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Research Article

Vitamin D Status in Children With

Forearm Fractures: Incidence
and Risk Factors

Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD Introduction: The association between vitamin D status and fracture
Mahshid Mohseni, MD characteristics in children remains ambiguous. We hypothesized that
Arya Minaie, BA vitamin D deficient or insufficient children would have an increased risk
Gary M. Kiebzak, PhD of forearm fractures severe enough to require surgical management.
Methods: One hundred children with low-energy forearm fractures
From the BHMG Pediatric were prospectively enrolled from a single hospital. Each participant
Orthopedics (Dr. Hosseinzadeh),
Baptist Children’s Hospital, Miami, answered a questionnaire focusing on the risk factors for vitamin D
FL; the Division of Bone and Mineral deficiency. Fractures were categorized as requiring nonsurgical or
Diseases (Dr. Mohseni), Department
of Internal Medicine, and the surgical management. Vitamin D status was based on the measurement
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
(Mr. Minaie), Washington University in
of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration obtained during the
St. Louis, St. Louis, MO; and the clinic visit and compared between the two fracture groups.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
(Dr. Kiebzak), Nemours Children’s
Results: The cohort exhibited a mean age of 9.8 6 3.2 years (range:
Hospital, Orlando, FL. 3-15 years), comprising 65 (65%) men and 35 (35%) women. Overall,
Correspondence to mean 25(OH)D was 27.5 6 8.3 ng/mL. Using the Endocrine Society
Dr. Hosseinzadeh: guidelines, 21% of patients were categorized as “vitamin D deficient”
This study was funded by the Baptist
(25(OH)D # 20 ng/mL) and 49% as “vitamin D insufficient” (25(OH)D:
Children’s Hospital Foundation. 21 to 29 ng/mL). Stratification by intervention revealed a mean
None of the following authors or any 25(OH)D of 23.3 6 8.8 ng/mL in the surgical group (n = 12) and 28.1
immediate family member has
received anything of value from or has 6 8.1 in the nonsurgical group (n = 88) (P = 0.057). Fifty percent of the
stock or stock options held in a surgical group were “vitamin D deficient” compared with 17% of the
commercial company or institution
related directly or indirectly to the nonsurgical group (P = 0.017). The relative risk of requiring surgical
subject of this article: treatment in children with forearm fracture and vitamin D deficiency
Dr. Hosseinzadeh, Dr. Mohseni, Mr.
Minaie, and Dr. Kiebzak. (25(OH)D , 20 ng/mL) was 3.8. 25(OH)D level, negatively correlated
JAAOS Glob Res Rev 2020;4: with body mass index (r = 20.21, P = 0.044); 9 surgical patients were
overweight or obese (as defined by the criteria of the Centers for
DOI: 10.5435/ Disease Control and Prevention). 25(OH)D level was significantly
lower in non-Caucasians compared with Caucasians (26.0 6 7.2
Copyright © 2020 The Authors.
Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, versus 32.5 6 9.9 ng/mL; P = 0.0008).
Inc. on behalf of the American Discussion: Vitamin D deficiency is common in children with
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
This is an open access article forearm fractures and may be a contributing risk factor for forearm
distributed under the Creative
fractures requiring surgical management in children.
Commons Attribution License 4.0
(CCBY), which permits unrestricted Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency and inefficiency are common in
use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original
children with low energy forearm fractures, especially in obese
work is properly cited. children and in fractures requiring surgical treatment.
Vitamin D and Pediatric Forearm Fractures

F ractures in children are common,

with some estimates as high as
50% of boys and 40% of girls having
Designing a population-based study
to isolate the role of vitamin D status on
fracture occurrence is difficult be-
fractures were treated by one pediat-
ric orthopaedic surgeon using strict
criteria for surgical intervention. All
at least one fracture by 18 years cause it is necessary to control for the closed fractures were treated initially by
of age.1-3 The forearm is the most other major determinants of fractures, immobilization alone or closed manip-
common fracture site in childhood, including mechanism. A different ulation and casting. Surgical interven-
accounting for 25% of all pediatric approach in attempting to establish a tion was exclusively used in patients
fractures in the United States.3-5 The relationship between vitamin D status with open fractures and in patients with
cost of treating radius fractures in the and pediatric fractures may instead be closed fractures for which acceptable
pediatric population of the United to assess vitamin D status in a cohort of alignment was not either achieved by
States has been cited to be more than children with forearm fractures and closed manipulation or could not be
$2 billion per year with an average define patient characteristics associated maintained because of loss of reduction
cost of approximately $7,000 for with vitamin D deficiency. In this study, in follow-up visits. The criteria recom-
treatment in an emergency depart- we prospectively studied a cohort of mended by Price18 were used for sur-
ment to nearly $24,000 for surgical children with forearm fractures and gical the treatment of all patients in the
treatment.6,7 Various risk factors have assessed vitamin D status and factors study.
been identified or proposed including associated with its deficiency. After the informed consent process
male sex, risk-taking behavior, poor and signing of the consent forms, the
nutrition, increased body mass index patient history relevant to the study
Methods was collected using a study intake
(BMI), low bone mineral density,
form. Blood was collected by pin
poor bone quality, and lower socio-
This was a prospective, nonrand- prick, and 2 to 6 drops of blood were
economic status.3,6,8-12 Poor bone
omized study approved by our Institu- deposited on a spot card. (This visit
quality can lead to weakness in
tional Review Board. Patients constituted the only research data
pediatric bones, making them sus-
presenting to the clinic with children collection visit; details of subsequent
ceptible to fractures. Similarly, low
who sustained forearm fractures need for surgical management were
blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)
were approached regarding participa- obtained by chart review.) Blood spot
D) levels, a marker for overall vitamin
tion and informed consent for enroll- cards were air-dried for 2 to 3 hours
D status, can be a risk factor for
ment. Inclusion criteria included age of and then mailed to the laboratory for
subsequent fractures.3,8,9,13 Vitamin
3 to 17 years at the time of injury and a assay (ZRT Laboratory, Beaverton,
D deficiency and insufficiency are radius and/or ulna fracture. Exclusion OR). The samples were assayed using
reported to be very common in chil- criteria included high-impact traumatic a liquid chromatography-mass spec-
dren.3,8,9 Vitamin D deficiency leads fractures (such as those that occur in trometry method.19 (We note that
to negative calcium balance, increas- motor vehicle accidents), fractures in vitamin D status does not change
ing parathyroid hormone in severe patients with adjacent bony cysts and rapidly and markedly unless a large
deficiencies and causing reabsorption neoplasm, and known metabolic bone bolus pharmacologic dose of vitamin D
of bone.3 The physiologic consequence disease. The primary outcome variable is given. Thus, sampling patients for
is low bone mineral density and quality was blood concentration of 25(OH)D. the assessment of vitamin D status is
compromising bone strength. Patients Secondary and demographic variables not especially time dependent after the
can then become more susceptible included fracture characteristics, his- fracture event, as long as it is done
to fractures at lower impact loads tory of previous fractures, height and before any new treatment commences.)
and potentially suffer greater fracture weight, BMI, obesity (defined by the For the purposes of this study, the
severity in the event of loading. Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Endocrine Society guidelines were
Establishing a relationship between vention age-adjusted BMI percentile), used, and vitamin D deficiency was
this very common deficiency and the use of multivitamins, age, sex, and defined as 25(OH)D # 20 ng/mL and
most common fracture in children is of ethnicity. Fractures were classified as vitamin D insufficiency was defined
notable healthcare and epidemiologic either requiring nonsurgical manage- as 25(OH) D of 21 to 29 ng/mL.20
importance. However, to date, studies ment (fractures not requiring reduction
designed to investigate such a rela- and those requiring closed reduction)
tionship between 25(OH)D and frac- or surgical management (fractures Statistical Analyses
ture risk have been inconclusive, with requiring surgical treatment including When starting this study, no previous
some studies showing a notable asso- fixation with implant, usually percuta- publications were focused on corre-
ciation and others refuting claims.13-17 neous pinning or open reduction). All lating vitamin D status and fracture

2 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD, et al

Table 1
Vitamin D Status in Children With Forearm Fractures: Nonsurgical Versus Surgical Management

Nonsurgical Management Surgical

Group 1: No Group 2: Closed Group 1 1 2 Surgical Reduction
Variable Reduction (n = 46) Reduction (n = 42) (n = 88) (n = 12)

Age, yr 9.66 6 2.77 9.36 6 3.64 9.52 6 3.2 12.07 6 1.91*

Body mass index 19.1 6 4.33 18.6 6 3.71 18.9 6 4.0 23.9 6 4.5**
25-hydroxyvitamin D, ng/mL 28.2 6 8.25 28.0 6 7.99 28.1 6 8.08 23.3 6 8.83

Bolded values designate significant (P , 0.05) differences (unpaired t-test; *P = 0.008, **P = 0.0001).

severity in the pediatric population. Table 2

Therefore, we did not have critical
Vitamin D Status in Children With Forearm Fractures: Patients With Vitamin
data elements with which to attempt a D Deficiency 25(OH)D (#20 ng/mL) Versus 25(OH)D ($21 ng/mL)
power analysis. We proceeded with
Variable Low (n = 21) Normal (n = 79) P
IRB approval to enroll 100 subjects.
Descriptive statistics were calculated Age, yr 11.3 6 2.20 9.42 6 3.28 0.013
(mean and standard deviation, range, Body mass index 21.2 6 3.623 19.0 6 4.53 0.0495
and 95% confidence intervals) for all 25(OH)D, ng/mL 17.3 6 2.45 30.2 6 7.06 ,0.0001
variables. The primary analyses were Surgical management 6 (28.6%) 6 (7.6%) 0.0172
comparing mean 25(OH)D concen-
trations and incidence of vitamin D 25(OH)D = 25-hydroxyvitamin D
Bolded values designate statistically significant (P , 0.05) differences.
deficiency (25-(OH)D # 20) between
the two fracture categories (surgical
and nonsurgical group) using un-
Table 3
paired Student t-tests. Secondarily,
mean 25(OH)D was compared Vitamin D Status in Children With Forearm Fractures: Boys Versus Girls
between obese versus nonobese sub- Variable Boys (n = 65) Girls (n = 35)
jects, subjects with previous fractures
Age, yr 10.6 6 3.2 8.32 6 2.62
versus no fractures, multivitamin
Body mass index 20.0 6 4.73 18.5 6 3.67
users versus no multivitamin users,
girls versus boys, and ethnic groups Minutes in sun per day 103 6 56.3 92.3 6 53.8
using unpaired Student t-tests. Corre- 25-hydroxyvitamin D, ng/mL 27.7 6 7.15 27.2 6 10.2
lation analyses were used to assess the Bolded values designate statistically significant (P , 0.05) differences (unpaired t-test;
relationship between 25(OH)D con- P = 0.004).
centration and age. The percentage of
obese versus nonobese subjects, mul-
tivitamin users versus no multivitamin patients (88%) had fractures that vitamin D deficient compared with
users, girls versus boys, and ethnic required nonsurgical treatment and the nonsurgical group (50% versus
groups were compared in each frac- only 12% were treated surgically. The 17%; P = 0.017). Patients requiring
ture category using contingency testing details of fracture type and patient surgical management were signifi-
(Fishers exact test). Statistical signifi- demographics are shown in Table 1. cantly older and had greater BMI
cance was set as P , 0.05. Mean blood 25(OH)D tended to be than patients not requiring surgical
lower (17%, P = 0.057) in the sur- management (P = 0.0001) (Table 1).
Results gical management group compared Seventy-five percent (9 of 12) of
with the nonsurgical management children in the surgical group were
Nearly all of the forearm fractures group (Table 1), but this did not obese or overweight (after adjusting
resulted from play activities such as reach statistical significance. A sig- BMI for growth curves) compared
falling off of a bike, falling while nificantly higher percentage of pa- with only 32% (29 of 82 who had
running, and playing sport. Most tients in the surgical group were BMI measured) of children in the

August 2020, Vol 4, No 8

Vitamin D and Pediatric Forearm Fractures

Table 4
Vitamin D Status in Children With Forearm Fractures: Ethnic Groups
Hispanic All Non-Caucasian Caucasian
Variable Black (n = 8) (n = 69) (n = 77) (n = 23)

Body mass index 19.8 6 2.29 19.8 6 4.4 19.8 6 3.85 18.5 6 4.92
25-hydroxyvitamin D, ng/mL 22.8 6 6.18 26.4 6 7.22 26.0 6 7.17 32.5 6 3.89

Bolded values designate statistically significant (P , 0.05) differences (unpaired t-test; P = 0.00008).

group treated nonsurgically (P = low 25(OH)D was a notable inde-

Discussion pendent risk factor for more severe
Notably, 70% of the cohort was fractures identified using a numerical
This pilot study investigating the
insufficient/deficient using the Endo- global injury scoring system. As in our
vitamin D status and factors associ-
crine Society criteria (25(OH)D # study, baseline differences in obesity
ated with its deficiency in children
30 ng/mL). Twenty-one patients in the were found between the study groups
with forearm fractures showed that
cohort (both fracture groups) were with fracture patients having a higher
patients treated surgically were typi-
vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D # proportion of obese patients com-
cally non-Caucasian, overweight, or
20 ng/mL). These 21 patients were pared with control subjects without
obese and had higher incidence of
significantly older and had greater fractures. The incidence of vitamin
vitamin D deficiency. In fact, the rel-
BMI than the group of patients who D deficiency and insufficiency (21%
ative risk of surgical management in
were vitamin D sufficient (25(OH) vitamin D deficiency and 49% vita-
children with vitamin D deficiency
D $ 21 ng/mL) (Table 2). Being min D insufficiency) in our study is
was 3.8. Our results corroborate the
vitamin D deficient was associated similar to the reported incidence in
with a greater risk of surgical man- findings in a report by Minkowitz the fracture group in the study
agement; 6 of 21 (28.6%) deficient et al,16 showing that poor vitamin D by Minkowitz et al. (20% vitamin D
patients were treated surgically com- status could affect fracture risk. deficiency and 45% vitamin D
pared with 6 of 79 (7.6%) patients Another important aspect of these insufficiency).
without vitamin D deficiency, P = results is that vitamin D insufficiency is It is not surprising to see the con-
0.0172 (Fishers exact test); the relative common in children (21% vitamin D flicting reports in the literature because
risk of requiring surgical treatment deficient and 49% vitamin D insuffi- there are many factors that can influ-
in children with low-energy forearm cient) and that being overweight/obese ence fracture occurrence and severity,
fractures and vitamin D deficiency and non-Caucasian increases the like- which are difficult to control when
was 3.8. lihood of vitamin D deficiency. designing a study to determine a
In this cohort, no difference was To date, there is discordance in the causative role for low 25(OH)D.
observed in vitamin D status between literature regarding the role of poor First, a bone fracture after minor
boys and girls, although 11 of 112 vitamin D status and fracture risk trauma is the result of the interplay of
surgical patients were boys (Table 3). with some studies showing that pa- many variables, including extrinsic
However, non-Caucasians (Hispanic tients with fractures have lower vita- factors which are the force and load
and Black) had a mean 25(OH)D min than control subjects and others characteristics of the fall itself and
that was 20% lower than Cau- not showing this association.13-17 intrinsic factors which are the bone
casians (P = 0.0008) (Table 4). The Only one other study that we are characteristics defining the patient’s
proportion of non-Caucasians and aware of has attempted to relate bone strength which influences the
Caucasians that were overweight or vitamin D status and facture severity load-to-failure component. Genetic
obese was not significantly different in children. Minkowitz et al. recently factors, illness, nutrition, medications,
(30% [7 of 23] versus 42% [30 of reported the results of a study with growth spurts (mineralization lagging
71]; P = 0.34). 369 all-type fracture patients and 662 behind the increase in bone size),
25(OH)D was found to be signifi- nonfracture control subjects aged 2 to balance, muscle mass, and strength
cantly correlated with age (r = 20.229, 18 years. Although the occurrence of all can potentially influence whether
P = 0.0219) and BMI (r = 20.209, P = pediatric fractures was not associated a fracture occurs after a fall. All
0.0438). with low 25(OH)D, it was found that the above-mentioned factors can

4 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD, et al

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August 2020, Vol 4, No 8

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