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Screw Loosening for Standard and Wide

Diameter Implants in Partially Edentulous

Cases: 3- to 7-Year Longitudinal Data
Sang-Choon Cho, DDS,* Paula-Naomi Small DDS, MPH,† Nicolas Elian, DDS,‡ and Dennis Tarnow, DDS§

crew loosening is considered to be Screw loosening is considered to Of the implants 68 were wide diameter

S a common problem with both

screw-retained and cemented im-
plant restorations.1 Several complica-
be a common problem with both screw
- retained and cemented implant res-
torations. A wider abutment platform,
and 145 were standard diameter im-
plants. Wide diameter implants showed
5.8% screw loosening, while standard
tions may arise as a result of loose re- as well as using a torque driver to diameter implants showed 14.5% screw
taining or abutment screws. There can tighten specifically designed screws loosening after insertion with only hand
be granulation tissue between the loose may help prevent this loosening. How- torquing. When these loose screws were
abutment and the implant, leading to
ever, there has been no clinical study tightened with a torque driver, there was
fistulae formation and infection of the
evaluating either of these. To longitu- no more loosening of screws. Within the
soft tissue. In addition, loose screws are
more apt to fracture under load, leading dinally compare the frequency of limitations of this study, the wide diam-
to long-term prosthesis complications.2 screw loosening in standard diameter, eter implants tested showed less screw
The literature to date does not (3.75 and 4.0 mm) implant supported loosening than the standard diameter
present a consistent trend of reported prostheses to that of wide diameter, implants when hand torqued. Addition-
screw loosening. Some investigators (5.0 and 6.0 mm) implant supported ally, within the scope of our study, using
have found that as little as 2%2-4 of all prostheses that were hand tightened, a torque driver to tighten the screws
screws loosen, while others report a fre- and to evaluate whether using a with the recommended force prevented
quency of up to 40%.5 Naert et al4 re- torque driver would minimize or pre- this loosening from reoccurring in all
ported that 5% of retaining gold screws vent this problem, if screw loosening cases. (Implant Dent 2004;13:245–250)
loosened. Kallus and Bessing5 reported occurred. A total of 213 dental im- Key Words: torque, wide diameter im-
that 40% of slotted gold screws, and plants in 106 patients were included plant, abutment, screw
10% of internally hexed gold screws in this prospective longitudinal study.
loosened. Overall, 26% of all gold re-
taining screws loosened and 4% of all
abutment screws loosened. These au- loosening of abutment screws over the plant. The closer the tightening force
thors examined screw loosening in full first year on single tooth implants. approaches the recommended force
arch restorations only and speculated Becker and Becker7 reported 38% loos- for any particular screw, the more sta-
that a higher frequency of screw loosen- ening of single implant restorations in ble the connection will be. Thus, the
ing was expected with single tooth res- the posterior maxilla and mandible. design of the head and body of the
torations. Jemt et al6 reported 26% loos- The most likely cause of the ma- screw is significant and should allow a
ening of gold retaining screws and 43% jority of screw loosening is inadequate maximum of torque to be introduced
tightening of the screw.8 Another im- in the stem of the screw. The design of
portant factor is the design and nature the screw head, screw material and
*Clinical Assistant Professor, Ashman Department of Implant
(design refers to shape, thread style, tightening force are all important pa-
Dentistry, New York University, College of Dentistry, New York,
New York.
head design, and driver shape needed rameters for screw joint stability. Mc-
† Clinical Associate Professor, Ashman Department of Implant
Dentistry, New York University, College of Dentistry, New York,
to insert, while nature refers to type of Glumphy stated that the clamping load
New York.
‡Assistant Professor, Director of International Implant
metal) of the screw itself. It was dis- must be greater than the separating
Program, Ashman Department of Implant Dentistry, New York
University, College of Dentistry, New York, New York.
covered that internally hexed screws forces to keep screws tight.8a There-
§Professor, Chairman, Ashman Department of Implant could be tightened (even by hand) to a fore, it was recommended to maxi-
Dentistry, New York University, College of Dentistry, New York,
New York. higher degree than slotted screws.5 mize preload forces and minimize
When a screw is tightened, a tensile joint separating forces.
ISSN 1056-6163/04/01303-245
Implant Dentistry force (preload) is built up in the stem Other possible factors contributing
Volume 13 • Number 3
Copyright © 2004 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins of the screw. This preload creates a to screw loosening include nonpassive
DOI: 10.1097/ contact between the abutment and im- frameworks,9 cantilevered frameworks,


Table 1. Screw loosening in wide diameter implants vs standard implants
No. of Screws % of Screw
Total Loosened Loosening
Wide diameter implants 68 4 5.8
Standard diameter implants 145 21 14.5

wide occlusal table, steep cusps, poorly UCLA-type abutments were used. The
fitting components, bone remodeling, conical abutments used an occlusal
nonaxial loading, and bruxism.2,10,11 A screw (catalog #GSH30) to attach the
wider base on an implant has been said prostheses to the conical abutment, and
Fig. 1. Incidence of screw loosening in wide
to be a possible benefit to prevent screw the UCLA-type abutment used an abut-
and standard diameter implants with hand
loosening using nonclinical analyses.12 ment screw (catalog #UNIHT) to attach torque alone.
It has also been suggested by manufac- the prostheses directly to the implants.
turers that the use of torque drivers The prostheses did not contain cantile-
should minimize or prevent this screw vered pontics. All prostheses were plants showed 12.3% (23/187) (Table
loosening. Vogel and Davliakos13 have screw retained, hand tightened at inser- 2). Single tooth replacement prosthe-
recently reported that there was no tion, and supervised by one investigator ses showed 10.3% (4/39), while mul-
screw loosening from 3 to 54 months (PS). The patients were recalled at 3, 6, tiple unit prostheses showed 12.1%
when the Spline implant and prosthetic 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. During (21/174) (Table 3). Of the 39 single
components (Centerpulse Dental Divi- the follow-up visits, the prostheses, implant restorations 9% (2/22) ante-
sion, Carisbad, CA) were used. The pur- abutment screws, and occlusal screws rior restorations loosened and 11.8%
pose of this prospective study was to were clinically and radiographically (2/17) posterior restoration loosened
longitudinally compare the frequency of evaluated for loosening. When screw (Table 4). Finally, prostheses secured
screw loosening in standard diameter, loosening occurred, the screws were re- to conical abutments showed 12.6%
(3.75 and 4.0 mm) implant prostheses to tightened with a torque driver to 10 Ncm (8/63), while UCLA-type abutments
that of wide diameter, (5.0 and 6.0 mm) for small occlusal screws (as used to showed 11.3% (17/150) (Table 5). As
implant prostheses that have been hand secure prostheses to conical abutments), screws loosened after the initial pros-
torqued, and to see if using a torque and to 20 Ncm for the abutment screws theses insertion, torque drivers were
driver could prevent, or minimize, the (as used to secure UCLA-type abutment used to tighten the screws to 10 or 20
reoccurrence of this loosening. prostheses to the implants), as recom- Ncm, as recommended by the manu-
mended by the manufacturer of the facturer. Since this tightening with the
MATERIALS AND METHODS screws used. same components, there have been no
A total of 213 dental implants (Im- recurrences in screw loosening after
plant Innovations Inc, West Palm RESULTS each case for three to five years.
Beach, FL, USA) were placed since Statistical analyses were performed,
1993 in 106 patients for this prospective and the percentage of screw loosening DISCUSSION
study at the Ashman Department of Im- for different subgroups was evaluated. Although wide diameter implants
plant Dentistry at New York University The categories evaluated were wide vs. were introduced as bail-out implants,
College of Dentistry. Of the patients 56 standard diameter implants, anterior vs. their theoretical advantages have been
were female and 50 were male with ages posterior implants, single tooth replace- well documented in the literature.14
ranging from 20 to 74 years old. All ment vs. multiple unit frameworks, and Graves et al12 reported a decrease of
implants were externally hexed conical vs. UCLA-type abutments. the force on a screw of 20%, and 33%
machined-surface titanium screws. Of Overall, screw loosening occurred when the diameter of an implant was
the implants 68 were wide diameter and in 11.7% (24/213), with an average of increased from 3.75 mm to 5.0 mm,
145 were standard diameter implants. 3.2 years time elapsed from prosthesis and 6.0 mm respectively. They postu-
There were 39 single tooth replace- insertion to screw loosening. Wide di- lated that this might indeed reduce the
ments. Of these 13 were wide diameter ameter implants showed 5.8% (4/68) amount of screw loosening. Clearly
and located in the posterior maxilla/ screw loosening, while standard diam- this clinical investigation supports this
mandible. Twenty-six were standard di- eter implants showed 14.5% (21/145) hypothesis, with only 5.8% of wide
ameter and were located in the anterior screw loosening (Table 1, Fig. 1). An- diameter implant supported restora-
maxilla, replacing teeth between the ca- terior implants showed 7.7% (2/26) tions becoming loose as compared to
nines. There were 68 multiple unit (2-5 screw loosening, while posterior im- 14.5% of standard diameter implant-
units) fixed implant supported partial
dentures attached to 174 implants. All of Table 2. Screw loosening in anterior implants vs posterior implants
these implants replaced teeth in the pos-
No. of Screws % of Screw
terior maxilla/mandible sextants. All
Total Loosened Loosening
restorations were fabricated using
UCLA-type or conical abutments. A to- Anterior implants 26 2 7.7
tal of 63 conical abutments and 150 Posterior implants 187 23 12.3


Table 3. Screw loosening in single implants vs multiple implants theses. Part II: prosthetic aspects. J Pros-
thet Dent. 1992;68:949-956.
No. of Screws % of Screw
5. Kallus T, Bessing C. Loose gold
Total Loosened Loosening screws frequently occur in full-arch fixed
Single implants 39 4 10.3 prostheses supported by osseointegrated
Multiple implants 174 21 12.1 implants after 5 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Implants. 1994;9:169-178.
6. Jemt T, Laney WR, Harris D, et al.
Table 4. Screw loosening in single anterior restorations vs single posterior restorations Osseointegrated implants for single tooth
replacement: a 1-year report from a multi-
No. of screws % of Screw center prospective study. Int J Oral Maxil-
Total Loosened Loosening lofac Implants. 1991;6:29-36.
Single anterior restorations 22 2 9 7. Becker W, Becker BE. Replacement
Single posterior restorations 17 2 11.8 of maxillary and mandibular molars with
single endosseous implant restorations: a
retrospective study. J Prosthet Dent.
Table 5. Screw loosening in conical abutment vs UCLA abutment 1995;74:51-55.
8. Lazzara R, Siddiqui AA, Binon P, et
No. of Screws % of Screw al. Retrospective multicenter analysis of 3i
Total Loosened Loosening endosseous dental implants placed over a
Conical abutment 63 8 12.6 five-year period. Clin Oral Implants Res.
UCLA abutment 150 17 11.3 1996;7:73-83.
8a. McGlumphy EA. Keeping implant
screws tight: the solution. J Dent Sympo-
supported restorations becoming loose CONCLUSION sia. 1993;1:20-23.
(a difference of 8.7%). What is also Based on the results of this investi- 9. Binon P. Evaluation of the effectiveness
important is the fact that once these gation, the wide diameter implant used of a technique to prevent screw-loosening. J
same components were tightened with Prosthet Dent. 1998;79:430-432.
in this study reduced the incidence of 10. McGlumphy E, Mendel D, Hollo-
a torque driver, no further loosening screw loosening. This investigation also
occurred. No wobble or rotation was way J. Implant screw mechanics. Dent Clin
supports the clinical practice of meticu- North Am. 1998;42:71-89.
detected clinically after being torqued. lous attention to occlusal forces on im- 11. Hurson S. Laboratory techniques
The other significant discrepancy was plant prostheses. Finally, the use of a to prevent screw-loosening on dental im-
the difference in loosening between torque driver, specific for the type of plants. J Dent Technology. 1996;13:30-37.
anterior and posterior implants. This screw used in this study minimized or
12. Graves SL, Jansen CE, Saddiqui
discrepancy was 4.6%. Posterior im- AA, et al. Wide diameter implants: indica-
prevented screw loosening. tions, considerations and preliminary re-
plants loosened at a higher percentage
sults over a two-year period. Aust Prosth J.
than anterior implants. This supports 1994;8:31-37.
the concept of eliminating unneces- 13. Vogel RE, Davliakos JP. Spline(TM)
sary occlusal and off-axial forces on The authors claim to have no finan-
implant prospective multicenter study: in-
implant supported restorations. cial interest in any company or any of terim report on prosthetic screw stability in
To reduce the incidence of screw the products mentioned in this article. partially edentulous patients. J Esthetic
loosening, clinical research has sup- Dent. 2002;14:225-237.
ported the following clinical recommen- REFERENCES 14. Langer B, Langer L, Herrmann I, et
al. The wide fixture: a solution for special
dations: a) insure implants are placed 1. Zarb G, Schmitt A. The longitudinal situations and a rescue for the compro-
perpendicular to the occlusal plane; b) clinical effectiveness of osseointegrated mised implant. Int J Oral Maxillofac Im-
frameworks should have minimal canti- dental implants: the Toronto study. Part III: plants. 1993;8:400-408.
lever lengths; c) use components with problems and complications encountered. 15. Aboyoussef H, Weiner S, Ehrenberg
low tolerance levels for component mis- J Prosthet Dent. 1990;64:185-194. D. Effect of an antirotation resistance form
fit; and d) use components with anti- 2. Goodacre CJ, Kan JYK, Rungcha- on screw-loosening for single implant-
rassaeng K. Clinical complications of os- supported crowns. J Prosthet Dent. 2000;
rotational features for single tooth resto- seointegrated implants. J Prosthet Dent. 83:450-455.
rations. One study also showed that the 1999;81:537-552.
inclusion of a conical spring washer in- 3. Jemt T, Book K, Linden B, et al. Fail-
creased the amount of rotational dis- ures and complications in 92 consecutively Reprint requests and correspondence to:
placement needed to completely loosen inserted overdentures supported by Brane- Dennis Tarnow, DDS
an implant screw.15 In addition, the lit- mark implants in severely resorbed edentu- c/o NYU College of Dentistry
erature supports a gold alloy screw with lous maxillae: a study from prosthetic treat- Ashman Department of Implant Dentistry
ment to first annual check-up. Int J Oral 345 East 24th Street, Rm 8W
a flat head, internal hex or square, and a Maxillofac Implants. 1992;7:162-167. New York, NY 10010
high tightening force (torque driver), as 4. Naert I, Quirynen M, van Steen- Tel: 212-998-9525
having the greatest ability to produce the berghe D, et al. A study of 589 consecutive Fax: 212-995-4337
best results. implants supporting complete fixed pros- E-mail:


Abstract Translation [German, Spanish, Portugese, Japanese]

AUTOR(EN): Sang-Choon Cho, DDS*, Schraubenlockerung bei Implantaten mit Standard- und erweitertem Durchmesser:
Paula-Naomi Small, DDS, MPH**, Nicolas Longitudinalangaben anhand 3 bis 7 Jahre andauernden Studien an teilweise zahn-
Elian, DDS***, Dennis Tarnow, DDS****. losen Patienten
*Klinischer Assistenzprofessor, Abteilung für
Implantatgestützte Zahnheilkunde, Universität ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Lockerung der Schrauben bei Implantierungsbehandlungen
von New York, zahnmedizinische Fakultät, ist inzwischen als allgemeines Problem bei Wiederherstellungsbehandlungen durch sowohl
New York, New York. **Klinischer A.O. Pro- rein Schraubenfixierte wie auch einzementierte Zahnimplantate anerkannt. Dieses Phänomen
fessor, Abteilung für Implantatgestützte könnte durch den Einsatz einer breiteren Stützzahnplattform oder die Verwendung eines
Zahnheilkunde, Universität von New York, Drehmomentverstärkers zur Befestigung speziell ausgelegter Schrauben vermieden werden.
zahnmedizinische Fakultät, New York, New Allerdings befasste sich bislang keine klinische Studie mit diesen Möglichkeiten. Zielsetzung:
York. ***Assistenzprofessor, Leiter des Inter- Das Ausma␤ an Lockerung in der Longitudinalachse soll in einem Vergleich von Implantat-
nationalen Implantierungsprogramms, Abtei- gestützten Prothesen mit Standarddurchmesser (3.75 mm und 4.0 mm) zu Implantierungslö-
lung für Implantatgestützte Zahnheilkunde, sungen mit gro␤em Durchmesser (5.0 mm und 6.0 mm) bei Befestigung per Hand ermittelt
Universität von New York, zahnmedizinische werden. Des Weiteren ist zu untersuchen, inwieweit der Einsatz eines Drehmomentverstärkers
Fakultät, New York, New York. ****Profes- bei bereits vorliegender Schraubenlockerung das Problem vermeiden oder zumindest eingren-
sor, Vorsitzender, Abteilung für Implantatges- zen bzw. beseitigen kann. Materialien und Methoden: An dieser abschätzenden Longitudi-
tützte Zahnheilkunde, Universität von New nalstudie nahmen 106 Patienten teil. Insgesamt standen 230 Zahnimplantate zur Untersuchung
York, zahnmedizinische Fakultät, New York, zur Verfügung, davon waren 68 Implantate mit gro␤em Durchmesser und 145 wiesen einen
New York. Schriftverkehr: Dennis Tarnow, Standarddurchmesser auf. Ergebnisse: Die Implantate mit gro␤em Durchmesser wiesen eine
DDS, c/o NYU College of Dentistry (zahn- Schraubenlockerungsrate von 5.8% auf. Die Implantate mit Standarddurchmesser dagegen
medizinische Fakultät der Universität von mussten 14.5% Anteil an Schraubenlockerung verzeichnen. Bei beiden Optionen wurde das
New York), Ashman Dept. of Implant Dentistry Implantat durch händisches Drehen eingebracht und befestigt. Wurden bereits lockere Ver-
(Abteilung für Implantatgestützte Zahnhei- schraubungen mittels Drehmomentverstärker angezogen, kam es zu keinen weiteren Lock-
lkunde), 345 East 24th Street Rm 8W, New erungen. Schlussfolgerung: Innerhalb der natürlichen Grenzen der vorliegenden Studie
York 10010. Telefon: 212-998-9525, Fax: wiesen bei Handverschraubung die Zahnimplantate mit breiterem Durchmesser einen gerin-
212-995-4337. eMail: geren Anteil an Schraubenlockerungen auf als die mit einem Standarddurchmesser. Weiterhin
hat sich als ein Ergebnis dieser Studie ergeben, dass die Verwendung eines Drehmomentver-
stärkers zum Anziehen der bereits lockeren Schrauben unter Aufwendung der empfohlenen
Drehstärke eine weitere Lockerung in allen behandelten Fällen vermeiden konnte.

SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Drehmoment, Implantat mit erweitertem Durchmesser, Stütz-

zahn, Schraube

AUTOR(ES): Sang-Choon Cho, DDS*, El aflojamiento de tornillos en implantes estándar y de diámetro ancho en casos
Paula-Naomi Small, DDS, MPH**, Nicolas parcialmente edentulosos: Datos longitudinales de 3 a 7 años
Elian, DDS***, Dennis Tarnow, DDS****.
*Profesor Asistente Clı́nico, Departamento de ABSTRACTO: El aflojamiento de tornillos se considera un problema común en la
Odontologı́a de Implantes, New York Univer- restauraciones con implantes pegados con cementos y retenidos con tornillos. Una
sity, Colegio de Odontologı́a, Nueva York, plataforma de pilar más amplia ası́ como el uso de un impulsor de torsión para apretar
Nueva York. **Profesor Asistente Clı́nico, De- tornillos especı́ficamente indicados podrı́a ayudar a prevenir el aflojamiento. Sin embargo,
partamento de Odontologı́a de Implantes, New no hay estudios clı́nicos que evalúen uno de estos métodos. Propósito: Para comparar
York University, Colegio de Odontologı́a, longitudinalmente la frecuencia del aflojamiento de tornillos en prótesis apoyadas por
Nueva York, Nueva York. ***Profesor Asis- implantes de diámetro estándar (3.75 mm y 4.00 mm) con los prótesis apoyadas por
tente, Director del Programa Internacional de implantes de diámetro ancho (5.0 mm y 6.00 mm) que fueron ajustados a mano y para
Implantes, Departamento de Odontologı́a de evaluar si un impulsor de torsión reducirı́a o prevendrı́a este problema, si ocurrió el
Implantes, New York University, Colegio aflojamiento del tornillo. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron doscientos trece implantes
de Odontologı́a, Nueva York, Nueva York dentales en ciento seis pacientes en este estudio prospectivo longitudinal. Sesenta y ocho
****Profesor, Jefe, Departamento de Odonto- implantes fueron de diámetro ancho y ciento cuarenta y cinco fueron implantes de
logı́a de Implantes, New York University, Co- diámetro estándar. Resultados: Los implantes de diámetro ancho demostraron un afloja-
legio de Odontologı́a, Nueva York, Nueva miento del tornillo de 5,8%, mientras que los implantes de diámetro estándar demostraron
York. Correspondencia a: Dennis Tarnow, un aflojamiento del tornillo de 14.5% luego de la colocación con la torsión manual.
DDS, c/o NYU College of Dentistry, Ashman Cuando los tornillos fueron apretados con un impulsor de torsión, despareció el afloja-
Dept. of Implant Dentistry, 345 East 24th miento del tornillo. Conclusión: Dentro de las limitaciones de este estudio, los implantes
Street, Rm 8W, New York, NY 10010. 4 Telé- de diámetro ancho probados demostraron menor aflojamiento del tornillo que los implan-
fono: 212-998-9525, Fax: 212-995-4337. tes de diámetro estándar cuando fueron apretados con la mano. Además, dentro del
Correo electrónico: alcance de nuestro estudio, usar un impulsor de torsión para apretar los tornillos con la
fuerza recomendada previno que volviera a ocurrir este aflojamiento en todos los casos.

PALABRAS CLAVES: torsión, implante de diámetro ancho, pilar, tornillo


AUTOR(ES): Sang-Choon Cho, Cirurgião- Afrouxamento de Parafuso para Implantes-Padrão e de Dia៮ metro Largo em Casos
Dentista*, Paula-Naomi Small, Cirurgia- Parcialmente Desdentados: Dados Longitudinais de 3 a 7 Anos
Dentista, Mestre em Saúde Pública**, Nicolas
Elian, Cirurgião-Dentista***, Dennis Tarnow, RESUMO: O afrouxamento de parafuso é considerado um problema comum nas restau-
Cirurgião-Dentista****. *Professor-Assistente rações retidas por parafuso e nos implantes cimentados. Uma plataforma de suporte mais
Clı́nico, Departamento de Odontologia de Im- largo, bem como usar uma chave de torque para apertar parafusos especificamente
plantes, Universidade de Nova York, College of projetados podem ajudar a prevenir esse afrouxamento. Contudo, não houve nenhum
Dentistry, Nova York, Nova York. **Professor estudo clı́nico avaliando qualquer desses. Propósito: Para comparar longitudinalmente a
Associado Clı́nico, Departamento de Odontolo- freqüência de afrouxamento de parafuso em dia៮ metro-padrão, o implante de (3.75 e 4.0
gia de Implantes, Universidade de Nova York, mm) suportou próteses àquele de dia៮ metro largo, o implante de (5.0 e 6.0 mm) suportou
College of Dentistry, Nova York, Nova York. próteses que foram apertadas a mão, e para avaliar se usar uma chave de torque
***Professor Assistente, Diretor do Programa minimizaria ou preveniria esse problema, se o afrouxamento de parafuso ocorresse.
Internacional de Implantes, Departamento de Material e métodos: Duzentos e treze implantes dentários em cento e seis pacientes
Odontologia de Implantes, Universidade de foram incluı́dos neste estudo longitudinal em perspectiva. Sessenta e oito implantes eram
Nova York, College of Dentistry, Nova York, de dia៮ metro largo e cento e quarenta e cinco eram implantes de dia៮ metro-padrão.
Nova York. ****Professor, Presidente, Departa- Resultados: Os implantes de dia៮ metro largo mostraram afrouxamento de parafuso de
mento de Odontologia de Implantes, Univer- 5.8%, enquanto os implantes de dia៮ metro-padrão mostraram afrouxamento de parafuso de
sidade de Nova York, College of Dentistry, Nova 14.5% após a inserção com apenas um torque manual. Quando esses parafusos soltos
York, Nova York. Correspondência para: Dennis foram apertados com uma chave de torque, não houve mais afrouxamento de parafusos.
Tarnow, DDS, c/o NYU, College of Dentistry, Conclusão: Dentro das limitações deste estudo, os implantes de dia៮ metro largo testados
Ashman Dept. of Implant Dentistry, 345 East mostrados menos afrouxamento de parafuso do que os implantes de dia៮ metro-padrão
24th Street Rm 8W, New York, NY 10010. Tele- quando torcidos a mão. Adicionalmente, dentro do escopo de nosso estudo, usar uma
fone.: 212-998-9525, Fax: 212-995-4337. E- chave de torque para apertar os parafusos com a força recomendada impediu que esse
mail: afrouxamento ocorresse em todos os casos.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: torque, implante de dia៮ metro largo, suporte, parafuso.



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