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1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

bargain | graduate | jealous | monument | packaging | referee |

showers | tip

1. The forecast says that there will be a few _Showers_ today so

don’t forget your umbrella.

2. I normally leave a 10% _tip_ if the service has been good.

3. What will you do after you _ graduate _ from university? Will your
degree help you to get a job?

4. It’s very difficult to buy goods that aren’t covered in plastic _

packaging _.

5. The two teams started fighting on the pitch so the _ referee _

decided to stop the game.

6. Why are you so _ jealous_ of Linda? You are just as lovely and
clever as she is.

7. There must be a _ monument _ to Pele somewhere! After all, he

was one of the most famous football players in the world.

8. I got a really good _ bargain _ in the sales. I paid £20 for a jacket
that was originally £100.

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. First you mix / pour / grate the milk into a bowl.

2. Paul’s got a sore throat / cough / cold so it’s painful for him to

3. My trousers are too loose / striped / tight so I need to buy a belt.

End of year Test A / End of year Test Plus A PHOTOCOPIABLE ©

Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
4. Jane is really disappointed because she revised / passed / failed
her Maths exam. 3/10

5. You know you shouldn’t rely / turn / get on Mike because he never
does what he says he’ll do.

6. How can you learn if you don’t do /get / make mistakes?

7. What time did you get back / around / to the hotel?

8. Tom is very proud because he’s beating / representing / holding

his college in the athletics championships.


3. Choose the correct answer.

1. I didn’t / am not / wasn’t use to eat much fruit when I was younger.

2. There aren’t much / many / a lot good restaurants in my


3. Stephen is already so / more / as tall as his brother.

4. The shopping mall was such / so / very crowded that I had to


5. I’m sure you could / must / might get on with Mark if you wanted

6. Clare is really good with / in / at solving problems so why don’t we

ask her to help us?

End of year Test A / End of year Test Plus A PHOTOCOPIABLE ©

Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
7. Robert, who / which / that unfriended me recently, was one of my
closest friends.

8. That animal can / must / might be a hedgehog but it’s hard to tell
from here.

Vocabulary and Grammar

4. Choose the correct answer a, b or c.

Technology 1__________ changed our lives in so many ways. 2__________

we think about social media, for example, it is easier 3__________ ever
before to keep in touch with people, to follow famous stars and new
stories and of course to 4__________ selfies and endless status
updates so that 5__________ your friends can see what you are doing.

There are, of course, a lot of advantages to being connected 24/7,

but there are also some advantages. Too many people rely 6__________
social media. They 7__________ go for more than a few hours (or in
extreme cases, minutes) without checking who’s doing what,
__________ has to be unhealthy.

Surely it is 9__________ important to spend time with real people than

with your phone. I don’t know what you think, but I think things will
get worse before they get 10__________.

a) has
b) had
c) have

a) Will
b) If

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Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
c) Unless

a) as
b) like
c) than

a) post
b) put
c) place

a) some
b) most
c) all

a) in
b) on
c) for

a) can’t
b) mustn’t
c) shouldn’t

a) that
b) which
c) what

a) very
b) as
c) more

a) good
b) better

End of year Test A / End of year Test Plus A PHOTOCOPIABLE ©

Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
c) best


5. For each question, choose the correct answer. (Part 1)


a) There is no car b) Only doctors are c) Visitors cannot

park for patients at allowed through this enter the hospital
this hospital. door. here.


a) This pizza will b) You should make c) This pizza won’t

take different sure your oven is hot cook unless it is in the
amounts of time to enough before you right part of the oven.
cook, depending on cook this pizza.
the oven.


End of year Test A / End of year Test Plus A PHOTOCOPIABLE ©

Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
a) Maria warning b) Maria would like c) Maria is reminding
John about John to do her a John to go
something. favour. somewhere.


a) Visitors will b) Reception will be c) Guests should

receive food and open from a quarter meet in reception
drinks that they do not past nine to visitors before the conference
have to pay for. who are arriving. starts.


a) There are no b) Passengers will not c) The ferry company

tickets left for travel be able to travel by will arrange boats to
on today’s boats. boat today. replace those which
cannot travel now.

End of year Test A / End of year Test Plus A PHOTOCOPIABLE ©

Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
End of year Test A / End of year Test Plus A PHOTOCOPIABLE ©
Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021

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