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Unit Objectives Language Focus

• Children are able to identify the time. What do you do at six o’clock?
Be on time
• Anak mampu mengidentifikasi waktu
• Children are able to talk about the time
• Anak mampu berbicara tentang waktu
I go to
Always, sometimes, usually,
school • Children are able to identi- fy daily activities. never.
after • Anak mampu mengidentifikasi aktivitas
having sehari-hari
• Children are able to talk about daily activities
con- nected to time.
• Anak mampu berbicara tentang kegiatan
sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan
He always
• Children are able to use adverb of frequency. How do you go to school?
gets up at • Anak mampu menggunakan kata Truck, plane, train, bus.
5 o’clock keterangan frekuensi Pedicab, mo- torcycle,
• Children are able to make simple sentence using helicopter, boat, ship bike.
adverb of frequency
• Anak mampu membuat kalimat sederhana
dengan menggunakan keterangan
How do you
• Children are able to identify kinds of vehicles. Supermarket, office, paddy
go to • Anak mampu mengidentifikasi macam- field, book store, by, at, go to.
school? macam kendaraan
• Children are able produce simple sentence about
• Anak mampu membuat kalimat sederhana
tentang kendaraan
He goes to
• Children are able to identify daily activities with Apples, mangoes, oranges,
school by vehicles used. bananas, strawberries, water-
bike • Anak mampu mengidentifikasi aktivitas melons
sehari-hari dengan kendaraan yang
• Children are able to tell how do they go to public
• Anak mampu menceritakan bagaimana cara
mereka pergi ke tempat umum
I like fruits • Children are able to use like and likes to talk Where does Kimi eat?
about someone’s favorite fruits Plate, spoon, fork, glass,
• Anak mampu menggunakan like dan suka bowl, pan, stove, frying pan,
untuk membicarakan buah kesukaan water, bathtub, soap, tooth
seseorang paste, tooth brush, shampoo,
towel, dipper, do, don’t

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