mischievous monster
• Capricious, giant lizard (Huge)
• Wants to sabotage technology
• Wants treasure and to be revered
HP 4 ATK 2d4 Close
HP 94 ATK d20+d10 Near

XP 3 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
XP 180 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Misfire (F). PCs attacking a Gremlin with any
Fire Breath (F) (3X). d20+d12 damage to all
projectile weapon must succeed at LUCK Test or
in a Near-sized cube.
their weapon jams.
FM: Rag-Doll (N). Bites victim’s head, shakes Unlucky. LUCK Tests Near a Gremlin are always
them, then flings headless corpse in the air. Disadvantaged.

FM: Kaboom (N). A random piece of tech PC is

carrying explodes causing 2d4 damage in a
Near-sized cube.

Genobeasts S
Genobeasts are wild, dangerous plants and
Flying Horror
animals genetically engineered to prosper in the
harsh conditions of Eremos. Outbreaks of these • Ambush predators that pose as rocks
aberrations have become a normal occurrence. • Wants fresh blood
Culling their numbers can be a lucrative service.
HP 6 ATK d6+d4 Close

Carnivorous Tree DEF 1 MOVE Near

XP 10 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
• Bloodthirsty walking trees (Huge)

• Take double damage from fire attacks Sand Storm (N) (1X). Fires a high speed blast
• Wants nutrients to become the biggest of sand to all in a Close-sized cube. Affected PCs
roll BODY Test or are Dazed next Round.
HP 76 ATK 2d12 Near
FM: Drink Blood (C). Creature attaches to PC

and sucks blood. Victim will die in 3 Rounds if not
XP 145 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ removed.
Choke (N). Grapple Test (d20 + HP) to pick up
and strangle a PC for d20+d12 damage.

• Genetically modified race of Terrans
• Wants to thrive on its own terms

Crawler HP 14 ATK 2d6 Far


• Poisonous giant caterpillars

• Wants decomposed flesh XP 20 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

HP 16 ATK 2d6 Close Illusion. Creates 2 identical illusions of

themselves. Machines and Undead are immune.
FM: Eye Gauge (C). Presses fingers into PC’s
XP 35 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
eyes, permanently blinding them.
Toxic Breath (N) (1X). 2d6 damage to all

within a Close-sized cube.

Kavoras Sand Worm
• Lobster-men; live in hierarchical societies • Enormous burrowing worms (Huge)
• Wants to appease its gods with offerings • Wants to eat anything smaller than it
HP 31 ATK d8+d6 Close HP 71 ATK d12+d10 Near
XP 55 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ XP 135 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Grapple. Gets Advantage on Grapples. Cave In. Tunnels under PC. PC rolls BODY Test or
FM: Escape (C). Picks up PC in claw and jumps is trapped in the ground.
backwards to a Near location. FM: Swallow whole (N). Eats PC.

• Quick, hit-and-run pack animal
• Wants carrion and easy prey

HP 9 ATK d6+d4 Close



XP 10 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Bile Spit (N) (1X). 2d6 damage to all in a
Close-sized cube. Must pass LUCK Test or this
destroys random item in inventory.

Screamer Fly Spinner
• Ruthless fly-men who run in gangs • Insidious spider-person who plants doubts
• Wants to burn and pillage. • Wants to secure food and influence
HP 14 ATK 2d6 Close HP 39 ATK 2d8 Close
XP 20 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ XP 70 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Ear Shatter (N) (1X). 2d4 damage to all within Web (N) (2X). All within a Near-sized cube have
a Near-sized cube. PCs Roll BODY Test or lose movement rate of Close and Impaired attacks till
hearing for 30 minutes. they spend a Round removing the web.

FM: Catch (C). Carries PC away to process for

e Widda
• Fearsome Snake-men
• Horrid scorpion monster
• Wants to uncover dark magics
• Wants to maintain its hunting grounds
HP 19 ATK 2d6 Close
HP 49 ATK d10+d8 Close
XP 30 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
XP 90 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Venom Bite (C) (1X). Victim rolls BODY Test or
Stinger (C) (2X). Victim rolls BODY Test or is

is poisoned for 2d4 damage / Round for 3 rounds.

poisoned 2d10 damage / Round for 3 Rounds.

Robots were originally created to serve humanity.
However, many have been reprogrammed or
created by malicious AIs. As a result, many people • Mobile turret used as a guard (Large)
opt to shoot first or avoid them entirely. • Wants to follow its programming

HP 41 ATK 2d8 Far

• Magi-tech bot used to thwart mages (Large)
XP 75 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
• Wants to follow its programming

Chaingun (F) (2X). 2d8 to all within a Near-
HP 29 ATK d8+d6 Near
sized cube.
XP 50 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

Brain Zapper (N) (2X). PC loses 2d4 HP/SP.
Spell Steal (N) (2X). PC rolls MIND Test. On a
fail, Debugger casts one of the PC’s Magic Arts
as if it were its own (using PC’s SP).

Eviscerator • General patrol bot used for security (Large)
• Wants to follow its programming
• Mechanical executioner (Large)
• Wants to follow its programming HP 16 ATK 2d6 Far

HP 61 ATK 2d10 Close DEF 2 MOVE Near

DEF 4 MOVE Near XP 25 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

XP 115 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ Lockdown (F) (1X). Anyone within a Near-sized

cube becomes Dazed for one Round.
Liquid. Can turn itself into liquid metal and
reform. Able to impersonate people. If defeated

will reform itself within an hour.

Terrans s
The Terrans of Eremos owe their continued
Dark Marauder
survival to their resilience and adaptability. For
some, this has meant placing themselves • Brutal warrior
wholeheartedly into the service of the human • Wants to die in battle for the glory of hell
project. For others, survival has meant pledging
HP 34 ATK 2d8 Close
allegiance to powerful and demonic forces.
Chaos Sorcerer XP 60 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

• Corrupted magician SPEC Shield Bash. PC takes 2d6 damage and
• Wants power granted by his dark masters rolls BODY Test to avoid being knocked
HP 24 ATK d8+d6 Far

XP 40 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦
Fireball (F) (1X). Everyone in a Near-sized
cube takes 2d12 DMG. Roll BODY Test to take
half damage.
Enfeeble (F) (2X). Everyone in a Near-sized
cube rolls MIND Test to avoid being Dazed for
1d6 Rounds.
Teleport (2X). Sorcerer can teleport to any Far
Roulette Blast (F) (1X). PC rolls LUCK Test. If
they fail, take double the Sorcerer’s ATK
damage. If pass, no effect.
Normal Terran
• Hardy men and women of Eremos
• Wants to survive and thrive

HP 6 ATK d6+d4 Close

XP 5 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

Undead d
Cursed beings reanimated by dark magics. The
dead hate the living. They are harmed by sunlight.
• Evil that grows bigger eating souls (Large)
Blade Walker • Wants to steal souls
• Spirit of an executioner HP 51 ATK d10+d8 Close
• Wants to punish misdeeds of the living
HP 21 ATK 2d6 Close
XP 95 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

Aura of Fear (N). All PCs in range must succeed
XP 35 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ at a MIND Test or be Shaken. Only roll once.
Hug (C). Can grapple PCs (d20+HP) with its FM: Swallow Your Soul (C). PC’s soul is
lower half and continue attacking with its top half ingested. Soulstealer becomes Huge and gains

at the same time. 25 HP. Soul is destroyed if the Soulstealer dies.

Fungal Cadaver • Evil spirit with slapstick sense of humour
• Fungal hivemind-controlled corpses • Wants to torment the living
• Wants to infect others
HP 34 ATK 2d8 Close
HP 16 ATK 2d6 Close DEF 3 MOVE Near

DEF 2 MOVE Near XP 60 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦

XP 25 LOOT ATK x 10 ₦ Shapeshift. Turns into someone the PC knows
Spore Cloud (C). PCs in range must succeed at and pretends to need help.
MIND Test to avoid mind control. If affected, PC
FM: Touch of Evil (C). PC rolls LUCK Test once
copies the Cadaver in tandem till it’s destroyed.
per day to avoid turning temporarily evil at an
FM: Infected (C). PC is infected with brain inopportune time. Lasts long enough for the PC

fungus. Will turn into Fungal Cadaver in to sabotage something.

[=BODY] days.

Rules Reference E
Tests . Combat .
Roll d20 equal or under your attribute. On your turn, use a Move Action and a Main Action.
• BODY: physical prowess, resilience, agility First Strike Test: At the start of combat, roll a
• MIND: acuity, spirit, mental fortitude BODY Test to act before the enemy.

• LUCK: intuition, charisma, fate Attacks: Roll your weapon’s dice and deal that
much damage to an enemy’s HP, minus Defence.
Advantage: When rolling a Test from a position of
strength, roll 2d20 and take the better result. If your ATK is Impaired, subtract d4.

Disadvantage: When rolling a Test from a position If your ATK is Enhanced, add d4.
of weakness, roll 2d20 and take the worse result.
Injury/Mortal Wounds: If you reach 0 HP, roll a
BODY Test. On success, you are Injured. On failure,
Arts .

you are Mortally Wounded.
Number of SP invested is [#SP]. Each SP Dice is d4
Death: Mortally Wounded PCs roll d4 to determine
by default, the sum of which is [SUM].
when they die: 1) Immediately, 2) Shortly after
The Art is then executed using [SUM], [#SP], combat, 3) 1 hour, 4) 1 day.
[SWORD], and/or [FIST].
If an Injured or Mortally Wounded character is
struck while at 0 HP or again reduced to 0 HP, roll
Rest . .
a BODY Test with Disadvantage. On failure, they
Second Wind: As a Move Action, you can use SP are immediately slain.
to regain HP at a 1:1 ratio.
Long: Spend a Watch restoring half of total HP/SP.

Full: Spend a week fully restoring HP and non-

permanent Status Effects.



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