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Humanism, a beacon in life’s vast sea, Where hearts embrace our shared humanity.

explore its essence, its gentle art, Guiding us toward compassion’s start.
1. Empathy: Humanism whispers, “Feel,” Understand wounds that others conceal.
Empathy bridges gaps, heals the soul, In shared tears, we find our role.
2. Reason: Humanism seeks the light, Reason’s torch dispels the night. Question, learn,
seek truth’s embrace, Reason’s dance, a symphony of grace.
3. Kindness: A ripple in life’s stream, Kindness blooms, a radiant beam. Humanism bows
to compassion’s grace, In kindness, we find our place.
4. Equality: Humanism stands tall, Breaking down walls, dismantling the fall. All hearts
equal, regardless of birth, Humanism celebrates our shared worth.
5. Secular Love: Beyond dogma’s chains, Humanism embraces love’s gentle rains. Love
freely given, without divine decree, Secular love, boundless and free.
6. Community: Gather hearts, hands entwined, Humanism’s circle, diverse and kind.
Together we thrive, in unity’s song, Community, where we all belong.
So let’s raise our voices, hearts aligned, In the symphony of humanism, beautifully designed. For
love, reason, and kindness pave the way, And in our shared humanity, we’ll forever sway

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