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I/ Read the passage then choose the correct answer to each question.

Along with making models and horse riding, gardening is a popular hobby that many
people enjoy nowadays because of its numerous benefits. Gardening requires patience and
maturity. It teaches you to be patient when you wait for your plants to grow. It also brings a
sense of responsibility because you have to take on the task of caring for your plants' needs.
Gardening can also reduce stress and bring relaxation.

When you garden, you belong to a community of nature lovers. You may learn many
unusual gardening techniques such as using cardboard to prevent weeds. By placing a layer
of cardboard around your plants, it helps prevent unwanted growth and keeps your garden
tidy. In addition, your knowledge about natural world can be widened. For example, not all
insects such as bugs are bad. Only about one to 3% of them are considered harmful. Some
help pollinate flowers, while others control harmful pests. Gardening is really a valuable
activity that allows you to connect with nature.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Gardening: An expensive hobby
B. How to be a natural lover
C. The equipment of gardening
D. A popular and valuable hobby

2. Why does gardening make people become more responsible?
A. Because gardeners have to keep learning about techniques.
B. Because gardeners have to always keep their garden tidy.
C. Because gardeners have to care about the plants’ demands.
D. Because gardeners have to wait a long time to see plants grow.

3. The word “stress” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.

A. pressure B. importance C. passion D. calm

4. Based on the passage, which statement can be inferred?

A. Gardening requires physical strength and skills
B. Gardening is an unusual hobby for nature lovers
C. Gardening encourages people to create unusual techniques
D. Gardening offers people the chance to learn about nature.

5. The word “them” in the second paragraph refers to ___.

A. flowers
B. insects
C. pests
D. plants

II. Choose the suitable words to complete the sentences:

1. Hang on - there’s a _____________ in your hair - let me get it out for you.
2. The children wanted a piece of _____________ to cut shapes from.
3. I have learned so much about plants and nature through _____________
4. I go _____________ every weekend to explore the scenic trails and enjoy nature.
5. My brother loves _____________ because he can create small versions of things
using different materials.

cardboard making models gardening bug horse riding

III/ Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.
1. Sarah showed great _____________ in handling the difficult situation with calmness
and wisdom. (MATURE)
2. Taking care of a pet teaches children the importance of _____________ and
nurturing. (RESPONSIBLE)

IV/ Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

The book contains valuable information about ancient civilizations.
A. famous B. worthless C. cheap D. expensive

Emily’s choice of clothing was always unique and unusual, making her stand out in a
A. amazing B. common C. special D. modern

V/ Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Attending regular language classes can be of great benefit to language learners.
A. advantage B. help C. reward D. drawback

VI/ Choose the best answer

1. Preparing for exams can be a _______ for many students.
A. relaxation B. pleasure C. stress D. focus
2. My little sister is scared of any ____ she sees, whether it’s a spider, a butterfly, or even an
A. pillows B. insects C. trees D. plants
3. The new smartphone model is incredibly _______, with people lining up outside the
store to get their hands on it.
A. popular B. different C. expensive D. difficult
4. It’s important to be ______ when learning a new skill, as progress takes time and
A. angry B. talkative C. quiet D. patient
5. My sister decided to ______ organizing a charity event to raise funds for the local
A. give up B. take on C. put away D. break down
6. The lost dog has no collar or tags, so we can’t determine who it _____ to.
A. suits B. agrees C. belongs D. buys

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