Basics of Web Hosting

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Web Publishing and Browsing

Basics of Web Hosting :

Web hosting or website hosting is a service which allows any organization or

individuals space for storage of web pages in web server. These web pages are made
available via World Wide Web. Web host are based on data centre that contains
servers used to store the data that makes up the client websites. The companies which
offer website hosting are known as Web hosts.
Clients uploads files to web files to the web server via files transfer protocol or
equivalent interface.

Web host may owns the web server or rent from other web host and resell the space to

Web hosting of client may be shared or dedicated. Most web hosting services are
shared, more than one web sites of different clients are shared spaces same server. In
case of dedicated server host is the clients rents the entire server. It is expensive than

There is three basic requirements of to host the web site.

1. File of web site

2.A domain name

3. Hosting space to store files.

4. FTP client.

Basic sequence of web hosting :

Firstly buy suitable domain name from web hosting and register company to get URL
of web space where the web site files to be uploaded and collect password. Client
should paid for space on monthly basis.

Secondly, Receive domain hosting account name and password from web site hosting

Provides domain name to DNS manager.

Thirdly, Whether web site files are already prepared then set up FTP and configure
FTP client to upload web pages to web server in specified URL. Example of FTP
client is FileZilla, cuteFtp, etc.

Web site or pages should be prepared before hiring web space.

Types of Hosting

1. Shared Hosting
2. Virtual Private Server (VPS)
3. Dedicated Server
4. Reseller Hosting
5. Grid Hosting

Shared Hosting : This type of hosting is the hosting company puts thousand of
website on the same physical server. Each customer has their own allocation of
physical web space and a set of bandwidth limit. As all websites share same physical
memory, MYSQL server and Apache server. High traffic load of one website on the
server will affect performance of all websites.
Virtual Private Server (VPS)
It is also known as Virtual Dedicated Server. It is a server which is partitioned into
smaller servers. In this customer is given their own partition which is installed with its
own operating system. VPS doesn’t share memory or processor time rather it allocates
certain amount of memory and CPU to use which means that any problem on a VPS
partition on the same drive will not affect other VPS customers.
Dedicated Server
In this kind of hosting single dedicated server is setup for just one customer. It is
commonly used by the businesses that need the power, control and security that a
dedicated server offers.
Reseller Hosting
A reseller acts as a middle man and sells hosting space of someone else’s server.
Grid Hosting
Instead of utilizing one server, Grid Hosting spreads resources over a large number of
servers. It is quite stable and flexible. The servers can be added or taken away from the
grid without crashing the system.

Web Hosting Companies:

The several companies offering web hosting service: Blue Host ,Host Gator ,WIPL

Security :
Websites are always to prone to security risks. Cyber crime impacts your business by
hacking your website. Your website is then used for hacking assaults that install
malicious software or malware on your visitor’s computer. Hackers may also steal
important customer data such as credit card information, destroy your business and
propagate illegal content to your users.

Security Considerations

1.Updated Software : It is mandatory to keep software updated. It plays vital role in

keeping the website secure.

2. Error Messages : We need to be careful about how much information to be given in

the error messages. For example, if the user fails to log in the error message should not
let the user know which field is incorrect: username or password.

3. Validation of Data : The validation should be performed on both server side and
client side.

4. Passwords : Enforce password requirements pattern of characters like upper case,

lower case and special character. It will help to protect user’s information in long run.

Upload files : The file uploaded by the user may contain a script that when executed
on the server opens up the website.

SSL : It is good practice to use SSL protocol while passing personal information
between website and web server or database.

Basic features of Web Hosting :

Disc Space : The amount of storage space provided by web hosting provider. The size
of disc space depends on pages in web site because all text, audio, video, graphics and
animated files of web site stored in provided disc space. Larger web site hire huge
space, smaller web site hire small space.

Band width : Amount of data transmitted in second. High bandwidth connection can
upload or download large volume of data easily, low bandwidth connection may be
troublesome to upload or download data. High bandwidth connection is expensive.

Monthly traffic : Amount of data transmitted on monthly basis. Small or medium web
site transmitted data in a month between 1 GB to 10 GB. Which web site contains
more audio or more video files required transmission large amount of data.

Uptime : This means the percentage of time the hosting server stays up or running.
99.9% running means web site go down 8 hours in a year, 98% means go down 7
days in a year.

Database : There is different database of Oracle, SQL Server, MySql. Choice of
database software depends on allocated space for database. Many provider do not
provide more than limited space for database for website.

Programming Service : Web site is collection of web pages. Web pages are designed
by HTML, PHP, ASP, JSP, Javascript scripting languages as well as database.

Backup & FTP : ISP should taking regular backup of website. Because updation or
changing regularly is one part of maintenance. Using FTP make backup copy is very

Control Panel : This tools provided by service provider . Control panel used to
maintain basic operation of web site such as logging for service request, reboot request
or other problems.

Customer Service : It is most essential to maintain business through Website.

Customer query, trouble, FAQ provided by chat, phone, email or etc. are extremely
useful for technical or other problem related to website.

Component of Web Publishing :

Web Browser : web browser, which is commonly known as a browser, is a program

that displays text, data, pictures, videos, animation, and more. It provides a software
interface that allows user to click hyperlinked resources on the World Wide Web.
Browser is also called Web client, it interfaces between user and Web server.

In the beginning, browsers were used only for browsing due to their limited potential.
Today, they are more advanced; along with browsing you can use them for e-mailing,
transferring multimedia files, using social media sites, and participating in online
discussion groups and more. Some of the commonly used browsers include Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and more.

Three services that work together to ensure that when a user puts a web address into
their browser, the appropriate web site appears. Those three services are web hosting,
the domain registration system, and DNS the Domain Name System.

Web Server : Web browser submit request to server and server provides response in
context of request. In WWW technology the context server is called Web Server and
browser is called web browser.

Web Cookies : It stores information about transaction between Web browser and
server in a text file. The text files is called cookies. Web cookies allows web site to

store information as well as tracking user visit of web site. The information of files of
cookies checked by administrator of website.

Document Management WWW :

The action of identifying, processing, storing, updating, and distributing the document
including organizing, uploading files is called document management.

File Organization : When organize the files then keep the files in different folder
according to types of files. The site maintains separate folder for HTML, image, video,
sound and script.

The choosing name of folder according to nature of file. This procedure makes easier
to uploading and maintaining the documents of site.

Uploading : Uploading means transfer files from developer computer to web server.
The files uploading should be in suitable format. Uploading of HTML and text files in
ASCII format and audio, video and graphics in binary format.

File Names : Naming of files in website follow 8.3 characters. Extension of file name
is 3 characters.

In case of HTML file follow the extension *.htm.

Backup : Before uploading or updating that means any changes of web site keeps
backup of files in CD or Zip disk. If lose of everything at least we can upload the
backup files.

Principles of Web page design

 Presentation of webpage or homepage in such a way which impressed within a

second to viewers when arrive at the website.
 The title of the page should be short, fascinating and descriptive.
 Web page should be always updated and outdated information removed from
page regularly.
 All links and buttons work properly.
 Web page should be focused , everything does not display in a page.
 Make sure the web site avoids such features that are not supported by all
 Use compressed images so that the site quickly down loaded .
 Before uploading pages test the web pages properly.

Planning of Website design
 Goal identification of website : Where I work with the client to determine what
goals the new website needs to fulfill. I.e., what its purpose is.
 Scope definition: Once we know the site's goals, we can define the scope of the
project. what web pages and features the site requires to fulfill the goal, and the
timeline for building those out.
 Sitemap and wireframe creation: With the scope well-defined, we can start
digging into the sitemap, defining how the content and features we defined in
scope definition will interrelate.
 Content creation: Now that we have a bigger picture of the site in mind, we can
start creating content for the individual pages, always keeping search engine
optimization (SEO) in mind to help keep pages focused on a single topic.
 Visual elements: With the site architecture and some content in place, we can
start working on the visual brand. Depending on the client, this may already be
well-defined, but you might also be defining the visual style from the ground
 Testing: By now, we've got all our pages and defined how they display to the
site visitor, so it's time to make sure it all works. Combine manual browsing of
the site on a variety of devices with automated site crawlers to identify
everything from user experience issues to simple broken links.
 Launch: Once everything's working beautifully, it's time to plan and execute
your site launch! This should include planning both launch timing and
communication strategies

What is Web development

Web development refers to building website and deploying on the web. Web
development requires use of scripting languages both at the server end as well as at
client end.

Web Development Process

Web development process includes all the steps that are good to take to build an
attractive, effective and responsive website. These steps are shown in the following
Decide purpose / Planning / Designing / Gather content / Building / Testing
/ Upload to server / Marketing & Maintenance
How to develop a web site
The design and development a website should be go through a planned process. One
of the effective way is generating a website outline. This way is better for tracking
physical data that comprise the website.
1. Organize files : Files of website keep in hard drive just like presenting in website.
2. Create a root directory : Create a root directory and make folder, subfolder.
Subfolder of content make link with main page. Files are linked with index page.
Place prime page in root directory.
3.Devoloping subfolder : Create subfolder to keep related page in it. The relevant
pages store in an individual folder.
4. Plan for expansion of website : Pages of website may be expand in future, so create
subdirectory for that development phase.
5. Organize directory link : Keep file which is link to other linked files in root
directory and linked files are located in subdirectory. Don’t replace the file location
of link file from root to subdirectory.
6. Use simple file names : File and subdirectory name should be simple and
meaningful to identify the file and directory in maintenance or expansion phase.
7. Develop and maintain permanent file address : File and folder address should not
change after develop site.
Web Publishing
Website publishing is the process of uploading content on the internet. It includes:
 uploading files
 updating web pages
 posting blogs
Website is published by uploading files on the remote server which is provided by the
hosting company.

Web Publishing Tools

Netscape Navigator :

The Gold edition of Netscape Navigator is not only a Web browser, but also a In
creating Netscape Gold, its developers aim to move the focus of Web publishing from
the mechanics of writing HTML code to the more creative aspects of Web design by
reducing and eventually removing the need for hard coding Web pages.

In the place of HTML coding, Netscape Gold offers a visual editing environment that
closely approximates that of a Web page and at the same time adopts many of the
concepts used by word processors and document publishing tools.

Netscape Gold is limited in some ways by the fact that it does not directly support all
the functionality possible when hard coding HTML source code. For this reason, when
creating complex Web pages, need to understand the principles behind the HTML
language and its various constructs.

As things currently stand, there are some limits to what you can achieve using a
program like Netscape Gold. Basically, some of the more powerful HTML features
such as forms and frames cannot-yet-be visually added to your Web pages. That is,
cannot insert them into your Web page by selecting an option from a menu or by
clicking on a toolbar. Basic Web page functionality using Netscape Gold and then
hard coding only those items that specifically require such steps. This is, in fact, one of
the most powerful features of Netscape Gold. It does not limit your Web publishing
requirements to only those features it supports internally. Instead, we are free to extend
the Web pages it creates in any way you see fit.

Adobe PageMill is a WYSIWYG(What is See You What You Get) HTML

editor developed by Adobe Systems. Ceneca Communications Inc. developed the
original PageMill and SiteMill products. During open beta testing, Adobe acquired the
company and rebranded the product with their own logo. Adobe released PageMill 1.0
in late 1995. It was considered revolutionary at the time, as it was the first HTML
editor that was considered user-friendly, cited as the "PageMaker of the WWW". This
first version, however, was also criticized for lacking items such as a spell-checker and
support for creating HTML tables. Adobe acquired Ceneca in 1996.
Adobe PageMill 2.0, which was introduced in early 1997, corrected these issues with a
package that, according to one review, "adds more features than I have fingers and
toes… PageMill with its tables, frames, graphics, and support for form interfaces,
makes it easy to lay out a page". Adobe PageMill 3.0, released in early 1999,
supported embedded font commands and a site-management feature. It was
discontinued in February 2000, due to the acquisition and promotion of Adobe
GoLive. A later patch, still available from Adobe, fixed a problem with FTP upload.


SiteMill is a WYSIWYG(What is See You What You Get) HTML editor developed
by Adobe Systems.
When calculating the cost of creating a Web presence, invariably the cost for
maintaining the site is either forgotten or unknown. Tasks such as evaluating the links,
updating images, uploading, and storing pages all seem practically impossible to keep
straight, especially at large sites with dozens of pages. SiteMill was created for the

beleaguered Webmaster; not only does it have the same functions as its sister


Adobe Dreamweaver is a proprietary web development tool from Adobe Inc. It was
created by Macromedia in 1997 and developed by them until Macromedia was
acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005.
Adobe Dreamweaver is available for the mac OS and Windows operating systems.
Recent versions have improved support for Web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript,
and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP (ASP
JavaScript, ASP VBScript, ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET VB), ColdFusion, Scriptlet,
and PHP
Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a web design and an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) application that is used to develop and design websites.
Dreamweaver includes a code editor that supports syntax highlighting, code
completion, real-time syntax checking, and code introspection for generating code
hints to assist the user in writing code.
Dreamweaver, like other HTML editors, edits files locally then uploads them to the
remote web server using FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV. Dreamweaver CS4 supports
the Subversion (SVN) version control system.

HotDog is web publishing tools and it is an HTML editor developed by Sausage

Software in the mid-1990s. At the time of its development, there were only a small
number of HTML editors available on the market. It is WYSIWYG(What is See You
What You Get) editor.

HoTMetaL is web publishing tools , an early commercial HTML-authoring software

program, released in 1994 by SoftQuad Software of Toronto, Canada. Based on the
SGML engine of SoftQuad Author/Editor, HoTMetaL was released with a free
version . It is WYSIWYG(What is See You What You Get) editor.
Other Web publishing tools are Macromedia Backstage Desktop Studio, GoLive,
Microsoft Expression Web(Formerly Front Page).

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