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Education for character

by Waqar Hassan — 2 months ago in Article

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HUMAN beings are identified as communal creatures. They engage in social interactions and
thrive within societies. What sets them apart from other creatures is their capacity to discern,
on ethical grounds, between right and wrong. This is designed to instil principles of character
in individuals, enabling the establishment of a community where they can coexist and
prosper. The objective of enlightening individuals is not merely to shape them as human
beings but also as valuable individuals. In the contemporary era, the term “valuable” often
carries only materialistic implications. The educational institutions we attend, the universities
where we pursue knowledge and the qualifications we attain equip us with competencies to
acquire financial resources and navigate our existence in this world, securing material

It appears that education has transformed into a tool primarily for achieving materialistic
objectives, forsaking its original intent of instilling character—a purpose abandoned by many
in the relentless pursuit of worldly gains. Examining the evolutionary trajectory of societies
reveals that their inception was motivated by a desire to escape the uncertainties and perils
of the unknown wilderness. The hazards posed by animals and unpredictable natural
phenomena compelled human beings to form societies. Contrastingly, the contemporary
landscape reveals that the dangers our ancestors grappled with have dissipated, yet present-
day humans have become significant threats to their fellow beings.

Contemporary societies are saturated with malevolent vices, and nations find themselves
entangled in unethical conflicts. The fear of one another has permeated human interactions.
What went astray in the historical narrative of human evolution? The culpability is glaringly 2/7
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evident in the way we shape individuals. The education system that moulds our generations
yields the outcomes we observe. It is undeniably accurate that the educational framework has
woefully faltered in fortifying the character of individuals, giving rise to social discord and
resentment as its consequential fallout. Education guides us in the art of respecting our fellow
beings. It is not merely a means to secure employment; rather, it serves as a fount of
enlightenment. The moral fortitude instilled by education should be such that individuals
steadfastly adhere to ethical principles, even when the assurance of avoiding legal
repercussions exists.

Had the education system adhered to its original purpose, we might have cultivated a tranquil
society. The pervasive societal maladies are widely acknowledged. Widespread corruption has
become a conventional practice. What is disconcerting is the widely accepted notion that
mutual reliance in social interactions is scarce, yet the expectation remains that each person
upholds the highest standards of character. This paradox is truly astonishing. In our society,
we unfortunately observe instances where women and children endure severe brutalities.
Numerous such cases have been extensively covered by the media, yet the wrongdoers
receive backing from their influential circles. Why? If individuals who commit heinous crimes
find support, we may not be part of an enlightened society.

It’s reprehensible that incidents like sexual assault against women, the mistreatment of
children, or the unjustifiable killing of innocent individuals occur due to the influence criminals
wield within their social circles following the commission of a crime. What’s more alarming is
the absence of exemplary punishments for those criminals residing among us but displaying
animalistic behaviour. The disconcerting reality is that such inhumane individuals live without
any sense of shame. Are we truly residing in an educated society? Does education endorse
allowing individuals of this nature to instil fear in the minds of innocent citizens, who may one
day fall victim to their malevolence? On the other hand, leaders in the state assert that they’ve
been diligently serving the masses, yet the public has observed deterioration in social and
political benchmarks. If everything is indeed well within leadership, why then do we witness a
failure in the delivery of promised benefits? Why have we not reaped the rewards of
unparalleled leadership?

Undoubtedly, the education system has fallen short of nurturing individuals into effective
leaders, resulting in a leadership vacuum. Survey the aspirations of young individuals, and
you’ll find a common desire for immense wealth and unparalleled fame. Does education exist
solely to cultivate individuals who prioritize amassing wealth and fame? More disheartening is
the contemporary era’s departure from virtues like mutual coexistence, justice for all, respect 3/7
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for diverse perspectives, and the moral fortitude to condemn wrongdoing while appreciating
what is right. This reflects the stark reality that we’ve veered off course.

Prioritizing character education is essential to steering societal progress and prosperity. This
isn’t an appeal to idealism; it’s entirely feasible to nurture individuals whose values make
them exemplary members of society. To start, education should instill the value of honesty as
the foundational step in life’s journey. All other virtues stem from the honesty of one’s
character, revolutionizing human interactions and fostering personal and collective

A bedrock of character honesty encourages acknowledging shortcomings and striving for

personal growth that benefits everyone. Education for character aims to establish justice,
beginning within the family. It’s crucial to teach children the importance of respecting their
peers’ rights. Parents should emphasize that violating these rights results in exclusion from
the family, as a family’s character shapes a child’s character.

Our generation needs an education that compels future leaders to take full accountability for
failures and be willing to step down from power if they fall short. Education for character
prioritizes respect for women and nurtures a love for children, eradicating negative
tendencies against them and fostering a safer, more conducive social environment. It
promotes a society where individuals collectively reject malevolent traits and embrace purity,
fostering inclusivity for harmonious coexistence. In a society prioritizing education for
character, vices like hatred, negative criticism, and slander find no foothold.

Above all, education for character cultivates happiness, encouraging people to appreciate
what they have and dampening the unhealthy desire for accumulation through illicit means.
We must transform our society as it’s the environment where our children will thrive and
mature. It’s our shared responsibility to establish a social system where justice, honesty,
purity, and love for humanity become the standard. Without it, the social fabric risks
succumbing to the curse of ‘might is right,’ dismantling its delicate structure.

—The writer is CSS Officer, based in Sargodha.


views expressed are writer’s own. 4/7
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Waqar Hassan

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