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Coverage: DSA Basics, Fullstack Development + Projects, Career Advice, Intermediate DSA,

Theory, Mock Interviews

Total: 30 weeks (25 hours/week)
Lectures: 3 hours/week, Self-study: 22 hours/week

Development + Career + Resume => 11 weeks

DSA => 13 weeks
OOP + Theory + Timed Practice + SQL + Machine Coding + Mock Interviews => 6 weeks

Development: 10 weeks
1. Onboarding and JS
a. Googling, Asking Questions, Accounts to create
b. Basic CLI, Git, GitHub
c. node + JS syntax
d. Project: Quiz app
b. Hosting on Netlify
c. CSS - I
d. Projects: Component Library, Portfolio, Landing Page
3. JS DOM manipulation
a. Web 101 (Web Architecture)
b. Vanilla JS, arrow function, callback, async, Promise
c. Projects (Do as many as possible with at least 1 from both)
i. Without APIs
1. Online Counter
2. Online Timer, Online Stopwatch
3. Encoder/Decoder: URL, Escape Tool, Base64, MD5, SHA-1,
SHA-256, SHA-512
4. Converters: Timestamp, Binary/Decimal/Hex/Octal, RGB/Hex
5. HTML Color Codes, Diff Tool
6. Unit Converter
7. Word Counter, Term Frequency (Allow File Upload as well)
8. Validators: Email Validator
9. Text Utilities: ​
10. Calculator
ii. Using APIs:
1. What is my IP
2. Currency
3. GitHub cards
4. Translator:
4. Backend 101
a. REST + MVC + express
b. Web hosting: Heroku
c. Discussion on URL Shortener
d. Projects:
i. Complete above projects
ii. UI: URL Shortener
iii. API with in-memory map: URL Shortener
5. React
a. React
b. Move all projects to React
c. Discussion on OTT Platform
d. API with in-memory map: OTT Platform
6. CSS - II
a. Selectors, Flex, Grid, media, specificity
b. Discussion on GitHub Cards
c. UI: OTT platform, GitHub Cards using React and Flex/Grid
7. Backend 102
a. mongo + DB Design for OTT and URL Shortener
b. session + Discussion on Review Platform
c. Projects: Fullstack: Review Platform, OTT platform with reviews, URL Shortener
8. E-commerce 101: basics (Landing Page, PDP, PLP, Checkout, OMS)
9. E-commerce 102: payments (Payments, RazorPay Integration)
10. Project Discussion, Demo Day, and Development wrap-up

Career: 1 week
1. resume and career advice sessions

OOP: 1 week
1. Teach OOP Principles, Build EMS

Basic DSA: 6 weeks

1. Time & Space Complexity Analysis, Recursion, Searching
2. Sorting - Basics, 2 pointers, Sorting - Advanced
3. Linked List
4. Stack, Queue
5. Hashmap, Hashing, Problem-solving Techniques (2 pointers vs Hashing)
6. Backtracking - Basics, Binary Tree

Intermediate DSA: 7 weeks

1. Greedy, Backtracking
2. BST
3. String, Tries & Bits
4. Map & Heap
5. DP - 1
6. DP - 2
7. Graph

Revision + Theory + Practice: 5 weeks

1. DSA Revision + Timed DSA Practice Tests
2. Theory (DBMS, OS, Networks) + Timed DSA Practice Tests
3. Theory (SQL and Design Principles) + Machine Coding and SQL Practice
4. 2-3 mock interviews + p2p mock interviews
5. System Design + Referral Tests and Mock Interviews

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